#dazai my poor little meow meow... I love him so much...
hekoooma · 7 months
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"... Odasaku......"
No timeline in mind, head empty. Just Dazai having a bad day ;)
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kaeyx · 4 months
i'm loving all the being mean to beast!dazai and facing the consequences, but i could NOT do it myself. i love all versions of dazai, he's my skrunkly. i might tease a little to get some fun punishments, but the second i do something beast!dazai genuinely doesn't like i'd be pressing kisses all over his face. like, i'd cockwarm him while he's in the middle of the meeting as an apology, just sit in his lap like a good pet, patiently waiting for the meeting to end so he can use my body however he likes <3. dazai's my poor little meow meow, i can't be genuinely mean to him.
I'd put regular Dazai in a blender any day but I agree with you on Beastzai. Something about him being so sad and wet and alone.... so gross and horrid and needy.... yeah he could collar me
Uughgh cockwarming him would feel so nice too.... sitting in his lap and kissing him while you apologise for being mean, because you know he'll forgive you so fast if you start grinding on him. Palming his cock through his slacks before pulling it out and sinking down onto him with a sigh, feeling his hands trace your body while he looks at you like you're the prettiest thing in the world... Snuggling into his chest while he works, your cunt twitching occasionally and making a sticky mess, while his tip is pressed snug against your cervix and his fingers play with your clit when he's bored.... Beastzai strokes your back and coos soothingly at you whenever you squirm too much or try to hump his hand, like he's calming down a pet, while he promises you he's nearly done and he can take care of you in a minute.
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godshitgirl · 7 months
At the hospital rn so here are some headcanons of bsd men with cats
- *cat meows* *he meows back*
- likes cats that are chubby
- if someone so much as says "heck" in front of his beautiful little baby he will go on a rampage
- absolutely spoils the shit out of his cat
- BTW it's a black one with elegant green eyes and she's a total bitch but that's why he loves her
- same spoiled rich bitch energy
- they were made for each other
- he def rants about dazai to her
- idk abt a name yet but I'm thinking he'd name her something fancy like a type of wine or an author of an old book he likes or smth
- they look like they judge people together
- they absolutely do
- if you think ur safe no u are not
- she does not like dazai AT ALL
- whenever he sees her he tries to be friendly and even give her treats but she just hisses or ignores him
- *dazai enters chuuyas apartment (uninvited)* heya Eleanor!
Eleanor: *hisses*
Dazai: okay! :D
- ohhh dazai's cat would absolutely despise him
- it's not really his cat, it just kinda keeps coming back to him for food
- whenever he tries to be affectionate with it it just hisses or bites him
- but it still keeps coming back the next day
- hmmmm sounds like a certain someone
- he also gets the shittest cat foods ever
- "heyyyy I hope you like this new tuna I got ya!!! It's chocolate flavored :)"
- the cat will def vomit on his shoes
- it's happened more often than u think
- BTW it's an orange tabby that he likes cause it's mean and orange and reminds him of someone
- fyodor has the most spoiled snooty ass little Persian cat in the whole entire world
- it looks exactly like the ones you see in cartoons
- she's all white with pretty blue eyes and a nice little collar that costs like 10,000 in usd
- I can also see him with a cat like chuuyas, u know the ones villains in movies usually have
- tje black pointy slender ones
- you'd walk into his lair or smth and it's all dark and it's just him in his chair facing you and caressing the cat on his lap
- me next me next ME NEXT ME NE
- it also acts like his own personal spy, by lurking around his enemies (dazai) and finding out all sorts of dirt on them (his love for chuuya) and bringing them to fyodor for him to exploit (putting a hand on his forehead and eyes going "the gays are at it again")
- your friendly neighborhood animal abuser😝
- u know that cat from the start of princess and the frog???
- the one that lottie had when she was a kid???
