#daniel carter beard
thefugitivesaint · 2 years
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''The American Boys' Book of Bugs, Butterflies and Beetles'' by Daniel Carter Beard, 1915  Source
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Sam and Daniel in "Beachhead"
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orion-kenobi · 2 months
ok friends and countrymen, i have watched the first three episodes of stargate sg1 season 9! so far i think it’s setting up for some good things. i’m curious about the ori and how that plot will develop. regarding the new characters, i think cam still has to grow on me but i’m actually surprised that i like vala considering i really disliked prometheus unbound. not sure how i feel about general landry. there’s a lot of different stuff this season but i’m optimistic!
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sonofcoulson · 1 year
1948 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 1
Howard finally opens the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency and makes Peggy director. The SSR keep the Playground base and are absorbed into S.H.I.E.L.D. as their research division.
Howard's greater authority and larger amount of resources from the government (as well as his own) allow them to pull in more heroes.
S.H.I.E.L.D. will fight terrorist cells and non-state actors, investigate supernatural phenomena, also deal with and cover up powered people cos the general public "can't handle the truth". This is part of their mandate from the government and S.H.I.E.L.D. is threatened with closure or refusal of funding many times for trying to circumvent this aspect of their role within said government.
Director Carter is trying to maintain a long distance relationship with Sousa and has to investigate the "hit" on Agent Thomson.
Zodiac is the main story for this series.
Zodiac is behind the assassination attempt, with the council of 9 previously being under them. Vernon Masters returns to do their bidding (never saw a body right?). Peggy's brother has been alive all this time and it was his redacted file that Thomson was to smear Peggy with and not actually Peggy's (Michael's name and d.o.b. were redacted just leaving the surname Carter and informants that heavily implied that it was Peggy). With the smear failed, the Zodiac group want it back, for safe keeping. Thomson is the only one outside of the Zodiac or the council of 9 that has read it, so he was supposed to be killed, but they hired Dottie to do it and she was able to make it look like she was trying to kill him without killing him ("if I'd wanted to kill him he'd be dead"). She arranges a meet with Peggy in a subterfugey way, info dumps, insists she really was trying to be helpful by taking the hit job, and manages to wriggle away again.
Zodiac is led by Marcus Lassiter (A buff Milo Ventimiglia with a cool beard). Marcus has the codename Aries and wears ram horns at the meetings which seems silly at first till we realise they are functional and they all have silly costumes. Marcus has super-human strength, which we don't see initially.
All of the Zodiac members have themed powers/tech:
Taurus (Cornelius Van Lunt) has bought his seat on the board and isn't afraid to use that fact. He has a bull's head costume. He also has dangerous horns.
Gemini (Joshua and Damian Link) are identical twins have identical costumes and carry identical dual wielding pistols. They have an amazing synergy when they fight as a duo. They only get one vote between them. 
Cancer (Jack Kleveno) has a crab costume. That is all I have to say about that.
Leo (Daniel Radford) is a dude in a lion suit. It has a lion mask and an exoskeleton that gives the wearer enhanced strength, agility and durability. 
Virgo (Elaine McLaughlin) has an extraterrestrial material coating her suit which gives her great durability and shock absorption. It also allows her to heal/regenerate herself or others. In my head, crab man gets injured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Elaine comes back and gets captured just to heal her secret crustacean lover.
Libra (Gustav Brandt) has a hi tec blindfold that allows him limited psychic abilities and a teleportation ring. Martial artist too.
Scorpio (Jake Fury) has a costume with venom blasts and neurotoxic sprays. Yes. That Fury. In the comics he is Nick's brother. Here he would have to be his dad. In the series he is only referred to as Jake initially to keep his identity a slight surprise.
Sagittarius (Harlan Vargas) has an eye mask that grants enhanced vision and tracking abilities. He is highly skilled with a bow and arrow.
Capricorn (Willard Weir) is green. I'm thinking they're an alien. This superpower ideas site says Capricorn might have shape shifting abilities so they could be a Skrull masquerading as a Willard Weir.
Aquarius (Michael Carter) has a water based costume and weapons. Michael was not happy with the smear on Peggy but went along with it for fear of repercussions.  But now her life is under threat, so he leaves warnings for her to help her avoid getting killed. Eventually Aries discovers the betrayal and beats Michael to death in his secret apartment. Peggy comes across the apartment as part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation and discovers the body. She realises he was the one giving warnings (to help them avoid traps, ambushes etc) and finds a note he wrote for her when he knew Aries was coming for him. It's written in their shared childhood code. It explains his motivations (he was trying to change the world for the better) and gives some info about what Zodiac are going to do next. Zachary Drebb is the second Aquarius.
