#dathomirian genetics
sophiemariepl · 2 years
Okay, I know that this may sound stupid, but this time it is not Tumblr at fault - it’s me, because I deleted the recent post on that by accident (gosh, why am I so blind, I just wanted to edit it because I found some interesting info, but nevermind).
So, the thing is, that I’ve been working on my Star Wars fanfiction for a while. The story would include Darth Maul having a daughter with his human lover before being cut in half on Naboo by Obi-Wan in Episode I. I remember that for some reason it made little sense to me that so many fan artists draw their Maul’s daughter OCs with horns and red skin when they choose mothers of their OCs to be clearly human women (because with other species it makes a little more sense, which I will explain in a second).
So, the first time I asked the question “How likely it would be for Darth Maul’s potential daughter to inherit his horns?”, I received an answer that in case when the mother is human, horns are very unlikely, with an Iridonian Zabrak mother are most likely and in case of other species it is hard to determine.
It makes sense to me - Maul is a Dathomirian Zabrak and it is commonly known that Dathomirians are a result of mixed breeding between Iridonian Zabrak men and human women. This means that Maul carries human DNA from his female line and Zabrak DNA from his male line. This specific Dathomirian DNA is likely to manifest itself differently in his offspring, depending on the kid’s gender. This means that a daughter with a human partner would inherit characteristics common in Dathomirian women, instead of Dathomirian men, such as pale, slightly gray-ish skin and slender figure. In fact, I decided that my OC would inherit many more of her visual characteristics from her mother (only paler skin and slender figure would be the slight signs of her half-Dathomirian parentage), which would perfectly add to the surprise effect when she finally learns that Maul is her biological father - because she will obviously assume at first that it's impossible because she does not resemble Maul at all 😜
In the case of a son with a human partner, I am not 100% sure. Perhaps he would inherit his father’s horns, perhaps not. Maybe he would have red/reddish skin, maybe not. I mean, here it kinda gets tricky like in human/Twi’lek hybrids. We’ve seen those with lekku (Lacquane kids who are half-human, although Cut is not their biological father) and without (Jacen Syndulla, who only has green hair, eyes, and tops of his ears). So I guess that in this case, all options are possible.
I am still not sure whether Maul’s kids with a human partner would inherit Zabrak two hearts though, since both Dathomirian men and women have two hearts. I guess it depends, but in case of my OC I chose not to give her two hearts.
So, now my question to you guys:
How do you think Maul’s children would look like, depending on the species of their potential mother?
Leaving this post so that everyone can share their knowledge and thoughts 📚
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proffesionalalpaca · 9 months
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Peridean Aliens: Concept Designs (original characters)
More info under the cut - if ya wanna read.
So before we see this new galaxy in Ahsoka I made some OC’s/concept designs of the Aliens who dwell there.
Mahin (Red) - aged 28; a priestess and tapestry weaver known for her silver tongue & calming presence that may not be wholly natural as she uses the force in peculiar ways compared to the Star Wars Galaxy. She finds the extended visitors to her galaxy fascinating, especially the young force wielder among them whose relationship with the force is both familiar and completely alien to their ways.
Parvana (Blue) - aged 16; Ezra found her when she was 11 and trained her in the ways of the force he knew whilst they both learned from figures like Mahin on how the Perdiea Galaxy channels the force. Her lightsaber pike does not utilise a Kyber crystal, instead utilising a crystal that give the lightsaber a cold blade; the blade generates an endothermic effect turning whatever it cuts frozen & brittle instantly, the energy absorbed creates a devastating impact force that shatters rather than cuts. She has a fiercely ferocious fighting style that reflects this and is often difficult for Ezra to temper once lost in a battle frenzy.
Based on the idea that these are the ancient ancestral race of the Dathomirian night-sisters & -brothers, largely untainted by human genetics, both the males and females have horns -though not pictured here- the males have sets of 4 horns that have different shapes and patterns based on region & or subspecies. The facial markings are a mix of natural markings that are then emphasised or added to with tattoos. The veils/ head coverings are worn by both genders under moonlight, due to heavy cultural worship of their lunar celestial bodies.
Culturally they are a reserved people who have deeply somber and reflective temperament, especially during religious events, but are also deeply family oriented and food culture is a huge part of that expression of unity.
The culture inspirations lay primarily in Persian & Indian influences with a touch of East Asian to help tie into the Star Wars aesthetic. The animalistic anatomy was based on goats as I wanted them to be from mountainous biomes, so the goat feet seemed interesting and the horns could have many different variations based on gender & subspecies.
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dathomir-diaries · 1 year
Although humans and Zabrak have been born, lived, and died on Dathomir, the truly unique Dathomirians are Zabrak-Human hybrids. Generations of genetic drift and exposure to the PIanet’s power from the dark side of the Force have Created a distinct people. Perhaps due to a genetic quirk, or Some subtle influence of the Force, Dathomirians experience sexual dimorphism. 
The women of Dathomir have pale white or gray skin  that the Nightsisters accentuate with tattooed patterns. They have piercing eyes that range in color from white to blue to amber, and their hair ranges from dark black to stark White.
The men of Dathomir however more closely resembled their Zabrak ancestors sporting large horns on the crowns of their heads. They ranged in color from yellow to orange to red. Nightbrothers also sported dark tattoos that covered most of their bodies. Unlike their female counterparts most males on Dathomir had dark eyes with few exceptions.
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I have come to harass you full of information on this
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Though I've only recently learned and am projecting my indigenous feelings onto this
Dathomir was a colony planet from the Iridonian Zabraks. Dathomirian Zabraks came from human women and Zabraks having hybrid children. Which is now it's own humanoid species. Iridonian and Dathomirian Zabraks do have extreme differences in looks!
I think this is due to genetic changes and evolution to Dathomirs environments. Dathomir is also a planet with an extremely strong connection to the Dark Side. The witches created a huge society there and the men were kept basically just as slaves. Raised only on a separate side of the planet and kept as mates and slaves, they only trained to fight to protect their villages.
The game Jedi Fallen Order gives a really cool look at what the atmosphere of the planet is like and a photo realistic look at Dathomir Zabraks since we only get views of them in animated series and comics.
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We only really see a good Iridonian Zabrak in the Star Wars The Old Republic cinematic trailers they tend to have different colors! Closer to human shades it seems.
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Giving info on the witch planet stuff is a lot which I don't feel confident enough to get into. But these games and shows give a cool insight. Unfortunately this species does get real shit treatment from near everyone so huge explorations into their culture and societies isn't a lot. But lots of aggressions against them feel unfair. It gets complicated!
I just love Zabraks my indigenous ass has imprinted onto them I just think their neat
Thanks so much for the info! Sorry for answering so late, I was on a social media break.
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cl-01-kestis · 3 years
A Gut Feeling - Tech x Mechanic!Reader | Soulmate AU | 1/2
Summary: You’re a mechanic working at the Republic station on Anaxes and your native instincts kick in when you meet the brains of the bad batch.
Warnings: angst, mentions of pheromones, reader not being able to express their emotions properly, slow burner
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The ambience was comforting outside of the station on Anaxes, the sun was setting quicker by each passing minute and you found yourself using a torch to see what you were doing as you worked on your speeder bike. Your hair was messy, you didn’t tie it back or do anything with it because you were either too lazy, or just forgot. You wore a grey boiler suit with the galactic republic crest on the chest pocket, sleeves unbottoned and rolled up. You wore thick layered gloves to protect your hands form getting cut with all the sharp objects lying about and also the small parts inside your speeder, you didn’t want to afford injuring yourself over something small.
You wiped the sweat off your forehead with your bare arm, noticing it had grime and oil on it which made you grumble in irritation. You were covered in oil and black polish, your boiler suit stained and black patches on your skin. Letting out a yawn, you leaned back and cracked your spine to relieve some tension in your muscles, sighing in satisfaction and managing a tired smile as you resumed your work on the speeder. You managed to prop the torch up somewhere where you could see what you were doing, you were too busy to be holding it and you wanted to finish up early considering it was falling to night fairly quickly and the clones were starting to go into their bunkers. Many stayed out though, patrolling the ground and chatting with either the Jedi or other mechanics such as yourself.
Screwing on a spring into the body of the speeder, you let out a puff of held in oxygen and fell back, sprawling out on the concrete floor and closing your eyes. You were exhausted.
You opened your eyes to see the stars starting to seep into the navy sky that blended into a purple, then a yellow. It was a truly beautiful sight, but this wasn’t the first time you’d seen something like this.
Your journey as a mechanic started way back when you were barely a teenager. Your father was born on Dathomir, a runaway nightbrother who ended up meeting your mother and then had you. Your father was the one who taught you everything, every little detail about every piece of tech and machinery. Your mother was a human which is why you don’t entirely look like your father, but your appearance is rather strange.
Your left arm, both legs, and the whole of your back up to the back of your neck are completely covered in Dathomirian tattoos, pitch black and very similar to your fathers own. Your mother highly disapproved of it when you first considered getting them, but you had never seen your father so happy and emotional before. They did hurt a lot of course, and thankfully your father knew enough of the ritual to achieve the tattoos. You were grateful you didn’t need to sit through hours upon hours of being jagged by a needle. That wouldn’t be pleasant.
