#total reference to 31 cats
howlingday · 6 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #8
2023 Dec 12, 26, 27, 30, 31
2024, Jan 1, 2, 19, Feb 8, Mar 14, 24
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P3 Hero vs Neku Sakuraba (Persona vs TWEWY)
The Reaper will claim someone's soul permanently today!
FIGHTER 1: The P3 Hero, the Wildcard Messiah that ended the Dark Hour.
FIGHTER 2: Keku Sakuraba, the Shibuya Saviour in the Reaper's Game.
Wiz: Memento mori; remember that you will die. Time never waits and it delivers all equally to the same end, be it by aging or a bullet.
*insert clips of playing chess with Death from The Seventh Seal, Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Maddie, Death from Castlevania*
Boomstick: So, take off your headphones and remember to make bonds and connections as they make life worth living. The world ends with you, so it's up to you to expand it. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): So, Season 10 just ended and its final episode gave a teaser for Season 11 showing the Fool, Death, and The World tarot cards. Many suspect that this hints towards a Persona MU, which could be this one as the P3 Hero is represented by the Fool, Death, Judgement, and Universe Arcanas (The Universe is the Thoth Tarot equivalent of The World), and even though I started another suggestion as of me writing this, I wanted to this suggest this one as soon as I could. I get that it is not yet confirmed or denied. However, I want to get it out on the slight chance that it is the planned episode.
As of Pi Day 2024, Persona 3 Reload has been released, DLC has been announced, and Persona 6 is rumored to be released in 2025.
Also, I am not giving the P3 Hero a specific name. The SMT Wiki, Persona 3 Movies and P3 Dancing call him Makoto Yuki, but I don't like that name because it means that there'll be two Makotos if we involve P5 and three if we involve P2. I get that their names are spelled with different kanji to denote different meanings, but other sources from ATLUS call him by different names: the PQ2 Artbook calls him P3 Hero and the P3 Manga calls him Minato Arisato. For brevity and ease, I'll be referring to the character of today as P3H.
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ANALYSIS OF ARSENAL (What I will be giving them):
Consider this to be part of the preface as this will cover something that you should know. To have them at their absolute best, I will take P3H at his endgame and Neku with his powers and experiences from NEO.
For the sake of the argument and animation, both will fight on their own, so no navigators, All-Out Attacks, Light Puck, Cross Combos, Fusion attacks, Mashups, or Killer Remixes. Any thread that Neku wears will have the effects of Final Remix or NEO. I will also use the affinity system from P3 Reload instead of the one from P5R, which although expansive, P3's battle affinities make more sense to use since we're talking about the P3 protagonist.
Both have vast arsenals that the player can choose from. P3H can have a bunch of items that can restore his health and SP, the Ultimate Personas and skills or Fusion Spells/Theurgies like Primal Force, Armageddon, Infinity, High Counter, Arms Master, Spell Master, Regenerate 3, Invigorate 3, the ultimate weapons and items like Lucifer's Blade and the Omnipotent Orb, or he can have none of that. PQ and PQ2 are canon, so do I include the status circle moves, Link attacks, or the game-breaking Heroic Gemini? Neku can have game-breaking threads, Psychs, and Pin Sets like Dope Line+SOS Boosting threads + Wild Boar Resonance which can one-shot a lot of bosses, the Eden Set which grants total invulnerability, the Darklit Planets Set, the Yearlong Ensemble, and the Black Cat set, all of which are supremely powerful, or he can Week 1 pins and clothes. How the heck will I go over their arsenal and skills?
The best way to go about this is to max out their stats and analyze this fight twice. The first battle will be analyzed using a traditional playthrough setup, and the second will be using the absolute best equipment and tools they can reasonably access (no PQ stuff).
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. They are known for being or at least appearing antisocial or asocial but learn to make genuine connections and friendships. Said friendships give them power. Examples for P3H include: 1. Social links unlocking the Ultimate Personas of an arcana, 2. Social Links boost the EXP gained when fusing Personas of their arcana. Examples for Neku include: 1. Shopkeeps and cashiers can give you details of some clothing threads and/or give you access to more powerful clothing, 2. Fusion attacks can be performed, 3. A Player who fails to make a Pact will be erased if they don't have a partner within a certain given amount of time, and a player who has made a Pact is erased seven minutes after their Partner is erased. Said friendships helped them overcome the final bosses of their game which only served to reinforce the themes of friendships and connections. This is further emphasized by the fact that the mobs of their games, Shadows and Noise, are manifested from and/or attracted to negative thoughts. Said enemies also include a "Reaper": P3 has a boss Shadow known as The Reaper, and TWEWY's Noise creatures are created by other Players of the Game called Reapers.
2. Both have an intimate history with death. During the majority of P3, P3H had Death sealed within him. At the end of his journey, he sacrifices himself to become the Great Seal. He is also orphaned due to the death of his parents, and in the P3 Movies, Makoto witnessed their deaths. Neku is traumatized by the death of his best friend (even though this is from the events of the Another Day timeline). He has also died at least twice; he was shot dead by Joshua, came back to life, and was shot again by Coco.
3. Both wear headphones and even use a similar MP3 player. P3H uses one from Sony's NW-S20x series and Neku's seems to be based on Sony's NW-S200. Their music players are used to symbolize their lack of social skills or meaningful connections at the beginning of their journeys.
4. As minor as it is, both are a sort of "Chosen One" or hold unique positions in their power systems. P3H is a Wildcard, so he can wield multiple Personas, which only those who have formed a contract can do. Neku is the Proxy of the most powerful being in Shibuya and his high Imagination allowed him to use a lot of psychs during the initial Reaper's Game.
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU):
I consider this MU superior to Joker vs. Neku. Aesthetically, P5's style meshed better with TWEWY's graffiti and urban aesthetic, and there is also the Shibuya connection with similar themes of reaching out, forming connections, and defying the game you're in, but then P3 Reload was released. There are also the connections mentioned above. I also think this MU is more appropriate thematically due to the themes of death and broadening one's world.
Art and animation: 
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It'll be in 3D unless someone can get their hands on P3H sprites. The models do exist for both characters: P3H has models from all his games and Neku has models from KH DDD and NEO. However, the following pieces of art by u/Crossover and u/Ok_Administration_45 respectively show that the sprites do exist.
To get the most out of P3H's Wildcard ability, I will give him some of his roster from the P5R Full Moon Challenge Battle and some extras.
1. Orpheus
2. Thanatos
3. Messiah. 
4. Orpheus Telos to represent his max strength
5. Helel for Armageddon.
6. Satan for Armageddon.
7. Vishnu for Infinity.
8. Ananta for Infinity.
9. Sigfried for Scarlet Havoc
10. Mithras for Scarlet Havoc
Neku will use a mix of psychs that are iconic like Shockwave, Massive Hit, Force Rounds, Pyrokinesis, and Cure Drink as well as pins related to him specifically (in NEO, Topo the Talented, Black Hole Bunny, and Hotaru can only be obtained if Neku is the one who maxes out their pre-evolved forms) 
Possible setup: 
We open by looking at the sky. black as pitch, and the full moon's pale light beautifully shines down. However, this does not mean peace, especially not for the leader of SEES or the Composer's former proxy. We cut to the top of the 104, our teenage heroes have already engaged in a fight, and not just with each other. P3H is fighting animals with tattoos for limbs and Neku is fighting masked humanoids with shadowy skin. After cutting down the black armies, they face each other. 
"Ready?" P3H gets into his battle position again.
"Yeah." Neku prepares himself with new pins.
1. Shockwave vs Sword. The two teenagers engage. Neku uses Shockwave, creating a blade, and clashes blades with P3H. P3H gets a good slash and stab in, knocking Neku back, but Neku charges in, landing in a horizontal slash, a vertical slash, and then uses Stellar Flurry, finishing his combo off with a Lance Lunge, knocking P3H back instead.
2. Neku then uses Pyrokinesis, engulfing P3H in flames. Yet, P3H is barely affected, taking slight damage. He grabs his Evoker and quickly points it to the side of his head. "Persona!" After pulling the trigger, Orpheus is summoned and he casts Blazing Hell, surrounding a large area in front of him in fire and heat.
3. Neku takes massive damage, and P3H rushes in to use Orpheus' physical power, but Neku quickly backs away and uses his Force Rounds. P3H dodges the energy bullets as he closes in on his foe and switches his Persona. "Thanatos!" The Death God comes out and slashes with lethality and precision, capping the combo off with a Brave Blade, slashing hard and wide, but Neku narrowly escapes yet again. Neku senses something odd about this guy... "Focus... Open up your senses..." His Soul is varied, and there are a lot of powers within, but they all have different affinities and weaknesses that he can exploit. He needs to be careful, and maybe he'll win. He switches to Hotaru and meets Thanatos' slashes with his own, hitting the Persona with its weakness to Light, dizzying P3H a bit. Neku charges up a Massive Hit psych. "Goin' up!", and P3H is sent flying this time.
