#dcc 18
commodorez · 1 year
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Digital Computer Controls D-116 and Tektronix 4014-1 vector terminal running a simple drawing program. I drew the Z Labs logo on it!
VCF Midwest 18
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allegraforchrist · 3 months
Self Image as a woman is constant battle between comparison and content.
Idolize the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect skin routine, the perfect face shape, the perfect breast size, the perfect gym glutes, the must-be-perfected everything about ourselves.
And after we ‘achieve’ one of the above, we move on to the next project of ourselves.
Women of God, there’s a difference between bettering your body and eating habits, versus objecting your body and eating habits. What I mean by objecting is subjecting ourselves as constant object of attention - attention to the self, and not to God. Attention to the self-image, instead of God’s image.
We should want what is God’s best - for our souls, minds, bodies, and health. We are the temple for the Holy Spirit. But taking that best and turning it into nitpicking obsession, is never going to satisfy your fleshly self-image. You are created in God’s image.
You are the rib, the daughter, the child, the woman of God. When you complicate your beauty in Christ, (beauty as in faith, modesty, prayer, love, kindness, fruits of the spirit, peace), you compromise Christ.
Instead of reflecting Christ, you’re reflecting the world. You’re fixing your outward appearance to match the mask of unpredictable industries.
You can’t say you love God, but then love complaining about your facial features, your body shape, your weight, your stretch marks, your hair, your lips… your whole Godly make up boiled down to what the world defines as a “woman”.
I’ve been here, and I am here, and to be honest, nothing in the world is going to make you a more beautiful daughter, sister, mother, wife, than being in Christ.
We need to value ourselves according to the Word, and not the word of articles, tiktoks, hacks, tutorials, skinny exercise Pilates or whatever.
We mustn’t trade our authentic femininity for short-lived vanity. Don’t idolize what you wear, your makeup, your hair, your skin, your fitness level… etc. Instead of praising God and giving Glory to Him, you give praise and glory to companies and models, and products. I’m not saying don’t get your hair down, don’t go to the gym and get fit, don’t get your nails done, don’t eat healthier, don’t try new methods to help with your acne and stretch marks and dermatological complications, don’t not love your gift of being pretty. I’m saying we mustn’t make our outward appearance the standard over Christ. Our outward must reflect our inward, and that happens when we take our eyes off our insecurities and set them in Christ and the loving Word of God.
Nothing in appearance lasts forever, we aren’t going to look younger and cuter when our bodies are buried one day. Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Seek God, seek His image in you, seek His beauty, His purity, His love: because we are made in His image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
No, maybe you’re not a Victoria Secret Model like Adriana Lima. You’re not the ideal blonde like Taylor Swift, you’re not curvy like Kim Kardashin, you’re not fit like Simone Biles, you’re not attractive like the DCC Cheerleaders, you’re not super intelligent like Amy from the TBBT, you’re not cleared skinned like Jennie from Black Pink. It doesn’t matter what you’re not, it matters what you are: a woman of God. What makes a woman of God attractive and beautiful and intelligent and pleasing, Her love for Christ! PROVERBS 31! Your value and belle is beyond worldy measure. Proverbs 31:15-18, “…She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.
Don’t spend your life hating your body, it is your vessel for the Adonai Almighty.
^ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
^ 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Don’t simplify your significance to God, by treating it as an insecurity. You’re perfect as following Him makes you to be. Matthew 19:21, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Ominous Doug Kovacs cover on Violence for Votishal (2018), the fourth DCC Lankhmar module. This is by far the most complex of the Lankhmar modules so far.
OK, so, first it builds on the way the gods IN Lankhmar work (not the gods OF Lankhmar, they’re different), as laid out in Leiber’s Lean Times in Lankhmar. There is a popular temple and a high priest who resists the customary extortion faced by the temples. There’s an assassin (and thus, a dead high priest). There’s another temple that uses this situation to feather their own nest, sewing discord in the other temple by releasing a vengeful spirit. That leads to a dead assassin, a new dead acolyte every day, and a lot of stolen toes. There is a pretty large temple complex, as well as a sewer and tomb to explore. And if that tangle isn’t enough, there are like ten probing questions at the end of the adventure that highlight the many threads still hanging loose.
