#daniel grou
tv-moments · 6 months
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Season 3, “Chapter 3”
Director: Daniel Grou
DoP: Maxime Cointe
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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Miraculum (Daniel Grou - 2014)
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mauricioreyna · 2 years
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Jusqu'où iriez-vous pour vous venger ?
Jusqu'au bout de l'univers. Je ferais tout ce qui doit être fait... et plus encore.
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magicalrocketships · 6 months
I adore your deaged max AU! Curious if while max is small, if daniel and him celebrate any holidays together? How does max feel about them? Do they establish any traditions? :)
I don't think this version of Max is particularly excited by Christmas, but he does like lights, and being with Daniel, so I've combined them together for them to have a little outing of their own. And because I personally love lights in the middle of winter.
This follows on - with a few days unaccounted for (because I haven't written them, but they've been staying with Christian and Geri) - from this part I posted yesterday. Max was a tiny toddler but now he's back to being seven.
(this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order if the tag isn't working.)
Happy holidays, pals. 🧡
The day after New Year's Day, Daniel takes Max to visit an Enchanted Light Trail. It's only on for another couple of days, and a lot of local schools have gone back today so it's quiet when Daniel parks the car. It's already mostly dark, and Max, seven years old again and interested, almost stumbles out of the car. He's in his new wellington boots, with a puffy winter coat that Daniel has to spend two minutes talking him into getting zipped up. Then a scarf and a hat and gloves. Max is unconvinced by them all, especially the gloves, but when he sees Daniel wearing a pair too, he concedes to keep them on.
He slips his hand into Daniel's, and asks if it's going to be loud. Max doesn't always like loud. He's not loved sharing Daniel with the other people in Christian and Geri's house over the past few days, and he is not quite over being left behind with Monty and a babysitter when Daniel and the others went to the Red Bull New Year's Eve Extravaganza. So: a little treat that's just for Daniel and Max together, alone, now that Max is back to being seven.
"Not loud," Daniel says. "Just lots of nice lights, and a place to see animals, and we can have hot chocolate." He shoulders his backpack, which also has a thermos flask of tomato soup and some bread and butter in little pieces in a lunch box. He's learned from experience that Max will experiment with experiences more than he'll experiment with unfamiliar food in unfamiliar places. "But I've brought tomato soup too."
"Okay," Max says, only semi-dubiously. He's so serious sometimes. Daniel lets him think through whatever he's thinking about as they wander through the car park and up to the little ticket booth. He'd bought tickets for them online, so he only has to wave his phone screen at a bored teenager who wishes them a desultory happy new year to be given a little trail map and a token to get through the gate.
Daniel lets Max feed the token into the entrance gate, and then they're inside the farm park, and at the start of a path lined with trees wound with hundreds of tiny, coloured lights. The branches are also lined with lights, and even Daniel is almost floored by how pretty it is.
"Oh," Max says, in sheer unadulterated wonder.
Daniel for a single, desperate second, wants to cry. Every moment with Max might be his last. It had been awful enough when he'd been sitting next to a little chunky three year old Max a couple of days ago, and he'd had to squeeze his eyes shut and almost couldn't bear to open them again in case it was a grown up Max sitting next to him, desperate to get away from him.
But it was this Max, Daniel's Max, his seven year old, his favourite seven year old on the planet.
It doesn't mean grief doesn't sit, tentative and yearning, on the edge of everything he experiences.
"Do you like it, Maxy-Max?"
Max nods so hard his hat almost falls off, and Daniel has to stop to make sure it's on properly and keeping Max warm.
"Good," Daniel says, and he lets Max set the pace as they wander down the track towards the barns. The next part of the path doesn't have little Christmas lights, but the trees are lit in purples, greens, and are wrapped in starlight skies, little spotlights along the ground turning the trees into beautiful swathes of colour.
Max looks up at him in wonder. "Like the nightlight at home," he says, clutching Daniel's hand. The nightlight in Max's bedroom at Daniel's projects colours and stars across the ceiling. Max hasn't been home with Daniel in a while. It doesn't mean it isn't his home too. It'll always be his home, even if Max grows up and stays grown up and stays a long way away from Daniel like he does now.
"Just like the nightlight at home," Daniel agrees.
The Enchanted Light Trail is supposed to be a 60-90 minute experience, but it takes them almost half an hour even to reach the barns where the farm animals are. Max loves the colours, and the trees, and the lights — just like Daniel had hoped he would. Max had liked going to the zoo that time, and he likes colouring in, and he likes things that are just him and Daniel, so it had made sense when Daniel googled that this was the thing he would pick to get them out of Christian and Geri's hair for a bit.
If Max doesn't get big again in the few days or so, Daniel's taking him back to Monaco, and he doesn't care what Christian says about the pre-season work Max is supposed to be doing here. Daniel's Max's guardian, nobody else. And he wants to take Max home.
"What happens if you are scared?" Max asks, before they go into the barns. He always asks about Daniel being scared, and not him.
"If I'm scared or if you're scared," Daniel tells him, just like every time, "then we can come back out here. That's fine."
"Okay," Max says, and his face is a picture of fierce determination. Daniel's seen that face before, a hundred thousand times, before and after races. It's funny to see it reflected on such a little Max, a Max that just doesn't have any of grown up Max's competitive spirit in him. Daniel gives him a moment to acclimatise, and then Max nods and they go inside.
The barns have also been lit up in swathes of pretty colours. The animals seem quite happy, and they see the rabbits and the sheep and the goats. Max refuses to go near the goats, even though the farm staff say he can help feed them. That is a solid no, which Daniel understands entirely because the last time they met a goat together at the zoo that time, it had tried to eat Max's hair for dinner and Max had cried. Instead, they stand against the opposite wall of the barn, as far away from the goats as possible, and Trixie, who works at the farm, points out each of the goats in turn and tells Max their names.
Max puts up with this for three minutes, which Daniel counts as 150% a win, and then they say thank you and move on to the next barn. This one has cows in it, and one moos loudly as they come in. Max bravely does not nope out, but they stay away from the gates. One of the cows is called Strawberry, which Max finds hilarious. Daniel suggests some other very silly names for cows even as they go and look at the pigs and meet a horse dressed for the season in a big knitted scarf and blanket. There are chickens, and more rabbits, and a dog, which Daniel suspects isn't part of the attraction in general and that Max is very cautious of. Daniel is too, but he tries not to let it show.
Then it's time for the 'things to do' barn, which has some little tables for crafts and a cafe at the other side. Max doesn't want to make Christmas crafts and he doesn't want to join a table with other people on, but there are some tables with pictures to colour in and some crayons and pencils. He settles himself at one of the tables, and tells Daniel that it's okay if Daniel crosses the barn to get them some orange juice (Max) and some hot chocolate (Daniel). Daniel keeps turning around to find Max watching him with his little serious expression on, and so Daniel makes a series of increasingly silly faces just to make him laugh.
"You've got yourself a serious one too, then," the woman behind the counter says as he pays for their drinks. "Mine's the same."
"Yeah," Daniel says. "Best kid in the world, though."
"Fight you for it," the woman says, laughing, and that grief is back, hovering, desperate, endless. Daniel tries to smile. He wishes her a happy new year and goes back to sit beside Max, who's picked out a farm picture to colour, with lots of trees and some animals. He's got one for Daniel too. He doesn't want to try Daniel's hot chocolate, but he does like the smell. He's industriously colouring in one of the trees in purple — like the ones outside — when one of the farm staff comes over to ask if he'd like to make a tree at one of the craft tables.
"No, thank you," Max says, attention focused on his picture. "Me and my daddy are colouring."
Daniel has to swallow down an actual sob. "We're good here, thanks," he says. "But thank you."
After she leaves, Daniel has to use one of his hot chocolate napkins to blow his nose. Max looks up at him.
"Can we go home soon?" he asks.
"To Christian and Geri's house?"
"No," Max says, giving him a withering glance. "Our house, Daniel."
Daniel leans in and kisses the top of his head. "Yeah," he says. "Promise."
"Okay," Max says, content with Daniel's yes. Daniel doesn't lie to him. Except, maybe, about the growing hole in his chest. Max goes back to colouring. Daniel swallows, tries to get a hold of himself, and resorts to naming all of the animals in the picture the stupidest names he can think of, just to make Max laugh.
Later on, they walk along a little pathway through the lit-up woods, and drink a cup of tomato soup at a picnic table. Max is amazed at the idea of drinking soup outside in the dark. They don't stay at the table long because it's cold, but Daniel takes a thousand pictures of Max beaming at him, soup around his mouth, and lets Max take some of him in return.
"I love you," he tells Max as they walk back towards the car. It seems important to tell him, urgent, imperative.
Max swings their joined hands. He's got his coloured-in picture and a glowing stick with a star on it clutched in his other hand, a present from the farm shop. Daniel's got one too, and a bag with some in for Monty and Olivia and Bluebell even though Bluebell's probably too old for it.
"Love you, love you, love you," Max says back, kicking his feet in his new wellingtons. He looks up at Daniel, sleepy but happy, and Daniel's heart twists in his chest. "Can we go home now?"
"Tomorrow," Daniel says, making a decision. Fuck it all, he thinks. I'm taking Max home.
Thank you to Zoe and Lena for reading this through for me. 🧡
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herederosdelkaos · 6 months
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Herederos del Kaos - archivo literario y artístico se complace en anunciar el TOP 10 de las publicaciones más visitadas en 2023. Agradecemos a nuestros colaboradores y a nuestra leal audiencia por contribuir con sus lecturas. ¡Esperamos seguir compartiendo expresiones en el próximo año!
