#dbd jane x zarina
deadbyoffering · 2 years
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Jarina for pride 🏳️‍🌈
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
This was a commission by derpyavocado here on tumblr! I hope you enjoy it, dear~ 🥰
The Start of a Beautiful Relationship
Pairing: Zarina/Jane
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Light, Fluffy Smut
Zarina wanted to try and learn more about the Plague. Jane tags along and is a nuisance. A budding romance takes form in the chilled rainfall of the Red Forest. Something truly beautiful is a foot here.
Jane wasn’t sure of what she thought of Zarina the first time she met her. Her time in the media taught her to be wary of reporters, though, as much as it pains her to admit it, Zarina wasn’t unbearable to be around. She’s smart, independent, has good instincts, good looking, and she’s tough as nails, too. And she was all this before getting dragged head first into hell against her will. There was a bit of an understanding between the two of them, in a manner of speaking. They’ve both faced their fair share of hardships before all… this, and they’ve both come out stronger because of it. Stronger, but not jaded. In their own ways, Jane and Zarina have made sure to use their experiences to help others, to help those weaker than themselves and to give them a voice when no one else would listen. So, as much as Jane deeply respects the woman, right now she’s genuinely wondering if she’s got a few screws loose.
“This is such a bad idea.”
“Hey, I told you not to come-“
“Yeah, yeah don’t start.”
It really was a horrible idea. Zarina wanted to go snooping around to try and learn more about the killers the Entity had abducted. Yes, Jane technically didn’t have to tag along with her, but, at the same time, how could she not? Especially given that it was the Plague that had Zarina’s attention as of late. There was no way in hell that Jane would miss out on seeing that snarky journalist get projectile vomited on from across the realm. And she didn’t want Zarina to get hurt for real without anyone around to help her, but she’d keep that one to herself. For now.
“Why are you so interested in that old priestess, anyways? It’s not like you’d get anything out of her, you know? With her being all ancient and, uhh..?”
“Mmm… suuuure..? Yeah, we’ll go with that.”
Zarina slicks back her soaking wet hair out of her face. The rain never stops in the Red Forest, and it always chills to the bone, too. Jane brought her blazer tighter around herself, shaking the water from her eyes.
“S-Shit… It’s so damn cold. How does the Huntress and the Plague stand to run a round in this with no jacket and no freaking shoes?”
Zarina rolls her eyes, struggling to keep her teeth from chattering. “Dunno… But if all you’re gonna do is complain, you might as well-“
“Uggghh… C’mon, Zarina! I’m just trying to make conversation here!”
Sighing heavily, Zarina continues through the forest, opting to ignore the other woman’s constant gripes and complaints. It wasn’t like she was complaining about nothing, but Zarina was completely focused on her current mission, and always struggled to not become snappy or irritable when trying to accomplish something specific. She didn’t dislike Jane’s company, rather the opposite. In fact, she’s grown rather fond of the woman, ever since Jane crammed the two of them into a locker and knocked the Deathslinger flat on his ass, she can’t deny that she felt… something for her, what the something was-
“Hey, Zarina?” She couldn’t help but to outwardly groan.
“The Plague’s from Babylon, right?”
Zarina slows enough so that she’s now walking side by side with Jane. “Yeah… Why do you ask?”
“Uhhhh, I could be wrong, but… if she’s Babylonian, why is her temple in the Red Forest? Isn’t this Russian?” Zarina pauses, furrowing her brows. Jane stops as well, quirking a brow at her. Huh…
“That’s… a good question and a very good point. It is Russian, and if most of the other killers have realms that’s associated with who they were in the normal world, then why would the Plague’s not be located somewhere in the Middle East, where Mesopotamia used to be located?”
Jane looked around for a moment, trying to look thoughtful, but quickly gave the act up when Zarina started to look particularly unimpressed. Shrugging, Jane pursed her lips. “I’ve got nothing, sorry.” Zarina couldn’t stop the dramatic sigh and eye roll combo from slipping out. Jane gave a what can you do gesture before continuing on towards the Temple of Purgation, Zarina trudging along through the mud behind her.
It was relatively easy to avoid the Huntress’ territory, but it was surprisingly easy to get lost in the Red Forest. It was almost as if it was handcrafted to make one confused and disoriented, to feed on the hope that you're on the right path, then devours you when the dawning realization that you’ve been going in circles for hours sends you in a downward spiral of despair and hopelessness. The Entity was damn good at what it does, and though it sickens Zarina to think it, she does have a begrudging respect for the eldritch deity. It feels like it’s taken nearly an entire day of walking to get to where they are now, but at least they finally made it.
“About time! My damn feet are killing me!” Jane whines as she leans her weight against a ruined stone pillar. Zarina couldn’t help but to agree, but at least she wasn’t the one spirited away with heels on. As Jane hopped from foot to foot restlessly, Zarina crept closer to the Temple, peeking around a corner of one of the many entryways to the rain weathered building. The coarse stone scraped against her skin through her drenched clothing.
How long has this building stood for, and for what did it stand for? Zarina rested her palm on the chilled stone, feeling how it lightly crumbled beneath her rain slicked palm. Was it always so rough? Was it always this colour? How many of its faithful passed underneath these arches? What did it sound like back then? Was it busy and energetic? Or was it quiet and mournful? What did it smell like? What kinds of incense did they burn? Fruity? Citrusy? Herbal? Zarina had a hundred thousand questions that she wanted to ask the Plague, but she knew that she’d never get the answers that she sought, between the language barrier and the, well… occupational barrier as well. It really was a pity. Maybe she could still learn something by obser-
“Hey whatcha doi- URK?!”
Zarina spun on her heels and clamped her hand firmly onto Jane’s loud mouth. She put more force into it that she meant to, because she had inadvertently shoved her against the wall. Quickly removing her hand, Zarina hurried out a hushed apology, but had to immediately shush Jane when she tried to speak once more. The Plague must be inside the temple, where, exactly, she did it know, and that kind of scared the shit out of her.
Zarina silently begged Jane to please for the love of GOD just be quiet! We don’t know where SHE is! As Jane gave her a are you being serious right now look, a loud, feminine voice echoed out from deep inside the Temple. It was commanding, but not condescending or arrogant. Like flowing water: clear and cascading, filling the old, worn stone not unlike a mother softly consoling a weeping child. There was something… mesmerizing about the way she spoke, and a chill wrack both Zarina and Jane’s spines at every other syllable that reached their ears. The language was unlike anything either had heard, and Zarina was dying to know what she was saying.
