#day sucked a little but it beats the days im bored out of my mind thats for sure!!
spectralbugs · 2 months
retail sucks and all but its fun. sucks ass and cock and boobs but my god do i love the rush
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
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“I’m getting on the bus to the other world, see ‘ya!”
“What value is there to a life that wants to end? ‘That must suck.’ ‘I get it.’ Don't act as if you understand! In the end, after a few years, I'll still be suffering. So stab me, kill me, and take me away.
This is the only thing I thought to do, my first and final struggle in vain...”
a/n: basically just an emotional diary cause dazai’s the only thing my insane mind cam conjure up (cw: suicide duhh, overdosing, mentally ill pwp, im romanticizing my ideal partner)
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dazai is so tired. acting as if being insulted constantly and getting bashed isn’t anything at all for the ‘second-most esteemed detective of the agency’ or the ‘mafia demon prodigy’.
“you know i’m human too, right, chūya?”
why could no one acknowledge how much he needs love, any kind of love— a miserable rope ties around his heart, pulling on it tighter every single second of every day. does no one truly care for him?
ahaha! how funny— to believe that someone really cared for him? with all of the wrongdoings he has committed and not to mention how utterly inhumane he looks. that could not possibly be him, right?
someone with such a dreaded mind and a pessimistic view could not possibly look like him, no, it must not!
the people he calls his allies are merely lying, of course! kunikida wouldn’t care at all if one day he had just dropped dead, in fact, he would probably sigh from overjoy that the annoyance known as osamu dazai has left the living world— chūya has always despised his partner in crime, he’d probably do the same thing that he had done when dazai left the mafia, open some expensive wine and celebrate the death of the maniac.
why has he continued living? the goal entrusted to him by his departed friend has started to stray from his mind; why must morals divide what is good and bad? why is it a so-called sin to kill yourself? what good is a life that has no aspiration of living if it’ll die anyways?
as he sits in his dorm room, empty bottles of sake and soju are all over any surface he was able to find, he lies in his futon, clothes and bandages soiled from sweat and tears.
he stares at the bottle of anti-depressants mori had given him four years ago.
“here, dazai. perhaps this will cure your burdens.”
what shitty advice. it was blatantly obvious that mori had only wanted him to live as his little mind toy, someone he could play with until it broke and he got bored.
opening the bottle, he shook around, looking at the ivory white tablets. “haah, fearing death— how silly of me.” he laughed to himself.
throwing each tab into his mouth, he watered it down with the little bit of sake left in his bottle.
slowly, his vision started to blur as his head became lightheaded. the heartbeat that dazai had normally been able to control started beating out of his chest— as if the tight rope around it had torn and burst from the sudden highs of dosulepin.
‘i’m sorry, odasaku. i could not keep my promise to you.”
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white, the alcoholic scent of disinfectants, the flow of IV through his wrist, could this be doctor yosano’s office? no, yosano is definitely somewhere here but it’s not her office.
he’s in a hospital, and he’s still alive. lost in his own thoughts, dazai didn’t even hear yosano walk in.
“dazai, you’re awake. glad to know, s/o was worried sick when they found you in your dorm.” she explained, of course it was you who had brought him. although the both of you were often busy with your jobs, you still fawned over him and sent him endearing texts throughout the day— to let him know you cared.
he couldn’t believe it though. he truly believed everything you have told to him was a complete and utter lie. you were probably laughing about him in private, that’s the only way he could stay sane in his cruel version of reality anyways.
“i feel like i already know the answer but— why would you do this?” she sighed. “when s/o had found you, you were trembling and your heart was going over 80 beats per minute.” she said, reading through her diagnostic charts.
“isn’t it obvious, doctor yosano? i wanted to die. that’s all.” he said meekly (as meekly as someone outspoken like him could). obviously annoyed with his ideation for death, yosano had walked off into the waiting room, where you were waiting.
how shall he explain something such as this? you hated every self deprecating joke he had made, you hated how he had lied and deceived even people who trust him with their life, because you are the only one he has let know he is a fraud to humanity.
what would you say? something as idiotic as ‘i understand that the pain you’re going through is unbearable but—‘? haha, how hopeless that would be, wouldn’t it?
snapping out of his thoughts, your hand rests on the bed he’s sitting in. he didn’t even notice you walk in, the drugs must have done some sort of number on him, ahaha!
what will you say? why won’t you say anything? for once, dazai is scared. the painfully agonizing silence is the only thing that fills the bright room as he predicts your words.
will you break up with him? it wouldn’t be a surprise, dealing with someone as ‘sensitive’ (as mori would put it) would get annoying eventually.
“i hope you know i’m here for you, osamu.”
“what?” he responded. you’re here for him? …
“i’m just saying if you need someone to help you when you’re overwhelmed by your emotions, ill be here for you. i get that you don’t want someone to say ‘you’ll be okay’ when you probably aren’t. i’ll be here for when you’re exhausted, i don’t want you to die soon.”
the long rope clenched around his heart once more. this time it wasn’t from depression like it has been for years, it was from endearment, panic, adoration, love. osamu dazai loved you.
you weren’t able to instantaneously fill the hallow hole in his heart but slowly, you’d help him fix it and replace it with memories of you and him.
you could not fix his ideals but, you could make him stay— just one last time, and another, and another until he has spent so many nights he has almost completely forgotten of his grievances.
dazai was tired. but with you in his life, his burdens have felt just a little bit lighter. and he couldn’t really kill himself now and leave his light all alone, could he?
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2: Nowhere to Run
Fandom: Avengers
Day 2 of Whumptober, wow I cant believe im doing this, these are probably the quickest and shortest stories ive ever written.
Tony knows theres a quote that he'd love to use right now. Something from an older movie, something about not cornering babies or something, but all his brain power is currently being used elsewhere.
Tony didnt like the other side of this. Not that he much liked being kidnapped either, but the other side of it sucked majorily. Especially when the people were kidnapped because of him. He thought being on a super hero team would keep things like this from happening. Sure he'd been kidnapped since the invasion (not that the team was aware of it anyway) but that he could handle, hes been saving himself since he was 5.
And of all his teammates, Bruce and the spy twins were not who he'd expect to be kidnapped. Sure Nat and Clint were human ish, but they were SPIES, and Bruce was the freakin HULK. It just didnt compute, and when did villians get smart enough to think of kidnapping teamates to get him to do things!?
And they were even smart enough to put him in such a time crunch they had zero time to plan anything. Every tick of the clock (mental clock as it was) was another foot of the walls closing in on him, an extra shot of adrenline that had his heart beating painfully against the reactor and his lungs constricting tighter and tighter.
His half an hour was almost up, the live feed of his teammates and the count down was only making him nervous but he couldnt bear to have it out of his sight. The device in front of him was rudimentary at best compared to what he could do with a bit more time, but it would work, the reactor was the important part anyway. Always the freakin reactor.
He puts it in a case, like those cliche movies, and books it to the meet up, Jarvis playing the livefeed for him and a soothing voice in his ear. He should have left a note or something, Cap would be mad hes sure, Pepper and Rhodey furious. But that would be someone elses problem, he only had one thing on his mind.
Keep the spies from being shot and a drugged up Bruce being launched attached to a rocket. (He didnt know what the man could survive and didnt want to test it.)
"JARVIS, how they doin?" He focus' on directions and birds and things that pass, to ensure he can actually make it to the rendevu.
"Alive sir. Annoyed in Ms. Romanoffs case, Bored in Mr. Bartons. I'm afraid Dr. Banner has been given another dose, and is incoherant still."
"Any chance they've found a way out yet?"
"...It does not seem so sir."
Tony curses vehemently, glancing at his teammates. Nat and Clint both wear iron prisoner gauntlets, to keep their hands unusable, chained to the bars of their cages, spread to further imobile them, legs tied together- and of course guns ready to shoot when the timer hits zero. Bruce- as mentioned before- is collared with several needles attached to it, and bound to a honest to god rocket.
Whoever was stupid enough to take them, would be dead. Tony would make sure of that, ledger be damned. He might of only had half an hour, but hes Tony Stark, and no one messes with his team.
The meet up is too close to a warehouse to be a coincidence, one of their many mistakes. A mere four people are waiting for him, and hes a little insulted, if not for a previously mentioned dead mans switch, Tony would blow them all up here and now.
"JARVIS, you know what to do. Remember, priority is the others, and if things go wrong, you know where my updated will is."
"...Yes sir." JARVIS was against it, but Tony was too determined to be deterred.
He lands, steps out of his armor, and feels JARVIS' departure, though his eyes stay trained on the people before him.
"Welcome Stark, bring what we asked?" The man he'd garnered was in charge over their interactions.
"In the case. But I want that timer shut off, they're safe first before I hand over anything."
"Are you really in the position to negotiate?"
"They die, and not only do you not get this thing, but you'll end up dead too. I have a record im sure you've reffered to."
This causes pause at least, they all fidget and have a quiet conversation. The count down continues in Tonys mind, but he carefully puts out nonchalance, free hand in his pocket as he leans back just slightly. Never show weakness.
"Fine." A laptop in one of the others hands, some quick typing, and the screen is flipped to show him the disarmed timer, guns, and rocket.
Now he has the tech guy, the leader, and the muscle. He moves forward finally, a pace between uncaring and not quite rude. He opens the case when hes a few feet away, watches the mans face light up as he takes the device and inspects it. The case is put aside, Tony knows what comes next, and while they think it is the last step, that there will be no further confrontation, they will be sorely mistaken. Tony wonders if he'll get to see their faces when they realize they were outsmarted by the man they underestimated.
"Now," mischief swims in his unhinged eyes as he looks to Tony, "show me how to connect the Reactor, how to start it."
Tony moves his shirt aside, heart beating harshly, as he twists
And pulls.
Its easy enough to connect the two things, even simpler to show the man how to opperate it.
"And how do I know this thing works?"
Tony makes a show of stumbling, moving away from the group and towards the nearest tree, leaning on it heavily.
"Try it out for all I care. Just let my teammates go."
He sneers, turing to consult with his group, all the better as they huddle close. They are newbs, they may have gotten the drop on 3 of the Avengers, but that was their only accomplishment. Tony could almost feel sorry for them, if he didnt detest them so.
His heart flutters, chest spasma, his knees give out, breath harder to pull in now. Still he watches, watches as the tech gestures to the trees, how they make a space and point their 'weapon', he cant quite see their faces, at least not all of them, but the one muscle guys he can see is enough.
The wave of energy that comes with the activation of the device is intense enough to bend the branches of the trees and blow up a large cloud of durt, but from Tonys hiding spot he still gets to peak at the destruction left behind. No fallen or burnt forest, no crater of disentegrated anything. Just four bodies, a mere smoking crisp of what they once were.
His disguised reactor was nothing more than a self distructing decoy. It could keep him alive for a time, even power the suit, but one wrong move? And you get this. A sure way to solve situations such as this, one made in a fit of paranoia, and one he was glad for. Even if it now means his slow death as shrapnel inches ever closer to his heart.
He slumps now, his part of the plan completed. Stares up at the sky as best he can, thinking of things left undone and red ledgers and the ones left behind. Its not quite how he thought he'd go out, no blaze of battle glory, or assasination attempt. Instead it will be the slow one taken from him all those years ago, in the hot desert.
His eyes fall closed at some point, waves of pain wracking his body, curled on his side in hopes to relieve, of course its in vain though, he can just picture his heart now-whats left of it- being torn to shreds.
Did he say goodbye to his bots? To JARVIS?
Why is the air so thin? Why cant he move? Is he trapped? What happened??
He must be trapped, hes dying, no he needs to get out, but why? Where is everyone? Why whywhywhywhyw-
Theres noise... so far away. Is he underground? Caged and buried!? HELP, JARVIS please-
"ONY! Listen, you gotta calm down! The new arc is almost here I promise! Just stay with me!"
The warehouse was so close, was it to taunt him with these visions? To feed him false hope in a never ending world of a fantasy life where he may actually have people that care? Jokes on them, he has long since accepted... that he is not the one anyone WANTS.
"Come on man, just try and breathe. Jar will be here any minute, you got us out, we're here now."
Well hes heard of two faced but this is ridiculous. Hes pretty sure fusing Clint and Bruce had not been a threat, but there they are, two heads in a pair of shoulders. Theres one head theres two, three fourfivesixse- where was he going with this?
"We're gonna have a talk about this Kotenok, this self sacrificing theme our team has going is going to turn me grey."
"Yerstll perty."
"Not the point, I dont like seeing you so close to death."
Something is running through his hair, gentle and soothing, he hopes its not snakes, that would suck.
"I can see JARVIS now buckethead, just a little longer."
He shudders and curls tighter as his chest tightens like a vice, splintering whatevers between its jaw. His eyes slip closed to panicked shouts, and his visions fade.
"I swear Tony if you ever do something like this again, I'll... sic Pepper, Rhodey, Happy and JARVIS on you!" Steve paces by the window unable to be still.
"That threat doesnt exactly-"
"Anthony! I have brought the biggest bear of well wishes I could find! I was told slaughtering a live one in your honor was frowned upon so I hope this will do!" The bears bigger than he is and Tony will treasure it forever.
"Thanks big-"
"Tony! You're Alive!" Bruce bursts through the door, disheiveled and out of breath.
"Yes Brucie bear, and youre coher-"
"They told me what you did, we're setting up a talk about how much you mean to us as soon as youre well enough to leave. You cant keep doing this, the Hulk and I forbid it."
"Potts just picked Rhodes up from the airport, just to warn you." Natasha slinks in and perches on the edge of his bed.
"Airport?? Why the hell did I even give him a s-"
"I found balloons with our faces on them! Our FACES!" Clint has enough balloons to float a small dog, and they fill the ceiling like the bear overfills the visitors couch.
"Yes, I had to paten them-"
"Can I finish one sentence?"
Pepper fumes as she and Rhodey rush in,
"Im gonna wrap you in bubble wrap and keep you in a padded wagon if you keep trying to kill me like this."
"I believe I was keeping people from being killed. Minus... the guys that got killed but they were lame."
"How many times am I gonna have to tell you you matter to us before you actually get it?" Pepper squeezes his hand, tight and trembling, tears in her eyes that make his already tender heart squeeze.
"I'm sorry, I didnt have much time... I couldnt watch anyone die. I couldnt stand by when I could do something.... you guys matter to me, no matter how frustrating you are, so I did what I could. But I am sorry for worrying you all."
"We'll have to remind you more that your safety and wellbeing are just as important to us брат, (omg guys its pronounced Brat but means brother I cant so true) but thank you, for saving us." Natashas hand is warm on his ankle, but her words are warmer.
"Aye, I wish to have as much time as I'm able with you all, I am honored to both fight and exist with you." He bows his head, fist over his heart.
"Theres only one of you Tony, and we would like to keep him around." Bruce gives a small smile, eyes shining with truth.
"I was wrong in the hellicarrier, and Im sorry for it, Im glad to call you a friend." Steve has stopped pacing, standing tall and speaking every word with meaning and warmth.
"You're the reason we were able to become a family dude, stick around and enjoy it would ya." Clint pats his other ankle with a smirk, thats both kind and nervous.
"We'll tell ya everyday if we have to Tones." Rhodey ruffles his hair and Tonys eyes well up against his will. He blinks frantically, refusing to let a single one fall, before offering a hesitant smile.
"I cant promise I'll stop scaring you guys, I'll still protect you guys with my all, but I'll try to be better about the process." He pauses to breathe and swallow the lump in his throat, "and thanks... it means a lot."
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reidsahacker · 3 years
Support from Under the Desk
Vinnie Hacker x Female Reader
warnings: daddy kink, degrading, some praise, cockwarming, slight spanking.
1.4k words, briefly edited!
So um this is def not a blurb lol, got carried away! sorry lmao! if anyone wants a part 2 let me know and send in ideas!
Requests are open, send in your blurb reqs or concepts! my anons are open too! i also do emoji anons if anyone is interested!
Vinnie has been playing Valorant almost all day and watching him play can be super fun. Sometimes he lets you wear his headset and talk to the boys, sometimes he trys to teach you how to play, others you just like sitting there with him. Today you have done all 3 of those things and you are still bored. You are currently trying to take a nap but he keeps distracting you. Not because he is being loud but he is hot. He doesn't have a shirt on so every time he moves his back flexes, you watch his tattoo move.
"Fuck." Vinnie says as he throws his hands in the air. He stands up to stretch and his sweats slide just a little lower on his waist. You can see his v-line and all you can think about is trailing kisses down his stomach and stopping right at his spade tattoo, leaving kisses all around it, teasing him until he grabs you by the chin, giving you the warning look.
"Babe?...Baby?...Y/N?" Vinnie says calling at you.
"Hmm?" you hum.
"What's on your mind baby? I can tell you were thinking about something." He says slightly concerned/
"Nothing baby, i'm just tired." you answer still feeling your heart beat in 2 different places.
"Okay baby, I love you." He says when he comes over and gives you kisses.
Vinnie gets back into the game and you "take a nap." In reality you are thinking of a way you can get what you want. The idea hits you, a pillow under the desk that's "for hera".
You grab one of the decorative pillows and make your way over to Vinnie. You know that he won't hear you coming, so as you approach the desk you get down on your knees and crawl. You don't think Vin can see you but he can and all he does is smirk to himself, he wants to see what your plan is.
You crawl underneath the desk and set the pillow down right in between his legs. You act like you are setting the pillow just right when he glances down at you with a questioning look.
"Its for hera, when she lays down here!" you say with a slight smirk.
"Yeah?" he says with a slightly cocky tone that makes you clench your legs together.
Instead of crawling out the way you came in, you get in between his legs. You place your hands on his knees and give him a small smile. You slowly start to run your hands up his thighs, causing him to spread them and push his hips forward.
Your hands go to his hips as you sit up on your knees, you run the tips of your fingers over the ace of spades tattoo causing him to let out a low groan. You play with the band of his sweats and right when he thinks you are going to pull them down, you run your hands over his bulge instead. He mutes himself on the game and you know you have him where you want him.
"You know better than to tease me bunny, finish what you started or you will come warm my cock while I play." he says with a stern tone.
You will his sweats down and his cock springs out hitting his stomach, leaving a drop of pre cum on his stomach. You swipe your finger through it and suck the finger into your mouth.
"Tastes good daddy." You moan out giving him the best puppy dog eyes that make him melt every time.
You take the base of his cock in your hand and spit on the tip, bringing your hand up to spread it around. As you slowly jerk him off you press small kisses to his tip, still teasing him despite his previous warning. He gives you another warning look, so you take his tip in between your lips and suck.
One of his hands goes to the back of head, pushing you to take more of his cock your mouth.
"Just like that bunny, got the best mouth." He praises you and feels you moan around his cock.
You bob your head up and down, while using your tongue to swirl around him just how he likes. You hear a new round start and that's when you take him all in.
"Fuck, bunny." He says bringing his hands down, making a makeshift ponytail and using that to control you. Completely abandoning the game.
You moan around him and feel him twitch in your mouth, you know he is getting close but he's not wear you want him yet. As you bob your head up and down with his help, you reach a hand down to grab his balls. You squeeze them in your hand and that's when he bucks up into your mouth and twitches.
"Fuck bunny, gonna cum down that pretty throat. Keep going baby." He moans out while his hand relaxes on your head.
That's when you take the opportunity to completely pull away except for your hand on the base his cock. His tip is red and dripping pre cum, the veins on his cock are pulsing and he his pissed. He pushes his chair out a little more and grabs you by the elbow.
"Stand up and take of your clothes off now." he says with lust and anger in his eyes.
You stand and slowly start stripping, once your (his) shirt is off, you take your panties off and throw them over his head but he catches them. He grabs you by the hips and places you on his lap, hovering over his cock.
"What did I tell you slut? Huh?" He almost yells at you.
"Not to tease." he whisper while looking anywhere but his eyes.
He grabs you by the chin making you look at him as he slides you down on his cock. He watches the way your eyebrows furrow together and your mouth drops open, letting out the prettiest moan as he bottoms out.
You run your hands up his arms and put them over his shoulders, getting ready to bounce on his cock when he grabs your hips stopping you.
"Daddy, wanna ride you. Please." You pout at him with the puppy dogs eyes that he loves oh so much.
"No, those eyes aren't going to work this time. I told that if you teased you'd warm my cock and that is what you are going to do." He says while rubbing his thumbs in little circles on your hips.
"But da-" you whine before he interrupts
"No. Now you can either be a good bunny and sit her while I play and maybe i'll let you cum when Im done. Or you can be a whore and not get anything. I'll use you right now to make myself cum and then you'll get off. Which one you want baby?" He asks with most sly smirk.
As you take one of your hands and place it on his cheek, using your thumb to play with his bottom lip you mutter out "Be a good bunny, wanna cum daddy."
He pecks your lips a few times, giggling at his little bunny pouting on his lap all because she lost her own game. "Good choice bunny, wanna feel you make a mess on my cock later."
You whine out knowing he is trying to rile you up more and it's working. You make yourself as comfy as you can with his cock bottomed out in you and not getting anything else from it but the beautiful pressure of him on your sweet spot. You think that maybe if you stay as still as you can it will over quicker.
Right as you lay your head down on his shoulder and he scoots his chair in to start a new game he says something that ruins your whole plan of "staying still"
"Better hope this game I do good, you know a move a lot when I lose. Know you were watching me earlier bunny, me losing is what started this." He says.
You sit up and give it one last go, see if you can get yourself out of this.
"Im sorry daddy, I just can't help it. You look so good baby, wanted to make you feel good." you give him the puppy dog eyes, the pout, and clench around him.
All you get is a slap on the ass and him chuckling while putting his headset on. You are going to be in for a long ride ;)
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biletdoux · 3 years
stages of love | j.jh
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Pairing | jung jaehyun (nct) + female!reader Rating | M Genre + Tropes | college!au, romance (angst, fluff, smut) Warnings | explicit language, alcohol consumption, instant love?, sexual content (drunk sex, receiving and giving oral, penetration, cow girl position, nipple play), greyzone fidelity Length | 15k+
Summary | A playlist for the trials and tribulations of a beating heart
(Or; your relationship with Jung Jaehyun in ten songs.)
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Note: ahhhhhhh!!!! we finally did it boisssss. this fic has been a long time coming and honestly im sick and tired of jaehyun. i’ve spent too long thinking about him for this fic smh. this is also my first time writing smut so we’ll see how that goes lmao. anyway this was a long labor of love so please let me know what you thought of it !!! <333
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1. Peach by IU
smitten at first sight.
“How can I explain this feeling?”
“Alright, I think that sums up about everything we need to cover for today’s lecture. Remember, most of this will be on your final exam. Any questions before you’re all dismissed?” 
Your professor looks up from the board, scans the room and all he sees are most of the students waiting with bated breath, itching to leave the class, and half of those students having already packed their belongings in anticipation. He held them back an extra twenty five minutes today, which is notably longer than previous lectures in which he delayed dismissal.
“Okay, you’re free to go. Chapters nineteen and twenty are due the next time we meet.”
You breathe out a sigh of relief, ready to head out with the rest of the class. You like Professor Jang and find that he makes history somewhat digestible, but he has a tendency to lose track of time, which is inconvenient, but more so today since you have agreed to meet up with Yeri. You glance at your phone to see text notifications and curse to yourself. You’re already ten minutes late and Yeri is many things and impatient is one of them. 
You’re one of the first out of the small lecture hall and you shoot her a quick reply before making your way to the oncampus cafe. Through quickened strides and shortcuts engrained from cross-campus treks from class to class, you arrive in record time. You’re slightly out of breath and impressed by your speed, but you stop, frozen in your tracks when you see Yeri’s displeased face. You find her situated in a small, but cozy corner next to the windows, already unpacked with notebooks and papers strewn on the desk ready to review for exams. It's one of the best study spots in the cafe and you immediately know your best friend had to come extra early to nab such a sought after table. 
“About time,” she scowls, “what took you so long?”
You shoot her an apologetic look, “aww, Yeri,” you pout your lips a little too dramatically, “I’m sorry. I just came from history and you know how Professor Jang is.” 
Yeri looks at your jutted lips in disgust, but then her face softens in consideration. “Hm, I do know Jang.” She scrunches up her nose remembering her time in his class last semester. “That old man can talk for days on end and he never lets anyone leave class early. I guess I’ll let you go this time.” 
You beam at her knowing she’s no longer angry for your tardiness. “Great, drinks are on me today. It’s the least I can do for being late.” Yeri forgives as easily and as quickly as she loses her temper. You learned this after a few weeks of being her roommate. 
Yeri says nothing in silent agreement and you place your stuff down across the table next to the chair she reserves for you. You pull out your wallet and weave through the packed cafe to head to the order counter. The line is long and you patiently review the menu. Your roommate has consistent tastes and always orders a vanilla frappuccino regardless of which cafe she goes to, but you base your decision on your mood. You mull over your choices and by the time you reach the barista taking your order, you decide you’re in an ‘iced Americano’ kind of mood today. You have exams on top of exams you need to review for and a stronger caffeine kick is much needed.
After paying, you head back to the table with two drinks in tow. Yeri takes her drink and after you both take a few sips and catch up for the day, you dive straight to work. The two of you decide to review for statistics. 
