#dbs headcanons
saiyansimp · 1 year
Dating (some of) the Z-Fighters…
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You probably met while training! Maybe you met at a tournament and put up a valiant fight against him, or you ran into him in a remote yet gorgeous training spot outdoors. Either way you hit it off immediately! If you aren’t a fighter, then you probably were set up on a blind date through Bulma lmao
You aren’t able to spend much time together, but when you’re on dates or training together you feel like you’re in heaven. He makes you feel so incredibly special: I like to think that since the Cell Saga, he’s learned that not everyone is inherently a fighter and that’s okay! He makes sure to take an interest in your interests no matter what they are 
Cooking. Lots of cooking. Or eating takeout. I’d say you can look forward to leftovers but I doubt there’ll be any lmao
Lots of laughter, whether intentional or not. Mans is a huge goofball and always tries to make you laugh, but some of his funniest moments are just him acting as his usual self hehe, he's so nonchalant when telling you stories about his past you can't help but laugh at how casually he describes getting shot and dying lmao
His love language is definitely touch! He’s very clingy so get ready for cuddles in the middle of the night after a looong training session, arms wrapped around your waist as you cook breakfast, or even just holding your hand as you walk down the street together!
I feel like he’d absolutely LOVE theme parks as a date, but he’d definitely force you to go on the biggest rollercoasters / death drop rides so be warned
Also enjoys any type of outdoorsy activity with you! Rock climbing, nature walks, even just fishing with you! Be ready to cook whatever he catches though
Despite not always being present he’s a 10/10 BF hehe
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Cracks knuckles
You’d probably have to be the first one to make a move if you saw him at a coffee shop or a party and found him cute, even after you give him your number he waits like two weeks to text you
Once you two start dating though he switches his attitude REAL quick
He’d never admit it, but unlike Goku, he definitely prioritizes your dates and pleasing you over training. He’ll be in the middle of sparring with Goku and remember that you two have a date soon and make up a lame excuse to leave (probably claiming he’s hurt Goku enough for the time being or something along those lines) before dipping lmao
I love the headcanon that Saiyans love strong women because even if you’re not physically strong, if you’re snarky enough you and geets are gonna have LOTS of fun
Bullying is his love language.It’s constant but if you try and return it at all he’ll get all defensive and pissy 
Can talk about your inferiority all day but you make a single height joke? Nope. He’s done he’s out go apologize to him Right Now
Actual love language is quality time! He’s not great with words or PDA but will always go shopping with you or take you out to eat. And don’t you dare think about paying how could you even think to damage his ego like that
Very cuddly in private though, won’t ask for it he’ll just sit at the edge of your shared couch/bed and stare at you until you go over to him and wrap your arms around him, running a hand through his hair. 
If you’re an artist do NOT draw him/paint him/etc. unless you want his ego to increase exponentially
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I feel like If You Are A Woman, then you’re Krillin’s type. 
Absolutely the type to make you food / homemade gifts to express affection even if they’re not great. You love them all anyways! He tries to make your favorite meal one day and it tastes burnt and raw but you can’t let him know that so you eat absolutely as much as you can without puking
You probably met by both being friends with either Bulma or Chi-Chi and therefore spent a lot of time at Kame house. Definitely a friends to lovers situation
Which adds an even more stable ground to your relationship! You’ve got friendship and history that makes your relationship even better, inside jokes that date back to before you were dating
Like Goku, he’s also a huge joker. Probably even more than Goku, but definitely more purposeful with his jokes and with
One of his go-to jokes is trying on brightly colored wigs and it never fails to leave you howling
Will literally do anything you ask him to, he just wants to make you happy. You need him to drive you somewhere? Hes on his way. You need cuddles? Always. You need to vent? Hes all ears.
pleasepleasePLEASE dont take advantage of this trait
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HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT…. Even though Piccolo is akin to plants in that he’s green and only requires water to survive, there are certain types of plants that do reproduce sexually! 
Piccolo absolutely values intellect and morality over looks but hes a tough nut to crack so you’d better be in it for the long haul
Lots of your dates are just sitting under trees together meditating, reading or sitting in silence 
Piccolos love language is absolutely gift giving and hes amazing at it. He knows what you want/need before you do. You wake up one morning and think to yourself about how you could use a cute new outfit and by the end of the day there’s a new dress on your bed that looks amazing on you. He also LOVES making you breakfast in bed, or any meal really if you’re too exhausted from your day to cook.
Don’t get me wrong, he can be intimate. He’s just emotionally constipated alright ! But when he opens up you better be ready to listen bc not many get that privilege 
Absolute freak in bed 
You have to be willing to get along with Gohan. Non-negotiable. If you start dating while Gohan’s a kid, you absolutely go on dates together with Gohan tagging along like your adopted child. If he’s older, then the three of you regularly get together to catch up and maybe act as adoptive grandparents to Pan!
