#darkling fan fiction
moonlightgrisha · 1 year
How to lose a secret
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Ch. 5 Life as you know is coming to and end, as your secret is dangerously close to be revealed for good. [Masterlist] Previous - Next
As soon as you get off your horse, you know something is wrong.
Guards are waiting for you at the stable, which is definitely odd.
"How can I help you?" you ask politely, forcing yourself to smile.
"You must follow us", they answer. "The King and Queen require your presence at once".
Something is definitely wrong. "Just... let me stop by my rooms. I can't meet the King and Queen in this state".
You're dusty and sweaty for the ride, but the truth is that you are trying to buy some time. While you get cleaned, and the guards are waiting outside your door, you think and think, but your mind seems to have stopped working. You are still overwhelmed with what happened on the hill, but you didn't expect guards to come after you so soon. Also, they are First Army soldiers. Is the Darkling already here? Has he sold you out, yet?
You need to calm down.
So, you dress for battle. You put on your best garment. You braid your hair tightly.
Then you present yourself to the guards, and they lead you to the royal quarters, not so far away from your own. They shove you in, unannounced, and you almost stumble on your way in.
You disguise your loss of balance with a pretty curtsy, just as you should, but when you rise, your see the Darkling looking back at you.
"What is he doing here?" You cannot help yourself. He's right there, next to the King and Queen, in front of you. What you really mean is, "you traitor", but he doesn't even flinch. He just stares at you, emotionless, and that makes you so angry. It almost hurts, a little. But maybe that hard face means that he has nothing to do with all of this.
"You forget your manners", the Queen says. Of course.
"Forgive me, your Majesty". You look down and say nothing more, but you clench your fists, hard.
"The General has been summoned to help with this matter". As King Piotr speaks, you immediately realize that the matter is you.
The Queen continues. "We heard rumors."
You feel your heart missing a beat. "What rumors, your Majesty?"
"About you, cousin. Stories were collected from that village in the moorland, where your mother insists on living".
"You... investigated on me?"
"Just a precaution. You lived quite a retired life, cousin. I needed to know something more about you, before making any matches"
You know what's coming, but you can't stop it, and you wait there, listening. Your eyes shift to the side and you catch a glimpse of the Darkling. He's there, listening, pretending he's not that interested, once more. But he drinks on every word.
"Some people swear you spent almost every night in the woods".
You wonder how you'll get away with it, this time. You feel trapped.
"You don't deny it?". The Queen insists, since you say nothing.
"I'm quite the sleepwalker, moya tsaritsa", you answer. Half a truth, as always, the wisest choice, but maybe not now.
"This is not simple sleepwalking". The King sounds enraged, and you wince. "There are tales of strange things happening in those woods. Flashes. White lights. Some people told they saw your skin glistening."
All those years, you never realized you were spied on, or at least that somebody had seen you. You had been a naive little girl, playing with your secret. Tears are burning in your throat, but you swallow them. You are not giving any of them this satisfaction.
"Were you tested, as a child?" the King asks.
"Like everybody", you whisper, and the royal couple should know well enough what that means. Royal children were rarely tested. It was all a farce. Any Grisha in the royal family would have been quite difficult to handle, if not an embarassment, so their power were suppressed, or kept hidden. And there you were.
You don't know if the Darkling is aware of that, but he places a claw-shaped ring on his right thumb, then takes a steps towards you.
"You arm, please".
You suddenly realize that he's been keeping your secret. He told nothing to the tsar and he's not telling it now. He could easily reveal the truth, it would be a matter of seconds anyway.
But he's not betraying you.
The fact that he places his hand on your sleeve confirms it. He knows what happens, when he touches your skin.
You look at each other in the eye, while he pierces your forearm with his ring, and you don't stop looking, not even when a glistening, ethereal white light emerges from the wound. It's a melancholy light, the one that slips on your bedpost when you lie awake while the whole world drifts away in slumber. There is a long pause before the King asks: "Is that it? Is she the Sun Summoner?"
"No". The Darkling replies. He's still looking at you. He seems he'll never stop looking. "It's not the Sun".
You finally speak. "It's the Moon".
He breaks the spell, lifting the ring from your arm, but he doesn't really let go. Not yet. His hand lingers on you skin for a moment, while he gives you the faintest smile.
You should be desperate, but somehow you feel relieved. There's a freedom that comes with truth, even with the hardest one. Even if it means sacrificing everything that you were before.
The King has no time for sentimentality. "So? Can we use her?"
"Excuse me!?" You cannot believe your ears. The Darkling is still holding you and you abruptly lower your arm, breaking any connection with him that was left. "Use me for what?!"
The King ignores you. "Will she tear down the Fold, or not?"
You are in disbelief. There are a million answers you can think of, and not even a polite one. The Darkling too is about to speak, with a grave look on his face and probably a rehearsed reply. But the Queen precedes both of you.
"Patience, my dear husband" She manages to gracefully smile, somehow. "She is family. This must be handled with... discretion".
"Yes. It is necessary". The King looks at you like a strange creature. "The fact that you hid this power from us, under our own roof, it's more than a lack of respect. This is high treason. It is unacceptable".
You are quite sure they won't execute you, if you are so useful as you seem to be, but still a mixture of fear and rage takes over your mind. It is too late, now, for pleasantries, and you just snap.
"This... power, it is mine to give" you roar. "It is not a weapon, nor a tool, and it is not yours! And if you want it, you could have asked nicely, moy tsar".
