#darkstripe is the snake
thunderc1an · 2 years
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Warriors: The Prophecies Begin- Details + Info in Tags
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
Graystripe's Heart (or Hope's Beginning)
The (Short) Return Of Bloodclan and Redemption of ???
Shortly after the rescue of Darkkit, Rogues begin being spotted on the outskirts of the Clans.  Windclan claims someone is stealing prey, Riverclan smells intruders on the borders, and worst of all, Shadowclan has detected Bloodclan scent on the Thunderpath.  So Longstar sends Graystripe (still mourning his mother) and Sandstorm to find out the truth, with Fireheart demanding to come along – the Stars say it’s important!
So the three cats set off to Fireheart’s old Twoleg Den, meeting Smudge and his new mate Hattie.  The two Kittypets tell the Can cats about the return of Bloodclan under a cat named Fury – but also of a pair of cats making a peaceful group, and trying to dismantle Bloodclan as well.  The new unnamed Clowder’s leaders are unknown, save that they’re a scarred tom and a brown molly.
The Kittypets and Clan cats are interrupted by Gremlin and Scraps, siblings from the Unnamed Clowder, warning that Bloodclan Recruiters are chasing the pair of them.  The Clan Cats hide under the edge of the Twoleg den with Gremlin, and a cat named Snake attempts to attack Smudge and Hattie for protecting Scraps.  Hattie slaps the crap out of Snake, but a few more Bloodclan cats appear, and Scraps tries to surrender himself to save the Kittypets (and his hidden sister). But a twisted, gravely snarl sends the Bloodclanners running, and a heavily scarred tom approaches a relieved Scraps.
A highly familiar black striped gray tabby, with a horrid scar on his throat.
Graystripe bolts from under the Twoleg den, with Sandstorm and Fireheart nearly riding his frazzled tail.  The former Clan cat goes bushy with startlement as they approach, but Fireheart keeps Graystripe and Sandstorm from tearing him apart.  Scraps, very confused, identifies Darkstripe as the Unnamed Clowder’s tom leader, and Gremlin chirps that he ran off her abusive former mate!  Full of conflicting emotions, Graystripe demands an explanation, and Darkstripe wheezes out, with tears in his eyes…how sorry he is.  But he won’t fight them, he probably deserves what’s coming – and Fireheart cuts him off.  Let’s talk somewhere else, somewhere safer.  Darkstripe nods, and after Fireheart extracts a promise from Sandstorm to not just kill her former Clanmate the second his back is turned, the scarred tomcat leads the Clan Cats and the siblings into the Twoleg Territory.
After some Very Tense Travel, the group comes to an abandoned Twoleg den, the walls covered in strange Twoleg berrypaint art.  Darkstripe leads them to a small opening, guarded by a pair of scraggly but friendly cats.  They greet Darkstripe and the siblings with unashamed friendliness, and the Clan cats are surprised to find themselves greeted with similar cheer.  After introductions are made, Hazard and Snaggle let everyone into the Den.
Inside is a well set-up camp, with obvious dens for nursing parents and kits, elders being cared for by a few younger cats, and a prey pile, with freshkill and a cat dismantling a large bird.  Darkstripe is greeted warmly, and the Clan Cats are experiencing a great deal of emotions.  Sandstorm is still rightfully angry – Darkstripe tried to kill Sorrelkit!  Fireheart is wary but hopeful – maybe Darkstripe has changed?  These cats seem to think highly of him!  And Graystripe?
Graystripe wonders who Darkstripe really is.  Because the cat he sees is NOTHING like the older brother he thought had died at his claws.  The older brother he loved still, somewhere deep inside.
A brown colorpoint molly greets Darkstripe, and introduces herself as Sasha.  The pair sit the Clan cats down in a private alcove and explain what’s happened.  Darkstripe was groomed by Tigerclaw (Darkstripe and Sasha both refusing to add the Star even sarcastically to his name) and was rescued from the battlefield by an injured Sasha, who was looking for Tigerclaw as well.  She had been his secret mate (to which Sandstorm shudders at) and had realized how horrible a cat Tigerclaw truly was only after her injury.  The two of them had healed from their respective injuries – Sasha only stating it was Tigerclaw’s fault – and had tried to go on together.  But there were so many cats that needed help, and with Darkstripe’s Clan knowledge and Sasha’s kind nature, they had formed a Clowder.  Somewhere that they could atone for their sins and make a better future for street cats.  Sandstorm demands to know if that should keep her claws out of Darkstripe’s hide, and Fireheart has to jump on her to stop it, but Graystripe pushes forward.
You’re sorry. Yes, Darkstripe tearily mewls. 
You’re sorry for Sorrel. Yes, he states clearly.
For Bramble and Tawny.  Yes, he sighs.
For Stonefur, for Fireheart.  Yes! Darkstripe sputters.
For mother?  YES!  He yowls!
For ME?!
YES!!! Darkstripe screams, raspy and broken.
And Graystripe LUNGES.
He catches Darkstripe in a tight embrace and sobs.
Mother will be so proud of you in Starclan.  I’m so proud of you.
Sandstorm sputters from under the (teeny tiny itty bitty) weight of Fireheart as the brothers weep into each other’s fur, one more wound of Tigerclaw’ wickedness beginning to heal.
Sasha asks Fireheart and Sandstorm for advice off to the side, as she’s no Healer or Brawler, but some cats have been interested, and would they mind giving advice while they’re here?  Sandstorm startling agrees, with Fireheart patting her on the shoulder cheerily.  The pair head off with Sasha, leaving the brothers some privacy.
By the time Graystripe and Darkstripe have pulled themselves together, it’s dusk, and Sandstorm and Fireheart have been busy.  Fireheart has a group of cats huddled around a Queen and her kits and Gremlin, listing the signs of kit diseases, and Sandstorm is running a group training session, with Scraps actually knocking down a cat larger than him to wild and enthusiastic cheering.  Graystripe joins a group of cats fixing up some nests, lending a paw and some advice, and Darkstripe leans on Sasha, drained but finally whole in some small way.  Fireheart calls the Clowder a hope for the future and a good place to rest, and Gremlin loudly proclaims they should be the Hope Clowder!  The cry is taken up, and the Unnamed Clowder becomes the Hope’s Rest Clowder (Hope Clowder for short).
The Clan Trio stays the night, and the next morning are awoken by Snaggle hollering that Bloodclan is on the move.  Everyone wakes quickly, and the Clowder Cats barricade the entrance, leaving only a peephole.  A group of Bloodclan cats are headed straight for Thunderclan! 
Sandstorm demands that the Clan Cats leave to warn the Clans, but startlingly some Hope Clowder Cats ask Darkstripe and Sasha if they can help take down Bloodclan there as well – they’re weaker spread out in two places, and there are cats that need rescuing from Bloodclan’s clutches!  Fireheart tells Graystripe and Sandstorm to go warn the Clans, and asks if he can help the Clowder rescue the prisoners.  Darkstripe agrees, and Graystripe charges his brother with protecting the cat he once tried to kill.
Sandstorm and Graystripe escort a small group of Hope Clowder Cats to the border of Thunderclan, and Graystripe rushes ahead to warn Longstar ahead of the approaching Bloodclan cats.  Graystripe yowls out his warning to the Camp Guards, who repeat the warning as cats begin scrambling to battle and defense positions.  Longstar asks where Sandstorm and Fireheart are, my guy they BETTER be fine, and Graystripe assures him they are, just as the first Bloodclan cat leaps over the camp wall. 
Chaos ensues, but suddenly Sandstorm and her volunteers charge the Bloodclanners from behind, scattering the Bloodclan Rogues.  Fury is downed by a furious (HA) Flamewish, who bodily throws the molly over the camp wall, with her living followers rushing away.  Sandstorm keeps the Thunderclanners from attacking the Hope Clowder cats, and they view the Clan with awe and curiosity.  Graystripe and Sandstorm tell Longstar and Flamewish what’s going on, with the Hope Clowder cats chiming in.  Flamewish is Very Concerned about Darkstripe, but Hazard, who came with the Hope Battle Patrol, tells her the story of how Darkstripe saved her from an attacking Bloodclan patrol, and nursed her back to health.  This placates Flamewish, but she still worries about her brother…
The rescue Patrol comes to the nearly unguarded Bloodclan encampment, a seemingly abandoned Carrionplace with thin woven silvery reeds forming a strong wall.  Scraps leads the rescuers to a hole in the Carrionplace wall, and everyone slides through with relative ease, save one cat losing some long fur.  They approach a small, enclosed area, with a Twoleg-made Dog Den and several Bloodclan cats guarding the area.  Darkstripe leads half of the patrol to attack the guards, while Sasha and Fireheart lead the other half to rescue the prisoners.
It goes relatively smoothly, with the only hiccup being a guard going for the smaller Fireheart.  The guard later regrets this decision, leaving with less ear and more scarred skin that he started with.  The rescue patrol leads the injured cats back to Hope’s Rest, and after treating them, Fireheart finds himself alone with Sasha.  And finds he has to ask her something.  He’s noticed something important and…
What happened to your kits?
Sasha buckles, and begs Fireheart to not tell a soul – only Darkstripe knows about them.  She had three kits by Tigerclaw, and after losing one of them, and leaving the others somewhere safe, she went to find – and perhaps wound – the cat who hurt her so.  Only to find Tigerclaw dead, and another cat near death, with her pain in his eyes.  Fireheart swears to never tell anyone, save under pain of death.  She sighs, and wonders where her little Tadpole went after his death, and Fireheart tells her of the Afterlives that Starclan knows of.  She weeps then, in relief – he’ll be waiting for her.
After making sure all the patients are stable, Snaggle escorts Fireheart to Thunderclan, and after a quick reunion, the Hope’s Rest Clowder cats head home, laden with herbs and cuttings and instructions and a new ally. Bloodclan is scattered, nevermore to gather the same power again, and all is quiet for a time.
(And in Riverclan, a brown and white tom sleeps peacefully next to a golden brown molly, safe and sound)
(And elsewhere, a black and grey tom rests safely)
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sagesden · 7 months
A snake
TW: Cat death, snake, poison
Whitestorm had promised a one on one hunting session with sandpaw and they went to snake rocks so that Whitestorm could show her the dangers of adders and snakes.
As they got closer he saw a glint of fangs and pushed Sandpaw out of the way and felt a sharp bit on is leg as he pulled the snake away and killing it he felt dizzy and fell down onto the ground .
"WHITESTORM" Sandpaw yelled as she ran to where he was laying.
Whitestorm was breathing very shallowly and he looked at the apprentice.
"Go get help. I can try to hang on and I will be fine." He said
Sandpaw, Redtail, and Spottedleaf came back to Whitestorm and it was very much what Sandpaw had feared.... Whitestorm had died from the venom
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Sandpaw's new mentor is Darkstripe
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redux-iterum · 9 months
Burning Hearts: Chapter Twenty-Nine
(AO3 counterpart here.)
It was baffling, how quickly everyone else adjusted to Greystripe’s absence.
No one spoke of Greystripe, beyond Mousefur tracking him and reporting to Bluestar that he was on the border of the Houses. Anyone who talked with Fireheart gave him a warning look when he leaned the conversation towards his friend. There wasn’t even a whisper of his kits in RiverClan. It was as if Greystripe had never existed.
Fireheart spent most of his time in camp on Bluestar’s orders. She had given some reason about “knowing he’d go looking for him” or whatever. It didn’t matter. She was unable to maintain contact with Fireheart’s accusing eyes and walked away quickly.
On this particular night—Fireheart had no idea how many had passed already—he was extra antsy, his tail thumping the ground behind him as he stewed over Greystripe and Silverstream. What will happen to their kits? RiverClan will surely keep them, but will they be treated differently because of their blood? Will they be conflicted in their loyalty to their Clan? Why did that stupid rule about loyalty have to be here in the first place? A cat died because of this! It—
“You okay?”
Fireheart blinked rapidly, jerked out of his thoughts, and turned his head. Swiftpaw had just left the apprentice’s den and was looking at Fireheart with concern.
“Oh—” Fireheart cleared his throat. “I’m fine. Just thinking.”
“Alright,” Swiftpaw said, head tilted. “You, um, you just seem kind of upset. Your tail’s really puffed out.”
Sure enough, when Fireheart looked back, his shaking tail was bristling hard enough to make it look like his hair was as long as his Clanmates’. Fireheart blinked again, stupidly this time, and could only say, “Huh.”
Swiftpaw shuffled his paws awkwardly. “Um… do you want to talk about it?”
Fireheart huffed a grim breath. “Evidently, I’m not allowed to. But… thank you. I appreciate it.”
