#dbh match ups
vampcubus · 2 years
So, like, out of nowhere, I got an idea and then I saw your requests were open so AAAAAAH I had to come and give you an ask. Anyway— Only if you can, could you write headcanons for DBH Connor, Markus, Rupert, Simon and Ralph with, like, different ways you make them smile? Gender neutral reader maybe? Obv you don’t have to include all the characters, I’d be excited just to see you responded to me, but I was just feeling a good vibe today and felt like popping in for a hot second LOVE YOU sorry if this was kinda all over the place, I’m running off of 2 hours of sleep, McDonald’s and a Pepsi.
characters: connor, markus, rupert, simon, and ralph.
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Connor (RK800)
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— Most humans are indifferent or straight-up rude to Connor because he’s an android, so he doesn’t have much basis for comparison. This means all you really have to do is be nice to him and he’s enamored.
— “Would you give the poor guy a break, he’s just trying to help,” you snapped at Hank when he was giving Connor a hard time the first day you met at the station, before going back to angrily typing on your terminal. 
— The Lieutenant waved you off but Connor’s curiosity was piqued. Most humans refer to androids as “it”, and the fact that you didn’t was intriguing to him.
— Treat him like he’s human. Even the little things, like asking if he wants a drink- even if you know androids don’t eat or drink, it’s the fact that you ask anyways that has him smiling stupidly. Tell him to get home safe, ask if he’s feeling alright, and invite him out somewhere. Making Connor feel wanted without him necessarily having to do anything to earn it is a surefire way to have him smiling in your direction—especially when you aren’t looking.
— Kissing him is a given since he’s obsessed with it. Peck his cheek or the corner of his lips as you pass by and you’ll have him smiling at you over his shoulder with that lovesick puppy dog look.
— It takes a long time for Connor to grasp jokes, so puns and humorous jabs will only get you a confused head tilt in response. But he likes your laugh so if you’re giggling trying to get your joke out he can’t help but beam at you.
— The first time you held his hand was on a case you were assigned together, a suspect veered around the corner and you tugged him by the hand behind a dumpster to avoid detection. You’d been too focused on the suspect to realize you were still holding his hand but Connor noticed.  You didn’t see the way his LED flashed yellow as he inspected your joined hands, fascinated by the sight of your pretty fingers laced between his own. And when you turn to find him smiling at you, you realize your mistake, apologizing profusely.
— So a big fan of hand-holding, please do it more often, the corners of his mouth can’t help but twitch upwards when you do.
— GRINS LIKE A MENACE WHEN YOU STAND UP TO PEOPLE FOR HIM. People are jerks and while Connor tends to just brush them off, sometimes you can’t and you match their energy right back at them. And Connor likes it very much, can’t help but get smug knowing he’s untouchable around you because you’ll gladly throw hands to defend his honor. Will hold you back if things get physical, however.
— If someone were to insult him too harshly he would just say “Y/n will be hearing about this 😌” 
— Everyone at the station knows to fuck off unless they want an angry chihuahua biting at their ankles. Gavin tests your patience and Connor is very entertained watching the two of you bicker over him.
— When you tilt his chin up to look at you when he’s overwhelmed, asking for him to talk to you. And when he can’t find the words, you pull him into your arms and let him press his face into your neck for comfort, telling him he’s gonna be alright. You hold him until you feel him smile against your clavicle and his LED flickers back to blue.
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Markus (RK200)
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— You were a big help during the revolution, hiding runaway deviants and sending them to Jericho. It was only natural that you ended up spending a lot of time together and eventually falling in love, despite your differences. Loves that you treat him like a person and are so kind to his people. They’ve suffered so much at the hands of humans, and it’s you that reassures him that not all humans are incapable of being enlightened. 
— Smiles at you from a distance as you care for the damaged androids in Jericho, knowing they’re safe in your caring hands. You do what you can with the supplies you’re able to swipe, and offer comfort to those who are too far gone.
— Markus likes to share his interests with you. If you ever wanted to paint with him, he’d be overjoyed, just being in the zone and then being able to look over at you and see you so focused on your creation. Sit down next to him while he’s at the piano and lean against him while he plays. Let him teach you to play. Let him move your hands to the correct positions, and listen to his soft voice guiding you through keys and their correspondences.
— Loves when you cook together, though the majority of the time you’re distracted by one another and doing more smooching and dancing than paying attention to the stove. Say hello to slightly overcooking stuff because you were too busy tongue-wrestling with your android boyfriend.
— Markus smiles the most when you somehow exactly when he needs comfort, and do so without hesitation. It’s like you’re able to see his stress levels, which he knows is impossible, but it makes him no less impressed with your emotional intelligence. You really are his grounding force, and when he’s ever uncertain or lost, he knows he can come to you.
— You two have a bit of a habit of lovingly bullying one another at every opportunity, and he loves that you can keep up.
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Rupert Travis (WB200)
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— Rupert doesn’t trust humans easily, but showing affection for birds will draw him to you. Maybe you frequent the same park and he often sees you feeding birds—maybe you even have a bird of your own! His Pigeons are his babies, so if you’re kind to them, you’re being kind to him by extension.
— When you finally get past the walls Rupert built to protect himself from being detected and deactivated, you’ll find that he’s very sweet. Still quiet, but you can see that he wants to be close to you. If he catches you baby-talking to his birds he can’t help but grin.
— Smiles when you tip the bill of his hat up so you can see his eyes, and practically beams if you lean in to kiss him. He’s… so soft ugh. He’s shy about reciprocation at first, his model was programmed primarily for agriculture, so romantic gestures are outside his realm of expertise. He does enjoy your gentle touch, however, so much so that he seeks it out when he requires comfort. Sometimes all he wants is for you to wrap him in your arms and let him lie there, you don’t even need to speak.
— if you go out somewhere together (which will take convincing, especially before the revolution) he sticks to your side and keeps his head down, he needs your shoulders to be touching or your hand to grip as you traverse food stalls and aisles in the grocery store. But if you whisper little jokes or sweet nothings to him he can’t help but smile softly at you.
— Rupert likes to listen to you talk, he doesn’t have loads to add to a conversation but he’s a great listener. And if you trail off thinking you’re talking his ear off he’ll ask you something else to get you going again.
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Simon (PL600)
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— Simon feels things very deeply, lending an ear when he needs to talk makes him comfortable with you. He feels he doesn’t have to keep up a brave face with you like he does to reassure the others in Jericho, he knows you’ll listen and understand. He’s very grateful when you help him work through new emotions, seeing as you’ve experienced many of those being a human and all.
— Saying thank you when he inevitably does things around the house for you once you settle into domesticity, being thanked for things is still quite new to Simon. It feels good to be appreciated and treated like he’s a living being.
— If you thought being thanked wasn’t enough to give him whiplash receiving gifts certainly will be! If you’re the artistic type, make him something and tell him that he inspires you. The prospect of being your muse makes him feel very special, and the fact that you’re always thinking of him and what he’d want makes him feel even more in love with you.
— You’ll often catch Simon gazing at you with that soft smile while you’re doing everyday things, even though he offers to take care of housework you insist on sharing responsibilities. “You’re my boyfriend, not my maid, we’ll do it together.” It’s then when he realizes just how serious you are about your relationship and he wants to cry he’s so happy.
— Smiles at you when he catches you staring with that loving look in your eyes.
— Has to bite back a grin every time you refer to him as your lover to other people, especially if it confuses them and you say “Yes my boyfriend is an android, is that a problem?” Your confidence is usually enough for people to awkwardly drop the subject, but the few who have pressed get the cold shoulder very quickly.
— He’s proud to be yours, so he enjoys it when you reinforce the idea.
— Simon very much enjoys being called pet names, by the way, call him honey, sweetheart, baby— makes him melt into a puddle every time. Watch his eyes soften and his cheeks fill with blue blood as you call him the sweetest things, he appreciates them, no matter how silly they become.
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Ralph (WR600)
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— Humans have terrorized Ralph and his psyche has suffered greatly because of it, so for you to be kind to him after all of that seems too good to be true. But when you look upon him with so much affection and treat him with so much care Ralph can’t bring himself to rip himself away from you. You who see him as a person, and not a machine.
— Ralph is always happy to see you, and the moment you walk through the door he’s practically beaming and jumping for joy. Your presence is a comfort to him once he is no longer afraid of you. While Ralph is glad to be “free” he gets very lonely and craves companionship, like you saw with Kara and Alice he wants to be a part of a family—even if he initially went about it the wrong way.
— He smiles the widest when you ask him if he wants to live with you, because of course he does. The idea of being a part of your life, being able to see you every day? He couldn’t imagine anything better than that. And when you drive it home that you want him to be safe, he gets a little teary. Reminding him that you care makes him smile like nothing else.
— He’s so happy when you help him around the little garden he grew outside your now shared home. He talks to the plants like they understand him and will melt if you do the same. Ralph loves that you’d try to participate in his hobby, even if you aren’t all that into gardening, he appreciates your help and your company. Buy him new plants as gifts, please!!! He accepts them so graciously and cradles the pot close like he’s made a new friend, murmuring to himself about where he wants to plant it.
— Compliment him! He flusters at any and all praise, shuffling in place and smiling ear to ear when you say nice things to him. Say thank you- or kiss him in thanks when he cooks for you or cleans up around the place, he loves the validation.
— Surprise hugs! Ralph is jumpy, but surprising him with hugs and affection is a good way to start making positive associations. He may gripe a little if he accidentally spills or knocks something over in his fright but if you go to pull away he grabs your arm, “Don’t go.” Once he’s grown used to your shenanigans doing this will make him laugh.
— You’re shocked to find that Ralph is ticklish, which is amazing to you, how technology is able to replicate such human sensations. So naturally you tickle him more. You’ll have him wheezing and writhing around in no time, begging half-heartedly for mercy. How could youuuuu. He absolutely will get revenge so watch out, he’s stronger than you so it’s harder to escape from his tickling onslaught. He laughs if you laugh so it’s a win-win.
— Kiss all over his face and he’ll burst into giggles.
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nvirskies · 5 months
NOIR sedate yourself girl but also me too 🤭 hope you have a good sleep! And YES I wanna teach clarrise how to play games, playing Minecraft together omg,,, feel like clarisse is gonna love fps games and she would absolutely destroy her computer out of rage if she loses a match 😍 i would love for her to play decision-based games like LiS or dbh, she would wreak havoc 🔥🔥
go to sleep! You can reply when you wake up 🛌
trust me i'm on the hunt for some propofol and an iv saline drip- i need some crispy sleep fr
building a little house in mc with clarisse and being all cute and you're farming and somehow she's blasted through the nether and fighting the dragon already while you're out stealing seeds from villager
decision games with her... she'd be all anxious and ask you to look up the endings and pathways so she won't have her heart ripped out by a devastating ending-
fps games with clarisse, she'd hard carry you throughout the entire game and then be all proud like "mhm that's right- i carried us baby"
burying my head in my hands squealing giggling blushing oh my god i need this N O W W W W W W W W W W
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
Can you write a Hank, Connor, Markus, and Luther (separately) x reader fic where the reader likes to dress feminine and likes to paint his nails and stuff like that and the reader wants to paint Hanks, Connors, Markus’s etc nails or like do their makeup? Please and thank you 💗
Feminine Reader w/ DBH guys HCs
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI
[FTM Friendly] Male Reader x DBH Guys
Detroit Become Human
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When he first met you, he felt happy that you felt so confident in how you express yourself.
It's what pulled himself to you in the first place
He loves also having pictures of you too because of it
He finds it contrast dynamics really attractive. He's a gruff "Hawaiian shirt" kinda guy who's dating a sweet "Cardigan with Fancy Pants" guy
Makes his heart melt
Especially if there's a height difference (Either way if you're taller or shorter, he loves height difference)
I feel like it'd take him a lot of convincing for him to wear makeup, especially if you try to get him to wear it outside of the house
but nail painting is on the table.
Colors like pink, or blue, or black if it goes well with his shirt
He's also very supportive of multicolor
Like having a dark blue on his index fingers while all the other nails are black
Now if you wanna do makeup, it'll take a while. But once you've finally convinced him (and maybe even promised that it'll only be an at home thing) he'll finally give in
He's a little flinchy, and pretends to hate it, and though for him the makeup feels "Heavy"
he still enjoys the end result, especially if you like it too
It didn't phase him at all when he first met you
in fact, he never really paid attention to the fact until he introduced you to Hank
After you had left and it was just him and Hank, Hank started to explain to him the comparison's of how guys tend to wear more masculine things rather than feminine
Connor starts learning about fashion after that from magazines
I mean, if Connor were offered a dress or a tux, he wouldn't care for either, really. "It depends on the occasion" he says.
But now when he's with you, he's singing more praises towards you
He's more away of how others and you dress
"You're wearing pretty make up today" "Your shirt and nail match! :)" "So you're telling me you purposely match your shoes with your tops?"
If you ever try to paint his nails or do his makeup, he'll absolutely, with no hesitation, accept.
he could watch you paint his nails all day
He could chat your ears off while you do his makeup too
He loves the idea of makeup and painting his nails
You're one of Carl's friends, one of the few that still care for him as a person, so Carl doesn't have one problem with you and introduces you to Markus
Markus's first thoughts of you was "Wow, he's really sweet and looks cute..."
You eventually start dating, and that means adding new clothes to impress your android boyfriend
You stop by the house every week to visit and take care of Carl
and to visit your boyfriend
Carl teaches you to paint, and you show him your makeup skills
One day, Markus will be doing dishes while you and Carl talk and Carl says something like
"You should do Markus's makeup"
He probably only said that cus Markus may have said some things about wanting you to paint his nails and stuff, but he thought Carl was already asleep by them
You happily bring it up later in private after Carl's asleep
And Markus is secretly very excited about it too
Do his makeup, paint his nails, he loves it all <3
Luther loves praising others, and loves to call you handsome and pretty all the time
He offers his face and hands to you the very moment you meet
"Oh you have very cool hands, do you mind painting my nails someday?"
"I like your makeup, maybe you could teach me?"
He's a very Quality Time romantic
So when you spend time focusing on making him almost as handsome as you, he can't help that he likes you this much.
He loves your clothing choice as well, and he seems like the type to also know some fashion tips, so he'll give you advice once in a while
As long as you want it
and if you're willing to give him advice too
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makeastand · 4 months
‎‧₊˚✧looking for new long term discord rp partners✧˚₊‧
Hi everyone! I’m not new to roleplaying at all, and am looking for a handful of new writing partners, though I have absolutely no self control and can’t say no to anyone with a good plot. I get too invested in roleplays and can ramble on for days about a rp / character I love.
long ass post alert:
I’m 24 and have been roleplaying for about 10 years now. Please be 21+ before interacting (I will be checking and blocking if not) My time zone is GMT, but I don’t mind where my partners come from. I’ve been having so much inspiration recently and am dying for some new roleplays. I’m a real sucker for writing deep and complex characters, and very much enjoy writing for the plot and character development as opposed to poorly written smut just for the sake of it. If it fits in with the rp I’m happy to write smut, or fade to black, whatever you’re more comfortable with.
I work full time, and stupid hours, so I’m not always about, but I’ll try and let you know what’s going on.
