#dayli art
lynaferns · 1 month
Your ocs are really pretty!!
Thank you! :D
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stuckygeekevents · 6 months
April's prompt list
We are very excited to announce that the Stucky Geek Events Discord Server will do a monthly dayly prompt list event (yes, I know, kinda ripetitive there, uh?) Anyway, each day of each month, we will provide you a prompt!
Here there is the april's prompt list
Hananaki disease
“That's why I asked you to do this.”
chest pain
"I'm in love with you, you dumbass."
Last Friday Night
Forehead kisses
Panic Attack
“So… Do you actually like me—” “We have been together for seven years. We’re getting married next year. What the hell do you think?”
Falling in love
Pic nic
Cinema night
Talking about the future
"Fuck, I think I'm in love with [...]
Spin the bottle
Getting the license
Fake ID
Forever isn't enough time for us
Touch starving
"I can fix that"
And here there is this month collection! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Stucky_Geek_Events_Dayly_Prompts_April_2024
Join our discord server for dayly reminders:
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elydraws · 2 years
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𝒀𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒐 👹 ヤマト • son of Kaidou 🐉
“What will that survival even mean?! Only a return to slavery, counting down the days to death!!
Surrender is not the same as salvation!!”
One of the best #op “minor” characters for me🌱
I know it’s like ages from my last post but life is pretty much harder in these last months and my self-criticism is not helping at all.
I don’t like half of my drawings and I can’t even finish them without throwing them away in the trash. So I’m pretty happy with this one, at least I like it, and is one of the works that I finally completed.
Like always what I’m missing is practice and time to do that 🥲
I leave this drawing here, hoping that you guys can forgive me and that you’ll like it like the last reel I posted on IG that has reached almost 300k views! Thank you so much for the support!
If you want more of this content check my Instagram: ely8draws
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wrightingdungeon · 3 months
Gonna be poetic and shit. But one year can bring so many changes, it's still you, but you have grown, even if you don't see it.
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FiaMosLapp but is just Mostima randomly bringing Lappland in like if she just adopted a stray dog without consulting Fia first and now they just have a new person in their relationship (dw FiaLapp is a slowburn they'll catch the feelings eventually i have it all planned)
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morn-2 · 11 months
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hamstyandfriends · 11 months
Inktober #28: Sparkle
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bammythechaotic · 5 months
Day: 30: Bonnie
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frootypebls · 2 years
i miss my sketchbook so bad this is the first time ive wanted to draw traditionally in MONTHS... m- maybe even a yr
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it is really strange exactly how much fnaf has gotten me to make art. like thats.. weird... ive been drawing almost dayly since july cus of fucking five nights at freddys?? why though???
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“Tudor historians ... write at length about Margaret (of York)’s involvement in the plots against Henry VII. They presented all attempts to overthrow Henry as part of her own malicious and obsessive vendetta against him. Polydore Vergil expressed the general view most succinctly when he stated that Margaret, ‘pursued Henry with insatiable hatred and with fiery wrath never desisted from employing every scheme which might harm him as a representative of the hostile faction.’
Edward Hall, who followed Polydore Vergil very closely, elaborated on this and added several fearsome phrases for ‘this diabolicall duches.’ Margaret was ‘lyke a dogge revertynge to her olde vomyte’ and ‘lyke a spyder that dayly weaueth when hys calle is tarne’. Hall examined the dowager’s motives in a paragraph which has been echoed by many later historians:
This lady Margaret although she knewe the familye and stocke of the house of Yorke to be in maner distroyed & vtterly defaced by her brother kyng Richard, yet not being saciate nor content with the long hatred & continual malice of her parentes which subuerted and ouerthrew almost the progeny and lignage of kyng Henry the vi and the house of Lancaster, nor yet remembryng the newe affinitie & strong alliaunce that was lately concluded, by the whiche the heyres of bothe the houses and progenies were vnited & conioyned together in lawfull matrimony, lyke one forgetryng bothe God & charite, inflamed with malice diabolicall instinction, inuented & practiced all mischiefes, displeasures and damages that she could deuyse against the kyng of England. And farther in her fury and frantyke moode (accordyng to the saiyng of the wise man, there is no malice equiualent nor aboue the malice of a woman) she wrought all the wayes possible how to sucke his bloud and copasse his destruccion as the principal head of her aduerse parte & contrary faccion, as though he should be a dewe sacrifice or an host immolated for the mutuall murder & shamefull homicide comitted and perpetrated by her brother and progeny.
In this extract Hall elevated Henry by comparing him with the sacrificial Lamb of God, and relegated Margaret firmly to the role of the devil’s agent.
Another major analogy for the Dowager, which became entrenched in the history books, originated with Bernard André, the blind tutor of Prince Arthur, Henry VII’s eldest son. As befitted a classical scholar he portrayed Margaret as the goddess Juno, notorious for her implacable desire for revenge, ceaselessly attacking the noble Henry who was cast in the role of Hercules. In the ‘Twelve Triumphs of Henry VII’, an epic poem also ascribed to André, Margaret was also compared to Menalippe, the Queen of the Amazons, another of Hercules’ enemies, and also to one of the heads of the monster Geryon, the other two heads being those of Philip and Maximilian. Here at least there was a recognition of how closely Margaret worked with the rulers of Burgundy.