Swiftpaw’s eyes widened just a bit and he nodded in understanding. “Sorry.”
“Oh, it’s not your fault, it…” Fireheart flicked a paw, paused, and turned the conversation. “Actually, I wanted to ask you about that rat. The bitten one?”
The apprentice stiffened, face now anxious.
“You’re still not in trouble,” Fireheart said gently, and he relaxed. “I just was wondering, was it your idea to bring it to Bluestar, or did someone tell you to?”
Swiftpaw’s eyes lifted skyward thoughtfully. “Actually, Tigerclaw said I should. He said Bluestar would probably be hungry, and she’d appreciate a gift.”
Fireheart’s heart sank. “Did he mention the rat specifically?”
“Uh…” Swiftpaw squinted now. “I think he might have? He might have just said to get the top thing on the prey-pile. I’m sorry, I don’t remember well. I think I knew I was supposed to get the rat, but I don’t know why.”
“Alright.” Fireheart nodded, trying to look at ease while his throat tightened. “That’s fine. I was curious, is all.” He waved his tail, forcing it to relax its fur. “I think I’ll get some prey myself, actually.”
“Okay,” Swiftpaw said, looking relieved. “Just, well, maybe make sure there’s no snake bites on whatever you get.”
Fireheart snorted with the barest enthusiasm he could muster and got up. He walked a little ways with Swiftpaw before the apprentice broke off to check on his sister. Fireheart dully picked through the prey-pile, trying to find the smallest thing possible. He felt sick.
That’s another strike, he thought while pretending to sniff a shrew. The rat, the borders—
“Will you pick something already?”
Fireheart startled as Darkstripe stalked around him, giving him the stink-eye.
“You’re making a mess of the pile,” the tabby added, swiping a squirrel.
For a splinter of a heartbeat, Fireheart was ready to slap Darkstripe across the face. For the rest of the heartbeat, he willed himself to stay calm and speak politely. “Sorry. I’m elsewhere today.”
Darkstripe grunted and skulked a few steps away before flopping down and chewing at the squirrel’s side.
The borders, Fireheart thought. Right.
He strolled over to Darkstripe, his prey forgotten. Darkstripe didn’t notice him until he coughed politely, and when he looked up, his face was contorted with disgust and confusion.
“If you don’t mind—” Fireheart started.
“I do,” growled Darkstripe.
“—I’ve got a question for you.” Fireheart gave him a friendly blink, disappointed by Darkstripe’s glare in return. “Do you remember when Tigerclaw had you go fetch Bluestar those times at the border?”
Darkstripe’s glare turned a bit puzzled. “…Yeah.”
“They were about rogue-scent or something?”
“I was wondering…” Fireheart hesitated, then forced a chipper tone. “Did you smell those rogues too?”
Darkstripe squinted at him. “That’s what you want to know?”
Fireheart nodded. “Please.”
The dark warrior, to his relief, did look to be thinking back by the distance in his eyes. After a bit, he said, “Well, my nose was clogged at the road, so no. I didn’t smell anything at the Houses either. Nose wasn’t clogged then, though. Why does that matter?”
Fireheart’s mind got to his tongue before he could think of a response. “I guess it doesn’t very much. I just get worried about arpam being out on the borders by himself, with rogues being wherever they want to be.”
The drop of the word “arpam” flared Darkstripe’s fur and turned his glare fully hostile, his eyes burning. He twitched his lip.
“Well, that’s all,” Fireheart said cheerfully. “Thank you. I’ll leave you to your squirrel.”
Before Darkstripe could respond, he turned and trotted away, perhaps a little more satisfied than he should have been.
The night passed, and Fireheart’s satisfaction with it. He woke up on-edge and with the sensation of being a mouse trapped in a shallow hole with an owl standing above him, waiting for him to make a move. Before Bluestar—or anyone else—was awake to tell him to do otherwise, he padded out of camp, tail-tip twitching erratically.
He wasn’t entirely sure where his paws were taking him; he was in the ether of his mind. Vague images of faces wavered in front of his eyes: Greystripe, alone, Tigerclaw’s muted fondness, Ravenwing’s intense focus as he led his friends to seek out the truth…
And Silverstream, skinny, pained, frightened.
Had she been frightened? She’d tried to make the litter go away. What was the last thing she ate before she died?
The rush of water alerted Fireheart back to the real world. He blinked in surprise—he had walked to the border of Sunningrocks.
Of course.
The rain was light, but it was chilly. On the calmer surfaces of the river, small rings appeared, expanded, and disappeared, replaced quickly with other rain-rings. Fireheart sat down unconsciously and watched the droplets, distantly fascinated by how sometimes the rings would come faster as the rain intensified for just a few heartbeats and then faded back to a drizzle, rhythmic but unsteady. It was quite pretty. No wonder RiverClan liked the water.
Caught up in the beauty of the world and feeling slightly betrayed by the ugliness of Clan life, Fireheart didn’t notice a fishy scent approaching him until a rumbling, gentle hum made him look to his left. A reddish-brown tabby was standing on the other side of the border, watching him with kind amber eyes.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” the tom said, and Fireheart swore he knew who this cat was. “Not dropping off more prey, I assume?”
Fireheart shook his head, adding unhappily, “I’m so sorry about Silverstream. I heard about her from Leoparddawn.”
The tom’s eyes lit in surprise for a moment, then dimmed again. “I thought you might be Greystripe’s friend. You’re the former kittypet, yeah?”
“Yeah…” Fireheart sighed. “I’m Fireheart.”
The tom dipped his chin. “Oakclaw.”
Immediate realization hit Fireheart and he examined the tabby with more interest. He could see why Bluestar had been drawn to him; he was tall for a RiverClan cat, though not as tall as ThunderClan, and his face was noble and lightly scarred. He could have passed for half-ThunderClan, at the very least, but the thought of half-Clan kits made Fireheart a bit queasy.
“You’re her uncle,” he said quietly.
Oakclaw nodded, his face falling just a bit. “She told you about me?”
“She told Greystripe, and…” Fireheart hesitated, not sure if he should bring it up, but: “And Bluestar… filled me in on her history.”
So slightly that Fireheart wasn’t sure if he actually saw it, Oakclaw drew back, then settled. “Ah.”
“Yeah,” Fireheart murmured. “I’m sorry about your kits. And I’m sorry about Silverstream.”
Oakclaw seemed to scan Fireheart for a moment before saying slowly, “I didn’t think she’d ever tell anyone about that.”
“I’m good at getting secrets from people,” Fireheart said with a forced purr.
Surprisingly, Oakclaw’s whiskers twitched. He turned his gaze to the river, but still spoke to Fireheart. “Silverstream talked about you a few times, you know.”
Fireheart blinked. “Really? Why?”
“You were bringing us prey, lad.��� Oakclaw looked back at him, dimly amused. “And even with the stink of ThunderClan all over you, you’ve been nothing but kind to us swimmers. We’re all grateful for you and… well, maybe not so much Greystripe anymore, but you’re still alright in our minds.”
Fireheart met his eyes and nodded. “It was an honor to help where I could.”
Oakclaw’s eyes warmed more. “Keep that kind heart safe. I know they’ve tried to claw it out of you.”
Fireheart didn’t respond, not sure whether to argue that his Clanmates had named him for his kindness or agree that ThunderClan could afford to care a bit more about the cats outside of their border. He just let his eyes drift to the ground, his thoughts coming back around to Silverstream.
“How bad was it for her?” he asked, not looking up and dreading the answer.
Oakclaw hummed dully, his voice faint and raspy. “She wouldn’t eat. She thought that could get the litter to go away. It didn’t.” His words weakened a little. “And by the time she did eat, it was too late. She got sick—don’t quite know with what—and then she really couldn’t force down anything.” He paused, tail shivering. “I just woke up one night to Crookedstar screaming for her to open her eyes.”
Stars, Crookedstar… Fireheart hadn’t even thought of him. A lump clogged his throat.
“Where did you bury her?” he managed.
Oakclaw’s ease and calmness returned. “We don’t bury. We sent her down the river.” At Fireheart’s curious look, he added, “She’s in StarClan’s paws now, all of her. Soul with stories to tell, body covered in scales and faded flowers.” He sighed, sounding like he was trying to be amused. “I don’t know how your Clan’s dead find their way to StarClan when you put them in the ground under a tree like that.”
Fireheart weakly rolled a shoulder. “I guess I’ll find out when I die. If StarClan takes me.”
“They’ll take you, alright,” Oakclaw said kindly. “No cat who does what’s right gets left behind. I don’t care where they come from.”
That eased Fireheart to his marrow in a way that he hadn’t realized he’d been tense over. “Thank you.”
Oakclaw lowered his chin a little, eyes creased, but his voice hardened a bit. “I just hope your friend goes with you and Silverstream. Most of my Clan thinks otherwise. Leoparddawn and Crookedstar certainly do.”
“He’s being punished,” Fireheart said sadly, his positivity forgotten. “Isolation for nine days. And I know he’d take anything your Clan threw at him. He was almost comatose when we first heard. He didn’t even try to defend himself.” An anxiety that had been lying in wait for days hit him. “I’m sure he wants to die too. He can’t see his kits and he can’t see Silverstream anymore. He was just… empty. When the Clan found out.”
Oakclaw’s expression didn’t change. He spoke flatly. “I can be comforted by that, I suppose, but that won’t bring my niece back.”
“Leoparddawn said something like that, too.”
A long pause, then Fireheart looked Oakclaw directly in the eye and did his best to speak politely but firmly.
“I know right now it’s an impossibility,” he said, “but please, someday, please forgive him. He really did love her—loves her still. He’s desperate to see his kits. He pleaded with Bluestar and she denied him. And the entire Clan hates him.” Anger colored his next words. “They won’t even say his name, or talk about him. All he has now are me and Ravenwing, our friend, and we can’t even see him. I know him well enough to tell you no one regrets this more than he does, and he’ll never forgive himself. He’d give his life to bring her back.”
Oakclaw regarded him with something like melancholic fondness. “You know that doesn’t fix this.”
“And nothing ever will,” Fireheart said. “But when time passes, and the hurt fades a little… I hope— I hope you can see the hurt in him, too, and understand.”
He slightly bit his tongue, waiting with nervousness as Oakclaw appeared to be contemplating his request. The rain intensified, drumming at the river, filling up what silence the river’s rushing had let slide.
Finally, Oakclaw gave the barest nod and the slightest head-tilt. “One day. One day, I can try.”
Fireheart barely caught a sigh of relief before it escaped him.
“I know Crookedstar and Leoparddawn will never be able to swallow it,” Oakclaw said. “But I know how it is on the other side of something like this. I think I’ll be able to understand in a kinder way sometime.” He lifted a front paw to turn away, paused, and looked back. “We owe you both a lot, Fireheart. I suppose this is a good way to try and pay you back.”
Fireheart dipped his head respectfully and waved his tail as Oakclaw set off for the river. He himself stood and retreated into the forest, hoping desperately that things would be okay again, however long that took.
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seasonclans · 5 months
Star Gifts
As mentioned in the Creation Post, all cats have a star for a soul that gives them their unique way of life and intelligence. Some of these stars have special properties however: a Star Gift. Star Gifts are special powers given to cats at random, meant to help them through their lives. Star Gifts are not hereditary by any means, so it's not common for more than one cat in a litter to have a power. This does not, however, apply to gifts given to entire groups, such as The Sisters' ability to see ghosts or SkyClan's wings.
But what kinds of powers can cats get? Hopefully, this list of existing powers as of the first arc gives some ideas!
Shaded Maple - Charming and able to control snakes
Splashing Perch (Perchpaw) - Able to breathe underwater
Goosefeather - Able to see the future
Bonestar (Brokenstar) - Can sacrifice parts of his life to resurrect the dead
Spottedleaf - Able to see spirits
Darkstripe - Can shapeshift into small animals
Runningwind - Extra fast
Scourge XII - Extra strong
It's important to note that two living cats cannot have the same power unless it's from a specific group. A cat must die before another cat can have their gift. Once again, Star Gifts are random, and are very rarely purposefully given to a cat. Cats with a Star Gift are seen as very good luck, and are often more likely to be nominated for higher ranks because of their abilities.
