#danny phantom x artemis fowl ii x robin
bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 7
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {  
Damian Wayne experiences his second day of the school year.
} ~ – ~ {  
Damian stalked into his first period, plopping down into his desk. He was still seething from dinner last night with Fowl. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Fenton pick up his head.
“You okay, dude?” asked Fenton.
Damian shot a glare towards him. “It doesn’t matter to you.”
“Well actually it does matter to me because I’m right next to you and I swear you could be on fire with how pissy you’re being,” Fenton sasses right back.
Damian whirled around to face Fenton, sending his best death glare. His eyes squint more when he sees Fenton not even flinch at it, just looking bored. “It would be in your best interest to keep to yourself, Fenton.”
Fenton raised his hands in surrender, shrugging. “Fine. Whatever. Be that way. I know when I’m talking to a brick wall,” Fenton said calmly as he turned away from Damian.
Damian crossed his arms as he went to glare at the board. As much as he would like to serve Fenton a well earned punch, to do so now would certainly get him in detention. And that would likely result in Father benching him for a week.
And with Fowl now living in the manor, he was in no position to be kept away from the BatComputer for the next couple of weeks.
The whole thing still boggled him. Dick gave him a lecture on how it was rude to research their guest, and Drake told him that Fowl had a point on him only being brought under suspicion because his family was unable to handle the business so he had to.
Damian would think being part of the Bat family would’ve led to his brothers standing to be more suspicious of strangers.
Damian huffed, shifting to pay attention to class as his teacher started. Throughout, he makes sure to correct the teacher on their falsehoods, which he just ignores. When class is over, he gets out quickly and heads to his next one.
Eventually, lunch comes around. He gets his tray before locating Jon. The two head out to the bleachers, sitting down to eat their lunch. Technically, they were supposed to stay inside for lunch, but Damian didn’t care.
“Have you made any friends yet?” asked Jon.
Damian squinted at him. “No. I don’t need to.”
“Come on Dami, More friends are fun! There’s this one kid in my Chem class who’s super funny.” Damian just raised an eyebrow at his friend, who ignored it as he continued. “The kid's name is Danny. He’s kinda weird but super funny. Apparently he’s new.”
Damian blinked. “Wait. Danny Fenton?”
Jon lit up, smiling at Damian. “Yeah! Do you know him?”
Damian scowled. “Fenton is the fool who stepped in with Harrison yesterday. Then he tried to talk to me in World History class this morning.”
“Huh. With his weird heartbeat I thought he would probably avoid stuff like that.”
“Weird heartbeat?”
“Yeah! Dad said some people have weird heartbeats cause of heart problems so those people tend to be extra careful to not make them worse.”
Damian hums, returning to his meal as he thinks.
“Hey, have you heard that there’s a junior who apparently moved up a grade?”
Damian raises an eyebrow at his friend. “What do you mean?”
“Yeah. Apparently there’s rumor that there’s this missing sophomore who got moved to be a junior. The guy hasn’t shown up the first two days so no one can say for sure but that’s the rumor,” said Jon before he took a bite of his sandwich.
Damian scoffed. “You ought to know better than to gossip Jon. It’s absurd the stories these ingrates twist for something to talk about.”
Jon just shrugged at Damian while he continued to eat. Damian focuses on his meal as well.
Eventually the bell rings, causing the two boys to head to their next classes. Damian gets through the rest of his classes uneventfully.
His luck would not persist after school however. Upon walking out of his final class, once he parts with Jon, he once again gets the feeling of being followed. He ducks into an empty classroom, setting his bag before turning to the door with a glare.
He watched as Harrison stalked in, a cocky grin on his face. Damian’s expression turned darker, glare amplifying.
“What do you want, Harrison?” demanded Damian as he crossed his arms.
“To get you back for last year, dickweed,” said Harrison, raising his clenched fists.
Damian rolled his eyes. “I highly doubt you learned how to fight any better since last year. Admit defeat, it’ll save you some pain.”
Harrison growled back at him. Just as he takes a step towards Damian, however, the door slammed open. Damian looked over, eyes narrowing when he saw Fenton.
Harrison turned around to face Danny, sneering at Fenton. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Fenton just blinked, failing to acknowledge the tension in the room. “I mean I’m just trying to get my water bottle. I left it here.”
