#deadline junkies this is for you
supersantafemslash · 11 months
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The deadline to sign up is fast approaching!
Sign-ups for this year’s exchange close 10/15 at 11:59pm Eastern, so make sure you’re thinking of prompts and head HERE to get them in!
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mdhwrites · 2 years
Jumbled Thoughts: Trauma in Fantasy Media, Featuring The Owl House
So trauma in the real world is complicated and surprisingly easy to be afflicted by. Anything intense, threatening, or violent can cause it in at least the short term. It causes an intense emotional reaction much of the time, ranging from completely shutting down as a person for a while to feeling compelled to do everything in your power to stop it from ever happening. An easy example of this might be that you even just SEE someone being stabbed and that shakes you to your core and you run away. In a fantasy setting, you get stabbed... You punch the fucker in the face and finish the fight. Someone threatens to tear you limb from limb if you don’t give them your secrets? Spit in their eye and tell them that your friends are coming and when they get there, you’ll wish you’d never been born. Monster’s acid blood melts through your armor? Who cares? You’re the one who stepped into its maw briefly to stab it where it was unprotected and you now walk out triumphant, if in need of new pants. This is more a feature not a bug of fantasy media though. If the threats in most fantasy media were taken seriously, put to what we would expect of actual reality, most heroes would be considered homicidal maniacs, most people would live in constant fear of goblins and the whole place would just suck in general. Most fantasy media isn’t looking to do that. It’s to present a world far beyond our own, with problems familiar but fantastical that can be taken out in a wide range of ways to promote character growth, challenge, etc. It’s part of what makes fantasy hard for many to approach, especially fantasy adventure, let alone fantasy, comedy adventure where many of these points made me played for laughs, but also what makes it so appealing to fantasy junkies like me. I ADORE a good fantasy story. One that embraces its elements, explores the wonders and mixes in a few fights here and there when possible. It’s probably why the first season of both Amphibia and The Owl House are pieces of media I ADORE. Amphibia has this wonderful world where the monsters are so normal that if you heard news they plucked three from town last night, you would probably ask that they move onto something actually interesting. Meanwhile, in The Owl House’s first season, if your best friend was suddenly pickled in a jar and being sold to you and told it was done entirely legally, you’d probably understand because everyone is running a grift and trying to scam you. Some highlights from The Owl House season 1 that’s also actually important context for what I’m going to talk about going forward: (if you want to skip these, look for the next bit of highlighted text about what DOES cause trauma in fantasy media) A monster hunter who’s dream since being a child has been to shove kids off a cliff. He admits that he was a weird kid but then gleefully pushes the main characters to their dooms, for them to only be saved by a branch. It’s amazing. The main character gets into a magical duel they have no way of winning except for traps laid down by their mentor. When asked what they’re doing, they just candidly shout, “TRYING NOT TO DIE!” In a grand moment of social commentary, a book publisher reveals that when his authors don’t meet deadlines, he crunches them. No, not like that. He puts them in a cube and if they don’t finish the book, it shrinks until they are a cube. And yes, the main character and a member of their found family are put in this situation and barely escape in time. Honestly, barely worse than actual crunch culture.
So if this is how traumatizing, life threatening moments are treated in fantasy... What does cause trauma in a fantasy setting? Well, you have effectively three flavors of trauma you can go with. 1. Backstory Trauma: This is the widest version of trauma in fantasy settings mostly because the damage done can commonly be the most extreme and the effects the most undermined as just a character flaw, not entirely a trauma response. It’s commonly something to justify why they’re angry or warns of something irrational they may do in the future. This is your classic “Big Bad ruined my life” situations. You know “For you, it was the day your parents died, but for me... It was a Tuesday.” The character who still wants vengeance for their parents is going to punch him in the face but the character who was cowed by the big bad by the events might actually be convinced their cause is hopeless and temporarily defect. This is also where you get all the rogues who sit in the corner of the tavern just waiting to tell their tales as they brood away from the rest of the party and I ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME TO PLAY D&D STEVE! 2. “I was too late” trauma: This is the one that can commonly be used for backstory trauma but is also just as likely to come up in story. A character plans, prepares, etc. like that and in the time they were planning, a catastrophe happens that they arrive JUST too late to have stopped. Bonus points if the threat was actually smaller than they had expected and thus the planning was unnecessary. This commonly leads to a fatalistic emboldening of the character. If I could have gotten there in time, then the mistake than the planning. Period. So they act more on their own, don’t gather intel, don’t bring everything they should, etc. like that until finally their lack of preparedness brings them head to head with a creature they SHOULD have been able to fight if they were thinking normally. However, because they’ve decided their actions cannot be questioned, they didn’t read obvious warning signs and are now likely to be killed themselves. After this trauma is usually a tempering of the character. They show signs of the trauma by having quick remedies to a lot of things (this is going to be your diplomat with three hidden knives on their person but it’s not for a gag) so that they require less prep time. So that if a situation calls for immediate action, they are less likely to stumble into a trap ill prepared but also don’t need to work for an hour to have everything they need to face it. 3. “I was tricked” trauma: This is actually probably THE MOST COMMON sort of fantasy trauma... And the most infuriating because it’s really easy to do wrong. But before I get into its issues, what is it? It’s the classic “Bad guy tells good guy while in disguise thing is X. Good guy goes and helps bad guy because he thinks he is doing a good thing for someone in need of help. When good guy is done, X turns out either to be exactly what the bad guy needed or is actually some incredibly cursed, evil artifact. Either way, good guy suddenly leads to a LOT of people dead.” It’s also a very classic backstory trauma for old hero turned evil with this having been why they disappeared some time ago. This is because of WHY it’s done. Most heroes, especially fantasy heroes, are fairly paragon in their behavior. If there is a wrong happening, it must be righted. This makes it easy to trick them, so the bad guy is exploiting a known weakness in their foe, and causes a crises in themselves when the task is over. After all, how can your morals be good when they can be used for such evil? When done right, it’s actually a lot more about what the thing released was rather than the act of helping the villain. After all... They were tricked. No one can say their actions were wrong because they had literally no reason to question their actions. This isn’t like with planning where there are pros and cons. If you’re told that this good object will save a dying town and then face melts everyone, that’s not on you. That’s the bad guy being an asshole. Move the fuck on. BUT. The hero getting to see a bunch of people face melted as a direct response to their actions? That can be more compelling. Not great, but more compelling. You can have them grow inherently distrustful of magical artifacts, maybe even their own equipment, especially if this was an alternate use for an otherwise benign artifact. It can be a moment when a naive hero goes into a blood rage as the depravity of the villain is thrown into their face and they are shown just how much crueler the big bad is than the normal assholes they face. BUT. When done wrong... (If you want to skip this, you can, just go to the next bold text) Let’s Talk About Luz, the main character in The Owl House,  Being Tricked By Phillip Whitebane. Season 2 spoilers for The Owl House. So, quick synopsis: Luz goes back in time to get help with finding a way home after having destroyed her own. There she finds the human who originally built a portal between the human realm. He sweet talks Luz into helping him get a relic that she’s theoretically looking for and then reveals that “No, I just needed bait for the artifact’s guardian. Now please go die while I peace out.” Said artifact’s effects are unknown to Luz at this time. She just thinks she accidentally helped some asshole. This is until, in the Big Bad of the show’s mind, it’s revealed