#but the star trek SpIn is unreal
bog-frog · 1 year
Since I got into star trek I understand what people mean by seeing things through the lense of your special interest/ it being important to how you conceptualize things
Autists and star trek are really meant to go together. It's just like spongebob
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izzyspussy · 6 months
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larry-ben-kenobi · 3 years
Having decided to begin the xenos hunt, we began our journey out into the nebula to find the Eldar’s favorite little hideaway in the sector. Naturally, warp travel is a bumpy ride, so Reguba acquired a craving for paper, and Dariel got highly suspicious that everybody was a mutant. Getting off light, for warp travel through a small warp storm. Speaking of, while traversing the Warp we also came across the collective unconsciousness’ concept of cockroaches, or some other Strongly Real Concept, since it was acting the iceberg to our Titanic in unreal space. This caused BAD THINGS to happen across the ship, and so we all quickly rallied together to panic see if we can help. Sebrius tried to use his space-navy experience to calm and rally the crowds of people in the hallways (more like streets, voidships are big), but was too nervous to do much. Reguba had just finished eating a dictionary, and so did much better yelling about the Emperor, the unity of man, and the strength of said unity yada yada HAVE NO FEAR FOR THE EMPEROR IS WITH US. If I had any spare purity seals, I'd have been slapping them on every doorway I saw. It prevented overly mass void panic, at least.
Heading to the bridge hoping to find the Inquisitor, we instead found a bunch of panicking and fleeing techno lads, void technicians, essentially all those redshirts you see on the Star Trek bridge who don't do anything as Spock aims and fires the photon torpedos. Getting little out of them besides "bridge scary fire ahhh", we dramatically burst into the bridge room to see the unfathomable first actual Daemonic stuff all campaign. (Heresy, in our Dark Heresy? Emperor forbid)
A good pack of netherspawn was doing a chaotic swirling goop vortex in one part of the bridge room, while at the front (or, the part where the giant viewport/window/etc) five blue horrors were throwing warpfire all around like little tzeentchian arsonists. Seeing Daemons and horrible Warp Creatures understandably terrified the bridge nerds, and it stunned Sebrius. Reguba felt the best approach, since Sebrius was too shocked to move, was to charge the horde of netherspawn (pumpkin sized little gremlins, essentially. Even more impish than your imagination can think up) and distract them. This was a horrible waste of a turn and a fairly bad plan, mostly because swinging a giant hammer around can only squish so many netherspawn at once while they surround you. Dariel wisely decided to head -away- from the massive pile of clawy imps and chaos juice while shooting at them. Once Sebrius came to, he instantly realized that a massive horde of little gremlins is best remedied by explosives, and threw a frag grenade right into them, which did far more damage to them than Reguba's hammer could ever hope to. (There were enough of them being little idiots spinning around, stabbing the floor, whatever, that Reguba was actually far away enough to not be bothered by the explosion. This was like, a BIG room and a good fifth of it was the netherspawn orgy).
The blue horrors weren't afk for all this, and the five of them had split to the corners of the room to throw fire at us more annoyingly. Luckily they're awful shots with really stupid little T rex arms. Unluckily for everyone involved, when one ran into the nether pile to try to stab Reguba in the face, Reguba effortlessly smashed it- and then it melted into two little fire sprites. Sebrius threw another grenade while Walrond, our dear friend and kidnapped driver from last session (we wanted his car, and I wanted to adopt him, so we did!) showed up and almost had a heart attack seeing the incarnate forms of thought and madness.
Dariel engaged in close combat with two of the horrors on one end of the room after one grazed his face with thrown warpflame, while Reguba and Walrond dissipated the Netherspawn and brimstone horror-fire creatures by shooting them with exploding Bolter rounds and then smashing them with a giant hammer. Without the swirling mass of spawn, the blue horrors had far less advantage in numbers, and were fairly quickly dispatched by a mixture of bolters exploding them and hammers smashing the flames that came from their exploded bodies.
Having secured the bridge, we dug out one of the surviving bridge crew from underneath his charred terminal, set him to work cleaning up the fire while we went to find the Inquisitor. (luckily once you kill daemons most of their actual bodies dissipate into the nether).
Deciding that the best place to find her is the interrogation chambers where we had the surviving (and maimed) eldar, we went deeper into the ship, calming warp panicked men on our way through prayer and loud yelling. On entering the interrogation room, we found Supplicator Alethos (your friendly interrogator) in an awful state, panicking and freaking out while a maw of teeth and darkness took up half the room. On seeing this, Reguba panicked and fled, Dariel freaked similarly, and Sebrius lost his mind in a wholly different way and started towards the eldar to execute it while Alethos slammed the door shut. He took out his shotgun and aimed at the bound, gagged, and unconscious eldar. The shotgun jammed from a rolled critical failure. Reguba composed himself and immediately started slamming into the door with his hammer, and broke it down in time to see Sebrius fling the shotgun to the floor and take out his chainsword. Then the Supplicator tackled Reguba and the floor in front of the door was a tangle of Ecclesiarchy robes wrestling like a 60's movie fight scene, with Dariel trying to clamber over them to save the prisoner from the possessed Sebrius, who was being influenced by his rage against the Eldar to execute a prisoner who had valuable knowledge.
The wrestling match continued until Reguba gained control of it then tried to fling Alethos against the wall, but actually flung him into Dariel (didnt see him there, because he's a slippery little lightweight), and Sebrius cleaved the Banshee's face in half with a sword-chainsaw, spilling her blood everywhere in a mess of gore and grey matter. The Alucard-like maw laughed and began to fade, but first set all the paper in the room on fire (and ate some, because it was taunting us). We lost any intel that Alethos couldn't remember, and his memory was going to be shot from the daemonic possession. We still knew where we were going, but didn't know what we would be getting into.
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #497
Top Ten PC Games No One Talks About Anymore
Blimey, Quake is rather good, isn’t it? Have you heard about it? I really hope so, because it’s only twenty-five years old. I mean, Jesus. What’s up with that? Quake is meant to be the future. It’s full of true-3D polygonal texture-mapping and real-time dynamic light-sourcing. Fancy it being a quarter of a century old. That’s ridiculous. “Old” is for things like, I dunno, Space Invaders or The Godfather or I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Stuff that our parents heard about before we were born. It’s not – it’s absolutely not – used to describe something that people bought 3D accelerator cards for. It’s not used to describe a game that popularised online gaming.
But old it is, getting silver anniversary cards and everything. No longer the angry, hungry young tiger, devouring its ancestors and growling at upstart rivals like Duke Nukem 3D – sure, you’ve got non-linear levels, interactive scenery, and toilet humour, but we’ve got grenades that bounce with real physics – Quake is now an aged beast of the forest, resplendent, battle-scarred, weary with gravitas. Quake is the game that shaped the now, but it does not represent the future anymore. In fact, arguably its greatest rival – Unreal – is the game with the lasting, living legacy, its progeny building the next generation of gaming with one of the most popular and impressive engines around, the framework underpinning everything from Gears to Jedi to Fortnite. Quake blew us all away, but arguably it ceded the conflict, secure in its status as one of the most important and influential games of all time. Quake II got plaudits for actually having a proper story and an engrossing single-player campaign (and coloured lighting!), and its immediate descendants such as Half-Life changed the nature of what FPS games could do, but in a funny way it feels like Quake has long since retired. A sleeping titan. It got old.
So it’s great that they rereleased it on modern systems! The version of Quake released last month is basically the game I remember, but tarted up a little around the edges, with texture filtering and dynamic shadows and other stuff that I couldn’t manage on my Pentium 75 back in the day. It plays great – it’s slick as anything, and you go tearing round the levels like a Ferrari with a nail gun, blasting dudes and ducking back around a corner before you get hit with a pineapple in the face. It’s the first game I’ve played in a long, long time that evokes the feel of classic PC first-person shooters of that era – which, y’know, kinda makes sense as it is a first-person shooter of that era. But that style of fast-paced run-and-gun, circle-strafing gameplay has gone out of fashion now, with FPS games usually favouring slow, methodical, tactical combat, or larger-scale open-world warfare usually involving vehicles. Whether it’s a straight-up no-frills blaster like Quake, or a game that takes you on more of a linear, narrative journey, like Quake II, or even just a multiplayer-focused arena shooter, like Quake III Arena, it does feel like a dying artform, like a style of gameplay that could do with a resurgence (and, to be fair, there are games on the horizon that look like they’re harking back to the era, so that’s cool).
But it’s not just first-person shooters like Quake that I feel have slipped from gaming’s shared consciousness. Maybe it’s my age (it’s definitely my age) but there seems to be quite a lot of games that were a big deal twenty or so years ago that are utterly forgotten now, whereas some – Doom, Duke Nukem, Command & Conquer, Age of Empires – are often namechecked or rebooted (even before the full-on 2016 reboot, Doom must have been one of the most re-released games of the last thirty years). But there are lots of others where sometimes I feel like I’m the only one that remembers it. And that’s where this list comes in: inspired by the excellent re-release of the Quake franchise, here are some other great PC games of that general era that I feel still need shouting about, even if I’m the only one doing the shouting. Maybe they don’t all need a full-on remaster or whatever, but it’d still be nice if they got a bit of modern gaming love.
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No One Lives Forever (2000): coming at a time when most FPS games were still Doom-style blasters with little in the way of real plot, NOLF was different: stylish and funny, genuinely well-written (as in the dialogue), with interesting objective-based missions and a cool female protagonist. It skirted similar ground to Bond and the then-white-hot Austin Powers franchise. Two games were made and then, as far as I’m aware, it evaporated into a mess of tangled rights, hence no sequels or remakes. A shame, because it was great.
MDK (1997): the next game from the people who made the multimedia phenomenon that was Earthworm Jim, MDK was a really cool slice of sci-fi style, all sleek level design and intriguing features. It had a supremely bonkers plot which bled through into a game with a sense of humour, but mostly it was the run-and-gun gameplay and innovative use of a scoped weapon – possibly (don’t quote me on this) the first sniper rifle in a videogame. An even wackier sequel followed, but despite its cult status, that was it.
Star Trek: The Next Generation – Klingon Honor Guard (1998): it’s probably fair to say that Star Trek has not had as many great videogames as Star Wars, perhaps because Trek’s historically straightlaced earnestness just didn’t translate as well as bashing someone up the chops with a laser sword. Honor Guard shook things up by casting you as a Klingon, showering levels with pink blood and going Full Worf. It was the first game to licence the Unreal engine, and had a cool level where you walked along the outside of a ship like in First Contact. Also: shout out to the Voyager game, Elite Force (2000), which was another really good FPS set in the world of Trek, with intriguing gameplay wrinkles as you fought the Borg. It also let you wander round the titular starship between levels. Trek deserves more quality action games like these.
Earth 2150 (2000): the nineties on PC really saw RTS games come down to those who liked Command & Conquer or those who liked Warcraft, but as the decade drew to a close other titles chased the wargame crown (including Total Annihilation, which would have made this list, except I feel like the Supreme Commander franchise is a sequel in all but name). 2150 was notable for its Starcraft-like mix of three factions with contrasting play styles, and its use of 3D graphics and the ability to design and build weapons of war that could lay waste to armies and bases with spectacular results. I think the genre has ossified into something more hardcore, and this was probably an inflex point where idiots like me could still get a handle on things.