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Cats in the Carrionplace Battle - Chapter 166
ThunderClan (23)
Firestar, Spottedleaf, Runningwind, Darkstripe, Cherryfur, Longtail, Graystripe, Feathercloud, Dustpelt, Mousefur, Creekflower, Brackenfur, Brightheart, Cloudtail, Cliffwhisker, Thornclaw, Tulippaw, Elderpaw, Ashpaw, Fernpaw (injured), Mistlepaw, Snowpaw, Bramblepaw
WindClan (10 + 9 = 19)
First patrol: Deadfoot, Mudclaw, Tornear, Runningbrook, Pigeonflight, Airleap, Storkflower, Quailcloud, Robinpaw, Rushpaw
Second patrol: Tallstar, Larksplash, Tawnypaw, Gorseheart, Meadowslip (deceased), Sorrelshine, Whitetail, Ravenwing, Barley
CopperClan (11)
Badgerfang, Dawncloud, Nightpaw, Blossomtail, Oakfur, Ashheart, Flintfang (deceased), Fernshade, Wolfstep, Quietfoot (injured), Turtlefur
LeopardClan (9)
Leopardfur, Stonefur, Mosspelt, Reedtail (severely injured), Mistyfoot, Dawnflower, Reedwhisker, Primroseleaf, Skyheart (queen)
TigerClan (23)
Tigerstar, Blackfoot, Runningnose, Finchflight (deceased), Russetfur, Cedarpaw, Boulder, Rowanberry, Lavenderpaw, Scorchwind, Newtspeck, Tangleburr, Stumpytail, Wetfoot, Brownclaw, Nightwhisper, Jaggedtooth, Rowanpaw, Rubblebelly, Tawnypaw, Fangpaw (injured), Aspenpaw, Wildpaw (fled)
ThistleClan (19)
Thistlestar, Lightningfur, Featherpaw, Rippleclaw, Greenflower, Voleclaw, Beetlenose (deceased; off-screen), Petaldust, Mallowtail, Blackclaw, Stormpaw, Sedgecreek, Vixenleap, Loudbelly, Heavystep, Woodmask, Robinstorm, Perchwing, Pikefang (deceased)
BloodClan (30+) (fled)
Scourge, Bone, Brick, Fury, Claw, Snake, Ice, Beach, Strike, Snapper, Night, Gremlin, Scraps, Willie, Tess, Pounce, Snipe, Howl, Ash, Soot, Mack, Blizzard, Crow, Smog (deceased; off-screen), Blaze, Amber, Snake, Ricky, Pebbles (deceased; off-screen), Rocket, unnamed cats
ThunderWindLeopardCopper's numbers
Before ThunderClan's arrival: 19 (Reedwhisker left)
After ThunderClan's arrival: 42
After WindClan's first patrol: 52
After WindClan's second patrol: 63 (Reedwhisker rejoined), 60 (including deaths)
TigerThistleBlood's numbers:
Before BloodClan left: 71+
After BloodClan left: 37 (including deaths)
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 10 months
Ancient Roots: The Dark Forest
Credit where credit is due: This is heavily inspired/built based on what the lovely @bonefall has created! This is just my twist and continued brain rambling!
How do cats get sent to the Dark Forest in the first place???
A StarClan representative is sent to retrieve the soul, just like they would for a StarClan-bound cat
Judgement is held by the cats who have been in StarClan the longest. In this house StarClan is far removed from Clan life, more like TPB than ASC. In theory, the longest existing StarClan members are the ones who founded the clans and, hopefully, should be impartial to history and chaos of living clans
Things that will get a cat sent to the Dark Forest:
attempted coups EXCEPT if a leader is being challenged for their position (which can only happen if they are harming kits and/or their clan members or are otherwise deemed a poor fit for the role. This is very rare). This also includes cats who turned away from their own clan to join a rogue or outside group (for example: Antpelt allying with the Dark Forest during the Great Battle or Darkstripe joining Tigerstar I)
Harm (abuse, poisoning, murder, etc.,) of cats, especially kits. Killing in battle does not usually result in a cat being sent to the Dark Forest unless the death was unnecessary or uncalled for, not an accident
"Splintering" (pulling an AVoS ShadowClan) of a clan to join a rogue group
Taking over another clan and/or their territory (cough cough Tigerstar I and II cough cough)
With this in mind, the following cats are going to be in the Dark Forest
Tom (abuse)
Bramblestar (abuse)
Frecklewish (harm to kits- indirect)
Hawkheart (murder)
One Eye (attempting to kill a kit)
Ashfur (Tyranny as the Imposter; abuse; attempted harm of cats)
Hollyleaf (Murder)
Darkstripe (Murder)
Mapleshade (Murder)
Thistleclaw (Abuse)
Snowtuft (Attempted coup)
Brokenstar (Murder; harm of kits)
Tigerstar I (Murder; attempted coup)
Redwillow (Disloyalty to one's clan)
Maggottail (unknown)
Stumpytail (Disloyalty to one's clan)
Rainflower (Abuse)
Clawface (Murder)
Juniperclaw (Disloyalty to one's clan; poisoning)
Houndleap (Unknown)
Antpelt (Disloyalty to one's clan)
Rushtooth (Unknown)
Hawkfrost (Murder; abuse)
Darktail (Murder; abuse)
Silverhawk (Coup; murder)
Shredtail (Unknown)
Sparrowfeather (Unknown)
Mudclaw (Attempted Coup)
Clear Sky/Skystar (Murder)
Raggedstar (Murder)
Nettle (Attempted harm of kits- indirect)
Sleekwhisker (Attempted/Threatened Harm of kits; Murder)
Tigerstar II (Takeover of another clan)
Bone (Murder)
Scourge (Murder)
Boulder (Disloyalty to one's clan)
Hoot/Snake (Attempted Murder; abuse; Murder)
Snag/Jaggedtooth (Disloyalty to one's clan)
Jumper/Ice (Abuse; Murder)
Lizardstripe (Abuse; Harm of a kit)
Quick Water (Attempted murder; murder- caused)
Nettle (Abuse)
Slash (Harm of a kit- threatened; Harm of a kit- attempted)
Raggedstar (Abuse)
Leopardstar (Abuse; Harm to kits; Disloyalty to one's own clan)
There will probably be more added to this list, but this is what I have so far! If anyone has any thoughts or ideas of cats to add/remove from this list, let me know! I'd love to hear other's opinions!
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blorboclaw · 2 years
Okay, so. You know how in Forest of Secrets, Tigerclaw slips on blood and loses the fight against Fireheart because of that? Well, my question is, what if Tigerclaw doesn't slip, and the fight ends in a mutual kill between Tigerclaw and Fireheart? How would events go from there?
I think I would want to see your take on it, before revealing my own take on the Mutal Kill AU.
You... you do realize you’re asking me what Warrior Cats would be without Firestar and without Tigerstar right?
Ok let’s do this.
Tigerclaw is revealed as a traitor, Fireheart and him kill each other.
There are two paths stemming from here: one in which everything is the same but Bluestar choses Whitestorm as her deputy, and one in which everything is the same but Bluestar doesn't chose any deputy. Both are plausible because, when she became paranoid, she didn't even consider Whitestorm as a non-traitor ("Cloudpaw can become an apprentice but not the others because they are the apprentices of traitors" hello Whitestorm is Brightpaw's mentor!) but on the other hand, he's her nephew and adoptive son, which was probably not decided at the time of the writing of TPB, so with this in mind she might think he's the only non-traitor this time.
Path A: Bluestar choses Whitestorm as her deputy. He cannot stop the attack against Windclan, and she loses her last life in it.
Path B: Bluestar doesn’t chose any deputy. She dies in the battle against Windclan, and Whitestorm is elected the new leader because he’s basically the only senior warrior left.
Whitestorm becomes Whitestar and the plan against the hounds is carried out. Brindleface is alive though, since Tigerstar didn't kill her. Also, I doubt he would give to the apprentices the same desperation regarding their warrior names: he might not name them right away after his ceremony, but he certainly will name them. So Swiftpaw doesn't die, and Brightheart doesn't lose her face. Let's name Swiftpaw Swiftshade for the next mentions. Also Darkstripe is still in the clan but doesn’t try to kill anyone because he doesn’t have a Tigerstar to impress.
Shadowclan choses Russetfur as their new leader after the epidemy. However, they all die out one after the other as she is as weak as the rest and doesn’t have a band of healthy misfits hunting for her. Shadowclan disappears or disbands.
Blood Clan is not brought to the forest. Mothwing and Hawkfrost are not born (and Tadpole isn’t either). Stonefur doesn’t die. Mistyfoot and him never learn Bluestar is their mother.
Sky Clan is never revived.
As the Twolegs’ are starting to destroy the forest, Brambleclaw, Crowpaw and Feathertail are sent after Midnight. Tawnypelt is still in Thunderclan.
As Swiftshade and Brightheart become mates, Tawnypelt and Cloudtail become mates too. Squirrel and Leaf paw are not born.
Riverclan refuses to move from the forest. Graystripe is catnapped and no one cares. Mousefur being deputy, there’s no need for one to stand in. Windclan and Thunderclan go to the lake. Stormfur goes with them because. He stays with Brook.
Mousefur retires, Whitestar puts Dustpelt instead of her, because there is no Leafpool to give the sign about Bramble claws.
The badgers attack. Windclan helps them fight them. Cinderpelt dies without an apprentice. Barkface himself doesn’t have one and is getting old. He starts training Spiderpaw/leg and a windclan apprentice together in order to be sure to have a next generation of medicine cats.
With the Sight, Birchfall and Whitewing gave birth to two kits. Dovewing is the third while Spiderleg has visions in his dreams and Honeyfern never loses a fight. Graystripe comes back with Millie.
In Long Shadows (i think?) Honeyfern is bitten by a snake trying to save Briarkit. She doesn’t die. The prophecy is revealed to the whole clan. Ivypaw, jealous, starts training in the dark forest. No Sky Clan means no Sol.
Tigerclaw is the king of the dark forest. But there is no Hawkfrost in it, no cat from River or Shadowclan (because like Star Clan they divided to follow the ones that are from their clan) so no Brokenstar. No Darkstripe either, the fucker’s still alive.
Honeyfern gives birth to two kits, whom she names Adderkit and Squirrelkit. Spiderleg becomes Thuderclan’s official medicine cat and later starts training Briarpaw.
Windclan and THunderclan get attacked by Mapleshade and Tigerclaw and that’s all. Both are quickly put out of their misery.
Whitestar dies at some point, is replaced by Duststar.
Yeah, not much. Sorry, there are a lot of things that change by killing off the hero and the main antagonist of the story but it only makes it duller.
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sexuality headcanon
i've seen aroace and think thats pretty cool but i think panromantic
gender/pronouns headcanon
boyflux with he/it prns
rate them out of ten
9/10!! he's so cewl!!
favorite thing about them
that he is loyal to thunderclan (mostly his loyalty idc what clan it is) also good moral state lmao
least favorite thing about them
that he was put in the elders den after being blinded (it isn't his fault ofc but y'know they did my man dirty)
why i first started liking/disliking them
i like characters that seem mean but they turn out good
do i relate/project onto/kin them?
no not rlly
favorite quote/moment
once a kittypet, always a kittypet!
my fav ship
firelongsand :3c
my fav platonic friendship
him and fireheart (also him and Darkstripe before dark turned evil)
a ship i hate
do i prefer canon or fanon?
both !!
random headcanon
he likes to show off his long tail when he's around others and when he was in the elders den he scared kits by making his tail look like a snake (he was scolded multiple times for that)
what color do i picture them as
a sandy color (like yellow sand)
cat breed headcanon
lykoi + oriental shorthair
unpopular opinion
he should have had a novella instead of redtail (redtails debt was boring af)
things i associate with them
lightning, gold, sandy beaches, yellow things
song i associate with them
dunno lmao i don't analyze songs much
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
Call Them Brothers by ForestWhisker !! love it sm !!
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squadadventures · 2 years
Starlightheart and Eaglefeather are together, they don't count as mates though i don't think
Starlightheart and Indigosoul are besties (but like come on)
Indigosoul and Shadow are will-they-won't-they--- they won't, by the way, she's canon ace and not that into him. Which is good because he's her former captors son
Clawfang has no one but is attempting to get Starlightheart to date him by force. This isn't working because he's missing the crucial step of following through on his threats.
Tigerstar is forcing Tigerflower to be his wife, it IS working because he DOES follow through. They have three kids together, Sycamorepaw, uhhhhhh the middle one, and Hawkpaw. Hawkpaw is a sweetie and the only girl. I can't tell Sycamorepaw and the middle one apart but they are boys and if you look at Hawkpaw they'll kill you
Frost and Ash are Snakes kids, they both have a crush on Hawkpaw and she likes both of them. Red flags abound, however, and if it were up to me she'd get with. Neither. They think torture is fun
Glade is Shadows sister, she likes torturing people and thinks torture is fun. She particularly likes torturing Eaglefeather and Indigosoul. She's the Ice Groups special princess and has a best torture friend named River. They used to be friends with Flame, but torture was too fun and also Flame couldn't resist Eaglefeather's masculine aura. Officially Glade and River are just friends (but COME ON!)