Phillip and him are one and the same! So she inadvertently helped him in the past do... Something. What? Still don’t know by that point actually but she already hates herself for it. For helping a dude get a random artifact and that dude eventually being the big bad. Worse yet, this wasn’t something she specifically had to do. The artifact’s guardian isn’t attracted to humans over magical creatures anyway, it was just a beast. He actually complains that the last person he used as bait died too quickly. She was just the pawn he eventually found and it’s convenient she was a time traveler that episode. She sped up his time to find this artifact by like a couple months, not was the only way he could get it. But... Going forward, this is a secret she will treat as if it were some mortal sin. That somehow literally everyone would hate her for having done this. You know... Despite the fact that she had someone who LITERALLY WAS THE BIG BAD’S RIGHT HAND WOMAN FOR THE FIRST SEASON with her and encouraging this the entire time. Mind you, by the time she has decided that this is a traumatic moment, she doesn’t know how important the artifact is. I won’t spoil what it is other than it is important but she has already set the stakes without knowing if the artifact she got even directly led to the person becoming the big bad. Without knowing if any lives were lost because of it. Hell, because she ended up beating the guardian beast, she could even make a claim to have saved the lives of any and all who Phillip would have used anyways. And again, she didn’t do this alone. She was a hero doing hero things for reasonable reasons for a person who, when helping them, she has no reason to think is any worse than any of the asshole who tried to kill her in season 1. Now if someone wanted to make the case that she was still selfish in her actions here... In literally the second episode, her desire to be special and live by the rules of a fantasy world in a video game leads to her almost dying while she is tricked into being bait for her mentor and someday found family mother to be brought out to her death. Her selfish desires, while also being told she was doing something positive, DIRECTLY led to the endangerment of someone taking care of her and almost got herself killed. She acts a little sad about this before her mentor cheers her up and they MOVE ON. Worse yet, this trauma, if taken seriously, should make Luz not want to act as much on her own or for her own goals. Those are things that directly led to the mistake. If she wants to repentant for these things, thinks that doing this sort of mistake is beyond redemption, she should shift her behavior accordingly. Or, you know, constantly for the rest of the season continue to believe in her actions above all, act on her own, etc. like that. Because TRAUMA! Right? Well...
Why this example? Why any of this if traumatic events are usually ignored in fantasy media?
For the same reason they’re used in any story: To challenge a character and commonly lead to character growth. To put a character in a position that challenges them and their normal motives in a way that is incredibly emotional and demands a response. Demands they do something in accordance to what had happened before. It’s also commonly set to challenge the core of the character because the drama of an event that even the audience may accept is traumatic needs to be a big deal. It can’t be ignored. As a note, this is part of why Women in Refrigerators is so awful because it’s very cheap, quick trauma that is commonly unnecessary and doesn’t actually add to the character or challenge them. That’s also the problem with half assing your trauma or not thinking about the source. In real life, trauma LITERALLY DEMANDS A RESPONSE. There’s a reason it’s called a trauma response when someone gets triggered and shuts down. Or fights. Or does anything that is correlated to the past pain they had felt and are now being reminded of and possibly re-experiencing. Because trauma is related to intense emotional pain usually coinciding with a threat against your life. That’s why something as simple as a car crash can be traumatizing. Since I got in my last crash, which came out of nowhere as I tried to get out of a restaurant and onto the street, I have definitely demanded more clearance than I did before before doing anything like that again. A part of my brain is just hardwired to be worried that if I don’t check five times, I’ll have a truck suddenly smash the side of whoever’s car I’m driving. It wasn’t even a bad crash. The dude had turned through an intersection near where I was coming out and so it was just kind of “Sucks but not much that could have been done about it” situation done at fairly low speeds. It still affected me though because I don’t live in a fantasy world. Brushes with threats don’t happen to me very often. Not so true for characters who even spend a few months in a reasonably dangerous fantasy world. You have to get used to it... Or die. Become nothing because the strain of looking over your shoulder would become too much. Which is why I chose that example. Yes, it’s a kid’s show so they can’t go too far (I say in a show where they have ripped off someone’s arm permanently now and symbolically shown the corpses of a dozen past incarnations of a character to that character) but this is still bad. There is no satisfying arc to fixing the trauma, because anyone with two braincells would tell the character experiencing it that they were tricked and they don’t hold it against them like they claim they would, and there is no satisfying change to the character because of it because they double down on the behavior that caused the mistake, not the other way around, and not for particularly any good reason except they’re the main character so they need to keep doing things. And when fantasy does trauma like that... Well, for as much as I love the genre, I can’t really blame anyone who questions why I do. ======== I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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virginreprise · 19 days
i love your blog and you like the vibes are amazing!! your writing is beyond lovely too! :>
if you dont mind me asking, will junky pride be a series? im weirdly obsessed with it, ive reread it a few times already 😭
thank you so much, sweetheart! this is the first writing blog i've had for a while (bad experience on the last few lmao) so i appreciate the support ♡
as for junky pride, it's definitely gonna be a series!! i have the first scene of chapter two written and trying to get a few more done before i'm back to school and work. i was planning on having smut in the second chapter but the direction i'm taking it in isn't what i thought and it doesn't feel right...so there will likely be a couple more chapters. it may just be another part after the next one or it could turn into something even more! i've got a few ideas but i don't want to promise anything. getting back into writing is supposed to be relaxing for me and deadlines usually stress me out so what will be will be.
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Fic Master Post for AFTG and 9-1-1
Trying My Best
Rated E ● 75,271 Words ● 20 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 1 of a Series ● Finished
“You refuse to talk to Bee. If today was any indication, I’d say you cannot afford to continue going on without talking to her.” “I’m not talking to her,” Neil said resolutely. “Then we’re at an impasse. I will not waste my time worrying about a rabbit who will neither call me nor see a therapist for his problems.” Basically Neil and Andrew figure out how to help each other through the good and bad days.
Safe Zone
Rated G ●  3,062 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 2 of a Series ● Finished
Andrew wakes up with a fever but like the hard headed shit he is, he tries to power through it. Nothing goes as planned and he finds a begrudging comfort in Neil.
Stay With Me
Rated E ●  97,333 Words ● 21 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 3 of a Series ● Finished
Neil had let Andrew say goodbye to every important person left in Palmetto while he stood on the sidelines and cheered Andrew on. There was only one goodbye left and it would be the most painful one. It seemed as though it was finally hitting Neil too. They only had twenty-seven days together and then Neil would return to Palmetto alone for the first time since Millport. -They spent the first year after everything healing. Now they have to learn how to navigate being away from each other while Andrew is off playing in the pros and Neil is still at Palmetto finishing his fifth year. Things aren't easy. They never seem to be for them but they're fighters. And they always come out on top.-
Three Steps
Rated M ●  33,033 Words ● 3 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
After Mary died, Neil went to the FBI and helped them take down not only Nathan and his inner circle but also the Moriyama family. Now free to do as he pleases, he decided that he wants some normal life experiences. What better way to accomplish that than to enroll at Palmetto University. He doesn't expect to find friendship in his roommates and definitely doesn't expect to fall for the man who sits in the corner of the café with blades under his armbands and hair that shines like a halo in the sun.