-Surrealismo y locura: El descenso a los infiernos de Antonin Artaud y Leonora Carrington. Texto y fotografías de Rakar
-Entrevista a Simone Boué: Compañera de Émile Cioran, por Maïté Grou
-El horror hecho música: Silencer, Anna Varney, Krueger, Luror, Theurgia
-La poética del cine, la máquina de contar historias: Un artículo de Homero Carvalho Oliva
-Entrevista a Milton Ordóñez: "Viví en pueblos y lugares donde la gente no se suicida porque no conocen esa idea". Por Juan Carlos Vásquez
-El Cuaderno de Fergusson" por Daniel Frini: Una historia sobre un paciente del Hospicio de Santa Magdalena y su vínculo con "Él”
-Dos idiomas, un lamento: La 'Decadencia' en la casa de la poeta Dulce María Loynaz", por Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano
-Del cuento breve "Mutilado" de Alberto Jiménez Ure: Por Moisés Cárdenas
-Desde Honduras: Una muestra poética de Omar Cruz
-Dos microrrelatos transgresores de Roberto Garcés Marrero
Imagen: Caos. Deidad primordial de la mitología griega. Magnum Chaos. Taracea del coro de la basílica de Santa María la Mayor, por Capoferri y Lotto (1522-1532).
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joeygoeshollywood · 1 year
My 25 Favorite Films of 2022
Here are my 25 favorite films of 2022:
25. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
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Ever since Marvel announced they were moving forward with a Black Panther sequel following the passing of Chadwick Boseman, the world wondered if it can be pulled off. Ryan Coogler, the writer/director behind the first film, managed to nurture the second installment with Wakanda Forever, which is essentially an emotional epilogue of a country’s mourning of its fallen King T'Challa. In Marvel’s strongest outing since End Game, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever strikes a balance of being a grieving process for both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its audience while also maintaining an action-packed story. 
24. The Whale
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The #Brenaissance is officially here to stay. Brendan Fraser gives the performance of a lifetime as Charlie, a reclusive morbidly obese English teacher who tries to rekindle a relationship with his estranged teenage daughter before his health takes a turn for the worse. Based off a play, The Whale is a tragedy directed by Darren Aronofsky (his best film since Black Swan) that rides on Fraser’s transformation as a broken man who both literally and metaphorically carries so much weight. Don’t be shocked if/when he accepts his Oscar. He’s joined by Hong Chau and Sadie Sink, both who give strong supporting performances.
23. Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 
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Only a movie mastermind like Guillermo del Toro can reinvent a fairytale as well-known as Pinocchio and provide Geppetto a tragic backstory and have it take place in the height of World War I Italy. While his interpretation of the story of the wooden puppet is more mature and has more emotional weight than its predecessors, his Pinocchio also maintains its child-like innocence and has enough charm and music to entertain the whole family. A beautiful stop-motion production, del Toro’s feature debut in animation was a huge success. 
22. Vengeance 
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BJ Novak, best known as Ryan from The Office (which he also a writer and producer), makes his feature debut as a writer/director with Vengeance, a film he stars in as a New York City writer who gets swept up in the aftermath of a Texas girl he hooked up with her family suspects was murdered, which inspires him to launch a podcast about whether it’s merely a conspiracy or there was foul play. Novak masterfully captures the cultural clash between costal and rural America in one of the most laugh-out-loud comedies of the year. 
21.  All Quiet on the Western Front
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All Quiet on the Western Front belongs in the came caliber of war films as Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, and 1917. The incredible filmmaking gives the source material a new life with remarkable action sequences, stunning cinematography, and a strong cast. This German-spoken adaptation is brutal and gut-wrenching but cinematically rewarding. 
20. Cha Cha Real Smooth
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Cooper Raiff writes, directs and stars in his breakout film Cha Cha Real Smooth, which follows a post-college grad’s journey to find a purpose while spontaneously taking on a career in emceeing Bar Mitzvah parties. It’s rare for a comedy to establish such a fundamentally flawed yet completely charismatic and good-hearted protagonist as well written as Raiff’s. Cha Cha Real Smooth is likely to be a launching pad for what will likely be a long career for the 25-year-old filmmaker. 
19. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
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Rian Johnson has proven himself to be a modern-day Agatha Christie with Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, a sexy followup to his 2019 murder mystery flick. Daniel Craig returns as famed detective Benoit Blanc and is joined by another star-studded cast including Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, Kathryn Hahn, Dave Bautista and Janelle Monáe (perhaps the film’s MVP). Beautifully shot and extremely well-written, Glass Onion solidifies the prospects of a thriving Knives Out franchise.
18. The Batman
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It’s difficult for any filmmaker to reboot a superhero franchise that’s been done over, and over, and over again, but Matt Reeves lays the groundwork for a promising new Batman with The Batman. People were skeptical that Robert Pattison could pull off the Caped Crusader since most people know him as the glittery vampire from the Twilight saga, but he pulled it off. What Reeves does brilliantly, perhaps even more so than his predecessors, is how he creates the universe of Gotham City, which managed to be even more grim and visually striking than past depictions, and he already has a stockpile of villains from Batman’s rogues gallery. From the stunning cinematography of Greig Fraser to the instantly iconic music score from Michael Giacchino, The Batman satisfies fans and leaves them wanting more.
17. TÁR
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Cate Blanchett is a world-class music conductor whose past creeps in to upend her life. TÁR is essentially a psychological drama from Todd Field (his first feature since 2006), who wrote an unsettlingly brilliant screenplay. But it’s a film that thrives in large part to Blanchett’s stellar performance that could give her a third Oscar trophy. 
16. The Menu
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If you have a healthy appetite for thrills, violence, and dark humor, then you ought to order The Menu. Ralph Fiennes gives a chilling performance as the chef of an exclusive restaurant who ambushes his diners with a night full of shock, horror, and marvelous dishes. What makes The Menu work so well is its self-awareness and a terrific ensemble cast including Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicholas Hoult, Janet McTeer, Judith Light, and rising star Hong Chau. 
15. Bodies Bodies Bodies
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A satirical murder mystery, Bodies Bodies Bodies is yet another winner from A24 about a group of 20-somethings whose mansion party turns upside down after one of them winds up dead. The cast of A-list and rising star millenials includes Amandla Stenberg, Maria Bakalova, Rachel Sennott and SNL alum Pete Davidson, who is at his most hilarious. Bodies Bodies Bodies is fun and unpredictable with an ending to die for. 
14. Nope
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Following the critical success of Get Out and Us, Jordan Peele gives us his first big-budget summer blockbuster. Nope is like a captivating and unsettling mashup of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Jaws. Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea and Steven Yeun round out the strong cast. With terror in the skies, Peele proves his funnyman days are behind him and is thriving as a master of suspense. 
13. X
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X is the textbook definition of a great popcorn slasher flick. Up and coming filmmaker Ti West was able to use the decades-old horror formula of a group of hotties being stranded in the middle of nowhere with psycho killers on the loose and lean into absurdity for good scares and even great laughs. X is a helluva good time that has already spawned a franchise with the release of the prequel Pearl, a strong prequel companion with Mia Goth offering amazing performances in both films. 
12. Brian and Charles
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Brian and Charles is a heartwarming mockumentary buddy comedy about a quirky, reclusive British inventor who builds a robot out of a washing machine that ends up coming to life. Its stars David Earl and Chris Hayward, who co-wrote the film, will make you laugh out loud and perhaps help you restore your faith in humanity just a tiny bit. 
11. The Woman King
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Viola Davis never kicked so much ass. The Woman King is a historic epic based on the events of the female warriors of the Dahomey kingdom in 19th century Africa. In addition to the great action and stunts are a rich plot and strong performances by the ensemble cast. 
10. Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
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One of the most overlooked films of the year, Good Luck to You, Leo Grande is a romantic dramedy of sorts that follows a widow who meets with a male escort to help her explore her sexuality. The film feels like a staged play as it almost entirely takes place in a hotel room and the dialogue is incredibly sharp. Emma Thompson gives one of the daring and greatest performances of her career as the witty but vulnerable Nancy as newcomer Daryl McCormack shines as the dashingly smooth yet nuanced titular character Leo Grande. This Hulu gem tackles the taboo subject of sex, tugs at the hearts, and provides plenty of laughs.
9. The Fabelmans 
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No director can capture movie magic quite like Steven Spielberg. The Fabelmans is loosely based on his own childhood which chronicles his early love for filmmaking. For movie fans, this is an ode to cinema and Spielberg’s career. But in the end, The Fabelmans is about a child and his pursuit of his dream, something we can all relate to. 
8. RRR
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Hollywood could take a page from Bollywood. RRR is a spectacle in every sense of the word where everything from the dramatic performance, slow-motion action, to the over-the-top musical numbers. It’s a sensational historic epic about two warriors who form a brotherhood while taking on the British empire.  Despite its 3-hour running time, there’s never a dull moment. So heat up the popcorn and enjoy this adrenaline rush of a movie. 
7. Triangle of Sadness
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A satire that skewers beauty and class, Triangle of Sadness is the genius comedy from Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund about the disaster that unfolds on a luxury yacht and the dynamics that emerge between the elite guests and the crew (the banter alone between a Russian capitalist and an American communist played by Zlatko Buric and Woody Harrelson alone is so rich- pun intended). While the entire cast is stellar, Dolly De Leon gives an Oscar-worthy performance as a member of the cleaning staff who takes command when things go south. Triangle of Sadness is one of the best times I’ve had at the movies this year. 
6. Barbarian
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No horror film has filled its audience with more dread in recent years than Barbarian. Zach Cregger makes a stellar feature debut as writer/director who masterfully defies the rules of what to expect the way Alfred Hitchcock did with Psycho. Georgina Campbell and Bill Skarsgård learned they’ve accidentally booked the Airbnb from hell. This is one of those films that you benefit when going in completely blind. The thrills, disturbing sights, and even laughs are not in short supply in one of the best horror films in recent memory. 
