#db meta
nikkiruncks · 3 months
Adding onto this post; here are some other Dair-Jeric parallels
-seem like opposites attract, but are actually very similar (Dair loving the same books and movies having Cabbage Patch kid dolls/Jeric being hopeless romantics and getting teased for their passions. For more content, check out this meta post from @sulietsexual
-JE & DB's previous relationships were abusive (JK (I count them s abusive since it's canon that Kelso would pressure Jackie into sex)/CB) or just plain unhealthy (DS/ED)
-Dan/Eric are the "straight men" (not in that way, they're both bi af), while Blair/Jackie are the queen bees with hearts of gold
-enemies to lovers
-Dair and Jeric start out hating each other and their love for Serena/Donna are the only things keeping them together, but they do grow to have a genuine bond (even if neither of the writers cared about them)
-they both try to hide their friendships (Dair's secret friendship in s4/Jeric agreeing not to tell people they're friends...also in s4)
-this and this
-neither ship being endgame in favor of the ships that are "meant to be" (CB & DS/ED & JK), despite how unhealthy and just downright awful they are as couples
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personinthepalace · 4 months
Lost Footage: Laura Bell Bundy as Elle Woods in the 1st US National Tour of Legally Blonde the Musical
This is the last 22 mins of the show and the only known video footage of LBB playing Elle in the US tour!
What is of particular interest to me is that this includes LBB's performance of the ballad without the door. I personally believe that there should be a door (a physical barrier) between Elle and Emmett when this song is performed so that Elle can't hear Emmett confess his love for her (the way it was played on Broadway). In the US tour version, Emmett confesses directly to Elle in the room, and she hears him.
However, I think that LBB's performance of this doorless version is quite beautiful. There are two distinct pauses she make during this piece (the music even stops with her). The first time is to touch D.B. Bonds' face (Emmett) with one hand (similar to how she touches Christian Borle's face before escaping into her room in the Broadway version). The second pause is to cradle his face with both of her hands before pulling him into a hug.
Even though I will always be a proponent of having the door during the ballad, I really love LBB's take in this performance. It is truly the only version of it that I like so far, and I actually kinda wish we could see her do this specific performance with Christian Borle.
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dragon-ball-meta · 6 months
Are there any decent dragon ball YouTubers? I gave Totally Not Mark a shot (I got clickbaited into his Bardock is ruining Dragon Ball video) and his take was: TV Special good, Minus version makes Goku Superman, Super manga further ruins the story because of the wish Bardock makes.
I know I’m biased as a Bardock fan but I actually liked Super Hero/Minus Bardock just as much as TV special. Will never defend the Super manga though, I don’t even think Toriyama outlined the Granolah stuff did he?
He outlined some of it. The idea was Toyotaro's (and Victory Uchida's too, apparenty, which would explain why he's always trying to hype that arc) and he sent it to Toriyama, who apparently came up with a lot of the lore and a basic outline for him based on those ideas. From there, Toyotaro wrote the dialogue, the details, etc. So what exactly is Toyotaro's or not, we don't really know. But the arc itself was not Toriyama's idea. As for DB Tubers, unfortunately, I tend to not really watch their content. More than once I've been accused of "ripping off" some of my own thoughts on things from them, or being influenced by them, so I've kind of made it a point to ignore them to avoid that in the future. I'm sorry I can't really be of more help there. But for the record, I absolutely HATE the whole "Goku is Superman" thing, mostly because of how people misuse that. While there are some basic similarities in that both have the whole "Baby Moses" motif, for some reason people don't refer to the updated comic origin for Superman with this, but the 1978 film where he's deliberately sent not just to survive, but to be a hero. This is not the case with Goku. He's legit dropped on Earth to hide and potentially be picked up later. It's a completely random event, not one of "destiny" or anything like that. In fact, the Bardock Special has more of that to it than Minus does, given Bardock legit sees the future and sees Goku on Earth, fighting Vegeta, facing Freeza, etc. Such a weird, bizarre claim to me, and betrays a lack of media literacy in regard to the material.
Anyways, sorry, got a bit meandering there at the end, but I maybe folks who follow the blog can point you toward a few good ones?
