#deaged emma swan
hannahhook7744 · 6 months
Wish I'd Never Grown Up;
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Summary: Zelena curses Hook and the Charmings find themselves on babysitting duty.
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Lost & Found by RowArk
When Emma Swan sacrifices herself to save Storybrooke, fate decides to give her a second chance to live her own fairy tale, reincarnating her as a small child. However, when she comes through a portal to Storybrooke, she doesn't remember anything, and no one but Regina figures out who this lost little girl is.
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cianmarsfanfiction · 8 years
Emma Swan de-aged fic
Set in a season 4A AU/ end of 3B. The time portal has some adverse reactions on Emma after she managed to get home to her family. Now that Emma has finally accepted her parents entirely how will both she and her parents deal when Emma gets turned into a 5 year old?
Fanfiction [X] AO3 [X]
Emma looked around her room which was now mostly free from the mess which had been littered around since before her brother was born. Although she and Henry had technically moved back into the loft once Henry had regained his memories it was only now, that she had come back from the past, that she was unpacking the stuff they had brought with them: after all, up until the day before, she hadn't been planning on sticking around.
She fell onto the bed and pulled her laptop over to her and opened up her email account so she could finish emailing someone who was sending her and Henry's stuff to Storybrooke, there wasn't much she needed, mainly just personal things. Content of when they would arrive Emma shut the laptop, before she had completely infuriated Regina by bringing Robin's ex-wife back to life and the present Regina had told her how to have things sent so that they were sent into the town, it was the same way the town got many of its supplies.
Emma massaged her sinuses as she thought about the whole situation with Regina, she winced as pain shot through her face, she had been feeling ill since she had been in the Enchanted Forest however she was sure it was just a side effect from Back to the Future-ing it. She would be fine.
But this situation with Regina, that she really needed to fix, so she dragged herself off of her bed and walked around the wall to Henry's side of the room and grabbed one of his jackets. He had gone with Regina from Neal's naming ceremony the previous night, Emma had tried to follow Regina too but had been stopped by Mary Margret and David, who had insisted that it was best that she left Regina alone for a little while.
She grabbed her boots and headed down the stairs.
David heard Emma's footsteps on the steps, as he sat with Neal in his arms on the couch, Neal had fallen asleep but David couldn't quite bring himself to put him down, not quite yet. He looked over to his daughter and expected to see her finally accepting that she was ill, he had only just stopped Mary Margret from dragging Emma to the doctors when she had heard the first cough that morning, they both had to wrestle with their newly heightened parental urges and not pushing Emma too far after she had finally fully accepted them as her family.
"You finished unpacking?" He asked her with a smile, but inside he was trying not to freak out that she seemed to have grown paler in the past couple of hours, he had to hope that it was just the lighting.
"Yeah," she placed Henry's jacket on the table as she sat down and pulled her boots on, "I just have some things being sent here from New York, and then I'll be officially back." She absentmindedly scratched at the skin on her arm which had been itchy all day.
"I'm glad you're back," he stood up slowly and carefully placed Neal in the Moses-basket and covered him with a blanket, "we all are, especially your little brother."
"He tell you that, did he?" Emma laughed.
"Yeah, I speak baby, didn't you know?" He walked over to the kitchen table and saw that she was getting ready to go somewhere. "Where are you going?" he asked hesitantly part of him didn't want to hear her answer.
Emma sighed. "Henry forgot his jacket."
"I need to sort this out." She continued to scratch her arm.
"No, Emma." David said firmly he noted her almost shocked look at his tone. "Look, kiddo, please just trust your mom and me: Regina needs space, just give it to her, and before you know it she'll be back to normal." He watched Mary Margret walk into the kitchen from their room where she had been napping he sent her a smile which was only part relief at having someone there to back him up.
"But it's my fault-" Emma tried to tell her father but she was suddenly interrupted by her mother who she hadn't even noticed.
"-No, Emma, it's not your fault. You met someone who was going to be killed and you saved them, it was the right thing to do, and it was the exact thing that we would have expected you to do." Mary Margret walked around so she could see Emma's face. "Emma, are you feeling okay?"
Emma rolled her eyes. "I'm fine." She dropped Henry's jacket back onto the table but she continued to move to the door.
"I'm not going to talk to Regina." She told them in a frustrated voice as she continued to move to the door. "I just need some fresh air." She forced herself not to slam the door, purely on Neal's account, she needed to sort everything out with Regina however she was sure that her parents will somehow manage to stop her: knowing them they'd have Leroy or someone keeping an eye out. She could have kicked herself when she realised that she had left without her jacket, it was way too cold to be out in a t-shirt, but there was no way she was going to go back in there it would be way too awkward.
