#deadnettle games
deadnettlegames · 2 years
An intro to Deadnettle Games!
Hello all, I'm Alex (@deadnettled)! I make story-driven games, which you can find on my itch.io page. I primarily work with Twine, but have been doing some visual novel development in Ren'Py that I'm really excited about.
Here's a quick primer on some of the things I've made so far:
Just Cosplay*
This game is the first one I ever released, and was in the 2022 Queer Games Bundle! It's about being a transmasc teenager in 2012 and discovering your gender through Homestuck Apartment Trapped! cosplay. As a "choices matter" game, there are two different endings you can get depending on the actions you take in gameplay. This game was heavily based on my personal experiences, including 2012 Tumblr, so if you were there at the time or would like to know what it was like... here you go!
This game was made in 72 hours for Mini Jam #105 ("Dreamy"). It's a speed dating sim, and takes the player through a process of dating a randomly generated person. As you can imagine for the premise, there are many, many different ways that this game can go, and there are five possible endings. It's incredibly silly, incredibly short, and something I love to return to from time to time when I want to make myself laugh because it was so fun to make.
*These games can be played in a mobile web browser!
This list will be updated as time goes on, and you might even see some Tumblr exclusives pop up for test plays! Feel free to keep your eyes peeled for that and for information on upcoming games!
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kristo-flowers · 1 year
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Red deadnettle
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 month
Credo in te
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Day 3 of @smileformeweek 2024 :Develop
[ ID: Traditionally done fanart subsequently colored digitally. It is of the game Smile For Me and involves Randy Hapukurk. It is of my AU Roseverse.
Randy here has black eyeshadow and longer bangs.
Randy stands in the center, one foot in front of the other, almost like a dancers pose- raising his hands above and spreading his fingers. A red quill floats above, spilling down dark ink in rivulets upoun his hands. On his hand is his mark of magic, a pointed rose pink star. He looks determined, mouth set in a firm line and brows furrowed. His black Persian Cat, Lady Macbeth, curls around his leg, curiously looking up at him.
Red text above him in a medieval European style reads "Archivum", with the first A being set in a golden box adorned with flowers. Below the text, flowers curl out all around Randys figure, like those on medieval manuscripts. On the left side, among miscellaneous flowers and berries, the known flowers are Liverwort, golden Saxifrage, purple Deadnettle. On the right side, among miscellaneous flowers and berries, the known flowers are Violets, sunset shades Cowslip, Iris, Wild Rose, Hyacinth and leaves of Lupin.
Background is the white paper. End ID]
OK this is one I've gotta explain...Basically in my AU verse magic has been gone/hidden from the world for a long time now. But it has recently resurged so someone needs to do the work of documenting it. Enter Randus!!! Down-on-his-luck and money writer...
He starts documenting magic, the old and new writings, becoming an archivist. His work remains underfunded for a long time, but things slowly develop as he gathers a team...
Even his own magic, so amateur that he called it "bad luck magic" begins to flourish. He still keeps the "bad luck" cat he'd found as a stray though, he named her Lady Macbeth.
Also him looking emo makes me LAUGH SO MUCH
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kangaracha · 8 months
places you'll visit in the clé
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Read the full version here!
Read NEVERMORE | Content List
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Stuck between the borders of 'real' worlds, the Clé is a collection of halfway places, limbos and middle-of-the-roads. The rules of nature can't always be applied in these places; they aren't planets that revolve around a sun or stretches of land where you can walk from one to another, but flat planes and long infinities that loop back on themselves. Some of them think for themselves. Others won't speak at all.
The thing that connects them all is music - moving the air and stirring the waters, bringing rain or snow or night or day - and the music is found in Miroh, the centre to which every other world connects. The Clé itself is not a living thing; there are people who would claim to rule it, but the Miroh is the only thing that can really control the Clé; its people are only here to please it with music.
Once, the Clé was a wild place, its worlds and their doorways moving about with no warning or reason and the rules of each plane changing with the wind. In those days, you could go to sleep in one place and wake up somewhere entirely different with no way home.