Damian watched as he walked over to a desk, looking under and seeming to reach for something. Sure enough, when he comes up, he’s holding some sort of thermos. He promptly opens it, taking a swig before looking at the other two.
“Did I interrupt something?” he asks.
Harrison scoffs, storming out the room. Damian glares at Fenton.
“What did I tell you?” he snarls.
“Not to rescue you? I mean I didn’t. I just came for my water bottle. If I rescued you again, that was completely an accident,” Fenton says, shaking his bottle.
Damian sneers. “I did not need rescue, nor did you perform one.” Damian doesn’t wait for a reply, storming out of the building.
He makes it to the limo, getting in as he schools his expression. He notices Alfred glance at him through the mirror before pulling the car out of park and driving back to the manor. Damian shifts his glare ahead, preparing himself to deal with the threat living in his home.
} ~ – ~ {
Hey y’all! Know its been a hot minute since I posted the Formula chapters here on Tumblr. To be real with y’all, just didn’t have the motivation for it. I would really recommend following it on AO3 if ya could!
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bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 1
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene (The name of the ship as dubbed by another friend, @thetoyboxs) fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {
Damian stalks into the school, eyes polished into a glare sharp enough to cut diamonds. Once again, he walks the halls of the insufferable school known as Gotham Academy. Completing his education could surely be done at home, where he can use his free time to help with their true callings.
He scans the rooms, taking account of his fellow students as well as the room numbers. He pushes the door to his first class, World History, stepping inside to take a canvas of the room. There are several fellow students already moving about the room, coalescing into their many social groups to prattle about their summers. In the back corner, he can see a mop of black hair settled onto a pair of arms. Damian raises an eyebrow, walking over.
“Jon?” asks Damian. As the boy raises his head, Damian notices very quickly that this is not his friend.
This boy, despite sharing black and hair and blue eyes with Jon, had more slim features. Jon, like his father, had a more square face where this boy’s was more what would be described as heart-shaped.
“Huh?” mumbles the boy. So he was asleep.
“Nothing. I mistook you for someone else,” Damian says.
“Ah. Cool,” says the boy, dropping his head again.
Damian sits down next to the boy before hearing heaving footfalls, looking forward to notice the teacher. He shifts in his chair, crossing his arms to glare at the balding man. Just because he was a student of this man’s class did not mean he deserved respect. That will be determined through study.
The man glances over everyone, ignoring Damian’s glare before pulling out a folder. He starts prattling, calling the names of everyone in the class.
“Daniel Fenton?” Damian glances over as the boy next to him raises his hand. So, that is his name. Damian will have to remember so as to prevent confusion again.
“Danny, please,” says Fenton, setting his head in his hand to remain upright.
Damian resists a Tt, looking back at the teacher as he continues. Leave it to high schoolers to be completely undisciplined.
“Damian Wayne?”
Damian sits up straighter, boring holes into the teacher. “Present.”
The teacher just looks at him, deadpan, before marking off his name and turning around. Clearly, the man has already heard of Damian. Damian listens as the man goes over his syllabus, squinting at the relevance of some of the topics. At least 2 things could already be considered inaccurate, due to recent discoveries.
He stands up when the bell rings, intending to get to the door. However, he is beaten to it by Fenton, who is out before Damian even gets there. He squints his eyes, looking around the halls. Upon not being able to spot the boy, he tuts and continues on to his next class. The fact that someone was quicker than him to the door bothers him more than Damian would ever admit.
He passes through his annoying day, until lunch time. After getting his lunch, he ducks into the halls in order to consume his meal, and to get away from the insanity of the school lunchroom.
He straightens up when he picks up on someone following him. Turning around, he’s faced with a familiar face.
“Harrison,” Damian sneers.
The boy huffs, readying his fists. “Wayne. I believe I owe you a beating from last year.”
Damian sets his food down on the floor, crossing his arms. “Like you’d even be able to land the punch.”
“I could definitely hit harder than you-” Harrison growls, arm readying for a whirl.
“What’s going on here?” Damian looks over to see a teacher stomping over.
“He’s harassing me,” Damian says, pointing at his opponent.
“You were first!”
“Now boys. You can’t be starting fights in the halls,” says the lady.
“Brown hair started it.”
No, Damian did not flinch. He simply reacted to the sudden addition of another presence. He squinted at the source, raising an eyebrow when he recognized it as Fenton, the sleeping kid from his history class.