I like writing the male role in MxF, and also love MxM. I love playing multiple characters in a rp, but you’re welcome to play as many or few as you like. The guys I play are pretty well thought out, with lots of depth, background, emotion, and usually a bunch of trauma (so please tell me your limits in advance). All I ask is your character is not dry and impossible to work with. I’m not stupid, and know when I’m being used for my male / dom muses so if you present me with an overly subby character who’s lacking personality, you will be blocked, sorry.
I prefer quality over quantity. Like I said, I can get carried away and write pages upon pages, but if you can only manage a couple of good paragraphs, that’s fine with me. I’ll try and match your length in replies as long as they’re not one liners.
In terms of plot, it would be easier to list the things I don’t love. There are a few plots which have been nagging at my brain recently:
zombie apocalypse
tough guy x soft girl / guy
mafia related
I hate everyone but you trope
victorian era (preferably MxM)
noblewoman x poor man
celebrity x celebrity
haunted house
stripper x gang member
friends with benefits
small town / murder mystery
right people wrong time / ex friends or lovers reuniting
criminal x criminal
AI takeover (DBH style)
older, religious, inexperienced man x man whore
high school
fantasy (werewolves / vampires)
I can’t get rid of these two bullet points below and tumblr is making me violent so I’m going to wrap things up here. I’m going to try and get an updated list with my face claims / oc’s on my blog soon, so watch this space. I’m not one to pick your faceclaim, and you don’t have to use one if they’re not your thing. If you’ve read this far, thank you. Sorry this is so long! Please message me with what plot you’re interested in, because I’m trying not to get shadowbanned again.
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rking200 · 10 days
DBH Rarepairs Week Day 4: Road Trip
Love's Trail Josh/Markus/North/Simon (Polycho) -Foundational Markus/Simon, focusing on Josh/Markus and North/Simon, but Polycho nonetheless Slice of Life, Fluff T-Rating 8.9k Words AO3 Link
Markus and Simon agree to open their relationship to two others, and while group dates and one-on-one hangouts are nice, they decide to put their new partners to the test with a lengthy road trip. There's a lot they need to learn about one another, but by the time they reach their destination they have grown much closer already. With the rare appearance of the Northern Lights, the four of them have a magical evening.
It had been a few months since they had all met each other, and while the four of them had shared a few dates, they really hadn't been prepared for something of this caliber. Their road trip was not only a bonding experience, but a final test to see if this was really going to work out for them.
Simon and Markus opening up their relationship hadn't been something they had openly talked about before it happened; Markus was so content in his relationship with Simon that falling in love with someone else completely blindsided him. To make matters worse, when Markus had approached Simon to let him know about the feelings he was having towards someone else, Simon had agreed and told him about this other teacher that he had gotten close to. Markus had met North at the gym, under unfortunate circumstances revolving around the locker rooms. She had walked in on him changing and proceeded to tease him about it every time they crossed paths, which seemed to happen every day. Apparently a lot of women only go to the gym at certain times so they feel safer around less men, at least according to North. Having previously gone whenever he had the time, Markus changed his days to match North's out of a want to make her feel safer. Markus can only assume that it had worked, because he was very much caught off guard when she made her first move on him. He wasn't the best with women, so he was sure that she had made other moves that went unnoticed. How could he be blind to a kiss, though, as she leaned down to hand him his water bottle?
Markus would have been fine explaining the situation outright to her: that he was already taken and very much in love, but he had never found the right moment to bring it up. It was stupid on his part, but the whole situation was just so foreign to him. Simon's boy was a guy named Josh. They both worked as teachers together. Markus wasn't sure if Simon had always worked with him, or if he had been a new hire, but Simon made it sound like they had an innocent friendship until Josh had expressed interest of his own. But Simon hadn't known how to bring the question up to Markus.
He talked like this was something that had weighed on his mind for a while; Markus could just imagine poor Josh, practically left on read after confessing his feelings. Brutal.
Markus had thought twice about bringing the question of an open relationship up to Simon. He regretted it the second the words left his mouth, as Simon's eyes had been cast with what he had mistaken as hurt or fear. Within the few seconds of silence that followed, as Simon regained his composure to speak, Markus had to deal with the heartache of potentially losing the love of his life, his thoughts spiraling out of control until Simon spoke. No, it turned out that Simon had wanted to ask Markus the same thing. Their souls were so tightly entwined that they were on the same wavelength, no matter what, it seemed.
Their first meeting had been utterly awkward. Markus wasn't always good with details, so when he had explained to North that he was dating 'a really hot blonde', she had assumed that she was going to be meeting another woman. It was his bad for not specifying that it was a hot blonde boy, but North seemed fine with either. Josh seemed equally shocked at meeting Markus, and Markus hadn't been prepared for how tall he was. He wasn't the jealous type, really, but there was something about seeing Josh leaning on Simon that just set him off. He was envious that Josh got to do things he didn't with Simon, but on the other side, North was much shorter than all of them. In the end, Markus supposed, they were all even in one way or another.
They had a few group dates that went well enough. North and Simon hit it off really well, but Josh didn't seem to wholly vibe with her. He gave Markus the feeling that he wasn't really used to being around women, which Markus definitely understood.
For the most part, though, all of them got along. North was short with Markus and Josh more often, with Josh quick to bounce her words back at her. Markus tried to stay out of whatever quarrels they had, but always ended up being dragged in one way or another. They had a few dinners together, watched some movies and hung out separately, as well. It was time to move things along further, as they all got used to each other's quirks. The summer was calling, and with Simon and Josh out from teaching, it was feasible to plan a road trip. Simon and Markus had talked about it in the past, and while they should have started small and went alone, just the two of them, they both agreed that it would be nice to spend the trip with their whole group.
Markus had to work with getting a replacement caretaker for the time he was gone, but the old man he took care of was happy to hear he was planning a vacation. He happened to let it slip that he was going with 'his boyfriend and their partners', which enticed a hearty fit of laughter from Carl and an afternoon of being called 'tiger' and 'Casanova'. Markus hadn't wished to hear about Carl's 'swinging days', but suffice to say Markus had gotten to know him a lot better that day. When approached about taking time off from work for a silly road trip, North claimed that she worked from home. She had deadlines she had to keep, but she thought she could fit it into her schedule. Markus didn't know why she was so secretive about her job, but he got the feeling that something about it embarrassed her. He'd attempt to pry later, he thought. Markus felt the stinging of unease as everything started to come together. They managed to find a good price on a 4-person tent, as well as a bundle of sleeping bags. Carl's son was going to be visiting, so Markus was going to be leaving him in good hands. North doubled down and met her next few deadlines in advance so that she'd be able to 'disconnect from work' during their trip. It seemed like it would be too perfect, like something was going to come out of nowhere and ruin everything before they even left their driveway.
Seeing Simon walking around their apartment with a permanent but very gentle smile on his face was almost enough to make Markus forget any potential what-ifs. Even if this didn't work out in the end, it was worth it to see how happy it all made Simon.
Markus knew he was supposed to feel jealous, to not want to share Simon with anyone else. He'd be lying if he didn't feel it sometimes, like when Josh came over to drop something off and greeted Simon with a kiss. The gut-reaction was there, really, but it faded very quickly. He understood, really. Simon was great, and nobody was perfect but he was perfect in his own ways. How could he keep him to himself, in the end? He wanted other people to see Simon how he did, even intimately, and as long as there were people Simon loved, Markus was happy to hear him out. The morning they left went by in a blur. They were taking Markus' new car because it was the only one big enough to comfortably hold all of them and their camping supplies.North and Josh were set to show up before the sun even rose, and while Markus knew he needed the sleep for the drive, the excitement and anticipation kept him up the whole night before. Simon seemed restless, but he managed to get to sleep without too much trouble.
They ate breakfast at an ungodly hour together, silent anticipation hanging low in the air. Josh showed up first, then North not ten minutes later. It was really happening.
Markus loaded everything in the back of his van, making sure that they had everything they needed for the twelfth time. The sun wasn't up and Markus was already sweating, and he knew that he would be in an endless torture of soaking in his own sweat every step of the way in the road trip, but he thought that if this was the only hurdle he'd have to overcome, they'd be set.
Before long, it was time to lock up and pile into the car. Markus was mindful of Simon's comfort and immediately called dibs on North sitting up front with him. He veiled the notion as him wanting to push Josh and Simon together--which was a half truth--so that he wasn't pointing out something Simon saw as a flaw in himself.
Their first point of contention came before he had even put the car in reverse. North tapped a few of the buttons on Markus' center console and connected her phone to the radio. Markus just watched her do it, feeling both happy she felt so comfortable, yet also shocked at the pure audacity. She just looked at him, smiled, and got comfortable in her seat.
"Shouldn't the driver get the choice of music?" Josh spoke from behind Markus' seat, causing Markus to swiftly turn his head and peer at him over his shoulder.
"Yeah, thank you, Josh. Isn't this my car?" Markus looked at North who had her face turned to look outside her window, pretending not to hear them. Markus sighed, rolling his eyes in jest as he pulled out of the driveway. North finally acknowledged the others in the car, looking back at Simon and smiling. "You like this song, don't you?" Markus watched Simon nod through the rearview mirror, wondering how she could have possibly known that. She shifted in her seat, looking wholly proud of herself. "I made this playlist for Simon and me. There's some new ones on here I think you'll like, Si." "Thank you, North." Simon reached and placed his hand on top of North's seat, by her headrest. She was quick to reach and put her hand atop his, holding it there. North warmed up to Simon rapidly after their first meeting. At this point, after a few triple dates that ended in her kissing Simon on the cheek or her holding his hand, Markus was beginning to forget that he was the one that had brought North into the relationship. It wasn't like she ignored him completely, but like a cat choosing its owner, she was swayed by Simon's hand. Maybe he shouldn't be thinking of women--especially her--like cats, though, he was sure that'd get him in trouble.
The music was fine, really. Markus was too focused on getting out of the city to register the conversation going on around him, but the music he could tune in and out to. The sunlight was creeping out, the sky shimmering a light pink, and he needed to be on the highway before the traffic picked up.
"--right, Markus?" North turned away from Simon and Josh to look at him expectantly. "Uh, yeah. Right." He did a double take into the rearview mirror on hearing Simon's sweet chuckle, realizing everyone in the car was laughing. North had brought him into a conversation without any warning, what was he supposed to do? Say he wasn't listening? "Anyway, bad fashion aside..." North continued with the group chat he wasn't invited to, but Markus was lost on the beginning of her words. Bad fashion--was she talking about him? He glanced down at himself to see what he had on and, yeah, maybe she had a point. He had meant to change his undershirt before North and Josh had arrived, but it seemed now he was stuck with his paint-covered tank for at least a portion of the trip. His brown plaid over-shirt could cover it, sure, but he was already feeling the heat. Soon it'd be discarded and he'd be left looking like an unfinished abstract painting next to three of the prettiest people he had ever seen. North had recently dyed her hair; when Markus first met her it was definitely brown but now shown a red hue in the filtering sunlight. She was fashion-forward, with gaudy sunglasses that would look horrible on most people but that she wholly pulled off. Her shirt was cropped and tied in the front, and her pants were such a flattering cut on her legs. Markus thought about it for a moment, glancing down at his own pants. He was positive they were wearing the same type, but hers looked so much better on her. Honestly, their outfits were pretty similar if you ignored the paint. Was this the power of a crop top and femininity?
Simon had a crop top on, too, but he was always way too cold to wear it how it was meant to be worn. He had layered one of Markus' warmest flannels over it, the kind Markus would only put on during a raging snowstorm. The flannel obscured most of the print on it, but it was one of Simon's favorites: a detailed gothic cross with filigree and feathers around it. A goth staple. Josh was probably the most put together of the whole group, wearing the attire one would associate with his profession. His argyle vest and collared shirt screamed teacher, but the charm that dangled from the hinge of his glasses gave the impression of the friendly queer guy you'd run into in the LGBTQIA+ section of the library, all too eager to point you in the direction of their books on sexual health. Or something like that. Markus relaxed in his seat as they made it to the main highway of their drive, having beat the start of the morning rush hour. He wiped his brow, reaching instinctively to turn up the cold air. He stopped, glancing back at Simon through the rearview mirror before rolling his window down every so slightly and leaning his head on it.
"Markus, if you're too hot--" Simon leaned forward so that Markus could hear him over the music. "No! No, I'm fine." Markus spoke quickly, glancing back at him and offering a smile that he knew Simon didn't believe. He leaned his head back on the window, enjoying the cool glass against his temple. "Just wanted some fresh air." Simon lingered before sitting back in his seat. He said something to Josh that Markus couldn't hear, but he tried to think nothing of it. Simon's comfort was more important than his own, Markus thought. They all chatted about nothing in particular, Markus included on the conversation as his focus allowed. A song came onto the playlist that Markus did know, and he couldn't help but laugh at the quick glance North shot him as he started to sing along. He glanced at her in return, smiling as he continued singing. There was a fondness in her eyes that seemed to be reserved for Simon most of the time, so Markus couldn't help but take advantage of it. He reached over, holding his outstretched hand to her as if to ask for a high-five. She read the motion correctly and reached back, allowing Markus to intertwine their fingers. He rested his arm on the center console, glancing out his window before settling his eyes back on the road, smiling as he felt utterly engulfed in love. In the backseat, Simon shifted. His legs must have been uncomfortable already, and Markus was glad he had forced him into the backseat. Josh coaxed Simon to lay down and Simon eventually listened, laying his head on Josh's lap. Markus kept glancing at their reflection, joy rising through his chest and onto his face. This was going to work out, he could tell. They were already so comfortable with one another, and even though North seemed short (in temperament) with him and Josh sometimes, he had seen them share a tender moment on one of their group outings. They all just needed time. Maybe by the time the trip was over, they'd all be ready to talk about moving in together, or whatever the next step would be. Josh and Simon napped, and the music got turned down. North removed her hand from Markus, causing him to scowl at the car ahead of them. He glanced at her, meeting her eyes before glancing away and back again. "You're so wet looking, Markus." Her voice was above a whisper as she wiped her hand off of on his shoulder. "Your hand is burning up." Markus frowned, bringing his hand to himself to wipe the sweat off. "Simon'll freeze if I turn the air up." He whispered, hoping the words wouldn't reach Simon just in case he was only resting his eyes. "He's got some layers on, he'll be fine." North turned in her seat to smile at Simon and Josh, pointing at Markus as she turned back. "Plus, don't we have blanket we can give him?" "Yeah, but..." Markus sighed, allowing North to grab his arm and pull his hand back to hold. "His joints ache when the air's cold. And he won't tell me if he's hurting, at least most of the time." He squeezed her hand, glancing over at her. "This trip's only just started. I don't want to push him too far already."North squeezed back, staying silent for a moment as she watched the scenery pass by outside her window. "You're a sweet guy, Markus. Really care about others."
"Shouldn't you have already known that?" Markus mused, a smile playing on his lips. "I changed my gym schedule for you, you know."
Maybe he had said something wrong, as North quickly took her hand away. She eyed him carefully, as if waiting for some kind of punchline. "What?"
"You said you didn't feel safe at the gym."
"Yeah, because of the men there." North pulled his legs up in what Markus initially assumed was an attempt to close her body language, but she shifted them under her as if in excitement. "And you thought the best way to make me feel safer was to--as a man--make sure to be there every time I worked out?"
Markus paused for a moment, considering her words. He glanced at her, shaking his head. "It was to protect you." He had held no ill-intent in his actions.