To her right, Jane crept beside her until she was in front of her, peering into the dilapidated temple. As Zarina tries to pull her back to the side, she glances into the open room and freezes. There, in all her rotted, fetied glory was her, the Plague, standing tall and proud clad in precious metals and stones. Zarina’s body goes slack, the hands still on Jane’s arm and shoulder relaxing, though not completely letting go. She shuffled closer to her companion, wanting to get a clearer glimpse of the once magnificent priestess of some ancient, forgotten Sumerian god.
It was surreal to think that she was once a well revered priestess. Not because she’s ill, no, more so that she’s covered head to toe in what must have been fine silks and intricate, golden jewellery that is encrusted with what seemed to be rubies and other precious gems. Zarina’s never stayed close enough to the killer to know for sure, but now she can smell the incense that she burns clearly: something citrusy, with a clean, herbal… something accompanying it. It hides the stench of decay and sickness well, and must be what they burned in ancient times when there would be outbreaks of plague and ruin in the great cities of Babylon.
The two women watched the priestess waft her censure about, murmuring softly under her breath as though she was under a trance. They, too, were in a trance like state, oddly captivated by how totally and utterly devout she was to her craft. The priestess gingerly touched something in front of her, hidden from sight, before standing tall in one fluid motion. Before either of the survivors could react, she turned, making her way to the underground portion of the temple. Though she doesn’t turn her head, they both watch her eyes flick over to where they are standing in awe, before they face forwards once more, leaving no other indication that she ever knew that they were there. As she began her descent, Zarina noticed how she favored her right leg as she hesitated at the first step. It’s barely noticeable, but the priestess’ foot is blacked and necrotic, but nevertheless, she pressed on, neither wincing in pain nor breaking from her carefully crafted visage that she spent her entire life perfecting. After she disappeared from sight, Zarina turned to face Jane.
“..? W-What..?”
“…sigh… Nothing.”
“No, seriously. What?”
“You… are way too gung ho for your own good, Romero.”
Jane quirks her brow and prepares to retort, but pauses, biting her lower lip. “Hmph… Says you miss I gotta go and snoop around and bother literally the grossest killer in this hell hole cause I’m bored! You’re the one that’s too gung ho yesh…” Zarina… can’t argue with that, but still, she doesn’t like to be called out on her bullshit. As Jane continues to poke playfully at her, Zarina glances down and realizes…
She’s holding Jane’s hand. Not her arm, her hand. Huh, when did that happen..? It- Hmm… Heat rose to her cheeks. It… feels nice, but she didn’t even know when she did that, or maybe Jane did it? It doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that Jane uses her hands to talk. A lot. And right now? She’s raising their held hands and gesturing like nothing’s out of place. Zarina’s mouth forms a thin line as her heart rings in her ears. Did… did the killer see us holding hands..? I mean- Jesus Christ, Jane…
“-and look, I know it’s cool to see what an ancient, totally not cursed priestess does in her spare time, but-“
“Please stop talking with your hands.”
Jane wrinkles her nose in confusion. “What? Why?”
“You’re gonna dislocate my shoulder at the rate you’re going.”
“… What? I don’t follow.”
Oh for fucks sake-
Zarina hangs her head, before dramatically raising their interlaced hands, shaking them in Jane’s face. She blinks dumbly, before her eyes light up in realization.
“Oohhh! I was wondering why my hand got so warm all of a sudden!” A part of Zarina wanted to die from embarrassment, but another was relieved that Jane wasn’t making a massive deal out of this. She still didn’t try to release her hand, and she really didn’t want to let go, either, so it seemed like it was going to work out, one way or another.
“Hey, let’s get out of here! I’m fucking freezing, aren’t you?” Yeah, Zarina was freezing, and it wasn’t like my that they’d learn anymore from sticking around, plus, the killer knows that they’re here, and she isn’t attacking them (yet) so it’s best not to push their luck too much or else-
“Yeah, I agree. Just be careful it’s slick.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Zarina couldn’t hide her grin fast enough. Jane always managed to get her all flustered in one way or another, and she had to admit: ma’am did have a nice ring to it…
After nearly falling and busting both of their asses on the mud slick ground, Jane whined and complained and dragged Zarina over to a run down shack by her hand, begging for a chance to get off her feet and to warm up and dry off a bit. Zarina was annoyed at first, but even her feet were aching like hell, and so was the rest of her body with how damn cold it was. Oh, and the fact that Jane had a if I’m going down, then so are you mentality when it came to falling in the mud, Zarina was definitely alright with taking a quick break, especially if it meant saving the one outfit that she had from certain annihilation.
“Al- Haa… Alright! Yesh… W-We should stop for a bit, I guess..” Jane raised their interlocked hands triumphantly in the air, giving Zarina a cheeky smirk before breaking out into a dead sprint towards the abandoned shack. It takes all her focus and strength to not slip and slide all over the place as she struggles to keep up with Jane. Where the hell does she get all this energy from?! Zarina was a bit envious, but only a little bit. It must be exhausting being that energetic all the time…
By the time they reach the shack, they can barely stand on their feet. Jane immediately collapsed on the ground, while Zarina carefully lowered herself down beside a wall, leaning on it when she hit the ground. Scooting a bit to the side, Jane props her head up on her palm, looking up at Zarina.
“You alright?”
“Heh, yeah, but did you really have to take off running? I nearly fell and ate shit so many times…”
“Hehe… I’m not sorry.” Jane flashes her award winning smile, and Zarina can’t help but to smile back, cheeks flushing. Her joy was infectious, and she had a way with worming her way into the heart of the masses. A parasitic worm that was pretty cute, smart, sharp witted, had a great ass-
“-you hear me Zarina?”
“Uhh…-“ Damn, she was thinking about Jane’s ass yet again! She needs to focus! Focus..!
“Shouldn’t we take some of these clothes off? Won’t everything dry faster if we wring some of the water out of our clothes? And won’t we warm up faster if we’re not soaking wet?”
Zarina pursed her lips. Well, yeah… That’s true and all but… Is that really a good idea consi-
“Sounds good to me.”
Oh God what am I doing..?
Jane immediately kicks off her shoes, sighing dramatically in relief as she massages her sore soles. Zarina removes her button up shirt, wringing it out just to the side of her as she lays it out to dry. Jane does the same with her blazer, then she goes to remove her white dress shirt. Ohh… Zarina isn’t sure how she missed it before but-
Jane’s simple, black bra is clearly shown through her soaked through shirt, which clung to every curve and dip of her ample chest. She was already on her third button, when she looked over to Zarina, smirking.
“Whatcha looking at, Zari?” Oh shi- She was staring, wasn’t she..?