You moved out when you hit 21 and you’ve been with the Republic ever since. You’re 27 now and you’ve been doing fantastic on your own. Your parents currently live in a small cosy cottage by the countryside on Naboo, so you’re unfortunately not able to visit them much but you call them every once in a while on your holo watch. Thankfully, they weren’t entirely by themselves. You had a little 16 year old brother who you practically raised since you were little, it was safe to say he cried a lot when you left. He takes from your dads looks completely, considering Zabrak males, especially Nightbrothers, are dominant in genetics if they have a son. Your brother got tattoos as well after you left, only he was completely covered from head to toe since it was tradition for a Dathomirian man to do.
You missed your family a lot, and it was moments like this that made you realise it.
Sitting up from the ground, you looked up and realised the sky had gone completely black. You’d been so caught up in your thoughts you forgot the time and realised there was hardly anyone left out on the station platform. You stood up clumsily, taking off your gloves and dumping your tools in the large red storage drawers beside your speeder bike. Closing it, you wiped your hands on your boiler suit and ran a hand through your hair, holding your palm against your head since a small headache was starting to sink in.
You returned to your bunker, getting in and immediately being greeted by Rex who you had been sharing a bunk with for the past few days on Anaxes. Approaching him quietly, you smiled and reached your hand out to fist bump him - a little thing the both of you done for a while -. You slept on the bottom bunk and sat down on it whilst rubbing your eyes.
“All the guys are asleep, change if you want to” Rex yawned, turning to his side and closing his eyes. His movements caused the bunk to wiggle slightly but it wasn’t enough to completely take it down. Smiling, you took the opportunity and stripped out of your boiler suit, replacing it with a white vest and grey joggers which you fetched from your bag underneath the bunk bed. You slipped underneath your covers and bid Rex goodnight, earning a quiet one in return before the bunk fell silent and you closed your eyes, preparing for a well deserved rest.
You couldn’t sleep. You’d been trying for the last 2 hours and everytime you closed your eyes, you pulled them open and stared blankly at the mattress above you. Your eyes stung, you don’t know why you weren’t falling asleep but you had to do something, whether it was play on your holopad or go for a walk. The second option seemed more appealing. You were heating up a storm as well so maybe you needed it more than you expected.
Silently, you slipped out of your covers and crept out of bed, pulling your bag out from underneath and taking out a baggy cardigan and slippers, getting them both on quickly before sneaking out of the bunker and opening the door with as much caution as you could possibly manage. You stepped out of the door once it was open and closed it behind you to stop the cold air from getting in the bunker and possibly waking the clones, alerting them of your absence.
You wrapped the cardigan around you closely, walking down the long ramp that lead to the stations concrete platform you were working on barely hours ago. You mustered up a tired yawn but quickly ignored it, walking over to the back of the station where Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were discussing the latest plot. No one seemed to notice you as you approached the back and headed for the small kitchen in the corner, preparing yourself a Caf to keep you awake and so you could do something. You kept yawning and turned on the Caf dispenser, waiting patiently for the dark brown liquid to fill your cup until it was full so you could return to the bunker in hopes it would help you fall asleep. Your tattooed fingers pressed a few buttons on the dispenser, adding a bit of milk to it before rubbing your eyes with the back of your palm.
“(Y/N)?” You heard someone call your name, humming softly in reply as you tiredly looked around to see Anakin Skywalker approaching you with a kind smile.
“Morning- or whatever time it is” You said, taking the cup of Caf from the dispenser machine and taking a cautious sip before nestling into your cardigan at the comfortable feeling of warmth from the almost black beverage.
“What are you doing up at this time? I thought you’d be asleep by now?” Anakin asked curiously, leaning on the wall beside you with his arms folded as he looked at you questionably.
“Couldn’t get to sleep, I don’t know what’s keeping me up” You sighed, taking another sip of the Caf to hopefully wake you up a bit so you could talk to Anakin in a better way. He chuckled, shrugging and taking a cup from beside the machine, getting a Caf himself.
“Caf is the last thing you should be drinking then, it’s 2:46 in the morning” Anakin teased, taking his cup from the dispenser once it was full and taking a few big sips of it, his gloved hand gripping the cup loosely.
“I’m not sure whether or not I want to stay awake and potter about for a bit, or make another feeble attempt to fall asleep” You joked at the end, earning a small ‘Hmm’ of amusement from Anakin who shrugged once more and downed the rest of his Caf, walking over to the kitchen sink and washing it out.
“You could hang out here for a bit until you feel tired, we’re not up to much anyway” He suggested, raising a brow and folding his arms once again after he placed the cup on the drainer beside the sink. You thought for a moment, contemplating what would happen if you stayed.
“Might as well, I’m not usually around this bit” You leaned off the wall, walking up to the holo table which illuminated with different pictures and camera footage, showcasing the mission that occurred today on what appeared to be a Separatist dreadnot.
“How did you manage to get ahold of the security system?” You asked with a frown, taking a step forward and rolling up your sleeves to point at the different images that popped up in front of you. Anakin smiled and went to the other side of the table, placing his hands on the edge of the table before clearing his throat.
“We found an old clone, Echo, he was captured by the Techno Union and was morphed into some sort of... human computer. He’s not in good shape, but he managed to give us access to all the things we needed in order to take down the Separatist fleet” Anakin spoke with a sense of pride in his voice, smiling to himself as he watched the clips play. You watched them with wide eyes and eventually they fell on a group of soldiers, 4 of them.
“Who are they?” You asked curiously, eyes focusing on each one of them and trying to see what they looked like but their faces were hidden underneath personalised, grey clone helmets.
“Call themselves the Bad Batch, incredible troopers... they’re staying on Anaxes tonight but they have to leave after that” Anakin said with a small sigh, walking around to your end of the table and watching the clip with you, showing each of them in their own fighting styles.
Somehow you felt a pull. Deep in your stomach you had butterflies and you didn’t know why. Your heart was beating way too fast and you couldn’t control it. But you stayed cool, regardless of what you felt. You kept a straight face on as you watched the footage ti the very end and pursed your lips once it was over.
“Interesting tactics” You commented, eyes still stuck to the end image of the footage which was of the smallest of the group. He had a unique helmet on, one where you could see his eyes through two orange lenses. A specialised visor was attacked to his helmet, acting as if it were glasses you could slide up and down on your head. He held two blasters, much like Rex, and the footage stopped on him shooting down Separatist droids skillfully.
“Something on your mind, (Y/N)? Your thoughts are awfully loud” Anakin laughed, causing you to blush furiously and brush his comment off as a tease. You smiled briefly but you couldn’t ignore the nagging at the back of your head, something inside of you was screaming and you didn’t know whether it was a good thing or not.
“I don’t know if it’s my Zabrak senses kicking in,” You said, turning around to lean on the table with crossed arms.
“But I feel a strange pull, it’s not the force, I would’ve known that by now” You sighed.
“I’ve never felt this before” Was the last thing you said before falling silent once again and looking to Anakin for a reply. He had wide eyes, as if he had the answer, but then it was replaced with confusion.
“Is it a culture thing? Your Dad was a Nightbrother after all, they have all kinds of culture” Anakin suggested. You thought about that for a bit, maybe he was right.
“I can’t be too sure, I’ll get in contact with him” You ushered the subject away, pinching the bridge of your nose before hearing something outside on the platform crash. Anakin heard it too and he perked up immediately, the two of you ran towards the sound to see what was happening and you were shocked to find the men Anakin had told you about, The Bad Batch. Two of them were missing, it was only the sniper guy and the sergeant of the group. You felt slight disappointment for some reason, wishing it had been the guy you saw at the end of the camera footage.
“Hunter, Crosshair, what’s going on?” Anakin asked curiously, raising a brow as he waited for them to answer him. Hunter let out a slight nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.
“My senses picked up something weird, thought we were in danger...” His eyes fell on you and he frowned, as if he was someone trying to remember you. You stood uncomfortably in your spot, maintaining eye contact with him until you had enough.
“Is there something on my face?” You hissed, crossing your arms and watching as Hunter raised his brows and cleared his throat.
“Apologies Miss” Hunter said with a sincere expression, taking a few steps forward before stretching his arm out to you and managing a smile.
“I’m Hunter, I thought you were a Separatist for a moment” He joked, causing you to frown in confusion. You took his hand, not wanting to be rude but you exchanged a glance with Anakin who looked just as lost.
“You thought I was a Separatist?” You asked in a shocked tone, causing Hunter to sigh.
“Not by appearance, I mistook your pheromones for danger” Hunter said in a quieter tone, quiet enough that Anakin didn’t hear. Your eyes flew wide and you held a hand over your mouth, face blowing up with a blush as you let go of his hand.
“Y-you can sense that? I’m so sorry-“
“It’s alright, you can’t control your biological insticts” Hunter chuckled, draping his arm back down to his side as you continued to hide your face in humiliation.
“It’s- it’s a Dathomirian thing” You explained, piecing the parts together yourself and realising what you felt back at the table when you watched the footage. How embarrassing. You projected pheromones for a man you’d never met, how desperate were you? You’re 27, not 17.
“That explains it, don’t feel embarrassed, just forget about it” Hunter offered another kind and assuring smile but you couldn’t shake the shame off. The man named Crosshair looked at you with a funny expression, verging on a sneer but he wasn’t judging you, he seemed fairly passive.