I thiiiiiink I like this one a lot. But I’d really have to see it in play to see how it all comes together. There is a lot going on (and, like Acting Up, there is an unrelated subplot with opportunistic thieves robbing the temple that is the first thing I would cut) and I think it is satisfying, but the adventure is so dense with potential that a party needs to muck it all up to see if works as good as I think it does. I mean, holy crap, this thing is a mere 18 pages long!
Nice art throughout by Brad McDevitt, Chris Arneson and Doug Kovacs. I think there is often a desire for the setting of Lankhmar to be “the thief one” but there is actually quite a lot of texture in Leiber’s stories. The DCC artist pool does a really good job of capturing that variety of atmospheres while also feeling gestalt. It is impressive.
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c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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WELCOME TO THE DCC: c1tyhaunts is an 18+ fandomless, selective/private indie multi-muse hosting a variety of individuals undergoing their own character derailment stories, either via discord or tumblr. while we have the original characters likes of lilah lyons, who continues to make the same mistakes, we also have canonical figures like jacket of hotline miami fame who is the mistake. neither character have correlation to one another. stories conducted & covered by xera. // carrd. blog.
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autixel · 10 days
Dcc 6 ch 18
(iykyk. and I'm working on a commission rn I don't want to hear. that... when I'm working.)
(also I don't think this is a controversy at all but the scene I'm talking about is distinctly not aicarly. like how the locker scene in the dresden files is very much not wizardbaron but has been used to justify wizardbaron. I'm taking a stance for no reason ig.)
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nothingrpgzone · 3 months
Oludammi, and the Griffon's Territory
Oludammi, the Back-End of the Ass
Animal Aspirant, Crocodile
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Death-Cleric Rukh-Vile
Init: +2; Atk: Staff +2 Melee (1d4); Crit III/1d10; AC 10; HD 3d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Magic, Grisly Demise: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; AL L
Magic: Rukh-Vile can cast the spells Ray of Enfeeblement, Curse, and Spider Web with a result always being 16. There is a 4% chance that it fails with any single cast but may drain the life of any allied barbarian to make sure the spell succeeds.
Grisly Demise: Upon death the ground beneath Rukh-Vile opens up, and a serpent of terrible black flames drags him to an underworld unseen.  All ignitable things within 5’ catch fire. The fire deals 1d6 damage each round and naturally extinguishes on a roll of a 1.
Keep in mind these are dry grasslands.
Init: +2; Atk: Claw +3 Melee (1d3+Paralysis), Bite +1 Melee (1d7); Crit U/d8; AC 12 (tough skin); HD 3d5; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, Silence, Complex Origin: SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; AL C
Paralysis: A ghoul’s touch causes paralysis, rendering the victim immobile for 1d6 hours (DC 14 Will Save to avoid)
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits.
Silence: Ghouls make no noise while moving.
Complex Nature: There are many ways one could become a ghoul. Roll below to discover the types of ghouls.
1d10 Appearances
Vulture headed humanoids.
Normal, except for their black tongues.
Dessicated humans, their taut skin hardly containing bones.
The mouth continues, down past the neck all the way to the shoulders. Mouth lined with razorteeth.
A circular bronze plate where a face should be.
A bundle of bandages. On unravel it is clear all there is underneath are jaws and a black heart.
The humanoid form fails as locust carapace burgeons from underneath.
Where the fingers once were blood stained bronze blades cut their way out of the stumps.
A flayed and bleeding thing. It doesn’t mind.
Where eyes should be lies only more mouths.
1d6 Ghoulish Origins
Ate human flesh to survive.
Raised by a long dead sorcerer king.
It was never human.
Once used a magic weapon.
Partially consumed by a ghoul.
Heavenly Warlord Nadromaean
Init: +6 (1d16); Atk: Battleaxe +1d8 Melee (1d10+1d8); Crit V/1d30; AC 14 (scalemail); HD 6d12; MV 25’; Act 1d20+1d16; SP Crit Range, Might Deeds: SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; AL C
Crit Range: Nadromaean crits on an 18-20.
