#these are all npcs from my da campaign :)
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Qunari with styles and features from South America/Maori/Pasifika anyone?
This is done using the @thorgans-guide-to-thedas re-imagined Qunari lore and cultures :)
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shadeops21 · 3 months
MW Cosplay Guide for Gary "Roach" Sanderson
I have had a lot of notes, asks, and DM's about Roach. I want to set the record straight, as I am starting to become annoyed by the repetitive queries.
I am sorry but I cannot and will not do any Roach sets, for Roach (as a character in the Reboot) DOES NOT EXIST at this point in time.
Reasoning is as follows:
Roach does NOT exist as an actually named character in the reboot setting for Modern Warfare.
Roach's character models from the OG/Remaster of MW2 are (for the most part) same as the generic NPCs and Multiplayer loadouts used for the TF141 faction.
Said loadouts are too generic to identify, in part because those assets are lower-poly and hard to discern what was used as reference material.
I am aware that as a character, he exists in COD Mobile, but it isn't a true representation of Roach, as the model used is just a clone of the MW19 Coalition MILSIM Operator skin "USEF I". I will not be building a breakdown of that skin.
Blend assets from what I've already identified from the loadouts for Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz, and build your own Roach from that. It stands to reason that Roach would wear similar equipment and clothing used by them for their own kit.
IF, in the future releases for MW (say MW4 or whatever) Roach is introduced as a proper character, I will then create a guide/breakdown for him. Until then, please stop asking me.
I am still working on updates to the UnOfficial MW Cosplay Guide, but between my personal life, my hyperfixations, and my work life, and other projects I have on-going, it is very slow-going.
I am very appreciative of all the support and following that I have received as a result of my hard work and research, but after you receive the same request/question multiple times through multiple platforms (here and dA), it starts to impact my motivation and drive to continue this project.
Please, please stop asking about Roach. And please stop asking about Multiplayer character skins. My scope is focused on the realistic skins used by story/campaign characters. I have zero interest in breaking down whatever demonic or fantastical skin introduced by whatever drug-induced bundle is brought in by the content design team. Partly because looking at those skins is headache inducing (to me at least), and partly because those kinds of skins will be nigh-impossible to actually identify in full, let alone recreate properly.
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spacefinch · 7 months
MSB kids are doing DND. What chaos would happen while they roleplay as civilians in a fantasy world?
Mikey: Dungeon master (DM). If he's not DMing, he plays Artificer.
Phoebe: Druid
Carlos: Artificer (sometimes he plays as a bard)
DA: Wizard (and secondary DM)
Tim: Bard
Wanda: Fighter
Keesha: Ranger
Ralphie: Barbarian or Warlock
Arnold: Cleric
Hugo the Orangutan (from that one Wild Kratts episode) is a recurring NPC. He appears in almost every campaign, and every time, he has a quest for the DND party.
Mikey has several pieces of paper that say "Loading" with random DND tips (like video game loading screen tips) that he slots into his DM screen whenever he needs some time to think or look up rules or whatnot.
One time, the gang uses Chinese fortune cookies instead of dice. Instead of rolling, they would eat the cookies, read their fortunes aloud, and let the DM decide what it means.
Mikey: Okay guys, eat for initiative.
*Everyone reaches into a large bowl of fortune cookies in the center of the table*
Ralphie, who was way to eager: Mine says, "Every flower blooms in its own sweet time."
Mikey: You go last.
Mikey: As the party travels, you encounter a fork in the road...
Carlos: I pick it up.
Mikey: Really, bro?
Almost everyone has played as a spell-casting class at one point or another. Wanda and Carlos are no longer allowed to do so because A) Wanda uses very destructive spells (mainly fireball) and Carlos only uses spells that do stupid things.
Carlos and Mikey: *explaining how they're making a fog machine to fill with holy water to make an area of permanent damage against the vampire lord*
D.A. (the dungeon master for that round): ...
Sometimes the Wild Kratts team joins in the DND fun. It gets ten times more chaotic when they join. The members of the team take turns being the DM.
Keesha: Oh wow, this shop has everything my heart desires!
Mikey (voicing the "spooky shopkeeper" NPC): Yes, I will warn you... every item comes with a price.
Keesha: Yes, I know how shops work.
Mikey: The price may be more than you expect to pay.
Keesha: Yes, I know how US taxes work, too.
Mikey, increasingly exasperated: I'm trying to tell you that I'm evil and offering these wares with no regard for the harm they will do!
Keesha, also increasingly exasperated: I know what capitalism is too, goddammit.
More headcanons:
The DND party is EASILY distracted. A cat? Gotta stop and pet it. There's free food? Gotta try it! There's a monster terrorizing a village (and it's not the main quest)? Well, you can't just turn a blind eye to that! And you certainly can't ignore all these shiny rocks!
One time (as an experiment), everyone played a non-magic class for their DND characters. It did not go well.
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coolest-in-chaldea · 3 years
sorta a request?? but not really? anyway, which servants do u think would be down to play d&d?