“Where did you-?” The reacher goes to ask before sighing. “Are you sure, Danny?”
Fenton nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I’m positive Ms. Bailey. I was walking back to the cafeteria from the bathroom. What’s his face trying to sneak up on…” Fenton takes points at Damian. “Damian, right?”
Damian huffs. “Yes.”
Fenton smiles, turning back to Ms. Bailey. “Yeah. He was trying to sneak up on Damian, but he turned around and then I saw him raise his fist to punch Damian before you walked over.”
Ms. Bailey sighs, rubbing her temple. “Mr. Harrison. Come with me. Mr. Wayne, be aware that you may be called into the office later today so we can get this all sorted. Thank you, Mr. Fenton.”
Fenton smiles, and Damian can’t help but notice the hint of mischief in it. “Of course Ms. Bailey.”
Damian glares at Harrison, noticing Fenton waves out of the corner of his eyes, as the ingrate walks away. Once out of sight, he crosses his arms to glare at Fenton.
Fenton raises an eyebrow with a small smirk. “Hey, that isn’t any way to look at someone who helped you.”
Damian scoffs. “I was capable of handling this myself. I did not require your assistance.”
Fenton just chuckles. “Sure. Whatever you say. See you around, Damian.” The boy waves as he walks off, much to Damian’s chagrin.
“Tt. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Damian grabs his food, retreating to his back corner to finish lunch before his next classes.
When the bell rings to signal the end of the lunch hour, Damian gets up and heads to his next class. An English class, as if Damian needed it. He walks in, sitting down in the chair closest to the back door. He opts to glare at his desk.
“Damian!” shouts a shrill voice. Damian looks up, squinting when he sees Jon bounding for him.
“Jon,” he says curtly.
Jon pouts. “Come on, Damian! Smile! It's the first day of sophomore year!”
Damian rolls his eyes. “I don’t need to be here.”
Jon sighs, sitting next to Damian. “I mean yeah, sure, you’re super smart and stuff. But it's fun! We get to come here and make friends.”
“I’m just fine without it,” says Damian. And he meant it. He had the Titans, not to mention Jon. Random civilians would just complicate things. And put everyone at risk, seeing that they couldn’t know their identities.
Jon’s face knits together as he thinks before seeming to remember something. “Hey. I heard someone stopped you from getting into a fight with Harrison.”
Damian glares. “I did not need it. He was interfering.”
Jon pouts again. “It’s nice to stop a fight.”
“Tt.” Damian crosses his arms, shifting his gaze to the front of class. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jon go to talk again before the teacher taps his desk with a ruler.
“Alright class. My name is Mr. Johnson, and I’ll be your Honors English Language 10 teacher.”
Damian tuned the man out as he droned on. It's not like he’d have anything useful to Damian anyways. He scans the room, noting the students. One of Harrison’s lackeys is in this class, Damian notes, though he was smartly looking away. Other than Jon, however, there was no one Damian even remotely cared about.
He thinks back to the altercation at lunch. The fact that the other boy, Fenton, managed to sneak up on the both of them was curious. Damian was not one to miss the presence of another, no matter what he was doing. He had noticed Harrison, after all.
Damian would have to keep an eye on Fenton. He wouldn’t allow the boy to ‘help’ him again. He was Robin, heir to Batman. He didn’t need some insignificant child acting like Damian needed any help in a fight.
Damian looks up as the bell sounds, signifying the end of their class. After bidding a goodbye to Jon, he gets up, exiting the room and heading to his final class of the day.
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bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 2
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene (The name of the ship as dubbed by another friend, @thetoyboxs) fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {
Danny hummed, adjusting his backpack as he walked outside of the school. He looked around, watching the other students hop in cars before walking away, heading for his hotel.
Now why was he in Gotham you may ask? Why was he attending Gotham Academy?! Well that could be summed up with one word! 
Vlad had come over to ‘visit’ Dad a couple of times. Every time he talked about this fancy academy he had donated to and how great it was. A perfect school for young geniuses, that held a great standard of discipline.
It was annoying.
And then when his parents complained once again about Danny’s grade, Vlad acted. Talked about how unsafe Amity was and it wasn’t any surprise that Danny was doing so horribly. Amity Park was so unsafe, especially since its protector was the wretched Phantom. And then he offered for Danny to go to Gotham. And his parents agreed! They agreed like the fucking fiddles they’d been played as.