Mighty Deeds: Nadromaean can use mighty deeds. Below is a mighty deed table for judge’s ease.
3) Leg Sweeper. The victim must make a Ref save against the attack roll to stay standing.
4) Whirling Chaos. The battle axe is a mighty arc. The attack can target up to three individuals in range, with damage distributed equally (any remaining damage after the division is inflicted towards the first target).
5) Heaven’s Warrior. All allied barbarians gain a +1 bonus to attack next round.
6) Maker of Mutes. The battleaxe catches the mouth. The tongue is destroyed.
7+) The Mightiest Blow. The battleaxe utterly destroys any armor worn. Wearers of magical armor may make a luck check with a d14 to avoid destruction.
Mask Society Member, Crocodile
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Init: +0; Atk: Claw +2 Melee (1d6); Crit M/d8; AC 15 (tough skin); HD 2d7; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP Blindsense: SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N
Blindsense: Molemen can navigate entirely without sight via their keen hearing and ability to detect vibrations. Any attempt to Sneak Silently around them is made with a -8 penalty. If they are deafened they are treated as being blinded.
Priestly Butchers
As acolyte DCC RPG (pg 432)
As peasant DCC RPG (pg 434)
The Eagle Fiend, Cyrruss
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Init: +7; Atk: Claw +4 Melee (1d5+2), Bite +4 Melee (1d5/1d14); Crit M/d10; AC 12 (agility); HD 4d10; MV 60’; Act 1d20+1d14; SP Stealth, Sneak Attack: SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +0; AL N
Stealth: A tiger gains a +12 bonus to being hidden in underbrush.
Sneak Attack: If a tiger makes a bite attack against an unaware target it inflicts 1d14 damage.
Vision Bees
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
The Griffon’s Territory
Init: +0; Atk: Slam +3 Melee (1d8); Crit M/d8; AC 15 (Bark Skin); HD 3d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Enthralling: SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2; AL C
Enthralling: Anyone attracted to women must make a DC 13 Will save upon seeing a dryad, on a failed save the beholder becomes hopelessly in love with the dryad and wishes to leave the world of man and wander into the woods.
Init: +1; Atk: Weapon +2 Melee; Crit II/d6; AC As Armor; HD 1d6; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Unearthly Allegiance: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; AL C
Unearthly Allegiance: Elves can invoke a patron as determined by the judge. This starts as a 1d10 check but gains a +1d bonus to invoking for every other elf nearby.
Init: +6; Atk: Claws +7 Melee (1d10), Bite +5 Melee (1d8); Crit M/d14; AC 16 (agility); HD 8d10; MV 40’ or 80’ fly; Act 1d20+1d20; SP Swooping, Variations: SV Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3; AL N
Swooping: If the Griffon charges while flying the damage dice gains a +2d bonus.
Variations: Griffons have myriad forms, when encountering a griffon roll 1d5 on each chart to determine what constituent parts the beast is made of.
Bearded Vulture. The griffon’s bite breaks bones on a damage roll of 6+, causing a permanent point of strength or agility loss, as the bone never heals right.
Golden Eagle. The griffon gains a +1d bonus to saving throws vs magical effects.
Osprey. The griffon can hover in place for a round while flying.
Philippine Eagle. The griffon gains a +1d bonus to HD.
Turkey Vulture. The griffon is immune to disease and poisons.
Cheetah. The griffon’s speed is doubled.
Cougar. The griffin counts as double its size when grappling. 
Jaguar. The griffon gains a 50’ swim speed.
Lion. The griffon makes morale checks with a +5 bonus.
Tiger. The griffon gains a +3d bonus to damage die for sneak attacks.
Hollow Trees
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Mountain Ghost
Init: +15; Atk: Claws Unseen +2 Melee (1d8); Crit U/d6; AC 18 (impossible to see); HD 1d10; MV 40’ fly; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, Incorporeal, Fog of Undeath: SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3; AL N
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, critical hits, and non-magical weapons.
