#dean of evil Drabble
v3nusxsky · 1 year
Could you do a Lesso x student reader platonic ofc. And where r misses Lesso’s class and so when lesso went to fond r after the class to punish her, she found her like really sick. I mean like throw up, sweating, coughing, head ache. And then Lesso just taking care of them.
How’s your day been?
*Authors note~ tryna get some content out for you all, moving to school is such a hard time especially leaving pets😭 so I’m sorry if it’s poor or if I don’t post tonight I’m sorry guys*
Trigger warnings~ vomiting headaches coughing fever in general illness
It started with a case of the sniffles, nothing more, nothing less. But the early morning wake up call haf you dashing to the bathroom covering your mouth. Clearly this was more than the sniffles. You aren’t sure how you could even get up and back to your bed, the coolness radiating from the floor soothing you into a slumber.
You were never late to Lady Lesso’s lessons. It was completely out of character for you so naturally the dean of evil had to come and find you. After all what more could be more important than attending her lessons? So she set her nevers to work and stalked her way to your dormitory, heels clicking along the cobbled floors with every step accompanied by her cane.
You didn’t answer when she knocked. The second sign that something was wrong. So naturally she did the never thing and let herself in. There you were tossing and turning as coughs wracked through your warm body. Eyes closed as you were stuck in your fever dreams. Making a quick decision, the red head settled herself on the edge of your bed before pressing her hand to your forehead.
Deciding you are much to warm she settled for trying to wake you up, which apparently was a struggle considering how out of the world you are. One harsh cough has you bolting up right gasping for air, bleary eyes searching the room to spot lesso. “I- sorry- I’ll dress now” you stuttered in between your words, the panic now outweighing the illness. “Hush now, you aren’t in any fit state for that. I am not here to punish you darling let’s take that temperature.”
With a temperature of 102.1 Leonora immediately set to work lowering your temperature before pulling all sorts of medication to help you. You took everything willingly, just soaking in the comfort lesso was providing. “Sleep now darling, you need your rest, I’ll be here to watch out for you.”
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holylulusworld · 5 months
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Summary: You’re bored.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
Warnings: boredom, fun, crack, pranks
A/N: A random drabble.
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With no hunt in sight, you’re bored.
After folding your clothes and sorting all your books, you are running out of things to do. 
Going for a walk distracted you for a while, but now you are bored again.
“Dean? Where are you?” You huff as you walk toward the kitchen to get a snack. “Do you know where Sam is hiding that huge and boring book he was talking about the other day?”
“In here,” Dean calls from inside the kitchen. I cleaned out the kitchen and now—” he huffs. “I’ll clean the rest of the kitchen.”
“There you are!” Walking inside the kitchen you earn a growl from Dean. “Hey, don’t growl at me!”
“You are walking over the freshly wiped floor, Y/N,” he glares in your direction. “I won’t clean in here again if you get it dirty all the time.”
“Man, you must be bored to hell and back,” you snicker. “So, did you see the book? I need it. I found some pretty wildflowers and want to press them.”
“You better not use Sammy’s beloved books to press flowers,” he smirks. “He will scold you and you won’t be allowed in the library for the time being if he finds out.”
You huff. “I’m bored, is all.”
“Same,” Dean looks around the now clean kitchen. “At least the kitchen is clean. How about you lend me a hand and help me clean the bathroom? I need to iron our shirts too.”
“We could iron Sammy’s shirts with beer again,” you wiggle your eyebrows. “I know he’ll love it. Booze and softener. A deadly combination.”
“You mean beer,” Dean corrects. “We won’t use my favorite poison to iron Sammy’s shirts. But…we could use something smellier…”
“What do you have in mind,” you scoot closer to Dean to conspire with him against Sam. “Toilet water maybe…”
“Let’s have a look around the bunker. I bet we can find something nice,” he chuckles darkly. “He will love his new fragrance…”
“Wait—” you grab Dean’s hand. “What about toilet water mixed with garlic and a hint of beer.”
Dean��s grin widens. He chuckles and wraps one arm around your shoulders. “You’re an evil mastermind. You and I will prank Sammy so hard he’ll start to cry. We will think back to this moment and always remember the day we joined forces to ruin Sam’s shirts.”
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brynn-lear · 27 days
Prompt: Yandere!Dottore x Reader... But make it a House MD au. A/n: this idea has been rotting in my brain for such a long time... Yeah no I won't budge, Pantalone is our beloved Wilson lol. Word Count: 600 (this is a throwaway drabble)
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You HATE working for Doctor Zandik’s diagnostic team.
No, that’s a lie. Everybody lies. You don’t hate working for him— you’ve grown desensitized.
The doctor’s “methods” are deeply rooted in misanthropy. Yet, his eloquent and annoyingly charming way persuasions act as a get-out-of-jail card for (most) instances of ethical and medical malpractices. Your colleagues, Dr. Sohreh & Dr. Krupp, remain equally tired of being in their positions. However, the Fontainian tragedy to all this is the screwed-up fact that none of you considered resigning. You three need him.
Krupp swallows his anger each time Zandik orders him to break into patients’ homes. As Zandik loves to remind the dean of medicine, there will be no ethics committee dilemma if all his people clean their tracks right. Why Pierro keeps him in his hospital despite being a significant liability to Morepesok Teaching Hospital? Your morals will never understand. Prioritizing genius over following proper procedure didn’t sit right with you. Then again, you were only hired because of your family’s connections, not merit…
Work for Zandik until you hate him; once that threshold is passed, work until you start vomiting out the evil you’ve done for the greater good. That’s the only thing other staff members had for advice. There’s nothing after step 2. Your soul WILL fight with your body. It was only when you started feeling bile rise to your throat on random occasions that you realized there must indeed be something broken in your psyche after years of working under him. You thought the advice was played out in dramatics. It wasn’t.
“(L/n), need a little help here,” Krupp called out as he rummaged through the patient’s trash. “Can you pass the gloves?”
After you did as told, you leaned by the patient’s piano. “Fever, fatigue, and a persistent cough. Standard symptoms for most of our patients, but—”
“This is Zandik.” Sohreh shakes her head, finding this situation wholly amusing. While you and Krupp scavenged through Zandik’s trash and forgotten candy wraps (he is unsurprisingly disorganized), she had her eyes set on his documents. “The patient is our boss. We just broke into our boss’s house like we’re actively pushing his own medicine down his throat.”
Pierro ordered you three in secret to investigate if Zandik has been ill, which opened the gates of let’s-all-break-into-his-house-for-fun for coworker bonding exercise. 