Between re-summarizing chapters and answering review questions, you muse to yourself about how your college experience thus far hasn't been that much different from your high school life. You didn’t necessarily hate high school, per say, but it was safe to say you didn’t enjoy it. Your heart was in the arts, specifically music, and you had found studying the core subjects to be boring and tedious. You remember being ecstatic to have been accepted and enrolled in a performing arts college, foolishly thinking your days of solving differential equations and memorizing chemical formulas were over. You specifically remember daydreaming of your hours being filled with keyboard practice and composition notes and only such things. Somehow the reality of mandatory general education courses slipped your mind when you constructed such fantasies.
Despite frivolous and preconceived notions of college, you have already survived a semester and you are nearly through your second. 
“Hey, do you remember when this stats assignment is due?” Yeri’s inquiring voice snaps you out of your brief reverie and you search your cluttered brain for a date.
“Uh, I think it’s due, like, a few days before the final, but I’d have to double check.” 
Yeri nods. “Alright, well let’s take a small break. We have some time till then, we don’t have to finish all of it today.” 
You happily agree and set down your pen. Yeri takes a sip of her frappuccino and you lean over the table to get closer to her. “Anyway, did you hear about what happened with Jiwon and Youngjae from the entertainment management department?”
Her eyes glisten with wicked interest. “No. Do tell.”
Break time is always synonymous with gossip hour between you and Yeri. 
You spend the next fifteen minutes dishing what you know and Yeri offers her own input whenever she feels fit. 
“And they think they’re being discreet, but the whole dorm knows they’ve been sneaking around, but guess wha─” Before you can finish your sentence, you are cut off by a loud and energetic voice calling out Yeri’s name.
The two of you look up to see a slim and boyish brunet waving to Yeri and excitedly making his way to your table. He looks vaguely familiar, but you can’t quite place your finger on it, so you let it go.
He smiles happily at Yeri and greets her. “Hey Yeri, how’s it going?” He notices you there and gives you a polite wave, which you return in the same manner.
Yeri replies back breezily, but with her full attention. “Good. Did you need anything, Mark?” 
He flushes just the slightest bit, but it doesn’t escape your eyes. “Erm, nothing I just wanted to remind you that we’re meeting for the music theory project tomorrow at four. I would’ve texted, but I forgot to get your number in class, and I saw you here and thought it was a good opportunity to tell you.” 
Yeri’s eyes widen, “ah right! I completely forgot about it. It’s a good thing you found me here today, huh? Here, I’ll give you my number.”
She reaches her hand out her hand expectantly, and Mark is confused before scrambling to pull out his phone. You can tell Mark looks flustered while Yeri is calmly putting in her contact information. After finishing, she hands his phone back, “okay, all set. Just shoot me a text so I have your number as well. Thanks for reminding me today or I probably would’ve forgotten and not have shown up or something.” 
Mark smiles again, this time a little more sure than before. “All good. I’ll see you tomorrow, Yeri.” 
They wave goodbye and you watch Mark scamper from the cafe. Your eyes follow him, but Yeri is already focused on you again, paying Mark’s retreating form no mind. 
“So…” you start.
“So?” She returns.
“He’s cute.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she shrugged. “I barely know him though. We have music theory together, but this is the first time we’ve talked all semester and we’re only talking because we got paired up for a project.”
Yeri seems apathetic and you study her closely. You notice she’s acting a little too stiffly carefree to be truly indifferent to the situation. You can’t help, but to tease her a bit. “Well, make the most out of this project then.”
Yeri gives you a hard look and you decide to let it go despite finding your best friend’s situation to be amusing. 
“Anyway, keep telling me about Jiwon and Youngjae. You never finished.” Yeri changes the topic, knowing that you might decide to pester her again if she doesn’t.
“As I was saying,” you started up again. A figure outside catches your attention and you peer outside through the window past Yeri’s shoulders. You realize it’s Mark and you watch with interest as he gestures excitedly, pointing to something in his hand, you assume his phone, to some of his friends. From there your eyes wander absentmindedly from one person to the next, and it’s when you see him. 
The reaction is almost instantaneous. 
“Like you were saying?” Yeri urges, but her words fall on deaf ears, for all your attention is captured by the boy next to Mark with heart-shaped lips.
When you see said boy laugh, you notice he has moon for eyes and you unconsciously suck in a sharp breath. You must have been staring too intently without noticing because he turns his head in your direction and you two hold direct eye contact. Like a deer caught in headlights, you freeze and lose all rational thought. Your head is completely blank. You have never seen someone so beautiful and your mind does not know how to process any sensory information at the moment.
Someone calls the boy away and the entire group of friends leave. It’s only then do you find yourself releasing a breath you didn’t know you had been holding onto so tightly. Your heart is pounding and you feel as though blood is rushing through your ears. 
“Hello?” Yeri sounds annoyed, but you struggle to find the words to answer her. 
You feel a sudden heat rush to color your cheeks a vibrant red and a feeling surges through you that leaves you out of breath and weak at the knees. A steady warmth washes over you quietly and you feel it deep within yourself and you can’t help but let out a small laugh.
How silly, you muse. Not to be dramatic, but you think you’re in love.
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2. Shadow by f(x)
adoration from afar. 
“I’m really really into you.”
The next few weeks are packed to the brim with assignments and papers, but despite this, you still find time for your personal research into the boy who was with Mark that day. 
Being the obvious first and easiest option, you beg Yeri to ask Mark directly about his friend, but she immediately shoots you down. 
“No. Absolutely not. At least not anytime soon anyway,” she huffs. “I’ve barely held two full conversations with him, like hell the next is gonna be about his friend just cause my best friend started thirsting over him after one glance. I mean come on, girl.” She shakes her head at you. 
Yeri’s right and you apologize to her for being thoughtless of her situation. She doesn’t say it, but she seems really hopeful about the music theory project and what might bloom from it. You would not want to impede on such possibilities of happiness for your friend, so you let that option go, but Yeri promises to help in other ways and she does. 
Somehow between caffeine fueled cram sessions and sleep deprivation, you, with Yeri’s help manage to find out more about the boy. You casually ask around in your contemporary writing and production department and she offers help by searching her vocal performance department. 
You find out his name is Jung Jaehyun and he’s a third year in the musical theatre department and that he’s a member of the local chapter of the performing arts fraternity on campus. You also discover his Instagram handle and you find yourself skimming through his page throughout the day more often  than you’re willing to admit to any living soul. 
You occasionally see him around campus since you first saw him at the cafe and each time, you can feel your heart hammer in your chest and you become so flustered to the point of your sympathetic nervous system activating. Unfortunately for you, your body unconsciously chooses flight each and every time at the sight of Jaehyun because you can always feel your knees go weak and your body lurch away to escape in any direction that isn’t Jaehyun’s. You kind of hate yourself each time you do, but you can’t help it. He’s just so pretty that it’s intimidating!
You try to think positive after the bouts of shame you experience after each escapade. 
Well there’s no way to embarrass yourself in front of him if you run away before having the chance to, right?
Even thinking about it now in the comfort of your bed, you can’t shake your self-consciousness and bury your face in a large pillow resting on your knees. Your cheeks are burning and you don’t know what to do. 
“Hey, why don’t you just talk to him, instead of moping all day and stalking his profile like a creep.” Yeri’s crisp words cut through your musings and you glance up to see her entering your shared room in the dorms.
“Shut up. It’s not like I have a benevolent match-making professor who happens to pair me up with my crush for an end-of-semester project.” You retort back before sighing dramatically, “I literally have no excuse to talk to him. We’re not in the same year or major. We don’t even have mutual friends. Unless, y’know, you and Mark hit it off, who knows.” 
Yeri sits down next to you on your small twin bed, resting her head on your shoulder while letting out an equally dramatic sigh, “yeah, well, Mark’s so dense, all the divine intervention in the world isn’t going to help me.” 
You let out snort, “what’s up with you two anyway?”
“Y’know, I could’ve sworn he was into me and I had a chance with him, but every time we meet up we literally only work on the project and nothing else. Every time I sort of tried to do something I get shot down. Like I told him I was kind of chilly today in the library, and he looks all thoughtful for a moment but all he ends up saying is ‘yeah, all the buildings on campus are always cold, huh? Good thing I always bring a jacket with me. You should bring one too next time, I don’t want you getting cold.’ And then he just turns back to the project like nothing. Can you believe him?” Yeri complains and you swear her annoyance is palpable. “And every time I text him to hangout, he thinks it’s to work on the project. I honestly can’t tell if he’s really that stupid or if he’s just not into me.” 
You laugh at her unfortunate, but undeniable state of love affairs. 
“Really? That bad? I remember him being all blushy when he asked for your number,” you recall. “And you should’ve seen how he looked when he showed off he got your number. Well that’s what it looked like anyway, I could be wrong.”
“Well, at least I’ll get a good grade though. Mark is nothing if not diligent and hard-working, with him being a double major and all.” Yeri sounds resigned however, she sighs again, this time more frustrated and you hear the determination in her voice. “Alright, after finals, for sure we’re gonna hit the clubs. We need to let loose, have some fun.”
You agree with her to appease her short temper, but deep down you feel disappointed. You feel sorry for your friend, having genuinely wanted Mark and her to work out, but a small and selfish part of you felt sorry for having no bridge to Jaehyun at all if it didn’t work out between Yeri and Mark. Looks like you were stranded now and you’d have to find a way to Jaehyun one way or another, but your line of help ends here.
Shaking away such negative thoughts, you think to yourself how soju bombs and dance floors don’t so bad after such an intense exam period after all. It will definitely take your mind off of things for sure.
And even though you say this to yourself, you know your mind will still be plagued with Jung Jaehyun no matter how much you try.
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3. What Is Love by EXO-K
careful contemplation. 
“I can’t explain what I feel.”
“Mark, tell me you did not.” The disbelief in Johnny’s voice made the situation all the more hilarious and even Jaehyun, who’s the calmer of the two, couldn’t suppress the guffaw from escaping his lips. 
The tips of Mark’s ears flush a light pink and he tries to deliver a convincing argument, but all that comes out is a meek stammer, further driving Johnny up the wall.
When Mark came up to his and Johnny’s room asking for advice, Jaehyun had an idea of where it was going to lead, considering Mark’s clueless disposition and inexperienced track record, but Jaehyun had no idea it was going to be this bad. 
Mark, having developed a crush on a fellow vocal performance major in his music theory class, came to Johnny, his frat big, to spill his guts and ask for advice constantly. Being Johnny’s roommate, meant Jaehyun was also privy to all the details of Mark’s love life and he had no problem giving advice to the amusing first year student, which Mark appreciated because going to Johnny meant a clowning session before he could get any useful nuggets of information. 
When Mark’s music theory professor randomly assigned the two for the end of semester project, Mark was one part excited and two parts nervous, resulting in a frazzled mess. He has been going up to the second room on the right of the second floor of the frat house almost every other day to ask for advice since then. 
Johnny was thrilled when he initially heard of the project, already envisioning his little’s love prospects, stating something along the lines of “my little’s gonna get laid!” 
However, now looking at Johnny rubbing his temples in exasperation, Jaehyun can tell that his roommate’s initial enthusiasm has dissipated. 
Mark’s daily roadblock today consisted of his crush giving him the cold shoulder and being much more snappy than before in the project meet up earlier. Mark recalls Yeri’s anger toward him and racks his brain for an answer. Even Johnny and Jaehyun are stumped at the sudden behavior, assuming that things were going smoothly from Mark’s previous reports filled with clumsy, but endearing and ultimately positive signs. It’s only when Mark offhandedly mentions her so-called ‘strange’ comment about the temperature, does it become clear why Yeri’s attitude suddenly shifted so drastically.
“I mean, I don’t know what I did wrong.” Mark’s second attempt to defend himself has Johnny flaring his nostrils in indignation and Jaehyun has to turn away in an attempt to stifle his laughter.
“Dude, she’s so into you. Or, at least she was, I don’t know about it anymore.” Johnny starts after calming down. “She left herself wide open for you to take a clear shot and you effectively said to her face, ‘thanks but no thanks’ and then walked away. No wonder she’s pissed, I’d be pissed too.” 
“Well, what was I supposed to do then?” Mark counters. 
“Mark,” Johnny begins, his tone dry and coarse, “you’re killing me.”
Jaehyun deems this the perfect time to step in, the laughter about done coursing through his system at this point. He clears his throat before offering his input, “It’s not too, too bad. Johnny’s just being dramatic. If she likes you enough, she’ll probably forgive you if you play your cards right from here on out.” 
Mark perks up, his attention solely on Jaehyun. 
Jaehyun hums absentmindedly to himself, gathering and organizing his thoughts to properly explain exactly where and how Mark went wrong and what to do moving forward. When Jaehyun opens his mouth to speak, Mark is glued on to every word and Jaehyun can see the gears in his brain whirring at high speeds. 
By the time Jaehyun is done, Johnny has calmed down and Mark nods his head fervently in understanding. 
“Ah, that makes so much sense now! I got it now.” 
Despite his assurances, both Johnny and Jaehyun know Mark will be back soon. 
“Alright little, listen up,” Johnny starts. “Here’s the game plan from here on out.” 
Johnny goes off on a sermon, determined to help his little ‘get some’ as Johnny so delicately puts it. Jaehyun can see it’s not the most tasteful of word choice for Mark to hear, but the youngest says nothing. 
Lounging lazily in the bean bag on his side of the room, Jaehyun knocks his head back and thinks of a few weeks back when he accompanied Mark and some other frat members to the rec center for some basketball. Jaehyun remembers Mark was bemoaning the fact he forgot to ask for some girl’s number and it was as if a higher entity heard the boy’s laments and felt especially gracious, because right as they were passing the cafe, Mark stopped in his tracks and suddenly ran off into the busy building. 
The group of frat boys watched him excitedly weave his way through the crowd of bodies and occupied tables to reach a table with two girls. When they saw the girl putting her number into Mark’s phone, Johnny elbowed Jaehyun, and like a proud parent Johnny exaggeratedly acknowledged his little. “They grow up so fast, don’t they, Jaehyun.” Johnny even wiped an imaginary tear from his eye to really send the message home.
It was only a few moments later and Mark came bounding out of the cafe, eager to show everyone how lucky it was that he happened to see her. “I mean what are the odds, right?” the said boy exclaimed so happily, his cheer so infectious, Jaehyun couldn’t help himself from letting out a laugh of his own. 
Jaehyun turned to give Mark an encouraging pat on the back and it’s when he notices a pair of eyes on him. He turns fully to come in the direct line of sight of a girl whose eyes, Jaehyun imagined to have been very warm, had they not been burning holes into him. Her intense gaze slightly unnerved him, but not to the point of pulling away. He found himself entranced and the only thing that broke the quick spell was Johnny’s voice, calling him to move it along. 
Jaehyun recalls easily breaking eye contact and giving little thought to the strange girl with fire for eyes, but as the days passed, Jaehyun couldn’t shake the thought of her from his mind. 
Even now in the comfort of his room and with Johnny and Mark not even a foot away, carefully planning Mark’s love endeavors, all Jaehyun’s mind can really focus on is the thought of you. 
Jaehyun is sure he’s only looked at you for less than a minute, but somehow he’s able to clearly trace out the image of you that day, like a perfect snapshot. 
“Yo Jaehyun,” Johnny calls. “You good? You’ve been spacing out, bro.”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Jaehyun answers offhandedly, before contemplating to himself. Was he good? Jaehyun wouldn’t necessarily say he’s bad in any way, but it isn’t normal for him to have the thought of a girl remain so clearly engraved in his mind for so long, and even less common for it to actually be a girl he doesn’t even know nonetheless. It’s not a pressing issue, but it does bother him. He weighs over the next steps in his mind. 
“Alright, just making sure.”
With one last thought, Jaehyun concludes to himself that it’s time to tackle his concern at hand head-on. 
“Actually,” he starts, “Mark, do you remember the girl next to Yeri the day you asked for her number?” 
Mark quirks his head in thought and Jaehyun can see Johnny raise his eyebrows in sudden interest. 
“Uh kinda,” Mark answers. “I think she’s a CWP major. I’m pretty sure we shared an arranging class last semester, but like, I don’t know her personally or anything; it was a large lecture. To be honest, I don’t even think she recognized me at all, judging from her reaction that day. Why, what’s up?”
Jaehyun nods, absorbing the information, giving Johnny ample time to fire away. 
“Yeah Jaehyun,” Jaehyun can visualize the glint in Johnny’s eyes just from hearing his mischievous tone. “What is up? I haven’t seen you ask about a girl in a hot minute. Thought you suddenly went abstinent without telling me or something.”
Jaehyun isn’t quite sure how to reply. Without a doubt you were cute to Jaehyun and he wouldn’t be opposed for things to happen between the two of you, but he doesn’t even know you! Well, not that it’s been a problem for Jaehyun in the past, but your lingering presence bothers him in ways he cannot communicate. Why is that the thought of you won’t leave him and why does it bother him so much?
Jaehyun decides to be straightforward, as straightforward as his muddled brain allows him to be. “She’s cute. I wanna get to know her.” 
“Okay, Jaehyun.” Johnny whoops obnoxiously. “I see you.” 
Mark is surprised and suddenly Johnny is all fired up again. Abruptly, Johnny shoots up and the determination that burns in his eyes is admirable. 
“I’ve got it!” He declares proudly. 
Jaehyun and Mark are quiet, waiting patiently for him to continue. They say nothing, knowing there is not a thing that can reach him when Johnny gets like this. 
“We’re throwing a party and you bet your ass your two girls are gonna be there.”
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4. Heaven by Ailee
walking on Cloud 9. 
“When I hear your voice, it feels like I’m dreaming.”
You look up at the two-story house before you and wonder how you got here. Actually, you don’t wonder at all because you know exactly how you ended up at the steps of the local performing arts fraternity at your college, but you sigh regardless, as if someone had weaseled you into being here. Your nerves gnaw at you and you feel your stomach doing all types of aerobic tricks, the feeling reminiscent of the sensation before the roller coaster drops. 
Yeri grabs your hand and pulls you excitedly to the front door. You can feel the thrum of music emanating from the building.  
You recall how Yeri almost jumped you to tell the good news. 
Finals flew by without any major hitches, ignoring sleepless nights and caffeine crashes. You don’t know how you’ll do, but you’re satisfied with your exam performances. You were in the clear and were just waiting for Yeri to present her joint music theory project before the both of you could finally let loose as a celebration to end the school year. 
You waited for her outside of the classroom building as promised, playing with your phone to past time until you were suddenly engulfed by a delighted pair of arms. Yeri hugged you tight; she was in high spirits, seemingly from acing her presentation and you hugged her back in congratulations. She pulled at you closer and whispered in your ears, “just say yes.” 
You were confused, but looked up to see Mark headed toward the two you. Yeri released you, leaving one arm still slung casually over your shoulder.
“Hey guys. My frat’s throwing a party tonight to celebrate finishing exams. I was wondering if, uh, you guys wanted to come? I mean you don’t have to, it’s totally optional.” 
You didn’t say anything at first and Yeri interjected, “Of course!” She smiled at you innocently despite harshly pinching you to respond, her action hidden from Mark’s sight. “We’d love to, right?”
“Uh,” you answered distractedly. “Y-yeah, sure.” 
“Great.” Mark beamed. “Party starts at eight. I gotta go help set up, so I’ll see ya there!” 
And with that, he left as soon as he arrived and you looked at Yeri questioningly for answers. “I thought we were hitting downtown tonight. What happened to club hopping?” 
Yeri smiled devilishly, “change of plans. I’ll tell you more about it later. The most important thing is finding the perfect outfit for you tonight, cause Jaehyun’s gonna be there.” 
And so, here you find yourself dressed in high-waisted shorts and a cute top that took an embarrassingly long time to decide on. You are greeted by the fraternity president at the door of the house, Taeyong you think his name is, and he gives you two a quick verbal tour of the place, really emphasizing where to get drinks. Yeri thanks him for the both of you and you enter the crowded house. You think at least half of the performing art majors must’ve been here judging by the sheer volume of packed bodies. 
You remember Yeri explaining how she and Mark may have been making a breakthrough and this party was imperative for its success. You were completely okay attending for that reason alone, because after all, what kind of person sends her best friend to a frat party alone? However, your resolve to go was set in stone after she explained that the frat that was throwing the party just happened to be the same frat Jaehyun was a member of. 
“And y’know, seeing as how you’ve been obsessing over him the past few weeks, it’s the perfect opportunity.” 
You frown remembering her words and make your way to the kitchen with Yeri in tow. Various beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, crowd the table and you recognize the guy standing nearby idly chatting with others. It’s Jaemin, an acting major in your history lecture with whom you frequently exchange notes with when either one of you decides to flake for the day. You vaguely recall him mentioning his fraternity association, but didn’t realize it happened to be this one. He sees the two of you approaching the drink table and he smiles widely.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” Jaemin greets casually. “Didn’t expect to see you here. How’d you think you did in the history final?” 
You groan. “I don’t even want to talk about it. What’s important is that we’re finished and I won’t ever have to think about the WWII timeline for, hopefully, forever.”
“Amen,” Jaemin laughs. “I’ll drink to that.” He raises up his red solo cup to cheers, before realizing both you and Yeri had nothing to drink. 
“Oh shit, I’m a pretty bad host, huh? First thing I should've done was get you two something to drink.” He chides himself, but his tone is playful. “What can I get for you, ladies?”
Before you can think about what you want, Yeri cuts you off, her tone matching Jaemin’s. “How about some shots to start off and we’ll forgive the lack of hospitality.”
Jaemin laughs again. “Alright, I like it.” His hands are adept at weaving around the table and finding the paper shot cups and the vodka. “Svedka’s okay, right?” 
“We’re not picky.” You and Yeri agree. You take the shot in one gulp and the unpleasant burning in your throat makes you wince. 
“Can I get you two anything else?” 
“Yeah,” you say. “I think another shot and then a mixed drink. Anything’s fine, but preferably on the stronger side.” You look over at Yeri and she nods in agreement.
“Coming right up.” Jaemin agrees easily. 
He pours the two of you another shot and you think he must be a generous guy because the shot is overflowing. You and Yeri cheer once more while Jaemin gets to work mixing a cherry bourbon with some Coke. He tops off the drinks with some ice before handing it over to the both of you. “Here they are. Enjoy, ladies.”
You thank him and take a sip before excusing yourself to make your way around the party. The drink is sweet and the smoky aftertaste of the bourbon gives it a pleasant edge. You and Yeri are attached to the hip as you drift from one part to another around the party, making easy going small talk along the way. You are sufficiently buzzed by this point and feel much lighter as though the party was somehow two degrees removed from your senses. You look over to check on Yeri and she’s noticeably drunker than you are, giggling about the simplest of things and slurring her words just the slightest bit. You make a mental note to ease the drinking, wanting to be sober enough to look after her in case anything were to arise. 
The two of you are at the base of the stairs when you hear Mark’s voice calling Yeri’s name. You turn your attention upward to see him ambling down the stairs with excited fervor. His cheeks are flushed, more so than usual around Yeri, and you can tell it’s due to alcohol because Mark is holding her hands and you know he can never be so bold without the help of liquid courage. 
“Yo Mark, slow down there.” A voice calls out and you look up again and you feel your breath caught in your throat. 
There in front of your eyes is Jung Jaehyun in the flesh. He looks heavenly dressed in simple jeans and a white tee. You unconsciously swallow the lump in your throat and your heart beat gallops a mile a minute in your chest. Your mouth goes dry and you mindlessly gulp down swigs of your drink. You know Yeri would’ve sniggered at your current state had she not been so tipsy and completely preoccupied with Mark. 
Jaehyun catches up to Mark and when he reaches the base of the stairs, he notices the two of you.
“Oh Jaehyun, lemme introduce you guys.” 
As promised, Mark introduces everyone quickly and Jaehyun shoots a smile that seems to be aimed at you. “Nice to meet everyone.” 
“Cool, now that everyone knows each other,” Mark starts. “Yeri, can I show you something?” 
“Uh, y-yeah.” 
You give Yeri a hard look and she takes your hand to squeeze it in reassurance. She looks at you pleadingly and there’s a confidence in her eyes that you can’t argue with. You relent and let her go. 
Mark takes her by the hand and leads her up the stairs while you watch, slightly worried. 
Jaehyun seems to have sensed your apprehension because the words that leave his mouth snaps you out of your perturbed state. “Don’t worry. Mark’s a good kid, you have nothing to worry about. You have my word on it.” 
And suddenly the situation dawns on you. The boy of your recent all-consuming infatuation stands here before you, and it’s just the two of you alone. Any social skills you have, leave you and you’re unsure of what to do. 
Jaehyun notices the awkward tension in the air and works quickly to dispel it. “Your drink’s looking low. Can I get you something else?” 
You look down to your drink to see that he was right. Only a few sips remain. You didn’t realize you had drank so much at the sight of Jaehyun. 
“Um, some water would be good. I don’t want to be too hungover tomorrow.” You answer shyly. You also need to be sober enough to look after Yeri, but you decide to leave that out.
Jaehyun chuckles, “sure thing. Here, come with me. I’ll get you some water.”
Jaehyun leads you to the kitchen with ease, seamlessly weaving through the crowds of people. Every group of people he passes greets him loudly to be heard of the pounding bass of the music. You are not surprised to see how popular he is. 