David stood open mouthed as he stared at the door. Had they pushed her too far? Rationally he knew that she was just frustrated at the situation, and wrongly frustrated at herself, but another part of him worried that they had messed up straight after they had made everything good. "Should we- Are we going to go after her? No, wait, you should stay here with the baby and I'll go after her-"
"-David, no." Mary Margret placed her hand on her arm to stop him from going anywhere. "She's not going to Regina's."
"How to you know?"
"I can just tell, she wasn't lying, she just needs to take a few moments to clear her head." Despite her words she also looked fretfully at the door. "We'll give her an hour then if she's not back we'll go out and find her."
"Make it forty-five minutes," he told her, "I don't like how ill she's starting to look."
"Maybe she's just tired from her trip to the past." Mary Margret said hopefully, but neither parent had taken their eyes from the door, just yet. "She'll probably just sit in her car for a while."
True to her word, Emma didn't go to Regina's, but nor had she picked up the keys to her car.
She walked around the town, as she did so she started to feel sicker and sicker, she practically had to fight to keep her eyes open. She hadn't been sick before she had gone, or if she had she hadn't noticed it, it was most likely due to the time travel.
Which left her with rather limited options: Regina was out as she currently hated her, Blue who would probably call her parents but she wanted to figure out what was going on with her first and she didn't want to worry them, so that left her with her last choice - Gold.
She needed to find out if she was ill from travelling, but the more she thought about it the more the memories of the past worried her, she pushed her fears of some Enchanted Forest plague from her mind but she decided to continue to walk to Gold's shop; she wanted to make sure they could handle another portal to the past should one arise, and anything which might come out of it.
The forty-five minutes ticked by slowly for Mary Margret and David, they were only distracted by Neal waking up and demanding to be fed, but while that happened, David continued to pace the floor.
The clock struck six and Emma wasn't home yet.
"I'm going to look for her." David announced, he stood up and started to make his way to the door, ready to grab his jacket and pull on his shoes.
"I'm coming too." Mary Margret was already dressing Neal in his snowsuit when David looked back at her.
"-David. This is the second time in twenty-four hours my daughter has gone missing but this time I am not just going to sit around and wait."
David knew that it was pointless to argue with her plus he saw where she was coming from. He nodded and passed her over her jacket while she placed Neal, who was wide awake but quiet, into his car seat. Mary Margret grabbed the keys to her station wagon and the three Charmings left the loft.
Gold's shop was locked when Emma got there, but she could see a light in the back so she knew that the Dark One was there, she didn't bother to knock on the door as she was sure it would be redundant, she may have forgotten to take her car keys with her when she left the loft but she had remembered her lock picking equipment.
The bell rang when she entered the shop, as she moved towards the back of the shop she held her hands out to steady herself as she fought vertigo.
"We're closed." Gold's voice shouted through the shop, but Emma continued to walk to the back.
"Rumple." Belle scolded when she saw Emma. "Emma, are you okay? You look ill."
"What do you want Miss Swan?" Gold looked bored. "You heroes may have forgotten but I am not at your beck and call like some performing monkey."
"I need your help." Emma started to stumble but managed to stop herself despite that Belle walked over to her with a worried look on her face. "I need to know what you know about portals to the past."
"I already told you that nobody knows anything about those." He would have kicked her out already had Belle not been there.
"But you can make some assumptions." Emma guessed.
"Anyone with half a brain can make assumptions." He sighed, so much for a quiet evening in with his new wife. "You're clearly ill and I'm guessing you got ill when you were back in time to the Enchanted Forest, you clearly caught something from there. Now, I am clearly not a doctor or one of those insufferable nuns, nor one of your parents, I suggest you go bother one of them to get you well and leave me and-"
"-I'm fine." Emma interrupted. "It's just a cold and that's not what I'm here for. I want to know what you know about time portals in case one gets opened again, I barely got back here at all, if one opens again I need to be able understand it."
"Emma, are you sure? You really don't look well." Belle worried. "Do you want me to ring your parents, you really look like you should be at home."
"I'm fine, Belle." But as she spoke she lifted her hand to cover her eyes as nausea and dizziness flooded her body. She suddenly felt as though she was on fire. Perhaps she wasn't as well as she had claimed. She felt a tingling in her fingers which slowly spread.
Gold and Belle covered their eyes as a blinding light filled the room, the light came from Emma, but it wasn't the usual light which was associated with Emma's magic. There was something about this magic which was different.
