#darksiders abbadon
outsider2113 · 9 months
*Headcanon on the fact that Azrael is trying to give everyone tea*
Abbadon: I'm already sick of tea.
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  The Official Darksiderstober for 2022 is here, and oh boy is this cause for celebration!  It’s officially been 2 years since I did the last one, not counting last year since I didn’t finish every day, but i am so happy I got to do it completely this time.  My style has definitely improved since then, and drawing Darksiders is all sorts of fun.  I wanted to thank you guys for following the Darksidersober journey this year, as well as thank @imagine-darksiders for starting and sponsoring it!  She helps keep the fandom alive with her artwork and writing so highly recommend checking it out!  I also wanted to thank @another-darksiders-blog for making the prompts this time, as well as participating with epic entries this year!  Wanted to mention @doodlesdreaming , to check out some of the amazing pieces they did for it in case you guys wanted to see others work for Darksiderstober this year.  Thank you everyone, and hope to see you guys next year!
Day 1: Spooky
Day 2: Blacksmith
Day 3: Bugs
Day 4: Frost
Day 5: Alternate Universe
Day 6: Flight
Day 7: Nephilim
Day 8: Chains
Day 9: Putrid
Day 10: Swarm
Day 11+12: Light and Dark
Day 13: Humanity
Day 14: Clashing Blades
Day 15: Survival
Day 16: Alliance
Day 17: Hollows
Day 18: Eden
Day 19: Your Oc
Day 20: Guilt
Day 21: Cobwebs
Day 22: Comfort
Day 23: Demon lord
Day 24: Storm
Day 25: Deadly sin
Day 26: Merchant
Day 27: Flesh+Bone
Day 28: Pumpkins
Day 29: Forgiven
Day 30: United
Day 31: Celebration
Artwork and Ocs are mine
All Darksiders characters belong to Darksiders universe
Prompts are Here
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Abbadon: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one think I need.
Y/N:An eye?
Everyone in the library:* they try not to laught*
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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demon64 · 2 months
A while back I posited the idea of Darksiders crossovers into other games, and it just struck me that I did not mention a game that I could totally see the Darksiders characters as character skins in.
Death: At first thought it's obvious who Death could be a skin for Thanatos. I will posit another idea however... Set. Both Death and Set got the acrobatic combat with a staff or scythe, and some of Set's abilities are similar to what Death can do.
Strife: I'm thinking Apollo, just instead of finger guns it's actual guns. Or maybe Loki, considering Strife is the more mischievous of the Four Horsemen and has more Trickster like abilities in Darksiders Genesis.
War: I guess maybe Ares or Tyr, whichever works a bit better. I'm leaning more towards Tyr since what I remember of game play it looks like stuff War can do.
Fury: the only one that comes to mind is Bastet, since I'm pretty sure both use whips as weapons. Or maybe as a skin for Sol, considering Fury's Flame Hollow. Or maybe even Hel.
Azrael: maybe Charon, I don't know, I'd have to look through the list of Gods for SMITE. Or maybe as a skin for Chronos?
Samael: Chernobog comes to mind first, along with maybe Surtr or Thor.
Uriel: that's kinda easy... Bellona. Or maybe Nike or Nemesis
Abbadon: Odin might work?
Ulthane: who else but Vulcan? Dude fits as a skin for Vulcan pretty well if I say so myself. Also could probably work as an Ymir skin, I think.
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charalysis · 10 months
Darksiders: War
So, I may once again reference real world disorders as a launching pad for discussion about behaviors and actions. I will reference both games and book. Thank you!
To begin, let's talk about War's baseline characteristics.
War is certainly more, shall we say, heroic of the Four. He is loyal, lawful, and regularly tries to be by the book, methodical, and overall tries to be good. Maintaining Balance in the universe is his main goal, the thing he strives for. He wants things to maintain order, regardless of who's messing it up. Admittedly he had a bias against demons, but that's not to say he likes angels.
In his efforts to be a lawful individual, he also strives to be a better person overall by trying to be kinder than other Nephalim where he can. He seeks connection and even affection, with Strife in particular.
Throughout Genesis, War and Strife can stop and talk and often these conversations drift towards the emotional and hard to discuss. Charged topics that Strife has genuine difficulty addressing.