Piesces (Noah Perricone) is blue and looks like he'd be good in the water so I'm thinking Talokanil
S.H.I.E.L.D. discover there is an off-books SSR mole on the inside. They are furious with Flynn for not telling them straight away. Flynn thought it would compromise the mole's safety.
As the Zodiac members are arrested or killed during the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation, Jake Fury is revealed as the SSR mole. He tries to escape with the actual Zodiac key but it corrupts him and he tries to incite rebellion within the remaining Zodiac council members to effect social change. This just causes everyone to squabble and fight. Aries finds this amusing, but comes for Jake nevertheless. Jake ends up losing the key back to Aries, but escapes with his life.
Aries reveals himself as an actual god at the end of the series. He was cast out by Zeus for causing too much trouble in Omnipotence City and bound to be peaceful. He has taken that to mean he can't fight personally and has been manipulating world events with extracts from the aforementioned Zodiac Key to cause as much conflict as possible. The S.H.I.E.L.D. team have been annoying him by thwarting his plans. He says he is tired of being subtle.
They need the whole team, including Dottie, Sousa, Thomson and the Howling commandos using Stark tech and the Human Torch (Jim), Union Jack II (Brian) and Spitfire (Jacqueline). Peggy also calls in a favour from California based Adam Brashear (aka Blue Marvel) to help take him down. As Adam was the love interest from the previous series, this risks embarrassment for Peggy and could possibly end her relationship with Sousa, but the stakes are too high not to.
Ultimately Jim is the only one not affected by the Zodiac key and has to go Supernova to knock him out. He knew he was becoming unstable and had been advised he might go supernova, he just decides to do it on purpose. Heroic sacrifice! The team is devastated at the loss.
A relationship between Jim and Jacqueline would be built up through the series so she would take this the hardest.
Zeus could come and actually bind Ares with power dampening bangles. This physically prevents him from conflict instead of just getting his word. He is captured and will not be seen again till Dark Avengers.
S.H.I.E.L.D. recommends Adam for a commendation and Jim for a posthumous one. The CIA intervene and say that not only will no one will be getting one but no one must hear of it. The existence of gods and aliens is very much covered up at the behest of the American government so as not to cause mass hysteria. No one outside of the President and the people who were at the final battle know anything about it.
Adam is told he cannot be publicly rewarded and is no longer allowed to fight crime (he has been fighting crime in a costume and mask to hide his identity) as the CIA believe the world is not ready for a black superhero. The President reluctantly confirms this. S.H.I.E.L.D. must assign him a handler (he is so going to fight crime).
As Jim was essentially a sentient weapon the CIA won't publicly acknowledge his existence and stipulate he must be buried in the desert in an indestructible airtight box. The President reluctantly confirms this too.
Dottie disappears after making a significant contribution and manages to stay off radar until the first Black Widow movie…
Peggy and Sousa decide to carry on with their long distance relationship.
Namor shows up when he finds out about Noah. He is not happy that his citizen was defeated and arrested and he vows never to return. He is also not happy with said citizen for acting without his consent and forces S.H.I.E.L.D. to release him into Talokanil custody. He is sorry about Jim Hammond's passing though and stays for the burial in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. location in the desert.
Post credits:- Peggy calls Marlene Frazier and asks, as she has been with Adam this whole time anyway, if she'll be his handler. He comes home and gives her a kiss, they have developed a relationship while working together. She says she is happy to keep an eye on him.
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Cistercian Numerals Bibliography:
Beard, Daniel Carter. The American Boys’ Book of Signs, Signals and Symbols. 1918, https://archive.org/details/americanboysbook00bear5/page/92/mode/1up?view=theater.
King, David. (2019). DAVID KING 1995 – A forgotten Cistercian system of numerical notation.
King, David. (2019). 203 – KING 2001 (BOOK) – The Ciphers of the monks, a forgotten number-notation of the Middle Ages.
Miller, Kirk. Background for Unicode Consideration of Cistercian Numerals. 10 Dec. 2020, https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2020/20290-cistercian-digits.pdf.
Puiu, Tibi. “What Are Cistercian Numbers — the Forgotten Ciphers of Medieval Monks.” ZME Science, 21 Jan. 2021, https://www.zmescience.com/science/cirstercian-numbers-90432432/.