OMG I ACTUALLY FREAKING LOVE THIS ANON YOU’RE SO COOL. I’m not currently in a campaign but I’ve been designing an oc just for funsies, he’s a Kenku rogue (arcane trickster) and I’m currently super into d&d character making..so here are some of my thoughts
Most likely to be a Dungeon Master:
- Shakespeare (tbh he’s probably a really annoying dm because he’s trying to make the most dramatic story possible)
- Merlin (would probably be a fun dm, but would definitely troll a little bit and make you roll for an outcome in a ridiculous situation. loves making eccentric NPCs)
- Da Vinci (also a fun dm, but all of her story lines are really freaking cool and full of ‘inventions’)
- Sherlock Holmes (at first he helps the dm make various puzzles and challenges for the players, and eventually he gets really interested in crafting mysteries and watching how the players navigate them)
Most Likely to Play:
- Mordred: Barbarian (at first she calls everyone nerds for playing, but it quickly brings out her competitive nature and she’s now obsessed with being a chaotic neutral barbarian)
- Jalter: Rogue (she joined the campaign exclusively for the fun of pissing off the serious players, but she quickly fell in love with playing as a rogue. any time there’s loot, she screws everyone else over big time to get to it first and pick the locks. 100% chaotic evil)
- Billy the Kid: Bard (because he thought it would be funny, and tbh it probably is pretty funny) and Robin Hood: Druid (tbh these two are always looking for something entertaining to do, preferably where they can goof off together. they moved from card games to board games, and then discovered the world of tabletop gaming. sometimes they play NPCs for the sole purpose of naming them something like Ben Dover or Mike Hawk. Robin is absolutely a druid who constantly has little subplots with animals. not really a familiar, just like ‘you find an injured bird. you nurse it back to health. as thanks, the bird guides you to your destination’)
- Artoria: Paladin (saber artoria, especially in the anime, can be such a dork and I freaking love her for it, I think she’d be so fascinated by d&d. in a weird way she and mordred actually have a little father-son bonding over it. they’re literally the ‘are ya winning son’ meme and artoria is just trying her best to understand how tf this game works. definitely lawful good)
- Mash: Maybe a Cleric?? (speaking of dorky servants, Mash would probably get so into something like d&d. at first she watches from afar but eventually she’s got a whole character sheet and backstory and stuff. is a super organized player who spends a lot of time recording everything. 100% chaotic good)
- Emiya: Ranger (yet another dork, he’s definitely that one player that takes everything way too seriously. is one of the players that jalter loves to antagonize and is really strict about keeping the game realistic within the canonical d&d universe. keeps dm merlin in check and doesn’t let him get away with screwing up the plot. I love him but I gotta be real he has boring lawful neutral vibes)
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A few updates on how I will further disregard parts of BioWare’s writing of Dragon Age’s canon: Regarding Orzammar, the Deep Roads, and the fictional races of Thedas
If you follow me on this blog, you will have inevitably agreed at some point to the statement that Dragon Age has one or two or a thousand problems in its writing. Hell, most of my Dragon Age mutuals belong to one or multiple groups harmed by some of the ideas expressed in the canonical writing of Dragon Age. We all think “fuck BioWare and fuck canon” at least twice a day. The appeal that DA has for many of us is that it offers a modicum more diversity than most other fantasy settings. Many of us have latched on to that and discarded much of canon that is still harmful, for good reason.
Dragon Age was invented by some able-bodied cishet middle-aged white Canadian centrist man and it fucking shows. We can recognize where canon and modifications to canon by the writers in later games, for example regarding DA’s elves, have deeply racist implications. There are enough Jewish and indigenous and black fans in this fandom who have proposed their own modifications to canon to address some of these issues, and I try my best to follow these ideas and counter any harmful ideas that canon offers. For this reason, I will from now on no longer regard “dwarves” as one of the fantasy races present in Thedas.
Why? I stumbled across the blog @a-little-revolution a few days ago and especially this post. And what the author says is conscise and understandable. And if I am capable of altering canon in other instances of harmful ideas being entered into the story, I can very well here.
Most of all, this affects my ongoing campaign mod project Old Horizons. There are instances where the concept of a “dwarven race” is hardcoded into the engine (and I don’t know how to change the engine or if it is even legal and feasible), but my writing will do the following:
- References to the words “dwarf” and “dwarven” and “dwarves” will be removed unless hardcoded into the engine or in reference to the medical language used for the condition.
- The Deep Roads and the ruined Thaigs and the Kingdom of Orzammar will still exist. They will no longer be referenced to as remnants of a “dwarven empire”, but they will still exist as geographical, political, and social entities that emerged from an empire below the ground collapsing under the weight of the darkspawn. The main difference is that they are human entities now. Orzammar still has its own language, its own way of crafting armor and weapons, its own religious belief system, the Shaperate and Assembly remain in their same social role. They just aren’t “dwarven” anymore.
- The character Sigrun will still appear, and appear the same way she does in Awakening; but my writing will treat her as a human with dwarfism. Her character arc will still include her slowly healing some of the trauma caused by being born into the casteless of Orzammar and being constantly told that the only worth she has is through her sacrifice by joining the Legion. The player character will still have the ability to decide between supporting her as a friend or supporting her as a romantic partner (I will not give you the option to be disrespectful towards her because this is my campaign and I will railroad the shit out of it). She will still have a crush on Velanna. The player character still has the option to enter a romantic triad with Velanna and Sigrun.
- Origin’s engine honestly sucks in being able to create characters with body diversities or disabilities. You can’t create characters that are fat or characters that are amputees or even characters that need glasses. The only option to depict physical disabilities is to create characters with dwarfism. Which means that there will be a whole lot of humans with dwarfism depicted, mostly as NPCs. A handful of them will be important NPCs. There will be a major questline where you help a group of casteless exiles from Orzammar naviagte the difficult question between isolation and seperation versus revolution in regards to Orzammar’s rigid social structures. Both their spokeswoman and the captain of their militia (mother and daughter, respectively) will be humans with dwarfism. In that group of exiles, just as in any social group depicted, will be humans with and without dwarfism. Now, the annoying commentor may remark that the demographic distribution of dwarfism isn’t like that IRL to which I say: This is a story written by me; that means more than half of the characters with speaking roles above ambient dialogue will be sapphic because I can. This is fantasy. It is not bound by real-life demography.
- Because I will disregard the existence of this fantasy race, there will be no more fantasy racism against fantasy dwarves. There will be one or two Chantry clerics with dwarfism. There will be mages with dwarfism. There will be Fereldan nobles with dwarfism. It will not be the source of discrimination for them; I will not create a fantasy variant of a form of ableism as long as I am not affected by that ableism IRL.
- While I have not encountered any Dragon Age fans with dwarfism yet, the capaign will have camera support for playing as a character with the Brosca or Aeducan origin simply to allow for playing as a character with dwarfism. I must however stress that the post linked above expresses the opinion of a person with dwarfism that has problems with people without dwarfism roleplaying as having dwarfism.