4. P3H quickly picks himself up and feels the power of Theurgy. He grabs his evoker and summons the power of Sigfried and Mithras, the Scarlet Havoc. The scarlet razors and slashes are so fast that they blindside and overwhelm Neku. P3H sees his opponent is down. "Come forth, Messiah!" and he uses Debilitate on Neku, Heat Riser on himself. "Siegfried!" Using Concentrate, he then uses Vorpal Blade.
5. Neku uses a Healing psych but barely hangs on after the brutal slash attack, but he switches his pins again to a Doomed Life, Doomed Attack, Doomed Defense, and Doomed Mobility combo. P3H notices that his buffs are effectively nullified, and he even starts to feel weakened. Neku then uses an Entanglement psych, but P3H very-handedly dodges, until Debilitate and Heat Riser wear off. Neku then easily catches P3H, using his Black Hole Bunny, dealing strong damage. 
6. Neku then charges Topo the Talented and fires the missiles, but P3H breaks free of his confines and switches personas again to "Orpheus Telos!", tanking the damage soundly.
7. Neku senses extreme power from the Soul, so switches his pins to Over the Top and a combination of Apport and Psychokinesis. All his pins in Reboot are quickly filling up again. He combines Psychokinesis with Apport to summon meteors and even f*cking subway trains and throws them all at P3H who sees the incoming attack, but he's low on health. He pulls his Evoker, summoning the power of Ananta and Vishnu, and casts Infinity, protecting himself from the powerful strike. By this point, he's almost out of SP, but he's far from dead. Neku sees this, so he uses a Healing Aura and Inspiring Aura psych combo to heal and buff himself up and switches Psychs once again, this time to a combo of Nexus Ray and Laser Inferno psychs.
8. With a Concentrate, P3H charges up his magic energy while Neku raises his arm, and charges the energy at the end of his hand. Messiah unleashes a charged Megidolaon and Neku fires his Ray/Laser amalgamation. We get a wide shot of Shibuya and the 104, and we see a giant flash of light. Both teens are still standing, but very close to dying, panting. Thank goodness for Endure.
9. P3H wins by sheer overwhelming force. Neku has exhausted most of his pins, and they're not rebooting fast enough, even with Over the Top. He switches pins again, but P3H summons Messiah again and casts Salvation. Neku tries to attack, but with a summon to "Orpheus Telos!" and he holds off Neku for enough time for the Theurgy gauge to charge. He uses an SP recovering item and uses debilitate again, and Neku is crippled yet again. P3H summons Helel and Satan, thinks of his dear friends, and casts Armageddon. Neku is unable to use any healing psychs in time. His last thoughts? Shiki, Beat, Josh, Rindo…
10. Ending 2: Neku wins by wearing down his opponent. Neku uses Grave Marker quickly to knock his opponent off balance, and he's able to launch attack after attack, keeping his adversary on the backfoot. P3H can't even switch his Persona, His Theurgy is ready, but as he tries to grab his Evoker, Neku binds him with Entanglement. Over the Top really came in handy. Neku, thinking of his friends, charges up a final attack like in the TWEWY fight against Draco Cantus. P3H sees oblivion, but he only thinks of his friends. He didn't tell Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru, or even Aigis goodbye...
11. The winner takes the loser's headphones and music player (call them "World Expander's Music Set '' or "SEES Music Set"). If Neku wins, then he also picks up a pin that looks like the Gekkougan High emblem named "Full Moon", and all of these are top-tier gear. The winner does not get to simmer in his thoughts because he hears the sounds of swarming creatures behind him. He turns his sight to the amassing Noise and Shadows around him. "I'll live on for the both of us." They lunge at the black armies.
12. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Is more powerful as he fought Nyx, who could affect the population on a worldwide scale as opposed to Anguis Cantus, Draco Cantus, Dissonance Tapir, or even Phoenix Cantus, all of whom would at most affect just Shibuya. Even if he fought Nyx with a team, P3H is still more powerful. At most, it can be highballed to say that P3H is a planet buster since Nyx, once fully completed, could destroy the Earth, and P3H stopped this fully powered Nyx.
+ His magic is arguably stronger than Neku's psychs. This is especially true for skills like Ragnarok, Pralaya, Infinity, and Armageddon.
+ Sword allows for greater range in close combat.
+ Has resistances and immunities with Null, Void, and even recovery with Drain or can redirect attacks with Repel. Items like Omnipotent Orb or Tome of the Void can Null damage or status effects.
+ Has instant death/kill options such as Maeigaon, Door of Hades, and Mudoon.
+ Megidolaon and other Almighty skills bypass resistances. If treated like in mainline SMT, then all Pierce skills will also bypass resistances except for repelling.
+ If given access to all his passive abilities, then he can likely passively recover and outlast his opponent with skills like Invigorate and Regenerate, return damage with High Counter, reduce damage a lot with Firm Stance, increase hit rate with Apt Pupil, reduce the cost of his skills with Arms Master and Spell Master, double evasion rate against all magical attacks except Light, Dark, and Almighty with Angelic Grace, flat out nullify, repel or drain most of Neku’s psychs, amp his own attacks and odds of inflicting status conditions, survive certain death with Endure and Enduring Soul (these stack), and increase damage with his own weapon with Weapons Master.
+ Heat Riser and other Enhance skills increase his own Attack, Defense, and Agility/ Hit/Evasion rate or reduce the opponent's.
+ Dekunda removes inflicted debuffs, Dekaja removes the opponent's buffs.
+ Rebellion and Revolution increase Crit Rate.
+ Tetrakarn and Makarakarn put up barriers.
+ Charge and Concentrate can boost the damage of their next offensive skill.
+ Life Drain can recover a small amount of HP from a foe.
= Comparable speed as both have dodged light-based attacks,
- Theurgies take a long time to charge up.
- Abilities like Regenerate and Invigorate don't recover a lot of HP and SP.
- Buffs/debuffs, Tetrakarn, Makarakarn, Charge, and Concentrate are not permanent and wear off after a certain amount of time or upon using their next offensive skill.
- The high-class attacks and Recovery skills require large amounts of HP and SP respectively.
- Instant kill options have a low success rate.
+ If given access to all his pins from the first game like Mega Man is given access to all his weapons, then Neku has the edge in versatility (sheer number of psychs and affinities) and invulnerability (Eden set), so he can overwhelm P3 and exploit his weaknesses.
+ Greater mobility and can even teleport (more so if he is given access to Flowmotion).
+ Edge in range due to ranged attacks.
+ Most pins work by cooldown and don't drain HP, so even if they're exhausted, they'll immediately begin to recharge. This includes the healing psychs of Aqua Barrier and Dark Barrier, and even NEO's Healing Aura as well as the buffing psych Inspiring Aura. This all pairs well with the Over the Top psych which reduces reboot time by 40%.
+ Turbo psych increases the amount of uses per pin, adding extra longevity to the pins.
+ Can cripple his opponent by inflicting negative status effects like Immobility or Airborne to immobilize, HP Drain to continuously reduce the target's HP by a percentage. The Doomed psyches also reduce the opponent’s Attack, Defense, and/or Mobility. These don’t count as mental ailments so Unshaken Will does not nullify them.
+ Debuffs on opponents last longer with the Blight psychs.
+ Psychs like Nexus Ray and affinities like Time and Gravity could count as Almighty skills and thus bypass resistances and passive skills. Other psyches like Stellar Flurry can count as Pierce skills (I already mentioned the significance of Pierce skills).
+ Is more experienced.
+ Threads increase his stats, nullify or reduce knockback. There are also threads that increase his stats more when in low health (Second Wind, Steely Resolve, etc.), increase the capacities of psychs with abilities like Reinforced Chains, Stranglehold, or Synergy, provide skills like Resistances to poison, shocks, or burns, Regen and Auto-Charge (allows the release of psychs that require charge up time).
≥ This is a big stretch, but Neku could find the weakness of the Personas. Neku can read minds with the Player Pin and is even able to scan Soul by the time the events of NEO happen, and Personas are seen as the manifestation of the soul.
= Similar speeds as they both have dodged light-based attacks.
- Most healing pins have a limited number of uses (Already mentioned which ones don't). Those that don’t have a limited number of uses cannot be used until fully recharged.
- Cannot bypass Infinity.
- Does not have abilities or equipment that can completely nullify, absorb, or redirect damage.
