ccinos-cat-cafe · 14 days
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I already created him about one or two weeks ago, but I never gave em an official design….here it is :D
The story of the Swamp Beast . . .
Hollow was raised in a wonderful, protective family. Despite never really being given a name, only being called “little one” or “kid”, the rest of his life was filled with affection and love…except when it wasn’t. As it got older, it learned of the corruption that was passed onto it by Nightmare. The corruption was never a good fit for Hollow’s soul…luckily, it didn’t affect it, or his physical appearance. But there was a catch. There’s always a catch, isn’t there? Despite its body being perfectly intact, its mind was slipping further and further away due to the grasp the corruption had on it. It wondered day after day, if it was what the others had endured for so long. The constant whispers and voices creeping into his mind, threatening him with consequences to the actions he never committed. Telling him things that he never wanted to hear, telling him to hurt and to betray. Telling him that one day, he’d slip, and when he did, he wouldn’t be able to get back up. The voices got louder and louder as the years passed until they sounded like they were right by his ear canal. He had tried his hardest to ignore them…but now, he couldn’t. He began to snap and yell and lash out at his family, but every time he would be lulled and told that he was okay. That everything was okay. But despite how badly it didn’t want to believe the voices, it knew they were right. One day, one day, it would succumb and murder the ones who took the time of day to appreciate him. In fear of that happening, Hollow locked himself in his room, only coming out when the others were gone for a mission or asleep. It was the best thing and the worst thing that he had ever done…but it knew it couldn’t face the others again. Not if their safety was on the line…
It would have happened one way or another, wouldn’t it? One night, while he was leaving to gather his dinner, Hollow found Cross. His sanity was already about to snap like a rope that was held together by only one string, and this was the pair of scissors that would make it so. Poor, unsuspecting Cross, who was just trying to make some hot chocolate before going back to bed, was taken by his neck by splintery, wooden claws, and was mauled brutally. His face looked nearly unidentifiable by the time Nightmare and the others came down, and Hollow had to be held back by not one, not two, but three of Nightmare’s tentacles. It was tricky, but he was able to soothe Hollow just enough to make him stop clawing and fighting. It was the saddest day of all of their lives…maybe the second or third most traumatic for Cross. It was a regretful, but mutual decision by everyone that Hollow would be banished to a medieval fantasy AU, since Horror insisted that there should be a castle in case Hollow felt homesick. It wouldn’t work very well, since without the ability to shortcut, Hollow would never be able to feel at home…but it was a nice thought. The AU wasn’t homey, as expected. The monsters had been casted into the underground already, or in this case, a far away land that could never be reached unless you tried hard enough. But it was obvious no one would try at all. Hollow took that as a warning, and rather than stepping into the village, he took residency in the lonely bog that had deadly, thick waters. No, it wasn’t water anymore…it was just acidic gunk. That was fine. He’d work around it… Throughout Hollow’s years in the bog, it’s learned its attacks, its abilities, and its magic. He had learned how to hunt, how to convert the bog water into something drinkable, how to maintain his stability so he wouldn’t ruin his new home…the corruption and the voices had subsided, most likely because he was finally away from the strong negative aura the castle held. Though, they often came back whenever there were…visitors. Something inside of him snapped whenever Hollow spotted a naive little traveller or a daring adventurer step foot into the bog, no, his bog. There was only one who escaped his grasps…and that was when he was dubbed “The Swamp Beast”. He didn’t find offense to it. At least he had a name besides “kid”…and plus, it sounded cool He was shocked to find that his murders and high LV were what kept him sane. It had experimented, and learned that the voices only got louder if it dared to put a pause on its killing streak. He never left the bog…but more than rarely, there would be a bounty hunter of some sort to try and find the infamous Swamp Beast. It had been over a century since Hollow lived in the bog, and not once had it ever would have guessed that there would be another person living there. As always, a person had stepped into the bog, and as always, Hollow stalked them to give them a warning to retreat. But after his usual attack…he was pierced by a glowing blue arrow. Who would have guessed that the unannounced son of the Guardian of Positivity would be sharing the same forest as he. Naturally, they didn’t get along very well. They still don’t, but…they were the only company for one another. They had to endure if they both wanted to continue living in the forest…let alone continue living. Hollow found Helian annoying. A stuck up brat who thought they owned the entire forest…but at least he was finally given a proper name . . . Facts and Abilities ;
Helian is a Farm x Dream child owned by my friend Sludge :D
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Hollow lost his arm during a fight with dire wolves
Every step it takes, the grass below it burns away, and is then replaced by weeds and fungi
Hollow will eat anything that lives and moves
He’s a bit feral, and had blood stains and dirt and muck all over him
His horns are willow tree branches
Helian named him Hollow because of the hole in his torso - Speaking of, one of the ways it hunts is by the many tentacles within the hole…inside is another mouth with razor sharp, wooden teeth
It generates fire out from the tip of its tail when in need of light
Moss grows everywhere on him wherever there’s wood
His magic is the same consistency of the bog water. Hollow had accidentally drank the unfiltered bog water after getting rammed in by a buck, and it contaminated his magic. That’s what’s constantly running out of his skull
He’s also called “The Bog Beast” or “The Swamp Stalker”
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kyngsley01 · 11 months
In a multiverse, somewhere far, far away...
The Golden Scarab struggled to bob and weave away from the onslaught of pursuers. The purple-white gleam of his whip crackled as he lassoed it around a nearby light pole, using the electrified rope to drift around a particularly sharp corner into a somehow even tighter alleyway. Hopping over a set of crates, Scarab's shadow stretched thin under his feet as he ran away, but just before he was out of reach, a deadly sharp set of talons swiped at the cargo, causing the wood to splinter and collapse on themselves in a pile too treacherous for their pursuers to simply hurdle as the former did.
Scarab seized the opportunity, finally able to withdraw his weapon in order to summon his fabric scissors, swiping the open blades at a nearby wall until the resulting rip in the time-space continuum was just large enough for him to pass, ensuring that the hole would repair itself in time before anybody else would catch up. He barreled his way through, landing roughly on the other side.
He only relaxed once he heard the tell-tale zipper sound of the rip naturally closing itself up behind him, nearly collapsing under his own weight before a familiar force from within his carapace held him aloft, like a dark hand over his stomach. Scarab struggled to breathe, and he assumed that Nightmo would be too. Tonight was rough on the both of them.
"Momo… Are you all right?" Scarab barely managed to wheeze out, his heavy aching body refusing to cooperate even with speaking. "Yeah." Nightmo's deep voice resounded from within, although he sounded ragged as well, "I'm okay, you?"
This time, the nightmare allowed their body to sag as they both felt a wave of relief wash over the both of them, resting easy now that the looming threat of capture, torture, and forced separation has abated some.
"Yes- Yes… I'm okay too. We're both okay."
Prismo and Scarab had been frozen for days, watching the pair struggle to survive and evade capture. The walls of the time cube had dimmed considerably, since the aforementioned Golden Scarab and Nightmo the Wishmaster of their side of the multiverse both seemed to prefer the dark, making it so that most of their scenes were in their all-too temporary secluded havens or outside in the dead of night.
At first, when Prismo had mistakenly stumbled across Goldie, a name he coined to differentiate between his Scarab and the television Scarab, he couldn't help but grow fond over the bug oh-so-different from his own. What can he say? He was a sucker for switcharoo AUs. Scarab, on the other hand, scoffed at the sight of the bumbling, soft-hearted version of himself; it was clear as day that the fool was the worse-off worse-er alternative. But when they both saw the first glimpses of Goldie's own wishmaster, dark and terrifying running over the shell of his left arm, clad in a golden ring to match the right arm's black goldstone ring as the two intertwined fingers and held one another- the remote sat untouched, gathering dust as neither of the two projections moved to change the channel.
The tight feeling in Prismo's chest lightened at the sight of the Golden Scarab and Nightmo making it to safety, but the deep aching remained. He took the moment's respite to peer over at his own red, well, now blue Scarab, silently observing the other for his own reaction. Scarab seemed to relax as well, his usual ramrod-straight posture slouched as he concentrated his full attention on the screen, listening intently to Goldie's sweet, comforting chitterings to his nightmarish much-more-than-just-a-roomate. How do the words come so easily to him when his own throat was so tight when he tried to do the same?
"Wow, they barely made it through this time, huh Scrabby?"
"Yes," Scarab agreed pensively, irritated at the interruption of his own thoughts, "Barely. They got too comfortable in the last universe, the Golden Scarab should have been more vigilant, and now both he and Nightmo, by proxy, are injured because of his carelessness."
Leave it to Scarab to come up with those cutting observations bordering on insults and criticisms. It took every ounce of Prismo's own cosmic willpower to not roll his eye, "Well- they had a really good thing going back there, it's not hard to see why they didn't want to let that go…"
"Still." Scarab retorted, his tone biting, "If the Golden Scarab insists on housing the wishmaster in his body, instead of returning him back to his proper station, the least he can do is protect him properly." Looking pointedly at the scene unfolding in front of them, the two characters seemed to have taken refuge in a nearby inn, donning a poorly hashed-together disguise drenched in the heavy downpour that the two had rushed in from. Tch, the golden prat was tracking in blood, and the innkeeper was eyeing them suspiciously. He would've done a better job than this.
"Dude. They're clearly still figuring things out. Give Goldie a break man, they're doing their best."
Miraculously, after serving up quite a bit of coin, the innkeeper overlooked the odd tenant and showed the Golden Scarab to a shabby room. Locking the creaky door behind him securely, he all but collapsed on the dingy bed, his disguise melting back into his original form now that his already shot concentration was fully lost. His left arm gently egged at his side, summoning a pile of bandages and salve with a dark crackle of energy in the air. "Com'on," Nightmo's gruff voice urgently called, "Sit up, we need to wrap our wounds so we can heal."
With a momentous effort, Scarab sat himself up, his antennae twitching in slight irritation from the loudly painful protests his body made with each sluggish movement. Still, if he was in this much pain, then so was Momo, and he would not have that. The two bi-colored hands worked in tandem with one another, meticulously applying salve and wrapping bandages in well-practiced motions to every weeping wound they could find. When it came time to assess the damage done on his beloved left side, Nightmo's side, Scarab was dismayed at all of the deep cracks running along the midnight shell, and immediately moved to disinfect the wounds. There was a threatening hiss, an all-too-familiar warning as the arm pulled back on its own accord.
"I know it hurts, Nightlight… But please stay still, I'll be quick, I promise."
At that Nightmo was cowed, not wanting to eat his own words more than he needed to, and held out his arm for Scarab to dab at with that accursed salve, twitching throughout the whole process. Scarab's own arm was shaking as well, whether it was from pain, nerves, or both, neither of the two could tell. The rest of the damage now was internal, and thus would have to heal on their own with proper rest. The pair laid together in silence for a while after the necessary first aid was done, staring up at the ceiling as the world's moonlight flowed through the window at their side. It was quiet, for now.
"Well, I certainly hope that the Golden Scarab 'figures it out' soon. Now that they're injured, they're much more vulnerable to attack." Scarab the wishmaster assistant huffed, crossing his arms, "They will not be able to handle another ambush like this one at least for several days."
