#deancas are embarassing
sunflowernovak · 2 months
not everyone telling him that cas is soo down bad for him
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
I don’t know why people think Cas won’t be in The Winchesters next season. Dean literally gave his parents his diary. They’re going to read everything he’s ever written about Castiel.
They’re going to (rightfully) assume ‘James Hetfield’ was in love with an angel named Castiel.
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thismustbefakeminespn · 3 months
no cause...Nora was evil for that. Why didn't she specify that she was asking Cas to babysit???? like yes deancas yes but that was evil. my poor baby boy did not deserve that embarassment.
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dcforts · 4 years
[day 8: “there is no need for mistletoe.”]
“Are you guys decent?” comes Sam’s voice from the other side of their door.
“Yes,” is Cas’ reply, at the same time Dean says, “No.”
Sam pushes the door open anyway, saying “I’m trusting Cas’ common sense – “ but judging from the way his face falls he regrets it immediately.
The place is a mess - clothes, bottles and the pizza boxes he himself delivered to their room the night before cover every surface - and they are only half covered by their blankets. Cas is propped against the headboard, his hair wild and Dean’s head on his chest.
Dean is vaguely aware that it’s the afternoon but has no idea what time or for how long they’ve been in this position. There have been naps and kisses and more naps and he’s feeling too relax to have a care in the world.
He snorts softly at the look on his brother’s face.
“And that’s what you get for it, Sammy,” he says, with a lazy smirk.
Sam blushes and grumbles, “Yeah, thanks a lot, Cas,” and fixes his eyes on the wall, “Just wanted to say that if you think you’re able to get out of here, Eileen and I are going to the Christmas market out of town. Wanna come with?”
“Yeah, I dunno,” is Dean’s reply. “It’s cold and we’re kinda living our best lives right here.”
Sam winces, “Gross. Whatever. Just – if you wanna join us, we’re leaving in twenty,” he says. He may add something else but Cas has started dragging his fingers up and down Dean’s arm so he has stopped paying attention.
Only when he hears Cas’s mellow voice saying, “Thank you Sam, we’ll think about it” he realizes that the door has been closed again. 
“We will?”
Cas kisses the top of his head.
Against all odds, they somehow manage to untangle their limbs and stay apart long enough to get dressed. Cas does most of the work, throwing back at him pieces of clothings he finds around the room, and unsuccessfully tries to coax him into wearing a hat.
Eileen shows her surprise when she sees them standing at the entrance.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in days.”
“We’ve been busy,” says Dean and Cas is so close that it seems such a shame not to lean in and kiss the corner of his mouth when it quirks up.
Eileen rolls her eyes and signs something to Sam that makes him laugh, then says, “Yeah, I can see that.”
Dean doesn’t care enough to ask. He misses his blankets already. But at least Sam’s driving, so he can snuggle with Cas in the backseat and chase the warmth that he left behind.
They’ve set up the market in a street closed to the traffic and now in the cold and dark surroudings there’s a bright concentration of life and lights.
“You should have worn a hat,” says Cas as they are queuing for their tickets.
“We’re not getting into this again,” he says, wondering why there are so many people around them. Maybe it’s a Sunday, “You know what day it is?”
Cas shrugs. They look at each other for a moment then they both stifle a laugh.
Dean tries to focus on where they are and what they’re doing, but his thoughts are drown out by the lights and the Christmas songs coming from the nearby speakers, and there’s a spot under Cas’ ear that his eyes keep going back to that just begs to be kissed.
He can’t help it.
Cas tries to wiggle away and pulls down his hat.
“Sam said we need to behave,” he says, with a little grin.
“Don’t care,” says Dean, still with his nose pressed against his skin, and meets no resistance when he moves to find his mouth.
Sam chooses that moment to look over his shoulder, “I’ve got – oh, I’m regretting this already,” Dean hears him muttering as he turns around again.
Entering the Christmas market is like stepping into a dream. There are twinkling lights hanging above them and the vendors’ booths on each side are covered in fake snow and all sorts of festive decorations – each offering local products and handcrafted knick-knacks.
Dean doesn’t remember the last time he’s been to one of these things. Knowing that he’s there just to let go and enjoy it fills him with an excitement that he hasn’t felt in a long time.
A guy in a reindeer costume gives Cas a silver garland that he wears around his neck and they stroll down the street, pulling each other by the hand.
Sam and Eileen are a few feet ahead resolutely avoiding them because “they’re embarassing”.
Whatever. It’s easy not to lose them in the crowd when your brother towers over everyone else. He grabs their attention from time to time, waving and pointing at the booths he and Eileen intend to check out.
Dean, on the other hand, is more content to follow the smell of roasted chestnuts and candied nuts. Cas gets a bag of the latter and Dean gets to kiss the sugar from his lips and it kinda makes it up for the effort it took to go out.
From there it’s a beeline for the mulled wine booth. The drink is stronger than Dean thought and he feels light and warm in no time. He thinks he hears himself singing Joy to the World and then he doesn’t know how but all of the sudden he’s wearing Cas’ hat.
“Hey, wait a minute,” he stops in his track and points at his head, “I never agreed to this.”
