#dare I say I'm in spock shock
Since I got into star trek I understand what people mean by seeing things through the lense of your special interest/ it being important to how you conceptualize things
Autists and star trek are really meant to go together. It's just like spongebob
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 10 months
8, fourteen & castor?
Let's say that the whole coffee thing after the very emotional talk at the console didn't happen yet and this takes place during the Doctor's zoomies around the room, yes? :)
Warning: very mild spoilers for The Star Beast, part of my confusing au where Ten has several boyfriends that are electrical in some way (android, computer program, sentient plantoid that can control machinery...) now with Fourteen instead cause they deserve the hot David Bowie-esque Michael Sheen boyfriend.
On with the fic!
"This is amazing!" The Doctor shouted, running down one of the ramps before spotting a doorway. "Donna! I'm gonna go check out something!"
"Fine, spaceman, but don't you dare get lost!" Donna shouted over the railing around the console. "We've got a grandad to see!"
The Doctor grinned, giving her two thumbs up, before running down the opened doorway and hallway. Everything was so clean and white, and yet not in a suffocating way, like a hospital or an Apple store. No, it reminded them of the old days, of blue recorders and canes, of technicolor dream coats and too-long scarves.
Of a nightclub owner-
When was the last time the TARDIS chose this for her desktop? Had it been when they have been sad and angry at the universe, smelling of war and sand? Probably. Wow, that had been eons ago at this point.
The Doctor stopped running, now briskly running, trailing a hand along the walls. So smooth and clean, the lights not too bright in here, and tinted a calming blue.
They swallowed, it reminded them of someone. Someone who they let go before they stopped having this face the first time, before it was all bowties and floppy hair.
They found a door and brushed their fingers against a silver pad at the side, the door opening with a woosh. They love a good woosh, very... Spock, as Rose would have put it. Stepping inside, they found that the room looked familiar.
Too familiar.
Even after two-plus millennia, the Doctor was shocked to remember this layout so well. There was no deep bass music playing, no mood lighting, but it was illuminated in places, by pale blue and white lights.
There were tables, a fully stocked bar, even what looked to be a DJ booth behind glass by a staircase.
And a second floor, where a figure stood, smiling at them, all dressed in white with blue accents and lights.
"C-Castor?" The Doctor asked.
"Ah," The program's smile grew, "you remember me!"
"Course I do, how could I forget?" The Doctor swallowed, stepping into the room. "How... how are you here? You and Arthur left together."
Castor chuckled, leaning on his cane. "I felt it was necessary to leave a little bit of myself in the TARDIS' systems, she didn't mind the company. Even let me help design your newest desktop! Said I'd know just what to do to make it comfortable for you. And speaking of you..."
The smile on his face shifted as those pale eyes stared at the Doctor. "... you were supposed to be dead."
"Yes. I... thought that too. At least this face." The Doctor frowned, touching their cheek, feeling the slight stubble there. "But this face is back, somehow. But not him, he's had his time. I'm the new new new owner of this face."
"You Time Lords are a curious bunch." Castor said, suddenly at the Doctor's side, brushing his own fingers against the Doctor's face. "Hmmm, I wonder what else is new new new about this same face, Doctor." He purred, leaning in close...
*loudly sips coffee*
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hummingbird-of-light · 11 months
No. 12 "I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?" (insomnia)
His legs carried him sluggishly through the corridors of the Enterprise. He had to get to the bridge. He had to inform Jim about the new findings he had made regarding the strange virus.
McCoy felt that he was swaying and he held himself close to the wall to be able to hold on if necessary.
He felt the looks of some crew members on him. Some opened their mouths to address him, but quickly fell silent when they saw the doctor's glare.
He didn't have time! No one should dare to talk to him.
The turbolift seemed to be moving much too slowly. Why couldn't Scotty and his people finally improve the technology?!
The anger about this fact kept him going and so the doctor finally managed to step onto the bridge after what felt like an eternity.
The man in the captain's chair turned around, but to McCoy's displeasure, it wasn't his best friend he caught sight of. He groaned in annoyance.
Spock. Why did it have to be the green-blooded hobgoblin, of all people? Wasn't McCoy punished enough with all this work? Now he had to deal with the Vulcan, too!
"Where's the captain, Spock?"
That damned eyebrow of Spock's. As if of its own accord, it seemed to move upward.
"He is in his quarters as the duty roster calls for today, Doctor. I'm in command."
Of course. Of course Kirk wasn't there when McCoy had something important to discuss.
"Are you all right, Doctor?"
McCoy snorted in annoyance.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine, Spock. I'd only be better if I could talk to Jim about the new findings and not have to put up with you."
McCoy was surprised by his own answer. He didn't like Spock, everyone knew that, but that he said it so clearly didn't happen quite so often.
"Well... I can assure you that I am as capable as the Captain of discussing the findings with you."
McCoy just laughed.
"I would venture to doubt that. After all, an emotionless idiot like you knows nothing about humane medicine."
The doctor felt the looks of the others on him. Everyone seemed shocked, but no one knew what to say.
Spock slowly stood up and stepped closer to McCoy. He didn't seem even remotely offended by McCoy's comment.
"When was the last time you slept, Doctor?"
"That's none of your business. And it doesn't matter, either."
Spock eyed the Doctor from head to toe.
"Insomnia. Stressed and aggressive behavior. Addiction to work. Decreased awareness disorder."
McCoy narrowed his eyes in irritation. What was that stupid Vulcan talking about?
"What the-"
"If I'm not mistaken, you're a victim of the disease yourself, Doctor."
McCoy laughed out. Ha! That was utter nonsense! He was a doctor! He didn't get sick!
"How dare you! I'm fine!"
McCoy didn't know why he was suddenly at Spock's throat. All he wanted to do was shut the guy up.
He was so angry. And tired. And exhausted.
A quick grip on his neck and McCoy lost consciousness.
When he woke up in sickbay, McCoy was completely confused. Only when he was told what had happened, he realized that Spock had been right.
Fortunately, his addiction to work had actually brought the researchers closer to a cure, and so they had been able to take care of all the sick.
One thing was clear, however. McCoy would always be embarrassed in Spock's presence from now on.
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I just read a star trek fanfic and it wasn't tag "spirk" but it was supposed to be an au in which michael burnham (spock's adoptive sister) never left the timeline. i was shocked because nyota uhura is the stereotype of the jealous seductress but the writer dare to pit 2 black woman against each other. michael was a spirk fangirl and i feel the writer use her to say "hey i'm not racist i just hate the spuhura ship" but it was disgusting i didn't even read until the end.
That is so disgusting.  Like I haven’t seen Michael and Spock interact yet but like why would she possibly be a spirk fangirl?   that’s two Black women tropes commonly used the jezebel and the cheerleader of the white dudeslash ship.  like can they be more misogyoiristic?
on the one hand I want to know who wrote it to avoid it but like also call them out lol it’d be an excellent example of how misogynoir might not look the same everywhere but it exists in different forms.  like sure they like a black woman as a sister to a man in a white dudeslash ship but the black sister has to be pigeonholed as nothing but a cheerleader.  when canonically speaking Michael would have been happy to see Spock with someone who cared so much for him and would have supported spuhura instead  because even though kirk is growing to appreciate spock now they had a very antagonistic beginning.
not to mention that uhura is far from a jealous seductress. painting her as a jezebel is one of the classic misogynoir tropes.
mod  ali
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