#dear god my eyeballs are vibrating
astramthetaprime · 11 months
Putting the 'Function' in Executive Functioning
Lots of stuff going on and ongoing.
Number One -- Google Tasks is the bomb. Seriously. I'm, like, getting shit done. I'm remembering to do things because my exobrain is remembering it for me. If I can get one thing done around the house each day, on consecutive days, for days at a time, dagnabbit I'm getting shit done. You put it on the Tasks app, it fragging puts it on your Calendar, I keep it open on the phone, it stays in the back of my mind because I see it multiple times in a day, and it gets done. Schedule dog walks, schedule washing dishes, schedule writing, schedule whatever, it's there, you see it, it gets done. Between Tasks, Keep, Gmail and Calendar, I've got the means to keep up with dang near anything. The danger is not overdoing it, because here be burnout yo.
Number Two -- I never got the hang of drinking coffee, y'know? I tried, when I was younger, but it always messed up my stomach and I wasn't thrilled with the taste. My thing was Diet Coke, which I love with the force of a thousand exploding suns. And, later, I developed a love of fine Chinese black teas. (I freely and cheerfully direct your attention to Upton Tea Imports for further information. I loves me some good Chinese Keemuns, that's fine drinking.)
However, in the last week I have discovered a coffee drink I can actually stomach. And it has been educational.
It goes like this: 1 tbsp instant espresso powder, 3 tbsp your choice of creamer powder, 1/4 cup or more chocolate syrup, 8 ounces boiling water. Mix well, with a milk frother mixer thing if you have one but spoon's fine. It's a sort of half-assed mocha thing. I call it 'hellbrew' or Liquid Mania depending on my mood. And speaking of mood ...
The first one I drank it kept me up to 3 AM despite the fact I drank it at least twelve hours earlier.
I've had several since then (I'm afraid to have more than 1 a day), and yesterday it cranked me up so high that I spent more than an hour unable to sit still and stimming like you would not believe. I don't stim physically. Usually. But yesterday dear gods I stimmed. I stimmed so freaking much and suddenly I understand the whole thing now and oh yeah my skin felt like it was vibrating. All over. MY ENTIRE BODY WAS VIBRATING.
I was working at the time. Like I said, educational.
Speaking of ...
Number Three -- I have finally finished training for my job so Monday morning I am turned loose on my own recognizance. It's been 5 weeks? Or six? Five, I think. Regardless, I am working full time and funds are available in abundant supply. Just in time to replace all 4 tires on my car. But still, there have been groceries bought and eaten, and I was able to replace my earbuds when the case on my old ones got messed up. And last night I signed up for health insurance for the new year. And I'll be able to start paying my mortgage again. The reduction of stress has been restful. I am on the verge of not just surviving, but thriving.
Number Four -- Pathfinder Progress. Two nights ago I wrote what is probably the exact midpoint of the book, my protagonist and antagonists finally met face to face. Still not able to speak to each other, but it's only a matter of time. The Taelai have survived the Surprise Asteroid and now outright treachery from some of their own people. They're halfway back to civilization, given their means of travel they've got at least a week to ten days til they reach a friendly port and another week to ten days after that to their throneworld system of Daitengu. There's a lot still left to do. But I am making progress. It's getting done.
And beyond Pathfinder, I now have a third story planned. Tentative title: Cinder. There is a preliminary outline, and because this is me and the theater of the mind has no budget, Imma imagine Tom Cruise starring in it.
Because he's pretty, that's why.
Number Five -- I briefly considered attending the Saga Writer's Conference which is scheduled for July 2024 as my birthday present for my 55th birthday, but honestly I don't think I can justify the expense. I estimate I'd be spending at least $1k if one includes lost wages, and I just can't afford that. I have no doubt it would be a great time and I'd learn a lot of stuff I desperately need to know, plus it's being held at ConGregate and that would be just gravy on the potato cake so to speak. But alas, no.
However! I have been looking in to what I could learn on Skillshare, and the answer is quite a lot. Copyediting, social media marketing, Wordpress skillz, creating author platforms, AI art generation (yeah I know, but professional artists don't work for free and you guys have noticed I'm starting from zero, right?). Also, fiction writing. There's also a lot just for free on YouTube and various podcasts such as the excellent Writing Excuses.
Speaking of ...
Number Six -- ChattaCon is coming up in January, and Imma determined to stalk Mary Robinette Kowal, pin her down and massage her brain.
Number Seven -- I'm actually participating in a local speculative fiction writer's group, a subsect of the Chattanooga Writer's Guild. Like, I went to a real-time, real-life meeting (usually it's over video). This was at a coffee shop but pre- Liquid Mania so there was not 'dance a jig in your chair' or vibrating eyeballs. Next time, I will know what to order to make the proceedings much more entertaining.
Number Eight -- Tom Cruise. Because he's pretty.
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tailsbeth-writes · 9 months
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Thanks for the tag @candyspandemonium & @firenati0n!
The rules are simple: share the last line you've written/will write in 2023, whether it was today or a month ago. It's totally up to you whether you provide context or whether you just leave us all the vibrating eyeball emoji as we head into 2024.
I'll be honest, this might not be my last line as I'm having a very quiet night in & might go back to this. This one shot finds Henry thinking about his body image after an indulgent Christmas break. And I'll leave you with more than a line as I'm feeling nice 😇
‘Hen, tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours.’ ‘Just lamenting over the soft lump I've become.’ ‘Someone’s being a tad dramatic…’ Henry pinched the arm that laid over his chest, making Alex curse. Alex put his book down and scruffed up Henry's hair. ‘I’m a royal, it's my god given right to be dramatic, dear.’
And while I'm here, thanks for the welcome to the RWRB fandom! I hadn't written fanfic in years and starting back again in a new fandom was scary but honestly I'm so glad I got back into it. It's helping with my original fiction (I will finish editing my damn book next year!) & making me love writing again. Shout out to Casey McQuiston for making a solid pair of oblivious, dramatic, horny idiots for us all to obsess over & Taylor and Nick and the whole cast & crew for bringing them to life ♥️🤍👑💙
Tag you're it: @heybuddy-drabbles @duchessdepolignaca03 @sparklepocalypse @mellifluouslyarticulate @cl4r3m0nt @happiness-of-the-pursuit and if you feel like doing this, give me a tag! Always happy to make more writer pals 🥰
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pastelgrungewrecker · 2 years
Slim Fits and Straight Cut || Sg-Ish
You bring the corsets, we’ll bring the cinchers No one wants a waist over nine inches.
“Look, I figured you’d be the best to go to for this since you. Y’know.”
“Since I’m... what?”, asked Percy, flipping lazily through a magazine, tapping his fangs with a gold gilded pen before marking something on a page.
“Since you’re. Y’KNOW.”, snapped Stormy, face brightening in a blush as he waved a hand as though gesturing at Percy’s entire being.
“...What, debonair? Gorgeous? Fashionable? The best catch since the beastie at the edge of the map?”
“A disaster flipping through an adult magazine for FASHION inspiration while wearing a cincher and nine inch HEELS.”
“....Fair enough.”
Stormy groaned in annoyance, “Look, I just need your HELP for one little... project, okay.”
Percy nodded, almost nonattentive before he side-eyed Stormy, “So darling, what you are looking for decides how I react- so spill it.”
“I. I don’t know.”, admitted the mad scientist awkwardly, “Whirl and Aid like my waist so, maybe, something to do that... or?”
Percy hummed to himself, adjusting how he lounged and continuing to tap his pen against his lips now; tilting his head as though deep in thoughts mysterious and esoteric before nodding to himself.
“To the boudoir, darling! I may have just the thing, I just need a few measurements and access to my glorious machine!”
Percy leapt to his feet, heels clicking before he kicked them off happily and grabbed Stormy’s hand to drag him deeper into the house of extravagance he dwelled in with a maniacal modded medic.
“...God I hope that doesn’t mean it’s some kind of weird vibrator.”
“Not this time, dear.”
“The hell do you mean THIS time?!”
Percy shook his head, “It was a joke.”, he sighed, abandoning Stormy in the middle of a massive master bedroom before walking to a set of folding doors and throwing them wide open- showing lines and racks of silk, satin, suede, and all manner of cuts and drapes and... other things.
“See, THIS is why weird horny doctors can’t have unlimited money cheats.”, grumbled Stormy, approaching in concern like a scared tomcat on new linoleum as Percy dug through the closet racks of... Stormy would rather not consider.
The sniper began pulling hangers and ribbon-tied boxes down en mass; hooking a rolling cart with his foot and pulling it free to nudge it out of the closet with a hip as his arms were full.
“Luckily, most things run high on me darling- I have an excellent stash of backups and emergencies JUST for such a situation. Any color preferences, style preferences, decorations?”
“I. I have no idea what you are TALKING about.”, said Stormy, confused and deeply worried at the trouble he was about to be in.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ll figure it out as we go! Now, to the waist lovey.”
“To the whatmst.”
“Waist. Strip to the waist, so I can get the first set of measurements and start the comparison and adjustment phase.”
“Can’t you just eyeball it, I know you have enhanced sight-”
“I can’t eyeball sizes for shit, darling; tried to with Ratch and I was off by three inches and some change. Strip.”
Stormy pulled his coat off, tossing it to the side before pulling his shirt off as he was told, before freezing, “Wait, for YOUR Ratchet?!”
“Yes, a bone in vest helps his back during galas.”
“....I hate knowing this now. I know this, in my thinkmeat, now, and I will never escape knowing that he’s wearing a corset under his fancy stupid vests.”
“Not under, love. The vests ARE corsets.”, continued Percy airily as he pawed about for a seamstress tape. He approached the scientist and began snapping out the tape, noting the numbers with a murmur as Stormy yelped from the ice cold sniper’s hands and jerked every which way.
His wild movements running from the cold hands resulted in him tripping over his own foot, landing on the plush carpet with a grunt and a sigh.
“Mhm, mhm- yes straight as a board as I thought- but you’ve gotten some squish back so we can work with this, definitely... Maybe red, red is a good look; red and gold? No, too... weird royalty- like some obnoxious oligarch traipsing about. Oooooh, but the burgundy would look lovely against your skintone- maybe with silver... or cream? Mmm...”
Stormy pushed himself up into a sitting position, jolting when the sewing machine kicked with a flicker of Percy’s fingers and he watched in begrudging fascination as the sniper began ripping and repairing seams- frankensteining something the scientist knew would be absolutely unhinged- he just hoped it was the right kind of unhinged.
“Get the gold-etched box off the vanity, would you dear?”
“Uh... What’s in this? Witchcraft? This where you keep newt eyes and frog toes or...?”
“Shades I acquired but discovered they didn’t work with my skin tone or skin type. If you’re doing this then by Primus- or Mortilus, perhaps- we’re doing this RIGHT.”, said Percy firmly as the box was set on the edge of the rolling cart.
The sewing machine cut off after a few minutes, and Percy huffed as he stretched some fabric every which way before opening the box and pawing through it with a hum- pulling free tubes and brushes and all manner of odd things. Stormy swore the sniper pulled out a piece of candy, and his interest was piqued.
Percy beckoned him closer, cosmetics in hand, and pointed to an out of the way stool, “Grab that, bring it here, and let’s do this, darling.”
They were midway through the face of the deal when the bedroom door opened, Ratchet’s head peering through with amused concern on his face and a lock of grey-and-copper hanging over one eye.
“And whatever is going on in here, darling?”, he asked easily, nodding at Stormy though the scientist seemed very deer in the headlights.
“Stormy asked for some assistance- have a seat on the bed, love; I’ll need you for the lacing if my fingers dislocate again.”
A frown, “Sweetheart, I’ve been telling you to wear your silver-”
“And I’ve told you I’ll wear them when silver is my color.”
“Yes love.”
Stormy looked from the good Doctor to the sniper, “....Holy fuck you really got him MegaWhipped. I thought it was a RUMOR.”
“He’s not whipped, love- it’s called bewitching and I can teach you how to do it too.”, laughed Percy, gently tapping the tip of Stormy’s nose affectionately, “Now, check the mirror, tell me what you think.”
The scientist stood, walking over to the vanity and leaning down enough to see his face, “I. Whoa. How- How did you....”
“You just watched me- just mimic what you saw; I made sure to do a simple face so it’s not too much stress Mister Perfectionist.”
“...Perce, I don’t have all the weird brushes and-”
“Oh yes you do- If I have them, you have them; I’ll send a set with you to borrow indefinitely.”
Ratchet chuckled as he watched them before Percy waved Stormy back and held up a long... stripe? Or something, of fabric with deep embroidery in regular lines all along the length. Thin silk laces hung from it.
“Now come here, time to lace you up and make sure things fit correctly. I’ll warn you- it’s an underbust, so it’s going to sit a bit under the ni-”
“Do not say the word nipple, I do not feel comfortable hearing you say anatomy things with the Mad Mod Medic lounging and watching me while I’m half naked.”
“...Brainstorm, all due respect, I’ve gone down on you. More than once.”, sighed Ratchet.
Stormy’s face lit up in a blush, “DO NOT BRING THAT UP, WE HAD A DEAL, ALL THREE OF US.”
Ratchet held up a hand placatingly, before making a zipping motion over his grin.
Percy cleared his throat loudly, shaking the fabric he held.
Stormy sighed, trudging over and letting Percy move him about like a dress up doll, wiggling slightly at how cool and smooth the corset was as it went around him. He heard the snickt, snickt of laces being redone, tugged gently.
“Ratchet, brace him. Stormy, when you’ve a good hold on his arms, breath in good and deep- and do let me know if anything hurts, hm?”
But then it was too late, and Stormy was breathing in until it burned and he felt the fabric cinch tight... but then a series of loud pops and Percy snarling something in Low Altihexian that made even Ratchet’s cheeks brighter.
Stormy let go of the Doctor’s arms, letting him move quickly to Percy’s side with a shake of his head as he dipped his hand into a jewelry box on the top of the dresser nearby- pulling out spiralling rings in a bundle as he softly scolded his partner.
“And THIS is why you wear the silvers! When I find them in something closer to your preference, then you’ll have them but for NOW...”
“Yes, yes, yes- just. back into place, please. I’ll need you to lace while I brace.”
Stormy felt... awkward, holding the fabric with arms pulled tight to his sides as places switched after a soft sequence of pops and whimpers.
Percy huffily stood in front of Stormy, flexing fingers in the brace-like rings before offering his arms for Stormy to hold onto.
“Hold tight.”
“I am.”
“Now, breathe in...”
Another deep inhale, and Percy nodded. Once again the fabric cinched tight, then tighter; the creak of the laces and then a KNEE AGAINST STORMY’S BACK.
He was forced to finally exhale after another sharp tug on the laces, and the shuffling sounds of them being tied good and tight. He wobbled, letting go of Percy’s arms as the room spun just a little and he leaned too far back- feeling Ratchet’s firm chest against him and hating how sharply his face once more heated up.
Percy began patting and brushing over the fabric- tugging edges as though checking over body armor before taking Stormy’s hands in his own and tugging him more upright with a laugh.
“Have a look, darling! You’re gorgeous!”
Percy turned the scientist, almost dragging him over to a tall mirror and giddily clapping as the seamstress tape fell out of his pocket.
Stormy blinked- shocked at the glimmer to his eyes with the cosmetic accents, the way the circuitry on his skin stood out- and just how sharp the hourglass curve to his figure was now.
“...Holy hell. Okay, yeah, going to you? Best choice I’ve made, shit.”
“Ratchet, darling, any thoughts?”
Both looked to the medic, who hummed to himself and let his eyes drift slowly up and down Stormy’s figure- something flickered in those baby blues until Percy cleared his throat.
“...Love, you know better. He’s a claimed man and I will NOT back you up if Whirl decides you look a little too hound-doggish.”, was the flat statement, “Don’t even THINK about letting him be one of your... past interns.”
The mild venom in those words was enough to make Ratchet wince a little before waving it away, “You look wonderful- I’m sure Aid and Whirl will be unable to resist you. Tell me, does this have anything to do with the triple datenight Aid was chirruping about all day today at the medical campus?”
Stormy coughed awkwardly.
Percy cooed, patting Stormy’s cheek, “Aaaaaw, darling- If you’dve just said so, why; I have an entire other closet to choose from...”
“I, I, ,well, I’m-”
“Come, come here let’s get you all set up- entirely, this time- and please let me tackle those curls of yours.”
“I-I... I mean, I guess, I didn’t wanna be... y’know.”
A leech. A burden. Plain.
Percy’s good eye twitched, “It’s what friends do, don’t you try and logic yourself out of a good time.”
The wag of a clawcapped finger snapped Stormy out of his stammering, and he huffed into a pout- made all the more adorable by the velvety color on his lips.
Ratchet snickered, returning to his relaxed lounging on a down-comforter three duvet bed- head resting on a fist as he relaxed and watched Percy fuss over what he knew was the sniper’s closest friend- regardless of their rough early years.
“Yes, we can keep on with this color scheme- but add black to keep it mysterious-”
“I look like the cover of a goth pulp novel-”
“Yes, something both your boytoys read religiously-”
“Aid maybe, but Whirl has NEVER-”
“That tall dickhead STILL has my copy of Theatre d’Vosse and I’ll kill him one day for stealing it-”
Ratchet was nearly in tears holding in his laughter, watching as Stormy huffed and shimmied into a matte black overdress to cover the shimmering burgundy silk Percy had already slipped onto him.