"They're literally married, or something. Anyway, Goldie's not alone in this, they're figuring it out together, that's the point of-"
A soft purr resounded from the television, effectively silencing the two onlookers. Scarab's cracked mask pulled back to reveal his tired, but peaceful expression. The inky black of Nightmo spread further down his designated left side of the body, ebbing and flowing on their carapace as if he was also stretching out as well, finally having a moment to breathe.
A singular lilac eye peeked over the white of Scarab's slightly mussed collar, peering out into the darkness of the room. Nightmo liked the crook under the chin the most, since it was always shaded away from the light, he felt the safest to pool here. The pair's comfortable quiet was brief, as the ex-wishmaster whispered out, barely audible enough even for Scarab's sensitive antennae to pick up on, "'M sorry I can't heal you. Or do more to help…"
"Nonsense, dear." Goldie gently chirped, gently running a hand over his left shoulder, minding the spikes that Nightmo had added to his side. He smiled softly, finding inexplicable joy in exploring how Nightmo was changing his side as he saw fit, appreciating his gift with not words but meaningful actions. "You distracted them long enough for us to escape, and now we're here, and whole. You've already done wonderfully."
"You're in so much pain, though," the nightmare grumbled, "and I'm just sitting here, on all 'dis magic, but all I can do is summon shit and trick people… Healing light would be so much more useful right now."
The half-scarab, half ex-wishmaster hummed thoughtfully, almost knowingly, "I don't suppose you would've flashed our pursuers with healing magic would you~? It would've made me so sad to see all of my hard-earned strikes done away with like that! And besides, you're feeling it too, maybe I'm the one who needs a healing buff for the both of us."
How can Nightmo respond to such a devious twist on his words? The shadow chuckled softly, proud of his vessel's cunning wit, they both have come so far. "Too bad you've already wasted your wish, then. I would've granted you many kinds of wondrous healing magics."
Goldie's own giggle, high and chiming like a bell, rang out alongside Nightmo's. "Nah," the former replied, resolute in his tone despite the moment's lightheartedness, "This wish is all I need."
The intimate scene was one of many he bore witness to, and Prismo couldn't help this sinking feeling that he may not be as different to Nightmo as he hoped he would be. This version of himself was undoubtedly loud about his misgivings, throwing slews of curses and wild black magic at any slight irritation. Jealousy sat heavily in the back of Prismo's throat as he watched the other's Scarab respond with the same aloof kindness every single time. Goldie was always patient, his knowing gaze piercing past the nightmare's barbed exterior straight into the soft, pink underside. Idly, Prismo wondered if Scarab was feeling the same cognitive dissonance he did, watching their alternate selves fall in love amongst the turbulence, while they could barely tolerate each other's presence here in the safety of the time cube.
Scarab sat in a tense silence, his own mouth dry of any sharp comments and observations.
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aquilacalvitium · 6 months
Rating my favourite fictional characters on how much I'd trust them to do my top surgery
Wander 🎩🪕(Wander Over Yonder) - Bugs Bunny level antics that waste about eleven minutes of everyone's lives and leave every single person convinced he couldn't do it. It would be the cleanest and easiest top surgery on record and I would walk away unscathed.
Commander Peepers 👁💥(Wander Over Yonder) - He'd take it deadly seriously and spend the whole thing nervously sweating. He would get it done but it wouldn't be flawless. Gods help me if Hater walks into the room during the surgery.
Jack Skellington 💀🎃(Nightmare Before Christmas) - A scientific and analytical mind bodes well for surgery. However. He is a skeleton and I'm fairly certain he doesn't understand how human bodies work or that we can't dismantle ourselves like some monsters. 0/10. Love him to bits. Wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw one of his rib bones.
Fantoccio 🧵🎭(Billie Bust Up) - I mean... I think? He'd take it seriously enough but I'm not sure he'd know what he was doing.
Barnaby 🦉☠️(Billie Bust Up) - Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. ☠️☠️☠️
Alastor 🦌🔪(Hazbin Hotel) - Must I repeat the above. ☠️☠️☠️
Ingo/Emmet 🔼🔽🚂(Pokemon) - Yeah actually I think they'd do well. They'd take it seriously, do it flawlessly and I'd walk away with a chest flatter than Emmet's hopes and dreams after Ingo got Isekai'd
Sun/Moon ☀️🌙(FNAF) - Ha. HA. HAHAHA. I can't trust them with children's safety scissors.
The Innocent 🪁🐕(Koozå) - Sir/Ma'am/Other title. That is a child.
The Trickster 🪄🎁(Koozå) - Wouldn't even need to go under. I have seen this man summon people out of nothing, my chest would be flat before I could blink. He'd make a performance out of it though and probably make me feel not entirely safe because he is peak moral ambiguity.
The Doctor ⏳️🌌(Doctor Who) - One would take it seriously but I wouldn't trust his unsteady hands. Two would probably have an anxiety attack so that's a nope. Three, Four and Five I trust to get it done safely and seriously. Honestly Six is... well he's certainly the most eccentric regeneration so probably not. Seven I'm not sure would do it properly even though he could take it seriously. Then again he could surprise me, he's more compitent than he appears. Eight and Nine? Ah shit I dunno honestly. Ten's a yes, Eleven is a huge nope, Twelve is a very safe yes and Thirteen is also a safe yes. Fourteen is just Ten repeated so also a yes. I don't know Fifteen well enough to say yet.
James "Jamie" McCrimmon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🗡(Doctor Who) - He's got the steady hands and seriousness needed, yes. Unfortunately he is from the 18th century and about sixty years before anaesthesia was invented.
Sebastian 🖥🕸(Stardew Valley) - Yeah, actually. I think he'd take it seriously and have steady enough hands for it. I'm in safe company there 👍
Nico the Accordion Man 🪗⚙️(Kurios) - ??? I have no idea??? He's a handyman which bodes well and whatever he was doing with his fingers during Hypnotique tells me he's got the hands for it, but also Have You Seen the Way This Man Moves?
Chief Clown 🤡🎪(Classic Doctor Who) - (Oh yeah I'm getting hella obscure for some of these characters.) I'm pretty sure this man is a homicidal maniac. I have seen the face he makes when he kills someone. I wouldn't trust this lunatic within one mile of me while I am fully conscious and he is unarmed. Especially considering he has been unarmed every time I have seen him kill.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes 🎶🥯(Deltarune) - I love these three adorable sweethearts with my whole chest. And if I let them near my chest with anything sharp I'm afraid I won't have anything left to love them with.
Rouxls Kaard ♥️♦️♠️♣️(Deltarune) - This man. This indigo beanpole. This walking homosexual disaster. Can't make a puzzle more complex than "put box on button." Respectfully and deeply affectionately... ✨️no✨️
Wally Darling 👁🍎(Welcome Home) -
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Hatbox Ghost 🎩🦯(Haunted Mansion) - NO. To both film and ride versions for different reasons.
Ghost Host 🪓➰️(Haunted Mansion) - 2023 film Hosty? Never. Put that axe down, sir. Ride Hosty? Well... He's a goober who's not half as dangerous as he appears. But I still wouldn't trust him to know what he's doing or particularly care too much if he accidentally killed me.
The Phantom 💀🎩(Phantom Manor) - Quite honestly I couldn't say. This man was adept at murder but only when given a reason, like his victims wanting to marry his daughter. I can thankfully say that I am queer enough for that to not apply to me. Doesn't make me trust him though.
The Prophet 🖤🎤(Legion of the Black) - Uh. Yeah, I think so. Yeah I think I'd be in okay hands, it wouldn't be flawless but it'd get done well enough.
Captain Rex 🪖🚀(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - While I'd like to say battlefield first aid would give him some experience - which is true - surgeries are left up to droids. But even so I would say I'd be in safe hands. I trust him to get the job done well.
Ahsoka Tano 🗡🔶️(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - Oh yeah. OH yeah. Safer than a Jedi holocron in the Jedi Temple library vault (before Cad Bane showed up, anyway).
Natemare 👁🎸(Natewantstobattle) - Ah yes because that is a level of mental instability that I trust to safely and confidently give me surgery. /s
Phantom 📜✒️ (Natewantstobattle) - If you know Phantom you're probably expecting a no, but he holds up his ends of any deal he makes! I absolutely trust him to give me the easiest, cleanest surgery ever. What I don't trust him to do is let me enjoy it for long because whoopsy-doopsy I'm now trapped inside his cane forever.
Lukas 🐈📖(Minecraft Story Mode) - Oh honey no, you stick to your books. He can kick ass and write a good story but he could never perform a surgery.
Helsknight ⚔️🔥(Hermitcraft) - The only things this man knows are Quote Meme, Rap and Be Pathetic. He made a pitfall trap for Welsknight because he forgot that literally every single Hermit has elytra and can fly, and then boasted about it, only to get deeply humbled. He has a total brain cell count of -1. I think you know my opinion.
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deusexlachina · 3 months
Wannabe Warden Part 16: Become the Ultimate Darkspawn Slayer
In which I do everything possible to become the deadliest possible enemy of darkspawn. Short of becoming a Grey Warden.
(And, to do it, I use the ultimate weapon of the Grey Wardens: Math.)
It is now Act 3. This is the peak of Aveline's journey. This is when her story comes to a close, when her companions finish their arcs, and, most importantly, when her build is finished. Is she a deadly striker? A flexible battlefield controller? But there is only one true path for Aveline.
I build her to kill darkspawn as efficiently as possible.
Nothing says "as efficiently as possible" as the Primeval Lyrium Rune, so this is the first step in my darkspawn-slaying aspiration. I get this as a reward for doing a quest dealing with the fallout of the deadly red lyrium, which induced Bartrand to betray his brother, broke his mind, and now a mere fragment of it is making a haunted house, with floating pottery and everything, which is a feat because there's not even a ghost story here, just a really nasty rock.
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As we venture deeper into the house, Varric becomes increasingly desperate to find the red lyrium shard, being uncharacteristically rough with a survivor. His mind is already beginning to be distorted by the unholy thing, but he insists on keeping the shard - he needs it to find a way to save his brother! But that's more the shard talking, so I take it from him, which he later thanks me for. I dispose of the exceedingly dangerous shard in the safest way possible: by giving the shard, which can make dwarves evil, to Sandal, who lives in my house and can make explosives.
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He then makes it into a rune. That's the Primeval Lyrium Rune. I've taken it away for Varric just to use it for myself as a weapon. This is exactly what Knight-Commander Meredith does, an act that leads to her becoming increasingly evil and then a rock. But Bartrand, Varric and Knight-Commander Meredith don't have the strength of a Grey Warden. Neither do I, but that's a technicality. I just decide not to be corrupted. I'm Merrilling the red lyrium.
But I can only use the Primeval Lyrium Rune once, so the next step is to find the perfect anti-darkspawn weapon. Darkspawn have two weaknesses - spirit, because they're unholy creatures, and nature, because uh poison fucks them up I guess. My only Nature option is Desdemona's Blade, which is largely obsolete. I don't feel bad for it. It's had more than enough glory for one blade. That leaves the best spirit weapons - the Celebrant and the Edge of Night.
