danyka-fendyr · 5 years
Alright everyone, so this is just a little thing I made for @dreamwritesimagines writer’s block challenge. Because she is an absolute love, she let me write it about Matt Murdock rather than, say, literally any of the characters I was really supposed to write it about. I named it Eight because recently I’ve been getting a little into enneagrams because Sleeping at Last released an amazing album about them and I feel like Matt would be an 8. So many of the lyrics on track 8 describe Matt to me. It’s a bit short, but that’s because I still have homework to do, lol. I hope you guys like it! Dream was kind enough to let me use the prompts, “We’re not together, we’re bros- I’m gonna be his best woman at his wedding. “ and “You? You’re my superhero crush?” I love her brain, and I love her stories, so I feel very lucky to get to make this. Thanks so much Dream!
Warnings: None because for once in my life I’m not murdering anybody. Really just some pg-13 action type stuff.
Wordcount: 1864
I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
-Sleeping at Last, Eight
Matt Murdock was undoubtedly a complicated man in every sense of the word. He usually looked like he had fallen asleep in an iron maiden, and not the band, he left at the most inconvenient times, and he slept with more women than one could reasonably count on both hands.
You were very unsure why you were friends with him. Frankly, it seemed like a terrible idea. You were definitely not the kind of person who found yourself friends with an insane person.
“I would disagree with that.” Matt interrupted you.
“Hey! I was trying to inner monologue.”
“Yeah, well, you were outer monologuing.”
“Not the first time.” You sighed, leaning forward on his couch to touch your toes.
“I can’t see what you’re doing but I can tell it’s dumb.”
“You’re so mean to me.” 
In spite of that, you sat back up, rolling over to lay your head in his lap. Matt didn’t have to think before sinking his hands into your hair, playing with it. You sighed, closing your eyes against the glow of the neon lights swimming across the walls of his otherwise dark apartment.
“You really have the worst view, you know that?”
You could hear Matt smile. “That’s not what you said the first time you saw it. You called it, ‘enchantingly urban,’ as I recall.”
“That was for your benefit. It’s crap.” You opened your eyes again so you could glare at him accusingly. 
“If it’s so bad then why do you crash on my couch so often?”
“Because my roommate, though I love her dearly, snores like Mr. Snuffleupagus if he was dying.”
“Big Bird’s got a gun,” Matt sing-songed.
“Was that even a thing when you were in school or is this just another result of the creepy amount of time you spend with children.”
“A. It is not creepy. I just happen to do a lot of pro bono work, and children just happen to usually be broke. B. I think you’re just asking that question because you’re trying to avoid the elephant in the room.”
“Wait, there’s an elephant in the room?” You sat up. “Matt, I think you’re seeing things. Oh wait...”
“That is really not as clever as you think it is.”
“Oh no, it is. And you love it.”
“Alright, you’ve got me there.”
“Seriously though. Is there an elephant in the room I just don’t know about? Because as far as I’m concerned we’re peachy.” You tucked your feet up under yourself, the material of Matt’s couch digging into your skin.
“The fact that you’ve been here, sleeping on my couch, almost every night this week.”
You frowned. “I thought you said you liked having me around.”
“I do. But having you around this much sometimes interferes with my...social life.”
“Oh, ew! Too much information, Matthew!” You recoiled, putting your hands over your ears.
You and Matt had been friends for roughly forever. Okay, so it hadn’t been that long. It had been a few years though. In the timeline of Significant Matt Life Events, you had met him pre-Karen Paige, post-Foggy Nelson. It had been a match made in heaven when you accidentally walked into him and he, with all the snark in the world, had asked you how you had managed to bump into him even though he was the blind one. He thought he was funny, but you weren’t as amused. Foggy asked you for your phone number, one bad date lead to a great friendship, and the rest was history.
“The elephant in the room is Foggy’s new girlfriend.”
“Um...I think she might take offense to that, Matt. Like, a lot of offense.”
If he looked about 2 inches to his left he would be glaring right at you.
“No seriously. I don’t get what you’re trying to get at here, Matty.”
“What I’m trying to say is that Foggy hasn’t dated anyone since you. I was just wondering...how you felt about that.”
It was at this point in time that you started dying laughing. It wasn’t really that funny, but in a way, it was. You? Heartbroken over Foggy Nelson, a man you had gone on one date with once, years ago? Unlikely. You said as much.
“Okay.” Matt sounded oddly relieved. “I just wanted to make sure. They asked us to dinner tomorrow night, but I was prepared to make excuses for you.”