It was Miroh who called the first group of singers to the Clé, seeking music that would tame the wild lands so that their people could live, and it was Miroh who fell in love with them and the tension that would always grow when two groups existed in the world together. For a long time, they traded places back and forth, never knowing that it was Miroh that was pitting them against each other in this eternal battle for fun - until one group discovered this hidden history, and sought more control than they had ever had before.
Their fear of time passing and their reign ending led them to freeze the world in the repetitive cycle of a single day. This is how it stands when the original SKZ arrive in Nevermore.
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as seen in: Miroh, Unveil Track: Victory Song, Victory Song Performance Video, Chronosaurus, Clé 2: Yellow Wood Trailer, Levanter, InLife Trailer, Back Door, Winter Falls, Oddinary (Main Trailer), Circus, Maxident Trailer, Give Me Your TMI, Ddu Du Ddu Du (Kingdom Stage), Victory Song (2020 MAMA), Venom + Maniac (2022 MAMA)
Miroh is an infinite city that grows and shrinks as the need for its buildings ebbs and flows. Being the nexus and the driving force of the Clé, it is a living thing that watches over all the worlds, not just itself, and is also the source of all music and voices in the Clé, the thing that draws people into the doorways between it and the real world, or sends them away. It is a neutral thing, generally kind and unconcerned with specific troubles within its walls, but it does love the creatures that make music for it to listen to and the games that it can play with them - sometimes at the cost of its favourite pieces.
For most of its history, the streets of Miroh have been unmappable, their layout changing with the wind and new structures always being squeezed in or taken away. Everything is out of order in the Miroh, inside the buildings and outside on the streets; to travel anywhere, people step out the front door and trust it to guide them where they want to go.
It is only while time is frozen, that the streets have settled into a permanent formation, only smaller sections of alleys maintaining that wild persistance of changing their layout regularly. Even new buildings have been curbed to a particular section of the city, while other sections lay empty.
There is no water or food to easily be found within Miroh without passage to Levanter and Injeon as there is no rain when every day is the same, cloudless passing of the sun.
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as seen in: Hellevator, Levanter
The most common entrance into the Clé is Beiseu; a small, flat world consisting of a single plain where only deadnettle grows, pretty purple that stretches right out to the horizon. The field is surrounded by a forest, which is then ringed by mountains that loop back on themselves, and there is nothing else to be found except for the elevator from which people come and go.
The walls of the world are thin in Beiseu. Occasionally, a city can be seen in the sky - Miroh, usually, or sometimes Levanter - and mountains can be seen through the ground. Doors between worlds open easier in Beiseu than any other place in the Clé, and it is most closely connected to Injeon, meaning that on the right day, you could fall through the ground at any moment and find yourself in another place entirely. It's best to watch your step here, no matter how mesmerising the horizon.
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as seen in: I Am NOT Trailer, District 9, Voices Performance Video, I Am You, Scars
A desert world, Injeon is a flat plain of rock and dirt and not much else, ringed by tall mountains that will only swallow you in fog until you can't find your way through. In the past, Injeon was prone to long droughts and heavy, one-off rainfalls that caused flash flooding and very little plant growth, carving out an image of itself of dry rivers and long, dusty stretches of nothing, its plant life all dead and withering away on the ground before it even has a chance to grow.
Being such a flat, empty space made Injeon the perfect space for innovation from the Six, expansion away from the fickle nature of the Miroh to a more stable, sleeping world where they could build life as they wanted. A city was purpose-built here, and a prison in the form of District 9.
Now,frozen in time, its city stands as a ruin on its eastern end and an empty city inhabited by the remnants of its citizen's souls further inside its borders. It is caught on the day that a storm breaks over a drought, rain washing it away every evening, and yet still nothing will grow - like the ground can't forget that it was barren, no matter how many days it lives.
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as seen in: Venom, Red Lights, 5 Star Dome Tour VCR 3
A liminal space that most often dresses itself in endless hallways, Geomijul, the Spiderweb, draws people in like flies to a trap, and doesn't easily let them go. Like Miroh, it's a maze - unlike Miroh, it doesn't want you to make your way through its hallways, but takes the most joy in seeing you lost and scared; especially if you happen to run into one of the monsters hiding in its halls.