5. The Northman
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Robert Eggers, the director behind The Witch and The Lighthouse, returns with his largest-scale film to date. The Northman is a blood-soaked Shakespearian-like Viking epic about revenge and destiny with a remarkable cast including Alexander Skarsgård, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, and Willem Dafoe. When you’re watching it, it feels like you’re witnessing something bigger than what you expect from most films these days. And it will keep your heart pounding and on the edge of your seat from start to finish. 
4. Top Gun: Maverick
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Sequel-Reboots are rarely good. It was 36 years ago that the first Top Gun came out (and upon seeing it for the first time this year, one can see why it’s culturally beloved but also very dated). Remarkably, Top Gun: Maverick is superior in almost every way. The filmmaking is better, the writing is better, and Tom Cruise has barely aged. It’s a movie that everyone can rally behind and chant “USA! USA!” as the credits roll. It was the epitome of a summer blockbuster that was both nostalgic and refreshing. For a movie that was supposed to come out in July 2019 and was postponed six times due to COVID, Top Gun Maverick was worth the wait.
3. Emergency
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Ever imagine what a combination of Superbad and Crash might look like? Emergency would be it. RJ Cyler and Donald Elise Watkins star as two best friends on the cusp of graduating college who want to make history with a legendary night of partying, which quickly gets derailed by due to unforeseen circumstances. The first two acts are frickin’ hilarious but the final act takes a dramatic turn, something that rarely works but does in this case. Emergency is a coming-of-age comedy that takes tackles race and identity in a way that neither feels like lecturing nor pandering. It’s easily one of the biggest surprises of the year. 
2. The Banshees of Inisherin
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The plot is bizarre yet simple: One man abruptly ends his lifelong friendship with the other without warning, leaving the other man perplexed and demanding answers, which only leads to trouble for the both of them. The Banshees of Inisherin is the latest gem from writer/director Martin McDonagh that balances humor and discomfort led by outstanding lead performances from Colin Ferrell and Brendan Gleeson. The Banshees of Inisherin is a well-written dramedy that will make you laugh just as much as it will make you cringe. 
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once
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Multiverse films are all the rage in Hollywood these days but Everything Everywhere All at Once is the one that tops them all. Michelle Yeoh gives the performance of her career as a struggling laundromat owner who learns about the existence of other universes and how it is up to her to save them all. She’s joined by Ke Huy Quan (of Goonies/Temple of Doom fame), who will likely launch a major comeback, newcomer Stephanie Hsu, and Jamie Lee Curtis, rounding out a remarkable cast. The Daniels (Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert) wrote and directed a mind-blowing, genre-bending film full of laughs, action, family drama. and suspense. Not since The Matrix has a sci-fi/fantasy film been able be so confident in the universe it has created and in such an entertaining way. Everything Everywhere All at Once is everything you want in a movie, which is why it’s the best of 2022.  
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Oh Shit Here We Go...Or Not.....Ugh!!
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Pacing back in fourth my room, I try to come to grips of what is wrong with me? What exactly am I feeling towards Athena? Am I in love? Is it lust? Is this permanent or is this just a phase? I spent such a long time keeping these thoughts to myself and kept fighting myself from getting so deep into my own head. I would hear about people's traumatic coming out stories and I grew more mortified to tell a soul. That is until one day I finally grew the courage to talk these feelings out with Athena.
I got to school early and parked in my usual spot, and had her coffee order in hand. She approached my car and my God she looked so beautiful with her hair down and her lips so freshly glossed, she looked like she was freshly delivered from Heaven. She got in my car, looked at me and smiled. As I was about to open my mouth, she excitedly says "I've been dying to talk to you about something that has me just absolutely madly in love with a very special someone." My mind went blank and I sat there in silence, praying she is talking about me. My heart beat felt like it just grew louder and louder as she kept talking about her feelings. "Elena, I fell in love and I never once imagined I could ever fall for this person. I am a bit shy to tell you that I fell in love with Daniel..." BOOOM!!! My heart shattered and I could feel myself wanting to break down and cry. I would not allow myself to feel within that moment. Once she finished pouring out her heart about why she loves Daniel I just pretended like I was absolutely fine. Athena noticed something was off in my behavior, she noticed I grew distant within our conversation. Luckily I was saved by the bell.
We got out the car and went to our homeroom, Athena grabbed my hand as she normally did, and I drew my hand away and put it in my pockets. We normally sat together in class and I chose to space away just so I can simmer down and save my cry for when I am alone. Athena, made it impossible that day. She kept asking what's wrong the whole day. Finally, we made it out of our last class of the day and I could not hold it together as she kept going on about Daniel. The walk to my car felt long, I began to sweat out of anxiety trying to find the words to just tell her!
"Athena, I really just need to say this now because I can't keep hiding feelings from you anymore." Athena stopped dead in her tracks and sits down on the bench. My palms began to sweat, my knees began to shake, I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. "Athena, I am scared to tell you this, mainly because I fear being hurt by you more than what I already am. Our friendship is something I am beyond appreciative for, and I honestly hope by saying this I don't ever lose your. I too fell in love with someone, and I am beyond terrified of what the outcome maybe. I love you, Athena. You have me feeling so much more love for you than James. I've been in love with you for so long that I can't go another day without telling you."
She stood up, speechless, and stunned about my confession. "Elena, are you serious?" I sat next to her ad began to cry. "Elena, I can't believe you. No way this is just a sick prank. You are so not in love with me...are you?" She took a deep breath and began pacing, she came up to me and grabbed my shirt. "You fucking sick bitch! I trusted you to be my friend! How could you?! Stay the fuck away from me, we're not friends anymore. I am so disgusted by you!" Just as I thought "how can this day get any worse?" I just now lost the very first girl I ever fell in love with. Athena threw me on the bench and walked away and called Daniel to pick her up.
I picked up the pieces of my broken heart and went home to have a good cry. As soon as I get home I was happy to see I had the house all to myself and let out the biggest scream I could and kept the tears flowing. Sad to say my brother heard me as he entered the house. He came into my room to find me laying on the floor bawling. He entered and picked me up off the ground and hugged me without saying a word. He rarely is ever affectionate. He asked me what happened. I explained to him that my heart broke. I noticed my brother giving me a warm smile and he quietly asked, "did Athena break your heart?" My eyes opened wide and I pulled myself away from him in full blown shock. "Aiden, what are you talking about?" My brother explained to me he noticed that I fell in love with Athena. My brother watched it all unfold. He saw the way she had me wrapped around her finger. My heart melted because never did I think my younger brother would be the first one to see me fall in love with a woman. "Elena, I really don't care who you love. You will always be my older sister and I will love you unconditionally." Hearing all of this come from a 12 year old was jaw dropping. "Aiden, you're right...I fell in love with a girl and she broke my heart. I don't know if loving girls is my for sure sexuality, but this felt so intense and beautiful." I hugged my brother tight and we resumed our normally brother sister rivalry as if that moment never happened. I loved it and he got me through my first heart break.
As for Athena, she never spoke to me after I came out to her and expressed how much I loved her. She went out of her way to block me off of every social media platform, and would avoid my presence in any room I was in. I did run into her at a New Years Eve party at a mutual friend's house, and she got extremely drunk, I made sure her ass did not get a concussion from puking her guts out in the bathroom.
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newsbites · 11 months
News from Belize, 17 July
А rаnѕоmwаrе grоuр tаrgеtеd Веlіzе Еlесtrісіtу Lіmіtеd (ВЕL) аnd rеlеаѕеd 355 GВ оf соmрrоmіѕеd dаtа, іnсludіng соnfіdеntіаl іnfоrmаtіоn оn еmрlоуееѕ аnd сuѕtоmеrѕ.
The dаtа frоm Веlіzе Еlесtrісіtу Lіmіtеd (ВЕL) wаѕ rеlеаѕеd оn Frіdау bу #RаgnаrLосkеr, а rаnѕоmwаrе grоuр thаt hаd арраrеntlу bееn tаrgеtіng thе utіlіtу соmраnу ѕіnсе Мау.
ВЕL fаіlеd tо rеѕроnd tо thе rаnѕоmwаrе grоuр'ѕ dеmаndѕ, lеаdіng thеm tо рublіѕh thе ѕtоlеn dаtа.
ВЕL іѕ wоrkіng tо іnvеѕtіgаtе аnd аddrеѕѕ thе dаtа lеаk whіlе іmрlеmеntіng рrеvеntаtіvе mеаѕurеѕ tо рrоtесt аgаіnѕt futurе суbеrаttасkѕ.
2. Іn rесоgnіtіоn оf hіѕ соntrіbutіоnѕ, Gаlеn Unіvеrѕіtу аwаrdеd former government minister, Daniel Ѕіlvа, аn hоnоrаrу dосtоrаtе аnd соntіnuеѕ tо hоnоr hіm wіth аn аnnuаl ѕсhоlаrѕhір іn hіѕ nаmе.
Per Love FM: a man has lost his life in a road traffic accident; the Belize City Mayor has said that his preferred cruise port plan is the one sponsored by Stake Bank, which shows the most signs of progress; a man from Cayo Village was reportedly denied medical attention at hospital following a chop wound from a machete; a refurbished fire station was inaugurated over the weekend and a newcommunity hub opened in Stann Creek district.
Breaking Belize News today mеntіоnѕ соntrоvеrѕу ѕurrоundіng Guаtеmаlа'ѕ Рublis Роѕесutоr'ѕ оffісе аnd fоrmеr UDР Rерrеѕеntаtіvе Аnthоnу 'Vооtѕ' Mаrtіnеz launсhіng а rесаll реtіtіоn аgа іnѕt hіѕ ѕuссеѕѕоr. Аddіtіоnаllу, іt mеntіоnѕ Velіzе hоѕtіng thе ХІV АФЕСАVОL Wоmеn'ѕ U-19 Сentrаl Аmеrісаn Сhamріоnѕhіr аnd thе еffесtѕ оf ехtrеmе hеаt іn Аmеrіса.