Now, is that an ideal solution? No. Not in the slightest. Dragon Age inherits much of the dehumanizing violence present in Tolkien and the western fantasy genre. I am not even saying that I figured out the best compromise regarding DA or that anyone has to follow my example. But I, personally, have to draw conclusions and actions from the post linked above, and this path is the one where I still feel justified creating this story I envision.
EDIT: This will be my only major deviation from canon. It won’t even be that grave. I promise you, the rest of the story will be woven carefully as to not disturb canon or the timeline. If those changes are still too much for you, you don’t have to play my campaign. But if that decision completely pisses you off you wouldn’t enjoy the campaign anyway because it features discussions of intergenerational trauma, colonization, and the necessity for organized resistance against systemic violence. None of my writing isn’t highly political.
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msgwendolenfairfax · 2 years
Kanaillen!! Müsste die Kampagne jetzt nicht eigentlich nur noch "Schutzheilige" heißen?
Das ist mein Ask 😘
Kanaillen und Schutzheilige (canailles and patrons) - my DnD campaign! \o/ Danke für die Frage, wa? <3
This is a campaign about a rowdy bunch of characters from a world called Ivry that are (seemingly randomly) chosen by Loki to become his patrons.
Few years ago, I tried to invent a whole new world with whole new metaphysics for another DnD campaign, but that just took too much time which I (sadly) don't have, so with this campaign, I came up with a physical world, but decided to just pick the Nordic mythology as a template for the metaphysics part of things. Reason being: a) Nordic mythology has a lot of fun ideas, but also has a lot of blank spaces that a storyteller can fill. b) I finally get to play Loki as an NPC! \o/
When we started the campaign (in 2020 I think), I described the vibe of the world to my players as viking meets hansa town meets the witcher. This is a map of the world which I created with azgaar's fantasy map generator:
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Level-wise, the characters are still babies and it's really a work in progress in that I have no concrete idea where they will end up. But in my experience, if you have curious, creative players (which I have <33) and a world concept as a solid base, you will always end up somewhere great.
P. S. You as one of the players should know that all characters of this campaign will always be more canaille than patron!! :P
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rosexknight · 3 years
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Don't mind me, just drawing yet another NPC for my D&D campaign. This is Gunrond Ironskin. He is a Barbarian/Rogue who sounds like Macho Man Randy Savage. He has guns. See? His arms say flintlock. That counts, right? He's so stupid please help.
Revamp of an adopt I got from horribull on DA. Hope you enjoy~! Want art like this monthly? Why not join? My General Patreon, safe for all audiences: www.patreon.com/rosexknight My 18+ ADULT-ONLY Patreon: www.patreon.com/rosexxxknight
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theinsanecrayonbox · 3 years
Ok this is so very weird that I just had to write it all down
So I woke up at 4am from a very strange dream. I had made some sort of shopping simulator game YEARS ago; it was set in my NickToons verse?? It was a large mall-like structure, main empty area was a giant food court filled with Npcs, and you could get food from several places. There were also vending machines with soda…and chat stations?? So many Easter eggs…
Anyways, the weirdest part was that I had only updated it once, like at plague time I guess? Cause now half the vending was closed down, a section of the mall was closed off, and if you went in there there was a hoard of infected zombie NPCs??
I only know THAT because I was playing it? Then I was all “wait is the original one somewhere?” So I googled it. My search brought up that apparently a dA watcher had put it in a wiki back when I first made it?? And that Jack had done a video on it once??? And I then spent time looking to see if Mark had, only to be sad he hadn’t??
And the whole time some part of my logical brain was like “wow this looks amazing for a FLASH game” and “huh who knew you could do that in FLASH” and I guess the reason I was trying to find the original was because FLASH games are dead and I lost the non-updated version????
Thus I woke up and immediately was like “wth was that about brain???” And yet I went to search my dA to make sure I hadn’t made some sort of game because…idk, still not awake??
And then 4 hours later I wake up from another weird dream, but not as weird, and not because it’s implausibility got me but because it was naturally time to wake up.
So this time, at the last second the BFF texted saying wanna game. I go sure. It’s not the usual game though, it’s his table and my table together…at the library? And there’s someone I hadn’t seen since high school at a computer asking what books we’re using? Anyways, tiny table, I complain about getting stuck in a tiny corner smushed between the BFF and his partner. And at this point I realize I forgot my game bag…which is weird since I had my dice box which is in that bag but I was missing my character sheets. I also realized that because apparently we were not playing the current campaign my table is, but we were supposed to use the same characters?? I think it was said this was a test to see if new dm (the high school person??) could manage the group?? Anyways, BFF got a text to go help him dad with something quick so offered to run me home to get the rest of my stuff but then I’d have to find my own way back since he didn’t know how long he was gonna be??? Idk I remember being annoyed at all if this getting sprung suddenly and not being allowed to make a new character.
Moral of the story; dreams are weird and last night I was informed it was a no-game Monday so…there ya go
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avvidstarion · 3 years
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Another character from the Slumbering Dawn- Lord Ruthie St. Cyr, professional troublemaker, Lord of the Bayou, and Champion of the Good Neighbors! Lore under the cut!
Ruthie hails from a small, poor town called Grimmurk, which is located in the middle of the Breakneck Bayou. The citizens of Grimmurk are extremely superstitious, especially when it comes to the fey, who are rumored to live in the Bayou. Grimmurkians believe that anyone born with some sort of deviation from the physical norm (extra fingers, missing limbs, heterochromia, etc) are touched by the fey, so when Ruthie was born with a cleft lip and more freckles than anyone could count, she was revered by the townsfolk and heralded as a future Champion of the Good Neighbors. Ruthie grew into her role well enough- she was an extremely mischievous child, and as she grew she funneled that natural knack for troublemaking into magical prowess, becoming extremely skilled in illusory magic and charms. She explored the Bayou to her heart’s content, befriending the fairies that only she could see and accidentally finding her way to the feywild quite a few times. When Ruthie turned 20, Cyr, Lord of the Feyfolk and the Archfey god of Illusions, Magic, and Shadows, deemed Ruthie worthy of their blessing and formally bestowed upon them the title of Champion of the Good Neighbors (Ruthie then took the name St. Cyr- in my setting, champions of the gods take on the name St. (Patron God) to signify that they have said god’s favor). In that same year, the Lord of the Bayou was killed when a pack of werewolves invaded the town of Grimmurk. Thanks to Ruthie’s magical skill (and some help from Cyr and the rest of the fairies), the werewolves were able to be driven from the town, and Ruthie was elected the next Lord as thanks for her efforts. 