David and Mary Margret continued to drive around the town, the longer they drove the more their anxiety grew, but they couldn't even catch a glimpse of their daughter. They had checked at the station, Granny's, they'd asked everyone they had come across, they had even checked in with Doc and Doctor Whale in the hope that Emma had realised that she was sick and had gone to one of them.
"David, I'm getting really worried. Where is she?" Mary Margret glanced back at the backseat to make sure that Neal was still fine, he of course was, he had drifted off to sleep a short while ago.
"I'm not sure, Mary Margret," he kept his eyes on the road as he spoke to her he squinted through the darkness looking for Emma, "but we will find her."
Mary Margret opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone, her hands shot forward to pluck it from where it was laying on the dashboard of the station wagon. Her face changed from hope to disappointment when she saw it was Belle calling her, not Emma.
"Belle, is everything okay?"
David could hear Belle's voice over the phone. "Mary Margret, you and David need to get to Gold's, it's Emma."
"It's Emma? Belle is she okay?"
"She's… she's safe, it's a bit hard to explain over the phone, but she's okay."
Mary Margret shared a look with David to see if he had heard the conversation, judging from nod he gave her and the worried and confused look he had on his face, he had. "We'll be there in five minutes."
Belle pressed the red phone icon on her cell and placed it down on the counter. She walked back over to where Emma was sat glaring at Gold.
"What the hell happened?" Emma demanded.
Gold rolled his eyes, he had already explained what he presumed had happened twice, he didn't see how stating what had happened a third time would help. He took in the child who sat before him. "Well, Miss Swan, I thought your present situation would be abundantly clear to you: the time portal must have had some adverse effects on you."
"I'VE TURNED INTO A BLOODY FIVE YEAR OLD." Emma shouted at the man. "Turn me back."
"I've already told you that I can't."
The look on Emma's face made it clear that she didn't believe him, but Belle could tell that despite her husband's track record, he was telling the truth. "Rumple, why don't you go check in the back to see if there's any clothes that would better fit Emma." She shot him a pointed look, and he left the room in search of something which he could just as easily magic up, Belle walked over and crouched beside Emma. "I just got off the phone with your parents, they're on their way, they'll probably be here any minute."
Emma's scowl changed into a look of worry. "Do they know what happened?"
Belle shook her head. "No, I thought it would be easier to explain to them when they got here."
Emma didn't want them to see her like this, bar the first few minutes of her life, they had only known her as an adult; a strong, independent, and, admittedly, a pretty kickass adult. But what was her other option? Stay in the store with Gold and Belle until Gold would change her back? And that was if he was lying about not being able to change her back, if not what would she have to turn herself back? Would she be able to?
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I need de aged Killian please Emma has to take care of him and learns a few things about her boyfriend/ fiance. However you want their relationship to be. Killian remembers a little of who he truly is at first but it devolves into he only knows he's a child. Doesn't remember being the man.
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cianmars · 7 years
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Au where Emma deaged and The Charmings moved to a home which is big enough for all of them.
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gch1995 · 6 years
I went on to TV Tropes, and found a list of bad writing tropes. Sadly, most of them apply to every character on OUAT.
Aesop Amnesia: The more times a character is taught a lesson without learning it, the lower the viewer's opinion of him/her and you.
(Rumple, Belle, Emma, Snow, David, Hook, and Regina from S4-S6. I don’t think anyone on this show who lasted past season three ever really learned anything new after the first two-and-a-half seasons from past experiences. They just went back-and-forth until they came back full circle to the same points they were at before in the end of the Neverland arc at the end of S6-S7. The writers could not stick to positive character development, or write realistic regressions at all. I didn’t really hate the characters for it, just the writers behind them)
Angst? What Angst?: Make your characters react realistically to setbacks or tragic events. Too little angst makes them appear callous or ditzy.
(Literally, everyone on this show. There were no realistic human reactions anymore after the first two-and-a-half seasons)
Character Derailment: Characters can grow, but don't suddenly mutate them into something else.
(Let’s see, Rumple, Belle, Emma, and Hook seemed to be the biggest sufferers of this trope on OUAT)
Character Shilling: Having characters suddenly talk up another character for no real reason doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
(A lot of the Rumbelle drama from S4-S6)
Chickification: Be careful when you decide to make an Action Girl less action-oriented; if not done properly, it will annoy your audience.