Ending puns:
"P3H shouldn't take it personally, but he faced his Mass Destruction."
"Neku may have been psyched up, but he was left Twisted."
Name: The Reaper Hour
The name refers to the Dark Hour and the Reaper's Game. It is also a nod to the Reaper Shadow and the Reapers.
Art: Look at Yate's "My Dread Burns with You" and simply add their MP3 player to the art and you get the gist of the art. If you want an original answer: take the Reaper symbol, have it wear Neku's headphones, and have it use an Evoker. Around where the "neck" would be the Sony MP3 player. In the background is a giant Midnight Hour clock being broken like in P3.
Sound: TWEWY's rock + P3's hip hop. The opening sounds like Twister, but when the combatants engage, the music shifts to a mix of Mass Destruction and Hybrid (The sound of Hybrid + the instrumentation and lyrics like that of MD). When the battle reaches its climax, the music sounds like Burn My Dread like it's the P3 Final Boss, but it has elements and lyrics like those of Calling. Death is calling the protagonists, but only one will heed the calling.
Imagining the fight was pleasant, but the preface was a nightmare. Worse still, my increased workload meant I couldn't finish this when I wanted to, and I could rarely find the energy to work on this. Getting this out before the announcement of Season 11 did not make this any easier, not that I could actually do so. I apologize for the long time between posts and for any inconsistencies. Still, I had fun, and I wanted to pay respect to characters that I look up to. They taught me that even if making connections is hard, it is never impossible, and that not reaching out only makes life worse. Friends help us, and whether or not bonds are the answer to the question of life, they should help us grow. Some will harm us, some will leave, but is that a reason to cut yourself off from the others?
Psych affinities -> Persona affinities:
No affinity and makes bodily contact = Physical
No affinity and is ranged = Gun (P5) or Physical (P3)
Burst = Nuclear/Nuke (P5) or Fire (P3)
Darkness = Curse (Eiha, P5) or Darkness (P3)
Electric = Electric
Fire = Fire
Gravity = Almighty
Kinesis = Psychokinesis/Psy (P5) or Physical (P3).
Ice = Ice
Light = Bless (Kouha, P5) or Light (P3)
Poison & physical = Physical
Poison & ranged = Gun
Sound = Wind
Wind = Wind
Time = Almighty
Sadly, I can only barely account for one of these contenders since I did play The World Ends With You, though my time with it was very... forgettable. Not a lot for me to grab onto, to be honest. BUT that doesn't detract from this great idea of yours! Hopefully, we'll get another Death Battle in the near future.
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Proving God, or Not.
It's somewhat odd to be making this post, given that my starting point was a series of first principles - posits.
My first was that there is more to the universe then what I can see, smell, taste, hear and touch.
The second was that what I can't interact with is just as varied as what I can.
My last was, that for the sake of argument, what I could interact with is a subtotal of the entire universe, arranged in a hierarchy with something at the top.
This brings us to the idea of God.
He is therefore not a proof, but a definition. Much like in geometry - a point must be defined before anything else happens. Based upon that point, a whole host of further postulates and theorems can be generated, ending with the totality of Euclidean Geometry.
I see the work of God in the Unified Field Theory, The Grand Unified Theory, and in any study which seeks to understand the world around us as systems, such as the water cycle, and processes such as economics, rather than as discrete objects unrelated to one another. I am especially excited when I see things that were once considered separate, joined together in a larger context. In my mind, That larger context gets us closer to God. (John 12:32, Ephesians 1:10)
Let's talk Schrodinger's cat. Only by cat, I mean God. We've all heard Pascals wager, the one about living ones life as if God existed. Here's the thing, the proof of God will be revealed one way or another, I just don't think it will be during our lives or in this earthly realm. I think we'll have to die ourselves before we are able to open the box. By then, having the proof will be too late. Germs existed long before viruses and bacteria were discovered. The Atomic Bomb started as a postulate before it became a reality. I think of God in the same terms.
I read the Bible. I go to a protestant Church. But most Christians would probably call me a heretic. Even though Christ himself understood the difficulty of belief in things unseen. (John 20:29, Luke 16:27-31) He did give himself as a referent to God the father (John 14:9)
It is clear that I'm writing to people who aren't really interested with what I'm saying in that I've written several years of posts covering this stuff. I've highlighted my disdain for certain Christian tropes that I think are distortions of what we are called to be as Christians.
I take my regular readership to be a handful of hodgepodge Chistians covering a host of denominations, and possibly one political philosopher.
My goal isn't to engage in apologetics, I'm not trying to get anyone to believe in a God they don't want to believe in. Atheists want me to prove God, when all I care about is, assuming God exists, what might he be like, and how would he want me to live my best life in harmony with everyone else's best life (I'm including naked mole rats, rubber boas, and really anything else that has a claim to life here on earth).
I look to native concepts of "the all father" to see how they implemented the concept of God into their praxis and liturgies.
My personal belief is that the Eastern Orthodox Churches by-and-large come the closest to my idea of God within the Christian world.
And while Rationalist Atheists scoff at miracles, The Eastern Churches still have them, though you won't hear them publicized (Per Luke 16, among other verses). I've also been told that Eastern Orthodoxy respects and integrates Native American experience and traditions in a way other Churches don't. I don't know how true that is, but it's the report I've heard.
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totalswap-official · 9 months
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Nipper McCorp Silva
"Darken your clothes and strike a F#CKING VIOLENT POSE!"
Participant 1. The south American idiot.
Age: 19
Acception Token:
Nipper is ... Problematic, he's the problem! And he doesn't care on people blaming him on anything, and he knew this since he was born.
But surely the worse thing that he did in his entire life was when he tried to kill his neighbor, the name of the case is "Caso Apesar de Você".
Basically, Nipper broke into his neighbor's house at 31 of October on 02:00 AM to try to murder him cuz his neighbor poisoned and killed his cat "Helena".
But too bad, the unic thing that Nipper did to hurt him was Only stab his hand and then someone from Nippers Neighborhood called the police and was arrested for attempt of murder, but after 2 months his parents paid a fiance and he was sent free. After the events of his crime, he asked to fhis parents to live in a other place and started to have a peaceful life.
But will he still have a peaceful life after the reality show? Find out on Total Swap Island!
Why he entered in the reality?
Because he parents told him to and because he wants to stay away a bit from the city. And because he wants to know more people.
What he wants to do with the Money?
He said that he will give some of his money to his parents his parents (even knowing that they surely don't deserve) and then live at a other place to live peacefully and Alone.
Nipper's Past:
Nipper did alot of bad things, because of his "anger issues"
Nipper confirmed that he just gets annoyed easily, and because he always make enemies (expecificaly with guys) and because he always wants a excuse to beat the shit off someone.
When Nipper was younger, he always saw his parents arguing, but his parents always told him that was just "a discussion".
Like that, he got raised being slightly Agressive, and always arguing with the "ah, bad boys" from his class.
but he actually just did that to guys, he always get more comfortable next to girls from his age (maybe because of how his mother treated him better than his dad) seriously, in his entire life he always got Alot of girls as his close friends.
Additional information:
Nipper always act as Rebel, especially to Adults.
He is obviously Brazilian.
Nipper's level of "being rebel" got bigger after listening to the American Idiot album by Green day.
Nipper gets kinda of 'feminine' when he is next to girls, especially when the girls are his friends (besties, as I can say)
Nipper always hides his feelings and emotions to his parents. but he always Vent, Talks and Gossips about his life for his friends
Musical References:
The "corp" part in Nipper's second name is a reference to Ken AshCorp. And Ken AshCorp has Alot of things related to this gay loser called "Nipper", Some Nipper's Personality are a reference of the aesthetic of mostly of Ken AshCorp's songs; Dirty minded, Loud and sometimes competitive.
The Rebel personality that he have is a reference to "she's a Rebel" by Green Day. yeah I know, Nipper is a guy, but change the feminine pronouns to male pronouns then BOOM, Nipper theme song.
And his in-game name "south American-Idiot" is a reference to American Idiot by Green day
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jp-cuconyan · 2 years
Bocchi the Rock! Ep.1 | I'm Already a Total Rocker Chick!
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Bocchi: I look… I look so cool! I'm already a total rocker chick! I look like a real somebody! The people can't look away! Bocchi the Rock! Ep.1 | 6:59~
The term "rocker chick" is used here, but in Japanese it is expressed as バンド女子(band girl).
This is a colloquial term that refers to underage girls, such as high school girls, who are into bands. It refers to teenage girls who are enthusiastic about band activities as players or are passionate about going to rock band live concerts as audience members.
