#deadpool arc of redemption
eclipsecrowned · 10 months
stares at hadir's arc in the latest update. stares at hadir's fate in the latest update. rotates away from my computer. drops both of these things in the trash. rotates back towards my keyboard. starts writing the aus.
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
What if Deadpool and spider punk met?
(Not like in a romantic way I just picture pure chaos taking place)
aight i’ll give it a go..
something very Important To Me in the spider-man and deadpool relationship (gen) is the theme of voluntary change for the better. deadpool’s morals don’t match up with spidey’s, but spidey matters enough to him to want to be good. redemption arcs my beloved
in 616, deadpool is a mercenary, and that doesn’t jive with peter parker’s no-killing policy. hobie, however, has no such qualms, thus the flavor of 138 dp’s divergence must be altered; i’m thinking he might’ve been a retired/fired police officer, or he took government-sponsored merc jobs without caring who the target was—somethin a little fucked up like that idk
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then he meets spider-punk. initially, deadpool is obsessed the way you’re obsessed with your friends’ favorite celebrities—loudly, annoyingly, facetiously. hobie at first dislikes him, but doesn’t consider him a big enough player to hate, and since punk’s core moral of radical kindness allows for second chances, he offers dp the opportunity to turn his back on the State. slowly deadpool acclimates to punk values and community, finds himself upholding core tenets of the revolution even when it means he loses out on big fat wads of fascist blood money, and becomes a scene kid
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originalleftist · 5 months
Aquaman II, Arthur and Orm, and Mera (Spoiler Warning).
So, we've probably all heard something about the controversy over reducing Amber Heard's role in Aquaman II. Faced with accusations that this was done to punish Amber Heard for the controversy around her ex-husband's lawsuit against her, or to appease his rabid fans, DC/WB/James Wan have offered the defence that they always intended to reduce Mera's role from the first film, with the second one focussing on Aquaman and Orm.
There's probably some truth to this- it is unfortunately common in Hollywood action/superhero films for the first film's female lead to be absent from or have a reduced role in sequels, or outright get fridged (see Vanessa in Deadpool II, for example). Its also clear that the film is focussed on Arthur and Orm's relationship and Orm's redemption arc, and a lot of the film's plot and themes play into that, to an extent that this is unlikely to be entirely a product of edits/reshoots- if a change to this effect was made, it was likely early in the scriptwriting process, before shooting started.
That said, this explanation does not entirely hold water (pun intended), for a few reasons.
Heard's own claims, corroborated at least partially by others, that her role was reduced and that she was subjected to hostility on-set over the controversy. Note to anyone who wants to dismiss this as her lying for advantage: she made these claims in a trial she did not want or initiate (Depp sued her), and in private therapy notes that were unsealed after the trial.
At least two Mera scenes were reportedly originally intended and subsequently cut, as reported by Variety last year: https://variety.com/2023/film/news/aquaman-2-jason-momoa-drunk-claims-amber-heard-cut-scenes-elon-musk-letter-1235747775/ This corroborates some of Heard's claims. The same article notes that the defence that they considered firing Heard because of a lack of chemistry with Momoa is challenged by the fact "that Heard did a chemistry test with Momoa before landing the role of Mera and beat out two other actresses who did a similar chemistry test". In fairness, though, it does not appear that only Heard was targeted by cuts- various outlets have reported a total of 20 scenes were cut.
From a storytelling perspective, giving Mera more screen time and having the film focus on Arthur's relationship with Orm are not contradictory goals. When discussing Heard's reduced role, an article by Business Insider suggested that Mera may originally have been intended to accompany Arthur to break out Orm: https://www.businessinsider.com/amber-heard-aquaman-2-how-much-screen-time-sequel-lines-2023-12 I can't say whether this was ever actually considered or planned (I doubt such scenes were actually shot, as the cut Mera scenes reportedly included a fight with Black Manta and a romantic scene with Arthur). But I do think that had they done this, it would likely have strengthened Orm's arc, and the film overall. Because, Orm probably has more history with Mera than any other character in the film, even if its mostly implied/off-screen. He didn't just lose his throne to Arthur- he also lost Mera to him. Manta even taunts Arthur about taking Mera from Orm (or, more accurately, Mera chose him over Orm). Then, at the climax, Orm saves Mera and her child with Arthur from death. But it really feels like there should have been a scene or two in-between, where Orm and Mera talk about their history.
You can't justify cutting Mera by saying that the film is focussed on Arthur's relationship with Orm, because their respective relationships with Mera are a part of their relationship with each other.
I mostly enjoyed the film, and there were some good scenes dealing with Orm's relationship with his family. But it could have been much more.
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oswildin · 9 months
Okay so it’s more than likely S2 of Loki is going to lead into another marvel project (whether the rumours are true and it’s DEADPOOL 3 or just another set up for Avengers), but I genuinely think if they don’t include Loki in the big fight against Kang in Secret Wars & Kang Dynasty then Marvel have missed a trick.
S1 of Loki kicked off the whole Kang era of the MCU, and it’s a similar notion with the original Avengers. He was the reason they were brought together.