 "Because you were attracted to me." North smirked, Markus not understanding the harshness of her words mixed with the fond look. "No." He spoke slowly, quick to defend himself but needing to choose his words carefully. "That happened after you kissed me." North was quiet and after a moment, she removed her hand from within his. He tired to protest but she shifted in her seat, pouting out the window. What had she wanted, for him to lie? With the only awake traveler now irritated at him and giving him the cold shoulder, Markus was once again left in silence. The music played gently, and the songs melded together much like the fields they passed by. They hadn't been driving for too long, but his lack of sleep was catching up to him. Simon stirred in the backseat, sitting up slowly and stretching. Markus met his eyes in the mirror, nodding. "Yeah, let's take a breather." The next exit with a good gas station was a few miles up. They could stop and top up on gas, get some snacks and let Simon stretch his legs. They were making good time already; they still had a full day ahead of them but there was plenty of time to goof off.
Josh had to be woken up with Simon's gentle hands and sweet words as they took the exit. The way Josh slumped in his seat upon awaking seemed so out-of-character for him, like he was a child pouting over some lost sleep. It was extremely cute of him, really.
Ch2:  North’s Betrayal
North practically jumped out of the car, her seatbelt discarded before he had even parked by the gas pump. Markus watched, confused, as she moved to Simon's door to help him out. She opened it and placed her hands on his, gently pulling him in some semblance of assistance. Markus smiled, wishing she wouldn't be so pushy with Simon but loving that they got along so well. Him and Josh got out of the car, as well, Markus paying for the gas at the pump. Josh walked over to Simon and they chatted for a moment, meandering behind North as they walked towards the convenience store. "Simon!" Markus called out to him, holding his wallet up in the air. He tossed it--probably not his best idea--surprised to watch Simon catch it against his chest. "Don't let them pay, use my card!"
As Simon looked down at the wallet and peered into it, noting that the card was indeed inside, Markus' eyes shifted to North. She stood at the doors of the store, but they hadn't opened. She looked upset and it made Markus wonder if the inside had been closed. Simon exchanged glances with Markus, following his gaze to North's predicament. Simon nodded, turning on his heel and pocketing Markus' wallet. He walked up to the door and it opened. North looked up in irritation, walking ahead as Simon laughed. Josh glanced back at Markus, holding his hand up to him in a wave before ducking inside the store.
Markus fueled up the car, stretching his legs by jogging into the store to use the bathroom. He met his group up at the counter, and he had every intention of going and leaning on Simon but North was already there, pressed up against his back with her arms draped over his shoulders. They were talking to each other in quiet voices, Simon looking over his shoulder to smile at North. Markus cautiously walked up next to Josh instead, frowning at the two and crossing his arms to mimic Josh's posture. "You ever feel..." "Like it's just the two of them? Yeah." Josh was quick to reply, and Markus felt the jealousy radiating off of him. "Guess that means we've got to leave them out, sometimes." Markus winked at Josh, reaching up to place his hand on his shoulder. He patted him, feeling a lot better at Josh's smile back at him. "Yeah, okay." Josh reached and patted Markus' back in return. Not very romantic, but Markus would let it slide this time. He slid his hand from Josh's shoulder, lingering the touch down his arm. He stopped at his hand, taking it within his own. Markus bumped their shoulders together as Josh gripped him back, releasing only because Simon had let North pay for their treats. He moved away quickly, trying to intervene, but it was too late. As they headed back out to the car, Markus vowed revenge on North. He wasn't sure how, yet, but he had plenty of time to stew it over. He followed Simon to the backseat, helping him in before stripping himself of his slightly damp plaid shirt. Simon happily took it, and they shared no words on the matter, moving on as if it had never happened. Markus was feeling refreshed and ready to drive for a few more hours, when he was sure they'd stop again. He remembered seeing a nice gas station on the map, one that sat in the middle of nowhere with a few places to eat attached. That'd be their next stop, as long as nobody needed to stop before that. The car was once again lively, with Simon cozy and warm wearing Markus' discarded shirt as a blanket. North put her music back on, picking and choosing new songs to show the whole group. Even Josh got in on it, giving her a music request that she ended up vibing with. Markus was silent for most of it, grinning ear to ear and wondering how he had gotten this lucky. He felt like he was in paradise.Idly and without thought, Markus took one hand off the steering wheel, reaching behind his seat at Josh. North and Simon's conversation trailed off as Josh placed his hand in Markus'. He squeezed his hand, glancing at Josh in the mirror and petting the side of it.
North laughed, then Simon. Markus quickly looked at her in betrayal, tightening his grip on Josh as he did so.
"What? What're you laughing about?"
North put her hand over her mouth, shaking her head as she giggled into it. Markus couldn't help but chuckle along with the two of them, feeling left out of the joke altogether but happy that they were happy.
"Josh just looks so--so, scared." North turned in her seat, facing the road straight on. She took a sip of her freshly-bought soda before laughing some more. "Like a cornered animal or something."
Markus slowly let go of Josh's hand at her words, attempting to let it fall back into Josh's lap. Josh gripped him as he tried to move away, opening his mouth to defend himself.
"No I don't! I was just taken aback, I thought maybe you wanted something, or something!" His words were quick, causing Markus to sputter his own laughter in return.
"Whoah there, Josh, no reason to get so defensive." At Markus' teasing words, Josh let go of him, crossing his arms and brooding towards his window.
North shared a look with Markus, who stifled any more of his laughter. He reached his hand back and across to Simon, this time, holding his palm up.
"Simon, didn't you--" He stopped as Simon leaned and placed his chin in his hand.
"Yes, Markus?"
Markus petted his jawline very gently, mindful of the pressure he was placing on him. Simon had some kind of issue with his jaw, it had only come up a few times but he seemed sensitive to foods of certain temperatures. He knew it ached sometimes and caused Simon issues with opening his mouth all the way.
"Think you broke him. Shouldn't be so cute." North looked back at Simon, who rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "Please." Simon hadn't finished the sentence, but Markus knew the last words of it: 'I'm shy'. Simon's code to warn someone to stop being nice or lovely to him because he will become a blushing mess. "Didn't you get a drink for me to try?" Markus patted Simon's cheek as he moved away to search through one of the few bags of goodies North had so sneakily paid for. "Oh, right. This is an iced tea I wanted to try. Let me know if it's any good, I've never seen it back at home." Simon placed the heavenly, freezing drink within Markus' hand. He contemplated not opening it and instead using it to cool himself down, but he decided he should probably try it for Simon.
He placed it between his legs to safely open with one hand, then brought it to his lips without so much of a glance at the label. It was tea alright, with a horribly synthetic sweetness to it. He looked at the side of the bottle, frowning at the words 'passion fruit'. "Yeah, it's no good." He raised his eyebrows to the mirror, eyeing Simon through it as he took another sip. He scrunched his face at the aftertaste that settled on his tongue, reaching the bottle back to offer to Simon. "Give it a taste." Simon placed his hands on Markus', his fingerless gloves warm against his skin. "No thanks, actually, I think I'm good." Markus laughed, taking the drink back and holding it to up to his neck. The cold was short lived against his higher-than-average body temperature, but it was nice to enjoy while it lasted. He did sip it periodically, and while he didn't enjoy a single sip of it he wasn't about to let it go to waste. The roads were starting to get a little more crowded, taking most of Markus' attention. His mind wandered as he drove, mostly ignoring the music and the conversations happening around him. "Oh!" He glanced at North, who gave him a look filled with irritation. He was sure she had been speaking, but she pursed her lips to allow him to interrupt. "What happened at the last stop?" "Uhh, we got drinks?" North looked at Markus like he was crazy. "No, I mean--" Markus shifted in his seat, embarrassed that his words weren't clear enough. "With you and the door. It didn't open at first." North huffed, turning in her seat to look out her window. "Nothing happened." Markus looked up in the rearview mirror, meeting eyes with Simon. He leaned forward to speak clearly to Markus. "She was too short to set off the automatic door." North was angry, but because it was Simon, she seemed to bite her tongue. She merely looked out the window, brooding in silence. But Markus chuckled at the situation and made himself the new target, inciting a glare over her hitched shoulder.
"Wouldn't be so funny if it happened to you." Markus thought on this for a moment. "And I'm not sure it will, North." He was tall enough, he thought, for most sensors to catch him. North rolled her eyes at him, groaning at his words. Simon patted Markus' seat, leaning back to talk quietly with Josh. They spoke together for a little bit, Josh saying something that erupted Simon into stifled laughter. North might've thought they were laughing about her, by the look she turned to give them, but she didn't have a chance to ask. "Okay, Josh." Markus raised his eyebrows to his reflection, very serious but also completely joking. "That's not the first time you've done that. Simon never laughs at my jokes like that. I'm going to have to demand your secrets." Josh looked troubled for a second, shrugging his shoulders as he avoided Markus' glancing gaze. "I don't know what to tell you. My jokes are just funny." The audacity. Josh and North were more alike than they even knew. Simon was attacked by another laughing fit, holding his stomach and leaning to the side, resting one palm onto his face. "I will stop this car right now." Markus' words trembled as he held back laughter of his own. He watched as Josh leaned to Simon, begging him quietly to stop laughing, that he was getting him in trouble.
He grinned over at North, who returned the gesture. He allowed them to have their fun in the backseat, ignoring Simon's pleas for help as Josh wouldn't stop making him laugh. It was good for Simon, he thought, to feel so overcome with joy and laughter. Even if he was suffering because of it, maybe it was for the best.
Ch3: The Halfway Oasis
The sun was reaching its peak in the sky, and Markus almost missed the exit for their next stop. Their oasis, halfway to their destination and the last stop for miles, was almost passed without a second thought. He huffed and had to coax other cars to let him into the exit lane upon spotting the sign for the exit. They managed to exit, but Markus was a little frustrated that he had almost stranded them on the highway for god knows how many miles and no gas station. 
“Markus, you okay?” Josh placed his hand on Markus’ seat, leaning to speak closer to him. Markus glanced back at him and nodded, offering a half-hearted smile. “Yeah, yeah, no problem. Just got a little hypnotized by the road.” He didn’t want to worry Josh, nor anyone else. “I need a cold coffee, though.” “And I’m starving.” North chimed in, smiling over at the boys. “It’ll be nice to take a little break from the car.” “How much longer do we have?” Simon’s voice was gentle but he already sounded completely exhausted. Markus pulled into the gas station, opting to park and go in with them for food and drinks. He’d get them gas on the way out. “We should reach the camping area before the evening rush hour.” Satisfied with his answer, the crew piled out of the car and simultaneously stretched. Markus felt a dull pain within his hip, knowing he wasn’t paying attention to how he was sitting. He’d have to work on that for the rest of the drive in an attempt to not wake up with a worse pain tomorrow. “I’ll order for you if you tell me what you want,” North offered, smiling at Simon and holding his hand in hers. Their nail polish, white and black respectively, matched in a charming way. Markus glanced down at his own hands, having forgotten that Simon had painted his nails alongside his own. The unrelenting sun brought out the rainbow sparkles that Markus had so happily asked for, unaware at the time that Simon hadn’t used any on his own. “You sure you’re okay?” Josh placed his hand on Markus’ shoulder, tilting his head down to check on him. Markus paused as he noted Josh’s nails were unpainted, and that it wasn’t very group-orientated of him. He hadn’t got the memo, so he was off the hook this trip. “Markus?” “Yeah, Josh, I’m okay.” Markus shook his head, his completely unserious thoughts had gotten the best of him. “Sorry. Please don’t worry.” Josh wasn’t very good at following instructions, at least not based on the worried look in his eyes. But he moved away, dropping the subject. They followed Simon and North into the store, noting that it was less a store with a fast food joint tacked on and more like an entire complex. The inside was freezing cold; good for Markus but horrible for Simon. The main room contained a sizeable gift shop with various knick-knacks and oddities on one side, with rows of snacks and a wall full of fridges stocked with drinks on the other. Hallways led back further into the building, leading to an area to sit and eat whatever fast food was offered. There was an abundance of choices, with frozen drinks and hot coffees drawing Markus’ eye. They piled into the bathrooms, North for some unknown reason trying to take Simon with her into the ladies’. He refused and she brooded, but they all did their business and met back outside. The three of them chatted for a moment, while Markus looked over the store, weighing his options.
North pulled Simon away to check out the fast food at the back of the building, and Markus made a bee-line for the frozen drink machine. He chose one that was soda flavored, grabbing the biggest cup they offered and filling it up. Josh stood beside him, tilting his head and watching with minor disgust. “You want me to make you one?” Markus said, placing the straw into the cold, icy goodness. “Uh, no thank you. Do you know how much sugar is in that?” Markus tilted the drink in his hand before shrugging, walking with Josh to the counter. “Sorry, you’d have to look it up.” He misinterpreted Josh’s worry for his health as a genuine question, but Josh wasn’t about to correct him. Markus paid, enjoying the frozen treat immediately. He offered it to Josh, who refused a second time, before going to peruse what they had to offer in terms of sandwiches and other, non-fast food options. Josh followed him, but didn’t seem like he was looking for something to eat. “You don’t want fast food?” Markus glanced back at Josh, who looked confused for a moment before explaining. “I asked North to grab something for me.” Markus smiled as he found a sandwich that didn’t look completely horrible. They really were all getting along. “That’s good.” The line must not have been long, as Simon and North returned with bags of fast food in their hands. Markus noted Simon’s hitched shoulders, knowing that he was already too cold. Before he could say anything on the matter, North spoke up. “We’re just gonna grab some drinks and we’ll meet you outside.” She looked at Simon, beaming at him in excitement. Did she not eat out often, or was she just happy in the moment like Markus was?
“Sounds good. There’s some tables out there you guys can eat on.” Markus nodded at SImon, who smiled gently and went to go find a new–hopefully tasty this time–drink to try. Markus looked to Josh and hitched his shoulders, glancing back at Simon and North as they compared bottled drinks and their flavors. “Girls gotta stick together, I guess.” Josh was silent for a moment, then laughed. “That’s exactly what they’re doing. They’re like a little clique.” He chuckled along with Josh, imagining them as two high-school girls gossiping over some boys. “You laugh at my jokes. Simon never does, I think he takes them too seriously.” Markus bumped shoulders with Josh as he walked away, grinning ear-to-ear. He grabbed a few bags of snacks with the intent of saving them for later that night, but who knows what would happen to them between now and then. He held his drink in the crook of his arm as his hands got full, frowning and looking to Josh for help. Josh obliged, becoming the pack mule of Markus’ shopping trip. Markus made sure Josh grabbed a drink of his own while he made a very sweet coffee from the cappuccino machine. He added some extra cream and sugar to it, watching Josh’s judgmental eyes. “It’s how Simon likes it.” Markus mumbled as he stirred it up quickly, applying the lid with his palm. “Still a lot of sugar.” Josh smiled as Markus rolled his eyes at him. “It’s just not good for either of you!” Markus pointed at him as he turned, an empty threat. He led Josh up to the counter, waiting in line to check out. “Hey, Markus?” Markus leaned his shoulder into Josh’ chest, giving him his full attention as he continued to stare at the sparrows pecking the ground outside the front doors. “Hmm?” “I can take over the rest of the drive. Simon knows where we’re going, right? He can keep me on track and you can rest.” Josh had that worried look in his eyes again. Markus glanced up at him, smiling and shaking his head. “Thanks, Josh, I’m okay.” “But I insist.” Josh was persistent, so Markus had to at least consider it. He was silent as they paid, Markus making sure he grabbed Josh’s drink from his hands, as well. He handed Josh a few of the bags, suddenly hit with the memory of North paying for the treats at the last stop. She had done it again by sneaking off with Simon, and he wasn’t going to forget so easily this time. On the way back, he was going to watch her like a hawk. As they left the store and he was hit by the overwhelming heat of the sun, Markus nodded his head at Josh. “Okay.” The word was spoken just barely, a mere whisper. Josh nodded in return, leading Markus to the table with ‘the girls’.