“Ooooh, dinner? Sounds perfect!” You gave Matt your toothiest smile, even though he couldn’t see it.
“I’m not paying for you.”
You punched him in the arm. “Meanie.”
Dinner with Matt and Foggy’s new girlfriend was an interesting affair. Not because Foggy’s new girlfriend wasn’t nice. She was! She just also mistakenly assumed you were on a double date. You weren’t!
“So, Matt,” she started, taking a sip of her drink. “Enough about Foggy and I. How long have you and Y/N been dating?”
Matt looked more surprised than he probably should have given that they had been asked this question a few times.
 “Us? Dating. No.” Matt laughed. “I think you misunderstood. Y/N and I are just friends.”
“Yeah. We’re not together, we’re bros- I’m gonna be his best woman at his wedding. “
“Oh, I’m so sorry. You two just seemed so comfortable with each other, and...” She glanced down to where Matt’s jacket lay over your shoulders, your fingers intertwined over the table from where you sat on the opposite side of the booth in the cozy little Italian restaurant you knew was run by one of Matt’s old clients.
Now, listen. You know what it looked like. But there was a very simple explanation for all of this. You had gotten cold outside, Matt was a gentleman, your hands were also cold by proxy, you liked hand-holding, you liked Matt- Okay. So you liked Matt. Was that a crime?
That being said, it was none of anybody’s business.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. Truth is, I’m already taken,” you said.
“Oh?” She seemed very surprised by that.
“Yeah. Daredevil has my heart. I love me a vigilante with a good butt.”
Foggy snorted. He was always very very amused by your innocent crush on Daredevil. You could never tell why, but you just assumed it was because he had a great sense of humor, even though he was rarely so entertained by your other jokes.
“You could say he’s a handsome devil,” Foggy chimed in.
“Ha! That’s a good one.” You grinned.
The night carried on in much the same way, though Foggy’s date seemed a little perplexed by the dynamic between you and Matt. You were pretty sure that at some point she went back to assuming you two were dating just because it was easier for her to handle. You couldn’t blame the poor girl. Even you got confused sometimes by the fact that you were not-dating Matthew Murdock. Matt liked to keep things confusing.
By the time you stumbled back to Matt’s apartment, you could barely keep your eyes open. You were a night owl, admittedly, but a night out on the town always left you feeling drained. Accordingly, Matt agreed to let you stay on his couch again. You could have loved him for that alone.
“Matt?” Your voice was quiet, hesitant as his keys jangled in the lock.
“Yes?” He opened the door, leading the two of you inside.
There is silence for a moment as you two shuffle your way inside, Matt’s cane tapping against the floor out of reflex. Your hands are still intertwined, and you don’t know how to say what you want to say next. You’re not even sure if you should say it.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Is something wrong?”
You take a shaky breath, stepping away from him and letting go of his hand. You can’t look at him right now, but that doesn’t really matter since he can’t tell the difference. You stare out his window instead, watching the neon signs buzz into the night.
“What would you say...if I told you I was a little bit in love with you?”
He doesn’t say anything, which in your mind is answer enough. Contrary to popular belief, you can actually take a hint. The message from Matt is loud and clear, ironic given all the silence surrounding you.
“I would say I’m glad I’m not the only one because I’m a little bit in love with you too.”
“You are?” You pivot to face him, eyes wide.
“Yes. I never wanted to say anything though, because I always thought you were still a little hung up over Foggy and...I don’t know. I date a lot of women and I didn’t want you to think you were just some passing phase or a replacement for someone or anything like that. I guess I just-”
You cut him off. You know it’s rude, but you can’t yourself. With greedy hands, you grab his face and press his mouth to your own.
Kissing Matt is a very physical experience. With him being blind, it’s like he’s trying to soak up as much of you as he can. Matt has all the prowess kissing you you would expect from a man with his experience, and it takes your breath away. His mouth moves against your own with an intensity you couldn’t have predicted, one hand tangling in your head. You feel his cane fall to the floor when the other hand wraps around your waist, pulling you flush against his body, skin on skin.
When you pull away, you can barely breathe, barely think. It is a rush to kiss Matt, and suddenly you have an idea of how he gets women into bed with him so easy. You would probably do anything he asked you to right now.
“I...If we’re going to do this, I have to tell you something,” he said.
“Yes. Anything.” Your eyes are still a little glassy.
“I’m the Daredevil.” He says it all in one go, spits it right out like he’s ripping off a band-aid.
There is a beat.
“You’re the what now?”
“I’m the-”
“No I heard you.” You pull yourself out of his arms, taking a step back in surprise. “You....You? You’re my superhero crush?”
