#dean r koontz
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note: If you did not finish but feel you read enough to form an opinion, you may choose a ‘Yes’ option instead of 'Partly' (e.g., Yes, I didn’t like it). Interpret "neutral or complicated" however you like, I intended this category to be a broad option between like and dislike.
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Closer... They found the first body hideously swollen and still warm. Then they found two severed hands. Then two staring heads in wall ovens. 150 were grotesquely dead and it had hardly begun in the tiny mountain town of Snowfield, California. and closer... At first they thought it was a maniac. Then they thought it was an obscene new disease. Then they thought it was the Russians. and closer... Then they found out the truth. And they saw it in the flesh. And it was worse than anything any of them had ever imagined...
submit a horror book!
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hazanla · 4 days
"Delirdiğini sanıyorsan akıllısın demektir, çünkü hiçbir deli aklından kuşku duymaz."
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Deanna Dwyer - Dance With The Devil - Magnum - 1972
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fuzzyghost · 26 days
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movie-titlecards · 7 months
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Demon Seed (1977)
My rating: 6/10
Yeesh, Proteus is such a douche... "I am reasonable, but you do not respond well to reason" is absolutely a line dozens of chuds have uttered all over Twitter.
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salibrary · 2 years
Featured Book
The stallion reared over me, silently slashing the air with the hooves of its forelegs, a creature of such immense power that I stumbled backward even though I knew that it was as immaterial as a dream. . . .   The woman astride the ghostly mount reaches out desperately, the latest spirit to enlist the aid of Odd Thomas, the unassuming young fry cook whose gift—or curse—it is to see the shades of…
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inelkuniversun · 2 years
"Entre os milhares de dias da minha vida, o mais marcante foi — e sempre será — aquele em que nós nos conhecemos." -Dean R. Koontz
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70sscifiart · 7 months
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Jack Guaghan's 1970 cover art for "Soft Come the Dragons," by Dean R. Koontz
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bitterkarella · 9 months
Midnight Pals: Advice from a Dog
Dean Koontz: hey guys i got a story for you! Poe: oh wow, good job dean! Poe: i'm sure we're all excited to hear a new scary story from you Koontz: oh this one's not scary Poe: Poe: oh? Koontz: it's about dogs
Koontz: actually i didn't write this Koontz: it's by trixie! Poe: your dog? Koontz: [struggling to contain laughter] yes! trixie wrote it! Koontz: [struggling to contain laughter] she wrote it all by herself!
Koontz: it's about advice from a dog Koontz: i think you can learn everything you need to know from a dog Koontz: i think dogs are the wisest people i know!
Koontz: ask trixie what she thinks about cats Poe: Poe: what does trixie think about cats Koontz: trixie says we should treat them with sympathy because its not their fault they're not dogs Poe: Koontz: eh? Poe: Koontz: eh?
Koontz: trixie says we should treat them with sympathy because its not their fault they're not dogs Lovecraft: [sweats] i'm gonna kill you!!! Lovecraft: h-how dare you Lovecraft: how dare you mallign cats like that! King: whoa whoa whoa calm down there howard! King: edgar help me out here Poe: no no howard's right here
Koontz: [crying] steve i didn't mean it King: i'm sorry dean, you really shouldn't have pissed off these cat lovers Koontz: [crying] i-i didn't mean it King: i know dean, it's ok Koontz: [crying] t-trixie didn't really say that King: i know dean Koontz: [crying] i just made it up Koontz: [crying] i-i wanted to seem cool
King: its ok dean King: you just can't say that sort of thing around cat people King: you know how they are King: they just don't understand things the way us dog people do Koontz: [sniffling] r-right
Koontz: [sniffling] i-its just that i thinks dogs are the best Poppy Z Brite: better than ferrets? Koontz: i-i-i King: don't answer that, dean Koontz: i think King: DO NOT answer that, dean
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stargazer-sims · 8 months
Who would they quote?
For Victor Nelson, Yuri Okamoto, Nikolai Pavlenko, Ginger Holmes and Beth-Anne Jones. (I hope I didn't go overboard telling so many of them. 😆)
Thanks @van-yangyin! No worries... I love these things.
