#dark Spicynoodleshipping
starsfic · 9 months
(Demon King Red AU) were DBK and PIF are accidentally sent to the future and witness their sons madness.
"I've always been a good son"!
Demon King Red AU belongs to @purble-turble.
"I've always been a good son!"
Their son's enraged voice echoed off the walls of the palace. The nobles all winced, clearly showcasing the fear that gripped them all. Fear was good as a king. It meant that people knew better than to try you.
It was the opposite when it came to the young man gripping his wife's shoulder tight, staring at Red Son with wide eyes. DBK was almost sick at his pale face, at how subtly he flinched. In this nightmare world, his granddaughter struggled against the Little Thief's hold, clearly uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere, but he did not set her down. The little baby did not struggle either and DBK was willing to bet that the Little Thief would be even less unlikely to set him down.
If he did, then this would be the end.
"You are a good son," he said. The nausea stirred even harder at how his son- no, not his son, barely his son perked up. It was a twisted reflection of how his son lit up at any hint of praise, any sign of approval. How long had Red Son been starved of that? No, he needed to focus. "But you are not a good father to your children. Nor are you a good husband to your mate."
At first, it seemed like he was.
When he and his wife had been sent to this strange future, a future where they had fallen, their son had met them. He had continued on their work, rebuilding the shabby remains of a court into something grand. DBK had not been surprised. He had always known that his son would be a wonderful king.
What had surprised him were his grandchildren.
At first, that had been wonderful.
DBK had always wanted a home full of children, resembling the beauty and grace that was Iron Fan. When misfortune had rendered Iron Fan with only one child, his perfect little son, he had turned his hopes to grandchildren. He had never even imagined a world where he didn't get to see them.
Here, he hadn't, but there they were: a perfect little calf princess and a tiny monkey babe. He could've done without the Little Thief, but that hadn't mattered as much, not when he was holding his grandchildren!
Not until Iron Fan had pointed out things that led to a horrifying truth.
Now, he stared down at a person he could not recognize.
His son would never do the things this man had done to his children and husband.
That man was staring at him as though DBK had spit on him and torn his nice hanfu. His jaw was dropped and his (blank, empty) eyes were wide and horrified.
"And we're leaving," Iron Fan's voice rose. "We are taking Qi Xiaotian and his children to a safe place before we come and deal with you. You are clearly unwell-"
A fireball shot down the hall. DBK dodged, feeling the heat as it sailed by. The Little Thief let out a shocked scream. The fireball had been directly aimed away from them, DBK noted absently, his heart racing. The person who had launched it stared at them.
His eyes were still empty.
"It seems like I have a pair of cuckoos in my castle," the man who claimed to be their son hissed, a manic grin twisting his lips. It was too wide, showing too many teeth. "And they think they can expose my family, my darling... The Little Thief flinched. "To the outside world?"
His hands lit up in flames.
"Don't do this," DBK warned. "Don't even think of attacking us."
The man's head lolled back, his smile growing even wider. It looked like his words hadn't even registered.
"Too bad."
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purble-turble · 1 year
What the hell has macaque been doing in the yandere mk AU?? Like where the heck is macaque?? And what the hell is his role in the story???
Haha well, it depends! Is this a situation where Sun Wukong is also a yandere and that's where MK is getting it from? If so, Macaque probably has his own issues to worry about because he is going to be going through a similar thing as the Red Son of this AU, except he doesn't have the support of people like Mei and the others.
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beanyboobee · 2 years
Meant to post this for Halloween but got busy XD
Someone in twitter requested Possessive MK
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Aight, I'm done with the exaggeration xD
Yes, This is actually playable, but the playing time, is only meant to be around 5 minutes, as it's only two choices and two endings,lmao
It's s h o r t
But, But—! This is currently a work in progress, as you can see it lacks a proper loading screen, and I haven't made the second route yet.
It, genuinely needs a lot of work, and I just used some old azz art, and slapped on some new expression to it, so a lot of things, still needs to be fixed. The only, thing that I like about it, is the 'credit scene' xD
It's made with Kocho :v
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vegalocity · 3 years
Angst 7/24 as a continuation of that Demon King Red and TT MK fill?