Under the control of the Six, Geomijul has become a halfway house for undesirable characters that cannot be trapped within District 9. While Geomijul cannot be sealed off completely from the rest of the Clé, possessing the power to open its own doors wherever it sees fit, it is clever enough a prison to know when it should hold an individual for as long as it can, and who it will not hurt to allow to slip through the cracks.
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as seen in: Double Knot, Astronaut, Clé: Levanter Trailer, GoLive Trailer, God's Menu, Levanter, NoEasy Thunderous Trailer, Maniac, Lonely St, Freeze , Hey Monster! + Thunderous (2021 MAMA), DLC
Miroh's sister, the open land to match its endless urban sprawl, Levanter is a utopia of rolling fields, sprawling lakes, and tidy forests dotting the landscape. Homes don't come as easily here as they do in Miroh, needing to be built themselves and cared for so that the land doesn't swallow them, but crops are given in abundance, far from the modest effort of greenhouses in other cities.
Levanter has always been an even-tempered place, its weather and its temper consistent and its tolerance with the small city built upon its surface by the Six stretching long. This doesn't mean that it cannot be cruel though - where Miroh is gentle in its playfulness, Levanter is fickle and severe in its punishment to those who don't respect it. Many times, upstarts have found the ground ripped into chasms beneath their feet or the wind strong enough to toss them over the mountains in Levanter.
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as seen in: Clé 2: Yellow Wood Trailer, Side Effects, TOP, Miroh (Kingdom Stage), I'll Be Your Man (Kingdom Stage), Side Effects/God's Menu (Kingdom Stage)
The rules of Yellow Wood are hard to understand to those stepping into its weird dreamscape for the first time. The lines here are blurred, between individual souls and creatures and magic and science - it's easy to leave part of yourself behind in Yellow Wood without realising, and easier again to get lost altogether.
As the name suggests, a great deal of the flora found in Yellow Wood is yellow; rolling hills and autumnal forests make up its majority. It seems to be an infinite space, as no one has reached its edge before and returned to tell the tale, though there are plenty who have tried. While Yellow Wood isn't a thinking world like Miroh, it is prone to being wispy and whimsical, coming and going from the Clé as it pleases, the opening and closing of its doorways hard to predict.
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as seen in: TOP, 5-Star Trailer, S-Class, Back Door Opening Video, Topline, Get Lit, 3rd Fanmeeting: For 5-Star Teaser, Social Path
A sliver of land in the corner of the Clé, Asadal is the least accessible of all the worlds - and the hardest to leave once you arrive there. Everything in Asadal moves in circles; the city, the rivers, and the black wasteland beyond it. The sun comes up rarely, cloaking the world in cloud and darkness. No one knows where the borders of the world are, or what lurks out there in the darkness, because no one has ever returned from a trip to Asadal.
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as seen in: Levanter, Easy, Thunderous, The Sound
An ever-changing landscape, Meori is the most unstable of the three city-states of the Clé. You never know, stepping through the door, if it will be a desert or a mountain range, grasslands or swamp. Storms rage across its surface and the ocean often rises to swallow its land.
Now, it is caught in an endless storm, the land ravaged - like Injeon, Meori is a ghost town now, impossible to access and uninhabitable by even the bravest souls.
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Last night I tried streaming in Tumblr Live, and I made a new Mabinogi character to play through the intro and tutorials with.  I recorded it, but unfortunately my audio setup was really screwed up, so while the stream could hear everything fine, in the recording my mic volume is way quieter than the game audio.  Also it’s just a scuffed, unwatchable video in general.  I’m gonna shove it unedited onto Youtube in a little bit anyways, for posterity.
But anyways, new Mabinogi character!  She’s supposed to be peppermint themed, and her name was going to be ‘Peppersparkle’ but that’s too long.  So her name is Pepperspark L., and the L stand for ‘lamium,’ which is a genus of plants related to mint.  Lamiums are also known as ‘dead nettle,’ and “Pepperspark Deadnettle” sounds like a good name too.
