#dazai osamu x Nakahara Chuuya
fynori · 9 months
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i drew this last night and forgot to post it.. oopsies
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aduckinpain · 3 months
The Sunset clashes on waves of Cobalt
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Tags: Character study style writing, Hurt/comfort, Happy Ending, Pure Soukoku, Everything in chronological order, Dazai Osamu's in character existential crisis, They're in love, Dazai's obsession with Chuuya's corruption, his obsession with chuuya honestly.
Word Count: 7.3k
This is also on AO3 by roianamustang (me).
Life is finicky. Evasive. Confusing. A fluke. Something, created from nearly nothing, by pure chance. It’s involuntary. You wake up one day, only to acknowledge your newly discovered existence by at least 2 years. Your lungs expand, your heart beats, your blood rushes, your ears hear and your eyes see. And your mind runs. It runs and runs, it runs out of breath. It searches for more, information flooding from every crevice.
Life is important, according to every living being. Even the most miniscule little creature will value it over anything else, whether that be by running, hiding or fighting. Even plants reach for the sun in hopes of waking up the next morning.
Dazai Osamu reached for the Sun when he was five and it burned. Leaving trails in its wake. 
Life is a continuous string of events that emerges by chance. It has variables so intricate, they can’t be calculated. Time, variety, coincidence. Fate. It starts unknown, and it ends the same.
Depending on where you live, people can live a healthy 80 years, and die peacefully in their bed, surrounded by loved ones. Yet, one lifetime is not enough.
We enter this world unwillingly, so why do we fight so hard for it?
Why are we so scared of death? Of the unknown?
How can you love life so much, that you fear the end of it?
What’s so unique about monotony and routines?
At the end of the day humans are mammals. Their ability to produce milk and have hair puts them in another category, while their capability of thought and intelligence, puts them in another rank. 
And still, our reason for living is to just not die. Survival, something every other creature on this earth, prioritizes.
So he doesn’t get it. 
Things can be pretty, things can be sacred, they can be fun, loving, but they are all temporary. Most of the emotions a human being feels in a lifetime are neutrality and anxiety, stress, fear, sadness, nostalgia and melancholy. Happiness and excitement, in its purest form are the rarest, with sudden entrances and premature disappearances. They’re hard to find, hard to replicate, hard to give. 
And at the end of it all, you die and everything is forgotten. You are a machine run by tubes and liquid that shuts off and that is it.
The world with all of its colors is bleak, the humans vary physically yet act similarly, predictably, and life dies.
But normal people don’t think like this. Normal people don’t stare at their ceiling willing themselves to drink water or eat food. Normal people don’t burn when others touch them. They don’t numb when their surroundings become too much. They don’t hate. 
They care and they love and they find meanings in everything.
Dazai doesn't.
Dazai hurts.
Why can’t he just be normal and meaningless and random and flitting and living and dead? 
Why can’t he be human?
What is he?
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15 years of Dazai’s life have passed and he can confidently say that he has effectively erased his first 10 and blurred the last 5.
It all comes to a shocking halt, or more accurately, a start, when one moment he was walking in the empty, dusty streets of Suribachi City, with its secrets and rats, and the next he was…not?
Air escaped his lungs so fast, Dazai couldn’t even process the ever moving environment. 
He blinked and he saw blue.
He blinked again, and he saw waves of cobalt crashing upon the sunset’s rays.
Or more realistically crashing into him.
A foot holding him down and the other kicking his face, Dazai Osamu breathed and felt air enter his blood for the first time since he was born.
The sun shone. 
And so did his eye.
His heart filled with oxygen. Beating steadily for the first time.
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When Mori told him ‘Nothing dangerous’, he of course didn’t believe it. And looking at the bright red head of hair next to him, so tiny, so miniscule, so small, compact, microscopi-
“The fuck you looking at?”
Blue turned to him, glaringly darker and in the background he was very aware of the noise leaving its mouth. 
He just didn’t care to listen.
Nakahara Chuuya. 15 years old and yet, here he stood. The leader of The Sheep. So loud. So present in such a small body, as if it couldn’t contain him. As if it held death and destruction, and life.
Even by Dazai’s own standards, he wasn’t stupid. Chuuya was dangerous. To what extent he’s not sure yet, still willing to push some more buttons, to see some more outcomes, but still at the very least, he is very strong. And while he would love to pester Mori about this sudden mission, something was holding him back.
The next thing Dazai knows the gun is getting kicked out of his hand.
And another blink. His eye captures life and Dazai Osamu jerks in its hold.
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‘In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live.’
‘I’ve come to think its worth trying.’
Because of you was left unspoken and yet to be understood by either one of them.
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With Randou dead, Dazai had already started putting other plans in motion. 
Nakahara Chuuya lost a bet after all, he now needed to pay the price.
Looking at him now, on top of rocks, rubble around him, water rising and waves crashing, never getting close to that blue of his, breath stuttering, eyes hurt. 
Dazai had never seen something more human.
He wanted that.
He wanted Chuuya.
Dazai wanted Chuuya.
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Odasaku was quiet. As a man yes, but also as a presence. Odasaku was a blank slate willing to hand you the pen, write on him and react accordingly. He did not uphold expectations or even judgment. 