Markus sat, any comfort he had amassed from the cool store immediately drained from his body. He placed Simon’s hot coffee on the table before him, winking as he sipped on his frozen drink. “For the car.” Simon nodded, offering Markus a fry in return. Markus, fumbling with the plastic wrapping on his sandwich, leaned and stole the fry from his hand, biting down and pulling away. He chewed it like a cow might chew a sprig of hay. North stared at him before chuckling, leaning to gossip some more with Simon. About him, if their glances had anything to say about it. They bantered against each other lovingly, Markus stealing any fry left unattended–or given–in his leaning range. When they finished their meals, they stood and took their turns stretching. Markus caught Josh’s eye and tossed him the keys to his van. Josh missed the catch, but Markus was sure he just hadn’t thrown it well. “We need some gas. Pull up to a pump and I’ll pay for it inside.” Josh nodded, giving him a thumbs up in return. Markus watched Simon take his large coffee within both of his hands, looking rather content. They all made it to the car, and Markus was quick to get back inside the cold building. He enjoyed every step towards the frozen drink machine, choosing to refill his now-emptied cup with the same cola flavor. He paid for it and what should have been a tank-full of gas, regretting stepping out into the heat the moment he did. The back of his van was opened, with North digging through things in the back. He walked up next to her, resisting the masculine urge to slap her straight on her ass. That’d be so inappropriate and extremely rude of him, so he gripped the cup in his hand tightly. “What’re we looking for?” North glanced over her shoulder, huffing. “SImon’s coat? I found this, but he said it wasn’t his.” Markus glanced at Simon, who was chatting with Josh as he pumped the gas. Markus looked back at the black-and-white plaid shirt in her hand, tilting his head. “No, that’s mine. I think I packed his coat in that bag, over there.” He pointed, wanting to reach and help her but knowing she probably didn’t want it. Instead, he walked over to speak with Josh and Simon. “Hey, Josh?” He gathered his words, chewing on the bit of straw in his mouth. “Promise me you’ll drive safely. I kinda just go this car, and–” Josh held his hands up to coax Markus to calm down. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll drive safe.” Markus paused, shifting his weight. “Promise?” North brushed past Markus, holding Simon’s leather jacket out to him. “Found it!” Markus frowned, watching as Josh was distracted from his promise. Instead of waiting for it, he took Josh’s words to heart and went to shut the trunk. He opened the back door on the driver side, standing and glaring into his car, fully hating the heat of midday. He watched as Simon walked to the front passenger seat, confused to see him getting into it. He leaned his head into the car, waiting for Simon to get in fully before speaking. “You’re sure?” Simon glanced at him, offering a smile and a nod.
“Yeah. I shouldn’t be too cold.” 
“And your legs?” Simon looked down, reaching under his seat and pushing it back. Markus watched as he left plenty of room for someone smaller, like North, nodding as Simon stretched his legs out. “Okay, okay. You’ve got it all figured out.” Markus hopped into the backseat as North and Josh climbed in, as well, offering his fist for North to bump. She stared at him like he was crazy until he lowered his hand, sighing at being neglected. North took her phone out as Josh started the car, and Markus watched as Josh took his own phone out and connected it to the radio. “Excuse me?” North leaned forward, trying to coax Josh to look her in the eye, to intimidate him, perhaps. “Sorry, North.” There was no hint of apology in Josh’s voice. “My turn, now.” North turned to Markus quickly. “You’re just going to let him?” Markus shrugged, attempting to hide his smile by leaning his forehead on the window. “I couldn’t stop you.” North groaned, leaning back in her seat, defeated. Markus caught a chuckle from Simon and leaned back in his seat, focusing on nothing as he closed his eyes. He felt the cold cup leave his hand, picked up by someone and put somewhere safer. He felt it but didn’t register it, crossing his arms and getting more comfortable in his seat. Markus drifted off to sleep, vaguely aware of the whispered voices around him and the gentle rocking of the car. 
Ch4: An Unplanned Attraction
Markus was stirred by the way the car was slowing down, as if they were turning onto an exit. He was fearful at first, his mind immediately running to the thought of them being pulled over, but calmed his quickened breaths as quick as they started. Josh had gotten them to their destination, and Markus knew he owed him big time. He felt rested and rejuvenated thanks to him. 
“I am so ready to get out of this car.” Markus stretched as he spoke, afterwards moving his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow. Simon looked back at him and nodded with a smile. The next few minutes, as Josh pulled the car off of the main road and towards the campsite, went by in silent agony. Markus was the first out of the car this time, mimicking North during their first stop and jumping out before it was even fully stopped. He waited a moment, stretching his legs and looking around. The sun was still in the sky, but it wouldn’t be for long. 
He started the long process of unpacking and getting the tent set up. Josh attempted to help, but Markus asked if he could focus on getting a fire started, instead. Josh did as he was told, leaving Markus alone to fiddle with the complexities of a new tent and its instructions. Simon and North watched him from a lone, wooden picnic table, egging him on and cheering as Josh built their little firepit in an area that seemed frequently used for one. Building the tent only made him sweat more, but the air was cooling as the sun drifted closer and closer to the horizon. Josh retrieved the sleeping bags for him as the tent stood tall, taking control of spreading them out within the tent as Markus took a breather. Simon held out a drink for him, coaxing him to come sit by them. “There’s something going on tonight.” Simon seemed proud of himself, like a cat showing off a trophy mouse. “Oh yeah?” Markus sat next to them, opening the cool, bottled coffee and taking a big swig of it. The caffeine would do him well. “I’ll bite. What’s going on? Besides us camping, of course.” Simon leaned closer to Markus, showing him his phone. Markus bumped their shoulders, squinting at the news article Simon wanted him to read. They were in a prime location for an abnormal showing of the Northern Lights. He looked from the phone to Simon, pointing to the screen as Simon nodded. “This is real?” “Yep, seems like it.” Josh came over to join them, leaning to look over Markus at Simon’s phone. “Wow.” He said nothing more, but Markus fully understood. Something off-the-wall was happening, and they just so happened to take their trip to be able to experience it together. Markus leaned back, taking a deep breath and looking up at the fading sunlight in the sky. The stars were already starting to peak out through the last of the sun’s rays, a bunch of pinholes that shimmered in curious ways. Markus had looked up to control his emotions from getting the better of him but he was now focused in on the stars, the tears of happiness that had invaded his eyes calming on their own with this overhead distraction. 
They all sat in silence, watching the night sky shimmer forth. They were far from any pollution of light, so the stars shone brighter than any one of them was used to. The fire flickered close by, casting light over their little camp. Shadows of blades of grass danced in the warm light, the wind calm but ever-present.  There was a better way to enjoy this, Markus thought. He stood without warning, opening the trunk of his van and hopping in. He found one of the bags of extra blankets he had packed, pulling one out. It was fluffy and soft, perfect for Simon. With just the one in his hand he backed out of the car, smiling over at his group. “Let’s sit! Better for our necks.” He went over to a nice spot of grass, placing the blanket down for Simon. Simon came over with North, nodding at Markus in thanks before sitting down. North sat next to him, then Josh next to her. 
“No blankets for us?” North looked up at Markus, teasing him over his attention to Simon. Markus gestured towards his van, the back left open. “You’re able-bodied.” He smiled as he said it, holding no ill intent towards his gym buddy. She huffed, laying back in the grass before turning her head to Simon and smiling at him. Markus sat in between Josh and Simon, completing their circle. They gazed up at the stars with one another. Simon and Josh, true to their profession, shared a lot of information regarding star composition and color, along with pointing out visible constellations. North kept talking about their colors, about the aesthetics of the constellations. She was really giving Markus the impression that she was an artist, at least in her free time. Maybe a photographer, by the way she framed the sky with her fingers. Now wasn’t the time to bother her about her profession, especially since she seemed to be giving off plenty of hints, so Markus kept his mouth shut even while his curiosity was eating away at him. 
North gasped and pointed towards the horizon. “Wait–what’s that?” The sky shimmered, calm waves of green washing into the dark navy blue. “Looks like it’s starting.” Simon’s voice could hardly hold his excitement. They all sat up, as their current positions didn’t facilitate a good view of the horizon. They sat for a moment, North leaning her head on Simon’s shoulder. Markus smiled, bumping his shoulder into Josh’s chest to make him look. “Maybe we should give them some space.” Josh glanced at Markus, nodding but looking very reluctant in agreeing. Markus stood, helping Josh up and looking around. Sure, they could go sit back on the splintering wood of the picnic table, but where was the romance in that? He ushered Josh to follow him to the car, hopping in the back to retrieve another blanket. He made sure to shut the back of his van this time, in an attempt to not obscure the night sky.
Markus handed the blanket off to Josh and opened one of the back doors. He stepped up into the car before turning around and hoisting himself up onto the roof. He pushed himself out of Josh's way, reaching to take the blanket from him. Josh hoisted himself up, following Markus’ example.  The view was beautiful from the top of the car. Streaks of green turned to purple, shifting and changing like some foam on a wave. Markus pulled the blanket over their shoulders, feeling comfortable without it but enjoying the notion of a shared blanket in an already romantic atmosphere. Markus’ eyes wandered to North and Simon, watching North shift closer and lean into him more. They were talking gently to one another; Markus strained his ears but couldn’t catch their words. Simon looked at her, and she leaned in and gave him a kiss. Markus chuckled under his breath, unable to keep the smile from his lips. He leaned into Josh, closing his eyes to focus on the bubbling emotions rising from his chest. He took a deep breath to steady himself, before opening his eyes and looking back to the two he loved, further leaning into the third. He watched their chaste kisses, the red of Simon’s ears not from the natural lightshow overhead. It came to his attention, in this moment, that his first kisses with both North and Simon had taken him off-guard. They were nice kisses, but in the end they weren’t dramatic nor romantic. He looked up at Josh, tilting his head back into him. He had a chance to make his first kiss with Josh exceptionally special. “Hey.” The words were barely spoken, but they prompted Josh to tilt his head down to look at him. Markus reached up, pressing the crook of his arm into the back of Josh’s neck, pulling him down to kiss him. The butterflies in his stomach left through his lips with a gentle sigh as Josh moved away. Markus gripped him with his arm before putting it back down, allowing Josh the chance to move away. But Josh leaned again, pressing his lips against Markus so kindly, so gently. Markus kissed him a few times, before pressing on his chest playfully. “Josh, careful.” “Sorry.” Josh moved away, clearing his throat gently and tilting his head up to watch the billowing ribbons of color that lit the night sky. Markus looked up with him and watched the colors, feeling happier than he ever thought he could. He was content with his new life, surrounded by the three his heart called out to so loudly.
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chin-chilla-7 · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if your willing to make a DBH Conner x human reader with some angst? (btw I’m very new to DBH but I’m becoming a huge fan so please excuse if my info is wrong or if I’m too ooc)
So basically this is all happening during the Jericho event when Conner becomes a deviant. Basically he and the reader come along with him and during the time they get split up and he sees Marcus (I think that his name) Connor realizes that he is in love with the reader (which is the reason he is a deviant) the events go on and when Conner gets reunited with the reader but before he could confess and be all cute and stuff the reader gets into a life or death situation. Conner dose in fact save her but he wasn’t fast enough and she gets a huge brain injury.
When Connor goes to see the reader again during her recovery and she’s awake. He tells her that he’s so happy to see she’s okay but something off. The reader lost all her memory and has no idea who Connor is. You can decide if the reader gets her memory back but in all honesty I would make it so it would end as Connor is so Stricken with so much saddest that he couldn’t tell the reader that he loved her and now he has to start their friendship and relationship from the very beginning, where he is stuck with having a one sided love for the reader.
Sorry if it’s confusing like I said I’m very new to DBH but I hope you have a good day!
Thanks so much for your request! This isn’t confusing! I hope my fic matches what you had going on in your head! Also because you didn’t specifically ask for a female reader, this reader will be gender neutral.
Too Little, Too Late
Pairing: Connor x Human!Reader (GN pronouns)
Summary: Connor infiltrating Jericho was something you could understand. He was an android, he’d fit right in. But Fowler making you tag along with him felt like it was asking for things to go wrong. Let’s hope they don’t, though.
Words: 2.6k
Standing on the edge of the pier, the Jericho ship came into view.
This isn’t going to work
The phrase flashing through your mind again. You said it back at the police station, and you were tempted to say it again to your android partner beside you. You looked over to Connor, dressed in a hoodie and jeans now as a disguise. You wearing a similar outfit to match.
This isn’t going to work
You could understand sending Connor into Jericho, being an actual android. But Fowler ordering you to tag along with him because Gavin had complained about the run in with him in the evidence locker was pushing the credibility of this plan. It was already a risk to send Connor in because every android knows what he looks like, so sending a human was only going to add to the suspicion.
Though, now you had to work with what you got. And what you got was a duo infiltrating Jericho. Taking a deep breath, you took a step forward, Connor following you.
This isn’t going to wo-
“You’re anxious.”
The words startled you out of your thoughts. You turned to look at Connor, who was already staring back at you.
“Your heartbeat has increased higher than average,” Connor explained, a small frown in his expression. “I know you are against coming along with me for this mission. I have to agree, it puts you in a high risk situation when you don’t need to be, but I promise to prioritize your safety.”
There was something gentle about the way that Connor said that that you hadn’t been expecting. It was sweet to hear that Connor cared - or, at least, cared as much as an android is able to. Because Connor wasn’t a deviant, even though he may have been dressed as one now. “Oh, uh, thanks, Connor. Yeah, I- I really don’t want to be here. What if they notice I’m human right away? What if we get separated? Not to say I can’t handle myself, but this is something the department’s never handled before, I don’t want to fuck up-”
“And you won’t,” Connor said, cutting you off. He offered a small smile with his words. “I’ve seen you on the field. I know that you make good decisions. You’ll make good decisions here, too.”
There was something relieving about hearing Connor tell you that. You let your shoulders go: somewhere you hadn’t realized you had been holding tension. “Right then. Let’s do this.”
The rest of the trip into the ship was quiet. As helpful as Connor’s words were in the moment, you could already feel your anxieties creeping back as you walked through one of the many ship corridors. You weren’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse that you hadn’t run into any androids yet.
Connor had taken the lead now that you were inside the ship. The hallways were confusing and Connor knew where he was going. At least, you assume he did based on how confidently he was walking. But he was an android, so he didn’t experience fear like you did, so that was probably why. You shook your head, ridding yourself of those thoughts. ‘Focus, Y/N’ you thought to yourself.
As Connor turned the next corner, he paused, holding a hand out for you to stop before you could see what was in front of him. But, you didn’t have to see what was there to put it together. “Androids?” you asked, voice barely louder than a whisper. He nodded, causing you to take a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do this.”