Most would say the Celebrant is the better of these. (Many would say Bloom, the ice axe, is better than either of these, or anything else, but they're wrong because cold damage is not the most efficient way to kill darkspawn, my true enemy). But after the Arishok fight, I'm feeling especially skeptical - not to mention spiteful - of conventional wisdom. I tanked the Arishok that you supposedly can't tank, and melted him with a one-hander, which supposedly might as well be safety scissors. So I do a few tests of my own.
I do some math and the Edge of Night is better than the Celebrant. With each equipped with the red lyrium, the Edge is just over 15% faster, which is fantastic if you're a Berserker and do lots of damage per hit. Wait! I am that thing! The Celebrant deals slightly more damage per hit...but the difference is miniscule compared to my overall damage, whereas the attack speed difference is much larger and scales better.
I need to test it in practice, and I find the perfect unwilling research participant: a High Dragon has killed everyone working at the mine, which it always does regardless of what you do, whether you save the miners from three other threats or don't even induce them to come back to the mine in the first place. I feel like there must be some kind of moral here, but the best I can think of is the dangers of unaccompanied miners.
But this is just me being scientific. Of course the Edge is better. I just mathed it out. So I confidently stride out to slay the High Dragon and die horribly to hordes and hordes of its shitty babies. I try again, in case that time was a fluke, and die horribly again and again. I'm...just not killing them fast enough. But...but the math! Did the math let me down, just like Other Aveline? The High Dragon is laughing at me so hard that its jaw dislocates.
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I try with the Celebrant, and said babies aren't even a problem. I start to wonder if the consensus is a consensus for a reason. But I'm stubborn. I'm determined to prove that a one-hander can be the ultimate darkspawn slayer. I practice more, and find that - while the AOE is much smaller than for a 2-hander, with some fancy footwork, I can manipulate enemies into my small arc, hitting more of them at the same time than it looks like I should be able to with my tiny swings - swings noticeably faster than a 2-hander. I also try a different set of talents, this time taking Perception so enemies get no advantage from being behind me. They're hitting my exposed back but, uh, they aren't. Skill issue. This does a lot to help with survivability.
I also try out Adrenaline, which trades stamina for damage. This is the same thing as Berserk but even more. The tactical depth here is stunning, though not as stunning as the fact that some Berserkers don't use it. Including me, until now. Even the Mach-5 Massacre guide, probably the best build that has survived the purge of the Bioware forums, says jury's out on Adrenaline. I don't know who bribed this jury, because as soon as I fully upgrade it and start spamming it, in conjunction with my usual Vanguard, Berserker and Reaver tricks, I'm killing dragon babies so fast that I risk long-term ecological devastation. Guys I'm starting to think adding 8% to all your damage per cast with no cooldown over 8 seconds might be a little broken.
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This is representative damage without any Adrenaline. I would show you damage with Adrenaline, but it's a little tricky to get a screenshot of that, because the enemies die too quickly. The High Dragon can take it, but he's so big that my damage doesn't always display, which is not a big deal at all unless you're doing some kind of damage experiment.
Seething with bloodlust, adrenaline and, most intoxicating of all, the sensation of proving other people wrong, I hack my way through dragon after dragon until the High Dragon runs out of babies to throw at me. I slay it without caring how I got up on its head, why I didn't lead with that, or what my shield is doing floating several inches from my body.
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I am victorious, not only against the High Dragon, but against everyone who said one-handers were bad. With its blood, I make a rune of valiance for my gloves and a rune of devastation to make the Edge of Night even deadlier.
I am now ready to slay darkspawn so quickly that the Wardens can no longer deny my prowess. I will reunite with Bethany and avenge Carver. All I need now is the perfect chance to show off my might...
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eclecticopposition · 7 months
Another Six Sunday for you! We've got more Kalrin and Ohnyxx, this time in Situations. This one we entirely blame on Cal's last one, because the possibility of digging into their wonderful messy bodyswap had not occurred to us.
If you're out there reading about our guys with zero context we love you. Check out Cal's part of it here: ≠> OHNYXX
tagging @andromedasea @circuitousmoths @aurochsent and @grand-magnificent if you have not already done it. enjoy 😌
Oh god, they’re fucked.
You stare at Ohnyxx's body, your body, laying on the ground in the field. Your heart is pounding in your ears. You fucking told them not to get a concussion. You fucking told them not to get incapacitated. 
Well, you hadn’t said it in those exact words. Should you have been more specific? Was that not implied? It probably wouldn’t have mattered, given that you explicitly told them not to get a fucking concussion, and there is no way that is not the literal, actual first thing they did.
You feel cold and wrong. The tension in your body has ratcheted up, but it feels like a vice – it holds you in place, unnaturally still. The basic movements of life are smothered out. You try to suck in a breath and you don’t. You swallow but you don’t. Nothing happens. 
You dig your nails into your palms. That works. It doesn’t hurt right. It doesn’t snap you to attention like it’s supposed to. 
Well, that tracks. Of course it feels different to be an ambush predator, you think, trying not to linger on how much you feel like a prey animal.
Okay. Focus. Okay. 
The Phoenix lands. It is some distance away from them, at least the length of a solid sprint. Your heart sinks even as you put together the pieces of how this is going to go. It isn’t just going for them, which means it’s going to make some threat display, and then it’s going to make their life hell. 
At least it isn't just going to kill them. You’d be fucked if it had.
Not that you're any less fucked after they concussed themself plowing through your fucking porch railing. You cannot even begin to comprehend what kind of move that was supposed to be. Was it a jump? You mean, yeah, that sure was a jump. Undeniably half marks for technically executing it. But even you usually at least try to stick the landing. 
What the fuck were they even trying to do?
Seething with exasperation that does not properly cover your growing apprehension, you spin on one foot and you sprint for the kitchen. Your balance is off. Everything about being in their body is off. You can’t go out there and fight like you’re supposed to; you don’t know how to use it.
Your body will come back. This body will not. And you can’t do what you usually do here. You can’t afford to get them killed. 
Unfortunately, if they die without making it off that cliff, it is simply not going to matter.
Distraction. You need a distraction. You could try your room, but you think maybe you have one stashed in the top cupboards. He’s still there, you think, surely. You certainly don’t remember that fucker atoning for his sins.
You crawl onto the counters, swearing violently when you nearly slip off, and grab onto the side of your rightmost kitchen cabinet. It lurches a little, like you’ve yanked a nail out somewhere. That's probably fine. And then you prop yourself up on your knees, pulling open the doors and squinting inside. 
Empty chip bags, metal pan lids, safety scissors, unsafety scissors. A few bright plastic pencil holders of minutiae. You check the top shelf; it is a deadly labyrinth of mismatched Tupperware containers. You don't remember getting most of them. You suspect they may simply grow inside of unoccupied cabinets, like mold.
You don’t see him, however. 
Fuck, wrong cabinets. Did he move? No, you just forgot which ones you put him in. You just forgot. Probably.
You don’t think he can move. You’ve never seen him do it. But you can't rule it out.
You try the next one over. He's not there either. You don't try the third cabinet, because you know that's where you keep the dirt. That and the tent. You don't know why you picked it up on a whim; it’s not like you can go camping. The bird fucking hates tents. 
You consider the pros and cons of trying to use the tent instead. It could work, maybe. Send that fucker sailing and the reaction would probably be the same. But you suspect you’ll need the audio component – you can’t very well shout without giving yourself away – and one glance out the window tells you that it is not windy enough. Not for a sure bet. 
Besides, you don't want dirt on your stove right now. You don't open that cabinet for a reason.
You kick your toaster out of the outlet and crawl across the counter, hands and knees pounding in the grim march of stubborn perseverance. Kitchenware clatters to the floor around you. You are making a complete mess. It is a pleasantly new kind of mess – your dimensions are not the same, and your weight changes your speed. Different things are within reach at different times. It feels more like barreling than it does like scrambling. This is how you really figure out how to move, you think. You’ll have to experiment with how things go in a fat and stocky body.
You lurch up on your knees again and toss the cabinets open. Nothing on the bottom shelf. Grunting, you push yourself to your feet, sticking your head in through the doors, and–
There he is, a few doors down. His candy red fur, his glossy dead eyes. His gaping, mocking smile. The light does not touch him directly. Even just the sight of his face in the dark sends a chill up your spine. 
For a moment you waver. Some things not even you should trifle with. But – no, Ohnyxx needs you. Your house and life are on the line.
You grab that fucker by the throat and you drag him out from behind the oversize plates. They came with the house. You never use them. You squeeze his throat and you put a finger to his open mouth to preempt his evil whispers.
He stares past you and does not make a sound.
He does not say anything. You choose to take this as compliance rather than him biding his time, on account of how yours is running out. 
You pull your head back out of the cupboards and find that you are floating.
Just, casually. You had lifted off the counter to reach further back. Now you’re just suspended on nothing, with the small, furry body of a horror in your arms. 
Your eyes dart to him incredulously. There’s no way. There’s no way, right?
Wait, no. 
“OHNYXX WHAT THE FUCK,” you shout, staring down at your bent, unsupported knees. 
They don't answer, of course. On account of being busy getting their ass murdered out there. 
Okay. Okay! So Ohnyxx can fucking levitate. You wrack your brain for what this means for your options.
A crazed semblance of a terrible plan emerges from the dark and watery depths of your mind. You don't give yourself time to second guess it. Instead you fly to the window, scanning the field to see what is happening, and then kick your way over to the dislocated door.
You grab onto the sparse remains of your splintered porch railing, hard. They really did blow through that fucking thing at full force, you think, fondly. What a moron. Then again, could a moron execute something so beautiful? Could a moron birth such a catastrophic headbutt attack? Perhaps this is only the domain of a true moron. A moron is one who sees the gates of beauty and shoves with all their breathtaking, desperate might, and completely fails to register that it is a pull door. 
Still, that has to smart. Your body is going to have so many fucking splinters for the next minute and a half, or however long it takes them to die. You hate shrapnel more than anything else; sometimes the skin heals first and it gets stuck in you for hours. At least they don't have to deal with it long enough to process the fact that they're itchy. 
Wait, was this what they were going for? Did they forget that you can’t fly? 
Nevermind. They are a complete moron.
You take a deep breath. Ohnyxx is on their feet. The bird is chasing them, seeking to punish them for their wrongdoings. They’re doing better than you expected, all things considered. It looks almost comical from the outside. 
That won't last. They aren’t going to make it. They haven't done this before. You have no idea if the shock will incapacitate them if they get speared through. The first true perforation, you think, is when the fight always begins to end. Even though you can heal it away.
Unbidden, you glance down at the little red body in your hand. He hangs limp. Mercifully quiet. 
You never thought you would say goodbye to him. It might be a dereliction of duty to let him loose like this, you think. After all, if killing him were possible, you would have long since obliterated this giggly little fuck. Keeping him trapped on this mortal coil is all you can do. 
But it’s Ohnyxx. And it is also your house. Sacrifices must be made.