(Emma Swan after she got together with Hook)
Compressed Vice: Don't have a character develop a bad habit or flaw out of nowhere solely for the sake of setting up An Aesop (doubly so if it contradicts previous facts about the character), and especially don't show its consequences in a hamfisted, unrealistic manner.
(Rumple and Belle from S4-S6, tbh)
Conflict Ball: Don't have a character cause conflict just because the plot says so.
(S1 Regina, 3B-6A Rumple and particularly Belle, Hook, and especially Zelena)
Creator's Pet: Treating a certain character with tons of love when they really don't deserve it is never a good idea.
(Hook, Regina, and Zelena)
Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: Making the story excessively bleak and giving absolutely no hope will only tire out the audience until they lose interest in the story.
(3B-S7 of the entire series)
Demonization: Some of your potential audience may actually see where this position is coming from, if not actually agree. You'll turn them off by your exaggerated portrayal. It also makes it seem like the position you hold isn't nearly as solid as you think, since it can only stand up to strawmen.
(Rumple from S4-S6, and not in a good way)
Designated Hero: Having your hero Kick the Dog and still expecting your audience to see them as a paragon of virtue because you say so doesn't usually work; rather, it makes your hero unlikable.
(H00k, Snowing, Emma, Belle, and even Henry at one point or another. Pretty much every once truly heroic character on this show after S3 at one point or another)
Designated Love Interest: If you say that two characters are in love, don't make them hate or be apathetic to each other, actually go out of your way to make them love each other. Otherwise, it just feels contrived
(6A Rumbelle on both sides, and Belle’s characterization after the town line scene with Rumple, but that was just OOC. 5A CS on Hook’s side, and the main reason why I hate CS so much is because Jmo and Colin have no chemistry. It was forced)
Designated Villain: Having your villain come across as harmless or even too benign and still expecting your audience to see them as a monster because you say so doesn't usually work; rather, it makes your villain petty and perhaps far too sympathetic.
(Rumplestiltskin in 5B)
Die for Our Ship: Attacking a rival of your pairing of choice doesn't necessarily make that character a bad person and makes you look petty.
(What they did to Rumple, Belle, and Rumbelle to prop up Hook/CS, and Nealfire’s death).
Distress Ball: Don't have a character get kidnapped for no good reason.
(I actually haven’t thought of too many instances in the series, but Gideon in 6B. There was no point for him to rip apart Rumple and Belle with character destroying Drama™️ in 6B, so that Gideon could be kidnapped by the Black Fairy and become the “big bad” because there were no lasting or serious consequences for it in the end, anyway. Gideon had his memories erased of his upbringing under the control of the Black Fairy for 28 years and his time as a villain by deaging him back to an infant with a blank slate mind, so what was even the point of committing all that character assassination of his parents, getting him kidnapped, and making him the big bad decoy villain of 6B? It was just for Drama™️, which is bad writing.)
Draco in Leather Pants: Have an acceptable reason for making a truly evil character suddenly be nice. "He or she is hot!" will not do.
(Hook, Regina, Zelena, and even Rumple on a few occasions.)
Dull Surprise: Have your characters emote during events that would make a real person do so.
(Belle’s complete lack of trauma after being locked up for 28 years, but there are more instances of this on this trash show, sadly.)
Failure Hero: While having the hero lose from time to time adds some realism to the hero and drama to the story, if they lose every single fight or mission, not only will it destroy any and all tension, but the reader will feel bad for relating with the hero.
(BELLE from S4-S6)
Faux Action Girl: If you say that a girl is strong, then make her strong. If said Action Girl comes off as too weak, the audience will begin to hate her.
(Sometimes Belle and Emma, I guess)
Hero Ball: Heroes are expected to make bad decisions every now and then, but when they do this against all common sense it becomes annoying.
(Emma, Snow, David, Henry, and particularly BELLE)
Idiot Ball: When the character is suddenly acting like an idiot.
(Rumple and especially Belle from S4-S7)
Informed Wrongness: If a character is actually in the wrong, prove it.
(Rumple wanting to use the shears on the Rumfetus in 6A. Still don’t understand how or why it was ever proven it would have been so awful when they would have prevented Gideon from living a fate that was far worse, and Aladdin was fine. Also, Rumple has said himself that magic couldn’t be used to make someone love you on numerous occasions, soo...But whatevs..I also don’t get how Rumple taking back the curse “ruined” Killy’s sacrifice).
Jerk Sue: Having a character be a complete Jerkass who gets away with it just because the author designates them as such and says you should support them does not make for a strong character, and is more likely going to turn out be a case of Creator's Pet, and often The Scrappy. Also, it tends to look like a half-assed effort when the author just throws in some secondary throw-away detail in an attempt to make you feel sorry for the character and expect you to not get upset when they behave like a jerk for no other reason than they feel like it at the time.