“You did,” Cas laughs.
“Whe-?” he tries to say, but Cas is leaning in for another kiss and Dean decides that it doesn’t really matter.
They finally catch up with Sam and Eileen as they are about to buy a wreath with red bows and pine-cones and bells.
Eileen takes a look at them approaching and taps Sam’s shoulder to say, amused, “We shouldn’t have left them alone.”
She signs something else and Dean recognizes ‘drunk’.
"Now, this is what I call a wreath," says Dean, pointing at the biggest one on display with lights, baubles and red berries. “Sammy, we’re getting that one, right?”
“We already chose this one.”
The vendor behind the booth follows their exchange with a smile and cuts in to say, “If you buy two I’ll throw in a sprig of mistletoe.”
“No,” shouts out Sam, and then laughs embarassed, holding up one hand, “Sorry. Sorry, thank you, but - believe me. There’s no need for mistletoe at our house,” he says, pointing a thumb at the two of them. “Actually, it’s like our ceiling is made of mistletoe.”
Dean shrugs and Cas smiles, circling his waist and pecking his cheek.
“I like the one with the pop corn,” he says against his skin and Dean feels tingling from head to toe.
“We’re taking them all,” he says, vigorously slapping Sam on the back.
Sam gives a pointed look at the vendor as if to say. “See what we put up with?”, then sighs and opens up his wallet.
Cas is still a little wobbly on his feet as they make their way to their car.
They insist they barely had a drink, but Sam says he saw them swaying and apologizing to a pole they ended up bumping against so he’s not sure he believes them.
Dean is feeling great.
“Thank you for the wreath, Sam,” Cas says, as they fall in step with them.
Sam huffs a laugh and grabs his shoulder to steady him.
“You’re welcome, Cas. Did you have fun?”
"I had a great time."
“That’s great. If you think you can give the world beyond your room a chance again tomorrow, we’re thinking of going to a Christmas tree farm a couple of hours from here.”
"Yeah, I don’t think we can do that, Sammy,” cuts in Dean seriously, from the other side. He pauses for effect then adds, “Cas is too hot. May start a fire in there."
Sam groans and mouths “Oh my god,” as he quickens his pace to get away from them.
“This is the worst case of lovebird phase I’ve ever seen,” Eileen says shaking her head and following him into the car.
Dean snorts and slips an arm around Cas’ neck to pull his face closer.
“What is she talking about?” he asks, grinning.
Cas grins back, “I have no idea,” he says, before meeting his mouth halfway.
Sam from the car blasts the horn at them.
joining @bend-me-shape-me in doing this!
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dean-mikaelson · 3 years
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stop looking???
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quillquiver · 4 years
Because Dean and Cas are currently on their honeymoon and everyone else can suck it :)))))) ao3
It’s kismet that The Princess Bride is on.
They’re cuddled in the California King, the covers rumpled and half-fallen to the spotless floor as Cas picks through the small bowl of fruit in his lap. His soft robe is open, eyes trained on the TV and mouthing along to Westley’s as you wish. He’s still a little flushed from the shower—shared earlier, with water pressure to die for—and freshly shaven. His damp hair curls against his forehead.
“Hey, Casanova.”
Cas turns to him with a sticky finger caught between his lips. Dean promptly loses his own train of thought.
“What?” Cas grins.
“Uh… nothing,” Dean says. “You’re gonna spoil your dinner.”
Cas squints and tilts his head a bit, and Dean’s friggin’ blush must give him away because that grin turns into a smirk. “I don’t think I can get an erection so soon after the bath, but I’m more than willing to try.”
Dean’s flush climbs to his ears. “Just watch the goddamn movie, asshole.”
“As you wish.”
He laughs when Dean tackles him into the pillows.
The people are reception had taken Charlie’s magic card and charged the most expensive room in the joint for a whole week. They’d even sincerely congratulated them on getting hitched when Cas had mentioned it. Dean had been… quiet; something about all the wealth made him nervous.
But it turns out when you spend an insane amount of dough, people give you whatever you want with a big smile on their faces. They’d been given two vouchers for the restaurant as an apology for having to wait fifteen minutes for their room to be ready, and when they’d arrived there had been a cheese plate, bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries, bottle of expensive champagne and a handwritten card waiting for them. Cas had let his duffle drop to the shiny tile and had beamed.
The shower was more than big enough for two and had water pressure to die for. They had a totally unobstructed view of the ocean, and despite the Do Not Disturb sign, every night, some guy came to give them two chocolates and refill the fancy free shit in the minibar.
Otherwise, they only answered the door for room service.
It’s a little much, sometimes—Dean doesn’t need a twink to bring him towels, thank you very much—but it’s nice. It’s nice to have hear the ocean through the open windows and eat breakfast on the balcony and walk on the beach and fuck at all hours of the day and night. Hell, his barring the beach, his wardrobe has pretty much consisted of a clean and dirty hotel-provided robe. Dean took a nap today.
He’s never been on vacation before.
