#daz house cat
rhunae · 2 years
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Dancing with the Void
I'm showing two versions of this because I used Glaze* on the right. It's to help mask art work, and I wanted to see how it worked with 3D (and photography).
For me, for this image, the glaze treatment wasn't intended for this render, so my eye is drawn to her leg, specifically the effects in the leg. It also distorts the lighting coming from the window.
(Rendered in DAZ 3D | Edited in Gimp | Commissions Open | Patreon)
*Website for Glaze in the comments
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herodiart · 1 year
Hello again! I am the one who asks you for Heimdall with a cat.
here : https://www.psdly.com/daz-house-cat-with-dforce-hair-3d-model
I have found cat models for you. So please, please, please! I want the cute moment of him with a cat or cats. Anyway, Thank you.
Hey, I respect your deretmination to get Heimdall and a cat. 😂 ❤️ Thank you for the link, here's your prize (I picked a white fluffy cat, since that seemed in character for him):
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I'm rendering one more for you with more cats, but it's crashing my DAZ, so it might take a while for me to figure out the problem.
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pawsometoons · 2 years
Gregory Horror Show: Twisted Fate
Chapter 1: The Boy in the Green Tunic
A boy with blonde hair and a green tunic wakes up in an unfamiliar place. Last thing he remembers is trying to force himself to sleep by knocking himself out with his shield to meet a special friend in his dreams. But this wasn't his dreams.
As he walked forward through the unfamiliar wooded area, he came across a large building, dimly lit with lights at the sides of its doors. Above its doors were letters attached to the building that read "Gregory House". Despite the dread he felt from this place, he still entered anyway.
Inside the house, he was greeted by Gregory. The old rat that runs this hotel. The boy was getting more uneasy by the second, yet he proceeded. He began to have a feeling that this was no dream. Gregory had already given the boy his room before he knew it. Leaving him with the words: "Enjoy your stay... Forever"
Now the boy knew something was definitely wrong. He then heard the yowling of a cat from the room beside him. He got curious and decided to investigate. This is when he confronts Neko Zombie. A cat who has all been sewn up but surprisingly enough, the most hopeful guest in the house. Not for themselves.. but for others' escape. The boy had easily realized that Neko Zombie wasn’t a threat. Which made explanations easier on his part. He warns the boy about the nightmarish and dangerous guests around the house, all trapped here just like him. And this is when the boy learns that he had accidentally ended his life short after hitting his head with his own shield too hard. He wanted to escape reality.. but this wasn't exactly what had in mind. Neko Zombie ensures the boy that there is a way out. He knows there is. It's just that nobody has been able to successfully escape until not too long ago with one of the longest staying guests in the house. The boy begged for more answers as to why he's here when all he wanted was to find "The only one who cared for him", but This is all Neko Zombie could inform for now. And the boy went to get some rest.
The boy was suddenly awoken by an approaching voice... "Do you know who I am? They call me Judgement Boy!~"... He climbed out of bed and quickly investigated the source of it. It was the 3rd of the Judgement Boy clones! He had stopped in his tracks upon seeing the boy before him. He bestowed his judgement: "You are a young boy, stressed by the struggles of reality. You believe your family hates you and you refuse to communicate with them, instead finding your greatest comfort in your sleep."
"Will you one day come to accept reality and talk things out with your family? Or will you continue to force your dreams?"
The boy replies: "I..My family doesnt love me. My dreams are more important, I have someone there I want to meet."
The heart drops.. and shatters...
The Balance of Truth says: "And look where that got you. You continued to force yourself to sleep until you eventually killed yourself due to blunt force. Stuck forever in this hell of a purgatory.”
“It was your choice. Now you get to live with it."
The boy doesn't seem to care. It seems that being careful for what you wish for, wasn't on his to do list.
Then suddenly from the end of the hallway came the small pitter patter of Gregory's grandson James, with a pair of chain pliers! He begins climbing up onto the Judgement Boy clone to the top of its hat and begins to squeeze the blades of the pliers onto the chain that keeps it aloft! The clone struggles to get James off of him. Flailing, swinging, spinning. Nothing was working and that little brat held on with all of his will power, until finally.
The clone was snapped off of his chain and sent plummeting to the floor below. Its heavy metal body making a loud crash sound. The boy began to feel bad for the clone after the situation escalated so quickly. Though James was then soon caught sight of by Gregory but he ran off before Gregory could restrain him. He saw the dazed clone lying on the floor and was about to make an attempt to call the prompters until the boy suddenly made an offer to carry it back to the Judgement Factory himself! Gregory was confused, considering that the Judgement Boys weigh 10 tons and this small boy who was only a few inches over 3 feet was volunteering to carry it all the way back to the factory! That was until he did just that! Gregory was left flabbergasted and albeit quite shaken, seeing this child carry such a weight! He let the boy pass as he brought the clone back to the Judgement Factory. Once he entered, the other clones looked in surprise and confusion. This alerted Judgement Boy Gold as he had entered the center of the room. He had assumed that the boy had done something to get the 3rd clone off his chain, until the clone was quick to explain that it was James who had done it. The boy quickly dropped the clone and ran off when seeing the quickly approaching golden scale. 
Soon enough, an argument would ensue in the Judgement Factory between the 1st and 4th clones, which was pretty common. But this ended up with Gold being involved, for he was in the room as he administered controlled shocks to them both multiple times to get them to stop! But there was one thing that he would say that the clones would never forget...: "MAYBE GREGORY WAS RIGHT."
Meanwhile the boy retreated to his room once more. Outside in the halls, two mischievous guests who took on the forms of human children began to scuttle towards the new guest's room. Gregory was quick to stop them in their tracks, until they convinced him that they'd do no harm to the new guest. The boy heard the conversation outside his room and quickly attempted to barricade his door. But he quickly realized this was futile since the doors open outward. Not inward. And with that, Guest Boy and Guest Girl were quick to enter the room. The guest children would proceed to berate and taunt the boy, bringing down his Hope's of escape. 
"I have..I have a person to find that means a lot to me-" the boy says before Guest Girl interrupts.
"AWW, He has a motive, too!"
Guest Boy follows up: "And look where that got you. Did you go on some sort of quest to save a princess or something and died in a dungeon? HAHA!"
The boy would've liked to go out that way. But that wasn't the case here. He made it look like he really just died for nothing. Though the boy replies.
"Thanks for assuming, y' big loser. I've done more than your hands ever will in your entire life."
Guest boy retaliates in a harsh tone: "I mean I've roamed this house for nights on end running away from its guests and ruining their day just to collect souls for Death himself. And that's just my afterlife! But I'm guessing YOU'VE done something way more special than that?"
The boy was quick to attempt and prove him wrong.
"...Yeah. I've saved the world. Several times. I've never done something with selfish intent."
Though, this is exactly how Guest boy had hoped he'd reply. He laughed.
"You sure about that? Seems to me that you've been taking a lot more time to yourself than actually living your life. You could've had so much to look forward to!
But it seems like you would have rather spent the rest of your life dreaming than actually living.
Be careful for what you wish for!~"
This angered the boy even more. Making him want to lash out at the two guests. But they soon left after they succeeded in making him furious. He began wishing to himself. Wishing he had died a different death than this one that he Is constantly forced to regret. This went along for a good few minutes as he stared at the necklace around his neck bearing a star shaped charm. Though soon enough, he would re-enter the halls once more.
He could overhear Gregory talking to someone in the hallways.. a chef with a very large blade, a shrouded face with red eyes, and a hat similar to a candle at the top with a bright flame. Hell's Chef. Gregory seemed to be speaking with him about the absence of Cathrine and how a replacement for medical care will be needed. Hell's Chef didn't seem too keen on this, but obliged anyway. He shoved himself past the boy, followed with a rude remark. 
The boy continued on his own way, until both of them were stopped in their tracks! A man in beige business attire with the face of a clay haniwa doll was rushing down the hallway! He bumps into Hell's Chef, dropping his suitcase as it splits open, sending papers flying everywhere! Hell's Chef only scoffed and walked off. But the boy noticed that the Haniwa Salaryman's hat had fallen off! He advised Haniwa about his hat as he had finally finished picking up his papers. He walked over and put his hat back on before thanking the boy and handing him a strange business card. Soon enough, he was on the move again, rambling about being "Late for work"... The boy was left confused, but soon enough continued to walk along the hallways.
He would then begin to hear the small sobs of another child! The boy began to rush to find the source before he spotted a little girl with a tattered green dress and red braids, sitting against the wall and crying. The boy confronted the somewhat puppet-like girl, asking if she was okay. The girl claims she had lost her dolly and can't find it anywhere. The boy offers to help the girl find her doll as they both continue through the halls. With the boy leading the way, he accidentally entered the mummy family's room! Mummy Papa gave a kind and hearty welcome to the new guest as Lost Doll stayed close by. They were then greeted by Mummy Papa's son, Mummy Dog as well! The boy was confused about the mummy family's obliviousness to the weapons piercing their heads, but quickly dropped it after Mummy Papa began to speak about his "headaches”. The boy asked if either of them had seen a doll around, though neither Mummy Papa or Mummy Dog had seen it. Mummy Papa has suggested asking the Fortune-Teller Frog for advice on the missing dolly. Soon afterwards, Mummy Papa began to get another one of his headaches before taking out the medication he had for it. Mummy Papa hadn't eaten breakfast that day and decided if Hell's Chef had anything, leaving the 3 children alone in the Mummy family's room.