Incorporeal: The mountain ghost can move through solids as if they were air.
Fog of Undeath: A black cloud follows the mountain ghost, anyone nearby cannot see more than 15’.
Init: -1; Atk: Throttle +2 Melee (1d4 cumulative); Crit U/d10; AC 18 (immunity to pain); HD 5d12; MV 20’; Act 1d24; SP Undead Traits, Mummy Rot, Stench of Death, Vulnerable to Fire, Death Feaster: SV Fort +5, Ref -2, Will +6; AL L
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits.
Mummy Rot: Any successful attack inflicts Mummy Rot, causing them to suffer 1 Stamina damage per day (DC 12 Fort save to avoid). This damage can only be healed via powerful magic.
Stench of Death: Anyone who angers the mummy begins to reek of death, unbeknownst to them. They suffer a -4 penalty to Personality checks for the following 6 days.
Vulnerable to Fire: A mummy takes double damage from fiery attacks.
Death Feaster: If something dies within 100’ of the mummy it gains 1’ of height and 1HD.
Init: +0; Atk: Punch +1 Melee (1d3); Crit I/d6; AC 10; HD 2d4; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Unknown Spells, Peculiar Fate: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.
Unknown Spells: The sorcerer knows 1d3 spells entirely unknown to the mages of the bronzelands. All spells are cast with a +4 bonus.
Peculiar Fate: Upon reaching 0 hp the sorcerer begins to boil as they turn to green smoke.
1d5 Spell Suggestions
Elemental Wytchfire (Tales from the Magician’s Skill Volume 1), MM: 17 Stolen Knowledge. 1% chance the spell summons the queen of brands who attempt to steal it back. Daog’s Dying Wish (Goodman Games Yearbook 8 The Year That Shall Not Be Named), MM: 54 No change. Cosmic Lotus Magic (Supernatural Star Seeds Dice), MM 34 Thunderstruck. Lightning accompanies the casting of the spell.
Arnhoult’s Sequestrious Digitalia (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 58. No Change. Houlart’s Visceral Pang (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 52. No Change. Inside Out and Over (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 1 At great cost. The casting of the spell kills one person known by the sorcerer.
Personal Energy Attack (The Necromican, 1979), MM: 82 Terrible to Behold. A looming figure of pure darkness with piercing eyes appears over the sorcerer. Spell of Piercing Gaze (The Necromican, 1979), MM: 86 Mystic Twin. A face appears on the chest of the sorcerer for 1d3 rounds, it has it’s own 1d20 action die to cast spells. Sonic Scream (The Necromican, 1979), MM 79 Plague of Rats. Rats pour from the sorcerer’s robes, softening the next attack by 1d4 damage.
Lightning Bug (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020) MM; Accidental Alchemist. One random item within 20’ turns to lead, another to gold. Spirit Mask (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020), MM: 34 Thunderstruck. Lightning accompanies the casting of the spell. Fog of Viscidity (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020), MM: Planar Blink. The sorcerer phases in and out of existence for 2 rounds, providing a +4 to AC and -4 to attacks. There is a 1% chance they are permanently phased.
Cone of Air (Troika!), MM: 8 Count of 10. The sorcerer loses a finger every time they cast the spell, suffering -1 Agility for two fingers lost. Light (Troika!), MM: 25 Terror Inducing. All animals within 50’ of the sorcerer attempt to flee for 1d14 rounds. Tongue Twister (Troika!), MM: 82 Spell Killer. The casting of the spell drains the life force of a distant planet.
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mediapiays · 2 months
All ive been doing this past 24 hrs listening to muse and watching that dcc show (the one made 18 yrs ago not the one on netflix). Trying to keep my peace this release so idc what those stans wanna "expose" or say lmfao
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love-your-stance · 1 year
#3 It's been Busy Times for BTS during the last Year - j-hope
J-Hope will be starting his military obligations any day now. As you see here, he's already cropped off those beautiful wavy tresses. He was visiting JK April 4th, with Tae and showed off his new look on Weverse!
You know when the hair goes...the clock is ticking...
