#darpg campaign
Streets of Shadow: A Dragon Age Table Top Campaign
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"The city of Highmire sits atop a mountain pass at the border between the Free Marches and Nevarra. This town controls much of the trade between the two countries, and its success was not so easily granted. Over the last several years, the trade empire that flows through the bottleneck of Highmire has been built out of the shadows of corruption and exploitation. After the accidental murder of one of the city’s most beloved and cherished artisans, a rebellion is brewing in the shadows. Their anger in turn is being fueled by a mysterious killer who has begun targeting wealthy merchants in the upper-class district of the city. It is up to the party to get to the bottom of this mystery and figure out what’s going on in Highmire. Will they see this killer as a heroic vigilante or a serial killer that must meet his end?"
Estimated 5-8 Sessions.
This campaign does not have any set levels and can accommodate an array of player characters and backgrounds. A majority of the set and world-building is written, but this is a campaign that you can make your own!
Read the PDF here!
Looking for Dragon Age inspired ambient music for your campaign? Click here!
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Qunari with styles and features from South America/Maori/Pasifika anyone?
This is done using the @thorgans-guide-to-thedas re-imagined Qunari lore and cultures :)
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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we finished our first trial darpg campaign so i drew some discord emojis to celebrate
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crynwr-drwg · 1 year
Biggest reason I been talking bout dragon age so much is because, with a group of mates, we've done a huge campaign that was basically us doing the plot of dao with darpg, and you know what? It was a pretty good time. Might even write down some of the stuff for it.
Some people's characters were definitely just based off some of the origins, which was definitely fine, but some were pretty unique ones. Like on person made up an Avvar lad and it was pretty interesting how they interacted with everything during the game. Good shit
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ashok-kumars-world · 2 years
Shri M R Kumar, Chairperson, Life Insurance Corporation of India sharing the various activities being conducted by the Organisation under Special Campaign 2.0.
PMO India Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), Government of India Department Of Financial Services, GOI GOI #SpecialCampaign2.0
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thedhananjayaparkhe · 2 years
  Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.
  Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.
•Concessional custom duty on Edible Oil import extended till March 2023 to keep domestic price under control •PM replies to citizens’ comments on PM Sangrahalaya, 5G launch, Ahmedabad Metro and Ambaji renovation •Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh launches Special Swacchta Campaign 2.0, with a focus on Swachhata including disposal of scrap and Reducing Pendency in Government at DARPG office, Sardar…
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EPISODE 8: Muster Keep
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A Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Campaign Diary
Episode 1 Here
Earth Date: 30.07.2017
Thedas Date: 12.10.840 TE
Characters: Limbes, Senna, and Marie
The party wakes up after a night of drinking. Limbes and Marie have a killer hangover, but Senna is fine and more than ready to get going.
Ria, chief Astrid’s second-in-command, sees the sorry state of Limbes and Marie and offers them a wineskin with something that she says will help. Limbes, of course, takes the wineskin and drinks without hesitation. It’s firewater. The alcohol does alleviate the pain. Marie follows suit. They both end up slightly tipsy again. But the pain is gone, so...
Marie decides to return the beverage quickly because she’s a lightweight.
Ria informs the party that the mountain pass is treacherous with travelers often not returning from their journey. The veil is thin there, she says, so there is a chance of skeletons and other possessed bodies.
Senna decides to go out to purchase potions, buys a few, and watches as Marie asks about the stock, but clearly decides that she has no need for the viagra vial he offers. Limbes buys 1 tub of Warming Salve.
As they leave, they ask a guard which way to go from the gates and climb up Gherlen’s Pass to its highest point until they find the stone monument the guard talked about. The monument is a large monolith with many runic carvings.
They head northeast. The path is well-maintained where they set off and travel is easy. It gets harder when they set off to the northeast, and the party has to climb boulders and squeeze through passages as they traverse the mountain.