Dazai liked Odasaku. 
If he closed his eyes, he could almost pretend to sleep with the man’s presence next to him.
Odasaku listened and answered in seemingly normal replies that sometimes caught Dazai by surprise. So when he had ranted about Nakahara Chuuya to him the last thing he had expected was the man to say that ‘Nakahara seems like a nice guy then yeah?’. 
A small moment of quiet had made Oda turn, locking eyes with the fifteen year old. 
And he halted.
Dazai made some sort of noise of surprise and frustration and went through another round of ranting, screeching, he wasn’t sure at this point, all of it to properly make Odasaku understand the vile creature he had been stuck with babysitting.
He could keep yapping all he wanted, cause Oda Sakunosuke had never in his life met a kid like Dazai Osamu. 
And until now, Oda Sakunosuke had never seen that singular brown orb turn caramel with light. 
He had never seen Dazai Osamu look so alive before. 
Smiling, he continued listening to the annoyed voice of the boy next to him.
Seemingly out of spite, in Dazai’s eye at least, Odasaku, very out of character just replied with an outrageous statement that Dazai could not allow to even exist, never mind be thought, even worse be stated to the air surrounding him.
‘You really like this guy huh?’
And the cycle repeated.
As it would for the next 3 years.
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Arahabaki, the lab, the Flags, Verlaine. If he couldn’t have a break, he can’t imagine what it is like for Chuuya. Well, if he cared enough in the first place.
Dazai is a notorious liar. He knows that, after all, he did perfect the skill on his own. However, in this moment, after all of these fights and new revelations, he can’t lie and say that he isn’t just tired. Having to deal with Verlaine’s corruption activation and planning for counter attacks was a new challenge, yes, but one he would have enjoyed more if his dog wouldn’t be the center of them in the first place.
If Dazai was tired, Chuuya was exhausted. 
And grieving.
He’d watched Chuuya fight, watched him anger, rage. But after the Sheep, he didn’t think he’d ever watch him break.
Following the beeping red light of his tracker, that he'd placed in Chuuya’s shoes, of course without his knowledge, the last thing he had expected was to be led to the Mafia’s transportation unit. 
Walking in, the echo of the weird fancy shoes that were given to him collided with the walls of the garage. The lights flickered in certain spots, almost as if on purpose.
It was so quiet, he’d imagine that if a feather fell, it would still be heard. 
Which is what confused him.
Nakahara Chuuya was not a quiet person. He was loud, deafening and present at all times. Everything he did was flashy, deliberately or not. 
‘Finding Chuuya is always easy. If you head towards whatever is making the loudest noise, he’ll be there.’
So either his tracker:
a) didn’t work
b) was found and eaten by his dog
c) Chuuya was like dying or something.
The echo halted along with every other noise when he stepped into the small side room. 
He blinked again. Life was flickering.
He would do anything for it to be one of those options.
He would do anything just to have Chuuya rise to his feet.
He would do anything just to have him stop crying.
Dazai was frozen there. For the first time in a long while he felt powerless. He knew what to do when he was feeling this way but he’d never do those things to Chuuya.
Chuuya just stood there, sitting against an obnoxious pink motorcycle, heaving. 
And yet, he was quiet.
You could barely hear his breath stuttering, almost as if he just wanted the ground to swallow him whole, his existence to stop, to just disappear. He seemed so out of it, that he hadn’t even noticed Dazai just standing there.
Feeling his brain reboot, Dazai went to work. He’d treat this like a mission if he had to.
Chuuya liked touch. Not with just anyone no, however one of his main ways of expressing affection and care always seemed to be with vague caresses. Or punches.
But whenever Dazai got like this, he hated touch.
Brows furrowed in confusion, he tried racking his brain for a solution. He’d do both.
Making his steps loud and clear allowed him to be processed by Chuuya’s already small, but now hindered brain. Dazai took off his jacket and lowered to the ground, putting himself between the wall and Chuuya, taking off Chuuya’s hat and wrapping him head to toe. 
Chuuya had somehow gone even more quiet, and now he’d gotten tense. He can’t have that, so Dazai, for the first time in his life, hugged.
He closed his arms around the small frame and hoped.
A minute passed, maybe two, before he felt Chuuya deflate. He didn’t try to stop him from crying, that wouldn’t help, he just held him closer, allowing the weight of the smaller body to push him towards the wall behind his back.
The man- no the boy in his arms kept shaking and Dazai just didn’t know what to do. Reluctantly, scared to do anything wrong, he let his right hand rake through the now freed red locks and pushed his head closer to his own shoulder, this way Chuuya wouldn’t get even more tired.
A gasp of air, a gulp, a sharp intake and the words coming next broke Dazai’s already dead heart.
Why me?
What did I do?
I'm sorry. I’m sorry, I'm sorry, please just stop.
Because if Dazai had to name the most human person he’d met, he’d always say Chuuya.
If Dazai had to name the most raw showcase of human range, he’d always say Chuuya.
If Dazai had to name a person, he’d always say Chuuya.
Not your fault Chuuya, it never is.
He won’t hurt like this ever again.