"How DARE you-"
Just then the Darkling intervenes.
"She will move to the Little Palace at once. It's the safest place for her, and discretion is guaranteed".
You turn to him, eyes wide. "I'm just over here, thank you for asking".
"Oh, no one is asking you, cousin". The Queen articulates her words like you were a small child. "You kept a dangerous secret, and we are not going to investigate it further, as it turns out to be quite precious to our country. And you want what's best for the country, don't you, dove?"
"Naturally", you reply, grudgingly.
"You will be doing as you're told", the King concludes. "We will ask for weekly reports on this matter". That word, again. That's what you are.
The General bows his head. "That will be done, moy tsar".
The King gives you a last glance, then says: "You are dismissed".
You follow the General outside. There's no one else with you, and you expect him to turn and talk, maybe to gloat for entrapping you at last. Instead he walks in silence.
You break the silence first. "Did you tell them?" You want to hear from him.
"I told them nothing", he replies. "It appears it was just good timing. Or bad timing, as you wish".
"You must be pleased", you mutter.
"And why should I be?" He finally stops and turns to you. "Your own family didn't hesitate to sell you to me. Because that's what we are, to them: weapons. Precious commodities, as long as they have a use for us. I'll never be pleased to witness such trade".
That was unexpected. His words are overwhelming, and tears come back in your throat. By the time you have swallowed them down, he has started walking again.
"I'm not a fighter", you say, following him.
He glances over his shoulder. "Are you sure?"
"I'm no soldier and I'll never be".
"You don't need to be a soldier".
He keeps leading the way, but you hate to stay behind. So you speed up, until the two of you walk side by side.
As he turns your head to you, you whisper: "Better get used to it."
You keep your eyes in front of you, and don't see his bright smile.
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first attempt at book binding is a success!!
Got the Jumpverse by OffYourBird all bound!! I stuck part 2 and 4 at the end of each book, since both those parts are too short to bind on their own.
They turned out so beautiful!!
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 5 months
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Are we fan ficcing? What are you writing? What do you want to write? Tell us in the comments.
Please no real life fan fics. Show and book character focused only. Do not insult other people's ideas and again, if you are an Author, please post the link to your fic.
All fics must feature The Darkling, or Alina, or Luda with ratings just to safe.
Happy writing and reading :) @ladylrbloom and the rest of the Ludarklina team.
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
I attribute so much of this hate to purity culture. I have hate-enjoyed so many characters and purely hated many more(basically the boring ones) but never jave I considered making it my duty to go to every person who enjoys said character or one of his ships and tell them how wrong and Gullible they are. I heard of Snapione for the first time and laughed it off. People can enjoy that without everyone worrying that oh no now middle schoolers will be groomed by teachers because MuggleWorld25 wrote DumblePotter(or whatever the name is). How many darklords with shadow powers are running around in the world for people to worry THIS much.
I think it's the time for the Elders in the fandom to step in:
Dear malleable teen girls, if you ever meet a mysterious dark stranger with shadow powers, feel free to let me know. I will keep you safe and deal with them for you. Yours, 30+ village woman with knives, axes, permantent lack of money and handle on my own sexuality strong enough to remember I have those knives and axes, should I need them.
Sometimes I wonder how did we even survive growing up. We were allowed to read every single book in the library since twelve, and encouraged to do so, yet I don't know about a single classmate that would fall prey to a sexual predator thanks to that.
As if fiction showed various images of (un)reality, and not necessarily the one you live in.
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sailor-hufflepuff · 1 year
Just a formal update to let everyone know that recently my Shadow and Bone story, “I Didn’t Want To (Have to Haunt You)” has been officially renamed “A Sun in Retrograde”.
Maybe it’s stupid to rename something over a year after it’s completion date, but the original title - chosen at one am for what was supposed to be a one, maybe two shot story - has bothered me more and more as time has gone on. I wanted to change it back when I was writing itch but by then I had enough people following it that I didn’t want to confuse anyone. And the longer it got, the less I felt like I COULD change it, even as the plot increasingly moved away from being related to the title at all.
But, with support from the DDS, I finally made the switch to something that doesn’t make me cringe every time I see it, something that doesn’t take forever to type out every time I mention it, something that does a better job showing the theme and plot of the story.
I’ve kept the original title in the summary, as well as adding a tag, so I REALLY hope it doesn’t confuse anyone, and that it’s still easy to find.
So anyway, here it is, my original “Alina wakes up in the past and does everything differently” story:
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
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Library Meetings
word count: 1860
rating: PG-13 some very small implications of smut but nothing serious
A/N: never wrote for this fandom before but became very obsessed with The Darkling and needed to purge some of the manic energy from my mind.
The nightmares plagued you since you were young. The Fold, the darkness and terror. Your mothers screams and your fathers attempts to save you. The swirl of darkness around you as the creatures danced through the air in a practiced killing performance. You had run, a small inconsequential thing until light bathed you again. But the few moments you had been in there had changed everything for you. 
“Aleksander.” you sat up, calling for him. His name on your lips as you touched them to remind yourself to silence yourself. You shouldn’t make a scene but it was hard at night, when everything was dark to keep yourself quiet. Calling out for the General out of all people was also something you didn’t want the others to hear you do in the Little Palace. 