- yea it's like that
- bro torments the SHIT out of that poor kitty (mine next please please)
- he would come home and just throw it into the air as a greeting
- his ceiling is covered in cat scratches from every time he's done it
- atp he would just randomly go "Hey where nikolai junior???" Like he's Phineas and Ferb looking for perry meanwhile his poor tortured cat is hiding from him somewhere
- he would bring that thing everywhere
- airport, barbers, hospital, restaurant, PRISON
- "sir you can't have pets in here" "awww why not :((((" "because this is a correctional facility"
- he'd be with the gang😎 and sigma jus goes "nikolai....what's in your shirt???" And he's like wdym?? And sigma goes "it's...meowing?? What have you got in there???" And nikolai has to answer very carefully bc of all the times fyodor has told him NOT TO BRING HIS GODDAMN CAT INTO THEIR MEETINGS so he just smiles sweatily and says "drugs" which for him is honestly way more believable but fyodor just sighs
Anyway that's all I got for now wish me luck at the hoptal guys :DDD
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play-rough · 5 months
8, 21, 22, & 25 for Dazai and Chuuya 🥹💕
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Dazai- god i feel like I’m so picky about Dazai characterizations and it’s so hard to describe sometimes I’ll just be like NO THATS WRONG‼️ but I guess one thing is when Dazai mentoring ryunosuke is just boiled down to a black and white situation where Dazai was soooo abusive to poor ryu (and i feel like this is a disservice to akutagawas character too), but Iike you have a child raised in a strict mafia environment and then you give that unstable child control over *another child* it’s not gonna go well, and i don’t personally blame either of the children in that scenario 🙄 idk BSD just has a lot of complex situations and I feel like they’re not always handled as such 😌🩵 Wtf this morally grey character is making problematic choices??? Cancel him🚫
Chuuya- when he’s just angry shouty guy who yells and shouts, sometimes I feel like I’m looking at a bad bakugo parody 😭
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ummm for Dazai i like making him break down and cry and forcing him to admit he needs help or attention 🥺👉👈 or sick or just any kind of general vulnerability, and flip side for Chuuya, I love forcing him to admit he’s worried about Dazai or cares about him. My favorite part of Chuuya’s character is that he’s a genuinely nice person, Dazai is just so annoying and pushes his buttons, so I love showing off Chuuya’s softer side and highlighting his protective and caring nature. That scene where chuuya watches Dazai get slammed into a tree by lovecraft x1000000❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
For both of them like I said above im so picky and if you make them one dimensional or even if the vibes are bad I’ll just be like NO THATS WRONG‼️ and close the fic
Something i *like* is pretty much my same answer for 21 ajdhhfhdjs I really only write about what I like reading about so I’m a sucker for vulnerable Dazai and sappy Chuuya BUT for a more specific, ridiculous, self indulgent answer i like when Dazai is written regressed 🥹🩵 or even if he’s baby, just in energy 🥺🩵 Dazai is baby and should be written as such
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impressions of Dazai was i don’t even remember him, I read the first bsd book at the library when I was in middle/high school (don’t remember exactly when) and was like eh. Boring. I think it didn’t help that they didn’t have all the books so it was like volume one, three, five, prime numbers only. I think I read soul eater instead lmao. Flash forward to college I had seen bsd characters and i liked the designs, and i had figured chuuya would be my favorite bc he kinda reminded me a bit of Karkat from homestuck (a dear fave of mine at one point) in that angry but actually sweet and kindhearted kinda way.
I was still eh whatever about Dazai, which is crazy because I’ve seen him compared to both Gojo and Reigen in the silly mentor who lost the kids he’s custody of kinda way, and those two are some more faves of mine. Tbh i didn’t solidify him as my fave until we learned of his tragic past because my OTHER favorite kind of character is a rude little bastard, and i was shown the light. Dazai Osamu has the range. He’s like a two for one, which I’m pretty sure he’s a Gemini??? I’m not gonna google and confirm just trust me i think he’s a Gemini ♊️
Impressions now obviously Dazai is my babygirl, my soaking wet cat, my poor pathetic meow meow who has both never done anything wrong and also committed so many war crimes. Chuuya I knew i would like him and I do lmao, close second from Dazai. I think Dazai is pretty much my ultimate fave character of all time…
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daz4i · 9 months
CVNT and I for the fandom ask game? Pwease ? (Also: Deliberately arranges the letters in a funny way :p )
ehehehe thank you bestie!! >:3
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
well this time i'll go with bsd. atsushi x kyouka. they are siblings your honor. also 18 and 14 is a bit weird imo. i love their dynamic but def not at anything romantic
V - Which character do you relate to most?
surprisingly it's not dazai. but takuto maruki. he is just like me fr (pathetic cringefail poor little meow meow who doesn't want to see anyone suffer and is gonna be a control freak about it. also willing to give himself away for a tentacle monster to use)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
i assume this is talking abt fanmade stuff, so!
girls :( lucy especially she deserves better :(
nikolai. there's quite a bit of him i just always want more
skk pulling a british lads hitting each other with a chair
a more serious bonus bc the last 2 are (mostly) jokes. i wish we had more discussions or analysis of the topic of reasons to live in bsd. it's such a big repeating theme in the series and i barely see any talk of it at all beyond brief mentions :0 and like i'm def part of the problem here asdjfghg i started writing a lengthy analysis of it right after getting into bsd but abandoned it almost immediately. still, i wish we did more of that!! there is So Much going on with so many different characters, hell season 2's opening theme is all about it, every arc mentions it in some way, it's the moving force of so many in the cast. and now i'm rambling so ig i'll save that for a future analysis post, if no one beats me to it
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
bpdazai................. also my backstory hc for nikolai.............
asdkjfghg but generally nah, i can be convinced of anything even if it contradicts my own original hcs if it works well enough with canon and seems interesting! and that includes letting go of certain hcs if i see they don't work anymore. mostly.