You bring him up to be eye level with your face. He stares out past you. 
You squeeze him tightly in your fingers. You obligingly scritch him under the arms. And then you bring your arm back, and you hurl the dark patron, TICKLE ME ELMO, high, high into the sky.
His horrible laughter begins belatedly, as it always does. He is far out of your reach by the time he begins to contort and wiggle and laugh. It is a hideous sound. It is his death warrant, you think, but he can’t resist his nature. He never could.
The bird’s head snaps around immediately. Its beak gapes in a silent howl of outrage. You can see it tracking him through the air, watching him sail up and up, his laugh echoing down faintly into the fields below. Its back and wing feathers are starting to bristle up in warning, the down of its long, serpentine neck lifting in a nearly imperceptible threat.
And then it explodes up after him, screaming and chasing him down. 
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bleachcakes · 9 months
MouseTrapped - FanFic Advertisment
Fic Chapter Excerpt - Read in Full on Ao3 
Forest Nash isn’t in a horror movie, that’s his callers. Forest is the background character who survives because he’s to far away from the action, just someone thrown in to spice up the plot while characters get slashed.
But when he’s sent to retrieve Dawns lost song he realizes he might just be the final girl in a new movie. One where his stalker never got the chance to dwell on crushes until right now.
A/N—Aka, In this one, Marie is way more focused on the killing part of her revenge then the truth telling and wants to stop the 911 help from the radio, so she sends her son to keep him quiet. Forest accidentally catches a different and less murderous kind of attention from Henry Barrow simply by existing and having a nice voice.
(Current) Entire Fic Word Count: 31,290
(Current) Number of Chapters: 11
Chapter Word Count: 2,930
Pairing: Forrest Nash / Henry Barrow -  Killer Frequency
Fic Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, one sided attraction,, multiple endings
Chapter 1 [Rough Introductions]
Forrest had never noticed how big the radio station was considering the small size of the town until it felt like every corner had someone lurking in it. He had felt safe in his little Dj booth right across from Peggy in her room. Like a little kid hiding under their blankets, nothing could get him as long as he was in there.
But as redirected 911 calls mounted and he was forced to continue to venture outside his office the more uneasy he got. The staff room and bathroom were easy enough, they weren’t very far and he even found a pair of scissors which he carried now as an added precaution. But then Peggy told him he needed to go downstairs, to the front lobby. 
The doors were locked but their clear glass could easily see in, and the lack of noise aside from his footsteps was eerie. It was just him and Peggy after all, and she made it clear she wouldn’t be stepping foot outside her booth. Maybe she wouldn’t even realize it if something happened down here to him… 
Farther back was even worse, rummaging around in the kitchen until he found a pizza box that clued him in on the likely frat house close by to the caller Virginia. Alone in the far back corner rooms… Forrest couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild on all sorts of gruesome deaths that could be achieved through the kitchen equipment. He made sure to get out of there fast.  
Although, he did take a bit of a souvenir with him from there. A mouse trap he had found. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a deadly weapon, but he thought it might serve to be a good defense, at least for his comfort. (He of course knew the trap was likely to catch nothing more than dust). But throughout the night, as he was forced to continue to venture out of his office he made a habit of picking up the traps. 
He set them outside his door as well as by Peggy’s and the stairwell, creating an almost comical defense barrier. Peggy called it silly, saying they were perfectly safe as long as they stayed inside but Forrest had other thoughts. 
What if the Whistling Man found out that it wasn’t 911 answering lines, but the radio station? It would be all too easy to cut off help from the source. Especially considering their pretty good success so far, aside from one very unfortunate mistake trying to save Maurice… if the Whistling man really wanted to take care of business they just needed to come down to KFAM. 
And they did just that.
Forrest couldn’t believe he was really going to have to go outside to get the record Dawn wanted. But Peggy insisted they didn’t have a choice, but she said that she had information, she just needed to hear her song first. 
After taking the key to the exit door (safety hazards out the window apparently, who locks a fire escape door?)  he was suddenly even more aware of the potential dangers. The alleyway behind the studios was extremely creepy. Littered with trash he was constantly spooking himself when accidentally kicking a bottle or lightly tripping over rocks from the broken-up concrete. What really made him shiver was the slight rattling from the chain link fences that sectioned off the alleyway. The way the wind whistled through the holes, gently shaking the metal links made shivers run down his spine.
It was all too ominous, even more so when he realized the exit door had locked behind him, trapping him outside. Thankfully he could get back in through the ground elevator, but seriously, who wouldn’t be terrified getting into a ground elevator?
Forrest clutched the scissors he carried tightly, taking a deep breath as he pulled down the handle on the fuse box, laughing in giddy relief when it sparked to life. He went back to the elevator, looking down into the open doors. Yeah, he could probably survive that… just as he was about to jump down a slight movement from the corner of his eye drew his attention. 
Forrest turned, staring at the fence down the way from him, breathing growing a little heavier. But he didn’t see anything more. Didn’t hear anything either. His mind must be playing tricks on him, his paranoia was through the roof after all. Turning away he cautiously hopped down the elevator, ducking into the basement. 
Keep Reading on Ao3
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future-dregs · 1 year
I was tagged by @radellama to do this ages ago (🙏) but I'm finally getting it finished up! Thanks for the tag ^_^
So the rules are - Answer these 15 questions about yourself, and then tag 15 people. Here we go!
Are you named after anyone? - Yes. My first and middle names are taken from each of my grandmothers.
When was the last time you cried?- Just now pretty much. Or, a few hours ago by the time I get this posted. Got hit with a big lonely.
Do you have kids?- Nah man. Though, extra little fun fact, between my 13th and 16th years I was mistaken, literally more times than I can count, for my siblings mother, my father's wife, or both. Cannot explain that.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?- Yeah. It gets me in trouble sometimes. Also I think I just come across that way, even when I'm being genuine.
What sports do you/have you played?- When I was a kid I used to play a little backyard baseball, but I've never really been a sports guy. I like to watch baseball and hockey, casually, but I hate having anyone watch me attempt something so I don't play. I do have a goal this year to learn how to skateboard, so we'll see about that.
What's the first thing you notice about people?- The feeling I get off of them (whether they make me feel comfortable or uneasy or if they seem untrustworthy or clingy ect.).
Eye color?- Green, but with yellowish bits in there. I also have a black spec on the very edge of one of my irises.
Scary movies or happy endings? -
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I agree with you that this question is a bit weird for an either/or.
Any special talents?- Idk man, I dont really have anything that stands out. I can open most jars?
Where were you born?- Back where I ended up. (I'm literally just under an hour or so away from the hospital I was born in.)
What are your hobbies? - I REALLY need to get some tbh. I don't have anything I would qualify as an actual hobby.
Do you have any pets? - Cats: Misty, Star-Puff, Jojo, Kirk.
Dogs: Nova, Hopper, Drover.
How tall are you?- 5'5 (short king mama ay shorty~)
Favorite subject in school? - History. But especially medieval/ancient history (hated U.S history, still do) I've forgotten much of what I learned though.
Dream job? - I would like to be a makeup artist for movies or theater. That's just my little fantasy.
@liveandletrain @ghostofthemotif @candymuse @deadly-safety-scissors @a-sleepy-gnocchi @moodyvoid @nitghowl1600 @eijunst @biromantic-nerd @shigarakismindpalace @crazymistahj
I don't quite have fifteen but here you go, your turn ♡
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Eggo Company has been fined about $85,000 after being convicted for releasing toxic gas at a waffle factory in California, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office announced last week.
The Kellogg-owned waffle maker was convicted and sentenced on Friday for a "large release of toxic ammonia" from its San Jose factory in January 2021, the district attorney's office said.
It happened when a subcontractor damaged a pipe while on a scissor lift, the district attorney's office said. The pipe then "began leaking anhydrous ammonia, a toxic gas that can cause severe injury or death."
Eggo managers believed they had stopped the leak, and did not call 911 for more than an hour. The district attorney's office said that this delay "contributed to the emergency," which resulted in approximately 3,400 pounds of anhydrous ammonia escaping into the neighborhood surrounding the factory.
While no injures were reported, residents had to shelter in place for several hours while emergency responders worked to stop the leak, the district attorney's office said.
What has been recalled in 2022? Your complete database on all recalls, from food to cars.  
CPI:Inflation slowed sharply to 7.1% but stayed high in November as gas prices fell  
"Public safety and the environment are threatened with every passing minute in these cases," Santa Clara County's Deputy District Attorney Jason Bussey said in a statement. "When companies fail to immediately report a release, they face serious consequences."
USA TODAY reached out to the Kellogg Company for a statement from Eggo Tuesday morning.
What is anhydrous ammonia?
Anhydrous ammonia is a source of nitrogen fertilizer that is widely used in agriculture, as well as refrigeration and manufacturing under state and federal regulations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration notes that the substance is commonly used as a refrigerant in industrial facilities processing meat, dairy products, alcoholic beverages and more. 
Eggo, for example, uses the substance at its San Jose factory to freeze waffles, the district attorney's office said.
Could an ammonia leak be deadly?
If not handled properly, anhydrous ammonia can be dangerous. OSHA considers ammonia to be "a high health hazard" because of health and safety risks.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to the toxic gas or liquid can result in injuries including burns, frostbite, lung irritation and corrosion damage to the eyes, throat, stomach and other parts of the body, depending on the type of exposure. The severity of injures ranges, but significant exposure can be fatal, the CDC says.
Criminal charges against Kellogg-owned Eggo
For the release of anhydrous ammonia at Eggo's San Jose factory, the waffle maker was "criminally charged with negligently discharging an air contaminant, failing to immediately report that release, providing inadequate training to its contractors, and failing to implement an adequate emergency action plan," the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office said on Friday.
The district attorney's office added that, following the January 2021 incident, Eggo has "cooperated with regulatory authorities and is upgrading its systems and procedures to prevent future releases."
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king-of-wrath · 4 months
Headcanon: Satan's Weapons
I always had Satan resemble Bloodthirsters from Warhammer, but having seen his reveal in the trailer, I was actually fairly close: apart from Satan having four eyes and no hair, these demons of Khorne work as a good stand-in for him. Whether he has hooves, paws or human feet remains to be seen
Following that same theme (because it's massively fucking cool and you can't convince me otherwise), I've headcanoned that Satan wields axes
Because Khorne's desire is to cause bloodshed and collect skulls, it's thematically appropriate for his demons to use axes (for hacking people to bits and decapitating them). In addition, Western media and culture tends to think of axes as "barbaric" weapons while thinking of swords as "elegant" and "noble"---meaning it would be thematically appropriate for the Sin of Wrath to use axes, too
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Depending on the game edition or the writer/artist's preference, Bloodthirsters of Khorne wielded one of three weapon combos: an axe and barbed whip (left), a great-axe (middle) or twin axes (right). The latter two are better suited for tearing into a big monster or a large mob of enemies, but the utility of a whip to disarm or ensnare an opponent shouldn't be dismissed. So for Satan, I'd say he uses whichever he needs for the job or whatever he feels like taking
For added flair, I'd say that his twin axes are attached to chains wrapped around his forearms. Not only does this turn his melee weapons into ranged ones, but he wouldn't be losing an axe by throwing it. Someone getting caught in the chain or grabbing it would have the same result: Satan pulling them closer (which is pretty bad for most people)
We don't know if Satan has a barbed tail like imps have, but because he has big horns, spikes along his back and clawed hands, he IS a weapon. If he had spikes on his wings (either natural or from armor), then he would be even more deadly---and that's not including his fire powers! Running wouldn't be any use because this demon king can fly AND shoot someone from afar
Charlie, you really should've called your dear old uncle Satan to the battle
He would've flown right into that swarm of Exorcists and turned them into puree. Adam's ass was grass, but you didn't call the groundskeeper and used safety scissors instead, smh...
