#dark plum cookie
quibbs126 · 1 year
Ik you've been made a headcanon about Dark Choco Cookie and Peach Cookie. Somewhere in the Cookie Run comic, Dark Choco Cookie actually falls in love with Peach Cookie. So, what if there's a fanchild of them? Do you mind making their fan child? If not it's fine ^^
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So like I’ve alluded to in my other posts today, my headcanon for Peach and Dark Choco were VERY different and probably not so viable here, but let’s say this is just the comic universe or something, and here’s Dark Plum Cookie
Honestly after reading some of the comics, I’ve come around to this ship quite a bit. But unfortunately it contradicts my old headcanons for them (okay I should probably actually explain what those headcanons were. Basically at some point someone made a thing saying that General Jujube could be Dark Choco’s other parent, and it basically made me spiral into a rabbit hole. And since I know Jujube is at least implied to be Peach’s father, that’d make the two of them half siblings, so Dark Choco was basically like Peach’s older brother. Also that Peach was a teenager), and it’s hard to really start shipping them without dealing with my old headcanons, as it’d make it look far worse than it is, and of which I do not endorse. But I like this new ship too, so I’m just debating making my old headcanons into like, an au or something where Jujube is Dark Choco’s second parent, although I kind of already do that, since my real headcanon is that Dark Choco only has one parent. But maybe having both of those coexisting is a bad look…All right, maybe I can just scrap the first headcanons, like I did with Dark Cacao and the North and South Dragons. And also make Peach older, since I know I’m just bad at guessing ages (for example, I thought Rayla from Dragon Prince was in her early 20s when she was 15). She’s probably in her early 20s
Anyways, sorry for the weird tangent, let’s get onto the actual fankid, yeah?
So I chose the name Dark Plum because I wanted a fruit similar to peaches, but dark in color. The only one I could find was plums. Unfortunately, there is already a Plum Cookie, so I added the “Dark” to indicate I was basing him off the darker and more purple ones. I mainly based him off the black splendor plum, which has this red flesh on the inside
Black splendor plum:
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So for his design, I wanted to go with a dark purple to be some sort of middle ground between the black and peach colors, and after seeing some dark plums with red flesh, I made his secondary color red. I think I was originally going to give him purple eyes like his grandfather, but I ended up making them red so they’d stand out more. I kind of ended up using Plum Cookie as a reference for his hair, since they’re both made of the same thing. I was going to put the red on the same places as Plum’s yellow, but I thought it looked better on the ends. I’m not entirely sure what it looks like not flowing. I wasn’t really sure what to do for his outfit, or his weapon for that matter. Originally I was debating giving him a sword or a staff, since I wasn’t sure which parent to lean more towards. I was debating a spear but I didn’t really want to since I’ve already made 3 of these with spears. I mean I still kind of ended up doing that, but it’s double sided so it’s fine. It’s supposed to be more staff like. With his outfit I sort of just ended up using the Dark Cacao Kingdom for references like normal. I had asked my friend for advice on his outfit and she had a suggestion, she just didn’t know how to translate it into English, so I just stuck with this. She said it looked good
Anyways, on to him himself. …I am just now realizing I spent so much time on his design I neglected his personality and character. Well what I do have is that unlike what the image may convey, he’s not a super serious warrior, he’s just in the middle of a fight. I mean yes, he takes fighting seriously, but he can be a bit prideful and confident in his fighting abilities and think he’s cool. He is a good fighter but he sometimes lets it get to his head. Also he tends to be a bit chaotic
I like to imagine Plum being like his godfather or babysitter or something, just so that we can have Plum and Dark Plum regularly interacting. I feel like if time travel shenanigans were to happen, Plum and Dark Plum would meet, and Plum would think he’s like his evil/shadow alternate universe self, only for him to instead be Peach’s son, along with Dark Choco. I feel like something like this could happen in the comics, they are a little insane
But uh, yeah, I think that’s all I have on him, I hope you like him!
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rosejigglypuff76 · 3 months
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Wandering around for another night life within one crowded mall! 🎀 Where we find various cookies hanging out together, ranging from families to couples! 🪴
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vsnapdragon · 10 months
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zoethehead · 8 months
Part of my crk fanfiction idea;
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sweetsuke · 1 year
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more cr whiteboard sillies <3
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (145/?)
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Cyborg Plum Cookie friends cookie run kingdom
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ali3nfurbs · 1 year
tag dump
furby: buttered popcorn
furby: dash
furby: salem
furby: arrolenor
furby: lil val
furby: 2012 plum fairy
furby: boom polka dots
furby: boom zigzag stripes
furby: dark roast
furby: woodstock
furby: zuriel
furby: cookies n cream
furby: neapolitan
my furbs
project progress
other people's furbs
saved tutorials
furb profiles
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
Names Chosen Carefully
I swung into the spaceship’s kitchen with plans to grab a snack before unpacking the bags from our latest supply run, but I paused. Coals was there showing Eggskin a screen of color swatches, and it didn’t look like a menu. Could have been something medical, since Eggskin handled both the feeding and the healing of the crew, though the conversation I’d walked in on said no.