Once in the kitchen, he grabs you a bottle of water and a beer for himself from the fridge and you thank him. The cold water is refreshing, but it does little to cool your nerves. The awkward tension is high and still ever present. You feel as though you’re drowning in it and you also feel like running away from here despite this being what you’ve wanted for more than anything for weeks on end. 
“So,” Jaehyun starts, clearing his throat. “Mark told me you’re a CWP major?” 
“Uh, y-yeah, actually.” You hate how you’re so flustered around him. “How’d he know? Did Yeri tell him or something?” 
“He said you guys shared an arranging class last semester.” Jaehyun recalls.
“Wait, really? I had no idea.” You start going off on how you could’ve missed such a thing and Jaehyun smiles. You’re much more comfortable when a rhythm has been established and the words flow out of you easily. You’re not as relaxed as where Jaehyun wants you to be, but he thinks it’s a good start. 
You continue with small talk from there, much less uptight than before and you feel glad. Jaehyun is as radiant in person as he is in your imagination. You find him to be very kind and your heart flutters even more. Jaehyun mentions he’s a musical theatre major and you do your best to act surprised despite it being one of the only things you know about him prior to this moment.
Before he gets a chance to tell you more about himself, a tall boy with long limbs calls out to Jaehyun that it’s his turn to join the next game of beer pong. Jaehyun looks reluctant to leave and you don’t want him to leave either, but you’d hate to hold him back from prior engagements. 
“Would you,” Jaehyun licks his lips in consideration, “like to play with me? I don’t have a partner.” 
You nod your head and readily agree, eager to spend more time with him.
You’ve only played beer pong a handful of times and being around Jaehyun makes you nervous, so you miss the first few shots. You feel embarrassed, but Jaehyun is patient and assures you that it’s no problem at all. His little words of encouragement mixed with the beer you drink helps melt your tension, and halfway through the game, you’re whooping and hollering with everyone watching the game. 
You high-five Jaehyun without a second thought after nailing a perfect shot and Jaehyun smiles even wider. The two of you are leading when Taeyong comes in to kick everyone out. 
“Sorry guys, party’s over.” 
Groans of complaints could be heard throughout the crowd, but Taeyong’s words are firm and he ushers everyone to leave. He has a few other frat members behind him helping out. He reaches the beer pong table and pulls Jaehyun aside. After a few exchanged words, Jaehyun nods in agreement and ends the game completely, apologizing to his opponents. 
You’re confused, so you carefully ask Jaehyun what’s going on. He sees you and his gaze softens, he quietly explains, “apparently, the campus police have received multiple noise complaints and since the fraternity already has a strike, Taeyong doesn’t really want to risk another. “
“Ah, I see.” You nod. You’re saddened by the turn of events, having finally eased into a relative comfort around Jaehyun and you yearn for more. “Well, I better go look for Yeri then.” 
This is a goodbye and you’re unsure of what else to say to him, your disappointment mixes with alcohol making you feel even more miserable. You want to ask for more, but can’t find the words to reach him. Luckily, Jaehyun does it for you. 
“Are you free sometime this week?” He asks. “I feel like we didn’t get a chance to really talk and I’d like to.” 
Your heart hammers and the blood rushes in your ears, but you still find yourself uttering a mousy agreement.
“Great,” his smile is dazzling and you feel dizzy. “It’s a date then.”
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5. 24 Hours by Sunmi
rushed minutes. 
“Time goes by so quickly.”
“Hey,” a distant voice calls out and Jaehyun looks up from his phone to see your approaching figure. Your cheeks are rosy from the summer sun and stray pieces of your hair escape from your loosely styled updo. Jaehyun takes all of you in with careful appreciation.
“Hey yourself.” Jaehyun chuckles, slipping his phone casually in his pocket and standing up straighter to greet you properly.
Jaehyun sees the red of your face flush brighter, the soft color bleeding across your cheeks and onto your nose. Cute, he thinks. He watches as you tighten your grip on your clutch, knuckles white with nervous tension, in an attempt to gather your composure and calm your nerves. You clear your throat, “I didn’t know you’d be here so soon. You should’ve texted me.” 
“It’s all good, I finished early.” Jaehyun notices you no longer stutter around him like the first night you two met. He’s glad the days and nights of sober texting after exchanging numbers at the party did wonders to make you feel comfortable around him. He’s not too worried about your current ‘first-date’ anxiety, knowing it’ll be dispelled soon enough. “Shall we?” He moves to open the door and the cool rush of air from the cafe greets the two of you. 
The cafe is quaint and cozy, tucked away in a small corner of intersecting back streets and crowded buildings. Jaehyun discovered the little spot not too long ago and something, Jaehyun assumes his instincts, compelled him to take you to it for the first official date. It just felt right.
The two of you walk to the order counter and you take it all in. You can hear the quiet chatter of the cafe occupants mixed with the rattle of espresso machines being put to work. Your eyes scan over the decorations and several potted succulents hanging from the ceiling. It’s incredibly homey and you feel at ease. 
“Hiya, I can help the two of you whenever you guys are ready.” The barista is cheerful to a fault and Jaehyun watches you shoot her a grateful smile before your eyes move to the menu to decide on what to get. 
Jaehyun knows what he wants, so he waits patiently for you to decide, but seeing your eyebrows scrunch together in indecision, Jaehyun chuckles to himself. “I hear the iced lattes here are really good, particularly the caramel latte,” he offers. 
You perk up in surprise, but you recover quickly, “okay, that sounds good then. I was between that and the iced cocoa.”
“No problem, I’ll order then. Today’s on me.” Jaehyun says. 
Jaehyun walks up to the barista and quickly places the order. He reaches for his wallet after the barista recites the order, but he falters slightly when he sees your gaze glued to the cake display, particularly the crepe cake. 
“Can I get a slice of the chocolate crepe cake over there too?” 
“Of course! Here’s your new total,” she turns the touch screen display over to Jaehyun and he readily inserts his card to pay. When finished, Jaehyun turns back the screen and after a few taps from the barista, a receipt is printed and she hands him a buzzer. 
“Your order will be out shortly.” She informs him.
Jaehyun smiles and says a small ‘thank you’ in return before turning his attention to you. You look up to meet his eyes and you smile, “can we sit over there by the window?” 
You head to the little corner table first with Jaehyun steadily in tow. You sit at the chair that leaves your back to the window and Jaehyun is mesmerized by how the afternoon sunlight refracts through your silhouette. You’re glowing and Jaehyun swallows thickly. 
“So,” he starts. “What have you been up to?”
“Celebrating finishing my first year of college in one piece.” You laugh lightly. “I got by with passable grades, but other than that Yeri and I just finished moving into our new dorms. We’re no longer freshmen, so first year dorms are off limits. I’m gonna miss the convenient location.” You jokingly mope. 
Jaehyun laughs easily with you and before he gets a chance to reply, the buzzer goes off so he excuses himself to go pick up the order. 
A different barista places down a tray with your two drinks and a small slice of cheesecake with two dessert forks resting on some napkins. “Enjoy your order!” 
Jaehyun smiles in thanks and picks up the tray to bring it back to the table. He can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see the mille crepe cake and true to his expectations, your eyes light up at the sight of dessert. 
“Surprise.” He says. “I saw you looking at it earlier.” 
Jaehyun watches as you immediately grab a small fork and try a piece of the cake with unrestricted child-like excitement. Your eyes light up at the taste of the delicate layers of fresh whipped cream and thin crepes and the smile you shoot in his direction has Jaehyun’s heart beating a little faster than he’s willing to admit. 
“Thank you!” You look up at him. “It’s so good, you should definitely try a bite too.” 
“Yeah? I’ll try some then.” Jaehyun sits down and leans even closer to you over the table, his mouth open and expectant and his eyes staring straight into yours. 
You try your best to bite back the scarlet fighting to stain your cheeks as you cinch off a small section of the cake with your fork. Your hand falters just the slightest bit when delivering the small confection to his awaiting mouth, but you push through and feed him despite the embarrassment you feel. 
Jaehyun chews slowly and deliberately, taking his time to lick the stray whipped cream from the corner of his mouth. You lose the game of chicken, breaking eye contact first. 
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It’s good. We should definitely come back.” 
You let out a little awkward cough, desperate to ward off your cloud of emotions. “Uhm, yeah sure.”
Jaehyun has always thought you were cute, but he thinks you’re especially cute today. 
“Anyway,” you start. You want to change the topic because you don’t think you can survive this tension without your brain frying. “I feel like I’ve just seen you around recently. I should’ve run into you a long time ago since the performing arts college is so small.” 
“Oh,” Jaehyun is a little taken aback. “I used to be over at the East Campus. I was a business and administration major for two years before I switched over to musical theatre.”
“Wait really?” Your surprise erases any tension you felt earlier. “I had no idea.”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “It doesn’t really come up in conversation.” 
“Why’d you switch over? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
Jaehyun contemplates his reply for a second as takes a sip of his coffee. “Well, when I entered college, I didn’t really know what I wanted, so I just followed whatever my parents wanted me to do. I actually knew I liked musical theatre for the longest time, but it took time for me to build up the courage to switch. My parents weren’t happy with it at first and we fought for the longest time, but I think they’ve warmed up to it enough by now. I’ve never really talked about this though, I just tell people I transferred from a different college and the conversation just ends there I guess, but it’s really no big deal.”
“Thank you for telling me this, Jaehyun.” Your voice is sincere and Jaehyun believes you.
“What about you, hm?” Jaehyun returns. “Why CWP?” 
“I don’t really have one point that changed my life and helped me find my calling or whatever,” you ponder with a tilt of the head and the taste of cream dissolving in your mouth. “But ever since I was little, I always knew I was gonna end up doing something in music. I was never good at singing though, so vocal performance was out the door and I wasn’t that interested in classical instruments either, so that helped me narrow stuff down. Actually, what really helped me decide was during orientation, my group leader was a contemporary writing and production major and she told me all about it and I’ve been sold ever since. I really like it though, and have no intention of switching.”
“That’s good. Sometimes I wish I switched earlier.” Jaehyun muses. “I feel so behind sometimes. Most people in my class have already been in at least one musical and an internship, except for me. I think about it a lot, but I try not to let it get me so down.” 
“You shouldn’t feel that way!” You try your best to cheer him up, and Jaehyun appreciates it a lot more than he thought he would. “Everyone has their own pace, that’s what college is all about! Nothing is ever wasted time. You can think of your time as a business admin major as a way to help you make up your mind on your true passion. You told me you’ve always liked musical theatre, but I’ve bet without the time in business, you would’ve never known you liked it enough to pursue a career out of it.”
Jaehyun laughs at your earnesty. He thinks you’re a touch naive, but your words make him feel light. “You’re right. I can say for sure I wasn’t happy as a business major.”
“See? Nothing is ever wasted time if you can discover your true happiness out of it.” 
The two of you exchange easy chatter after that and between small bites of cake and sips of coffee, Jaehyun thinks you’ve become prettier and prettier.
“What was it like?” You ask absentmindedly.
“Hm? What was ‘what’ like?”
“Being a business and administration major.”
Jaehyun has to think about it. He recalls constantly dressing up for group presentations and boring lectures, but his mind wanders to his activities outside the classroom. He remembers the constant partying and the blur of faces that helped him keep his bed warm. He remembers brief flings and relationships cut short. He doesn’t want to think about those things when he’s next to you. “Uhm. It was okay, nothing special, but that reminds me–”
“Are you free next weekend?”
“I should be. Why, what’s up?”
“Great,” Jaehyun smiles while taking the last sip of his coffee. “I’m having a housewarming party at my new apartment. You should definitely be there.” 
The day of the long awaited housewarming party rolls up sooner than expected between settling into your new dorm with Yeri and the occasional small ‘get-togethers’ with Jaehyun. They’re actually dates if you're being honest, but you don’t want to put a title on anything in case he wasn’t on the same page as you. Being with Jaehyun made you giddy in more ways than one, but that means the anxiety that pools at the base of your stomach grows larger each day when the relationship between the two of you goes unnamed. You feel greedy when you desperately grasp at the shred of time you share with him, always unwillingly to let go.
“Are you ready?” Yeri’s voice breaks you out of your small reverie. Her hand is poised, ready to knock on the black door of Jaehyun’s apartment, waiting for you to gather your composure. Yeri is dressed to the nines in a cute skirt with a top to match. She wants to look good for her new boyfriend and you teased her endlessly for it when the two of you were getting ready.
“Mark’s one lucky guy.”
“Shut up. Worry about yourself.”
“All I do is love you, yet you’re so mean to me.”
Regardless of her harsh words toward you, she helped you toss your closet inside and out for the perfect outfit to woo Jaehyun, even if it meant showing up late to the party. 
The two of you leave your dorm twenty minutes later than you intended and it also didn’t help that Jaehyun’s apartment was difficult to find, tucked away in a small building between towering skyscrapers, but now is finally the moment of truth. 
“Yeah, I’m ready as I’ll ever be,” you mutter as you watch Yeri knock on the door. 
It takes a minute before the door creaks open and Jaehyun’s head pops out. His smile is radiant and you’re absolutely ensnared by the way his fringe falls over his forehead. 
“Hey, glad you two could make it.” Jaehyun opens the door wider to allow you and Yeri to enter. He greets Yeri with polite warmth while he wraps an arm over your shoulders. When Yeri heads in the apartment first with her back against the two of you, Jaehyun steals a quick peck to your temple and whispers, “you look pretty tonight.”
His touch is fleeting and he pulls back quickly, as if you imagined the whole thing, but his cheeky smile tells you that it really did happen. Your heart hammers and you force yourself to focus on the steady thrum of mellow R&B that reverberates throughout his apartment to calm yourself. You take his apartment in steady strides with your full attention. It’s sleek and modern with a few pops of his personality here and there in the form of trinkets decoration choices. 
“Hey!” Johnny calls over from the couch. He has a beer in hand, but he’s far from tipsy. Flanked on one side is Doyoung with another beer to match and on the other is Sicheng. Seulgi, the girl, who you assume is Sicheng’s significant other, by the way his arm is casually wrapped around her waist, is also there and she nods at you in greeting. You've come to know about all of them after hanging out with Jaehyun so much. “Did you guys get lost or something?” 
“Yeah,” Yeri replies as she moves to sit next to Mark who’s on the adjacent loveseat and resting a drink on the coffee table.  “Something like that.”  
She places a sweet kiss to the corner of Mark’s mouth in greeting and you swear you can hear him crooning at the attention. 
“Doesn’t matter, Johnny. The important thing is that they’re here now.” Jaehyun interjects. “Do you guys want anything to drink?”
“That’d be nice.” You hum.
Yeri laughs in agreement, “yeah, the two of us could never say no to a drink.”
“Alright, I’m on it.” Jaehyun calls while moving to the kitchen. “Any preferences?”
“No,” you say. “Surprise us.”
Jaehyun works to mix drinks and you take a seat on the floor next to the coffee table to observe the party. Perched on the shelf of a slender bookcase in the corner of his living room is a bluetooth speaker playing music, the rhythm quiet and bass steady as everyone chatters away once introductions are made on the sofas. You remember him offhandedly mentioning that he doesn’t want any noise complaints on his first week in the new place and it makes sense. Jaehyun’s housewarming party is a quiet affair that is far different from the wild party at the frat house in which you met him, but you think this vibe fits Jaehyun more.
Jaehyun returns shortly with two drinks in tow for you and Yeri and sits himself snugly next to you on the floor. He picks his idle beer from the coffee table and once Johnny realizes that everyone in the proximity has a drink in hand, he raises his voice and beer in a toast. “It sucks that Taeyong couldn’t make it tonight, but here’s to having fun without him. We’re gonna get twice as fucked up to make up for his absence, cheers!”
Everyone lets out a chuckle, but obliges to humor him anyway and joins to connect their drink to his in cheers. 
You pull your cup back and take a big gulp of the drink. It’s sweet and carbonated, but the sting of alcohol at your throat leaves you wincing just the slightest bit.
A few pleasantries are exchanged here and there, but it’s only then does Doyoung pull out a deck of cards with a devilish glint in his eyes that deceive his looks. 
“Ring of fire, anyone?”
After who knows how many rounds of ring of fire (and maybe a few other drinking games here and there) with too many drink refills for you to remember, you somehow find yourself splayed on the couch and leaning over Yeri’s shoulder in support. Seulgi is on the other side of you leaning on you for support, the same way you’re doing to Yeri, but you don’t mind it one bit. The three of you have grown surprisingly close with one another throughout the night.
Your mind is lucid enough to still be conscious and completely aware of where you are and what you’re doing, but the alcohol in your system eats away at the details in your memory. 
You vaguely recall ridiculous punishments that involved Johnny twerking on the dining room table and Mark taking a shot of Jack Daniels mixed with ketchup, and you can’t help but snicker to yourself. 
“I think we should get going now.” Sicheng is the first to speak as he moves to help Seulgi up. “It’s getting late.”
Doyoung looks a little groggy, but when he checks the time, he perks up immediately, “oh shit, you’re right. I need to get going too, I’ve got something in the morning.”
With that everyone shuffles to clean the remnants of the party with as much grace as they can muster while intoxicated, which wasn’t much, but in twenty minutes, Jaehyun is already walking half the party to the door in goodbye. Only you, Mark, and Yeri are left. 
“Hey Yeri,” Mark calls softly to Yeri as he brushes a strand of hair from her face. “Are you ready to go too?”
Yeri is still sprawled on the couch with you, but mumbles a small response. “Yeah, I should be. Give me a second.”
She turns over to you and nudges you just the slightest bit. “I’m gonna go back to Mark’s tonight, are you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” you assure her. “I’ll be fine, just go have fun.”
“She’s free to rest here until she’s ready to leave, don’t worry. I’ll call a cab for her when the time comes.” Jaehyun pipes up. 
Yeri gives you a look, but you squeeze her hand one last time to give her some peace of mind. “I’m a big girl, Yeri. I’ll be okay, promise. I’ll walk you to the door, Mark’s waiting.”
You give Yeri a tight hug in goodbye and you find your way back to the couch. The fact that you’re all alone in Jaehyun’s apartment doesn’t hit because of the remnants of alcohol in your system melts away your nerves. 
You’re pleasantly buzzed, lost in your own thoughts when Jaehyun comes up to you with a glass of water in hand. “Here, so you don’t feel as bad tomorrow morning.”
You accept it gratefully and take in big gulps, the water refreshing, but your skin feels hot. 
Jaehyun takes a seat next to you and the proximity makes your head spin. You turn to look at him, and he flashes you a smile.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”
“You might’ve mentioned something.” You tease. “But I don’t mind hearing it again.”
“Well,” he hums. You’re not sure, but you think the distance between the two of you is decreasing. “You really do look stunning tonight.”
You flush at his words, but you look straight into his eyes. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“Yeah? I try to impress.” Jaehyun’s eyes are hooded and your throat goes dry. “Can I kiss you?”
You say nothing at first, his words not registering into your muddled brain, but when you feel his breath ghost over your lips, you don’t hesitate to close the gap between you. 
His lips are slightly chapped and you can taste the vodka on his breath, but to you it’s perfect. Jaehyun’s perfect.
Jaehyun kisses you with reserved passion and practiced expertise. His tongue sets the rhythm against yours and his roaming hands have you feeling as if you’ve been set ablaze. He pulls back just the tiniest bit and the intense longing for his touch that hits you is indescribable. 
You pull him back in your arms and your lips reconnect in a desperate fervor. Jaehyun adjusts his arms around you and the next you know, you’re in his embrace and he’s carrying you to his bedroom. He places you down gently, his bed is plush and comforter soft. 
Jaehyun’s touch is gentle as he gathers your face in his hands. He kisses you again and you wrap your arm around his neck to pull him closer. He pulls back and looks at you earnestly. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We don’t have to do anything tonight.”
Everything’s moving so fast and you’re dizzy, but you don’t want whatever this is to stop. You want to be as close to Jaehyun as possible.
“No,” your voice is hoarse. “Don’t stop. I want you, Jaehyun.”
He kisses you again, this time unrestrained. His tongue is hot, but you can only savor it for a minute before he starts trailing kisses down your neck and tugging at your shirt. You let out a breathy moan in response to how his touches make you feel. 
Jaehyun reaches at your shorts and makes quick work at unbuttoning them. You help him remove the article of clothing and his slender fingers dart inside your panties. You’re slick to the touch and Jaehyun must be made of magic because you think you’re seeing stars. You unravel before him embarrassingly quick, but he kisses you at the base of your clavicle in sweet reassurance. 
Your chest is heaving, but you want more. You grab at Jaehyun’s shirt, urging him to take it off. The expanse of his abdomen is a sight to behold, but Jaehyun is cruel and doesn’t give you the time to take it in. He’s on top of you again, lips crashing onto yours once more. He reaches behind you to unclasp your bra and while he’s pre-occupied, you unbuckle his belt and steal a moment in his boxers. He feels thick and hot in your hands as you run your finger over the tip to feel a drop of pre-cum. He buckles just the slightest bit and it emboldens you. 
Jaehyun helps himself out of his jeans and you push him onto the bed wanting to be on top this time. He’s straining against his boxers and you want to help relieve the tension. When you pull off his boxers you can feel his inaudible groan. You stroke his length gingerly and look up to see him with hooded eyes look right back at you. 
This excites you so you take him in your mouth in a moment of unfiltered courage. Your tongue starts at the base before tracing your way up to his sensitive head. You tease him accordingly to his quiet grunts and groans and when you feel like he’s had enough, you take all of him in until his tip is hitting the back of your throat. You gag a bit, but push through.
“Fuck,” Jaehyun stutters out between stacatoed breaths. “Babe, you’re so good.”
You hum in pleasure at his praise and he grabs your hair. This goes on for a few more minutes before he reaches down to stop you. “Not that I don’t love this,” the look in your eyes nearly has him faltering his words, “but I don’t want to cum just yet.”
You relent with a slick pop and Jaehyun shifts over to rummage for a condom in his nightstand. You settle back down in his pillows. Jaehyun gives you a soft kiss on the lips before he enters you. 
“Tell me when it’s okay to move,” he whispers and you place a small kiss at the base of his neck. 
He starts off slow to let you acclimate to his size, but neither of you are very patient, so he ends up pounding into you a lot sooner than he anticipated and you find yourself getting caught up in the pleasure.
It feels like you’re dreaming, but if this was a dream, you never want to wake up.
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6. Hush by Miss A
shh, no talking, just us.
“I can’t think straight.”
You and Jaehyun don’t become official until a few weeks later. 
He asks you one day when you’re naked and out of breath. You’ve gone one too many rounds with him and a thin layer of sweat coats your body as you lay on his heaving chest. You absentmindedly draw shapes on his skin and he gives you a chaste kiss to your temple.
“We should date.” He hums. “I think I’d make a good boyfriend.”
“Yeah?” You raise your eyebrow in teasing.
“Yeah,” he ascertains. “Give me a chance and I’ll show you.”  
“Hmm,” you pretend to think it over as if this wasn’t you’ve been hoping for since the first moment you laid eyes on him. “Okay. Let’s give it a try, boyfriend.”
Jaehyun laughs and you feel the world fall into its right place. “Alright, girlfriend.”
And the rest is history as they say. 
Jaehyun isn’t your first, but you experience many firsts with him. You’re not exactly inexperienced, but he really opens your eyes.
“Fuck,” he groans into your neck. His hands grip at your hips to help guide you along, but you’re fully in charge. “You’re doing so good, babe. Just like that.” 
You didn’t see yourself as someone who liked to take charge during sex, but after that one time Jaehyun asked you to top, you’ve never looked back since. 
You roll hips into him and at a pace you know drives Jaehyun wild and you pull him into a sloppy kiss. It’s all tongue and no grace, but you love it the same regardless. You capture his bottom lips between your teeth playfully before pushing him flat on his back until he’s firm against his plush mattress. You place a hand on his chest and the other on his thigh to balance yourself and Jaehyun immediately knows you’re close. 
A hand rests on your hip to steady you while the other snakes over to play with your clit to further stimulate you toward your climax. Jaehyun knows what you like and his timing is impeccable, so before you know it, both of you are reaching your highs together. You collapse on his chest and you allow yourself to stay in his warmth long enough to have your breaths synchronize before you extricate yourself from him to head to his bathroom. 
When you come back out, he’s disposed of the used condom and opens your arm wide for a hug, which you gladly indulge in.
Time stops when you’re in his arms.
On the surface, it looks like Jaehyun likes to mix it up. He seems like  an elusive guy with varied tastes, but the more time you spend with him, you realize he likes the control of seeing you unravel before him.
He likes the intimacy of missionary. 
The close proximity to your body has him looking into your eyes and leaving you feeling the most vulnerable of ways. He has full access to your neck, which he lovingly claims as his own and you chide him the next day when you see scattered purple blooms. Jaehyun changes his pace on a whim and you fall to his mercy. When he takes you fast and hard, you see stars, but when thrusts in you with languid leisure, he has you begging for more. 
He likes the intensity of taking from behind. 
When you’re on your knees with your ass in the air, he takes it as a guarantee to fuck you senseless. Your muffled moans makes his dick twitch and you swear you can feel him fuck into you even faster. Jaehyun always makes sure to wrap his arms around you to finger your clit until you go into sensory overload and he doesn’t stop pounding into you until there are tears in your eyes. He kisses each one away before taking your lips in his and you can taste the salt water on his tongue.
He likes the dominance from eating you out.