The Ice group is like the Big Large group, the Snake group is a subset of it. Hail's group is completely separate but he DOES have a cat named Snake but it's different.
Darkstripe doesn't have a mate i don't think
To be cont
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talonslockau · 7 months
Fire and Ice - Chapter 26
Chapter 25 || Index || Chapter 27
Thunderclan had been busy in the quarter-moon since the Gathering and Brokenstar's threats. A store with a quarter-moon of freshkill was stored underneath the Highrock; the shadows would help keep it cool and sustain it for at least a half-moon, if not more. The perimeter and nursery had been reinforced with bramble yet again, and even the elders' den was now shielded some from would-be intruders. Spottedleaf's stores were now overflowing with all kinds of flowers, ready for any wounds or illnesses that might arise. They were ready for when Brokenstar's first strike came.
At least, they hoped they were.
But nothing could prepare them for when Cinderpaw came tearing through the bramble entrance, just before sunhigh. "Shadowclan! Shadowclan patrol on the border!" She yowled to the camp at large.
Instantly, there was a flurry of activity at her announcement. "Tigerclaw, Whitestorm, Dustleap, Darkstripe and Mousefur with me!" Bluestar yowled, leaping towards Cinderpaw. The warriors called were at her side in mere heartbeats. "Show us where at once." She instructed the apprentice.
"Right away!" With that, the battle patrol raced out of camp, tails high as they prepared to meet the enemy.
With all the patrols gone, the camp felt empty. Firepaw hesitated by Tinyfrost. "What should we do? Do we go training?" He asked hesitantly. He couldn't imagine trying to spar right now, knowing that his Clanmates were actually fighting Shadowclan not all that far away.
The small black warrior considered his apprentice for a moment, before looking around the camp as a whole. "We should, but I don't want to leave the camp so poorly guarded. If Bluestar and her patrol fail, they'll expect to fall back to us for reinforcement." He sighed, before doing his best to grin at Firepaw. "I suppose that means you have this time to yourself until they return. I'd use it wisely if I were you."
He had to admit he had trouble picturing himself relaxing right now, but he wasn't about to pass up the chance to rest for a change. "Thank you, Tinyfrost." He purred, swallowing the lump in his throat as he returned to Graypaw and Pepperpaw still relaxing by the apprentices' den.
"I hope Cinderpaw will be okay." Pepperpaw's voice was gloomy as she gazed out over camp, towards the Shadowclan border. "I know we've all been practicing, but…"
"She'll be fine. I bet she's kicking one of those Shadowclan snakes in the face right about… now." Graypaw purred, but Firepaw could see his dark gray tail flicking uneasily. He was worried too, even if he wouldn't admit it.
"I hope you're right." Pepperpaw murmured, looking over as Firepaw sat down next to them. "Firepaw? Is something wrong with Tinyfrost?" She inquired, glancing across camp to where he was talking with the few remaining warriors.
"He doesn't want to leave the camp with so few warriors. I can't blame him." He watched the four warriors conversing in hushed tones, occasionally glancing to the entrance or their apprentices. "And judging by the looks on Lionheart's and Dappleshine's faces, I think they feel the same way. Seems we have until Bluestar gets back to do as we please."
The other two apprentices were silent for some time. "I don't know about you, but I don't think I can just sit around and wait. I need to do something." Graypaw finally spoke, standing up and stretching. "Why don't we go see One-eye? Maybe she can tell us the story of how Brokenstar stole her eye. That's always been one of her favorite tales."
Firepaw nodded, mustering up the best purr he could manage. "Sure, why not? Something to get our minds off the tension." He stood as well and took a couple steps towards the elders' den. "Coming, Pepperpaw?"
"No thanks. I think I'll go check on Snowkit. He's probably as nervous as we are, maybe having a 'warrior' around will help calm his nerves." With that, the spotted molly trotted away, her tail flicking nervously even as she held it high.
The two remaining apprentices shrugged at each other and trotted to the elders' den, where Rosetail was sunning herself alongside Halftail. "Good day, Rosetail, Halftail." Firepaw greeted them warmly. After taking care of them for a moon nearly single-pawed, he had gotten to know each of them very well. "Is One-eye around? We were hoping we might get to hear a story from her."
Rosetail yawned, showing off her broken fangs. "One-eye and Smallear are sleeping inside." She told them, swishing her fluffy red tail. "But if it's a story you're after, Halftail and I can still provide. How about Lynxstar of Leopardclan? That was always my favorite when I was a kit. Or perhaps the fabled 'Queen of the River', who lies in wait for unsuspecting warriors?" Rosetail purred as she glanced to Halftail. "Or maybe Halftail here can tell you about the time he lost the other half of his tail to a badger."
"Hmph. You wouldn't be smug about it if you'd lost half of your tail." The old tabby grumbled as she shifted slightly, his half tail lashing uselessly.
"That's true, but I-" Rosetail stiffened as she tasted the air. "Do you smell that?"
The other three lifted their noses dutifully. "Shadowclan? So close to camp?" Firepaw's nose wrinkled at the smell. "Is it the Thunderclan patrol returning from the fight? It's a bit early, but maybe-"
"No." Graypaw interrupted him, lowering into a fighting stance. "They're here!"
"Very good, little apprentice." A voice hissed from the entrance. Firepaw's heart lurched as he recognized it as one of the Shadowclan cats from the Gathering; a huge white tom with dark paws. "A shame the rest of your Clan will realize that too late."
"Tinyfrost! Lionheart! They're-" Firepaw was cut off as a molly behind the first warrior lunged at him, white paws outstretched. He narrowly dodged out of the way, unable to counter in time as she landed behind him, spinning and glaring at him with furious green eyes. Behind him, Shadowclan warriors spilled into camp, looking around with keen and hungry glares.
"Find Yellowfang and the elders!" The white tom snarled as he stalked towards the Highrock. "They'll suffer greatly for betraying their Clan."
He didn't get to see the chaos unfolding as the molly from before lunged at him again. This time, he was ready to react, falling back onto his haunches and swatting at her with his front paws, claws outstretched. His paw met her forehead with a solid smack, claws dragging through her fur. Immediately, the warrior flinched away, forced to back off as blood welled above her eyes.
"You'll pay for that." She hissed, charging at him again. He was just about to leap out of the way when a golden blur slammed into the molly's side, hard enough to knock the wind out of her.
It was Sandstorm, snarling at the other warrior as she tried to regain her breath. "What are you waiting for?" She hissed at Firepaw. "Go help Graypaw!"
He didn't need telling twice, leaping away to find the gray tom fighting a brown tabby tom with a shredded tail. For a moment, he mistook the other fighter for Halftail; it was only when the other's scent hit him that he realized this was another Shadowclanner.
"Need a paw?" Firepaw growled as he lunged at the warrior, latching onto his back and digging in. The muscular tabby below him screeched in pain, which only emboldened the ginger apprentice to dig in further. With a final yowl, he was finally flung off, landing in the dust just in time to see the tabby fleeing for the entrance.
"There's one." He spat to Graypaw as he stood back up. "Now let's clean out the rest of this foxdung before they stink up the camp."
"Sandstorm!" Firepaw whipped around to see the tawny warrior on the ground, pinned by a dark brown warrior covered in scars. Behind her, Rosetail leaped out to defend her, but with the single swat of a paw he sent the elder skidding back across the ground.
"Rosetail!" Firepaw snarled, leaping back towards the elders' den. "You'll pay for that." He hissed as he launched forward.
"And you think you can make me?" He snorted derisively at the thought. "Go ahead. Try. See if you can save your little girlfriend here." He planted his paw on Sandstorm's throat, slowly digging his claws in. Behind the warrior, he could see Rosetail struggling to get up, wheezing for air. He was on his own.
But that didn't mean he was going down without a fight.
With a wordless snarl he charged at the scarred tom, hoping to knock him off of the tawny molly he had trapped. But as he slammed into him, the tom didn't move, standing as still as solid rock. With a kick, he caught the ginger tom in the chest, sending him staggering backwards nearly a tail-length.
Sandstorm was kicking up at his belly, but her attacks were growing weaker as she slowly suffocated beneath the dark tom. Firepaw could only feel panic as he looked on helplessly. He couldn't even move this mighty warrior; how was he supposed to stop him?
Then inspiration struck him like a bolt of lightning. He lunged for the warrior's neck fur, claws outstretched as he caught his mane and tore it away with a satisfying ripping wound. The enemy fighter flinched away, distracted long enough for Sandstorm to scramble away, gasping for air.
"So this little lion thinks he can fight." The giant tom turned on him, fury slowly creeping into his eyes. "Very well. Let's see how well Thunderclan trains its apprentices."
With no hesitation, the Shadowclanner threw himself at Firepaw. He barely managed to dance out of the way, adrenaline surging through him as the two stared each other down. He ducked as the other swiped at him, wind whistling over his ears. This warrior was strong, he realized, but slow compared to the ruddy apprentice. For once, his smaller size was an advantage.
At the warrior's next swipe, the smaller apprentice darted past his outstretched paw and slammed into his side, throwing the tom off balance. He didn't give him the chance to recover before swiping into his side. He felt the warm trickle of blood on his claws as he jumped away, not giving the Shadowclanner a chance to respond in kind.
Or, he thought he had. Just as he leaped for cover, he was caught by a heavy blow in his side. The world spun around him before he slammed into the ground. Before he could get up, a paw slammed into his back, forcing him to stay down.
"Not so fast now, are we?" The warrior hissed in his ear. "You Thunderclanners think you're so smart, don't you?"
Firepaw gasped for air, scratching at the dirt below him for purchase. The Shadowclanner pressed down harder, forcing him to cry out in pain.
Was this how Windclan had felt, before they were driven out? Would they die here, martyrs in stubborn defiance? The world began to fade to black as his ears began buzzing…
The pressure lifted off his back. He took in a huge gasp as he scrambled forward, putting distance between him and his captor before turning to look.
The rest of the Clan had arrived! Quickflash and Whitestorm were battling the brown scarred tom, while Tigerclaw and Mousefur were taking on the large white tom with dark paws. Where they had been outnumbered before, the tides had clearly turned in their favor, and it seemed the Shadowclanners knew it too.
"Retreat!" The leading tom yowled, breaking away from the fight to bolt for the entrance. One by one, each of the invaders followed him, until finally the camp held only Thunderclanners.
He stared around at the carnage. Blood and fur was everywhere, and the whole clearing stank of Shadowclan and fear-scent. Several holes had been ripped in the perimeter by fleeing warriors too frantic to find the proper exit.
He was about to move when he heard a cough from behind him. Turning around, he saw Sandstorm limp out from behind the elders' tree, Rosetail behind her. "Firepaw… you saved me." Her voice was hoarse, likely from the damage the giant warrior had done to her.
"I had to." He replied simply. "He was going to kill you."
"And he nearly killed you for it." She tilted her head slowly as she regarded him. "No one would have blamed you for running away. He was far stronger than you. And after how I treated you…" She stared down at her paws.
He hesitated, recalling the disdain she had regarded him with. "That doesn't matter. We're Clanmates. We have to help each other."
She considered his words carefully. "... I guess so." She finally rasped.
"Rosetail!" Firepaw turned to see Bluestar rushing over to the three of them. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you at all?"
He noticed the small smile that crept over the tortoiseshell's face at the sight of her leader. "Clawface attacked Sandstorm and I, but Firepaw saved us. He held him off until the Clan returned."
"His name is Clawface?" Firepaw asked in surprise as all three of them turned to face him. "I mean… I did what I had to." He coughed, looking away to avoid meeting their eyes.
"I'm glad you're safe." Bluestar purred, brushing up against the elder and whispering something he couldn't catch before walking over to him. "What about you, Firepaw? Clawface is one of Shadowclan's most formidable fighters. I'm impressed you managed to hold your own against him, even with so little training."
Firepaw ducked his head, recalling how close he had been to death before the rest of the Clan arrived. "Let's just say I'm glad you made it back quickly." He finally managed to get out.
Bluestar nodded at him. "I only wish we could have realized sooner. Brokenstar is cleverer than I gave him credit for." She sighed and flicked her tail forward. "I need to make sure everyone else is alright. It seems you are all in good shape, but Spottedleaf will still want to see each of you."
As she excused herself, Firepaw turned and padded across camp to the apprentices' den, where the others were slowly congregating. Graypaw's pelt was torn on one of his haunches, and Pepperpaw was nursing one of her paws, but they seemed to be doing well given the circumstances.
"I can't believe I was the one on patrol and I'm the only one that didn't get to fight!" Cinderpaw moaned. "I was so excited to try out my fighting moves, too…"
"Be glad you didn't." Firepaw couldn't refrain from snapping at her as he sat down next to Graypaw. "This wasn't a practice spar. Clawface nearly killed me."