If Only I Were Enough
Rated M ●  50,970 Words ● 15 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
After Andrew moves to Colorado to start his professional Exy career, he intends on everything being okay between him and Neil. But when his self-destructive tendencies tell him that he doesn't need Neil Josten in his life, everything goes to shit. Things between them seem unrepairable and he's not so sure he wants to even try. But when Neil gets into a dangerous car wreck, Andrew finds himself back at the junkie's side with a deadline to fix things or walk away forever.
Somebody's Watching Me
Rated G ●  4,960 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
It's October and the monsters are out shopping when they come across a very creepy doll. Neil decides to have some fun with it by scaring Nicky at every corner.
Monsters, Friends, and Candy
Rated G ●  3,211 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: None ● Finished
Bee has spent the last two years hoping that she was doing good by Andrew and Aaron. Hoping that she had done a decent enough job that they truly believed they were safe and loved by her. She gets her answer when she overhears Andrew comforting a scared Neil.
Nothing Mattered Until You
Rated M ●  22,497 Words ● 5 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Jean ● Finished
On the docks in Marseille, Neil fell in love. But his mother ripped him away and for years he never dared hope to see Jean again. He believed that he would die before ever getting the chance. But when recuperating with his uncle after his father is killed, Neil's chance comes. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one who went through some horrible things over the years. Despite their horrible pasts, they decide to try for a future together. Going to college and even making some friends along the way. But Riko has other plans and wants back what he considers his.
A Quiet Little Seedling
Rated E ●  83,293 Words ● 15 of 30 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Ongoing
Neil had a lot of secrets. He didn’t want much in life except to live quietly, run his botanical store, upload TikToks covering plant care, and for not a single person to find out that he’s the best-selling author N.A.J who published one book anonymously five years prior and disappeared. His life takes a turn when his literary agent tracks him down for a follow-up book with the theme of feeling settled and at peace. Two things Neil is not. Thus begins his journey of planting roots in a town he’s lived in for years, starting with making friends with people who have tried to bring him into their circle. As Neil gets closer to them and his secrets become less guarded, there’s still that one big secret he intends on taking to his grave. But the closer he gets to his friends the closer he unknowingly gets to that secret being revealed.
Right in Front of You This Whole Time
Rated E ●  14,992 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy & Buck/Eddie ● Finished
Buck enjoys figuring out his sexuality with Tommy. Everything is good, almost too easy, and when Buck comes out to everyone in his life, he's not expecting the silence from Eddie. It doesn't last long, not when its seems accidentally hurting someone out of jealously on a basketball court isn't strictly a Buck thing. Now everything Buck felt toward his best friend in the past was making a lot more sense.
What Was I Made For
Rated G ●  2,410 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Finished
After the disaster that was the bachelor party, Chimney was found alive though things could have been better. Buck feels guilty about what happened though he knows he had no control over it and it was no ones fault. His mother, however, blames him and Daniel gets thrown in his face once again. It's no surprise that no one stays for Buck and he expects Tommy to leave after seeing the blow up with his parents but Tommy proves that maybe there is someone who will stay.
I'll Be Lying Awake Counting All My Mistakes
Rated T ●  13,627 Words ● 4 Chapters ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Ongoing
After being given the option to transfer or keep Buck at the 118, Bobby decides on the former. Believing he has failed Buck in some way, Bobby hopes the kid might learn his actions have consequences. Buck’s new firehouse is the 217 and Bobby reaches out to Tommy with a request: look after Buck. Tommy’s not sure what to expect but it certainly wasn’t falling head over hills for the man he's supposed to be looking after. Meanwhile Buck is struggling with Bobby’s decision and not feeling good enough. Not to mention he doesn’t understand why he gets butterflies around Tommy so much. It can only be admiration, right?
6am Happiness
Rated G ●  2,339 Words ● 1 Chapters 1● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Finished
They were supposed to sleep in late but Buck woke up thinking about the future.
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tim-ee-sis · 3 months
I understand your feeling of treading water, I had long term goals for years of needing to do this so I could do that so everything would work. And that drove me for years got through highschool, undergrad and a masters then got out struggled to get a job for a while then got one and moved just in time to be locked down in a place I didn't really know people for covid.
And it's rough not to know the next step, to just tread water and not have a force in your life that helps you get out of bed and drives you to do better.
And to be honest I still don't have a big goal, like there are things that I still want, a place of my own, to travel, to learn some more, but there is nothing over my head forcing me into any specific deadline, or even a timeline really.
And the thing is I'm happy, and enjoying this time where I get to enjoy my time, hang out with friends and my bf, enjoy good food, and being able to relax.
But I couldn't for a while I had to break myself out of a mindset of needing to do something, needing to strive and achieve. Which was hard, as I had gotten so used to a paradigm where if I failed or slowed down a set of domino's would then start to fall where my future would be derailed and great financial and mental cost. Getting rid of that mentality took time, therapy, and having to teach myself a new mentality. Which I largely did by taking classes for a hobby that I always wanted to learn but could fail at with no repercussions it would affect a grade, it would mean I could get into another program, it just meant I made something lower quality then I wanted and could just try again later. And I did that until I stopped being stressed about failing and just let myself have fun with it and got better at it and just enjoyed the act of creation and the moment rather then being worried about how long it was taking me to improve, or not being able to due more impressive things yet. Just enjoying getting better and being able to do what I can.
I have no idea if this will help you but it's how I got to a better place, reframing my mindset and letting go of the stress I always felt to need to do more or better or I would fail. Your path will likely be different but I hope you find a way to shake the feeling of treading water and find a life filled with joy and peace.
This is a lovely message and I would love to chat with you more back-and-forth if you're open to messaging me.
One of the biggest factors I've noticed with my current predicament is that after my engagement ended, I also lost most of the friends I have here, so I've felt more lonely. I've tried to keep the perspective of using the opportunity to work on myself and my job requires a lot of social energy which means I'm not at home alone for days on end, but I still want more of a community which I now have to rebuild.
Plus money, but I'm a political junkie and that's a WHOLE can of worms haha
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sama-not-sam · 4 months
who: Sama and @mustdies where: the wake when: around 3pm
Sama had reset her watch when she landed in New York, but she still kept doing the math in her head, converting the time on her wrist to the time in Geneva, the time her body was used to. It was 3pm, which meant it felt it was 9pm, well past the time Sama usually put pleasantries to bed and got to work in the privacy of her apartment. But here she was surrounded by strangers, people who wanted to talk to her about Richard and expected her to be polite and sad. It was all so performative, and while Sama could perform with the best of them, she’d been awake far too long to still be putting up with this sort of nonsense. 
So she found herself in need of something to get her through the rest of the wake. She needed, and she couldn’t believe she was thinking this, something to take the edge off. Normally, Sama liked the edge. Not in the way an adrenaline junky did, but she liked when tensions were high or a topic was important or she was coming up on a deadline. Today was different, and she wasn’t as concerned with the why as with the fact of it. What mattered was, just then, she didn’t want to feel like a live wire. 
Sama had been offered a drink more than once because she needed to ‘chill out.’ Such offers were universally met with disdain, mainly on principle, but now it felt like a good idea. She’d thought it a wise decision when Mrs. Tristan established a dry wake, but she was beginning to reconsider. A solution presented itself when Sama caught sight of Dante lingering at the edge of the tables. 