“Yeah...sorry about that. I would have told you sooner, but I was afraid you would get hurt if you knew, but if we’re going to do this for real you have to know. I don’t want someone coming after you and having you be unprepared and-”
“Oh my gosh is that why Foggy thought all of my Daredevil comments were so funny?” You screeched.
“Yes, probably, but I don’t think you’re listening to me right now-”
“I can’t believe this! I just totally made out with my superhero crush. You felt me up!”
Matt sighed. At a certain point, he always realized he was never going to get through to you.
“Want to do it again?” He offered.
“Heck yeah!”
So you did. And that’s the story of how you somehow ended up dating your superhero crush. Who knew? Dreams really do come true.
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Noisy Neighbor (Daredevil x Reader) Part Three
It was late afternoon when you woke up the next day, which came as a surprise. Almost the whole time you had lived in your apartments in Hell’s Kitchen you had woken up, or been woken up, before eight in the morning.  After you woke up you layed in bed in disbelief. You couldn’t believe how much you had slept. Also you couldn’t believe you were attacked last night so close to your home, and then saved by a masked man. When the police had showed up you were crying hard. They tried to calm you down, gave you a blanket from the ambulance. You told them about the men attacking you, pulling a knife, and then the masked man saving you. Mentioning the masked man made the police officer look at each other. You thought, they thought you were crazy. Then you heard one of them mention about ‘again’. ‘The mask man doing the police’s job’. They made sure you got home safe. An officer walked you up to your door and reassured you the men who attacked you would get time behind bars. Now you were lying in your bed and staring at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of the city. You heard an ambulance, police sirens, the rev of an engine, the bass of music in another car, a knock on your door. Wait, what? Why would someone be knocking at your door. You never got visitors, maybe it was a police officer with a follow up question. You threw a cardigan over your pajamas, a short pair of shorts and a tank top, and made your way to the door. Looking out the peephole, you saw it was Matt. Butterflies appeared in your stomach, and you tried to pat down any flyaway hairs from your head. Opening the door you greeted him. “Hey, Matt.” You gave him a soft smile. “Hey, how are you?” He greeted you with his heartwarming smile, making you blush. “I’m alright.” You kind of lied to him, still feeling frazzled from last night. “Oh, good.” He said. “I heard a young girl was attacked last night who lives here, and I wanted to make sure you were safe.” “Oh…” You stared at the floor. “Is something the matter?” He asked. “Well… that was me,” you admitted to him in a small voice. Seeing his smile fall from his face made your heart feel kind of sad. “But, I’m, um… I’m fine. A little shook up and…” Your finger traced where there was a bruise on your neck from the man's hand, but decided it was better to not mention. “I’m going to be fine,” you reassured him. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He smiled softly. “And I’m sorry you got attacked so close to home. Sometimes this neighborhood it,” he paused and clinched his fists, “it can be like that.” Thinking back to the masked man you added, “but sometimes there are people who want to protect it.” He tilted his head and looked at you quizzically for a minute, then smiled and nodded. “You’re right.” There was a lull in conversation for a second then he asked, “I was going to go get some lunch. Would you like to go with me?” The question caught you off guard. “Uh…” “If you’re busy that’s fine.” God that smile of his. “No, I mean, yes. I’d like to go out with you, for lunch.” You blurted out, and Matt chuckled. “I just need to get dressed. Do you want to come in and wait?” “Sure,” he said taking a few steps into your house. “There’s a couch in front of you, if you’d like to sit down.” You informed Matt you as you walked off to get changed. You threw on a simple outfit and a scarf to hide your new bruise and came back. The two of you headed down to the street.
     “So where are we going?” You asked along the way.
     “A small little local bakery I used to go with my dad.” Matt lead the way, holding his cane in front of him.
    “Sounds nice, I haven’t had much time to explore the neighborhood since I moved here.” You both stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the sign.
     “This neighborhood can be really enjoyable sometimes.” Matt turned his head as if he were looking in a different direction, then the sound of sirens came from where he had turned. “And then there’s that…” He frowned.
     He was still lolling off when the light changed. “The light changed.” You informed him. Soon you arrived at the small bakery and cafe.
    You both ordered and sat down, Matt paid for your drink despite your protests.
     “Think of it as my way to welcome you to Hell’s Kitchen.” He had told you.
    You thanked him as a barista brought your drinks to the table. “I know this neighborhood isn’t all bad.” You smiled over your coffee.
     “Is that so?” Matt inquired.