“What’s going on out there? Get to bed already!” A voice called out in the distance of a nearby bunker. Your head snapped to the entrance where the same man from the footage stood, only without his armour and dressed in a grey vest and black joggers. You froze on the spot, every muscle in your body tending which made Hunter look at you with a distraught expression, your nerves put his sensing into a car crash, he was so confused as to why you tensed up so suddenly but it didn’t take long for him to figure it out.
You kept your eyes on the man at the door, he didn’t have his helmet on so you could see all of his face. He was beautiful, his looks took the breath away from you and you felt your head get dizzy about how much you were thinking about him. He had pale skin, light brown, short cut hair and matching eyes. His face was fairly drawn out and his jaw was sharp and strong.
“Just coming Tech! Get back inside!” Crosshair yelled back, completely oblivious to what was going on.
Tech... that was his name.
But instead of watching Tech go back inside, he stayed dead still in the doorway and squinted when his eyes fell on you. You felt like you were about to pass out if you tensed any harder, this situation was suffocating you and you wish you could just vanish. Tech frowned, his face a mixture of emotions before taking a step out into the ramp.
Oh god, he’s getting closer.
“Hey! I said get back in!” Crosshair whined, walking up to where Tech was and shoving him softly. His actions made a wave of protectiveness wash over you, you had an urge to protect Tech.
“Watch it, how about you go inside!” Tech argued back, taking the briefest glance at Crosshair who growled in return and took his advice, walking past him and into the bunker. Hunter stared at you strangely, his expression a mixture of awkwardness and shock but he cleared his throat to ease the tension.
“I’m off to bed, good talking with you” He smiled, bidding you farewell before walking to the bunker.
“I think it’s time I hit the hay as well, take care (Y/N)” Anakin waved, causing you to physically gulp and realise you were on your own, getting stared down by the man you had been projecting pheromones to. This was more than embarrassing and out of your control to handle.
So you done what any normal person would do in this situation. Talk and hope for the best.
“Cold, isn’t it?” You rubbed your upper arms, trying to keep your senses at bay to Hunter wouldn’t be haunted any further by them. You had to control yourself.
“It is indeed, Anaxes is always cold during night” Tech replied, closing the door to the bunker and sitting down on the ramp, even that bit closer to you made you tense.
“You’ve been here before?” You asked, awkwardly walking up to him and sitting down about two meters away from him. Tech nodded curtly, looking up at the sky with his beautiful brown eyes as the ghost of a smile appeared on his face.
“Not my favourite planet, but the skies are always nice” He commented, leaning on his elbows as he leaned back to look up more at the sky. You hummed in agreement, trying desperately not to make the situation anymore awkward than necessary. But aside from your senses kicking off, you felt surprisingly comfortable beside Tech. A strange flourish of warmth slowly spread through your chest the more you spoke with him, it came so naturally to you.
“What do you do here?” He asked curiously, you grasped onto each word as if it were the last thing he’d say to you and you smiled.
“I’m a mechanic” You answered simply, scratching the back of your neck and rolling your sleeves up which revealed your Dathomirian tattoos. This caught Tech’s attention but he didn’t immediately ask about them. He kept his eyes on them though, glistening with curiosity as he looked back up to your face.
“How long for?”
“15 years” You smiled.
“Really?” Tech sounded surprised and it made your heart flutter, you were interesting to him.
“Yeah, my dads started teaching me when I was 12” You added, shrugging as you looked up at the sky and realised how many stars were twinkling brightly down at you. It seemed to perfect, like out of a vision you had but never thought would be real.
“You’re 27? I thought you were younger than that” Tech chuckled, causing you to grin once again.
“Perks of having a Dad who used to be a Nightbrother, genes are good” You didn’t know why you were opening up to Tech so soon after meeting him, something inside you trusted him more than anyone else and it scared you.
“That’s incredible, I’m guessing that’s what the tattoos are for?” Tech leaned over slightly to get a better look at your tattoos. Nodding, you slipped off your cardigan and turned around, pulling your hair away from your neck to show him how many tattoos you actually had. When you turned around, his face held astonishment, intrigue maybe?
“It’s in our culture, my brother has the full body tattoo but I just have a few, I’m not a Nightsister or brother so it would be strange. I have my legs done as well” You couldn’t stop the smile spreading on your face, your eyes focused on Tech the whole time as he shuffled closer to you.
“May I?” He asked, hands reaching down to your arm and causing your heart to skip a beat the moment you nodded your head and felt his fingers come in contact with skin. It was like electricity, and by the looks of it, he felt it too. He flinched back and frowned at the sudden contact but mistook it for friction and held your arm delicately as he inspected the tattoos.
“I forgot to ask you, what’s your name?” Tech’s question made you smile and you replied without hesitation.
“(Y/N), some people just call me the mechanic though” You joked to ease the tension in your chest and stomach, earning a chuckle from Tech who let go of your arm and leaned back.
“You’re the only mechanic around here?” You laughed at his comment.
“Only mechanic that isn’t a clone” You pointed out, sliding your arms into your cardigan once again and wrapping it around your slightly trembling body.
“Fair point” Tech shrugged.
A long but comfortable silence fell between the both of you. Both you and him stared at the stars with focused eyes and soon you found yourself lying on your back close by him, hands fumbling on your stomach as you felt your heart beat rapidly in your chest. This situation felt so foreign to you, even as a fully grown woman reaching 30. All your life you never felt something as strong as this, yes you’ve had partners in the past but nothing was as thrilling as this emotion you were experiencing was.
“You seem on edge, (Y/N)” Tech hinted at a question but he didn’t want to be rude by asking directly, keeping his eyes on the sky as his arms reached up to support his head. The way he spoke sounded as though he had known you forever, it was comforting to say the least.
“Just... a little confused” You said truthfully whilst tapping your tattooed fingers against your stomach, trying to distract yourself a bit from the anxious churn in your stomach. Why was it so hard talking to him?
“I understand you hardly know me, but do you want to talk about it?” Tech sounded genuine, sitting up a bit and leaning on his elbows as his attention shifted to you. You kept your eyes glued to the stars though, too nervous to look into his eyes as you told him what you were feeling.
“Another perk of having a Zabrak Dad I think, tonight my emotions got rubbed up in the wrong way and it isnt sitting right with me” You grumbled, frowning slightly as your eyes switched from star to star until you closed them over for a brief moment, trying to collect your thoughts.
“To be honest, I think I know what you’re getting at,” Tech smiled. “I feel a bit iffy about everything as well, it’s rather out of the blue” He shared willingly, your eyes snapping back open and immediately connecting to his as he kept a soft smile on his handsome face.
“Are you feeling it in your chest and stomach?” You asked, he nodded. Sucking in a sharp breath, you looked back up at the sky and your thoughts ran wild.
This could possibly mean something, was Tech your mate? Soulmate perhaps? Your mother told you stories of such things when you were little, she explained the feeling you get when you fell in love with someone. But you remember the way your father described the way he felt towards your mother and slowly everything started to make sense. Your Dad was always so passionate about the way he spoke about your Mom, he could go on and on if you didn’t stop him. She was the most valuable thing to him in the world and he spoke about the way he felt when he first saw her.
“My chest was tight, painful even, my breathing got a bit faster... us Zabraks tend to get a little intense with our emotions especially when attraction gets into the mix” You remember your Dad telling you when you were a teenager. His words started seeping in and you mustered up the courage to look back at Tech, who had now rolled over onto his stomach and was closer to you.
“This is weird” You commented, earning a chuckle from the mutated clone who nodded his head and made a small hum of agreement.
“It is, but it’s not unpleasant” He rolled back onto his back, only now your shoulders were touching and the back of his hand skimmed against yours. You relaxed at his skin against yours even if it was the smallest of contact, the tension in your body feeling as though it was flushing out and replaced with serenity.
You sighed, not out of frustration or embarrassment this time. You just sighed. Your eyes slowly started glistening with unexplainable tears and they were quick to trickle down your temple as you stared up at the stars. Everything came so naturally, if it were anyone else you would never let them get this close to you. But Tech was something special, you knew it. Whether he was your Soulmate or not, he was phenomenal to be around. You barely even knew him and yet you were so open and comfortable with him so soon which did lead you to believe there was a massive chance he was destined to be yours. Maybe you were thinking out of the box, maybe you were just feeling love and attraction even though it felt so much more than that. You wanted to jump to conclusions so bad but that wouldn’t be fair on Tech, you couldn’t just tell him there was a chance he was your Soulmate.
Sniffing, you let a few more tears fall and it caught Tech’s attention suddenly, his soft brown eyes looking to you before he leaned up slightly and looked at you with concern.
“Are you alright?” He asked in the most gentle voice, his hand unconsciously moving to tuck a strand of hair away from your face as you sniffed once more and looked away, giving him a curt nod as you tried to fight the urge to nestle into his touch. You did anyway, leaning your head into his hand as you raised an arm and used the sleeve of your cardigan to wipe away the tears of emotion on your face. Tech didn’t remove his hand from your face as he stroked your cheek, running his thumb over a tear and catching it in time as it trailed down your temple.
“Don’t cry, it’s alright” Tech reassured you but you shook your head, continuing to dab at the never ending fall of tears that you couldn’t seem to stop. This wasn’t fair. Emotions weren’t something you coped well with and suddenly it was all unloading into your head like a skip pile. You were overwhelmed, unable to find a perspective on the situation which made you upset. God, you weren’t a teenager, what’s Tech thinking of you? You didn’t want to know.