She made her way over to him with the hard-eyed and quick stepped air that left no room for interruption. “I know you have a flask.” She slid into the seat next to him and held out her hand. “Share.”
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overx · 9 months
have i heard about the different demon classifications and their purposes/abilities in Soul-Bound before? yes. do i want to hear them again? yes. uvu
[[Hi I love you <3
SO short version for this first part before I get to the meat of this ask.
What is a demon in the Soul Bound universe?
The only TRUE demons in SB come from the Inferno-- otherwise known as Death's Domain. These are the demons we categorize by the seven deadly sins, and also interchangeably call "Infernals".
While other creatures may be called "demons" colloquially-- like your sleep paralysis demon-- they are not true demons in SB. If it doesn't come from Death's plane of existence? Not a true demon.
Okay, what do Infernals or "true demons" look like? Can you tell anything by looking at them?
Yes and no. There is no "standard" for what demons in SB have to look like. It's sort of our way of saying all cultural depictions could be valid, rather than discounting anything. We wanted to be able to pull from a variety of folklore and mythology for their appearances, and not limit ourselves in character design either. They could be anything from satyr inspired goat legged demons, to dragon like ones, to oni, visually.
On top of that, they can easily change their appearances if desired. Demons hold the distinction of being able to physically transform themselves. Instead of just cloaking their features like more common magical entities, they take the complicated route of true shapeshifting.
This means even having the right level of sight only kind of helps in unmasking a hidden demon on the mortal plane. The real way to know you have a demon on your hands is something that can't really be seen but felt, and it's hard to notice without prior experience. They tend to have a big presence in a room, even if the vibe varies by type. AKA it isn't always an intimidating aura, it could also be charismatic for example.
What do the demon 'types' mean? The whole seven deadly sins thing?
Right! So the 'sin' type a demon has is both true and untrue at the same time. In short, every demon actually embodies every sin simultaneously. Yet at the same time, they're classed by their "main" sin, if that makes sense? The main sin has no bearing on the type of magic a demon can use though.
Basically, each one has an "order of sins" which can be used to get a general sense of a demon's temperament, preferred contracts, etc. It can also in some cases be a quick indicator of where someone is in the social hierarchy of the inferno if they haven't made a name for themselves. A demon might have high pride but very low greed for example.
Demons ironically sometimes use this like a horoscope with each other. They might avoid socializing with demon types they find rub them the wrong way.
Here's a quick rundown of general demon traits and how they perceive each other written like a horoscope column cause it sounded fun.
Sloth - The most laid back of all demon's personality wise. They move towards their goals at a slower and more casual rate. Sloth demons are strongly associated with knowledge. This means they're great problem solvers when they do act. They're often very powerful magically as a result of all their time spent casually learning and absorbing the world around them. Sloth demons don't mind being out of the limelight and often prefer if someone else is the star of the show. Sometimes seen as cowardly by other demons, usually the reason a Sloth demon isn't acting is because they simply don't care to. They fail miserably at meeting deadlines set by anyone else, which leaves many of their less patient peers unsatisfied.
Gluttony - Often seen as closely related to Greed demons, Gluttony demons really DO have a big appetite. It isn't always for food however. Gluttony demons crave experiences. They are excessively self indulgent. Sometimes seen as adrenaline junkies, there is nothing they want more than to create new memories. They are very high energy demons compared to their peers, which comes with some pros and cons. They have a strong drive to explore and try new things which can be both thrilling and overwhelming. They are often seen as gung-ho and unpredictable. They truly believe that variety is the spice of life, and are great at helping others learn more about themselves... if you can keep up with them.
Lust - Most people think Lust demons are all about physical relationships, and while that can be true, it's not everything about them. Lust demons actually care the most about companionship. Intimacy doesn't have to be sexual, though for many of them that is a perk. Their most common contracts with mortals are actually about fixing loneliness in some way at their core. Lust demons have an innate ability to read other beings emotions and understand them in ways other more self serving demons cannot. They have an easy time being everyone's friend and creating connections without really trying. They rarely have to do any work other than be themselves to meet their goals. Unfortunately for this reason they can also be viewed as disingenuous by some of their peers.
Envy - An Envy demon will either be your biggest cheerleader or your biggest rival. There is no in between. A good relationship with an Envy demon has them doing everything in their power to build you up so YOU don't feel envious. A bad relationship means you have a horrible little hater on your hands who will sabotage you at every turn. Envy demons crave attention and praise and can turn into full blown FOMO freaks if they aren't getting it. Easily the most addicted to social media, drama, and spilling tea. Their major strength is in the social information trade. They know everyone's secrets and are willing to be underhanded to meet their goals or yours.
Greed - Unsurprisingly, Greed demons are avid collectors at heart. Some of them flaunt their hoard, while others are quite secretive. They have a bad habit of accumulating useless items that don't always even interest them -- sometimes just to keep them out of the hands of others. Greed demons cannot resist a "last one" sign at a sale, even when it's for an item they don't want. Although not all collections are purely physical, and most demons of this type are quite organized. Their strength is that they are by far the hardest workers in the Inferno. The only way to increase your hoard is to work for it, and on that front a true greed demon has more drive than any of their peers.
Pride - Pride demons are charismatic at their core, and easy to admire. They prize success, but already know they're the best. Pride demons are steadfast, and never abandon their goals or contracts. A stable Pride demon is the picture of calm confidence, and lets every obstacle roll off of them. A Pride demon in turmoil however, often has their ego wounded, and will lash out at others for the smallest slight. Pride demons make everything look easy, which is the main reason their peers dislike them.
Wrath - There are currently only two wrath demons in existence which makes them hard to classify. They are by far the most powerful of all their peers, and unless you have business with them THEY have business with you, it's generally recommended to avoid them. Demons with wrath as a secondary trait are more common-- and are often vindictive, and vengeful. These Infernals will not let slights go unpunished, though their methods may vary. Staying on their good side is a must if you want to have a close relationship.
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havethetouch · 2 years
Deadline Junkie activated
Bwahahahaha fml. I sent a mail out to our landlord regarding viewing appointments that would buy us more time bc my sworn sis has enough stress on her side with the brother situation and I am going through the motions and the insomnia has me in a grip for months now so excuse me being an erratic lil shit about stuff have only slept somewhere about 3 hours last night (or rather early morning today).
So anyway I fumbled the payment for my family domain (which belonged to my father and I took over bc all my mails run over this one) and therefore sending mails is apparently not working currently which mens the landlord never got my mail which lead to him calling my stressed out bestie to inform her he has an interested tennant lined up and he will pop by on Saturday.
The flat is a glorious mess so imma trainhop either today with the last train of the night or hightail it back to Vienna early morning before my shift (or if the insomnia chokes me again the first train of the day) to fix up the flat and decontruct the netting I had rigged up to seperate the kitties from my poisonous plants, cover up all them drillholes and get ahold of the artfully crafted chaos that is my room.
This fucking flat hadn't had a deepclean in ages I have my work cut out for me imma be fighting for me life over here and sure, 4 days and a half up until Saturday 12p.m. seems doable and it most likely will work out but I also know myself and I am hella aware that when it comes to shit like this I might loose the plot a couple of times in between until the stress kicks of the adrenalin and you might find me doing finishing touches at fucking 4 a.m. in the morning or something.