But War helps him work through these emotions and topics, giving him his own perspective and trying to ease his mind, even if it fails or they disagree. No matter what, War seems incredibly willing to stay by Strife's side.
This loyalty and desire to help and seek connection is also present in Abomination Vault, when he goes to help Death handle the crisis, despite being told no and even threatened. He is eager to help the eldest Horseman, and he is even angry at himself for nearly dying/dying, thinking he's failed Death some how. He doesn't even question it when he's brought back by Death, he just rambles about his failures and saying Death should have let him die.
And with Fury, he shows he cares for her. When Fury is summoned to handle the Seven Sins, War is already bound by the Council. She's surprised by his state and the accusations, but ultimately is dismissive for the moment. War, on the other hand, speaks to her. He tries to warn her to be cautious, tell her something is acting against them and trying to hurt them, showing he very much cares about her well-being and safety.
War is repeatedly shown to be caring, in his own way, with his brothers. He worries about their safety, tries to assist them as needed, and tries to comfort them in their grief or anger. He is exceptionally loyal to them and doesn't seem eager to betray or harm them.
Loyalty, while being a fantastic virtue, is ultimately one of his biggest flaws too.
From Genesis and a good bit into the first game (canon's timeline wise), we hear him constantly say that he doesn't think he or the others should question the Council. He's the biggest believer in the Balance and is the most eager to maintain it. He is unwaveringly and unquestioningly loyal to the Council, which is ultimately why he doesn't suspect them directly of screwing him over until much much later on in game one. His loyalty blinds him to the notion of betrayal from the Council.
However, whenever he finds out his loyalty has been betrayed, he is far from afraid of going scorched Earth and enacting revenge. He, with Uriel's assistance, kills the Watcher for his treatment and for being a pawn in the clearly corrupt Council's machinations against the Horsemen.
And revenge/vengeance is apparently something War isn't unknown for. He's clearly displayed enough "eye for an eye" behavior over the centuries for the Council to note its a perfect motivator for him. Thus, he became their scapegoat and was thrown to Earth to prove his innocence. And Samael later points out that he "knows a quest for vengeance when he sees one". Samael's semi-Omniscience aside, he isn't wrong in just making the assumption. War was absolutely aiming to make Abbadon, Straga, and anyone else in his way pay for their actions. I do find it interesting that, ultimately, he chooses to spare Ulthane and Azrael.
Granted, Ulthane does help him more than hinder him despite being antagonistic. And in the case of Azrael, War realized he needed the angel's help, then also saw the immense regret within him. Of course, War is also fully aware that Azrael is a powerful archangel, adept in illusions. He also likely wouldn't have risked a fight with Azrael lest he die, or he actually kill the angel and lose out on valuable information. All this to say, War's intelligent and isn't a stranger to variables, despite often acting on emotions.
Despite popular belief, War is not hot headed or temperamental. War is actually extremely level headed and calm. He thinks through his actions and possible causes. He tries to account for all outcomes, and the consequences of his actions. If he can gain a tactical advantage.
Because he is an embodiment of war itself.
Wars are brutal, bloody, violent... But it's not about whos weapon is better that wins. There's strategy, planning, and a lot of luck.
War himself strategizes a fair bit when it comes to who he can keep alive and who he can get away with killing. Who can be his ally and who he can sacrifice as a foe. He measures who he can take on and who's not worth it.
Its why Samael and Vulgrim don't die, despite War's bias against demons.
Samael, even in a weakened state, is too powerful for War to take on alone. Samael, though, offers assistance if he himself is helped first. War isn't stupid enough to reject help from someone he a, can't kill, and b, is offering their powerful assistance.
Vulgrim had the benefit of Council endorsement at first, but War certainly realized the value he got from dealing with the merchant. Vulgrim offers him health shards, weapon and magic upgrades, and of course, Serpent Holes.
The value of these two cannot be understated in the first game, especially since War is utterly alone otherwise. They're who we spend most of the game with, aside from the Watcher.
Now onto my favorite topic! Symbology!
Similar to Death's mask, War's got a hood obscuring most of his face, particularly his eyes. In fact, he often has to adjust how he's looking around to properly see sometimes.
In terms of symbology we can infer this to be representative of his own clouded and obscured view of things. He has to shift the facts into just the right order and perspective to see the truth of what's happening to him and what happened to cause the apocalypse.