She’s currently wearing clothes from my main character Elminia’s wardrobe.  In the future hopefully I’ll pick up other clothes and start dyeing them with Pepperspark in mind.
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museum-of-screens · 2 years
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Just Cosplay (2022)
Creator(s): Deadnettle Games
Type: Twine
Language: [EN]
Status: Available
(Content Warning listed on the game page)
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secretsynapse · 5 years
how do I move the pretty clumps of weeds to where I want them??
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azaraih · 5 years
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Just a couple hours before the itch.io deadline, the demo is complete! Please check it out, we had a great time working on it and hope you will like it. https://azaraih.itch.io/deadnettle-creek-demo This is the first game I've worked on that has been released publicly so I would love to hear any feedback you have! It was a lot of work but I'm excited to have something completed and out there for people to try. I'm hoping to continue working on the full game, but first I'll take a break to catch up on life things (and play some other people's Nano games). :]
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diversegaminglists · 2 years
It’s Non-Binary Peoples Day so let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the Non-Binary characters in video games!
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Bloodhound from Apex Legends!
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Bolt from Crypt of the Necrodancer!
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Maez from Deadnettle Creek! - Demo here.
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Kris from Delatrune!
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Testament from the Guilty Gear franchise!
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Leo from Tekken!
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Alex Cyprin from the Astoria games!
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Ravi Patel from Catacomb Prince!
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TOMCAT from 2064: Read Only Memories!
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Keo Venzee from Star Wars: Squadrons!
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twinegardening · 2 years
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Just Cosplay by Deadnettle Games
Just Cosplay is a semi-autobiographical text-based game about being a transmasc teenager in 2012 and not really knowing it yet. Or... maybe you do know it, and you just don't want to. It's complicated. What you do know, though, is that you're really excited to cosplay your favorite webcomic character, Dale Spider. He's the coolest guy ever, and you can't wait to step into his shoes for a little while.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Pretty Sure
request: from @xsophie-elisex​: “Also hi I love your fics! I was wondering wether I could request one? Maybe something along the lines of reader and Ellie are best friends and roommates (lots of vine references!:3) and slowly fall In love but it’s like the little things, eg : she brings flowers into the dorm and brings Ellie her favourite takeout or buys her eyeliner when it runs out. Just really domestic things. Basically pure concentrated fluff xox”
notes: This request is really cute! I tried my best to do it justice, but I’m not all that good at slow burn, I hope that a lot of the “slowly falling in love” was prior to the events of the fic. Check out freerice.com!!!! Feed people by answering simple questions! (The money is made off the ad revenue, I believe, so turn off your AdBlocker on the site!)
warnings: none!
Your room was always a refuge for Ellie. She’s glad you two are finally roommates, so that she never has to leave.
The fresh flowers, the sneaking into the other’s bed when one of you is having a hard time sleeping, the Vine and meme references… It’s the best.
Ellie does her homework, every now and then looking out at the courtyard. You’re picking flowers with Laura and teaching the girl how to make flower crowns. She catches on quickly, which makes Ellie feel a little dumb. You’d tried to teach her, too, but, despite her texting experience, her fingers just weren’t nimble enough.
Ellie looks back down to her poem, regretting deciding to take the poetry elective her school offers. Now, instead of writing whenever and whatever she wants, she has to fulfill prompts. This time, she has to write a poem about what love means to her. But… Ellie just isn’t really a “love” person, pushing away 99% of warm, fuzzy feelings like that. The only person outside of her close family she can confidently say she loves is you, and even that’s platonic… At least, she’s pretty sure it is. Platonic means friends, and you and Ellie are friends. At least, she’s pretty sure you are.
She looks up again after brainstorming a little more, taking notes on her paper. The poem wasn’t due for about a week, but she’d wanted to get it done sooner, so she wouldn’t have to do it later.
You’re no longer visible, at least through the window. Ellie sighs, not quite sure why that’s so disappointing. She looks down to her notebook, trying to think on her poem more.
You enter, jolting her from her thoughts.