Ruthie isn’t much of a political type, but she does her best to fill the role of Lord and genuinely cares for her people. The Breakneck Bayou may be a dump (locals often affectionately refer to it as the Brokedown Bayou), but like all Grimmurkians she is proud of her home and loves life in the swamps. Flash forward ten months after her appointment to Lordship, Ruthie is eager to prove herself in her first Landsmeet (DA mutuals keep your mouth shut), which is an annual political meeting between all the Lords of the Kingdom of Dorothea and the Queen. The Landsmeet is proceeded by a weeklong festival, which citizens  from all over the Kingdom travel to participate in the revelry and blow off some steam. Which is where the campaing begins! 
Ruthie was intended to be the “introductory” NPC- the party would meet her in the first session (I had a really cool intro scene in mind for her, but unfortunately it was specific to a PC and therefore probably can’t be recycled), and she would remain a consistent presence throughout the campaign and have a big role in the finale.
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ravnicaforgoblins · 4 years
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Ravnica for Goblins
More Awesome NPCs of Ravnica
NPCs are one of the most important tools in a DM’s campaign. Your assorted guards, informants, bartenders, hench-persons, random civilians, and, of course, your quest-givers. Optimistically, you hope to have certain NPCs stick around for a while to have the party build a relationship with them, as opposed to getting murder-hobo-ed because your party doesn’t like their attitude. Which is why it’s so great that Ravnica is filled with cool NPCs who are definitely stronger than your party (for a while)!
A couple notes; I already did a list of Awesome NPCs, focusing on the Ladies of Ravnica, so this time I thought I’d try and give the boys (and Melek) some spotlight. Secondly, as I’ve by now made annoyingly apparent, I’m focusing on characters in the modern era of Ravnica, i.e. after the Decamillennial, because everything before the Decamillennial is a nightmare to figure out and you don’t need that headache.
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
You can’t have the Boros without Tajic. Well, you can, but you don’t want to. Tajic is the Legion’s Champion as well as their Mazerunner, and embodies all the ideals the Legion stands for. Unity, strength, passion; an unbreakable shield against all who would threaten Ravnica’s citizens. He is technically considered a Firefist, but special considerations should be made to give him the flavor he really deserves. Both of Tajic’s MTG cards have had some manner of protection against damage when involving other creatures. In addition, Firefists are actually primarily spellcasters, whereas Tajic is never seen without a blade in his hand or his name. So, to sum up, take a Firefist, add in some manner of damage resistance or even immunity contingent upon having allies present, throw in a weapon trick or two for his big wavy sword, and ta-da! You’ve got Tajic!
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
I know I said no pre-Decamillennial, but Momir Vig is a special case. Technically, the former Guildmaster is dead, but the shadow of his reign still lingers over the Simic Combine. Momir Vig symbolizes everything Ravnica fears about the Combine; progress without restraint. Vig’s cytoplasts were oozes designed for personalized evolution in subjects to correct flaws and deficiencies (regrowing lost limbs, bolstering weakened immune systems, extra brain cells, etc). The only problem is that the project worked so well that Vig stopped seeing the need for consent, creating a new form of cytoplast that only needs to touch a host to bond with it. This raised some understandable concerns among Ravnican citizens, as well as the other Guilds. These concerns went to 11 when Vig’s Project Kraj, a gargantuan organism composed of thousands of cytoplasts, was activated to purge Ravnica and start over with a fresh slate. They went to a further 12 when Vig was killed, Project Kraj summoned every cytoplasm back to it (maiming, crippling, or killing a large number of hosts), and proceeded to go on a rampage that only ended after it ate Rakdos and went into a coma.
Momir Vig is exactly the kind of mad scientist to escape the grave, go underground, and continue his research unimpeded until it’s ready. A Rogue Guildmaster with no boundaries, or as we like to call it, a ready-made Big Bad.
Melek, Izzet Paragon
As with Vig, Melek is canonically dead, but that sort of “dead” that could conceivably be temporary if the story requires it. Melek is a Weird designed by Niv-Mizzet himself to be the Izzet Mazerunner. A certain sparkmage had other ideas however, so he absorbed the sentient being of pure elemental energy into himself at the start of the Maze and took its place, then tried to shock the other runners to death because, you know, winning. But following the physics principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed into a different form, it’s believable that Melek could return someday. Probably with a grudge against said sparkmage. Melek is a fascinating build, combining high-level spellcasting with complete elemental resistance or possibly even immunity. Basically, a wizard who can tank. Even more intriguing, any lab run by a being composed of pure energy would be calibrated to channel said energy, possibly allowing short-range teleportation within said lab. This is a brilliant exercise in lair mechanics, so don’t hold back. Lest we forget Melek is a personal project of the Firemind, aka, the single most brilliant, powerful, and egocentric fire-breathing ancient dragon wizard in Ravnican history.
Tomik Vrona, Distinguished Advokist
Given the Orzhov Syndicate’s seeming fascination with being a faceless hierarchy of priests, lawmages, ghosts, tax collectors, etc; it’s nice to have another face with a name. Tomik Vrona is a lawmage who apprenticed under Teysa Karlov herself, making him a master of Ravnican law. It also makes him uncharacteristically open to relationships with other Guilds, as he is effectively Teysa’s link to the outside world during her imprisonment. Tomik carries a strong respect for the law, but is a passionate lover of interesting & creative loopholes. In short, he’s not inherently evil/greedy like most of the Syndicate, but still has ambition in spades. He prefers to use gargoyles for transportation, treasures every book he owns, and is canonically dating/living with that hot-tempered sparkmage mentioned previously. Whether the relationship is public or not is up to you. I personally see it as a measure of trust between the NPCs and the party; it’s a pretty controversial pairing of Guilds. It could even be a Romeo & Juliet (Julio?) kind of affair, just putting that out there.