Dialogue starters
7.“I love you.” “No you don’t”
24.“Let me go.”
The first fill in question
(The Demon King and TT timelines of course belong to @purble-turble)
He wasn’t gonna lie, this was more challenging than he’d hoped. To go Mano a mano with the Evil King. Sure it seemed like the Evil King wasn’t trying to hurt him, and in fact was essentially on the defensive for the entire fight, but Xiaotian knew a little better than to think that he could drop his own guard and focus entirely on whaling on the source of his boyfriend’s nightmares.
If he were to trust his Red (which he did) then he knew the Evil King had a propensity for kidnapping, and if he got snatched up then he’d probably vanish into a portal and be stranded in the Evil King’s timeline until he-... ideally got rescued by his own alternate self and his friends and then they’d all do their best to try to get him sent back home
So basically the Evil King wouldn’t attack him back, but if he got a single shot in Xiaotian was as good as stranded.
And every one of the Evil King’s shots was to scoop him up and abscond with him.
And he was making this weird too.
“Oh darling, you’re so handsome when you’re lit against the fire like that~”
“I love nothing more than a friendly spar, but you know I could never hurt you!”
“Darling, don’t you think it’s about time to dump that little broken bird you call a ‘Red Son’ and take up the better model?”That one earned him a particularly vicious punch to the solar plexus that Xiaotian actually felt real satisfaction from.
The Evil King coughed and puffed for breath, but before Xiaotian could land another hit he whipped his hand out to grab the staff, that damn gauntlet practically coming out of nowhere, but turning the semi-onesided fight into a tug of war.
“Oh~ I love you.” He cooed, face inches from Xiaotian’s
“No you don’t you psycho.” he hissed back. He watched the Evil King’s eye twitch as the words seemed to turn into white noise and static in his ears.
“I don’t think you even know what love is”the Evil King jerked his hand forward, throwing Xiaotian off balance and forcing him forward a couple of steps until the EVil King’s arm enclosed around his side.
“Oh my darling, how this poor excuse of a Red Son must have mistreated you for you to be so deluded about my love for you.”
“Hey-! Let me go!”
“It’s alright darling, I’ll take you somewhere where you’ll be treated as you deserve, safe and happy and never to want for anything again!”
He heard the ticking noise of the Evil King’s dimensional devise-
“Xiaotian?!” He glanced up at the same voice, but with such a familiar tone-
Red Son- His Red Son, was standing at the corner of the street, a pair of grocery bags dropped and abandoned at either side. He didn’t hesitate after the scene processed in his head.
-but the Evil King was quicker.
There was a flash of light, a fizzle, the feeling of his guts being all twisted up around each other, and a nauseous feeling that had nothing to do with the latter.
Red Son- His Red Son’s scream as the portal closed behind either of them rang in his head even as they landed in the King’s home dimension.
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Written for @purble-turble‘s dark spicynoodles au of Demon King Red and his obsession for his former prisoner MK. I love this au and the concept of demonic obsession Hope you enjoy!
MK landed at the doors to the restaurant. He had immediately rushed over when he had heard the report, although he had also been confused. Holding an entire fancy restaurant hostage didn't seem like something Red Son would do.
Well, he had been doing a lot of thing MK hadn't expected.
He threw open the doors and stormed inside, holding out the staff defensively. He entered the main room, looking around. The restaurant was huge, with a grand staircase in the middle leading to more private rooms. Everyone was crowded against the wall, demons all keeping a watchful eye over them. All eyes turned to him.
And MK felt like he had landed in a trap.
The blood froze in his veins. Slowly, MK looked up. Descending down the stairs was the king himself, grinning maniacally with that broken look in his eyes. He shifted, holding up the staff in a warning gesture. Red paused, frowning. "Really, darling? That's not how things are going to go."
"How are things going to go?" MK managed out, a sick twist in his stomach.
"Simple. I'll let them go." Red waved a careless hand at the hostages. MK's heart soared before rapidly plummeting at his next words. "If you'll have dinner with me."