Another piece of symbology is which arm of his his prosthetic.
The left.
Biblically speaking there's a few things to address, as Darksiders is heavily based in Christian and Jewish mythology. I am wildly unfamiliar with Judaism and their symbology, despite lengthy research attempts, and thus am uncomfortable addressing the possible symbology on that side if things. However, I am familiar with Christianity.
In the Bible, the hands are referenced a few times, but the right hand is referenced about 100 times, where as the left hand is mentioned maybe 25, all negatively. However I wish to focus on one particular passage.
Matthew 6 says, "Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. [3] But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: [4] That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."
This essentially says, "don't tell everyone when you're being generous. Don't brag about generosity or your righteous deeds, for that's not righteous or virtuous. That needs to stay between you and God".
In the case of War, he doesn't often hide what he's doing when he's been told to do it by the Council, often announcing it to those he deems allies. He's not exactly subtle or easy to miss. Nor is his prosthetic.
He's obviously a Horseman, he's obviously on a mission when he's seen out places he's not normally. Everyone knows something has happened, or going to happen, when War shows up. War isn't keeping his service to the Creator secret in any way.
Outside of Christianity, and into more occult and spiritual circles, the left hand is symbolic of dark magic, darkness, and weakness.
War's left arm is the one he was wielding Chaoseater with when Death cut his arm off.
Since that, hes worn a almost demonic looking, magical prosthetic that basically has a pocket dimension I think.
When his arm was cut off, it was in a moment of emotional weakness, and he just so happened to run Death through, a far stronger opponent. So his weakness was cut from him in a way and replaced with the stronger, and useful, prosthetic gauntlet.
Bad segway: War's also not taken as seriously by the other Horsemen. He's the baby of them, likely the last of an entire generation of young Nephalem. Often it seems the other three don't take him seriously until he proves them right. Strife though seems more willing to hear him out, but that could be because they're pretty close, even able to laugh together.
Tl;Dr: War is intelligent and loyal, even kind, but lacks the ability to see passed his ambition or goals until its almost too late. He's also surprisingly impulsive.
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fllagellant · 7 months
Honestly the atmosphere of darksiders 1 is so good bc you always feels so crushingly alone but you are not . War is constantly accompanied by a watcher . He has to return and talk to Samael after defeating each chosen . He bumps into Uriel . Vulgrim is always waiting for him to come by . But none of these are anything , you know ? War hates his Watcher for literally treating him like an animal and calling him a dog . He knows Samael is using him for his own gains again . Uriel despises him and only interacts with him because she believes he must die to avenge Abbadon . Vulgrim is only helping because he sells things for a high amount of gathered souls and War has to kill .
It goes beyond that the world is dead . It is dead and the only thing that live here now are the undead and the animals things turned violent and the demons that walk the roads . Yeah it’ s going to feel so empty when you can enter the ruins of buildings and see the last few standing work desks or the wheelchairs in the barely standing hospital . But it is dead and War is shouldering the blame for all of it .
He says if he dies while trying to kill whoever actually falsely triggered the End War , he says that can be his sentence . He doesn’ t want to die , but he also knows he might as well . And when faced with everything and still being called a traitor and a betrayer by everyone who sees him , can you really blame him for seeing death as being his own way out ?
Then it gets doubly worse when he gets the vision showing how he can defeat the Destroyer , but also proof he was shoehorned in as the culprit and was chosen by the Council because they knew everyone would believe that War would do this , and they knew War would be willing to go to earth and fight to prove his innocence . He knows the full truth and KNOWS the one person that will not leave him alone knows as well , but he cannot just turn to his Watcher and say “ I know everything . “
The crushing knowledge that the people you are trying to prove your innocence to know that you did not do it. And you are completely , utterly , terribly alone .
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yourfavoritehorseman · 2 months
War is one who pulled me into the Darksiders universe and set the blueprint favorite fictional characters later on.
Strife is who I ultimately stayed for, and the one I think on when something that usually brings me joy feels useless.
Death is the character who keeps me up at night with the unreasonably deep questions about his role, but somehow has also become the one I think on when I'm unbearably sad.
Fury is the one I think of when I start feeling like feminity makes me weaker.
Abbadon is who I consider when I'm angry with someone and need to mentally beat them to a pulp because fuck that guy.