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During the last year, he's been quite busy with various projects and provided us with a lot of content to keep OT7 busy thinking of him once he's enlisted.
July 15th,2022 he released His second Album Jack In The Box, the first of the OT7 to stand up to their promise to publish some of the projects they've been resting on the shelf for that opportune moment!
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Currently, on this album, More, Arson, and = Equal Signs are the most listened-to tracks on Spotify.
I really respect how strong his statement is in =Equal Signs and wish everyone felt that way!
He presently has just over 8.4 million subscribers on Spotify.
Arson ranked 96th the first week on Billboards Hot 100, and ranked at No. 17 on Billboard 200 under the Top Album category.
He performed his tracks at the 2022 Lollapalooza event with great success. His stage presence was powerful and while he might have been nervous performing on his own, you sure couldn't tell.
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February 2023, J-Hope became Louis Vuitton's House Ambassador, and we were gifted with some beautiful shots. These were just teasers and should have prepared us for the months ahead, but really didn't.
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August 2022 J-Hope was featured in W Korea's Magazine. Showing a MUCH more mature...sophisticated vision than we've seen before, which just proves our Bangtan Boys are youthful in spirit but are truly men now! He sure suits frosted tips doesn't he?
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As a parting gift before he starts his military commitments, he collaborated with J. Cole and on March 3rd, 2023, they released the single on the street. In just a month it has had over 61 million plays on Spotify and reached #60 on Billboard's Hot 100 during its first week of release, as well, reached No.1 on two other different Billboard rankings – R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales and the Rap Digital Song Sales lists.
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J-Hope Me, Myself &...Concept Shots
j-hope connects more with the dangerous, dark and brooding side, in his MM& Concept shots. Who thinks he'd make a great Marvel or DCC Superhero or villain?
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April 18, 2023 J-Hope joined the military, and posed with his second family.
Jin came out and joined them for the group photo, and Jung Kook came back from LA where he's been recording just to see him off. 2025 cannot come soon enough for ARMYs. Two down - Five to go!
I love how strong their support is for one another that they all make sure they're there for that most important date in their lives that they all must face. How lovely they face it together.
I'm so proud of everything they've accomplished and know they will do so much more in the future too!
They are a perfect example of what LOVE is all about!
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kaviiinsky · 2 years
Ten Songs/Ten People
I was tagged by @haunthouse! Here’s ten songs I’ve been listening to recently!
1. Barcelona - Jão
2. Concerto No. 2, Op 18 in C Minor - Evgeny Kissin and Sergei Rachmaninoff
3. Welcome to the DCC - Nothing But Thieves
4. On the Back Burner - The Reytons
5. Sunset - The Midnight
6. Nothing Feels Good - Rustbelt
7. FXMLDR - Thank You Scientist
8. Screaming - CHVRCHES
9. Big Boy - Viagra Boys
10. Bay of Fires - Strawberry Girls
I’m gonna tag @coffinflop @mystery-ink @thomasjopsons @bashircore @wizardbong69 @racetrackthehiggins and @amrv-5 ! And if anyone else wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me! I’d love to see all your music
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ukpinzy · 5 months
BOTB DCC WEEK 18 - Pre-Final
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wohnmobilista · 5 months
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circket-world · 10 months