The New Avengers feel so up in the air, there are so many characters that have been introduced but we have yet to actually know who is most likely to be in the gang. (Ant-Man, Dr Strange, Cap, Winter Solider, Black Widow, Cap Marvel are my only real solid guesses atm, but it seems this phase of marvel is more about magic and mystical arts). Loki is one of the only people who knows exactly what is happening and why.
To me… it makes sense for him to be the one who assembles the New Avengers…
I’ve seen a rumour (completely baseless but suspend your disbelief) that the TVA will be plucking different Avengers from timelines to fight Kang, and I really think it could work, because if they don’t involve the TVA in some way then it kinda feels pointless to even have introduced them in the first place beside for a plot point for Loki and to explain ‘variants’.
Loki is one of the only characters left we have been with since practically the beginning of the MCU. He’s a familiar face, a character we all know as an audience… It seems like the best choice for him to be the one to ‘lead’ the New Avengers in this venture, especially with all the new faces and audiences feeling a little unsure about the MCU in general. Also I feel it would be such a good way to end his character arc with an actual redemption that isn’t just a death of ‘he sacrificed himself’. It also seems S2 of Loki will explore his powers more, and the comment of ‘perhaps we’re stronger than we think’ from S1… I think he could be key to taking down Kang.
Also, yes I want Sylvie there too.
Thank you to coming to my TED Talk.
PS - I know this will most likely not happen and I stand by the fact that Marvel would’ve missed a trick with this.
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tobi-smp · 2 years
my issue with the “c!wilbur is escaping the narrative” is in three parts
1: wilbur is not deadpool, he’s a mentally ill person. this distinction is important because the “narrative” that he needs to escape is not the plot of the dream smp, it’s his own black and white thinking that’s lead to him railroading both himself and other people into villain and hero roles.
he’s gone out of his way to make up with as many characters as possible, even characters that he never would have forgiven before his death (such as eret), but he did what he thought he was Supposed To Do for his redemption arc. he created a New narrative of what he was supposed to do and followed it to the letter.
and moreover, in doing so he apologized for things that weren’t his fault, he forgave people without having his trauma caused by them actually Acknowledged, he threatened to kill himself to try to protect tommy from dream And Meant It just months ago (he was willing to kill himself as many times as it took according to cc!wilbur).
Obviously he’s going to get away from many of the people that remind him of his past, and I’m sure that Will help with some of his negative self thinking. but tommy said it best, “the person you need to learn how to forgive is yourself.” we didn’t watch wilbur learn how to love himself, we didn’t watch wilbur learn how to see himself as a normal person, we didn’t watch wilbur forgive himself. we watched wilbur learn how to say Sorry. 
there is nothing about wilbur escaping His Own Narrative, because he’s taking that with him wherever he goes. because he’s still mentally ill and he’s still traumatized and he still hasn’t forgiven himself. he’s not Incapable of healing, he absolutely Can grow and change off screen. but that’s exactly it. his ending is that he Might heal off screen and we’ll just have to imagine it.
2: “wilbur escaped the narrative” in the context of the narrative he’s escaping from being the dream smp itself is not satisfying as an answer because it’s plainly describing the exact problem: there will be no conclusions to major story beats because this was done before his narrative was actually Over.
tubbo and wilbur’s conclusion Will Always Be that tubbo forgot the part where wilbur caused his husband to die right in front of him after tubbo deliberately didn’t forgive him because he didn’t trust wilbur and still hurt from the memory of the death He’d suffered while working under wilbur. he’ll never meet ranboo again after ranboo is revived, which means he’ll never get to apologize for taking one of ranboo’s lives, for playing a part in ranboo being trapped in limbo for like 1000 years. niki will never get to reintroduce wilbur into her life after her downspiral was connected to feeling Abandoned and wilbur will never find out that she’d had a villain arc because of him that lead to her trying to, you know, Murder His Brother. we lost out on a quackity resolution because of a Scheduling Issue.
wilbur never confronted his father for doomsday, for killing him, for dehumanizing ghostbur, for hurting his friends and family in his absence. things that were all set up and then dropped to the wayside in favor of pretending that nothing was wrong and that wilbur trusts his advice and judgement.
wilbur won’t be there when dream inevitably starts torturing tommy again, because whatever solution he made (temporary as it was always going to be) was predicated on him Being There To Be That Bargaining Chip.
none of his relationships will ever move forwards on screen again, and that’s a big problem when all of them were left off in places where they Needed to be developed to be emotionally satisfying. “wilbur escaped from the narrative,” in this context, means “wilbur’s story will never finish being told.”
he didn’t subvert the narrative, he got cancelled in the middle of production.