“I take it this dat night is quite fancy?”, asked Percy to the room at large.
“Well, Aid did corner my double and I to stammer for ten minutes about tying ties.”, mused Ratchet, “Apparently the wrong answer to that question is ‘around the neck or around the wrists’.”
“Double clocked you for that one I imagine.”
“Oh no, he nearly wheezed out his left lung, almost had to intubate.”, was the dry response, “But Aid smacked me with a datapad.”
Stormy sighed, “Whirl chose the locale, went a bit overboard, it’s something of a black tie deal and, well.”
“Oh, I know.”, said Ratchet, “My double and I made sure to thoroughly educate the young man about it.”
“Ooooh, is THAT why you were home an hour late, then?”, said Percy with a sudden flicker of realization, “Well, I’ll make up for my snippiness to you later, when we’re alone.”
A pleased and interested rumble- which earned a fake retching noise from Stormy.
“Can you two please not flirt in front of me?”
“Hm. No.”
“I was ASKING the SNIPER.”
“I also say no, darling.”
“You are BOTH impossible.”
“We may be impossible,”, said Ratchet graciously, “But we mean well. Speaking of- Whirl has no doubt arrived- I’ll be lending him a set of keys tonight.”
“Ah, that’s right- he’s usually a designated since the whole... no liquor thing.”
“No idea how the man survives some days...”, sighed Ratchet, getting unwillingly to his feet and cracking his back.
Stormy froze with a thunderbolt of clarity, slowly turning his head to Percy, who smiled easily.
“...You two were DIRECTED.”
“By Whirl, and Aid. To help surprise you.”
“Wh. To wha-”
“Yes dear- it is after all, technically your birthday. Forgot your own day you silly goose. Now, come along- I’ve gotten you all dolled up and as payment I’d like to toast your completion of another year.”
Percy quickly hugged the scientist around his waist, laughing softly when it was returned in slow motion.
“After all Stormy- it’s a good accomplishment to celebrate; especially for people like us!”
And with that, Percy was taking Stormy’s hand- gently encased in opera gloves to match the burgundy silk- and leading him out as though presenting royalty.
Stormy sniffed softly; being wise to use the back of a knuckle to dab at the corners of his eyes discreetly before clearing his throat. Percy glanced at him.
“It’s nothing, just not used to eyeliner.”
“Of course, precious.”
“....Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Sinners & Saints-Chapter 14
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               A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Fourteen
The tender ride to the island had Claire’s last nerve in shreds. She was very afraid of having her chip taken out today, even though Jamie already tested the safety of the procedure the day before. The four of them split up at the front of the clinic, Darius and Maia would hang out at the back door of the facility just in case the good doctor made a run for it.
Jamie held Claire’s hand and scowled at the nurse during check-in. The doctor saw them and abruptly turned around but was soon escorted back by Darius. The nurse was decidedly unfriendly today which added another layer of stress to the procedure. Jamie just wanted it over with and pulled Claire to the treatment room when they were called.
The doctor thankfully started with a shot of Valium that put Claire out completely. It was a little unnerving. Claire was not a rambunctious mover when she wasn’t sedated, but this complete stop even unnerved the doctor, so he put a monitor on her heart. Jamie held a glass jar out for the doctor to drop the bloody implant into before closing the incision. He knew women had a thing about their upper arms looking nice, so he watched every stitch closely.
Jamie handed the doctor ten one-hundred-dollar bills and they left as soon as Jamie could wake her up. Claire smiled continuously and said hello to everyone they passed. She stopped to pet a lady’s purse and asked what its name was. Jamie was struggling to keep her walking in a straight line and if he stopped she would go off in another direction, so it took multiple attempts to call Darius.
Once Claire was in the tender, he searched for Darius and Maia, hoping they would hurry. The inebriated Sassenach needed to be locked in her room until the Valium wore off. Everything almost went south getting her onto the aft deck when she fell backward. Jamie was able to catch her before she slipped into the ocean. He was so rattled, he put Claire to bed and watched her from a nearby chair. Maia came in with a tray of food and agreed to sit with her so Jamie could get his sketch pad. He was intrigued by the locals, the tone of their skin, their gestures, and facial expressions. While Claire slept, Jamie roughed in the scene he wanted to paint and the remainder of the day was uneventful.
Jamie had given up hope that Claire would wake up that day. He wanted to talk about Danny and the extraordinary things she said and knew about his paintings, even those not done yet. It would have to wait until tomorrow he decided and slid his sketchbook into his bed table.
Claire’s eyeballs peeked out from under their lids at first light. She could hear the rhythmic breathing of her husband next to her, so she knew it was very early and after almost twenty-four hours of sleeping, she needed to get up. Adso had other ideas and did nothing but purr when she stroked him.
Sipping delicious coffee on the foredeck, the sun energized her to feel more alive by the minute. There was movement on Danny’s yacht and she watched the peculiar crewman standing on the foredeck holding a flat of flowers like a statue. How odd, she thought, until she saw Danny’s head pop up and take a handful of young Petunias before dropping out of sight again. She forced herself to stop looking and jumped at the vibrating cell phone next to her. Javier was the only person who called so she picked it up and said his name.
“No darling, it’s Danny, do you remember giving me this number? If not, I’m sorry to intrude. How are you on this beautiful morning?”
“I feel amazing today, and you?”
“Very well indeed, but I could use a hand with these young plants if you have a moment.” She chuckled, “I apologize for being unacceptably straight forward, dear, please forgive me.”
“No, no, I would love to help, plant flowers? On your boat? I love gardening but never considered doing on a boat. Yes! I would love to help you, Danny. I see your tender is out, can someone come and get me in ten minutes?”
Claire left a note for Jamie and got into the tender waiting for her at the aft deck. She was excited to see Danny again and planting small flowers, however weird that was on a boat, was the perfect activity for her energized morning.
Danny smiled brightly when Claire walked onto her deck, removing her gloves to shake her hand warmly. The tender engines screamed away until it was clear of the yacht, then the crewman pulled the steering wheel harshly for a nautical-donut that launched the young man sideways, splashing down about twenty-feet from the tender.
“Oh my God!”
Danny held her arm before she could jump overboard and rescue the man. “Don’t worry about the cub my dear, he has a racer’s heart and can’t help himself. I had the tender engine modified so when someone let’s go of the throttle it stops moving. He’s fine,” she giggled. “Let me show you our chore for this morning.”
Claire followed Danny along the side deck to the other end of the enormous yacht and stepped down to the foredeck. She watched her step descending the six steps and noticed greenery around her feet and heard the most amazing music. Once on the deck, she looked around at the beautiful garden Danny had created. There were large trees, many bushes, vines, trellis clinging roses, a proper rose garden, and planters overflowing with pansies in every color that lent their sweet smell to the air.
“This is amazing, Danny! It is the last thing I would expect on a boat. It is beautiful but what happens during a storm?”
“If we can’t outrun it the planters are wheeled into a garage beyond that door. You just lift a bit on the end of the planter and the wheels pop out.”
“Oh! That is so clever! Well, I’m ready, where do I start planting?”
Danny showed her an empty planter and they discussed what levels and colors should be included then Claire got to work. When Danny came to check on her a bit later, the planter was done. She and Danny took turns watering the expansive deck full of flowers and talked as they worked.
“Have you always loved to sale or yacht?”
“No, I bought this yacht to get away from my son who wants to put me in a home. Turns out I really like the freedom, the people, and my crew.” She regarded Claire for several minutes and finally spoke to her about the joys of being nosy.
“My dear, I was raised strictly, trained in social graces at the best boarding schools, I was a debutante, and my family is at the top of the social food chain so to speak. I caught a fever in my early thirties that killed my husband and put me into a coma for a month. I had a lot of time to think before I woke up and I was a changed woman from then on. The first change was I spoke my truth, whatever that was. Let me demonstrate.”
Claire was delighted with her perky and fun attitude and listened closely.
“You, my dear, might spend the entire time asking socially acceptable questions and never get an answer to the question that burns in your mind. Give it a try, what do you want to ask me?
Claire watched Danny encourage her to speak up and she finally blurted out “how can you afford this boat and live-in crew? Oh God, it’s none of my business Danny, please forgive me!”
Danny stood straight and held her head high, “nonsense! When I tell you the answer, we will be friends and I want to be your friend so come inside, out of the sun for some refreshment while I explain.”
Claire pulled off her deck shoes and looked up as a glass wall opened to the formal saloon. She was struck dumb as her eyes took in the exquisite furniture and art in the massive room. There was a double grand staircase that went up to the second floor of living space and the boat seemed to go on for a mile. She was barely aware of Danny talking to her until she felt her hand slip through her elbow, leading her through the saloon.
“I can see that you like my floating home, and now there are two burning questions, are there not?”
“What…what does the rest look like?”
Danny chuckled and led Claire on a tour of luxury and abundance she didn’t know existed. The artwork was exceptional and they chatted about several of the artists. The formal dining room could serve twenty-four people comfortably with another dining room for everyday use. The floor to ceiling windows provided a stunning view with glass doors spaced to provide fresh air and an exit to the side deck. Beyond the double staircase were Danny’s expansive office, sitting room, private atrium, and bathrooms as big as Claire’s bedroom. All the flooring was Italian marble that also lined the walls of the shower, which you could fit a basketball team in.
“I don’t stay in these rooms, too big. I live in one of the staterooms and it’s just right for me.”
“What? Why? My God Danny, this is so beautiful it’s making me emotional.”
Danny showed Claire the private deck with a hot tub, full bar, outdoor shower, and lounges big enough for two. They continued the tour to the upper decks, four of them, a large movie theater, an upper saloon that was a bit more casual with flatscreen televisions that appeared when a button was pushed, a bar that looked fully stocked, and a foredeck with formal dining. Another level was dedicated to a full-sized gym with all the equipment, free weights, benches, a huge screen for watching aerobic videos, two saunas, a huge hot jacuzzi, and a running track that circled the enormous room.
They stepped into an elevator made of glass and went down to the lower deck with a large swimming pool and waterfall. The glass wall in front of the pool opened completely to the aft deck that was set up like a beach party with two bars, outside showers, lounges, and a closet full of towels. Danny pulled Claire’s hand and they were somehow back on the main deck walking through the expansive galley that included four of every major appliance needed for entertaining, four commercial refrigerators, freezers, and dishwashers, a two-hundred bottle wine cellar, and huge tables for food preparation.
Claire was in luxury overload and felt sad she would forget half of what she had seen.
“I wonder if you would accompany me for lunch and the second question you asked?”
Claire was delighted to spend more time with a woman she was really starting to like. Danny led her out to yet another private deck off the galley that was smaller and more intimate with a small table for two already made up for lunch. She picked up the phone and spoke to someone about a sore ankle, asking questions that made Claire feel she was really concerned about the person on the other end. Then she ordered avocado toast and tuna stuffed tomatoes with several side dishes and iced tea. Claire was overwhelmed by the experience and the calming water around the deck, about thirty feet down she guessed. When the food came, a muscular young man brought the plates stacked carefully up and down his forearms which were transferred to the table with no apparent effort. He limped away.
“You are very quiet dear Claire. Oh, you’re starving, poor thing, I don’t imagine you had much to eat yesterday.”
Claire’s head jerked up to look at Danny, smiling at her cheeks stuffed with food. How would she know about no eating as she slept yesterday away?
“Well, you eat while I tell you who I am and maybe what I hope to be to you sweet girl.”
“My birth name is Sepora Cornelius Meyer. My grandfather immigrated to America from Poland and worked in a small grocery until he learned to speak English. He purchased the store eventually, but I digress. Everything my grandfather touched turned to gold and he reinvested every dime he made in oil, real estate, and steel. The short version is he became rich and celebrated before he died, leaving a son to take his place, my father.”
The young muscular man came out with plates of cheese and fresh vegetables that were bite-sized. While Claire crunched on carrots she looked to Danny with anticipation.
“Things were different then. The household adopted the opinions of the father and never questioned. They had more money than could ever be spent but an idle life was not allowed, so my father worked, starting at the bottom, learning the business of steel, oil, and real estate. He was quite a man, my hero, never to be replaced.”
Claire waited and crunched celery while Danny took several tiny bites of her avocado toast.
“Before my brother died, poor Alfred, my life was positively glorious! Boarding school in France and Sweden, summers in various countries with my friends, and beautiful parties during the social season where we could be in the same room with boys our age. It was such fun. When we buried Alfred, all that changed. No more school, no more summers away, and parties became a new kind of classroom where I would learn from watching the men. I didn’t like it one bit so I stuck my nose in the air through the first season and won myself a stiff neck and a cross father, more determined to ruin my life.”
“What took the place of school?”
“I spent dreadfully long hours reading communications from my father to other companies, banks, businessmen, and political people. When the steelworkers refused to let me take an active role on the production floor my father set up a small desk and chair and that is where I read stacks of documents. When I could finally wash at the end of the day, I pretended I couldn’t hear my mother saying I was now deaf from the ungodly noise of the production floor. She smiled and told me to set the table when my hearing came back or none of us would eat. I recovered quickly.”
“Did it ever get more tolerable for you?”
“Father planted fake letters, several of them during my second year leaning the business. Brazen mistakes in accounting, materials, even which political party he supported. I missed them all because I was daydreaming of lovely parties or who I would marry. Father became distant and terribly unhappy and one night I heard him talking to mother about his shame over not having a qualified heir to lead the business. He was so sad and it broke my heart hearing his defeated voice. It took about a minute to realize I was an utter failure to the most important man in my life.”
“Oh, Danny, how could you know how important it was for you to learn?”
“He and mother both told me and I didn’t listen, until that night. After that, he would hand me a stack of documents and I ran back to his office for more, asking questions about certain decisions and correcting the math where I found mistakes. It took several days to convince him, but soon I was waiting for him to come down the stairs for our walk to the office and I pumped him with questions along the way. It seemed like he grew three inches but it was the weight of defeat getting off of his back, allowing him to stand straight and proud, beaming his smile to the world. I was never so happy, or relieved, to know I wasn’t a failure in his eyes. And that’s all there is.”
“What? How old were you when you took over? Did your family keep all three businesses? How did you survive the depression? What was it like to be the leader of that kind of fortune? What …”
Danny smiled at Claire and her eyes twinkled. “I would love to tell you more after we discuss my coma.”
“I had become my father when I fell ill. My loving husband had succumbed to the illness and I didn’t know it for over a month as I was deep inside myself. I could see how I distanced myself from real life to free my mind for running the business and such. When I woke up I had a new burden to suffer because I could see things in people. Their happiness, sorrow, who they loved, and who they were deceiving. It was like living in a nightmare that never ended. Young people from the best families would shake my hand and I would see their hands around someone’s throat, choking the life out of them. It felt like I had gone insane, especially when my mother had me committed and took over the raising of my son.”
“Good God.”
“You are feeling my pain at the moment because you are an empath, dear Claire, and those that confide in you feel they are truly understood for the first time. It is a rare quality.”
“I think everyone feels the way I do.”
“Wouldn’t that be lovely?”
Claire heard a loud whistle and looked across the water finding Jamie and Darius standing in the tender holding spears up with two large fish impaled. She smiled and clapped a bit in the air, suddenly wanting to wrap herself around her husband.
“Thank you for spending time with me today, Claire. I hope to see you again, but it is time for me to rest. The cub has a boat race later and I will need my strength to endure it.”
Danny walked Claire to the aft deck and was truly surprised when Claire hugged her, thanking her for everything. Jamie helped her into the tender and she waved to her new friend who watched them smiling, until she disappeared into her own boat.
Jamie, Darius, and Maia, were asking about Claire’s morning making her uncomfortable with keeping Danny’s confidence about all she told her. She finally went to her room and drew a bath with bubbles to idle away part of the day.
“Everything alright, love?”
“No.” She looked at Jamie’s handsome face, “I miss you, although I don’t know how that could be.”
“I do, because I miss you too Sassenach. I came to ask you to go to the island with me today. I want to take some pictures of the five lads that will be in the painting. After that, we can play, have dinner, or drinks. But it is a date so look your best, like you do right now, mo chridhe.”
“What, here in the bath?”
“No, that wouldn’t be right unless we stayed right here.”
Jamie smiled and tried to grab her getting a wet sponge in the face for his efforts. Claire pulled the plug and stepped into the shower so Jamie could wash her hair.
When he came back an hour later, Claire was sitting on the deck in a pretty yellow dress that reminded him of something. She had straightened her hair and wore makeup to add the exotic dimension to her eyes. He slid his arms around her waist and asked if she was ready to go.
Once on the island, it wasn’t hard to find the five boys that hung out together. Jamie explained he was painting a picture and they were in it which caused quite a ripple in the calm of the afternoon.