Seven Districts and DCC Starlets will lock horns in the Match 46 of ICCA Arabian T20 League 2023 on Saturday, 18 November 2023, at ICC Academy, Dubai, Keep reading to find out the ICCA Arabian T20 League 2023 Match 46 SED vs DCS Dream11 Team Prediction Today. Let’s find out the SED vs DCS Dream11 prediction tips for the Match 46, This will help you to make the perfect Dream11 team for today’s match. Predicted Playing XIs for Seven Districts vs DCC Starlets Match 46 Seven Districts Predicted Playing XI: Abdul Ghaffar, Haider Ali, Wasi Shah, Atta Ur Rahim, Shahzad Khan, Raees Ahmed, Muhammad Saghir Khan, Muhammad Irfan, Wahab Hassan, Farman Ali, Muhammad Umar Eman, Muhammad Haider, Muhammad Kashif, Almas Hafiz, Shahzad Ali, Tharindu Perera, Nabeel Arshad, Muhammad Mohsin, Zeeshan Naseer, Shakir Afridi, Awais Ahmed and Ihtisham Ul Haq DCC Starlets’s Predicted Playing XI: Syed Hasnain Raza, Waqas Ahmed Khan (C), Shajat Talat, Syed Aashir Hasnain, M Shahdaad, Mohamad Sihan, M A Qaiser, Furqan Shafi, A S Hakim, Haseeb Ur Rehman (wk), MS Khan Here is the XIs for MEC Best Dream11 Prediction Team for Today’s Match 46 Captain:  , Raees Ahmed Vice-Captain: S Singh Wicketkeeper: S Saldanha Batsmen:  S Haider, S Singh,A Misbah All-Rounders:   Muhammad Saghir Khan, S Bawa, Muhammad Haider, Raees Ahmed Bowlers: A Nehru, H Almas, Haider Ali Also, once the toss takes place, we might modify the Dream Team as per the playing XIs. Please check this blog after the toss for the updated Dream11. Here is how the Best Playing XI of Today’s Seven Districts vs DCC Starlets Dream11 Team looks like Best Dream11 Prediction for Today’s Match 46 SED vs DCS ICCA Arabian T20 League 2023 Seven Districts vs DCC Starlets 2023: SED vs DCS Match 46 Dream11 Team today Disclaimer This Dream11 Prediction is the result of the author’s expertise, understanding, analysis, and intuition. While creating your own Dream11 team, consider the insights provided here and make your decisions accordingly. Your personal judgment and preferences should guide your final choices. Stay updated with all the cricketing action, follow Cricadium on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram https://www.cricadium.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/52-1.png #SED #DCS #Dream11 #Prediction #ICCA #Arabian #T20 #League #Match
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artmann100 · 11 months
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Goodman Games Spotlight of the Day!
In a hobby where companies sometimes come and go after releasing a single product, Goodman Games, Goodman Games is still going strong after two decdes. Case in point: Number 100 of the wildly popular DCC RPG!
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gedthestudent · 1 year
5+2 Micro-Reviews of my favorite D&D Retro-Clones
OSRIC and Hyperborea 3e
I am very partial to the Advanced flavors of Dungeons & Dragons so its no surprise that these are included in my favorites. OSRIC is a relatively faithful retro-clone of the first edition of AD&D, a game much maligned as the most un-designed among the editions of D&D. It turns out once you remove Gary Gygax's appalling writing, weapon versus AC adjustment tables, and endless Dragonsfoot debates about initiative rules, you arrive at an excellent game. For a free product, it comes with a surprising amount of charming art in the black-and-white style now synonymous with the OSR. The book is not only free but it is three books in one: a player's book, a game master's book, and a bestiary. Hyperborea 3e on the other hand is a AD&D 1e retro-clone that is laser-focused on the sword and sorcery genre. It also streamlines AD&D 1e by smoothing over some of the game's peculiarities. Attribute modifiers are simplified, weapon damage versus size adjustments are dissolved, and segment-based initiative is dissolved in favor for a phase-based initiative in the spirit of Holmes' Basic D&D. Multi-classing is also dissolved in favor of providing a rich variety of distinct sub-classes. Hyperborea 3e also includes robust spell research rules. Spell levels in this retro-clone only reach the heights of spell level 6. The two-column formatting and black-and-white art is wonderful. Hyperborea 3e comes in two books, one for players and the other for game masters. The latter book includes an even a more detailed gazetteer for Jeffrey Talanian's namesake setting, the bestiary, and more rules.