MK automatically moved to say no. But he gave another look around. There were innocent people. People Red would hurt if he didn't get his way. "Alright." He said, raising a hand in a declaration of surrender. "I'll...have dinner."
"Wonderful!" Red, grin bright, held out his arm. MK didn't take it. It was dropped but Red didn't stop smiling. Instead, he turned and led MK up the stairs. MK paused for a moment, trying to aim a comforting smile at the hostages.
Thankfully, there was always a backup plan.
MK was led to one of the private party rooms. It had to be one of the smallest rooms in the restaurant. Candles lit the space, while red orchid petals had been strewn around. It was all very romantic.
He hated it.
Red pulled out a chair for MK, scooting him in. He settled down across from him, folding his hands together to stare at MK lovingly. A clearly terrified waitress entered. In a trembling voice, she requested what they wanted.
"A bottle of wine and whatever he wants."
MK decided to go with the safest option. "A plain salad, please." She nodded, quickly scurrying away and leaving them in silence.
MK was torn between sneakily checking his phone and keeping an eye on Red. His choice was made when Red cleared his throat. "Today's a very special day, darling!"
He wracked his mind, trying to figure out why this day was special. "Um...mind filling me in?"
Red's smile became strained as a bark of laughter escaped him. "Don't tell me you've gone and forgotten, darling!" The waitress entered with the wine and Red took it, eyes never leaving MK. The waitress fled as MK shrugged. "It's our anniversary!"
Right. The day Red had awkwardly asked MK out on a date, only to stab him in the back a month later and keep him in captivity for another six. MK had tried his best to forget this date over the months he had been free from this demon. The pop of the bottle’s cork drew him from his thoughts. “None for me.”
Red paused, an inch away from pouring some wine into MK’s glass. “Are you sure?”
There was a shrug. “If you’re sure.” He put aside the bottle to reach into his pocket. “Anyway, I have an anniversary gift for you!”
MK winced. He knew better than to argue about their “anniversary”. Even though the fillet didn’t exist anymore, he still found himself wincing every time he argued with someone, in anticipation of the pain. Red placed a small box on the table, smiling excitedly. He looked like a cat who had brought their human a mouse, excited to be told he had done a good job.
His stomach twisted at how he had broken him.
Carefully drawing the box close, MK opened it. He froze at the sight of familiar golden bracelets, a large red gemstone set in the center of each one. Next to them were ankles and a collar, each one with their own red gemstone. When he looked up, Red was slipping a matching ring on his wedding finger. “...what is this?”
Red sighed, taking a sip of his wine. “You still have those behavioral issues we need to deal with, darling.” MK stiffened at the words, glaring at the king. “But the fillet was awful, I’m not afraid to admit that. So, I developed a kinder solution!” He leaned forward, smiling excitedly as he held out the hand he wore the ring with. “The gems will pick up every time you’re acting out. This ring will inform me and I can press a button and bop! You’ll be unable to move until I can come to take you someplace quieter!”
MK glanced at the set of jewelry. This was another set of chains and he could feel them clamp around him. He looked up at Red.
He had to wonder when denial had translated to madness.
Making eye contact, MK smacked the box off the table. Red sighed as the jewelry scattered on the floor. “You’ve proven my point, darling.”
Before he could retort, a loud explosion rocked the restaurant. MK smiled as he heard Mei’s war cry. The two of them stood at once, Red’s face slipping into a frown. The Monkie Kid seized his chance and ran from the room to join his friends, not having to look back to hear his wannabe jailkeeper let out a cry.
Happy “anniversary”, Red.
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sonicmegaman72 · 4 years
The angel😇and the demon😈. Demon king red fluttering over a terrified mk hoping to some day bring his beloved darling back home~ Poor mk is scared beyond comprehension right now lol.