“I’m sorry, pelire” You mumbled, your voice trembling as you tried containing your tears as much as possible. Tech noticed after a while that your hand was gripping his tightly, your other balling a first into your vest as your cardigan sprawled around you and didn’t cover up your torso. It was cold, Tech knew that, but you didn’t cover up or stay warm.
“Don’t apologise... what does that mean?” He asked curiously, trying to get you away from getting more upset and sitting upright, looking down at you from above and covering the sky from your view slightly.
“Pelire... it’s Zabraki for something rare, something precious” You wiped away the final round of tears and sat up, careful not to knock Tech’s head as he still held your hand, unwilling to let it go. He processed the words and struggled to keep a smile off his face, the corners of his lips curling up slightly at your words. Tech squeezed your hand tightly and your breath got caught in your throat when he laced his fingers with yours.
Face to face, no words were exchanged as Tech leaned towards you and used his free hand to cup the back of your neck, his lips pressing against yours and catching you completely off guard. Your shock lasted barely seconds as you started kissing him back and moved your hands to wrap around his neck, feeling his own hands wrap around your waist as he kissed you deeper.
Things were moving so fast but something inside you was on fire, heat surrounding your heart and causing it to feel like it was about to combust as Tech kissed you with such passion. Your head was spinning with so many thoughts but you pushed them aside, they could wait. They had to wait. Your lips parted but only for barely seconds as you dived in for another taste, one of your hands running your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck whereas the other rest on his shoulder.
It was intoxicating, the feeling of his lips on yours got you obsessed. You wanted more, you craved it. But you stopped yourself before it got too far, eventually parting your lips from Tech’s and smiling at him with pure joy. He kept his arms right around your waist and rest his head against yours, the both of you closing your eyes for a moment, savouring the moment. You didn’t know what time it was but you noticed the faintest shades of yellow start to bloom out on the skyline.
“As much as I don’t want to let you go, you need to go back and get some rest, love” Tech said the last word with such passion, he sounded confident and proud saying it and it made you sigh in delight.
“You’re right, I should get going before the clones wake up” You sighed, hesitantly letting go of Tech as he unwrapped his arms from your waist, standing up first and offering you a hand to take. Without hesitation, you took it only to be pulled into Tech’s embrace once more. You were in a state of euphoria, gaining first hand experience of what is was like. Boy, what would you tell your parents? Especially your Dad and brother considering you all share the same physical genetics.
“I’Shuree, Tech” You smiled, looking at him with a beaming expression.
“I love you too, (Y/N), now go before anyone sees us” He smirked, kissing you once again with just as much passion as the last one, only it lasted seconds. You departed from Tech, feeling cold without him already as you walked backwards to your bunker which was pretty far away from his own. You yawned loudly, loud enough for Tech to hear as he let out an amused chuckle, enamoured with everything about you.
You turned around just as you were about to turn the corner and go out of sight, waving to Tech who done the same before turning around and approaching the entrance to his own bunker.
You returned to your bunker that early morning with a spring in your step, heart fluttering and all the tension in your body before was completely gone. Deep down, you knew Tech was your Soulmate, and you believed he knew that too by the way things went tonight.
You crept into the bunker and returned to your bed bellow Rex’s, seeing him completely knocked out as his arm draped off his mattress. Silently, you tucked yourself under the covers and drifted off into an immediate sleep, dreaming of one man only.
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no-droids · 4 years
Ok this might be a dumb question but I don’t know how on earth to google this and I feel like you have expertise in the subject- if jedis have to keep an oath of celibacy, how can they reproduce? Like is strength with the force genetic? Do you just have to wait around for a genetic anomaly? I know midichlorians have something to do with it but like how? Anakin is immaculately conceived? Is that how new Jedi come to be? Or is it just force sensitive people that go into training? Pls help
This is not a dumb question at all
In fact Star Wars is kinda dumb because their canon is very hodgepodge and disorganized but I will attempt to lay out what’s canon and what isnt when it comes to the Jedi and force sensitives
So in The Locked Door, I wrote that Jedi take oaths of celibacy but that’s never been canonically confirmed. Jedi are not meant to form attachments or chase after certain emotional releases because they’re not technically meant to experience any strong emotion, pleasure or pain. They’re not allowed to have families or children, but to make things more black and white for my fic, I just included an oath of celibacy. There have likely been many Jedi who had families but the idea is that they weren’t supposed to, not according to the Jedi code
Strength in the force can be genetic OR it can pop up randomly. I can understand the confusion on that, because Star Wars has always had a bit of a bad habit of trying to make familial ties a really big plot point in every single trilogy. If you’re a badass in Star Wars, chances are your family lineage is important. Anakin was technically the result of an immaculate conception by the force, and was supposed to be the strongest force-sensitive in the galaxy when Qui-Gon first found him because of that. And then of course, he started the whole Skywalker royal family bloodline of force sensitives because his literal dad was the force itself, he’s our messiah character and is the reason we have luke, Leia, kylo, etc. A vast majority of Jedi, however, are found as infants and brought to the academy to train. What’s interesting (at least to me) is that Anakin was SUPPOSED to be the strongest, and yet Obi-Wan (a regular ol Jedi picked up as a baby and raised in the order) was able to best him in battle. Mace Windu, Yoda, they would’ve kicked Anakin’s ass. Which means it’s not about raw power in the force, but how well you’re trained
Midichlorians are weird tbh I have mixed feelings about lucas’s explanation for them. The idea is that force sensitives can come from anywhere. And the Jedi have dedicated people to go out and travel around to look for force sensitive children to bring back to the order and train when they’re very young. Sometimes they miss some (it’s a big galaxy and I’m sure many parents would’ve told them fuck no get away from my child) but yeah. The Last Jedi did a good job at explaining the force. Big daddy luke said the force is in everything, everyone, and that it doesn’t inherently belong to the Jedi. Anakin used the force as a pod racer when he was a kid, broom boy used the force to sweep the stables on canto bight, Ventress was a dathomirian witch that practiced the dark side with her sisters before joining the sith, Chirrut was HELLA force sensitive and had nothing to do with the Jedi. The force exists outside of all of this.
I’d liken it to the way magic works in Harry Potter. It can show up anywhere, but it’s also genetic. If you never got your hogwarts letter and never had any training and never actually believed magic was real, how long do you think it would take you to realize you were a wizard/witch? who knows
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sunsetofdoom · 4 years
i can’t go on living as i am
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(Credit for the word ‘badzuriqash’ goes to @fluffynexu​ and her sith wildlife post)
Taking the lift up to the fiftieth floor, Nan stepped into Lord Kris’ Dromund Kaas apartment for the first time. Having lived in her benefactor’s Korriban estate for ten years before being sent to the Academy, the decor was intimately familiar- ancient artefacts, Sith Pureblood art and sculpture, cultural and religious relics in between the many books on every shelf. The walls painted red, soft yellow light just bright enough to read by.
The motion detector took in her presence, and an opera’s overture began to play from the wall speakers at an unobtrusive volume. Nan noted somewhere in the back of her mind that it was a newer rendition of Grothalde en Annasti, probably under heavy revision. Ducking her head, she kept her horns from knocking into a chandelier to find herself in the sitting room. She was intensely conscious of where she put her hands, her feet, her horns; the same clutter of expensive things in the Korriban estate had been hell as a bullish apprentice, neither graceful nor used to small spaces. This residence was even more cramped.
“Master.” She bowed to the Sith Pureblood woman resting in a chair opposite the door.
“Ah-” Anzhel Kris stood, not even coming up to Nan’s shoulders. Her facial tendrils curled in comfort and pleasure. She grinned, creasing the smile lines around her mouth that betrayed her age to be in her hundred-teens. “My dear girl. You’re here.”
Unsure of herself, Nan bowed again. A nervous pride bloomed in her breast. She was. She’d made it- she was apprenticed to a Darth, stationed on Dromund Kaas, soon to be discharged to the wider galaxy.
She had proved Lord Kris right.
Putting her hands on Nan’s broad shoulders- reaching up to do so- Lord Kris looked at her with awe. “You really have done magnificently. Come all this way- I can’t believe your progress. And to think of what a mess you were just a few short years ago!”
“Thank you, my Master,” Nan murmured, averting her eyes. Praise from Lord Kris always made her feel stupid and wary, wondering what was coming next.  “It was your training.”
Lord Kris reached up, tapping her cheek with two red, black-clawed fingers. “None of that, now. You have another Master. A real, true Sith Master who’s going to make you a Lord one of these days.”
Her gaze still roving over the artefacts all along the shelves- was that a replica of Darth Marsere’s funereal statue?- Nan lifted her head with slight pride. A Lord. She would be. She’d worked so hard.
“Come now,” Lord Kris drew back, straightening her robes. “We’ll take tea in the solarium, listen to the rain. How have you found Dromund Kaas?”
Turned left at Telos, Nan thought but didn’t say. Apparently that mouthy little Twi’lek was rubbing off on her. “The rain is lovely. After so long on Korriban...”