With Limbes leading and Marie and Senna following  3-10m  behind, the sun is setting when the snow beneath Limbes’ feet cracks, and she realizes it is ice. Too late, however, and Marie and Senna see her falling into a crevice in the ground.
Marie yells after her, but gets no reply. She flies into a fit because she couldn’t catch Limbes and now she is dead.
Limbes is actually fine and exits the tight crevice she has fallen into to find a very dark hallway. It looks like an entry. The whole building seems to have been encased in ice, with some of it coming through and covering the walls.
She claps her hands loudly. A giant swarm of bats rushes past and out of the hole Limbes fell through.
Upon seeing this, Marie heads carefully toward the hole. Senna is impatient and pokes her with her staff. She falls, and just barely lands in the crevice. Senna gets down unharmed and lights a torch.
They head into the hallway and Sanna spots a stone in the wall that seems different. Limbes hits it with the pommel of her sword. It crumbles as the ground lowers into a flight of stairs. Limbes takes the lead downstairs.
They reach a thick pair of doors. When they open the doors, there is a rush of air and a long path of fire lights up in the middle of the broad octagonal room they have entered. Four skeletons shake to life, one in front of each of the diagonal walls of the chamber.
Limbes attacks first, slashing the Skeleton to her left. Marie follows suit, but misses and hits the wall instead. The skeleton reciprocates, stabbing at Marie with its spear. Luckily, the strike is deflected by Marie’s armor.
Another skeleton attacks Limbes, and a third skeleton does what the first one couldn’t, striking at Marie with ease. Senna sends an arcane lance in the back of the second skeleton. Limbes hits the one in front of her on the head and makes way for Marie to scatter it across the floor.
Seeking revenge, both skeletons attack Marie but miss. The fourth one finally catches up to them and takes advantage of the chaos and targets Senna immediately. Senna is not amused and hits it right back.
Limbes turns on the one in front of her, and, with a mighty blow, she kills it, taunting skeleton number four before she gets into a defensive stance.
Marie swings for the skeleton between her and Limbes and misses completely. The one right next to it takes offence and lunges for Marie, but misses as well. Senna however, is hit by the one which just approached. Now annoyed, Senna destroys it with a double arcane lance.
Limbes charges the last remaining skeleton and hits it in the chest. Marie takes her cue and finishes it off with a lethal blow, smashing it into the ground with her maul like a hammer would a nail.
The party looks around for more challengers, but sees none and thus uses their newfound peace quiet to bind their wounds and inspect the room.
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They discover ancient writing on the opposing walls on the far sides of the room. The ancient Tevinter writing was added long after the ruin was built, its message ominous:     This is the hall of Muster Keep     Keeping Horinth fast asleep     Do not enter, foolish man     Run away while you still can     Flee this place once you arrive     Before the dead eat you alive
They continue into the ruins anyway. Limbes makes herself useful and spots all the weakened and crumbly areas on the floor, and none of them end up losing a foot. Or two.
They reach a crossroads and go gayly forward.. The hallway curves left, then right, and splits into a T. Going left takes them into a small room that’s empty save for a torch holder, surrounded by a magical barrier. Senna realizes the barrier will dissipate when struck with sufficient magical force and arcane lances it to do just that.
After some trial and error, Senna turns the torch holder like a handle and they hear a faraway click.
The party exits the room and continues down the other end of the T until they come across a magical door where one of two spheres is glowing. Figuring that they need to find a second switch, the group turns back to the crossroads.
The path to the south is a dead end, and so the party makes a 180 and find another octagonal room, this one twice as large as the room with the fire and skeletons. This room has five altars, three of which hold skeletons, the other two seemingly sleeping and untouched people.
They investigate the skeletons first and determine they are at least 20 years old and completely barren. After less than a second’s contemplation, they rob the skeletons of six rings and two bangles and add them to the newly created party pot.
The fleshy bodies are up next and the group realises these people are still breathing. Marie pokes one of them in the cheek. It feels sizzly. Senna wacks the other in the stomach with her staff. The comatose woman she hit stops breathing.