Jamie took several pictures of each of them, close up of the face, one showing some mannerism, the other a body shot. He showed them and they laughed. Once Jamie sat down to sketch, Claire called them to her and when they realized how friendly, and pretty she was, they showed off for her trying to outdo the others. The sun was shining off her hair and shoulders and her smile was like a beacon on her tanned face. Jamie laughed at the playfulness of the boys he guessed to be fourteen to eighteen. Gentle, beautiful boys who had taken over his creative mind. Jamie packed up his paper and tools and they bid the boys goodbye to wander around town.
Jamie could see Claire’s shoulders getting red in the sun and pulled her into a dress shop that had a large section of hats, which he brought to her, five at a time. He chose a wide-brimmed hat and the shop owner was happy to wrap a yellow ribbon around it, tied in the back with the extra length hanging off the brim. They laughed and stole kisses and wandered aimlessly until it was time to find a restaurant and gorge themselves on local cuisine and whisky. Jamie slipped an arm around Claire when they left. If they had been more aware of the people around them, they might have noticed the stares, but they were in their own world.
Claire pulled her shoes off when they reached the sand. Jamie waited to be alone with her on the beach because the full moon provided all the light he would need.
“Sassenach, I have something for you.” He pulled her hand and she turned around with her tipsy smile and sparkling eyes. “God, your beautiful.”
“Do I get some sort of prize for something awesome I did?”
“Something like that.” He pulled a tiny box from his pocket and handed it to her.
She looked excited until she pulled the box open and her eyes fell on the diamond inside. She could not pull her eyes away from it.
“We can take it back and get something you like better. Just put it on, one time, and then decide.”
She handed him the box and never took her eyes off the ring. Offering her outstretched hand she watched him push it onto her finger, and then he pulled her to his mouth for a sweet kiss.
“Thank you, Jamie,” she whispered.
“Your welcome, love.”
Once in the tender, they moved slowly to the yacht, careful to keep the engine quiet as they passed boats and yachts with people sleeping inside. Claire moved to the floor of the tender and leaned against the inflated side and dropped her head back. She was looking up at the moon, directly above her, feeling deliciously happy, slightly buzzed, and ran her hand down her burning nipple. Jamie watched her tipsy arousal and wanted her naked under the moonlight.
When the motor shut off, she looked at him like he was all she needed for the rest of her life. Jamie crept toward her and pulled off his shirt and shorts. He wanted her to remember this night. The dress came off, as did the tiny thong she wore and he pulled her leg up and over the inflated side of the tender. He pushed into her body placing greedy kisses on her face and neck. He wanted it to last but seeing his naked wife and the way her breasts bounced with every thrust was his undoing. He couldn’t help himself, he let it go when her orgasm started and pumped his warm love into her body while she clung to him.
They laid in each other's arms and talked quietly, about love and what was ahead.
“Jamie, I want to buy a new tender. This is like an inflatable raft, so I suppose the previous owner had little use for it. It doesn’t feel safe, but it was a marvelous bouncy thing to make love on.”
“Of course, Sassenach.”
Jamie raised up on an elbow and looked around the tender in all directions. He pulled Claire up with a worried look and helped her dress before getting them back to the yacht. He held Claire with one arm and drove the tender with the other.
“Did you just turn completely around?”
“That I did Sassenach. Lay against me and rest, we’re almost home.”
When Jamie turned again she started giggling. “Sweetheart, are we lost?”
The motor started to sputter and lurch as the last of the gas was consumed. Claire could not stop giggling which calmed Jamie more than she would ever know. Claire dropped to the soft bottom of the tender and held her arms out to him.
“Come here, my darling man, and rest under the stars with me.”
Once she had twisted her arms and legs with his and laid against his chest, Jamie smiled at the moon and decided to relax. When they were dropping into sleep a huge noise woke them up and they clung to each other.
“What the fuck was that, Jamie?”
“It’s gone love, whatever it was. Rest now.”
Claire wasn’t relaxed and buzzed anymore, she was panting with fright and suddenly felt something very large push against her from under the water. Before she could say anything the horrendously loud noise was back and slimy cold water rained down on them.
“Jesus Christ, Jamie, what is that?”
Jamie suspected it was a whale that surfaced near them but had not formed a word before he felt something bump the tender. Claire started screaming as the bump came again, harder this time. Jamie pulled out his cell phone and prayed Darius would answer.
“Darius, thank God. We have a bit of a problem here.”
Something under the surface pushed on the tender again and kept pushing it until they were spinning around clinging to each other. Claire was screaming for all she was worth, and Darius was trying to sound calm for both of them.
“Do you see any lights, anywhere?”
“No, Claire sweetheart please don’t scream.”
“Do you have a flashlight? If you point it at whatever is beneath…”
They were spinning in the tender pushed by something massive under the surface. Darius was running down the stairs as fast as his legs could go, worried they had drifted into the shipping lanes where they would never be seen before a gigantic cargo ship plowed over them, dragging them underneath it.
“Darius searched the water and saw nothing. “Jamie look up and tell me if you can see…”
“The sky is full of clouds now Darius, I can see nothing, it’s pitch black out here and something under the water is pushing us in circles. We need help!”
Darius noticed the lights coming on all over Danny’s boat and two bright searchlights swept the water for as far as he could see. He heard a tender approach and jumped in pointing a direction for the crewman to go. He had his phone on speaker and the young man was getting rattled by Claire screaming. He moved away from the throttle and told Darius to drive.
Claire was screaming the boat was going to tip over and Darius did his best to calm them down.
“Jamie! Hold onto Claire really tight and ask her to stop screaming, I’m in Danny’s tender and I’m coming to get you!”
When it was quiet Darius took a deep breath and played the only card that might save them.
“Be calm and don’t blow this, my friend. There is a flare gun in the water-tight compartment under the steering whflareIt is the only chance I have of finding you so ask Claire to sit perfectly still, take aim at the sky directly above you, and fire.”
A minute later the crewman pointed to a brilliant purple streak climbing into the sky, in the other direction.
“Did you see the flair from the water level?” The boy shook his head no, which meant they were very far away and Darius had only seconds before the flair extinguished.
“Sit down!”
Darius pulled back on the throttle and the dual engine tender launched in the direction of the flair. He noticed both searchlights were now directed at the ocean under the flair and hoped they could see the lights and know help was on the way.
Talking at that speed was impossible because the wind snatched your words away. Darius dropped the speed enough to tell the crewman to keep sight of the flair and then watch the smoke if it went out, then tap his leg when they were close. The tender jerked alive again, like a bullet shooting across the water. Darius was feeling frantic when the boy tapped his leg and he pulled up on the throttle. It was black as pitch above and below them and he knew his friends must be terrified. The boy put something in his hand, it was a flare gun!
“Holy shit, you just saved the day my man!”
“Jamie, are you there?”
“Well, I was about to hang up but decided to stay on a little longer,” said sarcastically.
“We have flairs, shooting one now, watch it for my direction.”
The bright red flair went shooting to the heavens. “Starboard, maybe half a mile.”
The crewman found an emergency box stored inside the bench seat at the back of the tender. There was a light that plugged into the battery port and it almost blinded them both. He held it high above his head and Darius shot another flair.
“Talk to me brother!”
“Portside, same distance.”
“We aren’t spinning anymore, it’s pushing us, a bit rough I might add.”
Darius could not wait. They had to take a risk if they were going to find them before the boat sank from something underneath.
“Your name.”
“Ethan, sir.”
“I’m Darius. It’s only right I know your name before risking your life. How do you feel about that..Ethan?”
“It’s what I came for, sir.”
Darius aimed the light a foot above the water and about 500 yards ahead. Once Ethan took the light, Darius pulled back on the throttle and kept his eyes glued to the direct path ahead.
Claire was on the edge of sanity after being bumped, spun, and pushed, by something large underneath the little tender. She couldn’t see anything in the dark black night except maybe a two-foot space that was lit by Jamie’s phone. She watched that space while Jamie talked to Darius and when an unexpected shape came up out of the water, caught by the dim light, Claire’s scream shattered the night and she fainted.
Jamie looked up at a large head shaped like a torpedo with an eye that regarded him before slipping back under the water. He held Claire on his lap and patted her cheek, begging her to wake up. Jamie was aware of another flare shot into the sky and realized he heard the gun go off this time.
“Darius! You’re close! Starboard and close!”
“Can you see my light, Jamie?”
Suddenly, there it was, like a hand reaching through the dark night to save them. He watched it until the white teeth of Darius’s smile materialized. Claire was rubbing her eyes and crying, waving at Darius in her filthy yellow dress.
Jamie pulled her to him, “thank Christ.” He reached for the rope and tied it tightly to the tow ring at the front of the tender. Darius heard the song of the Humpback whales in the distance and smiled at Claire.
“There’s your tormentor. Probably a female with a calf who had a bit of fun playing with the tender.”
Her ghostly white face peeked out from Jamie’s chest and he could see her shaking and teeth chattering. Jamie asked if she wanted to ride back on Danny’s boat. She moved to the side of her boat and looked down at the water before launching back into Jamie’s arms.
Darius slowly turned Danny’s tender around and moved the boat forward very slowly until the rope was taught and they were pulling the other boat. He turned toward them and asked them to lay on the floor of the tender and hold onto something. They were right in the middle of a shipping lane and Darius wanted to get them out of there pronto. He told Ethan to watch for bodies flying out and picked up speed gradually keeping the tow rope taught. Soon they were flying across the water until he gradually slowed down when the yachts were in view. Darius circled the boats twice, letting his wake provide resistance to slow the towed tender. Danny was waiting on Claire’s boat with Maia and helped bring Claire on board with teeth chattering and pasty white skin. The women helped her into bed and covered her with a quilt.
Danny sat next to her and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I can’t imagine how terrifying that was for you. Luckily, your man is strong as an ox and would have beaten the sea thing off to save you.” Danny’s voice was soft and caring and Claire was so grateful for her help. Jamie is coming to warm you up and I hope you rest tonight dear. Goodnight.
Jamie and Darius thanked Danny repeatedly, not finding the right words to convey she had saved them tonight. Danny looked at Darius with a sleepy smile.
“You are rather good at what you do, don’t ever doubt that Darius. I saw your brave heart tonight and felt your relief when you found them. Quite extraordinary. Goodnight.
“Thank you for everything tonight ma’am.”
Darius helped Danny into her tender and watched until she was safely on board, the tender was resting in the garage, and the lights flicked off one section at a time. He knew the chance of finding them in time was zero without a fast boat and he felt the gratitude down to his toes.
Small arms circled his waist and he looked down at the incomparable Maia with her head tilted and her chin raised in a healthy come fuck me pose that threatened his very sanity. She would pull him back to earth and make him right again. He gave himself over to her.
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viking-raider · 5 years
Body Shape *Anon Request*
Summary: You are struggling on Your diet and exercise. You’ve had more cheat meals than You really should have. It was a struggle Henry understands well himself, and he isn’t shy about telling and showing You how much he loves the shape of Your body, and let You know that You’re not alone.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/You
Word Count: 1,788
Rating: Fluffy Support, Fluffy and Loving Henry, and a Cold Shower..
Inspiration: Anon Request (x)
Author’s Note: To the dear Anon that requested this, I hope I managed what you wanted, and hope you’re doing well. ❤️
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans @jennylovelyheart @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @badassbaker​, @jensen-danneel-please​, @michelehansel​
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You stared at the empty carton of Triple Chocolate Ice Cream, and bit into your trembling bottom lip. You'd done it again, and hated yourself for it. You'd been on a diet for the last several months and had been doing decently well on it, minus the few times you'd stumbled and cheated on it. But, for whatever reason this time was the hardest, you didn't know what it was about this week, but you'd eaten almost everything thing in the house, including Kal, who eyeballed you from the living room. Letting out frustrated growl, you picked up that container and threw it, forcefully, into the trash under the kitchen sink and launched the spoon you'd used into the sink. You went into the private gym Henry had set up in the spare bedroom and decided to do a run on the treadmill for a while, and it did make you feel better for a little while. Until you went upstairs to take a shower and caught a look at your naked body in the full length bathroom mirror, freezing you into place and making you stare at yourself with giant eyes.
“How the fuck can Henry love this?” You gulped, licking your dry lips and blinking at the hot blinding tears welling up in your eyes.
“It's a lot easier than you think.” Henry's voice answered as he appeared in the bathroom doorway, he met your eyes in the mirror and had to take a deep breath before he got emotional seeing you cry. “You are incredibly beautiful, y/n.” He told you, moving closer behind you.
“You're only saying that cause you don't want to see me cry.” You told him, angrily wiping at your eyes and feeling silly. “You have the damn body of a Greek god, and I've got the body of a....play dough figure.”
Henry's eyebrows creased and he rested his hands on your hips. “It took me decades to get my body where it is right now, y/n.” He told you, his lips brushing the cove of your ear. “and you know that.” he said, his fingertips gliding over the curve of your sides, bringing his hands to rest on your shoulders. “and you also know how much I struggle to keep it this way. How many times have you caught me cheating on a diet, or found my stash...”
“You hide everything in your fucking shoe boxes.” You chuckled, despite the tears still in your eyes, knowing he was right. “You've always had a stronger will than me.”
“Like hell I have!” Henry laughed, pressing his lips to your shoulder. “I have to have a trainer beat my ass for months to get into shape, and stay in shape. You don't even use a trainer, you do it all on your own. I could never do that! If I didn't have my Trainer the most exercise I'd do was walking from the couch to the kitchen, or from my computer, as I played World of Warcraft, to the kitchen, or taking Kal on a walk to pee.” He kissed up your neck, his hands smoothing down your arms and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you back against him. “You hit the gym here at home, or with me, or on your own, every day. You get up an hour before me, and I already get up before the sun rises. You're so much better than me at cardio. You beat me by thirty minutes at the Durrell Challenge last year.” He listed all these things, as his hands wandered around your body, touching and caressing your skin and curves.
“You've lost almost all the weight you wanted to lose.”
“Yeah, and I'm about to gain it all back.” You sniffled, biting your lip and leaning back against him.
“No, you're not, Honey.” Henry whispered, ghosting his lips over the skin of your neck. “We all have our moments of weakness.”
“I ate an entire thing of Chocolate ice cream, a pizza, cookies and more chocolate.” You confessed, wiggling as Henry caressed your sides and stomach, touching ticklish spots. “And that's just today. I'm so hungry I could eat Kal.”
Henry dropped his head back, laughing. “I don't think Kal tastes all that good.” He chuckled, turning you around to face him. “He's mostly fur, than anything else.” He tried to get you to giggle, but didn't quite manage it, and he sighed. “I ate the rest of your chocolate cake from the restaurant last night.” he blurted out.
“You what?” You snapped, looking up at him, surprised.
“I ate it.” He nodded, pressing his lips together. “I was supposed to do my fasting cardio this morning. But, when I got up, I went into the fridge to make sure my shake was ready for me, after my workout, and I saw your cake and...I just couldn't help myself.”
“I thought I slept ate it.” You told him, mouth hanging open.
“No, babe. That was me, all me.” He explained, utterly abashed. “So, I didn't actually do my fasted cardio, and I've been sneaking Reese's cups.”
“That's why I found the wrapper under the driver's seat of the car!” You exclaimed, shocked.
Henry licked his lips and nodded his head. “Yeah. My Trainer chewed me out for it, cause I gained a kilo in the last month, and not of muscle.”
“Three pounds, Henry?” You asked him, surprised, you'd thought he'd been kicking his diet and exercise ass, doing so well and amazing at it.
“Yeah, I've been doing some stress eating, worried about the upcoming season of the Witcher.” He confessed to you, caressing your neck and twisting your hair around his fingers.
“Why didn't you tell me, you were struggling?”
“Why didn't you tell me you were struggling?” He countered, looking you in the eyes, deeply with such affection and empathy, it made you to start crying again. “I don't want you to be so hard on yourself. You deserve to be proud of yourself for everything you've done in the last months to lose weight. It's not an easy task to do, but I know you can do it, and can't be any prouder of you, y/n.” he told you, pressing his forehead to yours. “You can always tell me when you're having a hard time with it, or if you just need to talk to me about how you're feeling. I love you with all my heart and soul, y/n. I don't care what your body shape is. I care about what makes you happy, and I want to do anything and everything for you, and with you, to make sure you achieve that. Whatever it is.” He pressed his lips to yours in a tender, but meaningful, kiss.
“And if you're going to cheat on your diet,” he added, pulling back to look at you, his fingers brushing through your hair. “You better let me in on it,” he chuckled, smiling. “You always have the best cheat foods.”
You laughed at him, blushing like crazy. “I really do, don't I?” You nodded, biting your lip.
“Mind, if I share the shower with you?” he asked, stroking your skin. “I'm pretty dirty after my workout and run.”
“I'd share anything with you, Henry.” You told him, moving to turn on the shower. “I'm pretty icky myself, after running on the treadmill.”
Henry grinned, pulling you back against him, and kissing you with incredible passion, before dragging you into the shower with him. You melted feeling his hands on you as you rinsed the soap off your body. You looked up at him as he turned you around, feeling your knees become wobbly as you looked at him, dripping wet and glistening. He was nothing any Greek sculptor could carve out of marble, or any stone for that matter. Henry smirked at you, winked and slowly sank to his knees in front of you, the spray of the shower raining down his head and shoulders, as he wrapped both of his arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he pressed his mouth between your legs, making your let out a breathy giggle, feeling the tip of his tongue swirl around your clit. It was a damn good thing his arms were around your legs, or you'd have melted down the shower drain.