Dazai will make sure of it. Nothing has the right to hurt his Chuuya like this, not even him.
Molten brown had turned dark and Dazai Osamu made a promise to himself.
He never made promises, they required you to stay alive.
But this one was the first one. 
The first one he’ll make sure to bring to his grave.
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The entrance to Dazai’s office has a dark oak door, engraved with vines that curl on its edges. Its handle is typical Mafia gold. The office itself is nothing special, he made sure of it. Pristine, dark plates built his floor, almost mockingly, a carpet lay over them, right in the middle and a dark red Chesterfield sofa stood to the side of a small table. If he had to give it a color it would be deoxygenated blood. Or Corruption swirls. He certainly liked one more than the other. 
Today Mori sounded weird.
-er than usual.
Dazai makes a point to not use this office, but today it awaited him with a small stack of papers smack dab into the middle of his wooden empty desk. No pen in sight. This document wasn’t paperwork, it was information.
It would be ironic to say he had a bad feeling about it as some people would argue he’s got those all the time and they overwhelmed him. Some would argue he isn’t capable of feeling them in the first place. Both arguments are stated in late nights between missions and a very talkative red blob in his (read: Chuuya’s) apartment. 
Its quiet in this office, his shoes echo and he’s distinctly aware of the air around him colliding with his skin. A quick look around with his eye showed no signs of a trap.
A guerrilla organization from Europe that escaped to Japan after committing a war-crime sometime during the past global war. Mori wanted them dead. Or at least that’s what he said. But this apparent important information of a highly dangerous organization was not given to Soukoku.
No, it was given to the low-leveled grunt worker, Oda Sakunosuke. 
It was given to Odasaku.
Skimming through the documents, Dazai swiftly left the office.
He would never see it again.
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Odasaku was quiet. As a man yes, but also as a presence. Odasaku was a blank slate willing to hand you the pen, write on him and react accordingly. He did not uphold expectations or even judgment. 
Dazai liked Odasaku. 
And at this point he could safely claim that new information had been updated in his Odasaku file.
Odasaku, throughout the years, cared for Dazai.
Now, Dazai cared for Odasaku.
The longest of nights, when he didn’t want a loud distraction or bloodied floors, he texted Oda. He would always answer, they’d meet up and they’d stay quiet. Just in the presence of the other. 
Dazai always felt safe and against his better judgment, understood by Chuuya, but being near Chuuya meant that at some point vulnerability would rear its ugly head, on those days Dazai just wanted a known space with a comforting presence. Odasaku was just that.
Chuuya was warm and bright and alive. He tethered Dazai to the concept of a human being. But sometimes Dazai just wanted an empty, fuzzy head. Sometimes the only exception of touch for Dazai was not what he wanted at the moment. So he searched for long nights and useless topics followed by silences and burning drinks or scalding curry.
Dazai found his constants for however many more years he’d survive this Earth.
The narrative was written and he felt content enough.
So why did the story change?
It had been a close call, a stroke of luck you could even call it, saving Odasaku in time the first time. And it has and will always be a lost cause convincing the man to kill instead of flee. 
It had been a close call, a stroke of luck you could even call it, saving Odasaku in time the second time. An extra wound added from Ango’s betrayal. 
If he could do it twice, what was a third time?
A bullet was shot. A body was falling.
So why were his hands warm? Why did they match the color of his sofa?
Why did it have to be Odasaku?
He found out about the kids but it was too late.
He found out about the motive but it was too late.
He figured out Mori’s plan.
It was too late.
You won’t find it.
Be on the side that saves people.
If both sides are the same, become a good man.
It’s pretty fady after that.
Contacting Ango was easy.
Burying Odasaku wasn’t.
Dazai Osamu, Demon Prodigy, youngest Port Mafia Executive, existed no more.
The only loose thread he had, was his other half on the other side of the world waiting to finish a mission.
He’d leave that thread sewn in.
He’d plant a bomb. 
He’d send a message.
He’d go into hiding for two years.
And for now, he’d live.
In the blink of an eye, Dazai Osamu had disappeared. 
People exist to save themselves.
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A year and a half had already passed but it's not like Dazai had a concept of time anyways. The hiding and the erasure was easy. The boredom was not. Boredom brewed silences. Silences happened alone now. Being alone let his head be free. Or trapped he’d say, is the better description of it. 
It was raining today. Enough to keep the ground wet. Being in hiding didn’t really allow Dazai to wander but no one was looking for him under a lone tree, leaning on a gravestone in the middle of a field, so he let himself have this. 
He leaned his head on the stone. The rain wasn’t just heavy enough to keep the ground wet but also to drench him completely, but the sound of it was almost comforting in a way. The sky a uniform gray spanning into the horizon boringly, something it rarely does. 
The bomb had taken a bit to be processed by the slug’s brain, but it was successfully understood. For the first time in a while Dazai had reached out his hand first and let Chuuya make the decision. Contact would be hard, dangerous and almost non-existent, but he was willing to try. 
Of course after an even longer period of silence, because if Chuuya was one thing, it was petty.
So every now and then, on an anniversary or birthday, a mysterious little bouquet of Red Camellias would show up on the red head’s door.
A symbol of death yes, but that of a noble one. Sacred, godly. Left to the hands of a God of Calamity.