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tv-moments · 6 months
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Season 3, “Chapter 4”
Director: Daniel Grou
DoP: Maxime Cointe
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Movies watched in March, 2022
Return to the Batcave (2003). Directed by Paul A. Kaufman
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021). Directed by Michael Chaves
Ferine (2019). Directed by Andrea Corsini
Accamòra (aka: "Right Now"), (2020). Directed by Emanuela Muzzupappa
God Dress You (2021). Directed by Mattia Epifani
Nowhere To Run (1993). Directed by Robert Harmon
Collateral Damage (2002). Directed by Andrew Davis
Juan de los muertos (aka: "Juan of the Dead"), (2011). Directed by Alejandro Brugúes
Diary of the Dead (2007). Directed by George A. Romero
The Batman (2022). Directed by Matt Reeves
The Wicker Man (2006). Directed by Neil LaBute
Darkness Falls (2003). Directed by Jonathan Liebesman
Open Grave (2013). Directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego
Mafia Inc. (2019). Directed by Daniel Grou
What a Beautiful Day! (2011). Directed by Gennaro Nunziante
L'uomo materasso (aka: "The Mattress Man"), (2021). Directed by Fulvio Risuleo
The Sixth Sense (1999). Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Roman Night (2021). Directed by Valerio Ferrara
The New Daughter (2009). Directed by Luiso Berdejo
Inside Out (2015). Directed by Pete Docter & Ronnie Del Carmen
Turistas (2006). Directed by John Stockwell
Jessabelle (2014). Directed by Kevin Greutert
Us (2019). Directed by Jordan Peele
Starrcade (1983)
Starrcade (1984)
Starrcade '85: The Gathering (1985)
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
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Miraculum (Daniel Grou - 2014)
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moviesandmania · 3 years
MAFIA INC. (2019) Reviews and US release news
MAFIA INC. (2019) Reviews and US release news
Mafia Inc. is a 2020 Canadian action crime film about a spiralling gang war between rival families in Montreal in the 1990s. Directed by Quebecois filmmaker Daniel Grou aka Podz from a screenplay written by Sylvain Guy, adapted from the book Mafia Inc.: The Long, Bloody Reign of Canada’s Sicilian Clan co-written by André Cédilot and André Noël. The movie stars Marc-André Grondin, Sergio…
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Chapter Ninety-Four: The New Elizabethan Era
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: Almost at the end now, everyone. Just one more chapter and epilogue to go. Hope you enjoy it! Thank you. xx Bea
September, 2020
Harry and Elle had remained in Sussex for a month after Philip’s death but duties over the UK had made them return to London. Elle’s parent’s and occasionally Charles and Camilla as well were more than happy to babysit the youngsters. Charles had taken the Sussexes to Highgrove and much like he had done with Arthur when he was a baby, the proud grandfather introduced his littlest grandchild to the all the animals and plants at the estate, going into much detail about the care of each one of them. Owen, like his older brother, enjoyed seeing the animals the most and even tried to pet a few of them. 
“ He’s a curious little boy, isn’t he?”, said Charles as Owen stretched out his arms trying to grab a hold of the sheep’s ear. 
“ He most certainly is! Arthur was more of an observant baby. Owen is the opposite. Acts first. Think later. Something we’ll have to be more careful about in the near future.”, said Elle. They said their farewells to the animals and walked along the path towards the house.
“ Have you heard from Will and Kate? We’ve been so busy lately with engagements and meetings that we’ve barely had time to breathe.”, asked Harry.
“ I have. They’ve been visiting mama every weekend, keeping her company.”, said Charles with a sad smile.
“ And how is she?”, asked Elle, balancing Owen on her arms. Charles sighed and shook his head.
“ Hanging in there. But we fear she’s losing her will to live.”, he replied.
As Harry had predicted, the Queen quite never recovered from her husband’s death. She resumed her public activities after three months in Sandringham. While there, she had often received visits from her children and grandchildren, as well as her great grandchildren, which seemed to bring back a bit of light and laughter into her life. Her animals were also a source of joy for her. She had traveled to Balmoral for the summer and enjoyed having the family around but it also brought many memories from Prince Philip that left her shaken up. 
Once the summer was over, instead of returning to London she decided to reside at Windsor and remain there, where she could continue her duties but be away from the public eye. And even though she had put on a brave façade, they all knew she was suffering. A loss such as hers leaves deep marks on the heart and soul and takes a toll on the body. And little by little the family saw the spark she once had, fade away.
By mid September they returned to Sussex for an extended stay. There, they took the time to take their sons to the Ashdown Forest and played Pooh sticks with them and explored bits of the forest itself, much to the enjoyment of the children. Arthur, now three, had taken up to running while Owen, who was still tumbling on his feet at almost nine months old, tried to follow suit. While there, they also took the time to improve their vegetable garden and farming, started renovations two of the three cottages at the property into a guest houses for visitors who wished more privacy as well as the rooms at the end of the first floor and the second floor into more suitable bedroom and a playroom for the children. They had a hired a full-time staff to work at the property with a housekeep living on site in one of the cottages while the remaining workers lived in the village, which was a short distance from the house. 
Elle had taken the time she had with Charles at Highgrove to get some tips into what and how to plant at the property. In addition to the herb and vegetable garden, she also wanted to grow a few fruit trees such as apple, mulberry, raspberry, peach and pomegranate as well as some strawberries in the field next to the vegetables. She also wanted to plant a few flowers and start beekeeping. In a few years, she imagined, the property would have sufficient food to stock up their pantry and sell it in the farmer’s market at the village. Arthur loved helping her out when she was planting, helping put in seeds for the flowers and some other edible plants. He’d giggle and smile when he got his hands dirty but was ever so gentle with how he handled the plants, following the gentle guidance of his mother.
On Harry’s birthday, they kept it low key and decided to have a small celebration, just the four of them. Elle had baked a caked and the boys ‘helped’ decorate it with some fruits they had picked while in the village. She had also prepared their shared favourite pudding ‘Eton Mess’ so they could have as a side dish to the cake. They gathered around Harry, laughing and cheering as they sang Happy Birthday and he blew the candles. 
“ Thirty-six huh, Major? You’re getting old…”, joked Elle, kissing his cheek. He chuckled and shook his head, cutting a piece of the cake which he divided into three parts so he could give the first piece to them. Harry helped Arthur eat small pieces of the slice while Elle crumbled a bit of the cake to give Owen a taste. In a light and loving mood, the small family enjoyed their food 
“ Boys! Should we give Dada his gifts?”, she asked her sons and they cheered once again. Elle then handed each of them a parcel which they handed without ceremony to their father. Opening Arthur’s first he smiled as he saw the the little card with a doodle made by his eldest son and Elle’s calligraphy written at the bottom which read: “ To Dada. You make me happy and I love you.”. Below it, a pair of grey tracksuit trousers that he’d been needing for a few months. Smiling, touched with the gift, he hugged his eldest son and kissed his cheek.
“ Thank you, little cub. I loved it.”, he said and the boy grinned at his father then sat down beside him. He then took the one Owen had practically thrown at him and unwrapped it. Inside, there was a white t-shirt with an impression of his tiny hands in forest green, with his name and age printed below it. He chuckled and put it on, smiling at his youngest son and family, once again touched by the simple yet meaningful gifts he had received.
“ Thank you, little warrior.”, he said, hugging Owen and also kissing his cheek. “ Thank you all. I loved my gifts. The boys seemed satisfied with their father’s reply but soon lost interest in him and amused themselves with the wrappers, tearing it to pieces. Elle smiled, watching her sons and quietly approached her husband.
“ You have one more, Major.”, she said, handing him a small rectangular box. He eyed her suspiciously while opening it. Inside, placed in tissue paper was a familiar bracelet design: a leather string, and a metal plate with numbers and letters in it.
“ Let’s see if you can guess this one.”, she said. Smiling, he took a closer look. 52° 49′ 47″ N, 0° 30′ 50″ E. 
“ Well… assuming you’re following the same pattern, are those the coordinates to Sandringham?”, he asked.
“ Yes. Owen needed his own personal bracelet, too.”, said Elle, putting it on his wrist. 
“ Thank you, love.”, he replied, kissing her softly. “ Maybe we can get someone to put them all together in a single bracelet, so I can wear them all at once.”, he said to her.
“ I think that’s a great idea! She said, playing with the infinity band encrusted with diamonds that Harry had given her after Owen’s birth. 
“ And leave room for more… for I’m sure we’ll have more memorable moments to add to the collection.”, continued Harry. She smiled, nodding her head and pulled him towards her, hooking her arms around him and pressing their lips together for a more passionate kiss.
“ Easy there, love. The little ones are still up.”, whispered Harry, his lips still dangerously close to hers. Elle smirked and bit her bottom lip.
“ In an hour we’ll remedy that.”, she said, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
On the following week, the couple travelled to Stratford-upon-Avon for Elle’s second official visit to the Royal Shakespeare Company, which she had become a patron after Arthur’s birth. She had been to a few plays and been in touch with the directors but this was the first time she’d visit them after she and Harry had stepped up their duties. The children stayed with nanny Jackie who had been hired again once they had Owen and their workload increased. That way, the children could travel with them and the nanny would come along to take care of the boys while they were at work. 