“I brought us some more flowers!” you announce sweetly, going on to identify them: “Wild violets, purple deadnettle, and these little blue flowers that the internet keeps trying to tell me are forget-me-nots, but I don’t think they are.”
“Alright.” Ellie decides to scribble something about that down. She loves flowers, not that she’d tell you or anyone else that. They’re good for symbolism, and pretty to boot. You grin, and Ellie thinks: ‘She’s my favorite flower.’ And then: ‘Wait, what the fuck does that even mean?’ She writes it down, anyway, because she’s pretty sure it’ll help her later on.
Ellie’s phone buzzes, and you sit on her bed while she sits at her desk, chair turned to face you.
“Fuck, they’re having burgers again. Piotr texted me.”
“I know. I’ve got a pizza order already set on the Domino’s app. Just gotta wait ‘til we’re hungry,” you inform her with a smile that she’s pretty sure shouldn’t make her heart stop the way it does. Sometimes you’re just so pretty. ‘All the time she’s just so pretty,’ Ellie corrects herself, practically hearing you say “Oh, only sometimes?” You’re like cotton candy, she can’t help but smile.
“Not that I don’t love to see you smile, but it’s just pizza,” you chuckle, smiling back at her warmly. Suddenly flustered, she looks away, smile falling. “Sorry.”
“Uh, no, don’t be, I just suddenly thought about how people can donate to Notre Dame but not Flint, Michigan,” Ellie fibs, but then she really thinks about it, and she’s sure her expression darkens further with anger.
“Right? It’s such bullshit,” you agree. “It’s a fucking building, nobody even died. You hungry? We could eat  and go on freerice.com or kissanime or something.”
“Why pirate an anime? I have Netflix and Hulu.”
“Because fuck capitalism, Ellie. Duh,” you explain.
She almost says it without thinking, which makes her realize she’s pretty sure thought it all this time without thinking. ‘I love you so much,’ she realizes. ‘More than anything.’
“Or we could watch cat videos… You still seem a little tense.”
“Cat videos sound nice,” she agrees. “And I could definitely go for some food.”
“Cool, I’ll order.” You do, tapping around on your phone.
“Thanks, how much do I owe you?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You tell her, no malice to your tone at all. “It’s not a pizza just for you, I’m eating it too and I’d be a gluttonous dickbag if I didn’t share.”
“Gluttonous, huh? Maybe I should use that one in my poem,” Ellie teases you, pushing the disgustingly sweet thought of being in love with you out of her mind, deciding to deal with it another day, maybe not even at all. After all, your friendship meant so much to her. She was pretty sure you wouldn’t abandon her for her feelings, but she didn’t want things to be awkward, even for a little while.
“Oh, please,” you scoff. “Isn’t the assignment, like, love or whatever? Though, I guess love can be selfish...”
“No. No deep conversations. My brain already hurts from trying to force words onto the page. Love’s bogus, and-” ‘And I hate the way you looked at me when you said that.’ “And I wanna eat too much pizza and go into a food coma, not examine the intricacies of intimacy with a dork who’s never even been on a date.”
“Hey, neither have you!” You playfully retort. Your phone dings. “Oop, it’s on it’s way.”
“Nice,” Ellie says. Usually silence between you two wasn’t awkward, but this time it is. Like there’s a conversation that’s supposed to be happening but isn’t. Ellie’s pretty sure she hates this feeling. “So, uh, how was your day?”
“Oh, it was good. Is. You?”
“Mine’s alright.”
“Good,” you tell her. The two of you gaze at each other wordlessly for what must have been a long time, because when your phone dings again, it’s to inform you of the pizza’s arrival at the school. You quickly dash downstairs, casting away thoughts of just how beautifully Ellie’s dark eyes glittered in any lighting, and pick up the pizza. You sneak it upstairs, closing your dorm door behind you.
“Fuck, that smells good,” she comments, and you move her notebook and whatnot from the desk to set down the pizza.
“Ooh, who’s she?” You ask, glancing at a page in her open notebook.
“She?” Ellie wonders, already having forgotten what she jotted down about you.