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U V W X :chinhands:
This took much longer than expected. I should have expected it though because I always write too much. Thank you so much for the ask, @dottie-wan-kenobi! I enjoyed getting the chance to ponder and flail about fandom!
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi. My poor little meow meow. His duality fascinates me: who he presents himself to be vs. who he really is, who he wanted to be as a child vs. who he has become now. His slow realization that he’s merely the puppet of more powerful forces in the game (Shido, Yaldabaoth (though he doesn’t quite know this), and Maruki) is heartbreaking, as are the choices that he makes to break free from that control.  
Yuri on Ice: Yuuri Katsuki. He is so important to me. He’s so wrapped up in his head, striving for acknowledgement, for success, for Victor, that he doesn’t see his own talent or how bright of a light that he is. His blossoming over the course of the show is lovely. I desperately wish for a season two of the show (or the long delayed movie) because I want to see more of Yuuri’s journey to discover life and love.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakahara Chuuya. I am in aesthetic lust with his design. There’s just something about it that calls to me. The red hair, the jaunty hat, the even jauntier grin, the choker and the coat. He’s a pintsized powerhouse and so achingly human (despite his less than human origins). His dynamic with Dazai is fascinating, and I wish we got to see more of him in the anime & manga.
Final Fantasy XV: Prompto Argentum. See above re: Nakahara Chuuya being so achingly human despite his origins. See above re: Yuuri Katsuki and his anxiety and lack of belief in himself. See above re: Goro Akechi and the power of Robbie Daymond as a voice actor. He’s an anxious ball of sunshine just trying to keep up with royalty, and I love how he helps Noctis to feel human, despite the literal weight of the world on his shoulders.
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark. Sansa for queen. I found her story the most compelling in the show (it’s been too long since I’ve read the books for me to comment on them). She has such a hard, relentless reality check. The little songbird is nearly crushed by the cruelty of the world, but she finds a way to survive in the figurative lion’s den, without any physical or mystical prowess. She should have been Queen of all Westeros at the end, not just Queen of the North.
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi x Akira Kurusu (Ren Amamiya). Because, to paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis. Because they are two sides of the same coin. Because in other circumstances they could have been great rivals, maybe even friends. Because Akira is the one person that Goro refuses to lose to. Because Akira held on to the glove. Because Goro being alive & his real, angry, jaded self is Akira’s greatest wish.
Avatar: Katara x Zuko. Because one rises with the moon and the other rises with the sun. Because Katara offered to heal his scar. Because Zuko went with her to find her mother’s killer. Because Katara went with him to confront his sister. Because Zuko threw himself in front of lightning to protect Katara.
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy and Spike. Because they are my first online OTP. Because Spike would rather be fighting her (and because the feeling is mutual). Because Spike knows that he’s a monster, but Buffy treats him like a man. Because Buffy asked him to stay. Because Spike made a promise to a lady. Because 147 days yesterday and 148 days today. 
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Yuri on Ice: Victor x Yuuri. Yuuri & his stamina just wrecking Victor
Trigun Stampede: Vash x Wolfwood. Wolfwood calling Vash ‘angel’
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Chuuya. Emotional honesty 
Game of Thrones: Jon x Sansa. Jon going down on Sansa like a champ
Persona 5: Goro x Akira. Philosophical debates as foreplay
Yuri on Ice: Yuri Plisetsky
Persona 5: Yusuke Kitagawa
The Untamed: Wei Wuxian
My Hero Academia: Todoroki Shouto
Fruits Basket: Tohru Honda
Trigun Stampede: Vash
Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie Hatter
Breath of the Wild: Sidon
Bungou Stray Dogs: (tie) Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Atsushi Nakajima
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penthepoet · 2 years
megaten for the ask meme!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Aleph. Aleph, my beloved. He's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. I want to turn him into a marketable plushie. I want to see him dance. I want to paint his nails. I want to give him apple juice.
I just think he's such a fun protagonist with a lot of little quirks you can tell the dev team had such fun throwing in.
Aleph SMT II. My beloved little guy. In All His Forms.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
hee-ho! Not gonna lie, Jack Frost, although cliche, kind of wins here. I think it's just because of how much he looks like a marketable plushie.
I also think that Isabeau SMT IV is way too adorable for all this shit and deserves better.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
JIMENEZZZZZZZZ. LET'S GOOOOO. I'll excuse ANY of Jimenez's crimes. He was right. He was right, okay? He was so valid for doing what he did. Plus he's kind of - he hits different. ESPECIALLY when he's got his shirt off in that one form. And I think the fact that one of his routes literally ends with giving the protagonist a ring (from what I can remember) is so fun? Love wins. Plus his voice acting in Strange Journey Redux is pretty solid.
