#daniel sugarman
eretzyisrael · 5 months
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mariacallous · 1 year
MADRID, PARIS and LONDON (JTA) — As the bloody war in Israel and Gaza continues to escalate, many European Jews are bracing for reverberations far from the frontlines.
On Saturday, Hamas launched a surprise attack by land, air and sea, killing at least 900 Israelis, wounding more than 2,000 and taking more than 100 captive. Israel has responded with airstrikes that have killed close to 700 Palestinians. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip, while Hamas has threatened to execute its civilian hostages.
But in cities across Europe, crowds have celebrated just streets away from vigils for the dead. Groups cheering the Hamas assault as “Palestinian resistance” to the Israeli occupation have danced on the street in London and handed out sweets in Berlin. In France, far-left movements called the terror attack “heroic.”
Jewish communal officials in Europe anticipate that the fighting in Israel will ignite antisemitic threats in their communities. Police have increased surveillance around synagogues, Jewish schools and other institutions in Germany, Britain, France and Spain.
Berlin police were on alert Saturday night, just hours after Hamas’ incursion, as dozens of people gathered to cheer and hold up victory signs on the Sonnenallee, a boulevard in the city. Police announced they disbanded the gathering for chants “glorifying violence” and made multiple arrests. Two officers were injured in the clashes. Earlier in the day, officers also responded to activists who were celebrating with baked sweets while draped in Palestinian flags.
“An escalation of the situation in Israel unfortunately always has an impact on our community,” said Ilan Kiesling, a spokesperson for the Jewish Community of Berlin group.
Kiesling told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the fighting in Israel and Gaza triggered “great uncertainty” in the local community, with parents asking for detailed information about the security measures in kindergartens and schools.
The Central Council for Jews in Germany also said it was in close contact with security authorities to ensure that Jewish institutions nationwide had heightened protection.
“No violence, no riots and no hatred on German streets,” the group said in a statement.
In London, Daniel Sugarman saw that a local kosher restaurant had its glass door shattered on Monday morning. Pita, a business in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Golders Green, reported its cash register was stolen. New graffiti that read “Free Palestine” also appeared on a bridge nearby, though it is not known if the slogan and the burglary are connected.
The Metropolitan Police Service told the JTA that no arrest has been made and the incident is not currently being treated as a hate crime. But Sugarman, Director of Public Affairs for the Board of Deputies of British Jews, worried the fighting in Israel would set off hate in his community.
“This is about trying to make British Jews feel unwelcome and threatened where they live,” he said on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Mayor Sadiq Khan condemned the incident, saying he stood with Jewish Londoners and the culprit would “face the full force of the law.”
The Community Security Trust (CST), a charity dedicated to security for British Jews, reported  an increase in antisemitic abuse and threats over the past few days, and said it was prepared for more serious attacks.
“The number of incidents that have come in since Saturday is running at roughly triple what we would normally expect for this period,” Dave Rich, head of policy at the CST, told the JTA.
“We expect that number to go up,” Rich added. “We are still logging and verifying things before they are put into the system.”
The Metropolitan Police confirmed it was increasing patrols across the city and providing safety advice to synagogues, mosques and businesses. Officers said they have attended to some “low level public order incidents” that circulated on social media, such as a celebration in the Acton area in which a group of men danced, cheered and waved Palestinian flags while cars honked in support, but all of the incidents were resolved without arrests.
The CST was working closely with the police to ensure it has a reinforced presence in Jewish areas. “We are not starting from scratch,” Rich said. “We’ve been around this course several times before. We have built up plans over many years.”
In France, which has the largest Jewish population in Europe, police have arrested 10 people in connection with 20 reported antisemitic incidents since the Hamas assault. The reports include threats to synagogues and to customers who have visited Jewish businesses. Police also received a flood of complaints about antisemitic hate speech and glorification of terrorism online, resulting in 44 open investigations.
This spike in incidents over three days was “dramatic,” Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Monday, announcing reinforced security measures in 400 Jewish gathering places across France. As a sign of solidarity with Israel, the Eiffel Tower was lit in white and blue, the colors of the Israeli flag, on Monday night.
A segment of the country’s political left has distanced itself from near-unanimous condemnations of the Hamas offensive within the French political class. Some self-described “post-colonial” movements on and parties on the far left in France have praised the attacks.