Unwavering loyalty.
And every now and then, on an anniversary or birthday, something would be awaiting Dazai right next to the door. Whether that be a set or freshly rolled bandages or a gaming console.
A sigh left his lungs, uncovered irises following its trail disappear into thin air.
He got a soda before coming here, a funny joke he thinks Odasaku would chuckle with. Laughing just by yourself is just sad at this point.
S. Oda engraved in stone, buried in soil, clawing his head.
He’d use that as an excuse for the extra weight slipping from his eyes. 
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Beige felt weird on him. It had been Odasaku’s signature color and Dazai was wearing it in tribute to that but it felt weird on him. 
Nevertheless, this wasn’t about him.
He climbed the stairs of a fairly new Detective Agency. He could almost feel the nerves, if he’d let himself feel in the first place.
The door opened almost dramatically, and the sun was shining brightly, reflecting off the nearly white tiles. 
“You’re here.”
Before him stood an older man with horrifically gray hair. The Boss of this thing then. Coffee brown eyes took in everything around him. There were three more people there.
A man sat behind a desk with curiously shut eyes and an insane amount of candy lay in front of him. That one was dangerous, he knew things and knew that Dazai knew he knew things.
A woman stood by the side of what looked like to be the inside of an infirmary, he knew of Yosano, or more accurately, of the consequences of her existence.
The most normal one of all had to be this one blonde man who looked like he’d blow a fuse if something didn’t go his way. Perfect, he’d need one of those.
Blinking for a moment, Dazai almost went into autopilot.
This would be different.
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Everything Dazai did was deliberate. The only thing that could either act exactly according to his plan or be entirely unpredictable comes in the form of a small, small, horribly dressed, fancy street magician with a choker, that is currently walking, very loudly down the Port Mafia’s basement stairs. 
And oh, did Dazai miss this. 
Sure, during his hiding he may have gone once or twice to look at the slumbering, probably drunk at the time, man in front of him. But seeing Chuuya Nakahara subdued by slumber is like missing the Sun behind dark thick clouds. 
Chuuya spoke and he answered on instinct mostly. A knife at his throat and Dazai Osamu hadn’t felt alive in years with no contact from blue hues. 
A punch, a kick, the ground crumbled beneath his feet, Dazai didn’t care he was just about ready to kneel at this point. 
A sharp movement from the man in front of him made him pause. That was as much as a question, statement and reminder Chuuya would give him. This was Port Mafia territory, the hand holding the deck here was Mori.
They snapped back into their roles quickly, but he just couldn’t resist making that joke.
And if he saw Chuuya smile while climbing the stairs he can’t say, because for the first time in 4 years Dazai Osamu laughed and his heart started beating again.
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Contrary to popular belief, Dazai didn't mind kids. In fact they always seemed increasingly intrigued by his presence. Odasaku’s orphans seemed absolutely delighted when he showed up.
Yumeno Kyusaku, better known as ‘Q’, was honestly not any different. Dazai had recruited them, finding resemblance to his own situation and past. 
However Q was not Dazai. They were just a kid. A small child with an incredibly dangerous ability and puppeteer, being pulled from one direction to the other only to be returned to a cold, desolate room at the end of the day, alone.
So to be completely honest, he didn't mind this mission. Or at the very least, he didn’t mind this mission’s goal. The variables needed for it to succeed however, were not, as you would say, one of his greater fortés. Technically it was his greatest.
Heavy, determined, meaningful footsteps fell into silence on his left side. A flash of red, contrasted by dark, gloomy clothes, stood beside him, calm.
Who's he kidding? Since when was Chuuya ever quiet, nevertheless calm. Well, towards him anyways.
“Are we just gonna stare at the door and wither away, or should we get a move on already?” Glaring blues had turned toward him. He could always feel their presence.
Dazai had no interest indulging a loud, yapping dog, so with an exaggerated sigh and some kind words exclaimed, that definitely did not have him nearly lose an arm and a leg, they entered the weird cottage-house-situation-thing.
Their steps immediately fall into sync and echo throughout the empty walls, while Dazai's heart sang and asked and wanted. 
4 years of quiet actions and no contact, the yearning reaching every crevice of his mind at every second. One meeting and a truce and comfort had finally arrived at his doorstep, again. 
As he, of course, sidestepped a kick aimed at his head.
Glancing slightly to his side, even the bland stone walls seemed to shine and sparkle. Banter jumped off each stair along with them.
“The only thing I like about you is your taste in shoes.” A slight pause and the other pair of steps stood still for a second.
“You think?” Was said sarcastically with a slight shine of hope hidden underneath it, as if anything would change in these 4 years. 
“Just kidding, of course.” Before even finishing the sentence, a crash and a yell were heard. Giggles collided with the surrounding bricks. 
They were Soukoku after all, they knew each other from the inside out.
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Whatever this thing was, it definitely was not human. It didn’t even seem made. Every limb, or more accurately, goo, that was cut off would regenerate in seconds. So while Chuuya was doing his job as the brawn of the duo, Dazai, as the brain, was supposed to be planning ahead.
But he was stuck.
Was this it?