“What if this isn’t anything serious?” Krupp muttered, absolutely disgruntled. “Maybe we’re just overthinking this Zandik Is Sick conspiracy theory.”
“If it’s not serious, it’s boring.” You paused. “And he doesn’t do boring.”
Sohreh breathed in.
“Hey, guys? You might want to check this out.”
Upon hearing Sohreh’s grim tone, you and Krupp immediately grabbed the file she was holding and skimmed through it.
“This is his medical history. There’s blood work and imaging tests here… showing elevated white blood cells, and— a biopsy?” Krupp raised an eyebrow.
“Cancer,” Sohreh spoke, letting out the thoughts Krupp was too afraid to say. “He thinks he has cancer.”
“No, no, that’s not it.”
Sohreh and Krupp turned to look at you.
“What do you mean?”
You shifted uncomfortably. “Look at the name.”
“What name?”
“Name of the patient.”
You let go of the file as Sohreh and Krupp eagerly found that they had somehow missed the person.
The two paled.
“It’s mine.” You sighed. “Those are my tests. I’ve been hiding it from the rest of the staff except Doctor Pantalone from Onco.”
“You have—”
“But why?” You looked down, unsure as to how you felt.
“Why does Zandik have these files?”
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The Pain Of Pining- Lady Lesso x EverFem!Reader
Synopsis: Oh to face the embarrassment of rejection.
Warnings: Basically a Drabble, Lesso being an idiot, technically mutual pining, angst, hurt/no comfort.
Word Count: 1k
A/n: Let me know if you want a part two, I’d be interested in that. Btw, this is my first h/nc fic (and yes I’m aware it’s not that sad, the next one I have is fs though, but if I post that depends on how this one does) I have posted so let me know if you guys like them. Likes, comments, and reblogs are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
You didn't want to believe it. You felt like a damn fool, standing there dumbfounded. You had leapt onto your momentary confidence but you now desperately wanted to take it back.
Lesso stood there with a stoic mask, though internally her body and mind were screaming at her to take it back.
You just asked her out, and she just rejected you.
And not even a let-you-down-gently way, but a way that made you feel small and idiotic. In a way like, how dare you ask the Dean of Evil out?
Your stomach churned and you felt like you were going to be sick, "I-I'm sorry, I must've misread the situation." You wanted to turn around and run but your body wanted you to stay, creating a sort of glitch in your movements.
But you left before Lesso could get any more words in, you had heard enough. You couldn't take the sheer embarrassment of the rejection.
But you thought that the liking was mutual, the way she'd return all of your flirting quips with ease.
Lesso's heart lurched within her as she watched you walk away. This is was the only thing she'd been waiting for, and she just destroyed it.
You had spent the rest of the day locked away in your quarters, crying. Technically, it was the entirety of the whole last week but who's keeping track? Well, Dovey was. And Lesso too, but she'd never let onto it.
Dovey tried daily, tried getting you out of your room and just eat a warm meal. To do something. But how can you go and eat a meal next to the woman who vehemently rejected you, how could you face that embarrassment?
On the third day, you finally explained that to Dovey. She, at the very least, deserved an explanation. Much to Lesso's dismay. Dovey practically talked off Lesso's ear when she heard what she had done.
"What do you have to say for yourself?!"
"Well, she's an Ever," That being the one and only reason Lesso said no. "Need I say more?"
"YES! What is the matter with you?! The poor girl is too embarrassed to face you! Why do you think she's been absent at meal times?!" Dovey was beyond frustrated with her evil counterpart.
And boy did Lesso understand why. Only during Dovey's thirty-minute rant did Lesso realize the extent of your feelings.
When you finally had the courage to get over your embarrassment, you were acting as if Lesso wasn't there. You acted as if she wasn't in the room, or as if she were simply invisible. And Lesso didn't know if she should be completely frustrated with that, or to understand it.
She chose frustration. She was frustrated because she missed the small smile that you had reserved for just her. She was frustrated because you no longer made any attempts to be the one person sitting closest to her. She was unbelievably frustrated because she couldn't see the admiration for her in your eyes any longer, she couldn't look into them at all.
But mainly, it wasn't really frustration with you. It was with herself. She had no one to blame but her.
It threw everyone off when you came to the meeting the cheeriest you've been in a fortnight. The way you had a smile on your face without having to hear a joke, the way you barely sat still in your seat.
Dovey was delighted, to say the least.
Just as you stood for the meeting's dismissal, Dovey asked the question everyone had, "It's nice to see you with a smile dear, what's the cause?"
"I've got something to look forward to tonight!"
Dovey's excitement was beginning to match yours, "Oh? Like what?" Lesso tried her damndest to hide her interest in the conversation.
"I've got a date tonight!" You answered excitedly, well, you were excited about the distraction but not the actual date, simply because it wasn't with the person you wanted most.
Lesso's heart just fell to her stomach. No, there's no way someone else has you. Not when it should be her.
Just when your eyes panned over to the woman you were due to spend your evening with, Lesso said something, more of a mumble, and you heard it, but you hoped you heard wrong.
Tears instantly violated your eyes as you watched her stand, "What? What did you just say?"
"Please, don't have someone waiting on you!"
She rushed towards you, "Please-"
"Don't! Don't do this. This isn't fair."
"It should be me-"
"No! You don't get to decide you suddenly want me when you can't have me!" Tears had started falling down your face, you hated that people were watching this unfold, "You can't just throw me away for later until you decide you finally want me. You don't get to do that."
Lesso frowned, she didn't see it as throwing you away, but that's what it was, "Don't, don't go on that date tonight. Please..." Lesso was finding it increasingly harder to deny her need for you.
"Why? For you?" That stung Lesso a bit, you knew that as you saw her wince. "You don't want me to be with you... You don't want me to be with someone else... How miserable do I have to be before you're happy?"
"I don't want you miserable."
"Then what the hell do you want?!"
"You! I want you!"
You shook your head, wiping the tears off your face, "Then you should have thought about that before. I'm not waiting around for you to decide what the hell you want." You turned and walked away.
Lesso watched. She watched again as you walked away. She wanted to yell after you. To tell you that you wouldn't have to wait for anything else. That she was ready to want you, to cherish you. But you didn't want to hear any of that.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @hxzxrdous @sgelessoanddoveykissing
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
here have an angst drabble inspired by an evil post by @sheepstiel that posited ‘you know what would be evil. dean rescues cas from the empty but cas is set back to factory settings.’ #remembers nothing... etc’ 
@sendhelpnewobsessionincoming asked to be tagged when i eventually got around to writing it
this will probably have a sequel at some point bc... pain and suffering lol
“You need to calm down, Dean.”