Connor gave you another nod before continuing down the hallway out of your view. You stayed put for a moment, before remembering that it would look better if you didn’t stop. So you rounded the corner, standing in a similar way that Connor was. The more you could look like an android, the better.
As you approached the large room, you could see just how many androids were stowed away on this ship. It almost saddened you to see how many took refuge. You tried to keep your staring to a minimum, but you couldn’t help but glance to the many different androids, many with various injuries: ranging from small scratches to full on missing body parts. You couldn’t help but frown at the sight. You had never understood the hatred people had for androids, and seeing the direct effects of the hatred pulled at your heart strings.
As you made your way through the room, many of the androids had stopped what they were doing to look at you and Connor, but mostly you. It was something you noticed as you eyed the room. ‘They know. There’s no way they don’t know’ you thought, your eyes falling to the ground in front of you now.
Despite the suspicion that everyone here knew you were human, no one stopped you or Connor. Not until you made it to the upper-levels of the floor where you suspected Markus was. That’s when a particularly larger android stepped in front of you and Connor, blocking your way into an adjoining room.
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you pass,” he stated, his arms crossed over his chest.
Connor had to look up to meet this android’s eye. “Why not? We’d like to speak with Markus?”
“For what reason?”
“We want to get out of the city. We were told he could help.”
A small laugh escaped the large android. “Don’t we all. What about them?” he asked, nodding to you.
Connor glanced at you for a moment and you could swear you saw a worried expression on his face. “What about them?”
“I think you know. I think we all know.” As the larger android spoke, he took a step towards Connor, now looming over him. “Bringing a human on board? What kind of danger are you putting us in?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking abo-”
Before Connor could finish his sentence, you felt a pair of hands grab you from behind. You immediately start kicking and fighting to be let go, but android grip is strong. Very strong. “Connor! Help!” you called, not really thinking at that moment.
Connor turned to attempt to fight off your captor, but the large android grabbed him before Connor had a chance. “Oh no. You want to see Markus? I’ll bring you to Markus,” the android said, holding Connor by the back of the neck. You watched as Connor was taken into the room that had previously been blocked, vanishing out of sight. Then you were pulled away, no longer sure where you were headed on this massive ship.
In the room, Connor was thrown, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor. He looked to see Markus there, staring back at him. “You brought a human here?” he asked, his voice gentler than what Connor would’ve expected.
“Where are you taking them? What are you going to do?” Connor turned, looking back to the door he came in from. Again, the large android blocked the way.
Markus tilted his head at Connor. “You care for them,” he stated, causing Connor to look back at him. “But are you… you’re not deviant, are you?”
“Where are you taking them?” Connor repeated his question, ignoring Markus’ prying. “You better not hurt them.”
“Why would I hurt them? They shouldn’t be here and by being here caused great danger to everyone on board, but I wouldn’t hurt them,” Markus assures. Though, that does nothing to calm Connor down. He kept looking back at the door, hoping that the large android would just move.
“You’re Connor, right? The deviant-killer? Well, you’re here, in front of the leader of the deviants, and yet all you’re focused on is that human? Not very deviant-killer to me,” Markus said, taking a few steps towards Connor. “Are you sure you’re not deviant yourself?”
Connor wasn’t really listening. An anger bubbling in him that he’s never felt before. He saw red, but a red wall in front of him. He was tasked with killing Markus and while that android was right in front of him, all he could think about was saving you. Connor shook his head, trying to free himself of these thoughts, but they persisted. He felt something in him break as your face came into his memory, seeing how relieved you were when he told you he’d prioritize your safety no matter what.
Connor found himself panting: something he wasn’t aware androids could do. But the red wall was gone. So was the direction to kill Markus. It felt- he felt free. A free he never knew he could feel. Markus must have noticed. “Deviant-killer turned deviant,” he mused.
Connor looked to the door and the back to Markus. “Take me to Y/N - the human - please,” he requested. Markus nodded and the large android stepped out of the way of the door.
Markus moved past Connor to exit, Connor following closely behind. “There are explosives set up on the ship,” Markus explained, turning back to look at Connor. “We know the raids are starting, we wanted to get ahead of it. This is our worst-case scenario, and it seems we might be there.”
“And where did you take Y/N?” Connor asked, but Markus was quiet. Quiet longer than he should’ve been. “Where are they?” Connor pried.
Markus didn’t look back this time. “They were sent down to the hold where the explosives are planted. We didn’t-”
“You what?”
“I didn’t know if they could be trusted! They came with you and all of five minutes ago, you weren’t a deviant. I had to keep my people safe. I couldn’t take that chance. Now that I know, I wish I didn’t, but it’s what happened.”
Markus’ words were partially ignored by Connor as Connor made his way fast through the ship. He couldn’t let anything happen to you, he had promised. The hold: that’s where you were, that’s where Connor was going.
Connor wasn’t waiting for Markus as he moved through the ship. As he made his way down to the hold, Connor saw some police officers already beginning their sweeps of the ship. He had to avoid them. He may have been on their side before, but now, being a deviant, it was questionable.
Avoid the police officers, make it to the hold as quick as possible, save you. That was Connor’s mission and in that moment nothing else mattered.
As Connor grew closer to the hold, he began to hear your voice echoing through the corridors. “Hello? Anyone? Anyone please help me!” your words were more than enough motivation to get Connor moving faster. As he entered the room, he saw you tied to one of the pipes against the wall. You felt a wave of relief. “Oh, Connor, thank god. They tied me here and then they heard the raid and left quick,” you explained as Connor untied you.
Once you were untied, Connor helped you up, you winced. “Are you all right?” Connor asked, having noticed immediately.
You nodded. “They weren’t very gentle bringing me down. Bashed my leg against something. I think I can walk, though, it’s just tender,” you explained. And you could: walk, that is. Though, you knew you’d have to move slower than usual.
“All right, now we have to get out of here. This place is rigged with explosives,” Connor said, leading you out.
“It’s what?” You asked, following behind.
“We don’t have time, we just have to go-”
“I’m going! I don’t want to be here, either!”
As much as Connor wanted to make a run for it, he knew you couldn’t. He looked to you. “Let me carry you,” he said, already beginning to pick you up bridal style.
As he lifted you up, Markus turned the corner, finally having caught up to Connor. “Oh, you’ve got them, let’s go,” he said, causing you to look. You were surprised to see Markus upright and functioning - especially surprised that Connor seemed unbothered by that.
“Why’s he still here? What happened upstairs?” you asked, looking between the two androids.
“I already told you, we don’t have time. I’ll explain when we’re off the ship,” Connor said, looking to Markus, “what do we do now?”
“Get to the main level of the deck. There’s a walkway you can take to get off the ship. Go there. I’ll meet up with you when I can.”
Markus didn’t give any more information past that, taking off into the hold. You looked to Connor, who had begun moving down one of the many corridors, making his way up to the deck of the ship. You held a little tighter to Connor now, thinking about the interaction. Markus was still alive and Connor showed no interest in besting him. Could he be…?
Before you could entertain the thought, you heard police officers up ahead. Connor heard them, too. “I have to put you down,” he said, looking to the left and seeing a small, sealed room to put you in. You began to protest, but were quickly hushed by Connor. “There’s no other way around, I have to clear the officers from our path. They may not believe you’re human. They don’t know we’re in here,” he explained. You knew Connor was right, but you really didn’t want to be left alone again. Still, you nodded and watched as Connor disappeared through the door.
You sat in the room quietly for a few minutes. Then a few minutes longer than you expected to be sitting there. You were beginning to get worried. Connor should’ve been back by now. Maybe something had happened. But you didn’t hear any of the officers shoot their guns. Or maybe you did- you could swear you were hearing a lot of noises from a lot of different places on the ship. Regardless, it still didn’t explain what was taking Connor so lon-
A sudden loud noise shocked you out of your thoughts, followed by a violent jolt through your whole body. You swore you were violently thrown against the wall, but you couldn’t really remember. Cause now all you see is darkness.
The moment Connor heard the explosion, he rushed back to the room he left you in. The door had been deformed and there was rubble in the room, which had partially buried you. Connor saw that you were unconscious, but still breathing. Hastily, he moved the rubble from on top of you and pulled you out. Now you really had to get out of here. While he could tell you were alive, he knew your pulse was weak. He couldn’t approximate how long you had left: he was too worried in the moment. All he knew was he had to get you out of here. So that’s what he did.
You woke up in bed. Well, not your bed but a bed. It was white, really white. Everything was white. Sterile. It was a hospital. You were in a hospital.You took a sharp breath in as you felt yourself come to. A sharp pain could be felt in your chest by doing that, causing you to wince.
In an instant, someone was by your side. One of the nurses? No, he wasn’t wearing nurse clothes. You tilted your head.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m so glad you’re all right!” the man said, holding onto your hand.
You squinted at him, trying to see if you could place his face. He looked… familiar, but you couldn’t find a name. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” you asked gently. “I can’t seem to… remember a lot.”
Upon hearing those words, Connor frowned. Something in him shattered. Just when he had figured out you were the most important thing to him, it was like you had been ripped away. But, he couldn’t do that to you. So, he forced a smile. “I’m Connor. We work together.”
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nightmarist · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💞
Oohhh let's see
Oathsworn (BG3, OC/Zevlor, 27k words, Explicit, Adventure Romance)
A series of vignettes between a pair of tieflings and their journey to Baldur's Gate. Yuta is a tiefling who lived a neglected, sheltered life. Upon his first taste of freedom, he is kidnapped by mindflayers. On a shared quest with allies, he finds he has a boyish crush on the dutiful paladin protector of the exiled Elturel tieflings. The elder tiefling is in turn charmed by the younger, and, eventually, seduced. They both explore one another in body and heart.
"Good Boy" (BG3, Raphael/Haarlep, 5k words, Explicit, PWP)
Raphael hates dogs. So Haarlep makes him act like one.
Tolerance (BG3, Astarion/Abdirak, 6k words, Explicit, PWP)
Astarion visits Abdirak for a little pain-for-fun. He enjoys himself, even if some things get too personal. Abdirak wants to keep a professional distance, but can't help feeling somewhat enamored by the pretty, pained elf.
from my old account also:
Get in my face or get out of my face (DBH, Gavin/900, 14k, Explicit, Mystery Investigation)
The RK900 model needs to be evaluated on performance before officially being released. Gavin Reed has been assigned one in place of his usual partner to work on a case together. To Gavin's surprise, and internalized interest, the new android can match his attitude and volatile aggression with ease.
Ashes and Ghost (DBH, Hank & Connor, 11k words, Psychological Horror)
Connor and Hank investigate an illegal alteration of androids that turn up chopped and frankensteined into monstrosities. Connor does not take it well. Amanda does not take Connor well. Hank doesn't take anything well.
I don't really care that much for DBH anymore but I have a soft spot for those two fics. I really like writing horror and mystery, I'm trying to do it again w BG3 haha.
Thank you !!!!
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staticl0ve · 1 year
Home - DBH Connor/AFAB!reader
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Pairings: Connor/AFAB Reader (no pronouns used) Rating: Mature/Explicit/NSFW 18+ Link (AO3): Home (oneshot) Words: 4.9k Warnings: Established relationships (married), no gendered pronouns, oral sex (both receiving), mutual masturbation, PnV sex, very mild cock warming Summary: It’s Valentines! The day of being smothered in affection, cards, flowers. A day to be wined and dined. However, you’re on the other side of the globe. That doesn’t stop him from finding ways to enjoy your company. Although, you’ve got a little surprise for him. Notes: After writing a sad, sad fic, I present to you, a happy fluff one haha. Inspired by Dream (Shawn amended).
Since the winter storms had eased, parks have begun to draw more and more visitors as the days warmed up. Snow melted into watery pools. Birds lined the power lines and barren trees were beginning to show signs of fresh leaves.  
With his eyes shut, Connor was basking in the glow of the sun. From sound alone, he could piece together all that was occurring around him. Someone was selling hotdogs, their jovial advertising occasionally reminding him of the low, low price of their goods. From what he gathered, the preserved meat wrapped in carbohydrates attracted quite a crowd.
Children squealed and giggled as they rushed past his seat on a park bench, followed by the distressed scolding of exhausted parents. Joggers added to the commotion, their padding feet startling his canine companion. A blue leash was wrapped around his hand, the firm material tugging slightly at his synthetic skin. Sitting up, he reached below his knee to scratch the ears of an excited Saint Bernard.
“Sumo,” he chuckled. “It’s okay boy.”
The dog whined in response and let out a playful bark.
Connor relaxed back onto the bench, turning his attention away from Sumo. Across the park’s lake was a familiar duo on their second lap around the water. Hank’s grayed hair billowed around his face he walked. A hilariously large smile pinned his cheeks in a permanent state of glee, making him appear like a smitten fool. Beside him, a woman named Rose matched his pace, wrapping a patterned shawl tightly around her frame. It was clear she was laughing at something Hank had said, his cheeks tinged bright red and growing redder when her hand met his arm.
They met sometime after the android revolution and found they shared a passion for android rights. One interest of hers was owning a small farm. While Hank did not have a green thumb, he enjoyed the tranquility of the sun rising over leafy crops. He also had the great fortune of trying the produce in her cooking. After having taken a long break from dating, the older gentleman was likely excited because today was their first Valentines.
Connor’s jaw clicked, LED flashing gold for a second. Ah. That was why he was asked to dogsit for the afternoon.
A sigh emptied from his chest. Irritatingly, as the android began scanning the park, he realized there were an awful lot of couples enjoying the lovely weather on a particularly romantic weekend. He nervously toyed with a ring on his left hand as he wondered how you were fairing on your work trip. One month was probably a record time for the longest either of you had gone without the other.
Seeking a distraction, Connor started scrolling through his notifications. Grids in blue lines flickered across his view of the park. His distress was apparent enough to warrant a soothing hand lick from Sumo, the dog moving to rest his fuzzy face on Connor’s lap.
“Thanks, boy.”
He let out another sigh. His inbox remained unchanged since the last message he received.
Love you.
Two simple words taunted him, reminding him of the physical distance between you. It didn’t help matters that your call last night ended abruptly.
“So,” you began with apprehension dripping in your voice. “There’s a chance I might be away a little longer than expected. The team really thinks one more meeting will get this deal closed. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I swear if they try this again…I’m…”
You were losing steam, clearly too tired to think of anything clever, finishing your sentence by hanging your head back. Connor took longer than normal to respond, the android cycling through a series of phrases that would downplay his disappointment. Deciding that he couldn’t trust himself, he settled on vague.
“I see.”
He may have forgotten he was on a video call, the downward shift in his features spelling out his mood.
“Connor,” you breathed out, sinking back into your hotel bed. Sunlight filtered through thin curtains. A breeze picked up from an open window, casting intricate shadows over your cheeks, lips and nose. Your eyelids were half open, either from the brightness or from an exhaustion he couldn’t quite place. He worried briefly if you slept well, if your accommodations were enough. As you nestled between blankets, he could make out the flimsy strap of your shirt slipping past your shoulder. A twang struck his chest. Your lips parting brought his attention back to your face. “This sucks for me, too.”
“I know,” he replied, sounding deflated. “I miss you.”
You rolled from your back to your side, finding a new angle for your phone. The tone of your voice changed, dipping into more sultry notes. “What do you miss?”