“Hehe… Loosen up, will you? It’s not like we’re complete strangers or something.” Jane giggles as she unbuttons her shirt completely. She peels it off her wet skin casually, squeezing some water out before haphazardly laying it to the side. Damn, Zarina wished she had an eighth of Jane’s confidence. She was fucking beautiful, and Zarina was getting too caught up in her insecurities to say or do much of anything.
“Y-Yeah… Haha…” Zarina is nervous, even a little intimidated, but she really does want this to go somewhere. Plucking up all her courage, Zarina removes her tank top shyly, unconsciously bringing her knees to her chest. Jane chuckles, but doesn’t tease her for being shy, just gives Zarina a warm smile.
“I don’t know about you, but I feel a hell of a lot better than I did before.” Jane lets her hair down, shaking it free as she sorely turns her head side to side.
“Yeah… I do too…” Zarina relaxes a bit, resting her cheek on her knees. Jane looked good with her hair down, kinda messy, but in a good way. Like it was a lazy Sunday morning or maybe she’d just gotten off of work. Jane scooted over beside Zarina, not close enough to crowd her, but near so that they were almost touching one another.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two women. Nothing is coming to kill them, and they aren’t running for their lives this time, they are just… existing beside one another. Zarina had almost forgotten what that felt like. To exist quietly even for just a few fleeting moments, especially with another human being. Out of her peripheral vision, she notices Jane repeatedly glancing at her, her lips twitching as though she’s about to say something, but decides against it at the last second. Before Zarina can break the silence, Jane does first.
“This… isn’t too much, is it?”
“Hmm… what is?”
“Well… You know… all the, uh, blatant flirting that I’ve been doing? I- ugh, look… I jus-“ Zarina sits upright, turning to face Jane properly. It was… strange to see her so… unsure of herself all the sudden. Then again, Zarina herself was extremely anxious, and the fact that Jane actually took a moment to make sure that they were on the same page…
“Hey- Uh, it’s- Ahem! S-Sorry… look, yeah I’m pretty damn nervous but… I am okay with all this. I’d… really like to get closer to you, I’m just really… Uh, I’m kind of- Ahem! You know..?” Jane smiles gently, resting her cheek on her palm.
“Yeah, I get it. No sweat. I’m more than okay with that. And, ah… Sorry if I ruined the mood. Just wanted to make sure I was reading the room right.” She gave Zarina a playful wink, and she blushed and chuckled in return, rubbing the back of her neck with her chilled hand. It felt as though a weight had lifted off of both of their shoulders.
That companionable silence grew between the two of them once more, but this time it was interwoven with something else. Zarina felt herself warming up, first beginning in her cheeks, but quickly spreading throughout the rest of her body like wildfire. Though her heart was beating out of her chest, she closed the distance between her and Jane’s bodies so that they were now flush with one another. Jane smiled, then turned to look at the other woman, cheeks full of colour and eyes shining brightly.
Before Zarina realized, Jane was leaning closer and closer, stopping just before their lips touched. Her eyelashes fluttered, and though nervous butterflies wracked her stomach and her palms began to sweat, she sheepishly closed the distance, gently brushing her lips against Jane’s. It was a fleeting little thing, but not at all unpleasant, quite the opposite, in fact. Zarina was a little ashamed of how skittish she was being, but with Jane being so understanding and patient, her confidence was slowly starting to build itself up.
Carefully breaking the kiss, Jane looked Zarina in the eyes, studying her reaction. “Was… that alright? Not too much or-“ Zarina smiled, laughing breathlessly.
“No, it- That was great. I- Haha… That was amazing…” Zarina’s hand found Jane’s, gently squeezing and stroking the top of her hand with her thumb. Jane smiled, ducking her head as she looked at her through lidded eyes. Warmth pooled in Zarina’s stomach. She… she’d like to…
They were suddenly all over one another, kissing and holding and touching the other. Jane cupped Zarina’s cheek as she slowly guided the other to the ground as she slid in between her legs. The kiss became more passionate, more heated, more confident… Tongues were intertwined, and hands began to roam lower and lower…
“Hmm… mind if I..?” Jane asked, ghosting her fingertips along the waistband of Zarina’s pants. She sheepishly brings her hand to her mouth, but nods, nervously chewing on one of her fingers. Gingerly, they are unbuttoned and removed, made slightly awkward with how snuggly they clung to her wet skin.
It was… pretty weird to be so exposed . Not exactly in a bad way, it had just been just a long time since either had taken any article of clothing off, let alone stripped down to their underwear. Jane’s pants were off moments after Zarina’s, tossed carelessly to the side as she readjusted Zarina’s legs. Gently stroking her inner thighs, Jane leans down, placing a kiss to the other’s neck.
Zarina cranes her head so Jane has full access to her neck, access that Jane takes advantage of as she peppers ticklish kisses along her sensitive throat. She couldn’t suppress a giggle from bubbling up from the back of her throat. Jane rolled her hips against Zarina’s, shuddering as the other woman reciprocated the action without hesitation. She… felt like she should say something, though she wasn’t sure why. As Jane started to open her mouth, taking in a breath, Zarina silenced her with a needy kiss.
“Mmph… J-Just touch me… Please..? I don’t want to think anymore…”
Jane’s eyes softened. That was all she needed to hear. Rising to her knees, she places her hand on Zarina’s collarbone, slowly caressing and trailing down towards her bra clad chest, while her other begins to massage her inner thigh. Jane’s mouth reconnects to her neck, nipping as sucking as Zarina releases a breathy moan.
Slipping her hand underneath, Jane gropes Zarina’s breasts, the whine the other emits sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Trailing kisses lower, Jane starts to pull at Zarina’s bra, lowering it so she has access to her chest. Her ministrations were a little clumsy and unpracticed, but she quickly gained more confidence the louder that Zarina moaned and called her name. As Jane latched onto one of her rapidly hardening buds, Zarina’s back arched, eyes screwing shut as warmth pooled in between her legs.
Jane wasted no time in delving underneath her panties, sliding a finger along Zarina wettening folds. She was a bit surprised at how forward Jane was, but was most definitely not going to complain. When was the last time she’d touch herself? Let alone had anyone touched her? Zarina couldn’t remember, and didn’t care to think too hard about it. It was difficult to focus on anything other than where Jane was touching or kissing or licking or- OH!
A finger slipped inside herself, slow and gentle. Zarina’s brows furrowed as she reopened her eyes, making contact with Jane’s. Shit… She was so beautiful, looking as flushed and confident as she did… Zarina couldn’t help herself, she wrapped her arms around Jane’s neck and pulled her close, smashing her lips onto hers.