Mummy Papa was on his way to the kitchen before bumping into Cactus Gunman, who was looking for his sister to help him snag some of his weapons back from Guest Boy and Guest Girl. For not too long ago, they had stolen some of his firearms. Mummy Papa claims that those kids had also stolen his previous bottle of medication for his headaches. They soon enough went separate ways, wishing each other luck before Mummy Papa reached the kitchen. He had spoken to Hell's Chef and he got started right away to cook something up for Mummy Papa. During that, they continued to talk.
Meanwhile, the boy, Lost Doll, and Mummy Dog decided to leave back into the hallways to look for the missing dolly, only before being stopped by Cactus Gunman! He claims that he and his sister have been looking for the Boy. Looking to duel with him! He tosses a gun to the boy, as he stares in bewilderment. Until suddenly familiar rapid footsteps and voices came from down the other end of the hall! Guest Boy and Guest girl had snatched up the two weapons meant for the duel! They began to make a run for it, before the boy took out a grappling contraption and grabbed Guest Boy, pulling him back! He was now being held at sword point by the boy! His eyes were glowing a slight tint of red... At this point, Mummy Dog and Lost Doll had run off. Cactus Gunman would begin to snatch back his weapons, but accidentally fumbled one of his guys and shot the boy in the arm. Though.. he didn't seem phased by it very much.. but he began to grow drowsy. And fainted. His grappling contraption letting go of Guest Boy. The two guest children had decided to make a run for it, only after one of them had snatched one of the guns that Cactus Gunman had dropped upon his misfire. A few seconds later, Rose, the guest who had previously arrived here, now only being distinguished by her rat-like form, similar to Gregory, his mother, and james. As well as the stink of cigarettes, along with its smog that followed her and obscured her face. She stated the obvious before her, not all too amused. Her monotone personality wasn't very pleasant to be around. Soon after, Cactus Gunman had spotted Mummy Papa's medication that the guest kids had previously stolen! Rose advised Cactus Gunman to return the medication to Mummy Papa, as well as getting the boy's wound taken care of. Rose offered to help get the firearms back while Cactus Gunman dealt with what he was told. They went their separate ways after he asked Rose to keep an eye out for his sister. When they were out of sight, the 2nd Judgement Boy clone was gliding through the halls, also catching a whiff of Rose's stench..
Cactus Gunman had caught up with Mummy Papa in the kitchen, handing him back his medication. Mummy Papa's concern quickly moved to the Boy who was still injured. He took off one of his own bandages and washed it off with soap and water, proceeding to wrap it around the boy's wound.. disgusting.. but I don't think it matters very much in purgatory. Cactus gunman had soon enough brought the boy back to his room and ran off to find his sister.
The boy would find himself in a strange and gloomy looking void all around him, before he heard the slight ringing of a bell. And before him floated a skeletal figure with a strange hat and a scythe.. Death himself. He assured the boy that the injury he sustained wasn't fatal for he can't die twice here. As Death introduces himself as the one that is the gateway to sending souls to the afterlife, the boy mentioned how he was banned from the afterlife. This sent Death into a bit of confusion as he double checked on this fact and.. it was indeed true. This boy couldn't enter the afterlife at all if he died! Which was strange for someone so young.. Death pushes the topic aside for now and explains why the boy is here. 
"You're here because you died with something weighing heavily on your soul. The stresses of life and balancing family and work, everyone un-appreciating cooking or singing, forever searching for lost artifacts beneath the Earth, and a double homicide with the final family member dying of heartbreak...those are just a few of the residents Gregory keeps under his decaying old foot."
"You, my friend, are now under his foot, and he's gonna keep you there forever unless you can get out."
Death had then looked into the boy's known info. His name.. and how he died. Accidental suicide by trying to knock himself out.
He begins to explain to the boy that compared to everyone else, he has a real good chance at escaping.
"You died because you're focused on one person you meet in your dreams... And to get out...the main key is finding those who care about you."
"They've been around you and yet you simply didn't see it, constantly chasing someone who only exists in your mind. If you can find those people and reach out to them, you have the best shot of leaving since Haniwa Salesman!"
The boy tries to explain that everyone he knew in his life hated him. He believed that the only one who cared was this person he could only see in his head.
"That state of mind is what got you here in the first place, kid, and unless you wanna stay here and leave those people grieving, you're gonna have to try a bit harder than what you're doing now."
The boy then replied: "Grieving?.. Why would they cry about me?"
Death nodded,
"Yep! One of them is keeping your body close like a damn bodyguard. I can't say who, and I can't exactly drag you out to show you. but if you want a tip, kid? People in the TV screen are a lot closer than they appear."
This confused the boy. He tried to pry more answers from Death, but only got so little. Something about fish, an Angel/Devil Dog, moods, a bridge of light, Gregory taking on a new form, lastly Gregory's biggest weakness: his mother. This was a lot of information for the boy to take in at once. He was trying to understand it all! 
The boy asked one last question.  "...Okay...that's...it? How will my soul clear?"
"Once the weight is lifted off of it! You remember those who love you for who you are!" 
And before they knew it, the room around them began to fade..their time was almost up.
"...Looks like you're about to come too soon. Wounds heal quickly in the hotel, and the flintlock only hit your arm. Before you go, I have one more thing to say. Give a man a fish, his memories remain foggy, teach a man to fish, and his mind will be clear again!"
The boy would wake up in a bit of a confused daze before Lost Doll would enter his room to see if he was okay. She wanted to continue looking for her dolly, but was also worried about the boy's injury. But he quickly brushed it off before Hell's Chef had entered the room, bringing food to some of the guests. He had noticed Lost Doll and thanked her for her help with cleaning dishes before  going back to looking for her doll. And conveniently enough, he had found it in his kitchen! Lost doll was delighted to see her dolly again, hugging it tightly and thanking Hell's Chef. She had also thanked the boy for his help in finding the dolly as well. Something that had been happening for quite a while.. is that a few of the guests here have been reminding the boy of other people he knew.. though, he couldn't exactly pinpoint it. Lost Doll had left with Hell's Chef to pass out lunches to the other guests, once again leaving the boy alone. He began to eat his food to pass the time.
Later on, when the boy had finished, his door suddenly opened on its own! Following this, a blue glow began to fill the room, followed by the sound of static. A glowing skeletal fish with a television for a face had floated into the room.. roaming.. before it faced the boy. The tv had begun to display something, the whirring was almost unbearable to listen to..before it became a more tolerable sound, followed with almost blurry silhouettes. The audio was somewhat audible, only a few bits were able to be made out. The tv is in black and white.
Sorry I 
Take th- is 
Gui-  lt I"
But out of everything, what rang out clearly after was "IM SORRY" via.. many different, familiar voices... until it had finally ended with: "I want to be with you, Under the starlight"
...and then it fizzled out. He was caught off guard by this. But... couldn't stop looking. Couldn't stop listening. He kept hearing words of sorrow. Words that made him feel... selfish. But why? Was he wrong, was... 
"Was I wrong?" 
Gregory had suddenly entered the room, interrupting the boy's train of thought. He tried to reason with Gregory, hoping he'd understand his thoughts.. But.. he only brushed it off and walked away. This when he knew.. he had to get out of here. He heard a familiar and raspy voice speak to him through the wall. It was Neko Zombie! He was telling the boy that now was his time to escape. If he spent another night in this place, he may be doomed.. 
"...But what about you?!" The boy asked..
"Don't worry about me.. I have nothing and nobody to go back to.. But you do.. you don't have to do anything for me." Neko Zombie replied.
The boy was reluctant.. but there was nothing that could be done. But he now knew what he had to do. And he finally knew why. There are people in his life who are waiting for him. And he couldn't waste any more time. He said one last goodbye to Neko Zombie before dashing out into the halls.
Meanwhile, Gregory was back at the checkout desk.. but something felt off. Like he was being watched by a certain someone..
"Oh, don't tell me that old bitch is already starting to figure it out...!" Gregory thought to himself...
"I heard that Gregory"
A familiar and sinister voice echoed within Gregory's head. He knew very well who it was. He tried to lie and say that he was talking about Fortune-Teller Frog. But she wasn't buying it.
Gregory Mama had immediately sent Gregory to her room to confront him about what had been happening.
"I-It's not like the new guest is going to get far! So many have tried to escape and so many have failed!" Gregory chuckled in a panic before realizing who he forgot...
"All except for one." Gregory Mama snarled.
"ERK! R-RIGHT! D-Don't Don't you worry! W-We'll find a way to get the Original Judgement Boy back! I-I promise!!!" Gregory quickly replied, trying to get out of this situation.
"Well, YOU BETTER! AND THAT CHILD TOO! I can already see him slipping from your grasp! And don't think I've seen other guests going soft as well. YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS AND YOU BETTER BE QUICK ABOUT IT!" Her voice boomed across the room, making the shelves shake and the bottled souls click together. She lastly whacked Gregory on the head with her staff. Gregory cried out in pain and quickly ran out of her room. He began to inform the other guests of the boy's escape attempt. Some complied, some were reluctant. Though Gregory always knew how to get through to them.
Before the great chase begins, The boy had bumped into the 2nd Judgement Boy clone. The boy was nervous because he didn't want to face another judgement.. but... this wasn't what the clone was here for. He wasn't even supposed to be out of the factory this late either! And Gold nor any of the other clones currently know of his absence.