Midtown Madness (1999): Microsoft has a history of building up great racing franchises and then abandoning them, but their “Madness” line of games in the late nineties/early noughties was terrific and much-missed. Back when tooling round actual 3D cities was still new and exciting, this was a no-holds-barred arcade racer, with some gorgeous shiny chrome effects on the cars, and very nippy handling. It was great fun smashing up VW Beetles and the like. It was surpassed, I guess, by Project Gotham on the Xbox, and sadly the whole franchise was then forgotten, despite the ascendent Forza franchise mostly shunning city driving.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (1998): part tactical war game, part puzzler, Commandos was famous for its gorgeously intricate graphics and its difficulty – I mean, it was way too hard for me. But its beautiful top-down design and its slow, methodical gameplay was compelling, as you evaded Nazis and solved missions with a team of unique units with special skills. Sequels followed, and western spin-off Desperados, but there’s not been a true follow-up for quite some time, despite promises; and few games have echoed its style or look.
The Pandora Directive (1996): okay, so really this is just a placeholder for an entire subgenre of game that appears to have been forgotten: interactive movies. I know, there are flirtations with this from time to time; and many of these games featured obtuse puzzles and relatively little gameplay strung between FMV scenes. Pandora was great though; a first-person 3D game with loads of old-school adventure aspects, as well as FMV, it was a noir-tinged detective story but set in the future. The Tex Murphy series (of which this was the fourth instalment) has had sequels – the most recent one was sadly cancelled only this year – but many other games of a similar ilk, such as Phantasmagoria and even Wing Commander – have fallen by the wayside. With in-engine graphics now allowing the fluidity and expression of cinematic renders of old, shooting movie inserts doesn’t seem like it’s worthwhile; but I still always loved a point-and-click game that featured digitised actors milling about. Toonstruck, anyone?
Marathon (1994): before Halo there was… Marathon! Back when I used to lug my Pentium round my mate’s house so we could play different games on different machines side-by-side, he’d bang on about this Mac-first series of games, like Doom but better, with an intricate plot and complex levels. And y’know what? He was actually onto something. There’s a style and an earnestness to the Marathon franchise, along with many concepts that would be refined in Halo years later. With Bungie now seemingly committed to Destiny, and Halo in Microsoft’s hands, I’m not sure what could possibly become of this, their forgotten FPS forebear, especially as it shares so much DNA with its offspring.  
Outlaws (1997): LucasArts are famous for two things, really: their Star Wars games and their adventures. But they made loads of other stuff too – including this intriguing Western shoot-em-up. Back when Western games were rarer than Western movies (which were rare at the time), this quirky and difficult cowboy-em-up saw you rounding up outlaws in typical oater locations such as saloons, trains, and mines. It had great music and a really intriguing set of weapons, including (don’t quote me on this) the first sniper rifle in a game. Sadly Outlaws’ success could be described as “cult” and it never got a proper sequel. and, weirdly, despite the success of Red Dead Redemption, we’ve never had a bit Western-themed FPS again. Which is really odd.
Soldier of Fortune (2000): I pondered whether to include this one, as if I’m honest I’m not sure I want this licence brought back. But I can’t deny the game was a huge deal and has seemingly been forgotten. A relatively gritty and realistic combat game with a huge variety of excellent real-world weaponry, its big hook was its incredibly detailed damage modelling, that could see you blowing limbs off enemies, or splitting open heads, or disembowelling them. Whilst its OTT violence made headlines, the granularity of its systems meant you could be more tactical, shooting weapons out of hands. But really its biggest controversy should be its association with a big old gun magazine.
There are many, many other games that nearly made the list - I almost had a Top Ten of just FPS games, for instance. Little Big Adventure was here, till a sequel was announced the other day. Hexen and Heretic I think still have a place in FPS history. Toonstruck, although without a sequel, was only really a cult hit at the time, and I feel the people who’d love it already know about it. I do tend to overthink these things, y’know.
So maybe not all of these could make a comeback, but all the same I don’t think they should be forgotten, and it does make we wonder what games will fall by the wayside twenty or more years from now. That game about the big green space marine dude in a mask – what was that called again…?
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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ITV ha renovado McDonald & Dodds por una tercera temporada
FOX ha renovado Duncanville por una tercera temporada
CBS ha cancelado MacGyver tras su quinta temporada
Noticias cortas
Tatiana Maslany (Sister Alice) no estará en la segunda temporada de Perry Mason.
Jodie Turner-Smith abandona The Witcher: Blood Origin debido a un retraso en las fechas de producción.
Netflix adquiere The 39 Steps, la adaptación de la novela de John Buchan (1915) protagonizada por Benedict Cumberbatch.
Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Hateful Eight, Single White Female) se une a la segunda temporada de Hunters. Será Chava, cazadora de nazis.
Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Devs) será Uncle Miltie, quien ayuda a Rand (Seth Rogen) a distribuir la sex tape, en Pam and Tommy.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) protagonizará y producirá el drama The Second Home, la miniserie adaptación de la novela de Christina Clancy (2020) que sigue a dos familias separadas a raíz de un fatídico verano en Cabo Cod, Massachusetts.
Samantha Morton (Harlots, The Walking Dead) será Catherine de Medici en The Serpent Queen.
T'Nia Miller (Years and Years, The Haunting of Bly Manor), Charlotte Riley (Trust, Peaky Blinders), Alex Hernandez (UnREAL, The Son), JJ Feild (Turn, Lost in Space), Eli Goree (Riverdale, Pearson), Gary Carr (The Deuce, Death in Paradise) y Adelind Horan (The Pioneers) se unen a The Peripheral.
Renée Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist) se une a She-Hulk. Interpretará a un personaje llamado Amelia.
Hayley Squires (Adult Material, The Miniaturist), Frak Dillane (Fear The Walking Dead, The Girlfriend Experience), Clémence Poésy (Genius, The Tunnel) y Jamael Westman (Anne Boleyn) se unen a The Essex Serpent.
Wayne Brady (How I Met Your Mother, Colony) será Del Cooper, un comediante convertido en productor y el nuevo interés amoroso de un personaje aún no desvelado, en la quinta temporada de The Good Fight.
Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery) y Calam Lynch (Mrs. Wilson) serán Mary Sharma, la madre de las hermanas Kate (Simone Ashley) y Edwina (Charithra Chandran); y Theo Sharpe, ayudante de un impresor; en la segunda temporada de Bridgerton.
Sebastian Roché (The Young Pope, The Originals) y Michelle Ventimilla (Seven Seconds, Gotham) serán recurrentes en Big Sky como Wagy, el sheriff de Lochsa County; y Rosie Amaya, hija de Gil Amaya, el gerente del rancho de los Kleinsasser.
Adepero Oduye (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, 12 Years a Slave) y Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal, God Friended Me) serán Karen Wynn, enfermera jefe en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y líder del comité ético; y Bryant King, especialista en medicina interna y uno de los pocos doctores negros del hospital; en Five Days at Memorial.
Karen Robinson (Schitt's Creek, Tiny Pretty Things) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de A Million Little Things como Florence, una dulce viuda con sentido del humor.
Kareem Green (It's Showtime at the Apollo) será recurrente en Flatbush Misdemeanors como Kareem, padrastro de Dan (Dan Perlman).
Patricia Hodge (Miranda, A Very English Scandal) sustituye a la fallecida Diana Rigg en el papel de Mrs. Pumphrey en la segunda temporada de All Creatures Great and Small.
Ebonee Noel (FBI, Wrecked), Karen LeBlanc (Ransom, Departure), Yaani King Mondschein (Saving Grace, Blood & Oil) y Rance Nix protagonizarán The Kings of Napa.
Peta Sergeant (Snowfall, The Originals) se une como regular a la sexta y última temporada de Supergirl. Será Nyxly, una prisionera de la Phantom Zone.
Max Osinski (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Last Ship) será recurrente en la segunda y última temporada de The Walking Dead: World Beyond como Dennis, un soldado dedicado y disciplinado que trata de recuperar su vida.
Tom Kenny retomará su papel de narrador en Powerpuff. Robyn Lively (Twin Peaks, Light as a Feather) será Sara Bellum.
Sinéad Keenan (Being Human, My Left Nut), Lola Petticrew (Bloodlands, My Left Nut), Amy James-Kelly (Gentleman Jack, Safe), Genenieve O'Reilly (Tin Star, The Honourable Woman), Colin Morgan (Humans, Merlin), Owen McDonnell (Killing Eve, The Bay), Prasanna Puwanarajah (Doctor Foster, Patrick Melrose) y Kerri Quinn (Come Home, Coronation Street) protagonizarán Three Families, antes conocida como When It Happens To You.
Nicholas Burton (Dave & Theo) y Aaron Jeffery (Wentworth, McLeod's Daughters) se unen como recurrentes a Pieces of Her. Serán Andrew Queller, el hijo pequeño de Martin Queller (Terry O'Quinn); y un misterioso y potencialmente peligroso personaje que aparece en la vida de Laura (Toni Collette) y Andy (Bella Heathcote).
Barbara Alyn Woods (One Tree Hill; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show) será recurrente en Chucky como la alcaldesa Michelle Cross.
John de Lancie (Star Trek: The Next Generation) volverá a interpretar a Q en la segunda temporada de Star Trek: Picard.
Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine (The Chi, Treme) será recurrente en The Lincoln Lawyer como Raymond Griggs, un intenso y tenaz detective de Los Ángeles que investiga un asesinato.
Osy Ikhile (The Feed) y Caoilinn Springall (The Midnight Sky) se unen como regulares a Citadel. Stanley Tucci (Feud, The Lovely Bones), Nikki Amuka-Bir (Avenue 5, Luther), Susan Lynch (Happy Valley, Apple Tree Yard), Sara Martins (Death in Paradise), Leo Woodall (Cherry), Gráinne Good (The Other Lamb) y Leo Ashizawa (A Discovery of Witches) serán recurrentes.
Raff Law (Twist) será el sargento Ken Lemmons en Masters of the Air.
Tammy Townsend (K.C. Undercover) se une como regular a la sexta temporada de Queen Sugar. Paula Jai Parker (A House Divided, Family Time), Marquis Rodríguez (When They See Us, Iron Fist) y McKinley Freeman (Hit the Floor, Samantha Who?) se unen como recurrentes.
Thomas Barbusca (The Mick, Chad) y Adrienne Wells se unen como recurrentes a la tercera temporada de Black Monday. Serán Werner, un joven republicano del equipo de Blair (Andrew Rannells); y Nomi, una joven talentosa que pronto se convierte en la joya de la corona en el nuevo negocio de Mo (Don Cheadle).
Vic Mensa será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Chi como Jamal, alguien que quiere ayudar a su novia y a su hermana pequeña.
Eugenio Mastrandrea (All Cops Are Bastards), Keith David (Greenleaf, Future Man), Danielle Deadwyler (P-Valley, Watchmen), Kellita Smith (Z Nation, The Bernie Mac Show), Judith Scott (Snowfall, Dexter), Lucia Sardo, Paride Benassai y Roberta Rigano se unen a From Scratch.
          Nuevas series
Peacock ha encargado un reboot de Queer as Folk centrado en un grupo diverso de amigos de Nueva Orleans cuyas vidas cambian tras una tragedia. Creada, escrita y producida por Stephen Dunn (Little America, Closet Monster), que además dirigirá el piloto. Produce Russell T. Davies (Queer as Folk, It's a Sin).
Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Homecoming, Lo imposible) protagonizará y producirá la primera temporada de The Crowded Room (diez episodios), antología de Apple TV+ que contará historias reales de personas que aprendieron a vivir con enfermedades mentales. Esta primera tanda, basada en 'The Minds of Billy Milligan' (1981), la biografía escrita por Daniel Keyes, trata sobre la primera persona absuelta por su desorden de personalidad múltiple, conocido ahora como trastorno de identidad disociativo, en los años 70. Escrita por Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind, Fringe).