Victor - "Born to snowboard. Forced to work." (Road Trip Experts slogan)
“In order to have faith in his own path, one does not need to prove that someone else's path is wrong.”  ― Paulo Coelho
Yuri - “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tsu
Ginger - “It always seems impossible until it is done.” – Nelson Mandela (via Stan Kovac)
“If there’s even a slight chance at getting something that will make you happy, risk it. Life’s too short and happiness is too rare.” —  A. R. Lucas
Nikolai - “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.” –  Mahatma Gandhi
"Never leave a friend behind. Friends are all we have to get us through this life—and they are the only things from this world that we could hope to see in the next." — Dean Koontz
Beth-Anne - “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” – Richard Branson
“Teachers open the doors, but you must enter by yourself.” – Chinese Proverb
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Do you give recs? I'm looking for some woke-free medias to consume (books particularly, but it can be anything)
It's hard to give recs without knowing your taste, but I'll try. Necessarily, many of these will be older things, so sorry if that bothers you
The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell (sci-fi)
The Nightside series by Simon R Green (urban fantasy/detective noir)
The Deathstalker series by Simon R Green (there are gay side characters in a few of the books, but the books themselves aren't woke. Just good sci-fi/space opera)
Any Conan the Barbarian story written by Robert Howard or Robert Jordan (fantasy)
The Destroyermen series by Taylor Anderson (disclaimer I'm only up to book 4 out of 15 and the last book was published in 2020 so it may have gotten woke or started to suck later on, but right now it's pretty good and pretty pro-American. Alternate history action sci-fi)
The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher (urban fantasy)
Any Dune book by Frank Herbert or Kevin J Anderson and Brian Herbert (sci-fi)
The Temeraire series by Naomi Novik (only read the first three out of nine so same disclaimer as Destroyermen. Alternate history fantasy. Napoleonic Wars with dragons)
The Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell (also the excellent film adaptations of the books with Sean Bean if you can find them. Historical fiction. You follow Richard Sharpe through the ranks of the British army during the Napoleonic Wars)
The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (the grandfather of modern fantasy)
The collected works of HP Lovecraft (definitely not PC or woke. His cat makes an appearance in one of his stories. Horror)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker (horror. Hellraiser was based on this novella. tentative rec because it's good, but there's a lot of mentioned sex and very liberal attitudes towards sex so I don't know if you'd consider that woke or not. The sex obsessed characters are the bad guys though)
Any of the pre-Disney "canon" Star Wars expanded universe books.
Any of the Star Trek books written by William Shatner (they're all a connected series though so read them in order)
If non-woke is your main criteria, I'd suggest giving the Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski a try. I personally hated the little bit of the first one I read, and I hate the Witcher series in general, but no one can argue that the Witcher is in any way woke, lol
Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher (fantasy)
Phantoms by Dean Koontz (also recommend the movie with a very young Ben Affleck, but if you rent it on Prime use headphones. Audio is all fucked up through a surround sound system. At least it was when I rented it a few years back. horror)
The Legend of Drizzt series (and the associated sub-series) by RA Salvatore (fantasy. I stopped reading at the Transitions series--books 20-22--because I personally didn't like them and the way they changed the characters and the setting, but YMMV. I'd highly recommend books 1-19 though. Great fantasy series in my favorite D&D setting, the Forgotten Realms)
The Giver by Lois Lowry (young adult book, but has a great message of individuality and anti-government)
Since you wanted books mostly I'll just breeze through movies, shows, comics and games with a few of my favorites:
Movies - Equilibrium, Lord of the Rings, pre-Disney Star Wars, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predator 2, Hellraiser 1 + 2, Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, The Patriot, In the Mouth of Madness, Sonic the Hedgehog 1 + 2
Shows - Jericho, X-Files, Star Trek (OS, TNG and DS9 especially. Anything nu-Trek is easily skippable), Chernobyl, Avatar The Last Airbender, Lost (it's not confusing if you just pay attention!)
Anime - Fullmetal Alchemist (both series are good but Brotherhood follows the manga more closely), Death Note, Bungo Stray Dogs, Yowamushi Pedal, Ace of Diamond, Yuri on Ice (super gay but funny and heartwarming and not woke beyond the two male leads being stupidly in love with each other even if it's never mentioned explicitly), Street Fighter II V. Honestly most anime isn't woke at all, so just look around for things that seem interesting to you and you're probably good there
Comics - Batman: No Man's Land, Batman: Knightfall, Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer/Fugitive, Batman: The Killing Joke, any Marvel Masterwork collection, any Dark Horse Alien or Predator or Alien vs Predator comic, Spawn. Special mention: Isom and the Rippaverse. The Rippaverse is a new shared comic universe created by Eric July, self-described anarcho-capitalist and contributor to The Blaze that's specifically designed from the ground up to not be woke and offer a customer first mentality. They promise that the various books they're planning on releasing will focus on story and characters, not politics or social justice crap. So far, only Isom #1 has come out, and I haven't gotten my copy yet, but most people who've read it seem to love it, and that one comic alone has already sold over 43,000 copies and made $3.7 million so early adopting is probably a safe bet.