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bapydemonprincess · 5 years
“Oh, turns out that you’re not that stupid. I thought that you would never figure out what I am.” (to a demon from a demon, I wanted to play with demon!Bard, I hope that's okay!)
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“I’m the stupid one? The fact that you have decided to reveal yourself out of the blue when we could’ve carried on the way we were, is quite idiotic, Bardroy. Does this mean you’ve given up on being a chef? Do you wish for me to fire you here and now?”
Sebastian seemed completely calm as he stood there, still with hands properly behind his back. He did indeed sense the other man’s demonic essence now, but felt no alarm at all. 
He was still in charge, after all, no matter if Butler or Demon. He barely had to do a thing for the other to sense his energy as well. Hell, he probably had from the very beginning, but had played it safe up till now.
Was this perhaps a challenge?
Over power? Over a certain carefully cultivated soul? Oh, it had better not be. For if that was to be the point for this standoff, Sebastian would end it just as fast as it had happened.
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drivemysoul · 5 years
Going back a few years here! What about your ranking of Reputation? And don't let the anons get you down, they're idiots.
literally my favourite album in existence ever, oh my god. and thank you ♥
1. Delicate2. Call It What You Want3. Getaway Car4. King Of My Heart5. So It Goes...6. Gorgeous7. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things8. ...Ready For It?9. Look What You Made Me Do10. End Game11. I Did Something Bad12. Dress13. New Year’s Day14. Dancing With Our Hands Tied15. Don’t Blame Me
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seat-safety-switch · 3 years
Kid playgrounds: safe, or deadly? With a little bit of effort, they can be both. Nowadays, we just don't trust children with enough responsibility for their own safety. Crossing guards, minimum age standards for firearm possession, and safety scissors are all good examples of this. Rubberized playground surfaces are another one.
Here's a science fact: cars with more traction are safer. So why are we wasting all that perfectly good, government-funded traction compound on children's playgrounds? We all know that kids are going to fall down and bust their asses thirty or forty times every time they go out, or jump off the top of a perfectly good fibreglass fun castle without looking.
When I'm elected president, which will happen any second now, my first act will be to mandate that these wuss-ass playgrounds get torn up and the compound transferred to playground zones. After all, being able to brake harder will make it safer for kids crossing the road! And if you need to launch hard in order to avoid getting rear-ended while picking up your kids from school, you can do that too. Early simulations show that even the shittiest modern Lexus cute-ute is actually traction-limited to achieve its best 0-60 time, which significantly reduces the maximum amount of safety that can be expressed using the right pedal.
My shadow cabinet is still debating the merits of adding NHRA-spec water boxes, but so far they're all onboard with my proposal to force playground zones to be a minimum of one quarter-mile long. Which is good, because I don't really tolerate dissent. Vote for me, because you don't want to be on the list of people who voted for the other guy. That would be especially unsafe.
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chalabrun · 3 years
tsunade's feats (and why she's equal to her fellow sannin)
(For @sannin-central​‘s Sannin Week Day 7 prompt: Free Day)
One of the most tired arguments you’ll ever hear about Tsunade is that she isn’t as strong as her fellow Sannin, or their equal; that all she does is heal and punch and have a bad temper. As if that’s the only thing that makes her special, right? Nah, wrong!
In this meta, what I want to expand on is a full, manga-canon (with some anime and extraneous material inclusion) litany of feats that Tsunade has accomplished. And what makes her such an integral part of the Sannin, and background surrounding it. Hopefully, this will be a meta that can end the doubt of the equality between the Sannin and the feats that make Tsunade such a force to be reckoned with.
The Sannin: Why there was a 3-way Deadlock
(Below scan originally from Narutoversity.)
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As stated in the Second Databook, to be a Sannin means that each individual Sannin are of equal ability and might to each other.
The Legend of the Sannin
What is the truth behind the Sannin? With three key words, we will discover how the three became legends.
Even ghosts would cower before Konoha’s Sannin!
Under the professor, their talents were nutured!
The three who spent their childhood with the one who would become the Third Hokage. With the benefit of great leadership, each was able to set flame to their great talents. Perfecting their strength and jutsus, and at times clashing with each other, the three find the source of their power from these days of childhood.
[Bell Test] At that place, the usual presence of the teacher and student relationship…
Explosive spirit and unique power!
Jiraya’s manly fighting valor, Orochimaru’s individual talents, Tsunade’s monster power and supreme knowledge of medical jutsu. During fights, their skills would increase thrice fold and create stories of great battlefield deeds. Especially, places of battle where the three fought together were their own stage. Stories of their battlefield deeds have evolved into legends. As there will no longer be days when the three will fight alongside each other, the flower of their legend is the more dazzling.
[Jiraiya] Serious but deadly eyes! Are the only ones who can fight against the Sannin the Sannin themselves?
[Tsunade] Her power is like that of a god of war.
[Orochimaru] Like a reflection of his way of life, his fighting skills are cruel to the extreme.
The weakness of the Sannin?
The Sannin are also human. If they do have weaknesses, is it not because of their human attributes and personalities? In it, there is a certain lure of humanistic charm.
Jiraya – Women and sexiness
If someone uses the one that he loves as a shield, even the most strongest of ninjas will become defenseless. And there are many women that Jiraya loves.
Tsunade – Gambling
In the world of gambling she is known as Legendary Sucker. When she uses her luck, which is rather low, is she then at her most vulnerable?
Orochimaru – ???
In completely encompassed mind of ice, there is no possibility of it becoming marred by another human. Only, his own endless ambitions keeps him anxious.
- Second Databook, translation from Narutoversity.
As stated here, to be a Sannin means to be equal in power, that no individual Sannin is more powerful than each other. More than that, only a Sannin can hope to take down a Sannin.
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As stated by Ebisu shortly after Jiraiya’s return in the aftermath of the Konoha Crush.
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As said by Jiraiya during the Three-Way Deadlock in part 1.
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First Fanbook, Sannin entry (Source)
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Ch. 170, highlighting the Sansukumi motif behind the Sannin.
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Ch. 154, where Orochimaru muses about Tsunade's calling in life.
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During this arc, Orochimaru themself states that facing two of their fellow Sannin wouldn’t be easy, even if they are one.
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Ch. 369, where Hanzo himself gives the Sannin their name--objectively acknowledging their prowess instead of favoring one over the other.
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Ch. 380, where Pein himself admits to the Sannin’s equal and devastating ability.
Even their stats as listed in the databooks see them as near-equal to one another statistically.
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Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's statboxes (Source)
Sannin & their Summons
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Second Databook, Leaf #18: The Sannin & their summons (Source)
Another important factor of the 3-way Deadlock is the deadly summons that each Sannin possessed. What made them so special?
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Village: Otogakure
Rank: —
“You bastard…I’ll eat you up!”
A python that lives with an aggressive nature and evil wildness
A summon that is hard to control because of its aggressive nature. With its hideous eyes and great power of destruction, there is no emotion of ‘terror’ for this violent entity that wants to take over everything. It is an evil that is partners with Orochimaru who also symbolizes evil.
There is no such thing as trust between the summoned and the summoner.
The jutsus that utilize 100% of all the characteristics of a snake are also formidable!!
- Second Databook, Manda's entry (Scan & Translation)
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: —
“I’ll make sure you pay me back for this…”
Majestic and magnificent!! An honorable toad, defender of justice, protector of the weak!!
The big toad summoned by Jiraiya and Naruto. The sight of him wielding his giant knife is the very picture of the boss of chivalry. His violent fights against Shukaku and Manda show why he is known as the strongest toad.
His life is also that of a boss. Having yet to pledge his loyalty to Naruto, Gamabunta had no obligation to help him. However, upon learning that Naruto had saved Gamakichi, he joined Naruto in the fight against Shukaku. He is a true warrior among warriors who understands the lifelong shame of an unchivalrous action!
Unable to ignore the desperation of the one who saved his son. A true champion.
His voice rings like a knife no matter who his opponent his. His power is no bluff.
- Second Databook, Gamabunta's entry (Scan & Translation)
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: —
“Tsunade-sama so desires.”
Risking her life for Tsunade! A wise and docile giant slug!!
The massive slug summoned by Tsunade. Her polite speech and obedient attitude give a strong impression of maturity. However, her true strength is anticipated to be considerable. Katsuyu’s true strength… It can be guessed her fighting on an equal footing with Gamabunta and Manda, the summoned creatures of the other “Sannin”.
She executes Tsunade’s orders swiftly and efficiently, sending the injured Naruto away from the battlefront on a Bunshin and saving him from a dangerous situation.
Katsuyu’s kind and compassionate heart can be sense in her worry for Naruto’s safety. Seems like a rather different personality to that of the dynamic and fearless Tsunade…
- Second Databook, Katsuyu's entry (Scan & Translation)
Something definitively established is that each Sannin’s boss summon was as strong as the others, especially when one considers that they’re the only ones summoned from sage regions, the only three known in the world.
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Ch. 579
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Ch. 634, where Minato notes the exceptionalism of the Sannin’s summons.
The Sannin: A historical & folkloric influence
Something that might not be commonly known is the fact that the Sannin take their inspiration from two primary sources: the rock-paper-scissors hand game precursor, Mushi-ken, and the Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya.
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Woodblock prints depicting scenes from the Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya, featuring Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru that inspired the Sannin.
"In the legend, Jiraiya is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. As the heir of the mighty Ogata clan in Kyūshū, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade (綱手), a beautiful young maiden who has mastered slug magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower Yashagorō (夜叉五郎), later known as Orochimaru (大蛇丸), a master of serpent magic (the kanji 大蛇 literally means "giant snake" or "serpent"). It was first recorded in 1806."
The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya. (Source)
Now, while articles such as these better establish the Sannin’s folkloric influence, what is undeniable is that the Sannin come from very historical beginnings.
But, what about the game of Mushi-ken that further describe the 3-Way Deadlock?
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Mushi-ken, the earliest Japanese sansukumi-ken game (1809). From left to right: slug (Namekuji), frog (Kawazu), and snake (Hebi). (Source)
In mushi-ken, the "frog" represented by the thumb wins against the "slug" represented by the pinkie finger, which, in turn defeats the "snake" (蛇) represented by the index finger, which wins against the "frog" (蛙). (Source)
As we see with this explanation, the Sannin are further meant to be equal from the game that would come to define their dynamic, as illustrated with the above points. 