Justin Timberlake (Inside Llewyn Davis, The Social Network) interpretará al productor y presentador de concursos de televisión Chuck Barris. Según sus memorias, publicadas en 1984, esta profesión era una tapadera para ocultar su verdadero trabajo como asesino de la CIA en los años 60 y 70. Creada y producida por Jon Worley (Justified, SEAL Team). Escrita y producida por David Hollander (Ray Donovan, The Cleaner). Hubo adaptación cinematográfica en 2002.
HBO Max encarga King Shark, spin-off de The Suicide Squad. Escrita y dirigida por James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, Scooby-Doo).
HBO Max encarga diez episodios de Minx, comedia ambientada en Los Ángeles en los años 70 y protagonizada por una feminista joven y formal (Ophelia Lovibond; Elementary, W1A) que se alía con un editor de poca monta (Jake Johnson; New Girl, Stumptown) para crear la primera revista erótica para mujeres. Con Idara Victor (Turn, Rizzoli & Isles), Jessica Lowe (Wrecked, Miracle Workers), Lennon Parham (Lady Dynamite, Bless This Mess), Michael Angarano (The Knick, This Is Us) y Oscar Montoya (Bless the Harts). Escrita y producida por Ellen Rapoport (Desperados). Produce Paul Feig (The Office, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist).
HBO Max desarrolla Deeds, comedia negra sobre una agente inmobiliaria desesperada (Kristin Davis; Sex and the City, Melrose Place) que se embarca en un camino cada vez más oscuro cuando se ve obligada a aliarse con una pareja de sociópatas jóvenes y drogadictos que pronto descubren que en el mundo de los bienes raíces de Los Ángeles, en lo que se refiere a inmoralidad y comportamientos despiadados, les llevan ventaja. Escrita por Michael Davidoff (Working) y producida por Kristin Davis (And Just Like That...) y Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy).
HBO Max desarrolla una comedia ambientada en un campamento de verano en la que cuatro amigas de toda la vida que se preparan para ser monitoras jurarán mantener su amistad tras la llegada de una chica nueva desde otro campamento. Escrita por Lauren Herstik (American Vandal, Pearson).
Showtime desarrolla Mabel, serie precuela de Madea en la que Mabel Simmons se muda a Atlanta en 1972. Escrita por JaNeika James y JaSheika James y producida por Tyler Perry.
The Downstairs Girl, la novela de Stacey Lee (2019), tendrá adaptación televisiva. Ambientada en Atlanta en 1890, sigue a una joven que vive con su guardián en un sótano y trabaja como criada para una de las familias más adineradas por el día y escribe anónimamente en un periódico por la noche. Escrita por Aminta Goyel (Ghostwriter).
La décima temporada de Call the Midwife se estrena en BBC One el 18 de abril
El estreno de la 2ª y última temporada de Selena: The Series se adelanta del 14 al 4 de mayo
Girls5eva se estrena en Peacock el 6 de mayo
Run The World se estrena en Starz el 16 de mayo
La quinta y última temporada de The Bold Type se estrena en Freeform el 26 de mayo
Panic se estrena en Prime Video el 28 de mayo
La tercera temporada de Sistas se estrena en BET el 9 de junio
La undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead se estrena en AMC el 22 de agosto
Tráilers y promos
Selena: The Series - Temporada 2 y última
Run The World
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Temporada 2
The Mosquito Coast
Pose - Temporada 3 y última
The Chi - Temporada 4
Jupiter's Legacy
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Gray hasn’t seen Natsu in years - not since he moved away with his boyfriend Joel and Natsu stopped texting him. A chance run-in at a bar brings Natsu back into Gray’s life, but the encounter puts Gray in danger when Joel finds out. Natsu quickly realizes that Gray’s stuck in a cycle of violence, and wants to help him escape. But leaving isn’t that easy, and sometimes loving someone might not be enough.
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Chapter Summary: Gray's trying to be okay, but he still feels like he's falling apart.
Chapters (21/24):  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17| 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Natsu just wants to help, but Gray feels like he can’t leave, Non-Linear Narrative, Trans Character, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, ftlgbtpride2019, Coming Out, First Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise
** TW for mentions of drinking/alcoholism and self-harm 
they mean everything to me
sup·port | \ sə-ˈpȯrt transitive verb : to keep from yielding or losing courage
xx november .
Sting is right, and Joel doesn’t get out on bail. Instead, words like ‘arraignment’ and ‘preliminary hearing’ and ‘testimony’ get tossed around while Gray curls up in the bedroom and refuses to talk to anyone.
Natsu sits with him, sometimes, running his fingers through Gray’s hair and telling him that he’s brave, he’s safe, he’s going to be okay. Gray wants to believe him, but he feels like a scared, stupid little boy, and he’s so, so tired.
Three days after the hospital, Kelly comes back to take more pictures for evidence. Gray can’t even look at her, just stares dully at a crack in the baseboard as the camera shutter clicks again and again and again.
After she leaves, he can’t stop crying. When he tries to lock himself in the bathroom, he realizes that he can’t, because someone took the lock out of the handle. He knows why and he wants to scream in frustration, but instead just stares at his reflection in the mirror – red and black and blue and broken.
When Natsu finds Gray curled up in the shower, fully dressed with the water running as hot as possible, he doesn’t yell or cry or lecture. He just turns off the water and slips into the tub next to Gray, ignoring the dampness spreading through his jeans. He wraps his arms around Gray and holds him close, running his fingers over the bright red skin of Gray’s arms.  
“It hurts,” Gray whispers, tears hot on his cheeks. “I... I wish he’d...”
He can’t say it, but he knows that Natsu knows what he means. Neither of them says anything, and Natsu just sits there, steady and calm, while Gray cries and cries.
Continue reading on AO3
That night, Gray can’t sleep. Natsu is unbearably hot next to him, the sheets scratch his skin, and every time he closes his eyes, he feels Joel. Joel’s lips on Gray’s, Joel’s fingers around Gray’s throat, Joel’s hand scrabbling at Gray’s pants.
Gray can’t remove the thoughts, so he tries to replace them. He tries to think of Natsu, kissing him at the lake. Natsu, touching Gray in the back seat of his dad’s car. Natsu, pressing against him in the alley behind the bar.
Suddenly Gray really, really wants a drink.
He carefully slips out from under Natsu’s arm, patting Bella’s head reassuringly before closing the bedroom door behind him. Nobody else is up, and Gray wanders into the kitchen. A thin ray of moonlight spills through the curtains and across the countertop, and Gray traces it with his fingers before looking up at the cupboards.
“We don’t have any alcohol.”
Gray jumps at Sting’s voice, spinning around and grunting in pain when he hits his hip on the edge of the counter. Sting is next to him immediately, but when he reaches out for Gray’s arm, Gray pulls away, shaking his head.
It’s hard to see in the dark, and Gray is suddenly terrified that Sting is angry. His heart leaps into his throat and he takes a step back, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Sting must read his mind because he slowly reaches behind him and flips on the light.
When Gray looks up, he realizes that Sting’s still in uniform, and he’s yawning and rubbing his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Sting says. “I just got home. You hungry?”
Gray shrugs. He hasn’t been eating much – both because it hurts like hell to swallow and because he just doesn’t really care. Sting gestures to the fridge before moving carefully past Gray.
A few minutes later, they’re both sitting on the couch with bowls of ice cream – Sting now dressed in sweatpants and a faded Star Trek t-shirt. Gray’s trying to eat slowly, but as soon as he takes a bite, he realizes how hungry he really is. Sting doesn’t say anything when Gray finishes his own ice cream, then accepts Sting’s offer of the rest of his, too.
A comfortable silence settles between the two of them after a while, broken only by Frosch and Lector hopping up onto the couch, drawn by the promise of food. Gray lets Frsoch lick some of the melted ice cream from his fingertips, while Lector shoves his face in Sting’s bowl much less delicately.
“Don‘t tell Rogue,” Sting says, grinning as he scratches Lector behind the ears. Gray laughs, setting his bowl down on the coffee table and then curling up in the corner with Frosch settled into a purring ball in his lap.
“Catch.” Sting reaches into his pocket and tosses something over to Gray. Gray’s too slow to grab it, and when it bounces onto the couch, Frosch immediately bats at it. Gray nudges her away, then picks up the item and examines it.
It’s a small, bronze coin with a triangle in the center, and the letter ‘V’ surrounded by the words unity, service and recovery. Around the border it says, ‘to thine own self be true.’
“It’s a sobriety chip,” Sting explains. Gray’s eyes widen as he realizes that it’s not the letter ‘V,’ it’s the roman numeral for ‘5.’
“You...” Gray runs his thumb over the coin, then looks back up at Sting, who gives him a small half-smile.
“I know it fucking hurts like hell,” Sting says gently, “but I promise that drinking will just make it hurt worse.”
“I don’t think it can hurt worse,” Gray whispers, running his thumb over the chip.
“You’d be surprised,” Sting says. “Ask Natsu about the first time he met me.” Gray raises an eyebrow. “I threw up on his shoes,” Sting adds, and Gray’s pretty sure his cheeks turn a bit pink.
“Really?” Gray has a hard time picturing Sting drunk.
“Mm.” Sting tips his head back, staring up at the ceiling. “I was a wreck.” He’s quiet for bit, then adds, “none of it helped – drinking, drugs, hurting myself.” He holds out his arms and Gray can see thin, white scars running across his freckled skin. “I thought that maybe I could hurt myself worse than he hurt me, and then I’d be in control, but… that’s not how it works.”
Gray thinks about the broken glass, the torn flower petals, the tiny red beads of blood across the bruises.
“I feel stupid,” Gray says, rolling the coin between his fingers. “I… you all tried to help me. Before. And I just—I didn’t listen, and I should have, and now it’s just… and there’s this stupid part of me that doesn’t want him to get in trouble, that’s still scared that he’ll get angry at me.”
Sting reaches out and nudges Gray’s foot with his own. “You can be scared and still go on,” he says. “I haven’t seen my dad in ten years and I’m still terrified of him.”
Gray frowns. “That’s… not very reassuring.”
“No, I didn’t…” Sting shakes his head, still looking up at the ceiling. “I just meant you’re not stupid. It doesn’t matter how long it took, you left, and even if you hadn’t, you still wouldn’t be stupid. I know it’s not that easy.”
“If…” Gray focuses on running his finger over Frosch’s nose. “If I hadn’t left, he…” He sighs, shaking his head. “What if I’m never okay?”
Sting’s foot touches Gray’s again, but Gray can’t look up at him. Instead he focuses on the ridges of the coin under his fingers.
“’Okay’ isn’t really a thing,” Sting says after a while. “I still…” He pauses. “Does it help, if I tell you this stuff? Or does it make it worse?”
“It helps,” Gray says, so quiet that he’s not sure Sting can hear him.
Lector has settled onto Sting’s chest and Sting scratches behind his ears. “I still have nightmares,” Sting says softly. “There’s still things that set me off – little, stupid things, and suddenly it’s like I’m this…” He swallows, and Gray’s stomach twists when he realizes that Sting’s got tears in his eyes. “I feel small. Helpless. Trying to figure out what I did wrong so I can make it right, even though nobody’s really angry.”
Gray’s torn between relief that Sting understands, and grief for the little boy that experienced so much hurt.