So now here Danny was. First day of school done with and heading back to the stupid ass penthouse apartment thing Vlad had bought for him. 
At least the owners of the apartment were nice. The old lady gave him cookies when he’d finally moved in.
He sighed  as he unlocked his door, stepping inside and locking it behind him. Gotham is safer, his ass. It was more dangerous because humans didn’t get affected by ecto-weaponry.
Danny sighed again, dropping his back and the uniform jacket by the door before flopping onto his couch. School was tiring. A couple of the kids were cool, like Quinn and Hannah. Quinn was an enby in his English class who said “Mood” when he slammed his head on the desk. They had a fun conversation about their mutual hate of classic literature. Then Hannah was in his P.E. class.
Honestly P.E. wasn’t as bad as he thought. They had to change, despite it being the first day, but no one said anything about his scars. Then again, Danny had noticed a bunch of scars on other kids too. Just goes to show how hellish Gotham is. Hannah had walked up to him after he got out of the lockers and asked him where he was from. And respected when Danny dodged questions. Pretty chill kid.
Danny shifts when his phone buzzes, sitting up to grab it from his pocket. He leans against the armchair of the couch as he opens his messages.
Tucker: Yo dude how was the first day?
Danny smiles as he replies.
Danny: Ey.               Same old same old. 
Danny: I stopped this one kid from getting in trouble cause some dickhead picked a fight with him
Tucker: No ignoring bullying?
Danny: I mean.              It’s not like anyone knows who I am. 
Danny: Can’t pick on me for being a Fenton freak here.
Tucker: Good point. 
Tucker: Wish I could convince my parents to let me join ya.                Being that close to WE sounds like heaven.
Danny laughs.
Danny: For you maybe.
Danny: I had to get a special orientation featuring like a million safety plans for Gotham’s various problems.
Tucker: Speaking of which, you going out as Phantom?
Danny: Nah man you know the rule.               No metas.              I may not count but I doubt Batman would care.
Tucker: Eh. Isn’t Signal meta?
Danny: Doesn’t matter.               No Phantom-ing in Gotham.              Any news on Vlad?
Tucker: Nothing new.                Honestly I’m hella suspicious, man. 
Tucker: He’s too quiet.
Tucker: Especially after kicking you out.
Danny: Just keep digging Tuck.
Tucker: Yeah yeah.                Anyways see ya man.               Lancer gave us homework!                On the first day!
Danny laughs, texting goodbye. He gets up, heading over to his lab. Honestly the fact Vlad allowed him to get one was wild. But he’d be damned if he didn’t make use of it.
Right now he was trying to figure out how to minimize the original Fenton thermos. He figured he could probably make it the size of a lipstick, like the lazer blaster. But his first, like, three tries ended up exploding so Danny decided he was going to do something different this time.
Danny knew engineering. Its why he has a fucking scholarship for it. But he had zero fucking clue all the materials and know how on his parents creation. They were very much the “lets just do it until it works” type of people.
Which meant he essentially needed to completely recreate the original thermos from scratch before he could actually work on minimizing it. He’d gotten a good outer shell together, but right now he was trying to replicate some of the circuitry. Which wasn’t going so hot.
The memories of how he, well, died made the occasional stray sparks while staring at the open circuit board hell on his nerves. But he was slowly managing it better. He shifts, readjusting the board as he moves the soldering iron he was using.
He perks up when he hears the doorbell ring, taking a moment before realizing that it was the superintendent’s wife. He smiles, putting down the circuit board and welder before heading for the door. He backtracks for a moment to actually turn the welder off before making it to the door.
He opens it up, smiling at the old woman. “Hey Mrs. Abringer. What's up?”
Mrs. Abringer smiles as she offers a box. “I made some cookies again and figured you’d want some. I’m sure you could use them after getting through your first day of school.”
Danny chuckles, reaching out and taking the box. “Thank you. Your cookies are always great.”
Mrs. Abringer nods. “Thank you dear. And remember, don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
“I won’t Mrs. Abringer.” Danny closes the door as she walks away, locking it again. 
He moves to the kitchen, stepping over some trash that escaped the can and setting the box on the table. He looks around, sighing before moving to clean up.