Double hot take: I like Zelenin as well. Strange Journey was the first Megaten I started out with please don't kill me
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Now I'm not saying Heat was right for the cannibalism, but I am saying that he looked good doing it, and that's what counts. I also am strangely hooked on Crispin Freeman's voice acting for him in the English dub. It sort of activates Pop Rocks in my brain. His writing in QDS is also deeply fascinating to read through? You get what I mean.
Also, Jenna Angel, because she's gender as fuck.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Jyoji Hijiri. I love the theory surrounding him, I love his design, I think he's a really believable character caught up in all kinds of bullshit and I am so utterly sad about his fate that I can't even convey it. I want to give him a bushel of grapes and tell him everything's going to be just fine. He's also just the tiniest bit pathetic and I love him.
Also unpopular hot take, but I really do like Dazai and Abdiel and thought they were a really fun team + fun dynamic to see, even if Dazai's design ended up having him looking like he was going Super Saiyan.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
ah, Isamu SMT III, come to my cellar to taste this cask of Amontillado I just got in! you certainly won't get put behind a wall and made to suffer humiliations, nosiree-
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I know Persona's only a spinoff of Megaten, but that fucking old-ass crusty-ass Crypt-keeper-lookin' ass coward bastard bespectacled two-timing back-stabbing Chairman of SEES piece of shit that reminds me so fucking much of my abuser is going straight to Super Hell, in the Hell Corner, and never coming out ever the fuck again.
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linalilia · 2 years
Ooh! Dazai, Atsushi, and the Akutagawa siblings for the character bingo!
yay, time for me to finally talk about bsd dhdjdjdk
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LISTEN. WHEN I WAS 13 AND I JUST GOT INTO BSD I WAS A HUGE DAZAI SIMP. I AM SO EMBARRASSED ABOUT THIS PHASE NOW, GOING THROUGH MY OLD NOTEBOOKS AND READING THE THINGS MY YOUNGER SELF WROTE ABOUT HIM IS.. AN EXPERIENCE. i'm not that interested in him now, mostly because i understand him better now and he's not really "my poor little meow meow" anymore xjdjjxkxk. even though the bingo looks like i hate him with passion, i think his character is really cool! I JUST WANT TO. SQUISH HIM. OR PUT HIM IN A BLENDER. I THINK THAT WOULD BE FUN. so yeah a very entertaining character, but not really my fave anymore. i still think he's attractive ngl
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oh no, time for me to come out as atsushi stan and kinnie djsjxjjx. i always loved atsushi a lot and i think he's my number one fave right now :) he's very cute and he's a very cool protag, i relate to him a lot and he's just!! so good!! so pure!! what a cute tiger boy!! i love him a lot!!
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*shaking* s-so my opinion about akutagawa siblings is pretty much the same, like the only difference is that i like aku's design more than gin's, but that's just my personal preference, haha. tbh i don't have much to say about them? they're cool characters, that's for sure, but i've never really been a fan of characters like that, so whenever i see them, i just go "oh. hi there". also i just can't describe how i feel about akutagawa with this bingo, because my opinion is like.. "i feel bad for him and he deserved better, but also.. i really wish i cared more about him, but i can't". for some reason, i keep forgetting about him, i actually remember gin better 😭😭 (probably because younger me was shocked when she found out that gin is a girl sjsjsksk) oh, but they certainly have their cute moments and i like when those happen :)
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aroacehanzawa · 2 years
bsd for the ask thing?
YESS THANK YOU finally somebody sent bsd
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Akutagawa, he is my favourite character, he is my comfort character, he is the love of my life, he is my arch nemesis, he is my long-lost brother, he is me, he is a menace to society, he is a delight to have around, he is an unforgivable criminal, he is but a child who is a mere victim of his environment, he is-
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Not to baby Sigma but he is literally So Shaped, i love how he's just so Normal™ despite having the most abnormal circumstances, i'm so glad he survived the fall because if his character arc had ended there i don't know what i would do with myself
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
It's a tie between Ango and Oda, but i'll go with Ango because his arc is still ongoing (rip to odasaku) and i just find him so interesting, especially knowing what went down in the Dark Era and how all of his actions since then can be considered some form of atonement. That and also i'm in love with him
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Mushitarou!!!! He's so funnieeeee i absolutely love him, i hope he stays besties with Poe and Ranpo and becomes a regular, he's an absolute icon. And his arc about his friend, that was literally so tragic but it made his character so much more interesting
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Nikolai, pathetic little jester, i would love to dissect him and study him under a microscope. But real talk his motives are so interesting like i just want to understand. It's like we've gotten hints of what's under his silly goofy clown persona, with the whole talk about being free as a bird and what not, but he's still so obscure. I really want to know more about him
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Easy question, Dazai
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Fukuchi 🤢🤮
Send me a fandom and i'll tell you my blorbos
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qu1nby · 2 years
If no one has beat me to this one, Bloomic? Or BSD?