Among them is the Indigenous Party, which tweeted on Sunday, “May the Palestinian Resistance, which carries out its actions with determination and confidence in heroic conditions, receive our militant fraternity in these terrible hours. Palestine will triumph, and its Victory will be ours.”
The statement sparked public outrage and calls for the party’s dissolution. Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, director of the American Jewish Committee in France and several other European countries, noted that penalties for advocating terrorism in France can reach five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Offenses committed on social media can lead to seven years of imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros, taking into account the broader reach of such activity online.
Myriam Ackermann-Sommer, the first Modern Orthodox female rabbi in France, said her community was stung by the way some political leaders had celebrated Hamas’ acts of terror.
“Of course, we were hurt by how far-left parties have reacted. Many people in our congregation consider themselves on the left of the political spectrum and this is very hurtful to them,” she told JTA.
Rabbi Yves Marciano of Paris’ Les Tournelles Synagogue said that while bolstered security around places of worship was helpful, the risk to individuals is often greatest when they are not at synagogue.
“With my kippah, I can be seen from afar,” he said. “I am identified and identifiable. And, Mr. Darmanin can’t do anything about that. So, we are very worried about the near future.”
In Spain, Madrid’s main synagogue in the heart of the Chamberí district was defaced with graffiti that read “Free Palestine” next to a crossed-out Star of David on Sunday. Officials from the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain told the JTA the graffiti was removed from the synagogue’s main doors a couple of hours after its discovery.
The Spanish interior ministry has also bolstered police surveillance around synagogues and Jewish landmarks, according to Isaac Benzaquén Pinto, president of the Jewish federation. There are an estimated 12,000-15,000 Jews living in Madrid.
“Our community has always been known for being tightly knit whenever it is targeted, and this is an attack on Israel and all of Jewry as a whole. We stand unconditionally with the victims, all of them, the State of Israel and its army whose mission is to defend its people,” said Benzaquén Pinto.
In Ceuta, a small Spanish enclave on the North African coast near Morocco notable for its concentration of Spanish Jews, local authorities have particularly reinforced police surveillance and protection at the local synagogue and Jewish cemetery. Jews in Ceuta, mostly of Sephardic descent, have historically been targeted by antisemitism due to the geopolitical situation of the region, including a series of antisemitic incidents in recent years.
“As to this new wave of violence against Israel and the Jewish people, unfortunately, this is not new. We, as well as international organizations and the European Union, have been condemning this renewed surge of violence for a long time,” said Benzaquén Pinto.
Madrid Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida called the Hamas attack “unjustifiable” on Monday. He expressed concern that members of the Sumar political coalition — which includes far-left and green parties and is working to join a ruling parliamentary coalition after elections in July — hesitated to denounce Hamas.
The far-left Podemos party posted on X that the violence in Israel and Gaza was the fruit of Israel’s occupation and avoided outright condemnation of Hamas’ actions. On Monday night, the party led hundreds of people in a demonstration at Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square to “convey all our solidarity to the Palestinian people.” Demonstrators chanted slogans such as “Zionist State, terrorist State” and “It is not a war, it is a genocide.”
The Anti-Defamation League reported a spike in antisemitic rhetoric online during the 18 hours after war broke out on Saturday. Its data indicated that extremists and white supremacists across the world were emboldened in online spaces, some cheering Hamas, some circulating conspiracy theories and some discussing hopes for violence against Jews in the rest of the world.
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hakansuayada · 8 months
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wannaoneofficial · 7 years
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Sugar Man | Wanna One
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sugarpkts · 4 years
here’s a quick and easy recipe you can memorize, it’s called the Sugarman’s Delight
1. Obtain cherry vanilla coke from your local high tier grocery or exotic soda’s vendor. It’s very important you get cherry vanilla.
2. Mix with a bold amount of jack daniel’s tenessee honey, or flavored whiskey of choice.
Serve with ice in y’know, whatever’s around
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(Human au) Jill daniels Cheryl "Cherri Bomb" Browning Natalie "Niffty" Sugarman Pizzazz Jetta Stormer and Roxy all rolled into foxyne's quiet small town
Foxyne was relaxing in the front yard of his home. He was an 18-year-old Japanese transfer student who lived with his girlfriend, Zero and his brother, Grayson. Nobody knew about his secret job as a teenage assassin, or the fact that he worked for the police. But he was still well-respected by the people in his neighborhood.