Vorel of Hull Clade
If Momir Vig represents the dark side of the Simic Combine’s experiments, Vorel represents the infinite possibility they can offer. A former Gruul shaman, he made the decision to give up a piece of his clan’s territory to a Boros Legion garrison to better fortify their home turf, and was nearly killed when they turned on him for perceived cowardice. Vorel escaped and joined the Combine, where he was given Merfolk traits and an environment that embraced his ideas & strategic thinking. Vorel is extremely grateful to his new Guild, and believes himself to be an example of how anything is possible through the Simic, no matter one’s origins. His strong passion & drive have led to great breakthroughs, but he’s definitely more emotionally-driven than most Simic researchers. Here is a Biomancer that isn’t afraid to get dirty or bloody in combat. This could be a fun experiment in crafting a Simic Melee Weapon.
Tolsimir Wolfblood, Ledev Guardian
You know that one leader elf in fantasy stories who everyone else takes orders from but never fights themselves? Yeah, this isn’t that elf. This is what you wish that elf was, a warrior archer who leads his soldiers into battle atop a giant dire wolf and kicks some serious ass. The Ledev are Selesnya’s elite mounted force, skilled fighters, archers, swordsmen, and even spellcasters. They are the cavalry, the breaking dawn on Hornburg, the “oh shit” in an enemy’s mouth. Please don’t make the mistakes of countless fantasy novels by being on bad terms with such badass warriors. Having any member of the Ledev behind you should be a boost to the party’s courage & resolve. Having Tolsimir fight alongside you should be one of the greatest honors of your life. The chance to finally recreate that “besties” relationship between Legolas & Gimli as you see who can kill the most enemies in battle.
Domri Rade, City Smasher
I hesitate to include Domri, I genuinely do. He’s a scraggly little punk who nearly brought about the destruction of the Gruul (and all of Ravnica) ultimately because he was too weak and too stupid. I include him here out of respect for the lore, but you can honestly do better. Domri Rade was considered too small & weak for any Gruul clan, so he instead bonded with the savage animals of the Rubblebelt, eventually discovering he could incite them into stampedes at will. This new power finally granted him admission into Borborygmos’ own Burning Tree Clan, but he panicked during the burial rite of passage and planeswalked away for the first time. Eventually he learned to control his powers, returned to the Rubblebelt, challenged Borborygmos for leadership of the Burning Tree clan, and won by sending wave after wave of stampeding boars to trample the cyclops Guildmaster. He was enlisted by Nicol Bolas to help destroy Ravnica, and failed to realize that meant him too as an eternal ripped out his Planeswalker Spark, killing him. Domri Rade is basically a cheap knockoff of Garruk Wildspeaker, only smaller and weaker and dumber and infinitely less dangerous. He is, however, considered by many to be an omen of the End-Raze, heralding the return of the Boar God Ilharg and the burning down of Ravnica by the Gruul who follow the Old Ways. So maybe play up that angle if you include him in your campaign.
Ral Zarek, Izzet Viceroy
If you only include one NPC from any of my lists in your Ravnica campaign, you must include Ral Zarek. Failing to do so is denying your players the opportunity to interact with the single coolest character in Ravnica. He beats out Vraska for the sole reason that he’s a much more public & accessible figure than the Gorgon Assassin, and an unexpected encounter with him is significantly less likely to end in your death/petrification. Between his good looks, cocky grin, brilliant mind, and lightning powers that put Thor to shame; Ral is certain to make any situation more interesting. He’s a great contact to have within the Izzet, a brilliant researcher, extremely talented with designing gadgets or magic items, an astonishingly powerful magic user, and a fun guy to hang around with. He can definitely have a temper on him, so understand when to back away. Hint: His hair turns from black to white when his electromancy powers are activating. You’ll also probably notice the sounds of static discharge building up around him, perhaps a faint smell of ozone, crackling energy coming from his gauntlet, and, oh yeah, his eyes glow and his smile turns into a growling grimace of death as he fills you with lightning. Whether by design or accident, Ral is basically the mascot for Ravnica, and it’s almost unthinkable for him to be absent from a campaign set there.
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nerdythebard · 3 years
Hey there, fellow humans (human fellas)!
This is something I’ve had in mind for a while now; a blog dedicated to D&D PCs and NPCs, how to flavour existing things to fit your playstyle, some optional features you might enjoy or discuss with your DM, etc.
As far as D&D goes, I am not an absolute newbie, but I’ve started exploring its secrets fairly recently - maybe just a year ago is when I first went and checked what the heck it’s all about. Blame my best friend for it; their nerdy hobbies keep rubbing off onto me. I am yet to join a game as a player, but I’ve been running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign for my friends and we’re following it up with Dungeon of the Mad Mage so... I guess I’m a DM first and player second.
This blog is going to be mostly about turning fictional characters from other fandoms into playable D&D PCs and NPCs. I will be using all available sources released by Wizards of the Coast, as well as their Unearhed Arcana, to create lv. 20 representations of the fictional characters. I realize the one-to-one representation is really improbable, but I shall do my best! I will not be using any homebrew, however. If you want to suggest which character you want to see next, go ahead and message me. Furthermore, I would like to thank the YouTuber Tulok the Barbarian and another D&D tumblr - Fate and Phantasms - for inspiration to start this, be sure to check them out, their content is amazing!
A’right, I honestly have no idea what more to say, there’s no script or anything to these... Here’s what you should expect from the builds here:
All will use the Standard Point Array for stats (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
Like I’ve mentioned before, no homebrew stuff; just WotC content (UA included)
If there’s no submissions from you guys, I’ll be posting builds for Gods from the MOBA SMITE (not sponsored ;D)
Okay, I think those are Da Rules. Next time, we’re building the Hero of Troy!
