serpentoflolth · 2 months
You can chose whichever OC you want to write about for these! 9. What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name? 17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends? 24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw? 5. Describe their idle animations!
30 questions for your tav!
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What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name?
My husband chose the name for my szarkai and, knowing that I adore medieval poems, he took the name from Dante's Divine Comedy. It should have been Francesca, but he preferred to replace the C with a K to give the impression that it was an almost "drow" name. Or at least that's what he thought. Since I love the story of Paolo and Francesca, their passionate love and the way they were killed, I thought, based on the bio I created for her, that the name was perfect: a woman who can't stay together the love of her life, i.e. Elamszar, in addition to the fact that her entire house was exterminated by the Baenre House. The name of a tragic character for another equally tragic character.
Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot?
If we take Franceska out of the context of BG3, her enemies would be the Baenre, although I can see her falling in love with Gromph at the end of the day (her old teacher but this is another story). However, living in Baldur's Gate and being a very famous bard, she has made plenty of enemies in the world of entertainment, especially for those who dream of having her success. However, she sacrifices her enemies to Lolth, bringing them home, slaughtering them on the Goddess' altar which she keeps hidden in a secret room of her abode, then orders her servants to dispose of the bodies.
She would like to be like Drizzt, but unfortunately, her true nature manifests itself in these ways.
However, despite her enemies in the entertainment world, because they believe she is an elf (albino drow look like normal elves), she has managed to forge numerous friendships, hiding her true nature. No one suspects that she is a Lolth-Sworn drow, no one knows what her tragic story is and what led her to abandon Menzoberranzan. Her best friend is a gnome named Rosaspina, she is a druid who often helps her take care of the garden, as well as keep her white roses alive (she loves white roses because Elamszar has always called her Pale Rose).
What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw?
Franceska is very proud, so much so that this personality trait has always put her in bad situations. One of these was when she challenged her mother, who buried the szarkai's face in a brazier, marring her beauty. Yet, despite her pain, the young girl burst out laughing, making fun of her parent, looking at her with eyes enveloped by a burning madness. In fact, she often acts without thinking, driven by her pride, even facing people who are better left alone. She does not fear Mez'Barris nor her mother, much less Quenthel Baenre.
Describe their idle animations!
Franceska would have a black and red tent, and she would be playing her flute most of the time, also cheering up her companions. Other times we see her with a book in one hand and a feather in the other, writing the notes and words for a new song. We also see her praying to Lolth, kneeling, lighting incense while she whispers prayers in the drow language, often sacrificing a small animal to honor the Spider Queen. Other times, she would be sitting, staring at her firmament, sipping a good red wine.
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undyingmedium · 14 days
🧐Specify - first adventure
"Oh my. Are we considering them before or after I started travelling? Because even stealing trinkets or skipping classes to cause havoc around the temple were absolutely adventures - especially to the eyes of two happy little girls." The memory, even if far and usually kept private, still seems to be able to bring a sincere smile on Anika's lips.
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i-eat-worlds · 1 year
What is your absolutely favourite whumpt trope? :0
Thanks for the ask!
making pick one, how cruel! /s
Probably medical whump. It can be cold metal tables and sharp scalpels and I the bright white horror of a doctor doing harm, but it can also be soft banages, rescue and safety, and the comfort of a competent caretaker.
Both options are amazing!
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springvaletales · 1 month
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((For Curumë from @deaddoveadventures The curse thing depends - like if they are together or if they are friends he would never abuse it, but if he doesn't really care about Michael then who knows. Also, he would break more than just unjust laws :P I think that would be huge deal breakers. Haha. I also have no idea about the nsfw thing... I haven't had a nsfw rp yet.))
((I see the start of a beautiful friendship and/or rivalry~!
I also see at least two bingos~ ;3c))
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windwithinmyveins · 2 months
starter for @deaddoveadventures
           It was pretty dark in the Githyanki's storage room, and the light didn't know what to do with itself, so it just scattered shadows all over the enchanted weapons and armor. It's as if the very air holds its breath, waiting for the next chapter in the tale of these artifacts... which Curume and Taes were called to steal. Tae acted more as a mule than as one using tools to break open any chests, though they could certainly do that too. Yet, here they were, teamed up again, their lack of Lae'Zel's carrying power going against their current mission, which the Githyanki shouldn't know about; she surely wouldn't approve. It was, in fact, a crazy idea, but the sight of all this gear and weaponry surely laid a foundation for their endeavor. Curume busied himself by emptying a crate from trash to useful items while Tae filled their backpack.