3: wilbur escaping the narrative, escaping from the dream smp, pushes that unstated boundary that traps the other characters in this spot.
if wilbur can literally just leave whenever that raises the question of why nobody else has ever left. why Wilbur didn’t just leave before, if there was never anything keeping them there in the first place.
the characters all stay in this location because they Have to stay for there to be a story. dream didn’t just kick the l’manbergians off the server when he didn’t like that they made a new country because doing so would mean that there’s no story.
why did vikk and lazar stay on the server to get tortured if they could just leave. why did fundy move Very Far Away on the server to self isolate if he could just leave. why did tubbo build snowchester instead of try to convince tommy and ranboo to leave the server. why does jack stay on the server when he feels completely disconnected from everybody else. why did tommy never try to escape off of the server during exile if the whole point was that he wasn’t allowed to go anywhere that’d been touched On The Server. why- why- why- why-
fundy moving Far Away means that he has a narrative reason for pulling away from the rest of the server while A: meaning he’s still technically Available for future lore if he ever wants to participate and B: He Doesn’t Make People Question The Inherent Rules Of The Narrative.
you Can come up with explanations for why x character didn’t make that choice in y situation, but there were was a flesh eating egg that made people do autocannibalism. there’s a serial killer with a revival book and the want to torture on the loose. there was enough tnt dropped on a town to match the blast of a nuclear bomb but Straight Down into the earth’s crust. there’s an evil god that intentionally torments people, up to and including in their afterlife if they die on this server.
“wilbur escaped the narrative” So Why Is There Still A Narrative?
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buckevantommy · 11 months
Sorry do you hate marvel or not? You reblogged a gif set from moon knight, that straight up nonsense show, saying they should give a show to one of the supporting characters? You know if you hate marvel media you can just not watch it right
marvel needs to die a fiery death.
i love stucky but the studio either queerbaited or was clueless or queerphobic plus steve's endgame made no sense. i love rdj's tony stark but he deserved better. they sexualised natasha to the nth degree rather than let scarjo work her drama muscles then killed her off rather than let her retire. moon knight was a mess but it was heartwrenching and different and oscar isaac deserves an award for that portrayal and i have a crush on layla and think may would crush a solo show - an egyptian superhero! (sidenote: i watched hawkeye recently and hated it but the deaf woc who got a redemption arc is getting her own show which is great).
i can care about characters and still hate their treatment - I'm an spn fan, it's second nature for me.
one of the many problems with the mcu is they're churning out multiple shows and movies per year which means they're not giving time to flesh out characters and plots like they deserve to be but it ALSO means a lot of eyes are on them bc when you crank out that much content in this day and age you HAVE to give diverse representation so we're seeing more and more poc characters in shows and on the big screen thanks to the mcu - eternals, shang-chi, moon knight, ms marvel, echo, blue beetle - and yes the mcu's diverse rep is problematic bc they care more about flash than substance and more about algorithms than grounded characterisations but you can't deny that the mcu has helped bring diverse casting into mainstream media. the worst company you know did a good thing, or however the saying goes. think back to the first avenger movies and how whitebred supermodel cishet they were. but thanks to societal influence and the changing of times, it became a necessity to have more poc characters in the mcu. the audience expected it.
however when it comes to queer rep, we've seen a lot more racially and bodily diverse casting and poc characters than we have queer characters. the first onscreen gay kiss took 26 movies and happened in Eternals, and other queer characters have been blink and you'll miss it moments or throwaway lines many viewers don't realise signified queer characters and instead misinterpreted those comments as humour or commentary. we've had a few queer side characters (negasonic x yukio, ayo x aneka, valkyrie, korg) but we're to yet to see a main queer character - and regardless of intention or comic book canon, throwaway lines, possible flirting, and jokes do not qualify as queer rep imho. so loki, deadpool, and tony stark don't count. it has to be explicit and undeniable, not catered to queerphobes so they can easily misinterpret.
but my point is: the mcu is a powerhouse that's been dominating the superhero genre and blockbuster charts for two decades, and from their success they've bet big in planning and putting into production dozens of shows and movies set to be released over the next decade. and that is a terrifying thought. they can't predict the future but they're trying to create content to fit a world that hasn't come into being yet. they're already behind the times on queer rep so i dont have high hopes for whatever they have coming queer-rep wise. but aside from that, their storytelling has become trite and so convoluted that they trade sense for the surprise factor. they're writing characters and plots to fit algorithm parameters like someone trying to say every buzzword in their work presentation. just look at Quantumania: a mess from start to finish in plot, dialogue, characterisations, not to mention stilted acting from a cast forced to act the majority of the film on greenscreen with no physical interactions to ground their performances.
i could go on and on but this post would get long and i'm no expert I'm just your average viewer and tumblr user looking for plots that make sense in stories i want to enjoy because i care about (or want to care about) the characters. if only the mcu cared as much about their characters as they do about big budget seizure inducing interdimensional battle scenes. as for genuine queer rep: maybe in 3 years we'll see a pair of same-sex lips gentle colliding like two pale coconuts. or maybe the mcu will crash and burn (or fizzle out) long before then.
i wanna be done with their stranglehold on the genre since they can't even produce decent shit these days. i want all the strikes going on atm to see creative teams get what they're owed. i want the next dozen mcu productions to flop so they realise they're not hot shit anymore. i want the streamer service upheaval to screw over their longterm plans. i want viewers and bloggers and journalists to call them out for being like the very villains they set up for their heroes to defeat - villains who want to control the cinematic universe, kill off competition, and screw over anyone they consider beneath them.
so yes, i hate the mcu. but there are characters i care about, and plots i wish were done better. but that's why fanfiction exists.