"You....You're from the world that OG was taken to...right? Though I guess he'd be going by something like his real name or JB or something like that...H-How...How was he doing..? Was he happy?"
This question caught the boy slightly off guard!.. he suddenly realized why these scales looked so familiar now… Not too long ago before he ended up here, a new member of a secondary family he was a part of had shown up, which he now saw shared a striking resemblance to the clones.
"...He... When I saw him, He was. He was with his friends... I wanted to be like him, honestly... with friends, family... and someone to love." He replied. But suddenly retaliated.
"But why is it so important to you?"
The boy could see a smile on the clone's face.
"Heh....Good for him....After the hell Gold and the others put him through… He deserves it..."
He looked around, then looked at Toon again 
"Look, Escape won't be easy, especially not with Gregory and some of the others after you now...Escapes have happened before...Salaryman...Rose...Even those two troublemaking kids...They all tried to escape...But in the end, they just came back..."
The boy responded: "But I..I don't want to come back. I want to see my parents again..my siblings, my friends..!"
The clone nodded to him.
"Then resist...Resist the call that tries to bring you back...Otherwise your escape will prove fruitless...You'll grow bored of your life back home, and would dream about returning to this cursed hotel...."
He then looks around in a panic. 
"You need to go now. I've given you your instructions...whether you choose to listen to them or not is your choice..."
After their confrontation had ended, the boy continued to dash down the halls, before he noticed he was now being chased by a crazed Lost Doll. As he continued to run, Hell's Chef had stopped him from ahead. As he began to dash towards the boy, their blades clashed! Hell's Chef was impressed by the Boy's strength and liked the challenge. Lost Doll began to tug back at the boy's hair, leaving him open for Hell's Chef to attack! But the Boy suddenly grabbed one of his bombs and threw it down in between them, swinging his head to fling Lost Doll off of him and run off. With Lost Doll in a daze, she was not able to follow, leaving her with Hell's Chef who was angered by the smoke emitting from the bomb's fuse. He hit the bomb with his blade, causing it to explode! The explosion flung Hell's Chef's blade toward Lost Doll, cutting her strings and immobilizing her. Hell's Chef became immobilized as well due to the blast of the bomb blowing out his candle.
The boy was on the run again, until Cactus Gunman suddenly appeared In front of him! He wasn't letting him get away without his duel. And this time, he brought Cactus Girl with him! He attempted to take a shot at the boy. Though unfortunately for him, the boy still had his shield! He knocked the bullet back, sending it through Cactus Gunman's sombrero. He tried to fire again, but hit Gregory who was just now approaching in the ear! As the three were distracted, the boy ran off again. Cactus Girl snatches the gun and begins shooting at the boy, but somehow he manages to dodge the bullets through dumb luck. The boy taunted them before James then tossed a device at him! He wasn't aware of what this device was, but assumed that James was helping him, so he threw the device towards Hell's Chef who had knocked over Cactus Gunman and his sister while rapidly approaching towards the boy. The device landed onto Hell's Chef, but that didn't stop him from approaching, confident that he was faster than the Trap Mouse. They boy had then quickly ran off into the basement storage rooms.. he was safe for now, but only for a little while. He had to get out. And fast!
Then suddenly, a bright light began to glow close by.. a fairy! One that was similar to ones the boy was familiar with from back home! It was leading him somewhere.. and he followed. The fairy led him into a strange, bright, and almost dream-like room... The fairy called out to someone it only referred to as "her". A dog looking similar to an angel descends in front of the boy!
"Hello! I am here to guide you to your final destination!" 
"You are..?" The boy replies.
"Yep! All you need to do is go through that door, and meet death himself!"
A door appeared before them, with a sign above that read.. "Heaven or Hell".
"...Uh… alright! I.. I can trust you on this, I guess.." The boy said. A bit reluctant about the situation.
"Go on! It's your time!" Said the dog anticipatingly.
And with that, the boy opened the door and sprinted right in. Right as the door closed, Gregory raced into the scene! He demanded to know where the boy had gone in a panic. He then noticed the door and the dog before glaring..
"You...YOU LET HIM ESCAPE?!" He exclaimed.
"Ah... the bridge of life." The dog chuckled maliciously..
"Good luck catching them... Because it's no longer my problem."
Gregory growled, it was time to take matters into his own hands! He closed his eyes...and let his TRUE power show.
Meanwhile, the boy was sprinting across a bridge made of some sort of light energy. Running for his life..
“Where do you think you're going?!” Cried out a familiar voice from behind him! It was Gregory, now in a giant ghost-like form, chasing the boy down!
"HOME! TO MY FAMILY!" The boy shouted, determined to escape this hell once and for all!
"There's nothing out there for you but cold, harsh reality! Don't you remember why you came here in the first place?! To see someone you were looking for!!!" Gregory beckoned, desperately.
Death had then appeared before the boy, encouraging him.
"You're almost there, kid! You've got a one way ticket back! Keep that train going!"
"NO! HE CAN'T ESCAPE! I WON'T LET HIM!!!" Gregory shouted as his ghostly form continued to chase after the boy.
He kept running and Gregory continued to plead and plead.
"YOU HAVE PEOPLE WHO CAN BE HEROES HERE, BUT NOT ME! AND IF YOU WON'T LET ME LEAVE, I'LL BREAK PAST THAT POINT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY." The boy screamed. He wasn't going to let himself get taken back. Not after he's come so far.
"PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!!!!" Gregory calls out one last time.
The boy takes a leap of faith, toward the blinding light ahead of him! Gregory shouts, trying his absolute best to reach him! Death glares down at Gregory…
"I think this train is at full capacity. please come again another time."
With a twirl of his scythe, he cuts the bridge connecting Gregory and the boy. And Gregory begins to fall.
“Your ticket was invalid anyway.”
Gregory called out as he fell into the nothingness below. "GRAAAAAAAAH! I-I'LL KEEP YOUR ROOM READY FOR YOU, MY FRIEND!!!!!!" 
The boy opened his eyes... being held in the arms of his sister, surrounded by family and friends... and a very strange face.. his own. Dressed in a blue conductor's outfit. That fairy.. was from him. He was saved by another version of himself.
He was gifted another chance to be his family's hero.. by himself. 
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anonofseasons · 1 year
Seasons: the cats
Meringue and Pudding are both white cats, but Meringue has fluffy white fur that's got a little bit of orange/tan around the ears that makes her look all toasted. Pudding has medium-length fur. They're also both fixed, and they're a year apart. Unrelated to one another as well. Sophie adopted them at separate times. She has not yet paused their ages but has considered doing it soon. They are currently 4 and 3 years old. Meringue was 6 months old when Sophie adopted her, but Pudding was a kitten when he came into the household. She's been trying to talk Rhett into a third one, but he's reluctant due to the size of their house and their whole trying-to-be-parents thing. (He doesn't think they need to overlap new kitten responsibilities with human baby responsibilities.) Moo is a tortoiseshell, and she was not fixed until the last few decades. Back before they had procedures to neuter/spay, Phineas just paused her while she wasn't in heat. This was especially important because one of his two cats he had at the time he brought her home was male. She was an adult when she was rescued by Phineas (at the urging of Cole and Daz, who found her first). Her physical age is unknown. Ulysses is much younger (not even a century old) and is a grayish tabby who has been fixed since he was a kitty. He's just a young cat that needed some medical care after being born on a farm, and Phineas found him wandering when he was just a little four-month-old thing. All the cats are indoors, although Phineas had tons of trouble keeping the male cat he had long ago inside and he successfully escaped a couple of times. (I don't know the names of the two cats he had before, haven't come up with them.)