...More recent English historians have echoed the Tudor line with considerable regularity. Even the charitable Hume considered that the Dowager’s behaviour towards Henry showed ‘a spirit of faction who entrenched somewhat the probity which shone forth in other parts of her character’. For Professor Mackie, Margaret was ‘always ready to play the kindly aunt to Henry’s enemies’. Writers in other fields have picked up this general verdict. The art historian, Professor Wilenski, suggested that Dirk Bouts portrayed Margaret as the wicked queen in his great dyptich ‘The Judgment of Otho’ because she was ‘rancourous and given to political intrigue’.
The source for all these opinions on the Dowager’s character was no less a person than Henry VII himself. He expressed his attitude towards Margaret with great conviction in a letter written to Sir Gilbert Talbot in 1493:
"not forgetting the great malice that the Lady Margaret of Burgundy beareth continually against us, as she showed lately in sending hither a feigned boy surmising him to have been the son of the Duke of Clarence … And forseeing now the perseverance of the same her malice, by the untrue contriving eftsoon of another feigned lad called Perkin Warbeck … wherethrough she intendeth by promising unto the Flemings and other of the Archduke’s obeissance to whom she laboureth daily to take her way, and by her promise to certain aliens, captains of strange nations, to have duchies, counties, baronies, and other lands, within this our royaume to induce them thereby to land here."
The King repeated his opinions in his instructions to his ambassador to France, who was told to inform the French King that the Dowager was misleading Maximilian and was wholly responsible for the past and for the threatened invasions of England. Although Henry had, by this date, very valid reasons for regarding Burgundy as a source of danger, his motives for accusing the Dowager rather than Maximilian were entirely diplomatic and totally ignored the fact that Margaret and Maximilian worked very closely together in their attempts to dethrone Henry.
Henry VII had an exaggerated notion of Margaret’s political influence, although he was not the first to respect and fear her authority. Louis XI of France had emphasised her role in diplomatic affairs and from the moment of her marriage to Duke Charles, the French King had regarded her as an active agent of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance. After 1477, Louis recognised the Dowager as one of the most vigorous opponents of France [...].
- Christine Weightman, “Margaret of York: the Diabolical Duchess”
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romirola · 2 years
Hi! If you take requests for one-shots, i was wondering if you could make one from the pov of a teen or young adult shifter of the Shaw pack, just to see how it is a dayly life in the pack from a different perspective.
Thank you anyways <3 :)
Hi, Anon! Thanks for reaching out! I sometimes do post prompt lists on my blog and invite people to send me requests. And even when I don't, my inbox is always open for people to share ideas, ask questions, or whatever else.
I'm not sure if you mean having a story written in the POV of one of the wolfbois when he was a teen, or about a noncanonical teen who is currently in the Shaw Pack.
If it's the former, I can say that an upcoming chapter of my current WIP on AO3, Packed with Love, features a flashback chapter where Asher and Milo are children. They're not teens, but the chapter does explore what it means to be a child in an established pack, how children are taught to preserve covert, and other day-to-day goings on of a family (Asher's parents) in the Shaw Pack. The chapter is written in a 3rd person POV, but it still would seem to cover the subject that interests you. I hope that suffices!
If it's the latter, I think you bring up an interesting idea, though it's difficult for me to imagine how to create a compelling story that centers on that perspective. Instead, how about a few headcanons about how teens in the Shaw Pack might view their alpha and beta?
-As alpha, David is The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Every teen in the pack looks up to David. Those who have not yet had their powers manifest hope their wolf forms resemble David's, even just a little bit. Those who are able to shift watch in awe as David leads pack hunts in the woods. David always makes sure to reach out to these pack members and be a present force in their lives. Nothing makes the teens more happy when they look out at a school concert, sporting event, or art show and see their alpha in attendance.
-Asher takes it upon himself to make every pack member feel included, empowered, and welcomed. His mission includes the teen members, too. He encourages the teens to attend pack meetings, even though they aren't required to attend meetings until they are adults. He invites teens to ask questions, bring up ideas, express their thoughts about problems they face as teen wolves, etc.. When the teens are facing a personal problem, they often reach out to Asher first, since David can be a bit intimidating. Asher is always respectful, listens, and tries to offer the best advice (though he will loop in David and, if needed, the teen's family when safety is a concern.)
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messy-paws · 1 year
My spot In the sewers, for Art!
[ main blog @rat-fanatic ]
Welcome to the art blog, I'm excited to have like, a little organized spot for art spam.
Feel free to send some asks with requests or ideas, I'm always down to get some inspo.
[ pfp is a drawing of a rat my dad made that I edited. ]
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[ under the cut ]
Messy paws - Art
Clean paws - Nonart
Chitters - Asks
Queuewers - Queue
Traditional - Traditional Art
Digital - Digital Art
Old blog srb - Archived Srb
Badlydoodlednepeta Archive - An archive of my BDHS Nepeta account that has since been deactivated
Badlydoodlednepeta Daylies - Archived daily posts from my BDHS Nepeta account that has since been deactivated
[ possibly more to be added later ]
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mangakasanakajenw · 2 years
She breaks this down beautifully, im glad i am not the only one who is concerned about what this technology will do with our humanity in the near future, the loss of community, the loss of our humanity when becoming completely relying on ai/tech, it's not just art or writing, this stuff runs so deep in our dayly lives now... And it's kinda creepy that i never noticed it untill last week...
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