“You taste so good.” He moaned against you, making the vibration of his deep voice tickle you. “You are my favorite cheat meal, ever.” He told you, turning his head to suck on the very inner spot of your thigh. “I could devour, and worship, your body for life.” He turned his mouth back to your clit, cupping you in his mouth as his tongue slipped along the length of your lips, delving into your center to tease the growing wetness there.
“Oh, fuck all, Henry.” You gasped, arm shooting out to the shower wall to steady yourself, and Henry's arms hugged your legs tighter. “We're going to have to run this off, or at least, do some serious cardio.” You panted, your free hand tangling into Henry's wet hair.
“Cardio.” He whispered around you, moving one of his arms further around your leg, to move a hand between your legs and slip a finger inside of you from behind, making your head fall back, the cold shower water falling over you with a shiver, or was it Henry's mouth that made you shiver?
“Yes.” You panted, tightening your fingers in his hair, tugging on those wet curls and pressing his face a bit firm between your legs, as your orgasm mounted. “Please, Henry.” You whimpered, gulping as your body felt tingly and warm, despite the ice cold water, your knees gave a little bit and the hand you had on the shower wall, clenched Henry's shoulder with your nails digging into his skin. You dropped your head forward and looked down at him, seeing that he'd been looking up at you the whole time. “You hungry, bastard.” You laughed, then gasped sharply, feeling your orgasm washed over you, making you sway, feeling light and dizzy, your eyes rolling back into your head.
Henry stood up, wrapping his arms around your waist to support you, and kissed you. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips. “I love your body. I love your curves, and I love your soul.”
“I love how loving and supportive you are of me.” You answered, nipping at his bottom lip. “I love how you love me, even when I don't love myself.”
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akechicrimes · 5 years
7 or 71 for either shuake or yukamitsu [big eye emojis]
7. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work (which Goro dubiously eyeballs for a whole four seconds before picking up) and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
Well, neither Goro nor Akira own a car for Akira to drive, so that means Akira got hit on foot. Goro is very calm, and has no immediate panic response to that, because he’s a rational and responsible adult. “Are you dead?” Goro asks.
“Probably not.”
“And is there a reason you’re calling me instead of the ambulance?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I think I have a bruise on one of my legs, if that counts. But I was riding your bike when it happened, so the bike got totaled, so, you know. They’ve got the same model you had, but there’s tons of new colors, if you want pictures.”
Goro takes a very long, very deep breath. Goro is very, extremely calm. “Anything is fine,” he says. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, hundred percent. I even landed on my feet; you should’ve seen it.”
“You should go to the ER anyway,” says Goro, in a voice that is truly the epitome of calm.
“I mean, I guess I could, but that seems like a waste of time. And I don’t want to just leave your bike in the middle of the road.”
“Throw it away if it’s wrecked, then.”
“But it deserves a proper send-off.”
“You’re doing this to me on my birthday, Kurusu.”
“I’ll go to the ER if you go with me,” says Akira hopefully, who is a perennially bad influence who is of the opinion that Goro should have just said he’d be ‘working from home’ and spent the day with him.
Goro takes a look at his calendar, tallies up how many meeting he’d have to reschedule, and waits a whole five seconds before he lets himself say, “Fine,” because Akira just said that he’s fine and Goro isn’t upset and everything is so calm that Goro can wait five seconds before agreeing to leave work. “I’ll see you at Leblanc.”
“Wait, wait, which color for the bike? They’ve got green, blue, a red, a kind of fun rose-gold thing, which is a bit excessive considering it’s a bike, and teal, and a kind of blue and orange Naruto-y thing…”
“Anything is fine.” Goro stops. “Except the last one.”
“Red it is! See you in a bit.”
“Don’t ride that bike back to Leblanc,” says Goro, as if lightning might strike twice on the same day on the same man riding the same model bike of the same color, but Akira’s already hung up. Goro speed-drafts a rescheduling email, copy-pastes it to four different people, and then sprints out the office door without even a goodbye to his coworkers.
Friday, 11:16 AM
FUTABA: hey goro
FUTABA: hey gorororororororororo
GORO: If it’s about the traffic accident, I heard about it.
GORO: I’m going back to Leblanc now.
FUTABA: no it’s smthg else
FUTABA: well it is about the accident but i got smthg else for u
FUTABA sent MOV19.mp4
FUTABA: ripped this from the traffic cam
GORO: Is this footage of the accident?
FUTABA: yeehaw
GORO: …Thank you for the offer, but I don’t know if I want to see this.
FUTABA: ok i hear u but i promise it’s hilarious
FUTABA: and also u might feel better if u see it
FUTABA: like idk what he told u on the phone but like
FUTABA: look the car even slowed down at the intersection
FUTABA: the dude was obeying traffic laws and everything he was doing something like ten under the speed limit
FUTABA: the car ENTIRELY missed akira
FUTABA: got the bike full on
FUTABA: and then he just rolls up across the hood and up the windshield like a looney toon
FUTABA: rip ur bike tho it just goes cronch
FUTABA: instant pretzel
FUTABA: ty bichael for ur sacrifice
FUTABA: also idk i figured you
FUTABA: might wanna see for urself that he’s okay
FUTABA: like u can see him stand up at the end and he’s not even confused or anything he’s super duper ok
FUTABA: he’s not bullshitting u over the phone and pretending he’s ok when he’s not ok
FUTABA: u know how he does lmao
GORO: …Huh.
GORO: He really did land on his feet for a whole second there, didn’t he?
FUTABA: yeah like a cat
FUTABA: it’s nuts tbh
FUTABA: and then he remembers he’s a human and falls on his ass LMAO
FUTABA: show it to morgana i want his professional kitty cat opinion on the matter
FUTABA: rate akira’s near death experience
FUTABA: also the driver was v nice and v apologetic and he gave akira his insurance
FUTABA: but i have his home address and work address and phone number and the name of his dog if you want it
GORO: Just the insurance will be fine.
GORO: …And thanks for sending the video.
GORO: Even though I already knew he was fine.
FUTABA: you know those like
FUTABA: itty bitty teeny weeny micro dogs
FUTABA: that are like four and a half pounds
FUTABA: but they think they can take any mfer on the block out of sheer will alone
FUTABA: and theyve always got their eyeballs bulging out and they pick fights with 70 pound dogs
FUTABA: and they have only two emotions which are rage and anxiety and they shake constantly because theyre only four pounds and they have So Much Emotion and nowhere to put it so they vibrate at the speed of sound
GORO: Is this a metaphor about me.
FUTABA: it’s a metaphor about you
FUTABA: because i can hear your shaky angry anxious four pound vibrating all the way from the other side of tokyo
GORO: You are the smallest, angriest, most anxious person I know, who regularly picks fights with international hacking organizations and billion-dollar companies.
GORO: And I, somehow, am the angry shaky dog.
FUTABA: your husband got hit by a car on ur birthday
GORO: I know that.
GORO: I do not need to be reminded.
FUTABA: ah yeah
FUTABA: sorry
GORO: He’s fine.
GORO: He said he’s fine.
GORO: And from this footage, he’s more than fine.
FUTABA: he is super double extra fine with a side of fine
GORO: Unless this footage was in any way edited.
GORO: And unless he was faking his call, somehow.
GORO: In which case, I’m going to walk into Leblanc and find out that he was just pretending to be okay so he could hear my voice one last time and Leblanc will be swarming with police officers to break the news the newly bereaved.
GORO: But that’s not going to happen.
GORO: Because Akira is fine, and I’m perfectly fine.
FUTABA: im rly glad to hear my man
GORO: This footage isn’t edited, is it.
GORO: Are you very sure?
GORO: Videos are easily modified.
GORO: Would you even know if it was edited?
FUTABA: yes im a literal wizard of course i would know
FUTABA: where are u even getting this idea from
GORO: The entire series of events is unrealistic, isn’t it?
GORO: You said yourself that it was almost like something out of a cartoon.
GORO: The likelihood that someone gets hit by a car and comes out of it entirely no worse for wear is practically ridiculous.
FUTABA: i ripped that film straight from the cam it is entirely unedited
GORO: But how can you be sure? Did you see him in live camera?
FUTABA: i mean no but he texted me
GORO: What if that was his dying text.
FUTABA: i rly dont know if his dying text would have been the “i lived bitch” meme with the cat filter
FUTABA: he’s fine dude
FUTABA: that’s why i sent you the video
GORO: I KNOW he’s fine.
GORO: I’m asking if there’s any solid evidence.
GORO: I’m going to call him. Brb
FUTABA: so what he can tell you he’s fine AGAIN and you’ll be like
FUTABA: “oh but what if it was secretly a pod person who stole his body after he died tragically after calling me one last time to hear my voice”
FUTABA: like go ahead and call him if u want but
FUTABA: the only person who was gonna edit that footage was me
FUTABA: and if he were dead i would not be functioning enough to be doing any kinda photoshop like that
FUTABA: let alone LIE to you jesus christ!!!!!
FUTABA: i pronounce you King Shaky Dog
FUTABA: the tiniest and angriest and shakiest and most anxious four pound goblin
FUTABA: i will reclaim my title tomorrow
FUTABA: for now it’s my birthday gift to you
FUTABA: the title of Shaky Dog allows you to go absolutely apeshit and nobody will judge you
GORO: You know I hate birthday presents.
FUTABA: did you call akira
GORO: I hate birthday presents so much that I will be refusing my title as King Shaky Dog and will henceforth not be going ape shit.
FUTABA: ok so
FUTABA: i didnt mean to
FUTABA: get snippy with you or anything
GORO: It’s fine.
GORO: I wasn’t… exactly polite, myself.
FUTABA: you really can call him if you want
FUTABA: there’s nothing wrong with that
FUTABA: between u and me……………………. i definitely did that more than once for a lot lesser reasons than someone getting hit by a car
GORO: My stop is in less than thirty seconds.
GORO: I will probably live.
FUTABA: lmao ok well
FUTABA: if u change ur mind about losing ur shit then please know i gave u that footage in the first place because i think if something like that happened to MY partner i would mcfreakin lose it
FUTABA: speaking of her
FUTABA: sumi says happy birth btw
FUTABA: but cuter because u know how she is
FUTABA: “happy birthday crow-senpai~~~~~~~~” in her shy voice that makes u wanna die
FUTABA: ofoogofhghhfoghfhhghfh g gh SUMI ur so cute ilysm
GORO: Tell her I said thanks.
GORO: And stop telling me how much you love her and use the ring you made me go ring shopping with you for.
FUTABA: im being cyberbullied for being a cowardly lesbian
GORO: I’m at my stop, by the way, so I’m going offline.
FUTABA: which tbh i probably deserve
FUTABA: oh kk see u
FUTABA: watch the video again mr shaky dog
FUTABA: akira is fine
FUTABA: everyone is alive
FUTABA: you are one year older
FUTABA: happy birthday goro
The bike is totaled.
Akira isn’t the sort of person to dump a piece of trash right in front of Leblanc, but it’s hard to miss sticking out of the nearby public trash bin. The back wheel has exploded into serrated wheel-spokes and limb rubber bits that Akira’s shoved into the trash as best as he could. The body of the bike is crushed in on itself, exposing its sharp hollow innards; the handlebars resemble a badly-tied knot. The front wheel is left to stick up and out, creaking gently, spinning overhead from half a hinge like a head not quite fully severed.
The cafe is empty except for its usual barista who, of course, is a very normal and mild-mannered barista, who has nothing to do with the several hundred millions worth of dollars of repatriated art hiding in the attic en route back to South Korea. That would be illegal, of course, and Akira Kurusu-Akechi has never once in his life done anything illegal in the name of what’s morally right. “Welcome back, dear,” says Akira, and hangs up a coffee mug to dry, and it’s so normal that Goro is convinced that either he’s experiencing yesterday, or maybe he’s re-experiencing the year 2016 all over again, or maybe Akira really is dead and this is just his ghost.
Goro sits in his usual spot at the bar. Same chair, sixteen years later. Unbelievable. Maybe Goro’s giving him a little bit of a dumbfounded look, because Akira tilts his head, leans across the bar, and pecks Goro on the cheek.
“Where’s Sakura?” Goro asks.
“Having his midday old man nap. So,” says Akira, looking pleased with himself, “either we can close Leblanc for an hour and raid the kitchen and make lunch, or we can close Leblanc and go out and have a fancy lunch. Your choice because I already made dinner reservations and we’re doing those no matter what.”
Goro really means to give him an answer, because Akira really does love Goro’s birthday every year and never fails to pick someplace nice for the day, but instead what comes out of his mouth is: “Did you ride the new bike back home?”
“Yeah, I did. Figured I might as well take it for a test drive. It’s a good bike.”
“Why didn’t you take the subway?” Goro says sharply.
“Didn’t have my card.”
“You just rode the bike all the way across Tokyo?”
“It wasn’t all the way across Tokyo, just a bit away and back… Goro?”
Ah, Goro’s going to become one of those people who has a meltdown any time their loved one gets on a plane or a train or ksomething else associated with heebie-jeebie nonsense magical thinking. Great. Fantastic. God dammit.
“Do you really want me to go to the ER?” Akira asks eventually.
Goro really wants Akira to have never gotten hit in the first place, but people don’t get what they want and sometimes the universe decides to send one bad fucking driver through a red light and take away Akira’s entire life in a split second—one mistake, a coincidence at the wrong place and time, and the boy who fought God and won is a smear of bones on the pavement.
This would be different if it were sixteen years ago, and Goro had the power to bend people’s minds in half until they broke, or dive into the deepest, bloodiest parts of the collective psyche and pummel the worst of them to a pulp—but what’s he going to do here? Lambast a guy who was going ten miles under the speed limit and just wasn’t looking the right way? Is he going to summon a new Persona from his soul and undo time itself?
Can he do anything if the universe decides, one day, that Akira’s time on this earth is up? He spent all those years desperate for power, and then abusing that power, and then desperately guilty for having abused that power, and then desperately trying to get up that power, and now here he is with the power to do jack shit when his husband almost gets run over and if the Metaverse were still around he swears he would have carved Loki from his own soul out of sheer fury alone—
“No,” says Goro sharply, and stands up. “It’s nothing. I’m not hungry, and I’m going for a walk. Please don’t text me unless it’s an emergency.”
“What—hey! Goro, wait, wait—”
“I’m getting some fresh air!”
Akira’s scrambling to get out from behind the bar. “Didn’t you just get here—?”
Goro spins around and points a finger at Akira like it’s his fault: “You were the one,” he snarls, “who promised, when we got married, that we’d always be together. And now you get hit on a bike, and then stand up like it’s nothing and—and get on another bike and go cycling around the exact same streets where you got hit—? Aren’t you scared? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Akira falls silent. “I didn’t go back to the same intersection,” he says at last.
Goro can’t take this. “I’m taking a walk.”
“Wait wait wait, Goro, just—” Akira grabs Goro’s hand and Goro has the sudden urge to yank his arm away, but Akira’s hand is also incredibly real, just like it felt this morning and yesterday and the day before that and all the days Goro ever took Akira’s living, breathing body for granted. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. He was going, I dunno, twenty miles per hour at most. It was an intersection. He’d slowed down beforehand and everything, and I didn’t even get hurt on the fall.”
Right, because Goro’s the one who’s just freaking out for no reason. Right. Okay. Because that’s how he is, isn’t he, always being dramatic over little things. Right. Of course. This is fine.
When Goro doesn’t turn around, Akira moves around to the front to look him in the eye. “Sorry if I made you worry,” says Akira. “But it was really nothing at all.”
“Maybe it was nothing this time,” says Goro forcefully. “But what about the next time—the next car—the next time you borrow my bike? What about tomorrow? Or the day after that? Literally any one of the hundreds and hundreds of days coming up where you could easily die just as easily as you died today.”
“Then I’ll escape death hundreds and hundreds of times,” says Akira.
Goro scoffs.
“I mean it. I was a Phantom Thief, wasn’t I? I escaped death more than once. Did it again today. I’ll do it as many times as it takes until we’re both old and grey.” Akira takes Goro’s hand, but it’s Goro who laces their fingers together.
“Sometimes it doesn’t work that way,” says Goro, like a bad echo of his ten-year-old self, trying to figure out what kind of world would let his mother die.
“I’m just keeping my promise,” says Akira. “I told you that I’d never leave you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sometimes that’s not your decision to make.”
“It is and I’ve decided I’m immortal until you die.”
Goro scoffs. “Don’t be arrogant.”
“Is it being arrogant? I didn’t let death steal you away from me. I’m not letting it steal me away from you, either.”
“Sometimes…” Goro begins.
“'Sometimes’ what?”
'Sometimes’ what?
Sometimes things get worse. People die early, and unfulfilled; they streak through the sky in a blaze and then wink out, without even a burst of fire to show for it. Sometimes nobody gets a say in what happens, and plans don’t pan out, and wishes aren’t granted, and everything happens for no good reason and no good end.