“Vehicles are an option, but I don’t know what kind are popular there,” Coals said. He acknowledged me with a nod. “And an unfavorable skimmer model would be almost as bad as an activity that’s culturally iffy.”
Eggskin was nodding thoughtfully, tapping a claw against their lizardy chin. “The activities are probably easier to research. But I do think that either a generalized space theme or something referring to home would be the way to go.”
“Yeah, but which?” Coals asked with a sigh, staring at the handscreen. “Space might be too common, or trying too hard, and home stuff might not make sense to anyone there, including the kids.”
I must have looked like a confused dog, standing there with my head cocked. Coals took pity on me. “My cousin wants advice on what to name his clutch when it hatches,” he said, holding out the handscreen. Up close, I could see that each color swatch was scales. “This is their best guess about the likely colors.”
“Ohh,” I said. “Got it.”
Eggskin asked Coals, “Are they familiar with nearly-hatched eggs, and color distortion? Many new parents guess wrong.”
I reflected that Eggskin, whose full name was “Skin of the Egg that is Translucent and Ready to Hatch,” had probably thought about the concept pretty often. Their own scale color looked more like boogers than any egg I’d ever seen, but I’d never been privy to a Heatseeker hatching. I assume other colors would show through.
Coals nodded his brick-red snout. “They live near family. Plenty of chances to observe. And he’s been there for brainstorming names on the ol’ home planet, and his mate has too, but that’s not very helpful now.” He glanced up at me. “They just moved to a space station.”
“Are there not many Heatseekers there?” I asked.
“A few, but it’s a very intercultural place. That’s why they wanted my opinion, since I travel around so much. Thought I might have some valuable insights.”
I leaned against a counter, trying not to loom. “What have you got so far?”
Coals sighed deeply. “A lot of doubts. References to home could be great, but they might just be confusing to everyone. What kind of names would you expect to hear with these?” He showed me the screen again.
I was about to object that I was hardly an expert on Heatseeker names, then the palest one caught my eye and I laughed. “Humans would nickname that one Popcorn,” I said, pointing at the white-and-yellow image.
“Popcorn?” Coals looked at it. “What is—”
“It’s food,” I said. “A popular snack from Earth. I wouldn’t expect that to be anybody’s real name though; it’s much too whimsical and silly. Well. At least with my cultural background.”
Coals and Eggskin both looked at the colors without saying anything for a long moment. Then Coals turned the screen to me again. “Would humans of your background have food associations for the others too?”
“Well,” I said, wondering whether I was just hungry. “That one looks exactly like mint chip ice cream. Oh, and that one’s cookie & cream.” They really were; it was uncanny. “I didn’t know you guys had scale patterns with that many speckles.”
“You should see my cousin,” Coals said. “He looks like a starfield. His mate is a simple dark maroon, though. Between the two of them, the genetics are all over the place. What about these other three?”
I looked at the brown-with-red, the yellow-speckled-brown, and the deep purple. “Red velvet cake, dijon mustard, and plum. Or maybe grape. But that doesn’t make as good of a nickname. You aren’t actually going to suggest these, are you? Naming the kids after another planet’s food seems like everyone might expect them all to be familiar with that planet. Pretty sure a couple of those foods might actually be poisonous to you, too.” I flicked a glance at Eggskin, who was thankfully nodding in agreement.
“Naming a child after a toxic foreign food would do them no favors,” Eggskin said. “An adult might wear such a name proudly, but I would fully expect a youth to be pressured into eating their namesake at some point, especially if they lived somewhere it was readily found.”
I nodded too, looking to Coals.
“But,” Coals said. “It doesn’t have to be foreign food.”
I started to ask what he meant, then suddenly remembered a bit of cultural trivia. “It’s good luck to name spaceships after food, right? Does that go for people too?”
Eggskin chuckled while Coals stared intently at the colors. “It can,” Eggskin said. “It’s rather bold, though. An audacious claim that a set of parents can confer enough luck on all their offspring for them to always have food available. Very daring.” They looked at Coals with an amused expression, which Coals didn’t look up to see.
“That fits my cousin surprisingly well,” he said instead.
I smiled. “Are there Heatseeker foods that would fit these colors?”
“I can think of several.” Coals changed the screen to a text field and began typing. “This is perfect. Thank you so much.”
“Happy to help!” I said.
Eggskin suggested, “Be sure to remind them they should research any food they’re considering, and find out what associations their new neighbors are likely to have. Some things translate terribly.”
“No kidding!” I laughed, standing up and moving toward the snack cabinet. “I still remember the spaceships Worm Jerky and Raw Flesh.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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ihatemyselfhoho · 10 months
i’m with this scenario on my head for quite some time now-
what would be wukong and macaque’s (separately) reaction when their human s/o accidentally eats a peach of eternity or just somehow manages to get immortal by accident?
their s/o just stand there (like pomni from tadc when she realizes there’s no escape lmao) while trying to process that now they are immortal and the monkeys trying to comfort them but they are actually celebrating this on their heads
sorry it took so long to answer this!!
sun wukong:
So you were on wukongs mountain enjoying life like usual, until you saw a basket of peaches!
Of course you took one, it wouldn’t hurt anyone after all! It’s just a simple peach!