    You looked around and lowered your voice. “This May sound kind of crazy, but I swear this happened. When I was attacked last night… There was this man in a mask who came to my aid and…” You paused thinking of how to phrase your words. “I think if he hadn’t shown up to help I’d probably be dead right now.” You staired down into your coffee.
     “I’ve heard about a man like that in the news.” Matt sipped from his coffee. “A local vigilante.”
     “I see.” You smiled again. “Like Batman?” You asked with a giggle, which earned you a chuckle from Matt.
     “I’m not too sure about that. I’ve don’t know a lot about Batman.”
     “Well you know, he helps people. Doesn’t kill the bad guys, just keeps them controlled until the cops get there. Secret identity and such. I used to read the comics a lot as a kid.” You blushed seeing That Matt was smiling, and you were gushing about Batman.
     “They didn’t make Braille comics when I was growing up. So I don’t know much about Batman, or should I say didn’t since you’ve just educated me.” You both laughed.
     There was a pause while you both thought of what to say.
     “So what brought you to Hell’s Kitchen?” Matt could tell his question had Made you uncomfortable. You froze and gripped your coffee cup tight.
     “I was, um, moved here for work.” Matt could sense you were lying, hiding something from him.
     He decided to change the subject. “I work with my friend Foggy, that you met yesterday. We run our own law firm.” “That’s amazing.” You gushed. “I would love to work with a friend. The room I work in has no windows, and it’s just me and a bunch of old papers. Even though I do enjoy working alone most the time. People can just be so… much? You know?” Matt grinned. “Well I’m glad you agreed to come out with me this morning, despite the people.” “I’m glad I came too.” After some more enjoyable banter, you and Matt walked home. He was a gentleman, of course, and walked you to your door. “Thank you for taking me out. It really helped me feel at ease.” You told him as you unlocked your door. “Good, I enjoyed taking you out.” He smiled back. You had unlocked your door and were now standing in your door frame. “I guess I’ll see you around.” You audibly face palmed yourself. “I mean…” “It’s okay.” Matt assured you, reaching out to gently touch your arm. “See you around.” The rest of the weekend was uneventful. However there were some more crash and banging sounds that came from Matt’s apartment. Monday you went to work as normal. Later in the day Lucy came by with a coffee to apologise for forcing you to go out. You didn’t tell her about what else had happened that night. The rest of your week passed by in a blur of paper files and flickering fluorescent lights. Friday when you got home you went to check your mail. You were happy to see Matt was there as well. “Hey Matt.” You greeted him as you approached. He turned to the sound of your voice, and you saw his face was covered with bruises. You were almost positive too if he took off his glasses there would be a black eye under them. “Oh my god what happened to you?” He smiled and closed his mail box. “I’m fine, just fell down some stairs.” You silently looked him over again in disbelief.  “Did the stairs start the fight or did you?” “You know what they say, it doesn’t matter who starts the fight. Only who finishes it.” He shrugged. You scoffed and smiled in confusion. “And clearly the stairs won.” Turning away, you opened your mailbox, but froze when you saw you only had one piece of mail. “So,” Matt began. “Do you have any plans for this weekend? Because Foggy and I, and another friend from work are going out. I think you and her would get a long, and Foggy was adamant I invite you.” The words Matt said didn’t meet your ears. You picked up your ‘mail.’ It was a piece of paper from a yellow note pad that was folded in half. You could see red ink bleeding through it. Slowly you picked it up. The smell from the sharpie was still present, the note had been written recently. You had seen this kind of message before. Opening it carefully, you read the note on the paper. ‘Hello (Y/n).’ Was all it said. But it was enough to send you into an instant panic. Your heart rate picked up and your palms began to sweat. Meanwhile Matt stood by, hearing your heart rate pick up. “(Y/n)?” He asked. You didn’t respond. He called your name again, this time placing a hand gently on your shoulder. This caused you to jump and drop the paper. “Oh, uh, sorry, what? Did you say something?” You tried to play it off as though nothing was wrong. “Are you okay?” Matt inquired. “Oh yeah, just my electric bill is higher than I thought it would be.” You awkwardly laughed. Matt could sense there was something off, but repeated his question for you again. “I know you mentioned not really liking going out, but like I said Foggy insisted.” “You know what,” You leaned down and picked up the note, crumpling it into a ball. “Tell Foggy I would be delighted.” Matt told you the details of when and where, and you put your number in his phone, then called yours to get his number. Then you ran to your apartment, note in hand to make a call. “He got a note to me.” You said in a whispered into your phone. “(Y/n)?” The voice on the other side asked. “It’s still fresh, I can smell the ink.” Your voice was shaking. “Let’s not panic, okay? We don’t know who put