#david x emma
oautincorrectquotes · 9 months
David: I think I’m coming down with something, I’ve been feeling nauseous lately.
Emma: Maybe you’re pregnant?
David: …
Emma: …
David: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot right now, you because you suggested it, or me, because i just had a heart attack.
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earlgodwin · 2 months
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"The Queen's power is going stronger […] There's something different this time...about Emma."
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chloe-skywalker · 9 months
Threats - Peter Pan
Peter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: nothing really
Word count: 411
Summary: Peter getting angry when someone threatens you infront of him.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
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“Peter!” Y/n yells out as she’s grabbed by the Evil Queen with a ball of magic near her face.
“Regina.” MarryMargret worried for the young girl currently being held in Regina's tight hold with a magic ball of purple flames near her face.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Peter growled with narrowed eyes once he turned towards where his lost girl called for him in distress.
“Give us back Henry and I won’t hurt your little lost girl.” Regina bargained.
“Regina, we don't need to threaten anyone.” Emma spoke up telling Regina, looking at the young girl a couple years older than their Henery.
“I agree Lass. Not a good idea. Especially not a good idea to threaten her specifically.” Hook stepped forward gesturing with his hook to the girl in Regina’s grip.
“And why’s that Pirate?” Regina rolled her eyes at all the pleading to let the Y/h/c-ed girl go.
“She’s not just a lost girl. She’s Pan’s lost girl.” Hook stated to the Evil Queen.
“No duh.” Regina scoffed.
“What KIllian means is she is mine. Let go of her. Now.” Peter walks closer getting increasingly more angry every minute Y/n was still being held against her will.
“Or what?” Regina gripped Y/n tighter, testing Pan’s limits and to see if he’s bluffing.
“You’ll regret it.” Peter grumbled with a really dark look on his face. “Don’t forget this is my island and your son’s life is in my hands. What do you think I’ll do if you hurt my Y/n?”
“Regina” MaryMargaret pleads for her to let the girl go, trying to sound more stern. Not wanting to have Peter hurt Henery in any way as retaliation.
“Let her go.” David added with worried eyes for them, Henry, and Y/n. KNowing what Regina is capable of, they were all worried for Y/n.
Regina sighed and loosened her grip on Y/n and the second Peter noticed he grabbed his lost girl and pulled her into him.
“Don’t lay a finger on her again.” Peter practically snarled at the StoryBrooke gang and he checked Y/n over for injuries. Before giving the signal for them all to retreat.
“Thank you.” Y/n turned around to look back at Emma, Hook, David and MaryMargret with an innocent smile.
Peter smiled at her manners, that's his Y/n. And it was entertaining to see their shocked faces at her thanks.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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blushingphoenix · 1 year
The original by Jim Lee and the homage by David Nakayama
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Hellfire Gala Magazine cover variants
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grtmnick · 4 months
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Let’s take a minute to remind ourselves of SwanQueen’s absolute canonicity!
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sentientsky · 11 months
good omens fanartists, i love u most ardently. good omens fic writers, i would commit arson for you. good omens shitposters, i cherish and adore u. good omens angst meta-analyzers,,,my therapist knows your names
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 26 days
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giles was right
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mahoganygold213 · 7 months
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96th Academy Awards - March 10, 2024
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hessobbingincabo · 7 months
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X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
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X-Men #27 (vol. 6, 2023)
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Wolverine #38 (vol. 7, 2023)
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Jean Grey #1 (vol. 2, 2023)
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X-Men #25 (vol. 6, 2023)
David Nakayama Hellfire Gala (2023) Magazine Variant Covers
(open images for higher quality)
+bonus under the cut
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Silk #1 (vol. 5, 2023)
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rhcenyra · 9 months
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drghostwrite · 9 months
Out at sea…
Disclaimer: So a long time ago I read a fic about Emma having her and Hooks baby on the boat and thought I might twist it a little and give us another chapter to our Regina x reader stories.