As you happily ate the peach you saw your love of your life! Wukong.
wukong eyes gazed over the peach in your hand and the basket before his eyes widened with realization.
of course your confused and worried so you ask what’s wrong with a smile.
wukong struggles to form his words before blurting out in one breath.
” you just ate a peach of eternity-“ wukong immediately cringes at your reaction.
you drop the peach, with wide eyes.
you’re immortal now?! What about your family?! Friends?! you stare into the distance rethinking your life choices, wukong walks to you and gave you a comforting hug, unknowing of his relieved smile he had on his face.
now you can’t possibly leave him.
(this one is going to be a bit more Yandere)
Macaque asked if you could come over by text, you text him back that you’ll be there in a bit.
once you knock on his door he opens it quickly with a smile.
”hey plum! How’s life going?”
macaque chuckles as he lets you in, you answer his question with a small smile of your own.
“It’s been great, at least so far!”
you smile and sat on his couch, macaque eyes held something a bit dark but you ignore it, he’s your best friend after all.
“want some peaches? I cut some earlier and have leftover.” Macaque asks with a smile.
weird, he really doesn’t like peaches himself, but you accept anyway.
you eat the peaches he handed to you with a small smile, it felt like you shouldn’t be eating this to be honest, like a cookie you stole from a jar your parents told you not to eat.
macaque only watches you with a pleased smirk, you ask him what’s wrong, feeling uneasy with his stare.
”oh it’s nothing to worry about..”
you shrug and finish the peach without a care, you place the pleats down before chatting with him unknowingly becoming immortal.
now you can’t possibly leave him, your forever his, macaque thinks with a smile.
sorry if this sucks I’m like writing this at 3 am lol.
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quibbs126 · 11 months
Regarding your post about giving Dark Choco a second parent, I feel like Cocoa Butter would fit since its one of the ingredients used with cacao to make dark chocolate. Coconut Sugar or Cocoa Powder could work as well. Also, which are the fankids you've made that you like the most?
Hmm, I see what you’re saying, but also cocoa butter still comes from cacao, so there’s still the question of where the sugar in Dark Choco comes from
(Maybe I could use Cocoa Butter for the purecacao kid, that’d be cool. But also I’m gonna use KitKats for her design, hence why I was calling her Choco Wafer. But also also I’m so stringent on this fact and it’s severely limiting me I think, maybe I just need to stop. But also also also, I’d imagine a Cocoa Butter Cookie to have blonde hair, and Choco Wafer has dark brown hair, and I’d probably completely change the character despite me putting so much into Choco Wafer. *groan* I’ve made this so difficult for myself and it’s my own fault) Disregard all this, I’m just having an internal conflict. But I do think it’d be a good pick for a purecacao kid
I’m actually already planning to use Cocoa Powder for a fankid, so that’s already take
I suppose nothing’s wrong with Coconut Sugar, other than maybe the sugar is too dark for my ideas. But I’m biased against it because I don’t like coconuts, but that’s purely a personal thing
Now which fankids do I like the most? Well generally it has to do with how much I like their designs. But I’d say some of my favorites are Choco Madeleine, Iced Coffee Cookie, Turtle Fudge Cookie, Red Mochi Cookie, Dark Plum Cookie, Vampire Shrimp Cookie, Violet Sugar Cookie, Charcoal Cheese Cookie (even if he’s in limbo right now), and Chowder Cookie and Purple Plum Cookie
I fully admit that these are disproportionately Dark Choco Cookie fankids, but one I have a disproportionate amount of them, and two I guess I just ended up putting more into them? I feel bad about that, makes me feel like I only care if it’s one of my hyperfixation characters. Now I want to try and put extra effort in my non Dark Choco/Cacao ones (also truth be told I’m getting a bit sick of Dark Cacao ones, I have 9 total, not counting the two I’m redoing, most unfinished and I don’t tend to have many options for what to do. Dark Choco at least has more options for things to do since he’s not tied down to the kingdom)
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romanshomeonwattpad · 4 months
Black Swan | Colin Bridgerton
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pairings — colin bridgerton/reader | brigderton au! |
“ _ _ “ = Y/ N
masterlist | next chapter
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sypnosis — penolope is your sister, and your favorite one at that. she always sent you letters about the boy she fell in love with, and couldn’t wait for you to meet him. it brought warmth in your heart to know she cared so much for someone. so you return from abroad to visit your sister and meet a gentleman that catches your eye, but apparently, you weren’t the only one. and that’s when all hell breaks loose….realizing that was your sister’s night and shining armor.
warnings — future smut, angst, family betrayal, i love pen pen, choking, oral, finger bang pew pew, rough sex, possessive Colin
word count : 2.2k
authors note — i apologize in advance
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© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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Your father had been a personal entertainer for Queen Charlotte until the same year you had been born. To put it into simple terms, he was a ballet dancer. The highest ranked of them, the leader if you will. People traveled harsh waves of vast oceans, uneven cracked dirt roads, and days of ridiculously long carriage rides just to see him perform in person. Louis XVIII— The King of England who took place of the late Marie Antoinette— offered the Queen of England 200,000 pound sterlings for your father to work for him. And although that was an extreme amount of money, the Queen flourished in her own and rejected the offer.