"Clawface?" Graypaw gasped, looking up from grooming his shoulder. "Shadowclan really sent their best warriors to try and drive us out. I saw Spiderfoot during the fighting too, and Mousefang!"
Spiderfoot! He remembered now that that was the name of Shadowclan's deputy, belonging to the huge white tom with dark paws. "Spiderfoot was looking for the elders, at the beginning of the battle. Yellowfang said that Brokenstar considered them a threat, but I find it hard to believe they raided our camp just for a bunch of exiles." He shook his head slowly. "I'm glad Bluestar gave them Tallpines instead. If they had been here…"
Pepperpaw shuddered at the thought. "I don't want to think about it. It's bad enough they tried to kill Speckleflight for defending her kit." She grimaced as she held up her paw. "I got this from Mousefang saving them. It seems his bite is just as bad as his bark."
"With a name like that, I'd imagine so." Firepaw shook his head sadly. "I understand how Windclan felt, now. And they weren't even trying to drive us out."
"Not yet, anyways." Graypaw grumbled. "But they got away easy. Who's to say they won't-"
"Ravenpaw!" Pepperpaw interjected, turning all the apprentices' attention to the black tom's arrival. "Are you okay? Did they open up your scar again?"
"What happened? I was just out hunting." His white-tipped tail was bushed as he surveyed the ruined camp.
"You must have been out pretty far if you didn't hear the battle." Firepaw replied quizzically. "Shadowclan invaded our camp. We were nearly overrun."
"I was hunting by the Owltree, like Darkstripe asked me to. I had no idea- I mean, I didn't hear-"
"It's alright, Ravenpaw. Firepaw didn't mean anything by it." Pepperpaw interrupted soothingly, shooting the ginger tom a warning glance. "It was just hectic, is all. We're all still a little bit on edge after the attack."
"I-I can see that. I'm sure Spottedleaf will be tending to all of you, once she's taken care of the more serious wounds." He looked Cinderpaw over carefully. "What about you? You look unharmed. You must have really shown those Shadowclanners a thing or two, huh?" The dark apprentice did his best to crack a smile at the fluffy gray molly.
She groaned and flopped over onto her back. "I didn't get to fight at all!" She whined, rolling over to pout at them. "I'm the one that's been looking forward to it forever, and the one chance I get to prove myself they ambush us!"
"If it helps any, that makes two of us." Ravenpaw replied as he sat down with a sigh. "At least we're-"
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"
As one, the Clan turned to see Bluestar standing on the Highrock, looking down at the devastation within the camp. She appeared steady and calm, but her tail tip twitching revealed the emotions she was feeling underneath. Slowly, each cat limped their way over to sit below her, sitting silently as they awaited their leader's words.
"Never before has an enemy Clan pierced our defenses and invaded our camp." Bluestar began with a heavy sigh. "I was arrogant. I thought us so well prepared I did not stop to consider our enemy's strength." She shook her head angrily. "I will not let it happen again."
"We should all be thankful to Starclan that we did not lose any cats in today's assault." She nodded to Spottedleaf and Yellowfang, who were sitting by the entrance to the healer's den. "Spottedleaf has already seen to the worst cases, and she assures me they all will live. She requests that any cat that was injured in battle, no matter how minor, come to see her or Yellowfang for medical attention. We must ensure that all our warriors are healthy and strong for our next battle."
Firepaw was pleased to see a fiery glint in Yellowfang's eyes. Even though an entire battle patrol had been sent out to kill her, the healer was not letting it dull her fighting spirit. No matter what Brokenstar threw at her, she would remain steadfast against him; he couldn't help but admire her tenacity.
"And there will be another battle. Even though the Shadowclan patrol outsmarted us today, it is clear that Thunderclan is strong enough to stand against them." He could see the crowd nodding at her words, gazing around camp with a new determination. "They sent their deputy and strongest warriors to fight us and still failed. So long as we still draw breath, Shadowclan will not be able to drive us out of these lands." She looked over her warriors, blue eyes brimming with pride. "We have proven that today."
She took a deep breath and looked over camp. "Obviously, adjustments will need to be made. As Riverclan has upheld their end of the truce, we shall change our patrol schedule to allow for our warriors to rest while keeping the Shadowclan border under constant surveillance." This was a very welcome change; all were exhausted due to the rigorous patrol schedule, often having to go on two or more per day. "All warriors not on an active patrol will be required to remain in camp or with their apprentices. I expect this will mean that at minimum a third of our fighting force will be here at all times."
Though waiting around camp was boring, especially in active war time, after the invasion none could argue with the necessity of that. The warriors murmured amongst themselves at all her announcements.
"Lastly, one of our apprentices was assigned to take care of all the elders within our territory, a task he has performed with great humility." Firepaw's pelt prickled as the Clan turned to look at him. "Today, even though he had less than a moon of battle training, he saved both Sandstorm and Rosetail during the attack. Such an act of courage cannot go unrewarded."
His heart soared as he listened to the leader speak so proudly of him. "His mentor and I have agreed he will return to training with the rest of the apprentices. While this means that the care of the Shadowclan elders must now fall to all in the Clan, I trust that all my warriors will remember that it is our honor to serve such wise warriors and queens, and treat them with the respect they deserve."
Firepaw turned to look at the other apprentices with a grin, and was pleased to see similar smiles on their faces. Even if it meant more work for them, they were obviously glad to see him at last being rewarded for his dedication. "Meeting dismissed." With that, Bluestar slipped off the rock into her den, being followed quickly by Quickflash and the council. He had no doubt they were preparing further battle plans.
"Congrats, Firepaw." Pepperpaw purred. "I'll see you in the training hollow soon, hmm?"
"That's right!" Graypaw pushed up gently against his sister to give the ginger tom his own congratulations. "It'll be nice to get a new sparring partner! It's so boring with just these mousebrains." He glanced slyly at his sisters, getting only a cross hiss from Cinderpaw in response.
"Thanks, guys." Firepaw responded, blinking happily at all of the other apprentices. "I can't wait to train with the rest of you again." He caught sight of the camp wall ruined behind them and sighed. "Though that probably won't be for a few days. We'll be pretty busy repairing camp with all the damage that Shadowclan did to it…"
Pepperpaw looked around mournfully. "That's true. To think Shadowclan entered our camp… I don't think anyone would have predicted that." She got to her paws with a heavy sigh. "I need to go see the healers about this paw of mine. I'll see you all later." With that, she limped off across camp to the healer's den, where a small crowd of warriors, elders and queens had gathered.
"Spottedleaf's going to be busy." Graypaw observed to the rest. "What about you, Firepaw? You said Clawface got a hold of you during the battle."
Even though his wounds ached, his back especially, the ruddy apprentice shook his head. "I can still help out around camp. I'll see her when everything's calmed down." He gestured to the camp walls. "We better get started, then. Maybe we can repair most of the holes by sunset."
Cinderpaw nodded determinedly at his words. "Shadowclan will pay for messing with us." She growled before bounding for the nearest wall. The rest of the apprentices followed after her slowly, exchanging looks of uncertainty.
As much as he wished he could share her spirit, Firepaw didn't know what to think of the attack. Shadowclan may have sent their best warriors, yet they hadn't been trying to drive them out, just harassing them for the banished elders. What would the next attack bring? Would they be able to fend them off again?
As he began to maneuver the bramble vines back into their original shape and remove the broken ones, he glanced around to the rest of camp. Just that morning heads and tails had been held high even as they awaited Shadowclan's first attack, but after this breach their spirits had clearly been dashed. Yet despite that, each warrior moved around camp determinedly, a fire burning in each of their eyes. They would not roll over and take Brokenstar's tyranny idly. Now, for better or for worse, they would stand and fight, no matter the cost.
He could only hope the cost didn't prove too great.
0 notes
artistlynx · 3 years
i am begging you to tell me about your mapleshade au
Basically, in this AU, Mapleshade is not evil. She doesn’t murder anyone in life. At least, not on purpose. She is just incredibly unlucky.
Short-ish explanation under the cut. Be aware, it contains dark themes. If you’d like a more in-depth rundown, let me know!
(Disclaimer, to reduce confusion, I headcanon that where a cat goes in the afterlife is dependent on the majority opinion of living clan cats. As an example, Ashfur went to Starclan, but he tried to harm many cats. However, very few actually know that, so he went to Starclan by default.)
Mapleshade in life
Mapleshade hooks up with Appledusk, but after meeting Reedshine at a gathering, soon finds out he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. She decides he is not worth the trouble, and cuts him off. She does, however, realize she is pregnant soon after. 
She has her kits, and Frecklewish jumps to conclusions, giving Mapleshade no room to argue. In this au, it is intended to be more apparent that Frecklewish is her best friend, but grief-stricken nonetheless. Hence the hasty conclusion.
Queue the scenes where Mapleshade has her kits, is banished, and loses said kits in a raging river in her rush to escape her ex clan. 
She tries to find shelter in Riverclan, pleading for one night of protection. Reedshine tries to argue for Mapleshade, but it is ignored. Appledusk berates Mapleshade, and Nightstar has her chased out. 
Mapleshade goes to the Moonstone to seek guidance. Ravenwing finds her and accuses her of wanting revenge on him. He attacks her. Mapleshade climbs the Moonstone to evade him, but he slips and meets his end. Mapleshade is deemed his murderer by his fellow medicine cats.
Next, Mapleshade goes to Frecklewish to try and set things straight with her friend. They are speaking in the Snake Rocks area. Frecklewish refuses to listen to a single word. Mapleshade tries to save her from an adder, but she is too late. Frecklewish is bitten and dies shortly after. A patrol finds Frecklewish and deems Mapleshade her murderer.
Finally, Mapleshade confronts Appledusk. She tells him how he loves nothing, even his own kits. How he plays with other’s lives and thinks nothing of it. She says good bye, and an enraged Appledusk jumps onto her from behind. In an instinctual effort to protect herself, Mapleshade bites Appledusk too hard. He bleeds out before he can kill Mapleshade. Perchpaw replaces his mentor and inflicts a fatal blow. Reedshine sends him back to camp for backup. She leads a quickly fading Mapleshade to a barn outside of Windclan territory, where she eventually passes.
Mapleshade in death
Mapleshade awakens in the Dark Forest despite never having done anything with the intention of evil. She searches for ways out, for ways to reach her kits, but realizes she is stuck there forever. She may not have been evil, but the majority of living clan cats believed her evil. So that is why she was placed where she was.
She finds ways to interact with the living, and utilizes the skill often to help young cats and mothers in various ways. As well as punish those who harm said cats.
Mapleshade saves Stormkit when he falls into the river and breaks his jaw. She coaxes the waters to deposit him on the shore. She is immediately fond of him, as she was able to save him from the very river her kits drowned in. She decides she will help him be the best he can be.
When his mother rejects him, Mapleshade is there to comfort and distract him in his dreams. She helps him train and gives him encouragement. She tells him of his potential future, and the possible dangers he will face. She warns him of the steep consequences that will come if he does not put his clan first. She wants him to succeed in the ways her kits would never.
Appledusk gets wind of Mapleshade’s activities, and intervenes.
As Crookedjaw loses family members, Appledusk whispers doubts of Mapleshade into his mind. Tells him lies and truth as if they are the same. Crookedjaw becomes suspicious of Mapleshade, and chooses the words of his ancestor over her. Crookedstar forces Mapleshade out and does not reconcile with her before he passes. Mapleshade is hurt, but does not abandon her work in the dreams of the living.
When Thistleclaw sought out Spottedpaw, Mapleshade sent cars to chase and crush him.
When Tigerpaw harmed Tiny, Mapleshade gave him visions of dog teeth, blood, and his own stomach ripped open.
When Darkstripe poisoned Sorrelkit, Mapleshade made him choke on his own blood and bile.
When Brokenstar forced kits into the dangerous lives of warriors, Mapleshade conjured tigers to shred his pelt from his small body.
And when they joined the Dark Forest? She made sure each of these nightmares were real.
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
Longstar AU Three to Tango part 2
Sorry this bit took longer, had some personal issues to deal with, but we’re all good now.  I also realized I added a plot point too early, and removed it.  Alright back to cats!
While out hunting, Cinderpaw falls from a tree, injuring her hind leg.  Lionpaw carries her back to camp, and brings back a strange stick as well, saying he just thought it was neat.  Fireheart is worried that due to her being a reincarnation of a crippled warrior, that she might have similar leg problems.  Lionpaw butts in, saying that she’s not the same cat; even if her spirit resides in Cinderpaw, Cinderpelt is a far different cat.  Darkmoon is touched by this wisdom, but then looks at Lionpaw to see him staring off into space, with the AOL dialup tone playing.  Canon continues until...