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No see but Hit is so anomalous stacked up against the majority of Dragon Ball’s cast. Every other person in opposition to Goku/his friend group who is A Killer in has this element of. I don’t know what to call it. Self-aggrandizement? Superiority? They think they’re better than whoever they happen to be facing and they flaunt it. Vegeta with his ‘super-elite’-ism and Freeza with his ‘I only need half of my power to destroy you’ and Cell with his Perfection. They’re Villains, capital V, they’re The Trope. All with the speeches and the theatricality of demonstration because there’s an element of narcissism and sadism to it, they want to see their opponent break. Raditz had this, Piccolo and King Piccolo both had it, even earlier minor baddies like Taopaipai had it.
And Hit... doesn’t. He only has half of the Villain qualifications, if you will. He kills people, but it’s literally just a job to him. Clock in, stop someone’s heart, clock out. That’s his nine-to-five. And while that’s not unique to character-writing in general, it is rare, if not unique in Dragon Ball’s universe(s), where killing is so inextricably tied up with making it into a production.
He’s weird in other ways too that are strangely compelling to me, taken together with this. He’s the only member of his race that we know exists. He’s old as shit (third oldest mortal after Moro and Turtle) (I’m assuming Moro is mortal but he is also like, ten million years old, so maybe not). Nobody except the Angels and the Kais possess powers over time that bear even a passing resemblance to his. His pride reads more like a complete and matter-of-fact understanding of his own ability, accumulated over centuries. There’s nobody else like him.
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dragomer · 3 months
Thank you. And if you don't mind, can you roast review this discourse about redemption arcs?
Oh god, if it's anything like the previous one, I don't think I'm mentally prepared for it.
Okay, I skimmed through it and I don't have much more to say than about the previous post, except that in addition to being an immature redditor who can't be concise and is desperately trying to sound smart and grown up, they are also clearly trying way too hard to be edgy.
I've rarely seen someone managed to be that comically stupid while still being beyond uninteresting to the point that just trying to read their post make my eyes roll back so hard, I see my brain. It has a lot of volume but it's so empty and artificially pumped there's nothing to take apart.
The only response to that entire thing is 'Yes, it's a kids show, no, it doesn't become bad just because you grew up and no, acknowledging old stuff is good is not nostalgia, you are not more grown up for deluding yourself like that', there is literally nothing more to say or address.
The fact that they whine about 'not addressing the harsh realities of Imperialism' (yes, it does, you're just mad they do it with nuance instead of indulging your edgy murderboner, they even acknowledge the fact that it would create a 'mixed race' class between the colonized and the 'colonizer' and thus mean you literally can't do anything about it without denying an entire innocent demographic their right to exist, which is infinitely harsher than any surface level edgy nonsense you can fathom) while also whining that every 'revolutionary' (IE terrorists, because the Gaang, Hakoda's crew and the White Lotus are all revolutionaries, just not terrorists) is treated as insane is quite funny, they literally can't handle the harsh truth that slaughtering powerless civilians make you an insane murderer, no matter what 'greater good' you're ranting about.
Just say you simp for Hama and her Jason Voorhees LARP and Jet's delusional plan to drown an innocent town Ozai couldn't give less of a shit about and would have probably burned down anyway and go instead of whining like that.
Also the bit about Vegeta being a 'softy' for his 'waifu' show he clearly has no clue about any of the shows he's talking about. Vegeta had no qualms about killing Bulma or letting her die UNTIL he had his redemption, even in the Buu saga he came close to killing her without giving a shit once he went Majin. Dude unironically did not watch the show.
Gotta love the 'It's the death of creativity!' from someone who's clearly a pretend artist who didn't even have enough balls to try and become a frustrated failed artist. You couldn't make a character anyone give a shit about to save your life, dude, sit down.
Thanks for the ask ^^
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nm-mattuz · 5 months
I hope she made lots of BIG GETE!
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Source: Pinterest
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neonhorn · 6 months
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Actual hell Ribbon. I would rather go through XD or Colo again and grind out the MT Battle points for berries to make all those PokeBlocks again.
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silalcarin · 1 year
#17 and #18 need to stop being referred to as "Androids" or "Cyborgs"
It's been over 30 years since #17 and #18 made their official debut in the original Dragon Ball manga (1991) and its anime adaptation in Dragon Ball Z (1992), yet people are still referring to them as "Androids" or even "Cyborgs". However, the manga and its anime adaptation, the Daizenshuu guidebooks, and Toriyama's own statements all clearly prove that neither term is correct.