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When questioned by Jewish students, Mr Gresham said he was “the wrong colour to be a Nazi”, but then launched into a diatribe about how he “could pull up countless articles about how African Americans are saying ‘I want a black-centred graduation, I want black spaces, to be safe from white people. So let’s just segregate them.
“Segregation. Kick them the f*** out. Get out of my country. If you want to come here and be on welfare and all that kind of s***, get the f*** out. I work for what I do.”
Asked why he was holding a swastika sign, Mr Gresham said: “I think it’s funny. I look at it and I laugh.”
He went on to rant about how “we have so many people addicted to opiates, that’s why we have so many abortions, so many STDs, so many dregs in society. You go and look at the African American community and what’s going on over there.
“And you know who propagates this bulls***, it’s them”, he said, pointing. “You go ahead and you look at the head of any company, who funds any of this bullshit, and you’re going to find out it’s Jews, every single time.”
Mark Mone, chancellor of the university, responded on May 7 by insisting that the university “will always be a forum for the free exchange of ideas, even when those ideas are hateful or repugnant and challenge our thinking in dreadfully unsettling ways.”
He also said that under the first amendment, displaying offensive symbols like a swastika in a public space is “protected akin to speech".
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schraubd · 5 years
What It Means for Jews To Vote Tory
Daniel Sugarman has an interesting column on the prospect of UK Jews voting for the Conservative Party, simply because Jeremy Corbyn is unacceptable. What's interesting about it is that it pretty forthrightly acknowledges that Boris Johnson's Conservatives are unacceptable too -- to name just one issue, their Islamophobia is on par with Labour's antisemitism. Sugarman frames his discussion around a Muslim colleague of his who loathes Corbyn, fully acknowledges his role in fomenting Labour's antisemitism crisis, yet indicates he might have to hold his nose and vote Labour anyway because the prospect of empowering Johnson's hatred towards his community is too awful to stomach. The premise of the column is that this logic is wholly reasonable and permissible -- it is legitimate for a Muslim voter in the UK, fully aware of (and repelled by) Labour's antisemitism, to nonetheless prioritize his or her own safety and vote against the Conservatives; and by the same token it is legitimate for a Jewish voter in the UK, fully aware of (and repelled by) the Tories's Islamophobia, to nonetheless prioritize his or her own safety and vote against Labour. It's worth underscoring just what this logic actually implies, though. Many have thought that any British voter who votes Labour for any reason is, ipso facto, selling Jews out -- signaling that the appalling antisemitism that has followed in Corbyn's wake is unimportant or even acceptable. But Sugarman's argument means we can't accept this, anymore than we can accept that Jews voting againts Corbyn and for Johnson are thereby signaling toleration for Islamophobia. People have all sorts of reasons for voting the way they do. Moreover, while Sugarman's logic sanctions Jews voting for Tories, it gives no such rationale for why anyone else should do so. After all, there is no a priori reason why a young non-Jewish, non-Muslim progressive voter should prioritize rejecting Corbyn's antisemitism over Johnson's Islamophobia. If both of those weigh equally on their conscience, then they cancel out, and then the question is whether Corbyn's Labour Party is better generally than Johnson's Conservatives -- presumably, most progressives would quite reasonably find the former to be more amenable to their interests. True, under normal circumstances, it is fair to demand that people sacrifice certain private interests in deference to important moral considerations -- this is why the Trump voter who doesn't approve of "Build the Wall" and "Keep Muslims Out", but really, really wants a tax cut, can fairly be deemed to be racist (the failure to properly prioritize in the face of overwhelming moral necessity represents a dereliction of one's duty of care towards racialized others). But the point of Sugarman's analogy is that here there are huge moral catastrophes looming on both sides (and we haven't even mentioned Brexit yet). UK politics right now is a tragedy -- between Labour and Tory, there are no good options, or even acceptable options. It's just a choice between competing abominations. So long as one recognizes the sort of play that they're in, I don't really begrudge how they decide to act out their role. Of course, for me this entire discussion immediately raises the question: why not LibDems? They aren't perfect, but they're unabashedly anti-Brexit and lack the institutionalized bigotry that afflicts their larger compatriots.  