He loved working for the Queen. He spoke of her as direct, yet compassionate. Your mother, Portia Featherington, fell out of love with your father and decided to marry for riches instead. Jack Featherington had owned over ten different homes and was a successful mine owner. Karma struck when for her when she found out a few years into the marriage that it was a farce, but she had no one to run back to—since your father had passed already.
You’d think he would satisfy your mother with his relationship to the Queen…but no.
Irony aside—he passed away the same month your mother had given birth to you. And since that day, she couldn’t even stand the look of you. Your dark straight hair curved behind your ear, contrasting with your older sister’s fiery tight curls. You stood out completely. It was scandalous, since you didn’t share the same father as any of them.
You couldn’t stand them.
Stepping out the carriage, torch lights glittered before your eyes as your shortest sister skips over to you. Except Pen. You could never hate her. You truly missed her dearly— reminiscing both of you eating cookies after dinner behind your mother’s back, taking the horses for secret rides late at night. A smile twitched onto your face as she meets up to your waist, surprising you with a hug.
A deep plum colored dress tightened at her waist, black shimmery gloves adorned on her pale arms. Her beautiful curls were flipped to the side, giving her a more mature look. She had blossomed beautifully.
Pen smelled like jasmine. “It’s been so long!” She cries out, looking up at you with wide blue eyes. They were the only thing you two had in common.
You grabbed her hands and held them tightly.
“My Pen Pen. How much I’ve missed you I cannot explain in words.”
“How was Hungary?” She questioned, interlocking your arm with hers. Your feet slowly carried you as stares burned into your figure already. Penelope takes notice quietly, nudging you with her shoulder . “Everyone’s staring at you. I mean, you look beautiful.”
Your cheeks burned at her words, but kept a blank expression, dodging eyes everywhere as you hastened your slow pace and approached the inside of the castle.
“And you look even more beautiful, Pen Pen.” You sent her closed lipped smile, momentarily squeezing her hand as she returned it. Voices chattering filled your ears as the both of you make your way down the staircase, gulping as you accidentally make eye contact with multiple men.
Men…or suitors?
“Mama was wondering where you were. She thought you weren’t going to show,” your sister and you take the final step off the swirling staircase, your fingertips brushing against the rails.
“—I offered to come out front and find your carriage.”
“I bet you’re going to absolutely pester me with questions,” you sigh, sending her a knowing smirk. It only took a gulp and a guilty expression to sweep over her features before blushing deeply.
“Well…perhaps you could tell me what Spain was—“
Before Pen could finish, a brunette haired girl with bright eyes and a dim smile approached her. Her hand gently rested on her shoulder as she shot you a confused brow, “Pen I’ve been looking for you—Who is this? I’ve never see you before.”
You tilt your head, “I’m Penelope’s sister. I just moved back here.”
“Oh,” her eyes flickered, biting her lower lip in slight curiosity. “Where did you move from?”
“Spain. She personally danced for the Queen,” Pen chimes in, clearly a proud sister as her brunette friend gasps in shock. “But since things with Spain are beginning to get rocky, she came back.”
“Can I tell her my name Pen or do would you like to cover that for me as well?” You joked, causing the tiny girl to blush in embarrassment. You reached in and pinched her cheeks, causing her to giggle as you turned towards her friend. “I’m _ _ by the way. And you are?”
“Eloise Bridgerton,” her smile slightly grows, her expression visibly relaxing.
You realized she was really pretty. Brown curls pinned behind her ears with bejeweled pins, her dark eye makeup brought out her fair complexion. A shimmery white dress that made her look like a princess hugged around her figure, lace gloves pinching her fingertips. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Eloise.”
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Although you hadn’t seen her in years, Pen had grew bored of you within an hour and ran off with her friend to gossip about feminism and fictional stories. You didn’t really want to say hello to your family, currently hiding from your mother—as you stood in the sidelines and watched partners dance amongst one another like birds soaring in the sky.
And then suddenly, all the electricity turns off. You hear gasps tear through the air. Your glove covered hand landed on your chest as you squinted your eyes to attempt to see in the dark. It was no use though, you couldn’t even see your own hand waving in your face.
“My people, my loyal servants. This is the black out hour. You have twenty seconds to find a dance partner, without judging physical appearance, and if you’re unsuccessful in this….” She giggles, more like cackles, and it made goosebumps crawl against your skin. “—don’t hesitate to show yourself out. Good luck.”
A curse passed your lips. What the hell was happening?
This was kinda stupid. But food did seem to be running out, and it was already a little late. You weren’t going to show up at all, but thinking about how sad Penelope wouldn’t been absolutely gutted you. On top of that, you had already came all the way here back in London to meet this boyfriend of hers. Well, you didn’t know if he liked her back but she was absolutely adored him.
You sighed. Where was she anyway?
You shouldn’t have shown up. But if Pen found out you weren’t initially going to come, it was absolutely destroy her. You wondered if she knew about this. And that’s when you realized, you only have a few more seconds before the lights turned back on. Feeling slightly panicked, you took a messy step forward, tripping on your gown that caught beneath your heel. The world beneath you slipped, reaching out for anything to aid you.
A sturdy wrist. You grabbed onto it.