FRIEND! I’m doing both of them now :D
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Am I going to get stoned to death if I say Dazai? He's fun! I like bullying him. It's hard to pick a favorite character for bsd, to be honest. I like (almost) all of them.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q, I love them, I would die for them, they deserve so much better.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
It's been a minute since I read or watched the parts with Ace in them, but I have to respect how he fucked around and found out. Except for the murder, that was not cool
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Albatross. I mean, he can't really appear anymore, but I would love to know more about him and the other Flags.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Dazai again! He can go in the plinko and superhell too.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
surprise surprise, Mori is going in the plinko.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Fukuchi. Without hesitation. I will throw him into the depths of superhell myself if I have to
ANYWAY! Bloomic time!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Toasty, next question
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Nightowl, but I'm not sure if I want his gender or if I want him
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
It's hard to pick a underrated character with such a small cast buuuuttttt June. I liked her in game but even more so after that angst hour post about her feeling like she has to always be perfect and friendly
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Xyx, a popular character but I feel like he fits the poor little meow meow vibes
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Onion. Put him in the plinko. I wasn't even that attached to him at first but now I am and he doesn't even have his own route
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
societyboy is going to superhell for being a Joker wannabe
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Eheeee I am predictable.
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my CANON:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
FYODOR - I am obsessed with my greaserat I love him he’s terrible I would definitely let him kill everyone because he’s a good boy. 
YOSANO - Ma’am If you’re free this friday my number is-
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Q - they are nonbinary, psychopathic, malicious and so so shaped. My lil scrunkly child. 
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
LUCY - She’s not super underappreciated but I do miss seeing her in main canon. She’s genuinely such a good girl and I love her parallels with Atsushi and her braids are wonderful. 
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
AGATHA - She’s shown up for 0.2 seconds in Dead Apple, has exactly 3 panels in chapter 12. It has been 89 years and YET whenever there’s even hint of her or Clock Tower lore I will instantly go absolutely Feral.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
MORI - The fandom gets him so wrong and they’re sleeping on such an incredibly written character. He’s horrible and awful and disgusting and I think he’s fantastic as an antagonist, as an ally and as a character on the whole.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
CHUUYA - Mostly because how much he’d absolutely get wound up by it and all emotional about it. He’s wonderful but I’d also like to hit him with a stick til he yells incoherently.
HAWTHORNE - I believe in torturing and tormenting the priest endlessly and continuously. Love him. One of my fave ships. God I’d like to put him into a blender on high just for kek.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
DAZAI - You’re unsurprised by this.
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pugszler · 2 years
Bnha and/or bsd? For the ask game
aaand time for bsd! i am both ecstatic and mortified to talk aloud about these characters lmao 🙈 i'm putting this under a read more
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
okay let's just get this over with--it's akutagawa. he is also the answer to the rest of the following questions too okay post over /gen lmao
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
ah. err. uh. hm... well, besides my obvious answer, i guess almost everyone in the show has at least a Little bit of "baby" energy lol... can i say kyouka? i mean this in the Not-weirdest way Possible. she's just rlly fucking adorable. also, alternative answer is karl the raccoon :>
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
hm well i'm not too acquainted w/ the bsd fandom like even the slightest bit at all so idk exactly how (under)appreciated this character is but i kinda just have a feeling about it, but kunikida! i rlly like him and he makes me feel rlly happy in a way i don't quite understand yet... fuck man, i even kinda feel like i myself don't appreciate him enough! i need to focus on him more!
also i'm just gonna shout out odasaku here bc i Need to mention him somewhere on this post but idk where else to mention him lmao. i have a feeling he's a fandom favorite tho? ......i hope he is at least lmao. he should be a fan favorite.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
gin, altho i kinda bet she's prob a big fave for a lot of ppl too. and idk if she gets to have any more significant plot relevance post-s3 of the anime?
also my memory of the actual serious plot of the series is extremely foggy in my head so excuse me if this is a bad answer but i get rlly excited when ango shows up... altho tbh it's mostly just bc i love it when his voice actor jun fukuyama gets to voice meek-looking megane characters lmao. i know that ango does some major shit but i honestly can't remember if it was good shit or bad shit... ah well. i don't rlly think anyone in bsd is ever Only doing good shit so it's fine lmao
ALSO shout out to the minor anime-only character from s1 that kaito ishikawa got to voice for two eps before he got killed :(
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haha i don't think i need to say anything here
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
dazai. tbh i'm not a big fan of him, but i don't necessarily hate him? it's rlly rlly difficult to hate him anyway since he's fucking hilarious and voiced by mamoru miyano so like. yeah. anyway he's always picking on EVERYONE and he's always one step ahead of Everyone and that annoys the fuck out of me so yeah man i'd mess w him if i could. he kinda rlly deserves it tbh. also it would be hilarious :)
oh and same for ranpo. he annoys me too bc he's mean but also i appreciate him Slightly more bc he's voiced by hiroshi kamiya.... i think it's p much Impossible for me to truly dislike any character that man voices lmao
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
well, ougai's a given.