But while, unlike the US, the LibDems give British voters a valid third party option, Britain's first-past-the-post system nonetheless can see wild results in constituencies where more than two parties are seriously contesting. It's not out of the question that a reasonable voter might have to vote strategically, which brings us right back to where we started. I've remarked before that the chaos in UK Labour is perhaps the only thing that's ever given me sympathy for "Never Trump" Republicans. On the one hand, the health and future of a viable, non-hateful British progressive community depends on Corbyn getting spanked. Only that can break the fever. This was one of the (many) tragedies of 2016: had Trump lost, it is at least possible -- possible -- that Republicans would have concluded that the path they were traveling was unsustainable and had a moment of reckoning. But now that Trump won, certain seals that should've never been broken have been shattered -- I'm skeptical that we will see a GOP that's even a tolerably ethical choice for decades. If Corbyn loses, maybe the spell breaks. But if he wins -- if, in spite of everything, it turns out that this brand of feverish populism and conspiracy-mongering is capable of carrying an election -- the damage could be felt for generations. And yet: these are not normal times. It's one thing to suffer through a cycle of conservative governance -- nations survive those, as terrible as they are, and the damage they inflict -- while often extensive, is rarely permanent. But thanks to Brexit, the UK is in a singular political moment -- poised to self-sabotage in an unprecedented way that could not be fixed or even seriously ameliorated next cycle. The prospect of handing over government to the Tories and allowing Boris Johnson to lead a Brexit as he sees fit is horrifying to contemplate -- it is a sacrifice that goes way beyond a few years time in the opposition. Complicating it all is the fact that -- as much as Brexit represents the defining issue of this generation of British politics -- Jeremy Corbyn doesn't oppose Brexit. It'd be one thing to demand that voters hold their nose and vote Labour anyway to stop Brexit -- but it's far from clear that Corbyn's Labour party would actually do that. In a real sense, the two main party choices are between an Islamophobic conservative party desiring a Hard Brexit at any cost, and an antisemitic progressive party pushing for a "Soft Brexit" (or Lexit) that doesn't actually exist. Some choice. I don't envy anyone who has to make it. Were it me, here would be my chain of voting of priority:
Vote LibDem, in any race where it's feasible they'll win;
In races where the LibDem candidate can't feasibly win but the Labour candidate can, vote Labour if the candidate is both (a) seriously pro-Remain and (b) not antisemitic or an apologist for antisemitism in Labour (and there are -- yes, really -- plenty of Labour MPs who are not. There is a huge difference between Ruth Smeeth and Chris Williamson);
If the Labour candidate fails these tests, vote Conservative if the candidate is (a) seriously pro-Remain and (b) not Islamophobic or otherwise hateful;
If both the Labour and Conservative candidates fail their litmus tests, then vote for the best remaining candidate (even if they stand no chance at winning). 
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/2MVBfps
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suck-it-nerds · 6 years
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That’s Too Much, Man! A BoJack Horseman Playlist
Click here to listen on Spotify!
Track list and description of what episode the song is from under the cut:
BoJack’s Theme-Patrick Carney, Ralph Carney
Horsin’ Around Theme-Jesse Novak
It’s All Good-Josh Mobley, Reina Williams S1:S5 “Live Fast, Diane Nyugen” When Todd is left home alone. Impossible-Lyla Foy S1:E7 “Say Anything” End scene after BoJack rejects Princess Carolyn’s offer and into the credits.
No Love-Death Grips S1:E11 “Downer Ending” During the drug trips.
Wild Horses-The Rolling Stones S1:E12 “Later” Montage right after BoJack tells Diane he really wanted her to like him.
Closer-Tegan and Sara S1:E12 “Later” End scene with BoJack at the observatory and into the credits.
Parade-Kevin Morby S2:E10 “Yes And” The scene right after Diane asks BoJack when he was last happy.
Kyle and the Kids-Jesse Novak, Carrick Moore Gerety S2:E11 “Escape From L.A.” The opening credits. Fake theme song for Charlotte’s family.  