the note there.” The woman's tone tried to calm you. “Yeah sure, someone left me a note like he always would, in my mailbox with my name on it.” You threw the paper you had been holding in your hand against the wall. “Just,” the woman’s voice sighed. “Continue on like normal. I’ll send someone over to get the note. If it is him, you know he’ll keep his distance. Plus, we’ve had some leads and I feel like we are close to finding him.” “Okay.” You reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone. A few hours later you dressed to go out. You were dressed much more casually than last weekend. You met Matt on the stoop to the apartments and began to walk to the bar together. When you got there he held the door open for you. Foggy called out to Matt. You walked over to where he was, at a table in the back corner. The bar was small and had a few customers scattered around it. It was dimly lit but felt cosy in a weird basement kind of way “Glad you could make it,” Foggy beamed. Smiling towards him and the blonde he sat with you replied, “Thanks for inviting me. I don’t like to go out much, but after Matt told me how excited you were how could i say no. His smile turned down a little and he turned his gaze to Matt. “Dude, come one.” Matt just smiled and climbed onto his bar stool, you followed onto yours. “I’m (Y/n),” by the way. You introduced yourself to the woman next to Foggy with a smile. “I’m Karen,” she smiled back. After getting situated the boys went over to the bar to get the first round of drinks. You and Karen began to talk. “Yeah I just moved into the neighborhood. I live under Matt.” You answered her question about being new to the neighborhood. “What’s it like working with them? Foggy seems nice.” She smiled. “Yeah, work is interesting. Matt and Foggy both care so much about the people they are helping, and they really put their whole heart into it.” You looked over to the boys. Foggy was leant on the bar with Matt standing by. Foggy let out a loud laugh at something inaudible Matt has said. “They really helped me too.” You turned your attention back to Karen. “Really?” You asked. “Yeah,” she was now looking at the boys with a smile on her face. You looked back to them and hummed. “I wonder if…” Your sentence didn’t finish as you train of thought wondered. “(Y/n)?” Karen asked. “Huh, oh, it’s nothing.” You shook your head. The boys came back over with some beers and you all began to drink and make small talk. You had talked about Batman again, Foggy was excited you liked him. Foggy made you laugh the whole night, but not as much as the banter between the two boys. Their friendship seemed so genuine, you were kind of jealous. After a few beers a long yawn escaped your lips. “Sorry we’re so boring.” Foggy joked. Laughing you told him, “No! I’m having such a fun time. I just woke up so early for work, and didn’t sleep well last night.” “Was I being too loud.?” Matt turned to you with a frown. “Oh no, it’s not that. You know, sometimes you just don’t sleep well.” You assured him, and went to put your jacket on. “Well let me walk you home.” Matt got up from his seat and unfolded his cane. “What?” Foggy whined, holding the ‘a’ a little longer than he needed to. “You’re both leaving. “I wouldn’t make (Y/n) walk home alone after I invited her out.” He told his friend. “Let me get your number before you go.” Karen said and passed you her phone. As you were putting in your number Foggy scoffed. “Am I the only one who doesn’t get your number?” He joked. After your information was in Karen’s phone you held out your hand for Foggy’s. “Thank you again for inviting me out. This was fun.” And with that you and Matt were on your way home. Not long after starting your journey you stumbled over your feet and almost fell. “Are you okay?” Matt asked. Embarrassed you laughed. “Yeah, just more tired than I thought I guess.” “Here,” he smiled and offered you his arms, you graciously took it. Unknown to you he could hear your heart rate increase. “I promise I’m not a crazy lightweight drinker.” You gripped onto his arm. “It’s okay.” He assured you. “I’m glad you had fun tonight. You had seemed kind of upset earlier about something.” You tensed up thinking about the note. “It’s, um, okay. I’m dealing with it, and… well…” You thought for a moment. “Is everything okay?” He asked. “Right now it is,” You told him, your voice getting quiet. “But if things don’t get better I might need your’s and Foggy’s help.” Matt nodded. “Just let me know and we’d be happy to help.” “Thanks.” You replied in a whisper. You walked in silence back to your apartment building. You held his arm all the way until you got to your floor then thanked him, letting go. “Thanks again, Matt. This was fun. I like going out with you.” You cursed yourself with those last words. He smiled and chuckled. “I like going out with you too. Let’s do it again soon.” “Yeah.” you smiled. Then Matt left. You made your way over to your door with a huge smile on your face. You unlocked your door, went inside your apartment and closed the door, locking it behind you. Flicking on the lights you saw you apartment had been trashed. You belongings had been thrown around. Furniture turned on its side. You gasped, walking further into your apartment. That’s when you saw it, a note on your bed. The yellow paper, red ink, still fresh. ‘I will get it, and I will get you.’