Bahhhhh fuck this guy and fuck my forgetfulness. (Like seriously havent seen my phone in 3 weeks now idk were I put it)
Anyway wish me luck on my mad race to do the one shitty adult task i hate the most: deep cleaning everything. Hhhnnghgh
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colinzabel · 2 years
That evening had been fairly normal, Austin might say. The rain pattering on his abundance of large windows isn’t abnormal to Provincetown, and neither is the robe he adorned along with the glass of red wine he’s swirling within his grasp. He’s spread across his black sofa, back nestled against the armrest and head tossed back, admiring the intricate, wooden ceiling of his den. He should be working — of course, he should. He has a deadline coming up, and no amount of Muse could get him out of this one. It’s just that, well, Austin has other things on his mind. And he isn’t just being lazy for the hell of it, for once. Austin is getting sloppy. Belle is sure to remind him of it. With several winters spent out here, this winter surely is Austin’s hungriest. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, honestly. It was always easy getting hold of a junkie, someone forgettable. And Austin is sure he can get back to having that patience, but lately… once he pops one of those suckers, he simply can’t resist. He’s not the sloppiest there’s been out here, no. He still has some sense behind those beady eyes when his stomach growls, but it hasn’t been just those who won’t be missed. And he knows he’s on police radar now. Which gives him an idea of who might be rapping on his door this evening, breaking up the monotony of the rain. He takes a sip of his wine, cherishes the way it slides down his throat with ease, and finally gets up to answer. The stairs creak as he makes his way to the foyer and the door sounds a similar ache as he opens it to reveal a man. A detective, no doubt, but not one he’s seen around. He smiles, and jokes, “oh no! A rogue fan, I presume? Sorry, but I don’t divvy out autographs to stalkers.” His laugh booms in the frigid air, harmonizing with the rain. “I’m only joking, sir. How may I help you this uh,” he looks out at the clouds and then back at the officer before him, “lovely evening?”
It was bizarre. In all his years working on the force, Colin had never seen a case like this one, as stereotypical as it is to say. And he hadn’t been expecting to be called in to assist with this investigation in the first place. A slew of victims, their throats ripped out in a way that he could only describe as animalistic— a rabid dog maybe, something, if not for the lack of any signs of one at any of the crime scenes, nor any sightings around town. Every hint pointed to human involvement, and he couldn’t wrap his head around how. Maybe he didn’t want to, didn’t want to think of what kind of person could be so inhumane, but either way, he ended up doing some digging, landing on a prime suspect— the one and only, Austin Sommers. There was plenty of talk about him around town, though Colin never paid much attention to it, never thought to. in retrospect, maybe he should've— sitting in front of the writers house, he fiddles with his coat before pulling it tight around his torso in a lousy attempt at protecting him from the frigid air and rain as he steps out of his car and makes his way to the front door. It's lavish even from the outside, though it holds a definite amount of charm and uniqueness, what you’d expect from someone like Austin, he supposes. Before he can appreciate it too much though, he’s at the front door, and what he’s met with is a loud personality, one he can’t help but admire, paired with a handsome man, and he can’t help the awkward smile that makes its way across his features. “No stalkers here Mr. Sommers, I promise!” He starts, straightening his spine and adjusting his posture before thrusting his hand out between them as an offer, for Austin to take in a handshake if he chose to. His fingers are cool to the touch, and trembling slightly due to the worsening weather, a shiver coursing through his body as he continues. “I’m Detective Colin Zabel. I’m just, uhm,, Im here to ask you a few questions, if possible. I understand it’s late and all, but I’ll be out of your hair before you know it.”
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supersantafemslash · 2 months
2 week warning!
There are just two weeks left to submit your works for this year’s exchange, so it’s time to find what makes your muse kick and get down to the good stuff! Plots should be plotted (if you’re including plot), character arcs should be arced, and scenes should be scene-ing.
Or, you know, the prompt email should be dug out and dusted off so you can start deciding what you’re gonna do. Deadline junkies are valid too!
But whatever your process, make sure you’ve got your work added to the collection by July 27th at 11:59pm Eastern! And as always, make sure to have fun, and can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with this year.
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Post #123: XF issues 33-35
This issue opens with the Alliance of Evil returning, which is funny. In Layton's story I found them kinda dull cause they were just like. junky minions. But here we see they've filled the void of the Brotherhood, which is useful for the story and a nice foreshadowing of Frenzy's later stuff with the Acolytes. Unlike Mystique's Brotherhood, though, there's no crafty high level political terrorism, they're just upending cars in the streets and talking to the news cameras. These are silly villains and when you acknowledge that they can be good characters. Tensions are high in New York with the deadline for registering for the Mutant Registration Act approaching and with inanimate objects all around starting to act weird, prepping the book to enter the Inferno. Bobby and Jean are chaperoning the kids downtown clothes shopping. They feel bad for being completely unqualified teachers so they're sending the kids to boarding school for a little bit. The kids are all nervous about registration, although it's not compulsory for minors yet. Then Tower happens to be walking by and sees them in a window and throws a car at Bobby's head, which is the funniest way I've seen Simonson end a scene. It briefly cuts to Ship, where Scott and Ship are watching over Hank and talking. Between the experiments, Pestilence, and now Infectia, Hank's molecular structure is all out of wack and he seems to be dying. Scott is also trying to interpret Destiny's clues about the whereabouts of his son when the Alliance of Evil come on the news. Cutting back to that, Tabitha says what we're all thinking, if X-Factor tries to stop the Alliance from protesting the Registration Act then that seems like an endorsement of it. At the same time, the Alliance are throwing cars at mutant children, so they're not big on solidarity either. It's one of the ways the metaphor falls short, because there's so many mutant supervillains who take activism to an astonishing level of violence and really should be stopped. But since this is the situation, it's an interesting moral dilemma. Cut once again to Nanny and the Orphan-Maker, who have appeared before but are now named. They're flying around the country kidnapping mutant children and killing their parents. They're still shadowy and off panel at this point and their motives are a little unclear but they're fun when we get to know them. On Ship, Hank suddenly wakes up, having stabilized in his blue form with full intelligence and even better strength than before. Simonson sure took her sweet time undoing that stupid Bob Layton story. The Flowers for Algernon thing was fun though so it wasn't annoying waiting for this one. Anyway, now that he's fine, he and Scott can both get zapped by ship to downtown, where the kids have joined the fight and Frenzy has asked Rusty to join them. After they take down the Alliance, Freedom Force show up to arrest them. They give X-Factor one last chance to register. Hank, a public figure as an Avenger, does, while the rest of the team register only under their codenames, which isn't technically against the rules and Freedom Force knows they won't win this fight. Rusty, who's over 18, refuses to register but decides to turn himself in the the cops, which is stupid cause he's stupid. In our closing teaser, Cameron Hodge puts on some fancy armor and waits for Death!Warren to arrive on his quest for Candy.