Little Earthquakes-Imperial Mammoth S2:E11 “Escape From L.A.” When BoJack and Penny and friends leave the prom and let the balloons with glow sticks go.   Change the World-Farmdale S2:E11 “Escape From L.A.” The song Penny and BoJack dance to on top of the water tower.
Avant Gardener-Courtney Barnett S2:E12 “Out to Sea” End scene with BoJack trying to jog and into the credits.
Sea of Dreams-Oberhofer S3:E4 “Fish Out of Water” Starts with BoJack in the cab on the way back to the hotel. Continues over the end scene and into the credits.
Daylight-Foxworth Hall S3:E5 “Love And/Or Marriage” Montage near the end, starts when PC is signing holiday cards in her office.
Get Dat Fetus Kill Dat Fetus-Sextina Aquafina (Jesse Novak, Daniele Gaither, Manus) S3:E6 “Brrap Brrap Pew Pew” Sextina’s single after she announces “her abortion.” Renagade-DANK S3:E10 “It’s You” During BoJack’s party.
Mr. Peanutbutter’s House Theme-Jesse Novak Several episodes. Full version in S3:E10 “It’s You” When Mr. Peanutbutter drops his phone and it keeps getting away from him.  
Stars-Nina Simone S3:E12 “That Went Well” Ending Montage. Starts with BoJack driving right after he leaves the Ethan Around set. Continues a few minutes later with him driving and goes into the credits.
Horse With No Name-Michelle Branch (America cover) S4:E2 “The Old Sugarman Place” Beginning scene with BoJack driving to Michigan.
I Will Always Think of You-Jane Krakowski, Colman Domingo S4:E2 “The Old Sugarman Place” Scene with Crackerjack and Honey. Full version when BoJack and Eddie go to steal the weather vane.
Blood In The Cut-K. Flay S4E6: “Stupid Piece of Shit” During all of BoJack’s inner monologues and over the credits.
Oh Heart-Tank and The Bangas S4:E9 “Ruthie” End credits. Love Really Happened To Me-Bob Kelly S4:E11 “Time’s Arrow” Montage of Beatrice and Butterscotch getting married. Wake Up-Jenny Owens Young S4:E12 “What Time is it Right Now” End scene with BoJack and Hollyhock on the phone and into the credits.  
Back in the 90s-Grouplove End credits in most episodes.  
BoJack’s Theme (Full Length)-Patrick Carney, Ralph Carney
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bpdjennamaroney · 6 years
top 5 bojack horseman episodes? favorite moments in parade? what's your go-too favorite article of clothing?
1.Free Churro is a masterpiece. Just an indisputable masterpiece.
2. Time’s Arrow had me sobbing. I had to pause it because I was emotionally rended. I mean, I don’t want all my top episodes to be Bea-centered ones but The Old Sugarman Place deserves a mention somewhere.3. I’m also gonna pair Ruthie and The Amelia Earhart story. I don’t identify with PC or her ambitions at all, but her episodes hit me hard. I love how the pregnant woman in The Amelia Earhart story was quite shrewd; they didn’t make her dumb with a surprise Unexpected Intelligence at the end, she was clever throughout and PC didn’t notice.
4. Actually, my personal favorite--not just based on Quality and Auteur reasons--is Let’s Find Out. The Sorkin parody. Daniel Radcliffe. The whole episode, honestly, just tailor made for me in ways I could have never conceived of.
5. I don’t want to make a #5 because that seems definitive. There’s a bunch of contenders and I don’t want to leave anything out.
Basically I am first and foremost a sucker for This Is Not Over Yet and All The Wasted Time. Every single beat of both songs. 
“How Can I Call This Home.” 
The chilling reprise of Old Red Hills of Home when everything it’s now in context.
I love Big News, and I loved it more after going to the NYPL and seeing the staging for it--Britt Craig is piss-drunk and getting thrown out of a bar at 4 in the morning and trying to find his shoes throughout the entire thing and when he finds his last shoe he lifts it in triumphant and falls into a trash can and UGH I had to go back and watch it because it was so unexpected and so great. 
There’s great staging of “Old Red Hills of Home” where the young soldier sings it, and then he stands on stage and stares off in the distance, and this couple comes on stage and starts talking about “What’s up with him?” “Lost his leg in the war” and the young soldier steps off stage and the old soldier stands in his place. 