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Dungeon Crawl Classics is a fascinating and idiosyncratic retro-clone based on the scaffolding of D&D 3e. DCC has unified d20 resolution mechanics, ascending AC, and the emblematic three saving throws of reflex, fortitude, and willpower. That is where the similarities end. DCC is as much as game as it is a shameless indulgence of the spirit of old school D&D. Death is common, dungeons are dangerous, and the world is gonzo. DCC adopts the race-classes of Basic/Expert D&D but also endeavors to be its own game with two defining features: funnels and extensive charts. Heroes are not made, they are found. Level-0 characters must survive an ultra-lethal dungeon before they are able to enjoy the first level of a class. Funnels are a tool to teach OSR principles and they have the subtlety of a blunt executioner's axe. Do not be fooled by the book's length. The game is a simple and familiar. Most of the length comes from the tables for spell checks, critical fumbles, and critical successes. The other defining feature of the game is the incredible flavor held in these tables and in the situations that arise from rolling on them. DCC is both a premier retro-clone and the single greatest instrument of mainstream D&D deprogramming.
Castles & Crusades
Castles & Crusades is both understated and underrated. To describe the game in the most simple terms, it is AD&D 1e reimagined with the unified d20 resolution of D&D 3e and beyond. The game includes all of the iconic D&D classes and the eighth printing in particular is to be applauded for its superb art and formatting. Punitive attribute requirements are dissolved, ascending AC is used, and multi-classing is presented in an accessible manner. My only criticism that the explanation for the non-combat resolution mechanic is poor. All Difficulty Classes are 18. All rolls are modified by the one of the six classic attributes. If the roll includes the character's primary attribute, they receive an additional +6 to their roll. If the roll includes the one of the character's class abilities, they receive an additional bonus equal to their level. This is the game to play if your table wants to engage with AD&D but do not want to engage with its vestigial qualities.
Old School Essentials and Advanced Labyrinth Lord
Old School Essentials is a 1-to-1 retro-clone of B/X D&D presented in a best-in-industry, control panel format. Game mechanics are stripped bare and presented in a brutalist fashion that leaves no room for ambiguity. Descending and ascending AC are both included. All the art is wholesome and not at all missing the OSR charm. Advanced Fantasy is the definitive version of the game that includes everything in the Classic Fantasy tome but introduces reimagined features and rules from both AD&D and Unearthed Arcana. Labyrinth Lord was the retro-clone that preceded OSE. Advanced Labyrinth Lord is a comprehensive game that includes everything in the first iteration of Labyrinth Lord but incorporates the Advanced Edition Companion. This results in an experience that cleaves much more faithfully to AD&D proper. Classes' attribute requirements are here and descending AC is used. Segment-based initiative from AD&D 1e is absent. What OSE might lack in flavor, ALL has in abundance.
Swords & Wizardry Complete
Original D&D, or "OD&D," has no shortage of retro-clones either. There is Delving Deeper, Iron Falcon, White Box Fantasy Adventure Game, Swords and Wizardry, and more. Each seeks to clone various iterations of OD&D and each has its fans. Swords & Wizardry seeks to clone the original game and its supplements, which results in a streamlined game that approaches AD&D. More class options, a divorce between race and class, and both descending and ascending AC are all present. Swords & Wizardry also is known for its unified saving throw. There is no more wrestling with five categories of saving throws. The crowdfunded Revised edition of Swords & Wizardry Complete also comes with rules for morale and spell research.