As if he had known you were about to hit the ground, a man’s arm wrapped around the small of your back. Chest pressed up against his, both arms wrapped around your figure—a deep inhale sounded above you. Hit breath fanned your features as your fingertips pressed against this mystery man’s chest.
And then, the lights turned on.
Your stomach did kick flips back and forth. Stormy blue eyes, almost grey, staring fierily down at you. They were set on yours, a warm firework exploding in your abdomen as your faces were only inches apart. You heard the thank gods and laughter fill the room, smiling nervously up at the man whose arms you were in.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” you swallow, scrambling out from his arms and brushing down your baby blue dress. Your cheeks burned as he stared at you, but you didn’t meet his gaze, nodding your head instead towards him. “Thanks for urm, catching me—but if you’ll excuse—“
He chuckled whilst sending you a dark brow.
“That really isn’t a proper way to thank me, now is it?”
His words didn’t shock you. He seemed very confident in himself, which blended in with his ego. But the more he spoke, the more he sounded stuck up. “And that apology was incredibly poor. At least look me in the eyes Miss…..?”
Your eyes lifted from the floor, narrowing slightly.
His eyes glinted. It made your heart vibrate, and burn like coals were afire within. The way your last name rolled of his tongue almost made your legs shake. You noticed a ton of eyes piercing through the two of you, from both men and women. Chatter began to spark as he cleared his throat and grabbed your hand. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you. My names Bridgerton. Colin Bridgerton.”
You almost gasped as his soft lips pecked your knuckle, holding eye contact with you.
“And your first name?” He muttered huskily against your flesh.
Your throat grew dry, widening your eyes before snatching your hand back to your side. “You’ll start rumors. I’ve only just arrived,” you snapped, holding your hand up to your chest.
“From where?” He questioned, holding a serious expression quickly once again.
You blinked, confused as to why he even cared. “Spain. I danced for the queen there. My uh, father used to be a dancer for Queen Charlotte actually.”
His eyes widened a bit, a small smirk growing onto his puffy smooth pink lips. “That’s sounds extraordinary. I’ve been to Spain once—and I must say, the most beautiful thing there isn’t the scenery,” he spoke whilst his eyes swept up and down your body, tilting his head to the side as his gaze meets yours once again. It felt like ever since one of your limbs were on fire. “Care to dance with me then, Miss Rockwell?”
He held his hand out for you. And the violinist kicked up the tempo, pianist following his lead. You smirked, deciding to have some fun, challenging his motives. It was obvious what he wanted. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your figure, but god when those brutal, hazy orbs of those meet yours. It felt like a storm was brewing within you.
“Try to keep up with me,” you teased as you gave in, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as soon as your glove clad hand slid into his large, manly ones. You thought you heard him growl as his other hand once again slid around your back, pulling you against him. His eyes lit down at you, “I’ve traveled the world, sweetheart. I picked up a few moves along the way.”
You gasped aloud as he spun you out of nowhere, then pulled you back close into his chest. He smelled like spices and cologne. And then he slowly released you, as you noticed the dance floor was cleared.
Everyone had been watching you.
You twirled, your dress flaring like a flower during its blossoming. Everyone gasped at the beautiful sight, Colin walking over to the other side to catch you in the end. You ended up back in his arms, a small smile cracking into your lips, your eyes never leaving one another’s. It appeared he had been in awe, the both of you continuing to dance as the others watched. Whispering to one another.
“So you weren’t making a jest,” you rose a brow, causing him to chuckle before shaking his head.
“May I ask you something?”
He nods, furrowing his own. “I suppose.”
“Has there been a time where you didn’t want to return from traveling?”
It made him pause, but his feet still carried him as the two of you continued to dance. You genuinely wanted to know his answer.
“My family resides here, as well as my best friend. I don’t think I could ever fathom a life without them in i—“
“_ _?”
You both paused, looking to the source of the soft call of your name. And when your eyes laid upon Penelope, whose eyes were watery and wide, a look of clear mortification edging onto her features. “Out of all of them…it had to be him?”
Did she mean….
Colin was her crush.
Oh no.
Shit shit shit.
“Pen—do you know her?” He asked, growing confused as you pull away from him and reach for her. She took a step back, sending him a tight lipped smile.
“She’s my sister. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
You felt a hand wrap around you wrist, locking you in place. Your head whips to look at a set of dazzling puppy eyes. He looked gorgeous, a pale blue vest wrapped tightly around his slim waist. His muscles bulged through his black coat, his red cheeks contrasting against his fair skin. “What has happened?”
Your hand flies to where you both connected. Biting your bottom lip, his eyes burn with something you’ve never recognized before.
“I’ll bite that for you if you don’t return to me.”
His forwardness appalled you. It should have pushed you away, but it slightly made you excited. But you couldn’t possibly let him know that. He belonged to Penelope. Whatever this was, was over. No matter what, you would always put Pen first. And you weren’t going to change that for some man you had just met.
Tearing his grip off, you sent him a firm look. “This is the last time you’ll ever speak to me. Goodnight, Mr. Bridgerton.”
And with that, you ran off to find your sister.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 3 months
Cookie Run Kingdom - Special Episode Ideas
Lately I've been thinking of the possibility for potential storylines for Cookie Run Kingdom! More specifically when it comes to the Special Episodes that the game has to offer.