Pairing: Regina Mills x reader
Summary: After a hard stretch of weeks the family has a day out but what happens when one member decides to finally make an appearance.
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******************************************************** You stood on the ship deck near the bow watching the sea roll out in front of you, being 8 1/2 months pregnant most people would get sea sick but instead you stood letting it calm you. Being commander of armies in the enchanted forest you did a lot of traveling and you grew up on a boat your mother being a notorious pirate, so it always had a way of taking you back to your roots. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind and someone’s chin rested on your shoulder, “enjoying the view?”
“mmm…” you said in response pressing you head into her cheek. “It has a way of taking me back.” You then fully turned in her arms allowing your body to relax into her, taking in the sight before you long black wind blown hair with her deep brown eyes, she didn’t wear makeup and you smiled at how she let out a smirk her perfect white teeth peaking through.
“Do you ever miss it?” She asked holding you the best she could your bump in the way.
“The enchanted forest? Sometimes.”
“Really?” She asked and you pulled back slightly looking over each other features.
“Yea but that’s not my home anymore, I’m not that person.”
“I can understand that.”
“Regina, listen to me love, I wouldn’t go back to how it was, coming here gave me this beautiful life, and friends and most importantly you, I would never go back if it meant losing you or this baby.”
“You are both my entire world and Henry, I couldn’t lose any of you.” Before you could both say anything else you heard clashing of wood behind you, turning around you watched as Henry and David fought with wooden swords, Emma laughed with Snow as Hook stood managing the helm.
“Hey Y/N care to join?” David called to you, as Henry ran towards you with and extra sword.
You laughed as you and Regina made you way towards the group, “You know its a good thing I’m pregnant otherwise I would come kick your butt.”
“I’d like to see that.” Henry said as you rustled his hair.
“Soon buddy, and I’ll show your grandpa how it’s done.”
“Oh yea!” He said excitedly running back towards the action. Regina had found a spot next to Emma and Snow motioned next to her. You made your way over and slowly lowered yourself.
“So how you feeling mama?” Emma asked.
“As can be expected.” You shrugged.
“I’m sure you’re ready to go though.” Snow mentioned.
“Oh you have no idea.” You shifted uncomfortably in the seat, Regina eyed you carefully.
“how much longer?”
“Depends they said 2-4 weeks Zelena is thinking I’ll be overdue.”
“I’m sure it’ll work out, Charming babies have a tendency to come early.”
“Well luckily she’s not a Charming.” Regina laughed, but you shifted uncomfortably again.
“let me tell you though I don’t think I can do another month, every muscle aches all the time and don’t get me started on the smells, I feel superhuman some days.” Everyone laughed, you all sat and enjoyed the sun before the sky started to cloud over slightly making a cool breeze blow, you let it soothe you but it wasn’t long before your muscles started to ache and you were shifting again, you decided to walk it off. Making your way towards the helm to talk to Killian the other three ladies talking, Regina kept a close eye on you, watching you talk to Hook.
“Hey love you okay?”
“Good as I’ll ever be, just a little sore.”
“You don’t get seasick do you I mean with the baby and all.”
you chuckled, “No I was practically raised at sea so I find it calming.”
“raised at sea?”
“My mother was a pirate, I was her only daughter and she wasn’t going to stop for anyone.”
“Sounds exciting.”
“Yea well everyone has their skeletons.” You felt a hand come to your back, you turned being met by Snow.
“Hey you okay, Regina is down there watching you like a hawk.”
“That’s my wife… I’m just really sore and sitting there wasn’t helping, besides like I said earlier Zelena thinks I have at least two weeks.”
“True but babies come on their own time, she’s just being careful, she cares for you and this baby a lot.”
“I don’t know what I ever did to deserve her.” You both smiled, you watched as the sky was still cloudy, one wave rolled just enough and came up over the side of the ship splashing Henry and David below Regina and Emma laughed at the boys but you were preoccupied by the puddle at your feet.
