#deancas conundrum
The way Dean swallowed his feelings as soon Cas told him I love you. he swallowed his will to respond back, because he recognized the point of no return if he just said: You know I love you too. Cas's happiness will have been undoubtedly real. Dean kept silence because he tried to reject or negate Cas the 12 year fuckery between them. thinking it could have ended Castiel's deal with the empty. But he swallowed his words because he wasn't able to lie to Cas when he was so vulnerably open with him... AND THE EMPTY WAS A BITCH THAT ENDED THE THING FAST BECAUSE PLOT CONTRIVANCES.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
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Dean and Cas in every moment of Heaven Can’t Wait --5/?
Supernatural 9x06//Heaven Can't Wait
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lesbianfreyja · 4 years
is jensen actually a homophobe? i’ve seen ppl say so many conflicting things so i don’t know!
the man’s mind is a complete conundrum like yes he’s homophobic, yes he hates deancas, yes he hates bi dean, yes he plays dean as bi, yes he thinks cas is braver than any us marine for coming out, yes he kisses misha at photoshoots, no he won’t comment on the episode, yes he hates the trajectory the show’s ending and had a “really tough” time filming the finale, yes he was on the brainstorm team for the bloody handprint, no he won’t film with misha for more than 5 minutes at a time ❤
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ltleflrt · 3 years
The conundrum: I want to read deancas fics where they’re in their 30s-40s, but I don’t want to read fics where they have children.
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curioussubjects · 4 years
Absolutely love your thoughts on the 15x03 events - to add to what you said, I always kinda thought that Dean also said that because of the history of Cas having his mind changed/brainwashed by Heaven/higher powers (typical Naomi brainwash but also witnessing foetus Jack's influence changing Cas' mind abruptly), and that with how terrified he is of not knowing what's real, his mind kinda thought "what if Cas has been Chuck's instrument all along ?" - I felt like that doubt could play a part here
Thank you! 🥰
Yeah, my take on that is a bit of an unpopular opinion in that, of course, Dean was concerned about what if anything in his life was genuine, but I don’t think Dean lumped Cas in that just like he didn’t lump Sam either. That is, most of the issue stemmed from the sum of Dean’s life having been all a show for Chuck. Dean’s conversation with Cas in 15x02 is indicative of that, too. Thing is, Dean has been able, in the past, to tell if Cas is off somehow. I just don’t think that played as big a part in the Dean & Cas drama. Maybe it was a small part of it, you know? But didn’t ping me as a pressing issue, not when Cas had been steady in his defiance of Chuck, and that Chuck can’t really affects others’ minds. That and heaven brainwashing not being operational anymore, and even then, not infallible (hello, crypt scene). 
To your point, though, yeah it’s a strand of the tension and the drama, as we can see in Sam and Eileen’s goodbye in 15x09 as it parallel’s the deancas convo from 02. The difference is that Eileen literally became a puppet, though her mind was always her own because Chuck doesn’t have that power. Sam’s “I know that was real” serves as a reminder that, sure, Chuck manipulated certain events, but the feelings they have for each other aren’t and cannot be faked. The situation with Dean and Cas is a little more tricky, too, in that it’s an internal conundrum. The question, for Dean, is less “is Cas and our relationship genuine?” and more “if the conditions that made me make certain choices were manipulated, do these things I have chosen belong to me at all?” I also talked about these problems here and here. 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Destiel shippers have a new enemy:  SASTIEL
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So Misha said absolutely nothing about Destiel during his last panel.  He said nothing really irritating with regards to Jensen.  On the contrary. he said a lot of sastiel and Mishalecki friendly things.  I wonder why he did that, but it made him tolerable for a change.  Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect on the destiel shippers.  Oh sure, they want representation.  And they one it with the leads, but not this one.  Not Sam.  Oh no, they want Dean.  Why?  Isn't Sam a man?  Didn't he count with representation?  Unlike Dean, who has stated his sexuality, isn't Sam sexuality a bit of a conundrum.  Sastiel shippers have more meat in their theory and you know it. 