You rose from the bed, reaching for your robe and wrapping it around yourself. The thin nightgown covered by the cream colored robe you wore. The light colors calmed you, gave you a sense of light in all the darkness that you feared. Creeping from your bedroom, bare feet on the stone as you moved towards the library.
You’d go to the library and feel safe there. You knew that being in the . 
You had first met him there, having been naive and not realizing that you were entering the general's private space. It was light there and you craved the softness of it, especially after wandering the hallways as you tried to avoid sleep. Picking through books as he watched you from the shadows, waiting far too long before he talked to you. Thinking about the night, it was only a couple weeks ago, made your stomach knot as you followed along the same path.
The night where he had talked to you, smiled at you in a way you hadn’t expected. He talked to you like you were a person, pulling your life story from  you and all the nightmares you had. He was surprised at how you had asked about him and when you had touched his hand, laying your fingers over his in comfort you knew he had been surprised at how good it felt. 
It had started more. Little things like he would see you in your training and come over to correct you, tell you what to do. Any excuse for him to touch you, you realized. And you started wandering into his library, watching him look up from his book as he pretended that he hadn’t realized you were coming in but always making sure to make you feel welcome here.. 
And then you had walked in after a nightmare and it had changed everything.
When you had come to him, shaking and terrified he had held you as you cried. The fear you had in you was so raw that it had shocked General Kirigan for the sheer power of it. Amazed that such a creature could hold so much hurt. But he had calmed you down, made you drink a hot drink and settled you on his lap as he read to you. Watching you as you slept without worry for the first time.  
The next morning you woke up first, blushing as you realized you were on his lap in the library. The general was asleep under you, arms wrapped around you as you felt the strength in his guard that he never let down. Your fingers had a mind of their own, pushing some of his dark hair from his face, thumb tracing over his lips.His eyes fluttered open, shocked that you were watching him and smiling 
“Aren’t you afraid that I could bite?” he teased you but you shook  your head, a knot in your belly as his eyes furrowed, seeing that there was something on your mind, “What is it little darling. What’s on your mind?” Your tongue touched your top lip as you felt the flush of embarrassment passing through you. 
“I want to kiss you.” You admitted, afraid to lie to him. “May I kiss you, General Kirigan?” you asked, his dark eyes on you as he tried to gauge what you were thinking. Usually your mind went wild and he could see the race of thoughts in your eyes.
“Only if you call me Aleksander.” His hand was cupping your face now, looking at you as you nodded your head at him in agreement with his terms. 
“Aleksander.”  And you had kissed him, tasting the surprise at how you were pressing against him, lips firmly planted as you tasted your future in his mouth. He had held you against him until there was a knock on the door and he realized what was going on. 
He had gotten up, moving to block you as he went to see what was needed from him. You were so embarrassed that you had taken the hidden stairs he had shown you before, coming out in another hall and staying away from him in fear of embarrassing yourself by asking to be kissed again.
You had kissed him two mornings ago and had been too ashamed to go back, feeling foolish and stupid for having a crush on him. You weren’t a high ranking grisha and were new to the little palace, who did you think you were making moves at such a powerful person? And the General had been called away for something so you were safe in traveling to his library now. You could have the sense of him being there without having to run into him.
The door was open and a few candles stayed lit because the servants had habits they kept up, even when he wasn’t around. Your eyes scanned the room, thankful you were alone. Your eyes closed, breathing in and touching your lips as you smiled. You could smell him here and just sensing a part of him made the nerves from your bad dreams start to fade away.
His cloak was thrown over a chair and you were surprised a servant hadn’t cleared it away. Moving to the couch you grabbed a book, looking around and pulling it over you, face rubbing against the fabric and sighing out as you felt like he was wrapped around you. If you closed your eyes just for a second you could sleep for just a few minutes and wake up before breakfast to sneak back to your rooms.
You pulled the cloak around you, tighter as you snuggled up, letting your eyes close and drifting off to sleep.
General Kirian had returned in the middle of the night, he had been expecting  to see Y/N but being in a rather sour mood when he saw that Y/N was not there. After the kiss he had expected things to all fall into place. He had given you his name after all and thought you understood how personal that was and how he was opening himself up for you. But instead you had skirted away, hidden yourself right before he was called away. 
He exited his room, having just changed into his nightclothes, not like he was going to get much sleep,  and froze as he poured himself a glass of wine. Curled up on the couch was his little darling. He smiled as he saw you had taken his cloak, tucking yourself in and making herself comfortable in the space and he loved seeing that you had sought this place out for comfort, disappointed he had stepped away for a moment to change instead of being able to greet you.
He sipped his wine, watching you sleep for a second before crossing over, bending down where you were sleeping and stroking your face. He watched the way your eyes opened, taking him in with that pretty face shocked. But he kept stroking your face as you stared at him, not sure what to say. 
“Do you want to come to bed with me, my little darling? It’s much more comfortable than the couch.” Your eyes widened at his proposal and you looked down, suddenly very embarrassed that you had come here. 
If you went to bed with him you’d be no better than a concubine at best. The way people would view you would be different. It wouldn’t be what you wanted. But if you turned down the general it could damage your standing with the grisha. He was lifting your head, tilting your chin up to look at him as his face was serious now.