She kept a mind to her pronunciation; with Vette, Lord Kris’ carefully-cultivated Kaasi accent had begun to slip, letting her native Dathomirian drawl creep back into her words. She was lucky her home language’s drawled vowels and dropped consonants mimicked a Ziost accent. At least she sounded vaguely normal.
“Oh, I have to wash the moment I get off that horrid planet.” Lord Kris reassured her. “I’m on my way to another dig just tomorrow, they’ve unearthed the tomb of one of Terrak Morrhage’s lovers-”
“One of,” Nan commented, her voice dry. “How many does this make? Fourteen?” A pang of anxiety struck her low in the gut at her own observation.
Lord Kris tossed her head back, her laugh nobly cultivated to be bell-like and charming. “The man really couldn’t keep it to himself, could he? And if he’d been half as good at subterfuge as he was at genetic engineering, his wife might not have killed them all. We think this one was poisoned.”
“Unusually subtle.” Entering the solarium, Nan ducked her head under the doorway so as not to bump her horns. It was a nice room- not as cluttered, the lights blue-tinted, the rain making soft noises against the enormous windows. There was a table between the two seats, set with dishes.
At the counter stood a slave, a blank-eyed and unhealthily pale Human girl. Her hands were busy with tea and biscuits and small sandwiches.
“It is, isn’t it? My hypothesis is that he was higher-ranking than some of the other little conquests, so she had to be a bit less blatant. We’ve found carvings around the doorway-”
Lord Kris kept up her talk about her new discovery as Nan went to the counter. Without speaking, she dismissed the slave and took over preparing Her Lordship’s tea, her hands falling into the familiar motion of measuring the leaves and the water.
“And he might be descended from the Mherinel line, which we should be able to prove with a scan of the remains- of course that’s assuming we get so far into the tomb, with all the traps undisturbed it should be quite the adventure- where is my tea, you tiresome girl?” She asked, her voice ringing with mirth in a way that Nan associated with days full of bustle and cheer.
“Here, M-” Nan swallowed back the familiar title. “My lord.”
“That’s a good girl. What are my other forms of address?” She picked and quizzed, as usual, tucking her slippered feet up under her on the lounge sofa.
Nan thought for just a moment, balancing the teapot and the sweetsand biscuits on the tray. “Countess. Your Lordship. My Lord Countess, in a letter.” Nan listed, timing each word with a step so as not to spill the tea. “Your familial title- Right Honorable Lord Kris, Countess Kris of her associated estates, Professor Kris...”
“Now you’re just showing off,” Lord Kris said merrily. “Well done, well done. Now sit.” She waved her hand at the seat across, and Nan set the tray down with great trepidation before taking her place where indicated.
They took tea with careful bites and pointed conversation, discussing Lord Kris’ new assigned unit with Reclamations, her great regret that her favorite researcher, Drellik, had been poached off to study something in an icy wasteland instead of Korriban’s deserts.
Nan made her laugh twice. She counted each as a personal victory, dearer to her than any battlefield conquest.
The tea and conversation both nearly exhausted, Nan set her cup down. “Have you gotten your proposed genetics paper off the ground yet?”
Lord Kris sat back, crossing her legs. “Oh, I can’t get anyone to touch it. Can you imagine, any Sith worth their title daring to attach their name to a hypothesis that ancient Sith Pureblood willingly bred with savages, thus making planet-bound Dathomirian natives the last true bastion of un-muddled Sith blood? The Dark Council would be out for my guts. I’d disappear, and any who dared stand with me would go too... But I know. I’ll always know.” Moving fluidly, she pushed herself up until she was standing.
On reflex, Nan mirrored her and got to her feet, feeling the tension in the air rise until it crackled.
Almost floating around the table, her face serene, Lord Kris reached up to touch her cheek. “That’s why I found you, and why you’ve come so far. All these things-” She gestured, and Nan knew what she spoke of. She’d heard the lectures for years. Their similar hunting adaptations, strong limbs, carnivorous diet, claws and teeth. Nan, evolutionarily designed to pursue rancors on the plains and steppes of Dathomir; Anzhel equally equipped for a long life tracking badzuriqash from oasis to oasis on Korriban. “All these things that make us the same, that make us strong. This is why I pulled you out of the gutter.” Her long, sharpened claws nicked Nan’s jawbone.
Nan sucked in a breath. Held it. Something boiled inside her, something that brewed hotter at every moment she spent in her patron- her owner- her mentor’s presence. The alarm bell went off in her head that she was in danger.
Some echo of the mouthy Twi’lek girl in her head said, why not?
“No,” Nan contradicted in a slow and dreamy voice, some part of herself horrified by what she was tempting down onto her head. “You’re wrong. I pulled myself out of the gutter.”
Lord Kris’ eyes held hers, hypnotic with their bright gold irises and deep red sclera. Her pupils were pinpricks despite the low light.
Her Lordship, Countess of Her Associated Estates, Professor Anzhel Kris slapped her ward across the face. Compared to other strikes she had delivered, it was an almost gentle motion. Nan turned her head to the side, moving with the blow, but it still raked her lip across her teeth. 
The shock of it was worse than the taste of blood. Nan bowed her head, shaking.
“Oh, well said, my girl!” She whispered around an enormous smile, trembling with laughter and rage. She reached up to touch Nan’s chin, making her jerk with the expectation of lightning.
Bright eyes filled Nan’s vision, dazzling her, making her blink- and then Lord Kris, Countess of her Associated Estates, was gone in a swirl of robes, heading for the doorway on quick and silent steps. “Well said. Do give Baras my regards- I believe he has some business for you in the Temple.”
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
Hi, so I’ve been thinking about Dathomirian Nightbrothers (mostly my good boys Maul ‘n’ Savage) and wanted to share some headcanons I have for them!
So, just tackling the whole... weird genetic stuff on the whole female-Dathomiri v. male-Dathomiri confusion -- in this sense, Dathomirian is just a term for the population on the plant of Dathomir. I have to clarify because:
It seems like majority of Dathomiri are predominantly Human-Zabrak, but different genes show in males v. females; in this case, it seems like skin color + horns are recessive traits in females when Zabrak genes are coupled with Human genes. The lack of skin pigmentation (red, yellow, brown, etc.) seems to happen in the Nightsisters, female Human-Zabrak. From what I can tell, the Nightbrothers just look different -- after all, Maul is a Human-Zabrak (Mother Talzin is his momma). 
I dunno -- Wookiepedia is not helpful and just explains the differences as whacky gene stuff because of hybridism. So, for the sake of my own brain making sense of things, I’m writing off the weird differences in their species as f v. m genetic traits.
I’m gonna note @jedimasteramell​‘s post about Zabrak horns, etc. in this portion, because they raised some really good points that I am kind of obsessed with. 
I imagine the horns are not sensitive -- they’re simple bone protrusions, however! The base (if injured) can bleed and be very tender since it is home to various nerve endings. 
Nightbrothers hold horns in high regard -- even and long horns are considered ideal, and some patterns of growth (center ridge, double ridge, circlet, crown) are more societally sought than others. 
The bigger the horns, the bigger the clout.
Grooming horns is an important ritual; it speaks to the sense of community amongst the brothers. 
Horns can curl, and are more likely to snap off when they get too long, and damage the skin/growth if left un-trimmed. Note Maul’s when Savage finds him -- ragged and many are snapped off.
Horn decorations are specific to clans on Dathomir. Some alloys and cap styles belong to certain clans, like a calling card. 
It’s interesting because Nightbrothers are, essentially + canonically, slaves to the Nightsisters for whatever they want/need. It’s a little fucked up, and I have a feeling their the coming of age is riddled with dubious consent/shit treatment by their female counterparts since it is a pretty violent Matriarchy.
There are three rites of passage in Nightbrother culture.
The first is their tattoos -- given sometime before their first birthday. (According to Mother Talzin, she gave Maul + Savage their tattoos before they were a year old, so I can imagine that a lot of filling in/touching up is done as the brothers get older); Nightbrother tattoos are clan specific and personality influenced i.e., Eastern clans have softer, more curved lines. 
The second is when Nightbrothers are young, from about six to ten years old, and their horns come in! This process can be really painful -- imagine teething but for your skull. The skin of the scalp is very tender and can bleed during this time; clan healers tend to use numbing salves to help the ache. 
The next came much later, when the Nightbrothers come of age -- now older and considered malelings by their Nightsister counterparts, male Dathimiri were often taken and taught how to serve Nightsisters (be it labor, sex, or protection depending on stock and appeal of a brother).
Some brothers, from that point, are either kept by the sisters or sent back to their clans depending on needs/wants of the coven. 
Safe to say this portion is NSFW! It tackles sex & other Nightbrother activities.
Male Dathomiri do experience something akin to heat, but it’s contingent upon their mate. Nightbrothers are very sensitive to hormones -- generations of servitude as breeders to the Nightsisters have engrained an attunement to ovulation/hormonal changes with biological female mates. 
With male mates, that attunement can get a little whacky since hormone cycles are much quicker in male bodies. The 24-hour hormonal cycle can lead to an increase in libido, just like how specific days in the female cycle lead to increased libido for a higher chance of pregnancy. 
Listen, I’ve talked about the Nightbrother pipe before -- yes, it’s ridged. For reference, please see Bad Dragon’s Nova! Their penis has three distinct ridges beyond the head and a thicker base. 