I like any dress that I can throw on, and that have deep and wide pockets. I am fortunate enough to have a large collection of dresses that fit this criteria. I also like a Hogwarts dress that I got from Hot Topic, and a denim Ravenclaw jacket and cardigan. 
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dangkaniels · 7 years
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daniel---- sugarman 2
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ongnable · 7 years
Okay I think I need your help! I started following Wanna One few weeks ago and I don't know what to watch to know them better! (I discovered them after being forced by my friend to watch Master Key 😂) so yeah I went around YouTube but if you can direct me to "worthy" content I'll be glad! ((especially with Ong cause it was kinda love at first sight 💕)) thanks and love your blog ✨✨✨
Ong being loved is honestly such a mood
I’ll put everything in order so it’s easy to go through, and list mainly the OT11 stuff + links to eng sub! ^^
Burn It Up
Beautiful (Movie ver.)this is not the full version which is almost 15 minutes long (and i’m still salty about the unequal screen-time); to fully understand the story - watch the ’prologue’ too!
Beautiful (Perf. ver.)
I Promise You (I.P.U.)a personal favourite; it’s honestly such a blessing for soft stans!
Shows (2017-8)
Broduce –is definitely more than ‘worthy’ since we not only got to meet W1 in their pre-debut states, but also a bunch of talented boys/men. I think that the main reason our ‘core’ fandom is so strongly bound is mainly because of PD101 and how well you get to know them since it’s filmed over such a long period. you can only fall deeper in love, and appreciate their hard work more and more each time you (re-)watch broduce~
Mnet Present –this was kind of an ‘intro to W1′ type of thing from Mnet before unveiling Energetic, but it’s kinda precious how you can tell that the boys were still a little awkward with some of the others they didn’t perform with during broduce and how being in W1 still hasn’t really hit them since it was filmed before they started promotions. not a must-watch but it’s lovely to look back on.
Wanna One Go S1 –season 1 only has 2 episodes, but it quenched the thirst for content before they’re debut! XD if you’ve seen the legendary ongniel date gifs, this is where it’s from!! the boys were paired with their ‘main ships’ from back in Broduce. This is also where we were first introduced to the legend that is Sungwoon’s grandpa!
Return of Superman! 194-195 –not OT11, but i love boys that play well with kids, so it can’t be helped XD be prepared to melt into a puddle of goo watching the kids play with mom-Jisung, the uncles, and big bro-Jihoonie~
Weekly Idol 315-316 –gave birth a myriad of inside jokes (including the X-thigh dance which brought out all the Nu’est W x W1 broduce feels). Daehwi also cemented his status as a girl group dance machine whilst the boys were just their normal meme-worthy selves
Happy Together (510-512) (521-522) (531-?)–this wasn’t OT11, but there are sooo many moments from HT (Minhyun’s text-hwang status and Ongniel making headlines for their ‘couple drama’? yaaaas)
Wanna City –Mnet knows that variety shows are very much where W1 belong, so of course between Wanna One Go S1 and S2 we get a lil something special XD Hyung vs. Maknae line interactions are always hilarious, and Ong’s losing streak from Master Key basically begun here X’D If there’s one cut to watch from this it’s ‘Annyeong Cleopatra’! 
Wanna One Go S2 –the one true mecca of W1-variety. the ‘must-watch’! if theres one thing on the list to watch it’s W1 Go S2!! Most of the gifs/moment videos you’ll see floating around will be from this~
Amigo TV –just the boys being their normal memey-selves with a lot of food involved!! (Dan was busy with It’s Dangerous Outside of the Blankets while this was filmed - which is also a must-watch for soft-Dan)
Outrageous Roommates –only ongnielhwan, but since you like Ong I’m rec-ing this!!!! Justice League team interactions are my fav and when you put the ultimate comedic trio of W1 together with other hilarious people (aka. Yook joongwan from Rose Motel); it’s just a great ‘feel good’ show to watch after a long day!
