#dark shoko
envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
Hell yea I’m going to Shoko if given the opportunity (I hope she doesn’t think she’s a rebound especially in the context of after finding out Geto cheated on you.
My only worry would be if stsg wanted you back and I know she’s intuitive enough to know they do without saying anything. Would she refuse? Protect you? Or would she just let them have you?
yall underestimate shoko too much. theres a reason shes friends with those two.
much like satosugu, shoko is just as obsessed with you, but she's a bit more dignified with it, and wont make it so obvious. Yeah she's crazy for you, but unlike satosugu, she won't stalk you, disrespect your boundaries or constantly lovebomb you.
When you're finally safe in her arms, and those two idiots are still pining after you, she's not gonna roll over. She'll tell them to back off, she'll be civil, for a time. But these men are stubborn. She's known that her entire life. Only death will make them give up on their obsession.
Eh. Satoru always said he wanted to live fast die young, right?
She has friends in dark places. It's no real issue to precure something oderless, tasteless, deadly. Administering it is the real issue, but once the hard part is over, she doesn't have to cover up the bodies. It's supposed to look like a tragic accident.
i fully believe that in a no curses au, Shoko would be the most dangerous out of the trio. shes a doctor. she's taken an oath 'do no harm', but she's more than willing to bend the rules for you.
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heartelysia · 5 months
busy thinking of...
toxic ex! gojo who only broke up with you because he needed to move on! at least he thought he did until you did move on without him, leaving him in the dust. he tries his best to forget about you! he really does, sinking his head into his palms the same way hes sinking his cock into the girl below him. but nothing feels good, nothing can make the aching emptiness in his chest go away, not if its not you.
god he didnt even notice how intoxicated he was with you until you left. you were everything he needed to fucking survive and you just up and left like your three year long relationship was nothing? toxic ex! gojo who will do anything for you back, buying a cup of overpriced coffee at your regular place just to bump heads with you every single day, buying you random flowers and leaving them in your break room of your workplace, texting you non stop even when you blocked most of his accounts.
toxic ex! gojo whos anger boils in the pit of his stomach when you rejected all of his advances, blaming you for all wrongdoings because this would've never happened if you loved him more! he would've mever broken up with you, he wouldnt have to go to the earths ledge for a tiny spark in your 'relationship', he would never have to end up with a fucking restraining order.
hes mad. hes mad that you moved on, hes angry that you left him without begging to stay together, hes furious that your life isn't in shambles. toxic ex! gojo needs you dependant on him, he cant just have you wandering off to another person so easily next time. so he does what any sane person does and stalks you from a distance until the restraining order expires, watching your life unfold in his hollow blue eyes.
dear lord knows how many things toxic ex! gojo has done to try and forget you but nothing seemed to work! from getting into multiple relationships, getting a brand new job in an area he has no experience in to travelling the world, yet everything he did seemed to remind him of your sweet smile.
as any other human being would do, as soon as the document hits its end, he shreds it up and makes his way to your home. you seemed too happy, forgetting about your ex entirely, getting random flings, meeting some new dude called toji, going on dates with said man. toxic ex! gojo couldnt allow that, you were his. you were his property even if you didnt know it and gojo didnt like sharing his property with others.
toxic ex! gojo who couldnt help but notice how many of your flings resembled him, personality or appearance wise, there was always something similar to your ex. that was until toji came into the picture, he was nothing like gojo and your ex felt his veins bulge in irritation. he was your first everything - from hand holding, kissing, picnic dates to sex - so you should still be with him!
he needed you back, he needed you to crawl back to him and plead for forgiveness but that never came. toxic ex! gojo who would break into your apartment when youre on dates with the new man, scoffing when he realizes you still left a spare copy of the keys behind the painting hanging above your door. god you were so easy. when hes inside your apartment, hes hit with the fattest wave of nostalgia.
he instantly heads into your shabby room that gojo stayed in whenever, inhaling the scent of your sweetness like it was an addictive drug. he swears theres a hint of his musk but it might just be someone elses considering its been two years. toxic ex! gojo didnt like that. he fucking hated that idea.