“That doesn’t go away,” Sting continues eventually, wiping at his cheeks. “But you get better at living with it. At recognizing when your brain is lying to you. At trusting people. And you can’t do that if you’re drunk or high or hurting yourself.”
Gray lets out a shaky breath, staring down at his hands. He feels a bit unreal, like this is all happening to someone else and he’s watching it from far away. Part of him wants to let go, but Sting is brave, and Rogue is kind, and Natsu is safe, so maybe Gray can stay.
“You should sleep.” Sting sits up, nudging Lector onto the floor and pushing himself to his feet. He reaches out to Gray, helping him up and then gesturing toward the bedroom where Gray can hear Natsu snoring softly.
“It’ll get better,” Sting says, squeezing Gray’s hand as he takes the chip back. “But right now… it’s okay to not be okay.”
After a week, Gray’s able to recognize himself in the mirror. His eye isn’t so swollen, and the mottled purplish bruises have faded to a yellowed green. The marks around his neck are still there – a faded red handprint – but Natsu lends him a hoodie that zips all the way up to his chin, and Gray wears it everywhere.
“How’d you sleep?” Natsu asks. It’s Saturday morning and they’re curled up on the couch in the living room while Sting and Rogue clean up after breakfast. Gray’s leaning back against Natsu’s chest, eyes closed while Natsu combs his fingers through Gray’s hair.
“Okay,” Gray says, and he’s surprised to find that he’s not lying. The little white pills that the hospital gave him are helping. They make everything light and soft, and let him close his eyes without being ripped apart by memories. Rogue keeps them locked up in the medicine cabinet, and while it makes Gray feel like a child, he’s also glad that he doesn’t have to deal with the temptation.
Natsu kisses the top of Gray’s head and whispers, “good.”
The doorbell rings and Gray immediately flinches, but Natsu’s gentle hands and whispered, “it’s okay,” are reassuring. Gray keeps his eyes trained on the hole in the knee of his jeans as Bella hops down from the couch and trots after Rogue to see who it is.
“Joel’s still in jail,” Natsu says, running his hands up and down Gray’s arms as if trying to brush away the tension. “You’re safe.”
Gray nods, then freezes as he hears a familiar voice in the hallway. When he looks up, Erza is standing in the entrance to the living room.  
“Hey, you,” she says softly, giving Gray a small, sad smile.
Gray just stares. She’s cut her hair shorter, and she’s wearing more makeup than he remembers, but it’s her – the girl he used to have slumber parties with, who kicked her legs out the window when they drove around town, who put too much sugar in her coffee.
The girl who warned him that Joel wasn’t good for him, and Gray didn’t fucking listen.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, looking down at Natsu’s hands on his arms.
Erza settles down on the couch near him, reaching out hesitantly and resting a hand on his knee. He can’t look at her – doesn’t want to see the pity or frustration in her eyes.
“Gray,” she says, voice gentle and kind. “I missed you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says again, but he can see her hair bob as she shakes her head.
“No, I’m sorry,” she says, shifting a bit closer and reaching out her hand. He stares at it hesitantly, then reaches out and takes it, a warm sense of comfort flooding through him when their fingers touch. “I wish I could have helped sooner, I…”
Natsu nudges Gray until he’s sitting up, and when Gray finally looks at Erza, the only thing in her eyes is relief.
“I missed you so much,” she says, reaching out and pulling him into a hug.
Gray stiffens for a second, then relaxes against her, pressing his forehead against her shoulder and letting out a shaky breath. He doesn’t have any more tears, just an exhausted sense of grief and regret.
“I…” His voice is rough, but he has to say it, has to explain, has to tell her that he wishes he’d listened, that she was right. “I th-thought you guys—he told me that you—”
“It’s okay,” Erza says, shifting on the couch until Gray is wrapped up between her and Natsu, and Gray thinks of that day at the beach all those years ago when they said, we know, we love you, we were waiting for you to be ready.
“I just…”
“I’m not mad,” Erza says, and Gray wants so badly to believe her. “I’m just so happy that you’re alive.” She leans back and cups his cheek in her hand, running her thumb gently over the healing bruises. “I want to kill that fucking asshole.”
There’s a tiny voice in Gray’s head that whispers, he didn’t mean it, he’s not a bad person, he just had too much to drink. He bites his tongue and tells it to shut up.
“I’m sorry I missed your wedding,” Gray says, trying to keep shame from creeping into his cheeks. Erza squeezes his hand, and he hesitantly adds, “Natsu, um… he told me about the thing with Loke’s… date.”
Erza snorts, shaking her head. “Yeah, he’s still a piece of work,” she says. The tightness in Gray’s chest eases a bit at her familiar smile. “Did he show you the pictures?”
They spend a while looking at photos on Erza’s phone, and Gray slowly relaxes between them. Being curled up in Natsu’s lap with Erza’s arm around him feels like home. Eventually Sting and Rogue join them with cookies and coffee, and for a while, Gray starts to feel normal. Like this is how his life was supposed to be.
He’s not okay now, but maybe one day he can be.
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Kirk & McCoy Star Trek Fanfiction Rec List
  A rec list of Kirk and McCoy fics that I've recently enjoyed and thought I'd put out there.
BGM = Music I listened to while reading.
FF = Fanfiction.net
Ao3 = ArchiveofOurOwn
   'Venom' by shoreleave (Friendship) 
     (There's also an extra part to this called 'Antivenin' written by Inhoe Publishing that tells of the recovery when they get back to the ship.) 
     Rating: T
    FF, Word Count: 10,485
     Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
     Summary: Another away mission gone wrong. We can never have too many of those, can we?
     Notes: The character development in this is skillfully written as it shows the friends working out their issues, and then implementing the solutions they had decided on at the end. (And it also answers the question of why Bones is up on the bridge for no reason at all at times in the series and perhaps even the movies.) 
'The Basics of Primary Ed' by Caera1996
FF, Word Count: 136,062
Rating/Warning(s): M 
Genre: AU, Family, Romance 
Song BGM (for Crash): 'Floating Through the Wind - Claudie Mackula' 
     Summary: AU where Kirk is a kindergarten teacher and McCoy is the parent of a student. Now complete.
     Notes: If I didn't laugh out loud at the opening image of Jim leading a class of small kindergartners with so much energy. I really like that in this AU Bones gets to be with Johanna, his daughter, who he almost never got to see while on board the Enterprise and in the academy. And the romance is sweet, already progressing pretty quickly.
     By reading other fics author has written while reading this one, it's seen that they are really good at writing feeling and romance between two people, so much that it feels quite real. 
     There was also a prompt set in this AU called 'Crash' where Jim gets into a car accident, but has a phobia of doctors because of his past. There were a whole lot of feels as Bones had to rush over to the hospital from one of his medical lectures in order for Jim to calm down enough to give consent to treatment. 
     I usually don't prefer AUs in any form, unless they are very slight, as I tend to like the characters in the form the story originally had them in, but this story is really sweet and wholesome. I actually look forward to the progression of what happens next in this story. Perhaps this is a game changer for me and I'll start seeking out more AUs. 
     This has at least two sequels and a whole bunch of prompts that take place in the AU to read, and so I look forward to finishing this to see what happens next. 
'No Man's Land' - A collaboration between shoreleave and Mijan (Romance) 
FF, Word Count: 81,093
Rating: T
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mpreg
     Summary: A mission gone wrong puts Jim at the wrong end of alien observation, helpless and defenseless. After his rescue, he slowly starts to recover, until one unrealized part of the Antosians' handiwork turns his life upside down and threatens to destroy him.
     Notes: I was pretty hyped for this one as it was a collaboration between two authors that are really good at writing Jim and Bones together- whether that be friendship or romance. This one's pretty much an ocean of angst with a sprinkle of romance. It's definitely not your lovey dovey mpreg fic, as it was non consensual and all the angst that comes with this situation. It feels like Jim is suffering the whole way. This really wasn't a very happy fanfiction, but with the writing styles of both these authors, everything was really well written with an air of realism, and I thought it was a really good read. People might be put off because of the mpreg, but even so it's a really good fanfiction that's well worth it.
'We Two Alone' by shoreleave (Friendship) 
FF, Word Count: 107,426
Rating: T
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
     Summary: Leonard McCoy thinks he has nothing in common with command-track cadet Jim Kirk, until a series of events forces them together. When a training mission derails into a seemingly hopeless situation, both have to learn to trust each other to survive.
     Notes: This was one that blew me out of the water with how good it was. The character development, the slow and realistic friendship development, the survival situation that kept me on the edge of my seat when shit started to hit the fan, and the feels as it was rough going in the last few chapters made it all fantastically written and I don't have enough praises for it. It took a good many times to work up the effort to read past the first chapter, but from then on, it was smooth, 'page turning' reading. 
     This fanfiction also answered the confusing plot hole in the movie of why Captain Pike would make Jim first officer when there had to be at least one more experienced and capable officer aboard the ship that would be better suited to the task. As soon as someone pointed that out, it really made no sense to me.
'The broken clock is a comfort (it helps me sleep tonight)' by Mellaithwen (Romance)
Ao3, Word Count: 11,683
Rating: M
Genre: AU Book/ Movie Fusion, Romance, Tragedy
(Song BGM: The Time Traveler's Wife Soundtrack and Lifehouse - Broken 'Cover by Mike Cerveni') 
Summary: James T. Kirk first meets Leonard McCoy when he is six years old.
     Notes: This one is an AU of the book/movie "The Time Traveler's Wife", and it's quite interesting to see all the confusing time travel being done. Beautiful Romance. A heart wrenching ending, and I was reeling with sadness by the end, but so so worth it. 
     'One Little White Lie' by laughter_now (Romance) 
    Ao3, Word Count: 71,768
Rating: M
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marriage, Amnesia
     Summary: One little white lie never hurt anybody, that's what they say. But apparently they are wrong, because even one small lie can spin out of control and change a life forever. Jim only wanted to be by his best friend's side after an accident. Nobody could have known that the lie he told to make that possible was going to come back to haunt him.
     Notes: Jim has to pretend that he's married to his best friend, due to a misunderstanding with the natives after Bones gets amnesia and drama ensues. 
     Although a lot of it was awkward with cringey moment and lots of tension due to Bones not knowing Jim anymore, and watching Jim struggle to keep their fake marriage from being found out by Bones, there were a whole lot of heartwarming feels with the romantic moments, and the ending was quite smile inducing. I really liked this one. 
'Alter the Ending' by IsmayDeVain (Friendship) 
     FF, Word Count: 8,267
Rating: T
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Drama
     Song BGM: 'Claudie Mackula - Destroyed'
     Summary: Leo watches Jim die twelve times in one day, and no matter what he does, no matter what he changes, he cannot save him. 
     Notes: This one goes pretty much like other mass death plots, like Dean from Supernatural and Mayuri from Steins' Gate, where the character dies in a different way each time, while another character tries to stop it but is helpless to do so and it resets from the same point in time every time it happens. It was pretty hard to read Jim just dying over and over and feel Bones' helplessness and suffering as he couldn't do anything. Happy ending, lots of angst.
     'Morphine' by Tashilovet (Friendship) 
     FF, Word Count: 14,581
Rating: K+
Genre: Academy, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
     Summary: The more McCoy tried to fight it, the more he wanted to help the stupid kid. A McCoy/Kirk friendship fic.
     Notes: This is a fic set when Bones and Jim were still in the academy. There's more to this than there would seem, a whole in depth and satisfying plot that caught me by surprise by the end given that it seemed more like a drabble fic. 