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blitzswolf · 4 years
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So I hade this idea for one of King reds delusions in @purble-turble prisoner au is a family Portrait or photo with his happy little family
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More Demon Bull Red Son and Monkie MK from @lizwuzthere ‘s fanfic Dark But Not Dark
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sradlightstab1 · 2 years
Short story by me
Au by @purble-turble
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Just wanted to make a short comic of how shan was kind of ya know decided a pon and if thares eny miss spellings I really don't care right know I'm tried and just wanted to draw some cute shit with mk and shan soooo :P also I don't really know how shan was described thare is only one post I think that said shan was consist when red and mk were going to have her but not really why mk wanted her or her brother so thats what this comics doing really and also look at mks tea cup thares a saprise in it :3 (grammar and spelling errors beware)
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shootsun · 2 years
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So I uh like ur au @beanyboobee and the fix that @starsfic wrote was also rlly good 😁
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starsfic · 2 years
Valentine's Day, Part 3
Summary: A creepy customer comes to Pigsy's Noodles. (Spicynoodles, Dark)
“Hey there, sweet cheeks.”
Qi Xiaotian bit down on his cheek and turned to the newest customer. Pigsy was busy in the kitchen, the clatter of the wok signaling his deafness, and it was just him in the shop. Him and the leering man who was eyeing his chest.
“My eyes are up here, sir,” he said, trying to sound calm. According to the police, Pigsy wasn’t allowed to kick people out of the store unless they actually touched Xiaotian. The man’s eyes flicked to his eyes at the reproach. Xiaotian tried for a smile as he grabbed the notepad. “May I help you?”
“Yeah, mind giving me your number?”
Xiaotian stared evenly back at the man. “No, sir. May I have your order?”
The man chuckled, leaning closer to him. “Whatever is your favorite, sweetheart.”
Xiaotian sighed as he scrawled down the order number, faintly noticing a hint of red. “Alright.” That would be number 1, just plain noodles. “Your order should be out in ten to fifteen minutes.”
“And your number.”
He sighed and turned, clipping the order to the line. “A number 1, Pigsy.” The minute he said it, his father was looking up. His brows furrowed together as he snatched it up and then glanced at the store. “Yeah, he’s-”
“Not there.”
Xiaotian turned to see the guy was gone. “Huh?” He looked back and forth. Maybe the guy had decided to sit in one of the farther corners? No. He wasn’t there. The store was empty. “...I guess, never mind?”
Pigsy shrugged and turned back to the wok. Xiaotian gave another glance around before confirming that the guy was gone.
That was weird. At least he didn’t have to serve him-
Arms wrapped around him before a kiss pressed softly against his cheek. Xiaotian nearly jumped out of his skin before the spicy scent of cinnamon and cloves hit his nose.
“Oh, hey,” Xiaotian said, leaning into his boyfriend. He was in the middle of his shift, but Red cuddles in the middle of the day were a rare occurrence. He pressed a returning kiss to Red’s cheek. “What’s up?”
Red sighed. “You’re too pure for this world.” He sounded…strange. As if his thoughts were a thousand miles away.
Xiaotian felt a brow raise. “...thanks-?”
A loud scream echoed from outside. Xiaotian jolted as a curse shot from the kitchen. “What was that?!” He could hear Pigsy throw open the front window before a loud curse made Xiaotian jolt. “Holy-”
“What happened?!”
“Kid, stay here and don’t look outside!” Pigsy jumped out of the front window with a faint crack and a yelp of “My back!” Several people were hurrying around outside, yelling and screaming at each other, clearly trying to figure out who had done something. Faintly, he heard Pigsy cry “Call an ambulance!” Xiaotian craned his head, trying to see out the window, before Red’s arms tightened around him.
Smearing something on his skin.
He looked down.
“That’s why you need me to protect you,” Red sighed, seeming to be unaware of the blood staining his hands.
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purble-turble · 4 months
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Here have some Demon King Red.. Been awhile since I drew this mad lad
In progress and sketches below cut~
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beanyboobee · 2 years
When your totally not ex, ex, is apperantly popular with the demon community
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Now updated that you can find the connecting parts under the Hashtag LmkDemonSeason
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vegalocity · 3 years
Part 3 to Time Travel Xiaotian meeting King Red with Angst 21/29?
Dialogue starters
21. “Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
29. “You deserve better.