Marie yells at Senna. A lot. Senna casts Heal on the woman. The woman breathes again.
Senna checks if it’s a magically induced coma and discovers that the bodies are in stasis and their souls are… elsewhere.
Meanwhile, Limbes has discovered more ancient writing along with artwork on the walls. Senna translates:
    Year for year we sacrifice     And we pay a deadly price     Let our spirits cross the Fade     May the demon be afraid     We strike down Dumat and kin     And bathe ourselves with pride in sin
The murals seem to have three parts: 1) Mages laying on altars, 2) Mages getting up on the altars, having turned seemingly luminescent in white and blue and 3) The bright mages fighting a huge abomination
Senna recognizes the murals as Tevinter art added to the non-Tevinter ruins. Both Senna and Limbes notice that two of the five mages fighting the abomination have differently colored eyes. Marie and Senna poke these eyeballs and a hidden room opens up.
Inside, the girls find three wooden chests, decorated with gold-plated imagery of a hand holding a rose. Marie plugs one of the rings with the same symbol into an indentation in the chests and the locks click open. They find: 
1) Stone with runes meaning ‘light’ carved into it. Senna takes it. It is a glowstone, emitting a gentle white and blue light.
2) The Steadfast Staff, made of aged yew, which gives +1WP. Senna takes this one too.
3) A Leather Cover for books that will render the book inside impervious to any and all damage. Limbes wraps the elven book in it.
Senna mentions the hand holding the black rose is said to be the crest of an ancient Tevinter cult, according to legend. And that this was likely a copycat order or a revival. The cult would send mages into the Face to fight demons.
Not having found the second switch, the party returns to the dead end and discover another torch holder. One thing leads to another, click says the door and the party goes to check the magically sealed door again. Both spheres are glowing now. They push it open to reveal a circular room, with an abomination struggling to its feet in the middle.
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Marie rushes in first but fails to hit the abomination. Limbes however lunges in, rushes behind the abomination and backstabs it, drawing quite a bit of blood.
Senna casts stonefist, but while taking damage, it resists being knocked prone. With a vengeful cry, it hits Marie across the face. Marie takes revenge, knocking it prone and providing an opening for Limbes to charge it and attack it twice before darting away.
Senna stonefists it again, keeping it knocked prone. The abomination however gets up and attacks Marie, topping its attack off with a drain life spell. Two skeletons now enter the fray, drawn in by the noise. One heads towards Marie and Limbes, the other goes towards Senna.
Marie charges the skeleton closest to her, hitting it before getting into a defensive stance, expecting quite a blowback.
Limbes however backstabs it to death before it can attack Marie.
Senna, in the meantime, hurls an arcane lance at the abomination, and the abomination replies by lunging for Limbes, but it misses the nimble rogue, and so it retreats a few steps.
The skeleton who was approaching Senna attacks her with its spear, and Marie charges the one left between her and Limbes. She hoped to get its attention, but that clearly didn’t work. Instead, she sends it into the wall with her morning star before shattering its skull with her spiked buckler.
Limbes backstabs the abomination and uses the element of surprise to hit it a second time, pierce its armor and push it into a corner before darting away again.
Senna hurls a winter’s grasp at the abomination, but instead of the spell she expected, only tiny little snowflakes emerge from her staff.
The Abomination chases after Limbes and slashes her hard with its claws before moving further to the middle of the room.
Marie charges it, finding the chink in his armour and taking full advantage of that. Limbes backstabs it and distances herself again, leaving Marie in its path instead.
Senna attempts another winter’s grasp, but for some reason can’t conjure up the concentration she needs to make it happen.
Now the abomination turns on Marie and does some serious damage with its claws.
Reeling (and a little desperate) Marie smacks it across the face with her morningstar, killing it and triggering it to explode in her face, leaving Marie on death’s disgusting and very gory edge.