In Japan, a typical band girl is stereotypically known for collecting large quantities of band merchandise, such as badges, wristbands, stickers, T-shirts, and towels, and often wears them or uses them to decorate her bag.
Here she, who longed to become a band girl, was complimenting herself because she was quite like one of them.
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Bocchi: (Nijika-chan's fashionable, too. She's got the real rocker-chick vibe. Meanwhile, I'm in a potato-quality tracksuit with a real bear of a set of bags under my eyes, and a back as arched as a cat…) Bocchi the Rock! Ep.1 | 10:31~
"Rocker-chick" here is also referred to as バンド女子(band girls). Nijika wasn't wearing any band merchandise or anything, but because she confidently dressed fashionably and blended in well with the city of Shimokitazawa, Bocchi feels like she has an active, band-girl-like mentality.
(Shimokitazawa is known as a town of subculture, with many trendy shops for vintage clothing, music, dining, and more. It's a cutting-edge town of youth culture, but it can be a little intimidating for minors to visit because there are many young adults and college students around.)
"Potato-quality tracksuit" is a slang term for lame trucksuits in Japanese, actually said as 芋ジャージ(potato tracksuit). (ジャージ is the Japanese pronunciation of the word "jersey", but in Japan it is used to refer to a tracksuit.)
It specifically refers to tracksuits in red or purple hues, similar to sweet potatoes, but the term can be used to emphasize the tackiness of any color.
"With a real bear of a set of bags under my eyes," is actually being said "really bad under-eye circles".
In Japanese, the pronunciation for "under-eye circles (eye bags)" and "bear" are both クマ[kuma], so there is an association with the image of a bear.
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The posters and such that appear in the anime seem to be parodies of real-life rock bands and the like. While I'm not very familiar with my country's rock bands, there are some that even the average Japanese person would recognize, such as those listed below.
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In Anime: In Real:
かいもの ねだり / HAKO-BOON ないもの ねだり / KANA-BOON
Notes かいもの: Shopping ないもの: Something that doesn't exist ねだり: Begging かいもの ねだり: Begging to go shopping ないもの ねだり: Begging for something that doesn't exist
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In Anime: In Real:
スリープ パイプ (Sleep Pipe) クリープ ハイプ (CreepHyp)
The Siro-Magnons THE CRO-MAGNONS
There seem to be quite a few people creating detailed videos summarizing the references in this area, so it might be interesting to search for them.
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lastcrush · 1 year
wanted plots for all of my muses...
by no means is this comprehensive and some plots are vague enough that it can fit with multiple of the characters. source link is my muse page for reference. absolutely ask more about a muse if you want more information.
PLEASE LIKE AND/OR MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ANY OF THESE PLOTS. while i recognize that the same plot may be written out differently with a different partner, i’ll likely cap each plot at a maximum of two depending on how much attention certain ones get. thank you for understanding.
beejal shah / novelist / 26 / any
[any] your muse Knows that bee’s mom is a high profile actress and that her dad is a politician. they know. they plan to bring this to light for some reason. maybe they dont like her. maybe they don’t like her parents. whatever. chaos. 
[any, 23-33] REALITY TV SHOW. i havent seen any but i just think it’d be fun to write bee in that type of environment considering how awful she can be. will likely require a lot of plotting. romantic or platonic or antagonistic i want them at eachother’s throats i want them to kiss i want them to be messy.
[any] fellow authors :3 maybe they write in the same genre. maybe they write in completely different genres. r they friends? r they enemies? who knows. we'll figure it out
[any] haha someone who is a fan of both bee's shitty webnovels and her published works and is putting 2 & 2 together .. very close to figuring out the connection .... drama !
james adeyemi / museum curator / 27 / she+they+he
[any, 24-32] idk i think it would be fun to have recent exes that just keep running into eachother and okay fine we can try again one (1) more time except it’s a mess and their friends r begging them to stop going back to eachother but they Can’t. anyway.
[any] fellow phd candidates.... i think she should have someone to suffer with....
[any] people who work at the museum with her !! archaeology nerds perhaps. maybe they dig too deep into something that's delivered to the museum and it ends up being supernatural in nature. maybe your muse is supernatural in nature.
killian benson / thief / 31 / he
[any] your character is part of the group that killi pissed off and ran away from. that's it. he's a scaredy cat he doesnt want anything to do with your muse/group and is currently in hiding
[any] killi sleeps with your muse and then wakes up in the middle of the night as they stay over and steals a bunch of shit and then runs <3
[any] partner in crime :]
harsh reddy / baseball player / 32 / he
[any, 27-37] these two are absolute bros. best friends. do not separate. they’re bros that sleep together sometimes. friends with benefits, one might say. except they refuse to call it that. they’re besties. that’s all. :) totally nothing bad can happen out of this arrangement
[any] ummm rival team member :3 antagonistic? platonic turned antagonist under circumstances? romantic turned antagonist turned romantic again? :3
naomi furukawa / private investigator / 34 / he+they
[any, similar age] they met years ago when naomi was still in the fbi and were partners (i mean literally, they worked together, but they could have been partners). your muse is considered dead. while naomi is working a case as a PI he comes upon something that leads them to find your muse, alive. cue angst heartbreak reconnection
[platonic romantic antagonistic] haha your muse is a criminal. naomi is tasked with finding them/taking them down. he thought this case was going to be small and easy but it quickly unravels into something much bigger than expected. game of cat and mouse. at eachother’s throats. one of them always one step ahead of the other.
[any] you: give me a superhero/powered character. me: gives you a PI that is hired to investigate something that said powered person is involved in. chaos <3
nuri jeong / actor + stuntperson / 35 / they
[any, 30-40] dysfunctional celeb couple
[any, 30-40] your character does not know who nuri is and nuri is absolutely fucking elated by that. can be platonic/antagonistic
[any, 30-40] ldr :') they were together for a year and then your muse has to move for job or family or something else 12 timezones away and nuri can’t go with them because they have their own responsibilities here so they decide theyll try this LDR thing and for the first few months its going great even if it means theyre both sacrificing sleep and their health but then it starts getting a little worse and they dont call as often and theyre starting to have doubts and one of them decides enough is enough and goes on a little trip to see the other without telling them and thats as far as i got
lochan rao / researcher + professor / 37 / she+he
[any, similar age-ish] okay stay with me here. give me lochan's ex-fiancé. the fiancé broke it off because they thought she wasn’t giving them enough time. they find eachother again. zuhi wants to get back together because of course she does. whether your muse agrees or doesnt is up to you but personally i’d love to explore the fall of their relationship and the rebuilding of it and the hesitance and the angst and everything that comes with it.
[any, 33-45] LOL. REBOUND!!! she deserves a little bit of a rebound. maybe it’s only one night maybe it lasts a month. maybe they stay friends after maybe they don’t maybe they were always in love with her and she sees them as temporary.
[any, professor and/or researcher] your muse work’s in the same department as lochan at the same university (or hospital works too?? we're flexible) :) a little bit of a rivalry. for fun :) maybe its more :)
[any, similar age] lochan and your muse made a pact when they were in their twenties that if they aren’t married by forty, then they’d marry each other. with 40 close, your muse contacts lochan after over a decade of not talking. they meet up, start talking again, discuss how the pact was silly and they fall in love anyway :)
celeste owuor / editor in chief / 40 / she
[any, 30+] i'd be a liar if i said i didnt want some devil wears prada thing. but like with a newspaper. you get it.
[any] idk . rivals? eocs of other papers? people that celeste fucked over to get where she is? we can figure it out
[any, 35+] situationship. at their big age. yeah. celeste keeps putting work first and your muse is fed up with it because they rightfully would like a little morsel of attention sometimes.
silas montague / firefighter / 40 / he
[any, 35+] you know ben warren and miranda bailey from greys? yeah. that
angel flores / hacker / 42 / he+they+xe
[any] your muse hires angel for their hacking services and you pose it as a No Big Deal thing thats totally fine but it ends up unravelling into something else entirely. haha whoops.
[any, 35+] your muse and angel are friends. or at least as close to friends as angel manages to get to others. you notice his typically immaculate memory starting to go a little... off.
[any, 35+] i'm running on fumes i think angel deserves to kiss someone and that it should be angsty. as a little treat.
santiago leon / math teacher + anti-hero / 45 / he
[any] literally anything to do with superpowers/heros/villains etc. idk it would be fun to me in particular !