“Only our boys, am I right?” Snow laughed, but got no response from you, she turned and saw the puddle at your feet.
“Wait that splash wasn’t that big…Y/N?”
“Okay scratch the whole two week thing I think my water just broke.”
“Oh god okay, Regina!” As soon as Snow called she was bounding up the stairs Emma hot on her heels.
“what’s going on?”
“I…uh… mm… my water just…uhhh god here comes one.” You said reaching out, Regina catching you as you dug your nails into her forearm but she didn’t care.
“Looks like another family member wanted to make their appearance today.” Snow said a hand on your back as you leaned into Regina both of them trying to guide you down stairs, you heard Hook call to Emma to put you in his chambers as they’d have more room.
You could hear everyone frantically moving around and it wasn’t helping as you tried breathing through contractions.
“Wait…” you said making it into the large room the bed in the middle, hook redid the inside after permanently moving in with Emma and made this more of a luxury boat, on with large ornate rooms made for comfort which right now you had mixed feelings about.
“What wrong?” Regina asked looking at you.
“Zelena…” you said trying to catch your breath, “You need to call Zelena.”
“Why… aren’t we going to make it back in time?” Emma said looking between the three of you.
Regina and Snow shared a look, “Emma were 6 hours off shore, this baby might not wait that long.”
“Um….hhhnghhh…” you tried speaking another contraction interrupting you.
“it’s okay love.” Regina said feeling your nails dig into her arm again, grip tightening as you battled another.
“No….no, Zelena thinks there’s complications with the baby…I…she needs to be here…please you need to call her.”
“Comp…complications?” Regina said, she was so focused but you saw the war starting behind her eyes, she thought about losing you or this baby, she couldn’t do that not again, she’s fought so hard for a happy ending.
“Regina…baby?” You said squeezing her hand and pulling her out of her ugly daydream, “it might not be anything but…” you winced through another contraction.
“Better safe than sorry…” another female voice filled the room and everyone turned their heads.
“Zelena?” Regina looked at her sister, hopeful and confused.
“Hey sis, Hook called,” the redhead looked sympathetically at the younger raven-haired woman who was still guarding you with her body. Before anyone could say anything else you let out a loud guttural moan filling the room. Zelena quickly rushed to your side, placing her bag on the bed in front of you, it was a little higher than normal so you were currently standing next to it, gripping the blankets on the edge not wanting to move.
"Okay mama just breathe through it... how long has she been contracting?" she looked around the room, all faces showing that no one was sure.
"I've been having braxton hicks, or that's what I thought they were, they started around 8 this morning, and my water broke about 20-30 minutes ago."
"It's 4pm... you've been contracting for 8 hours."
"Y/N, why didn't you say anything?" Regina asked concerned.
"I didn't want to worry anyone and y'all were so excited about today, and after the past couple of weeks we really needed it... besides I've treated so many first time moms and they always mistake pre-term contractions for the real deal."
"I...mnhnhhh...I promise it wasn't...hnhgnhhh."
"Okay mama, these babies aren't waiting I'm going to need to check you out." without thinking about it Zelena let out the little secret you’d both been keeping, helping you drop your pants and get up on the bed she covered your legs with a blanket as you fell back against the pillows.
“Zelena did you just say babies?” Snow asked shocked.
“Um…what’s she talking about? Zelena what does she mean?”
“Twins… we’re having twins.” You strained out sitting up on your elbows.
“I’m sorry I only found out a few weeks ago and Y/N had me promise.”
“that was before she was going to go into labor 6 hours from Storybrooke and on a boat!” Regina yelled.
“Babe… I didn’t wanna get your hopes up, not until we were sure…gahhhhh.”
“She’s right we weren’t sure how it happened but after the run in with our mother something with our magics altered the pregnancy, I wanted to make sure everything was okay with the babies.” Zelena explained as you fought through another contraction.