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traincat · 1 year
I haven't read any comics since Dead no More: Clone Conspiracy, mostly because of how Ben Riley (my favorite Marvel character, period) was being written. It's honestly been very depressing hearing about the issues and his scarlet spider series, all of which it was suggested to me to stay away from. Is everything still really bad with him? Is he anything like he was prior to his death? Is there anything with him it it currently you would recommend reading?
If you didn't like Clone Conspiracy, you're almost definitely not going to like anything that happened after. It's really hard to say anything about the current Ben Reilly situation without summing it up just as it's a fucking mess. A Ben fan told me once that they thought the problem with bringing Ben back is that, for Ben specifically, the Clone Saga is a complete character arc, and that a big problem with Ben after that is that you would have to have a really strong idea of where to go and what do with him, and that's not what any Ben story has been. (I'm going to be mildly controversial and say that I didn't hate Jackal!Ben from Clone Conspiracy; it wasn't where I'd want the character to be full time, but I thought there was some interesting character exploration that could be done there. That's not what actually ended up happening, but you know, still.)
I think Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider MIGHT be worth a read if you haven't already read it, but I would not, like, call it good. The first few issues Ben is written like a knockoff Deadpool, and then it kind of evens out a little, but Peter David tries to do some in depth exploration about what it means to have a soul that never quite sticks the landing. But the Ben and Kaine interaction is potentially interesting. There are some good scenes, although the Ben characterization is not where it was pre-death.
I thought the start of Spider-Man Beyond was actually strong, and that both Ben and Peter sounded like themselves, but it went downhill very, very quickly. I initially blamed that on the writer's round table they had going on, where they were handing the book off to someone else every two issues, but considering that Wells' Amazing Spider-Man run is suffering from the exact same problem (strong start that quickly dissolves into absolutely nothing) I'm going to go ahead and say maybe this one is his fault actually. I think the highlight of it for me was that there were some cute Ben and Janine scenes, and I was really happy to see Janine again! And now I'm super worried about what Dark Web is going to do with her. (I haven't been loving the odd mix of sensationalizing Janine's backstory and completely avoiding actually addressing for unfamiliar readers what that backstory is, because I think for readers to be sympathetic to Janine you have to understand her trauma, and Marvel keeps sidestepping stating that she's a CSA survivor and that's why she killed her father.)
I'm not loving Ben's Supervillain Take Two But With A Worse Costume phase in Dark Web for sure, although I'm like, vaguely trying to keep an open mind and give it more than one issue. (It's so hard.) I know I keep saying this but I think there's potentially some interesting territory to tread here, but Marvel is just committed to not doing that, and their reluctance to bring Kaine into anything is not helping, because to tell a villain Ben story you do kind of have to play with a Ben and Kaine role reversal. It's just all very disappointing in how its been executed. If you're not going to do anything interesting or fresh or at least well written with a hero-turned-villain story, just don't do it.
The only Ben comic I'd recommend, and you've probably already read it, is DeMatteis' recent Ben Reilly: Spider-Man, which takes place during the Clone Saga (after Redemption but before Peter comes back from Portland). Really strong writing and an interesting plot, and DeMatteis' has lost none of his touch for introspective, psychological drama. I really enjoyed it!
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Literally why would people even be a fan of Jason if the fact that he kills people makes them uncomfortable? There are other characters
Cause he's hot
Okay for real? I don't think it's a conscious thing, but it's cultural Christianity at play. They want to redeem him.
Also, I think he's an easy character to project your own trauma into, since he's so incredibly defined by being a traumatized character. Hell, one of the (albeit many) reasons I like Jason is that I relate to him having a complicated sometimes antagonistic sometimes I can't imagine leaving him behind sometimes I need him but don't want him in my life relationship with his father!
Important to both of these is that while every member of the batfam has a buttload of trauma, Jason is the one who wears it most blatantly on his sleeve. He practically refuses to get better. Personally, I think that makes him a really interesting foil to Bruce, who also refuses to get better.
Dick eventually worked through the issues he had with Bruce; Tim didn't really want to be part of the family in the first place, but has accepted that he's a part of it by now; Cass overcame both her father and her mother (I believe, since unless any of you are going to send her Batgirl run to me I'm working off random panels online); Duke is dealing with his parents pretty healthily as far as I can tell? (again, new to DC comics y'all); and even the actual angry Robin, Damian, has chilled (a little) and learned to become a better person, developing genuine friendships with his peers and the like (he's still an insufferable little brat, but most 13 year olds are).
Bruce and Jason, however, are tidally locked. Neither of them can change or the narrative ends. Bruce can't get better because if he did he would stop being Batman; Jason can't get better because if he did he would stop being Red Hood.
Where was I going with this?
Oh yeah, deeply traumatized Jason.
Because Jason being traumatized is such an essential part of his character, it's easy for writers to project their own trauma onto him - especially if that trauma is related to abusive families, but I've seen a lot of stuff that simply isn't in the source text being explored through Jason, especially SA.
And even if you don't project onto him - uh, well, yeah, he's attractive. Both literally, and in the sense of being an attraction that people want to read and write about. He's interesting! He's an anti hero! Ask anyone, anti heroes are the shit. Just look at the popularity of the fratt tag under daredevil (tv). Or Deadpool and anything related to him.