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courtforshort15 · 2 years
Does anyone else have to avoid awkward conversations about what things you like to read?
Like...I told a coworker how much I love reading, and when she asked what I'm currently reading, I couldn't find the professional way to say "Last night I was absolutely railed by Matt Murdock in a DaredevilxReader fanfiction."
Ok, you caught me...I was totally referring to The Red Thread
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maraudeerrs · 6 years
Star shopping|matt Murdock x oc
“Look at my face cause we only have one conversation a week”
This follows haylee and matt dealing with their unusual relationship.
(An oc but you can just change the name to yours if you want)
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Noisy Neighbor (Daredevil x Reader) part 2
When you arrived at work you clocked in and headed straight into your dimly lit room full of file boxes in the middle of the hospital. There was a small radio in the corner that kept you company when it wasn’t too fuzzy to pick up a signal. You worked quickly and diligently, sorting through old personal medical files and old hospital financial records from all the way back in the 1940’s. You thought about how someone really should have been taking care of this before now, but since they didn’t, it fell on your shoulders.       This job though, wasn’t too bad. All the time alone was nice, opposed to how your previous job was. People were always breathing down your neck, gossip, and drama. You didn’t miss it, but the work load here was large, and some of the boxes were so heavy you couldn't lift them yourself. The laptop they gave you to use for filing crashed often, and was at least ten years old.       After working hard all morning you were about to go on your lunch break when you heard a knock on your door. “Yes?” You called out. The door opened and you saw it was your nurse friend, Lucy.       “Hey girl,” she smiled coming into the room with a cup of coffee. “How’s your day been going?” She handed the coffee to you and took a seat on the floor near you.       “Thanks,” you blew on the coffee and took a drink. “It’s been okay, the computer keeps crashing as always but,” thinking back to this morning you continued. “I met one of my neighbors this morning.”       “Ooooh, exciting! How’d it go?” She encouraged you to continue.       “He seemed really nice. Super cute.” You blushed and hid behind your coffee.       “What! And you didn’t tell me about this right away?” She jokingly punched your shoulder.       “I really want to get as much work done as possible when I’m here. You know that.” Pointing towards a stack of boxes taller than you, sighing.       “I know, I know. So what about that noisy neighbor of yours? Did you go yell at them yet?”  She inquired.       “Well… kind of.” You went back to typing on your crappy laptop, trying to act nonchalant.       “What do you mean kinda?” She leaned in closer with a smirk on her face.       “The noisy neighbor is the one a met this morning. He was so handsome I couldn’t just yell at him.” You crossed your arms and pouted.       “You’re weak!” Lucy yelled jumping up and pointing a finger in your face.       “I am not!” You argued back.       “Are too! This guy has been keeping you up for three months and you can’t even tell him off!” She was now waving her finger in your face.       “He’s blind,” you stared into her eyes.       “What?” she stared back.       “Yeah, I thought I would give him a piece of my mind this morning. I went upstairs to talk to him and he had a cane and sunglasses.” Lucy’s mouth went agape. “And…,” you mumbled. “He was really cute.”       Lucy moved back to her sitting position. “Really was he cute? You hadn’t mentioned that.”       You continued to type on your laptop. “Did you just come here to yell at me?”       “Well no, I brought you a coffee didn’t I?” She brushed a hair behind her ear. “And, I wanted to invite you to go out with me and some other nurses tonight.”       Throwing you head back and let out a load groan.       “Now don’t be like that!” Lucy protested.       “You know how I feel about going out. I’d rather stay in and drink wine and color fuzzy posters.” You started to type faster on your laptop.       “Fuzzy posters? How old are you?” Lucy pouted at you. “Come on, you’ve lived here for three months and haven’t met anyone or or gone out. It’s not healthy for a young girl as beautiful as you to stay locked up in a dark room like this all the time!”       You smiled gently at her. “Lucy, it’s okay. I enjoy my time alone. It helps me interact better with people when I have to. Plus I didn’t move to Hell’s Kitchen to make friends. I moved here because I had to.”       “Had to?” Lucy quirked her head.       “For work.” You quickly said.       “Right…” Lucy sighed. Well the offer still stands if you change your mind. She got up and left the room.       When the door clicked you stopped typing and sighed. Lucy was really nice to you but you wished she could understand that you really liked time alone. Or if you weren’t alone you like to be one-on-one with someone, spending quality time with them and really getting to know them.       After quickly eating your lunch you worked in peace the rest of the day. You packed your things and walked home. When you got home you flopped over on your bed and quickly drifted off to sleep. Not long after that your phone rang with a new text message waking you up.       “Why!?” You screamed into your empty apartment. “Why won’t anyone let me sleep?!” Your phone rang again. “Ahhhh!” About ready the throw your phone. You grabbed to read the messages.       Just come out with me one night and I’ll never bother you again -Lucy       Please?!?!? <3 -Lucy       You swore out loud then replied.       