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grimmcheems · 4 months
More Buff Chichi 💖💪🏽
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Ik it’s been a while but here’s another buff chichi I drew. This was supposed to be like a funny shitpost (I was using one of those out of context images as a reference) but I got serious halfway through lmao, now it has a whole dialogue and extra shading n shi. I literally die everytime someone likes my old buff chichi post and anything dragonball related I’ve made bc I never expected the fandom to still be alive like this when I first started posting (also my aus are rly random and I never expected ppl to actually see and like them oop) and it gives me a good jumpscare when I come back to check my inbox lmao.
Anyways. Here’s Chichi being Stronk, who knows who said it but Chichi heard someone mention her age as if that would mean she would be weak and she took it as a little challenge and grabbed her boys as quickly as she could to put that statement to rest. Trust she’s got some muscles under there, you just can’t see them because these goobers are covering them.
I originally had some extra speech bubbles where she says “I bet I could even lift your father, Videl, and Pan at the same time too!” To which Gohan replies “Please Don’t! You’ll hurt yourself” because he’s the only one worried about her age and health lmao. Everybody else just egged her on. Maybe even Goku gets sad he wasn’t the one lifted instead but who knows. Goten’s line was also altered from “Gohan and Dad really weren’t kidding about you still working out.” But it sounded a bit like a jab at the two and her since it’s unlikely that’d be a thing he wouldn’t believe from either of them. She trained him, like cmon, out of all the people who’d stop training? idk what I was thinking with that line😅
Added trunks last second because it was funny thinking of Bulma struggling with doing the same but only with Trunks, and even funnier when I thought about Vegeta doing it bc he would be half embarrassed but he doesn’t like to lose. (Though it’d be too easy for him and would make no difference since he’s a super powered alien.) Also I thoroughly enjoyed drawing these three together, it was really hard since I’ve only ever drawn chichi out of all three.
[the ref I used: \/]
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 year
Fun Dragon Ball headcanons
Goku and Vegeta are experienced with video games because of their sons. They even sometimes play them together. Goku's favorite is Sonic the Hedgehog and Vegeta's Mortal Kombat. Vegeta is usually the victor in their matches.
Bulma makes up to Vegeta by letting him give Bulla a middle name. He picks Eschalot of course. He chooses this name after a famous Saiyan princess. Princess Eschalot was known as the ideal Saiyan princess: strong, intelligent, brave, beautiful, and a fierce warrior. She refused to marry and decreed that she only would if the suitor beat her in combat. Not only did she defeat each and every one, she even killed them.
The gang sometimes go to Yamcha's baseball games. The kids even have his baseball cards.
Piccolo's favorite water is from watermelons. Dende's is coconut.
Trunks and Bulla are grossed out when they learn their mother and Uncle Yamcha used to date.
Goku sometimes stops by Tien's school to observe or participate in lessons.
Goku and Chichi planted their own apple tree in their backyard shortly after they married. It's still there all these years later.
Vegeta is very approving towards Mai as a match for Trunks, especially since finding out she was an assassin.
Goku likes to bring Chichi souvenirs from his adventures. They could be a stone from a foreign planet, a seashell from the ocean, or a flower from the mountains.
Vegeta is a secret Taylor Swift fan. He listens to her music when he's training or thinking by himself.
The children like Broly and love to play with him.
Goku can be a jealous husband in a subtle way. If he notices a man checking Chichi out or trying to flirt with her, he will hold her hand and refer to her as his wife or use endearing names towards her.
As far as the public is concerned, Vegeta's a cryptid. Everyone knows his name and recognize him as Bulma Briefs' husband, but that's about it. Nobody knows who exactly he is, where he came from, or how he and Bulma met and got together. It's even more difficult since journalists are too scared of him to approach him for an interview.
Since he can remember, Goku has had dreams where he is floating in a yellow void, surrounded by large shadows of people and muffled voices. Most of the time, he sees and hears a small and friendly woman, a large man with a deep voice, or a short child who likes to knock on glass. Goku doesn't realize until many years later that these are memories of his time in his incubator and the people he was seeing/hearing were his parents and young Raditz.
"Hungry like a Saiyan" or "eat like a Saiyan" are common metaphors among certain alien races.
Krillin stays in touch with his Buddhist roots. He visits temples, even his old temple where he was raised. He sometimes brings 18 and Marron with him.
While it's not shown, Launch does stay in touch with everyone.
Chichi speaks fluent Cantonese and Mandarin. She personally teaches Gohan and Goten from a young age. Goku has even picked up some terms here and there. When she’s angry enough, Chichi will curse in either language.
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fabuloustrash05 · 29 days
headcanon that vegeta owns the title of “trophy husband” proudly because he thinks it means he’s better than all the other husbands. bulma thinks it’s funny and doesn’t correct him.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Cuddling With Saiyans Headcanons
author's note: i love snuggles. also once again the character banners you see in this post were created by the amazing @actuallysaiyan!! ❤️
pairings: vegeta x fem!reader, goku x fem!reader, broly x fem!reader, gohan x fem!reader
warnings: snuggles, mentions of nightmares, light nsfw if you squint
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is not much of a cuddler, obviously
or is that just what he wants you to think?