Moral Dissonance: Don't have the hero behave contrary to their usual morality and be completely oblivious to it.
Most Writers Are Male: Don't write women from ignorance, stereotypes, and/or in unsympathetic ways (either in the form of misogyny or over-sexualization).
(The writing for Emma and Belle in seasons post s3 ish in their relationships with Rumple and Belle, but for different reasons. Belle got dumbed down and turned into a harpy and a hypocrite with Rumple to vilify him, while getting declared “strong” for emotionally abusing him, leading him on, or doing shit like banishing him with nothing. Meanwhile, Emma turned into a codependent and violent stepford wife with no personal values, or life outside of Hook.
Also, the whole “evil is sexy” trope in female villains was offensive).
Out of Character: Moments when the character does something that he wouldn't normally do without any justification.
(Every character on this show at one point or another 98% of the time post season three ish. Yeah, the sad thing was that it wasn’t just moments of OOC ness, but overall characterizations in general)
Protagonist-Centered Morality: A character's moral standing should be based on their actions as a whole, not solely on their actions toward the main character. A sure sign of a Mary Sue or a Designated Hero.
(Hook, Emma, Belle, Snow, Henry, Regina, )
Race Tropes: Tread carefully with these. Having a minority character act like a walking stereotype screams lazy writing and will upset people
(OUAT did this a lot)
Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Bashing a female character for liking/doing traditionally-feminine things is another form of misogyny, and can piss off the audience.
(I think they’ve done this sometimes)
Romanticized Abuse: Make sure that your romance is actually a reasonably healthy relationship. If abuse, either physical or emotional, is presented as sexy or sweet, the characters could become Unintentionally Unsympathetic, and viewers may get the wrong idea of what an acceptable real-life relationship requires
(Captain Swan, Rumbelle at times, and even Snowing at times)
Ron the Death Eater: Have an acceptable reason for making a truly good character suddenly be mean. "I hate him or her!" will not do.
(BELLE at the beginning of S6 with Rumple before he started screwing up, and in 5x18 in the UW with him)
Satellite Love Interest: Define your characters by something other than being the lover or crush for The Protagonist, or the archetypal "perfect" boyfriend/girlfriend.
(Belle for Rumple, but they didn’t always portray her as the archetypal perfect love interest for him either)
Strangled by the Red String: People going directly from being strangers to being genuinely in love is not very realistic or satisfying to watch. If you're going to make two characters fall in love with each other, try to take it slow.
(Emma and Hook)
Strong as They Need to Be: Don't have characters suddenly gain or lose power without any explanation.
(The whole loss of Rumple’s seer ability after he was resurrected. Was it ever explained? The only thing I can think of is that he wouldn’t have done a lot of the OOC stupid shit that he did if he could have seen the future)
Stupid Sacrifice: Characters shouldn't give up their lives for nothing (if the character is not a Martyr Without a Cause).
(Rumple and Belle in S7)
Villain Ball: See Hero Ball, only swap "heroes" and "villains".
(Rumple on-and-off-again from S4-S6)
Villain Decay: Don't have your antagonist lose their power and competence without a good reason
(RUMPLE from S4-S6. Seriously, he was honestly the worst possible main antagonist they could have chosen, and the least competent! )
Wangst: Make your characters react realistically to setbacks or tragic events. Too much angst makes them unrealistic and annoying.
(Every main character on the show, tbh, but especially Belle )
What an Idiot!: Characters should not make unrealistically bad decisions to drive the plot.
(Every main character on the show at one point or another from S4-S7)
Wimpification: Stripping the action, common sense, and strength from characters to add Wangst is a good way to piss off the audience.
(Rumple, EQ, Belle, Emma, Snowing, Hook, and every main character on this show)
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buffyfan145 · 7 years
With me being a fan of "Victoria" and that being my main fandom right now it's a bit weird to see that my favorite male character on "Once Upon a Time" Killian Jones/Captain Hook is having even more in common with Lord Melbourne. LOL :D Last night's episode brought back a new version of Killian from another realm as a multiverse exists now on the show (like in DC & Marvel Comics, "The Man in the High Castle", etc.) and instead of the original Killian finding love again with Emma and having a family after so many years, this version of Killian has the same backstory except he never met Emma and ended up having a daughter that's missing and was taken by a witch (like Rapunzel) and he keeps a rook chess piece so when he finds her again she'll recognize him. :D Now until I saw Lord M on "Victoria" talking about the birds called rooks I only knew it as the chess piece, and I figured out earlier this year that Killian was probably born the same year as Lord M in 1779 and how his older brother died suddenly and the younger half-brother he found out about later. 