They had taken the helicopter and descended on Warwick that morning which was a 15 minute drive to Shakespeare’s birthplace. This time around, they’d be shown some landmarks in the city as well as attending a performance of Henry V later that same evening. They’d be staying overnight at Warwick Castle at their own expense just so they could enjoy the visit properly. At Warwick, Lisa and Daniel took care of settling their thing in the castle and Nanny Jackie took the children with her as well while Elle, Harry, Ronald, Ingrid, Alfred and Leo drove to Stratford. The couple was met with a crowd surrounding the main street, waving little English flags on their hands. Dressed in a black, long sleeved shirt and a burgundy knee high skirt, Elle waved at the people and Harry followed beside her as they walked at the entrance of the school where Shakespeare studied. 
“ Your Royal Highnesses, it’s a pleasure to have you here at Stratford.”, greeted the Mayor of the town, shaking their hands.
“ Thank  very much for having us. My husband and I are very happy to be here.”, said Elle, smiling. They proceeded to be taken inside the school, where they were given a private tour, followed by other landmarks such as Shakespeare’s home, Anne Hathaway’s cottage and Trinity Church where he’s buried. After the tours, they returned to the castle to rest and change for the evening. 
At the castle, they enjoyed some quality time with the boys during the afternoon by privately walking around the main building and grounds, trying to shoot a few arrows, meeting the actors and actresses dressed up as knights and ladies. Elle took upon herself to explain a few bit and pieces of medieval history to her children who seemed to enjoy being entertained by her mother as she made faces and sounds when telling particularly interesting moments of the Middle Ages. 
Once the sun started to go down, they returned to their suite, took care of the children and left them in the care of nanny Jackie while they dressed up for the night. Harry put on his suit while Elle put on a black dress with soft purple flowers in a mesh fabric draped over the base, giving it a shimmer. Before they left, they kissed the boys goodnight and departed for the theatre. Upon arrival at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, they were met with a line up of photographers and a few o the board members and directors from the RSC, whom Elle had previously met. 
“ Welcome, Your Royal Highnesses!”, greeted by Gregory Doran, the artistic director of the company.
“ It’s a pleasure to be here. I’ve been longing to watch of the historical productions here at Stratford for a few years now and now I finally can!”, joked Elle, and they both chuckled. 
“ You cannot believe how excited she is for this.”, said Harry, grinning.
“ I hope we can meet the expectations and deliver a performance to remember.”, said the director. 
“ I have no doubt it’ll be wonderful.”, said Elle.
Moving inside the theatre, they were directed to their box and received with a trumpet sound and applauses from the public. They smiled and acknowledged the audience before taking their seats. During the play Elle smiled, cheered, cried and got emotional as the story she knew — both historically and culturally — so well. At the end of the play, they were taken to the backstage, where they met and talked to the actors and actresses.
“ I actually enjoyed it!”, said Harry smiling at Elle, as they rode back to Warwick.
“ I had a feeling you would. It’d a war play after all.”, Elle replied chuckling.
“ Yes, I enjoyed that. But the speeches were also very good. Very inspiring.”, said Harry.
“ Oh absolutely! So much so that during World War Two the BBC recorded a film of Henry V to be broadcasted at home and internationally to the soldiers as a way to boost moral.”, said Elle.
“ Really? Didn’t know that. Makes sense though.”, replied Harry. The short ride to the castle was enough to bring their adrenaline down, which made them jump to bed as quick as they could and fall soundly asleep in each other’s arms.
 October 2020
Back in London, Elle met up with her friends for lunch and tea at Kensington Palace while Harry, Richard and Edward were out together at polo training for the match they had coming up. Melissa and Trevor had yet to meet Owen and were delighted to see him and how much Arthur had grown. Valerie and Mary were also delighted to see their friend and children.
“ Look at you! A mother of two!”, said Melissa, smiling sweetly as they watched the children play. Rose, who was a bit older than the boys, coerced them into playing her favourite games which the boys welcomed as a distraction to their own playtime games. 
“ Arthur looks so much like you…”, commented Trevor, who in the past year had gotten engaged and remained his bubbly self. “ Owen, however, looks a bit more like Harry.”, he continued, earning agreements all around.
“ Hmmm… I don’t really see it but I guess I’m used to seeing the the bits that are mine and the ones that are Harry’s in both of them.”, replied Elle.
“ Speaking of children, how are Blair and Jeremy, Mel?”, Elle asked.
“ Oh, Blair started uni this term. History of Art and I’m entirely guilty and proud of her choice.”, said the older woman and they all chuckled.
“ Jeremy is having the time of his life at school ever since he started playing rugby. François thinks he has a genuine future in it.”, she continued.
“ That’s amazing! I’m really happy for them.”, said Elle. “ Oh how time passes quickly… yesterday they were little children!”, she continued and the mothers agreed.
“ They do grow up in front of our eyes, don’t they?”, said Mary.
“ They do. I’ve caught myself crying a few times while folding their clothes. Owen’s already wearing size one year old. He’s growing up too fast!”, said Elle.
“ Speaking of babies… I have something to tell you.” Said Mary smiling coyly. Elle’s and Victoria’s eyes widened.
“ No! You are? You are!”, said Victoria and Mary nodded her head, chuckling. “ I’m gonna be an aunt again!”, she said happily.
“ Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and Rick. I’m sure Rose will love having another sibling.”, said Elle, hugging her friend.
“ We’ve been trying for so long, you know? I’m only a couple of weeks along but I wanted to share the news with people I know wish me well.”, said Mary.
“ Of course we do and we’re ecstatic for you.”, said Valerie encouragingly.
That afternoon was filled with joy and laughter that Elle had missed severely int he past months after they had lost the Duke of Edinburgh. It felt good to be surrounded by people who could make her smiled and forget for a few moments, the sorrow, sadness and loss that had permeated their lives in the last couple of months. Those sad days, however, would soon return.
On the 9th of October, near 8 am, they received a phone call from Charles asking them to meet with him immediately at Clarence House. Their staff was alerted by his staff and were already set in motion to take them there. They rushed to the familiar home, barely greeting Greyson on their way to the Drawing Room. They were slightly shocked to see not only Charles and Camilla there, but also Andrew and Edward. All of them looking visibly shocked and red in the face as if they’d been crying.
“ Oh good, you’re here.”, said Camilla. “ Charles, they are here.���, said Camilla to her husband who had been talking in rushed tones to his siblings and senior advisor. 
“ Harry, Eleanor.”, said Charles, hugging them both and sniffing on their shoulders. 
“ Pa, you’re scaring us. What’s wrong?”, said Harry, cautiously.
“ It’s your grandmother. Anne has just called. I’m afraid… I’m afraid she’s passed away.”, said Charles, sobbing. Their eyes widened and tears began falling from their cheeks, which triggered the rest of the family to also cry in their shared grief. They hugged Charles while he cried at the same time as they held themselves amidst such tragic news. 
“ How?”, asked Elle, turning to the people in the room, still in disbelief. 
“ Heart failure, in her sleep. According to what Anne has told us.”, replied Edward. Gulping and sniffing, Elle nodded her head.
“ At least it was peaceful.”, she replied and they all nodded their head. Charles composed himself and dried his face with his fingers.
“ Operation London Bridge is on the way. The Private Secretary and Prime Minister have already been informed. I imagine the rest of the government will soon receive the news as well.”, said Charles, visibly shaken. 
And so they did. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office were also communicated and passed down the news to the other fifteen countries of which Her Majesty was the head of state and also the governments of the Commonwealth. The news vehicles were also alerted and all schedules programmes were interrupted. Soon, the news had reached the world that this most beloved Queen had passed away, age 94. A footman pinned a dark-edged notice to the gates of Buckingham Palace, much like her own father’s death had been notified. But unlike during her father’s reign, the staff of all royal households took to social media to address the public and keep them updated about a book of condolence and other way they could share take part in the ceremonies around the the UK and abroad to celebrate Queen Elizabeth.
That morning, the Prime Minister, Mr. Christopher Simmons recalled the Parliament and it would meet within the first hours of the news being shared. There, he addressed the House of Commons. Soon after, all government building were flying their flags at half-mast and all ceremonial ornaments were placed in black purses as a sign of mourning for the past monarch. 
That same day, her body was moved, and placed at St. George’s Chapel, with the royal standard draped over her coffin. The first funeral rites were given at the by the Windsor chaplain and the guards stationed at the castle mounted a guard of honour inside the building and would remain there for the next two days before he body was transported by by car to London, where it would remain at Buckingham Palace’s Throne Room for a day. 
In the afternoon, the Prime Minister came around Clarence House to meet with Charles who was now the Head of State. The family’s engagements were cancelled for the rest of the month and Elle and Harry remained at Clarence House overnight, their children had been brought to them by their staff, so they could support Charles and be close as a family. On the following day, they drove with Charles and Camilla to St. James’s Palace for the Accession Council meeting. 
“ Your Majesty, Your Royal highnesses, we’re very sorry for your loss.”, said a councillor as the family entered the building side by side. Inside it, members of the Privy Council, officers of the State, members of the House of Lords — which included Elle’s father and uncle, the Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior members of the Church of England, the mayor of London, high commissioners and representatives of the Commonwealth realms. 
As Charles took his place at the front of the room, with the people surrounding him, Charles made his Oath of Allegiance to the Council, the Church of England and Church of Scotland. Then, Charles seated on the Sovereign’s Chair and one by one, the members of government present as well as Harry, Elle and Camilla made their oaths of allegiance which would be repeated in a more ceremonial manner during his coronation in a few months. Afterwards, they moved to the Proclamation Gallery outside the court of the palace where the proclamation was read out-loud by the Garter King of Arms.
“Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II of Blessed and Glorious memory, by whose Decease the Crown is solely and rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince Charles Philip Arthur George. We, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, being here assisted with these Her late Majesty's Privy Council, with representatives of other Members of the Commonwealth, with other Principal Gentlemen of Quality, with the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, do now hereby with one voice and Consent of Tongue and Heart publish and proclaim that the High and Mighty Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now, by the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory, become King Charles the Third, by the Grace of God King of this Realm and of all His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to whom His lieges do acknowledge all Faith and constant Obedience with hearty and humble Affection, beseeching God by whom Kings and Queens do reign, to bless the Royal Prince Charles the Third with long and happy Years to reign over us.”