With that done, they all take a break, and Marie lays on the cold hard floor in fetal position, while Senna and Limbes inspect the room and peer into the hallway the skeletons emerged from.
They decide not to camp until they know it’s safe and head into the hallway with Limbes leading. They discover a catacomb with (mostly) closed graves dug into the walls. Limbes points out that only two of them show signs of escape. They also find a chest, which Limbes opens after failing to see if it’s trapped. They find: 1) Hardened Light Leather Armor (Tevinter design with AR4) 2) Mage Robes (red/purple Tevinter design) 3) Simple Tevinter robes and 20 pieces of jewelry that go into the party pot
Senna immediately strips to down and dons her new robes. Limbes gawks before following suit and getting into her new armor.
Senna also mentions that the blowing up is just something that abominations tend to do when they die. Feeling secure, the party decides to set up camp in the gory room...
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The City of Chains: Kirkwall in 9:31 Dragon
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Zoomed in quadrants and explanation below the cut!
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The basics
Kirkwall as we see in DA2, by all means, makes no sense. And I am not talking about the size restrections the devs had. I am talking about perspective and city planning. Still, I did my best to depict this city with the information available.
My headcanons
- We know that the weird, angular, narrow, dead-ended, and winding street layout we see in Lowtown is based on Tevene design, to prevent and control potential riots. However, I added the village nouvelle, a massive expansion of the city onto the mountain during Orlesian rule.  The western part of the village nouvelle, considered its core, is built much denser than the eastern part of the district. The thusly appearing street layout for the core of the village nouvelle fits with some pictures that can be found in the Bioware anniversary book. There are urban gardens in the eastern part of the district.
- The population is between 35,000 and 40,000; Hightown features 5500 inhabitants (a thousand of which are dwarves), Tevene Lowtown features around 20,000, the village nouvelle around 10,000; Darktown fluctuates heavily around a couple thousand and the Gallows feature but a couple hundred permanent residents.
- There are nine foundry building complexes in Kirkwall, connected to the outside with narrow roads that have sheer drops on their sides. This was another attempt by Tevinter to make riots harders.
- Darktown has multiple levels. What we see in the game is only the first of many levels on different heights, that are quite eclectic as they are the remnants of centuries of different mining operations.
- I made a certain segment of Hightown a bit thicker so that the interior of the blooming rose has some chance of fitting.
- The dwarven enclave features giant palaces modelled after the Diamond Quarter in Orzammar
- Orlesian mansions have curved edges (following my headcanons for Halamshiral under Orlesian occupation), Antivan mansions have little gardens in their center and Nevarran mansions feature three levels, each slightly narrower than before.
- There is a part of the docks only dedicated to fishing. As the city has some way to the nearest fields, fish is a major food source. There is a market selling fresh caught fish day and night.
- The nobles have a special, walled off dock for their fancy boats.
- The Garden is named after the grand park in its center. It is a remnant from the Orlesian occupation.
- To the north of the Chantry is a fenced off and guarded park belonging to the Viscount in which priced trees are grown. It also harkens back to Orlesian times. Merrill likes to break into the Viscount’s Park, steal saplings and plant them all over the city. To her delight, several of them have begun to grow well in the time she spent in the city.
- The Alienage is slightly bigger than in-game because I broke through the eastern buildings to add to it. It thusly more closely resembles some official artwork.
- In the steeper, southern part of Hightown, grapes are grown. With not much yield per year but ideal sun exposure, Kirkwallian wine is well liked in some Orlesian circles.
My work process
This took around 40-50 hours, most of which were trial and error and running around in DA2 to ideally represent the playable areas. I completed most of this map on New Years Eve, that is today. My joints in my hands hurt like hell. Worth it.
To Bibiana Hawke and Dalia Hawke, the most beautiful Hawkes out there, and their creators, @vhenaqui​ and @dalishious​, respectively. Te amo, angelita, and kesalul, oqoti.