[any] someone who Also came back to life Changed and they bond over it <3
[any] fellow teachers :3
[any, 40+] your character has a teenager that santi teaches math to o7
magdalena diaz / trauma surgeon / 48 / they+she
[any, 40+] someone she met in group therapy / grief therapy when her long term girlfriend passed. these two are still in contact and have occasional meet ups just to check in on eachother and make sure the other is doing well. platonic or romantic idk up2you
[any] idk. some grey's anatomy shit <3
vivianne park / horror writer / 50 / she
[any] if you want horror plots you want anne. she's been plagued by the Horrors since she was a child and has used that as insp for her writings that are getting increasingly more concerning.
[any] some ghost/monster hunting business would be fun :p
[any, 40+] hey have you seen killing eve- [i am forcefully taken off stage]
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taags-old-account · 2 years
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I posted 22,731 times in 2022
That's 2,656 more posts than 2021!
285 posts created (1%)
22,446 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,073 of my posts in 2022
#the arson human talks shit - 130 posts
#favourite - 126 posts
#ask game - 116 posts
#ask games - 116 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 74 posts
#gods and hunters - 47 posts
#writing tips - 43 posts
#tales of arcadia - 38 posts
#yes - 32 posts
#:) - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'don't let her see your power in the daylight' could be a reference to the trollhunter amulet and sword of daylight and how jim needs to hi
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sometimes a family isn't a mom, dad, 2.5 children, and a white picket fence. Sometimes it's:
- A near 1000 year old punk wizard boy who needs a hug.
- A very sarcastic talking cat with poor eyesight.
- A plant goddess.
- An Akaridion warrior queen.
- Her little brother, who gives off pure aroace vibes and can build a mind reader in 2 hours.
- A short gremlin king with a very large conspiracy board.
- A dude who's a fan of hard rock, and has a warhammer.
- A very sassy blue child who needs 10 years of therapy.
- The troll history teacher that tried to kill the sassy blue child 10x over. He's also dating the sassy blue child's mother. Troll dad #2 of sassy blue child.
- The Mother Of The Sassy Blue child. Who for some reason didn't think that something was seriously up with her kid. (Plot Armour.)
- A guy who was there for comedy relief, but somehow got a bully redemption arc.
- Purple punk child who got posessed by former evil sorcerer lady once.
- Troll dad #1 of sassy blue child, he likes reading and burning books.
- A Troll covered in moss, he's the wingman and a former pacifist.
- Former evil sorcerer lady with a similar aesthetic to a Marvel Norse God, but actually had a point.
- Adoptive dad of punk wizard boy. Who says he doesn't care that much. But he cares A LOT.
279 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
It's time for some Empires Propaganda...
Come watch Empires SMP Season 2! We have the following:
A little scrunkly goblin man who lives in caves and likes pickles and scams
A catwoman that actively commits crimes against humanity A totally normal human. Yep absolutely a human
A Princess in a pretty pink tutu that will fight entire monster armies (it's secret though hush)
The Sheriff who's definitely not a toy
The witch that got expelled from the academy for destroying reality as we know it
The Dungeon Master who keeps his dubious amounts of smooth stone inside a tomb
A 5ft 11ft god complex personified whose obsessions include dirty jokes, gold, and the word 'Lore'
A reality traveler who decides that trusting nobody and stealing clothes off of corpses is the best chance at survival
The self-appointed princess who decides to trust the little blue lights leading her into the dark cave is a smart idea to get a kingdom banner.
The hardwood seller, whose adoptive father is part rabbit and whose idea of father-son bonding is animal slaughter
Heterochromia but through nefarious skull means. And he's not straight
Pirate who asks nicely first before stealing any of your belongings
The one-night stand of a child who consistently has to deal with both of his 'daddy's' excessively worse-by-day dirty jokes
286 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
"If your wondering why I use he/him pronouns for the allays, I just think of them as himbos"
Thanks, Pixl for this new mental image /pos
289 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Despite TOA being done, I am creating propaganda...
Come Watch Tales Of Arcadia! We Have The Following:
A magic amulet, which gives you really cool silver armour and a death sentence!
Cheeky Wizards x4
Murder board created by a small teen who has the ability to 'Tokyo Drift' a car
A literal hacker/Queen of an entire planet
Jim Lake Jr, one of the best animated TV protags I've ever seen.
A hellfire of a movie
Magic Siblings :)
A dog who pisses explosions
*enters Janus Order* *two aliens are playing techno music* *bones are everywhere* TEEN CENTER!!!!!
Getting possessed by eldritch wizards intent on destroying the world is completely normal.... IT'S FINE.
Strangely specific threats.
Really cool CGI animation.
an insane amount of AUs
Haha what is this sadness? Why is everyone dying? *Play's STARSET's Unbecoming*
I suggest looking up the definition of 'Moppet'
The entirety of the word 'Buttsnack' being used so casually
The Goblin Revolution
Jim Lake Jr, one second being the definition of a sweetheart. Two minutes later, "Hey Strickler. *spits in his mouth*"
The Breakfast Reckless Club
Steve's screams.
Troll Jim.
Toby being the bestest friend you could ever ask for
The murder of a highschool principal.
Assassins and Bounty Hunters galore.
See the full post
346 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The defining traits of humanity are NOT sex, romance, and empathy.
The defining traits of humanity are our creativity, adaptability, and our boundless amounts of hubris.
As well as arson.
1,730 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kimberly40 · 2 years
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45 Southern Phrases Explained:
1. Access road: Service road; the road that allows you entrance to the highway.
2. (A) mind to: To consider doing something.
3. Aren’t you precious? : Most always said sarcastically in response to someone being offensive (i.e., if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all).
4. Being ugly: This has nothing do with physical appearance — instead it means misbehaving.
5. Barking up the wrong tree: Being mistaken or misguided.
6. Be able to see to Christmas: Something Grandma would say when she thinks your skirt is too short — you can see clear to the top of the Christmas tree!
7. Bless your heart: A seemingly empathetic phrase usually uttered when the speaker believes the recipient to be sweet but misguided or when they believe the recipient needs to grow up and deal with it.
8. Britches: Pants or underpants.
9. Cattywampus: Sideways or crooked.
10. Catty-corner: Diagonal to something, like catty-corner buildings on a street.
11. Citified: Urban, sophisticated and not country in any way.
12. Clicker: Remote control.
13. Coke: We may mean Coca-Cola, but we may mean any other carbonated beverage. If you order a Coke in a restaurant, do not be alarmed if they ask you what kind.
14. Commode: Toilet.
15. Doesn't have a pot to piss in: Really, Really broke.
16. Dressing: No, not the stuff you put on salads. This is the stuffing that goes in or alongside a turkey.
17. Eyeballs are floating: Need to use the bathroom very badly (could also be back teeth).
18. Fixin' to: About to do.
19. Fly off the handle: Totally lose it.
20. Get the short end of the stick: Get cheated, or get an unfair deal.
21. Give me some sugar: Give me a kiss.
22. Good ol' boy: A male who tends to enjoy challenging situations; tends to be rambunctious and often enjoys hunting, mudding and fishing.
23. Hissy: Shorthand for a hissy fit — a grown-up tantrum as bad as a toddler would throw.
34. Hold your horses: Be patient.
25. Holler: To let someone know something. Example: Holler at me when you’ve put the kids to bed, and we can grab a drink.
26. Idjit: Idiot.
27. If the creek don’t rise: If nothing bad happens, then everything will go as planned.
28. Muddin': A pastime involving driving a four-wheel-drive vehicle in the mud with the goal of nearly losing control.
29. Nervous as a long-tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs: Nervous to the point of being jumpy; constantly on the lookout.
30. Off like a herd of turtles: Not off to a great or speedy start.
31. Tennis shoes: Athletic shoes of any kind, not just the kind you use to play tennis
32. Pitcher: Not a pitcher on a baseball team, but a plastic container to hold tea or lemonade.
33. Playing possum: Playing dead (as a possum does to escape danger); also used when someone is feigning sleep.
34. Reckon: To suppose or believe something is true.
35. Rode hard and put away wet: Unbelievably exhausted, like a sweaty horse that just got put back in the barn.
36. Run with the big dogs: Taking a risk or making a big decision that could have serious consequences.
37. Snake in the grass: A conniving person who could strike at any time without warning.
38. Squeeze a quarter so tight the eagle screams: Describes a person who's very, very cheap.
39. Supper: Dinner.
40. Sweeper: Vacuum.
41. Tore up: Broken
42. (To) carry on: To continue on foolishly, usually referring to a tantrum or fit.
43. (Too) big for your britches: To take yourself too seriously.
44. Upside: The long way of saying “up,” like smacking somebody upside the head.
45. Stompin’ grounds: Your hometown or where you’re from.
What is your favorite Southern expression? Feel free to share it in the comments below!