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bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 4
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene (The name of the ship as dubbed by another friend, @thetoyboxs) fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {
Damian crossed his arms, glaring at the door. Next to him stood Drake, equally upset. It appeared that Father had neglected to inform both him and Drake that for the entirety of the school year, they would be entertaining a guest. The son of some family friend. Not to mention, some war colleague of Alfred’s who served as the guest’s bodyguard.
A knock on the door sounds, causing Damian to straighten up. Best to establish quickly that he would not tolerate any sort of trick this new guest will be playing on him. He watches as Alfred walks forward, opening the door with a smile.
“Ah. Master Fowl, it's a pleasure to meet you. And Butler, it's great to see you again, old friend,” says Alfred warmly, stepping out of the way. “Please come in.”
Damian raises an eyebrow as the taller of the two, most likely Butler steps in. He’s easily taller than Jason, standing well over 6 feet. From what Damian could see, the man was well built. Honestly, the man could probably last in a fight against Killer Croc or Solomon Grundy.
“Thank you so much Pennyworth. And apologies once again for the delay,” said Butler.
Damian glanced over at Tim, catching him doing the same. So. Neither of them had known that, apparently, this Artemis Fowl and his bodyguard were actually supposed to be here earlier.
“It's quite alright, Butler. I know a thing or two about teenagers and their behavior.”
Damian can hear a huff, causing him to look over at the culprit. Dressed in a well tailored suit, stands a boy. Artemis Fowl. Their supposed guest, who was going to be attending Gotham Academy with him. Well, he’d already missed the first day, and Damian supposed he’ll 
miss tomorrow as well due to the time difference between Ireland and Gotham.
Damian scowled, measuring up Fowl. He stood with a good posture, but his body language could easily be read that he wasn’t too fond of this arrangement either. When Damian gets to looking at Fowl’s face, he scowls further as he sees Fowl staring at him with a smirk. Already, Damian could tell that Fowl would be trouble.
Fowl steps forward, expression shifting to something bored, and offers his hand to Damian. “Artemis Fowl. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Damian squints, taking the hand and shaking it before pulling away. “Damian Wayne.”
Fowl raises an eyebrow, before switching his hand to Drake. Drake shakes it, introducing himself as well. Damian watches as Fowl goes back to standing at Butler’s side after shaking Alfred’s hand, looking around at all of them.
“Now then. Master Damian, would you please show Master Fowl to his room?” said Alfred. Damian snapped his attention to him. Surely the old man was joking. But no, Alfred looked perfectly serious.
“Tt. This way,” says Damian, not even bothering to wait for Fowl before he turns and heads up the stairs. Though, judging by the soft pattering of feet behind him, Fowl had managed to keep up well enough.
“Mind telling me what you know about the fact that Mr. Pennyworth and Butler know each other?” asks Fowl, catching up to walk next to him.
Damian scoffs. “We were not informed of that fact until we were informed about your arrival after Drake and I returned home from school.” Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Fowl raise an eyebrow.
“Aren’t you and Timothy brothers? Why refer to him with a last name?”
“That is none of your business, Fowl.” Damian stops abruptly outside Fowl’s door, causing him to stumble a bit as he stops. For some reason beyond him, Alfred decided to place Fowl in the empty room next door to him. Damian opens the door, shoving it open. “This is your room. Mine is to the left. It's off limits.”
Damian looks at Fowl to see him smiling, mischievously. “As if I would enter your room, Damian. I have zero intention of rubbing shoulders before I get sent back home.” Fowl walks into his room, Damian knitting his brows together.
Sent back home? Fowl, whoever he was, Damian didn’t get ample enough time to look at Drake hogging the bat computer, was already planning to be sent home. Damian narrows his gaze at Fowl, looking him up and down. To a regular person, Fowl might seem relaxed, more than one really should be when entering a new setting. But Damian could spot the tenseness in his shoulders. 
This boy was suspicious. Despite reportedly being a civilian according to Drake, he had the ability to disguise his body language to the ordinary individual.
“Tt,” Damian says before turning away, stalking back down the stairs to find one of the entrances to the bat cave. He needed to do research.
Damian spots Pennyworth and the other guest, Butler, through the door to the dining room. He raises an eyebrow before ducking into Father’s study. After firmly locking the door, he walks over to the grandfather clock. He adjusts the clock's time, stepping back as it slides open. After glancing back at the door, he steps into the elevator and descends into the cave.