He laps at your core like a starved man and makes good use of his adept fingers until your head is spinning. Jaehyun makes it a habit to eat you out until you’re satisfied before he gets his turn. When your thighs are on either side of his head and your hands tangled in his hair, he swears he can stay there forever.
Above all, Jaehyun just likes you. He likes being with you and he definitely likes fucking you and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Mmmh,” you breathe out.
Your back is flush against Jaehyun’s back as you rock your hips back and forth on his dick. You grind your ass back even harder when he pinches your nipple between his fingers. 
He kisses your shoulder blade from behind and bucks his hip upward to meet you in the middle. 
The afternoon sunlight is streaming in from the gaps of his blinds and you want to take it nice and slow today. The television in front of you is playing a movie, but you’re too enraptured by the feeling of him filling you to the brim to pay it any mind. 
“I love it when you’re on top, babe.” he hums as he plays with your clit. 
You let out another breathy groan before you can find the composure to bite back at him. “What happened to no sex today, hmm? I thought we were just going to have innocent quality time together and watch a movie.”
Jaehyun must’ve not liked your sass, so he bucks up harder. He’s telling you to pick up the pace and you oblige. Before you know, you’re practically bouncing on his dick and you can feel your impending high about to crash down on you. He can sense it too and maintains his tempo. When you cum, Jaehyun rides on the tail of your climax in pursuit of his own. He cums shortly after with stuttering hips and a bite on your shoulder. He gathers you in his arms and runs his tongue soothingly over where he bit you and the various love bites that he’s littered on the expanse of your skin. 
“Just being with you is quality time in itself.” He says. “Besides, class is starting soon, so I won’t get to see you as much.”
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7. Disturbance by BoA
a ripple on the surface.
“I didn’t know at first.”
“So I do have a roommate after all,” Yeri’s voice calls out and you turn over to see her standing by the doorway. You roll your eyes at her, but quickly turn back to gather your things. 
She lets out a chuckle, but you don’t miss the sour edge to her tone. “I thought I got a single dorm since it’s so empty all the time.”
“You say that, Yeri,” you retort. “But I know you’re over at Mark’s constantly so I don’t wanna hear it from you.”
“Yeah, but I make time to come back here and I always let you know when I’m going out. I feel like I’ve only seen you maybe once or twice the past few months. I feel like the only reason I see you these days is ‘cause of classes.”
“You’re just exaggerating, don’t be so dramatic. Come on, let’s go. I don’t want to be late.”
She looks displeased, but nothing leaves her lips as the two of you head out for the day.
It’s late. 
When night falls, shadows come out to play and your college campus is riddled with them. The school auditorium is situated in the far corner of the campus and the lamp lights of the main walkways do little, but you pay it little mind. Jaehyun should be getting out soon.
It takes another ten minutes to see him emerge from the double doors and you perk up immediately at the sight of him. He looks a little shocked to see you, but greets you with a warm hug and small peck regardless. 
“Hey,” his voice is small, almost reserved. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you I was finishing late tonight.”
“Oh, you did, but I still wanted to see you.” You explain, eyes bright and tone undeterred.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it,” he licks his lip. “But it’s really late and I still have more stuff I need to work on. I’ll see you some other time, okay?”
“Oh, okay.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, babe. Next time.”
“Oh hey,” you smile, but Yeri’s fury is palpable and cuts through you.
“Don’t ‘oh hey’ me.” She spits out. “Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
Sheepish, you reply, “oh sorry. I forgot to fully charge it before leaving and Jaehyun and I have different phones, so I couldn’t charge it at his place.”
“You were at Jaehyun’s?” Yeri is glaring at you at this point and you feel a bit peeved. 
“Yeah. What of it?” 
Yeri’s been getting angry at you recently, losing her temper at the drop of a hat, and you can’t seem to pinpoint why. You’re getting tired of being her punching bag. 
“We made plans to go shop for Seulgi’s gift today. You promised you’d be there, don’t you remember?”
“Oh shit.” It completely slips from your mind and you open your mouth to apologize, but Yeri cuts you off before you get the chance.
“Forget it. I don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Yeri turns to leave before you can say anything back.
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8. Symptoms by SHINee
something’s wrong.
“The worse it gets, the more exhausted I get.”
Jaehyun feels off.
He can’t pinpoint exactly what he is that he’s feeling, but he thinks it’s reminiscent of his world being tilted by six degrees. It’s not immediately jarring and takes little time for his eyes to register, but he’ll occasionally bump his toe, signalling that this isn’t right. Things aren’t where they’re supposed to be. His head spins just the slightest bit and he feels woozy, but he doesn’t know why.
Jaehyun just feels off.
Jaehyun checks the bulletin board of his school auditorium almost religiously. 
Each time before and after class, he’ll swing by and peruse the flyers that hang from haphazardly stuck on pins. He ignores the tutoring offers and the part time jobs scams, his main focus is almost always on the center of the board where they post the upcoming musical theatre production and eventually, the cast list. 
This semester, the chosen production is La La Land and Jaehyun has been dead set on landing the role of Sebastian Wilder. He stays back extra late each day to practice the script and to work on his singing and annunciation. 
On the day of the audition, he’s sure he’s nailed it and thinks to himself the world must be ending if he weren’t to get the leading role. 
When he leaves the auditorium in a rush, excitement flows through his veins and he drinks in the night air as a toast of victory. He’s tipsy on his excitement and wants to laugh out loud, but in the corner of his vision, he sees you. Your eyes light up the sight up, outshining the moon and the stars, but your visage does not elicit the reaction he thinks it should. He expects his heart to swell and burst, but somehow he feels heavy. 
He pulls you in for a hug and a quick kiss to quell his weighted heart, but he thinks he’s starting to sink so he calls you off for the night. He’ll see you next time. 
Yeah, next time will be better.
You’re snuggled up close and personal on Jaehyun’s chest. Jaehyun notices you fill every nook and cranny of his being perfectly to a tee, and yet that feeling. It’s there again. 
Jaehyun feels off. 
You laugh at something one of the characters say and you cuddle harder into him. He feels heavy again and it makes his throat itch, so he swoops down and captures your lips.
It’s hard and fast to scrub away at his uneasiness and before he knows it, his clothes are missing, but so are yours. The foreplay is brief and almost impersonal, but he doesn’t care. He just needs to be inside you. 
When Jaehyun has you begging and writhing, he feels like the world is where it should be. No longer is he living at a slight angle when he’s buried to the hilt inside your warmth, so when he sees you, he does what he can to get you out of your pants. 
Today is no different from any other. 
After a satisfying session you roll on his chest. Your kiss is soft and sweet despite the sweat that covers both of your bodies. He hums quietly as he taps melodies on along your exposed spine.
“I think I love you.”
Ah. Jaehyun thinks he’s getting it now, why he’s feeling off.
Jaehyun thinks he’s being suffocated.
To the surprise of no one, and especially not to him, Jaehyun gets the leading role of Sebastian Wilder in La La Land. He was a shoe-in for it anyway and he made sure to put in the work to get it. 
His leading lady is someone by the name of Park Sooyoung, but at the first rehearsal she introduces herself as Joy.
“It’s nice to meet you.” She offers her hand out in a friendly greeting. “Here’s to a successful show together, Jaehyun.”
Her smile is blinding and he thinks Joy is a fitting name. He grasps her outstretched hand, grip firm and sure. 
“Yeah,” he smiles back. “Here’s to a good show together.”
Rehearsals span over blurred minutes and long hours. 
Jaehyun sees less and less of you and spends more and more time with her. 
During a quick water break, he scans his phone briefly to see a text notification from you. He takes another swig of water and returns to the rehearsal.
It’s okay, he can always text you back later.
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9. Before U Go - TVXQ!
letting go.
“I will leave now.”
“Come on!” You tug both Mark and Yeri along excitedly. “I want to get good seats.”
Yeri rolls her eyes, but obliges anyway, pulling Mark along. It’s opening night for Jaehyun’s big musical and you wanted to be there no matter what to support him. Johnny, Doyoung, Taeyong, Sicheng, and Seulgi are already inside waiting and you’re not sure if they were able to save the three of you a spot. 
After a long chat with Yeri, you apologized profusely to her. You did get blinded by your relationship with him and prioritized him over everything, forgetting your friends and other responsibilities in the process. Yeri forgave you easily and helped keep you in line when you went to head over heels for Jaehyun. 
However, after patching things up with Yeri, you begin to notice a shift in your relationship with Jaehyun’s. You’re not quite sure how to describe it, but it almost feels like a distance almost. 
You chalk it up to his busy rehearsal schedule and choose not to dwell on the topic, in fears of your wandering imagination. It should be fine. After his musical is over, he’ll be less busy and things will fall back into place. 
“Over here!” Seulgi waves over excitedly. 
The auditorium is starting to fill up and you want to get comfortable before the show starts. 
Everyone greets each other in hushed tones and soon enough, the show starts. 
Right. Everything will be fine.
Jaehyun does amazing. 
Your eyes are trained on him the whole time and his singing has goosebumps pricking your skin. You can see the passion pour through him every time he’s on stage and you couldn’t be more proud. 
A nagging feeling at the pit of your stomach points out the undeniable chemistry between him and his co-star, but you push it deep down and suppress it. 
They’re actors, and they’re good at what they do. 
Yeah. They’re just acting. Yeah. Acting.
When the curtains close, you’re the first to shoot out of your seat, eager to meet him backstage. You weave through the endless crowd of people, murmuring your ‘sorry’s’ and ‘excuse me’s’ as you pass by. You reach the base of the backstage and shoot a message to let him know you’re waiting. You hum to yourself when you happen to overhear a conversation playing out. 
“You did so good, Jae.” 
“No, you definitely carried the show.” 
You turn up and you see them. Her eyes are almost soft and loving as she pulls your boyfriend in for a hug. They linger in the embrace longer than necessary and you clear your throat to catch his attention. 
He jolts just the slightest bit when he sees you and immediately lets her go. 
“Everyone’s waiting,” you say quietly. 
“Okay,” he nods. “Let me go get my stuff in the back.”
Jaehyun leaves the two of you alone and you wait for him to get back. 
When you leave, he waves goodbye to her and she smiles back.
Jaehyun’s celebration party is rowdy, but it’s to be expected when Johnny is the one hosting. 
He books a table at the local club and even orders bottle service. The eight of you work your way through two whole bottles of tequila and are already on your third. Jaehyun is downing the shots at a quicker pace than usual and you’re a bit concerned, but you’re unable to say anything because when you try, he whisks himself away to the dance floor and strikes up a conversation with someone else. 
You’re perturbed, but you say nothing. This is his celebration night and he can choose to enjoy it how he wishes. 
By the end of the night, Jaehyun is noticeably drunk and you haul him outside to get a breath of fresh air in hopes of sobering up. He’s heavy, but you make it out the side door. You prop him up on your side as you lean on the grimy brick walls. 
Months have passed and the weather is chilly. 
Jaehyun’s body sways and he murmurs something in your ear. You don’t catch it the first time, the overwhelming smell of tequila overtaking your senses. 
“What was that?”
He grumbles beneath his breath, steps staggering once more. He tries again, this time his words are crisp and clear and they cut into you in more ways than one. 
“I think we should end it.”
For someone so drunk, he sounds so sober.
You’re at a loss for words. A part of you knew this was coming from his lack of enthusiasm around you and his decreased texts. Even the cold night air couldn’t keep your heartbreak at bay. You say nothing, but you understand the both of you knew it was a silent agreement.
You breathe out wisps of chilled air as Jaehyun’s inebriated body stays slumped over on your side. 
You volunteer to take Jaehyun home.
You tuck him gently in bed making sure to prop him on his side in case he vomits during the night. You pour a glass of water and place an ibuprofen on his nightstand drawer for him in the morning. 
You kiss him on the forehead one last time. You hope it conveys all of the things brewing in your heart at the moment, but you know it doesn’t. 
Later, you leave his apartment with all of your belongings that you ever left there with the stars as your witness. 
You never return to his place again.
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10. Coffee Shop by B.A.P
what could’ve been.
“So without knowing, like a habit, I came here.”
Jaehyun wakes up to an empty bed.
Morning sunlight streams through his blinds and burns at his skin as a sign to get ready for the day. He blinks the drowsiness from his system and stretches his weary joints before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. 
On his rare day offs, he allows his body to go on auto-pilot. He completely shuts his brain off and allows it to do whatever it chooses.
Today, it takes him back to the cafe. 
His body knows where it’s going before it registers in his mind. 
The barista manning the order counter is different, but the decorations are the same, still the same succulents hanging from the ceilings. He mulls over the menu and goes up to order.
“Can I get an iced caramel latte?” Jaehyun doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but he’s feeling nostalgic today. 
“Of course! Here’s your total.” 
He pays with a swipe of his card and the barista goes to work making his drink. He waits around by the counter and soon enough, his drink is ready. That particular table is empty, so he grabs a chair to sit. His first sip is overly saccharine, but he appreciates how the flavor mellows out by the end of it. 
It’s been nearly a year since that night. 
Jaehyun remembers waking up to a splitting headache and a dry mouth. He thought nothing of the prepared setup as he gulps the ibuprofen and the glass of water in one go. Nothing seemed amiss really until a few days later. 
No one mentioned your name around him and he caught Seulgi giving him a look every now and then. Mark didn’t say much either, but Jaehyun felt him drifting away.
He thought he’d feel a lot more, but he didn’t. One day you were a part of his life and then the next day you weren’t. It really was that simple.
He kept in contact with Joy even after La La Land was over and maybe they were something more, but it didn’t last longer than a few weeks. 
It didn’t feel right when he was with her. Again, something felt off, but a different kind of off.
Joy was the one to end things with him, but he didn’t mind too much. 
He filled his days with study and practice and it wasn’t until he landed a job at his local theatre company that he realized.
It was you. It was always you and perhaps it still is you. 
Maybe you were different. Maybe you were the one, but Jaehyun didn’t try.
He recalls feeling smothered. You were always there at the beginning, but he took that for granted. 
There are a lot of things he regrets, but above all, he regrets not talking with you. He regrets not trying to work on it. He regrets being a coward and running away at the first signs of true emotions. 
You weren’t perfect, but neither was he, but he should’ve stayed so the both of you could work it out together. Jaehyun always did take too long to find the courage to pursue what he wanted.
With a final sip, he finishes the drink and moves to throw it away. Then, he sees you. Here, in the flesh, in almost a year. 
Your hair is longer, but your cheeks are still as rosy as ever. You walk up to order and Jaehyun thinks it’s a sign. He moves to greet you, but the doors open again and in walk Yeri and Seulgi. He watches you greet them warmly with wide open arms. 
You always did give the best hugs.
Jaehyun watches the three of you chatter away and he feels acutely out of place in the little cafe. You look happy and he should move on. 
He throws his finished cup in the trash can and moves to exit through the side door, but he moves too slowly.
“Jaehyun, is that you?” You call out. He looks into your steady gaze and almost feels shy. 
“Yeah,” he’s quiet. “It’s been awhile.”
“It has,” you agree. “You look well.”
The smile you give him has him believing in second chances and maybe he’ll get it right this time.
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Note: i am so sorry that the second part is a hot mess express smh… there were a lot of things i planned and intended that didn’t happen, but i’ll just take this as a learning experience and write and better story next time. thanks for taking the time to read this !! <3
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warmau · 3 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au jungwoo another late birthday au....but happy snoopy day <3 find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil | taeyong | mark | jaemin | yangyang | yuta | sicheng | chenle | kun | yukhei | doyoung | jaehyun
"congratulations and welcome to the team!"
the overly peppy voice that comes out of the body of the middle-aged man somehow doesn't match the soulless look in his eyes
he hands you a whistle and a t-shirt, which when you unfold greets you with the name of the water park you've been cursed to work at all summer
the font is big and bubbly and very, very, very yellow - it's almost nauseating
you turn the shirt around and on the back, in that same childish font, is the word staff
"jungwoo, glad to see you here again!"
you turn your head to see the man, who is your shift manager, patting a rather thin and tall looking boy on the back
he makes a gagging noise which the manager just laughs heartily at before dropping the same shirt and whistle in jungwoo's palm
"hey wait - which ride am i on this year?"
"um let me see - you're on ........ ah, the log flume with the new employee."
you motion to yourself because it seems like you're the only new face at the orientation
everyone else has cliqued up and is already mumbling about how much this is going to suck with each other
jungwoo slinks over and throws the shirt over his shoulder
"log flume kinda sucks, just so you know."
"really? i can't imagine getting sprayed by residual dirty water isn't a thrilling experience - especially when it happens a hundred times a day."
there's a pause and then a large grin forms of jungwoo's features
"oh - i like you."
you affirm the notion with a little bit of a prideful shrug and smile yourself
good, i think i like you too.
of course - when you and jungwoo first exchange these sentiments, it's nothing more than an employee-to-employee relationship
jungwoo has a sense of humor that either tends to fly over peoples heads or offend them (sometimes both)
but you catch on quickly and sometimes even beat him in a game of his own wits
during an opening shift where you two are testing the ride and cleaning up the waiting area, jungwoo confides that when he was in middle school someone had pointed out that he's "eccentric"
you scrunch your nose up as you tie a knot around the garbage bag in your hand
"eccentric is a polite way of saying fucking weird, you know that right jungwoo?"
"do you think im 'fucking weird' then?"
he does a pose and you shake your head with a little laugh
"no i think you're just....you."
he relaxes his limbs and tilts his head to the side, without a verbal answer you somehow sense that that was the one thing jungwoo really wanted to hear
working the log flume though - is as hellish as expected
most of your days are spent standing in those hot, cheap plastic ponchos and waving at families with screaming children or rowdy teenagers who barely fit in the ride with their bony knees
despite your efforts to keep dry, you and jungwoo always end up soaked
he's forgetful and clumsy so half the time you have to share the towel you bring with him, not to mention your lunch gets gobbled up by him too
you ask at some point why jungwoo just doesn't bring his own stuff - you are not a one-stop 7/11 shop
he laughs and takes a bite into the huge soft pretzel sold in the water park
"why should i bring anything, you've always got everything we need!"
a pang like the toll of a bell vibrates through the cavity of your chest
we - what about "we", there's no "we", there's just......."friends"
a sour taste in your mouth accompanies the thought and so you push it to the back of your mind
"still - at least start bringing your own change of clothes, you're too tall for any of my shirts."
"crop-tops are in though!"
you stare down at the switchboard that operates the log flume - the buttons with scraping labels, the emergency stop button, the little cubbies below where people leave their phones
the park is closing in thirty minutes and jungwoo has scampered off to hand in your ticket collection to the manager
the summer evening is hovering between the last beams of light and suddenly - alone at the top of the ride - something shifts
you unfile the thought you had before, the idea of what 'we' means to you and jungwoo
and you come to a daunting realization that, after only a couple of weeks of laughter and grueling minimum wage work, the statement "i think i like you too" is starting to take a new shape in your heart
"hey - did you drown up there?"
you lean over the side and see jungwoo below waving
even with the distance the essence of his warm shine floats up and tickles at your cheeks.
you swat it away, but it doesn't work.
"no - the log flume ghost caught me, i can't come down."
you joke back and he salutes
"wait there, i will come save you - i have fought that ghost once before!"
he's joking, but something flutters its wings when you hear him rush up the steps with all the seriousness of coming to get you. to save you.
when he reaches you - you mask the weird flush climbing up your spine - and pretend to be flailing
jungwoo gives you a kindergarten laugh as he joins in on the fun - a fake punch to the face of a fake ghost
he grabs you around the waist and tugs you toward him, and inches from his face, you see something behind the childish glint in the brown of his eyes.
he's so handsome.
"saved you! let's get out of here or the manager will accuse us of trying to sneak in overtime."
the weight of his hands on you is only described as comforting, easy. so very easy.
so even when he lets go and you are trailing behind him and the rest of the park employees after closing you miss it, you miss the touch of a friend who is becoming a lot more than just that.
"jungwoo's being switched to the lazy river starting today, that place is such a cease pool of idiocy that i need more coverage on it."
a groan escapes jungwoo before you can even process what the manager is saying
"what? but i hate that place most of all - do you know how many random dads get into fights on that thing?"
"am i going to be on log flume alone?"
your voice is way calmer than you expect it to be and the manager makes a passive motion with his hand, "yep - and i trust you'll handle it fine."
jungwoo's look is apologetic and slightly bitter, you reach out to give him a pat on the shoulder, but your palm hovers above the fabric of his shirt before pulling embarrassingly back to your side
either he doesn't notice or he chooses not to say anything because jungwoo turns and trudges over to the other three people assigned to the river
without jungwoo, the weird gnawing feeling of a summer crush only gets stronger, because now that he's not glued to your side
you miss him so terribly it almost makes you feel sick
coupled with the boredom of being alone the entire day with strangers seems to just worsen the symptoms
a week into the switch, you make the choice to visit jungwoo on your lunch break
you arrive just in time to see the aftermath of one of those dad fights he had mentioned
jungwoo is waist-deep in the water with two of those inflatable tubes on either side. he looks like he's negotiating a war truce between two disgruntled generals and he hands the tubes back as the men disperse to their respective families with scowls on their faces
jungwoo is also not wearing a shirt
"lazy river is much more hands-on then log flume"
the line of his back is lean and there are some healing bruises under his ribs which you can only assume are from his rather clumsy nature, the other thought of what could have caused them makes your head spin
"hey - i see you're literally in the trenches"
jungwoo turns and runs a hand through his wet bangs to get a better look at you. the action shouldn't make your knees feel like jelly.
"i hate this place, come over here and dunk my head underwater please."
you squat down near the edge and jungwoo wades closer to you
you place a brown paper bag beside you and motion to it
"im assuming you still aren't bringing your own lunches and are surviving off scraps from everyone else?"
he grins, "you know me so well"
i know i do - you think to say, but keep the words in your throat - i know i do, which is weird because we've been friends for a little over a month.
"hows log flume?"
"boring without you."
jungwoo whistles and you catch the way the sun makes every little drop of water on him glisten
"ill stop by on my break since you stopped by on yours"
a second of comfortable silence passes and jungwoo jumps up and out of the river with an ease
he grabs the lunch you've brought and is about to say something when a whistle from the other side of the river catches your attentions
"ugh this place is supposed to be lazy."
he complains and before he turns to the direction of the sound, he touches your cheek with the slightly wet palm of his hand
"thanks for lunch, see you later."
the gesture haunts you.
you even ask someone in the line for log flume what it means and she gives you a side glare that can only be conjured by a specific breed of mom.
you try to google it, but nearly drop your phone into the water.
jungwoo doesn't come by that day - he actually only manages to visit you the next day.
he shows up in his trunks, no shirt, and the towel he never gave back to you after he borrowed it over his shoulder
"sorry, do you know how many kids get food poisoning and decide the riv-"
you put up a hand to stop him from divulging details and jungwoo leans against the post that controls the ride as you wave off the next bunch of people
you feel him watch you before he joins you and helps start lowering the bar for the next log that splashes its way into the starting point
as you two go through the rows with practiced repetition
you meet in the middle
your hands both reach out to touch the bar, bringing it down over the laps of two young-looking middle schoolers who are pretending not to be holding hands
one of them giggles as you and jungwoo's fingers brush
the slight pass of skin on skin feels like a burst of electricity
stepping back to wave the group off - jungwoo slips in beside you and asks with a kind of strained sarcasm
"who takes their date on the log flume?"
"i think it's cute."
jungwoo doesn't miss a beat and that's what nearly knocks you backwards
"wanna go with me on our day off?"
jungwoo asks you on a date.
that you're sure off. but why - that's the part that does not click for you.
so is it a friend thing - are the 'we' on this 'date' just two friends running around the water park they work at with the freedom of having to not do their jobs? are the 'we' on this 'date' something completely different?
the nervousness makes you jump when jungwoo meets up with you at the bust stop and he doesn't look or feel any different than usual
you start to accept that your first thought is correct - this is a platonic date - nothing more
until you get to the waterpark and put your things away and jungwoo pulls a small container from his bag
"what's that?"
"you're always taking care of me, i want to take care of you for once too."
he opens it and inside are some lopsided looking cookies
"did you- jungwoo did you bake this?"
he poke his tongue out, but nods
"well, a friend who is a better cook than me helped."
they taste better than you could have imagined, you take a bite and understand that no something is definitely
friends don't hold their other friends hand the entire day
friends don't lean into their other friends shoulder while waiting in the line for one of the rides and then biting softly down on the skin, kissing it after like an apologetic kitten
and friends don't kiss their other friends in the dark, shady corner where a line of vending machines have been abandoned behind the pretzel stand
the infamous makeout spot that every water park employee buzzes about
when your date comes to an end and you and jungwoo are waiting for the bus back, you keep touching your lips.
jungwoo tastes like citrus when he kisses
there are some things i don't know about him
you smile to yourself when his pinkie brushes yours and hooks up with it as the bus approaches
i can't wait to learn all of them
it takes the manager exactly forty-eight hours to figure out you and jungwoo are dating.
everyone else in the park gets the memo the minute you two step into the staff room.
there's a little pushback against it, just because there is some stupid company policy, but the manager claps you both on your backs and whispers that whatever - it is summer - kids should have fun during the summer.
maybe the fun means sneaking kisses on lunch breaks, visiting each other on your off days, swapping shifts so you two can arrive and leave together
the fun of having jungwoo nuzzle his wet face into the back of your neck as he complains about work
the fun of having you trace patterns on his arm as you two wait for the bus home
the fun of seeing each other outside of work, sprawling across his bedroom floor and talking about nonsense
the fun of jungwoo's features shifting from languid and sleepy to acute as you shift your weight ontop of him and let your hands flirt with the hem of his shirt
"cover those up jungwoo, we are a family-friendly establishment"
the manager mumbles, motioning to jungwoo's neck with his pen
you thin your lips and jungwoo huffs, slapping a bandage or two on the slightly puffed skin
when the days get a little colder and the droves of families dwindle slowly, you know that your summer job is coming to an end
on your last days, you have back your uniforms and whistles and the manager makes a speech about how much good work has been done and how he's holding back his tears, but he's sure he'll see you next year
jungwoo mutters that you two can't come back here next year - you two should look into summer jobs at the mall or something
your last walk from the park gates to the bus stop home is calm, even a little chilly. jungwoo drapes a hand around your shoulder and pulls you into him for the warmth.