maybe thats how he ended up here, his voice whiny and airy as he desperately humps your pillow as he shoves his nose into the area where it covered your cunt. his poor cock was aching, his tip a burning red colour as the veins running down his thick cock throbbed each time he took a whiff of your panties. god he was so needy, after months of being unable to reach a satisfactory climax, just the feeling of rutting his hips into your pillow that you used daily made precum dribble out of his cock in buckets.
whilst youre happily on the date with toji, gojo is busy having seconds by staining any and all surface in his cum discreetly. he thinks hes never came this much just from masturbating, his balls wrung dry to the core just by the memory of your sweet cunt sloppily making a mess all over his balls and pelvis.
but when the front door of your apartment creaks open, gojo freezes, unable to hide the initial shock on his face. why were your sobs filling the silence?
part 2
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sugojosgf · 1 month
bully!shoko 🚬༘⋆🍒๋࣭ ⭑
girl this soundssss like non con but it's cnc i swear, degradation, groping, smoking, burns, manipulation, bro its bullying 💀
bully!shoko who first sees you in jjh as a new student wearing the skirt a little too high and the long sleeved turtleneck too tight over your body. she sees the way you giggle at gojo and geto, and something about their lingering gazes piss her off.
bully!shoko who's first interaction w you involves her blowing smoke on your face and cackling when you begin to cough, tears spilling out of your pretty eyes. "h-hello!" you try to muster despite the awful smell of cigarettes invading your personal space.
bully!shoko who trips you on the way to class, feet sticking out as she leans against her locker, expression unchanged. you fall face first on the ground, books scattering across the empty hallway. "ouch,,," you mumble, tears spilling out as you try to get up. what you don't notice is shoko fishing her phone out to take a quick picture of your ass, skirt ridden up to expose your pink frilly panties.
bully!shoko who corners you in the toilets as she pours warm coffee down your uniform and forces you to remove your top. she doesn't wait a second when she sees your unblemished skin, groping your tits. she laughs as you cry and pinches your nipples when you get too loud.
bully!shoko who gets you alone in a classroom and threatens to tell everyone you are sleeping with a teacher. your eyes widen with fear as you beg her, head nodding as you try to convince her that's not true, in fact - you are still a virgin. "awww, i find that hard to believe,,, why don't you bend over and let me see for myself?" the next minute she has you on the teacher's table, legs spread as she takes an embarrassingly long look at your pussy. her long fingers spread your lips apart as she inspects you closer, "sounds about right, this looks barely used."
bully!shoko who finds you at a halloween party, dressed as a nurse, the uniform way too short and way too tight. she laughs as she sees you, "knew im going to be a doctor, want to be my little assistant?" you shake your head but that doesn't stop her from shoving her tongue in your mouth away from the crowd, as you cry about 'a first kiss'.
bully!shoko who calls you right before you go to your classes to the back of the school just so she can use you as an ash tray as she smokes. she drags the cigarette and sighs as the smoke fills her lungs. you squirm as she holds you close, seated right on her lap. "stop fucking moving..." she says as she puts her cigarette out on your thigh. you sob as she does, skin burning. "need to put my mark on you, doll." she smiles at you lopsided.
bully!shoko who suddenly is your new roommate, you don't ask what happened to your old roommate and you don't question why she never shows up to school again. shoko looks at your fearful face with glee, "hey roomie!" she giggles before making you suck a dildo right in front of her as she plays with herself calling you her personal pornstar.
victim!you who lets her carry on w the dynamic despite having enough power to stop because hey, you were initially going to ask gojo if his friend w the bob was single.
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lineamentum · 5 months
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last halloween together
(i'm sorry)
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blueparadis · 8 months
gn!reader, dark content.
reversed cursed technique. a powerful skill set to possess that has a great range of healing purposes; bites and hickeys are nothing that can't be healed with it yet Satoru refuses to do that.
He has even mentioned it to shoko not to teach you it either because he thinks, whatever he asks you to do, you don't listen and whatever he asks you not to, you do it specifically. Plus, he loves leaving marks on you. It is a reminder that he is there, lingering on your skin.
And whenever you return from any mission with him, Shoko just teases you how your body is covered with hickeys and marks when you visit her for regular checkup. But one time when, she notices that there are no hickeys anywhere on your body. Maybe it's due to work pressure and the fact that you have been going to missions with other sorcerers, not just Satoru.
“Is everything okay with Satoru?” she asks you undress yourself.