Vegeta, like all saiyans, runs hot and will keep you warm if you let him
key being, if you let him
he will never initiate snuggle time
but if you pull him in, or simply ask him to, he folds
he'll scoop you up in those beefy arms and hold you just how you like
he personally likes to be the big spoon, but he'll never even admit he likes spooning at all
if you get up or move around at any point in the night, you've lost your snuggle privileges only because he sleeps so heavily that he won't be up to readjust anytime soon
and when he's up, he's at it and going to start the day's training
so consider your options carefully next time you have to pee and his arms are locked so tightly around you that it's squeezing your bladder for dear life
nine times out of ten, you'll wake up to find Vegeta on top of you, shielding your body with his
even during slumber, his top priority is your safety
Vegeta likes to rub the tip of that sharp nose against you, be it the curve of your neck and shoulder or against your cheek
he doesn't know it, but he used to do that to his mother as well when he was a young boy
playing with Vegeta's hair is the one surefire way to get him to sleep when he otherwise has a hard time doing so
don't start humming though, it makes him angry. he'll start muttering about his pride and how lullabies are for babies
he'd like you to keep giving him the sweet forehead kisses though
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Goku is the king of snuggling
he's already always down for a nap, so if you need some quality Goku snuggle time, just get in bed and wait a few minutes
literally, he's got a sixth sense for these things
likes to tuck his face into your neck because you smell good, and he likes nuzzling into your natural smell that lies below the artificial scents you wear
runs like a damn furnace, so always make sure to wear a skimpy pajama set, or nothing at all
don't rile him up though or the snuggling is just gonna have to wait
he snores, but he's so soft about it that it doesn't bother you
Goku rarely ever feels particularly down or sad, but sometimes he does and snuggles are a perfect cure
sit on his lap and he'll take it from there, hiding his face in your chest and slipping his arms around you tightly
play with his hair a bit and he's putty in your hands, especially when you massage the top of his scalp with your nails
eventually he'll tell you what's on his mind, and after you talk it out, he's feeling better but very much still wants to cuddle
Goku does not. let. go. until he's had his fill
so DO NOT cuddle with him if you either haven't gone pee in a while or have errands to run later
he'd let go if you asked of course, but not without giving you those pitiful puppy dog eyes
so don't break his poor lil heart and just keep snuggling with him as long as he wants, okay?
nobody ever died from a lil bit of saiyan cuddling, after all
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Broly isn't keen on cuddling at the beginning of your relationship
he actually craves comfort, but physical touch is hard for him to accept since the concept is so foreign to him
that being said, being around you is quite the comfort in itself for Broly, so laying in bed with you already works wonders
slowly he warms up to you, like sleeping just a tad closer than even the night before
he can feel the heat from your body, and the backs of his fingers curiously brush against the soft skin of your arm
he takes your hand in his one night, and keeps holding it even after you fall asleep
you're warm and soft and it's all he's ever wanted in his life
from that point on, he quickly warms up to your touch and is a clingy saiyan like no other
his hold is almost too tight, and when you start to wheeze is when you decide it would be in your best interests to ask him to ease up
but goodness he loves to hold you to his large chest, one hand on your hip and the other at the center of your back
Broly unfortunately suffers from nightmares
and though he'd never hurt you intentionally, it's definitely a risk to be near him when he's having a nightmare
there's nothing much you can do but wait it out and soothe him when he wakes up
he appreciates it nonetheless, and as your bond strengthens they become less frequent
Broly holds you like you're a teddy bear, and oftentimes will just scoop you up from your place and hold you
it is not uncommon to wake up completely on top of him and locked in those big arms
he loves to cuddle but doesn't quite know how to ask for it, so he literally will just pick you up and hold you as he pleases
if you tell him no then he will obviously respect that
broly is very big on consent, ever since you taught him just what it is and he realizes how he's been violated of it his entire life
he's a gentle giant, and you've really expected no less from him when it comes to cuddling
his tail will wrap around you as well, keeping you as close as possible
he does snore, but his sleeping face is cute so it's okay
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Gohan can be a bit of a loner, as a result of his eventful childhood
so when he met you, he was cautious yet anxious to have a connection with someone not an alien or batshit insane!