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I posted 142 times in 2022
That's 142 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (52%)
68 posts reblogged (48%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 127 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#star stable - 64 posts
#sso - 55 posts
#star stable online - 53 posts
#ssopromptober2022 - 31 posts
#sso oc - 13 posts
#star stable oc - 10 posts
#ssoblr - 9 posts
#sso spoilers - 8 posts
#arrow's art - 6 posts
#carolina strawberrystream - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#look me in the eye and tell me that that wouldn't be cute to just *plop* stick a hat (besides the sunhat) on your little horse's head
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Truth is often forgotten when legends are born...
16 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
I figured I might as well officially introduce my OC, Carolina, so here we are!
Carolina "Arrow" Strawberrystream
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Full name: Carolina Ann Strawberrystream
Birthday: April 29
Eye color: Brown, sometimes blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 6'0" (~183 cm)
Style: Outdoorsy and casual
General: Caring, observant, & introverted
Strengths: Hard-working, clever, & understanding.
Weaknesses: Can be overly sarcastic, talks a lot once you get her going, & has a tendency to shut down when upset.
Habits: Mumbling in other languages & adjusting her clothing even when there's nothing wrong.
Likes: Reading, nature, & going out for trail rides.
Dislikes: Rude people (why did you think she moved to basically the middle of nowhere, AKA the Wildwoods?), people who don't respect personal space, & rushing into things.
Sense of humor: Sarcasm and references. A lot of references.
Guilty pleasure: Snacks. Snacks everywhere.
Defining moment: Riding to aid Silverglade Village when the Pandoric rifts opened instead of simply letting the others handle it like she normally would, often stating simply that the others were more experienced.
Friends: The Soul Riders, certain residents of Jorvik, & pretty much every single cat she encounters.
Family: Aunt Sarah, who lives in Dundull.
Affiliation: The Keepers of Aideen & the Soul Riders.
Enemies: Dark Core, GED, & spiders.
Reputation: You need something? She'll do it, but how happy she is about it will drastically vary.
Residence: Redwood Point
Collections: Nature-related things (she's totally got a rock collection) & model horses.
Accent: American
Signature quote: "I'm just a gal, with a horse. I didn't ask for any of this magic."
See the full post
19 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
*Scott Lang voice* I'm so confused.
I know there's some wacky stuff in Star Stable...
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26 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Hello! I'm Caroline, and I go by Carolina Strawberrystream in-game, and I've finally decided to make a blog on here.
Hope to see ya'll around!
27 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Which one(s) would ya'll describe your OC(s) as?
43 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rayeim0gen · 2 months
Today is my girlfriend and Is first anniversary. I can honestly say I finally have the life of my dreams.
Me: 33, r/mtfbutch. Her: 31 F Masc.
I was smitten from the get-go when, within an hour of her messaging me in Lex, she suggested that we should “drink tequila and burn shit” for our first date.
A year ago tonight we had a 9.5 hour first date (which indeed included drinking tequila and burning weed), and we’ve been inseparable ever since.
We’ve only spent a few nights apart total.
We uhaul’d at 6 weeks, and adopted a cat a week in just to be more stereotypically lesbian.
We spent 5 months while I looked for a job together 24/7 and it was amazing. We never got sick or tired of each other. Still haven’t. ☺️
I finally got into the ward back in January after an unalive attempt. I largely have her and another friend to thank, as they were ready to turn me away yet again.
My life, as well as my weight, has been on the upswing since.
We both have our mental health struggles.
Her with her r/schizophrenia & psychosis, me with my Borderline, PTSD, and major depressive. We should be fire and gasoline. But we’re the opposite.
I’ve come into my own so much in the past year, and I have her to thank for supporting me.
I’ve gotten two neck tattoos, tattoos on the back of both hands, gotten both nostrils pierced, stretched my lobes to a 00, as well as shaved my hair and eyebrows off.
I’m LOVING what I see in the mirror these days. Extra weight and all. I mean, who doesn’t love a chubby dyke? Just makes me all the more comfortable to cuddle with.
For the first time in my life, I’m my authentic self.
The outside finally looks how the inside feels.
Which is a butch dyke.
Who uses “it/its” pronouns.
Who identifies with the r/voidpunk community.
And is now 3.5 years into its hrt journey.
Most days I forget I’m even trans, as my brain has settled on having my gender AND my sexuality being simply “butch”.
I’m also Stone, so my own genitals are never actually involved in sex.
As a result, I can’t even use that for a point of reference.
I misgender myself all the time, accidentally saying that I’m ftm unless I give it serious thought.
I’ve always been close with the lesbian community, and they’ve welcomed me with open arms before and after I came out 5 years ago. I love them all.
My girlfriend and I have built an amazing little life together, along with our cat, Cheesecake.
We’ve furnished her her little apartment amazingly together, with both of us contributing to it coming together as well as it has.
We’re both still perfectly comfortable in each other’s company.
We’ve both been homeless before, so we’re kindred spirits in that regard.
I’ve ruined my life no less than twice for relationships that weren’t half this healthy or comfortable or as smooth as this one has been.
I managed to land an amazing temporary job back in April that lead to being offered full time permanent after my 2 month temp contract expired.
The pay is amazing, and it’s helped me repurchase some of the essentials that I had to walk away from when I ended up homeless and lost everything I owned.
It has been life changing for my girlfriend and I. It’s given us both financial stability for the first time in years.
For the first time ever, I have the life I’ve always dreamt of.
My life finally feels like my own. I stayed true to myself through everything I went through in the past couple years, and am more authentically myself than ever.
I didn’t water myself down and go back into the closet to be able to stay with family.
(Not to mention that that would have required moving back to my hometown, a move I’ve vowed that I won’t be doing while still alive.)
I have a girlfriend that I’m 100% compatible and comfortable with.
The cutest cat in the world.
And my lucky r/mtfbutch lesbian ass gets to crawl into bed and snuggle with both of them at the end of every day.
We’re both super close with each other’s families, being welcomed into them on a level neither of us have ever experienced before.
I’ve never been this compatible with anyone before.
I’ve never been this equal with anyone before.
A year in, and we’re as in love as ever.
We’re actually looking for a second cat to adopt in the near future as the newest addition to our little family.
I still face an uphill battle to repair the rest of the problems that arose from my mental health struggles and ending up homeless as a result.
But for the first time in years, I’m looking forward to the future, and can’t wait to spend it with my amazing girlfriend and our soon to be two cats.
In our cozy little one room bachelor pad apartment we’ve furnished together…
…I can honestly say, I finally have the life I’ve always wanted…
Happy First Anniversary, babe. You’re amazing.
Here’s to many more to come together.
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plainmusic · 4 months
Inner Science - Luster - LP/Digital - PLIN-013
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■ TITLE | タイトル : Luster ■ ARTIST | アーティスト : Inner Science ■ Cat# - FORMAT - PRICE - RELEASE DATE | 型番 - フォーマット - 上代 - 発売予定日  : PLIN-013 - Digital/Subscription - 5 JUN 2024  : PLIN-013RD - LP (4C Jacket/with DLcode) - ¥4,510 (¥4,100+tax) - 26 JUN 2024 ■ LABEL | レーベル : Plain Music ■ Distribution | 流通 : Ultra Vybe – – – – – – – – – – 深く、つややか。Inner Scienceのあらたな到達点、通算11枚目となるオリジナル・アルバム。全9曲、41:22収録。LP盤はDLコード付き(48khz/24bit) / 生産数100枚 / ハンド・ナンバリング有り。
Deep and lustrous. A New Reach of Inner Science, 11th original album. Included 9 Tracks/Total time 41:22. LP version with DL code (48khz/24bit) / Edition of 100 / Hand numbered. – – – – – – – – – – ■ Track List  / トラックリスト  01 - Introduction for Luster (00:49)  02 - Node (04:31)  03 - New Reference (04:29)  04 - Latitude (06:11)  05 - Continue (04:45)  06 - Soft Processing (02:03)  07 - Flicker (08:32)  08 - Also (05:52)  09 - Please (04:14)   *LP - SIDE A Track 01-05 / SIDE B Track 06-09 – – – – – – – – – – ■ Shop / ショップ LP - Bandcamp / disk union / JET SET / Lighthouse Records / RAF-REC / STEREO RECORDS / Wenod Digital - Amazon Music / Apple Music/iTunes Store / AWA / Bandcamp / Line Music / OTOTOY / Spotify / Tower Records Music / Youtube Music / レコチョク – – – – – – – – – – ■ Inner Science - Profile / インナー・サイエンス - プロフィール 西村 尚美によるソロ・プロジェクト。自身が美しいと感じる音を作り、様々な順番に並べ、彩りにあふれたインストゥルメンタル・ミュージックとして表現する。 A solo project by Masumi Nishimura. He creates sounds that he himself finds beautiful, arranging them in various order, and expressing them as colorful instrumental music. http://www.masuminishimura.com
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leatherlaceandrope · 1 year
Hi, call me Legion. This is my really kinky sideblog where I cum come to be horny. I'm a good and sometimes feisty kitty. Don't worry, I try not scratch and bite too hard. I prefer cuddles and pets most of the time. 😻😻😻
I'm a 31 year old trans creature man and go by he/him and it/its pronouns. It's complicated and kinda fluid, like it's 5d spacetime instead of just 4d. Also still feminine because I love cute and pretty things. And as my blog description says, bisexual because I specifically like to go by vibe more than anything else. So, really just plain queer.
