dc-polls · 1 year
They Would Not Fucking Say That! Preliminary Poll
Michael Jon Carter (Booster Gold)
From: Batman (2016) #45-47 Context: Batman and Booster Gold...exist? Honestly there's zero background to this one, they hadn't interacted at all in the Rebirth universe up to that point.
Booster goes back in time to save Bruce's parents, inadvertently creating a worse timeline.
Booster is a TIME MASTER. His entire purpose is protecting the sanctity of the timestream. On the rare occasions he has seriously tried to tamper with it, it's to prevent his own tragic backstory or to save his best friend's life. Why would he do something so completely anathema to his entire shtick for BATMAN, who he is awkward work colleagues with AT BEST? They aren't friends! Booster isn't invested in Bruce! He's also not the colossal idiot King paints him as and knows better than to pull stupid shit like this! In fact, Booster appeared immediately before this story in a Superman storyline telling Superman that no, they can't actually go back in time and save Krypton...WHICH IS THE CORRECT ANSWER. So why, months later, is he saving Thomas and Martha Wayne and creating a dystopian timeline where Selina can only say "meow?" (I'm not joking. That's what happens if the Waynes live.) HE WOULD NEVER.
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Jason Todd (Red Hood)
From: Red Hood and the Outlaws #34, The New 52 Context: Starfire tracks down the man who kept her as a slave for the purpose of killing him.
Jason convinces her to NOT kill the man.
I will admit it had been a little while since I fully read through rhato but literally just two issues before the incident Jason was shooting up a plane full of terrorists so it's not like he had a dramatic change of heart about morals over the course of the comic. He has killed people and believes that some people cannot be redeemed and should die. He's willing to kill for the people he cares about. He has argued with Batman about their respective moral codes, and his gotham comeback included a very dramatic revenge scheme. One of the many people Jason has killed was a human trafficker in RH: Lost Days. Why would he talk down Starfire from killing a slave trader? Not just any slave trader either but the one who had her. It's not like he's appreciated batman ever telling him to not kill someone. How is starfires revenge any of his business? And why would he be against it? Starfire even says that that he of all people should know why she has to. And Jason's only response to that is "He ruled your life when you were a kid, Kori. Don't give him anything else." I just don't think that's very compelling. I got into DC comics fairly recently so I can't say im an expert on various characterizations or character depths, but I do think that he would not fucking say that. Like come on.
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[Image ID: Three comic panels. The first one features Starfire standing outside in the rain with her hand, alight with fire, on the slave trader's throat. She says "Don't... ask me to do this. Don't ask me to walk away." In the second panel she crouches and lays the man down on the ground as she turns her torso to face Jason and Arsenal, who are pointing their respective gun and bow at her, pointing at Jason and saying "You KNOW, Jason -- You above EVERYONE ELSE should know why I HAVE to DO this! If you ASK me to-- I won't. But I can not say for sure that I will EVER forgive EITHER of you." In the third panel we see Jason in his Red Hood attire pointing two guns at her as he says "He ruled your life when you were a kid, Kori. Don't give him anything else." /End ID]
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Jervis Tetch (The Mad Hatter)
From: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
Context: Like most Batman Villains, he was introduced as a criminal with a gimmick (Alice in Wonderland and hats with mind-control devices, in his case). After Arkham Hospital/Asylum for the Criminally Insane was created in the comics, his character became one of the patients, sometimes specifying he has schizophrenia.
"Ah, yes. The apparent disorder of the universe is simply a higher order, an implicate order beyond our comprehension. That's why children... interest me. They're all mad you see, but in each of them is an implicate adult. Order out of chaos. Or is it the other way around? To know them is to know myself. Little girls especially. Little blonde girls. Little shameless bitches!"
I've read most of his comic appearances and as far as I know, he had at no point previous to the release of this graphic novel in 1989 ever even interacted with children on a comic (other than Robin, ofc). Grant Morrison just happened to characterize most Arkham patients as either perverts (Joker is gaaaay, he slapped Batman's ass! How creepyyyy is that?) or an allegory for something sexual (Clayface is meant to represent Aids, according to the script included in the anniversary edition) to contrast with Batman being sexually repressed.