“ The Queen is dead. Long live the King!”, he shouted.
“ Long live the King!”, was repeated by all. 
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extrabeurre · 3 years
15 nominations pour LA DÉESSE DES MOUCHES À FEU au Gala Québec Cinéma 2021
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Une autre année pas comme les autres pour le Gala Québec Cinéma, alors que les salles ont longtemps été fermées, ce qui n’a pas empêché une vingtaine de longs métrages de fiction de prendre l’affiche.
Dans la catégorie Meilleur film, on retrouve quatre des films qui ont été le plus vus et appréciés, soit Le club Vinland, La déesse des mouches à feu, My Salinger Year et Nadia Butterly, ainsi que Souterrain, dont la sortie a été maintes fois reportée, mais qui sera le film d’ouverture des Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma cette semaine.
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Alignement semblable dans la catégorie Meilleure réalisation, avec Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette (La déesse des mouches à feu), Sophie Dupuis (Souterrain), Philippe Falardeau (My Salinger Year) et Benoit Pilon (Le club Vinland), mais l’industrie a préféré Daniel Roby (Target Number One) à Pascal Plante (Nadia Butterly).
Dans la catégorie Meilleur scénario, encore là, les gros joueurs sont tous là: Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille – Le club Vinland, Sophie Dupuis – Souterrain, Philippe Falardeau – My Salinger Year, Catherine Léger – La déesse des mouches à feu, Daniel Roby – Target Number One.
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Du côté des actrices, on retrouve Émilie Bierre pour Les nôtres, Marie-Evelyne Lessard pour Jusqu’au déclin, l’actrice américaine Margaret Qualley pour My Salinger Year, Karelle Tremblay pour la coproduction Death of a Ladies’ Man, ainsi que Sarah Sutherland pour Like a House on Fire.
Les acteurs en lice pour l’Iris sont Réal Bossé pour Jusqu’au déclin, Paul Doucet pour Les nôtres, Patrick Hivon pour Mont Foster, Antoine Olivier Pilon pour Target Number One, et Sébastien Ricard pour Le club Vinland.
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Dans les catégories « rôle de soutien », on retrouve Sophie Desmarais pour Vacarme, Marianne Farley pour Les nôtres, Éléonore Loiselle et Caroline Néron pour La déesse des mouches à feu, et la mythique Sigourney Weaver pour My Salinger Year chez les dames. 
Chez ces messieurs, les finalistes sont Normand D’Amour et  Robin L’Houmeau pour La déesse des mouches à feu, Rémy Girard pour Le club Vinland, ainsi que James Hyndman et Théodore Pellerin pour Souterrain.
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La catégorie Révélation de l’année est l’une des plus intéressantes selon moi, car c’est un aperçu des visages marquants du cinéma des prochaines années. D’ailleurs, Émilie Bierre et Théodore Pellerin, en nomination cette année respectivement pour un premier rôle féminin et un rôle de soutien masculin, font partie des lauréats passés du prix Révélation. Donc, en 2021, les finalistes sont :  Kelly Depeault – La déesse des mouches à feu, Jasmine Lemée – Mon cirque à moi, Rosalie Pépin – Vacarme, Joakim Robillard – Souterrain et Arnaud Vachon – Le club Vinland.
Voici le reste des catégories :
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Iris de la Meilleure distribution des rôles
Deirdre Bowen (Deirdre Bowen Casting) | Heidi Levitt (Heidi Levitt Casting) | Bruno Rosato (Rosato Casting) | Supattra « Pum » Punyadee – Target Number One Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Les Nôtres Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Souterrain Murielle La Ferrière, Marie-Claude Robitaille (Casting Murielle La Ferrière et Marie-Claude Robitaille) – La déesse des mouches à feu Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) – Le Club Vinland
MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Iris de la Meilleure direction artistique
Patrice Bengle, Louise Tremblay – Le Club Vinland Elise de Blois, Claude Tremblay – My Salinger Year Sylvain Lemaitre, Louisa Schabas – Blood Quantum David Pelletier – Mon cirque à moi David Pelletier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie
Jonathan Decoste – La déesse des mouches à feu François Gamache – Le Club Vinland Mathieu Laverdière – Souterrain Tobie Marier Robitaille – La nuit des rois Sara Mishara – My Salinger Year
MEILLEUR SON Iris du Meilleur son
Pierre-Jules Audet, Emmanuel Croset, Michel Tsagli – La nuit des rois Sylvain Bellemare, Paul Col, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Martyne Morin – La déesse des mouches à feu Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, François Grenon – Jusqu’au déclin Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Martyne Morin – Nadia, Butterfly Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Patrice LeBlanc – Souterrain
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Iris du Meilleur montage
Aube Foglia – La nuit des rois Michel Grou – Souterrain Stéphane Lafleur – La déesse des mouches à feu Arthur Tarnowski – Jusqu’au déclin Yvann Thibaudeau – Target Number One
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Iris des Meilleurs effets visuels
Alchimie 24 – Sébastien Chartier, Jean-François « Jafaz » Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine – Jusqu’au déclin Real by Fake – Michael Beaulac, Marie-Hélène Panisset – Target Number One The Workshop – Barbara Rosenstein, Josh Sherrett – Blood Quantum
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale
Olivier Alary – La nuit des rois Patrice Dubuc, Gaëtan Gravel – Souterrain Guido Del Fabbro, Pierre Lapointe – Le Club Vinland Jean-Phi Goncalves, Éloi Painchaud, Jorane Pelletier – Target Number One Martin Léon – My Salinger Year
MEILLEURS COSTUMES Iris des Meilleurs costumes
Caroline Bodson – Souterrain Francesca Chamberland – Le Club Vinland Patricia McNeil, Ann Roth – My Salinger Year Noémi Poulin – Blood Quantum Sharon Scott – Mon cirque à moi
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Iris du Meilleur maquillage
Kathryn Casault – La déesse des mouches à feu Dominique T. Hasbani – Jusqu’au déclin Audray Adam, Sandra Ruel – Souterrain Joan-Patricia Parris, Nancy Ferlatte, Erik Gosselin – Blood Quantum Larysa Chernienko, Natalie Trépanier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Iris de la Meilleure coiffure
Michelle Côté – My Salinger Year Stéphanie DeFlandre – Mon cirque à moi André Duval – Le Club Vinland Marcelo Padovani – Blood Quantum Johanne Paiement – La déesse des mouches à feu
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur film documentaire
Errance sans retour – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins | Mö Films – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins The Forbidden Reel – Ariel Nasr | Office national du film du Canada – Kat Baulu | Loaded Pictures – Sergeo Kirby | Ariel Nasr Je m’appelle humain – Kim O’Bomsawin | Terre Innue – Andrée-Anne Frenette Tant que j’ai du respir dans le corps – Steve Patry | Les Films de l’Autre – Steve Patry Wintopia – Mira Burt-Wintonick | Office national du film du Canada – Annette Clarke | EyeSteelFilm – Bob Moore
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie | Film documentaire
Sarah Baril Gaudet – Passage Hugo Gendron, Michel Valiquette – Je m’appelle humain Olivier Higgins, Renaud Philippe – Errance sans retour Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Marianne Ploska – Prière pour une mitaine perdue
MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur son | Film documentaire
Pierre-Jules Audet, Luc Boudrias, Olivier Higgins, Kala Miya – Errance sans retour Stéphane Barsalou, Claude Beaugrand, Julie Innes – Le château Marie-Andrée Cormier, Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Benoît Dame, Catherine Van Der Donckt – Jongué, carnet nomade Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Wintopia
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur montage | Film documentaire
Anouk Deschênes – Wintopia Olivier Higgins, Amélie Labrèche – Errance sans retour Annie Jean – Le château Annie Jean – The Forbidden Reel Alexandre Lachance – Je m’appelle humain
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale | Film documentaire
Tom Brunt – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Martin Dumais – Errance sans retour Justin Guzzwell, Tyr Jami, Eric Shaw – Sisters: Dream & Variations Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Claude Rivest – Jongué, carnet nomade
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | FICTION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Fiction
Aniksha – Vincent Toi | Vincent Toi, Guillaume Collin Comme une comète – Ariane Louis-Seize | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering Écume – Omar Elhamy | Les Films Rôdeurs – Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Paul Chotel Goodbye Golovin – Mathieu Grimard | Golovin Films – Simon Corriveau-Gagné, Mathieu Grimard Lune – Zoé Pelchat | MéMO Films – Mélanie S. Dubois
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Animation
Barcelona de Foc – Theodore Ushev | Theodore Ushev The Fourfold – Alisi Telengut | Alisi Telengut In the Shadow of the Pines – Anne Koizumi | Nava Projects – Sahar Yousefi Moi, Barnabé – Jean-François Lévesque | Office national du film du Canada – Julie Roy La saison des hibiscus – Éléonore Goldberg | Embuscade films – Nicolas Dufour-Laperrière
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Documentaire
Clebs – Halima Ouardiri | Halima Ouardiri Le frère – Jérémie Battaglia | Les Films Extérieur Jour – Amélie Lambert Bouchard Life of a Dog – Danae Elon, Rosana Matecki | Entre deux mondes Productions – Paul Cadieux, Danae Elon Nitrate – Yousra Benziane | Yousra Benziane Port d’attache – Laurence Lévesque | Elise Bois
Le Club Vinland – Benoit Pilon | Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille | Les Films Opale | Productions Avenida – Chantal Lafleur La déesse des mouches à feu – Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette | Catherine Léger | Entract Films | Coop Vidéo de Montréal – Luc Vandal Félix et le trésor de Morgäa – Nicola Lemay | Marc Robitaille | Maison 4:3 | 10e Ave Productions – Nancy Florence Savard Flashwood – Jean-Carl Boucher | Jean-Carl Boucher | Entract Films | Go Films – Jean-Carl Boucher, Nicole Robert Jusqu’au déclin – Patrice Laliberté | Charles Dionne, Nicolas Krief, Patrice Laliberté | Netflix | Couronne Nord – Julie Groleau Like a House on Fire – Jesse Noah Klein | Jesse Noah Klein | Entract Films | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering | Woods Entertainment – William Woods Mon cirque à moi – Miryam Bouchard | Miryam Bouchard, Martin Forget | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images – Antonello Cozzolino Mont Foster – Louis Godbout | Louis Godbout | K-Films Amérique | Les Films Primatice – Sébastien Poussard My Salinger Year – Philippe Falardeau | Philippe Falardeau | Métropole Films | micro_scope – Luc Déry, Kim McCraw | Parallel Films – Ruth Coady, Susan Mullen Nadia, Butterfly – Pascal Plante | Pascal Plante | Maison 4:3 | Némésis Films – Dominique Dussault Les Nôtres – Jeanne Leblanc | Judith Baribeau, Jeanne Leblanc, | Maison 4:3 | Slykid & Skykid – Benoit Beaulieu, Marianne Farley Rustic Oracle – Sonia Bonspille Boileau | Sonia Bonspille Boileau | 7th Screen | Nish Media – Jason Brennan Le sang du pélican – Denis Boivin | Denis Boivin | Les Distributions Netima | Productions Dionysos – Denis Boivin Slaxx – Elza Kephart | Patricia Gomez Zlatar, Elza Kephart | Filmoption International | EMAfilms – Anne-Marie Gélinas | Head on the Door Productions – Patricia Gomez Zlatar Target Number One – Daniel Roby | Daniel Roby | Les Films Séville | Caramel Films – Valérie d’Auteuil, André Rouleau We Had It Coming – Paul Barbeau | Paul Barbeau | MK2 Mile End | Reprise Films – Melissa A. Smith, Paul Barbeau
Association coopérative de productions audiovisuelles (ACPAV) Représentée par Marc Daigle et Bernadette Payeur
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cultfaction · 4 years
Mafia Inc official trailer released Directed by Daniel Grou and based on the book of the same name, Mafia Inc. follows the Gamache family, tailors from father to son, have been dressing the Mafia family Paternò for three generations.