By the time Westley and Buttercup have reached the Fire Swamp, Dean and Cas have drifted from making out to aimless touching and holding. It’s skin on skin, and it’s friggin’ glorious. Dean runs a hand through Cas’s hair and Cas leans into it like a cat. “Love you,” Dean breathes, because it’s still hard to say. Cas catches his mouth in a lazy kiss.
“I love you,” he echoes.
“Dean? We should probably get going if we want to make our reservation.”
“Dude, we’re not leaving in the middle of the Miracle Max scene.”
“Hi, uh. We’re a little late—ah. Winchester? The reservation’s under. Um. Winchester.”
Dean smoothes down his flannel and bites his lip. Fuck. They lost the reservation. There’s no record of them. The card was flagged and they know and they’re gonna—
“Oh yes, the honeymooners! Right this way, please.”
Dean only moves when Cas’s palm presses to his lower back. “Breathe,” he murmurs.
Dean moves to hold his hand.
“…Yeah that dessert thing was delicious.”
“Mm.” Cas throws himself onto the couch, crooking his finger in an imitation of bad porn. Dean flops of top of him with a smirk. “Dean!”
Cas traces over the bridge of a freckled nose and the ridge of his cheekbones. He grins and leans in for a kiss. Dean enthusiastically accommodates him. “So, um… that tasting menu really only lets you taste, huh? You still hungry?”
As if on cue, Cas’s stomach growls.
Dean beams. “Let’s get Dominoes.”
“No green peppers.”
He’s got his phone pressed to his ear as Cas grabs the ice bucket and nods at the door. “I think we have some beer left in the car.”
“How are you actually the fucking best?” It’s a knee-jerk reaction, one that makes a blush ride high in his cheeks. Moron. “Uh.”
Cas kisses his cheek. “Funny, I thought you held that title,” he says, like it’s no big deal. Like this whole thing isn’t a huge, terrifying, fucking wonderful trust exercise. Like it isn’t a leap of faith out of a goddamn plane. "I'll be back. No green pepper!"
“Hello? Is anyone there? Hello…?”
They polish off two extra-large pies and a couple of beers on the balcony, before going down to the beach with the last two bottles.
“Dean?” Cas murmurs into the crook of his neck, shifting to press his chest more firmly to Dean’s back. Dean wriggles his toes into the cool sand.
“I’m having a great time.”
And that shit shouldn’t make him blush, but Dean feels his cheeks heat, anyway. He clears his throat and presses a kiss to Cas’s knuckles, twining their fingers. “Me too, Cas.”
He can feel Cas grinning into his neck.
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I have never seen any mention Kelly Kline at the deancas wedding on this hellsite or on ao3, which insults me to my core. Their friendship was everything. Like!! Cas and Kelly were so soft and sweet together!! Their relationship wasn't romantic at all, but their friendship has got to be one of the healthiest relationships on the show hands down. Like yeah, Dean and Cas are best friends, but Cas protected Kelly and made her feel safe despite everything in the world trying to find her and Jack. And Kelly was nothing but grateful. They literally spent months living together with only each other as company. They DIED for the same cause, which only they believed in (and guess what they were right all along!!). They literally died at the same time (as besties do) I'm just,, so enamored by the both of them. Cas exists outside of Sam and dean, and he affected more people than just them. I feel like some people forget that. This turned out to be longer than I expected, but yeah, Kelly should be invited to the wedding AND remembered as someone other than Jack's mom (although she is hands down the best spn mom next to Jody ig)
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hellertears · 3 years
friendly reminder that in the greek subtitles of SPN, in 8×07 when Dean tells Cas "I dont need to feel like crap for failing you like I failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about!" they change it to
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(i translated the greek back to english)
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uglyseasonmp3 · 3 years
jeff buckley said this song is about not feeling so bad about your own mortality when you’ve found true love and. well! 
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stillwinchester · 3 years
j2 don't even know that dean and cas fucked ;/
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sunflowernovak · 3 months
not these two flirting and holding the line, get moving!
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hermywolf · 3 years
human!cas trying to pretend he doesn’t care about what he wears but letting dean lend him some shirts and jackets and then just. smelling them and hugging them once he’s alone like a teenage girl with a crush. yeah
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rapturecastiel · 4 years
random thoughts here but cas loves dean the way his father taught him through worship and distant protection (making sure dean was safe while living with the braedens) never getting close enough to touch never expecting it to be requited. the one thing i want is the one thing i know i can’t have. and dean loves cas the way his father taught him through actions instead of words and waiting weeks just to hear a sign that cas was even alive while he was fighting battles in heaven and constantly expecting to be hurt and disappointed but still sticking around anyways because dean was always taught to be loyal to his father and cas will come back he’ll always come back even if he’s dead he wouldn’t leave dean like that
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That post about Dean and Cas making "buddy" sound romantic is killing me rn. Imagine Sam arriving in heaven and having to listen to "toss me the oven mitts pal" because those two idiots have spent the last 40 years twisting every one of Dean's no homos into some sort of ridiculous inside joke.
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ivydean · 3 years
every time i remember that my friends can see all of my supernatural playlists on spotify all i feel is. humiliation.
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tremblegay · 4 years
WHO clowned harder:
klance is canon king or people that think destiel will happen
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