A tongue flicked out, asking for permission that Zarina quickly granted. It was a blur of limbs, moans, sloppy kisses, and a steadily growing pleasure deep in her core. A second finger was added, causing her to roll her hips in time with Jane’s movements. Zarina caressed Jane’s body, cupping one of her breasts and massaging it over her undergarment. She struggled to keep any coherent touching for long, since Jane was hitting her sweet spot juuust right-
“ O-OH! Nnghh-!! F-Fuck, Jane..!” Zarina clings to the other woman, burying her face in the crook of her neck. Jane groans, focusing all her attention on that sensitive bundle of nerves that are sending Zarina over the edge. It was as amusing as it was arousing to watch the usually calm and collected journalist so flustered and beside herself with pleasure. Panting, she placed open mouthed kisses along Zarina’s jawline, using her thumb to nudge her clit as she continues to escalate finger fucking.
That seemed to be what pushed Zarina over the edge. Gasping and choking on a moan, she cums and she cums hard. Legs stiffening and trembling, she clings to Jane harder than ever before, whimpering as Jane coaxes her through one of the most intense orgasms of her life. White hot pleasure sent spasms throughout her body, making her toes curl and eyes flutter shut. It must have taken her minutes to come down from her high, chest heaving and exhaustion weighing down her eyelids.
“H-Holy-… Damn…” Zarina was out of breath as she released her arms from around Jane’s neck. The other chuckled, also winded. Her arm and hand cramped like hell, but she wouldn’t tell Zarina that, not when she was looking like a gorgeous mess. Cupping her cheek, Jane places a chaste kiss to her lips, smiling as she pulls back.
“That good, huh?” Zarina rolls her eyes, but the broad grin on her face says it all. Jane chuckles, brushing the hair from Zarina’s face. They both lay in comfortable silence for a while, completely worn down from the day's adventures. After a while, Zarina speaks up.
“Don’t you… want anything..?”
“Hmm… nah. I’m freaking beat. And, anyways, I know you’ll pay it back in full sooner than later.” She gives Zarina a flirtatious wink, and the other pushes her off playfully. Grabbing their clothes, the two women prepare to make their way back to camp.
“Wow! Are clothes did dry out! Sweet!”
“Yeah, but we’re going back out into the rain…”
Jane pauses, then looks over at Zarina dramatically, eyes wide and mouth agape in horror. “Shit! I forgot we have to walk back! Damn it!”
Zarina couldn’t stop herself from planting her palm directly in the middle of her face. As much as she cares about the woman, Jane was a bit ridiculous at times. But… she didn’t mind so much. Jane helped her forget this terrible place even if it was for a few fleeting moments. That time was precious to Zarina, and she hopes that she can give that relief to Jane as well. Even if she wants to strangle her at times.
“Hey, Zari? Where did my other shoe go?”
Yep… Even though she wanted to strangle her at times…
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gnarlybxstard · 4 years
So, I wrote something for the Deathslinger aka Daddy Caleb and yeah...lol. 🙃
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zaynesplushiekiller · 2 years
deeamsg!!!!!!!! could you do hcs of some genshin characters playing dbd???? whichever ones you want :) ,(doesn't have to be x reader) i forgor if you have or havent done this oh no this is getting long sorry iiudhdnf
- 🍁
genshin characters playing dead by daylight (dbd)
• kaeya & ayato are feng min mains and is toxic at the exit gate def... uses really meta perks...... and plays NO KILLER (maybe ghostface)
• ayato might use trickster solely because he likes ji-woons cosmetics.
• keqing is a yui main but also plays.... a nice killer... like hag or spirit. can't stand the killers that kill for fun
• ningguang mains trapper and ace; trapper because not only did he come from a place of wealth; but also because she likes the strategy that comes with using him. she really only plays ace because he came from literally nothing, and because of ace in the hole.
• itto plays oni. need i say more? he also really likes big killers like nemesis. if he plays survivor he's always someone like yui and he's very altruistic. HATES dwight and dwight mains with a passion though.
• diluc doesn't really like playing, but if he does he plays deathslinger. yes it's because of the saloon. diluc DEF thinks guns are cool.
• diluc and kaeya did a kyf once and it literally ruined their relationship even more.
• albedo really enjoys playing killers that need strategy to learn. twins & nurse for the most part. he likes how difficult they are to play. might use hag as well, or myers even.
• hes not a memey myers. if you go against him you're going to die, and you have to acknowledge how good he is in endgame chat.
• eula doesn't enjoy playing killer and prefers doing swf with amber.
• she probably plays jane or elódie, and amber is 100% a kate main. (might use someone like jeff too). she and amber are super altruistic and while they probably won't get any gens done, at least you won't bleed out!
• yae miko plays killer 100% of the time. she really enjoys the meme killers like ghostface, and will most definitely close the hatch in your face.
• she really likes playing pig too, and accepts boops on her nose.
• gorou is a wraith main. and I guarantee you he hides in a corner when survivors act toxic. :( he likes playing jake too! his main strategy is hiding in corners and rescuing even against a camping bubba.
• kokomi is a claudette main, and probably uses zarina too. she's really calculated and is the best teammate out there. definitely brings lightweight.
• shinobu is a laurie main and runs decisive strike on EVERY SINGLE BUILD.
• barbara can't bring herself to use any killers, so she plays mostly survivor and swf. definitely brings all of the healing perks cause seeing her teammates hurt makes her sad :(
• mona is a mikaela main. similar to shinobu, mona brings boons on every build even if they don't call for it. she feels so cool booning totems.
• childe is a no mither david main.
• childe also only plays killers who are considered very hard. he tries to adept every survivor and killer, and chooses the hardest challenges in the rift.
• hutao is a feng min and nea main, bought all of their cosmetics.
• she loves sandbagging other survivors and getting them killed. with the bright blue hair nea and feng skins. y'know the ones.
kyf; kill your friends
swf; survive with friends
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lxxse-cannxn · 2 years
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"We can write our own story and decide how it really ends." — Zarina Kassir
"Ok, stay calm. Don't overthink it and just keep moving forward: you got this." — Jane Romero
Requested by Anon
"Jane and Zarina from DBD?"
X X X / X / X X X
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Requests Open! Please send em!
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Dead By Daylight Playlists
Over the past few years I've made a LOT of playlists for DBD characters and content, and once I had them posted on an Imagines blog. It's been a while since then, and I've updated a lot of them and I figured now would be a great time to make a new post to share them all!