This one is Warren focused. He's found the Right's main base, but it slowed down by a whole lotta demons, who N'astirh sent as part of his deal with Hodge. Hodge is watching Warren on the monitors. He's really fascinating because he's clearly in love with Warren, although it stops just short of being explicit. He talks about how Warren was always superior, but the reveal of his powers tainted him. N'astirh has clocked exactly what's going on and is making fun of Hodge for using demons to kill an angel despite being ostensibly Christian. In a parallel scene, we learn that Nanny and the Orphan-Maker, now on panel as a giant egg and a transformer looking guy, are tracking down mutant babies based on a list they stole from the Right. This was the same list that N'astirh was given as part of the deal because he wants babies to sacrifice, so now he's mad about this interference. Nanny, who we are quickly learning is truly insane, sees Orphan-Maker (called Peter) as a son who's helping her adopt more children. Hodge tells N'astirh that there's a stash of backup babies beneath an orphanage, so N'astirh leaves with the few minions Warren hasn't killed, telling Hodge that if the bargain is complete, he will never die. With all the self-hating mutants aligning with humans in this franchise, it's useful to also have a self-hating gay man channeling that into hatred for others. That kind of hatred burns eternal in the world, so on the literal level, he must become immortal through a deal with a demon. On Ship, Bobby and Hank are busy guest starring elsewhere, while Scott and Ship think they've figured out Destiny's clue- it's the orphanage where Scott grew up. He's too scared to ask Jean for help, but she insists on offering, and he's grateful. Again, they really care about each other but they can't communicate anymore. Warren, meanwhile, has some gorgeous action sequences. Walt Simonson makes him feel so kinetic and zoomy. He finally makes it through all the defenses to find Hodge in his protective suit. He does an evil monologue while they fight, about how he worshipped Warren until he grew wings and flew away. He claims he hates Candy for betraying the human race, but he also accuses Warren of turning from him to love her, which is as textual as the gay can get. Usually with plots like these the stated text is the villain being in love with the girl, but Hodge isn't even pretending that's the case. He's given up with the mind games in his passion for Warren. He pulls the plug on Candy, who he's tortured to death and is only keeping alive with the machines. In his rage, Warren beheads Cameron, but it's too late to save her. This is a really aggressive fridging. If Candy has to die for the story, she should have been awake and defiant, even if she couldn't do anything about it. But putting that aside, it is a great Warren moment, as he cradles her body and the Right reinforcements pour into the room.
In this issue, the city of New York has fully gone crazy, with a garbage truck growing teeth and attacking Bobby and Hank. I think maybe this one came out after Inferno officially started in Uncanny? I'm trying not to think about it because if I was using an issue by issue release order for this period of X-history I would truly go insane. Again, Limbo time fuckery! I'm gonna keep citing that well into the nineties without any justification. Scott and Jean arrive at the orphanage. Simonson starts to hint at Scott's memory of his childhood being all jumbled. There have been some conflicting stories about Scott's childhood, and Claremont's plan for Mr. Sinister, which I'll get into at the end of the event, doesn't fit with any of them, so she's just waving it all away with weird psychic amnesia, which as retcons go is fine. The orphanage is full of human children, and at least one mutant girl who's scared of something in the basement. Scott tells Jean about the bully who tormented him here, a boy named Nathan. When they discover a secret elevator shaft, they learn of a vast scientific complex below the building, filled with workers who seem in a trance. There's a whole lotta mutant babies down here in tubes. Jean, despite still not having telepathy, can feel Scott's son calling out, and they find him. Scott calls him Christopher. I think this is literally the first time he's been called by name, for no reason I can think of, and in just a couple issues this will be retconned into his middle name. As they try to figure out a way to save all these babies, Nanny and the Orphan-Maker arrive with some of Nanny's younger wards, all mutants who she's tasked with helping retrieve these babies. She is not very careful around children, and a very high stakes fight ensues. Jean is horrified to see her niece and nephew in the thrall of Nanny, a low level telepath controlling her young wards. This is the first clue of their arrival since Jean's sister's house blew up, implying Nanny killed her. Scott and Jean take the fight outside to keep the babies safe, but while they're occupied N'astirh's minions arrive and snatch all the babies. This would be a hilarious time for an X-Factor/Nanny team-up, but unfortunately both parties depart separately to save the babies before they're sacrificed and/or eaten. This was a good issue. Simonson usually jumps back and forth between plots, but almost this whole issue was Scott and Jean. They're both weird people, but as a couple they're pretty vanilla, so it was fun to pit them against these stupid weirdo villains. They both got some pathos with the kids, and the orphanage thing was a spooky concept in a kid's book. So is Nanny for that matter, when I was a kid I was freaked out at the idea of evil cyborgs coming to my house to kill my parents and brainwash me. This was also the last part of the long, long buildup to Inferno, as the next issue of Uncanny has the logo on the cover.
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talent4ucompany · 1 month
Unlocking the Best Online Part-Time Jobs for Students Without Investment
In today’s fast-paced digital age, many students are looking for ways to earn extra income without sacrificing their studies. online part time jobs have become an ideal solution, offering flexibility and the opportunity to work from anywhere. Whether you're a student in India or elsewhere, there are plenty of options available that don’t require any upfront investment. This guide will help you explore the best opportunities for online part-time jobs for students and how to get started.
Why Choose Online Part-Time Jobs?
Online part-time jobs are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons:
Flexibility: Work around your class schedule and study at your own pace.
No Investment Needed: Many online jobs require zero upfront investment, making them accessible to students.
Skill Development: Gain valuable experience and skills that can boost your resume.
Work From Anywhere: Whether you're at home or on campus, you can work from any location with an internet connection.
Top Online Part-Time Jobs in India for Students
Finding the right online part-time job can be challenging, especially with so many options available. Here are some of the best opportunities for students:
Freelance Writing: If you have a flair for writing, freelance writing is a great way to earn money. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr offer plenty of opportunities for content writing, blogging, and more.
Online Tutoring: With the rise of e-learning, online tutoring has become a lucrative option. You can teach subjects you excel in through platforms like Chegg or Vedantu.
Data Entry: Data entry jobs are perfect for students looking for simple tasks that don’t require much experience. Many companies outsource data entry work, which can be done online with basic computer skills.
Social Media Management: If you’re social media savvy, consider managing social media accounts for small businesses. This job can often be done from your phone, making it a convenient option.
Online Surveys: Participate in online surveys or market research studies. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie pay for your opinion, allowing you to earn money in your free time.
Virtual Assistant: Virtual assistants help businesses with administrative tasks such as scheduling, email management, and customer service. It’s a great way to gain experience in a professional setting.
How to Get Started with Online Part-Time Jobs
Starting with online part-time jobs is easier than you might think. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Identify Your Skills: Before you start applying for jobs, identify what skills you have and what kind of work you’re interested in. This will help you narrow down your job search.
Create a Resume: Even for online jobs, a well-crafted resume can make a difference. Highlight any relevant skills or experience you have.
Sign Up on Job Portals: Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are great places to find online part-time jobs. Create profiles on these platforms and start browsing job listings.
Apply for Jobs: Once you find jobs that match your skills, start applying. Be sure to tailor your application to each job and include a cover letter if required.
Start Working: Once you land a job, start working and building your portfolio. As you gain experience, you can take on more challenging and higher-paying jobs.
Tips for Success in Online Part-Time Jobs
Succeeding in online part-time jobs requires discipline and a proactive approach. Here are some tips to help you succeed:
Time Management: Balancing work and studies can be challenging, so it’s important to manage your time effectively. Create a schedule that allows you to work without compromising your studies.
Stay Organized: Keep track of deadlines and manage your tasks efficiently. Tools like Trello or Asana can help you stay organized.