This there's only been five of these Special Episodes, I feel like I can brainstorm a couple of new ideas if more were to be added in future updates.
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Here are a couple of rules that I decided to make for myself while listing out possible/potential Special Episode Stories & Plotlines: 1) It needs to focus on either a returning character or a brand new character planned out for the given update. 2) A Special Episode needs to be either Flashback Episode such as "A Mermaid's Tale", a Side-Story Chapter similar to "Legend of the Red Dragon", or something that has both just like "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song" 3) Story needs to make sense within a Cookie Run Kingdom setting. So character development for most of the cookies involved. 4) Have at least 2 New Playable Cookies and Magic Candy for Returning Cookies.
Alongside a few extra things that I decided to add, but it doesn't need to apply to every idea: 1) The Special Episode can be some sort of sequel to a previous update, which includes the original chapter's storyline as a bonus for players. An example could be "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song", which includes the plotline of "Lantern in the Snow Story" as a bonus. 2) A cookie who was an NPC prior will eventually become a playable character, releasing alongside their Special Episode. An example comes with Pitaya Dragon Cookie when they released with the "Legend of the Red Dragon" storyline, and was an NPC prior to that. 3) References & Inspiration of various other pieces of media is allowed, just as long as it makes sense with the planned-out storyline.
Without further ado, here's all the storylines for potential Special Episodes in Cookie Run Kingdom!
Special Episode Idea #1 - Bittersweet Flower Within Ones Headspace Story Type - Side-Story
Synopsis For years Dark Choco Cookie wasn't sure if he could ever escape the control that Strawberry Jam Sword has over him. But Day 1 of having it causes a flicker of light that gave the Exiled Prince the hope he needed to break through the curse. A cookie that he sees in dreams, the only cookie that was able to nullify the Strawberry Jam Sword's control. Months after leaving the Cookies of Darkness and thus the control of the Strawberry Jam Sword, Dark Choco Cookie now wanders Earthbread's various forests. Recollecting what he once lost from himself. Even meeting the cookie who he thought only exists in his dreams to help him out during the toughest times.
First-Half of the Story A couple of flashbacks from Crispia Episode 13 & 14 are showcased, all of which lead up towards the point where Dark Choco Cookie left the Strawberry Jam Sword and the Cookies of Darkness behind. Numerous times he recounts the cookie that he often sees in his dreams. Seen as a silhouette during flashbacks, the now Redeemed Prince believing he was someone that he came up with in order to nullify the Strawberry Jam Sword's pain and given eventual hope to break free. He ends up bumping into Peach Cookie, who happily brings him with her. This is where Plum Cookie also makes an appearance, but the meeting was abrupted by an unsuspecting Leek Cookie. Dark Choco helps out Peach and Plum deal with Leek, but unknowingly comes to the aid of a cookie who he thought only existed in his dreams. That cookie is soon revealed to be Herb Cookie.
Second-Half of the Story A few or so months had past, and Dark Choco Cookie is shown to be taken in by Plum Cookie and Peach Cookie's Master called General Jujube Cookie. The Redeemed Prince also got to know Herb Cookie beyond his dreams, and has a stronger bond with him. This eventually leads up to the events of Beast-Yeast Episode 3 & 4. But unlike his father, Dark Choco is the only Cacaoian that's immune to the Pale Ailment. In fact his bond with Plum, Peach, and especially Herb gave him the feeling of true resolution. It also turns out that General Jujube Cookie's Dojo (or something like that) is located in Mystic Flour Cookie's area in Beast-Yeast. But Dark Choco's hope and resolution caused him to finally find himself once again. More character development for Dark Choco Cookie is there, which is also accompanied by character development for Herb Cookie and Peach Cookie as well. This also includes more screentime for Peach Blossom Cookie, who can be classified as the older brother of Peach Cookie.
Story Inspiration Omori (Game)
Main Character Cookies *Dark Choco Cookie *Herb Cookie *Peach Blossom Cookie *Peach Cookie *Plum Cookie
New Cookies *Leek Cookie (Epic Rarity, Ambush Type) *Plum Cookie (Epic Rarity, Defense Type) *Peach Cookie (Super Epic Rarity, Charge Type)
Magic Candies *Herb Cookie -> (Gains the Water Type) Gives the three enemies with the Highest ATK a Shackle Debuff, a shackled enemy's HP is given to heal Herb Cookie and the rest of his party.
Main Reason for the Special Episode Dark Choco Cookie didn't show up that much in the official chapter for Beast-Yeast Episode 3 & 4, and was instead only shown in flashbacks or simply mentioned. This idea of a new Special Episode involving Dark Choco was created to give him the character development that we didn't get to see. Even showing a couple of ways to how he successfully reach said development.
Special Episode Idea #2 - A Desire for The Order Story Type - Sequel Story
Synopsis Sometime after the events of the "Tragedy of the Tower" story, Pastry Cookie continues to follow Reverend Mother's desires to follow the wishes of The Witches. The St Pastry Order is revealed to be located somewhere in Parfaedia City, with numerous believers growing by the minute. But every single believer didn't know the real truth, one that Pastry herself knows far too well. Knowing what she's seen when she ventured to the Tower of Sweet Chaos prior to now, feeling bad for Red Velvet Cookie and the various Cakes who were treated as "monsters" by many. A story about rebellion and independence starts, as Pastry Cookie meets up with an unexpected group of cookies.