Jervis got randomly made into a pedophile just for being the one rogue with a "childish" theme. Nevermind that he also hadn't ever looked for an 'Alice' (regardless of age) previously.
**If this had been made part of his character in further appearances I'd grit my teeth and accept it, but it wasn't. It occasionally pops up if the writers want to make him creepy (see: Haunted Knight, Robin: Year One), but otherwise he has zilch to do with children**
Here's a list of his appearances in order, in case anyone wants to check for themselves:
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[Image ID: Six comic panels of the Mad Hatter in various closeups and dialog. He says, "Ah, yes. The apparent disorder of the universe is simply a higher order, an implicate order beyond our comprehension. That's why children... interest me. They're all mad you see, but in each of them is an implicate adult. Order out of chaos. Or is it the other way around? To know them is to know myself. Little girls especially. Little blonde girls. Little shameless bitches! Oh god. God help us all! Sometimes... sometimes I think the asylum is a head. We're inside a huge head that dreams us all into being." /End Image ID]
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Maxwell Lord IV
From: Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1
Context: Before the comic at hand was released, Max had not appeared in dc canon,(aside from in Formerly Known As The Justice League which I'm fairly sure wasn't fully canon?), since 1995 , where he was a cyborg with no powers. Leading up to that he was mostly the manager for the justice league.
It was "revealed" that he had apparently been a criminal mastermind the whole time, who wanted to rid the world of people with super powers and had somehow become the leader of the spy organization Checkmate. Ted Kord,(the second blue beetle and a friend of Max's), found this out and was going to reveal it, so Max used his mind control to keep him from escaping and then shot him in the head, killing him.
It is difficult for me to put into words how many reasons there are that this was an absolutely boneheaded idea with no understanding of Max's character, and it genuinely infuriates me that it is clearly the foundation of his modern characterization. To start with, Max never showed any distaste for people with superpowers. He made himself the manager of the justice league, (admittedly mostly because an evil supercomputer told him he should but we'll get back to that), and worked with them for years! When that league disbanded he even went to the new version to go and see if they would let him be their manager! He clearly thought superpowers were a positive thing!
Also, he is not the kind of person who could stomach committing evil deeds. There is an entire comic( JLA #41, it's very funny please check it out) dedicated to him using his (very limited) mind control powers to make a lady start talking to him instead of him having to break the ice. This makes him feel so guilty that he has a nightmare that ends with all of his friends in the league calling him a bad person and he has to call the league afterwards to make sure it was fake. That doesn't seem like someone willing to shoot people in the face to me, especially people he knows.
SPEAKING of his friends in the league, he cared about the members of the JLI. Remember the evil computer I mentioned? Well, he mostly stopped doing what it told him because he realized he didn't like being under it's thumb and that he didn't like the kind of person he was becoming doing what it said. But that was kick-started by him worrying for the JLI!. And I feel I should mention that the member of the team he was closest to was J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. J'onn really trusted Max, and believed he was a good person. I would think his judgement would be correct.
Anyway I know this is just a lot of shoddily tossed together information, but I hope it's enough to show you how out of character infinite crisis was for Max. I legitimately don't have it in me to be more put together about this as it makes me so so mad.
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Lonnie Machin (Anarky)
From: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky. New 52/Prime Earth(?) Context: Anarky attempts to thwart Catwoman’s bachelorette party (it was a lead-up to the Bruce/Selina fail wedding) and Jason Todd attempts to stop him.
Teams up with fascists to ruin Selina’s outing by sowing violence, chaos, and destruction in a large crowd of people because the Joker played on his desire for a father figure.