Then we found out this new Killian has a past with Victoria/Lady Termaine and she helped deage him so he looks 35 again. LOL And there's theories already that this Victoria could be Rapunzel (especially with the real Queen Victoria's backstory even fitting as her mother kept her in Kensington Palace as a prisoner till she became Queen and broke free with Lord M's help), but I don't think that would make her Killian's daughter as this wouldn't match age wise and the daughter should be younger than Emma since that's where new Killian's story changed. But Victoria could end up being the mother of the missing daughter as her other daughter Anastasia hasn't been seen or mentioned yet (but know she's coming from casting spoilers).  Or the daughter could even be Alice since we've seen her and she's young, or it could be a new character.
But just the names matching names in Lord M's life with Victoria, Emma, Alice (the daughter she named in honor of Lord M), and Anastasia (who was Princess Alice's granddaughter and Victoria's great-granddaughter). So that was just fun to see.  And yes as a Captain Swan shipper I'm happy we have a different version of Killian as the original is happy with Emma, their new baby, and family and friends in Storybrooke. :)
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Charming Family/Snowing Masterlist
The Lost Get Found Series: Modern AU. Mary Margaret and David start fostering Emma when she’s 13, the story of how they become a family and the years that follow. WIP.
[The Lost Get Found: AO3/FF, Baes & Candy Hearts: AO3/FF, I Won’t Let Go: AO3/FF, Times Like These: AO3/FF & Where The Heart Is: AO3/FF]
Pandora’s Box Series: Season 1 AU. Emma and August ended up in a different part of the magical lands, being adopted by a royal couple. Emma is kept in the dark about her true identity until her 16th birthday. When she finds out, she heads to Storybrooke to find her biological parents. WIP
[Pandora’s Box: AO3/FF, Landmines: AO3/FF & Little Wonders: AO3/FF]
The Charmings: A collection of AU Charming Family one shots. AO3/FF
She Will Be Loved: Modern AU. The Lost Get Found remix. Mary Margaret and David get Emma as a placement when she’s only 5-years-old. She’s just as broken and in need of love. The story of them becoming a forever family. WIP. AO3/FF
Only Hope: Season 1 AU. Snow gives birth to twin girls: Emma & Leia. 5 years later, Zelena enacts the curse, separating the family. When the twins are 10, they wake up and are determined to reunite their family. WIP, currently on hiatus. AO3/FF
Cry: Season 5B canon divergence. Killian isn’t brought home from the Underworld. Emma is forced to grieve not only him, but all the other people she’s refused to for so long. Along the way, she realizes just how toxic their relationship was. Snow and David support her through it all. Complete. AO3/FF
Shattered: Season 6 canon divergence. Fiona goes about a unique way to force Emma to fight the final battle alone: she sets the shattered sight curse upon her, causing her to air some grievances with her parents. One shot. AO3/FF
Blown Away: Season 6 canon divergence. Emma is the one to help David find out who killed his father and it makes all the difference when it comes to her reaction in Page 23. Complete. AO3/FF
Home Is Where Our Family Is: Snow and David shopping for their new home seen in the season 6 finale. One shot. AO3/FF
From The Ground Up: Season 4 canon divergence. To get her hands on Emma, Ingrid deages her to 13-years-old. She has no memories of the life she’s built in Storybrooke, meaning Snow and David must rebuild their relationship with her. Complete. AO3/FF
Christmas Magic: Season 1 AU. David goes through the wardrobe with Emma and raises her to age 5. All Emma wants for Christmas is her mom. A festival in a strange town makes it all possible. One shot. AO3/FF
Acting Parental: Season 4 canon divergence. Elsa, Anna and the rest of Arendelle’s residents get stuck in Storybrooke. When the sisters get close with Snow and David, Emma’s jealousy comes out a bit. One shot. AO3/FF
The Swans: The parents that gave Emma back at age 3 show up in Storybrooke. David and Snow help her through her emotions surrounding it. Complete.