During heat, the base will swell to a knot during intercourse. 
Marking is an important part of sex -- just as tattoos are, heightened tolerance of pain makes biting a dual purpose: letting others know who is yours, and for enjoyment. 
Skin to skin contact, too, can be intoxicating to Nightbrothers -- it’s those hormones! They curl around their mates, cling, etc. 
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gamma-rae · 4 years
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This took me SO long... updated ref sheet for  Zavii. Far more accurate than her old one feat. a vulptex fren (his name is benji). She is Babey. 
I’ve taken a couple liberties with zabrak that i feel the need to point out, a) she’s dathomirian just... genetically mostly zabrak rather than a human/zabrak hybrid like the nightsisters we see in clone wars, so her tattoos are modeled a little more after the nightbrother tattoos and b) zabrak are canonically carnivores so I draw her with big sharp teef (also because i like to draw big sharp teef)
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physicsandfandoms · 4 years
♦ and ☯ for all three of the Umbra gang!
♦ - quirks/hobbies 
Khlora: She likes to mess around with mechanical stuff, and in her free time will often be in the droid workshop or Temple hanger bay. She’ll tinker in the droid workshop and ask to be given a useful task in the hanger bay. She’s friends with some of the non-Jedi mechanics who work in the hanger bay because of this. She’s also a doodler, and likes to read mystery novels.
As for quirks, her biology is sometimes one big ???, even to herself since she is a Iridonian Zabrak/Human hybrid. My thought on that is [first of all, fuck the entire concept of Nightsisters being human/Dathomirian Zabrak hybrids, that doesn’t make any sense biology wise.] Human/Zabrak hybrids would probably only be possible with a Zabrak mom and human dad for a viable offspring, and even then I would imagine that the two hearts thing is always kind of a crapshoot. She would have a lot more well child checkups than the rest of the younglings, the Temple healers would be carefully monitoring that organs (the two hearts especially) were developing at the same pace as the rest of her growth because I can imagine that would vary from person to person and could turn into a big mess quickly. I would think that hybrids would just be a bit more petite in their Zabrak characteristics than full Zabraks, and there is concern especially during growth spurts that the mess of genetics might hiccup in the form of hearts development being outpaced by the rest of her growth, or vice versa.
Non-Zabraks probably wouldn’t pick up that Khlora isn’t full Zabrak, but other Zabraks definitely know, and I think there would be some prejudice against that out in the galaxy. In the Temple she is fully welcomed, but the larger galaxy can be a less great place. 
Zabraks are carnivores, and humans are omnivores. My thought would be that hybrids can be somewhat omnivorous, but their food pyramid is still heavily weighted towards meat. Other high protein foods like nuts/space tofu/dairy are probably fine, and I would imagine that the human side of things needs fruits and veggies, so the main digestive upset would be anything grain related. I would imagine it somewhat like lactose intolerance though where many (Khlora included) would take an enzyme tablet, YOLO, and eat what they want.
Cy: He is a big language nerd and really has a talent for it. He grew up speaking Basic in the creche, but one of his (and Raen’s) clan mates was a Wookiee and while most of the other kids could comprehend a fair amount without a little translator droid, Cy was able to pick it up very quickly, but of course can’t reproduce the sounds himself. When he was 12ish, it was a Wookiee Master, Arriaddik, who chose him as her Padawan, which is fairly rare for a Wookiee to pick a human. During his apprenticeship he became fluent in Huttese and the most common Ryloth/Twi’lek trade language. During knighthood he studied a smattering of other languages to the point of passability, but never became fluent in Mandalorian, Rodian, and others. After getting to know youngling Khlora he picked the dominant Iridonian language as his next to be completely fluent in.
For quirks, I guess this falls into that category, of the three of them, Cy is the only one who had mental health issues before the war starts. Anxiety and depression have always been something that he has to manage, but he does manage it pretty well. Having Raen as someone he can fall back on for support helps a lot.
Raen: Because they are primarily a Healer, keeping up on their sparring qualifies as more of a hobby since the majority of healers don’t. They went for full knighthood before training as a healer, and they think it is important to keep up their fighting abilities. Force healing is draining work though, even for those like Raen with a natural disposition for it, so finding the time and energy to spar is something that they really have to prioritize or it doesn’t happen. Cy is of course their favorite sparring partner, but they do frequently spar with whomever they can find because the two of them are at that point where they know how the other fights well enough that it is a lot more of a challenge to spar with others. 
They play a plucked string instrument, something like an acoustic guitar but with a gentler sound. Outside of the medical realm their academic interests include the equivalent of environmental science.
☯ - likes/dislikes 
Khlora: She likes to wander around the streets of Coruscant and people watch. She likes math and history, and blasting loud music in her room (to Cy’s annoyance). She does like learning about and feeling connected to her Zabrak culture, and Jedi culture as well. She has an interest in Jedi archeology but that isn’t something she gets to pursue very often because of the War. 
She dislikes feeling like she’s really kind of helpless in this Galactic scale conflict. She hates seeing how many lives are destroyed by this war. She was only 16 when the war started, but that is old enough to really understand how the Jedi Order has changed due to the War and it really concerns her.
Cy: He likes to just be at peace in nature with a cup of nice herbal tea and people he cares about. He likes literature, and loves learning new things. Plants and tea make him happy. He loves Raen and Khlora and during the War he is most content when he knows they’re both safe. 
He dislikes eels, there was An Incident when he was a youngling. He dislikes sentients who use their power to oppress and harm others. He is so tired of this war. Cy is one of the Jedi who refused to have a full Battalion and be assigned the rank of General, he’s not suited for it. He’s not suited for full scale war at all. Compromise was found in him leading a squad of clones (the standard 9) which forced him into the role of Sergeant and then Khlora respectively as a Corporal. He still hates it, even if the majority of missions he is assigned are off of the front lines and typically aligned with cleaning up the aftermath of battles and helping surviving civilians. He consoles himself with the fact that he takes care of his squad of clones the best he can and that he’s doing what he can to help people.  Additionally, the clean up jobs sometimes have Raen assigned with him, which always makes things more bearable. 
Raen: They like to cook and play music. They do really love leaving the Temple and doing relief work out in the Galaxy, especially when they’re teamed up with Cy. They love Khlora as if she was their own Padawan as well.
They dislike idiots like Skywalker and Kenobi that they have to hunt down to give medical treatment to. (Okay, they like Kenobi as a person, but the healers draw straws for who’s turn it is to deal with his and his Padawan’s bullshit).
They definitely preferred their work before the war started. Before the war, much of what they did as a healer outside the Temple was relief work for areas that had experienced natural disasters, plagues, or wars. They really felt fulfilled in life doing that. During the war, they spent much of their time patching up injuries of clones and fellow Jedi, which horrifies them. They had seen grotesque injuries before, but it is just so constant, it makes them sick. Thinking about how the clones are used by the Republic makes them sick in general as well.
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permian-tropos · 5 years
Time for a bigger sims post I would love to show everything I’ve put together so far for the neighborhood because it was a good deal of work and also very fun :D 
Family 1: Sloane and Adea
they’re gfs at the moment, very cute and snuggly, it’s an open relationship but they don’t know that yet; I enabled polyamory and disabled jealousy with a mod
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Family 2: Rax
he knows I enabled polyamory
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Family 3: The Huxes
they’re not married yet in fact they weren’t in love when they started the game so it was like a repair-the-relationship kind of deal (Maratelle not included, probably at her own request lol, though I might add her later with cheats and try to engineer a divorce plotline)
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Family 4: The Wexleys
Yes that’s Mister Bones. I fixed it so Norra and Brentin already hate Rax. Also Brentin has an anxiety disorder from a mod. And he’s already Rae’s #1 bro. (Rae’s very #2 bro is her actual brother as we’ll see later). 
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Family 5: The Other Moths
Jas Emari, Jom Barell, Sinjir Rath Velus. Of them I’m most confident about Sinjir; Jom was totally an accident you see I didn’t know the sims would automatically fill themselves into the world and make drastic life decisions but they did and Jas “commitment issues” Emari went and married some fuckin bro hunk? Some gym boi? 
So I was like fuck it and used cheats to transform gym bro into a very rough draft of a Jom (I don’t remember as much about him, I remember mentions of a mustache but that’s it. He’s not really a fave of mine at the moment. Same thing with Conder Kyl I meant to add him after reviewing his character).
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Family 6: The Siths
Exactly what it says on the tin. Good thing Sims 4 has got Vader and Maul costumes in the base game. I simply had to use them. Palpatine’s outfit was... interesting. It was an interesting task with how little there is to work with. 
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Family 7: Thrawn Club
Thrawn is such a bishonen I might actually tweak his looks lol. Plus Eli. Might add Pryce.
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Family 8: The Sussers
This is Norra’s sister Esmelle and her wife Shirene! I’ll be adding more minor characters from the books for sure, but starting with characters’ families seemed like a good idea.
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Family 9: The Sloane-Reevs
This is not canon at all! This is just my elaborate headcanon for Sloane’s family. We have her parents in the middle, Callan and Fiola, her brother Emil, Emil’s wife Suvo Reev who in Star Wars Universe is a Rodian, and their mixed species daughter Key Sloane-Reev. They’re all anti-Imperials, Emil and Suvo are space anarchists, Fiola and Callan are trade unionists. Fiola is autistic and in-game has got that as a trait from a neat mod. Rae is very much estranged.
