#dark cornfield
talos-stims · 8 months
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runawayandhide · 1 year
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the path from a different angle
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pitofpain · 8 months
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𝕸𝖎𝖉 ✞ 𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑
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rustandsky · 2 years
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Well he was eight foot tall Weighed twelve thousand pounds With every step there was a shakin' on the ground
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ap0fenia · 2 months
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gorrus · 7 months
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barbietrailerpark · 11 months
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shots of storm clouds while moving
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smokeyxpixels · 7 months
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Dark sky by the cornfield
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itstimeforstarwars · 6 months
I am afraid of the dark but I also yearn for it. Catch me outside stargazing in December with a death grip on my flashlight.
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djadecutie · 28 days
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and the OTHER designs
I JU-AAAAAHHHH😭😭❤❤❤❤💘💘💘💖💖💖💘❤💓💕💕💕💖❤💘💞💝💞💅💅💅💖💖
@wowiezowiebaby 's oc's
(got some thoughts in the tags ._.)
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redddwinne · 10 months
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Fall is approaching🌽🌻
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charmedbuffy · 2 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2.03 | Smallville 4.01
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carriagelamp · 7 months
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I continue my October tradition of trying to read at least a few ~spoopy~ books to get in the Halloween mood... very tonal nonsensical now since I'm positing this weeks late but there we go
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The Apothecary Diaries v1
A manga that I’ve seen here and there. It had me intrigued so I finally decided to pick it up and see what I think. The main character finds herself forced to work in the inner palace as a servant… but her background is as an apothecary and things begin to change in her life when she solves a “curse” afflicting the royal heirs. I’m intrigued by the main characters introduced so far, though I haven’t decided if I’ll read more or not. I know it’s based off a light novel series that I think is getting an English release, so I may wait and try reading it like that.
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Bad Guys v1 / v2
Since the movie has come out I figured I should try to knock out the first two book of the series and try to see what the hype is. Honestly, Bad Guys is a series I just can’t really get into. It has some cute, funny moments — the entire premise of these “bad, scary” animals attempting to become “good guys” is admittedly a very charming idea, especially given how bad they are at it — but it really is just so simple and so short that it feels pretty cheap. There isn’t much content on any given page, and the art is all pretty rough. I will leave this in the purvey of young readers.
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Clown in a Cornfield
Meh. I picked it up from the library on an impulse because I enjoy horror based around cornfields and it feels very autumnal, but I couldn’t get through it. It is so very, painfully, agonizingly high school. I may have enjoyed it as a high school student… but even then it’s a sort of high school culture I wasn’t involved in even as a teen. Maybe it would have gotten more interesting if I had toughed out the first bit but it was really just too excruciating.
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Dark Waters
The third book in a middle grade horror series, I’ve been reading one book a year, around Halloween. This series is about a group of friends who, having survived a first and second encounter with “The Smiling Man” are now trying to deal with the trauma of their experiences while keeping their family safe and distant from the terror. A fishing trip seems like a perfect, safe way to get away from the constant anxiety of their lives… until they receive a dire warning and something sinister starts to appear in the lake water.
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The Girl From Turtle Mountain
Written in the style of American Girl books, this is a story about a girl in 1901 moving to the mountains of southern Alberta with her miner father. It was a charming little book about her getting used to this new settlement, getting to know the people she will share a boarding house and school with, and finding out how much a girl can spread her wings in a place like this. It was a short, simple book but it did remind me rather fondly of Anne of Green Gables.
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Judy Moody was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood.
I had never read a Judy Moody book before and honestly have always been a little scornful of them. I mentally put them in the same category as Junie B Jones books but apparently I was wrong to do so! It was honestly a very funny little slice of life book about Judy as she goes through life and needs to combat her bad mood.
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The Laughing Corpse
Hoo boy. I haven’t read the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books since high school, and I enjoyed them well enough back then. I read about six, though I found the style and tone had begun to wear on me by then. Since it’s October, I thought a vampire hunting book would be a fun reread so I grabbed the audiobook from the library and yikes folks! The racism! The misogyny! The aggressive Christianity and intolerance towards any other religion! It was fucking brutal! Though the nail in the coffin was Jean Claude. His fake French accent was hard enough to read through text, but needing to listen to a very American accent then try to voice him? Nope, I couldn’t do it, I bailed. Nice to know I can lay this particular book series to rest.
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
I had never read Sleepy Hollow before and decided now was the time! I hadn’t realized what a short little story it was, but it made for a perfect Halloween read. The visuals were absolutely stunning, I am such a sucker for that sort of descriptive language, and it was actually really funny which I hadn’t been expecting! Honestly pop culture has changed the nature of the Headless Horseman so much over the years that I was pleasantly surprised by the original story!
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My Dress-Up Darling v3
Just a fun series I’ve been picking up from time to time. It’s about a boy who is passionate about making traditional dolls and is learning the craft from his grandfather, who ends up befriending a bubbly popular girl who has the secret desire to cosplay. They end up working together to create elaborate costumes. It’s honestly just a very charming series, both main characters are very likeable, it has enough technical information about costuming to keep you interested, and just a light sprinkling of fan-service — y’know, if pantyshots are what sells a series for you.
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Spy x Family v1
Up until now I’ve been profoundly indifferent to Spy x Family. I haven’t liked the art style, especially how the little girl is done, but I found the first book second hand and figured, eh, why not. And I can admit I judged it too harshly, the first book was pretty fun. It’s about a spy who needs a family for his next undercover mission, who ends up marrying an assassin and adopting a telepath. The spy and the assassin are both doing their best to keep their professions a secret, and the only one who seems to know the fully picture is the telepathic child. It’s silly but amusing.
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Guys Read: Terrifying Tales
A surprisingly well done horror anthology! It’s written for a middle grade audience, but was honestly the best horror I’ve read in a hot minute. Some stories were better than others, obviously, but there really weren’t any that I thought were complete duds. What I found the most interesting was that most of the stories had a supernatural / almost fairytale like bend to it, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen people really do fairytales in a way that made the horror feel authentic rather than childish. This book had some genuinely fantastic “wicked witch” style horror, I was very happily surprised.
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TGCF // Heaven Official’s Blessing v2
Now that I’ve finished Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS I am now working my way through the Heaven Official’s Blessing series! This series is about a prince who was able to ascend to godhood… only to be banished back down to the mortal world and seems to be plagued with preternaturally bad luck and suffering. The stories starts just after his third ascension to heaven (after being banished on two separate occasions), which is honestly a hilarious concept. The first book I found a little slow, I wasn’t connecting with the characters much, but by now I am fully invested! The second book was fun because it actually took us back in time to learn about Xie Lian’s time as a mortal and some of the events that surrounded his ascension to godhood and what turned him from a beloved god to an object of scorn. It’s fascinating and heartbreaking, I want to cry for this poor guy, he really was wearing himself ragged trying to do the best he could.
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incubaus · 1 year
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afieldinengland · 2 years
more fictional men who are folklore devils
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the-twentieth-man · 2 years
Of course, she was gorgeous, she had to be. I mean, when the law says you must hire them, why not the best? Why pick a mutt when you can have Best of Breed? She was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and all of eighteen; her blue jeans were still blue and her tiny pumpkins – her rawhide work boots – were still bright and clean; untouched by hot asphalt nor splattered by oily kerosene, and showed no…
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