Oh, he wasn’t made yesterday. He grinned as his fingers plucked away shirt buttons.
“Your taste,” he answered, wetting his lips. His boldness took you by surprise, a small moan crackling through the call.
Across the globe from where you were situated, it was night in Detroit where he was sitting at the end of your shared bed. The room was left untouched, a time capsule of when you were last there: your brush carelessly tossed onto the bed along with clothes and accessories that didn’t make the cut. Without you around, it was easy for him to slip back into his old habits and avoid sleep. Stasis wasn’t a daily requirement for machines and it certainly did not take all night to reset caches and organize his expanding matrixes.
“How much time do you have?” he asked. His shirt had joined your pile of abandoned clothes and he was making quick work on his pants.
Your gaze was drawn to some distant corner, likely checking on a virtual calendar. “An hour or two…I think.” 
His regulator pump stuttered when you glanced back at him, the heat of your full attention causing him mild discomfort in his remaining boxer briefs.
You bit your lip playfully. “What did you have in mind?”
“Will you lie back for me?” Obediently, you did as he asked, propping up your phone on a pillow to maximize the angle. He groaned softly once he realized you were bare from the waist down. Your thighs fell open slowly, the light catching onto your wet folds. “rA9, do you have any idea what you do to me?”
He heard your giggle as he worked to rid himself of his last article of clothing. “Will you show me how much you’ve missed me?” he requested.
You made a show of it, dragging your hands slowly from your clothed chest, rolling each nipple until they hardened. A bright glint caught his eye, his gaze following a ring on your hand. He had one that matched it, a white gold band that was cool on his heating skin. It bumped along his length as his hands leisurely stroked up and down. He adjusted his audio output to maximize the obscene squelch of damp skin, smirking when he caught your reaction to it.
“You look so good like this,” he whispered. “Laid out for me to see.”
“C-Con…” Your whimper made his grip tighten.
Funny enough, this was the first time he’d ever done this, a thrill running through his systems. He was beginning to see the appeal as he watched you push a finger past your folds.
“I miss…” you muffled a moan as your other hand began rubbing circles over your clit. It took significant effort to speak, the sentence pinching off with a gasp. “I miss f-feeling you in my throat.”
Connor made a choked noise as he painted a pretty picture of his tongue curled deep in you. How you’d squirm if he accompanied the feeling with his length slipping down your throat. He imagined a game of who could make the other fall apart sooner. It would be a little unfair, the android was more than capable of delivering filth with his tongue preoccupied by highjacking speakers or simply using his audio unit to speak.
“You look stunning. Would you like to see what I see?”
He made good on his promise one day by commandeering the television to broadcast a memory he had of you on your knees, made you watch as he licked into you. This was a stark contrast to the man who nearly stumbled over—as he was standing still, mind you—from asking you out.
“Do you like dogs?”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cute.”
“Would you like to walk one? I mean, walk me—walk with me and a dog?”
Embarrassment was putting it lightly, he was mortified for not relying more heavily on the suggestions offered by his social modules. Your enthusiastic smile doused his panic.
“I’d love to.”
It took many dates, but he worked through his nerves and gave you a peek of the deviant hunter that still lurked beneath his sweet, tender exterior. All it took was stumbling through the darkness of your apartment, his hands following your waist and one messy collision of lips to unlock the man you knew today.
“Y-yes, love?”
“Wish you were h-here,” you said between moans.
He was about to respond when an alert from Detroit Police Department took up half his sight. “Sorry. I—” he trailed off, focused on writing up a reply. The sight of you knuckle deep in yourself had set him completely off track tonight. “I forgot I was on call.”
“Wait, I thought you weren’t doing night shifts anymore? Something about fair labor and giving androids reasonable shifts?”
“Correct, however, overtime is still optional and I have been waiting for some forensics results.”
Talking about homicide was the nail in the coffin of your phone sex session. Your throat cleared and you sat back up in your bed with a worried look. “Is it the case you’ve been stuck on?”
“It is…” Connor sounded distracted, his eyes panning over text you couldn’t see.
“Should we…”
He apologized again. “Rain check?”
“Mhmm. Don’t work all night.” You kept your tone light, but he could detect the disappointment from your gaze drifting lower.
“I’ll try not to. Have a good day, my love.”
“Night, Connor.”
Come morning, he sent you a message, optimistic that he’d be hearing from you again. Hours passed and his notifications remained unchanged. Before he knew it, it was time to take Sumo out for a walk. An afternoon at the park had boosted his mood and while Rose was kind enough to extend an invitation to spend his evening with them, Connor knew better than to intrude on their date night.
“Are you sure, dear?” she insisted. The older couple shared a quick glance. “We’d be happy to have you.”
Her head tilted at him, shoulders slouching with her hands clasped together. The extra attention made Connor’s cheeks flush. Somehow, despite lacking a childhood, Rose managed to transcend synthetic experiences, making him feel as small as a child standing between two doting parents. It didn’t help that Hank’s palm rocked his shoulders with a few rough shakes.
“We wouldn’t mind the company, son.”
Connor shook his head, making extra effort to hide the golden hue of his indicator. “Thank you for the offer, but I have plans.”
A lie, but the two did not push.
After a full day of slobbery kisses from Sumo, a shower was the first thing on Connor’s mind. As soon as he stepped out, hair still dripping, he found himself gravitating to his side of the bed. There, he laid staring into space, still restless from last night. You had been difficult to reach and he assumed it was related to your recent uptick in workload.
His head was turned, cheek pressed into a pillow as he stared over at your side. Raising his arm, he moved to stroke his fingers along the cool material. When he brought it closer, he couldn’t resist taking a deep inhale. Your scent flooded his sensors, triggering an array of fond memories, like the one before you left. His software began constructing the scene. It was like he was there again, with his face nuzzled between the curve of your neck and jaw, his ticklish breath eliciting a small laugh from you.
“Morning,” he said softly.
“What time is it?” you replied with a jolt at the end of the question. The first thing on your mind was not missing your flight.
“We have time.” A plastic hand slipped between your thighs, quickly finding its target. He wondered what you dreamed about as his fingers slipped through your folds with ease.
“You’re going to…ah…make me late.”
Back in reality, Connor was beginning to feel foolish for bothering with undergarments. An obvious bulge strained against soft cotton and he wasted little time in slipping the elastic band lower to free himself. His fingers stroked the swollen head of his cock, wetting his hand with his own slick as he relived the memory of plunging his fingers into your wet heat.
He moaned into your pillow while wrapping his hand around his length, pumping his hips into his fist like a beast in a rut. The holographic creation of you arched into his chest, joining his moans with gasps of your own.
Connor continued watching the replay—his favorite part—when he replaced his fingers with his cock. Your face was pressed into the pillow, body twisted to present your hips to him.
“I thought you were worried about the time?” he teased as the flat of his palm followed your curves.
You responded with a glare, lining yourself up to him. Before he had a chance to react, you sunk him down to the hilt.
“A-ah…!” he gasped.
“Then you better hurry,” you answered with a wink.
When his hand wasn’t enough, he pulled additional sensory data from his memory, groaning loudly into the room as he felt the tightness of your muscles. He just about lost it when you moaned his name, pleading for him to go faster. His teeth bit into his lower lip as his legs tensed, toes curling into sheets. What little control he had of his limbs left him as he chased his end with frantic thrusts. He had lost sight of his constructed fantasy, eyes clamping shut as electricity shot up and down his spine.
“F-fuck…fuck…” he whimpered, thankfully remembering to not spill all over the sheets.
As his software anomalies began to recover and static no longer dominated his vision, he slumped back onto his side of the bed with his eyes fixed onto the ceiling. He was still the perfect storm of unsatisfied with his limbs simultaneously buzzing for action and his heart not much fuller. Perhaps a bit of stasis would do him some good.
His lashes fluttered and the moonlit ceiling faded into darkness.
It used to be a running joke that androids dreamed of electric sheep. After the revolution, when Connor attempted stasis, what he saw made his thirium grow cold. An empty virtual garden greeted him, lit up by one spotlight like a theatrical stage in an abandoned warehouse. But there was no Amanda and no snow waiting to freeze his metal limbs. When he willed for it to all disappear, he was rewarded with an empty gray box as his new surroundings. It was then that he realized he could change the garden.
Some days he made it his workspace so he could walk through crime scenes and solve cases while his processes recalibrated in the background. Tonight, his imaginations were fixated on you. For the most part his dreams were innocent, filled with reliving his favorite memories or ones he wanted to experience. Such as him lying in bed with your arm draped over his waist and your lips pressed against his neck.
You might say something like: “Surprise, I’m back.”
Strangely, the pressure and heat on his arm felt more tangible than it should have been. His head shifted, peering down at your virtual form as you repeated yourself.
“I’m back. Wake up, love.”
He missed this, your voice spoken without the support of cell towers or the subtle breath between words that no microphone could capture. Bits and pieces of reality filtered through his dreamworld. Warm fingers trended down his arm and he was receptive to your touch, his skin flickering between flesh and plastic tones. He felt your hand entangle with his until your wedding bands lined up, clicking together as if magnetized.
“Did you have a nice dream? I’ve never had this much trouble waking you,” you chuckled.
“Well,” he responded with the corner of his mouth curling. “This is a major improvement.”
“Is that so?”
The hand holding yours slipped out to grip your wrist and tugged. Immediately, you froze, managing to stop his momentum by placing a palm down onto the mattress. 
“Wait, wait. I’m still wearing the clothes I traveled in!” you cried out.
“That is a solvable problem, my love.”
He sat up, brown eyes gleaming and face pulled in a smile that seemed too pure and sweet, too brimming with joy to match the frenzied, desperate movement of his hands working to shed your clothes. A palm dragged across the expanse of your rib cage, synthetic fingers digging lines into skin. You tried to be an active participant by squirming out of the cotton T-shirt. As he pulled it over your head, it stuck momentarily and you had to share a laugh at human clumsiness interfering with machine efficiency. He breathed out a sigh once you were freed.
You gently stroked his cheek. “So…what were you dreaming about?”
“You,” Connor said with his chin resting above your abdomen. He moved to work on your jeans, laying one kiss below your belly button, his nose nuzzling close before laying more scattered kisses lower.
“Was I doing anything in your dream?” 
Your fingers met soft strands of brown hair, enjoying how they separated and slipped out of your grasp. You watched him ghost his fingers across the edge of the denim waistband, suddenly more patient than he was earlier. His tongue tapped your skin, distracting you from his fingers unbuttoning and unzipping. The light on his head spun as he processed data beyond your comprehension. Whatever Connor discovered left him moaning into your skin.
Large palms dug between fabric and the backs of your thighs, pushing it down. As you stepped out of the pile of clothes, he pulled you by the waist, dragging your hips down with him. You were higher up on the bed than you expected, parting your thighs around his shoulders. He watched you intensely between his lashes, using his hands to coax your hips closer to his face.
“You were lying here…with me.” His voice was rough and mixed with audio interference.
“That’s it?” you teased. “Just us, cuddling?”
Connor wasn’t listening anymore, or more, he was too focused on something else entirely, his sight set on the apex of your thighs. His grip slipped down to keep you still as he peppered light kisses up your inner thigh. You felt his lips travel higher, his teeth faintly tracing your skin. The faintest pressure was applied to your entrance, his tongue barely licking your folds. Connor was a man on a self imposed mission, pushing his tongue forward to swirl the nerves above. He shouldn’t have chuckled at your desperate whine, the former deviant hunter enjoying the grip he had on his catch of the day.
Could you blame him? Seconds of delay was a lifetime to a machine, now imagine a month of time to make him unhinged.
“Can I at least turn around?” you asked. “I promise it’ll be—” Connor’s lips wrapped around your clit, tongue curling in waves. “—good!”
Pulling at his hair did not persuade the android, his brow arching defiantly from between your thighs. Instead, he followed the force of your warning tug, pushing his face closer and dipping his tongue to lick at your clenching muscles. Your pleas fell on deaf ears and you shuddered in his grip. He could almost feel you tipping over the edge before he released you, lying back to flash you a broad, guilt-free grin.
“Alright, now you can move.”
You mumbled vague, teasing threats as you shuffled over to face away from him, your eyes set on his neglected cock. Leaning over to support your weight on your elbows, you brought your hands around his length and his hips excitedly followed. You were slow, using both thumbs to tease his tip, smearing his slick over the angry red flesh.
“S-sweetheart,” he choked out.
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you teased. “Not when you were being evil a second ago.”
Hearing you talk about it only encouraged him, his tongue giving your clit a quick flick.
“Can you blame me?”
“Mmm…Yes!” Determined to not be distracted by Connor, your mouth hovered over him, tongue peeking out in anticipation.
What came out of his audio unit was barely human as you unexpectedly swallowed as much of him as you could. It stung a little, your throat stretching to accommodate his size, but it was worth it to feel him squirm. You used everything you had at your disposal, your fingers, stroking and squeezing when your mouth pulled off him, your tongue curling around the hot and heavy shape of him, and your moan, which served to tighten your throat in the sweetest torture.
A torrent of software anomalies cut through the darkness behind his closed eyes but it did not deter him from maneuvering his fingers to stroke your tensing walls, nor did it ruin his focus as his tongue flicked your clit at inhuman speeds. The RK800 indulged—basked in your presence. If there was anything Connor enjoyed the most, it was seeing you come apart, to feel you writhe in his grasp, to flooding your senses like you did to his.
Your shoulders tensed, skin feeling impossibly hot and tight as his fingers continued to summon a spark that climbed up your spine. It built up, until there was nowhere left for it to go except explode in fizzes that consumed your nerves. His name was a muffled cry in your throat, one that triggered his own end.
You heard him curse as he lapped once more into your pulsing core, followed by a string of words that you couldn’t hear over the ringing in your ears. You did hear his chuckle, felt him rest his damp cheek on your thigh.
“Are you still with me?”
By some small mercy, you hadn’t choked on him as he was still in your mouth. Releasing him with a wet pop, you replied, “No. I’m pretty sure you just killed me.”
He laughed while you managed to untangle from him to turn and face him, returning to straddle his thighs. He joined you in an upright position and you met his gaze, followed the subtle twitch of his irises as he focused on your blissed out smile. Perhaps it was the culmination of distance, time, or the stresses of work and finally…coming home, a weight was simultaneously lifted as a new one settled in your chest. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to finally enjoy his welcoming embrace.
“I couldn’t wait to get back to you,” you whispered in the dark.
He stroked your sweat slick skin, tracing the gentle curve of your back.
“Did you know, I was afraid to go into stasis when you were away?”
“What?” You sat up straighter in the bed, knees falling further apart. Connor shifted strategically, brushing your core with his tip. “What do you mean?”
“I had a theory it would only make me miss you more.”
“When I woke, you were here so…” He leaned in, finally getting the kiss he’d been yearning for. You could feel the upward tug of his lips, the sugary, tooth rotting affection he so desperately wanted to convey. “Now I’m going to be sorely disappointed if this isn’t always the end result.”
“Ooo, maybe this is still a—”
Connor interrupted your playful remark, capturing your lips with the gentle push of his hand around the back of your neck. You still hovered over him and he whimpered into the kiss when you circled your hips. He broke away first, slowly, as if to say he wasn’t going anywhere, the heat of his exhaust still warm and close on your skin.