Today, Goro Akechi-Kurusu is thirty-four years old, about sixteen years older than he ever figured he was going to be. He has a career in a non-profit for maladjusted youth getting reacclimated to school systems and preparing for college, instead of the career in law he figured he’d have if he actually lived that long. He doesn’t just have one friend, but multiple friends. He has, unbelievably, a husband, which honestly still floors him to this day, considering that he was and maybe still is convinced that marriage is a scam devised by asshole men like his father to manipulate young women into a false sense of security. The other day, Akira mentioned that he wanted to get a cat to keep Morgana company, maybe in a few years when they moved into a pet-friendly apartment, and in Goro’s head, it made sense that they would both be alive and together entire years in the future for them to get a cat.
Today is already an impossible day, isn’t it?
“Sometimes,” says Goro flatly, “you say ridiculous things, and I think that you could actually pull it off.”
Akira grins. Akira leans in for their regular greeting kiss when one of them comes home, but this time, Goro closes his eyes, leans into it, really tries to memorize the feel of Akira’s lips on his. Every line and scar on his hands, the odd ends of his fingernails, that familiar way he waits for four beats, then takes a breath through his nose and kisses Goro again, and never can quite seem to avoid kissing him more on the bottom lip than the top. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” he says plainly not three inches from Goro’s face. “It’s bad form to leave a calling card and never show up.”
Goro smiles. “Then I won’t let you break your word.”
When Akira pulls away, he kisses the back of Goro’s hand, like a proper gentleman thief of old. “Happy birthday, dear,” he says, and surprisingly, despite the way this awful day started off, Goro thinks that Akira might be able to pull that promise off, too.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 18 - SBT
Here it is!
"Hey, M!"
"Eddy. Oh, sorry, is it your lunch break?" 
Mundy had opened the door to the hunting shop only to find his friend devouring a sandwich on the counter, a slice of tomato peeking out of it. 
"Y-mmh, yeah, it's alright though, pal.  C'mere and sit down."
Mundy pulled "his" stool and sat opposite his friend. 
"So, what's up? Got any news about Johnson's stuff?"
"I got a lead."
Eddy's eyes shone in excitement. 
"Oh man! Did you come to me 'cause you need a rifle?" Eddy dropped his sandwich on the counter.
"I got exactly what you need? Look, I received those brand news models, they're super good-" 
The small man grabbed one of the rifles behind him and showed it to Mundy. 
"Now, they got this new system where basically-"
"Eddy!" Mundy's voice got louder to interrupt his friend. It startled him. 
Mundy sighed. 
"I said I wouldn't touch a rifle again and I intend to keep that promise. Get it out of my sight." 
"No harm in just looking…?" Eddy pushed the end of his sandwich away and laid the rifle on the counter. "Now, as I was sayin' - oh…" 
When he put the rifle on the counter, Mundy got off his stool and took a few steps back as if the gun was radiating death itself. 
"Take it away." Mundy calmly asked, but Eddy saw him gritting his teeth.
"A-Alright…" And he did as he was told. 
"I have a lead but it doesn't mean that I need a gun. No one ever needs a gun. No one, and especially not me." Mundy said, still a few feet away from the counter. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and got close to the counter again. 
"So what's your lead then?" 
"Not sure exactly but I don't need that filth." Mundy nodded at the row of rifles behind his friend. 
"Fair enough. What's the plan then?" Eddy asked. 
"Kill time until dinner time." 
Eddy watched as his friend fell deep in thought again, his gaze was empty. The little man knew what he had to do in that case and that was to ignore Mundy and get back to his normal life. He grabbed the end of his sandwich and turned the radio on. 
Unbeknownst to the shopkeeper, Mundy was trying to plan the evening. He would need some clothes, a shave, and nicer hair no doubt. He looked at the nearest display case and saw his reflection. His messy stumble and slightly long hair wouldn't do. But he didn't want to go to a barber. He didn't have the strength to go and interact with yet another human being. Mundy had already been back for a few weeks and he had depleted his social energy.
He would shave on his own and tie his hair in a ponytail. That would do. For his clothes, he had an old suit somewhere in his van. It was black, but it would do. Black was classy, right? Good, he had a plan now.
"Right…" He got up and collected his hat.
"Good luck, but I know you won't need it." 
"Thanks, mate." Mundy left and found his van again. He slipped in and fastened his seatbelt. A good nap somewhere calm would be nice, to charge his batteries and be efficient in the evening. 
She drove, the van, and he enjoyed the low purrs of the engine, the vibrations and the sound. He switched gears and was now out of town on a strip of asphalt that split the desert. Her constant rumble lulled him and he rolled the window down. He rested his elbow on the door and tilted his head in the hollow of his hand. 
After a long drive on a lonely road, she parked in front of the lake. Mundy hopped off and took a minute to take in the view and stretch, smell some fresh air too. He removed his boots and socks and walked to the shore barefoot. He let the cold water hug his feet and the coolness slapped some life into him.
He looked at the water lazily hugging his toes before withdrawing slowly, and coming back with the next gentle wave. Mundy had time to kill so he took his time and enjoyed the wet and cool sensation. He pulled his trousers legs up and took a step more. Now the water was at the level of his ankles. Ah, he needed a chair… 
He went to the back of the van and grabbed his foldable chair, placed it on the shore of the lake and sat down under the sun, the water coming and going to his feet. Mundy relaxed, leaned back on his chair and pulled his hat to cover his eyes from the very bright sun. The heat on his body and the rhythmic embrace of the water at his feet was like a lullaby to a baby and he fell asleep. 
Mundy woke up hours later, rested and warm. 
"Right, gotta get ready for this." 
He bathed in the lake and went to the back of his van, a towel around his waist. He then took his razor and everything he needed to make his face look decent again. He went back to the lake and sat on his chair, before starting shaving. The surface of the water acted like his mirror. He stared at a face that he thought hadn't changed in a decade. But of course it did. 
He cut himself. Mundy ignored it and finished shaving. When he was done, he went back to his van. He opened the cupboard that contained his clothes and pushed the polo shirts aside. There was one thing hung there.
"Here it is." 
The black suit. His only suit. It hadn't been touched in ten years. White shirt, black jacket, black trousers. No vest though, he couldn't stand it. Vests were always too tight, they suffocated him. The bowtie was efficient enough on its own to do that…! 
Mundy's fingers hovered to the suit. They were trembling. Last time he had put this suit on… 
He took it off the cupboard and put it on as fast as he could, to not let his mind think about it all too much. He then rummaged through his drawers to find something to tie his hair with. 
"Ah, bugger…"
Mundy only found some elastic bands or bits of fabrics. He used one of the elastic bands and added a black long piece of fabric like a ribbon, to cover the cheap rubber, before adding a touch of deodorant.
When he raised his head again, he saw his reflection on the window and barely recognised himself. His face was very…. visible now. There was no hair or hat to hide it. 
Mundy's eyes darted left and right before he found his glasses and put them on again. Now he felt better, not as naked as before. After taking a glance at his watch, he hopped at the front of his van and drove to town. It was high time he got his dinner. 
-- The Queen Victoria -- 
"That's a lot of people…" Mundy mumbled to himself. 
"Huh?" The Aussie landed back to reality. He had entered the restaurant and was looking left, right, up and down. Never had he set foot in a place that fancy before. His eyes took it all in and he pretended it was normal. The patrons dressed as if they were about to meet the Queen herself, the walls draped in dark blue, the massive chandeliers above his head and his own reflection on the tiled floor. 
"Did you book in advance, Sir?" 
The penguin-like waiter was addressing the hunter. 
"Yes… Name's Emme."
The waiter checked the lengthy register below his eyes.
"Ah, yes, I see. Pray follow the young man here." 
Mundy followed the other waiter and noticed he was wearing a dark blue and golden attire, just like the one his dear Antonio Sanchez did. But it wasn't him. The name embroidered on it wasn't the one he was looking for. 
"If you would be so kind as to take a seat here, Sir." The waiter pulled the chair for Mundy to sit. "Here is the menu, I shall be back shortly." 
The Aussie nodded and looked around him. Couples, business partners, friends,  all filthy rich people. And then there was this man with a pony tail and yellow tinted aviator glasses… He took the menu and glanced over it. 
He couldn't afford much of what was there so he flipped the pages straight to the desserts. He would order the cheapest one and would take his longest to eat it. 
Mundy's eyes wandered left and right. Any time he saw a waiter, he would squint to read the name on their jacket, but didn't see Sanchez. One of them stopped at his table and he ordered whatever that chocolate thing was that only cost one single eyeball...
"Ladies and Gentlemen…"
Oh what now…? Mundy thought, before the lights in the dining area turned down low and his attention was drawn naturally to the stage. 
"Here is the man you have all been waiting for…" The conductor was talking in a microphone. "After a brilliant career in the heart of France where he sang for kings and queens, legends of the movies and famous celebrities known worldwide, here he is… Lulu!" 
A man in a black suit walked forward to the microphone on the stage. Mundy looked left and right. People seemed very eager to hear him. No wonder, the man had apparently sung for rich and famous people!
But that did mean that the attention of all the people around Mundy weren't on him. Perfect window to strike… 
The Aussie had noticed the CCTV cameras. There were enough to spot the moves of the tiniest mouse. His eyes scanned the crowd intensely. The waiters came and went. 
Mundy's dessert landed in front of him and he nodded in thanks. He saw a leaflet slip to the table. 
"Oh, you dropped that."
"No, Sir, it's for you."
Mundy looked down at the small piece of paper. It was a… an advert? Mundy flipped it and on the back was a coupon. Half price on a dessert for the next show with that overly fancy French singer. Mundy slipped it in his pocket and looked at the plate in front of him.
He had chosen a chocolate cake of some sort. God knew what it was but the smell made his mouth water instantly and his attention was drawn back to his plate. He took a spoonful of it and the sweet pastry melted on his tongue. Oh it was rich and the chocolate was dark and strong, powerful even. The chocolate powder that was sprinkled on top stuck to his palate and as his tongue wiped it away, he felt the exquisite bitterness of cocoa. 
Gosh, that's good… 
His eyes went back up to the orchestra. It was quite big in terms of the number of musicians. The brass section was complete, the woods too. Mundy's gaze stopped at the saxophones. He used to play it, the sax, and he loved it. Ah, but those were other days, days where he actually would make a bit of money out of it, playing in pubs and local festivals… Mundy sighed. Those events had happened in a whole other life.
His eyes got pulled back to the front of the scene, where the man with the elegant suit was singing. That bloke sure looked like a suit was comfortable to wear… His vest had white wavy patterns that shone but not too brightly. It must have been velvet or something. There were the same patterns on his trousers on the sides, but they were black on black, much more discreet. 
That man knew what he was doing with his voice and the posters around town didn't lie… Mundy looked at him intensely. There he was, singing as if it was his last song, his brow furrowed at times, under the intensity of his words, and he would close his eyes. Other times, he would relax, his shoulders would sink, his eyes open slowly, revealing in between the long black eyelashes some very light blue eyes. 
Yeah, right there, right now, Mundy wished he had someone he could hold hands with, on the table. Someone who would slide his fingers through his own, keep him warm inside, make his chest shrink and burn and burst. 
Mundy rubbed his eyes and took more of his dessert. He wished the singer could stop. Mundy's musical ear from his days with the sax taught him how to appreciate a voice and damn that man had a bloody good one! And the lyrics… 
"When you knew that it was over
Were you suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning
To the colour of her hair…"
Mundy shivered and his shoulders wiggled as he tensed on his seat. He had stopped listening to music for that exact reason, even the radio on the van. Since the events ten years ago, music hurt him. Melodies sliced him on the inside but words, lyrics…? They were absolute agony. Not only did they hurt him, they stayed carved in his memory.
That was one of the multiple curses Mundy was afflicted with. He was a professional killer with a sensitive soul. It was a curse but also necessary for him, for his work. Without empathy, he wouldn't want to save those animals. Without empathy, he wouldn't care for those alligators. And without empathy, he wouldn't have put back this black suit. 
Mundy sighed. It didn't suffocate him as much as it did last time he had put it on. No, it's true.
Like a circle in a spiral, 
Like a wheel within a wheel,
Never ending or beginning,
In a ever spinning reel"
Well said, mate, well said. Mundy thought that time had rolled exactly in that fashion for the past decade. Round and round. He raised his eyes and they met with the singer's. His hair betrayed his age and gave Mundy the impression he was a bit older than him. His temples and front tuft were more salt than pepper. There were a few lines on his slim face too. But for that, the Aussie was the same. The only difference was that it wasn't time who traced those lines on Mundy's face, but the Australian sun.
"As the images unwind,
Like the circles that you find,
In the windmills of your mind." 
Mundy blinked and that's when it dawned on him. He had been resting his head on his hand, his elbow on the table, looking up at the singer, drinking the poetry in the lyrics of the song. Ah he wished… He wished he had the luxury to dwell on it longer, to let the wave of bittersweetness invade him, wash him, flush him on the inside. 
But nah. He had to find that Sanchez man… 
Mundy managed to unstick his eyes from the show and put his spoon on the empty plate. 
"Everything was alright, Sir?" 
Mundy raised his eyes to the waiter.
"Yeah, very good, thanks." 
"Perfect." The waiter in the blue and golden uniform bowed slightly to take the plate and his name caught Mundy's eye. 
Antonio Sanchez
His eyes popped wide and went back to the young man's face. His skin was darker than Mundy. He had a short, black beard, neatly cut black hair and seemed only a bit younger than Mundy himself. Sanchez spun on his heels and went away. 
That was it! Mundy now had a visual! He knew what the guys looked like! He couldn't follow him in the restaurant but at least he knew his face.
Mundy waited for the singer to finish and the crowd to applaud. He rose from his seat and went back to the counter. He paid what he owed and left to his van.
When the cold night air hit his skin, Mundy took a deep breath and put his hand on his chest. Ooh, he had needed that air, where had it all gone?! 
He walked for quite a while. He didn't want the van to be spotted and noticed. And an old van in a parking lot surrounded by Italian cars just wouldn't do…! 
Mundy let the van drive him back to where he was himself again: the lake. When she braked and parked, he threw the bowtie on the passenger’s seat as well as the ribbon and elastic band from his hair, freeing his brown wavy locks. He sighed as he did so. He hadn’t realised that it was constricting him so tightly. 
He spent his night on his bed as lightly dressed as he could. The suit had been a nightmare to wear but the music had made it somewhat bearable.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Feeling kinda dumb asking this tbh. Not sure if you even watched TVD, but in case you did, you know how Bonnie uses Expression Magic which is considered extreamly dark and powerful form of magic (I mean, she literally destroyed hell!) do you mind writing Freddy x victim!reader oneshot where he mets a witch who also practices Expression and is extreamly powerfull? He tries to kill her at first obviously
Omg, this one started out so light hearted but oh my god.
Don't feel dumb!! Its a good ask!! I do watch TVD, and I hope you like this ^^ 
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I wake up the same way I have for the past 3 weeks. With messy hair, slashes through my favourite pyjama shirt and a finger in my hand- well, it isn’t always a finger. Sometimes its an ear, a portion of his ugly sweater, his hat, once even his eyeball. You get the picture though. Unimpressed, I watch the finger turn to gunky, dirty dust. Then promptly get up and tiredly get out the vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess.
Once I’m done, I put the vacuum back in its cupboard down the hall, which at this point I could totally do just from muscle memory and no other senses due to how often this month I’ve ripped something of Freddy’s back out into the real world in my attempt to take him out and kill him off the clean way.
But, I take a deep breath and let it out, exhausted and resigned, as I pull on pants and search through my closet for a shirt to wear out today. I guess I’m going to have to do it the hard way.
Finally, I discard the ruined shirt and wrench on a clean, yellow t-shirt and leave my house.
“Hey, Bernard,” I beam towards the grassy haired barista. The café’s basically empty, apart from a group of teenagers watching Netflix and Disney plus on their laptops and phone sin the far corner, so I think we’re fine to talk. He looks up from the mug he was drying out, sees my expression and promptly scoffs. Immediately he starts down the bar, past the glass case with all the sweets inside including a delicious jelly slice with lavender for safety that I get when I come here for breakfast, rounds it, and comes all the way to stand very close to me. He holds up his pointer finger between us sternly, almost mad and I focus instead on his hair rather then his face. It really is grassy- not because he’s been playing footy which he likely was before he came to work and not just because its green. Its messy, and multiple shades of different, environmental green. Representing his element.
“Don’t you dare.”
I sigh, and roll my eyes as I sit down in a bar stool, successfully putting space between us as he doesn’t move. “Its kind of a dire situation.”
“A demon?” He doesn’t look at all like it would change his mind on the subject of my using magic if it were a demon. Which it is.
“What kind?”
“The kind that draws strength from attention, lets move on.” Again, I roll my eyes. Not at Bernard though, this time its Freddy. Yes, he totally is that kind of demon. Not even just because he needs people to believe he exists to work. He’s just an attention whore.
Bernard crosses his arms and rolls his shoulders back, more than expressing his parents’ shared fire element. And, also, his cranky streak. “You will not use magic.”
“I’ve tried doing it the easy way. I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about your neighbours, and the rest of the known universe if you fuck up. Actually, scratch that. Unknown universe, too.”