“Don’t fucking start with me right now,” Dean mutters flatly, pacing crop circles into the floor; he’d usually muster more vitriol, but he’s exhausted and still half-terrified.
Jack insisted on everyone staying out of the dungeon as he rescued and healed Cas, and so, of course, Dean is directly outside the dungeon door, anxiously waiting to be let in.
For a long time there was just stressful silence, but then, after roughly three hours, he, Sam, and Eileen had heard the bizarre, pulsating sound inter-dimensional rifts make when they materialize, they’d felt the barometric pressure throughout the bunker shift, and Dean very nearly barged in, breaking his contract with Jack.
Sam’s hand on his shoulder was the only thing that reminded him of the terms of this agreement.
A peculiar torture, knowing Cas is right behind that door, and Dean still doesn’t understand why he’s not allowed in yet. 
He wanted to be there to receive Cas from the Empty, he wanted to be the first to touch Cas, to speak to him, but beggars can’t be choosers, and he can’t question Jack — not with the stakes so high, and not after it took so long to get Jack to bend.
Dean paces in angry circles for another hour, and then Jack summons Eileen — and only Eileen.
Sam and Dean are flummoxed, but can do nothing about it; the door opens, Dean sees absolutely nothing, Eileen walks through, the door is shut again and Dean goes back to pacing.
When Eileen reemerges, she looks nervously between Sam and Dean, and tells them, while half-signing, “you need to be prepared. This… isn’t going to be easy.”
“What does that mean?” Dean asks.
“The Empty took from him,” Eileen replies, face regretful, “it’s… hard to explain.”
“Am I allowed in there?”
“... be careful, Dean,” she says — and Dean wants to tell her that he’s insulted she thinks he’d be anything other than that with Cas, but it quickly occurs to him that she means with himself.
Knowing he’s allowed in now, he doesn’t bother hemming and hawing in the hall any longer — he lets himself in, Sam right on his heels, and they both stop before they’ve made it ten feet inside.
Cas’ body — vessel — is young again. 
He looks malnourished, windswept, weak, but not grotesquely harmed, as Eileen’s ‘prepare yourself,’ tone in the hall might have implied.
Swallowing the guilt that comes with seeing the evidence of Cas’ long imprisonment and torture, Dean ventures forward again, opening his mouth to greet him, but Jack intercepts him, looking at Cas and saying, “Castiel, do you know who that is?”
“This is the Righteous Man and Michael Sword,” Cas answers in monotone, “I recognize him as all Angels can. The color and sound frequencies of his soul indicate that he has divine purpose, and the engravings on the spires of his soul specify what purpose that is.”
Dean’s brought up short again.
No one says anything; Jack looks at Dean, repentant, and trying to communicate nonverbally that this is not a joke.
Dean’s not sure he believes that yet; it’s an awful joke, a bleak, horrendously un-funny joke, but no alternatives are coming to mind.
“Do you understand where I’ve brought you from?”
“You’ve told me I’ve come from the Empty, but I have no memory of this.”
“Oh… oh, no,” Sam utters just audibly.
Dean’s stomach churns, sharp and hard.
“Regret is a corrosive,” Jack explains to Cas, but also to the room at large, “the Empty uses regret, shame, and guilt, and sort of… injects all of one’s memories with it, amplifies it in the ones that already contain it, which reduces the memories to only regrets. Regret strips the memories of all other qualities, until all that’s left is the interject; the regret. Memory becomes feeling only, a reductive feeling, which makes everything smaller and smaller until…”
Jack glances up at Dean and finishes, “... well, until there is nothing left.”
There’s loud static in Dean’s head.
Jack adds, “this is how the Empty feeds. This is what it takes. It is the full power of regret.”
“I’m missing memories?” Cas asks Jack.
“Many years of them, yes,” Jack replies.
“Heal him,” Dean rasps, barely a whisper, white hot terror sparking at the soles of his feet, flickering up into all of his body as it tenses from the hairs on the back of his neck to the nerve endings under his nails.
“I cannot heal what isn’t there,” Jack responds sorrowfully, “there is nothing broken. There is — there’s nothing.”
“Why does he — look like that?” Sam asks, throat sounding thick.
“Castiel used to age his vessel’s appearance purposefully, to feel closer to the two of you,” Jack tells them, “I think, at first, it was so that a unchanging human person who does not visibly age wouldn’t alarm the two of you by how unnatural it seems — the same reason he gave his vessel vital signs and engaged in sensory processing in the third dimension. He didn’t want to upset either of you by being too… alien. Then he came to appreciate looking as though he belonged among you.”
Cas raises his hand to his jugular, and must be setting a pulse into motion, then he studies Sam and Dean for a few moments and his vessel ages rapidly before their eyes, until he looks about their age, until he’s just as he looked nearly a year ago — the way he looked in this very dungeon when the culmination of he and Dean’s shared memories were so fortified with happiness, fealty, and unwavering, unconditional love that it was enough to save the world.
He glances between Sam and Dean blankly, and asks, “is this more acceptable?” 
“He —” said he loved me - but he said he loved me. He loved me. It was the most important thing he ever said, the way he said it, what he told me... he said he loved me, he can’t have lost that, I can’t have lost that — Dean can’t say it.
No one else knows.
He and Cas were the keepers of that beautiful, terrible moment in time, but Dean’s just flashing morse code into emptiness now. 
“... Dean?” Sam starts worriedly from somewhere over Dean’s shoulder.
Emptiness in his eyes, empty hands, an empty mouth with no words left for Dean; an umbra. 
Shaky legs move backward, Dean’s unsteady where he stands, and while it’s hard to look away from Cas, it’s also too painful to keep staring. All he can do is retreat.
“Dean?” Sam asks again.
Dean can’t get out of the dungeon fast enough; he shoves past Eileen and Sam, even as they shout after him; he can hear Jack’s voice in his head, apologizing so gently, full of a child’s fear that they’ve done wrong by their parent.
He can’t breathe in the bunker, he thinks he might vomit, so he rushes outside for air, and the summer storm raging there mutes his voice as he pants, out of breath from running, and then roars into the night; no particular words, just grief made audible, just another monster languishing, just the sound of suffering.