“yeah, what about him ?” you ask with so much nonchalance in your tone that it makes Shoko brows knit together.
“just that you are. . . spotless.” She stands against the table lighting her cigerette. “Generally, i see a lot of marks and I know you are a capable fighter so. . .” she trails off does not necessarily disclose she is aware of your relationship with Satoru. Shoko bites her lips to hold her smile thinking how foolish of you to think it is to assume people will see marks around your chest and take it as just battle scratches.
Your lips part to speak but then it dies at the tip of your tongue. You cross your legs and with a smile you say, “Well, it's just that — you stammer, trying to squeeze sympathy out of her.
Shoko doesn't want to let the realisation sink in her mind. She does not think Satoru would do it, marking you in your sleep when you are unaware and at his mercy. Her cigerette keeps burning as you fidget with hands looking down. Did you really had no idea how those marks originated? Did you truly believe it was because of fighting and exorcising curses ?
“I’m tired of fighting him now.”
Such whiplash on her assumptions. Such a pleasure to see her eyes drowned in worry and just for you.
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Do you still take requests?? 😭 Can you do satoshoko with taichi? 🥺🙏
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This is the Fic with Taichi for anybody who hasn't read it yet
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cheralith · 4 months
cw: gn!reader, no pronouns used, some verbal fighting (not extreme), i have a habit of making suguru be an asshole haha
thinking about bandmate!suguru who makes u irritated just by looking at him... the snarky rhythm guitarist who narrows his eyes at your presence when you join the club via shoko, your childhood friend. satoru is delighted to meet you, exclaiming that the many designs that adorned your bass told him all he needed to know about you. iori is thankful that there’s another girl in the band, comparing you to a spring’s breath of fresh air amidst the stench of two specific men.
but suguru feels as if there’s something wrong about you… something that doesn’t fit into the usual dynamic—and he doesn’t do a good job of hiding it. he’ll ask aloud via practice whether bass is that important to the band, or that satoru is a jack of all trades! why couldn’t he do it? the best he’ll do is feign nicety and say the most passive aggressive things (“yeah we could do that, but this is better, y’know?”). his insults are soft-spoken, but they’re just as icy and if not, more sharp tongued than if he was yelling. don’t make a mistake, because his ears are just as sharp as his eyes and he’ll cut the song short if you play a wrong note or if you play it too fast. he’ll spend more time lecturing you about the importance of perfection rather than actually correcting your mistake and he doesn’t notice that it irritates not only you, but satoru, shoko, and iori as well.
you were fine with it for the first few weeks, obviously not wanting to get on the rest of the band’s bad side, but it came to a point where you refused to be a doormat and started retaliating with equal fervor. suguru is taken aback the first time you spit his own fire in his face, but ever since then, it’s almost like a game of catch between you two every practice. satoru had to pick you up by the scruff like a kitten one time to stop you from pouncing on suguru after he called you a poser.
it’s become like breathing at this point—suguru says something to tick you off and in a flash of a second, you snap back. the other three have long tried to help you both, sighing and shaking their head every time suguru smirk grows wider as your insults grow exponentially. he’s fueling his own fire and god forbid they put it out.
it comes to a boiling point, eventually. he should’ve seen it coming—all of them should. perhaps it was the way satoru, shoko, and iori automatically looked up to see your reaction the moment suguru finished words that slowly burned into your flesh, making you all halt your practicing.
“i don’t even know why you joined. you’re not that good, anyways.”
suguru himself had to take a moment to process what he had said, awaiting your reaction from your frozen self with not even your fingertips moving.
the entirety of the garage goes still, and before shoko snaps at him to apologize, he scoffs at your silence and lightly pushes your shoulder to make you face him. “yo, did you hear what i said?”
you don’t respond, but instead, you start to pack up your bass and other arrays silently. the other three dread what’s about to happen in the next few seconds, and look to suguru to send him a message but he sighs and shakes his head, something regarding you being deaf slipping his tongue.
the clicks of the clasps on your case are the only things that echo through the garage. your grip on your amp tightens and despite battle of the bands coming up in less than three weeks, you turn your head to the rest of them, making sure to properly make eye contact with a familiar purple hue, you mutter,
“find another bassist. i quit.”