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However, their task was interrupted by the sound of many approaching footsteps heading directly towards the storage room.
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deaddoveadventures · 2 months
A new DnD / BG3 RP Blog appeared!
Hello Hello!
I really crave some more Interaction with my DnD Character outside of the Campaign he is in, and so I decided to make Tumblr RP blog, just like in the good ole days. FYI I am 30+, very experienced in writing and roleplaying, and literate. As for my character...
His name is Curumë and he is a half-elf, with 1 class in rogue and 4 classes in warlock.
Additionally, I offer a Forgotten Realms AU version of the Wizard Raistlin Majere from the Dragon Lance Books as a muse. If you know the books / ADnD Modules, I'm also willing to write the canon version of the character.
You can Find Detailed information on my Muses in my Carrd!
Please Reblog or like if you want to interact!
I will follow from my main blog (@deaddovestellnotales) because this one is just a side blog!
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Click Here for detailed Muse Information (Carrd)
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---Tag List--- IC Curumë: #char: curume IC Raistlin: #char: raistlin HC Curumë: #curume: hc HC Raistlin: #raist: hc Musings Curumë: #musings: curume Musings Raistlin: #musings: raistlin RP Memes To Send: #rp meme RP Memes that are my favorite: #rp meme fave ooc: #ooc PSA: #PSA
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((from @deaddoveadventures : 39, 64, 84, 135, 187 ))
D&D!Verse Headcanons!
39. Blue.
It's one of her favourite colours. It reminds her of the sky, of the ocean, a strange stag she'd come across from time to time. Blue means being free to go wherever she wants.
And she misses it something awful now she's stuck in the Hells.
64. Comfort.
Not something she's accustomed to given most of her short life was spent in the Wilds. Nothing brought her comfort like sitting by a campfire with her beloved Fluffy.
Curling up next to him at night, even now, sooths her immensely and brings a sense of safety like nothing else.
Can't get more comforting than an 800 pound Apex Predator who is the Goodest Boy.
84. What if?
What if Tobi hadn't crossed her path? Well, she'd be dead.
If Tobi hadn't decided to find information on the other offspring of the Eclipse Court, he'd never have learned about Violas' existence.
Viola would never have learned the truth about who and what she is, never being whisked away to safety after being told her life was in danger.
Her death would have been brutal and bloody at the hands of another child of the Court, slaughtering her in the hopes of gaining the Archfeys approval.
Dying like another little pawn in his twisted game.
135. Innocent.
There isn't a great deal of innocence left in her by the time of her first adventure. It'd been slowly peeled away by living in the wilds, learning about where she came from, living with a Devil who used her as an errend girl.
But she isn't above pretending to be innocent and ignorant to mislead people. Perceived innocence is a big part of why she's survived so long.
187. Fight.
Viola isn't much of a fighter, preferring to avoid a violent altercation if she can help it. But she isn't afraid to get into a scrap if the need arises.
Her First choice for a weapon is a longbow, preferring to keep some distance between her and any attacker. Though she isn't afraid to pull a knife and start stabbing if the need arises
When it comes to fighting she tends to make for higher ground to shoot any attacker. If that isn't an option she'll rely on her size and dexterity to avoid being hit and get in a stab where she can.
In a pinch, she will use the powers bestowed on her by Leruxis. Though she never likes the questions that follow once she's caught using magic associated with Warlocks.
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
Last Line Tag
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! I am literally only writing when I see these because I currently have the motivation and attention span of an ill toddler.
Renathal assumed a subtly defensive stance, but the earth-colored eyes Dawa fixed on him were filled with neither righteous indignation nor the rage to which he was arguably entitled.
Trying to tag some new people, if you don't like to be tagged just let me know: @toburnmykruge @falesiacatwrites @jojomills @deaddovestellnotales @emwhyarentyouwriting @breath-of-eternity @rudjedet @fluffleforce-mysdrym @aquadestinyswriting @tsunderewatermelon
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Original Warlock Character(s)/Warlock Patron (Dungeons & Dragons) Characters: Warlock Patron (Dungeons & Dragons) Additional Tags: Whump, Hurt No Comfort, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary:
This is about my DnD Character, a rogue/warlock multiclass half-elf named Curumë. You can find his info here:
I like writing angst, whump and character death with him. If this is not your cup of tea, then don't read it. But I was challeneged to write what his patron would do to him if he defied them, and it was supposed to include his death. I am really proud of my writing here though so if you DO like tragedy and hurt no comfort, as well as dead dove and if you love sacharine and sadistic Fiends and chaotic neutral half-elfs, then you should definitely read it.