so he takes your relationship slow and sweetly, and when you start staying over at his place or vice versa he is so excited
he's always touching you, kissing you, in general just being so damn sweet on you that he's practically buzzing
and he's internally kicking himself for being so clingy, so when bedtime rolls around he lays completely still
no touching at all
and it takes everything in you not to laugh at this silly, adorable man
when you finally roll over into his side and snuggle up to him, he relaxes and kisses your forehead while moving those deceptively strong arms around you
Gohan likes to rub his hands along your back and gently digs his knuckles in circles against any tense spots
he normally will wear a long sleeve shirt and a soft pair of pj pants to bed, but usually takes his shirt off before falling asleep since his blood runs so hot
likes it when you trace the lines of his abs, and that alone sometimes is the only reason he gets some training in
Gohan likes to watch documentaries before bed and takes great pleasure in explaining things you may not understand in greater detail
you, on the other hand, just like the look on his face when he's excited, so that's why you ask so many questions
your extended knowledge for trivia games as a result is just a nice little side effect
sometimes work and research can get to Gohan, and when you can't get him out of the office you resort to sitting on his lap and tucking his face into your chest
Gohan is literally defenseless against it and will have no choice but to relax against you and take a break
he takes after his father and hardly snores at all
not-so-secretly likes to be the little spoon
when Pan is born, they become the ultimate snuggle buddies and you only feel a little left out because they look so damn precious when they're cuddling
you're still Gohan's favorite though, forever and always
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lilies-and-pigeonpeas · 3 months
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More Ferris Bueller crossover bc I needed to get it out of my system (I had more but I think I'm done lol)
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chamomilemeadow · 3 months
I don't like how Yamcha's eyes and hair are drawn from the beginning of Z to the end of Super, he began to look less and less unique. So I tried to bring back his old eye style and hair.
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r0bins-repert0ire · 6 months
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dragon ball headshots and headcanons if you squint
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pixelmacaron · 2 months
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pushing my headcanon of Chi Chi's body becoming more bulkier around buu saga and throughout super
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arkolovesgoku · 9 months
i’m going to go on a small rant about dragon ball super Goku
so the first ever dragon ball show i watched was dragon ball super cause at that time all i had was a school chromebook and an illegal website (😭) which had very limited anime to watch.
they only had dragon ball super. no dragon ball, dragon ball z or gt. so yeah, i started off getting into the dbz fandom by watching the worst series in the entire franchise (according to other people)
at the beginning i was super confused, like, “what?? he has a son? a wife?? two sons?? am i missing something?” but i pushed through and i absolutely fell in love with dbs.
it was that series that got me into dragon ball and everything, and i have a huge amount of respect towards it. it has some pretty good arcs, especially the TOP arc. but as i went back towards the beginning, watched og db and dbz, i started to realize that dbz Goku was not the same as dbs Goku.
Goku. isn’t. stupid.
well yeah, he’s still kinda dumb (and i find that absolutely adorable), but not to the point where he doesn’t understand the most basic concepts of anything that isn’t fighting.
i refuse to believe that his level of understanding is that of like a 5 year old toddler.
so to make super a bit more bearable, i have a little headcanon.
Goku just acts dumb because he finds everyone’s reactions hilarious.
like in ep 42, where Beerus disguises himself as Monaka (probably filler but still), i like to think he pretended not to know that Beerus was actually in the costume and internally had a wheezing fit seeing the destroyer put on an uncomfortable outfit.
actually, i think he just went along with the entire “Monaka is the strongest warrior i’ve ever fought” thing because it’s funny seeing Beerus panic
also Chichi’s probably in on his little secret too.
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pitchouna · 5 months
Hello!! I just loved your work!! So may I ask for a scenario where something happens to the reader and Goku becomes overproctective??
Love ya and take care❤️❤️
Overprotective Goku x reader!!
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HELLOOO!! I totally did not expect a request that fast damn but hey ig Goku fans are as down bad as much as I am 😔😔 you did not say what genre is the reader so I've done a general!!
Warnings : CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT / Reader is traumatized / Angst / Comfort / mentions of SA Words : 2154
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Goku is far from overprotective.
He knows you're strong and trusts you! Plus he's too dumb to understand.
But sometimes, he'll definitely feel it if you are uncomfortable.
And you definitely don't wan't to be the person he'll take care of.
Definitely not.
Today you and Goku planned to hang around the City to change a little. Everything was perfect!! He picked you up at your house and took you on a ride with the Nimbus cloud!! You both enjoyed the ride a lot and the atmosphere was very peaceful. Just how you love it.
You guys went shopping, (you forced him of course, but he actually enjoyed it!!) and even bought him some casual clothes because let's be honest right there he looks damn fine in casual clothes. You did not told him of course...
After you two were satisfied with your shopping, you decided to sit on a bench wondering what you guys will do next.
"So what you wanna do now?" Your relaxed voice startled Goku who seemed lost. Of course you noticed it. Because you're a smart-ass ofc ofc. "Goku you fine?" you asked in a confused tone. He looked alright all this time! Was he faking?? Those insecure thoughts you wanted to forget came back. "Hm? Oh yeah I'm alright! I'm just wondering what we should do next!!" Goku said in his usual happy tone making your worries vanish. He was actually thinking how great you looked in those clothes you bought today and looked further in seeing you in these more. As you both we're thinking what to do next you spotted an Ice cream truck catching your attention. It wasn't that close but it was still on your eyesight. "Oh! There's an ice truck over there!" This has immediately picked Goku's attention as sparkles appeared in his eyes. "Woohhh! Let's check that out Y/n!!" Goku said excited as both of you walk towards the Ice-cream truck and taking your hand in the process making you yelp in surprise and blush a little. But his enthusiasm just made you happier "Alright!! I hope it's not that expensive though and it better be worth it.." You said chuckling "Heheee... It'll be fine I guess~" Goku hummed.