“You’re overthinking.” his fingers were so soft as he touched your face, His eyes looking down at your lips as his fingers slid over them, his tongue wetting his own in memory of what it was like to kiss you. “I just want you in bed to chase away nightmares. Yours and mine. To sleep, my little darling, unless you want something else?” he was teasing you, trying to lighten the mood but you were sitting up, his cloak calling off you as well as his hands as you stood up, 
The nerves in your stomach hurt as you paced the room, tugging at your fingers as you chewed your lip, not sure of what to do but knowing you were acting like an idiot and at the realization you stopped, looking at him as he watched you, amused at how in  your head you were getting and waiting for you to over share, like you had been doing. 
“I don’t want to be your whore.” his mouth opened at that, rising as he walked over to you, his hands on each side of your arms as he rubbed down the material of your robe until he had your wrists in his hand. He was so smooth with how he moved, his larger hands sliding until they weaved between yours and bringing them up to his lips, kissing them as he looked down and over them into your eyes. 
“My sweet little darling. I would never ask that of you. I want you as my partner.” you were quiet at his words and he loved seeing the way you looked caught off guard, “Wasn’t it you asking to kiss me the other day? And now I can’t even get you to lay in my bed to help you chase away your nightmares?” he stroked your face as you finally took a breath.
“You really want me?” His heart strings were pulled. Too many people had overlooked you, didn’t see what he saw in you. How special  you were. But he would never let that happen again. He wouldn’t let a day go by without making you feel all the love he had for you.
“Yes, very much so.” he was smirking at you, waiting for you as you trembled and he knew that you would say yes to him now. 
“Aleksander, I’m ready for bed now.” He smiled as he kissed your knuckles, pulling you to the bedroom. He’d take his time with you. Let you sleep tonight and in the morning. He smiled to himself, in the morning you both would be well rested and ready to take it slow.
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imruination · 1 year
shadow and bone fans have me screaming
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georgina-layla · 2 years
Hi All!
For those who follow my account - you may know me as a fine line/anime/fanfiction/tattoo artist - but i’ve been a writer for quite some time recreationally and began writing again just recently after having some spare time away from clients and stress, and wanted to train myself back into the literary world. Thus, i decided now might be a wonderful time to share with you my Shadow and Bone Fanfic - just something i’ve been working on to get me to speeds before creating my own fantasy novel (not that it’s easy, kudos to published authors, you are my inspiration) in hopes that you would be able to see the extent in which my skills can travel. 
Please read, comment, like, and share, as any form of care and support means so much to me.
All the love,
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a-reverii · 1 year
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— marauders.
— dead poets society.
— dorian gray.
— theodore laurence.
— grishaverse.
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← back to nav.
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lesbiancocksucker · 1 year
Can't believe people like the darkling when Kaz Brekker is Right There and an infinitely better person
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jahayla-parker · 6 months
📱SMAUs: The 2 request limit for this applies to 2 of the same character (in other words, you can send in more than 2 SMAU requests so long as it’s a max of 2 per character) this can include fictional and nonfictional characters. Please include any side characters, events/details, or other information surrounding the SMAU request. If you want it to be with a specific type of reader, please be specific. You’ll get a SMAU fic with at least two posts from the reader and 2 from the character chosen.
okay what about freddy x wife!reader where she is also a part of the cast and they are always couple goals and everyone loves them together <3
Behind the Scenes Love : Freddy Carter x Reader
Freddy Carter x wife!reader , Freddy Carter x co-star!reader
Descr: SMAU, Reader is Freddy’s wife and part of the SaB cast and their coworkers love their relationship
Warnings: relationships dynamics including but possibly not limited to; kissing, flirting, etc.
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Liked by freddycarter1, shadowandbone, benbarnes, and 693,025 others
yourusername: Did someone say Season 2? 🖤
📸: @/freddycarter1
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freddcarter1: did someone say gorgeous? 😍
yourusername: stooppp I love you 🥹
shadowandbone: we can’t wait!
lbardugo: I’m so glad you are the one to take on this role! Couldn’t have picked a better person for the new (to the fans) character! 🖤
yourusername: I’m so honored! Thank you xxx 🤗
benbarnes: pleased to have you back😉
archierenaux3: blood relation doesn’t mean anything 😉😉
yourusername: @/benbarnes @/archierenaux3 hmm 👀🤔
sab_uk4ever: what does this mean?! Is she playing a character who will be The Darkling’s relative like Mal?!
amitasuman_: the fact Freddy was laying on the wet ground to take this photo 🤣 you two are too cute I swear 🥰
yourusername: isn’t he simply the best? 🥰
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Liked by lbardugo, yourusername, benbarnes, and 817,328 others
freddycarter1: Black is the new black
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yourusername: not sure how to feel about my real life relative and on screen relative bonding….? Kidding, ily both 🖤🎩
benbarnes: please, we all saw the way you were drooling over your husband’s smile 😌
amitasuman_: drooling is a bit of an exaggeration, but she surely is smitten ☺️
yourusername: am I supposed to be ashamed of that? 🤨
freddycarter1: haha 😘 @/yourusername
lbardugo: rulers of their respective domains 🖤
sab_bts_: I’m dying! This iissss saur cute! 🙌
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Liked by freddycarter1, amitasuman_, benbarnes, and 793,025 others
yourusername: Loving this cozy costume 🖤
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freddycarter1: You do look pretty cozy, and cute 😉 xx
yourusername: you’re welcome to come cuddle between scenes/takes ☺️
benbarnes: My cloak is much more intricate
freddycarter1: Yet she still manages to outshine you 😏
benbarnes: If it wasn’t for the fact that I know I’ll always be a step lower than y/n in your eyes, I’d feel betrayed, xxxx
lbardugo: definitely looks super soft! Is it fuzzy?