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Family 10: Veruna and Amerdi
More non-canon stuff, this is Moira’s mother and Gallius’s mother. They are wifes. Both of them practiced an unorthodox form of Dathomirian witchcraft spread by a rogue Nightsister. Nereé Veruna was a Naboo noble who went mad and was swallowed by a fish before Gungans cut her out (still alive) and she gave birth to Moira in a swamp, barely recognizing the infant as her own. Vittoria Amerdi, the Veruna family gardener, once Vitti of Jakku, returned to her homeworld to escape her son’s pursuing father, Mister Sheev himself. She was hoping her power would be stronger there. It was, but not enough to protect her. Using him as a baby daddy for superior Force genetics was a bad idea. And Palpatine turned her restless soul into a bomb meant to detonate at the heart of the planet once their son, ignorant of everything, was fully corrupted by the Dark Side.
But in the Sims they’re fine! They’re both fine. Everything’s fine. (They’re really cool characters though such drama very backstory.)
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Family 11: Tico
A little bonus character here: meet Joy Tico, Rose and Paige’s grandmother, who lived on Ganthel and was connected with the Sloane-Reev anarchist cel. She fled with them into the Unknown Regions but later joined a group setting up an Ursula LeGuin’s The Dispossessed style society on Hays Minor (yeah there’s canon suggestions of Rose’s homeworld being like anarcho-syndicalist or something).
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Anyway that has been me talking about my wacky as heck fic-iverse in the guise of a Sims 4 post yay :D 
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sl-walker · 6 years
I only hesitate because I'm not super familiar with your AUs yet! Sometime I really will read All of It, I just don't know where to start!! Anyway, um, that said ... is Savage in any of them? Because I'd like to see two of him and Savage: gift exchange and baking Christmas cookies. Probably Savage is baking them and Maul is helping, for whatever value of "help" inspires you, LOL
I always recommend Witness me first because it’s sort of my ‘prime’ verse, and really, you can read it in order.  If you prefer lighter fare, sort of fluffy and sweet you can also read Taking Flight in order.  ( @shadowmaat and @doorsclosingslowly are also authors in that series.)  And while GoT:A doesn’t have nearly the audience, it’s pretty dear to my heart because I love how comparatively stable and such that he is in that one.  It’s more scattered, but it’s here.  Really, though, if you’re serious about wanting to read, just start at the beginning of Witness me and see where the mood takes you. XD
That being said, in the future after Gambit, Savage is around in Taking Flight (there’s quite some time before he makes it into Witness me), so!  Without further ado, have some brotherly fluff and a lot of Maul introspection.
Apparently, Nightbrothers on Dathomir had holidays.
Maul hadn’t known that; he wasn’t raised there and had no memory of the place, but he had two brothers and with every day that passed since they had come into his life, he grew closer to them.  Slowly, he got used to the mere concept of having blood family; it was such a foreign thing at first that he had a hard time figuring out how to relate to it, but as time went on, he was getting-- better at it, he thought.
It wasn’t easy; Savage had known nothing but Dathomir from birth.  He had no real understanding of the wider world than that, and it often showed.  More than once, Maul caught him trying so very hard to catch up and grasp such a wide galaxy, so much wider than one village and the surrounding areas on one back-water world, and it was-- it was hard watching Savage struggle with it.  He was intelligent enough, it wasn’t that; he just wasn’t raised like Maul was.  He was grown when he left Dathomir to try to save his little brother; even if Maul had spent his first seven years (or six) on Mustafar, isolated and alone, he was educated in how big the universe was, at least.
For Savage, though, it was gods and goddesses; it was Nightsisters and disappearing males and the quiet terror of the day he was chosen.  It was hunting and raising children.  It was fighting, and weighing his worth on his ability to provide and protect.
 It was a strange thing, for Maul to go between small children in the creche and an older brother, tall and rangy and only now really starting to lose the hollowed-out features of a hard-bitten life in favor of something more filled-out and healthy, because the children and Savage had a common innocence, a lack of sophistication, no matter how bright and clever they were.  But where the children would grow into it, Savage had to go backwards to learn, and it was a struggle for everyone.
Maul did what he could, and in this case, it meant celebrating a Dathomirian holiday; a day set aside for families, be they chosen (as they often had to be for Nightbrothers, shattered down the middle and isolated and stolen) or by blood.  Savage had hesitantly tried to explain it for him, talking of obscure hunts by moonlight and torch-flowers, and about making sweet biscuits from roots which could only be dug up once a year to go with their kills.  Maul couldn’t quite grasp it, but he wanted to be there and do something with it, and maybe if he did, it would give his big brother one more thing to help him feel more at home on Coruscant.
It was likely to end up as much an exchange in cultures as it was a celebration.
Savage had insisted fervently that Maul didn’t need to bring a gift, even though gifts were supposed to be exchanged, but Maul didn’t want to turn up empty handed.  So, he requisitioned a zhaboka; Iridonian in origin, but a weapon zabraks had an affinity for, and when he got the plain double-bladed weapon, he sat for many hours across a few nights carving into the wooden handle, allowing the Force to guide his carving knife.  When it was finished, he rubbed black stain into the abstract, elegant patterns, then a lighter stain over the untouched wood, and finished it the night before with a clearcoat to protect the work.
On one end, under the blade, he tied two coverts he pulled, much to Obi’s concern -- it hurt some, but not terribly, not worse than being stung by a fly -- with leather and hoped the present would be well-received.
(Feral’s gift was much easier; with Issa’s help, he had Bloodclaw Killgore, who was Bloodfang’s little brother and with just as many felt teeth.)
“I wasn’t able to get the same kind of flour and roots,” Savage said, fretting before Maul was even through the door all the way.  On the small counter were supplies and a baking sheet, and it looked like Feral had been helping, given the little prints everywhere.  Then Savage stopped for a moment, looking wide-eyed at the wrapped gifts Maul had brought. “You didn’t have to,” he said, not in accusation, but in apparent anxiety.
“I wanted to,” Maul replied, then oof’d as Feral ran into his legs and hugged them fiercely.  He grinned down at his little brother, reaching around himself with his wing since his arms were full, and brushing it across the tiny Nightbrother’s back. “Can I help bake?”
Savage looked a little worried, though also oddly pleased at the same time. Maul idly wondered (not for the first time) at their genetic differences, because Feral seemed to share some common features with Maul, facially, but Savage’s eyes especially were so different from both of theirs; striking, shifting color in different lighting, and elegantly shaped.  Though, Maul and Savage shared almost identical horn patterns.
“I can try to teach you.  It will be harder with the different ingredients.”  Savage gingerly took the wrapped presents away from Maul to set with the other ones in the corner of the room.  Once he had, Maul picked Feral up and held him against a hip, following Savage over to the counter.
Once they got into the rhythm of it, though, like most things it got easier.  Maul had to work one-handedly, but Feral more than made up for it, helping roll the dough into balls with his small hands.  The results were a sheet full of uneven cookie-like objects, but once they were baking, something in Savage’s face seemed to settle and he looked nearly comfortable, with the smell of food cooking in the air and the lower lighting in the room and the three of them together.
Maybe a little more like he felt at home.
(If @doorsclosingslowly wants to continue this, I am down for it. XD  Since Savage is really more Anton’s muse.  Speaking of, Anton, if I screw anything up, God, let me know.)
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scribbleymark · 7 years
Okay, so if Zabraks have two hearts (according to wookieepedia, it's canon now, not just Legends), do Nightsisters have two hearts too? How/why did Dathomirians evolve two hearts? Maybe for increased blood flow because of how cold Dathomir is? Do they even have red blood? Since Nightsisters have gray/white skin their blood might be an entirely different color. Why do they have gray skin anyway? ugh we have no canon information on Dathomirians why
The Zabraks two-heart physiology isn’t exclusive to Dathomirian zabrak. Iridonian zabraks have two hearts as well. Why they evolved them...well, I think there’s been a lot of fanon built around why zabraks might have two hearts, all based on Legends. Something about either the weather or the gravity on Iridonia? I honestly don’t know much about this, as Iridonian zabraks aren’t exactly my area of expertise, but @wewillnotbow has definitely written some thoughts at great length about Iridonian zabraks.
However, according to Legends, true Dathomirians are the results of generations of human women breeding with male zabraks until they became their own distinct species. I think Gethzerion was considered the first full Dathomirian in Legends. 
If we adhere to this bit of Legends, this would mean that there would have probably been several generations of Nightsisters that might have had vestigial horns like their zabrak fathers and that their skin markings might not all be tattooing, but could be naturally occurring patterns embellished with tattoos (though the Legends Book of Sith tries to explain the Nightsisters black facial tattoos as burst blood vessels from using Dark Side magick).  This has been expunged with the conversion of the EU to Legends, but I DO think it’s pretty cool to think that the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers have nightmare insides that are a weird mishmash of organs from the two separate species that created them, some of which are completely useless, like the appendix of a human. Maybe no two Nightsisters/Nightbrothers have the exact same insides (well, unless they’re twins), their odd genetics making them sort of Frankenstein’s monsters on the inside. 
