#dean winchester soft
talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Their Song
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Pairing: Dean x Reader (She/Her)
Summary: Dean and his girl has a lazy morning on a very special day as their song plays on the radio.
Word Count: 1413
Warnings: None, just soft fulff
Y/N = Your name | Y/E/C = Your eye colour | Y/H/C = Your hair colour
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“Hoping you'll see what your love means to me,”
Dean grumbled slightly as he was pulled out of blissful sleep by the radio alarm on his bedside table. He shot an annoyed look at the glowing red numbers before his features softened into a sleepy smile as he recognized the song. It was their song, his and hers. At first he’d found it kinda sappy, but slowly, as it kept coming on the radio whenever she was in his arms, it had grown on him. Until it became their song.
Pulling the woman sleeping next to him closer; he nuzzled against her neck as he hummed along to Journey on the radio. His sleepy smile only grew as she grumbled and wrapped the duvet tighter around the two of them. Leaving just the top of her sleep-tousled (Y/H/C) locks outside of the warmth of the blanket.
“Mornin’ sweetheart,” Dean chuckled as she just pushed herself further into his arms, unwilling to give up on her role as the little spoon to his big spoon without a fight. Not that he’d ever fight her. Not when her back fit so goddamn perfectly against his chest and…
God, he loved her.
He’d given up on ever getting a happily ever after, or any shot at love. But that was until she walked into the bunker and straight into his heart. Bringing with her hope, happiness and a love he’d long since stopped believing even existed.
Even before he realised how hard he’d fallen for her; one smile from her was all it took for him to figure out what it meant to be truly happy. It had been so long since he’d felt so honestly fulfilled, that he’d forgotten what happiness even felt like. But with (Y/N), it was as effortless as breathing. 
She only had to smile, and he was in heaven. 
Then she’d answered his words of love with words of her own, and he’d soared. Everything had felt right, for the first time in his life, as he cradled his world in his arms. He’d marvelled at the miracle of a woman in his embrace as he held her close and kissed her in a mix of breathless wonder and complete elation. 
Even now, as she turned sleepily to face him before hiding from the new day in the crook of his neck, he still had butterflies in his stomach. Just like he’d had every day from the moment he first met her. Bright (Y/E/C) eyes, addictive and sweet like sugar, and that beautiful smile the very definition of salvation. Damn it, Dean didn’t know how it was possible, but he loved her more and more every day. 
“Rise and shine sweetheart,” Dean hummed softly along to the beat of their song, as (Y/N) tried to hide from the reality of morning plans in the crook of his neck. Her breath tickingling his throat with a sleepy sigh as he placed small, barely-there kisses onto her crown of (Y/H/C) hair.
“Five more minutes,” She murmured against his neck, sending pleasurable shivers through him from how her lips brushed against his pulse point. And damn if he didn’t want to give into her demands. He always wanted to give her the world on a silver platter. But it would have to wait…
“No-can-do babe, we have plans today. Big plans,” He pushed, letting his hand travel up and down her back under the duvet, painting soft little circles against her skin and loving how she snuggled closer to him with a satisfied hum. His little reminder of what day it was, finally teasing her out of her warm cocoon as she lifted her beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes to look at him.
Yet, she didn’t speak at first. Looking at him with a cute crease in her brow as she tried to force her mind to wake up enough to find the words she was clearly looking for. And Dean was happy just watching her, his hand brushing strands of her hair out of her eyes as he waited for her to speak. Though, as the silence stretched on, he couldn’t help but worry. 
She wasn’t regretting this, was she?
“Hey… Dean?” (Y/N) finally said, sounding slightly hesitant, as she let her eyes fall to his bare chest instead.
“Yeah sweetheart?” He kept his voice low and soft, as he waited for her to speak up. His heart in his throat, just like it had been that day oh so many moons ago when he’d told her how he felt.
“Are you 100% sure this is what you want?” (Y/N)’s voice was small, and shaking slightly. She didn’t look up at him, choosing instead to let her fingers play with a corner of the blanket. Lashes slightly hiding hesitant (Y/E/C) eyes that seemed a little less bright. 
Though Dean couldn’t fathom what she could possibly mean. She was everything he’d ever wanted. Of course, he was sure. He’d never been more certain about anything else in his life.
“What do you mean?” He was breathless, slightly worried as he pulled her closer. As if he was afraid she’d slip from his arms and out of his life with how small and hesitant she sounded. 
“This… With me. You never planned to settle down. I’ve heard the stories your brother tells when he comes over to visit. You were Dean Freaking Winchester,” She sighed, hiding from the world again as she let her head fall until her forehead was resting against his jawbone.
“I’d choose this life, a life with you, over the bunker and the endless hustle of the hunt, any day,” Dean tugged playfully on a strand of her hair, before shifting his body; scooting down on the bed until she had no choice but to look him in the eyes.
“No buts sweetheart. I choose you (Y/N). And I’ll choose you over and over again. Without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll always keep choosing you. There’s a million hunters out there that can take up my mantle, but there’s only one of you,” Dean let his forehead rest against hers, keeping the words between the two of them. In their own perfect little bubble. Because those words, his love, and his very soul, no matter how bruised and battered it was, all belonged solely to her.
“You mean that?” (Y/N)’s voice was still hesitant and careful, but he could hear joy there. The same unbridled love and elation he felt every day he got to spend by her side; in their home. Their little slice of apple pie and white picket fences.
“That and so much more. I love you (Y/N), and I love this… Us,” Dean let his lips brush against hers before he leaned back enough for her to see the full expanse of the truth behind his words in clear, forest green eyes.