Riverclan!  They proclaim their camp is unusable, and Jaypaw sneaks over to see a bunch of twoleg kits running around.  Unfortunately he’s caught, but it’s Uncle Hawkfrost, who just sends him home with a stern warning.  A few nights later, Lionpaw has a strange dream about tunnels, and an orange-and-white tomcat, and a nearly hairless elder.  Canon continues until...
The Windclan kits go missing, and the Three join Breezepaw and Heatherpaw to look for them.  They find the kits in the tunnels, but the water begins to rise.  Lionpaw, remembering his dream, tosses the kits on his back and leads everyone to safety.  Canon continues until...
The Tribe!  It goes mostly as canon, but with the Three bonding with their father, trying to get him to bond with  Breezepaw somewhat successfully, and immediately adopting Purdy as their “Gramps”.  Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Foxflight, and Stormfur rekindle their friendship, with Tawnypelt apologizing to Foxflight about Brambleclaw, and all four reuniting with Feathertail.  While watching battle training, Lionpaw asks Feathertail what works best for her back, determined to gather new knowledge for any future injuries.  Canon continues until...
After the fight with the intruding cats ends, Hollypaw is covered in blood and little cuts, but shows her brothers a brand new scar on her belly that should have been a fatal wound, but instead healed up.  Lionpaw tells her that he can tell it doesn’t hurt because he would feel it.  Hollypaw says what?  Lionpaw says what?  Jaypaw, remembering the dream-sharing he did with Lionpaw that one time, decides Starclan is involved and didn’t tell them.  Starclan you beTTER EXPLAIN SO HELP ME I’LL GET GRAN-GRAN INVOLVED!!!!
Gran-gran Yellowfang yeets down from Starclan to kiss and holler at all her descendants, and gives them the Prophecy, explaining that their parents didn’t tell them because they were unsure who it involved, and she refuses to keep it a secret anymore, citing that the last time she kept a secret Brokenstar happened, giving a short explanation.  The Three agree to not be mad at their family, because that makes sense.
Storm and Brook decide to stay with the Tribe, and after a tearful farewell, the Clan Cats leave.  When Hollypaw gets back to camp, she has another dream about Tigerstar and Brambleclaw, now insisting they can train her to be the best warrior ever.  When she wakes up, she grabs her siblings, parents (Crowfeather and Swiftpool are having a sleepover), aunt and uncles, and her grandparents and great-uncle and the beans get spilled about the Prophecy and the Creepy Cat Dreams.  Everyone panics!  But they unpanic when Sandstorm, who was woken by the ruckus, points out that maybe the panic was the point?  Maybe if we stay calm and ignore them, they’ll either stop or make a move.  Everyone agrees, but this plants the seeds of doubt and anxiety in Hollypaw.  Did they pick her because she’s weak?  Canon continues until...
Windclan and Thunderclan both start finding each other’s prey on their land.  Mudstar and Longstar both agree someone is trying to start a fight, which happens when some younger warriors from both sides start a tussle.  Mudstar says until they figure out who’s doing this the clans should stay apart.  This leads to Swiftpool and Crowfeather being separated for a time.  A little while later, Berrynose, one of the troublemakers, says he saw a lion walking around camp, no it wasn’t Lionpaw I swear!  A little later, Fireheart, Darkmoon, and Lionpaw are gathering herbs, and discussing when Fireheart should retire, when Sol strolls up, say oop sun’s gonna go out, and yoinks out of ther before Darkmoon can grab him.  Canon continues until...
The free for all, triggered by some idiot in Windclan, starts, and the Eclipse happens.  Everyone except for Jaypaw and Longstar panics, and Sol strolls off to Shadowclan, with a ghostly Yellowfang throwing cat-cuss words at his back.  He still convinces Blackstar to forsake Starclan.
Back at Thunderclan, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Cinderpaw are promoted to Hollywish (for her great-grandmother and grandmother, and her hopes for the future), Jaywhisker (for his alternative senses and long whiskers), and Cinderheart.  The clan cheers them on, with Swiftpool at the front, and Lionpaw at her side, comforting her because his father can’t be there.  Flyshadow cheers from the nursery because she’s pregnant!! Canon continues until...
The Three sneak onto Shadowclan territory, and see poor Littlecloud get grounded by Blackstar.  On their way back, Tawnypelt catches up to them, with her kits Emberpaw (Flamepaw), Goldenpaw (Tigerpaw), and Dawnpaw in tow.  They want no part of a Starless Clan.  Longstar welcomes them to Thunderclan as long as they need shelter.  Canon continues until...
Millie and her daughter Briarkit become ill, and the illness begins to spread.  Lionpaw has a visit from Raggedstar and Runningnose, and grabs his siblings and the Shadowclan apprentices, hoping a plan can be hatched.  Jaywhisker and Flamepaw come up with the tree plan, and are as surprised as everyone else when actual Starclan ghosts show up to holler at the Shadowclan cats.  Blackstar is convinced, and throws Sol out with a Goofy Ya-ha-ha-hooie!  Canon continues until...
Longstar loses a life to the Greencough in camp, and Lionpaw asks Jaywhisker to dreamwalk Kestrelpaw, the Windclan Medicine apprentice, to find out where the catmint is.  After locating it, Lionpaw goes to get it, and is spotted by Breezepaw, who looks a bit happier?  Lionpaw is delighted his half-sib is doing well, and Breeze paw admits that he and Crowfeather hashed things out a bit, then tells Lionpaw to get on and go.  Lionpaw returns to camp with the medicine, and at the next half-moon, is named Lionblossom (for his “blooming spirit” and he gets petals stuck in his fur) by a proud Darkmoon.  When he goes to sleep the next night, he has a dream about tunnels and tribe cats, and a pretty molly named Half-moon.  Canon continues until...
The Fire Scene!!!  Foxflight gets stuck on the other side of a flaming wall with her niece and nephews, and makes a daring leap to grab a branch.  As she maneuvers it across the fire, a shadowy figure approaches.  In a flash, a dirty grey tabby leaps on the branch, blocking her way back!! Oh whatever will she do?!? She tackles him, knocking the tom head over tail into the fire, and saves her family.  Lionblossom has to be carried out, as he’s writhing in agony, feeling the pain of burns from the mysterious stranger.  He recovers shortly after, and no body is found in camp.  However, right before the next Gathering, a Thunderclan patrol finds a burnt corpse by the lakeside.  Flamewish, part of the patrol, thinks he looks familiar, but Graystripe is behind her, too horrified to speak.  He manages to sputter out that he recognizes the scarred pelt when Longstar approaches, and immediately identifies him as Darkstripe?!?!?  Wait what!???!!!  That night, Hollywish is visited by her Least Favorite Ghosts, but behind them is a smoky tom, both in pelt and in stench, and her doubt increases...Canon continues until...
Bluestar yells at Yellowfang for telling her descendants the prophecy.  It was supposed to be a secret, yells Bluestar.  Well so was Brokenstar and look where that got us, Yellowfang hollers back.  The two glare at each other for a while until Runningnose and Redtail break them up.
Back at Thunderclan camp, the cats are discussing how Darkstripe survived his throat being shredded, when the newly promoted Breezepelt and Heathertail enter camp.  They spotted Sol on Windclan land carrying a Thunderclan bird, and watched him plant it on Windclan territory, explaining the prey problem.  Longstar sends a patrol out to look for him, and the bring him and this other hanger-on that refused to leave him.  The Three grab their Gramps Purdy and escort him to the elder’s den, are you comfy Gramps, oh here let me introduce you to Mousefur.  Canon continues until...
Briarkit is attacked by the snake.  Honeyfern leaps in the way, getting struck in the eye, and Lionblossom makes the painful split-second decision to to an eye-ectomy on the spot.  Luckily, Fireheart heard the screaming and was rushing over to help, and finds both Honeyfern and Lionblossom on the ground writhing in pain.  Honeyfern is rushed to the Medicine Den, where she makes a miracle recovery - her eye and the hearing in that ear, and her ability to have kits are gone, and she’ll most likely be wobbly for life.  Honeyfern and Berrynose mourn their lack of future kits, but Poppyfrost insists she’ll carry kits for them, and the three can raise them together.  In the forest nearby, a seething ghostly Mapleshade confronts a shimmering Frecklewish, but both stalk off without a fight.  At some point around here, Coldlight confesses his feelings to Sandstorm, who tells him she needs to think about her feelings.  He respects her wishes because he’s sensible, and needs to emotionally recover from his love confession, because Coldlight’s drained by feelings. Canon continues until...
At next Gathering, Mudstar and Blackstar both want a piece of Sol.  Longstar counters that holding him prisoner keeps him from doing more harm, and Mudstar agrees, ending the cross-clan conflict - Crowfeather promises his kits he’ll visit shortly.  Back at Thunderclan later, Hollywish thinks she’s talking to her father and confesses her fears and anxieties.  The shadowy cat tells her of course she’s evil, and no one actually loves you.  A teary Hollywish rushes off, past her brothers, and into the tunnels, and they collapse behind her.  Crowfeather pins Sol to the ground, and he laughs evily.
Meanwhile, Whitewing’s kits and Flyshadow’s kit sleep peacefully.
Dun Dun Dun!  And that’s all for now!
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
darkstripe or hawkfrost or snake or ice
okay imma be honest i did kin hawkfrost in like 2015
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redux-iterum · 10 months
Burning Hearts: Chapter Twenty-Seven
(AO3 counterpart here.)
It was a generously warm night when Fireheart came into camp holding a woodrat in his jaws, following along after Willowpelt and Speckletail as they dropped their catches on the prey-pile. He was about to go over to Tigerclaw and chat when a voice hissed, “Hang on.”
It was Ravenwing, he found, as he turned around. The skinny black tom sniffed the rat over, squinting in suspicion.
“That one didn’t get bit, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Fireheart joked, light but muted.
Ravenwing took another sniff and stepped back with a nod. “I was just worried.” He crooked the white tip of his tail, beckoning Fireheart closer, before murmuring in his ear, “Greystripe should be done in the dirtplace by now. We’re going on a walk.”
On impulse, Fireheart glanced back at Tigerclaw. His back was turned to the younger toms, and he seemed to be deep in a conversation with Darkstripe (the only time the sour warrior ever looked happy). Taking the opportunity, Fireheart followed Ravenwing out of camp, not looking to either side but desperately hoping no one saw them go.
On cue, as soon as they entered the wider forest, Greystripe came around the corner. He didn’t look remotely surprised to see either of his friends; in fact, he nodded curtly and followed along after Ravenwing without a word. Fireheart silently marveled at the way Ravenwing led them—he strode with unusual confidence and purpose, like he was marching the entire Clan to a war they were destined to win. He hardly looked like the same shivering, anxious tom Fireheart had known all this time. He even seemed taller.
A shame it had to be this that brought that out of him, Fireheart thought.
“I’m guessing we’re investigating?” he said aloud. As he expected, Ravenwing nodded. “So where are we going?”
“Snakerocks,” Ravenwing said. “I figured now is the best time, since it’s warmer.”
Fireheart half-coughed a weak chuff. “You’re not looking to get bit, are you?”
Ravenwing frowned at him over his shoulder. Fireheart, to his own surprise, shrunk back a bit, like he was actually in trouble. At this, Ravenwing’s face relaxed.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m just thinking. Maybe we should have brought that rat.”
“What rat?” Greystripe asked.
“Fireheart brought in a woodrat while you were gone.”
“Oh. Yeah, that would have been good to bring.” Greystripe stepped over a fallen branch that Fireheart had to hop to clear. “As a test.”
Fireheart hesitantly probed. “What exactly are we testing? Or… were going to test.”
“Remember that rat that Swiftpaw almost brought to Bluestar?” Ravenwing said, waiting for Fireheart to nod before he continued. “I want to see if it was feasibly just a mistake that someone brought in poisoned prey.”
“We don’t know who brought it in,” Greystripe said. His voice darkened. “But we might be able to guess.”
“It can just be an accident,” Fireheart protested. “No one smelled it until Cinderpaw did, and she’s a seer apprentice.”
Greystripe and Ravenwing shared a look. Fireheart’s claws unsheathed in anxiety trying desperately to disguise itself as frustration. He forcibly withdrew them and walked along in silence.
Snakerocks was, reasonably, a good distance away from camp. They ended up running to conserve time and it still took a while to get to it. Fireheart remembered the times he had been warned as an apprentice to not go near the place alone. Even grown warriors were nervous to approach it when the weather was warmer and drier. Apparently snakes liked the daylight better, but there was still a risk of accidental encounters at any time, so the amount of times Fireheart had been to Snakerocks was, though uncountable to him, barely above the number of legs he had.