yourusername: It’s velvety on the outside! 🖤
ycn_sab: You are seriously like the prettiest cast member!
freddycarter1: Isn’t she? 🥰
calahan.skogman: New goal: get yourself someone who hypes you up in comments on your own post
yourusername: accomplished via @/freddycarter1🥹❤️ & I will say it’s a great feeling
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Liked by yourusername, lbardugo, archierenaux3, and 855,249 others
freddycarter1: Had an ace of a time getting to shoot scenes with the incredibly talented @/yourusername on set today 🎥
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yourusername: Had the best time seeing you behind the camera today love 😘
amitasuman_: We could tell xxx
benbarnes: And I thought the most precious thing was watching Freddy break character in y/n’s presence, but the roles being reversed was just as heartwarming 🙌
lbardugo: honored to have the Carter family on our cast and crew team 🖤
cartersonsab: 🥹 OTP!
archierenaux3: The smiles on both of your faces was too much ☺️
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Liked by freddycarter1, archierenaux3, yourusername, and 993,025 others
benbarnes: BTS with my favorite couple 📸
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yourusername: Ben 🤣 why are you sneaking photos of Freddy and I? Lmao
freddycarter1: at least we look good 🤷🏻‍♂️
yourusername: we always look good together 😘
benbarnes: this, this ^^^ is why ❤️
lbardugo: Real life power couple 🖤
archierenaux3: You snuck a photo and this is the best you could do? 🙄
benbarnes: It’s not a contest mate haha
carterfamilyuk: I love them sm 🥲
amitasuman_: this is very cute!
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Liked by yourusername, freddycarter1, benbarnes, and 643,178 others
archierenaux3: a much better photo of our cheesin’ cast mates ❤️
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yourusername: lol oh my gosh, is this a thing now?
freddycarter1: mate 😂 were you in the bushes to get this shot?
archierenaux3: no comment
freddycarter1: creep
benbarnes: 😂
amitasuman_: If you divs make them stop being so cute on set, I’m coming for you both @/archierenaux3 @/benbarnes
freddycarter1: Nothing could keep me from enjoying being on set with my darling wife 🤷🏻‍♂️
yourusername: @/freddycarter1 ilysm ❤️
freddycarter1: @/yourusername love you too darling, always; even if it means we have our own version of paparazzi now 😂 xx
calahan.skogman: this trend is almost as cute as the couple themselves 🤗
crowsandshadows: I’m all for this trend!!!
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Liked by yourusername, freddycarter1, lbardugo, and 954,296 others
jessie_mei_li: night out with the cast meant I got to spend time with these two, couple goals much? I think yes! 🥰
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freddycarter1: smh, can’t go anywhere these days without having your picture taken, love that 🙄
yourusername: as impressive as that level of sarcasm was dear, you realize how hypocritical you sound? 🤣
freddycarter1: Way to call me out 😒 but I can’t help it, I’ll never have enough pictures of you 😘
yourusername: I meant taking you taking photos of ✨ us✨ cutie ❤️
freddycarter1: My statement applies to both situations ☺️ xxx
benbarnes: absolutely couple goals! Couldn’t agree more
yncarterforever: living for this cast trend rn 🙌
amitasuman_: this is so comfortingly aesthetic 🥰
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Liked by benbarnes, yourusername, freddycarter1, and 643,197 others
amitasuman_: Since he taught me how to use my film camera, it’s only right that I share my version of this fabulous couple brought to you by said camera
@/freddycarter1 @/yourusername love you both sm
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yourusername: Amita, I love you ❤️ I so didn’t see you participating in this trend lol
amitasuman_: I had to, you two are too perfect!
yourusername: we are pretty perfect together 🥰
benbarnes: Alright, alright, I lost at my own game, I get it 😂
freddyandyn: sobbing, get you someone who looks at you the way these two look at each other 🥹
freddycarter1: damn, we look good 😘 @/yourusername
yourusername: You always look good sweetheart 😍🙌
freddycarter1: * we
lbardugo: wow, we have such a multi-talented cast! This is a great photo 🖤
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freddycarter1: Mine, xoxo ❤️
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archierenaux3: not Freddy himself participating in this contest 😂👌
benbarnes: This isn’t fair, surely you have an unlimited amount of options to choose from
freddycarter1: Of course I do, have you seen her? How could I not take photos with her? 😍
yourusername: stoppp 🥹❤️
lbardugo: 🖤
calahan.skogman: I can feel the joy in this photo xx
amitasuman_: even away from us lot you two are couple goals ❣️
yourusername: and you’re mine 😉❤️
freddycarter1: proudly, xxx😘
shadowandbone: family 🖤
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Liked by freddycarter1, archierenaux3, benbarnes, and 964,127 others
yourusername: Love: My Version ❤️
📸 by my effortlessly talented and humorous husband, AKA @/freddycarter1 xoxoxo 💋
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benbarnes: Okay I think we can all agree y/n won this one
archierenaux3: the real winners are @/freddycarter1 and @/yourusername
amitasuman_: life’s true winners and the ultimate couple goals for sure ❣️
freddycarter1: Are you taken? 🥵
yourusername: happily so 😘
shadowsbonescrows: SOBBING HYSTERICALLY
tommyae: didn’t expect a photo of my little brother and my sister-in-law to make me miss my girlfriend so much, leave it up to you two to be such a prime example of pure love ❤️
freddycarter1: you’re so pretty 😍
yourusername: stop flirting over Instagram and come kiss me again 💋
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Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 7 months
"How many fics do you have on the go?"