All these playlists are on Spotify because thats just where I started, and I'll be updating this post as more playlists are made and added. Under a read more because there are a LOT of playlists lol
Miscellaneous Playlists
The Entity Killer Survivor
Survivor Playlists
Dwight Fairfield Meg Thomas Claudette Morel Jake Park Nea Karlsson Laurie Strode Ace Visconti Bill Overbeck Feng Min David King Quentin Smith David Tapp Kate Denson Adam Francis WIP Jeff Johansen WIP Jane Romero Ash Williams Nancy Wheeler Steve Harrington Yui Kimura Zarina Kassir WIP Cheryl Mason Felix Richter Élodie Rakoto WIP Yun-Jin Lee Leon Kennedy WIP Jill Valentine WIP
Killer Playlists
The Trapper The Wraith The Hillbilly The Nurse The Shape The Hag The Doctor The Huntress The Cannibal The Nightmare The Pig The Clown The Spirit The Legion The Plague The Ghost Face The Demogorgon The Oni The Deathslinger The Executioner The Blight WIP The Twins The Trickster The Nemesis The Cenobite
The Legion - Frank The Legion - Julie WIP The Legion - Susie The Legion - Joey WIP
Legions Mixtapes
Julies Mixtape Susies Mixtape Joeys Mixtape Franks Mixtape Fuming Mixtape
Ship Playlists
NeaDette (Nea Karlsson x Claudette Morel) BunnyHunter (Meg Thomas x The Huntress) Klown (Kate x The Clown) MegMillan (Meg Thomas x Evan MacMillan) It's Obsession (Michael Myers x Laurie Strode) Dream Demon Tango (Freddy Krueger x Quentin Smith) MegSmith (Meg Thomas x Quentin Smith) Jules/Frank (Julie x Frank; The Legion) MyManda (Michael Myers x Amanda Young) Visconsen (Kate Denson x Ace Visconti) GhostTrick (The Ghost Face x The Trickster) Ji-Su (The Trickser x Susie; The Legion) DocFeng (The Doctor x Feng Min)
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ziracona · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about survivors dealing with stress through bad habits? Kinda like how Bill is always smoking a cig, Feng drinking till passing out, David doing both and etc
Some, for sure. TW for mentions of multiple addictive or self harming behaviors in the rest of this post.
In their original models, Nea has what appears to be cutting scars on her arm, and Meg does /not/ have it in her default/arrival skin, but does in her secondaries, so I have always taken that to mean Nea cut before arriving in the realm, and Meg did not, but began and did for some time as a coping mechanism, especially when she was a new survivor.
If there was readily available alcohol, Feng would definitely be severely tempted to drink, and would any time she had a truly awful trial, since it was how she tried to cope before. Much more healthily, I think she spends hours strategising for trials to help her rationalize and get a grip and the illusion of some amount of control over her situation too.
Since in all versions of Halloween where Laurie reaches adulthood, she becomes an alcoholic, I assume she has an /intensely/ strong biological predisposition for that, and probably would drink if it was available.
If they had cigarettes, or like, Bill comes with a self-refreshing supply to share, probably David, Tapp, Ash, Bill, and Nea would share those. Jane might too, but I also think she’d try /not/ to, and might successfully just cope by doing ridiculous amounts of caffeine.
I think Jeff copes healthily by doing his art. Nea does this some too. Claudette gardens, and cooks. Quentin prays and strategises. (Wow Quentin, my boy, you made a healthy way of doing X list for once I am so proud of you disaster boy). Ace jokes and does something that relaxes him. But sometimes he does something impulsive and dumb that is careless enough it burns him—he’s a lot better about that in the realm than before, actually, because here he has so many kids to look out for. Adam writes, and tries to fulfil little tasks like making tea or fixing a tool to occupy his focus when he is having a really rough time, and copes very well usually.
I think Dwight is eternally put off of alcohol after how he got taken, and if he has bad coping habits, it’s probably through less common self-harm methods, like jamming himself in the leg repeatedly with a pencil while saying awful things to himself in his head. Stuff that would hurt but not be recognizable and would be stuff he could go ‘What? No. It’s not self-harming. Who ever heard of people doing X as a thing?’ to make himself not think hard about what he’s doing. The poor guy is under a lot of stress and I would not be surprised if he does that and/or intentionally holds onto a mug too hot so it burns him, etc. That kind of thing.
I think Jake and Kate both self-isolate (ahhh shit so does Quentin, back off the good coping habits list son) a lot when trying to cope. Kate will be bubbly and happy around others, but go somewhere private to shut down and fall apart and won’t ask for help. Jake cuts out everything including actually taking time to think and feel and process rationally when it gets really bad and just totally closes off and comes off standoffish and cold. If he is /really/ upset he will also hit things alone, like trees, which fucks up his knuckles.
I think Yui similarly beats on inanimate objects until it hurts her sometimes. Zarina copes pretty well but sometimes she will write or say or internally monologue intensely hurtful and hateful things at herself or herself and other people/the rest of the world that are awful enough it’s really really bad for her mental health and she can spiral. Cheryl tries to cope by distracting herself if she can, which can be fine if she picks a good distraction, and bad if she picks like, alcohol that week. Does better than you’d think considering how much trauma the poor kid carries around even pre-realm. I think Felix would be super tempted to smoke but might hold out for his kid, since it’s not an addiction he wants to take back with him, and he knows if he started he would /not/ do it casually there. Same with alcohol. I just see him as both /super/ inclined towards addictive behavior, and aware of it so working to deal. Copes somewhat unhealthily by trying to just pass out and sleep through it, which is what Cheryl and Quentin /want/ badly to do bc of their personalities, but are both afraid to try. Élodie would drink if she could or take anything that could take the edge off I think. She is incredibly stressed and predisposed for stressing after the life she lived. Probably just develops nervous ticks fiddling with stuff in the absence of anything to dull the pain. Uhhhh, I forgot about Nancy and Steve. I always forget they’re /in/ DbD. I think if Nancy had a bad coping habit, she would either drink or hit things or depression nap. Steve would self-isolate and deprive himself of good things or comfort or community as punishment for perceived failings.
For most of the charcaters, this isn’t something I have thought a whole lot about, so I don’t have super well-founded or in depth hcs on this for most of them on this? But here’s what I got. 👈👈😎 Mostly I think once they have a well established group, they do a good job of supporting each other and coping in general and finding healthier outlets, and I am super sad and distressed for them and the issues they do have TuT.
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red-doll-face · 5 years
red-doll-face slasher blog masterlist!
Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my masterlist, where you will find almost every piece I’ve written. Each piece has additional warnings at the top so please check those!