They reached Snakerocks both slower and quicker than he would have liked. The toms stood together in a row, silently staring at the piles of stones lazily leaning against each other, casual in their secrecy about the dangers curled up within them.
“So what’s our first move?” Greystripe asked, turning his head to Ravenwing, which Fireheart copied.
Ravenwing clicked his teeth together and then nodded to himself. “Spread out and see if you can scent anything. Prey especially. Fireheart, go around this way—” He waved his tail to the left “—and Greystripe, take the other way. I’ll circle directly around the rocks.” As both of his friends opened their mouths to argue, he held up a paw. “I’ve got the quickest reflexes of all of us, and the best ears. If anyone’s got a chance to avoid being bitten, it’s me. Plus, this is my idea. I don’t want you two in danger for my own hunches.”
Reluctantly, the others split up and went their directed ways while Ravenwing, dutifully keeping his steps light and his ears perked, closed in on the rocks and sniffed. Fireheart stayed exactly on the border of the clearing, using his nose and tasting the air to pick up the slightest inkling of suspicious scents. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find anything but the smell of earth and wilting plants. He made a face, not sure whether to be genuinely frustrated or relieved.
Greystripe met up with him at the halfway point, and Ravenwing finished his search quickly, getting away from the rocks at a smart trot.
“What did you smell?” he asked immediately.
Fireheart grimaced. “Just plants and soil.”
“Same here,” Greystripe said. “What about you?”
“Nothing but snakes.” Ravenwing’s eyes sparked. “And that’s important. You didn’t smell a single animal? No prey, no predators?”
Greystripe and Fireheart shook their heads.
“I thought so,” Ravenwing muttered. “Then I’m on the right trail.”
“What trail is that?” Fireheart asked, slightly afraid of the answer.
Ravenwing’s face was grave. “How did a rat get bitten if no prey comes around here?”
Greystripe narrowed his eyes.
“Maybe—” Fireheart piped up quickly. “Maybe a snake wandered into the woods and bit a rat then.”
“No, that wouldn’t work either,” Greystripe said. “Because the rat would’ve been eaten by the snake at that point.”
“It’d be looking for food, not a threat,” Ravenwing agreed.
“And a rat isn’t so stupid that it’d show up here to pick a fight or get eaten…”
“So someone would have had to bring it here—”
“Or chase it—”
“Or chase it, and let it get bitten—”
“And scare off the snake!”
“Exactly.” Ravenwing bobbed his head almost eagerly. “It’d be so easy to catch one and bring it here alive, and then chase it into the rocks. I bet the snakes were barely awake, so they got startled and bit on impulse.”
“Then the rat ran out again and died?” Greystripe proposed, to another fierce nod from Ravenwing. “And then the hunter brought it to camp.”
“And that rat was specifically going to Bluestar, wasn’t it?” Ravenwing said to Fireheart.
Fireheart was nowhere near as enthusiastic as his friends as he mumbled, “It was.”
“And with the calls to the border…” Ravenwing shivered, but spoke steadily. “Bluestar’s in trouble. I’m certain of it now.”
“We should ask Swiftpaw who told him to bring it to her,” Greystripe said, oblivious to a sagging Fireheart. “That was probably the hunter.”
“Although he might have had someone else tell him to do it too,” Ravenwing mused, equally unaware. His tail danced around behind him. “And if that’s the case, it was probably Darkstripe as a proxy.”
Greystripe growled and flexed his claws into the loose soil. “I’ll bet you it is.”
“This is ridiculous.”
The toms blinked in surprise and looked down at Fireheart. He was trying to speak calmly, but the fur along his back was flaring up and his tail shook with tension.
“No one would do that,” he said, looking between his friends. “No one would set out to hurt Bluestar. She’s a good leader and a good cat. Who would want to– to…”
He struggled, but he couldn’t finish the sentence. He just kept looking from Greystripe to Ravenwing and back to Greystripe, desperate for a reasonable explanation.
Ravenwing’s energy left him, his eyes half-shut in glumness. “There’s only one cat that would benefit from her dying.”
“And from Lionface dying,” Greystripe said, just as subdued. “And from Redtail falling into the Gorge when no one else saw.”
“Tigerclaw,” finished Ravenwing.
Fireheart shook his head, like that would negate everything. “No, it– that can’t be. He’s not like that. He’s kind, and he cares about the Clan.”
“I’m sure he does,” Ravenwing said softly. “But he’s the only connection between all of these things.”
“He isn’t!” Fireheart’s claws unsheathed again. “We don’t know who brought the rat in! It could have been anybody!”
“Look—” Greystripe started.
Ravenwing cleared his throat.
Greystripe glanced at him, took a breath and started again, speaking more gently. “Look, I know he’s your dad and everything, I get it. I don’t like this any more than you do. But who else would benefit from this? And why isn’t Tigerclaw himself dead, if someone other than him wanted to be deputy and had already taken out Lionface and Redtail?”
“Redtail fell,” Fireheart snapped, a more detached part of him dryly surprised at his tone. “A rogue pushed him. That’s what Tigerclaw said happened.”
“That’s the thing,” Ravenwing said. “‘Tigerclaw said’. No one else saw.”
Fireheart opened his mouth to argue, but his throat failed him. He moved his mouth several times, fighting for words that would not come. His friends looked at each other and then him with sympathy. He viciously hated that. But all he could do was shake his head, his nose gradually pointing to the ground.
There was a painfully stretched-out moment of silence before a paw carefully landed on Fireheart’s shoulder. By its size, it was Ravenwing.
“You can ask Swiftpaw about the rat yourself,” Ravenwing said softly, and Fireheart looked up—yes, it was his paw. “Just ask him who gave it to him and who told him to bring it to Bluestar. That’s our main mystery right now.”
“If it’s not Tigerclaw, or Darkstripe, or someone else he could have ordered, then we can find another lead,” Greystripe added.
“Either way, we can agree that Bluestar’s in trouble.” Ravenwing removed his paw. “Cinderpaw saw it when she ran out and got hurt, right? That’s the story I heard.”
“She did,” Fireheart mumbled without thinking. “And she and Yellowfang keep having visions of Bluestar. They think there’s danger in the Clan.”
Greystripe’s face hardened. “Why didn’t you tell us that?”
Fireheart sighed and raised his head. “They didn’t want me to say anything. But I guess it’s appropriate now.” He perked up a little at a realization. “They don’t know what the danger is, or who it could be. So maybe—”
He faltered at the solemn expressions on his friends’ faces and hung his head again.
“StarClan wouldn’t lead us wrong,” Ravenwing said after a moment, seemingly to Greystripe. “If the seers are having visions, then we can’t reasonably deny this.” After a pause, he spoke again, directed at Fireheart. “We need to keep this a secret until we’re completely certain about it. Don’t tell Tigerclaw, especially.”
Fireheart’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing.
“I’m going to keep doing some thinking and looking things over,” Ravenwing continued when it became clear that Fireheart wasn’t going to respond. “The two of you, just be casual. Do your tasks and eat your prey. And Greystripe, be more subtle about Sunningrocks. I know you’re worried about Silverstream, but—”
“No, I know.” Greystripe sighed. “Bluestar found me out. She told me to stay away from there.” His tone lightened a little. “Apparently Fireheart admitted everything.”
Fireheart, relieved for any distraction, lifted his head again. “She asked me, yeah, but she wasn’t mad. She said she went through the same thing with Silverstream’s uncle.”
“Really?” Ravenwing leaned forward in interest. “How have we never heard about this?”
“ThunderClan kept it a secret,” Fireheart said. “RiverClan knows about it.”
“So that’s what Silverstream was talking about,” Greystripe almost whispered, eyes wide in understanding. Louder, he continued, “Once she said something about her uncle doing what we were doing. She didn’t elaborate—I don’t think she really wanted to talk about it.”
“Well then, I’m amazed that Bluestar even told Fireheart.” Ravenwing looked down at the ginger tom in question. “But then again, you seem to have a knack for getting people to open up.”
Fireheart twitched his whiskers with little enthusiasm. “I guess so.”
“Oh! Then—” Greystripe stomped a paw on the ground, a bit of dust and earth scattering. “Fireheart, maybe you could talk to Tigerclaw and see if you can get anything out of him. If he’d tell anyone anything important, it’d be you.”
“Woah, hold on.” Ravenwing’s ears turned back.
Greystripe belatedly realized his mistake and hurried to add, “But, I mean, not that you should, you don’t have to, it’s just a suggestion, I, uh—” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Sorry.”
“No…” Fireheart’s eyes unfocused as he thought unhappily. “I do want to talk to him. I won’t say anything about this, I can promise that. But…I’ll talk to him.” His eyes cleared again and he met Ravenwing’s. “And I’ll find out myself what he’s thinking.”
Greystripe relaxed his fur.
Ravenwing looked both relieved and worried at the same time, which was quite the combination. “Alright. Then Tigerclaw and Swiftpaw are your mission. Is that okay?”
“It is,” Fireheart said.
“Then I’ll keep looking around,” Ravenwing said. “Greystripe, can you be on standby to cover for us if we need you to? You wouldn’t be able to check the border as much, but—”
“I can do that.” Greystripe nodded firmly. “I’m doing what Bluestar said and keeping away. I’ll check in a few days and leave it there. Should I be in camp more, or just in a certain area where you can find me?”
Fireheart didn’t hear what Ravenwing replied with. His eyes were unfocused again, his mind on Tigerclaw and his task ahead.
They were mistaken. They had to be.
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brindlestorm · 4 years
My Truth Or Yours?
CH1 | CH2
Tigerclaw was no fool, he knew that some of his clanmates didn’t agree with his methods. There were times he may have been too quick to unsheathe his claws or snarl a taunt when his patrol ran into the neighbouring clans border patrol. But he will swear to the stars that he does it only to protect his clan.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to be better, peace is better than bloodshed after all. Tigerclaw never realized just how extreme Thistleclaw’s mentoring was until Darkstripe became a warrior. Having mentored Darkstripe the same way Thistleclaw had mentored him, he hadn’t quite understood just how bad it was until he saw how Darkstripe would treat his clanmates and then immediately turn to Tigerclaw expecting praise or support. No doubt Darkstripe learned that from himself, which meant that he had learned it from Thistleclaw.
When Bluestar gave him Ravenpaw, she told him privately that she hoped Tigerclaw could shape the easily frightened kit into a more confident warrior by the end of his apprenticeship. Despite what Bluestar asked of him, Tigerclaw knew that he’d be walking a thin line with this one, he wanted to bring out the best in his new apprentice, but he couldn’t do to Ravenpaw what he had done with Darkstripe. Not just because he wanted Ravenpaw to become a respectable warrior, but if he was too aggressive, Ravenpaw would only retreat further into himself. Yes, Ravenpaw would require careful attention, they’d have to work at his pace but Tigerclaw would push him to keep trying things just beyond his comfort level.
It took about four moons, but Tigerclaw had finally managed to form a good mentor-apprentice relationship with Ravenpaw and coaxed him out of his shell somewhat. He was still a little skittish and would occasionally flinch during battle training, but they could share a few good-natured jokes between them.
The only issue was that now that Ravenpaw was more relaxed, he also got distracted more often. Several times now, Tigerclaw had caught Ravenpaw spacing out, watching birds in the sky or nosing around plants, but not in search of prey.
Tigerclaw stalked over to where Ravenpaw was, he was supposed to be tracking the rabbit he scented earlier, but instead he was sniffing curiously around a patch of yellow flowers.
“Ravenpaw, how do you expect to feed the clan with a bunch of leaves?” Tigerclaw growled lowly, “The trail will go stale by the time you get your head out of the clouds!”
Ravenpaw jumped. “S-sorry Tigerclaw! I just noticed that there’s a patch of goldenrod and maybe Spottedleaf could use some for her stores...” Ravenpaw hung his head in shame, “I’m sorry Tigerclaw, I’ll do better.”
Tigerclaw sighed and beckoned his apprentice closer, “I’m not upset Ravenpaw, but you need to focus on your training, you want to be a warrior with your brother, don’t you?”
It didn’t go unnoticed by Tigerclaw when Ravenpaw hesitated before nodding earnestly. “Ravenpaw... You do want to be a warrior, right? Are you interested in plants because...?”
Another thing he probably learned from Thistleclaw, though many warriors seem to share this sentiment. What was so interesting about plants and berries? Sure it's important, medicine cats are the most respected cats in a clan next to the leader, but how could a life in a stuffy den filled with plants be appealing when they could be patrolling borders and providing for their clan?
Ravenpaw’s stuttered mew broke him out of his thoughts.