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conflictedrider · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @sirius-bus1ness
Three ships: usually wind up doing OCxOC KALDSFHLKH but uhhhh Tsukkishima/Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!) Azrael/Abbadon (Darksiders) I ship other ppl’s ocs does that count ????
Last Song: Monastery in Disguise. It’s a fucking banger i LOVE it
Last movie: probably like... uh,,, Avatar (the blue people)
Currently reading: Rereading Dracula aksdfhlk
Currently Watching: Nothin. I dont tend to watch stuff alksdf.
Currently Consuming: Ice cream with frozen mango pieces
Currently Craving: see above lmao
uhhh i dont interact with ppl lkasdhf
@eeriefeelingsat3amuwu @ohmygillygoshoppler @danikoshi uhhh.... well i guess do it if you want kasdhfl
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unholy-merchant · 4 years
I'm probably the only one who likes him but can I have a Abaddon NSFW alphabet please?
Of course Love! It might take a while seeing as I'm working on the others Alphabets as well. But yes I will do an Abbadon Nsfw Alphabet.
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deadharvester · 6 years
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🖤Abbadon Aesthetic🖤
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outsider2113 · 1 year
Y/N: What is your favorite color?
Abbadon: Oh, stop asking stupid questions, it's better to ask something logical and more mature.
Y/N: How much sodium hydrocarbonate is needed to neutralize 0.8 milliliters of sulfuric acid?
Abbadon: Blue...my favourite colour...
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So for Darksiderstober 2022, I decided to combine Day 11+12 into one picture of "Light" and "Dark". Perfect representation would be Abbadon himself, and his alter The Destroyer. From Heaven's greatest warrior, to Hell's fiercest Lord, the perfect example of falling from Grace all because he wanted to end the war on his terms, ultimately dooming humanity. Hope ya like, prompts are here , and stay tuned
Art is mine
Abbadon/Destroyer belongs to Darksiders universe
Prompts by @another-darksiders-blog
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders
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Abbadon:* writing* One like and I’m going to commit End War.
Abbadon:*likes his own post*
Abbadon: So it be-
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elyslesnothing · 6 years
Horsemen and Angels as Michael Jackson gifs
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Happy (late) birthday, Michael Jackson!
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wikagirl · 2 years
Sometimes when I get bored I look up the VAs of some of my fav characters in varying languages and it is always fun to see where else I might know the VA from. For example today I learned that ENG War (Darksiders), Yasuo (League of Legends) and Infinite (Sonic Forces) all share the same VA (Liam O'Brien). Also GER Zenos (FFXIV), Izaya (Durarara!!), Oikawa (Haikyu!!), Duce Gorgon (Monster High), Grey (Fairy Tail) and Sidon (Botw) have the same VA apparently (René Dawn-Claude) and now I can't stop thinking about Zenos dropping lines from Haikyu.
EDIT: sooo apparently ENG Death (Darksiders) has a different VA in the thrid game (Jason Spisak) aaaaannnd shares a voice with Abbadon and Lust (also Darksiders3 specifically) aaaaaannnnd also Silco (Arcane) and a whole bunch of Deadpools of which I will not list all here because I am too tired and it is the middle of the night.
EDIT 2: ....GER Death (Hans-Detlef Hüpgen) in darksiders 2 is Rayman in the 1999 TV show first dubed in german in 2003 the further I go down this rabbit hole the weirder it gets
EDIT 3: The following list of VAs and Character is Referring to the German dub of ROTTMNT only, idk anything about the english peeps. Leo shares his Va with Atem/the parao from yugioh (Sebastian Schulz). Mikey shares his VA with Tails from the 2020 Sonic movie as well as Steven in Steven Universe, beast boy in the young justice cartoon and Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia (Sebastian Fitzner). Donnies VA....yyeahh literally never heard of that dude before, got nothing. Raphs VA (Florian Hoffman) is also Sephiroth in the Final Fantasy 7 remake, Goldiva in Superdrags, Rosen Kranz in Servamp and my man Dirk Gently in dirks holistic detective agency on netflix plz go watch it it deserves more love. Aprils VA (Jill Bötcher) also voices Bloom in Winx the cartoon, Daphne in Scooby Doo, Spectra in Monster High and a whole bunch of others, if I'd list them all I'd be sitting here all night.
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