Here's this observation by Bulma when she and Dr. Brief are looking at #17's blueprints that were found in Dr. Gero's laboratory basement.
Dragon Ball Chapter 365, Page 12, official Viz translation:
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Dragon Ball Z: Episode 145 — "The Secret of Cell's Birth! What Lies Below the Laboratory?!" (1992):
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^ It's stated point-blank in canon that #17 and #18 are human-based. They were originally human before Dr. Gero found and kidnapped them. When he forcibly remodeled them, he did so with organic components, and it included reconstructing their existing organic matter (as confirmed in Daizenshuu 4). Essentially, he did NOT 'create' them; he modified them.
Therefore, #17 and #18 are still considered humans even up to this point. A better term to use for them would be either "super human" or "enhanced human" or "modified human" — but NOT Artificial Humans (which is translated from the word "Jinzoningen" in the Japanese text, and that term is used for literally all of the Red Ribbon 'Androids'), NOT Androids (mechanical-based, which is what #16 and #19 were), NOT cyborgs (which is what #20 was, since he was actually Dr. Gero but with his brain in a jar), and NOT robots (which is what Arale from Dr. Slump is).
[Side Note: I didn't include #8, because his exact type is inconsistent. According to Daizenshuu 7, he's human-based. However, according to a Q&A with Toriyama in 2014 (in Dragon Ball Full Color: Artificial Humans & Cell Arc), he's mechanical-based. I wouldn't be surprised if Toriyama simply forgot the previous information, considering he has a frequent tendency to do so.]
Anyways, #17 and #18 actually being "super humans" or "enhanced humans" or "modified humans" was reaffirmed later on in Dragon Ball Super, both the manga and anime, during the discussion of who will be recruited to Team Universe 7.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 30, Page 27, official Viz translation:
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Dragon Ball Super: Episode 83 — "Field the All-7th-Universe Team! Who Are the Mighty Ten?" (2017):
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[Side Note: Sadly, though, finding "Number 17" and "Number 18" in the tags here on Tumblr is much harder than if you search for, say, "Android 18" or "Cyborg 18", at least in my experience; hence my inclusion of those tags in this post.]
TL;DR — #17 and #18 are NOT Artificial Humans, nor Androids, nor cyborgs, nor robots. They are NOT mechanical-based in any way, shape, or form. Based on both canon and Toriyama's statements in Daizenshuu 4, Daizenshuu 7, and Dragon Ball Full Color, they are actually "super humans" or "enhanced humans" or "modified humans", because they were originally human to begin with and all Dr. Gero did was upgrade them at the cellular level.
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nikkiruncks · 3 months
am i insane or are jackie/eric very dan/blair coded?
Haha funny thing, I was actually just now thinking of making Dair Jeric parallels!
Not at all and if so, we're both insane lol.
Jackie is obviously the 70s Blair (queen bees with hearts of gold, daddy's girls, stuck in toxic relationships for most of their runs (Kelso/Chuck), and Eric is just so Dan coded with the love of dolls, their 'geekyness', and being smooth as hell despite coming off as dorky.
Not to mention the fact that Eric/Donna and give Dan/Serena in them being the main couples and how Eric and Dan constantly uplift/worship Donna and Serena. While Jackie and Blair, who are best friends with both girls, just do not have it when it comes to Eric and Dan haha.
Plus Eric being there for Jackie when she thinks she's pregnant with Kelso's baby is giving Dan advising Blair to be honest with Chuck in Pret A Poor J.
Both ships had a lot of potential but the writers ended up going for the toxic ships that clearly don't work (Chair/Jelso) and the ships that have clearly ran their course despite GG/T7S trying to say otherwise (Derena/Formciotti).
I'm grateful that at least the GG writers went for Dair, whereas the T7S writers dragged on those other two ships (technically counting Jelso since ended up together in end). Sticking Jackie with two fuckboys (Fez, then Kelso again), and then keeping Eric and Donna, because God forbid Eric be with anyone else. Let's stick him in a relationship which fucks up his self esteem and only benefits Donna!