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zorosprincess · 1 month
threesome. shoko & utahime. spitroast on their straps. shoko spitting degrading words as she takes you from behind. utahime praising you as you gag and cry on her strap. shoko with her hand tugging on your hair as utahime brushes her fingers against the stray pieces falling in your face.
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envy-of-the-apple · 28 days
saw that ur shoko requests were open and i had an idea of what the fic could be abt:
since shoko’s entire friend group is dead she hasn’t exactly been the best and she’s at a bar drinking and meets reader (could be her childhood friend for a more interesting dynamic) n things happen and they hook up n become fwb.
and like during this whole fwb shoko becomes obsessed with reader because she’s touch starved and reader is the only one who’s offering her comfort even if it’s mostly carnal…
u can decide what happens from there but js a tiny idea^^ if you’ve already received a request js ignore this
this just made me realize that shoko and satoru are more alike than i ever thought. They're both one-of-a-kind sorcerers. They both have the world of jujutsu on their back. The only difference is that Gojo at least was acknowledged of that. No one really bothers with Ieri's dark circles and the smoking addiction (she developed when she was 16-probably even younger, honestly). She has rct so she can just heal herself. She's fine.
Satoru and Shoko would probably fall for the first person who showed them even a sliver of humanity. Just one person to see them as a person instead of a tool or the strongest or some healing potion.
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lluvsyuu · 8 months
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⩩ 𝘫𝘶𝘫𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴
like or reblog if u save ♡
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pebble-ink · 10 months
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A dark era manga panel!
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tang3r1n · 2 months
here’s my list of anime dudes and chicks who’d fuck with eating ass and why;
(tw, i allude to dark subjects at some points, please be cautious and keep yourself and your mind safe <3)
animes; one piece, jjk, mha, aot
sanji— he’d be weird abt it, too loud, too wet, too gross abt it, idk man he’d be NEEEAAASSSTY.
zoro— not weird but he’d be like…so in love with your ass. like you gotta beg him to touch your clit cause he’s so focused on ur booty
law— hrrngh. hnnngfh- mmmmph.. love him. anyways, another one obsessed with ass but he’d be that sleaze who licks from your clit to asshole. like he edges you by just licking long stripes from one hole to the other reeeaalll slow. fingerbangs you like a MOTHER FUCKER while eating ur ass tho, like the kinda fast that looks like it hurts but feels fucking fantastic
luffy— obviously. no duh. no shit. he’s feral with it, but like law he switches between pussy and ass.. okay wait nvm he leans towards ur ass more imo, more stuff to actually ingest ig
doffy— he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s so fucking into ass, like the sight of a lil booty hole and he’s rock fucking hard, so he makes it a humiliation thing. like he’s making you feel pathetic and horrible for cumming from your ass like his dick isn’t sore as fuck and he’s cumming dry.
i really wanna say shanks. i really wanna fucking say shanks…. i’m saying shanks. he’d be lazy abt it tho, mainly eats you out to get your ready for his dick ngl, more of an ass fucker than an ass eater.
KIDD. KIDD. ON GOD. he’d be like doffy except he’s open abt LOVING ass AND humiliating you. he’s so fucking mean and on his knees slurping and sucking and fucking. deco loves biting your ass so hard you bleed. he’d fuck dry. yes he would.
hrrngk- nami<3– yall i have a PHAT crush on nami.. obsessed with her being obsessed over her bestie. anyways. FUCK. GOD. she’ll never fucking tell you abt it, never ever, but you can always feel her thumbs twitching near your lil pucker when she goes down on you, BIIIGGG into spanking tho. bitch leaves marks through jeans.
gojo— it’s gojo satoru, of course he’s into ass. he is THE man. THE MAN. he’s gonna eat ass, he’s gonna eat pussy, he’s gonna cum in ur mouth and make out, he’s gonna cum in your holes and eat it out. nasty mf with nasty desires.
g-..hm..yeah geto— he’d also be a humiliator. he doesn’t REALLY like ass all that much, doesn’t mind it, BUT.. it upsets you, makes you all teary and squirmy and he DOES like that. spanks so hard you welt <3
sukuna— fuck off you know why. i-i don’t have to say anything, ITS SUKUNA
mommy— I MEAN SHOKO— big bad mommy dom who makes you eat her ass then shoved all kinds of shit in your holes <3 loves doctor play and ‘taking your temp’ the old fashioned way <3 (god spit on me…)
aizawa— UUUUGGGHHHH :( i feel like he’s one of those men who loves fucking ass more than pussy, yknow? he’ll shove a vibe up there, turn it on full blast, and make you sit on his face while he eats you out and fingers ur pussy <3 a true gentleman who cums hands free when you squirt on his face and squeal then draws you a bath <33
fat gum— too easy. too fucking easy, gang he’s another everything man, loves it all.
ende-hm. en. hm. lemme sit on it for a second.