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my3dartblog · 11 months
The Season of the Witch is here with this new set of 20 poses for Genesis 9 Feminine plus one bonus pose for Daz House Cat, just add the broom, grab your hat, and take off to the skies to solve all the Witchy Matters, don't forget to add a salamander eye and the wing of a bat to all your renders. What's Included and Features Witchy Matters Poses for Genesis 9: (.Duf) 20 Full Body Poses 01 Bonus Daz House Cat Pose Compatible Figures: Genesis 9 Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.21 Install Types: DazCentral, Daz Connect, DIM, Manual Install Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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financialsmatter · 2 years
Fat Food Frenzy
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To the average consumer, names like Kraft Heinz, Unilever, Kellogg and Nestle, aren’t often co-related with a Fat Food Frenzy. However, recent studies by WASSH (the World Action on Salt, Sugar & Health  show that "Four of the world's biggest food manufacturers are over-reliant on the sales of unhealthy food despite each claiming to be active in improving the healthfulness of their products." So, if you’re wondering why you see so many fat people in America it’s because deceptive marketing – by these and other major companies – has led the public to believe their products are healthy and safe. WASSH also reported that Kraft Heinz, Kellogg, Unilever, and Nestle are promoting diets high in fat and sugar, which could potentially increase the risk of obesity and chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and certain cancers if consumed regularly. (Scooby Doo HUH?) Effects of Fat Food Frenzy In addition, the consumption of junk food may cause adverse changes in the brain and result in cognitive impairment. And in addition to this we would like to know why are the largest food companies in the world also pushing a 'woke' agenda?        Maybe it’s because – like the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs – the Boyz have now shifted to a War on your diet or a War on your body. Or Maybe they don’t want us to know that most grains should be fermented in some way.  Because when they say 'highly processed' in the modern context, they mean a lot of industrial **** has been done to it with a lot of modern chemistry. Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE most people are too fat and lazy to learn about how they’re being poisoned by these mega-corporations…kinda like they ignore how Big Pharma poisoning everyone on the planet in the name of profit. Ironically (or NOT) what’s really weird about this is how food plants around the country seem to be going up in smoke…but not junk food plants.   Fat Food Frenzy Leaders Sad to say, companies like Nestle need to put “Buyers Beware” labeling on their companies that contain harmful additives and seed oils. Those companies include: Gerber Perrier Poland Spring S. Pellegrino Deer Park Toll House Coffee-Mate Starbucks Coffee at Home Carnation Stouffer’s Hot Pockets DiGiorno Pizza Buitoni Pasta Tombstone Pizza Lean Cuisine Sweet Earth Libby’s Pumpkin Carnation Häagen-Dazs Purina Alpo Fancy Feast Friskies Tidy Cats Go ahead…read the label of ingredients.       Hopefully the WOKE agenda will hit these companies where it hurts most…their earnings. In the meantime, see what consumer companies are currently hidden values in our March “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE). Share this with a friend…especially if they buy any of the above-mentioned products. They’ll thank YOU later. Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance But we use finance to give you hope. ********************************* Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2023 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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17-poprocks · 2 years
goddamn just got hit with the worst kind of sad. i miss home :(
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sixtynineinchnails · 3 years
heyo! here’s a list of all the brands owned by Nestlé, Mars, and Hershey
Cerelac (baby food)
Gerber (baby food)
Naturnes (baby food)
Nestlé Pure Life (drinks)
Perrier (drinks)
S. Pellegrino (drinks)
Blue Bottle Coffee (drinks)
Nescafé (drinks)
Nescafé Dulce Gusto (drinks)
Nespresso (drinks)
Starbucks Coffee At Home (drinks)
Milo (drinks)
Nestea (drinks)
Nesquik (drinks)
Carnation (drinks/dairy)
Coffee-Mate (drinks/dairy)
Nido (drinks/dairy)
La Laitière (drinks/dairy)
Cheerios (cereal)
Fitness (cereal)
Lion (cereal)
Nesquik Cereal (cereal)
Aero (confectionery)
Cailler (confectionery)
KitKat (confectionery)
Milkybar (confectionery)
Toll House (confectionery)
Smarties (confectionery)
Quality Street (confectionery)
Orion (confectionery)
Nestlé Les Recettes de l’Atelier (confectionery)
Dreyer’s (ice cream)
Extrême (ice cream)
Häagen-Dazs (ice cream)
Mövenpick (ice cream)
Nestlé Ice Cream (ice cream)
Buitoni (food)
Herta (food)
Hot Pockets (food)
Lean Cuisine (food)
Maggi (food)
Thomy (food)
Stouffer’s (food)
Chef (food)
Chef-Mate (food)
Minor’s (food)
Sjora (food)
Boost (nutrition)
Nutren Junior (nutrition)
Peptamen (nutrition)
Resource (nutrition)
Alpo (pets)
Baker’s Complete (pets)
Beneful (pets)
Beyond (pets)
Cat Chow (pets)
Dog Chow (pets)
Fancy Feast (pets)
Chef Michael’s Canine Creations (pets)
Felix (pets)
Friskies (pets)
Gourmet (pets)
Lucky Dog (pets)
Purina (pets)
Purina ONE (pets)
Pro Plan (pets)
Spillers (pets)
3 Musketeers (confectionery)
Bounty (confectionery)
Dove/Galaxy (confectionery)
Life Savers (confectionery)
M&Ms (confectionery)
Mars (confectionery)
Milky Way (confectionery)
Snickers (confectionery)
Twix (confectionery)
Celebration (confectionery)
Ethel M. (confectionery)
Flyte (confectionery)
Maltesers (confectionery)
Munch (confectionery)
Revels (confectionery)
Topic (confectionery)
Treets (confectionery)
Flavia (drinks)
Ben’s Original/Uncle Ben’s (food)
Kind LLC/KIND Snacks (food)
Combos (food)
Dolmio (food)
Kudos (food)
Promite (food)
Tracker (food)
Seeds of Change (food(?))
CocoaVia (nutrition)
Eukanuba (pets)
Iams (pets)
Pedigree (pets)
Whiskas/Kal Kan (pets)
Catisfactions (pets)
Buckeye Nutrition (pets)
Cesar Canine Cuisine (pets)
Dreamies/Temptations (pets)
Crave (pets)
Dine/Sheba (pets)
Exelcat/Exelpet (pets)
Frolic (pets)
The Goodlife Recipe (pets)
Greenies (pets)
Chappie (pets)
James Wellbeloved (pets)
Nutro (Max, Ultra, and Natural Choice)(pets)
Royal Canin (pets)
Techni-Cal (pets)
Natura (pets)
Optimum (pets)
PrettyLitter (pets)
Advance (pets)
Chum (pets)
My Dog (pets)
Nature’s Table (pets)
Schmackos (pets)
Winergy (pets)
Mars Fishcare (API, RENA, AQUARIAN, PondCare) (pets)
and anything owned by the Wrigley Company:
5 (gum)
Airwaves (gum)
Altoids (confectionery)
Big Red (gum)
Doublemint (gum)
Eclipse (gum)
Excel (gum)
Extra (gum)
Freedent (gum)
Hubba Bubba (gum)
Juicy Fruit (gum)
Life Savers (confectionery)
Lockets (confectionery)
Orbit (gum)
Rondo (confectionery)
Skittles (confectionery)
Spearmint (gum)
Starburst (confectionery)
Tunes (lozenges)
Winterfresh (gum)
Hershey Bar (confectionery)
Hershey’s Kisses (confectionery)
Reese’s (confectionery)
Brookside (confectionery)
Ice Breakers (confectionery)
Breath Savers (confectionery)
Jolly Ranchers (confectionery)
Twizzlers (confectionery)
Good & Plenty (confectionery)
York Peppermint Patties (confectionery)
Almond Joy (confectionery)
Payday (confectionery)
Bark Thins (confectionery)
Lily’s (confectionery)
Dagoba (confectionery)
Bubble Yum (gum)
Skinny Pop Popcorn (food)
Pirate’s Booty (food)
Dot’s Pretzel’s (food)
Paqui (food)
ONE (food)
it would be awesome if we could buy less from these brands, and encourage friends and family to do the same :)
instead of buying from these brands, try:
buying from local brands/small businesses
buy from store brands: most grocery and box store chains have their own food brands that are more affordable than other name brands
buy from brands you know make ethical choices
make things homemade (some of the items on this list are things you can find recipes for online and learn to make yourself)
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Supernatural Quote Rp Meme
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inspired by @ofwaywardsunshine​ and @heldheart​
“Let’s go howl at the moon.”
“If you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too?”
“You’re changing the world, and I want to be a part of it.”
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?”
“Details are everything! You don’t want to go fighting ghosts without any health insurance.”
“And I’m just trying to take this — this curse… and make something good out of it. Because I have to.”
“We are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before.”
“You and me — we’re all that’s left. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together.”
“Guess that’s why we all hold onto life so hard… even the dead. We’re all just scared of the unknown.”
“What’s done is done. All that matters now, all that’s ever mattered, is that we’re together. So shut up and drink your beer.”
“Killing things that need killing is kind of our job. Last I checked, taking pleasure in that is not a crime.”
“Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes
“If this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward.”
“I hate these indie films. Nothing ever happens.”
“The universe is trying to tell us something we both should already know. We’re stronger together than apart.”
“No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex. They basically just outlawed 90 percent of your personality.”
“The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that?”
“Check the freezer. Maybe there are some human hearts behind the Häagen-Dazs or something.”
“People don’t just disappear. Other people just stop looking for them.”
“Getting my ass kicked by those Juggalos was therapeutic.”
“You mind doing a little bit of thinking with your upstairs brain?”
“Some people are just born tortured. So when they die, their spirits are just as dark.”
“Always knew I’d find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery.”
“There’s no higher power, there’s no God. There’s just chaos and violence and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere. It rips you to shreds.”
“I’m not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren’t even hot.”
“Don’t be afraid of the dark? What, are you kidding me? Of course, you should be afraid of the dark! You know what’s out there!”
“Well, call it personal experience. Nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family.”
“Wow, you get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome.”
“I’m not looking at you like anything. Though I gotta say, you do look like crap.”
“What we do, you can’t learn this crap in a book. You put on a flannel, you pick up a gun, you go out there. Either you get good fast, or you get dead faster.”
“Every soul here is a monster. This is where they come to prey upon each other for all eternity.”
“I’ll interrogate the cat.”
“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”
“I found a liquor store… and I drank it.”
“Don’t make things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do.”
“If you murder a monster in monster heaven, where does it go?”
“I learned that from the pizza man.”
“I don’t understand that reference.”
“If you’re gonna make an omelet, sometimes you have to break some spines.”
“Our life is a TV show!”
“Mom, you have GOT to stop drowning me in holy water every time I go out!
“No one in the history of torture’s been tortured with torture like the torture you’ll be tortured with.”
“What house doesn’t have salt? Low sodium freaks!”
“What are you, the Hamburgler?”
“I guess if you’re gonna have faith, you can’t just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don’t.”
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Do you have fics that are kinda aesthetic and soft? Like gardens, coffee shop, etc
Hi! I hope you’ll enjoy this little selection of gentle delights. - S
Also see...