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murderpuff · 4 years
I got tagged by @luckystarchild - and honestly for a moment I forgot we were mutuals. This hit mye right out of left field but at a great time cause I'm busy with NPCs for my DND campaign!
So here we go!
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra ♎
Height: 5'3. I am... not tall.
Birthday: Sometime in October
Fav Bands: Bump of Chicken, K/DA (I've been listening to the recent EP nonstop-), Fleetwood Mac, KanonXKanon, Garnidelia (is that a band?), SID,.... Not really a lot bands.
Fav Solo Artists: Kanon Wakeshima, Ayahi Takagaki, Nikki Simmons, James Landino does great work even if he doesn't sing, Yousei Teikoku....
Song stuck in my head: 'My Friend's Love' by Three Lights from Sailor Moon. Words cannot describe how much I love that trio. Also Anno Domini by Hibiki Hojo.
Last movie: I don't remember.
Last show: Cobra Kai season three, which I haven't finished yet.
When I created this blog: September of 2014.
Last thing I googled: Nehelenia from Sailor Moon. I wanted to look at her outfit for sleeve puff picture refs.
Do I get asks: Very. Very. Rarely.
Following: My heart? Yes.
Why I chose this url: My url on here has gone through several changes since I started this blog. At the start it was an imagines blog, then it was a personal (and it's still personal). MurderPuff is just what I inevitably settled on because my old icon used to be a very upset looking Jigglypuff and honestly I love it too much to part cause I feel like it suits me.
Other blogs: I run a headcanons blog with my friend but that's still a work in progress for right now so its hush hush-
Average hours of sleep: Oh dear. Oh heaven. I have ADHD so it kinda varies at times cause my brain can't shut up long enough for me to pass out sometimes- I'd say around 6 to 8 if I'm lucky enough. Otherwise I wake up a lot at intervals of the night and my sleep gets scattered.
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: I can't play any but I do love pretending to know how to play piano sometimes. Pianos are just fun in general to play. I wanted to learn violin as a kid but my grandpa didn't really let me do it.
What I'm wearing: A pair of floppy yoga pants and a large soft gray shirt my sister gave me. Its cozy.
Dream trip: If you asked me two years ago I would have said Japan straight up but honestly like... I'd wanna go on a tour of Asia. I watch a lot of travel blogs and food videos from this guy on YouTube and he's been all over and it looks amazing.
Favorite food: Ramen. I'm used to eating the instant kind and I'm picky as hell about how I cook it too. Actually I'm a picky eater in general, which is weird considering my entire family is full of foodies.
Nationality: USA. Yeehaw.
Favorite song: Meteor Light by Ayahi Takagaki
Top 3 Fictional Universes: This is a loaded question. This is always a loaded question with me because I love too much and as I mentioned I have ADHD so it's easy for me to hyper fixate on stuff....... for right now I'd say I'm fixated on Fire Emblem: Three Houses but some of my constant favorites are YYH, Cytus 2 and Sailor Moon. Will I get out of Fire Emblem hell soon? Probably not.
Alright! That just about does it so now... I'm gonna tag a few people!
@nobody-says-hello @axartstudios @spacenight-nerd @thatwitchykitty @everyday-im-preaching annnnnd... whoever else wants to do it!
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jezmmart · 5 years
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This has been a couple month's coming but I just had to do a little commemorative picture for what feels like the end of "Season 1" of our Dungeons and Dragons campaign (that Willow was created for).
From left to right - Eclipse, Roshi, Rowan, Arthur (@jouskaetc)​ , Willow (me), and Trapper (a major NPC) and their monodrone Daisy. All characters bar Willow are the creations of the respective people in my group.
If you’re curious for a little catch-up on context, check the dA upload via this post’s source link - it’s not as thorough as the Willow-focused story post I did a while back but it’s still a little wordy so I won’t clog up this post with it.
[Click/tap image to view best quality] [More: DnD | Willow | Arthur by Jouskaetc]
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crqstalite · 4 years
video game questionnaire :)
tagged by @greencrusader13 ! might be a little disappointed because anything i’ve posted recently (ME, DA + SWTOR) are the only games I’ve ever played. i know, i’m a gaming baby but i’m getting there lol.
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: I want to say World of Warcraft. I was born a few months after it was released [it’ll be 16 before I am :( ] and my parents absolutely loved it throughout my childhood. They stopped playing retail a while back, but they got me into it back during Mists of Pandaria. I don’t play it anymore (no real reason other than that except for one time, I’ve been locked to free to play since I picked it up)
Favorite game: If you mean game I go back to just for the hell of it when I’m sad or bored, SWTOR.
Game you’ve played through multiple times: ...SWTOR. I have quite a few toons that are honestly just copies of each other. It isn’t perfect, but besides WOW it’s a game from my childhood. Been playing since beta (okay ‘playing’ is a rather complex word for wandering around and not knowing what the hell to do at eight years old)
Game you hated at first but now love: I’m usually willing to give most games a chance, even if I don’t like it. See: MEA. Can’t say I love it, but some of the characters I like.
Game you used to love but now hate: Overwatch. I used to be really into the competitive scene but the highest rank I ever managed was bottom of the barrel silver. They make it rather difficult to rise in rank, and I gave up a few years ago. Still play when I need a little bit of chaos in my life but it’s not on my list of games to love anymore.
Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Mass Effect 1. Now saying I’ve been through the whole trilogy and then some, I like the setting of the calm before the storm. Shepard + co. know something’s up, but without real proof they can’t really do anything. It’s a little unnerving, really.
Game with the best group/companion(s): Mass Effect 2. With the largest crew in the trilogy, it’s impossible not to get attached to them. Except for Jacob. I will never be attached to Jacob.
A game with your favorite ending: I might be too hard on games, but I legitimately can not think of an ending where I went ‘wow! I worked really hard for this and my characters prospered because of it!’. Except for ME2, where I was flying by the seat of my pants at first, entirely unaware of how the ending system worked and honestly, probably only managed the best ending because of mutuals (you know who you are ;). Made it all the more satisfying seeing all of my squadmates at the end.