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"In my head or on my pc?"
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Fan fics ..... Not for the faint hearted
Gifs by @ladylrbloom
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
Today I will rant because I want to about that character and how he's treated by some
Lately the rapist comments about him and how he was selfish are getting multiplied which makes me both angry and sad.
When you have the author itself say that she saw the King and Queen as the real villains and that we can make a case about the Darkling's worst crimes then how do some people indirectly call him the worst thing that happened to Ravka and to Alina?
They only treat Aleksander as a villain, emphasizing his sexually creepy moments and selfish motivations and completely disregard the human side of him or his traumatic past.
The Darkling did not spend 500 (and possibly more) years of his life to protect his people and stop the wars for you to call him a selfish evil man. If you want to call someone selfish then look at Baghra that stays warm in her hearth and not giving a single fuck for Ravka. If you want to call someone selfish then take a look at the King and Queen who grow fat and rich while their people and starving and think that being orphaned is "marvelous". If you want to call someone selfish then look at Mal who wanted to leave Ravka and never look back (and in the meantime, it was his country that was in danger) or even Alina.
The Darkling was quite literally the only person that decided to take action for a persecuted group of people without wavering once.
You don't give a single glimpse at his tragic elements. You ignore them. But his isolated and traumatic childhood, abusive mother figure, near-immortality that made him witness people he loved die, rare powers that have isolated him further and desperation to see the Grisha being respected and accepted says hello 🙋.
You call us fans of the category "The Darkling did nothing wrong". Well, just because we don't talk about his crimes every day does not mean we don't know about them. We just decide to talk about the Darkling in our blogs as a human, tragic figure that was much more complex than his "evil" actions. If we wanted to read about the Darkling and his evilness we would read KoS and RoW everyday. Zoya, Tolya and Genya were orators of that. But maybe we just decided to look deeper than this. To cast light to the parts he kept hidden and were so human and still valid.
Some call us even misogynistic for judging Alina. I didn't know that just because we judge one fictional, female character means that we hate all women. Wow. For your information, most of the times we judge the way she was handled by the author more than the character herself.
But having people making the Darkling a simple villain with no humanity is probably one of the worst butchering of a character I've ever seen.
Some people literally took an intriguing, complex character with selfless motivations and turned him into a power-hungry tyrant. Bye guys 💀
I don't know. If you expect from me at least to post about how the Darkling was evil, a tyrant and a rapist then you are on the wrong page. I only write about the Darkling as human most of all. With tragic elements and human emotions and vulnerabilities that were actually there. But some people cannot read past the word "villain".
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nrilliree · 4 months
It’s the way Aemond/Aegon girlies merge their fanfiction perception of them with their canon characters. The denial is strong in them as they project their false characterisations onto them as being sad, misunderstood, babies who mummy and daddy didn’t hug enough. I say this as a Aegon/Aemond fanfic enjoyer, the bulk of Aegon/Aemond girlies are insane. A fanfic writer I follow got harassed by her own followers for called Aegon/Aemond out in the early days of the show as they are because she won’t pretend they’re these uwu babies when it comes to what she actually thinks about them. The delulus literally cannot seperate headcanon from canon.
This is very often the case and can be seen in the case of many popular but "not good" characters played by men who are considered attractive - it was the same with Loki (at the beginning, close to the premiere of the first Avengers), the same with the Darkling, Kylo Ren or any similar character. Such fans created their own fanon in which such a character does nothing wrong and is just a misunderstood sweet kitten. As long as they stick to their fan fiction - fine, anyone can create their own AU. But the problem comes when they try to impose their vision of fanon on others as the real thing because they can't stand it when people say bad things about their favorites. Then we come to translations like "Aegon didn't rape anyone because there is no evidence of penetration", "Aegon didn't rape anyone, she just told him to stop, but maybe he should stop pulling her hair, nothing more" or other things like that nonsense that can be really toxic in real life.
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
The Darkling Sunshine
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Word Count: 2715
A/N: There is one scene scene in the show and book that I did not agree with and really thought that should have went the other way. Yes it would have changed the entire story but you know for the better. This is just my reimagining of the scene where Baghra tells Alina she needs to go. I did write Alina in the ‘I POV’ and didn’t use her name.
“Oh Saints.” you had no sense of direction. Mal had tried to teach you by pointing at stars and giving them names but what help did that give you as you rushed through stone hallways on command on Baghra.
Baghra, the mother of the Black Heretic.
You did believe her that he was her son. You believed that he was the man who created the fold and you did trust that he was planning on using it as a weapon but there was something gnawing in your gut about what else she said. Was Aleksander trying to make you his slave or did he see more in you?
Part of you wondered what he could see, a poor orphan girl who had been sent to the army to draw maps but instead wasted paper daring mythical creatures. You who didn’t understand the way the grisha were meant to live and who made mistake after mistake. You, who he had just been kissing.
There had been an anger in his kiss, you could taste it as his teeth gnashed yours and his hand slid your skirts up to your belly. But hadn’t you been angry as well? There was so much happening and everyone was pointing you in different directions, wanting to control you. But maybe you needed to stop and start asking questions of your own.