there's also fitzgerald but i mostly just hate him bc he's annoying as fuck and i HATE that he didn't fucking die after sskk beat his ass and whoever tf is writing this series was like "yes, i think i will let fitzgerald live and give him more content and plot relevance :) MUCH MORE :))) hehe everybody loves this guy!" NOOO SHUT UP UGH.
also i don't remember who the fuck that one guy is with the hat (not chuuya, the other hat guy) or what the fuck he was doing (literally could not understand a Single thing about what he (or dazai) was doing in dead apple) but i don't like him. and i don't like that everyone else seems to like him? i have no idea what his deal is and i think he's annoying bye
(ask game post)
#hhhhh i have sooo many feelings about soooo many bsd characters holy fuck i didn't even get to Mention literal big faves of mine!!#LIKE ATSUSHI!!!!! or chuuya! or any of the other ada and mafia characters D:#i rlly do like pretty much all of them at least A Little bit#and like i feel like i should clarify this for this Entire post but the stuff i love and care about most w bsd is the Crack shit#i love every single thing that goes on in the wan! shenanigans#i love the absolute ABSURDITY of everyone and how silly and weird they all are#and how it's like. supposed to be a serious series but it's really just the most wildly ridiculous cartoony clown show of all time#i. love. that. SHIT. all the serious plot stuff kinda bores me so i kinda just forget about it and focus on the goofs :)#so yeah. bc of this goofy vibe of the series i try not to be Too critical of the characters and all the fucked up shit they do#cause it's all kind of a big joke in the end anyway so whatever lol#anyway yea i love bsd A LOT even tho i know very little about it or the fandom lmao#i've only watched through the show ONCE and that was in spring 2020 and i havent stopped thinking about it since#have not bothered to actually rewatch the dang thing tho or find out exactly what happens in the manga post-anime#other than extremely huge spoilers that are Completely out of context to me but i'm still very upset about#lol i'm such a dedicated fan to this series! /s#thank u sm grace for indulging me w my bsd bullshit <3#replies#ask game#bsd --
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
BSD for the fandom ask? :D
Fandom Ask
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Kunikida is my blorbo and always will be, simply because he is never far from my thoughts, and because he is my favorite.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
MOTOJIROU KAJII, THE SUPERIOR PORT MAFIA ABILITY USER. God bless him for being hilarious, who I want to be when I grow up, and actually the best. I'm not kidding when I say he's my favorite. He and Kunikida fistfight for the position.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
He's not that obscure but I want him to show up more ;-;
The real answer is Murakoso, Ango's bodyguard who is a hot woman with a sword.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
*drags Tachihara in by the ear* he's problematic because he's a little bit horrible and anime-insignificant. Fucker broke my heart and I love him so much anyway. And he's a pathetic man trying to be a good one even though he already is.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Dazai!! His suffering amuses me to no end!! Hahaha get fucked Dazoo!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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This should not surprise anybody. Fuck you, Grandpa Warcrimes.
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ignitification · 2 years
Bungou Stray Dogs for the fandom ask!!!
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Akutagawa Ryuunosuke! (my sickly poor pathetic kitten I will forever hold dear, because he is baby).
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): S I G M A. Baby. Just..baby. Will protect with my life. Can’t wait to see his stupid dual toned hair and make fun of him and gently hold him.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Ranpo Edogawa. Just ugh, so much to say, so much to do - so much to go through, and yet here I am, swooned over a pair of green eyes and glasses, amazing.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): OBVIOUSLY MARK TWAIN. Like, he is such a thot - and the fact that is just outright morally pathetic and hot? I have nothing to add to my pathetic account.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Clearly. He is just plain bad. And Russian. Soulmates.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): easy, Dazai Osamu. I mean. This description was made for him. I love him. I absolutely would pick him apart though. Baby girl.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Fyodor Dostoyevsky (I’d [redacted] him first though, because apparently sewer rats are hot).
P.S. thank you so much @mirkaaaluv and Drist-Sama for the ask!
send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my 💫
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seri-tonin · 2 years
woah hiiii also bsd for the fandom thing :D
Wkdkskfkskdks hii :D
Blorbo: Definitely Tecchou. He lives in my head rent free
Scrunkly: Kenji!!!!! My babey boy I love him
Scrimblo Bimblo: Louisa!!! She deserves more hype
Glup Shitto: Gin!!!