[Part 1: AO3/FF & Part 2: AO3/FF]
A Second Princess: Enchanted Forest AU. Snow finds herself pregnant for a second time when Emma is 16. She does not handle the new change very well.  One shot. AO3/FF
Daughter of the Fairest of Them All: Enchanted Forest AU. Teenage Emma finds herself being self conscious when it comes to being compared to her mother. One shot. AO3/FF
I’m Sorry: Emma and Snow have the talk they both need, regarding the Echo Cave, the baby and Emma’s childhood. One shot. AO3/FF
Priceless: Both Emma and Henry try to pay Snow back for the credit card that was stolen to cause their family reunion. She turns them down both times. One shot. AO3/FF
A Sister’s Love: Emma becomes overly attached to her little brother and the reasoning breaks Snow’s heart. One shot. AO3/FF
Broken and Beautiful: Season 2 AU. Emma breaks the curse at 14 and it’s David that goes through the portal with her to the Enchanted Forest. They share a moment in the nursery. One shot. AO3/FF
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calimera62 · 7 years
Favourite parent-child relationships
Took this meme from @flo-nelja because it seemed interesting, and it’s a nice change after all the “favourite pairings” meme, so here we go!
1) Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) : This is obviously NOT an ideal parent-child relationship, since one of them is a villain who made questionable life choices, even with his own family, yet I can’t help it. I love this relationship so much, and especially in fanfictions. I love the trope in which the villain cares for the hero, and having the villain as the hero’s parent? Sign me in!! I just love Darth Daddy who’s possessive and protective of his stubborn boy who’s good at giving him grey hair (even if Vader technically have no hair) and at running away from him, and the son who cares too much and is willing to love and forgive his father.
2) Harry Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) : They are not related by blood, and we could argue Sirius wasn’t the best parental figure to Harry and that Remus wasn’t always present in Harry’s life, but I don’t care. I really love their bond. Sirius and Remus may not be the best parental figures between the others in Harry’s life, but we can’t not say they didn’t care for Harry and that Harry didn’t care for them either and if we didn’t see much of them in the canon, at least we still have fanfictions!
3) Kevin Cecil and William Twining (Makai Ouji) : Also a relationship in which they aren’t related by blood, but for me Kevin/Uriel is William’s family in all but blood. It’s obvious they care deeply for each other, and that William sees Kevin as more than just his butler and William is more than just Kevin’s Young Master, and beside Kevin pratically raised him ^^
4) Piper Halliwell, Leo Wyatt and Chris Perry (Charmed) : the sisters’s treatment of Chris wasn’t always loving, but that was before they knew who Chris exactly was and we discovered Chris is totally a momma’s boy and I love how the fandom decided Piper’s sweet name for him was Peanut (or at least I think it’s fanon and not canon?). It’s obvious when we watch season 6 Chris had a great relationship with his mother. Less with his father in Chris’s past, but I love what the show did with them, evolving to have a trusting and loving relationship, with Chris coming to trust and care for Leo and then after s6 the show decided to give zero fuck about Chris -___-
5) Emma Swan and Prince Charming (Once upon a time) : I love Snow and Emma’s relationship as well and almost as much but I feel like Emma is more a daddy’s girl, I love how loving and protecting David/Charming is toward Emma, and I love how the show managed to write a touching relationship between them, even though David/Charming missed 28 years of Emma’s life. I always melt when I see Charming’s expression when he looks at his sweet little girl :3
6) Kogoro Mouri, Ran Mouri and Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) : Let’s forget the fact Conan is not a Mouri and rather Shinichi Kudo who deaged because of a poison and who’s in love with Ran (who loves him back, but they didn’t confess yet and... well, it’s a looong story ^^) and that Shinichi has loving parents (living far, faaar away) and that neither Ran or Kogoro know Conan is Shinichi. For me, they are ohana. Ran pretty much sees Conan as her little brother and Conan sees Kogoro as an annoying uncle/father figure, just like Kogoro sees Conan as the annoying son he never knew he wanted. They care and protect each other, so Conan is a Mouri in all but blood for me ^^
7) Poseidon and Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) : It’s been a while since I last was in this fandom, but my all time favourite thing always had been Poseidon and Percy’s relationship. If I remember well, they have a fascinating yet complicated relationship. It’s easy to understand as one of them is a powerful God. Althought Percy meets his father only occasionally, he cares and admires him deeply and cares very much for his approval, while Poseidon is fiercely proud of Percy and claimed him to be his favourite son yet I don’t think Poseidon ever contacted Percy since the events of the last book of the PJ series.
8) Stanley, Stanford, Mabel and Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) : Not exactly parents, but still family in blood! We didn’t see much of Dipper and Mabel’s parents anyway, so in the show the Stan twins were their parental figures. Not perfect parental figures but they deeply care about each other and that’s the most important thing.