The Night air was cool and you were thankful for the black kefta that you had on as you emerged by the stables. Everyone was still inside the Little Palace celebrating the grisha’s performances. No doubt they are all talking about you, the sun summoner. These same people who had for years ignored you now kneeling down before you.
The power had felt…amazing.
You needed to gather your wits around you, looking around and realizing there were more enemies than friends. Especially after Baghra had said some grisha were loyal to her. You were given two options: you could run and hide or you could sneak back in and talk to Aleksander. Both options terrified you.
Where would you go if you ran? What would you do? The world was at war and the Fold existed like a black scar across the land, an emptiness that you couldn’t travel around easily. And if you went back inside you would be surrounded by silent enemies and a man who was powerful and could have been using your affection as a toy. He could be trying to bed you just to get you closer to him, instead of actually wanting you. But didn’t you deserve answers?
You were torn.
It was hard to describe your feelings for General Kirigan. It was different from how you felt about Mal. Mal was this comforting presence in your life, your best friend who had been there for you at all the worst times. You had known that he would always be there for you and that safety had provided you a comfort that had been what you thought was love. But Mal hadn’t seen you that way. Instead he tumbled in the darkness with anything that had a mouth and legs. Grisha or soldier. Mal didn’t care as long as he could press his strong body into someone and forget. He just never had wanted you.
But with Aleksander, the way he looked at you made your heart stop. He understood the burden of your gift but also the magic you couldn’t see in it. When you two had kissed the first time you had tasted his surprise, the loneliness on his lips. And you had understood him then because you had been lonely like that for a long time. There were layers to a man who was branded one way and your fingers itched to peel them apart, to see who he was under all the shadows that swirled around him.
“Oh Saints, I hope I’m doing the right thing.” You turned quickled slicing your cheek on a sharp corner of the barn. Your blood slid down, staining the gold embroidery of your kefta. You were quick in shrugging it off. Wiping some of your blood on the fabric and letting it fall down to the ground of the barn as you turned, looking at the hidden way you had come out of and knowing you were going to climb back up.
You had questions that needed to be answered and you weren’t going to just let them not be, And if Baghra was right you were going to be making the worst mistake of your life, but if she was wrong. You breathed out, this could be the start of your life and not the continuous running away from your problems that you had been doing.
The Darkling POV
‘Y/N?” I strode into the room, looking for her. Heart racing after the assassination attempt and needing the weight of her in my arms to make sure that she was safe. “Y/N?” I turned to look into my bedroom, hoping I had taken too long for her.
The empty room took my breath away and I struggled for a moment for control over my emotions. Fear. I had fear for the first time and I had to grab at my heart that was trembling in my chest to verify that it was true, that this was what I was feeling.
She was gone.
My breath struggled and I was weak, giving in for a few seconds before the cool familiarity of my anger slid into place. My hand knotting in a fist as I turned rushing from the room as I felt teh sneer on my face.
Pathetic little tracker boy who had realized that as soon as someone else got their hands on Y/N they would see she was special. He had a lifetime to be with her and yet he had chosen wrong time and time again.
I had been wrong, thinking that their childhood lovesick story was over. Had done so well in intercepting the letters that they wrote each other, burning them after reading about how they confided in each other, playing with words to avoid using words of true feelings. But Y/N had stopped writing a few weeks ago and Genya had stopped asking about the tracker so I had thought it was fine.
Now he had come into my palace and he had taken her? He would pay for this. He would pay for this greatly. And he better not have touched a hair on Y/N’s head.
Striding across the grounds I was panting, out of breath as I gre angry with the thought of how I would find them. He idea of her under him letting him rut against her like a dog twisted my stomach, making bile burn my throat. But as I looked up, I saw her.
My mother and knew that something was wrong.
“He’s not here.” she said cooly and I knew she knew who I was looking for but I played along with her anyway.
“Who?” She was wasting my time and I think she relished in seeing me like this, seeing me hurt. Not everyone had all the graces that came with motherhood and mine had too many years to let me down.
“The tracker. Yes, I know about him and your little mission.” Baghra was strong and trained all the grisha. I had given her too much power in touching so many lives. Power that I was regretting now because obviously she had formed bonds and connections with people who were loyal to her over me.
That would have to be dealt with at a later time. Right now I just needed to find the tracker and rip him limb to limb. Find Y/N make sure she wasn’t hurt and bring her back inside, keep her safe. I just needed to keep her safe.
“What have you done with him?” She wanted to play games and I knew by now I had to play along for a little bit to get the answers I was searching for.
“Disposed of along with your hopes of killing the stag.” Ah so she did know about the stag. The stag that would give Y/N more power, let her really unleash her light onto the world.
My little saint was going to be stronger than me and I couldn’t wait to see her shine. This would be my greatest gift to her. The way I would express my feelings to her, to show her that I didn’t care if we weren’t equal. I would give her the world just to be by her side.
“I always have hope, mother. Even you can’t kill that.” She thought I was evil. Fine. Let them all thing I was evil. They didn’t understand the weight of keeping grisha alive. Y/N would. She would understand me.
“That isn't hope. That's greed. You would use y/n against the rest of the world.” I didn’t give her any emotion. There was no way I was going to let her know that what she was saying confused me endlessly.
For years my mother had stood beside me and helped me protect the grisha. She remembered how we were hunted and treated so above all else she should understand the sacrifices that needed to be made for our kind. And here she was, standing against me as she talked about the world like it wasn’t full of people who wanted to erase us.