He’s bombarded — what if I’d convinced Jack sooner? What if I’d been able to figure it out myself? What if I’d grabbed Cas when the Empty first came for him and just gone with him? What if I had gotten to him sooner? Would he have any memories left? Would he have lost even more of himself had he stayed any longer? Is this why he’s so skinny? Did the Empty run out of incorporeal food and so cannibalize him? What more could I have done? I should have gotten to him sooner, I should have saved him faster, then there’d be something left, there’d be anything left —
How many times? Dean wonders as his voice crackles like dying embers, splintering and winding down in a clap of thunder, tears bubbling to his eyes, and in how many ways can he be taken from me? How many more times will I have him ripped from me? How many more times can I survive it?
When Dean lands in a sprawl in the mud, head in his hands, fingers clawing at his scalp, he feels Sam approach, he lets Sam wrap him in a hug, and he thinks to himself — I can’t. I can’t survive it. Not even once more. Not even now, I think.
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muffinbeliever · 4 months
My Gift to You
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Luna gives Spencer a special bracelet.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x OFC
Word Count: 664
Warnings: none really. mentions of sensory issues but nothing major
A/N: i was rewatching jus in bello and got an idea after dean gave everyone anti-possession necklaces. she's just a wee little drabble but i wrote this in 18 minutes and im not super proud of it but tbh im a little proud bc i havent written in so long don't ask me if they have feelings for each other here bc they definitely do but theyre still newly friends and we all know babygorl spencer isn't the type to rush into relationships especially with a student in a class he TAs for
Ninety-one days, thirteen hours, and twenty-seven minutes after their first meeting, she gave him a bracelet. 
Normally, Spencer didn’t love jewelry— necklaces moved around too much throughout the day, most bracelet materials made him uncomfortable, and rings collect five hundred and four colonies of bacteria on average. He even avoids the feeling of bare wrist against his watch (over two thousand bacterial colonies) by placing the offending item over his long-sleeve whenever he can. But as he stared at the band presented before him with little symbols etched on beads and Luna’s doe eyes, he knew that he would wear this bracelet every day of his life, sensory issues be damned. 
He gently took the accessory from her hands, his eyebrows furrowing as he felt the fabric threading each bead and its soft texture. Upon a closer look, he realized it was braided cotton intricately woven in a tight pattern— nothing like he had ever seen before. 
“I, uh…I figured the cotton would be easier on your skin and wouldn’t bother you as much,” Luna finally said, breaking the thickening silence that was gradually building in his office. “The pattern is supposed to be a ‘spell of protection’…if you believe that kind of stuff…same with the symbols…” she trailed off with uncertainty when he didn’t acknowledge her comment. 
He stared at the complicated pattern, knowing it must’ve taken her hours to braid with such precision. Each knot was exactly the same as the one before it and the one after. There were neither frayed ends nor rough seams. Even the beads were perfectly spaced apart— 1.2 inches, if he were to guess. Each bead had a different symbol that was carefully etched on by hand. One looked vaguely like a pentagram inside of a sun— a symbol that Luna had on one of her necklaces he had seen before— and another pentagram with strange runes in between each point. Another one seemed to have characters similar to those of the ancient Germanic alphabet. He wasn’t sure what these symbols meant and why she was giving this to him, but he was in awe of the time and effort that went into the unique gift.
“Spencer, if you don’t like it, y—” 
“Like it?” He cut in, his voice soft and delicate. “Like it? Luna, I love it.”
He cleared his throat and when he spoke this time, his voice was stronger and more confident as he rattled off the knowledge that he did know.
“Actually, did you know that from 3500 BCE to 3100 BCE, the ancient Egyptians were known for their intricate braids? Upper-class men and women would wear elaborate braided styles bedazzled with beads, jewels, and gold thread. It was already tightly ingrained in their culture even before Cleopatra’s revolutionary braided styles. It was believed that braiding hair would bring good luck and—”
“Ward off evil spirits,” Luna finished for him.
“Yeah.” Spencer smiled softly. “This is incredible. I’ve never gotten a gift like this before. Thank you.”
Infinite starlight could never come close to Luna’s beaming smile, and his heart skipped a beat at her poorly stifled giggles as he attempted to put on the bracelet by himself. One look at his puppy eyes and Luna caved, mirth shining in her eyes as she offered her assistance.
“What do the symbols mean?” His innate curiosity and desire to acquire new knowledge never ceased to arise when the situation presented itself. 
“I’ll tell you some day,” she replied simply. “Promise me you’ll always wear it? It’ll keep away the demons.”
Her tone was light and seemingly airy, but Spencer’s perceptive nature picked up on the worry and desperation that flashed in her eyes. As she finished fastening on the accessory, she fiddled with it as she waited for his response. 
“I’ll never take it off,” he promised, his words laden with truth. She had given him a special piece of her. Who was he to ever deny it?
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velvethopewrites · 6 months
Here’s a destiel drabble that just spilled out of me from nowhere- mostly I was just wondering about when Cas realized his love for Dean and how he felt about it all. I place it around season 8 or 9, maybe? Poor Cas, not fully angelic and not fully human, but somewhere in between.
After the Fall:
Castiel feels a heaviness in his bones tonight. A doubtful conflict from within. Since becoming less angelic and more ‘human’ it is a sense that is becoming all too familiar. The daily aches and pains most humans carry around with them were a shock to him at first, but in time he grew used to them. But this — this weariness—this soul-crushing ache (not that he thinks he has a soul yet but perhaps that is part of the problem) sometimes it is almost too much to bear.
He is keeping watch over the Winchesters. Over Dean. As always. The night is almost over - his angelic grace still keeps him in that space of being able to tell when dawn is ready to break. It’s not a very useful attribute but Castiel will take what he can get at this point. Dean tosses in his bed, snoring lightly. Castiel glances at him, easily picking out his sleeping form through the darkness of the hotel room. And the heavy, suffocating feeling wounds its way through him again. He pulls his eyes away to look back out the window. There is something about watching Dean now that eats at him in a way it hasn’t done before. More pain, more confusion…more yearning.
Castiel scoffs at himself. And yet…
Dean and Castiel have always had a more profound connection - Castiel cares for Sam, but only as a fellow solider, a fellow brother in arms. Before the fall he would have argued he felt the same for Dean but now he understands that for the falsehood it is - he has never felt as though Dean were his brother. He has always felt that he and Dean are more. Even before he could understand what that meant.