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undyingmedium · 15 days
--What's the best thing about my muse? --
Honestly, I love the mysterious vibe she has and I have a weakness for any character dealing with the spirits and the undead. Bonus of course is your lovely art!
And tbh I also have a soft spot for her Pathfinder "origin" because it's the TTRPG I played the longest. :sweat: Again, I still would love to interact sometime when you are not as busy anymore. <3
OH! And Let's not forget that I love how fleshed out the world surrounding her is and that it's really noticeable she is part of a campaign and has a life outside of this RP blog if that makes sense? x)
Anyway! It's a joy seeing her on my dash even if there is not much interaction.
// Oh goodness, you're melting me, this made me so happy ♡ I'm not very regular with my writing activity here, but I'm still very much open to talk on discord or to get to know each other anyway! Gosh, I'm so happy I can successfully share the beauty and the hype from the campaign, Lia's blog works with the same philosophy and sometimes I was afraid it could result as an unwanted extra ♡ Feel very free to reach out whenever!
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springvaletales · 1 month
🌺 send this to ten muns you think are wonderful 🌺
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springvaletales · 2 months
A memory about life and joy!!
🌸- A memory about life and joy ((Sorry for the wait! This one demanded a bit of worldbuilding before it could be written. XD))
When she was a little girl, Naoka had dreamed of a grand wedding.
Her caretakers had always told her stories of the grandeur of her mother’s wedding (though her mother, herself, was a busy woman who had no time to reminisce with a child still too young for court appearances). They spoke of bouquets brimming with exotic flowers, specially cultivated to grow in a foreign climate just for the ceremony, and gleaming lanterns hung from the ceiling on chains of silver and gold. In an otherwise stiff household, Naoka’s young mind had flourished in these stories.
She had wrapped herself in loose bed sheets when the housekeepers weren’t looking and paraded around her room, imagining herself in a beautiful train adorned with gems and embroidered forests. She had ‘borrowed’ her mother’s jewelry when she should have been studying and stood in front of the mirror for hours, practicing her noble wave and curtsy. Her journals were filled with sketches of elaborate latices of braided vines dotted with flowers, decorative embroidery for her future bridal gown, and even an ever-changing list of those she’d want to invite, when the time came.
But as she’d grown up, she’d grown away from this dream.
Bejeweled dresses and sparkling headpieces lost their luster after she’d grown enough to learn the truth - that her mother’s wedding had been lavish, yes, but a union of politics only. There had been no love behind the flowers, the lanterns, the place settings…they had all been selected to impress the important guests, and demonstrate the wealth the joining of two powerful families created. Dismayed, Naoka had abandoned her journals, and left them to gather dust in her foot chest. She threw herself into new hobbies and skills to try and replace her shattered dream, and found combat training to be quite cathartic. Her wardrobe changed; gowns were traded for trousers, and slippers for boots. By the time Naoka had been approaching a marriageable age, no suitor in her father’s court had shown any interest in her, as she was far from the demure, courtly woman they were looking to wed.
This was fine though, as Naoka had decided somewhere between her Celestial lessons and listening in on her brothers’ political lectures that men were just not to her tastes.
When her brothers were old enough to be presented to the wider public, her parents had broken the news of her engagement. They had found a suitable young man from a wealthy family with whom her father wanted to make a business deal with, in a kingdom on a continent an ocean away. They called it a ‘blessing’ through thin smiles and cold eyes. A taste of the ‘adventure’ she was still childishly chasing while still fulfilling her duties as the eldest daughter.
Naoka saw it for what it was - a banishment.
She had been given three days notice before her departure, and Naoka spent all of them in her room, pretending to not notice the staff member coincidentally stationed outside her door. The first night, she’d cried. The second night, she’d packed. On the third night, she’d departed with a tearful goodbye to her brothers, but not a word for her parents. She traveled two nights by carriage to reach the coast, and then nearly a month to cross the Grand Ocean to reach her destination.