“You mean against our enemies? Without me, there’s just her. Standing alone She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future She is the one-”
“Yes, but where is she?” Now this, this I did not like.
She had taken Y/N from me. She had taken her and done something to make her leave. What had she done  to poison her against me or was it so easy that she had just told her who I was and she had run away, afraid of me? Y/N liked the old stories, the stories that were my memories but were her history. She smiled, as she recited the tales of the black heretic, looking at me and not knowing that the story she told was mine.
And now she knew and she was gone.
“Careful, you don’t really matter anymore either.And if you put her in harms way think about what I might do.” I turned, the anger was too much now but the hurt was there and surprising me with its ache.
She had chosen to leave. Chosen to go. Chosen that I was not good enough for her. She had made me her villain and if that was what she wanted, I would play my part.
“General Kirigan.” I stopped, freezing as Ivan held up her Kefta, stained in blood. My head turned to Baghra as her mouth fell open, hand coming up in shock as she saw it too. I took it, my hands feeling like they were trembling as I touched it, smearing it.
“It’s fresh. Send out troops to find her and make sure she isn’t harmed. I will head out in the morning. The King must not know about this.” I knew Ivan could be discreet, knew he was at least loyal.
As he rushed away I turned, holding the bloody kefta, eyes narrowing as I looked at Baghra now.
“This blood is on  your hands.” She didn’t know what to say to that, letting me turn walking back to my rooms, holding the kefta and hoping no harm had come to Y/N. Maybe she had been forced to go. Maybe I had been wrong to think she would leave so easily.
All I cared about was her safety
Your POV
The stairs were endless and where they led confused me more and more. I was exhausted, dried blood on my face as I finally pushed open a door, stumbling inside  and falling to the ground. Deep struggling breaths for what seemed like miles of climbing. My thighs and calves ached from the exercise. All that champagne instead of water not doing me any favors. I wiped at my face, cursing as I reopened the cut and watched my blood spill out on the floor to General Kirigan’s war room.
My foot kicked the door closed behind me and I laid on the ground for a second, trying to gather the strength to stand again.
The door to the room opened and I knew it was him. I could tell from the way he strode in, heavily stepped and confident that he was here.
My eyes closed as I sighed out, safe. I hoped.
“Aleksander.” I said  his name, pushing myself up. He was told me quicker than I expected, helping me stand as he looked at me. His eyes wide in surprise. He had thought I had left him, he thought I could leave him.
“Y/N. I thought that…you’re hurt.” he touched my cheek, my blood on his finger smearing it as he moved me towards his room, sitting me on his bed as he kneeled beside me, holding my hands in his.
“I know who you are, Aleksander. I know that you’re the Black Heretic. But what I don’t know is what you want from me and what I am  to you.” It felt silly to ask these questions to him. To ask this powerful man who I was to him.
I wanted him to say I was more than just one of his grisha. I wanted him to single me out and to feel special. But I was afraid that he was going to say that I was just a piece in his puzzle. The weapon he needed to make the fold do what he wanted. But I needed to know. I needed to know if I had made a mistake coming back here.
Aleksander stood up, walking away from me as he poured a glass of water, handing it to me as he looked at me, hand to his mouth as he thought.
“Let me call for a bath for you and for Genya to heal you. We can talk of-”
“No. Aleksander, please.” The tears were in my eyes as I begged him and he sighed, dropping to his knees in front of me, the emotions on his face so prominent that I dropped the water, neither of us caring.
“Y/N, you’re the future. You’re going to save the grisha. You can destroy the fold or we can use it to bring peace to a world that knows nothing but war. We can save so many lives. Grisha and not. And…and we can do it together. You and I as…equals.” I nodded my head, understanding what e was saying.
It wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I had wanted to-
“And…I’m afraid that I’m quite in love with you, Y/N and you have presented yourself to be my greatest weakness.” He looked so vulnerable then, so unsure of himself as he told me this and I knew it hurt him to be weak. But this was what I needed from him.
I slid down, landing more in his lap than on the floor, cupping his face, fingers over the beard as I pulled him to me, kissing him to seal my fate. I had come back to him and I was glad of it. His hands were wrapped around me, lifting us from where we kneeled by each other on the floor, pressing me into the bed as he covered his body with mine. His hand slid over my cheek, stopping as I flinched.
“We have talked. Now you must let me get Genya here to heal you, my little saint. Please, let me take care of you?” I nodded, allowing this as he got up, stopping as he turned, looking at me in his bed, “I’m going to love you for eternity, you do know that?”  he asked as I looked at him, tilting my head.
“And not a day less.” He was so beautiful when he smirked like that, when he allowed himself happiness. And I wanted to be that for him.
The Darlkling’s sunshine.
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greensaplinggrace · 9 months
i'm still so mad about how supposed alina fans think it's actually better that she isn't as attached to or compassionate toward the darkling as she is in the books. like it isn't more empowering to her or less sympathetic to the villain when she acts like a one dimensional darkling hating paladin in the show, it's just a deliberate stripping of anything unacceptable about alina's complex feelings or emotions regarding her traumas that don't fit into a neatly ordered box of 'perfect victim' and 'empowered female'.
people will really see a female character get sanded down into a performative caricature and think that it's better for her because she's been fictionally lobotomized into thinking acceptably to the masses. like ok, just say you fucking hate trauma survivors and go.
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