The downfall of the deadliest duo in Yokohama, possibly Japan, and in Dazai’s humble opinion, the World?
Had they changed so much?
He had two constants in life and one had already left him, he couldn’t lose this one.
As if sensing his turmoil, a slight kick to his feet made him blink rapidly. Turning towards the ginger he locked eyes with the annoyed glare decorating his face.
He could practically hear ‘Stop with the theatrics already’ with a small chihuahua animated right beside it.
Before he could get a full sentence out Dazai was slammed vigorously at the trunk of a tree. Vision whitening for a good second, his hearing quickly came back to the rushing footsteps and dare he say, panicked voice of Chuuya.
Coughing blood he slowly tried to rise up. “Those tentacles sure are strange.” Confusion showed itself on the shorter man’s face. “I can't disable them.”
“Bullshit. Is that even possible?” brows lifting upwards, Dazai could see Chuuya trying to grasp the situation.
The thing that works about Sokouku isn’t just the cards up their sleeves, Dazai’s capabilities and Chuuya’s prowess. No, it's more of this. Of looks being exchanged, the air between them still, no words to break it. It's this weird connection, that no matter how many times Dazai tried to replicate, run away from or find, it would lead back to a penthouse and blood money and his first reason to live.
Grinning in a way he hasn’t in a long time, Dazai could feel the adrenaline building up. “All right. Let’s do things the old way.”
Letting his eyes wonder about on the other man’s features, always searching, he asks. “How about Operation Shame and Toad?” A miniscule movement of the redhead’s left brow already had given his answer.
“What is this, Rain beyond the Window?” Chuuya put his hand on his hips, slightly leaning on one side. ”It’s more like The Lie of the Fake Flowers.”
Fond delight brewed in his chest, leaking when he could finally say the others name face to face after such a long time. “Chuuya, when have my tactics ever been wrong?
The fight went on for about 3 minutes and 49 seconds. A monster arose and so did a choice.
Whenever you ask that of me, it’s never really a choice.
Dazai watched with a bated breath as the other half of Double Black slowly slid down his gloves, letting them fall on the ground below. 
He thinks that if Chuuya had at least hesitated, let himself have a moment, Dazai would be just a normal man with a normal reaction. 
4 years later and his partner’s blind trust towards him managed to sever his eyes and clutch his heart. He’d never manage to replicate the pure exhilarated feeling he gets near the man he's known since he was 15. 
As lines fell from soft lips, red markings started traveling up Chuuya’s face. 
O’ granters of dark disgrace,
need not wake me again
It seems that alongside Dazai, a god was awaiting for the same thing.
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When Corruption was first triggered, they were dead men on a mission to the underworld. Two fifteen year olds with too much power and responsibility over their shoulder, in their hands, dripping over their head, falling down the tiles of the Port Mafia territory. They’d shaken hands with Death so many times already, ready to surrender to its clutches. But if there was one thing— one person who always seemed to look at Death in the eye and crumble its skull into pieces, it would be Chuuya.
It was beautiful.
The air around it came to a stop as if the man, the god, before him could change the direction of that and more with a flick of his wrist.
Destruction reigned a victor in the remains of anyone or anything that could gather the courage to go against it, most of them being oblivious men in insignificant organizations. Ignorance truly is bliss.
Blood dripped down onto the ground staining it, feeding it.
Mortality looked beautiful on Chuuya.
And it danced in between Dazai’s ropes of bandages.
Nakahara Chuuya was a phenomenon a normal man would witness once in his life before succumbing to death, and Dazai Osamu was blessed to have him on the tips of his fingers and in the depths of his withering soul.
Touching the floating man’s wrist shortly thereafter silenced the god, trapping it in its cage of human ribs and indomitable spirit.
Looking down at the man on his lap, Dazai allowed himself a moment of want, tracing down the nose bridge. It was honestly unfair, the lab didn’t have to make him pretty.
Slowly folding Chuuya’s coat and finding his stupid hat was slightly harder considering the state of the environment around them, but he managed as always. 
Now came the hard part. Throughout their time as a duo, any time Corruption was activated, Dazai had two jobs.
Save Chuuya and bring him home safely.
However after his defection from the Mafia, he couldn’t exactly do that, as it would be considered kidnapping.  
But he could wait a little bit more. Until he would hear Hirotsu’s men running towards the designated coordinates. 
So he let himself have this and if you asked him after two bottles of Sake and a night of no sleep, Dazai Osamu might admit that he missed Nakahara Chuuya.
One last stroke of his fingers on the other’s eyelids, feeling his long eyelashes beneath his fingertips and promises whispered in quiet ears, and Dazai left the forest.
He never made promises, they required you to stay alive.
But it seems he can’t seem to stop making them when a certain man slumbers rent free in his troubled mind. Strong and untouchable even amidst the chaos in his brain.
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Dead Apple, the ADA, Fyodor, Shibusawa, Corruption.
When was it ever not Chuuya?
A sharp pain flooded his senses, making Dazai cough the blood out of his mouth and open his eyes. A smile immediately followed. The view before him could rival centuries of human art.
‘You used Corruption, believing in me?
How beautiful.’
To anyone else, it would be insanity. 