First-Half of the Story One faithful night Pastry Cookie ends up finding Red Velvet Cookie lurking around in the shadows of Parfaedia, looking around as if he was trying to hide and run from someone. She secretly follows him, towards one brightly lit up place. Curiousity got the better of her, as she too went inside. Pastry found Red Velvet in what appears to be some type of bar or pub, the latter immediately confronts her but was quickly calmed down. It wasn't just Pastry nor Red Velvet in the scene, but the likes of Sparkling and Cream Puff were also there. Even Red Velvet's cake hound, Chiffon, was also in the building too. Another cookie also heads inside the building, revealed to be Sparkling's Juice Bar. This cookie is what many cookies refer to as the "Detective Princess", due to her royally intelligent and logical crime solving skills despite her young age. It was Walnut Cookie, who's known Sparkling, Cream Puff, and even Red Velvet for quite sometime. The first-half of this Special Episode involves Pastry Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie getting to know each other more outside of their respective alignment. Includes the former of the two slowly drifting away from the St Pastry Order's beliefs, and the latter feeling that he feels more like himself when he's not with the Cookies of Darkness.
Second-Half of the Story The story continues in somewhat of a good light, with Pastry Cookie secretly telling the truth she's seen in the Tower of Sweet Chaos to numerous cookies in Parfaedia. Learning even more about The Witches, knowing that there's more Good Witches compared to the Wicked Witches the St Pastry Order followed. Following the Witch of Order to be precise. Unbeknowst to her, Pastry Cookie didn't expect to get Red Velvet Cookie arrested by Almond Cookie. For once Red Velvet Cookie felt helpless, even worse compared to the prey that he doesn't want to be seen as anymore. Reverend Mother was a few steps ahead of Pastry Cookie, and ended up hypnotizing many cookies of Parfaedia with her magic. Now being nothing more than mindless puppets for The Order. Sparkling, Cream Puff, and Walnut are the only other cookies within Parfaedia that weren't affected by the hypnosis. And the three of them, including dearest Chiffon, decide to help Pastry Cookie finally face against Reverend Mother head-on and rescue Red Velvet Cookie in the process.
Story Inspiration Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal
Main Character Cookies *Pastry Cookie *Red Velvet Cookie *Chiffon *Cream Puff Cookie *Sparkling Cookie *Almond Cookie *Walnut Cookie
New Cookies *Chiffon (Epic Rarity, Ambush Type) *Reverend Mother Cookie (Epic Rarity, Magic Type) *Walnut Cookie (Super Epic Rarity, Ranged Type)
Magic Candies *Pastry Cookie -> (Given the Light Type) Has Two Cookies with the highest SPD (includes herself) to increase by +35.5% as the battle continues *Red Velvet Cookie -> Power now hits all enemies on the field, but does the most damage to two rear-most enemies. Brings the two rear-most enemies towards the front, inflicting Injury Debuff and decrease in DEF. *Sparkling Cookie -> (Given the Light Type) Heals all Party Members, but gives extra progressive healing to the Two Cookies with the highest ATK with the power being similar to the Blind Healer's Staff Treasure *Almond Cookie -> Magic Candy Power includes Shackle Debuff & Injury Debuff, all enemies will have their SPD and ATK decreased
Main Reason for the Special Episode Since Pastry Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie's story is seen with so much potential, this idea for a Special Episode involving them was created. Tackling the serious themes of religious cults (St Pastry Order) and gaining your own sense of individuality. Having themes similar to that of Persona 4 Golden & Persona 5 Royal. Plus the story taking place in Parfaedia can given the potential of more character development for Almond Cookie and Cream Puff Cookie. Sparkling Cookie also makes sense to be in Parfaedia with his overall concept, and a couple of other stories he appeared have the possibility to be mentioned in dialogue (mainly Holiday Express Story, but also Tropical Soda Islands Story).
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Cookie Run Kingdom - Special Episode Idea Template
Special Episode Idea #0 - TBA Story Type - TBA
Synopsis TBA
First-Half of the Story TBA
Second-Half of the Story TBA
Story Inspiration TBA
Main Character Cookies *TBA
New Cookies *TBA
Magic Candies *TBA
Main Reason for the Special Episode TBA
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risuola · 5 months
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You knew that there's sweetness under the layer of cold and distance.
contents: fluff, fluff, copium, fluff, curseless au — 0,5k words
a/n: okay, so, here I am, fluff-ing my way through the severe devastation. enjoy <3
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He was distant.
But oh so sweet too.
The day you saw Choso for the first time — the day he transferred and joined your class — you were taken aback. He was gorgeous. The cold, but yet somehow warm, look of his face, his slightly droopy eyes and the dark scar that run across the bridge of his nose, reaching both cheeks made him look almost dangerous. He spoke, languidly and lowly, introducing himself sparsely and then, his place was found on an empty chair next to you. A brief eye contact was all it took to render you unable to focus for the rest of the day.