     'Mixed Signals' by Mijan (Romance)
     FF and Ao3, Word Count: 5,997
     Summary: Jim Kirk finds himself stranded on a planet's surface when an unpredictable ion storm cuts off transporters and, apparently, communications. The ship can't hear Jim, but he can hear their transmissions... and then Leonard McCoy starts sending him messages, believing that Jim can't hear any of it.
     Notes: I found this one really amusing and sweet, pretty lighthearted and relaxing after reading a bunch of angst filled fics.
     'Visions of Sleep' by ElegantGhost (Friendship)
     Rating: T 
     FF, Word Count: 12,598
     Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship 
    Summary: Jim hasn't slept for days. When the ship is attacked and he gets a concussion, it's up to Bones to keep him alive and awake until they reach sickbay.
     Notes: While there were some confusing parts while Jim was out of it with delusions and blurred vision, and because there wasn't another perspective you couldn't tell what was happening at times, but I found the concept interesting and it was a good read. 
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Half-Life projects, Comic-Con program guide, Playstation Factory & Esports Mental Toughness
First, Dev-i-boy found a list of Valve games that never came out. These games were created in the dark times before Half Life: Alyx was announced, and include some interesting looks at what Half Life 3 could have been.
You can't go to Comic-Con this year, but you can watch it online. There's a great program with tons of shows including comics, television and gaming news. It's also probably the most accessible Comic-Con ever, since you don't need to leave your house and the shows are free.
First the robots came for the car factory jobs, and I said nothing. Then they came for the Playstation 4 assembly jobs, and I said "Cool, that's some nice tech". Sony has almost fully automated their assembly line and only use four people on the ends of a single assembly line that makes one console every 30 seconds. It's awesome.
Esports are stressful, and high skill players show the same signs of stress as their analogue counterparts. This doesn't surprise the Nerds at all, but it's an interesting study.
This week, Professor played a chaotic real time dice rolling game, DJ kept the peace in Agents of Mayhem and Dev-i-boy got distracted by job applications. Wish him luck.
Half-Life projects cancelled before Alyx, including Half-Life 3
- https://www.pcgamer.com/at-least-5-half-life-projects-were-cancelled-before-alyx-including-half-life-3/
Comic-Con @ Home program guide
- https://bleedingcool.com/comics/wednesday-programming-for-san-diego-comic-conhome-is-up/
- https://bleedingcool.com/comics/thursday-programming-for-san-diego-comic-conhome-is-here/
- https://bleedingcool.com/comics/friday-programming-for-san-diego-comic-conhome-is-here/
- https://bleedingcool.com/comics/saturday-programming-for-san-diego-comic-conhome-is-here/
- https://bleedingcool.com/comics/sunday-programming-for-san-diego-comic-conhome-is-here/
Near fully automated Playstation Factory
- https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Companies/PlayStation-s-secret-weapon-a-nearly-all-automated-factory
- https://vdata.nikkei.com/en/newsgraphics/sony-playstation/
Stress and Coping in Esports and the Influence of Mental Toughness
Games Played
– Project: ELITE - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/171726/project-elite
Rating: 4/5
– DNP (Did Not Play)
Rating: TBA
– Agents of Mayhem - https://store.steampowered.com/app/304530/Agents_of_Mayhem/
Rating: 3/5
Other topics discussed
Major Twitter accounts hacked in suspected bitcoin scam
- https://www.smh.com.au/technology/major-twitter-accounts-hacked-in-suspected-bitcoin-scam-20200716-p55chj.html
Half-Life: Alyx - Final Hours (an interactive storybook, written by Geoff Keighley, that takes fans inside Valve Software to chronicle the company's past decade of game development, including the return of Half-Life.)
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361700/HalfLife_Alyx__Final_Hours/
Half-Life 2: Episode One (2006 first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. Valve wanted to release new games quickly, without spending years developing a major new product with new tools. For Episode One, they focused on the player's relationship with Alyx, developing her artificial intelligence. The game uses an updated version of Valve's Source engine, with new lighting and animation technology.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_2:_Episode_One
Portal (Portal is a series of first-person puzzle-platform video games developed by Valve. Set in the Half-Life universe, the two main games in the series, Portal (2007) and Portal 2 (2011), center on a woman, Chell, forced to undergo a series of tests within the Aperture Science Enrichment Center by a malicious artificial intelligence, GLaDOS, that controls the facility. The Portal games are noted for bringing students and their projects from the DigiPen Institute of Technology into Valve and extending their ideas into the full games.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(series)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two (2007 first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. Following Episode One (2006), it was the second in a planned trilogy of shorter episodic games that continue the story of Half-Life 2 (2004) Like previous Half-Life games, Episode Two combines shooting, puzzle-solving, and narrative, but adds expansive environments and less linear sequences.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_2:_Episode_Two
Transition to services and a flat structure (The change in Valve's approach has also been attributed to its use of a flat organization structure that the company adopted in 2012. Valve had originally used a hierarchical structure more typical of other development firms, driven by the nature of physical game releases through publishers that required tasks to be completed by given deadlines.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valve_Corporation#Transition_to_services_and_a_flat_structure_(2010%E2%80%932015)
Epic Games (American video game and software developer and publisher based in Cary, North Carolina. Epic Games develops the Unreal Engine, a commercially available game engine which also powers their internally developed video games, such as Fortnite and the Unreal,Gears of War and Infinity Blade series.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_Games
Artifact (digital collectible card game developed and published by Valve. It focuses on online player versus player battles across three boards called lanes, and is based upon the universe of Dota 2, a multiplayer online battle arena game also from Valve. Artifact was designed by Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artifact_(video_game)
More details on the cancelled Valve projects
- https://www.ign.com/articles/half-life-3-left-4-dead-3-details-cancelled-valve
Axe (DOTA 2 character) (Mogul Khan, the Axe, is a melee strength hero, infamous for creating chaos in battle and thriving off of it. xe is commonly played as an initiator, as his potent disables can disrupt the enemy's formation and give his team openings in fights.)
- https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Axe
Minecraft (Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios. Created by Markus "Notch" Persson in the Java programming language and released as a public alpha for personal computers in 2009, the game was officially released in November 2011, with Jens Bergensten taking over development around then.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minecraft
Roblox (Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users. Founded by David Baszucki and Erik Cassel in 2004 and released in 2006, the platform hosts user-created games in many genres, such as racing games, role-playing games, simulations and obstacle courses, coded in the programming language Lua.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roblox
DEATH STRANDING (DEATH STRANDING is an action game developed by Kojima Productions. It is the first game from director Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions after their split from Konami in 2015. It was released by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 on November 8, 2019, and by 505 Games for Microsoft Windows on July 14th, 2020.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Stranding
Hunt Down The Freeman (Hunt Down The Freeman is a fan-made spin-off game based on Half-Life 2 and both a "narrative" sequel and a spin-off o fHalf-Life: Opposing Force released in 2018 by Royal Rudius Entertainment.)
- https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Hunt_Down_The_Freeman
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/723390/Hunt_Down_The_Freeman/
Seven Hour War (The Seven Hour War was a brief, but decisive confrontation between the Combine and the governments of Earth, ultimately leading to a large human death toll and the Combine occupation of the entire planet.)
- https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Seven_Hour_War
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an action-adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts.)
Half-Life 2: Episode Three (a cancelled game that was planned as the final installment in the Half-Life 2 episodic trilogy.)
- https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Half-Life_2:_Episode_Three
Half-Life 2: Episode Four (An unreleased Half-Life game set in Ravenholm, alternatively called Half-Life 2: Episode Four, Return to Ravenholm, or Ravenholm, was in development from 2005 to 2008.)
- https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Half-Life_2:_Episode_Four
JKX Comics (Comic books simplify STEM concepts from multiple disciplines to create engaging comics to increase students' scientific literacy.)
- https://www.jkxcomics.com/
Cells At Work! (Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu. It features the anthropomorphized cells of a human body, with the two main protagonists being a red blood cell and a white blood cell she frequently encounters.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cells_at_Work!
RedLetterMedia - Mr. Plinkett's Star Trek Picard Review
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwF1iri1GjQ
RedLetterMedia - Star Trek: Picard - re:View
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfQdf93e63I
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 Trailer – CBS
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3RkBKedKWw
Todd McFarlane (Canadian comic book creator and entrepreneur, best known for his work as the artist on The Amazing Spider-Man and as the writer and artist on the horror-fantasy series Spawn.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_McFarlane
Steins;Gate (a 2011 anime television series created by the animation studio White Fox based on 5pb. and Nitroplus's 2009 visual novel of the same name, and is part of the Science Adventure franchise along with Chaos;Head and Robotics;Notes. It is set in 2010, and follows Rintaro Okabe, who together with his friends accidentally discovers a method of time travel through which they can send text messages to the past, thereby changing the present.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steins;Gate_(TV_series)
Quantum Immortality (Quantum suicide is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics and the philosophy of physics. Purportedly, it can falsify any interpretation of quantum mechanics other than the Everett many-worlds interpretation by means of a variation of the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, from the cat's point of view. Quantum immortality refers to the subjective experience of surviving quantum suicide. This concept is sometimes conjectured to be applicable to real-world causes of death as well.)
Anime Expo VR Chat Meetup Has Attendees Waiting for Hours in Virtual Lines
- https://www.animemaru.com/anime-expo-vr-chat-meetup-has-attendees-waiting-for-hours-in-virtual-lines/
Playstation 4 ((officially abbreviated as PS4) is an eighth-generation home video game console developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Announced as the successor to the PlayStation 3 in February 2013, it was launched on November 15 in North America, November 29 in Europe, South America and Australia, and on February 22, 2014 in Japan. It competes with Microsoft's Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii U and Switch.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_4
Valve - Building the Steam Controller
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCgnWqoP4MM
Inside the Sony factory: Watch how the PS3 is assembled.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXRHrnA7lOY
Nintendo president issues apology for the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con drift
- https://micky.com.au/nintendo-president-issues-apology-for-the-nintendo-switch-joy-con-drift/
Bridge is the ultimate trick-taking card game, easily the greatest source of enjoyment that four people can have with a pack of cards. Bridge is a sport: the World Bridge Federation is recognised by the  International Olympic Committee (IOC) Just like every sport, Bridge offers enormous benefits to its players.
Chess makes move for inclusion at 2024 Paris Olympics
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-chess-olympics/chess-makes-move-for-inclusion-at-2024-paris-olympics-idUSKCN1Q12N4
Esports History (The earliest known video game competition took place on 19 October 1972 at Stanford University for the game Spacewar.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esports#Early_history_(1972%E2%80%931989)
First game tournament, ‘Intergalactic Spacewar Olympics,’ held 40 years ago
- https://www.polygon.com/2012/10/20/3529662/first-game-tournament-intergalactic-spacewar-olympics-held-40-years
45 years after first-ever gaming tournament, Seattle museum hosts vintage Spacewar! Olympics
- https://www.geekwire.com/2017/45-years-first-ever-gaming-tournament-living-computers-hosting-vintage-spacewar-olympics/
Professional 'Counter-Strike' Player Caught Cheating in Tournament (Pictures from the event show Kumawat packing a backpack and leaving, the rest of the team looking grim around his computer alongside tournament officials, and a file explorer window showing a suspicious-looking program innocently named "word.exe.")