Lonnie, prior to the reboot, was conceived as and most prominently depicted as a politically left-anarchist character until his creator and primary writer, Alan Grant, began getting into Randian Neo-Tech Objectivism and projected it onto Lonnie as Lonnie was always his political mouthpiece. However, despite Lonnie's political sway going from more anarcho-communist to objectivist, he was always a character who had near-unwavering, passionate stances on social issues. He considered anyone who preyed on the common man, or "enemies of the people", to be *his* enemies, and he often came at this from a leftist point of view. He was a strong supporter of social justice for the oppressed, and it was his sorrow and outrage at oppression that led him to take up vigilantism. He despised fascism and considered anyone who used initiatory violence against others to be opposed to him. To Lonnie, anarchism is a philosophy of total freedom from oppression, self-determination, and helping your fellow man, not 'chaos'.
He was also *very* anti-gun and anti-weapon of mass destruction. Whenever he used bombs, they were often smoke bombs or paint bombs. On the one single occasion he used actual bombs to blow up a munitions factory, he evacuated everyone in the building before it blew up, as he cares for the lives of innocents and does not kill. The one single time that it is implied that he killed, his victim was a man who blew up 20+ innocent people in a public setting via bombing and used him as a scapegoat. He has said before that he 'can't let innocent people die because of him'. He holds to this even if he can be clumsy in his methods. When he once experienced a machine-induced dream in which Gotham City descended into fiery chaos because of his well-intentioned actions, he had a crying breakdown.
And, on the Joker - in his 1999 solo series, there is a plot point that is left open-ended that implies the Joker could be Lonnie's biological father, as he is an adoptee. This was done to cement Lonnie into the Batman mythos, as his creators Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle cared a lot about him. When editors disapproved of this, they let Grant write it on the condition that he would prove it wrong later on, but after the Joker issue the series was canceled, and so for all intents and purposes, it was not meant to be lasting 'canon'. Lonnie has been known to hate the Gotham Rogues, as he considers their actions against the people of the city to be completely antithetical to his views and ideals, some of the most important things to him. When he thought that the Joker could've been his father, he had a breakdown. He visited Arkham in order to find out and the Joker briefly played on his (at the time, a 16 year old child) yearning to figure out his parentage in the wake of his adoptive parents' implied death (with some genetic determinism 'does this mean i'll be a "madman" too? involved, but, eugh), but once the Joker tried to use Lonnie to help him break out of Arkham, Lonnie quickly acted against him to prevent his escape. It is said in a (dubiously canon) Batman encyclopedia that the crisis that the Joker could have been his father put him through caused him to self-isolate even harder than he normally does for a while until Cassie Sandsmark's speech during YJ: Sins of Youth inspired him back onto the field. Needless to say, he hates the Joker, and his hatred for the Joker's actions was enough to override his want for a parental figure.
In the post-reboot continuity, Lonnie is no longer an adoptee and his single mother would tell him the Joker was his 'real father' and would come and get him if he misbehaved. He began writing letters to the Joker, who eventually tried to get Lonnie to 'impress' him by giving Batman a 'rehearsal' before his wedding. Lonnie did this by gathering militant anti-feminist terrorists and gun nuts alongside leftists and anti-fascists in one place in order to get them to fight each other and cause 'blood, smoke, and chaos.'
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dc-polls · 1 year
They Would Not Fucking Say That! Preliminary Poll
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
From: Frank Miller’s All-Star Batman and Robin Context: He kidnapped Dick Grayson and planned to leave him in the cave to fend for himself, saying “your food will present itself” with the metaphorical camera cutting to bats and rats.
Forcing Dick Grayson to eat rats
While Bruce’s parenting skills vary wildly, oscillating from good to abusive, this is in my opinion a particularly heinous misrepresentation of his character done almost entirely for shock value by Miller, who is notable for writing Batman as a deranged borderline fascist.
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dc-polls · 1 year
They Would Not Fucking Say That! Preliminary Poll
Vic Sage (The Question)
From: The Question (2005) Context: Vic's been running around Metropolis for three-and-a-half issues, communing with the city and beating up criminals, when Superman shows up and starts lecturing him.
He confirms to Superman that the comic's unusual art style is because he is constantly high off his ass.