“Flowers are good for symbolism. She’s my favorite flower,” you say in a hyper-feminine tone, teasing her. She’s pretty sure she’s gonna die if she looks at that adorably smirking face of yours any longer.
“Um- Well, um…” She can feel her face getting red, and that embarrasses her even more. “No one, okay?!”
You flinch away from her before stepping back a bit. Scared. She scared you.
“I- I’m sorry. I just… I like someone, okay? And I don’t like people. So, it’s weird and new and I don’t like it, but at the same time I do.”
“Aw, Ellie, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You-” she starts, thinking maybe, just maybe, you weren’t oblivious to her feelings, and that maybe you even shared them but wanted to give her time to figure it out.
“I could’ve given you advice or something! Even if I haven’t been on dates, I had a couple girlfriends in, like, middle school! And I still get crushes! I like someone, too.”
“Really?” Ellie wonders. She’s glad she somehow managed to mask her disappointment. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Who’s your crush? Maybe I can help!” You excitedly respond, and while Ellie’s glad that the awkward silence is over, she’s not quite sure she’s ready to play this game of conversational Jenga with you.  
“Well, I don’t really have a chance, so there’s no way you can,” Ellie admits, and you pout.
“Come on, El. You’re cute, smart, creative… I’m sure any sapphic sweetheart you’re into that has half a brain wouldn’t pass you up,” You tell her.
“Trust me, she would,” your crush disagrees.
“Well, then I guess she doesn’t have half a brain,” you joke, smiling a little and hoping she doesn’t see the sadness in it. “That, or…” You gasp with a falsey scandalized look in your eye and a mischievous smile on your parted lips. “Does Ellie Phimister have a crush on a straight girl?”
“No, no! She’s not straight, I skipped that phase. I just- I don’t know. I don’t think I’m her type.”
“Why?” You wonder. Maybe through this questioning you could figure out the girl and play matchmaker a little. After all, at least one of you deserved to be happy. Ellie tells you everything, you’re one of the few people she vents to and the only one who lives at Xavier’s. So, if she had a crush on you like the one you had on her, you’re pretty sure she’d totally tell you, even if she thought you wouldn’t like her back, because you’re her safe space.
“I think she likes, or, y’know, at least deserves a nice girl. Or girls. Not sure where she stands on that.”
“You’re plenty nice, don’t be ridiculous,” you argue.
“Well, then, I think she’s into more feminine girls.”
“Ellie, I’m not trying to invalidate you or anything, but you’re not exactly the least feminine person on the planet. Even if this mystery girl is into super feminine girls, I doubt she wouldn’t make an exception for you, you’re still pretty and comfortable being called pretty,” you remind her.
“That’s true, but- But-” She’s running out of reasons for you not to like her. Maybe you do like her, or are at least open to the possibility of liking her? “Well, she- She’s really awesome, and special, okay? I don’t deserve her.”
“I bet she’s great,” you say, suddenly sounding dejected. Had you realized she was talking about you? “But you do deserve to be happy, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Ellie replies.
“For what?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed. You’re suddenly looking at her like she’s crazy.
“I- I don’t know. You sounded sad,” Ellie fibs. “I- I thought you figured out who I was talking about.”
“Why would that make me sad?” You ask her, sounding a bit defensive.
“Um, uh… Listen, Y/N, I’m pretty sure things are gonna be awkward for a while after I say this, but I only fully realized it, like, half an hour ago, and it’s already eating me up inside. I’m pretty sure I love you. Like, love-love you. We’ve been friends for ages, so I get if you don’t wanna ruin the friendship, but I’d really appreciate it if you gave me just a chance to be with you. I promise I won’t hold it against you if you’re not interested, but-”
“I didn’t tell you about my crush because you’re my crush,” you blurt, cutting her off. “Sorry, I was trying to wait, but it’s been eating me up inside since we first met, so I think I’m allowed to interrupt you, just this once.”
“More than allowed,” Ellie agrees. “Um… So, uh… What do we do now?”