- https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/43eexp/professional-counter-strike-player-caught-cheating-in-tournament
Formula E Driver Disqualified After Cheating in Virtual Race
- https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/daniel-abt-formula-e-disqualified-cheating-virtual-race-1234615414/
The Magic School Bus Rides Again (The Magic School Bus Rides Again is a Canadian-American animated children's web series, based on the book series of the same name by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It also serves as a continuation of the 1994–1997 PBS Kids series The Magic School Bus, with Lily Tomlin reprising her role as Ms. Frizzle. The series premiered on Netflix on September 29, 2017.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magic_School_Bus_Rides_Again
The Magic School Bus Rides Again | Main Trailer
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoiTW2zw80c
The incredible story of how Target exposed a teen girl's pregnancy
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/the-incredible-story-of-how-target-exposed-a-teen-girls-pregnancy-2012-2
Jessi Combs (American professional racer, television personality, and metal fabricator. She set a women's land speed class record (four wheels) in 2013 and broke her own record in 2016. She was known as "the fastest woman on four wheels.”)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessi_Combs
American jet-car racer and Mythbusters host Jessi Combs posthumously awarded world land-speed record for a woman
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-25/jet-car-racer-jessi-combs-female-land-speed-record-fatal-crash/12391272
Remembering Grant Imahara - Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 7/14/20
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TG_pm98W8c
Neo-Geo (SNK's first two products using the Neo Geo name are an arcade system called the Neo Geo Multi Video System (MVS) and a companion console called the Advanced Entertainment System (AES), both released in 1990.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo_Geo#Neo_Geo_MVS_and_AES
- https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/neogeomini/
Neo Geo Pocket (The Neo Geo Pocket is a monochrome handheld game console released by SNK. It was the company's first handheld system and is part of the Neo Geo family. It debuted in Japan in late 1998 but never saw an American release, being exclusive to Japan, Asia and Europe.)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics fictional character Wolverine. It is the fourth installment of the X-Men film series, the first installment of the Wolverine trilogy within the series, and a spin-off prequel to X-Men (2000).)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_Origins:_Wolverine
Ultraman (a fictional superhero and is the first tokusatsu hero launched by the Ultra Series and by extent, Tsuburaya Productions. His appearance in the entertainment world helped spawn the Kyodai Hero genre with countless shows such as Godman and Iron King.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraman_(character)
Frankenstein's monster (Frankenstein's monster or Frankenstein's creature, often erroneously referred to as simply "Frankenstein", is a fictional character who first appeared in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Shelley's title thus compares the monster's creator, Victor Frankenstein, to the mythological character Prometheus, who fashioned humans out of clay and gave them fire.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein%27s_monster
Escape from New York ((stylized on-screen as John Carpenter's Escape from New York) is a 1981 American science fiction action film co-written, co-scored and directed by John Carpenter. The film's storyline, set in the near-future world of 1997, concerns a crime-ridden United States, which has converted Manhattan Island in New York City into the country's maximum-security prison.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_from_New_York
Lady Mouth (TNC Podcast)
Shout Outs
12 July 2020 – Joanna Cole, Author Of ‘Magic School Bus’ Books Turned TV Series passes away 75 - https://deadline.com/2020/07/joanna-cole-dies-author-magic-school-bus-book-tv-series-was-75-obituary-1202986879/
Joanna Cole, whose Magic School Bus book series was beloved by millions of young readers and later turned into an animated television show. The idea for The Magic School Bus was born in the mid-1980s. Scholastic senior editorial director Craig Walker was fielding requests from teachers for books about science, and decided a storytelling and science series was the answer. He recruited Cole for the task. She was the author of the children’s book Cockroaches,along with illustrator Bruce Degen. The concept was simple: Teacher Ms. Frizzle led students on journeys into everything from the solar system to underwater adventures. Magic School Bus books sold tens of millions of copies and later was turned into a popular animated TV series and later a Netflix series. Plans for a live-action movie with Elizabeth Banks as Ms. Frizzle were announced just last month. Cole and Degen recently completed The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution, scheduled for publication next spring. She died from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Sioux City, Iowa.
13 July 2020 – Boxed, Sealed Copy Of NES Super Mario Bros. Sells for $114K At Auction - https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2020/07/12-1/boxed-sealed-copy-of-nes-super-mario-bros-sells-for-114k-at-auction
Heritage Auctions, an auction house based in Dallas, Texas specializing in pop culture memorabilia auctions has announced that it has set a new bidding and auction sales record for the sale of a highly-graded boxed and sealed video game, with the retail version of Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System having been bid and won for an unheard of $114,000 on Friday, July 12th. The auction house previously set the record for the winning bid on highly graded boxed and sealed copies of video games with a copy of the 1987 Mega Man game for the same console being sold for $75,000 in 2019. This version of the game dates back to mid-1987 and still features the original cardboard hang tab underneath the shrink wrap. This makes it one of the few remaining early copies in such a pristine condition with a high Wata Games certified rating of 9.4/10. This was the highest-quality version of the game ever sold by the company, where previously lower quality versions of the game such as a 8.0/10 selling for $40,200.
13 July 2020 – Grant Imahara passes away at 49 - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-14/mythbusters-host-grant-imahara-dead/12454370
Former MythBusters co-host Grant Imahara has died suddenly after reportedly suffering a brain aneurysm. Before his career on camera, Imahara spent nine years at Lucasfilm's Industrial Light & Magic, where he started working after gaining an electrical engineering degree from the University of Southern California. He had visual effects credits for The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), as well as the Matrix sequels. However, Imahara was most well known for being a member ofMythbusters’ Build Team, joining the cast in 2005 after the departure of Scottie Chapman. Working with team members Tory Belleci and Kari Byron, Imahara tested the scientific plausibility of hundreds of myths by designing and building outlandish contraptions, delighting thousands with his innovation and stoking wider interest in robotics. He was enthusiastic about sharing his passion for engineering with others, and encouraged people to be curious and investigate how things work.  After leaving Mythbusters in 2014, Imahara co-hosted short-lived Netflix series White Rabbit Project with MythBusters co-stars Kari Byron and Tory Belleci, continuing to investigate scientific questions and make such topics accessible to a wider audience. He also consulted with Walt Disney Imagineering to develop its Stuntronics — robotic aerial stunt performers intended to be deployed in Disneyland theme parks. He was also a Trekkie, and had acting credits on fan productions Star Trek: Renegades (2015) and Star Trek Continues (2012). He passed away in Los Angeles, California.
14 July 2020 – X-Men the movie is 20 years old - https://www.cbr.com/x-men-anniversary-original-did-better-prequels/
On July 14th, it will be 20 years since X-Men premiered. SinceX-Men: First Class introduced a new take on the world of mutants, the original trilogy has been met with criticism in comparison; however, there are several things the original trilogy, comprised of X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand, did better than the successors. The X-Men’s greatest achievement was its ability to show that superheroes could be taken seriously. Created in a time when superheroes were seen as too kid-focused to be profitable. The X-Men chose to focus on the series’ very real theme of racial precedence. A theme far more adult than those in previous superhero movies. The movie also did it’s best to steer clear of various comic book elements. Such as flashy costumes, omega level powers, or one-dimensional villains. Magneto’s plan of turning humans is a very comic book plan. It is not done for power, wealth, or revenge. Simply to make humans and mutants equal. This helped give the movie a level of grit and realism not normally seem in superhero movies at the time. It also allowed it to stand in contrast to the brightness of the Spiderman series. Singer's X-Men actually paved the way for movies like Spider-Man (2002), additional X-Men films, Wolverine, Deadpool, even Daredevil,Hulk, and Punisher, and of course, Iron Man and the MCU as we know it today.
13 July 1762 – James Bradley - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Bradley
English astronomer and priest who served as Astronomer Royal. He is best known for two fundamental discoveries in astronomy, the aberration of light , and the nutation of the Earth's axis. These discoveries were called "the most brilliant and useful of the century" by Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, historian of astronomy, mathematical astronomer and director of the Paris Observatory. Bradley worked with Samuel Molyneux until Molyneux's death in 1728, trying to measure the parallax of Gamma Draconis. This stellar parallax ought to have shown up, if it existed at all, as a small annual cyclical motion of the apparent position of the star. However, while Bradley and Molyneux did not find the expected apparent motion due to parallax, they found instead a different and unexplained annual cyclical motion. Shortly after Molyneux's death, Bradley realised that this was caused by what is now known as the aberration of light. The basis on which Bradley distinguished the annual motion actually observed from the expected motion due to parallax, was that its annual timetable was different. This discovery of what became known as the aberration of light was, for all realistic purposes, conclusive evidence for the movement of the Earth, and hence for the correctness of Aristarchus' and Kepler's theories. The theory of the aberration also gave Bradley a means to improve on the accuracy of the previous estimate of the speed of light, which had previously been estimated by the work of Ole Rømer and others. After publication of his work on the aberration, Bradley continued to observe, to develop and check his second major discovery, the nutation of the Earth's axis, but he did not announce this in print until 14 February 1748, when he had tested its reality by minute observations during an entire revolution (18.6 years) of the moon's nodes. He died at the age of 69 in Chalford,Gloucestershire.
13 July 1921 – Gabriel Lippmann - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Lippmann
Jonas Ferdinand Gabriel Lippmann, Franco-Luxembourgish physicist and inventor, and Nobel laureate in physics for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference. One of Lippmann's early discoveries was the relationship between electrical and capillary phenomena which allowed him to develop a sensitive capillary electrometer, subsequently known as the Lippmann electrometer which was used in the first ECG machine. Above all, Lippmann is remembered as the inventor of a method for reproducing colours by photography, based on the interference phenomenon, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1908. The interference phenomenon in optics occurs as a result of the wave propagation of light. When light of a given wavelength is reflected back upon itself by a mirror, standing waves are generated, much as the ripples resulting from a stone dropped into still water create standing waves when reflected back by a surface such as the wall of a pool. In the case of ordinary incoherent light, the standing waves are distinct only within a microscopically thin volume of space next to the reflecting surface. Lippmann's process foreshadowed laser holography, which is also based on recording standing waves in a photographic medium. He died at the age of 75 aboard the steamer SS France, while en route from Canada.
13 July 1974 – Patrick Blackett - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Blackett
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Baron Blackett, British experimental physicist known for his work on cloud chambers, cosmic rays, and paleomagnetism, winning the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1948. In 1925 he became the first person to prove that radioactivity could cause the nuclear transmutation of one chemical element to another. He also made a major contribution in World War II advising on military strategy and developing operational research. Blackett spent ten years working at the Cavendish Laboratory as an experimental physicist with Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford had found out that the nucleus of the nitrogen atom could be disintegrated by firing fast alpha particles into nitrogen. He asked Blackett to use a cloud chamber to find visible tracks of this disintegration, and by 1925, he had taken 23,000 photographs showing 415,000 tracks of ionized particles. Eight of these were forked, and this showed that the nitrogen atom-alpha particle combination had formed an atom of fluorine, which then disintegrated into an isotope of oxygen and a proton. He thus became the first person to deliberately transmute one element into another. In 1947, Blackett introduced a theory to account for the Earth's magnetic field as a function of its rotation, with the hope that it would unify both the electromagnetic force and the force of gravity. He spent a number of years developing high-quality magnetometers to test his theory, and eventually found it to be without merit. His work on the subject, however, led him into the field of geophysics, where he eventually helped process data relating to paleomagnetism and helped to provide strong evidence for continental drift. In 1948 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, for his investigation of cosmic rays using his invention of the counter-controlled cloud chamber. The crater Blackett on the Moon is named after him. He died at the age of 76 in London.