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arponfiles · 2 years
Colonizando el Cosmos. El futuro eléctrico de Astor
Colonizando el Cosmos. El futuro eléctrico de Astor
“El combate de los dragones”, de Daniel Carter Beard, para Un viaje por otros mundos de John Jacob Astor (1894) — Fuente . Iwan Rhys Morus https://publicdomainreview.org/essay/colonizing-the-cosmos Durante la Edad Dorada de Estados Unidos, el futuro parecía palpitar con posibilidades eléctricas. Iwan Rhys Morus sigue el safari interplanetario que es A Journey in Other Worlds de John Jacob…
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hagleyvault · 4 years
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We’re visiting the beasties of the sea this #MaritimeMonday, just in case America’s beaches didn’t seem scary enough already. These illustrations are sourced from “Wonders of the Deep”, an 1895 pamphlet from the New York City patent medicine firm of Scott and Bowne, founded by Samuel W. Bowne (1842–1910) and Alfred B. Scott (1946–1908), manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion cod liver oil.
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The pamphlet, which details a great variety of "slimy things did crawl with legs upon the slimy sea” off American coastlines was illustrated by Daniel Carter Beard (1850-1941), an American illustrator, author, and social reformer who founded the Sons of Daniel Boone in 1905, which merged with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) after Beard joined that organization in 1910 as a national Scout commissioner.
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This pamphlet is part of the Hagley Library’s collection of Carter Litchfield Collection on the History of Fatty Materials (Accession 2413). You can view it in full, along with a selection of other materials from this and our collection of Carter Litchfield photographs and ephemera on the history of fatty materials (Accession 2007.227), online now by visiting their page in our Digital Archive. Just click here!
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avweckman · 3 years
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I had to do an illustration in the style of a historical illustrator, so I decided to do a page illustration for The Hobbit in the style of Daniel Carter Beard
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dot-m-dot · 4 years
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Another cover for an Isekai classic, notable for being the first major one from the US and starting the parody sub-genre. It may not be the earliest isekai and it got overshadowed by another isekai soon after, but there is plenty to love for die-hard fans.
“Sent to: The Round Table by a Certain Magical Crowbar” Story by Mark Twain, Illustrations by Daniel Carter Beard
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detroitlib · 5 years
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From our stacks: Illustration ‘Solid Comfort’ (Daniel Carter Beard) from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court By Mark Twain. Illustrated. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1917.
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rhade-zapan · 7 years
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Daniel Carter Beard 1894
Follow Rhade-Zapan for more visual treats
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Hi it's my first time here, I can order something with Brahms Heelshire and Billy, in their first declaration of "I love you" to their beloved, of course could have nsfw.
Brahms Heelshire & Billy (1974) x Female Reader
First time saying "I love you."
Underthecut - NSFW, Fingering
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms popped another chocolate-covered raisin into his mouth. Audibly chewing on the tasty cheat. He shook the purple coloured box in front of you, "Princess, want some?"
You snapped your attention to Brahms, "Huh," You raised a brow to the box, "No, no thank you." You brought your attention back to the show he chose to watch. A Room with a View.
You had asked, pestered even if he really wanted to watch a romance movie.
He held you tightly by your arms, the tips of his fingers dug into you "I want to watch this with you!"
Daniel Day-Lewis and Helena Boham Carter were on the screen, tentative looks shared between the two.
Brahms leans into you, an arm wrapping around your shoulders, "Enjoying yourself?" He asks while placing a kiss on your temple.
"Yes, Brahms." You lift your lips up to catch his cheek in a kiss.
He whips his face around at the right time to steal a kiss. He gives an excited moan as you pull him down with you into the couch.
Brahms runs his large hands over your front, groping your chest, hands impatiently ripping off your top. His eyes fell to your chest, he sucks in a breath, your breasts being cupped by your light blue bra and the gold necklace that hung low on your chest.
He runs his finger along the gold chain, his rough pad ghosts over the flower pendant, "You look so beautiful wearing this," He kisses above it "Wearing what I got for you," He swallows hard, another kiss, "I love you, like this, I love that you do this for me." He brought his face back up to yours, a deep longing kiss.
"I love that you love it," You place a hand on his bearded cheek, "I love it." You kiss him, lip quivering, your stomach in a knot. The simple phrase 'I love you.' is on the tip of your tongue.
"I love you." an energetic tone to his voice, "I love you, Princess." He says it again between kisses, "I love you."
He pulls down your pants, his thumbs hooking around the waistband of your panties.
You suck in a breath, a shaky and anxious "I love you." Left your lips.