It is not purely physical, although Dean is a very attractive man. Castiel has never had much use for physical beauty - he understands it, can recognize it, but has always felt the shallowness of such things and not paid it much attention. But Dean…Dean is so much more than how he looks. His soul shines with his righteousness and his bravery. His ability to still love and care while his life has been full of such pain, it is amazing to Castiel. There is a brightness in Dean that never wavers. It is this that Castiel finds the most intriguing; it is this that pulls him closer and closer until he can see nothing else at all. Nothing else but Dean.
There are many who have noticed this trait of his and used it against them; there are many who laugh at what they perceive to be his ultimate weakness. But Castiel is beginning to feel as though it is also one of his greatest strengths.
Anna once told him it gets worse, this “feeling” business that humans suffer through. And she was right. This gnarled, unfed desire in him - it feels as though sometimes it will tear him apart.
But it also makes him feel alive. And nearer to his father’s creation than anything in Heaven ever did. Perhaps he is just a foolish angel, slowly losing his grace as well as his mind. But Castiel doesn’t think so. He was tasked with saving Dean Winchester. Loving him…yes, Castiel can finally admit that, if only in his own head, loving him was a bonus. A surprise he never saw coming and yet it feels so completely right.
The hungry ache seems to ease inside of him as he embraces the idea of his love for Dean. Castiel will do what needs to be done - he will bury his feelings because he knows Dean will never understand them. And that is fine. Castiel does not need his love reciprocated for it to mean something. And he will work through these…pinings in due time.
But for now…
He will watch over Dean and Sam. He will protect Dean as much as he can from whatever evil next comes their way. He will do whatever he needs to do to keep the Winchesters safe. His love - his ache - will undoubtedly grow - but he is an angel, even still. And he is used to loving that which is unseen - that which does not respond. He was created to fight, to serve the law and word of God. But Castiel now believes he was also created to love. Loving Dean is his divine right.
Castiel feels a lightness in his bones tonight. Finally, there is peace.
Please be kind, “my writing skills are rusty”. Reblogs = love ❤️
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August 2024 Monthly Fic Recs
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I dove into some master lists this month for a few of these. I highly recommend that you do the same. If you're only reading the most recent posts, then you are missing out on some fabulous fics!
Plus, you will make the authors very happy, especially when you reblog and comment.🥰
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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Embraceable You ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Bucky Barnes x You)
A Hunter Walks Into a Bar ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: None (Dean x Reader)
Do You Know? ~ @thatonewriter15. Author's Summary: Dean sees her in his dreams.
In a Million Memories-Master Post ~ @deaneverafter. Author's Summary: After saving the world over and over again, Dean finally deserves to live in it. And he wants to. He’s earned it. But things are never as simple as that for a Winchester, and if he wants the apple pie life, he’s going to have to fight for it, harder than he’s ever fought before.
Just Right ~ @kaleldobrev. Author's Summary: Dean hates when you’re sick. Not only can he not kiss his best girl without the possibility of getting sick himself. But you also can’t make one of his favorite things to start off his day: his morning coffee.
Lost In You ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: A casual flirtation leads to a violent encounter, and Dean’s reaction is a little more than you expected.
No Title ~ @cleighwrites. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Oh, Baby ~ @luci-in-trenchcoats. Author's Summary: When Dean is cursed on a hunt and turned into a baby, the reader has to take care of him along with Sam. Dean however, is a bit more adult than they might realize…
Pieces ~ @atwistoffate. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean x Reader)
Sweet Escape-Part 1 ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: None (Dean x Reader)
Sweet Escape-Part 2 ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: None (Dean x Reader)
Don't Mention It ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Russell Shaw x GN!Reader)
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Sweet Creature ~ Bad things happen when you take matters into your own hands and try to prove that love conquers all
The Beat of Your Heart ~ Author’s Summary: Friends become lovers who turn into the darkest evil that one can endure...
Close to Home-Parts 19-20 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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5sospenguinqueen · 11 months
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IDEA: Pumpkin Carving with the Winchesters
Note: I apologise for how bad this is. I haven’t written in a while, I didn’t proofread but I’m currently down bad for Team Free Will after binge watching supernatural so enjoy!
Dean Winchester x reader / Castiel / Sam
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“This is ridiculous.” Dean grumbled, face scrunched up in disgust at the slime coating his hands. “I can’t believe I agreed to this.” He shook off a seed, that stubbornly stuck to the back of his hand.
“Just admit you’re having fun.” Sam shot back. “Besides, look how happy it’s making her.”
Humming under your breath, your hips swayed to the ‘spooky’ music sounding through the speaker sitting on one of the nearby bookcases. One of the tables in the library had been cleared, and you’d set up pumpkin carving tools on it, surprising the brothers when they’d walked in for a day of research. Instead, you’d ordered them to enjoy a day off. Neither one wished to argue with you when you stood before them brandishing a hunting knife.
Dean watched as you stabbed your pumpkin, tongue trapped between your teeth in concentration. It was the same face you made when torturing demons, and Dean loved it. Not that he would ever admit that. And so he continued with his charade of crankiness.
“You know, this is the kind of shit children do.” He snarked.
Your head snapped up, eyes narrowing at him. His lips twisted into a smirk, knowing he was getting under your skin.
“Then it’s perfect for you.”
“Here we go,” muttered Sam, shaking his head when you and Dean started bickering.
“Why do humans do this again?” Cas asked, leaning over to heal Sam when he sliced his finger.
“Because it’s tradition.” You answered, complimenting him on his own carving. Not fully understanding the activity, Cas had drawn a cute little face into his.
“Actually, Celtics used to carve faces into pumpkins to frighten away a wandering soul and prevent him from entering their homes on All Hallows Eve.” Sam recited. “That’s why they made them scary.” He showed off his own, a frightening face carved into it.
“As they should,” muttered Dean, turning to face you. “See, these were designed to prevent evil spirits and you’re over there carving one into your pumpkin.”
“But look how cute my ghost is!” You defended, turning it around to show him the little icon you had carved into your pumpkin. Pride decorated your face, and Dean couldn't help but smile.
“Ghosts aren’t cute. You had your ass thrown through a window by one last week.”
“And my big, strong, defender saved me.” You teased, walking over to press a kiss to his cheek. “Baby looks cool on a pumpkin.”
Dean grinned to himself, deciding that pumpkin carving might not be so bad after all.
Below are the pumpkins (obviously Dean’s would be baby but that’s an idea of what he did)
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creepling · 1 year
-- no racists, anti-LGBT+, TERFs, xenophobes, fatphobic and misogynistic people. or just anyone who has hate in their heart. my blog is a safe place so, politely, fuck off.