"we never got to go on the log flume together"
you suddenly muse and jungwoo coaxes his mouth into a frown
"you really want to go together on that contraption? it's not even fun."
"it's sentimental to us."
"that's a weird thing to say."
he looks at you and you poke his cheek
"it's an eccentric thing to say."
a number of summers pass until you and jungwoo ever follow up on the notion
actually, the one summer you two end up sitting together on the log flume, is not even at the water park from your memories
it's somewhere abroad
you're on vacation together and jungwoo claims you dragged him onto this thing
but you see the little smile he tries to hide when the bar comes down
the two teenagers working the ride brush their fingers as they do so, catching the look of shyness that passes from one to the other you giggle and take jungwoo's hand in your own
"what's funny?"
he asks and you tell him oh, nothing.
the ride starts and just as the log reaches the end of the dip - you let out a small shout of excitement
jungwoo joins you, but he doesn't just make a sound. he says something.
"i love you!"
oh, i think i like you too - the sweet taste comes back.
"i thin- i know i love you too!"
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cvtqr · 3 years
we only have 15 minutes, sugar
pairings; eren jaeger x reader
content warning; mentions of past jean x reader, oral sex, masturbation, recording, manhandling?
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february 19th
you always found eren jaeger attractive, especially tonight at this party. his long hair thrown up into a messy bun, his white shirt with water split on it - making it see through. god you were about to start counting his abs. but who you were really here for? jean. you guys weren’t in a relationship or anything, just friends who liked to help eachother. it started off when you guys would go to eachother for advice or he would find himself in your dorm room ranting to you. just helping eachother with little problems of course. that doesn’t mean sucking his dick was that much of a stretch from it, right?
anyways jean was in a frat house, along side eren. they were throwing a party, and somehow jean convinced you to stop by. you didn’t know if you were regretting it or not. jean was no where to be seen so you just sat yourself on the kitchen counter drinking some punch you found in a bowl. you were admiring eren from a far, remembering all the bad things jean had said about him. how he just annoys the living shit out of him. but god, how attractive he was. you could’ve sworn you looked down at your phone for not even a minute when you heard someone clear their voice right in front of you. you looked up to be met with eren.
“uh hi?”
“hey hey! erm- y/n. we had physics last semester together. eren, eren yeager.”
yeah, i already know your name
“oh hi!”
“my friend reiner over there says he knows ‘ya too. wanna come play truth or dare with us in the backyard hm?”
slipping your phone into the pocket of your shorts, you jumped off the counter, centimeters away from eren.
he let out a low chuckle, placing his hands on the counter, trapping you inbetween the granite and himself. he looked you right in the eye before reaching one of his hands back to grab a chip in the bowl behind where you were sitting. your breathing shakened a bit and you rolled your eyes at him, looking down.
he let out another chuckle before grabbing your chin and tilting it up, forcing you to look at him. “no need to roll your eyes sugar. if you were expectin-wanting something else, just say it. i’m not a mind reader baby.” he gave you a little wink before letting you go and backing up.
“i erm- i gotta pee i’ll meet you guys outside.”
he gave you a small head pat before running towards the back door.
right when you turned around to head to the bathroom you crashed right into jean, stumbling back a bit.
“oh hey jean!”
he sent you a blunt hey and started walking to the back door with an annoyed look on his face.
tch, what’s his problem.
your little bathroom excuse wasn’t actually an exuse, the amount of punch you were drinking finally caught up to you. right after you sat down your two best friends since birth, sasha and connie came bursting through the door, hysterically cracking up.
ignoring your comment they both collapsed onto the counter laughing their asses off.
you lightly smacked sasha on the back of her head, since she was the laughing the closest to you. “i swear if one of you idiots don’t tell me what the problem is-”
“YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE OUTSITE FIGHTING OVER YOU-” connie said between laughs practically screaming.
“my who?”
“SORRY, sorry y/n. apparently jean saw you and eren in the kitchen and well, tried beating eren up.”
letting out a sigh you pulled up your pants and ran out of the bathroom.
running outside you found jean knocked out in the arms of marco and eren standing up, wiping some blood out of the corner of his mouth while winking at you. walking right up to him you slapped him right across the face.
he let out a deep, long chuckle.
“i need to talk to you.”
“lead the way sugar.”
you grabbed his arm and pulled him inside while feeling every single pair of eyes on you.
“where’s your room.”
“if you wanted to get me in bed you could’ve just asked baby.”
god can anyone be that full of themselves
“no - no. i don-”
“i’m just joking sugar. follow me.”
he grabbed your hand and led you up into his room, closing the door behind him.
“what the hell was that all about.”
“for the record he started it. he got jealous for no reason and i wasn’t going to let him use me and his rag doll. and you shouldn’t be with someone like jean anyway. you should hear the way he brags about you being his bitch whenever the house is hanging out.” eren plopped down onto his bed
with that you didn’t know who to be mad at this point. he patted his lap signaling you to come over and sit on it. ignoring him you rolled your eyes and sat down next to him, causing him to chuckle again.
“you should clean your wounds that looks pretty deep on your cheek. and take a shower you smell like dirt and grass.”
he got up and headed over to his bathroom door. leaning on the door frame he turned back around.
“only if you stay.”
“hmph, i’ll think about it.”
15 minutes later eren walked out of the bathroom. you were no where to be found. he did know that he’d get back to you one day, considering you left your phone number on a gum wrapper in place of where you were sitting.
february 26
friday strolled around as quick as ever. this week you talked to eren a few times. he texted you on sunday night to have a good week. sicne he was being nice you replied with a “you too:’)”
after that he texted you yesterday afternoon asking if you wanted to come to another party. you never responded, and now it’s friday, 2:05. you just finished all your classes, and you’d be lying if you said you had anything else to do. well except for the pile of homework you usually wait until sunday to do.
sighing you texted him back saying you already had plans and wouldn’t be able to make it. after that you decided to take a short nap. what you thought would be a short nap turned into you sleeping until 6:30. you figured you should get up and get some dinner. you decided to grub hub some taco bell and eat it in the dinning hall. after getting your food you sat down in the corner of the room. it was pretty empty since it was pretty late for dinner.
“ouch, i’m offended.”
you turned around at the familiar voice
“even jean could convince you to come out but i get some lame exuse.”
“it, it wasn’t an exuse. i do have plans.”
“yeah with yourself.” he pulled over a nearby chair and sat next to you.
“i ditched the party, it was pretty boring.”
“so you came to bother me?” you said while still stuffing your face with your food
“yeah pretty much, you wanna hangout?”
“i mean do i really have a choice?”
he leaned over and grabbed one of your nachos, shoving it in his face.
“no not really sugar.”
rolling your eyes you threw out your garbage and led him to your dorm room. since it wasn't that far of a walk, neither of you said anything on the way there. he just simply followed you. 
once you got into your room you shut the door behind you. 
“if you’re sitting on my bed then shoes off.”
“demanding” he said while slipping his shoes off and plopping onto your bed
“soo..” he said as you sat down next to him.
“wanna watch a movie or something? i see you have a tv in here.”
“sure, let me just fix my blankets so get up.”
he nodded and chuckled, getting up. you pulled down your comforter so there was room to get in, and threw all your blankets into the corner before grabbing your remote and slipping into your bed.
“is this an invitation to come lay with you under your blankets.”
“shut the light.” you said while pressing power on the remote. 
the last thing you remember from that night was cracking up with eren over some stupid movie the two of you put on. before you knew it you woke up with a tight grip around your waist. you look over to see eren, still sound asleep. he was so pretty. you figured the two of you just fell asleep while watching movies yesterday. moments like these you were grateful your roommate was on back at home for family issues.
you tried slipping out of his grip before he pulled you back in and groaned. he was still sleeping so you figured you weren't getting up anytime soon, so you closed your eyes and drifted off back to sleep. you woke up about two hours later to find no eren, but a note.
forgot i have to work on a project with floch. i had fun last night, lets do it again soon :)
you were in a good mood the rest of the day. 
may 15 
its almost been four months since you've met eren. you also cut off your contact with jean. he was a good fuck while it lasted. over the last four months you and eren got closer than ever. hanging out almost everyday, going to parties together, falling asleep cuddling every weekend, you name it. yet again, friday came around. instead of cuddling, you and eren decided to go to a party at some sorority house. 
three hours later you were sitting in a circle with a bunch of people you recognized / were friends with. you were all playing a game of truth or dare, cracking up at each other. everyone’s secrets were coming out and people were doing some crazy things. and the list of things we had to do on campus was piling up. for example, connie has to pull a prank on professor ackerman during class on monday. until it was sasha’s time to ask you.
“hmmm. OH Y?N! truth or dare babes!”
you really had to think this one over. sasha had the power of exposing every single one of your secrets if you picked truth, but she's also kind of crazy so who knows what she would dare you to do. after a small debate in your head you went with dare.
“i pick dare.”
“alright! hmmMMM. i dare you to go into an empty room with eren for 15 minutes.”
you felt the heat rush up to your cheeks when you stood up and stretched your arm out for eren to grab. 
you both left the living room and headed up to a room while hearing the small, faint giggles from your friends.
entering the room eren shut and locked the door behind the two of you.
“so.. what do you wanna do?”
“hmm. we only have 15 minutes, sugar.”
this is it. the moment you've been waiting for. you had eren right in front of you. just go up and kiss him already! 
as you slowly walked up closer to him. he flipped the both of you, pinning you up against the wall. 
“let me see if you taste as sweet as I've imagined, sugar. pleaseee you don't even want to know the amount of times I've fisted myself to the mere thought of it.”
you gave him a nod and that was all he needed to pull you off the wall and push you down onto the bed. pulling up your skirt and pulling down your panties, he grimly smirked. 
“don't you dare cum without my permission.” was all he said before going between your legs and flicking his tongue onto your clit. your breathing quickly became heavy and irregular before he shoved two fingers, palm deep into your cunt. 
“ahh~ f-fuck eren-” you blurted out while starting to move under his touch, slightly bucking your hips up. 
that was until you felt a strong pair of hands hold your hips down. 
“stop moving or i’ll stop.” he hissed out before going back down on you, eating you out more forcefully than before, brining you right to your climax.
“f-fuck eren i need to cum- please let me cum. pleaseee~”
“no.” he said while pulling his fingers out of you.
“the only place you’re cummin’ is on my cock. you hear me?”
you wiped away the slight tears forming in the corners of your eye while nodding.
“that's a good little girl.” eren said while smirking
he swiftly grabbed you and flipped you over onto all fours, while shoving your face into the mattress. your first reaction was to perk your ass up for him.
“well someones eager aren't they.” was all he said before pulling down his pants just enough for his fully hard cock to spring out. he could've came just to the feeling of eating you out. 
he leaned down into your ear while whispering, “as sweet as sugar.” he started jacking off while still leaning down, before quickly cumming all over your ass. 
did he just?
he pulled up his pants before getting up and heading up towards the door. 
“well sugar, looks like our time is almost up. we should get back to the ga-” he was cut off by you running up to him and clinging right onto his shirt. practically crying you were blurting out small no’s.
“f-fuck the game, er - eren please just fuck me.” you were so desperate to the point where you were choking on your words. 
“aw, i’m sorry baby i didn't mean to make you cry.” he said while stroking your hair and patting your head. “come suck me off in my car and maybe if you do a good job i'll take ya home and fuck you, yeah?
may 18
sitting in your first class of the morning you were bored out of your mind. getting some lecture from professor ackerman after connie drew all over his desk.
that was until you got a snapchat notification from eren. opening it you were oh so grateful you had your headphones in. it was a video of eren cumming all over his laptop with a video of him shoving his cock oh so deep into your pretty little cunt. 
with the caption of missin’ the taste, sugar :’(
you’d be sure to pay him a visit during your lunch break.
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clareguilty · 3 years
Juniper and Pine
read it here on the AO3
A/N: Im so glad Geralt is sterile bc i hate pregnancy but love breeding kinks. I barely know anything about the witcher but I know I wanna suck this man dry like a capri sun.
Geralt of Rivia/Reader Rating: Explicit | smut, breeding, reader has a coochie and hair long enough to braid Word Count: ~2300
You found him at the inn. Shrouded in shadow, tucked away in the back just as always. Two flagons before him, one empty and the other half full. He had likely already eaten his fill.
 You sat across from him, ordering your own food and drink. Neither of you spoke.
 He watched you. Mostly hidden by your cloak, he watched your hands as you cut your meat and sipped your ale. Caught a glimpse of your eyes when you chanced to meet his gaze.
 Tension radiated from him. The set of his shoulders, the clench of his jaw. Icy rain pelted against the nearby window. The wind groaned lowly outside.
 A group of men erupted in spontaneous cheers on the other side of the inn, and he turned quickly to glare at them unnoticed before turning back to his intent study of you.
 So you studied him right back. Watching him from beneath the hood of your cloak as you ate. The meat wasn’t as warm as you would have liked but it was much appreciated after your many days of travel.
 He hadn’t shaved in a few days. And silver scruff was filling in along his jaw. His hair was pulled back away from his face, and you watched the crease in his forehead occasionally deepen as he considered you. He was unarmored, though he still had with him a sword smaller than the greatswords he usually traveled with. His arms were bare, his sleeves pushed up to the elbow, and his dark shirt was half unfastened down the front. He must have been unaffected by the cold winds and rain that had overtaken you on your journey.
 Your plate was cleared. Your cup was empty. You handed the barkeep your coins and offered your sweetest smile. Still, they scurried away when he stood, looming behind you. He had pulled his own cloak on, and you could feel the heat of him against your back.
 You walked in front, but he was leading you. As you navigated the muddy, moonlit streets, he silently directed you. A heavy wooden door, a cold dark corridor. His footsteps behind you. You stepped into the room and heard the bolt set in place.
 You unfastened your cloak, folding it neatly and laying it across the back of a chair.
 “You were supposed to arrive at sundown,” he said. You glanced to see him standing before the fire, eyes focused on the flames. They reflected the light like molten gold.
 “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. A storm slowed me down.” It wasn’t a lie. The weather had not been kind the last few days of your journey. You unfastened your belt, leaving it with your cloak, and pulled the plaits from your hair, combing your finger through the strands.
 “Did you keep to the river?” he asked.
 You hadn’t.
 You were glad you were turned away from him so he couldn’t see your face. You know he had asked you to travel along the water, keeping to the valley. He was right that it was safer, but there were reasons for you to travel through the forest. Reasons he disapproved of.
 Fingers shaking, you started on the lacing of your surcoat.
 He stepped away from the fire, moving to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned back against him, relaxing as he pressed his nose to your hair. His hands took over for yours as he undid the lacing. You trailed your fingers over his arms.
 “I smell the spruce of the mountains,” he said.
 You froze.
 “Juniper.” He inhaled again, breathing in the scent of the forest that you had unwittingly woven into your hair.
 He loosened the last of your laces and placed his hands over yours, holding you by your wrists.
 “I can smell the North on you.”
 Damn witchers. Damn them and their ridiculous senses. You tried to tug away from his hold, but he held you still.
 “You disobeyed me,” he said. “And then you lied to me. Your heart hasn’t stopped racing.”
 The rapid beat of your heart was only partially because of your dishonesty. He just had that effect on you. Surely he would know that by now.
 He spun you quickly, backing you against the wall and leaning forward until his gaze was level with yours. His knuckles pressed to your throat, forcing you to lift your chin. “I told you it’s dangerous to travel the mountains alone.”
 “I had to go,” you insisted. “It didn’t take me any longer to travel, and I made it back just fine.”
 “And you thought I wouldn’t know?” His voice was low, a rumbling growl right beside your ear.
 “I thought it would be best to ask forgiveness than permission.” You raised your head, firm in your decision.
 “Of course,” Geralt scoffed. “It was foolish of me to even try and stop you.”
 “It was,” you agreed. You moved to step forward, to wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. You had missed him, and you wanted to be close to him. He kept you pinned to the wall.
 “I believe you were supposed to be begging for my forgiveness?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
 Your eyes widened.
 “Go on then,” Geralt shoved you to your knees. “Beg.”
 Your knees would surely bruise from how hard you hit the floor. You reached forward to brace yourself on his thighs. He was watching you with smug satisfaction, already reaching to remove his belts and unfasten his trousers.
 You watched his hands, eager for what was to come. Your lips were already parted, tongue swiping over them unconsciously. Geralt chuckled and pulled his cock free.
 You stroked him gently at first, swiping your thumb over the tip and squeezing all the way down to the base. He was so thick your fingers couldn’t meet around him, but you didn’t mind. You loved the way his hips moved as you twisted your wrist. His stomach tensed and he inhaled with a hiss.
 He quickly grew bored of just your hand, though. His fingers threaded through your hair before he tugged sharply, pulling you towards his cock. You wrapped your lips around him obediently. Slowly, he pulled you farther down his length. Each movement of your tongue or lips earned you a reaction from him, and you turned your eyes up to watch his expression change.
 "You're going to take it all," he said, his voice low and rough.
 You moaned, eager to do exactly as he said. He rocked his hips forward at the same time he pulled you in by your hair, and you were silenced as he forced his cock down your throat.
 It was rough. Punishing. Exactly what you had earned by disobeying him. You weren't sure that obedience was worthwhile when this is what you got from going against his orders. You loved the scratch of his calloused fingers against your scalp and the low moans that escaped him every time you wrapped your lips around the base of his cock. He was taking his pleasure however he wanted, selfishly fucking your mouth.
 And you were dripping down your thighs with arousal. Geralt was so strong and ruthless -- but rarely with you. It was seldom you got to see him this way and you loved it. He must have missed you while you were away.
 "You’re an eager little whore aren’t you,” he growled, holding you down on his cock so he could fuck your throat. “Disobedient. Stubborn. Look at you.”
 Your eyes brimmed with tears, cheeks hot and flushed as you let him use you.
 “I’m close,” he groaned, eyes fluttering shut and head tipping back. His pace quickened, and then faltered. You held as still as you could as he finished down your throat.
 He pulled away as gently as possible, carding his fingers through your disheveled hair as you gasped and coughed. You nearly collapsed on the stone floor, but he was quick to catch you, taking you into his arms and pulling you to his chest. You let your fingers trail over the skin exposed along his collar. He pressed his lips to your hairline, carrying you to the wide, low bed that occupied the far wall. You pulled him down alongside you before he could get very far.
 “I need you,” you whispered, voice raspy. He let slip one of his rare smiles, pointed teeth gleaming in the low light, and you did your best to commit it to memory.
 “I can’t believe you took the mountain path in such a short amount of time,” he said, stretching out long on the bed and pulling you to lay against his chest.
 “I didn’t want you to know. It only takes four days to travel through the valley.”
 “Yes, and it takes six or eight to take the mountains. It’s impressive really.” His fingers absently searched out any bare skin they could reach, tracing idle shapes into your skin. “You’re nothing but trouble.”
 “I keep things exciting,” you teased. “But maybe I could put in a little more work to earn your forgiveness.” You let your hand trail over his chest, across his hard stomach and back over the fasten of his trousers.
 He raised an eyebrow. You could tell he was interested from the way his cock twitched beneath your palm. Sitting up, you removed the rest of your clothes. Geralt’s eyes never left you. It wasn’t until he caught sight of the glistening mess between your thighs that he moved.
 He was on you before you blink, looming over your back as he pressed a hand between your legs. “I could smell that you wanted me, but I didn’t know it was this bad.” He rubbed your pussy with the pads of his fingers. “You’re so needy. Like a bitch in heat.” His voice was right in your ear, warm breath fanning over your skin.
 You whined, rocking your hips against his hand. He pulled away just long enough to drag his shirt over his head and fling it away. His teeth latched onto your shoulder lightly as he pushed his trousers off as well. He pressed his cock against your ass, chuckling low as you pushed back to meet him, desperate to be filled.
 “Geralt, please,” you moaned.
 “Ah, so now you beg.” His voice was light and you wished you could see his smile. He settled his hands on your hips, lining himself up and sinking into you with a slow thrust of his hips. God, he was big. “You want me to breed you? To fill you up? Is that what you think you deserve?”
 He was enjoying himself. He wasn’t usually so talkative, and you loved the sound of his voice in your ear as he pounded into you.
 “Yes, please,” you nodded. He pressed you into the bed, pinning you beneath him and holding your hips so he could fuck you as hard as he liked. It was a blinding, delirious pleasure that you let yourself fall into, surrounded by Geralt, safe, protected.
 He pulled you from your haze by reaching to press two fingers to your clit. You came almost immediately. He didn’t let up as you shook through your orgasm, clenching around his cock and crying out in pleasure.
 “That’s it,” he said, never slowing the pace of his hips. “You’re going to come for me again.”
 It didn’t seem possible. You were already so overwhelmed. But he changed the motion of his fingers, and you felt it building again. He was getting close as well. You could tell by the way he occasionally slowed to savor the feeling of you around him, almost immediately followed by a blinding pace as he chased his own pleasure.
 His grip on your hip tightened, his teeth sinking into your shoulder once more as he rutted against you. The sharp sting of his canines made you gasp. Spurred on by his own impending orgasm, he pressed harder to your clit. Your eyes rolled back as his rough fingers, slick with your own arousal, dragged you to a second climax.
 He came as you did. His hips pressed tightly against yours as you shuddered and collapsed beneath him. You could feel his cock twitching inside you, filling you with his seed.
 A long moment of quiet, just the sound of your heaving breaths and the crackle of the fireplace. You melted onto the bed, stretching your limbs out long and sinking into a blissed out daze. Geralt wasn’t much better, laying half on top of you with his cock still buried inside. His breathing was evening out and you feared he would fall asleep.
 “Geralt,” you mumbled half-heartedly.
 “Mhm,” he responded, chest rumbling with the sound. You thought he was going to ignore you, but he moved after a second, pulling out of you with a hiss and searching for a way to clean up your mess. You rolled over, listening to your pulse gradually quiet and slow.
 It wasn’t much later that you were beneath the coverlet, once again nestled against Geralt’s side as he lay still. You weren’t sure if he was sleeping, his eyes were closed and his breaths so even and slow. You admired the softness in his features that you almost never got to see. It was only at times like this that you could catch him without a stern expression.
 “What are you looking at,” he asked, not opening his eyes.
 “You.” You splayed a palm over his chest. “I like it when you look happy.”
 “I am happy,” he said, not moving. “You make me happy.”
 You were glad he wasn’t looking so he couldn’t see the effect his words had on you. Your face grew hot, and you couldn’t hide your giddy smile. Curling tighter against him, you rested your head against his chest and let your eyes drift closed. “You make me happy, too,” you whispered.
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
omg ok so idk how many im allowed to ask for the otp ask game thingy BUT if this is too many just do the ones you really want:D (SORRY I GOT EXCITED)
merthur & 2, 6, 7, 13, 24, 29, 30
oh my god roya i went ham on these. i apologize in advance 💀i got so excited too siskksksksks thank you so much for this holy shit, it was literally so much fun
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
omg i think it depends on who got the drama arc that day ajclajfefkafn i would say normally merlin is 100% the big spoon LOL he just has that “need to comfort and protect” vibe, you feel?