Gigantic ability merging dragon shows up and renders every human with gifts useless. People flee and fight and die. 
In their case, Dazai sends a message and Chuuya, as always, understands.
No matter the encryption or the complexity of it, the choice was sent and explained and was always followed through.
Because who else would put the lives of a country on past intertwined hands and shared breaths?
Who else would see the afterlife and jump at it in pure trust that it would be fleeting?
Who else but Dazai and Chuuya.
Chuuya and Dazai.
Double Black.
Scariest and strongest duo in Yokohama and possibly more.
One soul, two bodies.
One human, one not.
Depending on who you ask about it, they'd have conflicting answers, but in the end, it never mattered.
Brushing away the red locks from Chuuya’s face, Dazai looked at the sky and smiled.
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The galloping of horses’ heels chips away at Dazai Osamu’s thoughts. The Decay of Angels with Fyodor at its head will always be a danger. To be fair to the demon, everything with him in the center of it would always be a danger to itself and others. 
After the Sacramental Bow Award was given to the agency, the greatest work they had had was 
Mushitarou Oguri and his Perfect Murder ability. The case had stumped Ranpo, even if it was for about 2 minutes, and had proven itself a challenge and an award. However the last words that Mushitarou guy said, more accurately screamed, at them had been ringing in Dazai’s and Ranpo’s heads.
‘The Detective Agency is about to get a huge job offer! Don’t accept it! If you do, it’ll be the end of the Agency! You hear me? Don’t you dare accept—’
A man had fallen into step next to him, watching the race. Dazai particularly hates small talk but he’d learned to act a long time ago. 
Not just that but something was off.
In the blink of an eye and a twitch of a smile,
‘You won’t have tomorrow, former Port Mafia Executive, Dazai Osamu.’
Meursault Prison opened its doors and the Detective Agency plunged to its doom.
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The Agency was framed and named a terrorist organization. That wasn’t the worst of it either, from what Ango had informed him, the world had seen the whole thing. On live television.
They had seen the execution of more than 10 political figures, their bodies cut right in half. A rising reputation had changed at the drop of a hat. 
Sighing deeply, he couldn’t help but think that he still had it worse than the others. Turning his head towards his left, he locked eyes with the thing across his cell. Fyodor Dostoevsky stood there, a permanent, horrendous smile on his disgusting face.
Honestly, he couldn’t wait for Chuuya.
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Dazai’s big secret to communicating with the outside world was, ironically, his heart. His immediate point of contact was , as always, Ango Sakaguchi. 
When he was 15, one bright, sunny day, Dazai was bored. When tinkering around Mori’s office and bothering said man, did not bring him any more joy, he let himself bend over one of the many tables filled with medicine. Purple orbs flickered towards him for a moment, before a small, in Dazai’s opinion and many others, repulsing, smile showed on the face of its beholder.
Morse code was old news and bored thoughts to Dazai, but a new option was introduced.
With this in mind, when the vampire outbreak broke, Dazai was one of the first people to find out. 
Leaning on the small table, blinking, can only do so much for a grown man. “Maybe it’s time to do the thing.”
“The thing?” The thump of the book closing would’ve echoed if they weren’t in an ability protected prison.
Before Dazai could fully explain his, obviously, genius plan, the ground opened and swallowed him whole.
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Breathe in, breathe out, expand, contract, pump. Silence is noisy, until your vision sees bright flashing lights and your ears hear loud, blaring alarms.
Warning! Warning!
Intruder in the Level One Delivery Bay!
Anti-Gifted Fast Response Squad Hecatoncheires has been eliminated!
Neither the poison in his blood, nor the commotion on the outside managed to increase Dazai’s beats per minute. 
The shaking of the building and Fyodor’s smile didn’t manage to either. 
The sight of bright red locks did.
An angel whispered in my ear.
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‘Chuuya, it looks like this is goodbye.’
As if. If that ever happened, they’d both be gone. 
‘It’s a shame it had to happen this way.’
It’ll never happen like this. Not on his watch.
‘It’s been seven years since we met. ‘
Feels like forever. It’ll always feel like that when Dazai started living on that very same day they met.
‘We never did get along, did we?’
Bullshit and they both know it.
‘But, come to think of it now, there were times where we understood each other.’
Every day, every hour, minute, second. Dazai’s lungs breathed the same air as Chuuya's on the chance that he could always be engulfed by his presence.
‘Sorry, I couldn’t think of anything Anyway… Goodbye!’
It was getting a bit too gay anyways. Even by his own standards.
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Breaking bones hurt. Walking hurt. A bullet in your shoulder hurt.
Everything hurt. Dazai hates pain.
The tapping of fancy dress shoes were not lost in his delayed, post-blood lost brain.
A sigh slipped out before he managed to catch it, but if Dazai was one thing, he was but a yapper at heart.
This has to finish soon anyway, that horrid misty red did nothing to Chuuya’s composition. 
Blue was nice, he missed blue.
A bang ricocheted off the prison walls and Dazai’s head fell.
Power of friendship his ass. It was more on the realm of homosexuality.
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From then on things happened slightly in a blur. Sigma was still asleep, Fyodor was a fresh smoothie, Gogol, or whatever his name was, was gay, he guessed.