I'm also a polyfrag DID system, so different parts have slightly different preferences. We're not likely to talk about it outside this post but it is important. It basically means our gatekeeper team has full control of what can and can't be done to our mind. Some of us refer to one of our oldest alters as Sir, because right now we need him to fill a dominant role for us. System relationships have been our main way of exploring what we like. If you do want to see that mess of recovery, it's @eldritch-queern-magicat.
As a whole, I'm not looking for any serious relationships. I don't care if I just happen to fall into one, but I'm not actively looking. There's a lot of other stuff I need to sort out first before I get to that point. This is simply about having fun with others.
Anyway here's the stuff I'm definitely into:
Objectification (with praise/aftercare)
Tentacles/monster fucking
Pet play
Spanking/biting (not super hard though)
Edging/orgasm denial
Bimbofication/dumbification (because feminine yay plus I think way too much sometimes)
Mommy domme little boy
There are other things, but you'll have to message me privately for those because they're really not for everybody and are entirely restricted to fantasy roleplay (because puberty did some weird things I'm still figuring out)
Other notes about what I like:
I'm always a kitty-cat first but I'm not against exploring playing as other animals (this can be creative because I love animals in general)
Please call me a cute little thing or something like it, or pretty
Femboy, girlboy, or girly boy are cool, too
My top is my chest, and those are the only words I want used
Though you may call my bottom some variation of man/boy pussy/cunt
It/its pronouns aren't totally for kinky reasons but they do amplify some of the effects by nature of their common use
I'm often eager to please and make sure other participants are having a good time so I expect needs to be communicated clearly
I've got a history of being really shy with others so even a bit of praise can go so far because I want to be appreciated
You're gonna have to build up to some of the spicy stuff I'm not listing here to make sure you actually respect boundaries
And then my absolute HARD NOs:
Tickling, bodily waste (scat, piss, vomit, etc), weight loss/gain, age play, race play, incest, any physical endangerment (I'm putting breath-play (that isn't just holding your breath longer than normal) under this, as an asthmatic)
If something you're into isn't on the list of stuff I'm definitely into, but it's not listed as a hard no, message me and we can talk about it. I'm not just going to close myself off to new ideas or kinks even if I don't understand them. May even lead to expanding my yay list. I'm an incredibly curious person.
My DNI is the basics for a kink blog, really. I don't want bigots and assholes here, and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. No minors. This is an adult-only space. That said, if you don't have your age listed and easy to find, that's on you. I will not be held responsible for the ‘what if’ you happen to be under age 18 but just aren't saying so/are actually lying. But I will use my own discretion if I have reason to suspect you're under 18. If confirmed, you will be reported and blocked. I'm operating on good faith of only adults interacting with this sideblog. Any form of age indication, even if you just say 18+ only or something, still makes me feel more comfortable with interacting here than none.
If you want something for some non-sexual, still weird fun, allow me to direct you to my general audiences drone roleplay blog, @drone-unit8454. Just remember to keep the horny shit here.
No unsolicited real life pictures by the way! And pictures of genitals will be responded to appropriately by you ending up blocked. I'm also absolutely not be giving out any pictures of myself. I'm really shy about showing myself to people online. Especially since it's Tumblr. What I do accept are things like spirals and other such gifs. If you're not sure about something, just ask.
I have the most real world experience as a sub, but if you're exclusively a sub, I wouldn't mind acting as a soft, service-oriented dom. Like I said, I'm eager to please (but let's also take it easy starting out). Either way, I'll always try to be flexible within reason. My ask box and messages are open.
Will probably edit this thing as time goes on.
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jazzyslibrary · 2 years
warriors: super edition: firestar's quest
date started: 23/07/2022 | date finished: 31/07/2022
i like that the book starts off as pretty much a direct sequel to the darkest hour despite it being published two years after the actual sequel, “midnight”.
it has follow-ups to the battle versus bloodclan and references that sandstorm had helped mistyfoot train stormpaw and featherpaw (now stormfur and feathertail in this book) and they are said to have become good friends after that and sandstorm goes to talk with mistyfoot at the gathering. i just thought that was sweet :)
also some dustpelt sass was unexpected but appreciated. especially because he’s being sassy to firestar who is his leader, i don’t think most cats talk like that to their leaders. firestar got a random vision of skyclan leaving a gathering and he stops walking towards fourtrees and dustpelt just says (well actually he grumbles) “for starclan’s sake, do you have to stop dead like that? any cat would think you’d forgotten the way.”
hehe i just thought it was funnie xD
also i totally forgot that this is the book where longtail loses his vision. i thought he was a warrior for way longer than that. in my memory he still had his vision at least until the power of three. i guess i just forgot. poor boy :(
i was a little disappointed that bluestar was against trying to help skyclan and used the “four trees = four clans” argument again. only the last time she said it, she meant that a clan shouldn’t be driven out of the forest. i do understand a little because there isn’t room for a fifth clan and the clans all end up leaving the forest to go to the lake anyway. and i do think a clan leader leaving their clan for such a long time and potentially not making it back is a bad idea. like in the new prophecy when young warriors/apprentices are sent on a journey it’s a bit more believable.
i do like that skyclan being driven out by the twoleg developments goes right with the story of the series it precedes. even though this book was written after the new prophecy, it does make the story feel more connected somehow. i just like it!
when firestar asks sandstorm to come with him it made me realise that despite being his partner, they have barely talked to each other this book. sandstorm always seems to be the one checking in on him and he’s cheating on his wife with a dead cat kinda. plus the fact that she knows she’s his second choice is really sad. and he just randomly says hey come with me after she confronts him about that and everything is okay now? ugh, and firestar never has to change and be a better cat husband and can still go talk to his egirl on discord woohoo.
skywatcher giving firestar the prophecy about the three was unexpected.
spottedleaf’s presence in this book (and every book) is annoying and mostly doesn’t warrant itself existing. like when she comes to tell them that burdock root can treat rat bites and it causes conflict between firestar and sandstorm. she tells sandstorm that their relationship could never be and that firestar loves her. but after sandstorm can’t hear her, she tells firestar that she wishes things could have been different. like what a big fuck you to that moment and to sandstorm. firestar and spottedleaf need to stop. i’m looking forward to the new povs in the next books and won’t have to deal with firestar anymore haha. also the cats had totally figured out that they needed to take down the leader of the rats but spottedleaf found it necessary to give a dumb prophecy “not many, but one” like thanks but we knew.
i love leafdapple as a name, it’s just so pretty and totally puts an image of her in your head. it’s almost sad that she loses that name when she becomes skyclan’s leader, but i of course support her being leader.
i liked the epilogue just surprising me with firestar going to see sandstorm in the nursery with their two babies. it was a sweet scene.
i’m just looking forward to skyclan’s destiny and when i finally read the new series and skyclan joins the other clans at the lake.
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thunderc1an · 2 years
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Warriors: The Prophecies Begin- Details + Info in Tags
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chikyuu-b · 2 years
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Stand Name: Chamber 31
Reference: Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
Ability: Void
Stand Range: 10 meters
Power-Distance Range: Anywhere
Explanation: Chamber 31 has a total of 31 rings across its body. These individual rings can resize and either connect two separate locations or lead to voids of various uses.
Limit: The rings are a dead give away. Only a few times have others been able to briefly outwit and go on the offense against the flying portals. It takes plenty of stand energy as well. While the user has trained, the speed will begin to wear off in prolonged battles and cause slow movement, making attacks easier to read. Beyond this, the stand can be considered weak due to lack of physical prowess and is simply floating parts attached by design. The stand is more ‘brain over brawn’ if it’s to be considered useful. Lastly, loss of concentration and imagery can cause user to end up in an unfamiliar space or different portal entirely.
Warning: Don’t let the eyes open. While the user toys with enemies the way a cat does a mouse, when in the throes of fury, the eyes of Chamber 31 are revealed and veins begin to crawl across the face. It is a signal a very painful end is imminent.