A note on D&D and DARPG
Several people have reblogged old maps of mine with the comment that they want to base campaigns on them. If you want to do that with this one as well, please let me know! It excites me to hear people find use for these little projects of mine.
If you read this far and would be interessted in commissioning maps from me, please let me know! If enough people are interessted, I am certainly willing to try it out!
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doriansbutt · 4 years
I really need to do a line up of my darpg character through the year of campaign so far.....he’s been thru.....so much.......
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domnasolia · 4 years
my darpg campaign just ended after about 2 years
i played an ancient elf arcane warrior/reflavored keeper who had a penchant for casting primal fire magic and using a huge two-handed sword
their name is shiral and i will be thinking about them entirely too often with No Outlet At All
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Through the Tombs of the Dead
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Take your players through a three-level puzzling dungeon that pits them against ancient Mortalitasi architecture, wandering undead, and their own psyche. They will need to learn to work together and race against the clock before they, too, become another body in the tombs of the dead.
Estimated 3-5 hours
This one-shot is set for beginner-level characters (levels 1-3) but can be adjusted to suit your DM-ing needs.
Read the PDF here!
Or get the print-friendly (non-customized) PDF here!
Looking for Dragon Age inspired ambient music for your campaign? Click here!
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sonar-taxlaw · 7 years
kulekrizpy replied to your post: tfw your friends are achieving big things and...
i feel this but also hey!!! you’ve constructed and are running a dnd campaign! that takes a lot of engagement and hard work so good job
i’m going to be running monsters + other childish things and i have no idea how that’s going to go and the last session of darpg i ran was a complete disaster and i had to tap out and leave after like 45 minutes and it was bad
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EPISODE 7: Leaving Vintiver
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A Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Campaign Diary
Episode 1 Here
Earth Date: 02.04.2017 + 28.05.2017
Thedas Date: 28.09.840 - 08.10.840 TE
Characters: Limbes, Marie, Senna, and Zhadarra
After the ugly fight with Mythallen, the heroes finally hear the entire story from Orellis, who pieced together what happened:
“As you may know, our clan visited this village just two weeks ago, during their harvest festival. We were welcomed then, but there was a bit of trouble: some of the locals had too much to drink, and there was a confrontation with some of our young men. Harsh words were exchanged, and Harralan, one of our hunters, attacked the big blacksmith. The vil­lage warden separated them before it could get out of hand, but still the damage was done. We were no longer welcome here and we moved on as soon as the festival ended.
“Harralan was angry at our treatment, but our elders assigned him the duty of scouting as we made our way through Gherlen’s Grove, to give him time to cool off. He was the first to disappear—he simply didn’t return from his scouting one night.
“Then other scouts and hunters began to go miss­ing, as did the ones sent to look for them. Together, the el­ders and I decided we should go back, but by then it was too late.
“Three days after Harralan disappeared, before we could reach the edge of the forest, they attacked our camp: darkspawn emerging from the trees in the dead of night. My people were taken. Those who fought were beaten or killed. I was captured along with the rest, taken to an ancient ruin in a rift valley deep in the forest, off the trails. The master of the darkspawn is a creature, an abomination. He calls himself Mythallen, which in our tongue means “child of vengeance”. 
As you’ve seen now, Mythallen was indeed Harallan. I can only guess at how he became the monster he was. Maybe he entered a pact with a demon. Many foolish young men do.”
The Vethari Clan leaves Vintiver and starts setting up camp just southeast of it, trying to stay out of the humans’ way, but also trying to scavenge whatever they can from the now abandoned Fuldor Farm.
The heroes help them with menial tasks, such as carrying wood from one place to the other, or keep guard as they take what they need from the forest. Senna and Zhadarra also help the villagers with repairs in Vintiver, which was at least partially destroyed during the fight with Mythallen. Buildings had burned, been ripped apart or simply given in to the sheer force of Mythallen’s minions.