And Chuuya was fine. He had taken off those horrendous contact lenses and was currently trying to pull out the fake teeth Dazai gave him.
Should’ve known better than to use the glue in the box, as it was insanely easy to exchange for a stronger, not water soluble glue.
But now Dazai was tired. So, so tired. So he let himself be caught by unrelenting, familiar arms and he closed his eyes.
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Life is finicky. Evasive. Confusing. A fluke. Something, created from nearly nothing, by pure chance. It’s involuntary.
Life is important, according to every living being. 
We enter this world unwillingly, yet we fight so hard for it.
And at the end of it all, you die and everything is forgotten. You are a machine run by tubes and liquid that shuts off and that is it.
But is it really that easy?
Human beings' evolution stemmed from the ability to be conscious and aware of the fact that they are alive. Because in reality we are not just a machine run by tubes and liquids. We feel too much and think too little and live too hard.
We fight for survival to the point where we start thinking, is it worth it?
But normal people don’t think like this. Normal people don’t stare at their ceiling willing themselves to drink water or eat food. Normal people don’t burn when others touch them. They don’t numb when their surroundings become too much. They don’t hate. 
They care and they love and they find meanings in everything.
And so does Dazai.
It took him a bit. It took him actually trying to see, that he does.
Why can’t he just be normal and meaningless and random and flitting and living and dead? 
But he is. Isn’t he?
Why can’t he be human?
What is he?
What else can a creature with this much awareness, curiosity and confusion be?
Nothing really changed, not really. He just gained experience. And lost some.
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Walking turned out to be harder than you remembered when one of your legs is utterly fucked. 
Or at least try to. Close your eyes, brace for impact. A well-oiled machine of repetition. 
He’s used to that, after all the human body learns ways to cope everyday.
Before Dazai’s face kissed the broken tiles of the prison, he was…..floating?
A singular brown orb slowly opened taking in the environment around him. His head felt fuzzy.
Gray tiles turned to smithereens contrasted expensive inky shoes. Following the line of, admittedly, short legs, the puke green jacket emerged forth an expression of disgust on his own face. It reminded him of stupid, white fluffy animals and bloody betrayals. 
Before he managed to follow the tendril of red laying on a shoulder, a black glove shoved itself on his face. On instinct he opened his left eye and followed the trailing finger currently smoothing the space between his eyebrows.
“You look incredibly stupid right now.” Snapping his eyes to the source of the voice Dazai blinked.
When no answer was exclaimed, a tilt of the head was translated and understood by both parties. Chuuya let him take it in for a bit, as he was now stupidly aware of everything. Almost as if he knew it before Dazai’s own body, the gloved hand pressed itself again. 
A scarlet eyebrow arose and Dazai blinked in approval. The hand previously holding his expressions hostage snapped. Ow echoed through the prison walls, a pout quickly forming.
Rolling his eyes, Chuuya quickly, almost instinctively started pulling him on his back. “Oh shut up, you big baby.”
“But Chuuya, you would dare hurt an injured hero!”
Blah, blah, blah.
Dazai couldn’t tell what that conversation was for the life of him but he doesn’t need to, not with Chuuya. On his best attempt to be conspicuous he put his face on the shorter man’s junction between his shoulder and neck, and slowly rubbed against it, a small smile emerging. Somehow even though the ginger went through each horrendous trial that he did, he could smell the insanely expensive products he used on his hair. Closing his eyes Dazai felt the rhythmic sound of each step, allowing himself to be safe in the only place he’s ever been. Before succumbing to slumber he felt a reassuring squeeze on his thighs.
And if another pair of lips stretched to accommodate a small smile in return, that was only for Chuuya to know.
Let’s go home.
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The sun stretched languidly, filtering itself through the curtains of a penthouse. Its walls built on blood money and memories and two people, awake, aware and human.
Tangled limbs transacted warmth as Dazai felt his awaken. Arms coiled around his head blocking any sound the city could make, while fingers thread through his hair. If he closed his eyes now, he’d just fall back asleep. Clenching his own arms reminded him of the human shaped lump engrained on his person. Small puffs of breath slightly hit his head from above. His head was so quiet. His heart calm. This time Dazai didn't burn.
A small pull on his hair made him turn to one side, letting himself gaze at the view before him. It was truly unfair that something so small could be this pretty. 
Almost as if sensing his train of thought, another slightly stronger pull tugged his head back.  He let himself be the picture of innocence, all big honeyed eyes and pouting lips. His own mirrored blues squinted slightly and the man under him scoffed. 
The next time safe hands touched him, they pulled him towards warm skies and melted ice. Softened lips met his chapped ones and they lingered there for a while. The time for frantic breaths and sharpened moves passed when they were young and fearful, and may return in scattered forms in the future, but not today.
Angled forms and the slide of lips and shared sighs were a dance form they’d perfected the second they locked eyes. A hand pulled on Dazai’s neck and he let go.
If there was one thing he knew, it was that there was one absolute in this universe. One absolute that transcended human perception of science and the world.
Where there was Chuuya there’d be Dazai.
Where there was a Dazai there’d be Chuuya.