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
oooo so interesting, like physical features? id wanna say merlin loves arthur’s hands the most. like he can just sit for hours watching arthur signing documents and writing speeches and all that shit, plus arthur is definitely a hands on man (since he was touched starved to the max) so merlin always craves those little moments where arthur’s hand lingers on his own, or on his neck, or on his chest. the first thing to come to my mind for arthur is that he absolutely adores merlin’s hair. like when he forgets to cut it short and it gets a bit longer and more curly, the wildness just fits merlin so nicely. his hair in the morning is just so messy and perfect and the way the light hits it makes merlin feel more ethereal--its in those moments, right before merlin wakes up, where arthur just stares at this magical king and wonders what god he should thank for giving him someone so lovely.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
OH GOD. dude, the first thing that changes for merlin is what he thinks about as he helps arthur dress for the day. now, he notices the subtle way arthur leans into his touch, the way arthur smiles softly when merlin fixes his collar, the way his own hands tremble, ever-so slightly, as he smooths out arthur’s shirt. ARTHUR. man, the first thing that changes for arthur when he realized he has feelings for merlin is EVERYTHING. my mans tries to not change a fucking thing about the routine or day--but he tries way too fucking hard and its painfully noticeable that something is happening in his mind. merlin notices it, of course, but thinks arthur is stressed about something kingly. you know who tells him to fucking stop? LANCELOT. that man walks up to arthur, drags his ass aside, and gently, but not weakly, says “you suck at this” and helps him understand that merlin is already head over heels for him wjsjjsksksks
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
arthur. 100%. touch is his thingggg™️. merlin has probably ached to hold arthur’s hand for years, but arthur does it first. i imagine two different scenarios: one, its fucking chaos out. there is some bad guy or some shit they are fighting, the knights are scattered, they are bloodied, bruised, and tired, but merlin hasn’t left his side for even a moment. the warlock’s back is still straight, his chin is still high, the defiance burning so brightly in those eyes that arthur cant help but reach over and grab the man’s hand to try to gain some of his resilience and passion and strength. two, it could be the laziest fucking day of the year. the knights of the roundtable are laughing and eating in arthur’s chambers, lance and gwen are making doe-eyes at one another, gwaine and percy are stealin little glances, and arthur is just so fucking content. like he looks around to smiles, and laughing, and happiness, and he turns his head to see merlin staring at him in concern. and he cant help it, man, he just reaches over and squeezes his hand. merlin’s eyes widen, but a soft smile grows there. arthur just doesn’t let go though, so merlin leans over and puts his head on arthur’s shoulder being completely beautifully content together.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
BRUH THIS SCREAMS MERLIN. I'M LAUGHING SO MUCH FKHNNSKNR. dudee. imagine it?? they are seated at a Very Important Dinner™️ with some Very Important People™️ and arthur is just about to make a toast and BAM-merlin whispers something outrageously fucking dirty. ARTHUR SPLUTTERS AND TURNS SO FUCKING RED ASDFGHHJK. merlin just smiles (his most regal smile) and turns away to talk to Very Important Someone™️ and arthur has to wait a few more minutes to compose himself and vows to get back at merlin later (he never does because merlin always beats him to it). OR LIKE DURING AUDIENCES? like this fucking farmer is complaining that he thinks his neighbor stole his chicken named Clucky and merlin just walks up to arthur and Says Something™️ that makes arthur cough...violently...and merlin turns around, solves the farmer’s problem, and goes back to his spot like nothing happened. arthur stares at him for much longer than he is suppose to before leon steps in and taps arthur’s shoulder to continue LOLLL
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
oh lord,,, where to start? im not sure if this is a common headcanon or not, but that merlin actually could have saved arthur. he is the most powerful warlock to ever fucking exist, and he couldn’t save him? i call bullshit. i think he had the power to, and i think deep down he realizes that when its too late (like arthur’s eyes fluttering shut too late) and thats what breaks him. what haunts him for literal centuries. the simple fact that he could have saved him. i think he didn’t know enough about his magic yet, or that he refused to acknowledge that kind of power simmering under his skin, or that he just didn’t believe enough in himself because of how many times shit had hit the fan when merlin did magic near arthur. so..yeah…yikes
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
LOL im full of angsty headcanons so hmmm. during arthur’s reign, they used to stay up late at night in arthur’s chambers. it didn’t matter what they did: whether it was arthur teaching merlin how to play chess as merlin complained the entire time that strategy at midnight was a cruel and unnecessary punishment, or arthur helped merlin clean his chambers as merlin hummed an old song his mother used to sing to him before bed, or just the two of them sitting in front of the fireplace with two glasses of wine talking about everything and nothing all at once. but once the quiet hits, its never, ever, uncomfortable. they can sit in silence for hours and never be bored or scared to break it. they just sit there, side by side, leaning on one another like they do in everything in life.
thank you again😭💖💖 akakakakak i might have gotten too excited?😂
otp ask game
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ms-indifferwnt · 3 years
“I’m Cold”
“I’m cold"
“Can’t you give me your jacket or something?”
“Can’t you accept my proposal and marry me already?”
In which Prince Donghyuck’s parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive, [In this Chapter] Sexual and Physical harassment
Notes: Chapter 8 of Im Cold. This one was written fairly quickly cause of my background music and I never realized I’ve already wrote this much anyway enjoy
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Its been a day since the fight and neither of you made a move to speak to one another. You didn't approach him in fear of getting yelled at, Well that's part of the truth, the other part was basically you not wanting to look into the prince's eyes and see how hurt and sad he was.
That day he didn't wake you up, he sat at the dining table, actually this was the first time he sat down and ate in the palace in almost two weeks, you and him would always eat out and come home before lunch return for a couple of duties and stay in your room the rest of the day while The Prince goes to his lessons and remaining schedule
He takes the tea that Yuta offered him as Doyoung reads out his schedule for the day, "You have a schedule later at Ten A.M. a meeting with the neighboring countries' Dukes for an exchange that could possibly benefit the kingdom" He looks at his notes "Or at least that is what they said, so attending this meeting is mandatory Your Highness, then next you also have  a Lunch date with the Earl of WayV later, Do you remember his name from your last meeting?" Making the Prince nod Doyoung hums in approval "Its Lord Kun and Lord Ten, Your Majesty" He reminds just incase the Young Prince was bluffing and he continues rambling on about his schedule
The Prince takes a sip and looks at the other cup of coffee and snickers "You'd might not want to send that to father" making Yuta look at him in slight confusion "Mother is lessening Father's caffeine intake"
"Of course you're right" Yuta spoke and Doyoung stopped, and Yuta bows in respect "This is for Lady Y/n," Donghyuck visibly straitened at the mention of her name and he looks at the older male "She ate breakfast as her Maid went to fetch it this morning but I thought I'd make her a drink as well"
Donghyuck looks at the coffee, the two of you haven't spoken a word, To you that was probably one of the worst punishments someone could ever grant, you have no idea what you did to you silence is fear and the fact the Prince is avoiding enough proof that you did something unforgivable, Donghyuck on the other hand saw this as an opportunity, an opportunity to get away from you, an opportunity to stop the rapid beating of his heart when he sees you, the perfect opportunity to use as the reason why you two would break up, It was perfect, he then looks at his tea before placing it down and grabbing the coffee "I'll drink this" He hums and takes a sip "Get her something new," He looks back at Doyoung "like Hot Chocolate and some cookies" he suggested, knowing very well that is exactly what Yuta will bring you
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Yuta knocks on your door, humming when you answered. When he entered you were there in a sunflower patterned sundress sitting on the window sill as the wind poured into your room going though your hair and skirt, the sun painting you in a light cozy atmosphere and both of you meet eyes "Good Morning" You smiled softly
He bows and nods "I have brought you some cookies and Hot Chocolate" he says and places it on your side and happily serves you the cup
You smile "Weird" you murmur and he looks at you with a questioning glance "Cookies and Hot chocolate are my favorite" you answered and looked at the cookie before taking a bite "No way" you said and took another bite "This- This is from my favorite shop, how did you?" You look at him amazement, placing the half eaten cookie down no longer having the appetite to eat that
He chuckles "The Prince suggested that shop" He answers, and offers you a tissue as you moved to suck on your fingers when the chocolate chip coated your finger "He as quite adamant about that shop and now I see why" His eyes travel to your bedside where an uneaten tray of today's breakfast sat and he looks at you "Was today's breakfast not to your liking today My Lady?" He asks nd takes the tray "I could ask the kitchen to make something more of your liking
You flinched and looked at it before shaking your head "No, The food was delicious" You defended
"And yet, you have not touched it"
"I'm not hungry, I barely eat breakfast on normal days anyway"
"Breakfast is an important meal, you've been eating with the Prince"
"Cause he whines when I don't" She smiles "And you know the best way to get the Prince to stop is by giving him what he wants"
"It's because the Prince wants you to be happy and healthy"
You wiped your hand on the tissue he had offered, thinking about what he said, words of the unsuspecting, nobody besides you and The Prince really did know that this little arrangement was fake "Did," You spoke before you could stop yourself and he hums waiting for you to continue "Did he call for me?"
"No, My Lady" He answers and you nod, bowing. He leaves your room once you start looking out the window once again, he stops at the door way just about when he leaves "If my Lady is bored the library is always open, and reading a book in the patio is definitely a must try" he smiles and leaves making you watch him
You gave his leaving figure a sad smile "When was the last time I sat down and read a good book?"
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Donghyuck had his papers and notes in his arms and went in the direction of the Tea room in order to make a good impression on this meeting, he reads through them murmuring to himself as he reads through it, keeping every thought of you in the back of his mind and made sure you stayed there, he could not afford messing this up.
You on the other hand had three thick books, excited to read them on the patio just like what Yuta has suggested, you were excited, you haven't had a day off where you could read books like this anymore. You don't wanna think about Donghyuck, not right now at least, let him stay out of your head an let you drown into your own world with the books.
You balanced them and carefully (so you won't accidentally bump into anyone) going to the direction of the patio. that was until you felt something by your feet, you tripped making the books fall some papers in between spill out and you yelped, not cause it hurt (it did) but the books were of more value than your life, these are old and kept in the library of the royal palace, you could get an earful from both the Prince and his Parents at this rate and that is something you want to avoid. The sun dress you were wearing was slightly caked in dirt, you hair that Hana has taken the time to fix falling out of the pins she has place. "The books!"
You looked up and was met with an awful looking woman, her hair was pompously styled showing off nothing but arrogance, he make up caked, skin one, two shades lighter than her arms, he lips a horrible shade of red and you can tell from the girl who looks at you in disgust, is her daughter, they look alike, too alike its uncanny "So you're the girl My Donghyuck is going to marry"
Donghyuck flipped over the page he was on, two young maids and a butler of the palace walking ahead of him, unaware of the Prince behind them, He keeps reading, focusing on the topic of his meeting with the Duke, Duke Park Bong, he stops come to think of it the name is familiar in a way he can't put his finger on. He probably heard the name in one of his lessons, no matter he can wing it. He continues on his journey and focusing on the notes at hand
"Did you see the Duchess and her Daughter?" asked one maid to the other and Donghyuck zones them out making a mental note to greet the guests after the meeting
"You mean out by the Garden?" The other replies "ofcourse I have"
"Y/n was with them right?" The butler chuckles "On her knees as the Duchess' daughter spoke to her so ruthlessly" Donghyuck looked up at the sound of your name and looks at the three in confusion "All she could do is look down at the ground"
"Serve her right" Says one maid angrily "Seriously can't stand her, can't believe she seduced the Prince and is now the pearl of the Palace"
Donghyuck stopped walking at their words, in shock and anger bubbling up inside of him. Fake or not, no one is allowed to hurt you an think so little of you, no one, he opens his mouth to speak
"Do you think she gives good blow jobs if the Prince likes her that much?" asked the butler jokingly "If she did it for the Prince I don't think she'll mind going on her knees for me, or even better on all fours" he laughs
He walks, faster and faster catching up to the three and landing a swift and clean punch to the Butlers face making the maids scream and move to yell at the sudden intrusion only to stop at the sight of the Prince giving them a glare "Say all that again"
They bowed down in fear, and the butler back away at the sight of the Prince, his glove red from the blood that the Prince managed to hit "She may be a maid" Donghyuck says his voice dangerously quiet "But she is my Fiancé, The woman I love, The girl that will one day be Queen once I take the Throne and you dare speak of her that way?" They started shaking doing anything to look at everything but the Prince "Where is she?" they kept their mouths shut, he tilts his head to the side before walking towards one maid who back up "I said, where is she? Now!" He yells and the other maid broke out into a sob in fear cowering under the terrifying atmosphere the Prince has set up, his notes were scattered all over the floor and he could careless his only priority was you
"G-garden, your majesty" The butler answer as he stood up and bowed at the sight of the Prince
Donghyuck turns in the other direction, away from the Tea room and towards the Garden "You're all absolutely Disgusting," He says and turns his head just to look at the three of them "Get out of my sight" he answers and runs
You yelped once the girl grabs you by the hair and pulled you up to face her your hand on her wrist and holding it tightly "You're nothing but a palace rat!" she huffs and lets go of you making you fall "Why did My Donghyuck ever choose you?!" She yelps once you found what you were looking for holding it tightly made her yelp and drop you "Mommy! She hurt me!" She calls once you looked up at them, confusion and anger in your eyes, you have no idea who they are but you hate them, you can fight for yourself you were sure of that but why are they mad at you
The mother, moved to grab your hair, anger in her eyes "You have no right to touch my daughter rat! You spend time as the Prince's Fiance and you forget your place! You are a maid of the Palace, a nobody, someone with very little value-" You let out a loud yelp at the tight she had
"You forget your place" You retaliated and glared at the woman "I am at My home and you are a guest, Duchess" You answered and tried to pry her hand off "Neither of you have the right to raise your voice at me and hurt me!" you said venom and anger dripping every word
The Prince appears "Let her go" He says his anger from the encounter a while ago and now he was even more angry at the sight infront of him. He runs to hold and pull you away from them once The Duchess lets go inshock, he places you down and hold you close as you gasped and clinged, hiding your face in his chest in an attempt to calm yourself, you were angry and in pain and Donghyuck became your rock as he glared at them
"Baby!" The girl said happily once seeing her "I missed you"
"Haneul, you're absolutely horrible" He says and covers you from sight when Haneul glares at him and you "Neither of you deserve to be in our presence nor be in my palace"
"But Baby!-" Haneul starts and gets cut off by The Duchess who started explaining herself
He rolls his eyes "Save it, I heard enough. Harming a fellow person is already enough for punishment but harming the light of my life?" He smiles and it made Haneul and her mother freeze at the sight "Do you even know why you're in my palace?" He taunts and moves to nuzzle you as you sobbed into his chest, everything was just becoming too much, the fight with Donghyuck and now this one, You were just so scared and sad and now here you were sobbing into the Prince's chest. Donghyuck hates them more after hearing you try to calm your self, silent sobs and sharp intake sof breath are what can be heard from you "You're in my Palace because the Duke wants to talk matters with me," He continues and looks to the side to see them in his peripheral vision, and it looks like the duchess has the gist of what's going to happen as Haneul continues on glaring at You
He lifts you up, making you gasp and he shushes you, shifting you so you'll be comfortable in his arms, "You're safe" I'm sorry, He thinks, then looks at Haneul and The duchess "I think the the will be greatly disappointed to loose the worth of his family name, title, and watch his wife and Duaghter rot in prison now, don't you think?" He asks and carries you in the palace leaving the scattered books and speechless Duchess
"wa-wait" You said and wrapped your arms around his neck "The- the books" You said inbetween sobs and pulled away from his chest making Donghyuck finally see your face
Tear stained cheeks and red swollen eyes, he hated the Duchess and Haneul for treating you and here you were worried about Books, he turns his head to see the books scattered, "Doyoung can pick those up" He answers and walks to your room
You shake your head, "No Donghyuck" You said panicked "Those books are older than you" He looks at you, trying to understand why that would be worth more "They're irreplacable"
He looks at you everything you just said made his entire being disagree "No" He answers, A book can be bought again, a book can be borrowed, a book can be re-printed, a book can be replaced "You're irreplacable" He answered and finally sprinted to your bedroom, clinging on to him more
He gently places you down on your bed his hand flying to your head, "Are you ok?" He visibly softens, he knows your scared of him when he's angry so now he calms down and rubs your scalp "Stupid question really" he admits, and you leaned into his touch and he had to control the heat that spread on your cheeks "I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier, If I had known-"
"you saved me" You answered and cut him off, you didn't look ok,"Thank you"
He looks at you worried "You should change" He murmurs "Go take a shower and change" He stands, reluctantly pulling away from you and taking a step back "I'll call Hana" He says and you shake your head once he reaches your door
"Stay" You whisper, "Please? Stay here"
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"You're Highness" Doyoung entered your room making Donghyuck let go of the hand he was holding, Doyoung clears his throat "My Prince, may I speak with you outside?"
Donghyuck nods and smiles assuring  you, "I'll be right back" He promises and moves off your bed and into the hallway where Doyoung was waiting
You sat there, being in your thoughts gave you enough time to think about what The prince said The light of his life, The Prince was taking the agreement to seriously. None of his words are true, he's only doing this caused he promised to take care of you in the time you are his Fiance and that time is almost over
"Donghyuck are you alright?" Doyoung asks the moment The Prince closes your door and hugs him "Is Lady Y/n alright? I heard what happened The Duke was about to issue a warning 'till he word got around what his wife and Daughter did" He pulls away
Donghyuck leaned against the wall "We're ok," He assures but he still looked angry and Doyoung knows he has every right to "Strip  the family of their title and issue a warrant to in prison the former Duchess and Haneul for physical abuse, Physical assault" He starts "Against my Fiancé" Doyoung stares at him in surprise "Please like they'll go to jail, they'll can pay a fee" Doyoung stays in place and Yuta walks past them only for Donghyuck to call him
"Yuta Hyung" He calls and the older stops, turning to look at the Prince, who seemed to have a lot on his mind "There should be a a butler with a bloody and hopefully a broken nose somewhere, get him and his friends, out of my palace and charge him with Sexual Assault"
Doyoung became wide eyed and looked at the young Prince "What- Why? What happened"
Donghyuck didn't answer and looks at them with an unamused look "Go" He said and the two left to listen to his orders. "Jaehyun" he calls after dialing the number on his phone "I need you to cook pasta" He starts
Jaehyun scoff on the other side of the phone "You don't like pasta"
"Yeah, But it's not for me"
"Did the Queen crave pasta again?"
"No, It's for Y/n, She likes Pasta"
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I’m Cold Taglist:
@staysstrays @tyongf-sunflower99 @jackyeongljin @rebel-lious-alien @daydreamiies @channiespup @jaeshark @itlittlefangirl @ncttboo @manutuankim
If you wanna be added, leave a comment♡♡
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officialgomezaddams · 3 years
Cabin House
if this dosen’t take im shooting myself $wag no TW except usual sadness. Slight simp anakin and breeding kink but iykyk
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She sat outside on the porch in her rocking chair, watching the ship in front of her lower its self onto the meadow surrounding the cabin that she lived in with her husband. She smiled to herself, her hands rubbing her pregnant stomach in relief that he was home. It was a new feeling to both of them, homeliness. A family that is now back together. Or at the very least, the start of one. 
They had met when they were both young, Anakin was in Jedi training, and Y/n was a mechanic at the same temple. It was a decent gig, she reasoned with herself. The many hours and days spent watching and learning from her father in his shop had paid off. 
Born and raised in the capital of the galaxy, the high life never slowed down. There was always loud traffic, busy trade; the planet never slept. Anyone could go to a party or club; some festival was always happening. The temple was different, a little peace in the concrete jungle. As the war started, the need for maintenance shot up—the urgency to fix whatever droids or ships needed to be rewired or mending broken welds. Simultaneously, the Jedi and the politicians tried to restore the balance, maintenance fixing everything else. 
A job was a job, and getting herself out of her father’s small auto body garage was a priority for her. Pulling night shift sucked, but the lack of staff and management who wanted to do nights meant she could get away with a lot. 
It started when the shy padawan walked up to her, the shift partner in the area she worked with was sleeping in his chair, and even tho he was older than her and had more experience, Y/n didn’t wake him up. It was her first real interaction with someone who was force sensitive, and she was thanking the stars that this boy somehow made his way to her.
It wasn’t because he was lost. Anakin had been at the temple long enough to know it by hand and could probably draw blueprints of the entire layout. The way around maintenance wasn’t that hard, as he often borrowed material from them to fix small stuff he could handle. Anakin had caught glimpses of her, he would stare at her for the few seconds it took to pass each other while he was leaving the ship and for maintenance to check it for any repairs that needed to be done.
“What’s up, Starboy?” Y/n teased. Even though she had never met him formally, he was quite well known for his destiny. 
He shuffled his feet around, and all the confidence he once had was gone. He looked at her before looking down at the table she was in front of, watching her set down the wrench she was fiddling with. 
“I need an arm.” He shot out, not even knowing how to ask for such a thing. 
“An arm?” She had responded, wanting to make sure he had said the right thing. “Why do you need an arm-” She asked but quickly stopped as he dropped his robe, and she realized he was missing the very thing he had asked for. “Oh. You need an arm.”
It took about six months for the arm to be built. It took a lot of measurements, calculating, and many, many nights for it to be made giving Anakin time to grow his confidence back up and flirt relentlessly with her. Telling her that it didn’t bother him that he would almost get little to no sleep because ‘being with you is a dream I never want to wake up from.’ On the nights he didn’t see her he would tell her, ‘Even though I couldn’t be with you, I still see you in my dreams. The best dreams I will ever have will always be the ones where you are in it. My dreams with you are so sweet to the violent reality of being a Jedi.’ 
The last night the two spent together working on his arm, or to be honest it was just her while Anakin would pour his heart out to her, hoping for something, a kiss, or even the simple statement that she returned his feelings. 
“If I have any problems with my arm, I’m coming to you. For my arm and my heart, you are the only one who knows how to fix them. Help me Y/n, my heart hurts, it burns for you. Every time I leave you or think about how you aren’t mine it aches. It’s so painful. Fix it, please. Tell me you don’t feel the same way, that your heart beats differently to the tune of mine.” He told her, watching her with doe eyes as she concentrated on wiring the last few things together. 
“Isn’t that against your rules?” 
“Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So you might say I am encouraged to feel this way about you.” He stated, awkwardly biting his lip which made her giggle. 
“In three days, I have time off, maybe then you can teach me about this new teaching, and I can teach you something about how to use the arm.”
Neither of them expected it to be like this. Married and expecting. The moment she had told Anakin the news, he had immediately begun thinking of moving. Getting away from the city life and going somewhere more quiet and peaceful. Somewhere the war could not disturb them, so they landed in Alderaan. The whole planet was pulled right from a painting, and the moment they settled on the cozy cabin, they both realized that after years of running around, they finally found their home. With each other, in their soon-to-be family, and in Alderaan. 
As the ship lowered its self to the ground, the woman awkwardly got out of the chair and stood up, holding onto the wooden frame of the porch. Anakin swiftly got out, smiling from ear to ear as he saw her waiting for him. His feet moved on their own as he ran to her, watching her take careful steps to meet him. Before she knew it, his arms were around her, pulling her into him. “Don’t strain yourself for me.” He whispered, kissing her head. 
She was thirty-three weeks into her pregnancy with twins. The two babies growing safely in her womb had made things more difficult for her in terms of moving around, and she had long forgotten her shoes. 
They didn’t move in right away. They waited until work became difficult for Y/n, getting down to work on something wasn’t easy anymore, and she couldn’t be on her feet for more than an hour and a half until her feet started hurting. On the other hand, Anakin wanted to move in as soon as they got it. ‘You shouldn’t have to work, you’re pregnant with our babies, and I want you to enjoy this.’ He also knew how chatty the maintenance section was and was not looking forward to any rumors that could be spread about his wife. ‘Tell them they are mine. I’m not going to let them disrespect my children by disrespecting you. Tell them that I got you pregnant, that you took me in, and this is what my seed is doing to you.’
“How are you, my angel?” He asked, watching as the moonlight hit her face. He had been gone for most of the pregnancy, being forced to leave after her first doctor’s appointment that confirmed that Y/n was with child. Only then, she was nine weeks far too early to be showing anything. He came back to her a few weeks later, and the first thing he did when he greeted her was to kiss her fourteen-week stomach, but he didn’t stay long. The three days they were together were spent moving quickly into the new house. Only the important things she needed were to stay back at the temple so she could continue with work. They didn’t have much, but Anakin insisted on carrying everything, telling her that she was not even to lift her jewelry box because he didn’t want anything to happen to the babies. 
“Bored. I’ve been itching to get back to work; there’s only so much you can crochet before you want to stab yourself with the needles.” She joked, making them both laugh. 
“And the babies?” He asked, his hands dropping to rub the sides of her stomach. It brought him pride to see her like this. Seeing her carrying his child, seeing her full belly, smiling at the thought of the stretch marks that clung to her round belly, knowing that her body was adjusting well. The few times he was able to see Y/n through the hologram, he always admired his wife’s new changing body.
“Restless. I’m hoping now that you’re home, they’ll calm down for a little bit.” Anakin pulled her into a soft kiss. The whole time he had been away, she and the babies were always on his mind. He would wonder if they were kicking or thinking about what to name them. He would think about Y/n, if she was sleeping and if she was pushing herself too hard. He felt terrible for not being there to hold her hair back through morning sickness or walk her around to make sure she got the proper exercise she needed. He felt so useless. 
“How long do I have you back for?” She asked. It was an impossible question because no matter what time frame they had, it wouldn’t be enough. She just wanted him to be here with her, safe. The only good part about being away from the temple was she got away from all the rumors about her husband being dead or being held somewhere and tortured. She wanted him here in their home, enjoying the moments and milestones that she was going through alone. She had convinced herself that if - stars forbid it- something happened to Anakin, she could do it by herself. She could raise the kids and do what she could to make ends meet. It’d be challenging, and she understood that. But in her opinion, what could be harder than going through this pregnancy alone? Forcing herself to get the rooms ready, forcing her co-workers at the temple to help her in the later stages because she couldn’t depend on Anakin. 
He quietly led her to the house, purposefully ignoring the question because he knew that it wouldn’t be the one she wanted to hear. Only when she asked again as they reached the front door, he answered. “A week. Then I have to go back, and I don’t know where the council is sending me. Probably to Hutta.”
“You’re gonna be here for the births, right?” She pressed, stepping into the warm cabin and away from the cool breeze of the night along with his arms. 