Fine -(Y/N)       Yay!!! -Lucy       She then proceeded to tell you to be ready at 8 and to dress nice.       Laying down for a few more minutes, you mentally prepare yourself for a night surrounded by people. You got ready and put on a black, off the shoulder dress, as well as some basic make-up, and your favorite lip shade. As you slipped on your cute black ankle boots, and grabbed your purse, you got a message from Lucy saying she was outside.       You stood in front of your door and sighed. “Just get this over with.” You walked down stairs and were about to walk out the front door when it opened and a familiar face walked in.       “Hello, Matt.” You said walking up to him, seeing he had a friend with him.       “Hello again, (Y/N).” He said with that cute smile of his, almost making you blush.       There was a moment of silence until his friend cleared his throat. “Oh, sorry.” Matt apologized. “This is my friend, Foggy.” Matt gestured towards him.                 The man named Foggy stuck out his hand and you shook it. “It’s nice to meet you. Matt told me he met his neighbor today but didn’t mention how cute she was.”       Your face instantly turned red and you couldn’t think of what to say. Luckily Matt could.       “How could I have told you how cute she was?” Matt let out a soft chuckle.       “You always know somehow, don’t lie to me.” Foggy scowled at his friend.       Outside you heard a car horn honk. “Oh, sorry, that's for me. I have a friend waiting and I have to get going.” You smiled and waved to the boys as you walked off.       As they were walking away you heard Foggy say, “Jesus, Matt, she’s hot.” Causing your face to turn red again.       ~~~~~       The night out turned out exactly as you had thought it would have. One loud bar after another, people crammed in like sardines, young men wearing too much body spray to try and cover up their horrible body odor, and your least favorite thing, drunk men trying to talk to you by leaning in close to your ear.       At the third bar Lucy and her other nurse friends were already trashed, you didn’t have money to drink so you didn’t. It was late and you were tired so you offered to drive Lucy home. She wasn’t ready to leave yet and she said she would catch a taxi.       You left the girls and began to walk home. With being new to the area you were holding your phone in your hands using the gps to get you home. Not many people were on the streets, and many that were out were drunk and you tried to avoid them. It was times like this you wished you owned a car, or had a few extra dollars for a taxi.       After walking a few minutes your phone began to flash low battery. “Please don’t do this to me,” you pleaded picking up your pace. Maybe you could get home before your battery died? Wrong. Not very many minutes later the phone screen went blank.       You groaned loudly and kicked at the ground. “Why?!” Looking around you thought you might know where you were. “I think it’s this way… Maybe…” Quickly you began walking again. The bar where Lucy took you wasn’t in the best neighborhood, and you were eager to get home to try and sleep.       When you began to see familiar buildings around you, you began to jog lightly. You stopped when you saw your apartment building through an alleyway. You looked around to make sure no one was around and started to run through. It wasn’t a very long alley, but when you were about to reach the end a man stepped into your path, and you gasped.       “What’s the hurry baby?” He asked with a crooked grin on his face.       You took a few steps back then felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning your head you saw another man behind you. “Yeah baby, stay a while.” Both men chuckled deeply, and you pulled away from him.       The only way to move was against the wall. Both men move towards you. “What’s the look for? We just wanna talk?” One man pulled a knife out of his pocket.       Suddenly you remembered what you had in your purse. You quickly pulled your pepper spray out and tried to spray the men. You got one in the eyes and he dropped his knife. The other man knocked the spray from you hands.       “You bitch,” he growled and put his hand to your neck, pushing you high against the wall. No air entered your body when you tried to gasp. “If you’d just play nice we wouldn’t have a problem.”       “Cute girl like you shouldn't be walking around alone.” The other man said wiping tears away from the pepper spray. “Now we’re gonna show you a good time, you little-” The man's words were cut off as he got thrown against the wall.       “What the-” The same thing happened to the man holding you. He was knocked away from you and you fell to the ground gasping for air, and holding your sore neck.       Your eyes were locked with the ground while you gasped. Loud punches and groans could be heard coming from next to you. After a you caught your breath you heard someone move in front of you. They squatted down and offered you a hand. Looking up you say a man wearing all black, a mask over his eyes. To your side you saw the two men unconscious on the pavement.       “They aren’t dead, and the cops are on their way,” after he said this you heard sirens. You took his hand and stood up, you stumbled against him, he helped you stand up straight. When he saw you were okay to stand on your own he leaned down and picked up your pepper spray and handed it to you on an open palm.       “Thank you,” you said softly, tears filling your eyes.       He nodded, then blue and red lights lit up the entrance of the alley way. You looked over to the squad cars, then back over to the man, who was gone out of sight. Standing there as the sirens filled your ears and the lights blinded your eyes, tears began to stream down your face.