Other OT11 shows:I Can See Your Voice (OT11) // SNL (personally not a fan of SNL, i just get loads of second-hand embarrassment from their skits >
A few other recent shows with Ong:K-RUSH // Radio Star // Hello Counselor
Comeback-shows (+ debut)
1x1=1 (To Be One) Premier Showcon –a legendary debut showcase~ they debuted in Gocheok Sky Dome which is a first! they made history just by debuting
1-1=0 (Nothing Without You) Comeback Show –basically we watch the boys eat at the beginning, do a hidden camera and then we appreciate all the hard work they put into filming Beautiful even though so many of them got so little screen-time T^T
0+1=1 (I Promise You) Comeback Show –another bts of m/v filming as all comeback shows require~ W1 also prepared an event for fans (even tho Ong was Mc-ing and unable to attend the same time as others); which was super super sweet. Also- Wanna One karaoke + more Sungwoon’s adorable grandpa! XD
Other Performances
A Summer Story x Nayanahonestly speaking I’m not the biggest fan of this mix, but it’s OT11 and they looked really cute and the summery outfits suited them well since it was reminiscent of their 1x1 album Pink ver. outfits ~
Jaehwan’s Immortal Song Perfs (20170930) (20171118) –I have a weak spot for rocker!Jaehwan so I personally like the November perf more, but Mnet likes promoting ballad!Jaehwan >
“Comes And Goes” - Terius (aka. Hwang Minhyun) –woop, the mask fooled no one, naver blew up as soon as this ep (and the ep before) aired cuz everyone knew if was Minhyun X’D it’s even funnier because Daniel was on the panel!
La Dolce Vita –is a recent cover they did on Sugarman 2, and to me it is definitely worth watching if for nothing but them saying ‘señorita’
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Keyboard Fantasies
One of the most tragic casualties of homophobia, transphobia and racism is the art they’ve erased; too many artists have been partially or completely silenced by hostile environments. It makes a film like Keyboard Fantasies all the more important as a document. This little jewel of a film tells the story of Glenn Copeland’s musical odyssey and, as is the case with all the best documentaries, the truth is stranger than fiction.
Music was always part of Copeland’s life; his father was a classical pianist, unusual for a Black man in mid 20th-century America, and his mother sang gospel. By the time he went to study at McGill University in Canada in the late ’60s, Copeland already had a clear idea of the kind of music he wanted to make. But the world wasn’t ready for him – and vice versa.
Still presenting as a girl named Beverly, and one of only a few Black students on campus, Copeland felt alienated, and it began to impact his studies. He managed to record some music, but it made no impact and he dropped out of university. Musicians he worked with at the time interviewed here recall his singular talent – and comment that this very singularity was a stumbling block for him. Even in a period that encouraged the unusual, Copeland proved too far out. Undaunted, Copeland continued to create a broad range of music over the following decades, albeit completely outside of the music industry.
The film is made up mostly of interviews with Copeland himself, his voice the melodic thread that binds it together. There’s something of the holy man in his quiet dignity, his complete lack of bitterness at the difficult path he’s been forced to tread. Then there’s the music. Comparisons are bound to be made with other seminal music documentaries like The Devil and Daniel Johnston and Searching for Sugarman, which not only told a story, but also in both cases impacted the lives of their subjects, bringing their music to larger international audiences.
For decades Copeland sustained himself on his twin passions of nature and science fiction. His endless musical curiosity found an ally in the home computer, of which he was an early adopter. This all came together on his album ‘Keyboard Fantasies’ in 1984. Created on an Atari-powered home studio, he self-released it on a hundred cassette tapes, of which he only sold about fifty. Here’s the fairy tale element – one of these tapes somehow found its way to an influential rare music collector in Japan in 2016, who championed it. An international following quickly built.
Some of the most moving footage here is of the audience’s rapturous response to Copeland on his first world tour, mounted when he was 74. Perhaps it’s no surprise that his most fervent fans are in their twenties, as if the future Copeland has always been reaching for has finally arrived. And after all the vicissitudes he’s suffered, he still offers a utopian vision of what that could be. Watch it and spread the word.