Famous Birthdays
13 July 1527 – John Dee - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee
Anglo-Welsh mathematician, astronomer,astrologer, teacher, and occultist, but mostly he was an alchemist. He was the court astronomer for, and advisor to, Queen Elizabeth I, but spent much of his time on alchemy,divination and Hermetic philosophy. As an antiquarian, he had one of the largest libraries in England at the time. As a political advisor, he advocated turning England's imperial expansion into a "British Empire", a term he is credited with coining. He believed that numbers were the basis of all things and key to knowledge. His goal was to help bring forth a unified world religion through the healing of the breach of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches and the recapture of the pure theology of the ancients. From 1570 Dee advocated a policy of political and economic strengthening of England and imperial expansion into the New World. His 1576 General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation was the first volume in an unfinished series planned to advocate imperial expansion.He argued that England should exploit new lands through colonisation and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy. Dee promoted the sciences of navigation and cartography. He studied closely with Gerardus Mercator and owned an important collection of maps, globes and astronomical instruments. He developed new instruments and special navigational techniques for use in polar regions. He believed that mathematics (which he understood mystically) was central to human learning.Although Dee's understanding of the role of mathematics differs much from ours, its promotion outside the universities was an enduring achievement. For most of his writings, Dee chose English, rather than Latin, to make them accessible to the public. He was born in Tower Ward, London.
13 July 1831 – Arthur Böttcher - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_B%C3%B6ttcher
Jakob Ernst Arthur Böttcher, Baltic German pathologist and anatomist who was a native of Bauska, in what was then the Courland Governorate (present-day Latvia). In 1856 he earned his medical doctorate from the University of Dorpat (present-day University of Tartu in Estonia) with a dissertation on the nerve supply to the inner ear's cochlea. Böttcher is largely known for his anatomical investigations of the inner ear, particularly studies involving the structure of the reticular lamina and nerve fibers of the organ of Corti. Today his name is associated with the eponymous "Bottcher cells", which are cells of the basilar membrane of the cochlea. Other anatomical terms that contain his name are:
Böttcher's canal: Known today as the ductus utriculosaccularis or as the utriculo-saccular duct. This duct connects the utricle with the endolymphatic duct a short distance from the saccule.
Böttcher's ganglion: Ganglion on the cochlear nerve in the internal auditory meatus.
Böttcher's space: Also known as the endolymphatic sac; the blind pouch at the end of the endolymphatic duct.
Charcot-Böttcher filaments: Spindle-shaped crystalloids found in human Sertoli cells. They measure 10 to 25 µm in length. Named in conjunction with neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893).
13 July 1940 – Sir Patrick Stewart - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Stewart
English actor, director and producer whose work has included roles on stage, television, and film, in a career spanning six decades. He has been nominated for Olivier,Golden Globe, Emmy,Screen Actors Guild, and Saturn Awards. Stewart's first major screen roles were in BBC-broadcast television productions during the mid-late 1970s, including Hedda, and the I, Claudius miniseries. From the 1980s onward, Stewart began working in American television and film, with prominent leading roles such as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, its subsequent films, and 2020's Star Trek: Picard; as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men series of superhero films; and voice roles such as CIA Deputy Director Avery Bullock in American Dad! and the narrator in Ted. Having remained with the Royal Shakespeare Company, in 2008 Stewart played King Claudius in Hamlet in the West End and won a second Olivier Award. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on 16 December 1996. In 2010, Stewart was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for services to drama. When Stewart was picked for the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994), the Los Angeles Times called him an "unknown British Shakespearean actor". He initially experienced difficulty fitting in with his less-disciplined castmates, saying that his "spirits used to sink" when required to memorise and recite technobabble. When questioned about the significance of his role compared to his distinguished Shakespearean career, Stewart has said that: "The fact is all of those years in Royal Shakespeare Company – playing all those kings, emperors, princes and tragic heroes – were nothing but preparation for sitting in the captain's chair of the Enterprise." He was born in Mirfield,West Riding, Yorkshire.
Events of Interest
13 July 1956 – The Dartmouth workshop is the first conference on artificial intelligence. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dartmouth_workshop
13 July 1967 – On this day in 1967 (in West Germany), Frankenstein Conquers The World enjoyed a run through the theatres.  - https://www.scifihistory.net/july-13.html
The feature starred Tadao Takashima and Nick Adams, The film was a Japanese-American co-production; it was the first collaboration between Toho and Henry G. Saperstein. In the film, scientists investigate a child's resistance to radiation that makes him grow to monstrous size, while a second monster ravages the countryside. In 1966, Toho/UPA released a sequel titled The War of the Gargantuas. Here's the plot summary :
"During WWII, a human heart taken from a certain lab in Europe (Dr. Frankenstein's) is kept in a Japanese lab, when it gets exposed to the radiation of the bombing of Hiroshima. The heart grows in size, mutates and sprouts appendages, and eventually grows into a complete body and escapes. Later, a feral boy with a certain physical deformity (a large head with a flat top) is captured by scientists who refer to the boy as Frankenstein. The creature grows to the height of 20 feet, escapes again, fights police and army, and is practically indestructible. Later, a reptilian monster goes on a rampage. Eventually the Frankenstein creature and the reptile face off in a terrible battle."
13 July 1977 – New York City: Amidst a period of financial and social turmoil experiences an electrical blackout lasting nearly 24 hours that leads to widespread fires and looting - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_blackout_of_1977
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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izzyspussy · 1 year
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Louis C.K. admite las acusaciones
Nuevos escándalos y sus consecuencias
Netflix, HBO, FX y TBS han cortado todas sus relaciones con Louis C.K., que ha admitido todas las acusaciones de acoso sexual. Ya no producirá Better Things, Baskets, One Mississippi -producida por FX Studios-, un segundo especial de comedia para Netflix o la serie animada The Cops (TBS), que no llegará a estrenarse.
Andrew Kreisberg, showrunner de The Flash, ha sido suspendido de sus deberes en Warner tras las acusaciones de acoso por parte de diecinueve empleados, incluidas una guionista y una directora. Una productora afirma que advirtió de su comportamiento a un ejecutivo senior hace más de un año y que éste simplemente ignoró la información. Berlanti, que al parecer desconocía todo esto, colabora ahora con la investigación.
Amazon canceló Good Girls Revolt tras su primera temporada. Resulta curioso saber ahora que Roy Price, entonces presidente de la compañía, nunca vio la serie porque no le llamaba el argumento.  Ahora, tras la ola de escándalos sexuales -entre otros el que propició la dimisión de Price- Sony TV planea vender una segunda temporada a varias cadenas, entre las que se encontraría Amazon. Ya no existen contratos con el reparto, pero muchos de ellos han pedido su regreso en las redes sociales y estarían encantados de volver. Amazon investiga las acusaciones de acoso por parte de Jeffrey Tambor (Transparent) a Van Barnes, mujer transexual y antigua asistente del actor. Él lo niega todo. Jill Solloway, creadora de la serie, ha declarado que colaboran con la investigación Por su parte, BBC ha anunciado que no emitirá Ordeal by Innocence, la adaptación de la novela de Agatha Christie protagonizada por Ed Westwick, como parte de su programación navideña. Y gracias también a BBC, sabemos que la productora independiente encargada de White Gold ha informado de que el actor ha interrumpido su participación en la segunda temporada, que ya había comenzado a grabarse.
Series para el nuevo canal de Disney
Bog Iger, presidente de Disney, ha anunciado que preparan una serie de acción real de Star Wars, adaptaciones de High School Musical y Monsters Inc. y una nueva serie de Marvel para su nuevo canal, que no tendrá anuncios y ofrecerá un precio considerablemente más bajo que el de Netflix.
Big Little Lies 2
La producción de la segunda temporada de Big Little Lies podría comenzar la próxima primavera si consiguen cuadrarse las agendas de todas las personas involucradas. Precisamente debido a sus compromisos, Jean-Marc Vallée no será su director, aunque participará como productor. Están buscando a una directora que le sustituya.
Renovaciones de series
Showtime ha renovado Shameless por una novena temporada
ITV ha renovado Bad Move por una segunda temporada
Episodios adicionales
The CW ha encargado nueve episodios más de Dynasty, con temporada completa de veintidós gracias a este back-nine, y ha decidido que no habrá más episodios de Valor en su primera temporada.
FOX ha encargado siete episodios más de The Mick. En total serán veinte en su segunda temporada, tres más que en la primera.
CBS ha encargado dos episodios más de NCIS y NCIS: New Orleans y uno más de Hawaii Five-0, haciendo un total de veinticuatro para todas ellas en su actual temporada.
ABC ha encargado tres episodios más de Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, llegando a quince en su primera temporada, y tres guiones más de The Mayor.
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Ellen Page (Juno, Inception) protagonizará The Umbrella Academy. Será Vanya, la oveja negra de la familia y la única de los hijos adoptivos de Reginald Hargreeves que no tiene poderes.
Julianna Margulies (The Good Wife, ER) se une como regular a Dietland. Será Kitty Montgomery, la editora de una revista. Robin Weigert (Deadwood, Jessica Jones) y Rowena King (Of Kings and Prophets, Shut Eye) serán también regulares como Verena Baptist, asesora de nutrición, y Cheryl Crane-Murphy, presentadora de informativos.
El cantante Josh Groban protagonizará The Good Cop junto a Tony Danza. Serán dos policías, padre e hijo, que viven juntos. Monica Barbaro (Chicago Justice, UnREAL) será Cara Vasquez, nueva detective de Homicidios.
Toni Collette (United States of Tara, Little Miss Sunshine) protagonizará Wanderlust en BBC. Será una terapeuta que intenta mantener viva la llama de su matrimonio. Le acompañan Steven Mackintosh (Lucky Man, The Halcyon), Zawe Ashton (Fresh Meat) y Royce Pierreson (Line of Duty).
John Noble (Fringe, Sleepy Hollow) presta su voz a Mallus, villano de la tercera temporada de Legends of Tomorrow.
Laurie Metcalf (Getting On, The Big Bang Theory) interpretará a la madre de Winn (Jeremy Jordan) en la tercera temporada de Supergirl.
Kim Raver (24, Grey's Anatomy) se une a la segunda temporada de Designated Survivor. Interpretará a Andrea Frost, brillante ingeniera y empresaria cuya compañía se encuentra en la cima de la industria de la alta tecnología.
James Tupper (Revenge, Big Little Lies) participará en varios episodios de The Brave. Será Alex Hoffman, un agente de campo de la CIA.
Wentworth Miller (Leonard Snart/Captain Cold) abandonará el universo The Flash / Legends of Tomorrow en la actual temporada.
Fred Savage (The Wonder Years, Friends from College), que ha dirigido varios episodios de Modern Family, participará como invitado en el episodio 200.
Dan Bucatinsky (Scandal, Web Therapy) volverá a ser Neil en la novena temporada de Will & Grace.
Patti LaBelle (American Horror Story, Daytime Divas) y Brandy Norwood (Moesha, The Game) participarán en varios episodios de la segunda temporada de Star interpretando a Chrstine y Cassie, hermana y madre de Carlotta (Queen Latifah).
Jaime Ray Newman (Bates Motel, The Punisher) participará en varios episodios de la tercera temporada de The Magicians interpretando a Irene McAllistair, miembro de la junta directiva de Brakebills. Felicia Day (Supernatural, Eureka) será Poppy, conocido personaje de los libros.
Vincent Ventresca (The Invisible Man) será recurrente en la quinta temporada de The Fosters como Henry Mullen, el padre de Grace (Meg DeLacy).
Stephan James (Shots Fired) se une a Julia Roberts en Homecoming. Será Walter, un joven veterano de guerra ansioso por volver a llevar una vida normal.