Communication: Good communication is key in any job. Make sure you’re responsive and clear in your communication with clients or employers.
Continuous Learning: The digital world is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep learning new skills. Whether it’s improving your writing, learning a new software, or staying updated on industry trends, continuous learning will help you stay competitive.
With the right approach, online part time jobs can be a great way for students to earn money without any investment. From freelance writing to virtual assistant roles, there are countless opportunities available. By leveraging your skills and managing your time effectively, you can build a successful online career while still focusing on your studies.
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blahandwhatever · 1 year
So my mobile hotspot speeds have been throttled, and no workarounds have worked, so I’m living a slightly more cautious and limited online existence. It’s not as bad as it could’ve been - I remember getting my data speeds throttled years ago and the internet hardly being usable. It’s still usable now - quite normally, even, with text-based things like work and job hunting and writing here. Video is off-limits on the computer except for very short ones, and image-heavy pages take a while to load. Picture blog is slower but reasonably doable. For Tumblr browsing, the least annoying solution is connecting my phone to my computer via scrcpy with the browser in landscape mode and the sites in desktop mode. I’m learning some new things.
Work is still slow. I got my first project from my new job - a fairly small one with a surprisingly far-out deadline, though I intend to get it done this week. Have an interview tomorrow for the other job that doesn’t pay as much as I’d like. I’ll see if it’s worth taking on for a while, assuming I get an offer.
Studies have also been slow, and I’m doing more online surveys to hold me over until my next major one next week. I’ve expanded my reach to Survey Junkie and Ipsos iSay - both a little annoying, Survey Junkie especially in a number of ways, but it’s the best site I know of in terms of reward redemption, which is pretty much instant and available in bank transfer, PayPal transfer, and digital Visa gift card options (all of which can be ideal for me at times). 
I spent much Tuesday and Wednesday sucked into the survey vortex and feeling shitty, for reasons partly but not entirely related - there was definitely something physical going on lately that depleted my energy, possibly at least in part due to minor mold issues again. By last night, I started to feel more normal.
Today, I wanted to visit the botanic garden because I’d hoped to go this month and it was one of the month’s two free admission days. Unfortunately, there was still the $8 parking fee, and I had no money left after doing my groceries for the week. But I figured I could get a $10 Visa gift card to buy the parking online (bank’s account’s too deep in the negatives for surveys to do it much good). And that I did.
I woke up late and still tired and not sure I was in the mood, but it was a beautiful day, and I knew it would be good for me. But when I went to buy the parking online, I got an error saying they couldn’t process the card. I tried a different browser. I checked and made sure the addresses and everything aligned between the card and garden accounts. I called customer service, and they told me they couldn’t process gift cards (for ‘needs to be tied to an address’ reasons? though I put in my address in the gift card account). Nowhere did it say this on their site, and I’d always had gift cards work like normal credit/debit cards except in cases like gas stations or pay-over-time things where they need assurance that you have more money than what they’re currently charging you.
I was angry and I cried a tiny bit and I briefly gave up on my plans before deciding to take up some online reviewers on their recommendation to park elsewhere and walk to the garden. It might take a while, and eat into my garden time and energy, but it would probably be worth it, especially at no cost.
So I went - much later than planned, but I’d still have a solid couple of hours, and thankfully they’re lenient about the admission windows. First I thought about parking in one of the hotel or shopping center parking lots by Skokie Blvd, but I was paranoid about getting towed and decided instead on the other solution of the forest preserve parking a little past the garden. I feared it might be eerily secluded, especially coming back in the late evening, but it wasn’t too bad, and the walk was a pleasant enough one that only took me about 17 minutes - not the 30 one reviewer had said. A good solution indeed!
I got into the garden without a hitch. It was pretty crowded, as it can be in the areas near the entrance, and for a while I kept crossing paths with a loud and annoying group of teenage girls. But eventually the people dispersed, things quieted down, and I found the peace and joy I’d hoped for. I didn’t have time to traverse the place as thoroughly as I sometimes do, so, for the most part, I focused on the areas with the most flowers, and I found lots to love, and I took lots of pictures, and I even had a hummingbird hang around in front of me amidst some pretty flowers. I don’t know when the hell I’ll get caught up to the present day on my photo blog, but I look forward to going through these pictures someday.
And with this little evening outing, I got myself the best day I’d had in a while, coming home reinvigorated with the feeling of summer. As an added bonus, I got to spend my unused gift card on a few things I needed at home.
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artistopencalls · 1 year
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💕➡️ @cerihand 📢 WE ARE HIRING! 💕➡️ https://www.cerihand.com/work-with-us/ ⬅️ 🌟 FREELANCE DIGITAL CONTENT DESIGNER ✔️DO YOU MAKE MEANINGFUL CONTENT? ✔️DO YOU HAVE DIGITAL DESIGN SUPERPOWERS? ✔️DO YOU LOVE AN AUDIENCE WITH IMAGINATION? COME AND HELP US TELL OUR STORY! ABOUT THE ROLE Freelance work starting in June (Min. 9 days per month) Working fully remote Min 3 years experience in similar roles WHAT YOU’LL DO Create all content for marketing campaigns to attract new customers & raise brand awareness - socials, newsletters, lead magnets & sales docs Design new content & pages for Wordpress website Produce educational & inspiring digital presentations & course material Update all internal comms, assets, brand toolkit & image library And more! ABOUT YOU You’re an aesthetics junkie with a keen eye for design and a deep interest in the arts You know the latest marketing channels inside out You’re detail-oriented & excellent at managing drafts, systems & feedback You love all things digital & ideally, can throw your hand to coding You have a can-do entrepreneurial spirit You’re committed to equity, diversity & inclusion 💻TO APPLY 👉VISIT WWW.CERIHAND.COM/WORK-WITH-US ✍️CLICK ON THE JOB SPEC TO DOWNLOAD THE ROLE SPEC & APPLICATION FORM ↩️RETURN THE APPLICATION FORM TO [email protected] BY 12 MAY 17:00 GMT 🌟INTERVIEWS ON 19 MAY 🙏PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR NETWORKS We’re looking for a visionary freelance digital content designer with a passion for online storytelling & can get under the skin of our ambitious brand. You will execute meaningful campaigns, devise multiple brand assets & create impactful content to educate & inspire our imaginative arts audience. This is an amazing opportunity to work in a highly creative company, test out exciting ideas, & celebrate the direct impact your work makes on our growing creative community. Visit www.cerihand.com/work-with-us/ to download the role spec & application form Application deadline 12 May 17:00 GMT Interviews 19 May (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrszHNuolDS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alixzaiman · 3 years
6 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 📒
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It’s always a rare girl among us who doesn’t feel the need to get more organized then there’s others.. like me *an organizational freak* who over organizes and chances are, we like to read about others organizational systems😂
.. plus there are times where we slack on our own organizational rules, and there’s always room for improvement.
I personally can’t do an unorganized space having mornings where I run around trying to remember where I placed things so I buy things from time to time to keep me organized.