Bro i thought part 3 was gonna be me writing the mother of all mental breakdowns when we POV shift to TTRed but i just couldn't make that work for these prompts so you guys get more TTMK and the Evil King
He knew better than to try and think he was better than one of his alternate counterparts (except for that evil one that tried to replace him and steal his life; fuck that guy) But he knew he had one ups on the Xiaotian from this world. And that was that he wasn’t afraid of the Evil King. He was crazy, he was uncomfortable to look at, or listen to, or to even exist in the same space as, but he wasn’t scary.
He was just something that was in between him and getting back home to the version he had, whom was not crazy, but was likely having the mother of all nervous breakdowns because unfortunately, he happened to see him right as the Evil King was able to get away, and Xiaotian was unable to pull away from him before the portal closed around them both.
That scream made him feel cold. Made dread settle like a brick in his gut. He knew his Red needed him. Right now more than maybe he ever had. He needed to come out of this alive, and relatively unscathed because if he didn’t then there was no doubt that his Red would blame himself for every single scratch on him anyway, so if there were any serious injuries or new scars by the time he got back his Red would never forgive himself for ‘allowing it to happen’ (and nothing he would say would be able to sway him of that one, because NOTHING he said could sway him from taking personal responsibility for the Evil King)
Which could be a problem granted the first thing the Evil King had done upon landing in his fucked up timeline was slip some sort of magitech handcuffs around his wrists.
“I am SO sorry about this, Darling.” The Evil King crooned as he lead Xiaotian forward, his hands stuck together by the cuffs. “This is only a precaution of course. My version of you has a nasty habit of putting himself in danger and running off. And I needed to make these to ensure he wouldn’t do something like that again, after everything those wretches he calls friends have poisoned him with, no doubt he’d try to run his way back to those terrible people, and before he could realize he was miserable again, he’d already be convinced that our love was a lie and i was the reason for his misery!” he huffed sadly and Xiaotian did his best to not pay attention.
The scowl on his face seemed to be taken as agreement as the Evil King leaned his head to the side so it brushed uo against his shoulder. “I know! It’s truly awful what those horrid people have done to my darling-” he paused, blinking and for a moment Xiaotian realized he actually didn’t know what was coming next. His Red wasn’t in a great place right now, but he could at least read him to some degree. Predict by a look or a tone just how much the shadow behind him looked like the Evil King beside him, and what steps to take to mitigate that.
This Red wasn’t like that. He had no idea what was going on in his head. It was as likely he was about to start talking about the palace nursery again as it would be if he pulled out a dagger and started talking about carving his face off as a gift for his counterpart in this world. It was weird, engaging with a Red Son he couldn’t read.
“Oh, but I shouldn't be calling both of you ‘darling’ should I? Making you both share a term of endearment would be unsightly.” he huffed, resting a hand on his chin. “You deserve better.”
Xiaotian wasn’t really paying attention, he was doing his best to be a Strategy Guy. Admittedly improv was more his strong suit, but he needed to actually have a plan this time he thought. The surroundings are difficult to find an exit for, and most likely these cuffs had some sort of proximity alert on them, so he couldn’t just punch the Evil King and make a break for it. He needed to get them off first. But how would he be able to do that short of chewing his own hands off like a trapped coyote?
“-What do you think about that?” Xiaotian jolted and turned back to the Evil King to see him peering back with anticipation. He- He really did believe that his Xiaotian (and by extension apparently him too) truly loved him.
….Maybe he could use that. He was able to get him off guard earlier.
“I think that’s fine, Hun.” He had no idea what he was agreeing to, he probably should have paid attention, but the dreamy, absolutely infatuated sigh the Evil King let out encouraged his acting abilities.
“Then please My love, keep calling me that, it would make us all the most precious trio! You have ‘My Love’ I’ll keep being ‘Hun’ and when I finally have my Darling back it’ll make three of us!” Oh good, it was just what dumb nickname he was saddled with.
He’d put up with this psycho getting to use Red’s nickname for a bit, but if he can keep playing along he might be able to convince the Evil King he’s from a world where he totally agrees with all of his methods, then he could get these cuffs off, if the Evil King didn’t take them off himself to save them for his ‘Darling’ (bleugh) and then he could haul ass out of there, find the whatever the hell it was that brought the Evil King to their timeline, and get home, back to His home, back to his friends, and back to HIS Red.