ANTICIPATION. A documentary about an under-appreciated musical genius finally receiving their due is always worth a watch. 3
ENJOYMENT. An uplifting tale aided by an incredible soundtrack and captivating subject. 4
IN RETROSPECT. Revelatory. Everyone needs to hear the Arcadian electronica that flows from the visionary Beverly Glenn-Copeland. 4
Directed by Posy Dixon
Starring Beverly Glenn-Copeland
The post Keyboard Fantasies appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/reviews/keyboard-fantasies-the-beverly-glenn-copeland-story/
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skepwith · 3 years
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[Image description: Tweet by Daniel Sugarman saying “I am yet again BEGGING Americans to simply Google a word before using it” over a promotional tweet for Nonce Finance. This is followed by screencaps from Oxford UK Dictionary showing a definition of “nonce” as “informal, derogatory British: A person convicted of a sexual offence, especially against a child.” end ID]
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Download Robin Schulz - Sugar Radio Show 277 for free now!
Artist: Robin Schulz Show: Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Deep House Source: RSS
Discover more Robin Schulz live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Sugar Radio episodes HERE
Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 Tracklist
Sugar Radio Show presented by Robin Schulz brings his favorite tracks, latest releases and classic hits each and every week. It’s been only four years since Robin Schulz first topped the worldwide singles charts with his acclaimed remix of “Waves (feat. Mr. Probz)” and landed his breakthrough global uber-hit “Prayer in C (feat. Lilly Wood & The Prick)”; practically an eternity in the 30-year-old artist’s fast-paced dance music cosmos! Building on his unique blend of house, electro and pop, the Osnabrück DJ and producer has meanwhile established himself as Germany’s most successful music export of the past two decades in record-breaking time. Tune in to Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 now!
1. One More Time – Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn Feat. Alida 2. Float – Robin Schulz 3. Move This Place – The Subculture 4. Habits – Jonasu & Felix Samuel 5. Mine – HUGEL Feat. Dawty Music, Preston Harris & Sophia Sugarman 6. Live and Let Live – Robin Schulz Feat. Sam Martin (TOTW) 7. Make Me Feel the Night – Robin Schulz Feat. Tyler James Bellinger 8. Drowning In Your Love – Mason & Mark Knight Feat. Jem Cooke 9. Too Far Gone – ARTY & NK 10. Kill the Fire – Robin Schulz Feat. The Leonard 11. Feel Something – Robin Schulz Feat. SAYGRACE 12. Running – Watermat & Raphaella 13. Dream – Robin Schulz Feat. colour your mind 14. Beautiful Monster – BROHUG 15. That Feelin‘ – Artelax & Lemarroy 16. Rapture – Alok & Daniel Blume 17. Jerkin‘ – David Penn & KPD
The podcast Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Robin Schulz - Sugar Radio Show 277 for free now!
Artist: Robin Schulz Show: Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Deep House Source: RSS
Discover more Robin Schulz live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Sugar Radio episodes HERE
Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 Tracklist
Sugar Radio Show presented by Robin Schulz brings his favorite tracks, latest releases and classic hits each and every week. It’s been only four years since Robin Schulz first topped the worldwide singles charts with his acclaimed remix of “Waves (feat. Mr. Probz)” and landed his breakthrough global uber-hit “Prayer in C (feat. Lilly Wood & The Prick)”; practically an eternity in the 30-year-old artist’s fast-paced dance music cosmos! Building on his unique blend of house, electro and pop, the Osnabrück DJ and producer has meanwhile established himself as Germany’s most successful music export of the past two decades in record-breaking time. Tune in to Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show 277 now!
1. One More Time – Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn Feat. Alida 2. Float – Robin Schulz 3. Move This Place – The Subculture 4. Habits – Jonasu & Felix Samuel 5. Mine – HUGEL Feat. Dawty Music, Preston Harris & Sophia Sugarman 6. Live and Let Live – Robin Schulz Feat. Sam Martin (TOTW) 7. Make Me Feel the Night – Robin Schulz Feat. Tyler James Bellinger 8. Drowning In Your Love – Mason & Mark Knight Feat. Jem Cooke 9. Too Far Gone – ARTY & NK 10. Kill the Fire – Robin Schulz Feat. The Leonard 11. Feel Something – Robin Schulz Feat. SAYGRACE 12. Running – Watermat & Raphaella 13. Dream – Robin Schulz Feat. colour your mind 14. Beautiful Monster – BROHUG 15. That Feelin‘ – Artelax & Lemarroy 16. Rapture – Alok & Daniel Blume 17. Jerkin‘ – David Penn & KPD
The podcast Robin Schulz – Sugar Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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