“I’m not asking you for permission anyway. Just- come on, gimmie the book.” I hold out my hand, looking around for where he could possibly be hiding it. Cupboards? Behind the cupboards? Has he digitised it? He just continues to glower, and its so forceful that I lower my hand and pout. He’s always been the scary cousin in our family.
“Oh, you so are asking me for permission. You don’t know where the book is!” He sneers, and I deadpan deeply at his immaturity.
“Look, Ber, we’re grown adults. Grown! Ass! Adults! I can make my own decisions, now- where is the book?”
“I’m older than you, and I say no!”
“Berrrrrrrr- Oh hi Boyd.” I pause in glaring at my Bernard to look at his brother, Boyd walk by from the upstairs apartment, clipping the vizor attachment to his glasses as he’s going out. He looks boredly at me smiling at him and keeps going to the door with an old-fashioned bell fixed to the top.
“You’re here for the grimoire?” He asks, opening the door and turning over his shoulder, and I nod sweetly- he’s sure to be more helpful! “Yeah, Bernard lost it. Hid it so well even he cant find it anymore. Now, I have a date.” He leaves the, now very tense and cold café with a curt, “Later.”
Slowly… I turn to Bernard. He is now avoiding eyecontact. He misplaced… our families… century old… grimoire??! “Find. It.”
Having a change of heart, he heads behind the counter again with a lowered head. “Oof, I’m on it.”
It must take hours, before I give up looking alongside him and sit down to take a rest. The teenagers have gone by now, and Bernard turned the ‘Open’ sign on the front window around to say ‘Closed’. I don’t know how it happened, but at some point, I rest my head on the bench and the exhaustion from not getting full rest for weeks catches up to me, and I fall asleep.
“Back so soon?”
I jump. “Gah!” Turning around to where the voice came from and I see Freddy- clearly, not in a creative mood because otherwise he wouldn’t have appeared so quick. “Why are you here?!”
“This is my domain, sweetheart.” Freddy explains, something I already knew and he knows I already know and I groan.
“It’s the middle of the day! Can’t I have this one moment to sleep in peace??” A wide smile spreads across his face, and I slouch over. Course not. Oh god, I am so tired. Another yell escapes me though, exhaustion making me incredibly jumpy, when suddenly he appears beside me. Physical form and everything, I can feel the fuzz of his sweater on my arm. “Don’t touch me.” I flash him a glare, not daring him. Definitely not daring him- he’ll take it. Just telling him to back the fuck off because I’m tired not only from his unfaltering ability to keep me busy and working, even when I’m asleep, and also now because my dear older, moronic cousin has lost our grimoire which was entrusted to him, which I need to get rid of Freddy, in order to sleep and actually feel rested!
Oh, my goodddddd, I would do almost anything right now to dream about stupid normal stuff like flying, or running from an encroaching car, or falling. Even falling, which wakes you up. At least I can fall right back to sleep.
“Okay, now, see, if you tell me that, I’ll just wanna do the opposite! ~” The clawed glove nears my face and my right eye twitches, but I stand still there with my arms crossed and glare at it. The rusty, nearly black metal nearing my eyes, reflecting the sharp, gross grin on Freddy’s burnt face.
“So, its opposite day then?” I ask, humouring him because what else are you going to do? When he gets bored, he’s even more dangerous.
“Yep!” Visibly, the stripe sin his sweater switch places so its green and red, and not red and green. He thinks he’s funny.
And, clearly I’m exhausted otherwise I never would’ve fallen for that. “Then please touch me Fredrick.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, raucous laughter escapes him, and he holds his belly as he doubles over and laughs. I groan and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes. I need to wake up. “Out of all the obnoxious murderers out there… “I got the worst of the lot.
“Yep, you got me. Now, let’s stop fucking around shall we? Let’s get to the good stuff!”
“Oh no.” I half groan, half whine in dread and fear. Suddenly, the fact that I fell asleep feels like stupidest move ever- at any time, he might kill me. Its just blind luck that he hasn’t felt like ending the game so far. But he could at any time, including this time.
Freddy disappears again, and I whip around to look for him. My heart starts to beat thunderously in my chest because nothing good has ever occurred when Freddy disappears. I’ve been shot, I’ve been crushed under a stone slab, I’ve been choked with 80’s twisted telephone phone cables- I’ve even been kissed. And every time, I get closer to dying. I lose oxygen, I lose blood, I lose morale. Every time I get hurt, Freddy takes me closer to death then before and I think I’m actually gone this time. He’s bored, I’m not enough anymore, the torture is over.
Which is both a relief and even more horrifying then anything else. Tears cluster in my eyes as time goes by and nothing happens. I just see the boiler room around me, everything tinted red and everything damp and shiny with grease and rust. I don’t want to die.
Suddenly, smoke starts to fill the room. Until I can’t see anything at all except the white in front of me and my hand if I would raise it, but I don’t. I just stay very still, afraid of what’s about to happen. “Fr-Freddy?” I call, weak and disappointing myself. I’m a fucking witch… but that doesn’t really mean much in this world. Not without the spell that I need from the grimoire that’s nowhere to be found. I’m a witch, and I’ve raised to think that means something, means I’m a force to reckoned with, but here I am being reckoned with and I’m useless.
The ground underneath me starts to vibrate, and the smoke slowly starts to clear.
I squint, but I can’t see much through the remaining smoke and the tears shielding my eyes except a bright light.
The vibrating gets worse, and I look down and notice that the smoke has cleared enough at the point to see what beneath my feet, and the realisation of what’s there makes fear swarm throughout every crevice of my being. Mind, body and soul.
Train tracks.
My head snaps up again to see the light, a train, barrelling closer and closer to me. It’s so loud now that I’ve realised, I’m about get his by a fucking steam train, that my ears pop and protest to the pain of it all. The train gets closer and there’s Freddy. The fucker. Wearing a conductor’s uniform and hanging out the side of the driver’s compartment. He grins and waives.
I try to use rational sense and move out of the way, but rope shoots out of the earth between the tracks and twists tightly over my shoes. I try to wrench my feet out of my shoes, panicking now as the train tracks are practically jumping, but the ripe starts to climb… higher and higher up and around my legs and my hip and my arms, until I can’t move at all. It’s so tight I can’t barely even breath- not that I’ll need to for much longer.
I brace myself, and squeeze my eyes shut against the now blinding, all-encompassing brightness of the trains light. And then the train hits-
I’m wrenched suddenly, and violently from my sleep on the counter and straighten up so vigorously that I nearly slip right off the bar stool. There’s drool on the bench from my sleep, my cheek feels stiff from resting on it for a while, and whip around to look at Bernard who’s standing beside me now with the leather bound, yellow paged book that he’s found. I snatch it from his fingers, dropping it on the bench and start frantically looking through it, eyes still filled with tears and now they start falling. I slap a hand over my mouth, stifling the heavy sob that racks my back and shoulders and mouth from the shock and horror of what just nearly happened. I can still see fuzzy blue dots in my vision from the light, and my nose tingles because the train just touched. It smelled like smoke and coal and that’s still in my nose. Theirs white scrapes on my wrists from the rough rope.
“Y/N,” Bernard touches my arm and I don’t push him off, but I don’t respond, either. I barely notice him, too preoccupied with looking for the right spell. I need this to be over, that can’t happen to me again! I’m not brave enough for it. Another terrible sob forces its way from my chest and I feel half like curling into my cousins chest and crying my heart out and half like killing that bastard Freddy. Wrenching his entire nasty existence from unwritten history and tearing it so it will never be salvaged again.
The second half wins, as I go back through the book backwards, and this time find the spell. “Ow-Okay.”
“Y/N, take a moment- “
“No,” I snap. I nearly got h i t, by a t r a i n. A monstrous thing the same colour as Freddy’s blades. Bernard can’t understand that, but I sure as fuck can. Stammering, but sure, I start to recite the incantation under my breath. Slowly it gets louder, as words start to become harder to say and I need concentrate more. Latin mixes together into one big word, and its har don the best of days but when there’s expression magic involved, it takes an army. More.
And I am that, right now.
Bernard looks around as wind, not coming from an open door or window, starts picking up in this room and rushes to shut the curtains and block the rest of the world from seeing in. Napkins go flying, then the chairs topple over, and then finally the wind is so strong that coffee maker rips from the wall and smashes into the glass sweets case.
I don’t see it, because I’m still following the words in the book, but I hear it. But only just, over the terrible wind screaming through my ears. Finally, the spell reaches its peak and the air in front of Bernard and me, who has gotten back to where I am, opens up. Like someone took a knife and tore literally through the fabric of space and time and magic, revealing the familiar boiler room.
The words start to speak on their own. Whispering in the wind and my lips don’t even have to move, so I let Bernard take the book. Its all so chaotic, I don’t know how I know what to do. But I reach forward and just, lightly touch the hole and its like the magic knows exactly what I want.
Dirty dust, like what Freddy turns into when you bring out of a piece of him from the dream world that I’ve been vacuuming for the past weeks appears, connects together into the shape of a man and then twists together slowly, disturbingly like vines until it isn’t dust and vines anymore. Its burnt flesh and knitted, red and green cotton.
And he looks mad. “You bitch.” Is all he manages to say, but it’s got so much hatred and fury in it that I nearly get scared. I feel it creeped into my bones and organ in my chest.
But then I remember. This is my world.
And I don’t want him in it. “Get out.” I spit, and just like the world seems to crash. Eliminating an existence -anything. Much less a person, - is a lot of work and a big deal. It shouldn’t be possible at all, and I believe that. But I believe it like some who believe murder shouldn’t be possible.
But it is and sometimes it happens, in dire situations.
It feels like I’m being torn on the inside, and scraped clean on the outside- punishment, for doing such a thing. Something to make the world balanced for this.
And Freddy warps like The Scream or a computer glitch. Half of him gong up and the other half going down. Its horrifying sight and I’m in so much pain, but I make my eyes stay open.
And then everything goes black.
___TIME SKIP: A Week___
The whole week has gone by like dream. Not a Freddy dream. Not even a happy dream. Just, like its unreal. I don’t feel much, except a slow, soft blankness like when you’re totally out of it in class after a really, really bad day.
Its not particularly a bad feeling, not compared to the horrors I endured before. Its just like I need to rest, after I used so much power, and feeling so much in general.
Oh, and I have. I’ve been sleeping all the time. Day and night. It’s been uninterrupted and nearly… empty, feeling. Bizarly, I’m well aware now when I’m asleep that I’m dreaming. I’m lucid. Like when Freddy would be there, but without him. Its not exactly restful, but still. It’s better than the nightmares.
Right now, I’m going to sleep. Feeling tiredness expand and unconsciousness take over.
Immediately, I nearly jolt right awake again from fear. Nearly. But his hand grips onto my arm before I can.
Freddy’s right in front of me, smiling sharp like a much madder, pissed off the Cheshire cat. “Heya again sweetheart.” His voice sounds too real. His touch feels to real. This cant be- “It took a fucking lot. Pulled a few strings, don’t know how. Don’t ask. But I’m back. Don’t worry though, I’m not about to kill you. That was a real neat trick you pulled… “I jump, and whimper when the a blade on his glove touches my cheek, and he leans much closer.
“So, we have a lot to talk about.”
You didn’t think you could rid of this Slasher, did you?
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Forget Me Not Chapter 5 ~Cours de Français~
Why is Jamie staring at my mouth like that?  
He reminded Claire of a ravenous lion looking at his first meal in days, and herself as the sacrificial lamb waiting to be gobbled. She wondered if he could hear the snap and crackle in her chest and the pop of her exploding ovaries. Watching Jamie's head lowered closer to her face, his gaze still centred on her lips, Claire's heart gave a little kick. A maelstrom of mixed emotions battled its way to the surface, the echo of their childhood seemingly incongruous to what was transpiring. Summoning the memory of the sweet boy she once knew was in vain, and instead, reality had put in its place a man she barely recognised; rugged, masculine, and oh so seductive.
"I'll be damned if I allowed Frank to be yer first kiss," Jamie muttered, before grazing his tongue between her lips, forever, irrevocably blurring the lines of their relationship. 
Jesus H.Roosevelt Christ!   She refused to close her eyes, watching in fascination as he closed his. It was a mistake when her world spun upside down, and her equilibrium went off-kilter, making Jamie's face blur into two, before fusing back together.  Oh Lord ! She was quite sure his heavy breathing had left condensation in her contact lenses or perhaps it had slid to the back of her eyeballs, causing the hazy focus.
He paused for a heartbeat, waiting for her to pull away. And when she didn't, with one large hand at her waist and the other cradling the back of her head, he drew her to him, his tongue gently urging her mouth to part before brushing his across hers in an achingly slow, feather-like sweep. Jamie tasted her the way he ate when he took a bite of the first French dessert he ever made, Coeur à la Crème ; a leisurely, savouring mouthful followed by a rapturous groan.
Hot! Hot! Hot!  His work-roughened fingers were creating tiny sparks of fireworks on her skin as images began to form in her head. Visions of daffodils blooming in fast forward motion, choir boys at the village church singing Hallelujah  as the organ struck a high note and fire hydrants erupting aerated water in the air, were floating in her mind. This was better than the chick flicks she used to watch, where "boy kisses girl" scenes had made her sigh dreamily.
Oh, dear God, what the hell is happening!  First, Frank wanted to kiss her after their coffee date earlier, and now Jamie was enlightening her in the art of French kissing. 
Shut up, Beauchamp! You've always wanted this- two former popular blokes from your school want you... so what are you complaining about? 
That was back in school. And Jamie is my brother!
Where does that say he's your brother?
There's an unwritten rule...
Yeah, unwritten rule my arse! It's one that you made up. Just enjoy the kiss!
Claire wanted to act sophisticated, cool and dispassionate, unlike the bumbling, awkward geek she was often referred to when she was in school. Closing her eyes for the first time, she tried to relax in Jamie's arms, but it was proving to be a difficult feat when he was making all sorts of sounds at the back of his throat. She opened her mouth more, shyly kissing him back and to her surprise, Jamie's chest heaved, and his body trembled.  He must have liked that!  Feeling emboldened, Claire mimicked his movements, gliding her tongue over his, as her hands clutched at his shoulders and fingers dug into his muscles. Her audacity made Jame pull her harder against him, whooshing the breath out of her lungs. Her heart was pounding like mad as blood rushed through her ears, her legs turning into the consistency of Jamie's Sherry trifle when not fully set.
With Claire's response, Jamie's kiss became more demanding, as he slid his fingers through her hair, angling her head so he could run his tongue along her jawline. "Ye want me to stop, Sassenach?" he gritted his voice sounding like as though he'd been a month without a drink.
No don't stop!  Claire could only shake her head. Jamie walked her backward until her back met the wall, shifting her awareness to his taut, solid muscles and arousal. She nearly giggled as his hard, giant appendage pressed against her belly, reminding her of Jenny's wooden rolling pin.  Oh, sweet Lord! Stop thinking and keep up! Stop contemplating about his size, or all the practising it took to hone that perfect kiss or what the sounds behind his throat meant.
She was kissing back and shamelessly enjoying it, but how had she gotten here and why is Jamie kissing her? She hadn't expected to be kissed today, but here we are - first Frank making a move and now Jamie. Was it written on her forehead,  "wants to be kissed" ? So many questions but they were all being swallowed up by riots of sensations that was alien to her. Not that she was totally naive - definitely not! Not after being introduced to Carter, Geillis' vibrator and soft porn, once again thanks to Geillis' collection from her internet browser's bookmarks. 
Claire understood quite well the mechanics of kissing and what it can lead up to, but objectivity had no place in the present when her blood felt like bubbling sugar syrup. Maybe it had something to do with how Jamie looked at her, his eyes a peculiar hue of dark and intensity, and his jaws clenched and taut as a bowstring. How many girls had he looked at the way he was looking at her? Suddenly, she felt a pang of jealousy hit her with full blow in the abdomen and hated the thought of him looking at someone else like that, now that she had been on the receiving end.  For crying out loud, Beauchamp, get a grip!
"Claire are you up there?"  Bloody fucking hell, speaking of rolling pins, it's Jenny! When did she come home?
Their movements stilled, their lips parted as the spell cast between them broke. 
"Coming!" Claire called out without taking her eyes off Jamie. She was surprised to discover Jamie's breath was laboured and harsh as hers; moreover, she was able to find her voice after the intensity of their kiss.  Well, today was undoubtedly full of surprises. Whatever next?
"It's Frank! He says you dropped your phone in the parking lot!" Jenny shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Oh, bummer... just what I needed!  "Thanks, Jenny, will be there in a sec," she replied, hoping she sounded steadier than she felt. Her nerve endings still tingled, and there was a throbbing pulsing between her thighs. Claire needed to put a name to what she was feeling, but it can wait...Frank was downstairs.
Not trusting herself to speak, she made a move towards the door, but Jamie stopped her, grabbing her elbow as he pulled her to him once more for a brief, yet lingering kiss. When he finally released her, he stroked her cheeks. "Remember this when you talk to Frank," he murmured, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled.
Oh, sweet Lord!  Without saying a word, she staggered back, slamming her shoulders on the edge of the door frame before shuffling away.
Frank was stood in the main doorway looking out, hands stuffed in the pocket of his jacket. He spun around as soon as he heard Claire approach.  How rude of Jenny not to let him in! 