“I- I guess what we always do? But with kissing and stuff? The pizza’s getting cold, we can discuss the specifics while we eat and if you want that can count as our first date,” You suggest, saying the last part rather quickly, and Ellie nods. “Am I, uh… Am I really your favorite flower? And what does that mean?”
“Flowers, y’know, they’re pretty... Smell nice... Special... Inspiring… Plus, you’re always bringing flowers in, so…” Ellie, a bit embarrassed but finding herself less angry and more flustered now that the truth is out, mumbles.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” you tell her, and she smiles softly, the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen her wear.
“I’m pretty sure this is the happiest I’ve ever been,” she responds, echoing your phrasing.
“Well, I’m pretty sure this pizza is delicious,” you continue the pattern, taking a bite.
“And I’m pretty sure I’m still gonna fail that poetry assignment,” Ellie chuckles.
I’m pretty sure this fic is over.
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rwbypro · 5 years
62, 64, 66...? Or take your pick of those.
62. seven characters you relate to?
1. Fluttershy 2.Twilight Sparkle 3. Astrid(Gone Series) 4.Elsa 5.Tulip(Infinity Train) 6.Dave Strider 7.Connie(Steven Universe)
64. favorite website from your childhood?
There was a Barbie themed website that had lots of fun games, but I cant remember the url now.
66.favorite flower(s)?
Deadnettle, Purple Coneflower, Morning Glory, and Lavenders.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Foolish Mortals is due to bring its voodoo to Kickstarter
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Foolish Mortals haunting point and click is due to get Linux support after Windows PC. Which is the work of developer Inklingwood Studios. With plans to make its way onto a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign soon. Obsessed with finding the lost treasure of Bellemore Manor, Murphy McCallan encounters ghosts. Along with voodoo and an evil phantom who wants the treasure as their own. Unique characters and exciting puzzles are on the mysterious island of Devil’s Rock. Doing so in this classic style haunting point and click adventure. Thanks to a recent email from Inklingwood Studios, it seems Linux is in the plan.
The engine we're using is Visionaire Studio, which supports Linux. So unless we hit a major complication with something, we definitely plan to do a Linux version once the PC version is released.
Since it does not look like Foolish Mortals will receive a day one release. Visionaire Studio does offer support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Either way, at least we have native support confirmation. Despite the lack platform details on the Steam page. Foolish Mortals is a classic style point and click adventure game. One that is inspired by games like Monkey Island and Broken Sword. You’ll take the role of young treasure hunter Murphy McCallan. Doing so as he explores the mysterious island of Devil's Rock in search of the lost treasure of Bellemore Manor. Where decades ago an entire wedding suddenly disappears.
Foolish Mortals - Point & Click Adventure Game Trailer
In that search, you’ll be following cryptic clues. While solving complex puzzles across the island. Right from the creaking port town of Deadnettle and the empty riverboat turned voodoo den The Spirit Queen. All the way to a centuries old French Caribbean fortress and the grim St. Juniper Parish cemetery. Including many, many more across more than 70 playable scenes. Since Foolish Mortals is due to offer dozens more documents and paintings. As Murphy, you’ll be collecting the ingredients on an old voodoo manuscript. Also firing the cannons of an old French fort. Even sneaking into a club for sea captains and getting buried alive. As well as climbing down a wishing well. Including lots more as you race an evil phantom to the Bellemore treasure. Discover the haunting secret that connects it to the missing wedding. Ron Gilbert once said Monkey Island was to be like riding the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. But being able to "step off the boat" and explore. Foolish Mortals started by wondering what it would be like to step out of your Doombuggy on Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion. Inklingwood Studios are filling Foolish Mortals with an amazing setting with hand-drawn backgrounds. Including high quality animation and a fully-voiced cast of odd characters. Incredibly adventurous story with classic inventory-based adventure game puzzles. The developers have been working on this game for over two years now. With a full game playable from start to finish. Now seeking help on the final stretch. With the Kickstarter this makes it possible to finish off the final third of animation. That needed to get the game fully voiced. Then do all the optimization and testing to have an awesome game. But if the campaign beats the funding goal and starts unlocking Kickstarter stretch goals. Then the dev's can make Foolish Mortals even better still.