“Well, I don’t really know? I do enjoy hunting and learning battle moves with you, I just... also like learning about medicine? Sometimes I like to stop by Spottedleaf’s den when she has patients to see what she’s doing, but I swear it's nothing more than that! I’ll keep training with you, I promise! I’ll-”
Tigerclaw gently placed his paw on Ravenpaw’s head to get him to stop talking, clearly he was about to spiral into an anxiety attack and Tigerclaw really didn’t want to deal with that again, not after all the progress they made to stop them.
“Ravenpaw, there is no shame in wanting to be a medicine cat. Though I do ask you to consider this carefully, the role of a medicine cat is a great honour, but it also requires personal sacrifice and it will take you a lot longer to earn your full name.”
Ravenpaw let out a breath, relieved that Tigerclaw wasn’t angry with him.
“That being said, focus on your warrior training for now, it won’t be long until it's time for your trip to the Moonstone. Perhaps while you’re there you can ask Starclan if you’re calling is to be a medicine cat instead, I’m sure it won’t be the first time an apprentice made such a realization and had to switch.”
“Yes Tigerclaw, I... That sounds good, should I mention this to Spottedleaf or...?” Ravenpaw asked hesitantly.
Tigerclaw shrugged, “If you want, but for now lets go catch that rabbit, hmm? Can you tell where it went?”
Ravenpaw jumped to his paws eagerly, scattering leaves and loose rocks with his excitement, though he quickly shrunk into a stalking position when Tigerclaw glared at him good-naturedly for alerting the nearby prey.
Great Starclan, if this apprentice made any more noise, he’ll end up chasing the rabbit straight into the paws of a moor-runner! _______________________________________________________________
Somehow, they managed to catch up to the rabbit near the Shadowclan border, now Ravenpaw was slowly creeping up on it. It was a large one, clearly alert for predators as its ears were twitching constantly. Tigerclaw made sure to remind Ravenpaw that he’d need to be silent if he wanted to catch it. Hopefully he would, it could feed all the elders and then some if they were lucky enough to catch it.
Ravenpaw got about a fox lengths away, in prime position to leap and catch the rabbit, but he flinched as a monster came barrelling down the thunderpath not too far away. The rabbit remained unstartled, used to the sound of monsters it seemed.
Ravenpaw glanced at Tigerclaw, hoping for a nod or a signal that it would still be alright to try and catch it after the disturbance. Just before Ravenpaw could pounce though, a familiar tortoiseshell lunged at the rabbit, killing it with a neat bite to the back of its neck.
Tigerclaw slunk over to his apprentice, “Bad luck, it’s not your fault though, you couldn’t have known Redtail would be there.” He murmured in his apprentice's ear.
The pair watched silently as Redtail started dragging the rabbit towards a bush, probably where he had left his other catches, Tigerclaw mused.
“Should we offer to help him carry his prey?” Ravenpaw whispered to his mentor.
Tigerclaw thought for a moment, it would certainly be a kind gesture considering the deputy had caught his apprentice’s prey that he tracked from Snake Rocks, but on the other paw...
“I have a better idea Ravenpaw, how quietly do you think you can climb that tree over there? I think it’s about time you learned how to follow an enemy from above.” ________________________________________________________________
The two snuck away as quietly as they could, and despite Tigerclaw’s lumbering form and Ravenpaw’s tendency to step on twigs, they managed to retreat far enough to scramble up their own trees without being noticed.
From their perches high above, they watched curiously as Redtail pulled three more large rabbits out from under the bush, dragging them one at a time closer to the Thunderpath.
“What do you think he’s doing?” Ravenpaw whispered.
Tigerclaw’s eyes narrowed, what was their deputy doing?
Redtail paused at the edge of the Thunderpath, glancing around before darting under the bush he had pulled the rabbits out from. The mentor and apprentice stayed still as they waited for Redtail to come out and retrieve the rabbits.
The sun had climbed steadily into the sky and there was still no sign of Redtail returning for the rabbits.
“Maybe he went hunting for more prey?” Ravenpaw suggested as Tigerclaw got up to stretch.
“Perhaps,” Tigerclaw mused. “Head on back to camp, Ravenpaw. Catch something for the queens on your way, I’m sure Frostfur would appreciate something fresh if the hunting patrols aren’t already back.”
Ravenpaw’s ear twitched curiously. “I thought we were going to wait for Redtail? Didn’t you want me to practice my-”
“Training is over for the day, you’ll get your chance to surprise Redtail another time, I promise.” Tigerclaw said firmly. 
“Oh well, are you going to wait for him then? That’s a lot of rabbits, should I grab one to help out or...?”
“Just get going Ravenpaw, Redtail and I will handle it.”
Ravenpaw, sensing that Tigerclaw was close to losing his patience, turned tail and darted down the tree, quickly disappearing into the undergrowth.
Tigerclaw settled back onto his tree branch, he had no intentions of leaving until he knew exactly why Redtail would leave so much prey in plain view of the Thunderpath. ________________________________________________________________
Ravenpaw was cleaning his whiskers after catching his shrew, it was small but he had already caught a mouse and a vole. Peering through the trees, he noted that it was almost sundown. He found enough to hopefully satisfy Tigerclaw, he could probably return to camp now but it might not be enough, not after losing the rabbit he and Tigerclaw followed all the way to the Thunderpath.
Ravenpaw thought for a moment, if he buried his last catch now, he could get back to the Thunderpath and surprise both him and Redtail! If he could pull it off, surely Tigerclaw would be proud of him then!
Quickly jumping to his paws, Ravenpaw hurriedly scraped a shallow hole in the earth to drop his shrew into. Then he rushed up the trunk of the nearest tree and made the quiet journey back to the thunderpath from above ground. ________________________________________________________________
Tigerclaw was dozing on his branch, starting to think Redtail might just be hare-brained and wasn’t worth waiting for when the bushes started rustling on the other side of the Thunderpath, revealing a Shadowclan patrol.
Blackfoot nimbly crossed the thunderpath, the others following quickly with ease. “So Redtail, I see you found Shadowclan some rabbits. Good job, we’ll take them from here.”
Tigerclaw bristled and prepared to leap down on top of the Shadowclan deputy. How dare he openly steal Thunderclan prey! From our deputy no less, I’ll show him!
“Just take it and go. The less time you spend stinking up our territory the better.” Redtail growled back, not moving to step away from the prey but not moving to defend it either.
Tigerclaw watched through narrow eyes as each of the Shadowclan intruders stepped forward to take a rabbit, Clawface paused and instead turned to Redtail.
Slowly and deliberately, Clawface bent his head down and rubbed it against Redtail’s cheek, taking his time as if he was greeting an old friend.
Redtail closed his eyes and breathed deeply, and then in turn, he bumped his head against Clawface’s chest for a moment, hardly enough to touch, but very clear meant to show affection.
Clawface swooped down and picked up the rabbit. “It's been good seeing you again, Redtail. May Starclan light your path.”
"And yours as well," Redtail mewed, "you all best be on your way now before the dusk patrol arrives. I'll deal with the scents you left behind."
Nodding to his fellow deputy, Blackfoot flicked his tail and darted back across with his rabbit, the others following close behind. Redtail wasted no time, grimacing as he pushed around a load of fox dung he had collected before the Shadowclan warriors had arrived, effectively hiding their scent. Tigerclaw wouldn’t be surprised if the dusk patrol came back reporting fox scent at the Shadowclan border that night with how much Redtail spread about.
Having seen enough, Tigerclaw nimbly hopped along the branches a few tree-lengths. How am I supposed to tell Bluestar any of this? Should I confront Redtail first?
Climbing down the tree, Tigerclaw was wrapped up in his thoughts, not realizing where he was until he came across the Great Sycamore tree, where Ravenpaw was waiting for him, tail twitching nervously as he tried to keep his small prey pile stacked neatly.
“Well done, Ravenpaw. I didn’t expect to find you still hunting, this will be enough for the queens and elders combined!” Tigerclaw rumbled approvingly.
Ravenpaw looked ready to jump out of his fur when Tigerclaw spoke, what had spooked him? Tigerclaw was sure Ravenpaw had heard him approaching, he certainly wasn’t trying to be quiet as he walked.
“O-oh! Thanks Tigerclaw...” Ravenpaw trailed off, he looked like he wanted to say something else but his jaw stayed firmly shut.
Tigerclaw sighed and picked up a few pieces of the prey his apprentice caught, the pair walked back to camp at an agonizingly slow pace. Tigerclaw was just about ready to drop the prey altogether and interrogate his apprentice when Ravenpaw spoke.
“Tigerclaw, is there somewhere quiet we can talk? I... I have something I need to tell you.”
Tigerclaw flicked his tail and swerved to the left, carefully sniffing around the base of a tree before heading down into the abandoned den beneath the roots.
Ravenpaw followed and set down the prey, staring nervously at his paws.
“Well? Spit it out Ravenpaw, we don’t have all day.” Tigerclaw said gruffly.
“Well I.... I’m sorry Tigerclaw.” Ravenpaw mewed quietly, “I know you told me to hunt for the queens on my way back but I really wanted to surprise you with my tree stalking.”
Tigerclaw’s eyes narrowed, “Ravenpaw, what are you getting at?”
“I went back to the Shadowclan border,” Ravenpaw confessed. “I thought maybe I’d be able to catch you and Redtail by surprise, I wanted to impress you...”
“I saw Redtail talking to those Shadowclan cats, they looked.... Very friendly with each other.”
Tigerclaw inhaled sharply, “Ravenpaw, you disobeyed direct orders! Not only that, we don’t even know what Redtail was doing, what we know could be very dangerous.”
“Am I in trouble again?” Ravenpaw mewed.
“..... No.” Tigerclaw said, “I can’t go to Bluestar with what we saw until we have more information, even if you were there with me, it's us against the clan deputy. She’d never believe us.”
Ravenpaw deflated a little, unsure if he should be glad that he wasn’t going to be punished or troubled by the fact that they can’t go to Bluestar about Redtail’s actions.
“For all we know, Redtail is acting under Bluestar’s orders to appease Shadowclan without spilling blood.” Tigerclaw continued, pacing around the den now, agitatedly flicking his tail as he tried to reason more with himself than his apprentice as to why Redtail would be working with the enemy.
“For now, you are not to say a word about this to anyone, do you understand me?” Tigerclaw said, whirling around on his apprentice.
Ravenpaw nodded mutely, pressing himself against the wall of the dens in fear.
“I need you to promise me Ravenpaw, you can’t tell anyone, not even Dustpaw. Especially not Dustpaw, okay? Can you do that?”
“I’ll keep it a secret Tigerclaw, I swear.”
“Good,” Tigerclaw said, stepping back. “Good, now let’s that get this back to camp, you go straight to your nest, alright?”
Ravenpaw nodded once more, snatching up his prey and clambered out of the den and back into the forest. The two walked back to camp at a slow pace, neither one daring to try to talk again. ________________________________________________________________
Doing as he was told, Ravenpaw deposited his prey on the pile and went to his den, carrying a small mouse with him to eat before he went to sleep.
Tigerclaw set down his prey as well, about to ask the queens if they were hungry when the hairs on his pelt began to raise when he saw Redtail approaching him.
“Tigerclaw! There you are, the dusk patrol just made their report. Fox scents have been found by the Shadowclan border, I don’t want any of the apprentices training near there until they’ve learned a few moves to take on a fox, understand?”
“Ah, uh yes Redtail. I’ll be on the lookout. How fresh was the scent? I didn’t smell anything there when I was with Ravenpaw earlier.”
Redtail eyed him suspiciously, “Fresh enough, stick to the Tallpines for now, Thunderclan can’t afford to lose any apprentices right now.”
“As you wish, now if you’ll excuse me I’m rather tired. I think I’ll retire early tonight.” Tigerclaw replied, paws itching to get away from the deputy. 
How strange, he mused. Just yesterday I would have laughed at him telling me to be careful and now I can barely stand to look at him.
Redtail nodded, “Dismissed, get some rest Tigerclaw. I’ll see you and Ravenpaw on the dawn patrol in the morning, we’ll be taking the Twolegplace border.”
Tigerclaw just flicked his ear in response and hurried to the warriors den. Could Redtail be suspicious of him already? Perhaps he shouldn’t have mentioned he was in the area.
Whatever the case was, Tigerclaw would be keeping a close eye on the young deputy. Something had to be done about him, should he prove to be a traitor.
Done! That took way too long, lol. Anyway, this is actually my first piece ever for the warriors fandom! Its about eight pages and a bit, writer’s block kept me from writing as often as I wanted to, otherwise this would have been done sooner.
Hope you all enjoyed it!
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