HOLY SHIT DABI— oh such an ass fucker, such an ass eater. he likes it for the taboo, naughty, gross aspect of it. the more you hate it the more he adores it. OH LORD he’d burn lil hearts on your ass so you couldn’t sit, make you lay face down and naked so he can eat your ass out while you’re ‘healing’ (he’s gonna do it again when they’ve scarred over.)
MIDNIGHT.— shes an either-or. she’ll let you choose which she eats out but both holes WILL be stuffed.
miruko— ofc dude. like. ofc. she’s got this carrot dildo you see, BABE JUST HEAR HER OUT PLEASE JUST LISTE—
eren mf yeager, BOTH yeager brothers— zeke is just an ass man, nothing really weird, just loves bootyhole. EREN NOW. eren’s like sanji. like literally so fucking loud and so fucking annoying and so fucking GROSS. there spit and lube everywhere, he’s drenched, whined and cries when you don’t let him fuck ur ass
jean(?)— also cried when you don’t let him go through the backdoor:( he’s such a crybaby, fucking your pussy so hard you can’t breathe while his thumbs are both hooked in your ass, i bet that’d feel weird as fuck cause he uses them to pull you back in.
hange— another obvious gross one. they’d be..so hot with it. god. i love team ‘girlcock hange’ btdubs. they’re the kind to finger you while DEMOLISHING your ass, spitting on ur pussy and rubbing your clit to tight and fast you’re dizzy all while they try and dig their dick deep enough to punch your gut.
yknow who is??
endeavor, i decided he’d be an ass fucker. ooohh yeeeaaahhh… he’s not weird abt it, but the SSSSECOND you say you wanna get your ass ate he’s tossing you on the bed and ripping off your pants. a snogger, shoves his face ALL up in there <3 another one who SPANKS AND SLAPS AND SPITS AND BITES. he’d be like hange, fucking the shit out of your ass with his.. yknow those like, big logs of ground beef you can buy at stores? enji, anyways, and he’s finger blasting ur cunt with two fingers cause they’re big enough that if he fisted you he’d prolly fucking kill you.
k done. can you tell i’ve discovered a new kink guys?????
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 2 months
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Getō Suguru was a mild child, of both temperament and tone; anyone would agree. He was seen, and not heard. Didn’t speak unless spoken to, spending most of his time just watching. He didn’t need to speak when his… unusual features did all the speaking for him. His birth was a mistake, and his continued existence was his father’s burden to bear.
Little demigods with immeasurable powers weren’t meant to be running around in places such as these. Little demigods were supposed to be nipped in the bud. Humans and Gods were not permitted to mix, it was unbecoming of wolves to convene with rabbits. That’s all humans were, dirty helpless rabbits, only knowing how to bare their holes and spread their plague until the very world they were gifted began to burst at the seams. Useless rabbits, the gods tutted in sympathy. Only knowing how to fuck, run, and die. The Shinto pantheon deemed themselves more refined than their Greek Hellenistic counterparts. Nothing good came from demigods.
Gojo Satoru had a wildly unpredictable temper. He never played nice, he never shared his toys, he took what was his and he took what he wanted.
He always wanted too much.
A young demigod learning what it means to be human, and a young human treated like a god; changing the tides of jujutsu sorcery and guiding them into a new era of enlightenment.
Was their meeting simply coincidental, or was it a twist of fate?
Lmk your thots👁️👄👁️
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forsworned · 9 months
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we've ⠀been⠀ dreaming⠀ of ⠀you
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀drinking ⠀from⠀ fountains⠀ of ⠀youth
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theclearblue · 11 days
Alright I'm fine with Ch. 261 as long as we don't get another prolonged Gojo v. Sukuna fight. In that case I won't be mad just disappointed
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