Which is where the cultural Christianity sets in. Because you've projected onto this character, but you wouldn't do that! Or you like the idea of an anti hero, but actually letting one remain an anti hero... Well, I like him, therefore he must be good!!! Time for a redemption arc 💜
I've seen this for years as a veteran Deadpool and spideypool fan. This is by no means universal. Plenty of people are capable of liking an anti hero for whatever reason (projection, he's narratively interesting, he's so fucking hot) and not forcing them to go through a redemption arc where they realize killing is wrong/stop killing for some other reason. I've certainly reblogged a lot of meta for Jason in recent months showing I'm not alone in enjoying him as a character who does kill.
But yeah. Sometimes the things we like and the things we believe don't match up, and for some people that's not a problem, but for others it is, so they fix it. Too bad they usually miss the whole point of Jason's character in the process.
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rhmis-user-2020 · 8 months
Varian the alchemist: Would you stop killing people who are innocent?
Deadpool: Says the guy who kidnapped a person and drugged dozens of people.
Varian the alchemist: The only person I kidnapped in the past was the queen of Corna and the dozens of people I drugged are the guards from the castle and I almost killed Cassie and Rapunzel but even then this was from my past and I changed.
Deadpool: Oh, goodie. You are my best friend!
Varian the alchemist: You, on the other hand, persisted in killing everyone no matter if they are innocent or not.
Deadpool: You meddled with shit, you know? Ha! And I am not trying to act concerned since I do not care for your bratty and whiny attitude and it's funny to see you act mature when you are the complete opposite of that.
Varian the alchemist: Ahem, I know pretty well that Russian friend of yours kept warning you not to interfere or even try meddling with killing, right?
Deadpool: Ha! That ain't going to be your excuse, huh? Friend.
Varian the alchemist: I mean, I lost my dad because I was meddling with shit I shouldn’t have, after being REPEATEDLY asked to stop, I endangered my entire village and this is ultimately the reason why my father is trapped in the first place. I THEN decided that he would save my father “no matter the cost”, demanding that Rapunzel put everyone else’s lives on the line to correct my mistake for me. It is not her responsibility to fix my problems, especially when there are more pressing concerns going on.
Deadpool: Listen here, bud! You are not an endearing person or what the fandom calls their precious cinnamon roll or shit or even precious. Not even that, but you can be as exceeding grating and annoying as well as selfish and fucking whiney. Just because you’re a child, that doesn’t mean you are guiltless and innocent. You are not innocent. YOU literally are a whiny brat. YOU whines in almost every episode you appear in and even season 3, and quite frankly I don’t really like all the coddling you get in the fandom.
Varian the alchemist: You mentioned my past and now you act disrespectful to me because I do human emotions like a decent person should do and I do have a redemption arc for god sake.
Deadpool: I almost forgot, you're not even a kid. But a damn moody teenager! And you are not an interesting villain.
Varian the alchemist: At least I showed remorse and now this is what I hear after my redemption arc.
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plantfell · 1 year
2, 12, 16, 17, 21
♡ Munday Meme ♡
2. Who was your first muse? The very first character I can remember is an OC for a haunted house rp on Neopets that definitely wasn't just a Hork-Bajir from Animorphs. As for canon muses, no idea! I've been roleplaying since I was 12, basically. I think I mostly did OC rp, and gravitated to canons later in life when I got into Marvel, but I can't be sure.
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Yes and no? I feel like a lot of my muses are pretty firmly cemented in the era I played them. Billy Turner and Buck Mitty are two Marvel muses I adore but never seem to be able to get going. Weasel from Marvel/Deadpool had a huge impact on my life, but the Deadpool fandom kind of ruined Deadpool for me. Mac Gargan is my precious baby. I probably won't end up bringing any of them to Isola, unfortunately.
16. Favourite trope? Tough call. Maybe found family? I also love a villain redemption arc or villains that live in grey areas.
17. Least favourite trope? I fucking hate when a villain is mentally ill/traumatized and then reaches a point at the end when they finally have the chance to heal & get their redemption arc they die. I absolutely despise it. Off the top of my head, they do it with Knives in TriMax and Obito in Naruto and it pisses me off every time.
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards? Definitely traumatized little meow meows and characters that struggle with finding their own sense of self.
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fnovelso · 1 year
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I agree all villains do not deserve a redemption arc (even if they are still more interesting stories than those of heroes); however, I still love to be given a chance to understand why a villain became a villain and the motivations for their actions. Villains are just so much more versatile and relatable than heroes, which is why I believe Deadpool is so popular: he has flaws and lets his emotions get the better of him, making him so relatable.
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snewshub · 2 years
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The concept of hero in anime & manga
In the shonen anime and manga is normal to see the history´s of fights, but its common to see that the protagonist it is a hero or at lest is seeing like that for most of the plot, in this essay I will explore the different views of this concept, and how they work with that same concept. I will take some authors and his view and extrapolate this in a concept, with I will work with and develop.