As you both finished taking your orders you've ordered a Strawberry Banana Ice cream, and Goku have taken a Watermelon Grape mix. "What kind of mix is that?.." You said in a disgusted tone questioning the weird Saiyan's choices. "Don't know.... It sounded great!!.." Goku whined sounding disappointed. You hum in happiness as you're very proud of the mix of flavors you've choosen. "Hmmhh!! It's so good!! You should try Strawberry Banana next time!! How does yours taste?" You've asked the Saiyan as he takes a bite of his Ice-cream. "Uhmm.... It's okay... I guess... But Watermelon doesn't taste very well.." Goku said as the disappointment was obvious on his face. "Well it's not like I've warned you-Oh-Hey!!! Give it back!!" Goku has taken your ice cream and took the biggest bite ever leaving you with barely nothing left. "Hmmhh! You're right it tastes amazing!! I'll definitely listen to you next time!!" Goku says with a big smile on his face as you dramatically cry for your ice cream. "How could you.... How could you do this to me..." You dramatically cry as Goku's making fun of you "Heheee... You can take my Ice-cream instead!! It's better than nothing-Ouchh...!! That hurts!!" Goku whined his head hurting making you laugh like an antagonist. "Hahaa!! Deserved!! That's for stealing my Ice-cream you big monkey!!" Goku dramatically acts offended, joining in your little game "Heyyy!! That's not really nice of you you big!.... Big...... Uh.... I don't have any ideas... Ouch!!.." Goku still holds his forehead as the brain freeze just seems to get worse making you laugh. "I guess using your head will just hurt more.. Meh now you know you don't have to steal my food anymore." You said patting his head even if he's taller than you. "Yes yes..." He cried disappointed, as if he wanted to do that again. "Well what do you want to do know?" You've asked Goku before you heard sirens and people screaming immediately catching your attention. Your head turns at the direction the screams and you see a car driving extremely fast as the police chase them. "Damn what kind of people drive this fast?.." Goku asked "Suicidal people I guess." You've replied sarcastically not noticing the doors of the cars opening as it makes it's way behind you. You then fell a hand on your waist and on your mouth pulling you inside. Time went slow for Goku as his eyes widened processing what was happening. But before he could react the car was already far away. "Y/n!!" he has screamed so loud that you heard it, before your vision faded away. He quickly summoned the Nimbus cloud to follow the car.
You woke up tied up in a chair with a tissue covering your mouth. Your first decision was to look around knowing that struggling was pointless and it would just waste your energy. You seemed to be in a garage that you do not recognize. There are graffiti all around the place and some used dirty furniture. You heard a door opening immediately putting you on guard. What seemed like Gang members went inside, they were 17 they had weapons and seemed easy to fight one by one. But if they were all attacking you you won't stand a chance. Which made you forget the idea of beating them up. But before, you had to find a way of untying yourself. "Oh so that's the chick you've taken? She's smoking hot! We'll have a lot of fine with her.." One of the guys spoke. The way he talkedade your face twist in disgust predicting what's going to happen next. You're mentally preparing yourself to face it. Because you know you won't be able to escape it easily." Wait a second I want to hear her voice.." Another guy spoke. He seemed stronger than the others. So you assumed he was the leader. He removed the tissue covering your mouth and spoke.
"Hello there~ How come we've never seen you around pretty one?.." The leader said in a flirting tone that disgusted you. "Get away from me you pig!!" You replied screaming wanting to let them know that you don't want to do anything with them. The leader only smirked as the other men started to approach you. "And what if I don't?~" He said grabbing your chin and caressing your hair. Leaving you surprised and waiting for the worst. You decided to stay quiet. Knowing screaming will only make thins harder and more painful as tears starts to appear in your eyes. "Awhhh! What a cuite She's already crying !" You've heard a couple men saying in union. "awh... If you cry now how will you act when we'll break you?~" Your eyes widened not wanting that to happen. "N-no... You don't mean..." You say with a shaky voice making the men smile even more. "Hehe.. C'mon guys, let's start the party..." And the last things you've heard was horrible laughs.
It was horrible. Ohh soo horrible. You were traumatized. To say the least. You didn't even had the energy left to cry. You were undressed only left with your bra and your panties. You wanted to forget everything. You wanted to wake up. You refused to believe it was real. You felt dirty. You still had the sensation of their hands touching everything on your body. You'll always remember how their lips felt on your body... On your face.... On your lips. The sounds of laughter of the men echoed in your ears. It was unbelievable. You'll never forget this day. You wanted to sleep and never wake up again. You closed your eyes. Hoping that the next time you'll open them you'll be in your bed, then spend the day with Goku and everyone else like the usual.