Tsunade: What the databooks say
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Ninja Registration Number: 002302
Birthday: August 2 (51 years old, Leo)
Height: 163.1 cm Weight: 48.9 kg Blood Type: B
Personality: Brash, gambling addict
Favourite food: Chicken breast, alcohol
Least favourite food: Raw liver
Would like to fight: Uzumaki Naruto
Favourite word: Get rich quick!
Interests: Gambling
Graduated from the Ninja Academy at age 6
Promoted to chuunin at age ?
Mission Experience
D-rank: 40
C-rank: 236
B-rank: 467
A-rank: 418
S-rank: 95
Ninjutsu: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 3.5
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 5
Speed: 3.5
Stamina: 4
Hand Seals: 4
“This can’t be happening…”
Brash, free spirited, monstrous strength, no one can stop Princess Tsunade. She is the legendary ninja who has touched upon the very limits of medicine.
As one of the Legendary Sannin, tales of her heroism echo on the battlefield and her efforts in expanding the medical field have made numerous accomplishments. The name Tsunade that is imbued with legendary magnificence is a ninja of Konoha. She is the idol of many kunoichis. But she, the object of this admiration, is one of those rare individuals who is not limited by being a woman ninja nor by any other constraints of a ninja. Her personality is precipitous and free, more stubborn than a man’s as well as showy, not to mention a gambling addict. If her admirers should hear about her life as a gambler, perhaps their idolatry will fade away in an instant.
But behind that flashy personality, an almost diffident friendliness is hidden. There is none who can match her love for her village and for those who are special to her. This gap between her outer and inner self is the secret to her charm that can never wilt!
Even though she is always impetuous, her truly terrifying moment is when she has anger deep inside her. Her expression and glow of her eyes right before her eruption have the intensity to make anyone afraid.
As the granddaughter of the First Hokage, her name is the frequent subject of news.
Her exceptional bad luck! But her once in awhile winnings, could they be indicators of an ominous future?
For the naturally brash and free style Tsunade, she cannot do without the rational and organized Shizune. On days Tsunade is drowning in gambling, wine and sadness, [Shizune’s] understanding and devotion have supported her throughout.
[Shizune’s] special existence to Tsunade is beyond that of a servant.
She never thought of him as a companion even during the period of the Sannin. His evil eyes which never change through time are not what Tsunade likes. But the offer that he proffers weakens her. Without putting down a decision she is lead into an evil plan.
He lures her with the mentioning of ‘her most precious ones.” Towards the raging Tsunade, he continues to talk. “I can bring back your beloved brother and love.”
Unlike Orochimaru, she knows Jiraiya well. So when he requests with sincerity in his eyes her acceptance to be inaugurated as the Fifth Hokage, she recognizes the danger her village is in but….
[Uzumaki Naruto]
Rudeness, simplicity, ‘dreams’ – all that Naruto has used to be by Tsunade’s side. And everything she lost in the war. And once again, she sees them. The image of her loved ones show up clearly in her mind.
[The past hidden within]
In the violence of the war, many ninjas lost their lives and many sorrows mounted in this world of fighting.
Passing on the Hokage’s necklace is an act of her strong love.
[The scars from the war]
The one she loved the most in this period of war…. Her brother Nawaki and Dan were both lost to her. A pain that seems to crush her half of her body, a phobia of warm blood and an emptiness that cannot be filled take root in her mind.
It was because she loved them more than anyone else that the pain of loss is so great. And the will that is left behind….
The soft kiss on the forehead, as if she were blessing the future
[The heart that does not weaken]
What Tsunade wanted back in her heart… the dreams of the ones she loved most. These do not fade in her heart but continue to shine. Always she looked upon these dreams in her heart hoping they would come true as well as her love that never grows less.
[The final bet]
A will lives on through the one who inherits it. Nawaki’s and Dan’s dreams are alive burns brightly in the dreams of one boy whose eyes resembles theirs . Tsunade leaves her necklace to Naruto believing one day, he will make those dreams come true.
[The Fifth Hokage]
Her fate (mission) burns more brightly in her chest after the fight. Her role is to protect Naruto who has inherited the dreams of her loved ones. That is why she must protect the largest tree known as Konoha. That is why the new ninja path as the 5th Hokage is engraved in her heart.
The will that was glowing in the darkness of her sorrow is given fuel by one Naruto Uzumaki and inflamed once more her life’s purpose. Her life’s mission is to protect Naruto and Konohagakure as long as she is titled, Hokage. Tsunade’s vows to devote all of herself including her own life in order to fulfill her mission, are channeled into strength which uphold her. She who was adulated as the Sannin, the strongest ninja who put fear into the hearts of enemies far away, is once more revived!
Second Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Translation) & (Scans)
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Third Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Source)
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Tsunade (Fifth Hokage)
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Ninja Registration Number: 002302
Birthday: August 2 (55 years old, Leo)
Height: 163.1 cm Weight: 48.9 kg Blood Type: B
Personality: Quick-tempered, enjoys gambling
Favourite: She was treasured as a favourite by Hashirama, and learned to gamble during her childhood days. Her rarely-scored jackpots are ill omens.
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Yang
Special Characteristics: Summoning
About 31 years ago: Tsunade’s will contains the dream of her loved ones. She took as her ambition the wish of Dan, who lost his life.
“I’ll protect this village no matter what… I swear on the name of Hokage!”
The blooming will of fire — long era eternity Konoha managing largehearted orchid tree!!
Born as a grandchild to the First Hokage Senju Hashirama called the God of Shinobi, before long she came to display unparalleled medical ninjutsu skills. Formerly she amassed a great deal of legendary valour together with Jiraiya and Orochimaru (referred to as Sannin), and eventually Tsunade rose to take the seat of Hokage of Konohagakure. She, having inherited Grandfather Hashirama’s Will of Fire along with his lineage, is now in the role of Chief of Staff in the Allied Shinobi Forces, and crosses the borders of the land to bear the responsibility of commanding ninjas. It can certainly be said that she has brought Hashirama’s longstanding desire into fruition.
Although she has zero gambling skill, she never loses when she bets it all.
Never losing her trusting heart, Tsunade juices up her advisors.
You won’t have to settle for your rank. Let us rejoice upon your development and stand on the front lines side by side…!!
4th Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Translation) & (Scans)
Tsunade: An extraordinary inheritance 
As the granddaughter of Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju, both considered extraordinary for their extraordinarily powerful clans, Tsunade inherited natural gifts that few people can equal.
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4th Databook, Mito’s entry (Source)
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3rd Databook, Hashirama’s entry (Source)
As evident by these, not only is Tsunade the granddaughter of an Uzumaki and a Senju, but of two members considered extraordinarily powerful by their own standards that passed down to Tsunade herself. While it might not seem obvious beyond some jutsu and the name itself, there is an instance where her heritage truly shines.
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Ch. 601, after the 5 Kage lose against an immensely powerful, freed Edo Tensei Madara. Tsunade was bisected in two, but remained completely conscious.
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Ch. 635, where Orochimaru discovers a still-conscious and bisected Tsunade capable of healing the other Kage despite being incapacitated herself.
Tsunade: Feats of healing
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Currently, medical ninjutsu is widely used as a shield to protect ninja. The history of its development and various characteristics are unraveled here!
The medical way that needs a talent different from Ninjutsu. It’s a different type of skill from combat. The greatest control of the smallest amount of chakra, great professional knowledge, and the brains and dedication to use them. The biggest problem with medical jutsu are their particularities. Meticulous chakra control is needed and thus a natural aptitude is needed for users. These are why it takes a long time to develop and there aren’t many medical ninjas.
The greater the wound, the greater the ability needed. Also, its effects are not unlimited and reviving the dead is impossible.
Scratches and stab wounds: Difficulty 1
Broken bones, muscle and severed tendons: Difficulty 2
Great damage to the body: Difficulty 3
Regrowing damaged organ and death: impossibility
Even if Tsunade uses medical jutsu it is impossible to grow a whole organ (e.g. Dan’s destroyed kidneys). Incision healing using chakra scalpel can also be used for attacks!
Healing of external wounds using chakra: Procedure of putting chakra on the body and healing wounds.
Healing using cursed seals: Using cursed seals to control chakra levels and flow.
Tsunade’s Creation Rebirth: An ability that is not about healing but about regeneration. It can remake all organs and parts.
- Second Databook, Medical ninjutsu entry (Scan & Translation) 
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Ch. 155, where Kabuto expresses that only Tsunade is capable of healing the necrosis-like effects of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal that robbed Orochimaru of use of their arms.
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Ch. 172, when Tsunade easily heals the effects of Itachi's Tsukiyomi on Sasuke that made him fall into a coma.
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Ch. 235, where the Nara Clan Medical Encyclopedia is being consulted by Tsunade to help her heal Chouji after the debilitating effects of the Three-Color Pills.
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Ch. 173, when Tsunade explains how she would perform surgery on Rock Lee (spoiler: it's a resounding success).
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Ch. 253, wherein Tsunade’s rival, Chiyo, recalls how Tsunade was the only person capable of foiling her poisons.
As we know, one of the greatest threats to shinobi is that of poisons. And, there is the fact that Tsunade established ways of producing and foiling them.
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Ch. 562, where Tsunade and Ai are among two of the only individuals capable of surviving the Heavenly Transfer Technique. Tsunade does so by invoking her Creation Rebirth technique.
Her ability as a med-nin were so extraordinary that she had a palpable mark on medical ninjutsu in the shinobi world.
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Ch. 154, where Kabuto muses about Tsunade being the originator of the idea to have a med-nin on every 4-man cell.
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Ch. 160 where the standard to place a medical ninja in every unit of ninja is first introduced by her.
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Ch. 577, where Tsunade lists the 4 rules governing medical ninja that she likely conceived.
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"Tsunade’s grief over losing her lover gave birth to the development of present-day medical ninjutsu."
- Second Fanbook (Scan & Translation)
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Ch. 424, when Tsunade uses Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing to heal the entire village during Pein's assault.
While healing an entire village during an invasion by the second coming of the Sage of Six Paths is impressive itself, something I often see overlooked is why Tsunade fell into such a deep coma in the first place.
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Ch. 430, we learn that Tsunade’s Byakugou disappeared because she rerouted her Creation Rebirth--which demands the Byakugou’s stores--into healing the villagers during Pein’s Assault.
It's because she used Creation Rebirth not on herself, but the entire village. 
Tsunade: A Goddess of war
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#24: Taken to the bitter extreme! Princess Tsunade’s “legendary” absurd strength!!
It would seem Tsunade’s “outrageous strength” completely ignores the laws of nature!! The challenge to common sense that is her power is due in no small part to her artful chakra control and fine-tuning. To give things a name, by instantly collecting chakra into her fist and fingers, she obtains a power of destruction bodily strength alone cannot achieve.
- Databook 2: Konoha 100 Leaves Collection (Scan & Translation)
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Ch. 163, Tsunade unleashing the Heavenly Foot of Pain, one of her most iconic applications of her deadly Chakra-Enhanced Strength she created from the principles of medical ninjutsu.