Brahms let out a content sigh at your affirmation. He pulls down his trousers, freeing his erect cock, "Show me you love me." He dips his tongue past your lips as he snakes a hand to your cunt, a long finger dipping past your wet folds. "Cum for me." He swipes his middle finger over your clit, a confident laugh as you arch your back and let out a content sigh.
Billy (1974)
You managed to get Billy out of the sorority house, dragging him to a Chinese restaurant you frequented as a child, still friends with the owner's children.
"You'll love this place, Billy, I promise!" You gleefully drag him along, the cold air nipping at both your noses. Billy was bundled up like he was ready to traverse the arctic, you in a peacoat and stylish winter hat.
The bell clangs above your head as you swung the door open, a chorus of hellos and how are yous rang through the small restaurant.
Billy, sunk the lower half of his face into his puffy green jacket, his cheeks held a pink hue that was not from the crisp air.
"Oh, Y/n! Look at you! And...Willy!" Mr. Chen greets you and 'Willy'
"Billy," You correct, "Billy, and me are here for some egg rolls, rice, and mooncakes for dessert." Wasn't the most traditional Chinese meal but enough for Billy to start with.
The two of you sat, talking about how your classes were going, how you couldn't stand some of the sorority sisters, petty girl shirt that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things but always hurt in the moment.
"So, I said to Mr. Krueger, I was all," You shove some rice in your mouth and swallow it quickly to continue, "I had to work a double shift, sorry teach, but I have to pay for school in some way." A bite into your egg roll, "The unfunny bastard gave me a one-day extension! One day! He found it funny."
Billy fought the inspired smile that threatened to spread across his face. Every little flash of annoyance, to the way you twirled your hair, how you made sure no food was going to fall off your fork before you lifted it o your mouth. The way you lit up when you looked directly into his eyes.
"I love you."
You pause, a fork full of rice inches from your lips, the pause felt like hours, but was mere seconds, "excuse me?"
Billy sucks in a harsh breath, "No, nothing." His chest heaves, scratching his neck under the tall collar.
"I love you too, Billy."
You and Billy drag each other to your room, his hands running all over you, one hand on the railing to steady himself as he continues to shove his tongue into your mouth.
"Fuck, Billy." You whimper into the kiss, as he pushes you into your door. You hastily unlock it, slamming it shut urgently.
"On the bed, the bed now, clothes off," Both of you tearing at each other's clothes, sweaters being thrown onto the floor and chair, pants and underwear in a pile on the floor.
He's crawling over you, fingers working into your cunt, scissoring two into you, lips capturing your haughty moans,
"I love you," You states, "I love you," He affirms, "Love me, love your Billy?"
"I love you, Billy."
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plaid-clad-granddad · 3 years
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Image from “Guns and gunning”
Year: 1908
Authors: Browne, Bellmore H. (from old catalog) Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850-1941
Publisher: Chicopee Falls, Mass., J. Stevens arms & tool co
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emile-hides · 3 years
I said this as like a joke a ha ha funny goof like two weeks ago in the tags of a post on my side-blog and as the Autistic brain do when presented with a ha ha funny goof in a fandom I started thinking on it too much and now here I am with absolutely zero actual evidence for this but like
I think Magnificus is Leshy from the Beta version of Inscryption; Sacrifices Must Be Made.
They’re both trees which really isn’t that weird but in a game with like 4 central main characters it’s weird two of them are straight up plants
Leshy is a Leshy like that makes sense as a being that lives in the woods is the Scrybe of beasts like it makes sense we been knew
But why is a wizard a tree?? As Drawfee says wizards can be anything but Magnificus really has no wizard energy to him. I would not guess that his roll if I’d just seen him on his own
He doesn't even have the wizard hat like his pupils or his cards bro at least try to look the part
According to game files the green shit covering Magnificus is his beard which is both hysterical to learn and also maybe helps my case because Leshy also has a beard of green brush but whatever it’s not the biggest deal just hold on
His entire thing is his eye that tells him the future a future he cannot change
The future of his game and the world outside it and possibly even the world past Luke Carder to you, you the player
Which is interesting and very vaguely hinted at but like
During the ARG you the player, not Luke Carter, discover one of the secret codes by going back to Sacrifices must be made and adding a file into the game
What this file actually is is blank of course but it does something Leshy at the end of the beta
It gives him awareness
Awareness he did not have before. Awarness he is in a game, an unfinished game, a game that is literally about to end you are at the end of the Beta, his world is about to end but more importantly
“What have you done to me?”
“This new knowledge flooding into my head...”
“I cannot... I cannot unlearn....”