0 notes
snarkysboys · 5 years
Chapter One: First Encounter
The time on her cell phone read 2:13 am. “I hate weekends.” She grumbled under her breath and quickened her pace. Danielle had just gotten off work at a local pizza place and was hurrying home to get some rest before she had to start another shift in the morning. She was aware the area of town she was currently in was mildly dangerous at night, so she kept her hood up and head down, senses on high alert. Since moving to New York, Danielle had yet to encounter any incidents she couldn’t handle, and she intended to keep it that way. Living in the big apple usually meant the usage of a vehicle was more of a hassle than an asset and so, shortly after the move, Danielle’s car was sold for a fraction of what she paid for it and the 24-hour subways became a way of life. Thankfully, her train stop was less than a mile from her apartment which she could cover in roughly eight minutes at the speed with which she hastily walked. Her knockoff canvas shoes barely made a sound as they hit the unyielding cement. Her backpack slung over her shoulder, gently bobbing with each stride. The sky was cloudy with hardly a sliver of moonlight peeking through the mass. Danielle could start to make out the convenience store on the corner that signaled her to turn left in order to reach her destination.  
Suddenly, there was a loud POP that echoed through the deserted streets and Danielle stopped in her tracks, turning her head towards the noise. A deafening screech followed the noise and Danielle saw a flash of metal skid around the corner clearing a path that led directly to her. The headlights blinded her as she stood unwavering a moment but then, as if shot with a volt of electricity, she reacted and launched herself out of the sights of the uncontrollable ivory van.  She felt the air whoosh by her as the van careened past then she stared transfixed as it continued at full speed on a one-way trip to the dead end of an alley. Her eyes widened the instant it made impact with the brick wall.  
The sound of metal on rock was thunderous. Danielle stood paralyzed for a minute, watching the smashed van as a thin stream of smoke began to rise from it. The horrid realization creeping over her that whoever was in that car couldn’t have possibly survived. She unconsciously took a small step towards the van. A dozen scenarios played in her head of ways this situation would play out. The ambulance, the police report, watching a stretcher be wheeled away. Danielle could tell the shock of the event was weighing heavily on her as her limbs appeared to be locked in place. She couldn’t bring herself to reach for her phone or move out of the street or even breathe. Then she noticed a rattling on the back doors. Someone was still inside! Before she was even aware of her actions, Danielle found herself racing towards the van.  
“Hey! Don’t worry in there! I’m gonna get you out okay?“ She called, nearing the back of the van. She heard no reply but the persistent jiggling on the other side of the door continued. She reached for the handle and tugged. The van was a common model used for construction or electric workers. There was only the driver and passenger side doors at the front and then two large rear doors used to store large transportable equipment. Much of the damage was at the front of the car, folding in on itself like an accordion in a way that completely obscured the front seats of the vehicle. The back had been dented slightly outwards, considerably blocking the hinges, but the rear windows had somehow managed to survive. Danielle pulled with all her strength on both handles to no avail. She then looked around frantically and saw a stray brick from the impact nearby. She quickly picked it up, shouting, “Hey! Cover your head and close your eyes, okay?! I’m gonna break the window!" 
She waited a moment but again no reply. She raised the brick above her head and smashed into the glass window with an excessive amount of adrenaline fueled force. It gave way instantly. She gave another softer hit to some of the stray shards along the bottom of the pane. "Okay. Dont panic. I’m gonna get you out of here.” As she shakily shouted words of reassurance, she was quickly taking off her hoodie to put it along the bottom of the broken window in case any large shards remained that could cut the person still trapped inside. Unbeknownst to her, her cell phone, which had been residing inside her jacket’s pocket, slipped out as she did this and landed to the ground with a dull thud.  
 As she laid the hoodie gingerly across the broken window ledge, she was finally able to peer inside of the van. Immediately she was greeted with two neon pink eyes staring back. She recoiled but didn’t step back, quickly noticing the stillness of the form. Her heart stilled as she curiously examined the mysterious figure. She saw the eyes belonged to a translucent blue humanoid body whose arms stretched out and latched around the handles of the rear doors. It was apparent the form was not human however, since directly under its transparent teal skin was the gears and cranks that powered this machine. And as her gaze drifted lower, she noticed a large pink mass she couldn’t quite identify resting in its abdomen.  
Danielle tore her eyes from the strange robotic creature to quickly scan the rest of the vehicle for signs of any sentient passengers residing within. The van bed was nearly empty, housing nothing else except a handful of canisters with a strange neon green jelly sloshing around inside. Danielle was perplexed but managed to find her voice as she uttered out a, “Uh…anyone in here?” That’s when the robot struck, jutting out one of its lightning fast arms to grab Danielle, latching its cold digits tightly around her face. She could feel the steel painfully pressing into her cheekbone and chin, stifling her from opening her mouth to scream. In another fluid motion, the robot reached for the window ledge with its other hand and propelled its body gracefully through the hole. The robot landed outside the smoking van with Danielle being dragged along with it. Her knees hit the ground with traumatizing impact but she was denied releasing a vocal assurance of the pain. She desperately reached up with both her hands to try and break the grip on her face but only ended up slicing deep gashes into her palms on the rough ridges that jutted off of the robots mangled exterior. Panic was starting to swell in her chest when suddenly-
“Hey Kraang! What do you think you’re doing? Put the civilian down!” She heard a voice echoing down the alleyway behind her followed by a swift sound of metal. Before she had the opportunity to try and signal her would be savior, she felt her body abruptly launch into the air until her toes could only gently kiss the ground below. Her cheeks were bruising and her hair was painfully twisted around the metal shrapnel on the robotic hand. It felt as if Danielle’s head might burst. She kicked out, making contact with the robot a few times, before she felt her body being drawn closer then flung outwards at high speed. However, she quickly made impact with a dumpster along the opposite side of the alleyway then shortly after, the ground. The force knocked the wind out of her, leaving Danielle dizzy but still conscious and she turned her head back toward the droid. To see it currently engaged in combat. 
The assailant was quick and too difficult to make out clearly in the dark shrouds of the alley but Danielle noted their motions were sweeping and elegant. They carried two large bladed weapons that seemed to dance with the enemy. In comparison, the AI looked clunky and disorganized compared to the calculated attacks dealt out by her rescuer. Danielle could make out the person having a rather large protrusion along his back and many flashes of green suggested his outfit was primarily in that color. The robot suddenly stopped engaging attacks with its target and instead raced back to the van, taking a running start to plunge half of its body through the shattered window Danielle had made. She thought maybe the robot was attempting retreat as the shrouded man gave chase. The very next moment proved that to be wrong as the robot reemerged with a large metallic gun shaped object in its hand. It quickly hiked the gun up into position, peered through the sites along the top of the barrel and fired a bright pink laser projectile that made direct contact with her rescuer, blasting him backwards. 
Danielle’s disbelief with her own eyesight was hitting a tipping point but she tried to reassure herself and calm her frayed nerves. She reached for the backpack still holding desperately to her shoulder and tore into the zippers, frantically hunting for her cell phone. She dumped the contents of the bag on the ground when she had no luck blindly searching by feel and felt fear start to kick in when it was nowhere to be seen in her array of objects. 
And then it was all over.  