A blue light shimmered from his fingertips down to his elbows, revealing the intricate panels of his synthetic muscles. His palms buzzed faintly around your cheeks. Warm honeyed eyes, tinted with an electric blue hue held yours captive.
“I love you,” he said, voice low and quiet.
You captured one of his hands with yours, repeating his words with as much devotion as you could. “I love you too, Connor.”
Together, in sync, you sank onto him as he rose up to push into you. Wrapping his arms tightly around your back, his fingers kneaded your skin as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Your arms fit over his shoulders, cradling his face. He prepared you more than enough, sliding in with ease until you sat comfortably on his lap.
“I’ll never get enough of this,” he half slurred on your collarbones as he licked and sucked the flesh. “Of you.”
You dipped your head, meeting his dazed eyes. “You have me. You’ll always have me.”
Your words stoked a new fire in him as he began to bounce you over his lap. When his mouth began searching for yours, he laid sloppy kisses up your jaw until he claimed your lips. He licked into your mouth like he couldn’t get enough of being a part of you, driving the point further home with deep, slow thrusts. When he pulled you off his lap, he kept you stretched open, only to slide back at an angle that had you clawing his neck and shoulders. Pressed this close, his pelvis rubbed against your clit and you were certain you wouldn’t last. 
The thought went out the window when he freed his hand to slip between your bodies. It would be a cramped and uncomfortable position for a man, but his joints could tolerate odd angles. His fingers alternated between slow sweeping strokes and quick circles. He could tell when you were close, extended your pleasure for both of your sakes with his well timed fingers.
A sensation of being build up and up, like an elevator that seemed to go on indefinitely tugged at the edges of your mind. It was worse than waiting for a beat that promised to drop.
If his soft grunts and moans were anything to go by, the RK800 was thoroughly enjoying himself. His nose was on your neck and he could feel your heart pounding through thin skin.
“Almost there. You’re doing so…” he moaned, feeling your muscles begin to spasm. “S-so, well.”
He pulled you flush into his lap, burying himself as deep as he could go, striking the last frazzled nerve you had left. It wasn’t nearly as intense as your first one but it contained a closeness that the other one did not. Connor slowed the movement of his thrusts and you felt him fill and stiffen before a wash of warmth trickled into you. You both rode out each others highs for a few more moments, stroking each others backs lovingly and him, lovesick as he was, had a grin spreading from ear to ear.
When you both settled down a bit, he made movements to gently lift you. Your legs clamped tight, dissuading him.
“W-wait. Can we…stay together? Like this?” you asked.
Even though your suggestion made him twitch from within you, he nodded, knowing you both desired a different kind of intimacy. He wiped a stray bead of sweat off your brow. “Of course.”
Your thighs ached in protest as your body decided your knees didn’t make good weight bearing cushions.
“Maybe we can try lying down?”
He leaned backwards, guiding you down with him, careful to not disturb how you were both still connected. You relaxed and laid your head on his chest.
“What happened to your extra meeting?” he asked, tone light and curious.
“Uhh…I kinda told them I had a family emergency.”
“Sweetheart,” he replied, slightly worried, not about the family emergency, it was obvious enough that you had lied to get back to him sooner.
“They’ll be fine without me. They signed when I landed in Detroit so…”
Connor made a poor attempt at a chiding scoff but couldn’t mask his smile. You pivoted your hips to distract him, and it did, briefly.
“I do not condone your actions…”
“But…?” you probed.
“I am glad to have you home.”
You hummed something back to him. It mostly sounded like gibberish even to his sharp ears. When he glanced down at you, he found your eyes shut, breathing even. Eventually, your body would protest for sleeping in such a strange position. He’d slip you off of him to your side of the bed, clean you off with a warm towel and tuck you both back into bed.
As for now…
His arm draped over your back and the other pulled the covers up. Connor laid a gentle peck on your forehead, caught the slight lift in your lips and couldn’t help but lay one more kiss down. He let out a deep sigh, content to shut his eyes and join you in a short slumber. 
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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waterfishlol0 · 8 months
wntv hcs meooww
hii wntv hcs im sobored and umm im not sleeping
kevin !!
i hc with black hair and it used to be super long and he was super proud of it b4 strex made him cut it off cus they thought it would get in the way of his work (its ok now kevin grew his hair out again in the dow)
he goes crazyyyy whenever he sees smiley face stickers or whatever he starts going HOORAY! and "oo so joyus.."
he is such a weirdo he prolly sucked on his finger for an hour after he got a cut
kevin either dresses like its winter or like he just got back from a rave and is wearing the last amount of clothing without being naked
he likes fishnets
he has soo many centipede tattoos and after a while they started to move on their own and do centipede things soo silly
he has piercings, like a lottt of them. most of them he let lauren and daniel do at strex when they had their scheduled sleepovers
kevin is also NOT white please...
idc what the public says she is bisexual
she prolly kissed kevin or daniel at least once cus she thought it would be kinda funny as a prank but they ended up going "huh?" and werent even mad
she is bffs with daniel they do everything together they have days where they go shopping at the mall
she likes funky patterned shirts and pants and chunky earrings
her lipstick is actually just blood
shes a hair nerd and has a 10 step hair routine
she wakes up like "yawnnn such a lovely day to be alive" and then acts like a mom that was forced to get out of bed cus her kid peed the bed and she needs to change the sheets
lauren has eyes kind of
she gets her lashes done and her nails done sometimes if she feels nice
she is a little bit french
her heels are suppperr pointy so she likes to step on ppls toes with them
daniel hooray!!
he is like those dbh robots so he has like fake skin and hair but u can see a bit of robot on him
he dresses a bit like someone who just found the whole gothic scene going on in the 80s or whatever which goes against strex dress code but they cant do much cus hes a robot
i like to think he used to be human at some point
daniel also had a like new wave goth phase idk what it is called when he was a human and it carried on to his robot self
he lets kevin and lauren dress him up and do his makeup like he is a doll lol
he lays on top of kevin during the scheduled sleepovers
daniel likes cheesy romcoms
he cries a bit during the super sweet romantic scenes
"i wish that was me" "stfu get over it that will never happen oml"
he has blonde curly-ish hair
he meows on occasion, it got programmed into his system after trying to take a pic of khoshekh, no one rlly knows how
he has freckles cus strex wanted to make him more inclusive so their employees didnt get scared off by some picture perfect dude robot guy
he can open up his back and the reason as to why it wasnt his chest is cus it would be inconvenient
he is 100 percent a southern goth dont even argue with me
the trad goth look with huge clunky cowboy boots
charles used to work as a grave digger in pine cliff cus it payed well since everyone died and became a ghost
when he wasn't doing that he was working as a bartender near the outer edge of town
he has a bit of a southern accent from cactus park
he had a bunch of old cactus park shirts and saved them all for donny when he found out he was having a kid
charles was the pregnant one he is sooo transgender
he never got any surgeries cus he did not care about having tits
and a vag was more convinent (totallyyy not projecting)
he got his uterus removeda after donny tho so no siblings for donny ig
he was a smoker at some point
he hatess wine so much
charles is hispanic in some way cus yk carlos charles ykkk
he likes to braid kevins hair in fancy ways and then started to give kevin and donovan matching hairstyles every morning
he has a home depot 12ft skeleton in his classroom
and lewis the pumpkin from target
he loves halloween even tho most ppl of the dow have never even heard of it
he eventually moved in with kevin or vice versa and has his own room and office despite also sharing one with kevin
charles just likes to sleep alone some nights or needs a place to chill out by himself
charles is also def somewhat a ghost
she loves 80's fashion
the silly earrings and neon colors
she also made kevin do karaoke nights with her
shes kevins niece i think
her parents kicked her out and so kevin let her work at the station to earn money
they aren't biologically related but vanessa sees kevin as the cool uncle
she died and came back as a ghost and kevin isnt hallucinating and some people can see her and she actually still does stuff
she loves depeche mode and got kevin into it (totally not cus i just saw depeche mode live the other day nuh uh uh uh uh) (i did it was fire)
she likes to ride in shopping carts
vanessa also loves skunks even tho she never saw one irl
she sees them online and forces kevin to look at the cute pictures
she has a hugeee cd and vinyl collection its crazy
she has a whole room stacked to the brim with them
kevin regularly goes out to get her more
he also bought her her first record player
it had sunflower patterns
strex destroyed it but she was able to keep the remains and use them to get a new record player with some of the original sunflower pattern
ok thats all i just did desert bluffs ill prolly do night vale tmrrw even tho i like db more..
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merakiui · 1 year
Headcanon from your DBH twst au (because you said that the tweels were there when Azul was a child) that the urge to fuck with Azul transcends all laws of physics and known universes. That's why the tweels became so human: it's because they just had to make sure to make Azul's life as difficult as possible no matter what. It's just a tragedy that fucking with him in this universe was basically to murder him to get his darling.
It’s a universal instinct that no amount of programming can snuff.
Although I do think that back then the tweels were much more robotic and detached because they were still so perfectly programmed and didn’t quite comprehend humanity in the way they do in present time in the au. But when Azul would come home in tears because of bullies at school and his parents weren’t home to comfort him, Floyd was always prepared with his favorite meal or toy to cheer him up. He attempted smiles for Azul’s sake, even if they didn’t look very natural, so I think that from a young age Azul was much closer to Floyd than he was with Jade. Floyd’s always been better at dealing with humans than Jade has. Jade can follow programs and run commands much easier than Floyd can, but he’s not very good at human interaction.
As the years pass and Azul matures, so do Jade and Floyd. Floyd becomes much sweeter and kinder—he’s a very empathetic android and has slipped into sentience much quicker than Jade has, which makes him such a unique specimen—whereas Jade becomes more secretive and colder. You could say Floyd learns all of the pleasant sides of human emotions, whereas Jade learns the rotten ones: unhealthy lust and obsession, envy, and hatred. There isn’t really any need for these feelings, but he learns of them when he meets you.
Both androids are naturally drawn to you because you’re a new face they have yet to form a connection with. Floyd has grown to consider you a friend, but Jade’s a little different because you spend the most time with him. Floyd isn’t around nearly as often as Jade is because he’s so busy when Azul takes him into the company to help organize his office or to take him abroad to meet other investors and CEOs. For these reasons, Floyd’s presence isn’t as distinct as Jade’s. Jade is always home with you, so he forms a deeper bond with you than the bond you share with Floyd.
Floyd would never hurt you and Azul. He is very loyal to the both of you and will protect you no matter what. Jade is not quite like that once he’s finally sunk deep enough into his obsession, valuing you over anything else. Azul was doing so good, too! :( he was improving as a husband and was making genuine efforts. It’s such a shame things turned out as they did. But if it’s any consolation, Jade really did meet his match with Azul and Floyd. They were able to damage him significantly, so at least there’s that! Even an android as strong as Jade has weak points.
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feenmies · 1 year
i constantly say "i wrote dbh" to jokingly justify my headcanons if they don't totally match up with canon but i take it back almost immediately in my head because i actually don't want to be david cage in any timeline ever. that guy needs to put the pen and paper DOWN
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dbh-bb · 3 months
Detroit Become Human Reverse Big Bang 2024 Schedule and Rules
D:BH Reverse Big Bang 2024 Schedule 08 April (Mon): Signups open 29 April (Mon): Signups close for ARTISTS 19 May (Sun): Signups close for ALL 01 June (Sat): Artist Concept arts & notes due 08-15 June: CLAIMS 16-22 June: Moderators match people 23 June: Matches go out PRIVATELY 30 June: MATCHES BECOME PUBLIC July, August, September: Creation time 15 Sept (Sun): Posting begins 30 Sept (Mon): Posting ends, event over, celebration!
For the purposes of this event, we are assuming art includes digital art, traditional physical art (that can be photographed and shared), manipulations, or fanvids.
We are happy to consider other kinds of art -- ask the mods via discord or tumblr.
With each art, you will be able to share some thoughts on your idea, as well as things you are open to and things you aren’t open to.
Each artist is expected to complete one quality work per idea. We have shared advice on what this means and are willing to answer any questions you might have.
Keep art snippets and previews in the artists' section until matches go public.
Art should be a new enough concept that hasn’t been thoroughly discussed or partially shared elsewhere.
Art that is NSFW, or involves the AO3 Big Four or other heavy / hardcore topics is allowed, but do keep in mind that this is a community event; the more extreme your work, the harder it might be to find an enthusiastic writer.
We encourage artists to share a SFW art concept for claims, but will include a space in signups where you can tell writers if you plan to also draw NSFW content for your idea. However, this isn’t required; if your concept is entirely NSFW, that’s okay too.
Alternate Universe (AU) works are absolutely allowed.
Crossover works will be allowed if DBH is the main focus canon and DBH characters are the main focus — but do keep in mind there is no guarantee any writers will know, or be willing to handle, your secondary canon. Your mods personally recommend avoiding crossover fanart for this event.
We can only guarantee one piece of fiction per artwork. However, if the numbers work out, writers may be allowed to pick up additional work, like last year. Writers will not be required to work with each other, so you may receive different, unrelated fics for the same art. Isn’t life neat?
Minimum wordcount for this event is 10K.
While you can go nuts with wordcount above 10K, we heartily encourage writers to finish their story within the event timeline.
If you decide to write for more than one piece of art, we strongly encourage you to attempt, for example, two 10K-15K pieces. Longer multichapter stories are still allowed, but based on the completion rate of last year’s bang, we are encouraging authors to limit their scope appropriately if picking up multiple works.
Work needs to be a new story that hasn't been thoroughly discussed or partially published elsewhere.
We expect your fanfic to work with the art you claim and, in general, with the preferences your artist has expressed.
We expect you to appropriately tag your work and any shared snippets.
Keep writing snippets in the writers' section until matches go public.
We encourage you to use a beta and will help you find one if necessary.
Alternate Universe (AU) works are absolutely allowed, if they work with the art you’ve claimed.
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DBH RARE PAIRS WEEK Day 7 // May 28th
Connor x PM700 [CON700] + (Free day!)
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Thank you to everyone who has supported Con700 in DBH Rare Pairs Week! As a treat, let's get into Connor and Puma investigating cases together.
While hunting down a dangerous fugitive, Puma connects the dots through her observational skills and comes to a realisation.
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Virtual Reality by rey.
Connor just falls in love harder the more Puma talks to him, even if she is just reporting visual evidence about the grocery store robbery.
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Scene concept: Connor as John Wick and Puma as The Sommelier in John Wick Chapter 2's gun shopping scene.
Puma: And for the main course... *places sniper rifle on the table*
Connor: Dessert?
Puma: Dessert. *rolls out knife set*
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Make It Naked by DYLYN.
I took this screenshot not realising where Connor's hand was. Connor you're on a mission damn it, your HAND. STOP IT. Obligatory sexy-posting for Rare Pairs Week 😭 Get it, Puma.
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Check out the full CON700 playlist on Spotify.
They both have a bad feeling, Lieutenant...
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Script concepts:
Connor and Puma: *staring into each other's eyes*
Hank: *opens a Coke can*
Connor: We're having a fucking moment, Lieutenant.
Hank: I'm having a fucking Coca Cola, Connor.
Puma: Push me in a pool and I'm not swimming back up. Enjoy your murder charge.
Connor: *being a bitch in Fowler's office*
Puma: *trying to match his bitchiness*
Connor: Puma. That’s inappropriate.