Poor Little Meow Meow: Fyodor!! I forgive him for all the murders because he's cute :)
Horse Plinko: Dazai. Little bitch (affectionate (derogatory))
Eeby Deeby: Fukuchi >:(((( I hate him so much, he deserves superhell
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 26: Buongiorno Principessa
I wake up to Lumière scratching the window. I glance at Leonardo. He is still asleep. I carefully untangle my body from his and tip toe across the room to let the cat in. He meows at me and bumps his head against my arm from the table, asking for attention, so I pick him up and carry him to the bed.
The second I let go of him, he starts purring and curls up next to Leonardo’s face. I watch, amused, as Lumière begins to lick the man’s hair, which gets caught in his rough tongue, causing him to jolt back and try to push it away with his paws.
My laughter wakes up Leonardo, whose eyes flutter open, and he sleepily pulls me onto the bed and holds me tight against him. Displeased, the cat jumps down and lays on the pile of my clothes on the floor, earning another chuckle from me.
“Buongiorno, cara mia,” Leonardo purrs, kissing my neck. I turn my head for my lips to meet his.
“Good morning,” I smile. “I wish I could stay, but I’m late for work.”
“Nooo,” he frowns. “But you feel so good, principessa. Please don’t go.”
I softly pry his arms from my body and pull away before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Sebastian won’t be happy. Besides, I’ll see you later. You never seem to have any trouble finding me.” I turn to my clothes on the floor, which Lumière has turned into his new bed. “Sorry, little guy, but I need to take that. Go find another bed.” The cat stares at me for a few seconds, as if assessing if I am being serious, but eventually gives in, leaping away with a annoyed meow. “Thank you.”
While the clothes on the top have dried overnight, the bottom of the pile is still damp. And now they are covered in cat hair, too. I remember it’s laundry day, so I better take these to Sebastian before he starts.
Leonardo gets up and pulls me into a kiss before I reach the door. He’s making it harder for me to leave, but my will pulls through. I step out onto the hallway wearing nothing but his large shirt and my shoes from last night, carrying the rest of my clothes in my arms.
“You’re late,” Sebastian states when I walk into the kitchen, not looking up from the coffee he’s pouring. “I went to wake you up, but you weren’t in your... Oh.”
He raises his eyebrows when he finally sees me. I casually throw the clothes into a basket and take the coffee from his hands, sniffing the steam that rises from the cup. Sweet caffeinated ambrosia.
“Is that... Is that Leonardo’s?” he stammers. My gaze falls to the tiled floor as I blush. “Oh my god! Tell me everything!” He scrambles to pull a small notebook from his back pocket, along with a ballpoint pen, getting ready to write.
“I’m not telling you shit about my sex life, you weirdo!” I scoff, mockingly offended, but then a smile creeps onto my lips. I take a cautious sip of the hot drink and twirl away from him, giggling. “It was great. That’s it, Seb. That’s all you’re getting.”
“How long have you two been a thing?” he asks. I climb onto the counter, innocently dangling my legs in the air.
“About a week. But we didn’t... you know... until last night.”
“I can’t believe I missed that,” Sebastian mutters. To be fair, I don’t know how he didn’t notice earlier, either. He knows everything that goes on here. He scribbles something in his notebook before putting it away and handing me a muffin. “Here, try this.”
I bite into it without question, and let out a little pleasured noise. It’s blueberry, my favorite.
“This is bomb,” I announce with my mouth full, pointing at the muffin. I wash it down with some coffee before I continue. “Sebastian, I fucking love you. This is officially the best thing I have ever eaten.”
“You’re welcome,” he chuckles smugly.
I keep eating as he returns to his task. After I finish, I jump down from the counter and set the empty cup by the sink.
“I need a bath. Gotta go,” I say, blowing him a kiss from the door.
Later that day, Dazai comes to find me in the garden. When I see him approach, I stop trimming the hedge and climb off the step ladder, leaving the large shears on top of it.
“Good afternoon, Akari-san!” he greets me cheerfully. As usual, he calls me by a completely random name. I have given up on trying to correct him.
“Dazai,” I smile. “Can I help you with anything?”
“I can’t seem to finish this poem, but that’s not why I came. Perhaps some other time.”
“Oh? Then what is it?”
“Le Comte is waiting for you in his study,” he says. Weird, I can’t think of what he might want to talk about. Maybe he found out about me and Leonardo.
I thank Dazai and head inside. Before I knock on the door, I hear le Comte humming a melody inside. I feel bad for interrupting. His voice is angelical.
“You wanted to see me?” I say when he invites me in, gesturing for me to sit. There is a tray with two empty cups and a tea pot on the small table by the hourglass. I get comfortable on one of the armchairs, crossing my legs.
“Tea?” he offers, and I accept. He pours some in a cup and hands it to me. “I realized we haven’t spent much time together during your stay. I would be a terrible host, were I not to spend some time with my guest, don’t you think, ma chérie?”