9) Darren Shan and Larten Crepsley (Darren Shan/Cirque du Freak) : I haven’t read all the books but I know more or less what happen in the latest books. Darren and Crepsley’s relationship has always been one of my favourite things in the books. Sure, they didn’t have the best relationship in the beginning, with Darren hating Crepsley for turning him into a vampire, but they came to know and trust each other, to the point they developped a father-son bond, and Crepsley became an important figure in Darren’s life and then book 9 killed us DX
10) Aladdin and Cassim (Aladdin) : They didn’t have the best relationship, with Cassim being a thief and having being absent for most of Aladdin’s life, but... he tried. He tried in the end and discovered Aladdin was more precious to him than any treasure or his fellow thiefs comrades, and Aladdin basically said in the third movie he missed and longed for his father. Beside, it’s almost like the trop in which the father is the villain and the son the hero, which I love :p
11) Mowgli and Bagheera (The Jungle Book) : What can I say about them? I love their relationship more than Mowgli and Baloo’s. Baloo is more like the fun and immature uncle/brother, while Bagheera is the parent figure. Bagheera, or DADheera, is the stern but loving and protective parental figure, and I love that the live action movie decided to make that clearer, and having Mowgli caring for Bagheera and wanting for him to be proud of him.
12) Aurora and Maleficent (Maleficent) : my beloved disney-ish dysfunctional family :D I just love how Diaval and Maleficent sort of became Aurora’s parental figures, and mostly Maleficent who wanted nothing more than to hate the girl, but Aurora is just a precious cinnamon roll and yes, I know most people tend to ship them in a romantic way, but I really like the mother-daughter bond they developped!!
Okay so I realise I don’t have a lot of mother-daughter or mother-son favourite relationship, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any! I just tend to have many father-son or father-daughter or “multi family” as favourite relationships xD
Tagging @naehja, @pingou7, @kaoriva and... whoever wants to do it, if you’re interested to do this meme :)
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A Magical Mishap and a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FVBZYi
by dragon_swan99
Well,Emma Swan had had some pretty odd days and experiences since crossing Storybrooke's town line,but she could honestly say the situation she found herself in now beat them all.Somehow her childhood best friend had been deaged and was now a needy toddler and she would be stuck caring for her with her panicky dragon mother.
Words: 1940, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Other
Characters: Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Knave of Hearts | Will Scarlet, Lily | Lilith Page, Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Belle (Once Upon a Time), Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Aurora (Once Upon a Time), Phillip (Once Upon a Time), Neal Nolan
Relationships: Maleficent/Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Emma Swan, Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Red Riding Hood | Ruby/Emma Swan, Lily | Lilith Page & Maleficent, Lily | Lilith Page & Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Ursula the Sea Witch/Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Knave Of Hearts | Will Scarlet, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena
Additional Tags: Post-Regina's First Dark Curse, The Dark One (Once Upon a Time), Lesbian Character, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Shapeshifting, Alternate Universe, Darkness
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FVBZYi
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 6 years
A Magical Mishap and a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FVBZYi
by dragon_swan99
Well,Emma Swan had had some pretty odd days and experiences since crossing Storybrooke's town line,but she could honestly say the situation she found herself in now beat them all.Somehow her childhood best friend had been deaged and was now a needy toddler and she would be stuck caring for her with her panicky dragon mother.
Words: 1940, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Other
Characters: Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Knave of Hearts | Will Scarlet, Lily | Lilith Page, Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Belle (Once Upon a Time), Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Aurora (Once Upon a Time), Phillip (Once Upon a Time), Neal Nolan
Relationships: Maleficent/Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Emma Swan, Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Red Riding Hood | Ruby/Emma Swan, Lily | Lilith Page & Maleficent, Lily | Lilith Page & Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Ursula the Sea Witch/Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Henry Mills, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Knave Of Hearts | Will Scarlet, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena
Additional Tags: Post-Regina's First Dark Curse, The Dark One (Once Upon a Time), Lesbian Character, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Shapeshifting, Alternate Universe, Darkness
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FVBZYi
0 notes
Baby steps by LunaCeMore
Ten-year-old Henry Mills has a magical mishap that changes him into a toddler and Emma relies on Regina to help restore him to his former self. Will working together resolve some of the tensions between the two mothers or will they take two steps forward, three steps back in their quest to co-parent.
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cianmars · 7 years
Takes The Charming Family from A&E : You can have them back when you learn to be nice
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cianmars · 7 years
OUAT: This is Emma ignoring her child to go obey what her husband wants
Me: aight… where’s the real Emma Swan?
OUAT : no, it’s really her…
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