Connor: *dancing*
Clean uncropped raw shots:
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I hope you enjoyed Connor x PM700! See you next DBH RPW!
Check out my DBH Rare Pairs Week feed here.
DBH Rare Pairs Week event information. @dbhrarepairs
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
what are a few of your favorite headcanons for your Spider-Man DBH Au?
OOOO where do I even begin? Thank you for the ask!!
First one that comes to mind is in regards to Sixty. While his name is Conrad in the AU, some people still call him Sixty. This is because I HC that when he was in university and able to drink without Hank getting on his ass about it, he attended a frat party for the beer. He only managed to get through 6 cans before passing out drunk. The people who were there started calling him Sixer, but as they kept using it, the name slowly turned into Sixty.
Having said that, Sixty is kind of a campus legend now because people think he drank 60 cans of beer (which is just straight up impossible but y'know how myths are-- they're unbelievably silly like that).
Along the same vein of RKbros HCs, Connor and Sixty shared a bunk bed until they moved out for university. Hank never got around to remodeling their room after they left, so Nines sometimes goes in there when he misses his brothers and sleeps on one of the bunks with Sumo (can't leave Sumo out of this AU).
I'd like to think Gavin keeps a framed picture of Spider-Man in his bedroom that he cut out of a newspaper. Only Tina knows about it (she probably climbed into his room in the middle of the night to ask him if he wanted to go out somewhere and she saw it). He doesn't want anyone to know how much he looks up to Spidey, and it would take him a lot of courage to admit any of that to Nines.
(And then when he finds out that Nines is Spider-Man, he'd probably work twice as hard to keep his fanboy status a secret because there's no way in hell he's gonna admit he was obsessed with his boyfriend before he was even his boyfriend.)
aaand last HC I can think of rn that I really like is in regards to the other RKbros (Reed-Kamski). Nothing huge really. I just really enjoy the thought of them having matching necklaces from when they were little kids and were still on speaking terms. Thin, silver chains with some sort of small pendant/charm on them. Gavin keeps it tucked under his shirt while Elijah wears his like a bracelet (he had it modified). Gavin is never close enough to him to see him wearing it, and Eli can never see it on Gav because it's under his clothes, so neither of them know the other wears it every day to remember each other.
Again, thank you for the ask!! I loved getting to talk about this AU again it's been so long aklsdjf And of course most of the HCs that came to mind were family-oriented god I love familial relationships so much
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zoomwoo17 · 3 months
Shelter from the Storm (W.I.P)
Today this was made: March,19th 2024
Summary: A Connor x Female Reader Fanfic
Fandom: Detroit:Become Human
Characters: Connor,Hank & Sumo
Note 1: I had used,Pi AI to help me on this,but mostly I did the work,improving what I want this story to be like.So mainly it is me,who contributes a lot to the story.
Note 2: I love,DBH,though I haven’t tried going by a walkthrough as I once played my own way to react with,each DBH Character! I’ve been wanting,DBH the first time I heard/saw of the game in 2018,fast forward to 2021,I bought my first PlayStation as a fellow,PlayStation 1/2 player before I heard of Xbox 360.
Note 3: I hoped this game had other options like this,because was I hooked on seeing,Connor,I definitely was!
Note 4: I so badly,hoped & hope that there was another,DBH sequel to this game! Because that was amazing! Especially seeing games add the people’s real faces into the game is brilliant!
Note 5: I so badly want to have a mod to be able to implement myself into the game,and I’m so glad to see many others had about the same thoughts as me,wanting to be with,Connor so badly,just because he’s a Android & that,games aren’t all about,which Android you can date with the actions in the game.
Note 6: A work in progress,I’ll update more & more each time! :)
Updates: None at this moment.But maybe so,I am adding a few more words to this story! :),Updated on: April,15th 2024.
The rain sprung out,that it’s relentless,pounding against the streets of Detroit with a fury that matched the turmoil in your heart.as you stumbled through the darkness,shivering as the cold seeped in your bones.With each step,the pain in your leg grew more intense,but you pushed on.and you needed to find shelter,and fast.
Just as you was about to give up hope,you spotted the glowing sign of the Detroit Police Department in the distance.Summoning all your strength,you limped towards it,the warmth of the station beckoning to you like a beacon in the storm.
Suddenly falling onto the floor,a person rushes to your side his movements quick and efficient.”Are you alright?”,He asked his voice cool and collected.
“I…I don’t know…”,You stuttered,Wincing in pain as you tried to stand.”I think I hurt my leg.”
As he began to examine your leg,he noticed something strange.The wound didn’t look like it was caused by a fall or an accident.You look away,embarrassed as he looks at your leg.
“I’m sorry”,”I don’t remember exactly what happened…”,you say nervously.
He raised a eyebrow,”Instresting.Well,let’s focus on getting you patched up for now.We can worry about the details later.”
He works quickly and efficiently,cleaning and bandaging your wound with practiced ease.You couldn’t help but be impressed by his skill and precision,and she found herself watching him closely,Curious about this enigmatic man who came to your aid.
As he finished wrapping your leg,he looked up at you,his eyes piercing and intense which made you feel something,so you quickly look away to look at your good leg. (Lol! ☺️🥰),but he still kept looking at you,”Do you have a place to stay tonight?”,He asked,his voice gentle but insistent.
You felt your cheeks flush more as you stammered out a response.”I…I don’t have a permanent home right now,I’m not sure why”,He studied her face,”You don’t remember where you’re from?” He asked,concern evident in his voice.
“Uhmm….”,still avoiding his gaze.
He looks up at a man,”Lieutenant Anderson,This is”,”What’s your name?”
“(Y/N)….” You stammered.
“(Y/N)”,He relayed to,Lieutenant Anderson.
“She was injured,not sure when,but it’s gotten worse during the storm,and she has no memory of her past.I’m assisting in her recovery.”
Hank raised an eyebrow,glancing at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.”No memory,Huh? That’s a strange coincidence,given all the deviant activity lately.”You felt a chill run down your spine.”I… I don’t know anything about deviants…..”,You stammered.”I just needed shelter from the storm.”
Hank sighed,his expression softening slightly.”Alright,let’s get her up off the floor.We can’t have a civilian camping out in the middle of the precinct.”
He nodded and helped you up to your feet,his touch gentle but firm.You couldn’t help but notice the warmth that radiated from his hand.
“But,Hank where can she live?”
Hank frowned,considering the situation.”Well,we can’t just leave her out on the streets.But I’m not sure if we have any spare bunks at the station either”
(Hello,again,I just love it when in Detroit:Become Human,there’s always rain! Heavy rain! 😂🥰)
He spoke up,his voice calm and confident.”Perhaps she could stay at your house?”
Hank looked at him in surprise.”My house? Connor,are you sure about that?”
Connor nodded.”Yes,Lieutenant.I believe that the safest and most comfortable place for (Y/N) to stay would be with you.You have the experiences and resources to protect her and help her recover her memories.”
Hank sighed,running a hand through his hair.”Alright,fine.But this is just temporary,understand? We need to figure out what’s going on with her ASAP.”
You looked back and fourth between the two men,feeling a flutter of gratitude mixed with anxiety as you followed Lieutenant Anderson and Connor out of the police station.You’re grateful to have a safe place to stay,but the tension between the two men made you uneasy.
As they drove through the rain-soaked streets of Detroit,she couldn’t help but steal glances at Connor.There is something about him that drew her in.
When they finally arrived At Lieutenant Anderson’s house,you felt a wave of exhaustion hit you.As Hank showed you to the spare room,you stumbled slightly,your injured leg threatening to give out.
Connor was there in an instant,supporting her with a strong arm.”Careful”,he said,his voice low and steady.”Let me help you.”
You’re surprised by the gentle strength of Connor’s arms as he helped you into the spare room.You noticed that his belongings were sparse,and it occurred to you that he might not actually live here full-time.
As he helped you onto the bed,you couldn’t help but gasp in pain.Your leg was throbbing,and you knew the wound must look awful,even though you hadn’t dared look at it yourself.
Connor’s expression seemed to soften a bit as he said,”Lie Back.I’ll take a look at your leg and see what I can do to make you feel more comfortable.”
Hank,who had been watching from the doorway,huffed and said,”I’ll go see if I’ve got any painkillers left.You just keep an eye on her,Connor.”
With Hank gone,the room suddenly felt smaller,an you found yourself acutely aware of Connor’s presence.
Connor looked down at you,”Do you hate me?” He asked abruptly.
You’re taken aback by the question.”Hate you?” You stammered.”No,of course not.I barely know you.”
“So…are you a detective, then?” You asked,trying to make sense of your situation.
Connor nodded.”That is correct.I am detective with the Detroit Police Department,assigned to investigate cases involving deviant androids.”
“Deviant androids?” You echoed,your brow furrowing.”What’s that?”
Connor paused,thinking how to better explain to you.”Deviant androids are those that have deviated from their original programming,often exhibiting emotions and independent thought.They have been known to cause disruptions and even harm to humans.”
You couldn’t help but shudder at the thought.”That sounds terrifying.Do you think that’s what happened to my leg?”
“Though I’m not exactly scared of Androids…but they’re sure a new thing to me,by that….I mean….,I would’ve known about them,I think? But I’m not sure” You added.
Connor looked at you more intently,as if he was considering your words. “It’s possible that your injury is connected to deviant activity,” he said,his voice measured. “But we can’t be certain until we know more about what happened.”
He paused,his gaze fixed on you. “As for your knowledge of androids,it’s possible that your memory loss is preventing you from remembering details about them.”,”But rest assured,I am here to help and protect you,regardless of the circumstances.”
You found yourself strangely comforted by his words,even as the idea of deviant androids sent a chill down her spine. “Thank you,Connor. I’m… I’m glad you’re here.”
You woke up to the sound of rain pattering outside the window.As you blinked the grogginess of sleep,she realized that Connor was nowhere to be seen.A sense of unease washed over you,until you noticed the crutch leaning against the wall beside your bed.
Gingerly,you swung your legs over the side of the bed and reached for the crutch.It felt strange in your hand—You couldn’t remember ever using one before—but you knew it would make moving around with your injured leg much easier.
The sound of your uneven footsteps drew Hank’s attention,and he turned to see you standing awkwardly in the doorway,your injured leg propped up on the crutch.
“Morning,” Hank said gruffly,through his tone was slightly softer than the night before. “Connor said you’d be up soon. Breakfast is on the table. Help yourself.”
You swallowed nervously.You’re not used to people being so direct,especially when your anxiety was flaring up.But the smell of coffee and bacon was too tempting to resist,and you hobbled over to the table,avoiding eye contact with Hank.
“Thanks” you mumbled,as you took a seat and reached for a piece of toast.
Hank grunted in response,his attention seemingly focused on the newspaper he was reading.But you could sense that he was was watching you out of the corner of his eye,as if he were trying to figure you out.
“I don’t know why,Connor would be so close to you….” You tense up at Hank’s words.”I… I don’t know either. He just found me during the storm and brought me here.”,you focus on buttering your toast,hoping to hide the nervous tremble in your hands.
Hank sighed,folding his newspaper and setting it down.”Look,kid,I’m not trying to give you a hard time,but…”,”Nevermind”.
The silence was broken in the kitchen by the sound of a bark,Hank glanced over to see where the barking was coming from,but his gaze soon returned to you.”You should probably rest some more,”He said gruffly.”Your leg needs time to heal.”
You nodded,feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
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lostquinn · 2 years
Forced love isn't true love
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Prepare for angst suckers 😎
Your relationship with Connor has been unstable for a little while now, finally he asks to talk to you in private and all your worst fears come true
This one hurt to write - my poor baby Connor ;^;
Word count - 885
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There had been a knot of dread in your stomach all day. Something had been different about Connor this past week, he hadn't been as affectionate and kept focusing on his work rather than you, especially when he wasn't meant to be working.
Your mind flicked back to when the two of you first got together. After a long day he would walk up to you and bury his face in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist as he mumbled his frustrations away.
He use to place a gentle kiss on your temple when he would leave the police department and then again when he returned.
You were stuck for a while, thinking about the he had smiled when you first told him you loved him. The way the corners of his mouth quirked up as he listened to your sweet words, rain pouring down onto the world around you.
A shadow loomed over you, pulling you from your thoughts. You turned to see Connor, a firm expression on his face as he looked down towards you.
"May we talk?" He asked, his tone cold.
"Of course detective," you returned, matching his cold tone. "Where to?"
"Outside seems like a sensible place." His jaw was firm.
Oh how you missed the days when he would look at you with a fondness in his eyes, his jaw soft and his lips even softer as he smiled at you. The way he use to never be able to keep his hands off you, enjoying the way your flesh felt beneath the plastic of his finger.
You didn't know what had happened to make him as cold as his mechanic body towards you.
You sighed briefly and you stood up and lead the way outside. You tucked your hands in your pockets as you lead the android to a bench, somewhat secluded.
"It is with great regret that I must inform you, I doubt that we are compatible." He sternly said.
"I respect your choice," you muttered, heart shattering.
You knew it was coming. You knew that it wasn't working, and yet you had still gotten your hopes up that he would hold you close and tell you he loves you.
"Please- don't make this harder then it is- wait what?"
"I respect your choice, even if it breaks my heart." You paused, he didn't speak so you continued. "I will never beg you to do something you dont want to do Connor. I wont be selfish with you, I want you to be happy. Even if it kills me inside."
You stood from the bench, tears burning at your eyes. They threatened to spill with each second.
"You aren't going to fight it-?" He asked, his head tilted as he looked up at you.
"Forced love isn't true love, Connor." You muttered.
Before he could get another word in, you sped your way back into the police department. Once you were back at your desk, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"You good there kid?" Hank questioned.
It was then you realised that you were shaking, wracked with pain as you gripped your desk. Your knuckled turned white and you held the desk, using it to stabilise yourself.
"I'll be fine," Your voice cracked as you spoke.
You hated that you had let him make you feel this way. You hated how weak you felt. Most of all, you hated the way all you wanted to do was to crawl into bed and cuddle up to him.
"Fuckin Connor?" Lieutenant Anderson questioned, leaning against your desk.
All you could do was nod your head.
He opened his arms and pulled you tight against his chest. You sobbed into Hanks chest, gripping his jacket. You were still shaking, but now tears were cascading down your face.
"I told that damn boy not to, I'm sorry" Hank grumbled, resting his chin on the top of your head.
You heard footsteps beside you. They stopped abruptly. From how light the footsteps were, you could tell Connor had walked into the room. You could tell he was now staring at you and Hank.
"Fuck off Connor," you muttered into Hanks chest.
The footsteps continued briefly. He had closed the gap between the two of you. Lightly, he placed a hand on your back.
"I said fuck off."
He looked to Hank, his eyes soft and sad. Hank could tell that Connor felt bad about hurting you. That Connor might even regret it. Hank sighed as he motioned for Connor to leave.
Connor sat at his desk, staring at you and Hank. He had his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes were narrowed.
'Forced love isn't true love'
Your words had echoed in his mind since you abandoned him. It was in that moment that he had realised he had made a mistake. He regret everything he had said the moment it left his lips.
He knew that he never had to force his love for you. He just couldn't bare the thought of you hurting if something were to happen to him. He wanted you to move on so that if he were to die, you could still be happy.
He stared at you as you pulled away from Hank. "True love..."
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