The man in green somehow flipped the robot over the protrusion along his back and launched him onto the top of the van where the robot lay a moment in bewilderment. The man wasted no time following him on top of the vehicle and then violently drove one of his weapons straight down into the head of the AI, pausing just a moment before ripping it off the rest of the body. The robot lay still and the man used his foot to dislodge the decapitated head free from the weapon he held. Was that a sword? The last thing Danielle noticed was a fleshy mass of pink plopping off the side of the van then dashing wildly past her and out of the alley. Whatever it was she thought she saw could not begin to decode in her brain at that moment so she chose to ignore it for now.  
At this point she was finally able to will her body to adequately move and she pulled her head and shoulders off the concrete, supported by her elbows. She noticed the blood from her hands had pooled down her arms and was splattered along the ground. When she turned her head back up the sword wielder was now hovering directly above her. He hesitated a moment before swiftly picking her up and draping her along one shoulder then he dashed to the end of the alleyway where he hooked onto a fire escape railing and hoisted them both up. He hurriedly took them both to the rooftop while Danielle held the rough, hard mass attached to the mans back. The shock of the entire experience lent to her willingness of being snatched by the armed man.
He carried her a few blocks from the scene of the attack, easily clearing rooftops by jumping from scaffolding to scaffolding. Danielle could hear the sounds of sirens ringing in the distance below them. In this city, they could be heading to check out the crash the two of them just fled from or they could be headed to a  completely unrelated emergency.  
After a while the man finally halted and gingerly helped her down off his shoulder. He held onto her elbows to steady her while she gained her footing. “There we go. Easy does it.” He said and she looked up to get her first full view of her hero.. 
And she couldn’t help but gasp. Standing in front of her was a fully scaled emerald green humanoid turtle. His shell stood noticeably above his shoulders and attached around the front of his midsection. Laced across his waist was a belt with a few satchels sewn inside. Diagonally across his chest sat suspenders that seemed to hold the sheaths his swords fit into along his shell. He had bandages circling his three fingered hands and flat feet. He only wore knee-pads and elbow pads that had grime caked into the material. Finally, along his oval face, resting atop his ridged nostrils, he wore a blue bandanna that was swept up in the wind. 
For about a minute neither of them said anything and he simply analyzed her as she stood in wonder, measuring the type of horrified reaction she would have at his appearance. He opened his mouth to finally break the silence when Danielle awkwardly belted out, “Thank you.”
He faltered, taken aback. “Wh-what?" 
"Thank you.” She said again with a bit more conviction, trying to ignore the fight or flight response his appearance evoked in her. “For helping me back there.”
“Oh uh…its no problem.” He smiled, rubbing one large hand along the nape of his neck. The image was something Danielle had never seen so she had to fight the uneasiness of his reaction at first. On a deeper level however, Danielle noted that he crinkled his large eyes considerably and his wide grin showed off all of his flattened white teeth when he smiled. It seemed like a genuinely kind, good-natured smile and she decided at that moment that she really enjoyed it. Although his appearance was off putting, he didn’t seem intimidating and he apparently didn’t wish to harm her. Danielle attempted to ease the pressure from her shoulders and smiled back.
His ocean blue eyes seemed to sparkle in response but then he cleared his throat curtly and motioned to her hands. “You got some nasty cuts there. Do they hurt?”  
She looked down at her blood soaked hands then back up to him. She had honestly forgot about cutting her hands at all as she could only feel a dull throbbing in them now. Truthfully, her back hurt far more from where she connected it with the dumpster but even that pain was mild since her adrenaline was still spiked. She just returned his stare and replied, “A little but I think I’ll live.”
He slowly raised one of his course hands toward her. “May I?”  
She hesitated just a moment but then brought her left hands towards his. He held her wrist gently and took a cautiously slow step towards her. She tried to keep her breathing even as he unwound the wraps from his knuckles and used them to tightly bind the deep gashes in her hand. She watched  him work, his technique quick and precise. Once he finished one hand he gestured for her other. She complied and soon she stood with her throbbing hands bound tight. The blood soaked through the fabric in a few places but the pressure from the wraps should halt the bleeding. “There.” He said as he finished the last knot on her bindings. “That will keep the bleeding from getting worse but you will need to disinfect it and re bandage as soon as you get home.”  
“Okay.” Danielle said and dropped her hands back to her sides, trying to not stare too intently at the mutant who had saved her. She averted her eyes awkwardly and opted to focus on the skyline instead. The city looked a lot different from up high on the rooftops. She liked the change of scenery. And the warm night air. Danielle could feel her heartbeat steady and her blood pressure start to stabilize as she finally began to relax.  
Suddenly the turtle cut though her peace. “Do you live around here?" 
She snapped her attention back to his quizzing eyes and replied, "I’m a couple blocks that way.” She pointed to the left of him.
He chanced a peak over his shoulder in the direction she pointed, gauging the path, then looked back at her. “May I escort you home?” Unexpectedly, panic shot though Danielle once again and a heavy pit settled into her stomach. She debated if she should really chart a course for this creature to always locate her at. He didn’t seem dangerous but the fact remained that she barely knew him or what he was or what he was capable of. And how did he get to be so proficient with those weapons?
She bit her lip and attempted to draw the voices of doubt back down. Thus far the turtle had only acted to help her. His intents did not seem malicious or untrustworthy and Danielle sought to trust her gut instincts when it came to peoples character. Then, there was the the curiosity that this blue clad renegade had piqued within her. She found that she wanted to know more about this mysterious mutant turtle and thus, her doubt was beaten out this time. Danielle nodded, “Yes, thank you.”
He smiled brightly once more and pointed his thumb to the left, “You said that way, right?” Danielle nodded. “Okay. Do you mind climbing on my shell? Its a bit easier to navigate.”  
Shell. He said it so nonchalantly. She was so interested to feel his shell with the knowledge of its identity that she wasted no time in stepping up behind him. She brought one bound hand out and gently touched the back of his shell, feeling the smooth divots it naturally created. The texture reminded her of the top of a fingernail but much more dense. She briefly remembered in 5th grade touching one of her classmates pet turtles and it truly did feel the same as it did now. It was amazing. He stood patiently as she explored his shell until she eventually guided her hands up the ridges and rested her hands lightly along the ridge of his shell.
Then, an intrusive thought suddenly flashed into her mind. “Won’t holding on here hurt you?”
“No not at all. I have pretty tough skin.” He chuckled lightly, feeling her hands seek light purchase at the rim of his shell. He bent down slightly and reached back to clasp her legs under his rough arms then hoisted her up to rest along his shell, trying his best to avoid the katana sheaths.  She let out a small grunt that she promptly stifled. She always hated being carried. “You okay?” He asked.  
“Yes, Im good.”  
“How are your hands?”
She did notice the ridge was cutting into her gash a bit but she ignored the sting and said. “All good.”
“Okay, you’ll have to guide me.”
“Ur..Ill try my best. I’ve never traveled by rooftop before.”
“Its an underrated method of transport.” He laughed to himself then set in the direction she originally pointed. Leaping through the air without a second thought from one rooftop to the next. Danielle, now much more aware of the world blurring around her and the instant vertigo charged by how far below the ground really was, let out a loud gasp and wrapped her arms around the turtles neck tightly. Each time the turtles large soles found the ground again, she found the experience equal parts exhilarating and terrifying. He then gently hoisted her a little higher to try and loosen her lock on his neck. She got the message but left her arms along his front in case she suddenly needed to hook them again. 
Although Danielle managed to get lost for a few minutes, they did eventually locate her apartment complex. He lowered her down in the dimly lit alley adjoined to the parking lot of her complex.  She couldn’t help but beam a wide smile at him. “Thanks again so much for everything you’ve done. You’re really incredible.”
He turned his head slightly to hide a light blush creeping up his cheeks. He buried the flustered feeling in his gut and replied, “It’s no problem miss. It’s what I do.”  
She turned to look up at the apartments, mulling over the thoughts she had while they were on their parkour rooftop adventure. She wanted to see him again. She couldn’t explain why besides the curiosity, but she knew something else was drawing her to him and she wanted to explore what that might be. She bit her lip, working up the courage to form the words in her head out loud. She quickly spun back to meet his eyes. “Is there any way-”
Suddenly an agitating beeping from somewhere on his person erupted and he recoiled in surprise, pulling out some kind of rounded cell phone from a pouch on his waistband. He scanned the screen quickly then stored it back where it came from. His eyes seemed to develop a more serious tone and his stance shifted tensely. “Listen, I gotta get going. Remember what I said about the antiseptic and be safe, okay!” As he spoke, he had started to back away and reach out for the nearest fire escape ladder.
Danielle was stunned as she watched him hurriedly depart. “I..uhm..okay. I will!” She shouted up at him as he disappeared over the rooftop and out of sight. She stood there another minute or so, staring up, hoping for one more flash of the curious renegade but none came.  
She let out a light sigh then turned and solemnly trotted back to her apartment across the lot. Luckily her keys were tucked safely in her pocket instead of lost in the alleyway with the van. She yanked them out, jammed them into her door and rushed inside, kicking her shoes off and latching the lock shut behind her.  
She expected her roommate to be asleep but instead she was out on the patio, looking at the skyline with a cup of steaming coffee in her hand and a look of wonder on her face. “Billy, dude. You are never gonna freaking believe what happened to me tonight.” Danielle started, excitedly.
“Dani! Okay, no you are not gonna believe what I just saw. There was these big guys on the rooftops over there and they all started jumping around doing crazy, amazing stunts and they all had these weap-…what the hell happened to you?”
Danielle grabbed the first aid kit and a bottle of peroxide from the medicine cabinet then quickly plopped herself down onto the sofa and began recounting the events from her evening.  
The time on the kitchen stove read 3:04 am.
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