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Ch. 169, Tsunade properly explaining the mechanics of Creation Rebirth and how it makes her practically immortal and deadlier than she already is.
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Ch. 170, with Tsunade's single-handedly wielding Gamabunta's tantou to sunder Manda. Whether CES or her own natural raw strength, it's an incredibly fearsome sight to behold.
While the Deadlock between the Sannin demonstrates some of her earliest feats of strength, and solidifies her position as Konoha's Fifth Hokage by it alone, it's still not her most impressive battle to date.
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Ch. 577, where the first thing Tsunade does when she arrives on the 4th War's battlefield is confront Madara, and dent his Susano'o, the Mangekyou Sharingan's perfect defense ninjutsu.
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Ch. 577, working together with Ai & Oonoki to completely pulverize his Susano'o.
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Ch. 578, where Tsunade survives not only impalement by Madara's Susano'o, but a direct blast from its Yasaka Magatama as well, both deadly offenses Madara's Susano'o possesses.
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Ch. 588, where Tsunade is pitted against five of Madara's wood clones and not only fights them, but does it while impaled with two of the Susano'o's blades.
Regardless, it would seem the second databook's comparison of Tsunade's fighting style to that of a god of war truly is fitting.
Tsunade: Jutsu she created (or perfected)
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Heavenly Foot of Pain (Tsuuten Kyaku)
Taijutsu, C-rank, Offensive, Close range
User(s): Tsunade
The heel swung down in anger makes the ground rumble in kind with an ultra-hard smackdown!!
All of her body’s outrageous strength is concentrated into her heel. Her stance crystallizes the body’s dynamics in a magnificent demonstration of the art of hand to hand combat. And when her heel swings downward, it’s as if a comet had fallen!! Nothing and no one could receive a direct hit and avoid pulverization.
The remainder of the impact smashed not only the ground, but the nearby rampart into tiny bits…!!
- Second Databook, Heavenly Foot of Pain entry (Scan & Translation)
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Body Pathway Derangement
Ninjutsu, A-rank, Supplementary, Close range
User(s): Tsunade
Disturbing body control by severing the pathways of [brain←→body] information flow!!
By transforming the chakra within one’s body and giving it the properties of electricity, one creates an electric field. By pouring this into the nervous system of one’s opponent, one deranges their body control! An extremely high-level technique, used as a Medical Ninjutsu. The human body is controlled with electrical signals from the brain, but a person who had those electrical signals cut off with this technique will become unable to make their body move as they want. Because she’s an expert in medical treatments, Tsunade was able to master this technique.
An attack that severs the control threads with a flash of lightning!
One’s own body moves in any way, except how one wants it to move…!? For the common shinobi, battle, not to mention even just walking, will become impossible.
As soon as strike of the hand lands, electricity is poured into the enemy’s nervous system, severing the signals!!
- Second Databook, Body Pathway Derangement entry. (Scan) & (Translation)
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Creation Rebirth (Souzou Saisei)
Ninjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
User(s): Tsunade
The absolute pinnacle of Medical Ninjutsu~~ a forbidden regeneration technique!
Created by the greatest of medical ninja, Tsunade, this is the ultimate regeneration technique!! By releasing a large amount of chakra at once, the body’s cell division is forcibly stimulated, reconstruction all organs and all tissues making up the human body!
If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. It’s impossible to die by any means… for the sake of continuing to protect the lives of one’s comrades. That’s the resolution hidden in this technique.
By releasing the great volume of chakra stored in her forehead, Tsunade can make her body do the work of an untold number of years in an instant.
This wound may have brought her on the verge of death, but she won’t die~~
The acceleration of cell division that allows for the complete recovery from wounds is paid for with the shortening of one’s life span.
- Second Databook, Creation Rebirth entry. (Scan) & (Translation)
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Yin Seal: Release
(Infuuin: Kai)
Fuuinjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
User: Tsunade
Unravelling the key to using the Creation Rebirth!!
Creation Rebirth, the ultimate medical technique. However, using this technique requires such an enormous amount of chakra, that it is beyond any shinobi to mould it in an instant. Tsunade, using the chakra stock kept in the seal on her forehead, has cleared this prerequisite. With Yin Seal: Release, the seal is released, becoming the source for the body regeneration technique.
The moment it is unsealed, a pattern appears on the forehead.
Releasing the seal is the greatest danger signal.
- Second Databook, Yin Seal:Release entry (Source).
Now, while Tsunade didn't invent the Byakugou Seal, she certainly perfected it enough to eventually be passed on to one of her disciples, Sakura Haruno.
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  Ch. 36, Boruto, that explains the Byakugou's origins.
However, what she absolutely did create was Creation Rebirth and Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique.
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Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth--Strength of a Hundred Technique entry, 4th Databook (Source)
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Ch. 578, where Madara himself likens Creation Rebirth to Hashirama's mass-coveted Regeneration Ability.
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Fourth Databook, Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing entry (Source)
Closing thoughts
For as celebrated as the Sannin are in canon, sometimes, it takes more convincing than others that they are, in fact, of near equal ability with their unique specialties being what sets them apart. 
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publicschoolarc · 4 years
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a quick sketch commission for @red-butler! a belated christmas present to @deadly-safety-scissors from them. thank you for commissioning!  dm for $15/sketch commissions like this! 
96 notes · View notes
yanderenightmare · 4 years
goodiebag WARNINGS: ableism, abuse, anxiety, blood, drugs, narcissism, slavery, torture, trauma, noncon/dubcon, yandere
SAFETY - part two
She didn’t know how long she’d been out for. The remnants of a suppressed panic festering in her chest, simmering like charcoaled embers in her heart, still partially subdued due to the drugs still swimming about in her system, however ready to catch flame any second.
The sun was only slightly farther down the sky now as it was before. Whether that was an indication of how little time had gone or how much, she didn’t know. His teeth marks were ever present on her neck and chest the more consciousness she gained. Even though she had no way of seeing them. She felt them. Not only because they stung, but because they made her feel dirty, and weak, and fragile, and owned.
The more she squirmed the more she recognized other nips and pecks littered across her body, trailing down lower than just her chest. A sudden dreadful realization ran through her, the feeling cold and burning beneath her skin. Her clothes no longer adorned her body, and seemed foreign and unsalvageable in their singed state, where they were carelessly scattered on the floor next to her. What had replaced them was glistening drool that felt stiff but still wet, coating around the blossoming bruises he’d left in his wake.
“You look perfect like that.” The unmistakable tone seemed so strange and eerie and dangerous and gut-wrenching now. Making the thin hairs on her arms rise in cold-dreaded fear, as she met that crooked grin. Those vivid blood-irises and pupils alike blackholes, sucking her in and keeping her there with a death-grip. The other half of a hero she respected, looked up to even, despite his brash nature. “With my mark all over you.” She didn’t see a hint of that hero in the man before her. “Indisputably mine.” A villain had taken his place. A villain who ran his tongue over his lips, inspecting his victim.
In her increasing fear she nearly passed out again upon seeing him in the similar condition she was in. Bruises, or… rather deep unforgiving scars, some still healing, marring his sand-colored skin. Intimidating evidence that he’d survived far worse than she could ever imagine, ever even hope to have lived through. But, the state of his skin was only a mild concern that wavered over her, not exactly what caused the tremors ruining her. The fact that there was so much skin, too much skin without any coverage. He was nude, and proud; confident despite her obvious dread. Licking his lips like some beast. Admiring her from the threshold of the door. She would have felt disgusted if it weren’t for the thundering terror that rendered her sick worthless, as she was being looked up and down by the predatory heat found in his eyes. She still felt the nausea brew inside her, drawing her legs closer, not daring to look away as his large hand lazily rubbed up and down on his intimidating cock. His lingering gaze viewing her as though she was something already owned, already his, a resolution to prove it also evident among the drowning of crimson.
The cuff around her ankle suddenly felt that much heavier now as she was aware of its presence. How it would keep her from running. How it would keep her trapped, in his bed, naked, with him, just as naked, however infinitely less vulnerable.
She felt the spit bile up in her throat, eyes stinging. When he pushed himself off the wall and took a step further, she was soon spluttering out sobs that seemed to wreak though her with determination. His free hand stroking up her thigh with ease. She tried kicking, but her feeble struggles were nothing short of pitiful as he placed himself between her knees. The sinking of the bed mirroring seasickness, as she felt the overwhelming urge to throw up.
It was all so very consuming, the way her stomach seemed to fold in all those special types of fear people often go their entire lives without ever having met. Her guts turning, churning, winding like snakes inside her. Hiccupping, choking on her cries uncontrollably as his calloused hands once again found her waist, only now she didn’t have any fabric to separate them from her delicate skin. The thought that he’d touched and groped and played with her while she was drowsed out crept into her thoughts and shook her beyond what she could handle.
It was violent, Katsuki thought, looking down at the fragile creature beneath him. Beautiful. It was a prideful glee more than a sadistic one. It fueled him to think she was entirely at his mercy. To think she could do nothing to stop him, utterly defenseless, yet so very… beautiful. Why do Gods fall in love with such weak things? He pondered, while examining the contrast between his hand and hers, seeming massive and deadly against the elegance of her small one. She was something so untouched, so very soft, especially under the callous soles of his fingers. Naïve. Sweet. Cute. So very adorable. So small and weak and made for him. It was endearing, the way she didn’t even have the wits with her to protest or to beg or bargain. She barely even struggled, the strength of her cries too vehement for her to focus on anything else. She quaked instead, each sob more frantic than the one before, staggering through her body. Bound to tire herself out. Katsuki amused himself with the thought while containing her wrists easily in one hand pinned above her head, although it seemed exaggerated; unnecessary. He wasn’t really sure if he would at all feel it if she tried to pry her hands out of his grip. Touching her lovingly with the other hand, stroking down her chest, liking how her tits bounced with each of her heavy, earthshattering cries. He didn’t feel ashamed for his growing arousal. He was a God. It was in his right to do as he pleased. To reap his offerings.
His tip teased her entrance, precum smeared over the lips of her pussy. Not serving as enough wetness for him to push through, but his strength couldn’t be quarreled by the weak barrier. However, he was in no hasty mood. He was going to enjoy himself, thoroughly.
She’d wrenched her eyes shut, but as his fingers started ghosting tickles over her folds, sliding the tips through them every so often, she made to look down in horror. Her sobs had subsided enough, though she was far from being calm or collected, still consistently quivering. Her cheeks stained with raw, red wetness. Eyes spiraling from looking up at him to his teasing fingers as she tried twisted her thighs closed, but he kept her perfectly spread with his knees propped up under her. Eyes so bright and glossy, flecked with red; bloaty, just like her lips. With fingers still delving between the lips of her pussy, he licked up her cheek, swiping up at the salty, tender flesh. His tongue; boiling against the sensitive skin, before his teeth made to tug at her puffy lips, grinding the soft, plump chunk between them. The whimpers that followed sounded wet. Wet and mushy and delicious for his ears to receive. He deepened the kiss, growling as a threat for her to oblige him, something which she did when she felt the burning threat his hands provided against her delicate wrists. Hesitant kisses met with his brutal, overpowering ones. His tongue fighting against any resistance left in her mouth, only to be met with pitiful and delectable sniveling. “That’s right…” The words poured into her mouth. “Just obey.” She didn’t dare refrain.