“I love you too Dean,” She beamed up at him, before quickly chasing his lips for another quick kiss and wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling closer.
“Oh no you don’t missy. I know your tricks. You’re tryin’ to get me to stay in bed,” He huffed playfully, though he still wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body closer to his. Long legs tangling with hers under the blanket.
“Just five more minutes?” She pouted adorably, fully aware that she had the former hunter wrapped around her little finger. But, Dean had to stay strong. No matter how much he wanted to hide from the world with the love of his life in his arms.
“No way, we really do need to get up,” He laughed, tugging playfully at the duvet, though she seemed unwilling to let it, or him, go.
“Please? Our friends and family will wait for us… They can’t start without us anyway,” She whined, continuing the negotiation for a lazy morning in bed. But, Dean stayed steadfast.
They’d have many more mornings of lazily snuggling under the covers while their song played softly in the background. This just couldn’t be one of them. This was the most important day in Dean Winchester’s life. And he was determined to make the most of it.
“No-can-do (Y/N)… The bride and groom can’t be late for their own wedding. C’mon, rise and shine Mrs. Winchester. It’s our big day,”
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @siospins2 @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70 @roseblue373 @djs8891
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eremin0109 · 2 months
Rewatching season 6 and I just think that we all moved on a little too quickly from how terrifyingly good Castiel is at "interrogation".
Ripping people's heads with his bare hands, torturing monsters (even the relatively good ones) to get information about purgatory out of them, being described as even worse than Crowley at carving people out (and that's saying something because Crowley is BAD bad).
It's here when him being an ANGEL really comes into the play. He's almost always the most powerful being in the room, his meek-looking vessel only acting as a decoy for people to brush him off as harmless. But this season really delves into why he was one of Heaven's most decorated soldiers and why it was specifically him who was chosen to lead the siege to hell way back in season 4.
He's a fucking war machine, no wonder everyone's a little afraid of him.
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sunflowernovak · 3 months
old married couple
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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How are you Dean?
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nightzombie · 1 year
big fan of everyone stealing dean’s clothes. jack claire and cas just walk into his closet and take a haul every few weeks
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deancasforcutie · 1 year
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The way Dean’s queer joy and revelation at others just being outside the stereotypical control images is also ours
Honorable mention:
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dogearedheart · 7 months
dean and cas are going to have gay sex tonight because they are alive and they are happy and they are in love and it's their 3rd wedding anniversary
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goat-fanatic · 6 months
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melle-otterwise · 2 months
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Morning Sunshine ☀️
✨ Available on mugs, tote bags, stickers and more here ✨
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opheliasam · 7 months
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guys he’s so . wtf…WTF . angel
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its-alittleobsessed · 3 months
Could you imagine being Dean Winchester and constantly sacrificing everything for everyone else. Your food, your freedom, your happiness, and your free will for everyone else and then this guy comes in. This man who isn’t really a man.
He comes in when you’re at your lowest low. When you have succumbed and given your life, your hopes, and your morals to hell and he reaches you and touches you and says. You deserve good things. Means, I will make sure you get good things.
And you don’t believe him at first but then he says, I rebelled, Im hunted. I did it, all of it, for you. And not so much later, I’m doing this for you, Dean. And few years down the line, he gives up an army for you. And his own life a few times. And it gets to the point where you—who prides themselves on never needing anything or believing in anything—start needing him. Start having faith in him.
He stays and you realize that you’ve never had to sacrifice anything for that. For him to stay.
And he—this man who literally fell from the heavens—sacrifices all of it, including heaven, for you to stay.
And it is such a stark contrast to what you’re used to. Such an insane flip of everything you’ve ever known, that you don’t know how to deal with it. You don’t understand, don’t know how to handle it, so you try pushing him away. You yell and say ugly things and, once, (though you didn’t mean to—weren’t entirely yourself) you even hit him. And still. He sees all that bad inside you and all the bad you’ve done and he still. Stays. He still tries to stay.
It messes with your head. Something happens inside of you and you think—you think you might love him.
Maybe it’s all the sacrifices he’s done and the fact that you haven’t been able to match him up to them. But maybe it’s his kindness, too. And he’s funny in a weird—no one gets his humor but you—kind of way. He’s strong and capable. A good listener.
He’s—he’s beautiful, too. Devastatingly so.
He’s good with kids. He gets you. Likes your music and starts singing along to Zepp when its just you two in the car. He’s so much more than what he’s given you (he says the same thing about you) and you don’t deserve him but he doesn’t seem to mind.
It’s the sacrifices that are messing with your head, but maybe it’s just him too. Maybe he’s just everything you’ve ever wanted.
He says you don’t have to sacrifice anything anymore. Not with him. And for the first time since you were a kid—it’s true.
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seasononesam · 10 months
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Stackednatural- 117/327
Carry On (15x20) November 19th, 2020
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ceruleantinted · 1 year
soft light romantic gays,
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gazing into each others souls,
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and sharing drinks… ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷🩵🤍
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angelsberrymilk · 4 months
Dean winchester is NOT a gym goer.
he'd rather sit his ass in front of the TV, eat a greasy burger then jack off. but you better believe if Sam ever got hurt and Dean finds himself struggling to drag his giant baby bro away from danger, he'll get his ass a gym membership and start working out like he's ready to be thrown in the ring with a gladiator.
all for his brotherwife Sammy.
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purgatory-jar · 1 year
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Happy fall everyone!
Do you think Dean gets clingy after Cas manages to get out of the empty? Cause I sure as hell hope so
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valeron99 · 1 year
Haptic Dean.
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