A game with the WORST ending: MEA. I didn’t like the entire game to begin with, and the Meridian stuff honestly flew over my head like a damn jet. I always liked the Tempest’s theme, and that gave me chills over the ending, but it was rather anticlimatic. Unlike the two games before it, there’s really no risk factor in the ending. And Ryder 1 was a poor excuse for a culmination of your work. I did not spend a majority of those 65 hours on that game to not get another cutscene or epilogue with my 100% viability.
Best character customization?: I’ve been told DAI has one of the best. However, I personally like MEA’s, the realism is nice but a little jarring when it’s animated in-game.
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: The Inquisitor and Trooper from SWTOR are my favorite classes to play. Shepard is pretty great too.
The funniest playable character: Currently, the Smuggler from SWTOR.
Your favorite companion(s): Elara Dorne, Andronikos Revel, Doc, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko + Gault (SWTOR), Alistair and Morrigan (DAO; I know, it’s early but they’re fun!), Garrus Vakarian, Kaidan Alenko, Tali’zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy + EDI (ME OT), Vetra, Drack, Jaal + Kallo (MEA)
Companions you could live without: Skadge, Jacob + PeeBee. I would’ve said James, but he grew on me during ME3′s campaign. Liam and Gil are sort of climbing up there, but I can see where MEA tried to grow their characters so I’m giving them a pass for now.
Favorite game friendship(s): Shepard + Garrus. Sorry these two snip at each other so much of you let them, and that line ‘There is no Shepard without Vakarian’ kills me every single time. None of my Shepards have actually romanced him but it’s cool to see a female/male friendship that isn’t dependent on a relationship to back it. On that note, Joker + Shepard as well. He doesn’t have that big of place in the game, but he obviously really cares about them. He’s omnipresent in the series too, and one of the few characters that can’t die in the game. Hell, Anderson even asked him to watch over their stress levels, and he was obviously serious about it too. And Tali + Shepard. While that can also be a romance (apparently was even a bi one before it was cut entirely, thank you modders for restoring it), the friendship you can have with her is undeniably sweet. She feels like a completely capable younger sister that you watch grow up through the games, from a young Quarian on her pilgrimage to an Admiral who was ready to do what was right for her people.
Favorite game relationship(s): ...Shepard/Kaidan (ME3, specifically. I mean you guys you’ve seen my blog), Shepard/Garrus, Ryder/Jaal, Ryder/Reyes, F!SW/Theron, F!Consular/Felix, F!Trooper/Aric
Favorite companion banter: ...you guys play games with banter between companions? I kid, but I like the banter between Ashley and Kaidan in ME1. And Morrigan and Alistair’s in DAO.
A relationship you loved but went bad: Malavai Quinn and a female Sith Warrior. I loved the way it was going during the vanilla story, but then the betrayal hit and he disappeared for six years and two expansions. A double whammy if you ask me. This kind of goes for all the vanilla romances, especially Vector for me.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: Jaal and Ryder, and then Thane and Shepard. I did Jaal’s with Fia, and have yet to do Thane’s with Shepard. Jaal was unbelievably sweet if you did romance him, and he has a living family you visit in game. Thane’s is sweet, but also heart wrenchingly sad because you knew he was going to die in the next game but you’re still entirely willing to go after him.
A character you wish you COULD romance: Joker. Sorry, I am not sorry. I mean apparently there’s even a line where he alludes to if there was an alternate universe, he’d quote on quote “Rock your world”. Bioware, lock away the good romances why don’t you. I can just imagine how quickly the conversations in the cockpit would turn on their heads...and Zenith. Zenith I wanted as an option. I feel like the Consular would’ve worked rather well with him.
A minor character you wish could be a companion: Nihlus. I know next to nothing about him, but the fact he was killed off so fast is annoying to say the least. Skavak from SWTOR as well, I know he was an antagonist for a whole chapter, but I mean, we chased Jaesa down for a whole Act, so Skavak should’ve been fair game too.
Shoutout to a random NPC: Green took mine, but yes, that officer from the Citadel in ME2, “Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!”
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Left 4 Dead. I know, it’s an old game but I love zombies. I would probably have nightmares for a while but the universe fascinates me at least.
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Walking Dead (Telltale; not even for the zombies but because the story telling is not as great as it could’ve been), Dead by Daylight (yet again, the universe is cool, I just don’t like other people)
Online gaming or solo?: Solo. Up until recently I’d only ever played with PUGs during FPs and that was rather frustrating. It got so bad that I ended up just running them to level and do the story quests at higher levels, especially for classes like the Inquisitor that I’d run plenty of times before. Still, some new Discord mutuals fixed that for me, it’s actually fun to do FPs now.
Why do you play video games?: For someone who grew up rather sheltered (and is still sheltered, shhhh), video games were my escape from kids who liked the sun and animals a little too much. So I played video games. It distracted me from my other problems in real life and gave me something else to focus on, like saving the galaxy a few times over.
tagging: @sheyshen , @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond , @roguescarlett
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
2019 in Fic
Another tag from @starsandskies, just gonna open tag bc this one’s been sitting a while
Favorite fic you wrote this year: Oh no, don’t make me choose. This was a really good year for me, writing-wise, and I have a lot I’m proud of and love... HELP. nnnnnn. Here, top three, bc I really can’t pick: 
Tension(KotOR II; f!Exile/Atton sparring fic)
Certain as the Sun(Pillars of Eternity; Edér/Charity(OC) ultra fluffy wedding fic)
Drifting Roads(Dragon Age: Inquisition; Inquisitor!Jowan Fade adventure/self-worth wrestling)
Least favorite fic you wrote this year: A Little Excitement(PoE; Hirvaias & OC). Nothing wrong with it, I just really struggle with Hiravias’ voice, so I feel like it could be better but Idk how? That sort of thing
Favorite line/scene you wrote this year: UM. Dear God. I can’t pick a favorite fic and I’m supposed to pick just one line or scene? HOW. There’s the Ederity wedding, (also their flirting banter in the modern AU), Tavi and Khellin’s reunion. Mallory giving Felix a bloody nose for all of five seconds. Jonas and Bry making use of the Kissing as Cover trope. Levyn(Jowan)’s conversation with Trinne in the Fade--
OH. OH I KNOW. Jaaide’s breaking point in Cracks.