-- any minors/ageless blogs DNI. i am an adult that writes adult content, and i do not feel comfortable with minors interacting with me.
-- blank blogs also DNI. this cess-pit of a site is full of bots and i'm not taking my chances. plus, it is restrictive interacting with blogless accounts and i like to do that with my followers.
-- if your account involves proana, ed, self-harm, TERF, right-wing politics, or loli/shota, high chances i won't fw you.
-- my fanfics will consist of dark content, smut and kinks. i tag my fanfics accordingly so DO NOT READ if you are uncomfortable with those subjects. please curate your own online experience, and you are free to block me to avoid my content; i won't take it personally.
-- fiction does not equal reality. i may write about certain things, but that does not mean i condone it irl. take that into consideration when reading my fanfics.
-- also have to drop the "i have a life outside fanfiction" type thing, but we all do. i may fall into inactivity from time to time, and that is okay. please do not demand me of my writing for your own consumption. remember i am a real person and deserve to be treated with respect.
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-- i am a majoritly x reader fanfic writer, but i do ships from time to time.
-- when writing reader i keep fem/gn in mind depending on the work. if you request male reader i'll try my hand at it, but full warning i haven't written male reader before.
-- my inbox is always open, but does not necessarily mean requests are open. i am always patient with my works and each request i accept might take a while to complete.
-- if you send a request, please state what you want in the piece. most notably the scenario and fem/gn/male/gen reader. the work will depend on how much i can write and what inspires me, so it can either be a one-shot, drabble or headcanon. i will state at the beginning which one it ends up being.
-- i also have the right to decline requests i do not want to write. whether that be because i do not think i can do it justice or it goes against my rules. if i decline your ask, it is never personal.
-- please refrain from duplicating asks, i always feel bad when i write a request that another writer is also working on. it makes things awkward.
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age gaps (all 18+), breeding, breath play, cuckholding, corruption, dubcon, dacryphilia, drug use, degradation, femdom, fear play, knife play, kidnapping, mask kink, masturbation, monsterfucking, noncon, overstimulation, pegging, power dynamics, praising, s*x pollen, stepcest, spitting, somnophilia, voyeurism.
age play, bestiality, eating disorders, foot fetish, furry, gender dysphoria, race play, smut involving anything with high schools/minor's spaces, suicide, self-harm, scat, vomit, vore (no hate to these categories btw, it's just not my thing).
(reminder these are only for smut and dead dove fanfics, all fluff/angst categories i am fine with)
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THE BATMAN - batman/bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler, selina kyle/catwoman.
BALDUR'S GATE III - astarion, gale, shadowheart, karlach, haslin, wyll.
DANONATION (PAUL DANO CHARACTERS) - dwayne hoover, eli sunday, edward nashton, jay (okja), pierre bezukhov, calvin weir-fields, klitz.
HORROR SLASHERS - michael myers, jason vorhees, bubba sawyer, ghostface, tommy slater, candyman, brahms heelshire, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair.
THE LAST OF US - joel miller, ellie willians, abby anderson.
MIDNIGHT MASS - paul hill, sheriff hassan, riley flynn, erin greene.
RESIDENT EVIL - leon s. kennedy, claire redfield, ada wong, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, ashley graham, luis serra navarro, alcina dimitrescu, karl heisenberg.
SUPERNATURAL - sam winchester, dean winchester, azazel, bobby singer, ava wilson
THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE GAME - johnny slaughter, sissy slaughter, hands slaughter, danny gaines, leland mckinney, sonny williams, julie crawford, connie taylor, ana flores.
THE BEAR - richie jerimovich, sydney adamu, neil fak, marcus
X-MEN - wolverine, cyborg, beast, rogue, gambit, magneto, nightcrawler, morph, pyro, storm.
(all subject to change!!)
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
hiiiiii since today is my bday I was thinking if I could request lesso x female reader with loooots of comfort where lesso found out that today is r’s bday but she kept it a secret because she hated her birthdays and lesso felt sad for r so she surprised her 💛 thank u sm
A day to remember
*Authors note~ Drabble time i got this request around my birthday and birthdays are hard for me so I decided to wait until I had healed over my 21st before posting this which is based off my story*
Trigger warnings~ Vanishing Twin Syndrome (VTS) pregnancy loss and the aftereffects on the living twin, grief, that’s all I think?
Birthdays are meant to be joyful and memorable. The one day of the year that’s yours to feel special and loved. Any birthday parties you attended you’d seen parents beaming with pride, celebrating their child. Only on your birthday, your mother cried. In your younger years you didn’t realise that fact, too distracted by the colourful paper and what was inside. But as you grew you became more aware of your mothers tears.
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On your tenth birthday you caught her crying in her room, not understanding why she wasn’t happy. You are the big ten now! Surely that’s a good thing? But that is when she told you that it wasn’t just your birthday, you have a twin. Honestly, you could’ve laughed it off if it wasn’t for the constant feeling of loneliness and the unusual attachment you have to your bear given to you at birth. From then on, birthdays became reminders, a day to grieve for you and your mother.
The bigger birthdays were always the hardest, turning twenty one alone, knowing the big celebration should be joint. Weeks of planning should’ve been spent over what cake you’d have, where you’d go, what you’d do, were spent alone wondering what you would do with the day. It shouldn’t be the way that it is and you knew that.
Leonora knew your story, but had fought hard to discover when your birthday was, she simply couldn’t let your 25th birthday slide by unnoticed. You were a quarter of a century old and that needed to be celebrated. Of course she knew you wouldn’t want a fuss, you’d wake up and cry in her arms missing your twin, then she’d manage to convince you to eat something small before you’d crawl back into bed under the mountains of blankets ready to sleep the day away. Well not this year.
On the dreaded day, the routine started as normal, she held you as you cried whispering words of love and reassurance that your twin would want you to celebrate not spend all day sad. This year she couldn’t coax you out of bed for breakfast so she brought breakfast to you, a single pink rose on the tray. On said rose, a little bit of paper tied with a piece of pink string stating, “happy 25th sis! Gods we are old now huh? Celebrate on earth for me, and I’ll celebrate in the sky, forever your twin.”
More tears flowing at the thoughtful gesture from your Leo had you agreeing to get out of bed at least, a small but vital step. After breakfast Leonora dragged you to the bathroom where she pampered her girl after making you promise not to tell a soul, after all she’s still the Dean of Evil. From there she surprised you with gifts, only small but intimate items, loved nonetheless by you which made it worth it. Around the evening the real plan would begin.