Look, there are worse takes on him that I could not possibly explain concisely. This though? #10 of the 1987 run establishes that he *hates* being high and his single intentional experiment with hallucinogens in college ended with him punching his dealer, and it's a recurring thing in that run that he gets drugged and has an incredibly bad time about it. The excuse of drawing from his older iteration doesn't work here either, unlike in some other bad takes on him, because that version was a transparent soapbox for Steve Ditko's political opinions and Ditko has been described as the "least likely person to use drugs on the island of Manhattan". This is, like, the ONE THING that the pre-crisis and post-crisis versions would agree on!
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[Image ID: A cropped comic panel where part of the panel is coloured naturally, while part is bright and erratic. Superman: "It's only a matter of time. To me, every human pulse is as individual as a fingerprint. Yours is quite erratic. I'd say you were under the influence of a powerful psychoactive substance." Vic: "I... uhhh... walk in two worlds." /End Image ID]
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dc-polls · 1 year
They Would Not Fucking Say That! Preliminary Poll
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
From: Episode "Riddler's Reform", Batman: the Animated Series Context: Riddler has been released from jail, and is partnering with Wacko Toys.
Batman instantly does not believe that Riddler has reformed, and shows immediate suspicion towards him. He's overall just a bit mean to Riddler who has "reformed"
Batman - Bruce Wayne - is a kind man at his heart. Sure, he may have been right, and Riddler did end up to have not reformed, but Batman should have given him a chance, and unless he has super instinct then he wouldn't have immediately known.
In another episode, Harley's Holiday, Batman (and his alter ego) supports Harley after her release, and is still supportive during the shenanigans. Harley has done much more damage than Riddler, so he can't use danger as an excuse (although one could argue that since she is separated from Joker, she will not be committing those crimes as they're mostly his fault, but this could be refuted by the episode in which she leaves Joker and goes on a crime spree with Poison Ivy). We could argue that Harley is more immature so Batman would believe her more, but it's just a bit unfair that he helps Harley so much but immediately knows Riddler is scheming. Maybe it's meant to be a show of his intelligence, but it just comes off as mean.
(this is all no hate to Harley, she's amazing, but it's just unfair that Eddie can't be treated with kindness as well. Disclaimer, I am a big Riddler fan so I am very biased)
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Vic Sage (The Question)
From: Suicide Squad #14, The New 52 Context: Vic Sage was appointed as Amanda Walker’s supervisor. A man from the Pearl Organization reached out to Vic and offered to help him deal with Waller. Vic was later appointed to co leader of the Suicide Squad with Waller.
When it looked like the team was about to be captured he detonated the bombs in all of the Suicide Squad’s necks which would have killed them all. Same series it was revealed he was corrupt and working for a shadowy organization for money. Also killed Amanda Waller’s secretary.
In other comics version Vic has a very strong no kill policy. Doesn’t let other people kill and has never directly killed anyone. Wouldn’t use a gun either. Only ever uses his fists. Recommended Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress reach out to Richard Dragon to lessen her more violent tendencies. (Got the same help previously.) Also Vic has spent his whole reporting and vigilante career taking down corruption in Hub City so he would never become a corrupt political figure himself. His main comic book enemy is literally the corrupt mayor of Hub City. Also this version of Vic wasn’t even a vigilante and didn’t have The Question persona. Vic usually cares more about truth and justice than furthering his own career.
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)
From: Justice League (1987) #2, New Earth Context: Three supers from a world destroyed by nuclear weapons were dismantling nuclear missiles
Guy says only "Ronnie-boy" should have nukes
Guy Gardner is a character all about physicality. He fights with his fists first, his heart second, and his brain last. This is because he was in a vegetative state for two to five years (the number varies) and now he must move as much as possible. He hates psychics. He hates mind reading. He hates predictions of his future. He hates being boxed in. He prioritizes personal freedom above all else.
When Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis started writing Guy Gardner for the Justice League/Justice League International/Justice League America, they did not work collaboratively with Steve Englehart, the writer who was establishing Guy's post brain damage personality, to make sure that Guy Gardner was consistent across both books like they did with Dan Jurgens for Booster Gold. Giffen has even gone on record to say that he never read ANY of Guy's books before writing him. There were 20 issues with his new personality as written by Englehart.
If you read those 20 books you find that Guy reacts poorly to authority after he followed the orders of the Guardians of Oa (Green Lantern bosses) that "restored" his brain and was the only one who got punished. Even more interesting is the fact that Green Lantern Corps #210 (cover date March 1987) has Guy Gardner explicitly say he doesn't like nuclear weapons and prefers fist fighting. Something contradicted in Giffen and DeMatteis Justice League #2 (cover date May 1987).
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[Image ID: Two panels, each from a different comic. The first is a panel of Guy Gardner, Martian Manhunter, Batman, and Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) standing in a line. Guy says "I love it! Let's hope those three take out every two-bit country that's packin' nukes! Nobody but Ronnie-boy should have his finger on the button! Then we'd have the world where we want it, huh?" Martian Manhunter thinks "Pathetic!" Batman thinks "Infuriating!" Blue Beetle thinks "Jerk!"
The second is a panel of Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan, Arisia, Saalak, and Ch'p, flying above Green Lanterns, Guy Gardner and Kilowog, who are on the ground with Green Lanterns, John Stewart and Katma Tui, who are currently unconscious and on a stretcher. Russian military officials approach Guy and Kilowog, who are looking at the dead body of the original Rocket Red, Josef Denisovich. Hal says "It couldn't have been any worse than what we faced. Keeping World War 3 under wraps!" Arisia says "Relax, Generals-- no missiles are coming!" Guy says "Missiles! Nuts! That's not man-to-man stuff! There's no glory without man-to-man stuff!" /End ID]
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dc-polls · 1 year
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Orion of the New Gods
From: The New Gods Special #1 (2017) Context: Orion and Lightray, working with Forager, stop Kalibak from turning New Genesis into a fire-pit. Thwarted, Kalibak breaks off his fight with Orion and flees. Orion, seething, says he'll "deal with [Kalibak] alone." Lightray puts a hand on Orion's shoulder and speaks softly to calm him.
Orion breaks Lightray's wrist. Lightray cries out in pain and sinks to the floor holding his wrist. Orion pays no heed and runs off, leaving Lightray to heal himself with Mother Box.
Orion is known for his temper, but his temper flares at injustice and oppression. Furthermore, Lightray is his closest and dearest friend. Saying that Orion would ever intentionally harm Lightray is enough of a stretch on its own, but the idea that Orion would hurt Lightray and ALSO think nothing of it goes against literally everything Orion stands for as a character. Jack Kirby created Orion as a noble hero who struggles with but overcomes his inner darkness and who is fiercely loyal to his loved ones.
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[Image ID: Two comic panels. In the first, Orion, his true face unmasked, shouts, "I said I will deal with my brother!" Lightray's wrist, in his grip, CRACKS as Lightray cries out in pain.
In the second, Lightray cries out in pain and shouts, "My arm!" as he sinks to the ground, clutching his wrist. Forager says, "Lightray! Are you all right?" Orion's fleeing feet frame the scene and his helmet can be seen in the background. /End Image ID]
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Bruce Wayne (Batman)
From: That one Frank Miller comic, All-Star Batman and Robin Context: This is the comic where Robin ate rats and lived in a cave. So it’s just all round bad.
Ran over police officers with a car
He literally does not kill people.
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Donna Troy
From: Countdown, 2007 (It's...multiversal) Context: Jason Todd shot Donna as part of a ruse to escape, because reasons.
Donna refers to Jason as "re-todd" afterward.
Donna Troy using an ableist slur, let alone as a "pun" (being extremely generous here) is SO far away from what she stands for. She is compassionate and understanding, kind and outgoing! By the time this comic was written this word was most definitely a slur, and it's just a reminder of the crass, tasteless writing that prevails the comic series this came from.