“Y/n, I promise that once our children are born, I will be there for everything,” He reassured her. He knew it was a promise that he couldn’t keep. That the Jedi council would most likely tear him away from his family sooner or later. With war, or keeping the force away from the Darkside, he knew that it would be something. “Don’t look at me like that, Angel. You know how hard this is for me. You knew what you were getting yourself into.” He took a step towards her, but she shook her head and stepped back, turning around and began waddling herself towards the shared bedroom. 
“But I didn’t expect it to be left by myself throughout this.” His wife began, with Anakin following her quickly. “All alone and pregnant just to have you, my husband, show up for a few hours or a few days if I am lucky. Then to have him leave me alone again.”
“Am I not here, in our home when I can be?” 
“Our home?” She raised her voice, “It feels as if you are no more than a guest.” Finally turning around to look at him before walking over to the bed and sitting down facing away from him, looking out the window that gave a view of the spacecraft out front. “Anakin, I want to go back to the Coruscant.”
“Going back wouldn’t change a thing.” His words were forced, trying to stay calm and not lose his temper. He was a good husband, or at least he tried to be. It wasn’t easy - for anyone. But he tried, skipping meetings and purposefully doing stuff to get close to you, reporting ships and droids as broken so he could sit with you as you worked on them. Even now, with the war, just being on the opposite side of the same planet was enough for him. “You know that I can’t control what happens out there. I don’t get to pick and choose when I get to stay home!” His anger was cut off by the sound of her whimper. 
“Y/n, Starlight,” He was cautious with his words now, “Y/n?” She would not face him as he sat down next to her on the corner of the bed, his head down in shame. “Please tell me you don’t regret this.” Any of this, he thought to himself, knowing it was always her who got the short end of the lifestyle they had to hide. 
“Anakin, our love is like the Coruscant. It’s messy at first glance, and it’s hard to understand why it hasn’t just fallen apart in chaos. It doesn’t make any sense. But if you squint hard enough and really focus in,” She began slowly, trying not to fall apart. “You can see how nice and beautiful and all of the great things you can get out of it.” Her lip quivered, and her voice broke, letting the painful tears she was holding in anymore. “But I’m so tired of squinting.”
Neither of them looked at each other. While Y/n cried into her hands, Anakin just sat there, trying to figure out what to do. “I-” The reality that this could be it, this is all about to end, made him re-think his words. Did he miss something? Was he too happy that he was starting a family with the girl he fell in love with at nineteen to realize that she was now, what? Fallen out of love for him while she was right about to give birth? For once, Anakin was speechless. He could still fix this, right? I have to fix this. She’s fucking pregnant with my children. Our children. 
“What do you want then? I’m here, now, Angel. I -I don’t know what you want.” His voice was pitiful, but she was strong. She had to if she was going to do this alone.
“I want you to get in your ship and leave.” 
As soon as she said it, he was protesting, ”Go where? Baby, please, don’t make me go back.” He was the one crying now, tears falling mercilessly down his face, realizing that this was it.
“I don’t care where you go, Anakin. Just- you can’t stay here. You make me too sad.” 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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narakurosaki · 3 years
Edwin prompt: ed has recurring nightmares of the stuff he's seen
im sorry this took me longer than expected! i hope you enjoy nonetheless.
summary: ed struggles with a reoccurring nightmare. thankfully, winry is there to comfort him.
rating: t
words: 2202
read on ao3!
He feels as though he’s traversing through thick mud, hardening around his ankles. It cakes within the ankle joint of his automail leg, cementing him in place. He breaks free, using what strength he has left to continue down the road. The Rockbell home inches further and further away; he reaches out, as though he could grasp the building and hold it in place. Its just out of his reach. He screams out her name but receives no response.
Suddenly, he’s bursting through the front door, his shoulder aching from the impact. His eyes jump around his surroundings, searching for a sign of life. He calls out her name, again receiving no response.
His automail breaks down with each step, nuts, bolts, and screws falling to the ground. The plating disintegrates, the intricate work beneath exposed; the wires snap, and he crumbles before the kitchen door. Again, he calls her name, and again, he receives no response.
The kitchen door slowly creaks open. He drags himself across the floor, mumbling her name repeatedly. His fingertips dig into the splintering floorboards until bloodied. He crawls deeper inside, leaving behind a trail of blood. The kitchen is dark, a sole ray of light illuminating only a small section beside the dining table. An apple rolls into his path, followed by another, and another. One stains itself in his blood. His stomach churns.
A pained moan rings in his ears.
In the light he sees Winry facedown on the floor, a basket toppled on its side beside her, apples spilling out endlessly. Her arm is stretched out, almost as though she’s reaching for him, her head angled enough for him to see her eyes peeking through her bangs. “Ed…”
The sharp edges of what’s left of his leg dig into the wood flooring, the strength of his thigh and core working together to propel him forward. His chin hits the ground beside her. “I’m here, Winry,” he palms her back, searching for any trace of injury. He comes up empty. “I’m here.”
“You didn’t keep your promise, Ed…”
“What are you—”
Beneath her, the Eye of God opens. Her lifeless body falls into the darkness; Ed is swallowed alongside her. Everything goes black; he cannot move, cannot see, cannot hear; cannot speak. He falls for what feels like an eternity until he is spit out on the empty streets of Central.
The broken down armor that was once his little brother lies unmoving. Edward crawls towards the metal scraps, halted only by the agonizing pain in his right shoulder. Blood trickles down his arm, seeing through the wounds created by the bits of his automail port left behind. “Al!” he cries out. “Alphonse!”
In his own blood, Edward draws a human transmutation circle. “Give him back!” His hands clap together. “He’s my little brother!”
…but nothing happens.
“No!” He claps again. “Come on!” And again. “Shit!” And again. “Shit, shit, shit!”
“Big… brother?”
“Al!” He turns toward the voice. “Thank God you’re—”
White, lifeless eyes stare back at him. The creature’s teeth are bared, muzzle stretching in what appears to be a smile. Its brown hair flowers down its back, a contrast against its white fur.
The blood drains from Edward’s face.
“Ed… ward…” The chimera nudges him with its snout. “Wanna… play?”
Before he has time to react, his surroundings vanish into a blinding white; the armor and the chimera are gone. He vomits onto the floor as a laughter echoed around him.
“So, you couldn’t save them, after all.” Truth’s mouth spreads into a sickening grin. “Such is the life of an ordinary human.”
Edward coughs. “I did, though. I did! I beat that bearded bastard and gave you my alchemy for my brother!”
“Ah, did you?” Truth tilts its head. It taps a flesh finger against its chin. “You must have forgotten. I am what one may refer to as God; I am the world and the universe; I am all and I am one; and, most importantly—” it points its flesh finger at Edward “—I am you, and I can do as I please.”
Edward struggles to push himself up and off of the ground. He manages to place his weight in his left forearm, but when he goes to move his right, he can no longer feel the muscles and tendons move beneath his skin. His eyes widen.
His arm has been torn from his body by the Truth.
Ed collapses in a puddle of his own blood as the Truth’s laughter rings in his ears.
He wakes with a start, bolting upright in bed, his skin slick and clammy from a cold sweat. His heart beats wildly in his chest and he struggles to catch his breath. He reaches instinctively for his left leg; his hands grasp at cool metal. He turns his attention to his right, daring to move his arm. He feels the muscles moving beneath his skin, watches his hand and forearm come into view. He makes a fist.
He turns his attention to the woman lying on her side beside him. She looks so peaceful—she always did when she slept—but he cannot shake the image of her lifeless body on the floor. He reaches out and positions his hand beneath her nose. He sighs, content when he feels the air leaving her lungs as she breathes out. He moves a strand of hair out of her face. She begins to stir.
“Mm…” Her eyes open slowly, blue eyes peeking through long lashes. The image of her in his night terror flashes before his eyes. “What’re you doin’ up?”
Edward forces a smile. “Bad dream. Go back to sleep.”
Winry blinks, squints, and yawns before draping an arm over Edward’s waist. She pulls herself toward him and rests her head atop his chest. Her palm lies flat against his pec, fingers splaying and unintentionally brushing against his nipple. He shudders. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
He takes her in his arms, fingertips tracing invisible patterns across her bare shoulder. She pushes herself up, blue eyes boring into gold. Even in the dark, he sees a fire behind them. “It isn’t a bad thing to talk about what scares you, Ed. It’ll help you feel better.”
Would it, he wonders. He’d been haunted by nightmares since his and his little brother’s failed attempt at human transmutation. He’d never spoken of what plagued him, not even with Alphonse, though Edward always had an inkling that his armored brother knew. He’d been hopeful, assuming the terrors would vanish after restoring Al to his original body, but he had been dead wrong. He’d woke in a panic in his hospital room, mistaking the IV in his arm for the metal that kept him pinned to the rubble, vulnerable to Father’s deadly blows and tore it from his flesh. His nurse had rushed in, and though he had assured her that he was okay, the look in his eye said otherwise. She’d pushed an anti-anxiety medication into his veins after reinserting his IV, and he had fallen into a dreamless sleep.
Returning home hadn’t stopped the nightmares, either. Edward had fallen victim to a false sense of security, only to be terrorized on a rainy night, two weeks later. He’d sat in the dark, clutching his aching leg and listening to Alphonse’s soft snoring. He wouldn’t burden his little brother with his demons; and, just because he’s in Winry’s bed, he wouldn’t burden her, either.
But she’d asked him to share, and Ed could hardly believe it.
This woman, this beautiful smartass, gearheaded, crazy wonder of a woman had fallen for a broken man, and all she wanted to do was make him feel safe.
Dammit. He really was a lucky man.
He tilts his head and worries at his bottom lip. He fills his lungs, holds the breath, and exhales slowly. It’s his tell that he’ll talk, and Winry is content to lie back against him. He threads his fingers through her hair. “I couldn’t save Amestris. I couldn’t—” he sucks in a breath, his heart thumping against his ribcage. The dark of night mimics that of the Rockbell home in his dream. He bends his left leg and runs his fingertips along his metal port. “My leg broke down when I tried to get to you. I had to crawl but you—” He bites down on the tip of his tongue. The fire in Winry’s eyes has been smothered by his words. She looks at him with worry, and a familiar feeling bubbles in his gut. He’s burdening her, making her worry. Every fiber of his being screams for him to shut his mouth, to spare her the details…
…but the love in his fiancée’s eyes silences those screams. Something about the woman lying atop his chest urges him to share everything on his mind, from the most trivial thoughts to his darkest fears. He feels safe in her presence—he always has.
He takes a moment to breathe. Winry cups his cheek and he leans into her touch.
“…you told me I’d failed. I didn’t know what you meant, but we were both swallowed by the portal.” He closes his eyes, doing his best to rid his mind of the image of her lifeless body falling into the void. “Next thing I knew, I was in Central. Al’s armor wasn’t moving—I had to relive when he transmuted his soul in exchange for my arm. I tried… I tried so hard to bring him back, but my alchemy…” Another deep breath. Winry’s thumb moves soothingly back and forth against his skin. He swallows the lump in his throat. Nina comes to mind—he’d beaten Shou Tucker bloody, cursed himself for being unable to save an innocent little girl. She haunts him to this day, and Edward swears she will until his dying breath.
“I heard a voice call out for their big brother.” His voice shakes on the last two words, his hand gripping her shoulder tightly. “I thought it was Al, but when I turned to look…”
The story of a little girl turned chimera by her alchemist father wasn’t news to Winry. Edward had shared the horrifying details on a rainy night, when the pain in his leg and the thoughts brought on by the rain had been too much to bear. He’d cried that night, and, in turn, so did she. He had seen the good in alchemy, he’d explained to her, but he’d also seen the bad, and the bad outweighed the good in his eyes.
“What happened after that?”
He’s thankful for the woman he holds in his arms. She never forces him to discuss things that bring him despair. She’s quick to change the subject when it’s clear that he’s grown far too uncomfortable.
“The Truth,” he divulges quickly. While the Truth, itself, didn’t bother him, it was the ability it possessed to take. It had taken his arm and his leg; it had taken his little brother’s body; it had taken his teacher’s reproductive organs; and it had taken General Mustang’s eyesight. The Truth took what it pleased when alchemists played god. “It took you and Al from me, and it took back my arm and watched me bleed out on the floor. That’s when—”
“You woke up.”
He loosens his grip on her shoulder and steals a glance of her skin. His nails have left indentations. He looks back at the ceiling and drags his fingertips across her shoulder blade, dipping his hand into the back of her tank-top. Winry’s breathing beside his ear serves as a constant reminder than what he’d experienced was just an unfortunate trick of the mind, a side-effect of the trauma he’d experienced from a young age. He fills his lungs.
“Well,” she begins, “I’m here.”
He hugs her to his body and kisses the crown of her head. “I know.”
“And Al is here, too.”
That’s right, he was. Alphonse, his little brother, was asleep in his bed down the hall.
“You succeeded that day, Ed,” Winry pushes herself up to look him in the eye. There’s a softness in her voice. “You gave the souls of the Amestrians back, you defeated Father, and you brought Al back to us.” She cups his cheek tenderly, a soft smile on her lips. The blue of her eyes is piercing, and Edward never wants to look away. “You saved the country and fulfilled your promise. There’s nothing bad, anymore. There’s only good.”
She leans down to capture his lips in a kiss. They move in perfect synchronization, movements slow and deliberate. Winry’s tongue enters his mouth; he nibbles on her bottom lip; hands explore each other’s bodies until Winry straddles him and holds his face in her hands. He lifts her shirt over her head and loses himself completely.
She was right, the worst of his life was behind him. He’d returned his brother to his body, he’d found love with his best friend, and he’d been permitted to retire from the military to live a simpler life. There was only good ahead of him.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
my time to shine- may i request a cobb vanth x reader 👀👀 maybe a enemies to lovers question mark trope-
for example maybe when din meets cobb, the reader is just like ohmyfuckhessohot but also fuck him for being so cocky i want him underneath me once i pin his arrogant ass down- and like 👀 maybe yk what that happens, and the reader can feel his bulg- 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨 i have nothing but horny thots for middle-aged men in my peabrain- s'ok if you don't do this- just horny thots
By The Fire (Cobb Vanth x Female Reader) SMUT
hiya bae!!! im so sorry this request took SO long to get out but i hope you enjoy it none the less xx
if you have a request feel free to submit it via my ask inbox!
Rating: 18+
Word count: 2k
Warnings: SMUT; close to female receiving oral but not all the way, cock warming, spanking, riding, unprotected (use protection!)
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So he was different, and you couldn't figure out how you were supposed to feel about him. If the Maker had just granted you a second alone with Din, you would have spoken to the Mandalorian about him. Din was always good at weighing people up from first glance. You, on the other hand, had always been called 'naïve' and 'gullible'. You tried working on yourself; you really did- and you believed you were improving. But when you met the marshal of Mos Pelgo; he threw you completely of course. You couldn't do anything under his watch. You failed to perform the most basic of the tasks… you couldn't hotwire the speeder bike you had claimed, nor could you manoeuvre the squirming child into his high chair. And it didn't go unnoticed.
Din grabbed your arm and took you to one side. "What is the matter with you?" his question was harsh, and came out as more of a statement. You felt yourself fluster, defensively folding your arms across your chest.
"I don't know what you're talking about." you scoffed and rolled your eyes. Under his beskar helmet, Din was not amused. He narrowed his dark eyes and pressed his lips into a fine line.
"Ever since he joined us, you've been acting off." Din said matter of factly. You felt your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
"Oh," you shrugged nonchalantly. "You mean the Marshal?"
"Yes. The Marshal." Din spat. "Cobb Vanth is an elite. He is smart. He knows what he's doing. And he owes me one. He's going to help us get off this sand-rock of a planet, and then you can finally forget about him. Because that's what it is, isn't it? He's on your mind and it's distracting you."
Maker, he was good. He could read you like a book. Everything Din had said was true, no matter the level of denial that you were in. You stood there, comprehending his words, and after a few prolonged beats of silence, you took a deep breath.
"No." you shakily exhaled, gritting your teeth and pursing your lips together into a pout.
You cursed yourself. You were a bad liar. The worst Din had ever met… and Din had encountered plenty of scoundrels in his adventures across the galaxy. Din didn't answer you. He didn't need to. He knew you well enough to understand what exactly was going on in that little mind of yours. There was no use playing innocent with him.
The Marshal’s eyes were burning into your back. You hated it. You hated him. You hated the way he spoke to you. He over-explained everything, like you were too young and innocent to understand. He was so cocky and so arrogant. You tried your best to devise an efficient way to get off Tatooine, with his help, but he just kept shutting you down. You couldn't understand it. He wouldn't listen to you, and it irked you so much.
You hated the smirk that graced his lips and that sultry gaze he shot you from across the cantina as he sipped on his spotchka. You hated the way it made you feel. You hated the burning sensation that erupted in the pit of your stomach and the way you'd have to press your thighs together in order to suppress the need for some kind of sexual release. Never in your life had you met a man who could do so much to you, without doing much at all.
"I'm going to travel to the sand dunes, and I'm taking the child. Hopefully I can find some jawas who will trade parts with me. Then we can get started on the Crest's repairs and get off this planet." Din informed you. "I need you to wait here with the Marshal, make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious while I'm gone."
"I thought you said you trusted him," you knotted your eyebrows together. "That he 'owed you one'."
"He does owe me one. I just don't know if he's a man of his word." Din sighed before spinning around on his heel and walking towards the speeder bike with the child. Pft, a man of his word. That scoundrel? Not a chance.
Nights on Tatooine were warm and humid, as you had found out. The Marshal, who you had learned was named Cobb Vanth, had told you to collect sandwood from the outskirts of Mos Pelgo and bring them back to his hut. You did so, begrudgingly following his instruction, and watched him make a fire.
There was something so erotic about the way his biceps flexed as he quickly rubbed each piece of wood together, trying to ignite a flame. Beads of sweat laced his hairline as he concentrated, occasionally squinting to see if his attempts had made a spark. It didn't take long before Cobb created a roaring campfire. It was nice, amber embers floating through the air as you perched yourself on a log. Cobb discarded his armour and sat opposite you.
The atmosphere was nice and…. sensual. The only thing was, neither you or Cobb hate uttered a word to each other since you came back with the sandwood. It would've been awkward if there wasn't the undeniable sexual tension in the air. You were the first to speak.
"I don't know if I trust you." you said, immediately regretting the words after they departed your lips. There was a beat of silence.
"Smart." Cobb smirked, and you felt yourself swell up with more fury. His voice was so rich. You hated it. You hated it.
"You hardly think I am smart when you've refused to listen to me all day." You tsked, shuffling closer to the fire and warming yourself up. "My plan wasn't flawed. If you had just listened to me, me and the Mandalorian could've been off this wretched hive hours ago."
Cobb nodded his head slowly. "You're probably right."
"So what's your deal?" you groaned, tossing your hair back and closing your eyes.
What a sight. Cobb admired your stretched out form, his eyes boring into the skin of your chest and up the length of your neck. You had ditched your cloak, leaving it to just crumple by your feet. You were glowing. Cobb was sure you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen enter Mos Pelgo; and he wanted to prove that to you in some way or another. When you opened your eyes, Cobb was on his knees, in-between your legs.
He looked up at you, his eyes completely lust blown and he swiped his tongue over his lower lip. He looked primal. He needed you. "Wasn't listening to your stupid plan because I didn't want you to leave so early." Cobb admitted, his voice gruff and hoarse.
He wanted more. From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he had been trying to weigh you up as well. What was your deal? Were you courting the Mandalorian? Surely not. There was no denying the tension between you two. The cod piece of his armour had hid the erection you had given him all day. He shamefully had to relieve himself in the restroom of the cantina. He just couldn't get enough of the way your lips twisted around the fruit you sucked on, and the way your eyelashes framed your doe-like eyes.
He placed a big hand on the inside of your thigh, where your skin was as soft as cream, and pushed your tunic up, exposing your panties. You stiffened up under his rough touch. This was exactly what you wanted. There were no signs of Din or the child. It was just you and Cobb Vanth. He shuffled closer to you and began to plant sloppy kisses along your thighs. You hummed in delight as his greying stubble tickled your skin and you felt him smirk against your body. That damned smirk.
You ran your fingers through his locks of hair, occasionally tugging. His groans under your touch vibrated through your core and left your panties ruined from arousal. His lips nudged against your clit, only the thin material of your underwear gating his tongue from your cunt. You craved him so desperately. You needed him inside you. But he was teasing.
"You've been calling the shots all day." You whimpered as he licked a stripe down your pussy. You went to pull your panties off but his large hands stopped you.
"I always call the shots." he growled in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
"Not tonight." You smiled, tugging on his hair and pulling his head away from your core. You stood up, taking extra care not to stumble and fall into the fire, and dragged him to his feet. You pushed him onto the log where you had been sitting and sat on his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist and straddling him.
And oh Maker, he was hard. You could feel his entire length throb and press against his stomach as you grinded your hips, slow at first. Achingly slow. Cobb lowered his hands to your waist and pulled you closer to his chest, desperate for you to increase your speed. "More." he gasped, nuzzling his head into your neck and biting down into your skin.
Your grip on him tightened. You wanted to go slow; and tease him for as long as possible. He deserved it. You wanted to edge him until he was crying out your name, begging you to let him cum. But you needed a release too. Fuck, you needed him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and hovered over his lap. "Pants off." you commanded, to which he happily obliged.
Within seconds, the Marshal had pulled his pants off. You spat into the palm of your hand, saliva dripping amongst your fingers and grabbed his length, rubbing it as you slowly sank on top of him.
He was big. He was so big. His cock throbbed inside you. It stretched out your walls and you could feel every vein. You held yourself on top of him for a few moments as you adjusted to his length. Cobb dipped his hand down and began to circle your clit a few times, earning a few delicious moans.
It wasn't long until you were balls deep into him. His cock was amazing. As you began to ride him, you realised it curved in just the right place, and with every thrust, he hit your sweet spot. You knew you wouldn't last long. "Fuck, so good," Cobb grunted as you bounced on top of him. "Such a pretty girl."
"Don't wanna leave," you gasped. "Wanna feel your cock fill me up every day. Wanna feel you cum inside of me. Please."
"Keep doing that." The Marshal urged, his hands pressing into the small of your back. "I'm close."
"Want you to fill me up, make a mess of me." You were practically screaming, tears pricking your eyes as he began to buck his hips upwards, his thrusts meeting yours.
"Yeah? Such a good girl for me, aren't you?" Cobb cooed and you let out a little squeal as he spanked your bare ass- the sound echoing through the desolate village.
He drove you straight to your climax, your cunt clenching around him, tight like a vice, which sent him to his own orgasm. His load shot up inside of you, sending bolts of pleasure into your body. He pressed his forehead against your chest as your rhythm became more slow and sloppy until eventually he softened inside of you. Reluctantly, he pulled out, and you whimpered at the lost feelling of him.
"Next time you find yourself on Mos Pelgo, I'll be the one calling the shots." he growled, biting down on your ear lobe.
Permanent taglist (let me know if you would like to be added!):  @supernaturalgirl666 @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic
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sicjimin · 3 years
A.N : ... don't mind me .. this just a result of my brainvomit at ... 1 AM. need fo distract my mind :] nothing special, just. a very very sick Jimin (im sorry for torturing you baby)
TW : emeto , graphic description of vomiting
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Yoongi usually got home greeted by a smile and light kiss for Jimin as the younger opened the door, along with "hows your day" while they stepped in right to the kitchen counter, there, Jimin already plated all the food—maybe takeout, he doesn't mind— prettily and ready to eat. Then they will fall into an easy conversation. Even though they work in the same group and same building, with Jimin in vocal and dance but Yoongi in rap and producing, they rarely meet if it's not because of meeting or schedule.
Yes, that was his routine. his rhythmic with Jimin.
So don't blame Yoongi when he feels like his heart stops beating for a moment when the sight that welcomed him home is ... different.
It was still Jimin that opened the door, but no greeting, not a smile, no light kiss, and of course, no small talk about his day since the younger mouth was covered by his own hand. Frown prominent in Jimin's features like he's in pain. Yoongi hasn't yet taken a full observation of his boyfriend when Jimin already turned his heels to run to the bathroom. If Yoongi is not mistaken he also catches a wet belch escaped from the younger mouth before a real gag echoes through the bathroom after the lid opened harshly.
"Jimin-ah?", Yoongi quickly step in after he recovered from his shock. It seems like Jimin was too busy to hold himself back for him to not closing the door. Yoongi is immediately greeted by his boyfriend's hunched figure as the younger shoulder heave up, dragging murky brown liquid out like a stream from his plump lips that now looking pale and chapped. His hand holding on the toilet like its lifeline, and another pressing his stomach, like it could help to fasten the process.
Yoongi massages the latter nape when he gurgles more vomit up filling the bowl. Jimin drink a few inhale of breath before his throat constrict and warm liquid seeping through it again.
"That's it baby, you're doing great", Yoongi murmured, hoping that it could send some comfort as Jimin body keep rocking wave after wave. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut when harsh nausea swirling in his stomach. His hand blindly searching for Yoongi's hand that the older immediately catch, gaining a squeeze from Jimin as he riding with nausea that not even a minute later morph into a big rush of vomit splashing loudly—some of it even splatter from his nose. Leaving Jimin coughing and panting after the wave passed.