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neurotropicagentx · 7 years
So as much I want to get around to writing a “Maul finds Obi-Wan on Tatooine but everyone’s too old and tired to kill anyone” fic, consider the one where Maul actually does manage to kill Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan, assuming Maul knows about Luke, uses his last breath to tell Maul not to kill Skywalker because he’s last hope of killing the Emperor. He’s relying on Maul’s vengeance instincts. It works. Maul asks around the village until he finds this “Luke Skywalker” and proceeds to fill the Obi-Wan position in the plot of the OT instead. He’s going make sure Luke is strong enough to kill Palpatine with him. Long post, so some changes to the OT that result from this under the cut.
Big changes include Maul not saying anything about Vader and Luke’s father at all (because he doesn’t know, and if he did, he wouldn’t care). Luke isn’t at all invested in Vader and is focused on killing the Emperor instead.
Maul doesn’t let himself be killed by Vader and fights him off well enough to run. In fact the whole rescuing-Leia scene goes wildly different. When they’re caught by an Imperial tractor beam, Maul just wants to find ground-control and kill everyone there and trash the beam itself. Luke overhears stormtroopers talking about the captured princess and he tells Maul they have to rescue her! They just have to, that’s what you do! Maul sighs, but decides there isn’t time to argue or torture Luke into dropping the matter.
So instead of stealth, the two of them basically just cut a swath through the station, breaching the hull, messing up life-support, so that when they find and rescue Leia they get away because the Imperials are too busy patching holes and panicking about the Death Star systems. Vader has zero idea who the hell Maul is and might even suspect that Sidous trained him in secret as a replacement (instead of the other way around). This messes up Vader’s relationship with the Emperor even harder.
Other highlights include: Maul and Luke stealing the Millennium Falcon from Han. Maul realising Leia as a Force-sensitive pretty much immediately and panicking because his Dathomirian biology is insisting that Force-sensitive women are terrifying and fast enough to kill you before you’ve even realised its happened. And she acts like she knows this. He does not understand how his apprentice is so relaxed around her.
Also, Maul joins the Rebellion:
Maul: Ah, your goal is to kill the Emperor?
Some Rebel: Um not… really? I mean it would be nice if the dictatorial head was gone, but that would just create a power vacuum. Really we support sweeping changes to the governmental structure itself.
Maul: *Doesn’t understand at least half of that. Narrows his eyes.*
Luke: *Nudges Rebel* Just tell him you want to kill the Emperor.
Some Rebel: *Nervously and louder than necessary* We want to kill the Emperor!
Maul: *Decisive nod* Good. We will join you, then.
Finally, Luke asks Vader to join the Rebellion much earlier:
Vader: No it’s too late for me. I’m too dark now.
Luke: What? No I don’t mean change like, metaphysical alignment, just change allegiance.
Vader: Wait, what? You can do that?
Luke: *Shrugs, gestures vaguely at Maul, who’s still radiating the dark side*
Vader: Then maybe I will join you… SON.
Luke:  *Has been called “brother” by Maul for ages and doesn’t automatically get the difference between filial address and literal genetic connections* You really should, we’re going to save the galaxy!
Vader: *To all appearances stands there inscrutably while he thinks it over. In reality is having a meltdown because his own son doesn’t seem to care about their connection* Then maybe I will join your Rebellion. *And then maybe you’ll realise that I love you and would kill and die for you. He doesn’t add. He’s not upset or bitter. Nope.*
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sunsetofdoom · 5 years
Give me that OC thing for Rora!
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If I could draw, I would do this better- those Dathomirian markings up there are natural and a very dark brown, but sort of blotchy with no straight lines. On top of them, she has traditional Iridonian tattoos in honor of her mother, who died in slavery.
Full Name: Ensign Aurora Spireau
Gender and Sexuality: Female, mostly attracted to other females
Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity/Species: A half-Dathomirian half-Iridonian hybrid. This is extremely rare because of Zabrak genetics being stubborn bastards, but irritatingly enough almost nobody noticed until she got tattoos from Iridonia on top of her natural Datho markings.
Birthplace and Birthdate: The “Little Dathomir” neighborhood of one of Ziost’s larger cities. She has an accent that can peel paint.
Guilty Pleasures: Weirdly enough, embroidery. It’s the perfect hobby- she gets to stab things over and over and over and over and-
Phobias: Falling in love. She did it once, and it was the dumbest decision she ever made.
What They Would Be Famous For: As an alien in the Imperial army, she’s pretty notorious for how quickly she rose in the ranks... and how many death traps she’s survived getting sent into. Her commanding officers like to put her on the front lines hoping to make an example of her.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Nearly got court-martialed for desertion. They sent her into the front lines of the Corellian meat-grinder instead. Joke’s on them. She lived.
OC You Ship Them With: I keep deliberating between Sixer and Xiya.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Vessey, her CO. Every time Rora does something stupid, Vessey nearly strangles her.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Racing movies. She would gladly have a marathon of Fast and Furious.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Historical anything, or period pieces. They’re so sloooooow.
Talents and/or Powers: Stubbornness, a good instinct for a fight, a vibrosword and a couple of hand grenades. She’s a Force-blind melee fighter in a world where Force-blinds use blasters and Sith and Jedi use lightsabers. The fact that she’s still alive is proof enough that she’s very good at what she does.
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s funny, an excellent fighter and a survivor down to her bones. She’s got very strong faith, and will never, ever give up.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Her thick skin means she looks like she doesn’t care, like things just glance off of her. People think she’s stupid or doesn’t understand things. Her temper can be on something of a hair-trigger, and her accent means she can be difficult to understand. She sometimes uses that to be deliberately obtuse.
How They Change: Opens up to her team about her desertion attempt. Confronts her ex-fiancee at some point. Transitions from a grumpy low-ranking line soldier with a chip on her shoulder, to a commander and a leader who’s well-respected by both her officers and her troops.
Why You Love Them: Despite her upbringing as an only child, she slots PERFECTLY into the family dynamic of the squad- she and Broadwell, their tech boy, are the ‘younger siblings’ who get riffed on and play pranks. Did I mention that she talks like a Scottish Twitter compilation?
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sl-walker · 7 years
Winged!Maul, sentence 86: We don’t need his permission. He won’t mind.
The meeting basically ended when Vokara Che folded her hands into the sleeves of her robes and said, voice smooth and calm, “He’s my patient.  He’s in my care and custody.  If you try, you will have to come through me first.”
Needless to say, the Council didn’t expect to hear that.
This meeting was called because overnight, they had acquired a living, wounded mystery in the form of what appeared to be a tattooed, winged zabrak, strong in the Force, whose signature was steeped in the dark side and whose physique suggested many long hours of physical training.
Reading a Force signature was much the same as visually looking at someone; it was noninvasive and for some Jedi, it came just as easily as eyeballing it.  Needless to say, the boy they had not yet gotten a name off of caused quite a bit of upheaval.  No one was saying the word Sith yet, but the fact that he had clearly been on Coruscant at least long enough to reach them yet had been undetected was enough to make everyone something they would deny was nervous.
It had taken most of the night to stabilize him and well into the morning to even figure out what species he was -- the best the computer could return was the subspecies of Dathomirian, Nightbrother, which accounted for the majority of his genetic code absent the mutation which signified his wings -- and it was only now that the senior healer felt it safe to leave the Halls of Healing in order to weigh in on the debate.
It was likely quite a long one before she had even arrived.  Saesee Tiin had suggested telepathically reading the boy in order to gain more information and they were deep in discussions of how when she got there.  The consensus seemed to be that identifying the boy and where he came from was more important than his consent to allow it.
First, she tried diplomacy: “He’s somewhere in his sixteenth year and shows signs of repeated injury prior to his current wounds.  All of his long bones and most of his ribs have been fractured and healed before.  He’s dehydrated and has signs of long-term undernourishment.  He came to us; I think it prudent to wait until he’s awake, coherent and not under stress before trying to find out more.”
Thus went another round of debate.  He was under their care and not yet a legal adult, nor did they have any idea of who would be considered responsible for him.  They still seemed to think that made reading his mind without permission within the realm of acceptability.
Next, she tried plain common sense: “If he is a Nightbrother, it means he was born a slave.  He might have still been one until he found his way here.  I imagine that when he’s able, it won’t take much to get his story.”
They didn’t really listen to that, either.  They discussed it, of course, but the tension in the room kept redirecting them back to the idea that they needed to know now, this instant, whether there was something darker and more sinister behind the boy’s appearance.
Finally, Vokara Che had enough and informed them that he was her patient, under her care, and that they’d have to come through her to get to him, mentally or physically.
For the first time since she arrived, the Council Chambers were silent.
It surprised her when Qui-Gon spoke up; he had been watching quietly from behind her, while his padawan sat vigil down in the Halls, and he had not yet weighed in on any of it.  Now, he did. “I stand with Healer Che.  Let him recover and speak for himself.”
The surprise was partly because he spoke at all -- not because he was out of step with the Council -- and partly because Qui-Gon was not above taking a morally ambiguous course if he felt he was right.  That he was willing to stand beside her and protect the boy’s sanctity of mind was unexpected, but she was grateful for it.
“You’re not going to take a wounded boy and wound him further,” she said, before turning and walking back out, on her way back to guard the boy bodily or mentally, if it came to that.
But not before passing her hand down Qui-Gon Jinn’s arm in thanks.
In the end, they didn’t test her resolve.
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