As she stood on the deck watching the shoreline grow nearer, Naoka briefly debated disappearing straight from the docks. She was arriving with a decent amount of finery…surely she could sell some of her baggage in town, buy a horse, and ride away with no-one the wiser?
But though these thoughts were tempting, ultimately, Naoka had chosen not to run.
Her betrothed, Vaxa’liian, was in a similar situation as her, and they’d bonded over their shared circumstances. She found his passion and skill for alchemy charming, and he seemed amazed by her strength and agile footwork. They agreed not to wed, to what was sure to be the outrage of both their families, but remained friends.
Naoka was 17, and she no longer dreamed of grand weddings.
At the age of 22, Naoka found herself standing in a small courtyard in a temple to a god she barely knew, in a country she’d never before visited.
She held the hands of a woman her parents would have despised, and whispered vows written only hours before to love and cherish, in sickness and in health. Her bridal dress was plate armor, battered and scarred, and she wore not gems in her hair but wildflowers, picked just that morning at the edge of town to match the color of the sunset shimmering across her beloved’s scales. Vaxa’liian held a sacred amulet above their clasped hands and whispered a sacred oath from an old tome ‘borrowed’ from the temple’s shelves, uniting them under the eyes of the Firstborn.
It was not the wedding she had dreamed of as a child. It was not grand, expensive, or publicized. There were no guests, no food, and no music, and she was not bedecked in jewels.
But it was hers, and that was all she needed, in the end.
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windwithinmyveins · 23 days
((from Curumë at @deaddoveadventures )): Wordlessly he sneaks up behind Taeres and places a little pink ribbon on their head. "Looks every bit as ridiculous as I thought it would." He says, nodding to himself, satisfied with the work he's done here.
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"~~~ Oooooooh!!!!"
[Ceres approves]
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windwithinmyveins · 21 days
((for Curumë from @deaddoveadventures ))  🛏️ + reverse
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The party was fantastic; not only did she actively bond with the entire group, each in their own way, but she also managed to cheer up Wyll about his very fashionable horns. And maybe, just maybe, the Archdruid also liked her. It was, by all means, a fantastic night.
With a bottle of wine she had hidden from Shadowheart, she went to a somewhat secluded spot of the camp. It was a place she usually loved to sit and watch the full moon, but now, Curume was there. Her first thought was annoyance that he was sitting there, but then she decided not to let her mood be affected by another sad boy at the party. Though her powers to make him happy were beyond her pay grade. Even if all the circuses in Faerun tried to cheer him up, he might still end up crying. Or stabbing someone. The latter would be funny, though.
"That's my spot," she joked, taking a sip from the wine bottle, by now growing numb to the taste of the bitter alcohol. Maybe one day she'd find a sweet liquor, though.
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windwithinmyveins · 2 months
"Stop trying to be brave for one minute." @deaddoveadventures from Blood Blood Blood Blood // Accepting
            Tae could taste the tang of blood in the air, feel the weight of his enemies' gazes upon him like a suffocating cloak. Fear whispered at the edges of his consciousness, not for himself, but for the people he had once vowed to protect. However, he cast it aside with a savage snarl, refusing to be consumed by doubt.
His fingers clung to his weapon, his lungs burned, and his vision grew blurry. Something was wrong, something was entirely wrong.
The cultists would eat them alive if he didn't find a way to quickly defeat them.
"I have an idea," the Drow breathed heavily, barely able to stand up. "I will—" But before he could finish his sentence, Curumë stopped him.
"Stop trying to be brave for one minute."
"It's not about being brave. It's about seeing this through to the end," he snarled back, standing up but immediately falling back on his knees. Finally glancing over his body, there was so much blood. It was hard to tell which was from the enemy and which was from himself. However, his body determined it had to be quite a lot, given he noticed the dark edges around his eyes slowly closing in.
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windwithinmyveins · 17 days
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@deaddoveadventures "Sometimes, we survive by forgetting. ”
"I'd rather die than forget anything I ever went through," the changeling asserted, shaking her head. "Memories are the only things that keep proving to me where I came from, what journey I've passed, and how much I've overcome. They teach me friends from foes, who to avoid, and shape every future interaction I will ever have."
Ceres knew where Curume was coming from but...
"...it keeps me away from people like my mother."
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