Updated: 07/21/21
A small legend: 
gn: gender-neutral
tm: trans masc
afab: assigned female at birth
f: fem reader
m: male reader
nsfw: content that is usually sexual in nature
hcs: headcanons
pieces: usually 180-1800 word drabbles
Jason Voorhees
First Kiss gn
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn 
Slashers x nervous Reader gn 
Jealousy hcs m
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
For you. f (mentioned) pt.1
Dedicated To You.  gn (no mentions of gender) pt.2
Sanguine gn
Mojito gn
Rob Zombies Michael Myers 
x clumsy goth Reader gn
x Reader (related to Loomis) gn 
Slashers x nervous Reader gn
Full Course gn slight nsfw
Michael Myers
Taking Care of Sick S/O gn
x Magical Girl!Reader gn despite prompt
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader  gn 
Mark of Incision f nsfw  (a 6 chapter au for michael myers: a little ooc AO3 link)
locked in. pt.1 gn
keeper. pt.2 gn nsfw
Under a Blanket of Blue gn nsfw
Heavy Metals gn 
A Friend from Work gn
(There is another section for Michael below, the difference being Dead by Daylight standards bc I know some people don’t play this game. It’s not that good. 😔)
Bubba Sawyer
First Kiss gn
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
Domestic Fluff hcs gn
x Magical Girl!Reader  gn
x Feral Alt s/o gn
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader  gn
Right Action gn nsfw
Angst Prompt 37 gn
Free Room gn nsfw
Billy Lenz
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
x shy goth Reader gn
x trans masc Reader tm 
x reader who loves plants gn 
Sleeping Dust Bunnies gn
Vulnerability gn nsfw
Lent tm
Angst Prompt 23 gn
Asa ‘The Collector’ Emory
x Detective!Reader gn
x Blind Singer!Reader gn
x Reader who attracts bugs gn
Lovely Letters gn
Anything gn
By Similar Methods gn
Catalogs gn
I Don’t Live Today gn
Thomas Brown Hewitt
First Kiss gn
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader gn
Jealousy hcs m 
In the Middle of May afab nsfw
Harry Warden
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
x clumsy goth Reader gn
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
Light Headed gn nsfw
Daniel ‘Candyman’ Robitaille
x Reader with allergies gn
Brahms Heelshire 
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
Dead by Daylight Killers
Max ‘The Hillbilly’ Thompson Jr.
First Kiss gn
Sad Hc gn 
Frank ‘The Legion’ Morrison
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
x Male s/o with a dog m
Killers x sweet Reader gn 
Red Strings gn
Snow Blind afab nsfw 
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers
x Reader slapping their ass gn
My Blue Heaven gn pt.1
Blues in the Night gn pt.2
Drabbles gn
Sad Hc gn
Danny ‘The Ghostface’ Johnson
x Magical Girl!Reader  gn
x Male s/o with a dog m 
Killers x sweet Reader gn
Bargaining with the Devil gn nsfw
Nothing More  gn
Drabbles gn 
Anna ‘The Huntress’
Kiss Prompt 11 gn
Kiss Prompt 47 gn
Kiss Prompt 50 gn
Drabbles gn
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan
x Male s/o with a dog m
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Sad Hc gn
Drabbles gn
Susie ‘The Legion’
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
Fluff Prompt “Can I uh kiss you?”  gn
Pretty Little Black Eyes gn NSFW
Amanda ‘The Pig’ Young 
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Fluff Prompt “Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” gn
Angst Prompt 17 gn 
Joey ‘The Legion’ 
Killers x sweet Reader gn
Philip ‘The Wraith’ Ojomo 
Killers x sweet Reader  gn 
Sad Hc gn
Kiss hcs + blurb gn 
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’
A Case of Bleeding Flesh gn
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka
Sick Reader hcs gn
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
A Star in the Night afab nsfw
Bubba ‘The Cannibal’ Sawyer: 
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Rin ‘The Spirit’ Yamaoka:
Adiris ‘The Plague’:
Caleb ‘The Deathslinger’ Quinn:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Ji-Woon ‘The Trickster’ Hak:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Nemesis T-Type ‘The Nemesis’
Fluff hcs gn 
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Already Yours angst gn
Herman ‘The Doctor’ Carter:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Dead by Daylight Survivors
Dwight Fairfield
First Kiss  gn
x Killer s/o gn 
Sad Hc gn 
Core gn nsfw
Angst Prompt 17 gn 
David King
Gratification gn nsfw
Quentin Smith
General cute hcs gn
Sad Hc gn
Angst Prompt 7 gn 
Claudette Morel:
Sad Hc gn
Meg Thomas:
Ace Visconti:
Feng Min:
Laurie Strode:
Jane Romero:
Yui Kimura:
Zarina Kassir:
Cheryl Mason:
Élodie Rakoto:
Steve Harrington:
Sad Hc gn
Yandere Prompt ‘You’re all I ever think about’ gn 
Jeff Johannson:
Kate Denson:
Yun-Jin Lee:
: Let me know if any of the links aren't working. Please read warnings at the top of each post I don’t mean to upset anyone. Thanks for reading !! :
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flaurosdevice · 5 years
i keep getting distracted but here i wanna spill it out so.. dbd post entity au!
not really sure on how the entity works here but i just kinda think the entity gets bored one day or just fucking disappears and causes everyone to return to the real world. they get thrown into 2020 and stay the same age they were when they were thrown into the entity’s realm. licensed characters also just stay in the “real” world & they all just live in a little town together.. there’s some other people in the town but they’re all just vibin!
dwight and claudette are dating! dwight works in retail (sadly) and claudette is an enviromental scientist! they have a huge backyard where they keep a greenhouse where claudette got dwight into botany! they usually end up adopting rather old animals to keep them both company!
meg & evan are living together! meg sees evan as a father figure so they just kinda connect. evan works at a hardware store and meg wants to be a star athlete, but is currently volunteering at the local animal shelter tapp & bill run!
jake, feng, and herman all live together and are just bffs! feng is a popular twitch streamer, jake will not disclose his job for some reason, and herman studies criminology & psychology. herman and feng are very competitive over minor things and jake is usually the judge. in feng’s streams herman and jake will come in sometimes and interrupt.
laurie and michael talk after leaving the realm and michael kinda realizes.. killing bad. he wants to be a good big brother to laurie and tries to make up for it by giving laurie and her girlfriends nancy & nea a place to stay. michael is a librarian and learned sign language from nancy so he doesnt have to talk but can still communicate with others. nancy is working under zarina as her apprentice, laurie works at a daycare, and nea works with dwight. danny also lives there and is a journalist and had quit trying to harm people because the girls and michael wanted him to go to therapy and cuz michael threatened to report him to the police if he tried hurting anyone. he acts like the annoying little brother despite being the oldest in the house.
ace, bill, and tapp are all dating and live together! tapp quit the police force cuz acab and opened up an animal shelter with bill! ace quit his gambling habits to keep tapp and bill safe and is a job hopper since he cant really work at one job for long.