Instead what you've heard is an explosion. You slowly opened your eyes, puffed due to the many tears you've cried. But the door was behind you. So you couldn't not see what was happening. And you were too traumatized to move right now. You could just hear muffled voices and screams.
"I'm really mad right now. I'm going to kill you all." You heard a familiar voice say. But you didn't care. "Someone please help !!" You didn't care. You've heard many many pained screams. But you didn't care. You've heard many many sounds of bone breaking and liquids spilling. But you didn't care. You smelled a strong scent of blood. But you didn't care. It last for a very very long time. But then it stopped. You didn't care. You heard footsteps coming towards you. But you didn't care. You felt someone lifting your body but you didn't care. You then fell unconscious. And you didn't care.
It was unbelievable. Goku was full of blood, holding you on his arms still shocked about what happened. Oh when he saw you undressed on the floor oh how mad he became. Even after taking care of theses rotten garbages do this to you ?? Oh he was so mad. Putting them on their place killing them was not enough. He contacted Bulma that has reunited the dragon balls for a project, and asked if he could have a wish. Bulma accepted. Goku went on her balcony with the Dragon Balls reunited and said, "Show yourself Shenron! And grant my wishes!" the impressive dragon got out of the Dragon balls as the sky darkened. "Express your wishes human." The Dragon said with his deep voice. Goku looked at your unconscious face before granting his wish. "I want Y/n to forget everything that has happened today!! Including everything her body felt!!" Goku exclaimed. "Nothing's easier." Shenron shined and immediately your expression looked more peaceful. Goku felt a wave of relief. As if the weight on his shoulders has been lifted. He sighed happy that you'll remember nothing about this. "You have 2 wishes left. What else do you want?" Goku looked at Shenron who forgot that he was there. "Bulmaaaa!! Come do you wishes I'm done here!!" Goku said hoping on the Nimbus cloud with you in his arms. Bulma ran to the balcony screaming "Goku!! Tell me what happened to Chiya!! And why is she undressed!??" as her tone holds very noticeable worry for her best friend. "It's best to not know!!!" Goku yelled already in the sky. Yet Bulma heard it. She sighed irritated, but if Goku told so maybe it was better to not speak about it.
You woke up on your couch as the first thing you see was the TV showing a random anime about martial arts. You've noticed a bowl of snacks and pop corn. You realized you were on Goku's lap. You've gave him a confused glare while he was just smiling. "W-what happened? I don't remember anything..." You've switched for a sitting pose but since you were still tired you decided to put your head on Goku's shoulder. "Don't remember? We were shopping but then you felt tired so we've come back to your place. And I waited until you woke up." Goku said with a soft voice that replaced his usual energetic one. Maybe he felt tired too?? "Oh well... I still don't remember anything.. What time is it anyway?" You yawned as Goku looked at the clock. "It's 6:26 PM.. Why?" Goku asked tilting his head. "Wanna go to restaurant? They serve tasty rice!" You' said with a big smile seeing how Goku's eyes sparkled at the mention of rice. "Yess!! Let's go now!!" Goku took your hand and ran towards the exit of your home. You two were already dressed so you didn't mind.
At the restaurant you both ordered a lot of bowls of rice and ramen. Because you two were very hungry. For Goku it was like always. But you've rarely eaten this much, which was one of the many things you noticed was weird this evening. Why did you ate more? Why was Goku calmer? Why did he put a hand on your shoulder or on your waist protectively all the time as if something might happen? Why did he glare at every men near you? "Wahhhhhh!! This was so good!!" Goku exclaimed patting his stomach as you looked at the bowls. He had taken 15 bowls while it's usually 20. It added something on the list of what was weird thus evening. "What do you want to do now?" You asked him expecting him to say that he'll do his usual training of the night. But he replied with something else. "Hmmm what about we watch series and play games?" Goku said leaving you shocked. Okay. What was wrong this evening??! And why did you felt that Goku saved you from something you'd never forget?... You just decided to brush it off and enjoy the evening with him.
(Honorable mention of him hugging you while you were sleeping <33)
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WOOOHHHH TTHAT TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH WTH?? But I again had so much fun writing this!!! I totally did not expect to write again so soon but the request seemed so fun I just couldn't ignore it and I definitely did not expected to get one so soon!! But I hope you guys enjoyed!! I'll probably make a request rule soon because there are some things I won't be uncomfortable writing.. Anyways Take care!! <33
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artbybai · 1 year
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Canon VS. Fanon Super Broly ✨🥦💪
(Template by @/TAGASAING on Twitter!)
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honeeslust · 7 months
Can we play a game?
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🖤Gentle giants hung like pornstars that cry out like a puppy when you carve out the shape of his tip with your tongue.😝
🖤 here are my 3...
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He's not afraid to moan for you. But imagine the first time you edge him. He shocked by the way he sounds crying out for more. Hes standing so tall, thick rosy veins throbbing against the tickle of your fingers. Its hard not to climb atop that ripened cock. Especially as it sits so pretty.dripping like it needed to be mounted expeditiously.