After your favourite meal and some more tears, you and Leonora walked hand in hand to the gardens. The stars shining on full display as you stood underneath there glow. “It’s beautiful Nora” you murmured, seemingly mesmerised by the brightest star in the sky. “I figured we’d stand here and wish your twin the best birthday also, I know how much you miss them and we’ll they certainly are the brightest star in the sky dove.”
Most people wouldn’t understand why you cling to the woman, sobbing in her arms at a simple walk under the stars, but you knew she did. “Shh darling, I know it’s okay. I know you miss them sweet girl. It’s okay, I’m here dove let it out” among other reassurances where murmured out in between kisses being dropped to the crown of your head. After some time, soothing classical music suddenly surrounds you causing you to pull back in confusion, “Nora?”
“My sweet little dove, I wanted to make today special for you and well I thought this would be the perfect place and time. Forgive me not being on one knee but here under the brightest star in the sky I wanted to ask you if you would be my wife” she rushed out, it was rare for Leonora to show her nerves but they were soon washed away when you jumped into her arms repeatedly saying yes. The ring slipped perfectly onto your left ring finger, and that’s when Leonora made a promise to never let you not celebrate both your birthdays, the walk under the stars becoming a tradition for you both.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
Good evening,
Just popping in to say hi and check in on how you are doing? I’m really enjoying the pieces you have put forth for your febuwhump! There are all so good and leaving me wanting more and imagining what would happen next. I’m also loving how each piece features a different character I.e Dean, Jensen , or Beau. And especially Beau since we got to see so little of him so I’m enjoying all fics that expand on his character.
Couple of questions.
When ideas spark for a new fic with no specific character in mind. You know you want your reader to be this and dealing with that and have X Y Z happen but it doesn’t matter who is the character, my question is how do you pick. As in how do you decided to make it a Dean, AU Dean, Sam, Soilder boy etc? Do you just choose your favorite or brainstorm the world you want it happen in and then think the idea would fit if better if it was in a world with powers or spn-verse? (I hope that made sense)
Also who is your favorite non Jensen character to write for?
Lastly do you ever go back and just read your own fics for fun or simply to dive back in the world or are you the type of person who doesn’t like to read your own stuff? I find myself personally doing it a lot lately and it makes sense cause I wrote it bc I wanted it and was curious if others did the same.
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for everything!
Hi there! Things have been a little hectic lately! Overall things are good but work's been a wee bit nuts to put it mildly. I've been working late most nights this year (and last) but my boss told me to leave early today which was a win!
The febuwhump drabbles have been fun to work on! They're definitely snapshots in time that could easily keep going. There's one in particular that's not out yet that I think could draw a lot of interest for more 👀 I'm glad I'm able to jump around with the characters! It makes things a little harder which is a good thing to me since it makes me think.
For your first question of how I pick characters for stories, I try to let the plot drive the decision. If it's set in the SPN world, in cannon where the boys are hunters, I generally go with Dean because he's my favorite but also because I feel like I can write him better than say Sam. Now say it was a story about a superhero. Well let's say I've got AU Dean, AU Jensen and Soldier Boy as my options. Do I want the hero to be dark? Vulgar? Sensitive? Rich? Poor? How do I want the relationship with the reader to develop? Short answer is I ask myself a lot of questions in a short amount of time and branch down whatever path I think makes most sense. Sometimes where it really could be anyone, if I'm leaning towards someone in particular I'll pick them, or if I haven't written for them lately it'll go to them. It's a complicated answer but it really does change depending on the story!
Favorite non-Jensen character in the fanfic world to write for is Benny and Michael (I'm going to consider him separate even though he's Michael!Dean). Benny's one of my favorite side characters to throw into AU's you might notice. He's easily a good fit for a best friend character but has a certain...roughness to him that compliments Dean if that makes sense. If they do more SPN, I demand more Benny lol. As for Michael, I think he's a truly complicated character that is capable of both good and evil. When I wrote Wicked Game that was a big risk since it's a story focused so much on Michael. A reader is absent for a significant part of it even. But I just find the concept of the villain having a soft side so much fun (and writing that dark side too).
I do read my own stuff! Generally I do this with series more than one shots or imagines but I have my favorites I revisit with those too. I think all writers should re-read their stuff for fun. There's so much that's freeing when you're not being critical of the work but just enjoying it and it really helps you understand why readers might love something you think is awful. One of my favorite things is to see someone like or reblog a fic in my activity feed and then I get reacquainted with a story I completely forgot about! You're definitely not alone in re-reading!
I hope you're doing good and have a great day!
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cupofsapphics · 1 year
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american horror story
grumpy reader with coven (short drabble)
cordelia goode
to all the times i’ve loved you | pt 2 who ate it? greenhouse girlfriends sick of you
billie dean howard
introductions flustered
lana winters
shared love
dead to me
interrupted plans (short drabble)
wednesday (2022)
larissa weems
comfort crowd “quick, kiss me” (short drabble) “it’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not kiss you.” (short drabble)
peter assigned to distract you from returning to avengers tower so the others can prepare (short drabble)
agatha harkness
who are you? not the real you pain double trouble neglect first ‘i love you’ hc
carol danvers
parties and jealousy movie day not enough trust
darcy lewis
home sweet home
natasha romanoff
peggy carter
welcome to LA my savior with a sword you are beautiful
wanda maximoff
sweater stealing hc
once upon a time
regina mills
a new chapter
what pepa and julieta madrigal would do when you come home tired and stressed hc
school for good and evil
leonora lesso
dovesso hcs
mary poppins
imagine: mary poppins meeting you as the banks’ closest friend
tammy (ocean’s 8)
lady tremaine
love is a hard thing why even try?
florence zimmerman
tea and a warm blanket swimsuits and ice lemonade
melissa schemmenti
the coffee shop
ao3: simpforw0men
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 26 days
Cas Vs Cass
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PKMuFHD by ReelNaturalFreak Dean walked in on two Castiels fighting one another, but how is he supposed to know which one is his husband and which one is the fake? Words: 303, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Evil Castiel from another universe, Who is Who?, Confused Dean Winchester, Angry Dean Winchester, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor Character Death, Drabble, Crack, Did you guys ever see this trope on tv?, Happy Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PKMuFHD
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
5, 6, 8, and 18! (If you want to do all of them :3)
Fandom Questions
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? ahaha quite a few!! mostly video games with a few other canons scattered here and abouts
Final Fantasy XIV (27) Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) (26) Final Fantasy XII (18) Final Fantasy XV (13) inFAMOUS (Video Games) (13) British Comedy RPF (9) The Magnus Archives (Podcast) (8) Devil May Cry (Gameverse) (7) Supernatural (TV 2005) (7) Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (5)
Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) RPF (4) Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (4) Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) (3) Overwatch (Video Game) (2) Final Fantasy X (2) Dishonored (Video Games) (1) The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison (1) Uncharted (Video Games) (1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1) Metal Gear (Video Games) (1)
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. AHHHH THIS IS SO HARD I HAVE SO MANY OTPS SDLKGJL'FG okay here goes!