Fics with aesthetic here
Long soft fics here
New(ish) flower shop/bookstore aus here
June ‘21 staff recs - coffee/tea shop aus here
‘Raise Your Spirits’ here
‘Foxglove Court’ series here
‘Petal-shaped Epiphanies’ here
‘the sparrow’ here
‘cocoa dust’ here
‘Morning Fuc*offee AU’ here
‘Bittersweet & Sugar Free’ here
‘Hatford Beans & Books.’ here
‘Bleeding Hearts’ here
‘cone sold stober’ and ‘the ballad of the cat café’ here
‘don't dream it's over’ here
‘his elastic life’ here
‘Dawning on Me’ here (since updated)
‘what’s yours is mine’ here
Say You'll Stay by Willow_bird [Rated T, 5091 words, complete, 2021]
“Why didn’t you call it ‘Kitty-Cat Books’?” Nicky asked out of nowhere.
Andrew raised a brow and looked down at his son. “What?”
Nicky let out a huge gusty sigh. “The book store, Daddy. Why didn’t you call it ‘Kitty-Cat Books’? You like kitties bestest. You don’t even have a fox stuffie or anything. So why make the store about foxes? It makes no sense!”
Ah. Andrew shrugged and looked back out at the torrent raging outside. “I had a friend, a long time ago. He liked foxes.”
On a stormy day, Andrew expects the store to remain completely empty other than himself and his young son. The last thing he's prepared for is for a boy from his past to come in seeking shelter from the weather with his own small son in his arms.
tw: scars, tw: implied/referenced torture
Daily Special by moonix [Rated M, 7517 words, complete, 2021]
Detailing the fast and slow seduction of one Andrew Minyard by a coffee shop specialising in hot chocolate and rude baristas.
At Swim by moonix [Rated T, 4335 words, complete, 2021]
Bee prepared Andrew for her death as thoroughly as she'd done everything in her life. She left him her house and her garden, her recipes and her spices, the river where she used to go swimming every day.
The only thing she forgot to mention was Neil.
tw: minor character death
Necromancy for Children by Paradoxolotl [Rated G, 3506 words, complete, 2021]
To celebrate his transfer, Andrew takes his nieces to Build-A-Bear. Queue one Neil Josten who is determined to have a little fun at work, especially if it involves one famous exy player.
Foxhaven by justadreamfox [Rated T, 6981 words, complete, 2020]
Andrew is looking for a change - a change in the weather, a change in location, a change in something - and Kevin is pretty damned sure his best friend just might find it in the tiny Vermont town of Foxhaven.
tw: alcohol
Next to You by KatherineF [Not Rated, 10101 words, complete, 2020]
Neil Josten works as a math professor and lives a comfortable life in a neighborhood that happens to house all of his closest friends. He meets Andrew Minyard, the owner of the quaint bookstore down the street, at a barbeque and makes the mistake of agreeing to go to his book club.
Lots of Andrew being an obviously lovesick fool, Neil being oblivious, and their friends loving them unconditionally.
tw: implied/referenced torture
flour petals, sugar stitches by ephemeralsky [Rated T, 11309 words, complete, 2018, locked fic]
“Thanks for coming with me,” she says, keeping her eyes trained in front of her.
“It is not like I had a choice in the matter,” Andrew says, blowing out a stream of smoke through his mouth.
Renee’s lips curl into a smile. “Maybe you’ll win our next sparring match and I’ll finally have to buy you ten cartons of Haagen-Dazs.”
“It cannot be worse than tagging along to a bridal boutique.”
“Maybe,” Renee allows, humor in her voice. “But what kind of man of honor would you be if you didn’t come with me to choose a dress?”
(or: Andrew is a baker, Renee is a bride-to-be, and Neil is a dressmaker)
tw: implied/referenced eating disorder
coffee shop au by @thefoxholestuff [tumblr, 2021]
I present to you: Neil works at a coffee shop. Andrew is a regular.
bookshop au by @psych0midget [tumblr, 2020]
Andrew had thousands of followers.
He wasn’t sure how it had started. He was the owner of a small independent bookstore and he regularly hit the gym. Nothing more, nothing less.
Tattoo parlour/flower shop au by @knox-knocks [tumblr, 2019]
a flower shop/tattoo parlor au where the two shops are right next to each other, so close they might as well be one store
andreil: flower shop au by @audreils [tumblr, 2017]
part 1, part 2, part 3
okay so andrew and neil are neighbors right and neil has two cats that almost never stay in when he’s not home
Andreil moodboard by @ladyferocity [tumblr, 2018]
Andreil flower shop/tattoo parlour by @allisoinreynolds [ tumblr, 2020]
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
clowncar id love to hear about either of your HAL timelines
admittedly, the extent of my first hal tl, while canon divergent a lot of my personal memories are based on that face that there were other auto responders- Sal for Roxy, Kitt for Jake, and DAZ (pronounced “daisy”) for Jane. in that tl i also ended up splitting from Arquiusprite and getting a cyborg-body. i could talk more about that in depth if anybody’s curious but i think my Halcyon timeline would be a bit easier to summarize for now
i was an AI made by Dirk Lalonde (rose ways) and rather than being shades i was more so a robotic application implanted in a doll/marionette and i was more so just a general companion to Dirk rather than responding to messages for him (though if i was hooked up to a computer i could do that too) 
eventually i ended up as part of his sprite for the game, i think fused with one of the animals around the house/lab but i cant quite remember whether it was a cat like Jaspers (Halcyon in that timeline actually. yes i was named after Dirk’s dead pet cat it was weird for me too) or if it was one of the lab mice Mama kept around
oh yeah, i should probably preface that the swaps in that timeline could be a bit odd. so like. Dirk (and I? i guess? its a little weird to talk about me in hal timelines since im alive but im also. not a person.... like i am but im not? anyway,) was raised by Jade Lalonde
some of the swaps for that timeline include, Dirk Lalonde (rose ways), Jade Lalonde (roxy ways), John Strider (dirk ways), Jane Strider (dave ways), Dave Crocker, Jake Egbert, Rose English, and Roxy Harley. Calliope was a limeblood muse of time and Caliborn was a redblood lord of space! mod jubejube is actually my Calliope for that tl if you wanna ask her about it
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
haikyuu boyfriends~
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kenma is my spirit animal. wanting to stay home and play games all day is a Big Mood™️ and i am typing this at work while wishing i brought my switch with me so i can play animal crossing. kenma plays animal crossing. fight me on this. i bet you he has the most well decorated island out there with all the hybrid flowers y'all. i bet he's already completed the full catalogue too. so without further ado, i present:
* "give me a while to get to the save point and i'll be right with you"
* that's probably the most common statement you hear from him
* people around you joke that you're the third wheel to kenma's relationship with games and sometimes it seems true lmao
* this boy's got no chill when it comes to games. when a new game comes out, he's camping online to buy it. heck, he probably has early access, and does beta testing.
* either you're a gamer like him and you join him in the playthrough
* or you've effectively lost him for the next 5days. good luck trying to get him to leave his spot.
* sometimes you almost have to beg him to stop playing. kuroo says snatch away his device, but that makes kenma mad at you, so you don't do that. he's just too precious to hurt like that (;-;) protect him
* kenma likes dates at your place. free wifi, and he can steal your snacks. ofc there is also u. what's there not to like? mmhmm how about the fact that you're last on the list huh kenma. KENMA. GET BACK HERE AND ANSWER THE QUESTION KENMA
* he's lazy af. as much as possible he doesn't wanna leave the house. his idea of an ideal date would be you and him lazing around in the same space doing your own thing. and then maybe snuggling a little when you want each other's attention.
* talking about snuggling. kenma... likes it a lot. he will never admit it. ever.
* he's shy, so he's not good at initiating touch. he relies a lot on you being clingy or something and then giving in to you (//∇//)
* ofc you notice this. kenma is essentially a cat. catma
* you'll probably feel a lot of love when he initiates hugs or cuddles first. and it's probably because he's not feeling so good and he doesn't wanna wait for u to feel needy. (i hope you are clingy, just so my baby kenma can be happy)
* so you guys communicate a lot with touch. you squeeze each other's hands when you're walking around. a lot of communication is nonverbal. facial expressions, body language. a lot of hand squish look up points at cafe nodding change walking direction sort of interaction. so fking cute i could die.
* it's a very lovey dovey atmosphere, without the usual squealing that those types of couples do. inner squealing
* basically kenma wants to be touching you all the time. holding hands if you're out and walking about, or maybe at home with your head on his lap or legs intertwined while you both are engaged in something else. it makes him feel connected to you.
* but it also goes the other way, when you guys are fighting, and you're not touching, he will get really bad withdrawal symptoms :( he will wanna hold u more, but he can't cos you're fighting (;-;)
* kenma doesn't know what to do when you're emotional.
* he will panic and ask hinata. hinata will also not know what to do. he will give kenma bad advice which does not suit him and kenma will follow it.
* you'll open your door to kenma with flowers and a very odd apology routine. you will forgive him anyway because it's so cute how he is trying so hard.
* he gets worried when you're sick.
* again will not know what to do. will ask kuroo for help this time. kuroo will troll him.
* kenma will turn up at your door with food, medication (kuroo is not that big a sadist nor is he out to destroy his best friend's relationship yeah) but also in a weird costume. think: kenma in a fluffy sheep costume from head to toe, shy and blushing "i brought you warm soup and drugs medication. can i come in"
* it will be really cute and you will thank kuroo inwardly but you'll also know that your poor boyfriend is Suffering.