"Hello, love, you dropped this as you got into the car," he said, waving her iPhone. "You reversed so quick, you probably didn't hear me call after you."
Claire knew well why she was trying to make a fast get-away from Frank earlier. He had wanted to kiss her, and she had retreated hastily in panic. Before she could reply, she heard Jamie coming down the stairs.  Oh shite, I'm in a pickle!   "Thanks for stopping by," was all she could say, trying to sound calm as she took her phone back from Frank.
"Are you alright? Your face looks a bit flush. I hope you're not coming down with something." Frank's one hand reached out to touch her forehead as a look of concern crossed his face. 
"No...I'm alright. No, actually, I have this blasted headache. Maybe I just need to lie down," Claire explained, one hand reaching out to touch her head for emphasis. She wasn't fibbing this time as she felt Jamie stand behind her, one arm resting on the door above her head.
"Hey, Jamie...I just stopped by to drop Claire's phone."
"How are ye, pal, ages since I've seen ye...we ought to go for a couple of pints and catch up one of these days before the hotel opens," Jamie greeted his friend, his voice sounding absurdly normal, if not a bit too cheerful as if the kiss never happened. Looking down at the top of Claire's head, he smiled. "Claire's headache must be from the rigorous French lessons I've been giving her."
Claire choked on the air she inhaled, her face reddening over again.
"French lessons?" Frank's brow furrowed watching Claire fail miserably in suppressing a cough. He reached out to thump her on the back, but Jaime's hand got there first, massaging the area between her shoulder blades. "Well, Jamie's the man for anything French. He worked there for many years...blimey Claire, get yourself some hot toddy and go to bed..."
"No, really...I'm alright," she gasped, blinking away her watery eyes.  Bloody hell Jamie!  "But I think I will lie down before going out tonight..." Claire couldn't stand there any longer and have a normal conversation with Jamie and Frank. She knew her face was like an open book, and any second now, she will reveal what just ensued upstairs. What she needed was a few moments to herself to gather her thoughts.
"French lessons?" Jenny chimed in as she came out of the dining room and walked towards them with a box of empty bottles to be recycled. She placed them on the floor by the entrance, before straightening up. "Jamie, lad...I could do with some French lessons...maybe I'd join Claire during one of yer sessions."
This time it was Jamie's turn to choke, and this time it was Claire's turn to slap him on the back.
Taking it as her cue to leave and head for the safety of her bedroom, Claire gave Frank a quick peck on the cheek. "Right I'm off for a nap. See you, Saturday!" She didn't wait for a reply and hurried up the stairs. Once in her room, she locked the door, replaying Jamie's kiss over and over in her head, her date on Saturday already totally forgotten.
Jamie looked at his watch...still ample of time to chop more woods before dinner in the Italian restaurant. He flipped off the split wood he was chopping on a tree stump and placed a new block. There were enough firewoods for the coming winter, but he needed to exorcise all the pent up energy that had accumulated after kissing Claire. Using a heavy sharp tool while being so epically predisposed to having a hard-on, coupled with the fast diminishing daylight, is quite a dangerous thing, and may result in an injury. 
That possibility should have been enough to ease the pressure in his cock, but after that kiss, he knew there was no relief. Every time he allowed his mind to wander, it always returned to Claire. Sure, he was in love with her and always had been, but this is now a totally different ballgame. He was no longer a boy, and it was no longer enough just to hold her hand and be content to have her by his side. He wanted more, but there was Frank too. He surmised Claire was a virgin after that little detail of not having been kissed  slipped out. The thought of Frank taking her innocence made his stomach churn. They might be good friends, but he'd been an utter idiot back in their school days, and Claire could never fault him.
Years of self-imposed restraint, it all came to a tipping point when he walked in on Geillis and Claire about to kiss. Two women kissing each other should have been a sensual experience to watch. Instead, it made him feel as though his skin was too tight like he was on the verge of combusting. The idea of anyone touching Claire, man or woman, especially Frank, didn't sit well with him. He didn't want anyone else to lay a finger on her. Except for him.
On the other hand, the idea seemed so preposterous as she considered him as her brother.   Surely not, after that kiss?  Back in their school days, no one even gave her a second look nor noticed her more exceptional qualities. It had been him who appreciated her adorable and funny side. It had been him who was there when she needed someone most. Generous to a fault, and despite disappointments in her school life, Claire always had a smile for everyone. Except, the kids in school chose to ignore her. It was a good thing there was Willie and him watching over; otherwise, she would have been bullied out of Scotland. Now that she was back for good, everyone was noticing.  Oh hell yes, they are noticing alright...damn them all!  He knew because he overheard people talking about her at the construction site in their hotel. She was no longer the awkward orphaned child. They mentioned her now by her name...instead of referring to her as the Fraser foster kid. Now she was the girl next door who had decided to fulfil every man's naughty fantasy, and all Claire ever did to achieve that effect was to grow up nicely. Not even Frank was immune to her charms who tend to gravitate more towards blonde women, and now he had his eyes on her too.  Damn ye, Frank!
And there was the kiss. Jamie had kissed girls before, and he knew there was nothing sisterly the way Claire had responded to him. She was hesitant initially, quite reasonably as he had taken her by surprise. In fact, he had taken himself by surprise. It was never his intention to kiss, but damn, the sight of her lips parted, and eyes closed waiting for Geillis, did it for him. When Claire responded to his kisses, there was this urgency crowding him. To take as much as he could and memorised her taste. Never before had anyone kissed like her, honest and unrestrained and with so much trust. No way was he allowing Frank to get a taste of that, not if he could help it!
Jamie knew if he was to pursue the idea of being with Claire, he needed to talk to her first and then his family after. He'd watched her for far too long looked at another boy with lovestruck eyes. Although Jamie was lusting after her, all he could think of right now was how much he wanted her heart more than anything. Jamie needed to know if it's still Frank she wanted after all these years. Until he knows, he needed to keep his hands away from her or someone could get badly hurt.
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sweetpeatrashxo · 6 years
Just Friends? - A.A**
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A/N: thought I’d come sliding back into imagines with a smut. Well for our dear old Archie at least 😏😉
You were apart of the original core 4, until Veronica came walking in, now it’s 5. It was the long July weekend and you were out with the other 4 at the waterhole. As you sat off on the edge of the water you couldn’t help but notice Archie and Jughead both staring at you, you stood up and slowly got back into the water swimming back over to the group, you chuckled “What’d I miss?” Berry chocked “Oh yeah Cheryl is having a party and she wants all of us to go.” You shook your head “Party’s aren’t my scene and I’ve got mathletes to study for.” Veronica laughed “Quit being a nerd for one day Y/N. Come with I’ll let you borrow some of my clothes.” You sighed “If I go, I’m using my own clothes.” They all nodded in agreement, Archie spoke “Well the party is in a couple hours so I think we should all head off and get ready now.” Jughead nodded “Alright car split again, Y/N you’re with Archie and V + B you’re with me.”
You slid into Archie car as he slid into the drivers seat, he turned the engine on and started driving, the radio was the only sound playing in the car until Archie announced “So the guys on the team are gonna try and get with you at this party cause they think you’re a hard target.” You nodded “Yeah?” He sighed “And they dragged me in on the bet.” You sighed “Yeah and? No one is getting with me.” He chuckled “That’s why I have a deal with you.” You raised your eyebrow “Continue.” He chuckled “You get all dressed up, and every time they try with it you turn away. But they think I’d be the least likely to even try, so we act like I’m winning.” You nodded “Sure, why not.” The car stopped but Archie didn’t shut off the engine, you looked over at him as he looked at you, he smirked “I’ll see you tonight.” You smiled and got out of the car, you walked inside to be greater by neither your parents or you sister, you shrugged it off and walked up to your room. Pulling out several outfits, and narrowing it down to two.
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(First is with the ripped jeans)
You sent a photo to your group chat with the girls and let the girls decide, Betty replied quickest “The first one, we all know who will love that 😉” You chuckled at the text as you replied “Shut it Elizabeth. He told me the whole football team is trying to get with me anyway cause I’m a hard target.” V replied “Well they’re not wrong. Girl look at you, but we all know you’re running after one cute redhead boy.” You shook my head and started a group call, they all answered quickly.
(Y = You. B = Betty. V = Veronica)
Y: I’m not into Archie we’re just friends.
B: Yeah keep telling yourself that Y/N
V: it’s so obvious you two hang off each other.
B: exactly, I’ve known you two my whole life. And it’s quite obvious.
Y: *chuckles* I do not like Archibold more than a friend, he’s my best friend.
After that was said the two girls hung up, you questioned it but didn’t stress over it, you just decided to start on your makeup. You decided to be bold but basic at the same time, so you done winged eyeliner and put a bold red lipstick on. After you finished your makeup you put on your heels and walked for the door, before you got to the door your phone started vibrating, you looked down to see it was Archie, you answered “Yes Archie?” He replied “I’m here to pick you up.” You spoke “Alright coming out now.” You hung up the phone and pretty much ran out the door, you knew B and V were right you so have a thing for Archie but he probably just thought of you two as just friends. You slid into the car as he admired you, he complimented “You look great Y/N.” You chuckled “You said dress up so I did.”
The car drive to Cheryl’s was quiet but not awkward you were too busy in your own thoughts about Archie, thinking about if B and V were right about you liking him. The car stopped and Archie turned the engine off, you slid out of your seat and followed behind Archie into the haunted looking mansion, the doors swung open and you couldn’t stand the smell of the alcohol going throughout the place. You saw the football team over at the table and the vixens at another, but no one from your normal group, so you decided to hang out with the vixens, you stood beside Betty as she complimented you “Damn Y/N dont you look fine.” You smile “Thanks B, also got a lil secret to tell you.” She smiled “If it’s bout the familiar red head who’s basically eyeballing you right now. I know, you two have been into each other for yea...” before Betty could finish her sentence and familiar tanned raven haired boy spoke “Do you mind if I talk to Y/N for a sec?” You looked up and saw it was no other than Reggie Mantle, you replied “What is it Mantle?” He asked “Wanna dance?” You shook your head “Sorry already promised my first dance to Archie, but maybe the second guy I dance with will be you.”
You looked at B “I’ll be right back.” She nodded as you basically stormed over to Archie who was taking to Moose, you put your hand of his shoulder as he turned around “Yes Y/N?” You smiled “Hey Archikens, you wanna come dance? I did promise you the first dance.” He smirked “Alrighty. I’ll be back later boys.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the dancefloor, where you started dancing with him, you spoke “Reggie tried.” Archie laughed “Yeah he said he was gonna.” You chuckled “You wanna won that bet or nah?” He shrugged “Why not. What are you gonna do?” You smirked “I mean we could kiss or I could grind on you and then we leave like we’re going to hook up.” He smirked back “How about both.” You nodded as you turned around and placed your backside to his crouch, he had his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him, you started swaying you hips to the music when you heard a loud “Yeah Archie get it.”
You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself as Archie spun you around “And now for the grand finale.” He cupped your face bringing it closer to his, you two connected lips and shared a semi make out session. You pulled back to all eyes on you two, you looked over at Betty and Veronica who had a huge smile on their faces. You shook your head and dragged Archie out of the mansion, you two walked back to the car, he pressed you up against it and whispered “you wanna come back to mine?” You nodded “Yeah sure but will your dad mind?” He shook his head “No dad is out on a trip.” You nodded and got in the car, your phone started buzzing from texts constantly, you opened it to see it was from the girls group chat.
V- Told you so Y/N
B- Go get some
Y- Shut it. It was to get the bulldogs off his back
V- 😂😂 if you say so hunny cause the way it was going it looked like the bulldogs planned it.
B- Maybe V and I planned it with the bulldogs who knows
Y- I could have done it on my own
B- no you couldn’t of
You stopped replying, you spoke “Archie I wanna say something before we get back to yours.” He hummed in response, and you continued “I’m attracted to you. I like you more than a friend.” He smirked while still focusing on the road “I like you too.” A couple minutes of silence and Archie pulled up to his house, he shut off the engine and you two walked into the house. After Archie locker the front door he pinned you up against the wall and started making out with you. You pulled back out of breath “I think we need a shower cause you smell all sweaty.” He chuckled “Well come on then.” You didn’t hesitate to follow him to his bathroom where he stripped down almost immediately while you took you time, you pulled down your jeans revealing the rest of your bodysuit, you unzipped and removed the body suit revealing the red laced underwear and brayou were wearing.
He coughed “Come on I’m already ahead of you.” You chuckled “Oh Archibald, I’ll be ready when I want to.” His eyes darkened with lust as he stormed over to you and practically ripped the last of your clothing off revealing your now naked body. You followed him into the shower, you both started making out, soon enough he pinned you to the wall of the shower having your back press again the cold wet wall. He placed his left hand on your left breast with the right hand holding himself up against the wall, you let out a soft whisper of pleasure as he pulled back from the kiss and going straight for your neck, sucking and biting in places all over your neck, that was until he found your sweet spot, which you knew you’d be covered in love bites tomorrow, he pulled back examining what he done. As he done that you quickly went for his neck doing exactly what he done to you, you pulled back and spoke softly “Please.” He smirked “Please what Y/N?” You moaned “Fuck me god damn it. Fuck me Archie.”
Within seconds he had picked you up and inserted his member in between your wet flaps, you let out a moan as Archie looked at you smug, You bucked your hips trying to cause more friction which earned a grunt from Archie “Hmm want more baby girl?” You moaned “Please.” He started quickening the pace withe every thrust hitting your g-spot earning a moan come from your lips, your hands went for his back clawing at it as much as you could, you two were now moaning messes, Archie had one hand on your back and the other one wandered down to your clit as he rubbed the bundle of nerves causing you to moan loudly “Fuck Archie.” You felt a knot tie in your stomach and felt your walls clench around Archie’s dick, you moaned “I’m gonna gum.” Archie grunted “Cum for me.” You felt the tie release as your vision went blurry, Archie placed you down as he stroked himself you placed your hand on his member pumping him. Seconds later you felt his dick twitch in your hand, and out Came his seeds.
You two stood there hugging each other out of breath, you looked up at him and chuckled “Just friends my fucking ass.” He smirked “Yeah more like girlfriend hopefully.” You nodded quickly agreeing to be his girlfriend
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slashers-hell · 5 years
Legion (Frank Morrison) x male NSFW. Frank gets jealous of his boyfriend being near the other male survivors in trial, they have an argument somewhere and start fucking, one of the survivors sees them, but they still keep going at it. Please.
Hey, sorry it took me solong to reply to you. :3c I wrote this in the form of headcanons, but I changed it to a little story, Ihope that’s fine with you!
Frank was totally alright with his boyfriend having a life outside of their relationship. He really was, seriously, he… was… Or was he? 
The last time Frank saw you working on a generator with Jeff… or when that good-for-nothing Ace patted you on the shoulder… he was ready to slit open their throats with his knife… just catching them next to you infuriated them. You belonged to him. You were his boyfriend. In his mind, he was supposed to be the only guy who could come close to you. You were marked as his the first time you and him got lost in the deep fog, and he fucked you. Hard. No one else was allowed to get between the both of you, especially not one of the pathetic and weak-minded Survivors. But what should Frank do? 
He knew he wouldn’t be able to force you into staying away from them. You weren’t easy to manipulate. That’s why he initially fell for you. Your feisty nature was a huge turn-on for him. So he stood there, wondering how he could make this feeling go away. Or he would make the guys around you go away, but killing them was impossible. In the Realms of The Entity, no one could truly lose their life. Dying a hundred times meant nothing; Survivors just kept coming back to life. They were like a dogs---annoying dogs at that. And no Killer has ever dared to attack the Survivors outside the trials. Mostly because they didn’t know what The Entity would do to them---and because the Survivors tended to gather around the campfire like cowards, given it was their only safe place.
Eventually, his desire of having you under him, feeling his length in your tight hole, kissing your neck and whispering dirty things in your ear came crushing down on him, and the only thing he could see was you. You---and these idiots losing their life to his hands. Maybe it was his animalistic instinct or simply the man in him, but when he liked someone, that person was his. He made no exceptions. Only God could have mercy on you now. Too bad Frank didn’t believe in God. He wanted you to moan his name, to moan for more, to tell him you are his and only his, to fuck you raw.
While all of these images floated around in his head, he was suddenly brought back to reality by the loud noise of a completed generator. Jeff and you had finished the first generator inside the Killer’s shack while Frank was watching you from the the bushes. Far enough to conceal his terror radius, but close enough to monitor your every move. Now that you both had completed a task, Frank got sucked into the dark sense that plagued him ever since he killed his first victim in the real world. He proceeded to sprint in your direction, stabbing Jeff once and then another time. Jeff let out a piercing scream and desperately tried to escape him by vaulting over a window, but Frank was already there, waiting for him to run into his arms.
Paying no attention to you, Frank pushed Jeff back inside the shack and on the wooden floor that began to squeak under their fast movements. As Frank attempted to hit Jeff’s head with his knife, Jeff managed to dodge that. But it was already too late. Frank hit him a second time, which Jeff blocked with his arm, the knife thrust deeply into his forearm. Blood splattered around, and Jeff fell onto the floor. This time, head-on. While he was holding on to the wood beneath him for dear life, Frank dragged him by his feet, easily stabbing him into his legs. One last stab to his chest finished the job, tearing his knife all the way down to Jeff’s stomach.