And so, the clouds glide, the winds hollow, flowers awaken and sleep, opening their petals, and people go about their day, exchanging words for carbon dioxide and laughs for oxygen.
And so, two human beings entangle through the most intimate ways human beings can. Existing next to each other through memories and unknown futures.
One coin, two sides. 
One soul, two people.
A house merged with safety and turned into a home. A home moved and grew legs and a heart and a brain and red locks and cobalt eyes and strong arms and Dazai walked in and never left.
Odasaku would be proud.
Odasaku is proud.
I will be writing my analysis on some of the things that may be confusing:
Any time Dazai's eyes are mentioned as singular or plural is deliberate. I am referencing his time in the mafia and his obscured view of the world.
Any repetition of sentences or paragraphs is also deliberate an example being Odasaku's description and most importantly, the beginning and the ending of the fic.
I have not yet read Stormbringer, however I have severely spoiled myself. That is why I only briefly caught onto its story and focused more on its consequences.
‘Finding Chuuya is always easy. If you head towards whatever is making the loudest noise, he’ll be there.’ is a quote Dazai used in the light novels.
Promises are extremely important as it shows Dazai on the cusp of finding a reason to live.
In the prison Dazai communicated with morse code by controlling his heartbeat.
When walking in the prison I wrote Slip after he took his right step and his next step would've been his left, which was broken.
Dazai's unknown origins have convinced me that he at the very least was abused by Mori, if not his parents. When I write 'Close your eyes, brace for impact. A well-oiled machine of repetition. He’s used to that, after all the human body learns ways to cope everyday.', I mean it as him flinching and expecting the pain.
Stupid white animals and bloody betrayals means The Sheep, as Chuuya's jacket when he showed up in the prison was nearly identical to the one where he was 15.
It was not my intention to insinuate sex at the end but I don't see why it can't be, so when I say entangelment of limb in the most intimate way humans can, it is up to you to decide.
The end is closure on Dazai's end with Odasaku, but if you want and believe so also Odasaku's spirit.
The title 'The Sunset clashes on waves of Cobalt' Is just Chuuya. His hair clashing with his eyes. Blue is also Dazai's color.
Soukoku have unironically probably kept me alive in certain moments, so I've always wanted to write for them, however I needed it to be at least good. Hopefully this is that.
As for my other fic about them, I am planning on rewriting it as it's honestly so, in kinder words, satisfactory to the way I write now.
Thank you so much for reading! It would mean a lot if I managed to get some reposts, comments or likes!
If you like this, I have written more stories that can be found on my main masterlist. Including: Soukoku, Moon knight, Formula 1 Lestappen, Landoscar with more to come. If it manages to spark your interest, please go support those as well!
35 notes · View notes
shernii-ii · 1 year
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the ending of season 5 was intresting
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tendermuses · 1 year
“You didn’t think this was gonna work, did you?” Chuuya asks.
Dazai’s quiet. Chuuya sighs, thinking he won’t answer.. Then —
“No.” It’s a hushed admission.
❥ soukoku
❥ 9k
❥ relationship study, angst with a happy ending, ch101-109
❥ mostly chuuya pov
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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bro got dropped on the ground afterwards
7K notes · View notes
toomanymarkers · 9 months
People joke about Dazai and Chuuya being romantically experienced or whatever, but I think it's the opposite. Chuuya doesn't know what that stuff is because Mori thinks it's funny
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12K notes · View notes
actually-mentally-ill · 3 months
finding out making up whole detailed scenarios with fictional characters in your head is a “sign of mental illness”
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8K notes · View notes
mossyphroge · 1 month
sillies !
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birb0t · 3 months
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skk kissies for the soul
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cffeine · 4 months
dazai is stabbed. unhappy with the knife inside of him, he pulls it out. chuuya panics. aren't you supposed to keep those in to stop the bleeding? chuuya stabs him again.
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spoksstuff · 3 months
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shut up, mackerel 😠
all credits to the original artist @perdizzion on X, ig & tumblr
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fynori · 9 months
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back on my circus au bullshit
(you can read said fic of circus au bullshit here)
bonus live dazai reaction for those who were curious
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2K notes · View notes
aduckinpain · 11 months
Bungou Stray Dogs
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In Dazai's Defense
Pairing: Soukoku, Nakahara Chuuya x Dazai Osamu
Tags: Fluff
Word Count: 3.5k
The Sunset clashes on waves of Cobalt
Pairing: Soukoku, Nakahara Chuuya x Dazai Osamu
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Accurate Skk Lore, They love each other your honor
Word Count: 7.3k
I am incredibly active on my Archive Of Our Own, user roianamustang. Every fanfiction is posted there first then here. The tags and descriptions are also more detailed. I would appreciate the support there!
-> https://archiveofourown.org/users/RoianaMustang
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shernii-ii · 1 year
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saw video on insta reels that inspired this
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nighttimeebony · 4 months
This is Chuuya.
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Chuuya likes his personal space.
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This is Dazai.
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Dazai also likes Chuuya's personal space.
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5K notes · View notes
nugget-child · 4 months
when you “hate him” but there’s official art posted on Valentine’s Day of you reluctantly giving him a gift at a popular date spot in Japan
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kinda gay if u ask me
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