He moved to your college because of his brother and it was the first thing you learned about him. The love and passion that saturated every word he spoke about his sibling were enough to convince you that the icy look on him was a façade and there was much more underneath the edgy emo appearance.
You were getting closer, learning each other.
Class after class.
Week after week.
Evening after evening.
You fed him cookies — homemade — and he loved them. Not one person ever appreciated you more than he did when the levels of sugar in his blood raised. But then, the sweetness of cookies was nothing, compared to his lips.
He kissed you gently, his mouth grazing yours like a feather but you could’ve sworn right here and there, that late may evening, that you never experienced anything more intense than that. His touch was soft, ghosting right above your skin but burning right through it and you wondered if the beat of your heart is loud enough for him to hear, if it’s fast enough for him to notice, to feel what you feel.
“I want you to be mine,” you whispered — pleaded — against his lips, holding onto his dark-plum colored hoodie and not daring to open your eyes, too afraid to see the doubt and rejection in his own.
You felt him chuckle. A subtle shake of his chest, a soft huff of air against your mouth and it felt as if the world slowed down, stopped and nothing else mattered in that very moment. Your chest felt heavy, lungs full and empty at the same time, suffocating. He chuckled, and you wished he didn’t because it meant he wasn’t–
Your lips, until this moment apart, now pressed together forming a line and you forced an exhale out of your nose. The creases of fabric were the only sign of your fingers clinging to him and your hands, now heavy with regret and shame, fell to your sides.
“Silly,” he cooed, wrapping his thumb and pointer around your chin and making you raise your head, making you look at him and he looked sincere. You stilled as the tips of his knuckles followed the curve of your cheek and you didn’t dare taking a breath once he pushed a stray strand of hair back, tucking it gently behind your ear. “You are much sweeter than those cookies you made.”
Funny how you thought same thing about him.
“Choso, I–“
He smiled. A soft line of his lips tilted upwards and yet again he stole your breath away. The pad of his thumb pressed against your mouth, unaware that his beauty was enough to render you speechless.
“I am yours already.”
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zoethehead · 8 months
Original vs redo
Also, I will try redoing it again once the new computer arrives, I wanna try drawing more expressions and poses for watermelon cookie.
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Also yes; tarte tatin, crunchy chip cookie, wildberry cookie, and tea knight cookie also get captured by Shadow Milk Cookie.
And watermelon cookie gets knocked out for a bit.
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cloudcountry · 2 months
auburn's 3k followers bake sale!! (lasts from july 24st to august 6th)
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order a baked good, get a complementary drink & fic! menu below!
(thank you all so much for 3k!! ever since getting back into the twst fandom after a six month break, ive been reflecting on my time here a lot. i feel like the twst fandom is one of the few fandoms that i'll actually be able to look back on fondly and feel comfortable doing so. i've been connected to all of these character for about 3 years now and now 2 years with you guys. i know some of you may think i'm scary but i encourage you to take part in this event ^^ it wouldn't the same without you <3 and while im at it, thanks for 3,100 followers too!!)
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complimentary drinks
romantic content - your choice of bubble tea
platonic content - your choice of coffee
familial content - your choice of water, milk, or juice.
after making your selection, please pick a cup for your drink!!
fluff - mostro lounge™ sponsored collaboration cup
angst - special 3k event cup with cat cap
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riddle rosehearts - strawberry macarons (set of two)
trey clover - mini lavendar cream cake
cater diamond - chewy ginger cookies (set of two)
deuce spade - chocolate chip cookies (set of two)
ace trappola - apple muffin with streusel
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leona kingscholar - chocolate swirl bread slices (set of two)
ruggie bucchi - lemon poppyseed muffin
jack howl - peanut butter cookies (set of two)
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azul ashengrotto - lavender honey galette
jade leech - almond mushroom cookies (set of four)
floyd leech - stained glass cookies (set of two)
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kalim al-asim - sweet bread slice with icing (set of two)
jamil viper - slice of baklava
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vil schoenheit - bowl of blackberry crisp (optional vanilla ice cream)
rook hunt - plum macarons (set of two)
epel felmier - apple slice rose puff pastry
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idia shroud - pudding filled dirt cupcake
ortho shroud - dirt cookies (set of two)
bubble tea not available with ortho set!!
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malleus draconia - slice of dark chocolate truffle cake
lilia vanrouge - slice of tomato soup cake
silver - mixed berry crisp (optional vanilla ice cream)
sebek zigvolt - slice of dark chocolate swirl pound cake
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crowley - fudgy dark chocolate cookies w/ edible gold shine (set of two)
crewel - slice of dark chocolate & white chocolate pound cake
trein - raspberry hand pies (set of two)
vargas - high-protein blueberry oat muffin
sam - spicy chocolate truffles (set of four)
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secret menu
neige leblanche - apple dumplings (set of two)
chenya - colorful "eat me" cookies (set of three)
rollo flamme - croissants (set of two)
fellow honest - quilt cookies (set of two)
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please note any other personalization requests you would like to add to your order, such as tropes (i.e. enemies to lovers), genderbent characters (i.e. fem!riddle), and any other requests you may have!
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