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Noisy Neighbor (Daredevil x Reader) part 1
You had been having trouble sleeping ever since you had moved to Hell’s Kitchen. For the three months you had lived in your apartment either the bright 50 foot television had been shining into your eye or your upstairs neighbor would be stomping around. Sure, you could hang up curtains to block the light of the t.v., if you had any extra money.       Right now you were hanging up some extra blankets you had over your window. It didn’t block all the light but it would help. You flopped down on your bed ready to get some sleep. You were drifting into the dream realm when you heard it.      CRASH      BANG      SMACK       A loud yell escaped you as you got up to get your broom. You began banging it against the ceiling, hoping your neighbor would notice how loud they were being and quiet down. But you weren't so lucky. You gave up and laid back down on your bed.       “That’s it,” you said aloud. “Tomorrow I’m going to give the butthole a piece of my mind.”       It was finally 1 A.M. when the noises stopped, you fell asleep and hour later only to have your alarm go off at 4 A.M. for your job. You got ready like you normally did, but left a little early to head up stairs. You weren’t someone who like facing your problems like this but the lack of sleep was pushing your boundaries.       Standing outside to the door you took a deep breath and reached out your hand and knocked once. To your surprise the door open right after one knock, and you jumped in surprise.       “Hi,” The man said with a calm, beautiful smile. You heart skipped a beat. “Can I help you?”       You looked the man up and down and started to second guess yourself. He was wearing a suit, sunglasses, and had a cane. ‘Maybe all the noise is him running into stuff?’ You thought to yourself. ‘No there is no turning back now.’       “Hi, I’m (y/n). I’m your new downstairs neighbor. Well I say new but I’ve been living here for three months.” You let out a laugh. “And well you see…” You mentally cursed yourself, those probably weren’t the best choice of words.       “Is something the problem?” The man tilted his head and smiled. Complaining to someone so cute was difficult.       “Well I haven’t been sleeping well you see, with the big t.v. outside, I know that probably doesn’t bother you much,” another mental curse. “But it is really bright and also,” you took a deep breath. “You’re kind of really noisy sometimes.”       You shrank where you stood expecting him to yell at you, but all he did was laugh.       “I’m sorry, I had no idea I was bothering anyone. I don’t mean to be loud it just kinda… happens.” He gave you a little half smile that could melt the coldest heart.       “It’s okay, really.” You assured him. “I would be angry if you were like, a drunkard who was stumbling around and got angry when I tried to talk to you.” You let out a little laugh, so did he.       There was an awkward pause. “I’m Matt, by the way.” He stuck out his hand, and you shook it. His hand was much bigger than yours and very warm. You blushed, and were thankful that he couldn’t see it.       Your watch beeped. “Oh my gosh! Sorry I have to go or I’ll be late.” You told him and started to walk towards the elevator.       Matt had turned and was locking his door. “I was leaving too.”       When the elevator came you both got in. “So what brings you to Hell’s Kitchen?” He asked as you both stood in the elevator.       “My job, I got sent to work here doing filing for the Hospital. They are trying to get it all digital. It’s kind of a pain in the butt, but also kind of enjoyable because I don’t have to deal with a lot of people all day.” The elevator reached the bottom floor and you both got out and walked to the door.  “What kind of work do you do?” You smiled as Matt held the door open for you.       “I’m a lawyer at a law firm I started with my friend.” He told you as he made his way down the stairs to the sidewalk.       “Really? That’s awesome. I would love to start a business with a friend.” You smiled sweetly at him.       There was a silent pause as the two of you stood there. “My work is this way,” you said as you turned to go. “I hope I’ll see you around?” ‘You really got to check what you say before you say it’, you told yourself.       Matt chuckled. “I hope so.”       You blushed and your smile widened, you continued to work skipping the whole way despite how tired you were.
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