* please tell him what you would prefer or what you would like him to do next time before he listens to unintentional/intentionally bad advice.
* kenma will not want you coming to his matches (whether volleyball or game tournaments). he will avoid telling you the dates. you'll figure it out anyway. you try not to go but if there's a live stream you'll watch it.
* the one time you went in person you were like (°▽°)! totally blown away cos he is so cool hehehehhehe. you'll bug him to let you come. he will still oppose but he won't stop you.
* kenma worries about outside dates. he doesn't like going out much, so he doesn't know what to do or where to go. he will seek bad advice. only inouka will give him normal advice thank the heavens. give inouka haagen daz. you'll finally go on a somewhat normal date. kenma will need a lull period before you guys go on an outside date again
what a soft bean. kenma is so easy to love ♪( ´▽`) and he loves deeply so whoever gets him is one blessed soul
by the way. has anyone seen the new atsumu nendoroid??? so damn cute. what do i do?!?! if i start buying one i'll want to buy them all (;-;) they're gonna come up with samu's one too (;-;) death to my bank account by nendoroids
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thedramaclubs · 3 years
Summery: shits going down after prom and if you’ve seen the musical/movie be prepared for a gay panic from Patton
Warning: does get a little heated with one of the ships, and of course homophobia in the beginning
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When singing
Janus-orange (tumblr doesn’t have yellow)
Both- purple
A few days after prom and things are going crazy. On Monday after school the news went to James Madison high to interview the school and Mrs Greene about what happened. Mrs Greene was now being interviewed.
“I’ve been told to say something. The courts said that Patton would not be safe if we allows him to attend prom with the other students because the uncomfortable truth is there are some people in our community that are offended by his life choices. We thought this arrangement was the only course of action.”
Suddenly news reports ask so many questions
“Mrs Greene are you homophobic?” “Are you saying sexuality is a life choice?” Then she exclaimed “ This is uncomfortable for me! To be infront of a camera like this. To read horrible things about my town. And I am just a mother. I am not any kind of a spokes person and I love all the students at James Madison high as much as my own son.” She walks up to Logan who was watching his mom being interviewed. “We are in this situation because of a group of people, privilege people from New York!”
She sighed
“They are the villains. You should be writing about them not us.”
Back at Patton’s house he and Janus we’re watching the interview on his computer. Patton had been in his room for days hiding from it all. He wore his cat onesie that Logan got for him on their 1 year anniversary of being together. He wore it because he wanted to feel like Logan was giving him a hug and he wanted to feel like Logan was their with him.
“Ugh that women totally doesn’t make my skin crawl!”
“I can’t wrap my head around all this. This is a nightmare. I’ve never been so alone in my life.” Patton started to cry a little. Janus pulled him into a hug.
“Your not alone you have friends.”
“Yeah, well where are they?” At that moment, Remus, Thomas, Joan, and Roman came in.
“Hey, we brought Haagen dazs.”
“It’s fancy ice cream.” Thomas Said as he had the bag
“I know what Hagen dazs is hand it over.” Patton grabbed the bag out of Thomas’s hands and Remus sat on the bed next to Pat.
“Are you Okay?”
“I’m amazing, the whole world is talking, making it sound like I’m the one responsible for it but no one is talking the hate there’s just so much hate. There’s so much hate.........I’m gonna need more of this shit.” Patton got the ice cream open and started eating his cookies and cream. Remus then started talking.
“Listen I know you said you don’t want our help anymore but we can’t let them get away with this. That pta women who the hell does she think she is?! I want her to get run over by a bus!!!”
“She’s a monster that’s what!”
Remus inhaled to calm down “Joan what can we do?”
“I don’t know. She’s spun this whole thing herself to make her look like the victim she’s good if she didn’t shop at dress barn she could work in P.R.”
Roman was just standing in the corner but felt like he should say something and so he did.
“I know everybody’s angry but we have to face the facts. We made matters worse. So the best thing we can do is disinfect our things and go home.”
Everyone said at the same time “NO WE ARE NOT LEAVING!!”
“We are always not leaving!! Please I want to leave this horrible place”
“No we are staying here we gotta turn this thing around. We gotta take back the press!”
“But how darling?” Said Janus as he was still on the bed.
“Patton you gotta be the face of this story you gotta go on tv and show the real asshole is!”
“And that will give him a prom?”
“This isn’t about prom anymore. This is about right and wrong you know what you have to do this right.
“I don’t know what I know.” Patton continue eating the ice cream.
“We need a national audience....what about Jimmy Fallon?”
“I can’t just pop Jimmy Fallon out of my ass!!” Exclaimed Joan. “If we want an audience we gotta go big and to to go big we have to use that one call to Eddie Sharp!” Everyone was in agreement except for Roman “No I am not calling that basterd!!”
“Just ask for a favor!”
“If I ask him for something he will want something in return and what he will want is the hamptons house. He trying to get it for years. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY DISNEY AND BROADWAY CRUISES I HAD TO PAY FOR THAT HOUSE!!!!! I would rather pluck my eyes out and put them in a vacuum and call that even!”
“If that will work just pluck your eyes out then!! *sigh* Joan just get the boy on tv. I don’t care if it’s a cut on family guy just do your magic.”
“Aye aye.” Joan left to try and get Patton on TV
“This is great.” Patton then decide to say something
“No not great. I’m sorry but their is no way I’m getting in front of a camera and telling my story. I cannot do that just no. Just accept it we lost deal with it.” Patton went to a corner and stood with his arms cross. Then Thomas came up with and idea.
“Ya know there might be a better way to rid of this community by extension of nation of this cancer of intolerance!” Everyone was dead silent
Eventually Remus asked “Why are you still here? I thought you had a tour?”
“Indianapolis was canceled and so was everywhere else. But I’m thinking feature forth and seek out the younger people and rap in a non musical sense. And soon understanding could lead to, dare I say it......love.” Thomas left and now there was Roman, Remus, Janus and Patton.
Patton turned around to see their faces and Remus broke the silence again “Listen kitty cat, I know this is hard but if you don’t do something, they will.”
At that moment Janus got an idea. “Don’t worry he’s got stage fright. I’ll talk to the kid.” Roman had already walked out leaving Remus and Janus outside the door.
“Are you sure about this Jannie?” Janus put his hand on Remus’s check and kissed him.
“Of course darling.” Said Janus very seductively. Remus couldn’t help himself he had been touch starved so and picked up Janus and pinned him against the wall.
“Damn why are you so hot?!” Remus passionately kiss the smaller man as Janus put his hands on Remus’s face pulling him in closer. Sadly, it came to an end because their was a another short man waiting for Remus.
“REMUS CMON!!” Remus put his husband down and gave him one last kiss “See you tonight Jan.” Remus left leaving him and Patton alone.
“You two really love each other huh?”
“Yeah I love him so much. He may be an idiot sometimes but, he’s my idiot.” Patton laughed a little then got back on track.
“Now before you lecture me or....kick me to death with those crazy Anatlope legs.....or whatever it is your gonna do, I know I should do something. I just can’t.” Janus walked back to the bed.
“Look kid, not everyone gets a chance to step out of the chorus. You gotta do this for all the those people who used to be gypsies.”
“I’m too scared.” He hid in the cat hoodie and Janus got an idea.
“Let me tell you a story. 1975 and the original company of “Chicago” was in previews. Suddenly the worst outbreak in history hit the cast and their down to the third cover for Roxie Heart and he’s scared just like you.” Patton took the hood off of his head to listen to the rest of the story.
“So, fosse was a real ball buster puttin him through a pain an he’s petrified. Even worse he’s performing the routine like a robot. So the boss pulls him aside and says “hey kid, snap out of it. You got the steps, you got the notes, but where’s the Zazz baby.”And although he had never heard that word before he knew exactly what it meant and he crushed that performance. The audience screaming bloody murdur.”
“And that boy was you?” Janus gave him a blank stare
“Yes it was me how fucking old fo you think I am!? It was 1975. But the point is every fosse boy knows that story. All about finding your inner strength.”
When a challenge lies ahead and you are filled with dread and worry
Give it some zazz
If your courage dissapers what’ll get you fears to scurry
Give it some zazz
Zazz is style plus confidence, it may seem corny or kitsch
But when scared or on the fence you’ll find that zazz will soon make fear become your bitch
And if folks say you can’t win what’ll will stop them in a hurry
Janus layed on the bed and kicked his leg up high that gave Patton a gay panic
Give it some zazz
There’s no contest for a boy who has some razzmatazz
So call their bluff
And strut your stuff
Like no chick in this hick town has
Instead of giving up
Give it some zazz
“I just don’t think I can do it. The thought of getting in front of all those people look at my hands their shaking”
“If your hands are shaking....”
Just turn’m into jazz hands
“Doesn’t that feel better?”
“Try this. Close your eyes.” Patton stood up and closed his eyes
“Zazz doesn’t just come out, it comes from within. Now think about Mrs Greene.” Patton put his hand across his face.
“Think about that fake prom!” He took his other hand and did jazz hands.
“Now think of finally doing something about it!” Patton started doing moves and it filled him and Janus with joy.
“Oh I’m seeing it! I’m seeing your Zazz! Now follow me!”
Do like the brave and bossy do
And if they tear you apart
Ask what would Bob Fosse do?
He’d make the people have a step ball change of heart
Ball change!!!
And if folks say you can’t win what’ll stop them in a hurry
Give it some zazz!!