"You're doing fine, Min-ah. Just let it all out", Yoongi still patiently murmured beside him as his thumb grazing a gentle pattern on Jimin's palms. He reached for a tissue and passed it to his sick boyfriend and flushed the soiled water that almost filling half of the bowl. Jimin sniffed, he genuinely feels terrible. His mouth bitter, his nose is runny, and not to mention the tears stained cheeks that escaped when he puking his guts out.
"Are you finished? How are you feeling?", Yoongi asks softly. His hand brushing Jimin's black hair that stick on his forehead. " Terrible, 'm still nauseous", Jimin mumbled hoarsely. His hand grazing over his stomach that still turning around like a washing machine, but it's empty. He shakily brings his legs to rinse his mouth and freshen his face. Yoongi followed from behind.
"Do you want to go to our bedroom or just crash on the couch?"
Jimin gulped hardly, nausea still prominent latching on him. He knew he gonna puke again sooner or later being upstairs certainly won't help his condition at all. "I think i will crash on the couch hyung", he says as he walks to the couch and immediately curled his body there. Moving his position when Yoongi finally joined him. His hand curled on Yoongi's torso as the older rubbing his back, " Isn't it more comfortable in the bedroom? You can sleep there"
"Mhm, no. I think I'm gonna puke again soon. It will be faster from me here", Jimin croaked out.
"You're feeling that bad?", Yoongi moves his hand to play with Jimin's hair. It moves slightly as Jimin nods, " How? You were fine this morning"
"Dunno", Jimin mumbled. His voice a little bit muffled as he nuzzled deeper into Yoongi. His stomach starts swirling again, harder this time. He swallows thickly before opened his mouth, " It just happened few minutes before you got home .. suddenly i felt so nauseous. Like when i got motion sickness", Jimin gulped down gag that starts making its way up again, "That why i still can open the door for you"
"Hyung", Jimin beat Yoongi that was just opened his mouth. " Can you pass me the bin?", Jimin asks thickly as his words almost overlapping with the gag. He sucked a deep breath before grimaces as sour gas filling his mouth, "I think I'm gonna puke again"
Yoongi's eyes widened before he jumps from his seat and quickly snatched the bin his eyes could catch. Just in time as Jimin belched up a mouthful of watery liquid.
Yoongi sighs as he rubs Jimin's back, again. It's gonna be a long day for them both. and definitely an unexpected routine for Yoongi. Whoever that said the change in routine is needed so you won't grow bored, Yoongi curses them under his breath.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
no service (gbd)
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the boys do their first no tech challenge since you and grayson get together, and though they make it, something goes terribly wrong at home
word count: 5k
warnings/tags: angst, worried!grayson, hurt!y/n 
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy :)
Your POV:
“I dunno, I just have a weird feeling about this one.” Grayson’s fingers were twisting and untwisting the hem of your shirt, his nerves evident as you laid next to him in bed.
“Gray you’re gonna be fine, it’s just like before. You’ve got the van, and you’ve done survival stuff. Everything is gonna work out. I am gonna miss you though,” you gave him a sad smile.
Since you’d started dating, you’d been attached at the hip. You still had an apartment of your own, but if you were honest you needed to just bite the bullet and sell it - you practically lived with the twins, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. But that also meant that this was going to be the first long-ish stretch that you weren’t with each other. 
“It’s just 7 days baby, it’ll go by so fast.” Now he was comforting you, of course. 
“You’re gonna have the best time, I can’t wait to see the video when you get home.” 
“I’d send you pictures, but you know we won’t have our phones,” he sighed, running a finger along your jawline. “Not being able to see this face all week is gonna suck.”
You blushed deep red, warming his fingertips before you pulled away and crawled across the bed.
“Hey, where ya goin’?” Grayson pouted, but you ignored him for a second, going over to the dresser where you kept some of your clothes full time. You reached down, pulling out the little album that you’d been making as a gift for Grayson down the road. You pulled out one of your favorite pictures; from one of the first weeks that you’d been dating, it was the two of you with the LA skyline in the background, with you looking up at him as he smiled. 
“Here, take this with you.” You handed him the photo. “I know E will probably give you shit, but just hide it somewhere. Make sure you bring it back though, that one’s my favorite.”
“I love you,” he responded, but you barely heard it, because at that exact moment Ethan was banging on the door and yelling “GRAY! C’mon it’s time to go!” 
“And i’m going to kill my brother,” he groaned, reaching out and pulling you to him tightly, falling back on the bed. You landed on top of him, and his lips were on yours before you could say anything. He kissed you roughly for a minute, a bit of urgency there as he knew you weren’t going to be able to do this again for a while. Ethan knocked on the door again, and you felt Graysons arms tighten as he rolled over, putting you underneath him
“Go Gray, before he beats the door down,” you teased, pushing gently on his chest.
“I could just stay here with you,” he countered, raising an eyebrow.
“Go,” You giggled, pushing harder.
“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, kissing you again before getting up. “Alright E, I’m coming!” 
You followed him to the door where Ethan was standing in the doorway.
“Finally get him to stop crying and leave?” E asked.
“Oh shut up,” you teased, pushing on his chest so you could get by. He followed you, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you headed out to the van, which you knew was already packed.
You stayed out of the shot as they filmed a little intro explaining what they were doing. Grayson was so much more excited these days in all the videos, but even more so in the ones that had to do with adventures. You watched as the locked their phones in the box they’d used before, storing it under the benches in the van. 
Once the cameras cut, Gray made his way back over to you, wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“I love you. I’m gonna miss you so much,” he murmured into your hair.
“I love you too Gray. Be safe.”
“You too. Call Ricky if you need anything okay? He’ll still have his phone for emergencies.” 
“I’ll see you soon.”
Grayson’s POV
His mind was already wandering as he continued driving down the road, already in Arizona. They were headed to Big Bend National Park, with the new challenge of not using their phones for navigation. Ethan was actually a good navigator, so once he got on the right highway it was just a matter of driving through Arizona and Texas, then down to the Mexico border to get to the park. 
“I think all this footage is gonna be sick, and I’m excited to get some star shots once we get to the park,” Ethan said. Gray just nodded along, watching the road.
“You good bro? You’re off, I can feel it.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just have a pit in my stomach about this whole thing. It’s makin’ me anxious,” Grayson explained, fists tightening on the wheel of the van. Ricky was in the back, sound asleep.
“What about it though? Is it something specific?” Ethan asked.
“I can’t put my finger on it. I just have a weird feeling. I’m sure it’s nothing, I’m just in my head.” 
“Is it Y/N?”
Sometimes, Grayson really hated sharing a mind. And this was one of those times. He stayed silent, which was enough of an answer for Ethan.
“She’s a fully capable person Gray. She’s gonna be fine without you for a few days.” 
“Thanks asshole, I know. Just drop it.” 
“Whatever,” Ethan shrugged, settling down into his chair a bit more, crossing his arms and getting comfy for the long trip ahead. 
And a long trip it was. They made it to the park around 1am, and were amazed at what they saw. Above them was the whole milky way, clear as day. 
They shot a quick clip explaining the main reason they’d come all the way to Big Bend.
“It’s a certified dark zone, which means no one is allowed to have building with lights out here. So theres no light pollution at all, it’s one of the best places in the world to see the stars,” Ethan explained. Grayson wasn’t paying too much attention; instead he was gazing up, and suddenly missing who he wanted beside him more than anything. 
It was going to be a long few days. 
Your POV:
The first four days were alright. You spent your time wandering around the house, enjoying all the space. You sat in Ethan’s comfy chair in the living room while you watched netflix, cuddled up in one of Grayson’s blankets from his bed that you’d dragged with you. It smelled like him, and it was comforting.
When that got boring you’d change into a swim suit, heading out to the pool - you’d given it a good cleaning, which you knew the boys would be thankful for when they got back. You were determined to get more of a tan than Gray by the end of the summer, and if you had any chance at all you needed to get a head start. 
By day five, the boredom was starting to get to you. You wanted to talk to Grayson, see his face, see his smile, hear his laugh. You even resorted to going back and watching a few of your favorite videos of theirs, just to hear his voice. You felt pathetic while you did it, but you also couldn’t really bring yourself to care too much if you were honest. All throughout the day you caught yourself pulling out your phone to text him, but you knew he wouldn’t see them. 
Still, you’d send a message just for fun, knowing he would see them once he got back and was allowed to have his phone. You could just imagine his face when he got back and saw all the little messages you’d left. 
miss youuuuu
hey u should come home now, k thanks
I stole your favorite hoodie and you’re never getting it back oops
im gonna hide all your building stuff, that’s the level of boredom i’m at
this shit sucks 
i love you
I wanna go on the next adventure :(
But as you sent the last one, it sparked an idea. 
You could make your own adventure. Nothing was stopping you, and you had nothing better to do. The weather was nice, and there was supposed to be some good surf coming in.
And so, that was that. You packed up a towel, your wetsuit and some sunscreen, heading out to the car. You decided to take the Bronco, just because it had the surf rack on top. Grayson still wasn’t too keen on anyone driving his car, but he trusted you with it more than Ethan, and you knew he wouldn’t really care.
So you packed up your surfboard, struggling a bit to get it on top of the roof and strapped down - Grayson always made it look so damn easy. But you managed, finally getting in and heading to the beach. The drive was beautiful, as always, but you missed being in the passenger seat with Grayson’s hand on your thigh. 
Damn. These last few days were gonna suck. 
Grayson’s POV:
“I think we’re really getting the hang of this bro. I’m excited. We could do this full time, for real,” Grayson grinned, packing up a few things in the van while Ethan filled up the packs with water. Ricky was filming, so he took the opportunity to explain what was happening.
“So guys, today we’re going on the longest, and most difficult hike in Big Bend. It’s called South Rim, it’s about 14 miles total, but we’re gonna split it up and actually camp about halfway so we can get even cooler views tonight. Now, Ethan and I like to say we’re hikers, but honestly, we kinda suck.”
“Yeah, we uh, we’re not great,” Ethan chimed in. 
“So this should be fun!”
“Oh yeah, great time.” 
“And obviously we don’t have our phones, so we’re gonna have no idea what time it is, we won’t be able to call for help if we get, ya know, mauled by a mountain lion or something.”
“Bro, why would you say that!?” Ethan groaned.
“It’s the truth! Well, I guess Ricky has his phone though, so we’d be alright.”
“My phone hasn’t had service since we got here,” Ricky countered from behind the camera. 
“Oh we are so fucked dude,” Ethan grumbled.
And in all honesty, it put a bit of a pit in Gray’s stomach, knowing he wouldn’t be able to contact anybody if something happened. But he pushed the thought from his mind, moving to help his brother pack up the tent and begin their trek.
Your POV:
The beach wasn’t too crowded, which was a blessing. When you said you liked to surf, it usually meant that you liked to catch 1 wave out of the 50 you tried for. You were a beginner, that was for sure. There were only about 20 people on the entire beach, and a few surfers out on the break, with the lifeguard keeping a close eye on them.
Even if you didn’t feel it, you looked the part in your wetsuit, board tucked under your arm. You snapped a quick picture, sending it to Grayson’s non-existent phone just for kicks.
wish you were here! you’d be laughing at how much I’m gonna suck. love you!
After it sent, you put it away in the waterproof box you’d brought. You made your way over to the lifeguard station, waving up at the man sitting atop the chair.
“Hey, I’m here by myself, do you care if I leave this box here with you?” You asked politely. 
“Yeah that’s fine. Be careful out there,” he responded, not taking his eyes off the water. You put it down by the legs of the chair, jogging towards the water. The ocean was cold when it hit your skin but you adjusted quickly, diving in and heading out to the break. 
And as you predicted, you missed practically every single one you tried to get up on. You hit the water over and over again, your arms sore from pushing up to standing, even if it was to no avail.
You began paddling in after about an hour, accepting defeat, when suddenly you noticed everyone beside you paddling out instead of in. 
The lifeguard’s whistle came too late. By the time you turned around, the wave was already there, towering feet above any that had come prior. 
And you were right in the break.
You’d read about these before. Rouge waves, you remembered. Random waves that come from nowhere, with no apparent cause. You had just enough time to suck in your breath before it crashed directly over your head.
It felt like the inside of a washing machine looked - that was the only way you could describe it. And then you felt something warm on your head, and everything went black.
Grayson’s POV:
It was the morning of day six, and Grayson had never been more ready to get home. The pit in his stomach was a rock now, and he had no explanation for it at all. 
“Bro we’re actually disgusting. Like we need a real shower somewhere, or we’re never gonna get the smell out of this van,” Ethan said. And he was right. After all the hiking and sleeping in the tent, the three of them reeked. 
“We could do a gas station shower, we just gotta map our way there without our phones. I don’t think that breaks the rules, we just aren’t supposed to use technology,” Ricky shrugged.
“Alright sick, we might as well start driving. Gray, you okay?” E asked.
“Yeah. Just don’t feel good,” he mumbled. He kept himself curled up in the back of the van, head resting on the table as Ethan found his way out of the park and towards the nearest town.
Grayson couldn’t figure out what was bothering him so much. He wasn’t dehydrated, he hadn’t eaten anything bad. He should be having the time of his life, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. It was like the time that Ethan had cut his leg open when they were kids; Grayson wasn’t near him, but he just knew. It was exactly that feeling, except Ethan was right there in front of him, perfectly fine. So he just kept his head down, hoping whatever it was would pass.
They found the gas station about 45 minutes later, and the three of them headed in eagerly. Maybe a good warm shower would clear his mind. 
And once he was done, he did feel better. But only slightly. It was getting harder to breathe. He headed out, noticing that Ricky was already in the van and Ethan was waiting outside. 
“Gray, dude you don’t look good. What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m getting sick man. I’ve been sick to my stomach since yesterday, and I feel like I can’t breathe now. Maybe I’ve got a really bad allergy to something out here. I’m sorry man, I’m trying to shake it so I can be up for the video, but I don’t know where it’s coming from.” 
“Guys.” Ricky’s voice was serious, much more serious than normal.
“What’s up?” E asked. 
“I just got service again, and I’ve got 12 missed calls, all from the same number. I don’t recognize it though. LA area code.”
“Call it. Call it now.” Grayson’s answer came before he could even think about it. He felt like he was going to hurl.
Ricky dialed it back quickly, holding the phone up to his ear. The twins climbed in the back, sitting down across from him at the table.
“This is he.” Ricky said. “Um, yeah, yeah he’s right here.”
Grayson’s blood went ice cold when Ricky held the phone out for him.
“It’s for you.”
He felt robotic and he reached out, taking the phone and putting it up to his ear.
“Hi, is this Mr. Grayson Dolan?” 
“Hi Grayson. We’re just calling on behalf of Ms. Y/N Y/L/N from King Hospital, you’re listed as her primary emergency contact.”
“Is she alright? What happened?”
“She’s stable right now. We don’t have all of the details, she’s been in and out of consciousness. She was in an accident -”
“Accident?” Grayson’s voice cracked, and Ethan stiffened up beside him. As if it was instinct, he felt his brothers hand on his shoulder, anchoring him just enough that he could listen.
“She was out surfing at Manhattan Beach, the lifeguards said there was a rouge wave. They got her out quickly, but they think she hit her head on some rocks when she went under. She wasn’t breathing when they got to her, but she was stabilized in the ambulance. She told us to call Ricky off her phone when she was conscious because you wouldn’t have your phone. We’ve had her sedated so her brain could rest, but it looks like we’re going to need to take her in for surgery, because we found some deep lacerations on her head and want to check for anymore significant damage.”
“Surgery?” Grayson expected himself to go numb, but he almost had the opposite. He was so overwhelmed that it was crippling. “How soon?”
“As soon as we’re able. She isn’t able to give consent, so we needed to get in contact with you if possible. Are you able to get here quickly?”
“I’m - I’m not in the state, I’m in Texas.”
“Well, a telephone consent will do,” the nurse said.
“Oh. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I consent. Do what you need to, please just be careful.” It was dumb thing to say, he knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Thank you Mr. Dolan, we will. And we’ll keep you updated. Should we call at this number, or the one you have listed?” 
“The one I have listed is fine, I have it now.” 
Ethan knew exactly what that meant and was immediately scrambling to find the box with their phones while Ricky got the key ready off his keychain. 
“Alright, speak soon Mr. Dolan.” 
And with that she hung up the phone.
“I’m gonna be sick,” were the only words that Grayson could manage as he crawled to the back of the van and hurled over the bumper. Ethan followed him, holding onto his shoulders and trying to stabilize him so he didn’t fall out.
“What do we need to do Gray?”
“Drive. We need to get home, now.”
Without further questions, Ricky climbed into the drivers seat as they closed up the back of the van, immediately heading in the direction of California. 
When Gray finally managed to get enough air in his lungs, he was able to look up at Ethan, who was sitting opposite of him. 
“Y/N’s hurt. I think it’s pretty bad.”
“Tell me what happened.” 
And so he did, to the best of his ability. He didn’t have very much information, which was the hard part. But he told his brother everything that the nurse did.
“Well, if she was with it enough to give them Ricky’s number instead of yours, that’s good. That means she was alright when they got her in the ambulance.”
“Right. I wonder if she tried to call me.” The thought made his stomach tighten.
“Your phone was dead, it’s charging up front right now. Either way, we’re headed back as quick as we can.” 
Grayson noted that the van was moving quite quickly - Ricky was definitely speeding, but he didn’t care. 
“I know Gray. I’m scared too. But she’s gonna be alright. She has to be.” 
She’s gonna be alright
She’s gonna be alright
He repeated the words over and over again in his head, sometimes mumbling them aloud. A few minutes later, his phone was charged. Ethan climbed to the front to get it. Without having to ask, Ethan knew that Grayson wanted him to screen his texts, just to see. And he could tell there were texts from her just by his face.
“E. If she text me about all this and I didn’t answer, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.” 
“She wouldn’t have been able to, she didn’t take her phone in the water. These are all from before.” 
He held out his hand.
Looking at the texts was his undoing. He could hear her voice, clear as day in his head as he read them, making it all the much harder. He began to sob, uncontrollable ragged sounds. Ethan put an arm around his shoulder in silent support, as he often did. And Ricky continued down the road.
It was the longest 15 hours of his life. They’d checked to make sure it wasn’t quicker to stop in Phoenix and put Grayson on a flight - driving straight through was faster. But god it felt like it was taking years. He held the picture he had of him and Y/N in his hand, but he couldn’t look at it for too long without losing it. 
Ethan was driving now, with Grayson in the passenger seat - he hadn’t been forced to take a turn, everyone knew he was in no shape to drive. 
Everyone in the car was on edge, which meant they all jumped practically to the ceiling when Grayson’s phone rang. He answered on the first ring.
“Mr. Dolan?” It was a different voice this time.
“Hi, this is Y/N’s surgeon, just calling with an update. Y/N is out of surgery, and she did great! No complications, and the damage seems pretty minimal, though we’ll have to see once she wakes up.” 
He took his first real breath in the last 15 hours. 
“That’s great news. Thank you.”
“So she’s in recovery right now, but she’s gonna be unconscious for the next 30 minutes or so. Should we be expecting you?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m headed there right now, I should be there in about 25 minutes according to my GPS.”
“Alright perfect. Well, she’s in room 828 on the post op wing when you get here, just sign in at the desk and we’ll bring you up. We’ll take good care of her.”
“Thank you so much doctor.”
“She’s alright. Out of surgery, should be waking up soon,” he explained as soon as he hung up. The relief was obvious, especially for Ethan. Gray had been so caught up in his own worry that he’d forgotten how worried Ethan must be - Y/N was practically his sister. Grayson watched as his brother pressed just a tiny bit more on the gas, racing towards the hospital.
When they arrived, Grayson couldn’t get out of the van fast enough. He bolted for the entrance, with Ethan in tow. Ricky stayed in the car out of privacy, offering to get them anything they needed. 
They went through the motions of check in - something they were all too familiar with - and Grayson followed the nurse up to the post op floor, where he was transferred over to the nurse that had initially called him. 
“She’s starting to stir just a bit. Just to prepare you, we aren’t sure how confused she’s going to be when she wakes up. With the mixture of anesthesia and her concussion, she may be very out of it. Just be patient with her, she should come around to her normal self within the next few hours. She’s right through here.” The nurse stopped outside the door, opening the door with a gentle push. 
“You wanna go alone, or do you want me with you?” Ethan asked, hesitating.
“With me.” He didn’t have to think about it. 
Grayson went in first, and if Ethan hadn’t been behind him, he probably would have fallen to his knees. Y/N was in the hospital bed, gown over her still form, her head partially wrapped in gauze. She had oxygen tubes in her nose and was breathing deeply, laying flat on her back, eyes closed. Just the image of her in the whole hospital garb was enough to bring tears to his eyes. He hated it more than he could have imagined. 
Once he was stable enough on his feet, Grayson headed to her bedside. As he got closer, she started to stir a bit, fingers twitching as he sat down as gently as he could on the side of her bed. It was as if she knew he was there already, even though he hadn’t said a word or touched her at all. 
“Mmmmmm.” She started to make a noise, her dry lips parting.
“Baby?” Grayson leaned forward, taking her hand in his, careful not to move her IV. 
“Mmm- mad.” She mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Mad?” He looked back at Ethan for clarification, but he just nodded. Grayson raised a hand up to cup her cheek, and she smiled, resting her head in his palm. He revealed in the feeling, taking it in. 
“Bronco.” This time, her word was clear, though it didn’t make anymore sense. 
“Baby. Y/N, can you open your eyes sweetheart?” Grayson coaxed, rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone. 
“Tryin’. It’s heavy,” she said, scrunching her eyebrows. He could tell she was really doing her best, which made his heart squeeze a bit tighter. When she finally managed to lift her eyelids, he could tell she was exhausted. 
“You’s gonna be mad at me,” was the first sentence she managed to string together, though all her words were drawn out and slightly garbled. 
“Why would I be mad at you baby?”
“I drove the bronco, left it at the beach. Probs some homeless guy living in it,” she said, resting all the weight of her head onto his hand. 
“It’s okay. I really couldn’t care less about the car right now.”
“Don’t say that, Ethan will be big sad.” She gasped then, sitting upright a little more. “Ethan! Hi buddy!” She had just noticed him at the end of the bed. She blinked hard, like she was trying to bring him into focus.
“Hey girly, how yah feelin?” 
“Got a cracked skull, but i’ms okay. But guess what?”
“What?” He asked.
“Still smarter than youuuuu,” she shrugged, and Grayson couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
She really was back to normal.
“You want me to go get the car?” Ethan asked, sitting on the opposite side of her bed and for once, choosing not to throw a comeback. He really had been worried.
“I don’t have keys. Or my phone. I left em with the lifeguard,” she pouted, her lip curling down. If it wasn’t so pitiful, he would have found it adorable. 
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about it,” Grayson reassured her, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
The nurse came in then to check on her. Ethan moved out of her way, and Grayson was about to move away, but Y/N grabbed his hand, using all her strength to hold him there.
“Don’t go,” she whimpered, and he swore he could feel a piece of his heart crack.
“I’m right here, just getting out of the nurses way,” he promised, kissing her hand and standing next to the bed.
“You guys are fine, I’ll let you know if you’re somewhere I need to be,” the nurse smiled. “How’re you feeling Y/N?” 
“Sore, but okay.”
“Well, you’re a trooper. I’ve never seen anyone come out of anesthesia so clear headed before. Now, you might get confused in a little while, but that’s just the concussion, and it’ll pass, okay? Just gotta give it time. You just rest and give your body some time to heal. You should be ready to rock and roll out of here in the next few days, okay?” 
“M’kay. Is my phone lost forever?” She asked.
“Actually the lifeguard that pulled you out dropped off your box with your things earlier. It’s over there with your other belongings.” 
Grayson made a mental note to find that guy and thank him profusely in the future. Ethan went over to the personal items bag, bringing it over to the bed. Y/N started to rummage through it, pulling things out one by one. 
When she got her wetsuit out - which took some effort - she frowned, running her finger over the new cut that Grayson assumed was made by the paramedics. He tried as hard as he could to not picture what the ambulance looked like when that cut was made.
“They cut it,” she pouted. “That was my favorite one.”
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Grayson reassured her. 
“M’kay,” she mumbled, satisfied. She cuddled down a little bit into her pillow, obviously exhausted. Grayson continued going through the bag, getting the keys and her phone out of the box. 
“I’m gonna get the car before it gets towed. Give you all a minute,” Ethan said quietly, having a hand out for the keys.
“Thanks bro. I’ll keep you updated.” 
He was extremely grateful, but he couldn’t find the words. He hoped Ethan knew.
“Gray,” Y/N said quietly. 
“Hey baby, I’m right here.” 
“M’tired,” she murmured, holding a hand out. “Can we sleep?” 
“You can sleep sweetheart,” Grayson reassured her. 
“C’mere. Come up here,” she said, patting the bed next to her. 
Grayson obliged, sliding his arms under her knees and behind her back, scooting her over just enough so that he could slide into the bed beside her. 
“Much better. I missed you. Maybe don’t go for so long next time,” she said, curling up against him and getting as close as she could.
“Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you for a long, long time.”
“Sounds good to me,” she mumbled, but she was already falling asleep before the end of the sentence. So Grayson held her close to him, relishing in the feeling and lulling off to sleep. 
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