*Delphine wears four of these rings*
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disfictional · 3 years
BBC Sherlock Crossword Puzzle #2
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I couldn't stop at just one BBC Sherlock New York Times-style cryptic. Here's a solvable puzzle, this time with a few added Good Omens, BTS, MDZS, and beloved fanfic author (@totallysilvergirl @inevitably-johnlocked )references. Check it out on Ao3 here, or for a more accessible version, you can read the clues below the cut. Aaaand for curious folks who just aren't into crosswords, here are the clues and their solutions. Happy solving!
1. Watson to Holmes in the ASiP case 4
5. Butter for lotions 4
9. Fourth string, in sports 5
14. Canal recently featured in fanfiction, oddly 4
15. 221B’s kitchen when it’s full of dishes, say 4
16. Exceptionally angry 5
17. Build-your-own furniture store 4
18. Prefix for choke or fact 4
19. Like Moriarty in Sherlock’s data 5
20. Fall time locale? 3 12
23. Pimple, informally 3
24. Sherlock investigates them in Pleasure to Burn by scullyseviltwin, a firefighter AU 6
28. Major Yorkshire river that runs through Leeds and Skipton 4
29. Common tag acronym on BBC Sherlock meta 4
31. Swindle, trick 3
32. Potential dog house locale? 2 11
35. Stubbs, the loveliest Mrs. Hudson ♥️ 3
36. “_____ do!” (“No you don’t!” retort) 4
37. Period in time 3
38. “If I had to ____ that face, I’d avoid his nose and cheekbones, too.” 4
39. Japanese chef of Buzzfeed Tasty videos 3
40. Tea with an employer locale? 1 11
44. Attack on Titan online abbr. 3
45. A screwdriver has many, on Doctor Who 4
46. Electric swimmers 4
47. Follower of Islam 6
49. Gun, as an engine when Mrs. Hudson drives 3
50. Silver medals, or a clue to 20-, 32-, and 40-across 12
57. _____ fours, pastries judged on their uniformity on the Great British Bake Off 5
60. _____ On, Silvergirl’s fic in which Sherlock joins an Irish folk band 4
61. Smelly cheese 4
62. Menu at un café 5
63. @inevitably_johnlocked might call one “nonny” 4
64. Auld ____ Syne 4
65. Largest republic of the USSR 5
66. Citizen of Latvia 4
67. Singularly named artist who sings May It Be 4
1. S2E1 4
2. B*tch, to a Russian 4
3. Not an observer, to Sherlock 4
4. Sauce for a gyro 8
5. More intelligent (as Mycroft insists he is to Sherlock) 7
6. “I’m not a _____, I’m a high functioning sociopath” 4
7. ¿Que es _____? 4
8. Cher’s disgusted expression in Clueless 4
9. “Is it too early for a ______?” -John to Mary in The Six Thatchers 7
10. Journeys 5
11. Musicians need a good one 3
12. Words before distance or disadvantage 3
13. Giedroyc of The Great British Bake-off 3
21. Medieval address to a king 4
22. Like one with a long coat and a short friend 4
25. Eye, to Dr. Watson 6
26. Strega ______ never-ending pasta (poss.) 5
27. Severus of Potions class 5
28. Resources (John has many fine ones he’s overlooked in his obsession with Sherlock) 6
29. Grows weary 5
30. Lan Jingyi’s English university net username? 4
32. Dublin-born Total Wipeout co-host Amanda 5
33. …and sometimes Y 5
34. Cheers for Taehyung at a BTS concert, perhaps 4
38. Like most cases Holmes takes on (and this puzzle, I hope) 8
40. Like 221B when Holmes stops playing violin 7
41. Grp. whose motto is “Semper Fidelis” 4
42. Crowley in Eden 7
43. Achilles’ _____ 4
48. Sherlock M-theory writer’s acronym (poss.) 5
51. John often gives and receives it in E-rated fic 4
52. Number of lives for a cat 4
53. Train org. in Detroit or D.C. 4
54. Large group of related Scottish families 4
55. Start of a children’s rhyme for making a choice 4
56. Yoongi of BTS 4
57. Test needed to travel, these days 3
58. “_____ in Edward,” expression to spell “Euros” over the phone, say 3
59. S2E3 3
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that-gayyy-bitch · 3 years
I have this headcanon that the Gryffindor Quidditch team were little shits, that Oliver could barely control, so he made a rule board, which started off pretty normal but got out of hand.
I imagine it was like this: (This is the Quidditch team in the first 3 books.)
1. Quidditch is not just a game. People who think otherwise will face the wrath of Mr Wood.
2. Mr Wood is NOT a cane to beat people with.
3. Don't let Fred and George near anything. Anything.
4. Friendly reminder that the chasers aren't secretly super Ministry spies who could kill with one glance if they wanted, no matter what Fred says.
5. Hufflepuff's seeker is not secretly a badger.
6. Harry is our baby-secret weapon, and must be protected at all costs.
7. Keep the Chocolate Frog Card stash away from Alicia and Katie.
8. Playing 'Spin the Broomstick' and '7 Minutes in the Broom Cupboard' is forbidden.
9. All pairing names are forbidden. Especially Johnwood and Wooter.
10. Oliver Wood is not a walking sexual innuendo.
11. Anyone who says 'Morning Wood' will be high-fived punished.
12. Harry I don't care if your scar is hurting, just catch the snitch for Merlin's sake.
13. People who say Fred and George are the same will be attacked by bludgers.
14. Incidentally, if Fred and George pretend to be each other one more time, they'll be attacked by bludgers when they're least expecting it.
15. The next person to ruin Wood's date by saying 'He's a keeper.' then winking is off the team.
16. Betting on how many times Wood will fall off of his broom is forbidden.
17. Beaters are not code words for prostitutes.
18. Anyone heard singing 'We saw Oliver's butt' will clean the broom cupboard for a week.
19. Discussing if twins are exactly the same EVERYWHERE is forbidden.
20. Oh they're not exactly the same. ;)
21. Fred and George are now forbidden from writing on the rule board.
22. Friendly reminder that Angelina is not to be trusted with our clothes, and the next time the twins convince her to take them, the three of them will be picking them out of the lake themselves.
23. Singing 'Potter for captain' and 'How will Potter end up in the Hospital Wing next?' is banned. (On weekdays.)
24. Insulting Slytherins is allowed if they start it, but if you don't want us to get disqualified, please refrain from sneaking live spiders into their quidditch robes.
25. Katie is not allowed to hold anyone down and give them a makeover.
26. George is not allowed to help.
27. Pranks wars between the Weasleys and the Chasers are forbidden.
28. Dragging Harry into these wars as bait is also forbidden.
29. Selling strands of Wood's hair to first years is strictly prohibited.
30. If Fred and George are huddled together, it's bad and they must be separated before someone's broom turns into a marshmallow.
31. Angelina and Alicia will refrain from singing 'We're the most sassy quidditch team on the planet with the best butts ever.'
32. Fred and George will not join in.
33. Fred and George will NOT EVER AGAIN show their butts no matter how 'glorious' they are. Well they are. No Katie.
34. Harry will not ask 'Where do babies come from?' in earshot of rival quidditch teams.
35. Professor McGonagall is not a cat who's animagus is a human.
36. Alicia will not ring a bell in Wood's ear every time he says Katie Bell, Katie, or Bell.
37. Bad puns are banned everyday except for Thursdays.
38. Though spraying shampoo on Professor Snape's head and blaming it on Zacharias Smith was funny, refrain from doing it in front of McGonagall.
39. 'Touching Wood' for good luck is prohibited.
40. Shipping McGonaWood is hilarious creepy and needs to be stopped.
41. Fred, George and Katie will not turn all of the Ravenclaw brooms into squirrels when they're not looking, even if 'It was only a joke' and 'We were going to change them back.'
42. Oliver Wood does NOT sleep with a toy golden snitch. Well he totally does.
43. Fred and George will refer to rule 21 and keep their filthy mouths shut.
44. Holding out a broom in front of your body and sniggering 'long' and 'hard' is immature and will be banned.
45. Threatening to shove broomsticks up people's butts/nostrils is not a good way to taunt any rivals, Slytherin or not.
46. Harry is NOT the Gryffindor mascot, and will not be forced to wear a lion costume and dance.
47. If it is heard that anyone has been insulting the team then rule 25 will be overlooked.
48. Reminder that Oliver Wood puns are banned, and any new ones will banned. Unless they're really good. No.
49. Playing '(Oliver) Would You Rather?' is forbidden.
50. Draco may be a slimy git, but de it's prohibited to turn his hair colour to red and gold, no matter how hilarious he looks.
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