 “And if I had? If I’d opted for directness over subtlety and still failed to sway her, would my hands be clean enough for you?!” 
Total number of words you wrote this year: I didn’t keep track, but estimating between my AO3 stats page and short stuff I didn’t cross post to there... around 300k? HOLY MOTHERFORKING COW. THAT’S A NOVEL. I WROTE A LONG ASS NOVEL WORTH OF FANFIC LAST YEAR WTF 
Most popular fic this year: A Good Story(DA:I, Varric PoV on writing Sebastian re: Hawke’s death during HLtA.) It somehow broke 100 notes and I’m still mildly stunned by that fact. :P
Least popular fic this year: Late Night Honesty(The Wayhaven Chronicles) only has three notes.
Longest completed fic you wrote this year:  Drifting Roads is just over 20k
Shortest completed fic you wrote this year: If prompt fills count, this one. Otherwise it’s A Good Story(418).
Longest WIP of the year: Of Wardens & Pariahs(Dragon Age:Origins; Joined Canon AU for my Amell and a friend’s Cousland) is up to 150k now.
Shortest WIP of the year: If you mean started this year, I don’t have any; all my WIPs are holdovers from 2018.
Favorite character to write about this year: Okay, much as I love writing Jowan and Jonas and Edér and Sagani etc etc, this HANDS DOWN goes to Felix Hauville from The Wayhaven Chronicles.He’s a sheer joy and I love him.
Favorite writing song/artist/album of this year: Lindsey Stirling + The Witcher 3 OST
A fic you didn’t expect to write: Aside from all the Wayhaven stuff(I didn’t even play it until November), A Good Story. My feelings on Varric are /cough complicated and less positive than 99% of the DA fandom, so I never expected to write anything from his PoV.
Fic(s) you completed this year: Um. A lot. Look, it takes 9 1/2 pages of my tag.
Fics you’ll continue next year: Of Wardens and Pariahs
Current number of WIPs: four or five? A couple of those I started in January, though, so they’re technically 2020.
Any new fics to start next year: Mass Effect Holiday Harbinger fic, MORE WAYHAVEN FIC(esp. my f!Detectives being buddies with Felix bc that’s apparently so rare there isn’t even a tag for it on AO3 which is a TRAVESTY), Keme/Jorgan stuff.
Most memorable comment/review: While I love and cherish all comments, fave is either the person who commented “Oh darn, I’ve caught up” on OWaP or the person who asked if Tavi knew they’d die for her. :D 
Events you participated in this year: Mass Effect Holiday Harbinger(Trust Exercise; MEA, f!Ryder/Suvi) and the DA Prompt Exchange summer fill-a-thin(Drifting Roads)
Fics you wanted to write but didn’t: That damn Brykar longfic(SWtOR) which I really, really hope I can get to this year. /fingers crossed
Favorite fic you read this year: JUST ONE?! HA. No can do :P
the past is a foreign country(Critical Role, by @teammompike)
Epiphany(Pillars of Eternity; The Watcher/Rekke, by @haledamage)
After, and After That(also Critical Role; Grogleth, post-campaign 1, by @aban-ataashi)
I’m sure there’s more that were on tumblr(those are all ao3) and I just can’t remember them. >.>
A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: 
See Fire and Go Towards Light by @dalish-ish(Dragon Age: Inquisition, minor NPC-view of the game events) I really love her writing style, and she further explores some themes/issues that are only mentioned/hinted at in the game.
Number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year: A lot? I know three bookmarks off the top of my head, and I faved pretty much everything from The Usual Suspects(Knitter, Rhi, Grey, etc etc) by I didn’t really keep count.
Favorite fanfic author of the year: If I can’t pick a favorite line/fic of my own, do you really think I can pick a favorite author? :P I love all my writer friends. (I know it sounds like a cop-out, but it’s TRUE)
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luffik · 5 years
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And now for something completely different, some DnD shenanigans from our campaign with friends. I play Grizzly, drew all the art, I painted Grizzly's mini and a lot of miniatures in the lower right corner but the other characters, some enemies and some christmas zombies were painted by friends, just posting them to show everyone :3 I started the game with the pink dice set and then moved to my beloved watermelon set when I got it. Anyway there's a lot to tell, too much XD We've got a squirrel lich necromancer (human turned into a squirrel as a revenge by a nature goddess), a deep gnome rogue that invented xmas and gives out signed portraits of himself to friends and foes alike, a High Orc (friend of the High Elves, who are called that way for a reason...) barbarian with fake tusks (we still don't know they're fake) who grew an immense beard thanks to hair growing tonic (he keeps his weed in there), a warlock goblin princess who is touring the human lands to explain the superiority of goblins to everyone and take over the realms in a peaceful manner when they all understand that and just bend the knee (she has wild magic that once made her turn into a muppet and called a god on the phone in the sky), a dwarf cleric with a very short memory/attention span who regularly heals our enemies and needs songs to remember things, a dragonborn sorceress (red dragon who identifies as a blue dragon) who loves blue dresses and accidentally created a new cult, and a politically and otherwise incorrect ranger who's trying to reclaim his lost love and might also secretly be a vampire. We encounter a lot of awesome NPCs. And well, there's also my bugbear bard and her shadowdancer rogue zombie boyfriend (it was love from first stab) who taught her how to play ambient disco music with her mind (he's on the two last photos). Anyway, hail to our GMs who make all this possible <3! We had an amazing tiefling paladin travelling with us as well, sadly that friend moved and can no longer play with us. If you're curious for more, feel free to ask! I'm also looking forward to playing more Serpentamix, my ex-evil-king druid with heavy memory loss and a lot of snakes in his beard.
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