Games - Metal Gear Solid series, Batman: Arkham series, Halo 1-3, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Greedfall, Dishonored series, Edge of Eternity, Metro series, Mafia 1+2, Elden Ring. Pretty much any game before the mid-2010s is a safe bet for non-woke, so like anime, you should just look at older games you think you might like, or their remasters, and go from there.
So that's my list. It's by no means complete, and there's no real order to the recs, so just look them up and see what, if anything, appeals to you. If you, or anyone else, want more specific recommendations or an opinion on a certain title or series that I mentioned or even ones I didn't, feel free to ask. I'll help if I can. Mostly what I read and watch are sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and things like that. I don't really read typical bestsellers or westerns or comedies. So I might be much help with those genres.
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kitonmitons · 10 months
I make a living off of posting on r/twosentencehorror. I also make a little on the side posting to r/nosleep. That’s why it pisses me off that you little kiddies don’t take it seriously. To me, shortform horror is not a joke. I work night and day coming up with two sentence horrors and short paragraphs. I put in my blood sweat and tears while you guys make jokes. You kids think you can pop out a couple “I drank some soda. Then I realized it was scary soda” posts and act like you’re the next Stephen King. It takes hard fucking work to even compare to authors like us. Dean Koontz pisses himself reading my two sentence horrors. He’s been to the hospital for it. I’ve been on this sub before you were even a sperm in your dad’s scary testicles. You can’t even compete kid. If you had to think about the two sentence horror stories I’ve had to think about, you’d be fucking dead. You have to be born a certain kind of fucked up just to conceive of my two sentence horrors. You have no idea who you’re fucking with. I eat r/nosleep posters like you for breakfast. Scary breakfast. Fuck you
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Dean R. Koontz - Demon Seed - Bantam - 1977
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blyszczopies · 1 year
9 people you would like to know better: i was tagged by @blisseylesbian ty for tagging me !!
3 ships: rozkurwrory fionobianka and małgosia x sawyer (my bffs sim). easy
first ever ships: flippy x flaky from happy tree friends is the oldest i can think of. look at this fanart i drew in 2011
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last movie: avatar the way of water that i even watched in the cinema (wow!) but only because i was invited by my sisters friend. normally i would just watch it years later on a sus russian website. the movie was a cool experience but after it wears off youre just like. almost nothing in this movie makes sense. oh also last week i finally finished watching wednesday. also very cool but i think enid should have been a sparkledog
currently reading: watchers by dean r. koontz. my mom borrowed some books from her friend like 2 years ago and shes not reading them because all the characters have foreign/fantasy names and she cant memorize them. so im borrowing these books from her so at least somebody reads them also i like reading borrowed books so i dont have to put any effort in looking for books to read 👍 i just started reading it so i cant say much but i like that theres a dog
currently watching: nothing in particular but when i open youtube i usually end up watching steph0sims videos thank u hania for showing me her channel
currently chomping: eating some mashed potatoes with beetroot that my grandma made yay
currently craving: im eating rn so lets say all my cravings are being satisfied. tho i wish i added more salt to the boiling potatoes
I TAG @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle aand whoever is reading this and wants to do this. i hope thats enough people 💚 peace and love
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papatyahanimms · 1 year
"Delirdiğini sanıyorsan akıllısın demektir, çünkü hiçbir deli aklından kuşku duymaz."
- Dean R. Koontz
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residentdormouse · 1 year
G, R, V for the fanfic ask !
💖 Thank You for the Asks!! 💖
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I have an outline, and I know generally what is going to fall at what points, and I try very hard to write linearly, but there are some scenes I just couldn’t wait for.  Sometimes the puzzle piece from five chapters down just fell into place and you can’t ignore that. But I’d have one doc for the upcoming chapter, and a few for scattered scene to copy and paste in when they hit.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Well, I’m in a Stephen King fandom, so I guess that part goes without saying. And I liked a lot of stuff by Dean Koontz too. As for fandom here, @asirensrage has given me songs that inspired OCs and @mrsmungus kept me on a back and forth ride to alliteration station that helped me look over my work as well as essentially giving me word puzzles for a good while 😂
R: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
That’s somewhat hard to say because a lot of the fics I’m reading right now are in-progress works, already have sequels, or I’ve not gotten to the end of them yet. 😬  Honestly the last time I read a finished fic with no sequels was back in Detroit hyperfix days. There were two Conor x OC fics that still live in my mind (reporter coming into the city which is now completely androids and one about a technician who helps him directly after canon to try and get Amanda out). But honestly, they were really fucking good, and resolved nicely. I’m not sure...
(Fanfic Writer Ask Game)
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