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😮‍💨I'm going into the archives for this one…
What's understood don't need to be explained, but what I wanna add is that he's full on switching!! If he isn't guts deep, crawling the bed to keep fucking you even as he's coming… then he's sittin pretty in your bed. Handcuffed to your headboard while you straddle him. Teasing him over and over only to sit halfway and leave him shaking so hard he eventually breaks the headboard to get at that 🐱 👌🏾🫠
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Let's be completely honest. Any touch from you is enough to get him bricked up. He's so touch starved he doesn't know what to do with himself. I can just about hear how hard he whimpers when your pinching those pierced rose bud nipples and His body all twitchy and glisteny for you. You can edge him until hes releasing the most gut wrenching. Awe inspiring. Shudder inducing. Toe curling. Mouth watering. Soul pleasing. Sensuous sounding whimpers you've ever heard. 😫😝
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Share your top 3 please.. No pressure though ☺️And go….
@arlerts-angel @ryomens-vixen @blkkizzat @bakubunny @biscuitsngravie @littlemochabunni @i-literally-cant-with-this @residentfromnowhere @crescentmoontsuki
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ap-kinda-lit · 5 months
Saiyan headcanons
Saiyans love hot baths. The kind of temperatures they best enjoy would be boiling to most people but to them is a perfect sauna.
They often take very personal trophies from their victories, like heads, limbs, or skin.
When a Saiyan is banished/exiled, they have their tails cut off as a mark of shame.
Some traditional Saiyan dishes do include bugs.
Before the Cold Empire’s conquest, Saiyan architecture was similar to that of the Aztecs/Mayans and India. You can also see it in the style of their artwork.
They also didn’t use armor much as they didn’t consider it necessary, but when they did the armor they wore included leather, metals, and furs. Common Saiyan armor was styled like the Vikings, while the armor used by the elite were more like the Mongolians.
Like in a lot of species, female Saiyans are not only just as strong as their male counterparts but can even be more dangerous. Females are more agile, methodical, strategic, and better at stealth. Like lionesses, they are capable of both attacking and defending. While female Saiyans are the primary caretakers of children and homesteads, this is because they are seen as reliable and highly capable at leading and protecting. If an army tried to attack a Saiyan camp because it was only wives and mothers, it would be the worst mistake.
Most Saiyans do not know what a “husband/wife” or “boyfriend/girlfriend” is or even what marriage means. They have mates and while there is courting involved it still basically goes if two people like each other a certain way they hook up, move in, and, more often than not, produce children. That’s it. Plain and simple. There are no certain terms, ceremonies, or pageantry.
Surprisingly, Saiyans are normally very loyal partners. They are monogamous and they more often than not mate for life.
A lot of Saiyans actually care about their children and can be super protective of them. As in, think of a mama bear or papa lion on PCP. Don’t mess with their kids.
They also carry them on their bodies, mostly their backs, not much different from how regular monkeys and apes do with their babies.
And when they’re not carried, Saiyan children hold on to their parent’s tail, kind of like with elephants.
Traditional Saiyan music kind of sounds like rock music and their dancing is the same as mosh pitting.
Yes, they hiss like cats. Why wouldn’t they?
Their battle cries sound like gorilla grunts and monkey howls and they bang on their chests like them.
Saiyans are fairly casual about nudity. They have mixed bath-houses and don’t have much problem with walking around naked before or after a bath or being injured. They even consider fighting nude and act of bravery and strength.
Saiyans have a very high tolerance for narcotics and alcohol. It takes quite a bit to make them intoxicated. Which is why their alcohol is extremely strong to the point it could give a man alcohol poisoning in little to no time.
While they prefer meat, they’re omnivores above all. They can eat just about anything. I mean anything. They have super strong stomachs that can store/digest anything. Like sharks, they’ll eat the most unusual things from time to time. If you cut open a Saiyan’s belly, you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff you would find in there, like a lost and found.
A Saiyan’s way of showing affection to their SO or relatives normally includes sharing food, bringing them presents from their hunts and other adventures, and grooming (namely picking out debris or whatnot from their hair). With their mates, they tend to bite (think of like with cats).
Speaking of which, Saiyans are very fierce in the bedroom as they are in the battlefield. Because of this, along with their brute strength and expansive energy, physical intimacy with a Saiyan can be tantamount to wrestling a bear or lion. You will most likely die or at least be seriously injured.
Saiyans have matches that are a lot like flyting, or rap battles. Essentially, they roast each other in rhythmic style. In Saiyan matches, expect some mother/father jokes and unflattering references to Frieza or King Cold.