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baliportalnews · 1 year
IMS Indonesia Arena Diresmikan oleh Presiden, PLN Siap Pasok Listrik Tanpa Kedip Untuk Event Olahraga atau Konser Musik
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meresmikan Indoor Multifunction Stadium (IMS) Indonesia Arena, di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Senin (7/8/2023). Sejalan dengan itu PT PLN (Persero) siap memberi dukungan sistem kelistrikan yang andal melalui keamanan pasokan berlapis atau skema Zero Down Time (ZDT) untuk setiap penyelenggaraan berbagai event di Indonesia Arena. Presiden Indonesia, Jokowi mengatakan bahwa Indonesia kini telah memiliki sebuah stadion berstandar internasional dengan kapasitas 16.000 penonton. “Hari ini kita telah memiliki yang namanya Indonesia Arena, sebuah stadion dengan kapasitas 16.000 penonton kurang lebih, serta pembangunannya hanya membutuhkan waktu selama 18 bulan,” ucap Jokowi. Selain itu, Jokowi menjelaskan bahwa Indonesia Arena ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam olahraga dan juga konser musik. “Indonesia arena ini bisa dipakai untuk turnamen basket terutama tapi juga untuk badminton, untuk volley ball, untuk futsal, dan juga tentunya untuk konser,” jelas Jokowi. Direktur Utama PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo mengatakan, IMS Indonesia Arena sudah dilengkapi kelistrikan dengan skema ZDT yang dedicated sehingga membuat setiap event olahraga nasional dan internasional maupun konser nantinya berlangsung tanpa kedip. “PLN siap mendukung dan menyukseskan setiap perhelatan kegiatan olahraga maupun konser musik, yang di jamin keandalannya,” kata Darmawan. Darmawan menambahkan melalui skema ZDT, PLN menyiagakan keamanan pasokan listrik berlapis pada kegiatan yang akan berlangsung untuk menjaga keamanan dan kenyamanan penggunaan listrik dalam event yang berlangsung. “Peralatan pendukung seperti Unit Gardu Bergerak (UGB), Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Distribution Control Center (DCC) mobile serta posko siaga dan petugas PLN akan disiagakan pada gardu–gardu untuk memastikan keamanan listrik secara berlapis pada setiap acara yang dilaksanakan,” pungkas Darmawan.(bpn) Read the full article
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photos-car · 1 year
Volkswagen Jetta GLI édition 40e anniversaire 2024
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La Volkswagen Jetta GLI édition 40e anniversaire 2024 limitée à 1 984 unités sur le marché américain.
Volkswagen of America a annoncé aujourd'hui le début de la production de l'édition limitée du 40e anniversaire de la Jetta GLI 2024, exclusive à l'Amérique du Nord. Depuis son introduction en 1984 ! la GLI, affectueusement surnommée la « GTI avec coffre », a eu une mission simple : proposer des berlines performantes allemandes abordables. Une production limitée à 1 984 exemplaires sera réalisée pour le marché américain afin de célébrer 40 ans de fabrication de voitures amusantes sans sacrifier la facilité d'utilisation et l'efficacité que les conducteurs attendent de la marque.
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Le véhicule est disponible en trois couleurs extérieures : Pure Grey, Pure White et Rising Blue ! avec la garniture rouge caractéristique de la GLI et des détails occultants contrastés à l'avant et à l'arrière. Les élégantes jantes noires de 18 pouces à 10 rayons sont complétées par des calandres ! des coques de rétroviseurs, des poignées de porte et des spoilers noirs pour un design très épuré. Confort et commodité À l'intérieur, vous trouverez de nombreux détails liés au 40e anniversaire. Créée exclusivement pour cette édition limitée ! la feuille de fibres moléculaires gaufrées est comme une empreinte digitale unique, propre à chacun des 1 984 véhicules produits. Les porte-gobelets gravés ont le logo GLI d'un côté et le logo 1984 de l'autre ! les décalcomanies de siège et les seuils de porte avant indiquent « GLI 40 » ! et le volant a un clip « 40 » à 6 heures. Groupe Motopropulseur Comme l'actuelle GLI Autobahn, l'édition 40e anniversaire propulsée par un moteur turbo EA888 de 2,0 litres. Il produit 228 chevaux et 258 lb-pi de couple ! et est disponible avec une boîte manuelle à 6 vitesses et une transmission automatique à double embrayage DSG® à 7 vitesses. Il comprend également le contenu de performance clé préféré des amateurs de Sport Jetta. Ceux-ci incluent de gros freins, des moniteurs de performance Sport HMI ! des différentiels à glissement limité VAQ à commande électronique avec détection de couple et blocage de différentiel électronique XDS® ! un système d'amortissement adaptatif DCC® et des échappements sport. Le prix de la Volkswagen Jetta GLI Édition 40e anniversaire est de 28 085 $ pour les transmission manuelle. 28 885 $ pour les modèles à transmission DSG. La cible coûte 1 150 $ supplémentaires. Le modèle Jetta GLI sera disponible chez les concessionnaires plus tard cet été. Source Tous les modèles Volkswagen Read the full article
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