“what lies ahead” implies more than just the beta’s end
This was obviously added after the full Inscryption came out, implying you just have him information that not only is his game incomplete but there is a full version and this is what will happen there as well
A future he cannot change
Leshy’s entire presence is just his eyes in Sacrifices Must Be Made we never see what he looks like
It’s not really like. Unheard of for Daniel Mullens characters to jump games. Like not at all.
So the idea that Leshy in Beta would make the jump to the completed game to save himself from the ending of an incomplete game isn’t super unheard of
Not that it matters as even the completed game will be deleted
And he knows that. He cannot unsee what lies ahead
Side tangent but Magnificus’ system feels super incomplete and in need of a rework
I know in game/out game world building Inscryption was a real card game first and the video game is based on that so it’s not really his fault magic decks suck
And his final battle’s incomplete feeling can be blamed on the game being more than half deleted at that point but at the same time
His little. Mind place. Where he unsubtly tells you to use the knife or get the damn film roll from the clock if you’re like me and choose to ignore it is super barren already. Like it just looks like that
A tile floor, collapsed columns, and a single easel. Not much else really to it.
Supposedly the version Luke is playing is incomplete in terms of like. The actual original game is concerned so like. Actually maybe???
And I mean Magnificus’ Uber-Bot stand in is the Unfinished boss, implying he isn’t a fully finished part of the game?? Right??
Okay so like obviously the game had to have a Scrybe of Magicks when it was being coded because Magic cards existed in the real card game so it’s not like he could just put himself in there
But also the entire ACTUAL game’s story is about over throwing one of the Scrybes and taking their place so like. Maybe.
Maybe not quiet like that maybe he just like. Put his own files in place of theirs. Like King Candy from Wreck it Ralph.
Because he speaks like he knows how many dialogue boxes he has before his boss battle has to start as if he doesn’t really have a choice in how much he can say before you MUST progress
He even gets kind of deleted mid-sentence while trying to warn you AFTER his fight which idk imagine a more eccentric wizard doing one of those poof gone kind of animations after giving you a cryptic clue
The only bit of actually in character, as in as the Scrybe of Magicks a boss in the video game Inscryption, dialogue Magnificus gives us is during his boss battle in which he explains how his battle mechanic actually works and talks about how your cards need more color
But in his end end fight the painting he makes for Luke to try and make him feel guilt for letting the world get deleted is black and white
And he whited out Goobert’s painting??? Like at least when he bleached are cards it was to add more color to them this he just whited out which feels like these are two different character motives
It’s a lot of maybe’s and taking leaps but this is a game with Hitler’s Satan card game as it’s central plot point so I feel like I’m allowed a little leeway here.
The irony of Leshy tearing out Magnificus’ eye with his knife and keeping it so the player can progress onward and eventually return to Beta to give Leshy that same eye all over again is not lost on me
A loop is a loop and I’m kind of obsessed with it
#Inscryption#This is a long post of nothing and has a high chance of getting edited as I recontextualize my thoughts or as Kaycee's mod things happen#So stay tuned#idk man this thoughts been rattling in my brain sense I saw an ARG rundown something about this part really messed me up#The fact that they're both trees really gets me Mags why are you like that#Also the way Mags is basically deleted from the game mid-sentence when you defeat him???#Mentally I'm always thinking about the file we give Beta Leshy to give him awareness which is exactly what the OLD_DATA does#And how absolutly fucked up it would all be if it was actually not some hitler satan thing and it was actually all our fault us the player#who made the old data and put it on the disk#but really it was Magnificus because the data was in his eye and he took it when he moved games#thus corrupting the new game he'd moved into and dooming it to deletion just as he'd seen it to do#Look I knew Daniell Mullens was a Satan Devil Demon kind of horror game maker when I walked it it did not surprise me#but maybe I personally wanna fuss around with that concept and make it a fucked up little time loop of suffering#Instead of game makers trapped in their games as a kind of hell torture thing#Maybe I just really wanna make Magnificus extremely fucked up and upsetting to me personally leave me alone#I'm in my own little brain thoughts getting emotions over Magnificus because I gave him a lot of fanon backstory#And I'm sticking with it
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chrisroberson · 2 years
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“The Combat of the Dragons”, by Daniel Carter Beard, for John Jacob Astor’s A Journey in Other Worlds (1894) — Source.
Public Domain Review has a fascinating piece by Iwan Rhys Morus about John Jacob Astor’s scientific romance, A Journey in Other Worlds.
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americanbuildings · 3 years
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SOUTH VIEW OF FACADE ELEVATION - Daniel Carter Beard House, 322 East Third Street, Covington, Kenton County, KY
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