Now, Eshara introduces another of her cousins, Lirresh’s sister Alais. She’s a slender and young elf, and acts very shy around the group, and especially so when she catches Limbes awkwardly wave at Eshara from afar. Standing in between the two, she quickly makes her exit, promising to return another time. Lirresh just stares after his sister, completely confused. For a moment it seems like he might stay and talk to all of them, but then he leaves as well, determined to check on his sister.
Limbes in the meantime is trying to get over her embarrassing moment and decides to visit Coalan, who had promised to give each of the heroes a little something for helping the villagers defend Vintiver. And maybe, it is also an attempt at an apology to the lithe elf, after finding out that the elves weren’t the cause of his friends’ deaths after all. At least not directly. Limbes chooses a short Veridium sword, the only one on display.
In the meantime, Senna and Zhadarra have chosen a table in the tavern and made it theirs. While waiting for Limbes with lunch, they discuss their future plans. They are interrupted by a tiny, clearly hurried red haired human, who joins their table as if she belongs there. She introduces herself as Marie.
Before they can ask her any questions, Limbes walks in and joins them, hitting up a conversation with Zhadarra. She says she wants to go back to Wildeholt, to take whatever reward they can get from Astrid and her clan. After all, they had gone to this village only because she asked them to.
Zhadarra agrees that they should find out what the Avvar clan can offer them as thanks, but then she looks around, at all the wounded villagers and destroyed homes, and she decides to stay. At least for a little while.
Marie however, pipes in, and says that if they leave soon, she will join them. When asked, she says she’s not exactly sure where she is going, but preferably away from here.
Soon thereafter, Limbes and Senna bid the others goodbye, while Marie waits near the village entrance impatiently. Jynosora and Sola say they will stay a little while, but they are not sure for how long. For a moment they ponder on where Elydrieth went after the ruins, but no one knows.
The heroes use Gherlen’s Pass to travel to Wildeholt, and as they camp and Limbes walks off to hunt, they are attacked by two genlocks. Limbes is surprised and takes heavy damage before Senna and Marie arrive, but once they do, they defeat the darkspawn in an efficient manner.
After a restful night’s sleep, they reach Wildeholt’s entrance: a large crevice in the mountainside, just wide enough for two people to comfortably walk next to each other. 
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Two Avvar are standing guard, and they stop the heroes when they arrive. Demanding to know who they are and what they want, the tall men quickly annoy Senna. Ever the hothead that she is, she punches one of them in the face. Limbes and Marie gasp in surprise and get ready to be attacked...
But the man simply laughs at Senna’s attempt to hurt him, and he admits to them that he was just having them on. Utterly amused, he lets them pass.
Finally at their destination, the heroes engage in a long conversation with Astrid, telling her all about what happend. The thane doesn’t seem too surprised by the news, nor does she seem overly worried for the people of Vintiver. The girls get the feeling that she only really cared about keeping her promise of protection to the village, and not so much about actually protecting them.
After the vivid and loud retelling of their deeds, they receive some gifts as thanks, which mainly include alcohol, fur and other items the people of Wildeholt produce themselves.
Senna and Limbes now carry the elven book Jynosora previously held, and so they ask the Avvar whether they know a place where they could have it translated. The people in Vintiver suggested Jader, a city by the sea and north of the Frostback Mountains, or Kinloch Hold, a powerful Avvar keep on a small island in Lake Calenhad. Both of these are famous for their extensive library, and after talking to the people of Wildeholt, the heroes decide to try and cross the Frostback Mountains to get to Jader.
When they roam the hold in the evening, Ria gives all of them some more firewater for their travels, and tells them that they might need a bath in no uncertain terms. They enjoy the hotsprings nearby before they go to join the other adults of the clan in the Main Hall. Marie gets drunk on firewater, the local alcohol of choice. She’s not entirely sure this is a great idea, but it sure as hell feels fantastic!
Senna and Limbes are a bit more cautious, but they, too, mingle and enjoy the last proper meal before their trek up into the mountain...
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