“Boku no hero academia” or “My hero academia”, is one of the pilar of this topic with hero´s in their plot, the author, Kohei Horikoshi, bases the whole history in one character, who is All Might, the N°1 hero of all Japan, the way the protagonist obtain his power is with All Might DNA, the conflict starts with being the successor of All Might, the enemies in general start with a conflict with All Might, or at least what All Might represent, But What All Might represent? Simple All Might represents Justice, altruism and goodness, these features, create the perfect hero, and is a constant ideal, even when the characters didn´t wanted to be like him, end up changing ideas to become more like All Might, a good example is Endeavor and his arc of redemption, but even villains like Stain accept this ideal, and want to destroy hero´s who don´t follow this concept of hero, this idea of the perfect hero permeates even when this ideal hero “dies”, who society need another N°1 to refuge, and how they do not find it, this means the villains and the anarchy become the normality is the new status quo, the only way to become a peaceful existence is only with this figure of perfection in the real hero, or at least that´s the way Boku no hero academia sees.
But what happen with others author´s, its everything like that with heroes? Well, we can see in others author´s like Tatsuki Fujimoto, author of “Chainsaw Man”, another perspective something like an Anti-hero idea of protagonist, it reminds me like the American comic ideas of “Deadpool” or “Wolverine”, but with lees comedy around of the violence itself, a tragic protagonist who lives in misery and doesn´t give a damn about happen to itself or to other´s he tries to achieve his dream of having female affection, an a plot to understand what he is, what he want, why he does what he does, and how to connect with people after a life of being alone, the killing his natural in the work of being a hero in this history, dying in “Chainsaw Man”, it´s normal and it´s more like a when more than if is going to live or die, being an asshole, have impure desire, no being a polite person all that is part of the process of the hero, its not ideal, its not perfect, and is not fundamental being the N°1, in reality almost no one no you, this work it not glamorous and clean like in “Boku no hero academia”, in here it is tragic, heartbreaking, and even worthless, it is a fatalist way to see it, the work for others and against bad it is a road to disaster, and not only for you but your surroundings, like your friends, your lover, etc.; but is this the only way to thinking the concept of a hero?.
A pessimist point of view is one of the most popular manga in the actuality, is that what expect of a hero, it’s that what it is a hero, and ideal of perfection? Or it is a martyrdom who affects your life in a bad way? Well, why don’t see other author, One, a famous mangaka, who has titles like “One Punch Man” or “Mob Psycho 100”, in this titles see a different  point of view, mainly in the concept of the hero and the heroic work, because in one punch man we have this over-power hero, with a moral who is safe everyone he can, but this is not a symbol neither someone who is extremely serious about pretty much anything, in the history the job is dirty, but not hard, Saitama, the protagonist, don´t have rival in term s of power, the job is easy, fast and effective. And this job is only a dream that he has since a kid; this hero has a little of the two conceptions of hero, before expose. But the importance of this titles is not the main characters, but the side characters like genos or “mumen rider” in the case of “One punch man”; but why this characters are such important to the conception of the hero´s because Saitama is not who have the recognition, the importance of the characters is not the characters in self like in “Boku no hero academia” if not the moral and the actions of the hero´s, but like in “Boku no hero academia”  the hero´s like an emblem of protection are important not like individuals, if not more like a whole who are going to fight even if they can´t match the power of the hazard. And the perspective of “Chainsaw Man” who they share it is the actions to make the world a better place; with a distinction “Chainsaw Man” do not make the difference in the motivation of making good, but “One punch man” is one of the main conflict even one of the most powerful enemies in the title is someone want to make peace in the world and stop conflict being the most powerful and using the fear like a media to achieve his goal. This view of the hero is one with a pure ideal and moral, with a shitty job and making good, but not being a symbol. Just doing good no matter nothing but having good intentions.
Conclusively we have a point in common of the concept of hero, making good actions, but its stop there when we want to compare, in any case to make an exploratory research of the concept of hero we have to explore other histories and authors and their approach in this concept, because of the length of this essay is a bit short, I think it can be titles with interesting points of view about what it is a hero, what does a hero and what meant to be a hero; doing good it maybe not the only thing that a hero can do, but for now and in the plots I analyze this time I think what they converges is in the actions, and what they do for other and not for them self. Maybe that it what a hero does. Maybe doing stuff for others ourselves its what make us hero´s.
Felipe Navarro                                                           07/2022
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Deadpool's redemption arc
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evilhorse · 2 years
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I sense a redemption arc!
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realityescapee01 · 2 years
Theo x Reader (female)
(Setting: After bringing back Theo from hell, the deadpool season follows after it.)
"Be careful, Theo. Okay?" -Y/N warned Theo. Genuine concern in her voice.
"Y-Yeah." -Theo stared at how concerned Y/N was for him. It made him a little teary eyed.
Since he was brought back, he had been fending for himself, alone. He has no home. No family. No friends. Scott's pack never accepted him.
The supernatural creatures were being hunted down by professionals.
"Come on, Y/N! Let's go! Leave him!" -Stiles called Y/N out.
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"Alright! Stay alive, Theo. We'll figure it out." -Y/N bid goodbye to Theo as she ran back to Stiles.