“I guess,” I shrug, still unsure of where this is going. He definitely knows. “Is there anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Well, I am aware of your and Leonardo’s relationship.” There it goes, straight to the point. “I am happy for you two. My dear friend certainly seems brighter.”
Oh, thank God.
“I am glad to hear that, Comte,” I smile. “I must admit I was nervous about you finding out. It’s a bit of a... complicated situation, and I don’t really know how to go about it, to be honest.”
He thoughtfully sips his tea before speaking again.
“Anaïs, do you wish to stay here?” I don’t answer. Instead, I bite my lip, pondering my options. “I would like you to know that you are welcome to stay at the mansion for as long as you like. However, once you go through that door, it will disappear from your time, and you will never be able to access it again.”
“I don’t know,” I finally sigh. “That means I don’t necessarily have to go back in a week, right? It will open again?” He nods. “I do want to stay longer, but... Forever is a big commitment. There are people that I care about in 2020, but I have come to care about you all, too. I know I would miss you if I left.”
Le Comte sighs, a sad smile on his lips.
“I dread the day that you do,” he says softly, “but the choice is yours and yours only.”
There is something in his voice that I can’t quite place. It sounds like regret, but there is more to it, somehow. Damn these pureblood vampires, always so hard to read.
“I guess... I’ll have to wait and see,” I conclude.
“There is no rush for you to decide, ma chérie. How was the exhibition yesterday?” he changes the topic, his charming smile returning to his face. “It is a shame that I could not attend.”
“It was great. Theo has so much talent for these things, all the pieces displayed were amazing. And Vincent’s paintings were beautiful, as always,” I recall, thinking of the portrait he made of me. “Oh, and I met Émile Zola! He was there too, and he loved it. We even talked for a bit, but I feel a little bad. The poor man doesn’t know what’s coming.”
Le Comte tilts his head, a curious expression on his face.
“What do you man, ma chérie?”
“J’Accuse,” I simply answer. He nods, understanding exactly what I am referring to. Four years from now, Zola will publish an open letter in a newspaper, denouncing the antisemitism and injustice of those involved in the Dreyfus affair. He will be brought to trial and sentenced for libel after a long and messy judicial process.
We discuss that for a while, during which I finish my tea. He serves me more, and I thank him, before he asks me about my life in the 21st century.
“I would like to know more about you,” he says. “I saw you roller skate. Competitively?”
“I used to, but I quit when I began working.”
“You are a chemist specialized in antiques conservation, correct?” I nod. He chuckles. “Ah, I was wondering what you spend so much time researching in the library. Leonardo told me.”
“Yeah, he’s been helping me with it,” I smile. “I like to borrow his genius every once in a while.”
“What about your family?” he asks, and immediately apologizes when he sees my face change. “Forgive me, I do not mean to pry.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” I reassure him. “My family is complicated, at best. My sister is the only one I keep in contact with, but we don’t talk much. She just started university this year, in Milan. She would swoon if she saw the dresses you’ve given me,” I chuckle. “She studies fashion design.”
Though our relationship is strained, I am as proud of her as an older sister can be. Despite the fallout with our parents taking its toll, I will always care deeply about her, and I must admit that seeing Vincent and Theo be so close makes me a bit jealous. 
“My friends are a different story, though,” I continue, unprompted. “I guess you could call them my chosen family.” Le Comte listens attentively, clearly wanting to know more. “There’s Jack and Carlos back in London. I shared a flat with them as a student, and we are still very close. Then there’s Mila.” I look up at le Comte, suddenly remembering something. “I’ve been meaning to ask, if I go through the door would I return to the same time that I left? Or will it be a month later?”
“It’s hard to tell,” he answers thoughtfully. “When I use it, time passes on the other side, too. But as a pureblood vampire, I can come and go as I please, within the door’s rules, of course. A human going through it is something unprecedented, so I truly do not know what would happen.”
“Damnit,” I mutter. When he gives me a questioning look, I explain. “You know, when I came here? I was supposed to pick up Mila at the airport the day after. She’s going to be furious when I get back.”
“Pick her up?” he asks. “I was under the impression that you were just visiting Paris.”
“Well, yeah, but I come so often I practically live here,” I laugh before sipping my tea. Le Comte mimics me, waiting for me to keep talking. “Mila is my oldest friend. She’s French, but I met her in my hometown when her father worked there for a few years. She lives in Montparnasse now. She had to travel somewhere right before I got here, so she left me her car and the keys to her apartment, which I was going to stay in anyway. Hence, well, me picking her up when she came back from... New Zealand, I think it was? I have no clue,” I conclude with a chuckle.
“She sounds like an interesting person,” le Comte chimes in. I laugh.
“She is. I think you would like her.” 
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