“Talk later… these babies are coming now.”
“Okay breathe I need to check how dilated you are,” Regina moved to your side while Zelena dug through her bag pulling on gloves, “okay mama little pinch and pressure, just gotta check here.” You nodded letting out a small whimper as you felt her checking you out. “Okay Y/N you’re a lot farther than I thought.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means that your baby’s head is almost crowning so this is typically when you start pushing.”
“Wait I thought we had a couple hours?” Regina asked worried, her worst fear was coming back, she couldn’t lose any of you and being out at sea was amplifying all those fears.
“Right now that’s not the issue, these babies are coming whether we want them to or not.” Zelena said trying to snap Regina out of it.
“What do you need from us?” Snow asked into the room.
“Well Snow I’m going to need your hands, Emma I want you to take care of everything above deck, I don’t care what you have to do get us back ASAP…” both women nodded and moved quickly. “Okay now Y/N I need some pushes from you so we can deliver baby number one.” You nodded and some screaming a pushing and a little blood later and cried filled the room as your little boy was born, things moved quickly Snow wrapping him up and holding him while more contractions rolled over you.
It wasn’t long before you felt baby two getting ready, but you watched as she leaned and said something to Snow “Wh-What’s going on?”
“Y/N I need you to…” Zelena started.
“Wh-What’s going on with my baby?”
“Your baby is breech, which worries me with being on a boat and far from the hospital.”
“S-so whagahh- does that mean?”
“Zelena do what you need to do, if you need to cut, cut.”
“WHAT NO!” Regina yelled.
“No no nobody is getting cut, I’m not doing a cesarean on a boat, I can do an external version but it’s going to hurt like hell.”
“Do it!.. whatever you need to do, do it.” She nodded and placed her hands on your exposed bump feeling for the baby, she had one hand higher and one lower and tried rotating the baby and she wasn’t wrong it did hurt, Regina was on the bed next you and you turned clinging to her, face pressed against her chest, one arm folded under you as the other gripped onto her bicep, nails digging into her arm as she held you.
“Okay I think baby’s turned, Y/N I need some really big pushes from you.” Two pushes later and you were so close to holding your baby but instead another complication.
“hold on, don’t push, stop pushing.”
“bu—but… what’s wrong?” Zelena looked up at you sympathetically, she placed a hand on your knee.
“The baby… it’s the cord, it’s wrapped around its neck.”
“Zelena save my…nnnghh…save my baby…”
“I will…err… I am.” You could feel pressure and she tried maneuvering your baby and getting the cord loose.
“okay im going to need a really big, big push to help your baby… can you do that for me?” She asked and you nodded, “okay on count of three, 1…2…” you pushed with everything you had, delivering your baby and she quickly started working you sobbed in your wife’s arms as you didn’t hear anything.
after what seemed like an eternity a strong cry filled the room, “yes baby girl, yes, oh God okay… congratulations you have a beautiful baby girl.” She said handing her to the both of you, tears rolled down your faces.
4 hours later you found yourself laid up in the maternity suite at the hospital Zelena was evaluating you to make sure everything went okay as your babies got checked it by the nurses, Regina sat next to you filling out their names on the birth certificate, refusing to leave your side.
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David, finding Emma lying face down on the floor: You okay?
Emma: I’m depressed.
David: Lol me too
David: No wait. Hi depressed, I’m Dad.
David: No wait, what’s wrong?
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earlgodwin · 2 months
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starlightseraph · 5 months
they walked
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so they could run
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(patrick macnee and diana rigg as john steed and emma peel, 1960s // david duchovny and gillian anderson as fox mulder and dana scully, 1990s)
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ghost-missy · 6 months
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the people who made and performed on once upon a Time we're crazy it was so crazy show and I fucking loved it
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splooosh · 6 months
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A pool in Westchester
David Nakayama
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