The pack had discovered a list of supernatural beings with a prize money for their head. Scott was just attacked. Theo had a harder time to sleep that night.
Aside from the police knocking him awake and shooing him away in his truck, he now has to look out for professional hunters after his head. As he lay down in his truck he remembered Y/N. She was always kind. Even after things he did to everyone else. He is sure Y/N was appalled by his deeds as well, but she never went into his face and screamed profanities at him. She never chained him and dragged him along. And now she warned him against the hunters where no one else did. He wondered what's happening to Y/N right now.
Theo took out his phone and scrolled onto Y/N's number. He wanted to call her and know how she's doing.
Y/N was holed up with Scott. Stiles was with Lydia and the others.
"You were late. What happened?" -Scott
"Oh, I talked to Theo before me and Stiles left the school. I warned him about the deadpool."
"Okay. That's very kind of you to Theo."
"Well, he did help us back with Monroe. And I think he changed."
"... Don't keep your hopes up, Y/N."
"I know it, Scott. And I know you do too. You wanna give him a second chance too. The pack was just not ready for it."
"It will come... go on, sleep, I'll keep watch."
Y/N lied down on the corner and into a sleeping bag. She took out her phone and thought of Theo. Where he could be right now. If he's okay. But Y/N knows Theo is more than capable of defending himself. Theo did a lot of bad things but it came from a place of wanting to belong into something. Theo doesn't exactly have the best role models growing up with dread doctors and being experimented on. But the events with Liam in the hospital and in the precinct standoff, Theo is changing for the good.
Y/N smiled at that as she remembered her crushing real hard on Theo the first time he appeared in Beacon Hills. Can't blame her, Theo looked fine. Beautiful face, perfect hair, cool style, overall: hot. But of course, the whole: in it with the dread doctors was a bummer. But his development redemption arc really delivered. Y/N just wanted the others to give Theo a chance.
Now they are seriously threatened by professional killers. And it scared Y/N that she may never see or talk to Theo ever again. She cursed and sent Theo a chat.
Theo was just about to lock his phone off and get some sleep when Y/N's chat bubble popped up. Theo was surprised but his lips slowly curled into a smile as he opened the message.
-Hey, Theo. How are you?-
-Hey. I'm good. You?-
-I'm safe-
-Where are you?-
-Okay- Theo was near the preserve and parked his truck behind some trees, invisible from the main road.
-We gotta move, Theo. Someone's lurking outside-
-Do you need help?-
-I'll be fine. I'm with Scott-
-What's happening?-
Y/N never replied and never even seen the message. Theo was alarmed. He exited his truck and ran into the preserve.
Gunshots rang in the preserves as two hunters took a shot at Scott.
"Scott!" -Y/N
"Stay back! Run as soon as you get the chance to."
Scott shifted and launched towards the hunter, knocking his gun off and holding him down.
"Y/N, now!" -Scott instructed Y/N to run.
Y/N spun around and began to run but the other hunter caught her and had an electric wire around her neck. The hunter was ready to pull the wire back, to cut off Y/N's head.
"Stay put, alpha. Your head is next."
Y/N closed her eyes thinking this is it for her.
"Ohgod! I'm gonna die!"
"No, you won't!"
Theo slashed the hunter's arm, effectively making the hunter let go of the wire. Y/N stumbled forward and hurriedly took the wire off her neck. Y/N fell on her butt as she desperately moved away from the hunter. She watched Theo slash at the hunter's abdomen. Theo growled at the hunter and lifted him up by his neck.
"Theo, don't!" -Scott stopped him from killing the hunter.
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Theo snarled and threw the hunter towards Scott for the true alpha to tie it up, together with the other one.
Theo huffed and spun back to Y/N.
"Are you okay?" -Theo offered his hand to Y/N, eyes still glowing gold.
"Y-Yeah. Thank you." -Y/N let Theo pull her up on her feet.
Theo's eyes went back to normal and smiled at Y/N, still holding her hand.
"I've got to heal Scott." -Y/N
Theo let Y/N's hand go. Y/N then sat beside Scott as she healed her alpha's gunshot wound. That is her role in the pack: The healer. As soon as she finished, they heard more hunters coming.
"Shit! I'll lure them away. You go with Theo." -Scott "Let's just meet up. You know where."
"Y-Yeah!" -Y/N ran towards Theo.
"Theo!" -Scott looked at Theo seriously. "Keep her alive."
Theo just nodded as he took Y/N's hand and ran her away.
Theo led Y/N to his truck and drove away fast.
"Ohgod. Scott is alone." -Y/N worried..
Being the healer, made Y/N to be the big sister of the pack. Mason has a running joke in the pack. Scott is the dad, Stiles is the pack mom, and Y/N is the big sis.
"He can handle it." -Theo said.
"Thanks again."
Theo looked back at Y/N. "No, thank you. No one ever warned me about that deadpool. If you didn't, I would've been dead right now."
"Well, you did help us before. And my conscience can't take it if something happened to you when I could've done something about it."
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"You're really kind." -Theo looked over to Y/N, smiling.