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fandom-trash-xl · 8 months
Quick Incorrect Quotes Fistful, but I have good ones this time
Caulifla: I'm going to confess to you for Valentine's Day, so wait up for me after our training. Kale: Eh?! Caulifla: You're free after training, right? Kale: ...Yeah. Caulifla: Then, be prepared! Kale: ...Okay. Caulifla: Then, why's your face all red? Kale: Because you basically already confessed... Caulifla: DAMMIT! ...Never mind. -- Cabba, from the Tournament of Power benches during episodes 113-116: Let's go, lesbians, let's go! LET'S GO, LESBIANS, LET'S GO! -- Frieza, about Kuriza: I have trained the rightful heir to my empire~ Berryblue: You messed up a perfectly good child is what you did. Look at him. He's got anxiety. --- Goku: When Chi-Chi and I were first flirting after we got married, she asked me how I felt about pet names, to which I replied, "Well, you have to call them something." Goku: This is really testament to my wife's patience. Bulma: Goku, I think Chi-Chi might be a moronsexual. Goku: Hey, don't call her a moron! Goku: ...Wait. --- Vegeta, after pulling Yamcha aside, pointing to Frieza: That is a homicidal maniac! ...No, you may not date him.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Dating Goku Headcanons | Goku x Reader |
author's note: i just love me some son goku!!!
pairing: goku x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, light nsfw mentions but nothing explicit
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when you met goku, you were just out grocery shopping like any other tuesday
he wasn't even actually shopping there, he was just mooching off all of the free sample tables
they asked him to leave just as you were checking out, and so you ended up striking conversation with him in the parking lot, as his physique didn't imply he was starving, yet he was eating like he was
and as you walk away to your car with your groceries, you wonder just how you got finessed into cooking dinner for him that night
ever since he got a taste of your cooking, Goku was absolutely hooked on you
the key to a Saiyan's heart truly is through his stomach
Goku isn't the most romantic guy, and he can be a little clueless at first, but he's a swift learner and soon figures out your cues
his hugs are warm and strong, and he's always happy to give them
a good listener, and sometimes actually gives very good advice
loves, loves, loves kissing
Goku has, on more than one occasion, gotten so excited to kiss you that he's cut you off mid-sentence with a big ole smoochy smooch
and by the time he's done, you never remember what you were talking about
he doesn't know if he prefers to give or receive kisses, as both are so amazing to him
also very much loves to have sex
Goku can go as often as you want; he will literally never tire out before you
unsurprisingly, he's a generous lover too
goku loves to nap just as much as he loves to train, so getting quality time can be a bit of a struggle if you aren't in the mood for a nap
he won't get mad if you wake him up so you can do something together, but it's ideal to have a big sandwich at the ready so he won't pout about being woken up
Goku will literally wear that same damn gi every day if you don't organize outfits for him, so you end up playing dress up a lot
he's a very stunning model, and nine times out of ten you end up tearing the clothes right back off of him
Goku is literally the perfect boyfriend for when you have a sudden urge to rearrange all of the furniture
he's more than happy to move everything for you, even sometimes offering his own ideas or desires for where certain things should go
he's also perfect for dusting the ceiling fans and corners, since he's not only tall, but can fly
he's also got the most adorable sneeze
is always happy to see you, whether it's been an hour or a day or a week
he's a bit like a golden retriever puppy, if you really think about it
his joy upon seeing your face is increased tenfold after a day spent in the hyperbolic time chamber, as it's been a whole year for him!
he'll scoop you into those even stronger arms, kissing you and nuzzling you and talking a thousand miles a minute about this, that and the third
you and Goku don't fight often, but it's not an impossibility
sometimes Goku's naïveté can be frustrating, mostly when it comes to his rigorous training schedule
you see him every day, but it doesn't always feel like you're getting much time with him since you have to do the majority of the house chores and work full time
Goku doesn't argue much, and will usually just let you get your frustrations out before responding
you don't see his war face often, as you're not a fighter and never do see the battlefield
but when he's genuinely upset at you, you're pretty sure he makes the same face as he would to his enemies
being on the side of Goku's cold shoulder or disappointment is the worst feeling you've ever known, and you find yourself incredibly lucky that it's not only rare, but fleeting when it does happen
Goku sees so much of the good in anything and he'd never let a small mistake hold him back from the happiness you make him feel
loves to tell you how much he loves you, and thanks you often for all that you do for him
Goku is honest to a fault, and will tell you if an outfit or color looks bad on you
and while he's always down for a fight, his demeanor is less happy-go-lucky and more i-will-fuck-you-up whenever you get hit on by another man
jealous Goku is not a nice man, but good lord he's the best lover you've ever had
Goku has practically turned your home into an animal rescue with how many stray kittens and injured birds he finds in need of help
after he brought home a whole litter of kittens and their feral mother and begged you to let them stay for a while with those damned puppy dog eyes, you decided that the ASPCA should put him in their advertisements
Being with Goku has made traveling immensely easier and you go on vacations more often than you typically would, thanks to instant transmission and his ability to fly being able to nix your travel costs to a near zero
sometimes he'll pull out the old nimbus cloud and take you for a ride, letting you get a good look at the stars and all of their constellations
Goku is beautiful in the moonlight, and the spark in his kisses while underneath it feels stronger than normal
you've never felt this much happiness before meeting Goku, and each day is somehow better than the last
Goku isn't perfect, but he's everything you need and more
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