Even their meeting and words to each other is not full of insults and anger and beatings like with the sastiel pairing.  Sam and Cas are more gentle and sweet to each other.  Anyone with their eyes open can see that.  No amount of meta writing can change that.  Their screeching for representation has always be a fallacy and it seems the last people to catch with that have been the execs.  Everyone else could tell, off the bat, that Destiel fans are full of shit.  There is no bidean or queer coding.  You make the queers look like a bunch of idiots.  I think Sastiel fans are getting this because they are well behaved.  A bibro said the following and it made me laugh:
Sastiel fans are really chill and honestly, I liked the sneak peek and Cas isn’t as annoying when he’s interacting with Sam and Jack. The only reason I do find him annoying with Dean is finding Tumblr filled with stupid shit the day after.
Yep, she echoed my words.  Sam makes Cas tolerable.  They are getting a episode all for themselves.  I hope it does well ratings wise because it will mean, that the pairing has some steam.  It will be a nice change from the uncomfortably forced DeanCas friendship we have no choice but to endure.  Jensen will also get some time away from Misha which I am sure he will enjoy.  Sastiel  shippers, like the wincest fans, you are good in my books, because you know how to NOT behave like a bunch of entitled pricks.  Enjoy the new episode.  You deserve it. 
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Castiel: I love you.
Classic Dean- whom I spent a quarter of my adult life watching getting older. On and off wiser, whom I identify as a fellow self loather non believer in good things happening to him either by chance or because he deserves it- Winchester: Please don't go without telling me why.
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Holy Terror ∞ SPN 09X09
The last one for @destielette​
Spanish version
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Unity  ∞ SPN 15X17
So, get this.Sam desperately mentions Eileen at the end of a list of the people they will loose if Billie wins. Like a final resource? Or the most poignant mention for him to Dean to understand? Coincidentally, Dean looks towards his husband Castiel, when the mention of his brother’s CURRENT ROMANTIC interest may die, again....?
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I want to thank all my fellow clowns to join me on Kast, and share the bafflement and confusion this episode gave us. The clowning was intense in this one.
@sketching-fox @obsessedandindistress​ @beanie-beebo​ @zevbaldwin​ @duckie0167​ @still-talking-for-some-reason @50shadesofsubtext​ @verobatto-angelxhunter​ @brazencas​ @mercurialkitty​ @casinatrenchcoat​ @stopmakingfaces​ @carolinasacco​ @this-is-a-moose-ing​ @rennerator​ @cloverhighfive​ @headust​
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Galaxy Brain ∞ SPN 15X12
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A very important gif.
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Are You There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester ∞ SPN 04X02
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Galaxy Brain ∞ SPN 15X12
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THE PRAYER, and why I escaped to join THE CIRCUS AGAIN.
My fellow Clowns Destiel shipers. Thanks to a very late second screening and the assistance of my trapeze colleague @zeeimpalaangel. We find this little detail in Dean’s “mumbling” while praying to Cas. Please watch this short clip in its complete length so you can give me your impressions (Aka.: Please tell me I’m not crazy)
I’m tagging all the Fellow shippers that may find this interesting, coincidental? I don’t know. But I want your opinions. Please and thank you.
@mishandjen-tellmehow @jemariel @7faerielights @dimples-of-discontent  @emblue-sparks @weathergirl83 @the-faerie-circle @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow @bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 @destielette @maleansu@babyinthetrench @mrsaquaman187@jenabean75 @4evamc @bamcrux @thatsnotwhoifuckingam @mcinspires @verobatto-angelxhunter @gatstiel @lykanyouko @soleeryx @dw-sw @lugiadepression @flyingcatstiel @agusvedder @winchester-reload @starsinursa @michyribeiro @pray4jensen
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Trying to get ready for tonight.
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