Theo's look didn't go unnoticed to Y/N. He looked so... handsome. The way he is now: no pretending, no guard up, no plotting; it made him look good even more. Y/N was seeing Theo in slow motion like how they show you on movies. Y/N thought that was just made up by movies, but it was happening to her right now: Theo in slow motion, smiling.
'Whoa, wait... wtf?!?' - Y/N looked away, squinted her eyes and looked at Theo again, now everything's normal. 'What the fuck happened to me?' Y/N blushed. She is crushing on Theo again.
Theo noticed her uneasiness. "Hey, are you okay?"
'Damn chemosignals!' -Y/N cursed. "Uh, I just felt confused."
Theo then sensed nervousness from Y/N. He told her they'd arrive soon in the meeting place, not knowing that he is the one making Y/N nervous. Y/N just nodded and looked out the window, trying to keep her mind off Theo.
They arrived at the meeting place. Scott arriving soon after them. Hurt and wounded again. Y/N tending to him immediately. Theo stood guard at the door.
"Hey! I see Stiles and Lydia." -Theo
Scott and Y/N walked over to welcome Stiles and Lydia back. The two were hesitant about Theo being there. But Scott vouched for him. Citing that the more help they could get, the better.
Stiles and Lydia got a vital info about the deadpool and figured out where the tapes where made. The pack mobilized and headed to destroy the machine and ultimately put a stop to the deadpool and the assassins hunting them.
As the ordeal unfolded, Theo was slowly accepted by the other pack members. Specially seeing how he always protects Y/N throughout it. Theo was also able to get a job at Deaton's. As Derek helped him fix paperwork and smooth out why he disappeared for a while. Allowing him to go back to school.
Months after that, Theo and Y/N grew closer. But Theo is still not part of the pack. And he's okay with that. He knows it will take a long while. He has patience. But with Y/N, he doesn't. He has to ask her alpha.
"Scott, can we talk?" -Theo dropped by Scott's house. Surprising the alpha.
Scott let him in nonetheless. "What is it about?"
"Y/N... I like her... a lot. I would like to ask her out. And as her alpha, I wanted you to know I am staking a claim."
It was respectful of Theo to inform him about it. If Theo has a pack, there would be a talk about if Y/N would be part of Theo's pack or if Theo would be in Y/N's pack. And many more other rituals. But Theo having no pack, saves Scott from all those troubles.
"Yeah, it's all good to me, Theo." -Scott have his blessing.
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Theo wasted no time and drove to Y/N's place. Asking her out.
"Wh-What?" -Y/N blushed.
"Go out with me." -Theo stated, ever so confident.
"Y-You like me?"
"Oh... uhm... ohgod. Are you serious?"
"Yes, I am serious. Is it so hard to believe?" -Theo was confused.
"Well, yeah. Coz... you're so..."
Theo was thinking of so many words, all meaning: bad. He's slowly feeling down.
"You're so... beautiful, Theo. -Y/N continued.
"What?" -Theo turned his ear towards Y/N a little.
"You're so beautiful! Like... ohgod, I can't believe I'm explaining this." -Y/N covered her face with her hands.
Theo was just staring at Y/N, waiting for the explanation.
"Okay... look... you look so good. Like, way outta my league. That's why it's kind of impossible for someone like you to like someone like me. I ain't pretty."
"You're joking." -Theo leaned closer, holding Y/N on her shoulders. "You are pretty. You are beautiful. And I like you. A lot. I will do everything for you to believe me. Starting with a date."
Y/N pursed her lips in thought. "...Okay." Y/N said she's taking her chances.
"Good." -Theo smiling of victory, pulling Y/N into his arms.
"B-But... we gotta tell-"
"I already got your alpha's 'okay' about it."
"You got Scott's blessing?"
"Yeah. Before I came here."
And so Y/N went out with Theo. Slowly, bringing Theo with her in pack meetings. And it just happened, Theo became part of the pack and even more officially so when Y/N answered yes to him being her boyfriend. But of course not without the other pack members threatening Theo if he ever hurt Y/N. To which Theo confidently took and declared he will never hurt Y/N.
--- years after ---
The pack was out and about with their own lives. Scott became a veterinarian. Stiles is in the FBI. Liam becoming a professional lacrosse player. Y/N on her way to become a doctor, and Theo becoming deputy. Sometimes, a problem arise that requires the pack to come together and come solve. Sometimes they go over to Y/N and Theo's house to get healed by Y/N.
"This is so surreal." -Stiles said as he walked in the couple's house. "Never have I ever imagined Theo being deputy."
"Get used to it." -Theo tossed him a beer, still in his deputy uniform, having just come off duty.
"Don't give my dad headache." -Stiles opened the beer and drank.
"Oh, I am his best deputy. Ask him." -Theo confidently challenged Stiles.
Scott came back, putting on his shirt, wounds completely gone. Y/N following him into the living room.
Y/N sat next to Theo, the chimera taking her hand into his. Scott sat next to Stiles and watched everyone sitting together and chilling.
"Good times." -Scott grabbed a beer for himself.
-+-+-+ complete +-+-+-
a/n: about the slow motion bit. It happened to me. I was just 2 steps away from this guy, and he was laughing. I saw the whole thing in slow motion. Damn! I was in a denial state of having a crush on him that time. 🤗
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