amanda and sally are dating and own a house and look after quentin and steve who are dating too!! quentin reminds amanda of daniel from saw 2 so she connected with him and since amanda connected with him quentin kinda connected with her back and they’ve been close ever since! sally is a nurse at a local hospital and amanda works on robotics. quentin wants to become a therapist and steve wants to be a star quarter back.
kate and adam are roommates and best friends! adam went back to teaching and kate is often on tour but always comes back home to visit everyone!
jeff and jane **the killerz** are dating.......... jane got to return to her talk show and does it for a living! jeff is still a freelance artist and managed to somehow find his dog before he was thrown into the entity’s realm cuz i want a happy ending for jeff and his dog!!! they both also just adopted frank/julie/susie/joey and they live with them too.. julie & susie are dating too :]
yui, zarina, and rin are all dating.. yui becomes a professional racer!! zarina is a journalist and took nancy under her wing to help her learn! rin is studying to be a psychologist but also works as a waitress!
philip, hillbilly (now just called “billy”), lisa, and bubba all live on a farm on the outskirts of town. it’s very quiet and they all love working with the farm animals! demogorgon is also there but doesnt really have any murderous intent anymore for some reason?? he’s just kind of a big dog and all four take care of him..
i really like kazan x caleb for some reason so they’re together :] everyones grandpas that just got tired of being mean and murderous tbh
adiris and anna are dating and live in a cabin in the woods.. adiris is the local priest in the town and anna works as a woodsman
david lives somewhere else and no one talks to him. clown lives in the woods far away alone and is just being weird with his horse maurice. freddy is dead in a ditch somewhere.. as it should be...
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spookysnicket · 5 years
Blog Rules 👻
Hello loves, it’s spooky! Thanks for stopping to read the rules! I try to keep this updated for mobile readers, however some sections may not be the exact same as how it is from the link on my blog. Rules and character lists below the cut. If asks are open, request away ❤
Hey! Thanks for stopping by to the read the rules, ilysm,,
Remember to check my description to see if requests/matchups are open! *If you send something in while they’re closed, I still might do it, but it’ll get put at the bottom of the to write pile. However, please know this is not a guarantee.
PLEASE do not follow this blog or interact with my content unless you are 16+, and do NOT send ANY NS!FW requests unless you are 18+. If you are under 18, I ask you to please blacklist/block my tag #NS!FW before interacting. I don't mean to judge anyone, however minors interacting with any of my ns!fw content makes me extremely uncomfortable. Thank you for respecting that in advance (:
*Spooky’s matchups include a pairing with ONE of the characters from my lists based on information you give me, followed by AT LEAST 5 (likely more) personalized HCs for you and your match. Feel free to add NS!FW bits and send a matchup request in for an OC. My matchups are based on the character I think would be most compatible with the information sent, however if you would like a specific character, or like to avoid a specific character, please go ahead and mention that in the request. Please use these suggested points when submitting a matchup request to help me better choose your match:
The preferred gender(s) for matches
Your personality/personal traits/attributes
Your hobbies or skills
OPTIONAL: 3 words to describe yourself with
OPTIONAL: What you’d like in/from a match
OPTIONAL: A brief description of your appearance
OPTIONAL: Your preferred pronouns
OPTIONAL: Preferred a slasher, non-slasher, dbd killer, or survivor match
Do any format for requests- (if you don’t give me a format, your request will most likely be written as hcs) This covers headcannons, fics, drabbles, shorts, and reactions (GIFs & HCs)
Cover angst and a majority of sensitive topics, only excluding any super out-there kinks and things like excessive non con or vivid abuse (everything will be tagged accordingly)
Do multiple characters for one request
Take NS!FW requests, however these might take longer
Write for a reader with any gender identity, sexual and/or romantic orientation, disability/disorder, etc- HOWEVER I will not write for a reader of any certain ethnicity (outside of matchups), as something I write could be offensive and I don’t want to take that risk
Write anything NS!FW for characters who are canonically minors, nor will I age them up just to write NS!FW requests for them; however I will write for childhood prompts
Write for AU prompts, unless they’re really interesting, I’m just fairly terrible when it comes to writing anything outside of realistic fanon/canon
Write anything I deem too OOC for characters requested, aside from crack for fun
Write character x character WITH THE EXCEPTION of certain poly! x readers
*If you’re still unsure if you can send in your request after reading these, send me a message or ask about it on anon! I’ll get back to you ASAP!
Jason Voorhees🏒 *NO NS!FW
Thomas Hewitt 🍴
Bubba Sawyer 🐓
Billy Lenz 👁
Billy Loomis  🌂(polyface 💕)
Stu Macher 📞 (polyface 💕)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky (1988) (x Tiffany) 🧸
Tiffany Valentine (1998- human only) (x Charles/Chucky) 💄
Leslie Vernon 🍎
Bo Sinclair 🔧
Vincent Sinclair 🕯
Lester Sinclair 💀
Patrick Bateman  💳
Michael Myers 🔪
Norman Bates  🐦
Amanda Young ⚙️
*NO NS!FW FOR CHUCKY (I can’t figure out how getting it on with a doll would work)
Carrie White (Novel & 1976 adaptation)✨ *NO NS!FW
Jennifer Check 💋
Brahms Heelshire 🔥
Hannibal Lecter 🧠 [x]
Eric Draven 🌧
Jack Torrance 🥶
Randy Meeks (1996) 💿
Anita ‘Needy’ Lesnicky 💔
Dwight Fairfield 🍕
Meg Thomas 🏃🏼‍♀️
Claudette Morel 🌷
Jake Park 🌲
Nea Karlsson 🛹
Laurie Strode 🎃
Ace Visconti 💵
Feng Min 🎮
David King 🍻
Quentin Smith 😴
Kate Denson 🎸
Adam Francis 📖
Jeff Johansen 🤘🏻
Jane Romero 📺
Yui Kimura 🚦
Zarina Kassir 🔍
Felix Richter 📐
Evan MacMillan ⛏
Philip Ojomo 🚗
Max Thompson Jr. 🐑
Sally Smithson 💔
Anna (Huntress) 🧸
Rin Yamaoka 👻 *NO NS!FW
FJSJ (All Legion members) 🎭 *NO NS!FW FOR JULIE & SUSIE
Adiris (Plague) ☣️
Danny Johnson 📸
Kazan Yamaoka 👹
Caleb Quinn ⛓
Herman Carter ⚡️
*Characters with an [x] by their name are characters I’m not as familiar with or are ones who I don’t have a 100% solid interpretation for
*Feel free to suggest characters you want to see, I’ll add them to my list! If I can’t find the movie a certain character is from, I’ll end up doing research on them until I think I can write them well enough (:
*FOR CHARACTERS WITH MULTIPLE VERSIONS: Please specify which version you’d like- otherwise I’ll write for a combination of their timelines
*Thank you again for reading the rules, I owe you my soul ❤️❤️ And happy requesting!