Below is a list of my fav things that keep me organized🤍
Jewelry holder:
Like all it girls we love jewelry and wear it everyday. When I first started buying jewelry I would just leave it out everywhere and lose it, then buy the same piece and find the one I lost lol it was getting so bad I finally invested in a jewelry box/ holder and ladies literally one of my best investments yet. I found a really cute one at Homegoods and its so perfect and cute, highly recommend💕
Perfume stand:
I personally am a perfume fanatic, I love to smell good all day, everyday and I own so many scents that I can’t keep count of so this was a must. If you like to keep them in one spot all together and look aesthetically pleasing a perfume stand is the best way to go.
Makeup vanity or makeup organizer:
My makeup lovers🤍 makeup is definitely one of those things you have to keep organized and out of the way in its own sanctuary. Rather you do your makeup everyday, every other day or even once every week either one of these are very useful because makeup can be everywhere if you don’t keep up with it.
Daily planners / To Do lists:
Being unorganized mentally is also a thing. I def have the memory of a 60 year old I believe😂 I forget things as soon as they get in my head. Buying a Planner book + To do list book was one of my best investments also. It keeps me on my toes and very much so put together. Target has the best planners also ladies.
Meal planning pad:
This day in age good meals are hard to come by and think of and sometimes when they do we forget them. Knowing what your next meal is going to be is like heaven and the best form of stability if you ask me. Plus I don’t know if it’s just me but food has been getting nasty lately and I’ve been tired of eating the same things😩 so one of these are definitely necessary.
Car back seat organizers:
We all know having a junky car is not it! We look too good to have old food, trash and stains in our cars. We should treat our cars how we treat our bedroom. A car seat organizer for your back seat and trunk is very efficient. It’s keeps all the things you need in your car all together and nice. I love them and i also got mine from Amazon if you ladies are looking.
𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠:
•Write things down
•Declutter regularly
•Make schedules and deadlines
•Keep only what you need
•Know where to discard things
Thank you guys for reading my blog, I have much much more to come. Keep being the It girls that you are💋 stay tuned and catch my next blog.
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also-fours · 2 years
Symbiote Spider-Man: Rush
NOTE: spider-man isnt a menace but when he's wearing a black alien symbiote costume that encourages him to be a wild adrenaline junkie he totally is
Cold. It felt unbelievably cold every time the suit crawled up his skin and swallowed his body whole, enveloping him in its dark embrace. But what Peter did within this suit always made the chills worth it. Besides, they got more and more bearable with every time he put it on. What was just a costume before, now felt like a second skin. Hell, that's what it looked like before the almost glowing white eyes formed, alongside the large albino tarantula symbol wrapping around his chest and back, and the white rectangles on the top of his wrists.
Looking in the mirror, he was filled with excitement. Everything else in the day was over with. The deadlines were done, the errands attended to, there was no one around to slow him down.
Peter Parker's finally away from home.
Spider-Man's here in his place.
And, for the first time in a while, he was happy that this was the case.
Spider-Man looked outside, seeing the unbelievable storm happening outside. A tropical one, at that. They were rare here in the big city, and they were dangerous, a lot of people could be out there.
If there isn't anyone out there, possibly in danger, good.
If there is, even better. More thrill. "That's what we need right now. Some excitement." Spider-Man thought to themselves. Then, he rushed to the window, and opened it. Out there, it was chaos.
Streets were starting to flood, and fast, thanks to the over abundance of wind and rain. The skies, while a void of black, were occasionally lit up with white and blue. No one should be out here, not even him.
Usually, this would fill Peter Parker with anxiety. But this is different. Spider-Man's different. He has the suit, and the suit has him. So now, the very sight of this was making Spider-Man's heart start to pump faster, faster, and faster, until...
...They leapt out of the window.
Spider-Man somersaulted twice before springing out into a wide pose, his legs spread out, as his right fist spun out a dark web from the top of its wrist. The web attached to a nearby building, and he started swinging, gaining speed like a living pendulum. "WOOHOOHOO!! LET'S MOVE!!" He let out a guttural yell of excitement as the swing brought him close to the flooded streets, his heels grazing against the water, causing it to blast up and into different directions, before the swing brought him off of the water, and up into the sky.
Just because they could, Spider-Man pulled on the web halfway up his arc, easily pulling off a chunk of the ledge the web was attached to. "HAHAHAHAHA!! YES!!" Spider-Man's pupils dilated, and an excited grin appeared on his face as he stopped his swing, and the chunk of concrete raced past him to parts unknown, going on an arc of its own. Just as the concrete went past Spider-Man's face, the sky all around him went blue and white, thanks to the lightning striking next to him. That was so close, god, it was so close, that could've killed him! But it didn't. They're alive, and not just that, but they're LIVING. His heart was racing, the adrenaline was pumping, he was fifty feet in the air, this is what it's like to live!
Once the concrete was far enough, the web it was attached to pulled Spider-Man in the direction it was going. As it happened, two parts of Spider-Man's brain were arguing with each other.
"Let go, you have no idea where that's going. Focus on saving people."
"Keep your hands on the web, let the rock guide you, the more speed the better, so you can...help people, faster."
Spider-Man kept his hands on the webbing, and he kept getting pulled by the concrete. "YEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!" He screamed out. Soon enough, the concrete hit another rooftop, shattering into pieces. Spider-Man noticed, and let go of the web, doing a front flip and transitioning into a landing position, before doing just that and landing on the ground, the speed making the descent from the sky to the streets below almost instant. Shards of rock and drops of water blasted out in different directions upon the landing. He looked to their left, and saw a man trapped in a bright yellow car.
Without thinking, Spider-Man leapt across the street, landing on top of the vehicle. He looked down on the car's skylight and knocked on it, getting the attention of the man, who, with panicked eyes, looked back at him. "HAPPY HALLOWEEN, MOTHERFUCKER!" Spider-Man pulled back his fist, without even processing what he just said or is even doing, and punched the skylight open, just as the man shielded himself from the shattered glass.
"What the hell are you doing, man?! Who even are you?!" The man asked, eyes wide and face filled with panicked anger. Luckily, he was unharmed despite the glass falling on him.
"I'm Spider-Man. Read a newspaper, asshat." Spider-Man started reaching into the car.
"Wha--? You don't look like Spider-Man, he wears red and blue, and no one reads newspapers any--" The man was cut off by who was apparently Spider-Man grabbing him by the collar and pulling him out of the car, glass shards falling off of his business suit. "--MOOORRREEE!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He squirmed.
"We're saving your life, stop squirmin', you'll be fine!" Spider-Man hoisted the man over his left shoulder, and shot out a web with his right fist.
"I've met Spider-Man before, he's not crazy like you!" The man tried to protest.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. People change! Is that so hard to understand?!" Spider-Man's right eye squinted while the other widened. "Now let's go, this is the fun part!" He pulled on the web, rising up into the air almost as fast as when he was falling, causing the man to scream in distress. "HOLY SHIT, STOP SCREAMING, WE ARE LITERALLY SAVING YOUR--" Spider-Man shouted, and then...
"--life." Peter was in his apartment the next morning, laying on his bed while wearing his shirt backwards, and a pair of old sweatpants. The floor was decorated with dark footsteps, some trash, and a pile of soaked, smelly, clothes from yesterday. Peter rubbed his eyes, and ran his hand down his face, scratching his stubble beard a little as he looked at what was next to the pile.
A chair, with The Black Costume draped over it.
Peter's eyes darted around the room. "What the fuck?" He raised an eyebrow.
The end. 🕸
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