He wanted to test that timidity, breaking apart from his assault on her mouth to plunge his fingers as far down her throat as they could reach. Smirking an open-wide grin as she choked, coughing spit all over his digits. Giving her no time to breathe before his mouth was back on hers. His fingers dipping playfully into her folds again and again before he decided to test out her tightness. One finger entered and he felt her jolt against him, sobbing a moan against his lips.
“You like that, don’t you?” She twisted unenthusiastically, whining while crying, trying desperately to wiggle away from him burying his finger knuckle-deep inside her. “You like my finger inside you?” He didn’t really expect an answer as he started pumping in and out. “I know you do.” He decided to reward her by stretching her pussy out with yet another digit inside her. She cried out this time, visible pain in her sewn-together brows. He only laughed while curling and scissoring his finger into the warm, spongy walls inside her, drawing out wetness and more woeful moans and gasps and whimpers.
Not wanting to disrupt those mouthwatering sounds escaping her lips, he made to bite and kiss at her neck instead. Her hands growing numb above her at how hard he was gripping her wrists. She wondered for a moment why he hadn’t tied them up instead, but found the unsettling result that he must draw an inane amount of pleasure by being the sole reason she was left so utterly defenseless. Tying her up would keep him from that satisfaction.
“You’re not paying attention.” He growled when the strained whimpers died down and grew more controlled than he’d like them.
Her musings were cut short as he added yet another finger. At this she shrieked. “Please…” She begged, whimpering and mewling. He felt the sounds reverberate beneath her skin, torrenting on his tongue and lips on her neck. He growled a groan into her ear, before it broke out into a low, patronizing chuckle.
“Believe it or not, I’m doing you a favor…” She was too distracted to feel the smirk up against her throat, or to detect the smugness in his tone. Wincing and gasping at how all three of his big fingers stretched out the ring of muscle inside her. The aching tender flesh sending sharp shoots of pain to rocket through her abdomen. “How on earth are you gonna survive me, huh? If you can’t take three fingers inside you, I wonder how loud you’ll howl when you take my entire cock.” She began sobbing again, crying through her moans. “Poor little baby…” He kissed down her breasts, sucking and biting at the nimble flesh. Taking her nipple into his mouth and pulling at it with his teeth. “Let me kiss it all better.” There was a growl present in the sentiment, and it shook her to the very core.
His hand let go of her wrists as his fingers quit their unrelenting pumping in and out of her, to assist in holding her spread open for him when he moved down to lick between her folds. She pushed at his head with her newly freed hands, but the struggle was short-lived when he grabbed each wrist in a new deadlock in each of his fists, as he propped her up under his arms. She made a series of protests and pleas. Begging, pleading for him to stop, but he simply replied by teasingly dragging his tongue agonizingly slow up between her slick folds, only to flick off at her clit. The act earning him a shaky moan which his ears fluttered upon hearing.
“Don’t worry your pretty, little head about it. Your hero’s gonna take good care of you.” He twirled his tongue around the sensitive pearl, before flattening it on top, closing his lips around and sucking the skin into his mouth.
Her knees started shaking, weakening, submitting. He smirked up against her, swiping his tongue up and down in a quick pace, before moving back to her clit and flicking from side to side. And, despite her arms continuing to struggle, her lower half was melting beneath him; surrendering. He knew exactly what strings to pull to make her back arch upward and for the moans to come spluttering past her lips. Relentless in his conquest too. Lapping, biting, sucking, growling at the tenderness found at his mouth for him to devour, for him to conquer, for him to storm into surrender. And, just as she felt the guilty knot brimming inside her, he pulled away with a mellow kiss, a stark contrast to the earlier ravaging. Inching back up to place his throbbing cock at her drooling pussy. Planting his hand on her chest, just between her lungs, her useless fists weakly banging at his arm as he steadied himself. His other hand gripping his cock to better place it against her.
Her eyes wild and frantic as they looked up at him, shaking her head hysterically. “Katsuki, please-” Was enough for him to push inside her, all in one quick thrust, feeling her tight walls pulsate against him. He intended to go in slowly, but she was sending him over the edge with all her begging. To both their surprise the sound that escaped her sounded oddly pleasurable and not as though she was being defiled. Something in between the mix of a gasp and a moan, only barely a wince embedded into the wet noise.
His whole length inside her, feeling the warmth of the snug fit wrapped around him. She felt as though she could feel him up in her throat, as she choked. Her head spiraling, ascending.
His mouth hung upon, eyes closed in euphoria. “Fuck-” He pulled out slowly, letting her feel every muscle, every ridge, every vein of him inside her. Almost all the way out, he snapped forward again and this time she made a moan so pure, so sweet, so ambrosial. Again, he pulled back slowly as his hand dove to push down into the plush flesh of her breasts and started tweaking at her nipple roughly, pinching, her hands lazily holding onto his arm. She moaned so beautifully for him when he started lolling his hips into her, letting her get used to his size before increasing his tempo. “You take me so fucking well…” It was so far from ashamed, the way he groaned and moaned at her tightness enveloping him. As though made for him.
As it seemed her arms were rendered useless in the unwanted state of bliss she found herself lost in, he took the opportunity to grab under her knees and push them flat against the bed. This way, he could better slot his head in the crook of her neck as he started thrusting, rolling his hips into her harder and faster for each time he bottomed out inside her. His heavy balls slapping against her ass served as yet another lewd noise that filled the room, echoing off the deliberately barren walls. His ears perked up and perched right next to her mouth, all her little sounds so sheer for him to drool over.
She was again shocked by his painful thrusts back to reality, bringing her hands with her to push at his shoulder to get off. But, the tempo of which he now had adopted rocked her so violently, his weight unmoving on top of her. Her weak protests only aiding his determination to fill her up with his length. Her wiggles as well were constrained by his hands holding her thighs in place and only resulted in upping the friction and movement received by his cock pumping in and out of her. Her hands were her only means of weapons, as she made to scratch up his back in a feral attempt to make him stop, but he rather enjoyed that type of pain above what he would usually face in battle, it seemed in a strange way a type of affection he lusted for, especially when accompanied with her tight pussy clenching around his shaft, in what he thought of was needy and clingy and loving in all the right ways. “Pretty kitty has claws now, does she?” He chuckled, the labored breaths and grunts fanning over her chest, causing goosebumps to spread like wildfire on her skin. “Well… this wolf’s got fangs.” His bite sunk into her throat, on top yet slightly ajar from the previous bite he’d gifted her with. She wailed, quitting her terrorizing on his back, digging her nails into her own palms instead.
“Katsuki…” She moaned and he moaned in return at the sound of his name drip so sweetly off her tongue, removing the pressure his teeth had around her neck. “Please…” He licked up her throat, sucking up the taste of metal he’d made surface, biting at her earlobe when he reached it.
“Are those the only words you know?” He snickered in her ear. His weight nearly suffocating her, his thrusts so deep and so fast and so hard and so very crucial. “Have I melted your brain that much already, huh?” Groaning and moaning and grunting savagely into her neck. “That’s right… those are the only words you need to know. That, and telling me how much you love me, how much you adore me, how much you love being mine, how much you love my cock, how much you love it when I fuck you into oblivion…” He continued rambling, each word barked out as he pushed his twitching cock inside her welcoming warmth and comfort, her pussy pressing around him in a tight embrace.
“Please, Katsuki…” She said again, her voice a mix of a whisper, a whimper and a moan. “Go slower… please.” Her begging was so sweet, but he couldn’t possibly relent now, not when she clung to him like this, his body melting into her, her thighs sticking to him in sweat and juices, he needed this, she needed him, he wasn’t going to stop.
“Beg me some more.” It was low and guttural whisper, more of a prayer than a command. He couldn’t help it, not when she was clenching so tightly around him, sucking him in. Not when she was so wet, dripping, drooling, around his cock, just for him. She did as he said, begging with his name spilling from her lips. He responded by hoisting her one leg over his shoulder to free his hand, moving it down to her clit, thumb rubbing rough circles upon the highly sensitive spot. She gasped and moaned, clinging to him harder, saying his name again and again until he really couldn’t hold back any longer. Thrusting quicker and harder, building up into one last time with one loud and heavy moan, hitting even deeper inside her, emptying his balls into her quivering pussy as he nuzzled soundly in her neck. Heavy panting against sweat-slicked skin.
His drool coating her and running down her chest, relaxing to feel every bit of his orgasm, savoring it. He made a couple more, slow and careful pumps into her, feeling his cum drip down his shaft at each movement. She uttered something about how he was a monster, but he chose to ignore it in his bliss, keeping on rubbing those quick patterns over her clit, feeling as she wiggled under him.
Taking ahold of her throat, as he kissed down her chest once again, licking up the taste of her sweat. “Beg me.” His words were muffled into her skin. “You want me to make you cum?” The condescending tone was unbearable as his thumb slowed its friction against her clit, his cock still biting at the sweet spot inside her.
Nipping at her nipples, tightening around her neck when she tried to wrench his head off her. “Yes… please, Katsuki.” She clawed at his hand around her throat, but it only resulted in him tightening his hold. “Please, please, make me cum, Katsuki.” His grip relented, content with what he had reduced her to. Keeping his cock inside her, his thumb racing over her clit again and again until she came all over him, her back arching into him in the softest from of gratitude.
She whimpered, obviously disgusted with herself, while the both of them panted their hot breaths onto each other’s skin. “So… fucking perfect.” He continued circling her clit with his thumb, despite her growing panicked restlessness beneath him. “Just for me.” Moving both hands to wrap around her neck, he growled at her to kiss him back. She complied with a whimper, trying her best to compensate his hungry kisses. “Tell me you love me.” He pressed on her neck, as she started crying again. Her orgasm still crippling and waving through her, she didn’t even want to look at him.
When she didn’t answer, he decided to pressure her neck even more. Sniffling and choking, feeling the soreness sting in her throat both from his iron-grip and from all the sobbing and screaming she’d committed since Katsuki decided she belonged to him. She managed to force the words out with a strangled struggle. “I, I… I love you…” He stopped his tight hold, biting her lip. Her legs still held up with him placed between her thighs. Skin to skin.
“Say my name.” He commanded softly, resting his forehead against hers, enjoying the slippery of sweat between them.
“I love you, Katsuki.” Her large, shimmering eyes stared into his crimson ones, the scent of caramel more overwhelming than ever. He finally pulled his cock out and praised her as he climbed off. Settling in beside her instead, pulling her body into him, chin resting atop her head. She heard him say it back, feeling his cum seep slowly out of her, knowing that she should be expecting the same thing tomorrow.
She cried, too scared to sleep as she felt the unrelenting, low growling from the monster behind her.
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sands-of-arawiya · 3 years
Zafira: *reluctantly hands safety scissors*
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