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
A oneshot of Jane x Zarina?
I tried my best I hope it’s good enough lol 😭
Close Quarters
Just another, boring day in Hell… Zarina thought as she was placed in the newest trial. Where- Oh son of a-! Dead Dawg Saloon. Of fucking course! This was beginning to grate on her nerves. It was like she was being mocked or something. It’s like it’s actively trying to wear me down… She mused, wiping the sweat forming on her brow. It can’t be a coincidence, surely. Not after this many times in a row. Every time she’s forced back here, she thinks about Hellshire. Thinks of seeing her father’s battered corpse before her, with that old wrench in hand… She shakes her head, taking a deep breath. No, this is here and now, not then and there. I must go on, for my sake. For his…
Zarina makes her way to the Saloon, minding her surroundings carefully as to not trap herself in with the killer. Climbing over an opened window, she slowly makes her way over to the generator located on the Saloon’s balcony. A soft hum, just audible, started to churn just around the corner. Someone’s already beat me to it. Might as well give them a- Oh.
A woman was crouched down in front of the gen, hair done up in a tight bun and grey, pinstripe suit almost immaculate despite the grime and filth caked to it. Yeah… Zaria could recognize that ass- that get up! She could recognize that get up anywhere. Jane Romero, from the aptly named “The Jane Romero” and “Quick Talk” talk shows. Oh boy… Zarina, for a fraction of a second, debated on just vaulting over the railing of the balcony, but decided against it. She didn’t have anything personally against Romero, she just has a general mistrust for anyone so deeply mired in the media.
Jane jumps slightly, quickly looking over her shoulder. She instantly relaxes, turning back to face the gen. “You scared the shit out of me.”
Zarina chuckles, sliding in beside Jane to help her work. “Heh, yeah… Sorry about that.” An awkward silence forms between the two of them. Really, neither dislikes the other, they really haven’t interacted much, so perhaps that’s why-
Both women jump. Deathslinger. Of fucking course… Zarina can’t help but to scowl. That asshole always gets under her skin. And so does his speargun… Ugh, whatever. Just focus on this gen, then go from there. From the corner of her eye, she caught Jane sneaking a glance at her.
“See something you like?” Zarina cringes slightly at how unintentionally harsh her tone was. Jane took it in stride, though, laughing it off and giving her a cheeky grin.
“I don’t know, it’s hard to tell from all the way over here. I’d like to get a closer look.” Zarina does a double take, mouth slightly agape as she doesn’t believe what she’s hearing. She turns to face Jane, who’s doing everything in her power to not burst out into hysterical laughter. She’s failing, though, and Zarina, herself can’t stop her shock from turning into something more playful as the corners of her mouth twitch upwards before a breathy chuckle bubbles up from her gut.
Shaking her head she returns to work, the awkwardness turning into something more companionable. It wasn’t so bad. Really, it could be worse, she supposed. At least we can still joke and laugh. Zarina mused, sighing softly to herself. As she was thinking of something to say, she caught sight of the Deathslinger walking out from behind a neighboring building and heading straight for the Saloon- SHIT!
“Shi-! Jane! We gotta move, he's co- WHOA!” Jane had grabbed Zarina before she could finish her thought, dragging her to a lone locker that was just around the balcony. Before she could protest, Jane shoved Zarina inside, before squeezing in, herself, closing the two of them in the enclosed space.
“Cramped” would be too kind of a way to describe just how unbearable it was in that tiny locker. Zarina found it far too tight whenever it was just her inside of one, but with Jane smothering her? She really thought she’d have a panic attack. There was no space, with Jane’s body pressed firmly against her own. It was waaay too hot and humid in there..!
It was too dark to see, which was both a blessing and a curse: Zarina couldn’t see, but neither could Jane, and the last thing Zarina wanted was for someone to see how pathetic she must have looked. Oh, and the fact that her face was smooshed into Jane’s ample bosom made this entire situation fucking mortifying. Jane, mostly likely, held a finger in the air, leaning in closer as the blood began to rush into her ears. He’s close…
And sure enough, the sound of the generator popping was heard, causing the two women to jump slightly. Zarina accidentally clutched onto Jane’s suit jacket, but no one dared to move or speak. Quiet footfalls drew closer and closer to their hiding place. Shit… should have just run… Zarina held her breath. Jane would be the first to be grabbed. Damn! If, if that happens, I should run and watch what he does, then run and get her off the hook when possible… As Zarina was mapping out her plan of action, Jane nudged her subtly.
“Psst… get ready…” Jane breathed against Zarina’s cheek. Goosebumps broke out all over her body. She furrowed her brows.
It all happened so fast… Just as the footsteps stopped just outside the locker, Jane threw her weight against the doors, knocking the Deathslinger flat on his ass. Though completely stunned, Zarina didn’t have a chance to stand around agawk. Jane had grabbed her wrist and was already dragging her along.
They both vaulted over the balcony railing and sprinted for their lives, not stopping until they both nearly collapsed in exhaustion behind a building on the opposite side of the area. Once Zarina finally managed to catch her breath she turned to glare at an equally winded Jane, who had opted to sit on the ground cross legged.
“Are you fricking crazy?!” She wheezed in between breaths. Jane turned to look at her, then threw a cheeky smirk at her.
“Haa… Y-Yep! How’d you think I got so popular on TV? By being a generic nobody? Pffft… Nope, I’m pretty crazy, and I do what needs to be done to protect the little guy.” Jane wipes some dirt from her face and tucks in a few stray hairs behind her ear before attempting to rise to her feet. Zarina offers her a hand without much thought, though it’s clammy with adrenaline and exhaustion, Jane takes it without complaint.
“Mmm… Yeah… well, uhh… Thanks for, you know, saving me back there.” Zarina mentally face palmed at how much she stumbled over her own words, but it really could be chalked up to that adrenaline spike she just went through. Jane gives her a playful wink.
“Of course, I know you’d do the same for me, or anyone else, for that matter.” She gives Zarina a pat on the back, then makes like she’s going her own way. Just as Zarina, herself, is about to turn, Jane spins on her heel suddenly to face her once more.
“Oh, and Zarina? I did like what I saw! I hope you did, too! See ya~”
Zarina pauses, before the blood rushes to her head. Wait- What?! No, damn it..!
“J-Jane..! Wait-! …shit…”
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
Dbd: Jane/Zarina Masterlist
Close Quarters
The Start of a Beautiful Relationship, a Commission Fic
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