“My love?” he looked up and realized he’d been pretty obviously not paying attention again.
“Oh! Uh… Sorry… Hun. I uh- I zoned out…”
The Evil King sighed, folding his arms and looking away sadly. “It’s Him, isn’t it? That Red Son you left behind.” he noticed how the evil king seemed to spit out what was once his own name with such venom he practically spat acid to the ground. “Don’t concern yourself with him anymore my love. You’re better off without that weak little sadsack.”
He clenched his jaw, forcing back some very choice words toward the Evil King in defense of his boyfriend. Play it cool, play it cool, he knew how crazy he was so he wouldn’t blow his cover in being taken aback, he didn’t have trauma specific to this guy’s presence so he won’t freeze up. Out of everyone in either dimension, he was the most equipped to be able to fool him.
“I hope so.” he bit out instead.
He was already planning what to do for His Red as a retroactive apology. It was all toward getting home in the end but he would feel like actual scum by the time he got back there, he already knew it.
Send me Stuff!
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Summary: Red is alone. He realizes what he believes is the truth.
Notes: Some more fic for @purble-turble‘s lovely King Red au. This is basically his breakdown.
He had nothing.
Red Son laid curled in his bed. He could faintly hear the few servants that his mother had kept here whisper outside the door. He had shocked them when he had shown up in the Fiery Mountains, bloody and injured a few weeks ago. But it didn’t matter. He had nothing.
What did he have? Barely a fortress, a small company of servants, a barely functioning workshop. No parents- either imprisoned or dead. No...MK.
No MK.
Red stifled a sob into his pillow. When he had been sent away to India, at least he had his teacher to tell him how great she was going to make him. When he had been forced into servitude, at least Guanyin had comforted him in her own way. When he had come home after his father had been locked away, feeling confused and abandoned by his master, at least his mother had reminded him of his true place.
But nobody was here to comfort him now.
He didn't understand. Didn't MK... didn't MK understand that Red would do anything for him? Why did he leave him? What had Red done wrong?
But what if MK does understand?
Red froze. A memory of MK popped into his mind. It had been when they were just...taking a walk together. It had been a bright and sunny day. Yet the brightest thing had been MK's smile when Red had found a flower and, seized by impulse, had tucked into MK's hair. He brushed the memory aside, trying to focus.
What if he does understand? But...his friends…
Pigsy had never trusted him. Tang had been skittish. Mei had been protective of MK even before they had started dating. And everyone else...
Red's eyes widened in realization of the horrible truth.
They're keeping us apart.
They poisoned MK against me.
He sat up, tears starting to dry. Although he didn't know it, his mind shattered. He was too busy with the image of that precious smile, being choked out by the vitriol of the people surrounding him and everything destroying the purest thing in the world-!
Oh MK, oh my darling, I'm so sorry I ever doubted you...what should I do? What should be done to protect him? He had nothing and the longer he was away from MK's side, the worse he would be poisoned.
The voice had the answer.
Get strong.
"Get strong."
Get MK home.
"Get MK home."
Make sure he can never be stolen again.
"Never again."
And then...
Kill them. Kill all who stand in your way. Kill all that would stand between you and him. Kill all that would taint him.
"Kill them…"
Red's claws dug into the pillow as the plan unfolded in his mind. He could almost hear MK sobbing for him and it broke his heart. But...they would be together again soon. This time forever.
"I promise darling."
He got out of bed, frantically reaching for what constituted as an outfit. He didn't bother to brush his hair. It didn't matter. He had work to do.
The servants all backed away when he slammed the door open. He scanned the crowd- it looked like everyone in the complex. Just a little bunch of servants and a few scattered Bull Clones. But he had known others who had dealt with worse.
"We have work to do." he announced.
There were plans to make and allies to gather and a world to conquer. All in the name of the purest thing in the world.
Hold on my darling, I'll be there soon.
And nobody will ever separate us again.
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