Russell Hornsby (Grimm), Tim Matheson (Hart of Dixie, The West Wing) y Dina Meyer (Saw, Sequestered) se unen como recurrentes a la cuarta temporada de The Affair. Serán Carl, exmarido de Janelle (Sanaa Lathan), y un matrimonio del pasado de Alison (Ruth Wilson).
Rebecca Rittenhouse (The Mindy Project, Red Band Society) y Morgan Spector (The Mist, Allegiance) se unen a Gina Torres como protagonistas del backdoor pilot del spin-off de Suits.
Jesse Rath (Defiance, No Tomorrow) será recurrente como Brainiac 5 en la tercera temporada de de Supergirl.
Woody McClain (The New Edition Story) volverá a ser Bobby Brown en The Bobby Brown Story.
Eric Winter (Witches of East End, Rosewood) será  recurrente en The Good Doctor como el doctor Matt Coyle.
Laura Mennell (Van Helsing, The Man in the High Castle) será Mimi, la esposa del doctor J. Allen Hynek (Aidan Gillen), en Blue Book.
Jocko Sims (The Last Ship, Masters of Sex) se une como recurrente a The Resident. Será el doctor Ben Wilmot, engreído y controlador.
Bre Blair (Game of Silence) se une como recurrente a SWAT. Será Annie Kay, esposa de Deacon (Jay Harrington).
Dena Tyler (Bull) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de The Path como Claudia, ferviente seguidora de Lilith (Sarita Choudhury).
Pósters de series
    Nuevas series
BBC One y AMC encargan The Little Drummer Girl, adaptación en seis episodios, protagonizada por Florence Pugh (Marcella, Lady Macbeth), de la novela de John le Carré, que colaborará como productor. Dirige Park Chan-wook (Stoker, The Handmaiden).
Amazon ha encargado The Boys (8 episodios), drama de superhéroes basado en el cómic de Garth Ennis (Preacher). Escribe Eric Kripke (Supernatural, Revolution, Timeless). Producen y dirigen Seth Rogen y Evan Goldberg.
Tras adquirir el proyecto, Apple ha dado luz verde directa a la serie protagonizada por Jennifer Aniston (Friends) y Reese Witherspoon (Big Little Lies) y ha encargado dos temporadas de diez episodios cada una. Basada en un concepto original de Michael Ellenberg y tomando ideas del libro 'Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV' de Brian Stelter, nos mostrará los retos diarios de quienes ayudan a Estados Unidos a levantarse cada mañana realizando un programa matinal de televisión. Jay Carson (House of Cards) será su showrunner. Aún no hay guiones.
Netflix Brasil ha encargado Cosa Mais Linda, drama romántico de época ambientado a finales de los años 50 y principios de los 60 durante el nacimiento de la bossa nova en Río de Janeiro. Se centra en Maria Luiza, una chica conservadora que, tras la desaparición de su marido, se traslada a Río y abre un club de bossa nova.
Netflix encarga Huge in France (8 episodios), comedia creada y protagonizada por Gad Elmaleh (Gad Gone Wild) e inspirada en su vida. Escrita por Jarrad Paul y Andy Mogel (The Grinder), contará su mudanza de Francia a Estados Unidos para intentar reconectar con su hijo de dieciséis años.
Fechas de series
La 2ª parte de la primera temporada de Star Trek: Discovery llega a CBS All Access el 7 de enero
La segunda temporada de Taken llega a NBC el 12 de enero
La segunda temporada de Divorce se estrena en HBO el 14 de enero
La segunda temporada de Crashing llega a HBO el 14 de enero
La segunda temporada de High Maintenance llega a HBO el 19 de enero
Mosaic se estrena en HBO el 22 de enero
La tercera temporada de The Detour se estrena en TBS el 23 de enero
Otras imágenes
Jodie Whittaker es la nueva Doctor Who
Tráilers de series
There's... Johnny!
Love, Lies and Records
The Detour - Temporada 3
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Grandes fichajes
Miserables sin Weinstein
La adaptación de Les Misérables que prepara BBC no contará con The Weinstein Co en la producción, como hiciera la adaptación de War and Peace el año pasado. BBC Worlwide se encargará de distribuirla en Estados Unidos y China. Aún no hay cast anunciado para esta miniserie de seis episodios, que se basa en la novela de Victor Hugo y no en el musical o la película de 2012. BBC ya ha retirado a Weinstein de los créditos de Peaky Blinders. [Fuente]
Renovaciones de series
CBS All Access ha renovado Star Trek: Discovery por una segunda temporada
Showtime ha renovado Ray Donovan por una sexta temporada
Netflix ha renovado Big Mouth por una segunda temporada
AMC ha renovado Preacher por una tercera temporada
Netflix ha renovado American Vandal por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
CBS ha cancelado Zoo tras su tercera temporada
ABC ha cancelado Ten Days in the Valley tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Olivia Colman (Broadchurch, The Night Manager) sustituirá a Claire Foy en el papel de la reina Elizabeth en The Crown a partir de la tercera temporada.
Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black), Evan Peters (American Horror Story), Kate Mara (House of Cards) y James Van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek) protagonizarán Pose junto a las actrices transexuales MJ Rodriguez (Burn in the Oven, Saturday Church), Indya Moore (Saturday Church), Dominique Jackson, Hailie Sahar (Transparent) y Angelica Ross (Transparent, Claws), que interpretarán a personajes también transexuales. Completan el cast Ryan Jamaal Swain, Billy Porter (Kinky Boots) y Dyllon Burnside (Holler if Ya Hear Me).
Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones, The Wire) protagonizará Blue Book. Será un brillante astrofísico y padre de familia que no cree en los OVNI.
Vanessa Williams (Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives) será recurrente en Me, Myself & I como Kelly Frasier, archienemiga de Alex Riley (John Larroquette).
Sara Ramirez (Grey's Anatomy) se une como regular a la cuarta temporada de Madam Secretary. Será Kat Sandoval, una brillante estratega política muy conocida en Washington.
Clea DuVall (Veep, Carnivàle) será Sylvia, la esposa de Emily (Alexis Bledel), en la segunda temporada de The Handmaid's Tale.
Ana Gasteyer (Suburgatory) será Mrs. Schwartz, madre de un amigo de Ralphie, en el especial A Christmas Story.
Bethany Joy Lenz (One Tree Hill, Colony) se une a la decimocuarta temporada de Grey's Anatomy. Se desconocen detalles del personaje.
Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Saturday Night Live) participará como invitado en varios episodios de la cuarta temporada de The Last Man on Earth. Será Karl, un superviviente con un pasado interesante.
Anthony Lemke (Dark Matter, Good Witch) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Blindspot como Victor, un carismático y letal experto en gestión de crisis.
Zachary Knighton (Happy Endings) participará como invitado en varios episodios de LA to Vegas interpretando a un interés amoroso de Ronnie (Kim Matula).
Tamlyn Tomita (The Good Doctor, Teen Wolf) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de The Man in the High Castle.
Rich Ting (Waco) se une a Warrior. Será un teniente de la Hop Wei Tong temido en todo el mundo.
Nadine Nicole (Casual, Dante's Cove) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de The Expanse. Será una humilde técnica electroquímica con un oscuro secreto.
Philip Hernandez (Gotham) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de The Path como Costa, un sexy oncólogo sudamericano y ferviente seguidor de Lilith (Sarita Choudhury).
Alex Kingston (Doctor Who) será Sarah Bishop, tía de Diana (Teresa Palmer) en A Discovery of Witches, mientras que Lindsey Duncan (The Leftovers, Sherlock) será Ysabeau, la madre de Matthew (Matthew Goode). Valarie Pettiford (The Blacklist, Being Mary Jane) y Tanya Moodie (Sherlock) serán Emily Mather, compañera de Sarah; y Agatha Wilson, un demonio.
François Arnaud (Blindspot, Midnight Texas), Meagan Holder (Pitch, Ringer), Natalie Hall (Pretty Little Liars, True Blood), Alejandro Muñoz (El secreto de Puente Viejo), Alli Chung, Meghan Heffern (Wynonna Earp) y Christopher Russell (Dirk Gently, Star Trek: Discovery) se unen a la cuarta temporada de UnREAL.
Jeff Kober (Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead) se une como recurrente a la novena temporada de NCIS: Los Angeles. Será Harris Keane, alguien del pasado de Hetty (Linda Hunt).
Yael Yurman (The Man in the High Castle) será Anastasia en la séptima temporada de Once Upon A Time.
Bradley Walsh (Law & Order: UK, Coronation Street), Tosin Cole (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Hollyoaks) y Mandip Gill (Hollyoaks, Doctors) serán Graham, Ryan y Yasmin, los nuevos companions de la doctora (Jodie Whittaker), en la undécima temporada de Doctor Who.
Alberto Frezza (Dead of Summer) se une al spin-off de Grey's Anatomy como regular. Será Ryan, un agente de policía.
Hannah Ware (Boss) se une a The First.
Kiersey Clemons (Transparent, Extant) se une como regular a la cuarta temporada de Angie Tribeca. Será Maria Charo, una experta en ordenadores.
Scott Cohen (Gilmore Girls, Necessary Roughness) se une como recurrente a la sexta y última temporada de The Americans. Será Glenn Haskard, un negociador del Departamento de Estado.
Yancey Arias (Alberto Cortez) será regular en la tercera temporada de Queen of the South.
Pósters de series
      Nuevas series
ABC da luz verde directa a The Rookie, inspirada en una historia real y protagonizada y producida por Nathan Fillion (Castle, Firefly). Un hombre decide mudarse a Los Ángeles para ser policía y comienza como un novato rodeado de gente veinte años más joven. Escrita por Alexi Hawley (Castle, The Following).
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory, Charmed) ha lanzado su propia productora. Su primer proyecto será la limited series The Flight Attendant, adaptación de una novela de Chris Bohjalian sobre las devastadoras consecuencias de una adicción, producida y protagonizada por ella. En la novela, que se publica en marzo, una azafata de vuelo se despierta en una habitación de hotel de Dubai junto al cadáver de un desconocido y no recuerda qué ha ocurrido.
Showtime desarrolla The Kingkiller Chronicle, la adaptación de la trilogía de novelas fantásticas de Patrick Rothfuss (2007) sobre un aventurero y músico que cuenta su historia a un cronista. Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, Moana) producirá y compondrá música para la serie. Escrita por John Rogers (Leverage).
Hulu desarrolla la adaptación de The Invisible Man, novela de Ralph Ellison (1952) sobre un hombre afroamericano que se considera socialmente invisible debido al color de su piel y recuerda anécdotas de su vida.
En marcha un spin-off de la saga cinematográfica Bad Boys centrado en la agente de la DEA Syd Burnett, interpretada de nuevo por Gabrielle Union (Being Mary Jane). Escrita por Brandon Margolis y Brandon Sonnier, guionistas de The Blacklist. Jerry Bruckheimer produce.
YouTube Red encarga Origin, thriller de ciencia ficción creado, escrito y producido por el británico Mika Watkins (Lucky Man) sobre diez desconocidos que viajan a un planeta lejano y deberán trabajar juntos para sobrevivir al descubrir que uno de ellos no es quien creían. Diez episodios.
Fechas de series
La segunda temporada de Borderline se estrenó en Channel 5 el 26 de octubre
La segunda parte de la quinta temporada de The Fosters llega a Freeform el 9 de enero
Tráilers de series
Marvel's Runaways
American Vandall - Temporada 2
Channel Zero - Temporada 3
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