Classic adventure game puzzles. With well-crafted to ensure no dead-ends or deaths
Over 100 items to pick up and use in Foolish Mortals
A full-length experience, with a gameplay time equal to Monkey Island and Broken Sword
Over 70 gorgeous hand-drawn locations at full HD resolution. Plus dozens more full-screen paintings, documents, and other details to search out
High quality animation from a professional animation studio
More than 30 fully voiced characters to interact with
Two hours of original music. Also the chance of an interactive song puzzle as a stretch goal!
Easy to use two-button interface with double-click exits. Optional hotspot highlighting and a built-in hint system
Foolish Mortals haunting point and click game is due to haunt Linux and Windows PC. Working to make its way to a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign on October 3rd. Along with a Demo coming on the same day.
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blizzard-the-seal · 2 years
temporary (?) new pinned post cause im lazy
im blizz, 16, emo, have yet to get my permit </3
hopefully i’ll remember to post art here
list of my oc worlds
their special tags are in brackets
cynthematic universe (they get their own whole thing) [CyU]
forest whispers [forest whispers]
deadnettle [deadnettle]
ig the great wolf lodge AU counts as a world [GWLAU]
shining peaks [shining peaks]
the interplanetary vulcan empire [IPVE]
house of the strange & uncanny [strange & uncanny] (the archdemons specifically will be tagged [archdemons])
there’s also the demon guys that appear between worlds; includes helianthus, vulcan, calypso, hyperion, and atlas [demon gang]
plus august, who might be tagged either [CyU] or just [august] idk
yeah man i collect those like shiny bottlecaps and broken glass
uhhh misc stuff
i like mcr, stardew valley, slime rancher, fox stevenson, superhot, squid game, and music theory and i’ll talk about those for hours if given the chance
im rlly inactive on weekdays cause i get up at 6:30 and get home at 5 so i don’t have a lot of time
if you say one (1) nice thing i will give you my soul
i recommend blocking the tags ‘blood tw’ and ‘gore tw’ if u don’t wanna see that stuff cause i do draw that sometimes (not super often usually but idk)
also stuff that isn’t art (i.e. text posts, rbs) will be tagged [not art]
rbs= [rb]
text posts= [.txt]
idk check out my soundcloud or something
and here’s my toyhouse
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pigeoncentric · 5 years
animal crossing new horizons post
i got a video game B)
i started it and after playing for like 4 hours i realized i really didn’t like my island layout or the villagers i got or what i named the place, so i deleted my save and started over and now i feel a small but deep pang of regret for tossing a whole island and two happy villagers in the trash. but my second island is a lot better and has a much better name...
i got bit by a rancho and died and then got an achievement for it
and i’m watching griffin mcelroy’s stream from a few days ago of acnh and every little thing makes him so happy that it makes me feel like my meds are definitely dulling my emotions or else i would be that happy about cute video game too... i mean i already knew my emotions were dulled by these meds but i didn’t think about how it applies to the good emotions too
also the weeds on griffin’s island are like dandelions and snowdrops and crocuses, but the weeds on my island look like clover and henbit/ground ivy/deadnettle (i forgot which one it most closely resembles, one of those mint family ones) and some other little flower. so what i’m saying is, there’s weeds variation :o so if you pick up a weed from my island and put it on a dandelisland, will it look like dandelion, or will it look like a clover? can you transplant the weeds variation? [[EDIT: the weeds on griffin’s island in his next stream are the same as mine, so it seems like it must be the seasonality that accounts for the difference in weeds, as the first stream took place a few days ago.]]
and my island has oranges. nice
i don’t know how to do switch friends things but there’s a friend code like with the 3DS, right? if you want to be switch friends and cross animals, maybe reply with your friend code or whatever? or send me an ask or something. maybe
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azaraih · 6 years
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Here’s a few screenshots! I did a lot of work on the UI, created another background, and got all of Maez’s expressions working (still working on Lupita). Still a lot left to do on the next scene since it’s going to be a bit more complicated, but the first scene is close to being finished.
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