FFXIV: Sartauvoir/Basch, Gaius/Estinien, Lyon/Menenius Resident Evil: Chris/Wesker, Leon/Krauser, Jake/Sherry FFXII: Cid/Vayne, Ghis/Bergan, Ashe/Basch/Vossler, Ondore/Reddas, Ashe/Balthier(/Al-Cid) FFXV: Gladio/Noct, Prompto/Ignis, Nyx/Drautos, Regis/Clarus inFAMOUS: Cole/Zeke, Reggie/Delsin, Eugene/Reggie Britcom RPF: Charlie Brooker/David Mitchell TMA: Jon/Gerry, Martin/Mike Crew, Peter/Elias, Jon/Elias DMC: Nero/Credo, Dante/Vergil SPN: previously Dean/Cas, now Dean/Sam, Dean/Crowley, Sam/Rowena, many many others.... bg3: Omeluum/Blurg, Tav/Emperor, Orpheus/Voss iwtv rpf: Eric/Assad ofc!! iwtv: Armand/(old)Daniel, Louis/Armand/Daniel, Louis/Daniel, Armand/Louis FFVII: Cid/Vincent, Turks Gangbang in various combos Overwatch: Reaper/Soldier 76, Hanzo/Mcree (sorry idr his new name sldhglg) FFX: Auron/Jecht/Braska, Seymour/Anima(or Seymour's mother) Dishonored: Corvo/Daud The Goblin Emperor: Thara/Iana Uncharted: Sam/Sully!!!!! but i wrote Nate/Elena as a gift lol Full Metal Alchemist: Hughes/Mustang, although I wrote Ed/Winry for an exchange MGS: Sam/Raiden, Vamp/Raiden, BB/Ocelot, BB/Kaz, although when i wrote for this fandom it was..... a britcom rpf crossover LOL
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? well, i was SUPER into the vampire chronicles as a young teen but i basically read iwtv -> TVA -> blood & gold and then stopped, cos i was mostly HUGELY into Armand and then Marius, and less bothered about the rest. then when iwtv (tv) came out, i was HUGELY into it, but i wasn't back on tumblr back then so i just kinda squeed in my own head? so when i found out s2 was airing (i'd missed like 3 eps i think??) i just finally got into the fandom proper! and having Armand there now just gave me all the impetus i needed to start making things heh. god i love him so much... needless to say young teen me HATED the casting choice from the original film LOL
Current Fandom
18. What ship have you written the most about? it's definitely Eric/Assad atm!! i've written three Armand/Daniel drabbles for Seasons of Drabbles exchange, but man, the rpf has taken me overrrr
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perplexedflower · 8 years
Works per fandom
Supernatural: 20 works (+ 1 RPF).
Professor Layton: 4 works.
Resident Evil: 4 works.
WWE: 3 works.
Ace Attorney: 2 works.
My Hero Academia: 2 works.
La storia della Arcana Famiglia: 2 works.
Jericho: 1 work.
Gravity Falls: 1 work.
Let’s Just Watch The Sky (One shot).
No Way Out (Drabble).
Pacify (Drabble).
New Emotions (Drabble).
It Takes Two To Hunt (Drabble).
Love On The Rocks - Chapter 1 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Love On The Rocks - Chapter 2 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Love On The Rocks - Chapter 3 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Love On The Rocks - Chapter 4 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Love On The Rocks - Chapter 5 (5-chapter fanfiction).
What We Do In The Shadows (One shot).
Confessions Of Lust And Sin (One shot).
Hesitation (Drabble).
Control (Drabble).
Denial (Drabble).
Choices (Drabble).
Kitchen Make Up (Drabble).
I’m Only Flesh And Blood (One shot).
Sam Winchester:
Marry On My Wayward Son (One shot).
Night Talk (Drabble (Platonic)).
Real Identities (Drabble (Platonic)).
Nightmares From The Past (Drabble (Platonic)).
Dean Winchester:
Company (Drabble (Platonic)).
Real Identities (Drabble (Platonic)).
Beers And Rock (Drabble).
Nightmares From The Past (Drabble (Platonic)).
Richard Speight Jr.:
Last Floor To My Heart (One shot).
Professor Layton
Hershel Layton:
Weathering The Storm (One shot).
Dancing On Air (One shot).
Running Out Of Steam (Mini one shot).
En Garde (Mini one shot).
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield:
Arms Warm Like A Cigarette (One shot).
Something Familiar (One shot).
Radio Silence (Mini one shot).
Night Thoughts (Mini one shot).
Dean Ambrose:
Don't Go Baking My Heart (One shot).
Seth Rollins:
Never Too Late For Love (One shot).
Roman Reigns:
Rain On Your Pillow (One shot).
Ace Attorney
Dick Gumshoe:
In The Lap Of Luxury (One shot).
Bar-Tender (One shot).
My Hero Academia
Shōta Aizawa/Eraserhead:
Someone I Used To Love (One shot).
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul:
Overhaul Headcanons.
La storia della Arcana Famiglia
Debito Fluff Alphabet - A.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - B.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - C.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - D.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - E.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - F.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - G.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - H.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - I.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - J.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - K.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - L.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - M.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - N.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - O.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - P.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - Q.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - R.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - S.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - T.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - U.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - V.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - W.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - X.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - Y.
Debito Fluff Alphabet - Z.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - A.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - B.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - C.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - D.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - E.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - F.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - G.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - H.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - I.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - J.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - K.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - L.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - M.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - N.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - O.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - P.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - Q.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - R.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - S.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - T.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - U.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - V.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - W.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - X.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - Y.
Debito NSFW Alphabet - Z.
Bill Koehler:
Laws Of Love - Chapter 1 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Laws Of Love - Chapter 2 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Laws Of Love - Chapter 3 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Laws Of Love - Chapter 4 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Laws Of Love - Chapter 5 (5-chapter fanfiction).
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines:
Connection (One shot).
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