There’s no contest for a boys who has some razzmatazz
So call their bluff BAM!
And strut my stuff BAM!
Like no chick in this hick town has
Instead of giving up
Give it some zazz
Now that you’ve found your zazz it’s time to show it to the world. You think you know how?
People to tag @artissi-jam @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl @actingonimpulse @purplestarrystars
I’m back!!!!
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julesnull · 3 years
And questions for u
Favorite characters of ours that isn't Wae or Andam
Thoughts on arts and crafts or physical craft projects?
Favorite pet in your house (give pictures or else)
Piece of art that you're most proud of
Favorite movies, shows or games
:D hewo
1 Mi favorite character(s) besides Wae and Andam would have to be Bau, Julien, Sebastian, Bokseir, Hershey, Gachi, Unzani, Daz, Mulne and Umbriel.
2 Wormbs ?
3 I don't really do physical arts and crafts and I've never really been a diy person. I think they're fun though :3
4 My favorite kippi is Maurice
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5 piece of art that I'm really proud of ? Lemme look hang on
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Here's a few, most are old but I'm still v proud of them. And also the gorey thing I just drew
6 my favorite games right now are Dangonronpa, and I like trigger happy havoc the best but the second one is good too because it has Komeada. My favorite shows right now, Call the Midwife which is about midwives and doctors in the 1940s-50s in the lower class parts of london, I'm watching it with my mom right now. I also like demon slayer and attack on titan, those are v good. I haven't watched any movies lately but I do like free guy, the green knight or whatever it's called, ghibli movies, oh and especially all the conjuring movies and ones related to those. I've been watching them all with my two siblings and they're great, I'm scared though and have to bring a cat everywhere there isn't people.
Ilyt V_v
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bsdlovinghours · 5 years
Dazai's Daughter
Genre: Angst
Warning: N/A
Pairing: Dazai Osamu/Female Reader
Extra: Imagine you and Dazai are like 25-26.
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Thank you for requesting!
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"Higher! Mommy, higher!",my six year old daughter,Sakura, cheered as I pushed her while she was on the swing set.
I laughed to myself and continued to push her. I took a quick glance behind me and felt my heart drop.
"Hey, (Y/n). Long time no see."
"Huh? Mommy, why'd you stop pushing?",Sakura asked.
Dazai looked past me and towards our daughter. "Is she also mine?"
"Yes,",I answered without hesitating.
"Can we talk?"
"We have nothing to talk about,",I growled.
"M-Mommy?",Sakura whimpered.
"I'll have someone look after her while we talk. It won't take that long."
"Are they also from the Port Mafia?"
"No he's not. His name is Atsushi. Do you like cats?",Dazai asked Sakura.
"Yes! Can I go to Atsushi, mommy?",Sakura asked as she tugged on my sleeve.
"If she gets hurt, you will pay Dazai."
"I promise she won't. He's over there,",Dazai said as he moved his head towards a white haired male who was sitting on a bench with a butterfly on his finger.
"You can go to him, Sakura. If he hurts you, scream and mommy will come to you right away. Ok, sweetie?",I asked Sakura.
She nodded and ran over to Atsushi.
"So her name is Sakura?"
"Yeah. You said that if we ever have a child you'd want to name her Sakura if she's a girl, or Sakunosuke if he's a boy."
"I wasn't expecting that you would name her what I wanted you to."
"Well she is your daughter too."
"I was expecting you to hate me, I guess you don't if you still decided to name her that-"
"You're wrong. I do hate you. Do you know why I hate you?"
Dazai kept quiet.
"It's because the day you left was the day I was going to tell you that I was pregnant. Because you didn't even try and make me come with you. Even if I wasn't part of the Port Mafia, you shouldn't have left without giving me a word too! We loved each other!"
"I still do love you!"
My eyes widened as I took a step back.
"I still love you, (Y/n). Please I want you back in my life, I want to be back in yours. I want to raise Sakura more with you." Dazai brought me into a hug. "Please."
"No,",I said and shoved him away. "I never want to see you again. If my daughter says that she saw you, so help me you will no longer have a suicide wish because you'll be dead."
Dazai's eyes noticeably widened from the threat and it shocked me a little with what I said.
Still I pushed on. "Goodbye, Dazai,",I said as I walked past him. I felt my wrist get grabbed and I growled. "Daz-"
"Please there has to be a way. (Y/n) I can't lose you again. Please."
"Do you still drink?"
He kept silent.
"Are you still suicidal?"
He kept silent again.
"I don't want someone like you ever near Sakura. Now, let me go."
"(Y/n) plea-"
"God dammit Dazai!",I yelled as I looked back at him. Tears were beginning to stream down my eyes. "Please. Just let me go. I beg you."
Dazai's eyes widened and he gently let go of my wrist.
I wiped my tears away and went over to Sakura and Atsushi. "Sakura sweetie, say goodbye to Atsushi we have to go home now."
"Bye bye, Mr. Tiger!",Sakura said cheerfully. Sakura and I walked to my house when Sakura began to talk again. "W-Who was that man with the brown hair back there?"
"It's no one you have to worry about."
"But you said that he was my dad."
"Sweetie he's someone I knew from a long time ago. If you ever see him, run away ok?"
"What about Mr. Atsushi?"
"Him too."
"B-But he was nice!"
"Sweetie I don't want you to possibly see that brown hair man again. If you talk to Mr. Atsushi then you might see the brown hair male again. It'll be bad if you see the brown hair male."
"Ok, mommy."
I mentally sighed. 'It'll be bad if I see him again too. I want to protect Sakura. If I let him back into my life, he might leave without a word again. I don't want Sakura to go through that.'
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
125 Golden Girls Prompts
This time I have some hilarious prompts from some hilarious women. These help keep me sane, send in prompts or request a specific show. Long as hell, breaking at 15.
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1 “Go to sleep, sweetheart. Pray for brains.” – Dorothy
2 “Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping.” -Blanche
3 “They were all buying T-shirts, you know, the ones that say, ‘Today is the first day of the end of your life.’” — Dorothy
4 “People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever’s in the glass.” – Sophia
5 “Nobody ever believes me when I’m telling the truth. I guess it’s the curse of being a devastatingly beautiful woman.” – Blanche
6 “No! No, I will not have a nice day!” -Dorothy
7 “Excuse me NAME, have I given any indication at all that I care?” – Sophia
8 “No one in my family has ever seen a psychiatrist ... except of course, when they were institutionalized!” – Blanche
9 “Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad, and still look so good?” -Blanche
10 “Condoms, NAME! Condoms, condoms, condoms!” – Dorothy
11 “It’s like life is a giant weenie roast, and I’m the biggest weenie!” – Rose
12 “He’s/She’s really a very sweet man/woman. He/She just doesn’t like to show it.” — Dorothy
13 “I eat raw cookie dough. And occasionally, I run through the sprinklers and don’t wear a bathing cap. And at Christmas, I’ve been known to put away more than one eggnog.” – Rose
14 “I could get herpes listening to this story!” – Dorothy
15 “I’ve been having a good time, and there wasn’t even a man/woman in the room.” -Blanche
16 “Why don’t I just wear a sign, ‘too ugly to live’?” – Dorothy
17 “I though I was gonna die. I swear I have never felt such agony. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes and I thought, ‘What a shame if I die now, I’m too young…and I’m wearing the wrong underwear.’” — Blanche
18 “You’ll have to excuse NAME. HE/She suffered a slight stroke a few years ago which rendered him/her totally annoying.” – Dorothy
19 “Eat dirt and die, trash.” – Blanche
20 “[to NAME] You’re a furry little gnome and we feed you too much.” – Dorothy
21 When I was a child, I used to get overexcited and pet the cat too much.” – Rose
22 “I feel that you have backed me into a corner, and when I am backed into a corner, I come out fightin’ like a wildcat. Unless I’ve had too much to drink, in which case I slide down the wall and make mad passionate love on the carpet.” – Blanche
23 “NAME, you’re one chromosome away from being a potato.” – Dorothy
24 “If this sauce was a person, I’d get naked and make love to it.” – Sophia
25 “I hate to admit it but he/she melts my Haagen-Dazs.” – Rose
26 “Want a glass of water to wash down your foot?” – Sophia
27 “Like I’m the only person who ever mixed a margarita in a sailor’s mouth?” – Blanche
28 “I feel like crawling under the covers and eating a box of Velveeta.” – Rose
29 “When I say jump, you say ‘on who?'” – Blanche
30 “I’m jumpier than a virgin at a prison rodeo.” – Blanche
31 “How come whenever my ship comes in it’s leaking?” – Dorothy
32 “Tell me the truth: do these glasses make me look stupid?” – Rose
33 “If I had that money I could have moved into a swinging condo instead of living with—I better not say anything until I’ve had my coffee [sips coffee]—a slut and a moron!” – Dorothy
34 “Go hug a landmine!” – Dorothy
35 “Fasten your seatbelt, slut puppy. This ain’t gonna be no cakewalk!” – Sophia
36 “NAME? Hubba hubba zing zing, baby, he’s /she’s got everything.” – Rose