He barely stalls when the door opens, descending down the stairs with a vault before walking to the Bat computer. He starts it up as he sits in the chair, adjusting so he can be centered with the screen.
He opens the Batcomputer’s search function, typing in the words ‘Artemis Fowl.’ Immediately, several results appear. For both an Artemis Fowl Sr. and an Artemis Fowl Jr. Damian squints, retyping to specify the search for the later.
He scowls as the searches readjust themselves, the top proving to be a case conducted by Interpol. Opening the case files, he reads through. Apparently, Artemis Fowl Jr. was suspected for several counts of First Degree robbery, breaking and entering, and a number of other charges. To summarize, Fowl was a suspected felon. The problem was that he couldn’t be accused, as all evidence was purely circumstantial.
Damian stands up, closing the files before turning off the computer. One thing for sure, Artemis Fowl could not be trusted. Which means leaving him to be alone in the manor would not be acceptable.
Damian shoots back up the elevator, stepping into the study and adjusting the clock hands behind him. He unlocks the door before stepping out into the hallway, walking back to Fowl’s room. He spots the open door, stepping into the doorway and looking in.
Fowl sits on his bed, legs crossed and laptop on his lap. His chin rests in his hand, obscuring the view of the lower half of his face. Damian straightens up, staring him down.
Damian clears his throat, causing Fowl to look up at him.
“Oh. Damian. Is something the matter?” he asks.
“Pennyworth told me we ought to talk, considering our ages,” Damian replies. Obviously, Pennyworth has said no such thing. Though Damian wouldn’t put it past the old man to suggest it at some point.
Fowl chuckles, drawing an eyebrow raise from Damian. “I shouldn’t be surprised. He is Butler’s friend after all. Suppose the two of them would be similar.”
Damian squints, stepping into the room. “What do you mean by that?”
“Butler suggested the same thing. That I should take this as an opportunity to socialize with a peer. Based on our similar social status and our same age.” Fowl smiles for a moment while he talks before it's replaced with an amused but bored look.
“Hm,” replies Damian, standing beside Fowl’s bed.
Fowl stands up, causing Damian to narrow his eyes. “Well then. Since it appears we must socialize, mind showing me around?
Damian huffs. “Fine. Follow me.” Damian walks out of the room, listening for the pattering of feet behind him.
He walks through the house, showing Fowl the various rooms and telling what they are. He raises an eyebrow when they get to the main library, as Fowl drifts into the center of the room and looks around.
“Just how many books do you have in here?”
Damian hums. “A thousand at least, I believe. I don’t know, this library is older than even Father.”
Fowl looks back at Damian, raising an eyebrow. “Older? So it must’ve been Martha and Thomas Wayne’s, then.”
Damian glares, crossing his arms. “How do you know their names?”
Fowl smirks. “Come on. Gotham is infamous, even across international borders. You really believe I wouldn’t do my research on the family that will be housing me for the foreseeable future? That’s a fool’s errand.”
Damian blinks. The honest answer was… unexpected. Fowl openly admitted to doing research on them. He probably knew their names before they had even introduced themself. Damian’s expression sours. 
“Come on. You said you wanted a tour. There’s still more.” Damian heads out the room, keeping his arms crossed as he finishes the tour with Fowl.
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bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 3
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene (The name of the ship as dubbed by another friend, @thetoyboxs) fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {
Artemis crossed his arms, settling into the chair. Usually, he would enjoy the luxuries of somewhere on the Fowl private jet. But this would not be one of those times.
Butler sits down across from him, setting his elbows on his knees. “Artemis.”
Artemis scowls at his bodyguard and friend. “I don’t appreciate this.”
Butler sighs. “You need to get your degree Artemis.”
“As I informed my mother, I could just as easily get my ELC early in Ireland. They don’t need to send me to school, much less some academy in America.”
“You died Artemis. For six months, you were dead. You can’t blame them for wanting you to be somewhere you can be kept an eye on.”
“Yes because Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy of Gotham, inspires that much confidence,” Artemis says with a sneer, suppressing the flinch at hearing Butler talk about his death.