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julie-finlay · 1 year
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Finlay Friday
13x01: "Karma to Burn", script extracts. Pt. 3/3. Unaired scenes under the cut.
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tigerstyping · 1 year
okay say what you will about this site but on what other site can you share the actual, real, original copy of a post whilst also being completely unable to get its original link what other site has unsearchable magical posts with 0 interactions that you can only find when they happen to just appear on your feed
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dragon-ball-meta · 25 days
why do people care so much about canon, especially in fucking DB???? Was everything post-21st world Tournament not canon, because Toriyama's OG vision changed from an adventure serial to a typical battle shonen not out of artistic desire but popularity? Did canon end when the OG run ended? Did it end when the quality dropped precipitously near the middle of the Buu arc? Does GT and Online not count because he only did character designs, same with the movies? Super doesn't count because he only gave a hack writer the broad strokes? Later seasons of Daima won't count because Toriyama passed? Minus and Jako also don't because he wrote them decades later? A good bit of it even contradicts previous canon, including the OG run, so that's a non-canon too? And ofc heroes doesn't because it's from a gatcha game?
Like this isn't Catholicism, it legit won't start a religious war if you only consider Yo Son Goku and Friends canon
Well for one, that quality dip is quite subjective, but that's beside the point. Things which are "canon" are things that are considered by the author to be the official continuation of his work by his own hand. The reason establishing a "canon" or continuities is important is for the sake of criticism and consistency. Case in point, people insisting that Toriyama violated "canon" with Minus because it contradicted the Bardock special, which was never "canon" in the first place. Or people saying his depiction of Freeza in Hell contradicted the original series based on filler scenes created solely for the anime by the animation staff. There are many later story developments that would come up that people would try to pin as "plot holes" because they contradicted things that were only included in filler or spinoff materials. So for the purpose of judging the author's work, this is important. I don't know why there's so much backlash against it, honestly. It's not like anyone's saying "oh, that's not canon, you're not allowed to read or watch that!" It's just a means of trying to help keep criticism and discourse about the show's narrative and characterization more focused on the actual narrative and characterization is all. And thus, yeah, I wouldn't hold stuff not done by Toriyama himself in nearly as high regard in that sense. That doesn't mean I won't watch or read or play it and enjoy it. And it doesn't mean anyone else shouldn't either.
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yknow what, while my meta brain is on, let me share with you a wack ass theory about gohan's makankosappo in the new movie.
@prophecydungeon and i do SO much bullshit science it is unreal, and one of our ki theory discussions is about what makes makankosappo different from other attacks (why does it have a charge time? why does it look the way it looks?). we concluded that the reason for both is that the spiral is a different energy wavelength than the core is, and techniques that combine wavelengths are Very Fucking Hard for a single person to do without a lot of practice. fusions can do it fairly easily since they're literally two people in one body (think kefla's gigantic burst or vegito's final kamehameha); for piccolo, the makankosappo's charge time goes down because he ALSO (re)becomes a plurality, and because he refines the technique over time.
gohan's move isn't really a makankosappo, because he's not doing the dual energy wavelength thing that piccolo does, because of course piccolo never taught him how to do that. gohan's reverse-engineered it to the best of his ability and ended up with something that's sort of a combination between makankosappo and kamehameha, but it works more or less identically to the former because gohan is so stupidly fucking strong that his sheer power compensates for the finesse of the genuine article. hence why piccolo asks gohan 'what was that supposed to be' and gohan is all shy like 'it was supposed to be a makankosappo'; they both know he didn't do it quite right but piccolo doesn't care, he's so proud anyway.
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dragomer · 1 month
How come Toph is the only person with a surname?
No clue. Maybe because she's the only one from a rich merchant family while 'normal' people and nobility don't need surnames? (surnames probably make building a trading reputation either).
Or maybe it's a Earth Kingdom quirk?
It's kinda funny because it's like Dragon Ball where Goku is the only character with a surname.
Thanks for the ask ^^
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dragonballwish · 2 years
tumblr instills such a different loyalty than other social media sites like. a good account deletes all of their posts that I was actively interested in and starts posting completely different content? I’ll still follow even if every single post is a tag i have filtered out because of the silent connection I feel. any other site its an unfollow and potential block on sight
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