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[Image ID: A cropped comic panel of Donna Troy saying "Sure, I'm alive now... but it hurt like hell when Re-todd shot me." /End ID]
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The Source
From: Death of the New Gods #5 Context: Someone has been murdering the New Gods. While others track down the killer, Metron does his own investigation and encounters the Source on a planet long ago in the timestream. There, the Source tells Metron its plans.
The Source says it doesn't exist beyond the Source Wall.
This might be a bit of a deep cut but waaaaay back in the original New Gods run, the Source Wall was a relatively small wall that Highfather would go to in order to commune with the Source. In addition, totally separately, there was what was referred to as "the final barrier", which Metron was very interested in someday breaching in order to learn about the Source. BUT that is not what I have beef with. It's just a clarification I want to get out of the way. Since then, DC lore has evolved so that the Source Wall means the final barrier. Fine. That's what we're going with.
The problem here is that this speckled cue ball of an entity is straight up telling Metron that it doesn't exist on the other side of the wall. What? Excuse me? So this whole huge driving force that has been the basis of multi-universal lore for decades spanning across several DC titles... actually had nothing to do with the Source Wall. Nothing. Nope. It's just "an erroneous notion". WTF??
Death of the New Gods was a tie-in to Countdown to Final Crisis, so I don't know if this was Starlin's idea of it was an edict from on high to somehow make Final Crisis more impactful, what with all this talk of the Source wanting to scrap the "fourth world" and create a "fifth world". I can kind of get why they wanted a big huge showstopper like the Source involved for this ginormous crossover that was going to reset DC as we know it. But STILL. It just so blatantly throws out all this past lore about something that is WIDELY accepted. And on top of that, the Source is given a personality, which is just ugh. No thanks. It loses all of its cool, vast, unknowableness. Instead it's a snarky and flippant ball that purposefully manipulated everyone. I mean, sure it could be an interesting concept for some non-canon thing, but this was VERY much canon.
And then guess what?? Final Crisis had whole sections that were completely in conflict with Death of the New Gods anyway. That's not part of this specific scenario for my submission, but just throwing it out there. So yeah. Having the Source say it wasn't behind the wall and being so blase was NOT something it would do (it wouldn't even have a personality in the first place). And for what???
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[Image ID: A comic panel of Metron sitting in the Mobius Chair talking to a floating white orb that has black stars on it. A prehistoric mammal walks in the background. Metron: "You are the entity the gods of New Genesis worship?" The Source: "I am." Metron: "You are the Source?" The Source: "So I am known." Metron: "I take it you don't reside on the far side of the wall?" The Source: "An erroneous notion I never thought to correct." /End ID]
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Lightray of the New Gods
From: Justice League, DCAU Context: Batman and Wonder Woman are on New Genesis looking for Orion. Lightray greets them.
He smacks Wonder Woman's ass
Lightray, in any incarnation, is not a lech and he certainly would never treat anyone with such disrespect.
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Mikhail Arkadin (Pozhar)
From: Doomsday Clock (2017), DC Comics Rebirth Context: The US gov is being accused of creating metahumans and starting an international metahuman arms race
“Russia’s most loyal and powerful metahuman”
This is something that he wouldn’t say because Mikhail was created in the 80s to be a part of a comparison between citizens of the USSR and the USA in the Cold War period and show that they have more similarities than differences. He’s introduced as someone with out of control powers who the Russian government manipulates into attacking Firestorm (because Firestorm are threatening to get rid of the world’s nuclear weapons) and ends up becoming half of Firestorm whilst still based in the ussr in order to show the similarities between the way he is treated by the USSR government and the way the Ronnie Raymond is treated by the US government (both as an ordinary citizen and as part of firestorm). In Firestorm Volume 2 Annual 5 he says “[My government] have told me to destroy you but I do not wish to do this […] I am thinking it is maybe the intention of both our governments that we should both die here.”Turning him into someone who blindly follows the orders of the government/military is making him part of what he is supposed to be criticising!!! They don’t even get the character design right…
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