Butler sighs, pinching his nose. “I don’t know about Bruce, but Alfred Pennyworth is a good friend of mine. Surely, you could find something good to do with your time in Gotham. The… others are in a good place now. There’s no need for you. Perhaps, you could let yourself have time to relax. Have fun. Be a regular 16 year old.”
Artemis groans. “I haven’t been ‘regular’ anything since I was 12 years old Butler. Which was 7 years ago, if you’ll recall. I have no desire to associate myself with the imbecilic masses without any real idea of responsibility.”
“Well I’m afraid you’re just going to have to deal with it, Artemis. I am on specific orders from your parents to ensure you get to and stay in Gotham.”
Artemis scowls. “And I thought you were my bodyguard, Butler.”
“I am. But I’m also your friend, Artemis. You can’t keep doing this. Throwing yourself into trouble. One of these days you’re going to buckle from the pressure and none of us may be there to help you. And you won’t be able to get out of it yourself.”
Artemis huffs, crossing his arms and looking out the window. He was more than capable of handling a little pressure. He was one of the only humans entrusted with the knowledge that the People existed. He had died, and had a plan that led to him being revived.
He was ill fitted for normality, that much he knew. High school at some fancy prep academy full of idiotic school children who knew nothing but a life of pampering was even more ill-suited for him. He had saved the world, for gods’ sake. What was he doing being squashed in among the rabble.
“We will be touching down in Gotham in another hour. You’ve missed the first day of the year already, and will have to miss the second as well to acclimate to Gotham. But you will be attending on the third day,” says Butler as he stands. Artemis simply keeps looking out the window, causing Butler to sigh and walk to the other areas of the plane.
Artemis looks behind him to glance at Butler, before shifting and pulling out his laptop. He opens it, pulling up his research of Gotham. Since simply not going has failed him, he will have to go with some of his more proactive plans. Currently, plan B was to sabotage the Wayne family as much as possible. If that failed, he had other plans. One was particularly nuclear as while it would most certainly get him returned home, it would most likely result in him being quite actively watched by his family. As such, it was currently the last resort.
But enough about that for now. Right now, Artemis needs to study. From what he could find, the only current residents of Wayne Manor were Bruce Wayne himself, his sons Damian Wayne and Tim Drake, and the butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Upon being informed that he would be staying with the Waynes, Butler had informed him that Pennyworth was a former colleague of his, both having served in the army.
That unfortunately meant Pennyworth would have to remain unbothered. Butler would only allow him to do so much, and it would be best to avoid alerting him.
This of course, left the other members of the household. The easiest choice would be Damian Wayne. There were multiple accounts of how Damian was prone to anger, and the two would be attending school together, though in different grades. The most effective, however, would most likely be Tim Drake. Despite only being 20, he was already a CEO for Wayne Enterprises. Sabotaging him would mean sabotaging the company.
Artemis would have to adjust his plans once he arrived, of course. It's said that the other Waynes rotated out of the manor quite often, and of course the media could get things wrong. Not to mention, methods of sabotage would have to be conjured after study. It would be ill advised to make a plan now, before he had all the information.
Artemis hummed, perking up at the thud of Butler’s boots making their way towards him. Artemis scowled, closing the laptop and returning it to his case.
If he shifted, lacing his fingers and setting his chin against them. He would have to find a way home, one that evaded Butler’s attention long enough for him to pull it off. Being this far away from home wasn’t the issue for Artemis. He’d been through Limbo. But being this far proposed another problem than just Artemis’s discomfort. Gotham was notoriously corrupt and dangerous. So much so though even the People had heard of it, designating the place as a no fly zone for officers. While Holly was never going to follow rules, Artemis knew Gotham was no joke. If he was needed while he was staying in Gotham, Holly would be flying into a trap not even set to capture her.
Batman had banned metas from Gotham, as well as those who weren’t human, in an effort to mitigate the issues that may happen if they were captured and used by Gotham’s rogues. Artemis has no doubts that a faerie would be considered a prize among them, due to the unique properties of fae magic. Not to mention, Holly didn’t have permission in Gotham. While back at the manor she had permission to enter the dwelling, as well as the privacy, she would have neither in Gotham. While Artemis could plausibly grant Holly the permission she needed to enter Wayne Manor, the nature of Gotham would make her slipping in unnoticed extremely difficult.
It was long decided. Artemis would be ensuring his stay in Gotham was as short as possible.
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