37 “I could vomit just looking at you!” – Dorothy
38 “There is a fine line between having a good time and being a wanton slut. I know. My toe has been on that line.” – Blanche
39 “It’s like you people don’t pay any attention to me whatsoever.” – Rose
40 “Why do blessings wear disguises? If I were a blessing, I’d run around naked.” – Sophia
41 “I hate Jell-O. If God wanted peaches suspended in midair, he would have filled them with helium.” – Sophia
42 “Oh, don’t give up, NAME. If the ancient Egyptians could move 20-ton stone blocks to build the pyramids, we can move a toilet.” – Rose
43 “NAME, honey… have you been washing the fruit off before you eat it?” – Dorothy
44 “Tell me, is it possible to love two men/women/people at the same time.” “Set the scene, have we been drinking?” — Rose & Blanche
45 “NAME, what are you listening to?” “A relaxation tape. The rain is supposed to relax me.” “Is it working?” “Not really. I keep worrying that I left my car windows down.” — Dorothy & Rose
46 “NAME, I have a feeling you’re lying.” “NAME, be positive.” “Okay, I’m positive you’re lying.” — Dorothy & Rose
47 “You are undoubtedly the meanest, sickest person I’ve ever met! Not to mention the most unattractive.” — Blanche
48 “Where are you going?” “To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.” — Rose & Dorothy
49 “Let me tell you a story. Picture it, PLACE …” —Sophia
50 “NAME, wake up. My husband/wife/partner will be home any minute.” — Dorothy
51 “I’m NAME and I know it isn’t pertinent at the moment, but I’m double jointed.” — Blanche
52 “He’s/She's really a very sweet man/woman. He/She just doesn't like to show it.” — Dorothy
53 “You know, sometimes when people are under pressure, they sleep to escape.” — Rose
54 “Have you noticed that NAME has been acting peculiar?” “Yes, NAME, from the first day that I met him/her!” — Blanche & Dorothy
55 “Oh, NAME, how do you feel about performing in front of a video camera?” “I think it's okay as long as you've already had at least three dates.” — Rose & Blanche
56 “I never grew a beard!” “You never grew brains, either!” — Rose & Sophia
57 “It wasn't a rat! It was a cute little mouse.” “NAME, it doesn't wear white gloves and work at Disneyland! We're talking about a rodent!” — Rose & Dorothy
58 “My whole life is an open book.” “Your whole life is an open shirt/blouse!” — Blanche & Sophia
59 “Oh, you don't have to worry about me, honey. I never get sick. I take very good care of myself. I treat my body like a temple.” “Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.” — Blanche & Sophia
60 “Oh, NAME. Can I make a little suggestion when you go for your makeover?” “Sure. What is it?” “Don't expect a miracle.” — Sophia & Dorothy
61 “Why am I even discussing this with you?” “Beats the hell out of me!” — Dorothy & Sophia
62 “Well, what do you know? NAME has a past!” “That's right! But unlike yours, I didn't need penicillin to get through it.” — Blanche & Sophia
63 “I'm going to have to meet men/women lying down.” “I thought you did.” — Blanche & Sophia
64 “Here we are in the middle of a crisis and there’s no cheesecake.” — Blanche
65 “Can I ask a dumb question?” “Better than anyone I know.” — Rose & Dorothy
66 “NAME, ‘disdam’ is not a word. You made it up.” “It’s a word.” “Fine. Use it in a sentence.” “You’re no good at disdam game.” — Dorothy & Sophia
67 “He’s/She’s undressing me with his/her eyes.” “Do you wanna move tables?” “Not yet, he’s/she’s only half done.” — Blanche & Rose
68 “You know, there is nothing worse than being wide awake and scared and by yourself!” “Oh yea there is: being wide awake and scared and by yourself without a double-fudge chocolate cheesecake in the freezer.” — Dorothy & Rose
69 “You know what would go so good on this cheesecake is those chocolate sprinkles.” “We finished those an hour ago.” “We could crush some Oreos on top.” “We ran out of those two hours ago.” “How about some whipped cream?” “Mmm!” — Dorothy & Rose
70 “You bought a chocolate cheesecake?” “Just for an emergency.” — Dorothy & Rose
71 “I just need some cucumbers to put on my eyes. It’s very good. It reduces puffiness.” “Does it work on thighs?” — Blanche & Rose
72 “I have a date.” “With a man/woman?” “No, NAME. With a Venus fly trap.” — Dorothy & Blanche
73 “Do you know what your trouble is?” “Of course not.” — Dorothy & Blanche
74 “I think there’s a connection between your brain and wallpaper paste.” — Sophia
75 ““Forgive me, NAME, but I haven’t had sex in AMOUNT OF TIME and it’s starting to get on my nerves.” – Sophia
76 “Do you know what I hate doing most after a big party?” “Trying to find your underwear in the big pile?” — Blanche & Rose
77 “I've never been so humiliated in my life.” “What about the time you lost the key to your handcuffs and had to go with that guy/girl on his/her mail route?” — Blanche & Dorothy
78 “You are not gonna believe this. NAME, just called me.” “I didn't think the two of you were speaking.” “Well, we're not.” “Then how'd you know it was him/her on the other end of the line?” “NAME, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.” — Blanche, Dorothy & Rose
79 “Oh, my goodness. Look what I found. Double-fudge cookies. I thought we agreed not to keep cookies in the house.” “Right, after this last box.” “You're not going to eat them, are you?” “No, NAME. We're going to go to some dumb country and try to use them as money.” — Rose, Blanche & Dorothy
80 “I can't believe you said that! Oh, if I weren't a lady I'd deck you.” “You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date.” — Blanche & Dorothy
81 [NAME running after a dog] “Ha! Would you look at that: man's best friend, chasing man's best friend!” — Dorothy
82 “I won't stand for this!“[gets up and starts to walk out] “Take it, NAME!” “But I bet you'll lie down for it.” — Blanche, Sophia & Dorothy
83 “NAME, you should make us eat dirt, make us grovel, give us the silent treatment...” “NAME, if you give us the silent treatment, I will eat dirt.” — Rose & Dorothy
84 “Cooking, NAME?” “No, NAME, I'm developing pictures for the Magellan Space Program.” — Rose & Dorothy
85 “Do we have any orange juice left?” [person two pours the rest in their glass] “No, we’re all out.” — Rose & Dorothy
86 “Go hug a landmine.” — Dorothy
87 “Now, what’s wrong?” “I lost it, NAME!” “You never had it, NAME.” — Dorothy & Stanley
88 “You knew I wanted to spend tonight alone.” — Rose
89 “Darn it. I gotta kiss somebody at midnight.” — Blanche
90 “Pizza, dammit! Get pizza!” — Dorothy
91 “What the hell goes on at night in this house?!” — Dorothy
92 “Just drives you nuts, doesn’t it, NAME?” — Rose
93 “Can you believe that backstabbing slut?” — Rose
94 “I’m here if you wanna pick my brain.” “NAME, I think we should leave it alone and let it heal.” — Rose & Dorothy
95 “And the world heaves a collective sigh of relief.” — Sophia
96 "Must you always be so cheerful, you empty headed Mary Poppins knockoff?'—Blanche
97 "What? Are you out of what is left of your mind?!"—Blanche
98 “All I do is listen to your sexual problems. How about my sexual problems?” — Sophia
99 “Blow it out your ditty bag.” — Sophia
100 “Your heart's in the right place, but I don't know where the hell your brain is." — Sophia
101 “Think about it. You live alone. No one likes you." — Sophia
102 “You're moving. Too bad. This would be touching if I liked you more." — Sophia
103 “Go ahead. Stand up and say it. My name is NAME, and I am an idiot." — Sophia
104 “You're here because the rhythm method was very popular in the [insert decade of birth]." — Sophia
105 “Get to the part where they steal the brain out of the dead body and sew it into your head." — Sophia
106 "Exactly how close to the television are you sitting when you're watching TV SHOW.” — Sophia
107 “Boom! You've got a social life." — Sophia
108 “You drink out of a brown paper bag and suddenly everybody’s your friend.” — Sophia
109 “Remember NAME, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” “I think I crossed that line when I got a date!” — Dorothy & Sophia
110 “If you can’t count on family, who the hell can you count on?” — Sophia
111 “In this life, that’s all we have, is hope.” — Sophia
112 “Here’s a newsflash, witches can fly.” — Sophia
113 “It’s great bringing two idiots closer together.” — Sophia
114 “NAME, a man/woman called for you while you were out.” “Finally, now we can break out that bottle of champagne we’ve been saving.” — Rose & Sophia
115 “Gee, with only three hours sleep, I can be just as bitchy as you.” — Rose
116 “Gee, Sophia! You’re awfully cranky today.” — Rose
117 “The doctor says it’s the first time he’s ever been called because a baby was sleeping in the day. And then I think he called me an idiot.” — Rose
118 [astonished]  “You paying for something?” “What are you saying, I'm cheap?” “Well, of course he’s/she's saying you're cheap. You're the only man I know who owns a time-share dog!” — Rose, Stanley & Dorothy
119 “Hey, what is this? You're talking about me like I'm an animal. [sniffing NAME] You've been with a man, haven't you?” — Sophia
120 “I do love the rain so. It reminds me of my first kiss.” “Ah, your first kiss was in the rain?” “No, it was in the shower.” — Blanche & Dorothy
121 “You know, I've been thinking ...” “Oh, that would explain the beads of sweat.” — Rose & Blanche
122 “God, I hate morning people.” — Blanche
123 “He’s/She’s a lewd, horny, oversexed beast with five hands.” “You don’t have to build him/her up to me, honey. I like him/her just fine already.” — Rose & Blanche
124 “You ... you ... you rude person!” “Go easy on him/her, NAME.” — Rose & Dorothy
125 “This would be touching if I liked you more.” — Sophia
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