To say you were shocked was not enough to describe what feeling was overcoming you upon witnessing this terrible act. You felt nauseous, gall forcing its way up your throat. Your vision started to become blurry as your eyes filled with tears, and you felt like in a dream in which you tried to run and run, but you just weren’t able to. How could your own boyfriend do this? You weren’t oblivious to the fact he was a Killer, but you hadn’t witnessed him murdering a person before. Especially not someone you appreciated so dearly. During trials, Frank tended to spare your life, usually making it seem as though you successfully escaped so he wouldn’t unnecessarily enrage The Entity.
But this time, you were able to sense a difference about him. He seemed so… hungry, so bloodthirsty, and wild. More animal than human. A similar quality that you would only see in the Killers that had lost every bit of humanity they owned before they were sucked into the Realms. You were still staring at the scene in front of you, slowly taking a few steps back while carefully eyeballing Frank’s every move. You weren’t sure if he wanted to attack you as well. When he turned into your direction, his mask stained by Jeff’s blood, you gasped.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Frank complained.
You didn’t understand. You shouldn’t look at him like that when he killed your fellow Survivor in front of you? Did he lose his mind?
“You… you killed my friend, Frank.” It was more of a creepy realisation than blame.
“You’re acting like I did something terrible. Besides, he isn’t dead. He probably is lying somewhere around the campfire right now.”
“Are you actually fucking insane?” You couldn’t bring yourself to stay calm. What he did was disgusting. He was a Killer, but you thought he loved you enough to respect your boundaries. He did it in the past when he spared your life. Why not now?
“Don’t act so stupid. You know exactly how I get when someone else touches you…” You didn’t realise how close he was to you already, his body pressing itself against yours, pushing you to the wooden wall in the shack.
“Is that it? Jealousy?”
“No, I just protect what’s mine.” You could not detect one ounce of guilt in his tone. And it upset you.
“You’re disgusting, Frank.” There. You said it.
“And you’re so fucking sexy,” he whispered in your ear as he pulled up his mask, leaving traces of bite marks on your neck.
“Don’t you fucking touch me,” you unsuccessfully tried to push him away. You didn’t want him to kiss you in front of your friend’s dead body. You had enough respect for Jeff; you didn’t care about the arousal that was currently rising up in your pants. However, Frank didn’t listen; he didn’t care. He wanted you. And if Frank had his eyes on something, he would get it. One hand emigrated southwards whilst his other hand was placed next to your head. He started to unzip your pants, stroking your cock.
“Gosh, stop it…” Your pleas fell on deaf ears. Frank knew you wanted him, that your whimpering was more for show, to make yourself feel less guilty about your friend’s outcome of the trial.
“No matter what you do or say, there is no way you will be able to outrun me.” Frank pressed his lips passionately against yours, his voice turning you on to the point of pre-ejaculate dropping out of your erection, your knees feeling wobbly.
“I would love to fuck you right on the spot, do you know that?” Of course you knew that. And Frank knew that you knew that, too. He just loved to tease and drive you over the edge. Fully aware of how he was torturing you, you nod.
Frank kneeled in front of you, thoroughly mustering your erection and seductively biting his bottom lip. He pulled your boxers further down with his teeth, fully exposing your length. Frank wrapped his hand around your throbbing cock, stroking it with all the calm in the world. You only managed to heave out deep sighs at the feeling of his palm’s warmth around your sex, his thumb softly caressing the tip of its head. Sweat was sliding down your temples as he noticeable began to spurt up his tempo. You sucked in your moans; you didn’t want to be caught after all.
Frank headed his tongue out to lick the tip clean, forcing needy wails out of you. Your eyes narrowed as the sensation of his tongue on your cock flooded through your body; a thin string of saliva connecting his mouth to your sex. You shivered at the thought of coming all over his face, squeezing your legs closer together. Frank finally took your erection into his mouth, increasing the pace with every second passing by. Your mind went blank; you couldn’t recall any of the events that had just taken place, fog clouding your brain. Frank’s cheeks hallowed, his mouth feeling tighter than before while he sucked your cock. 
One hand positioned on your pelvis, he pushed your body harder against the wall behind you. His brown eyes didn’t betray him; making it unable to tell whether he enjoyed this or not. But you were fairly sure he loved observing your lust-filled face as he was sucking your cock. Frank unwillingly began to gag mildly when you thrust in his mouth, wet and sloppy sounds reigning over Mount Ormond’s uncomfortable silence and the generator’s buzzing noise. You cried out in a particularly loud moan, forcing Frank to swallow every drop of your cum to leave no evidence behind. You felt a shock of electricity vibrating through your length.
When you turned your head to the side, you almost choked. Meg was standing there and watching both you and Frank in shock. As her eyes were fixated on Frank’s Oscar-worthy performance, you turned your head back to Frank. You couldn’t bring yourself to care at this point. The lust was way too strong to bother with Meg potentially telling on you. Your hips grew firm. Maybe minutes went by when you decided to turn your head once again to the spot where you saw Meg standing earlier. She was gone. Your thoughts were interrupted when Frank didn’t bother to stop overstimulating you. 
“Please, Frank… I can’t take it anymore,” you begged.
Frank’s eyes were shining in lust. He proceeded to pull your now-flaccid cock out of his mouth. You steadily gained your composure back.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, more to yourself than him.
“Any time,” Frank smirked.
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radical-boy · 7 years
I walked up the concrete stairs--two steps!--and then I was out of breath. Anyone would be out of breath if they were carrying as many books as I was. I couldn’t help it though; I was studying to pass the IQ test! Those who did not pass were never chosen. I was going to be chosen though--they laugh at me now but they won’t be when I’m the Dragon Master!!!!!!!
Today’s field of study was flight. I had to make sure I could answer every riddle the Dragon King would ask me about flight. Chihuahuas are good dogs even if they are hideous. Their light weight made them perfect for long-distance flying companions, but it was a little known fact that dragons preferred them. Preferred them to eat, that is!!! In truth, cats made much better companions; they never fall off.
“Meow! Ready for the test yet?” my feline companion Griswald asked--she talks.
“Yes Crookshanks,” I called her affectionately, even though she hated the Harry Potter series.
“Ay! Me name’s GRISWALD ye twat!” she yowled.
I set my books down on the table and held my hands out for cuddles. Griswald side-eyed me, but quickly gave in. Not even a grumpy cat could resist cuddles. She purred in delight as I scratched the backs of her ears. Lava is a great way to wipe shit off yer ass. That’s how dragons do it anyways, with their fireproof scales. I aspire to that level of hardass. And if I was--when I was--chosen to be the Dragon Master, I finally will reach that aspiration.
WWWWEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! It was the alarm to take the IQ test!!! It sure woke everyone up 100%. I quickly scampered out of the library, ditching my books. Griswald grabbed onto my clothes tightly and held on as we sprinted to the exam building. It was in the center of town, just past the fruit venders… and I stopped because I smelled some delicious apple pie.
“Don’t get distracted!” Griswald yowled in my ear, digging her claws into my shoulder just a pinch.
“OW! Jeez, okay.”
The building was the ugliest in town. It was tall and grey and had just one window all the way up on the fourth floor. That was how flying dragons got in and out. Everyone else had to enter through the big white front door, and answer a riddle before the guard would let them in. To dragons, riddles were just like memes. Dragons loved memes; in fact, they created a guild called The Meme Loving Fucks. Most of the riddles at the door were just memes these days. I approached the front door and knocked three times--as was customary-- and the guard opened a little peephole.
“Here come dat boi,” a tiny green dragon gurgled through an alligator-like mouth.
“Oh shit…” I whispered.
“WHADDUP!!!” screeched Griswald, winking at me.
The dragon was most impressed, thinking we had planned that out beforehand. I, however, was still very confused--why did Griswald shout “whaddup” into me ear????? I didn’t dare ask though, and instead slipped past the chortling swamp dragon.  
“So, you dare enter my building and place of knowledge, eh? To take the IQ test, I presume??” said the swamp dragon.
“Yes,” I said to the guard, “which way should I go?”
“The opposite of Left Shark,” the dragon guard said.
“Ah, I see,” I said, though I did not, in fact, see. I was blind. The lights inside were so bright, I could only make out the corners of the rooms.
“Uhhh… go that way,” Griswald whispered, pointing to the right.
“Face God and walk backwards into hell!” the guard said in traditional parting. I bowed, kissing my kneecaps in the traditional way, and gallivanted off into the distance.
“Just follow the memes,” Griswald advised as the lights dimmed to visible luminance.
The hallway was one long mural painted with a large green ogre, and on the floor the word cofveve was inscribed golden cursive letters.  We got to the other end, and the hall forked off into five different directions.
“Which way should we go first?” I asked Griswald.
“Uh….” I stammered, not knowing a thing.
“Obviously, we go right, towards The Colors of the Sky mural on the wall,” she grumbled. I looked towards the rightmost tunnel, which had Do You Love The Colors of The Sky? written above the entrance. The walk was long, but beautiful, and I felt like I was flying through the changing sky. Soon, it got dark in the tunnel, and I wanted to lay down and sleep under the beautiful stars.
Grisland gently kneaded her paws in me to keep me awake. The kneading was soothing and made me want to sleep even more; I laid down gently on the floor and promptly began to snore.
Griswald used a very powerful spell to wake me up, screaming, “WAKE ME UP INSIDE!” to jar me from my slumber.
“SANTIAGO” I shouted upon waking, as was customary.
“What good manners,” Griswald praised me. She licked my hair into my face so I was more emo than before.
Finally, the hallway was colored dawn, and I felt more awake and refreshed than ever. The hallway opened into a big, huge circle with a ladder going up and a trap door in the middle of the room. Unfortunately, the trap door was covered in some very alluring Comic Sans. It didn’t matter what was written in the most holy of fonts; I was compelled to enter.
The door fell out under my feet and Griswald screamed in utter bliss as we plummeted down into the darkness. Once again, I felt the supreme desire to sleep, but I stayed awake because I didn’t want to hear any more of Griswork’s “singing.” The dark hole slowly began to take on the shape and color of a distantly familiar meme. Suddenly, I was sitting on a cloud, coming up over the horizon. Griswald’s fur bristled up so much she looked like a Tribble.
“Ba?! Ha ba ba?!! Ha bagada!!” a dog barked from a red airplane.
“I hate this meme,” Grisland yowled quietly. I, however, loved it.
“Ba! Ba! Ba!” the dog and I barked in total harmony. We began to sing and it resonated against the viscous cloud I perched upon, vibrating ever-so-slightly until it faded along with the other dog. At first, it looked like the void we were falling through was turning black again. But instead, flowers appeared in the distance and the air grew more and more liquid until I was sure we were underwater.
“GET BACK TO WORK ME BOYYYYYYYYYYOOOOO!!!!” a voice yelled louder than sound itself.
“Which meme is this?” I asked the cat.
“This meme represents the overlord bourgeois demanding endless work from the lowly proletariat,” she answered solemnly. I watched as the yellow square shaped “boyo” excitedly scampered into a kitchen area.
“I love you Krabby Patty,” he whispered to some juicy meat pressed between swollen buns. The Krabby Patty grew to the size of a small luxury vehicle and embraced the boyo.
“We should go,” Griswald said, tears in her voice. “Us mortals were not meant to see such beauty.” I agreed, but I was no longer in control of where we would go; a force I could not understand would take us to and fro.
Suddenly, an ax came through the flowery wall! An evil cackle was heard and I looked around and we were in a forest! I could no longer find that horrible ax anywhere around me. I looked down at my leg, feeling something odd, and saw that it was oozing blood!
“SHIA SURPRISE!” Griswald warned me, looking behind me in horror. I wrestled the burly man for the ax in his hand, and then I discovered myself decapitating my would-be assassin.
With a thud, we hit the bottom of the long void we’d been falling through, music playing in the distance as the dead body slowly faded.
Mmm whatcha sayyy, the music somberly screeched. I felt tears fill my eyes. I was ready for the next test.
“ARE YOU READY FOR A ROUND OF GUESS-THE-NEXT-LYRICS?????” boomed a very, VERY large dragon who descended upon us.
“HELL YEAH!” I shouted in equal glee.
“Then prepare your mortal heart for the biggest musical sounds in history…”
I stilled my beating heart and prepared myself for what came next.
The dragon opened its mouth and bellowed, “I AM GAY, GAY, GAY!” and then looked at me for the next lyrics.
I closed my eyes and felt time slow before me as I belted the next lyrics: “I LIKE LONG BIG COCKS, I AM SUPER SUPER GAY, I LIKE LONG BIG COCKS!!!!”
The dragon, with tears of lava pouring from their eyes, nodded in passionate agreement and said, “Let’s try a more aged song.”
I smiled, ready to accept my next challenge.
In a screechy voice, the dragon sang, “We’re no strangers to looooooooove…”
I instantly knew what I had to do next; I had to sing. “You know the rules! And so Do I!!”
The rest of the lyrics played over some loud speakers and confetti began to fly. It was the Dragon Conglomerate Anthem; every citizen knew it by heart. It played now on every speaker in the world to announce that I had passed the IQ test.
“Congration, you done it,” the dragon cried, handing me a diploma. It was, of course, written in Comic Sans. Its soft pink paper absorbed my tears and the glitter delicately coated every layer of my body. The anthem faded into a smooth Vaporwave version of the song--the Victory Version of the Dragon Conglomerate Anthem. Dragons everywhere came out of the shadows and began to dance and pulse to the pounding rhythm. My skin began to turn to scales as I joined dragonkind. The transformation was almost complete; I just had one more thing to do before I gained my wings.
“Go,” the dragon said, “and seek the Bone Hurting Juice potion to gain your wings.”
I didn’t want to; I was afraid; I was petrified.
“What if I give you a better meme?” I offered them.
“Then you would be a wingless dragon, for I cannot grant you the wings you must have.”
I understood. I evaporated into the black abyss in search of my potion. The first place I thought to search was Candy Mountain.
“You’ve got to come to Candy Mountain with us, Chaaaaarlieee,” a pretty pink unicorn sighed.
“Dear god, keep an eye on your kidney,” Griswaln warned. I took an eyeball out of my head, placing the spare on my kidney; if any of those fuckers tried to steal my kidney, I would be the first to know about it.
The pretty licorice letters began to sing and dance for me.
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apocalypticxlove · 7 years
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- Wine and Dine. { Negan X You } 
Smut under the cut. 1.8K word count. Summary: You are one of the wives and Negan calls for you. *winkwink* Note: I’ve been MIA so coming back I thought I’d freshen up with this gem before breaking out much needed chapters! Just some quick writing, enjoy.<3 tags have been random, please let me know if you want to be taken off.~
@negans-network @negansmutweek @fandomfreak202 @negansxlucille @buckybarnesisalittleshit @sub-miss-me @loreleilara @nattiedaunicorn @britbrat7502 @wadeyourebarelyalive @linqobe @prettyepiic @natjm13 @kawaiirepublic @happysgeishadoll @megalittlemaya @ohmyneganimagination-twd @ashzombie13 @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @greasernegan 
A wide smile rose onto your face the second the large leader had walked into the room once again, not only was this the first night in a long time that Negan had wanted you all to himself but he had also managed to get his hands on a large bottle of red wine. You reached for the glass Negan offered your way while his dark bushy eyebrows shot up a few times playfully and his teeth dug into his bottom lip as he opened the bottle. “Oh fuck yeah.” he smirked before smelling the contents inside. The tall man leaned his long upper torso back and sighed out his delight. Negan, who aimed to please his wives every chance he got, poured you a glass first and then moved on to pour himself one, winking at you with his cocky lopsided smile. You watched him mid sip. Not once did your eyes leave his until Negan himself broke the stare needing to make sure he wasn’t going to spill. Your eyes traced every line of his rugged face while taking another sip of the wonderfully bitter wine. 
“How’s it?” Negan questioned, his smile growing so wide his dimples appeared. You bit your lip mindlessly. His light eyes caught that before you attempted to hide your lustful look behind the wine glass. “Hmmm…” Negan gave a low hum before shaking his head slightly and sauntering over to join you on the couch. Your eyes following. As he lowered down to the furniture, he took a long swig of his glass. As he did your eyes quickly moved away from the glass and watched as his Adam’s apple moved as he swallowed. ‘Jesus christ.’ you gasped in your head, before your eyes traveled again. They trailed the stubble peppered on the skin of his neck getting thicker as you moved up his neck and onto his strong jawline covered in the aged facial hair. “Fuck.” You murmured, not even realizing you had said it out loud.
“I’m fuckin’ flattered dear wife, I really fuckin’ am. My ego is sky goddamn high right the fuck now. Eye-fuckin’ is fuck fuckity fuckin’ fun and all but goddamn!“ Negan huffed out, a calloused hand of his scratching up at his facial hair, “It ain’t as fun as real wet pussy fuckin’.” when Negan looked back at you, your breath began to shake. You ached for him. Quickly you gulped down a bigger sip. “By the way you keep rubbin’ those delicious goddamn thighs together I can tell you’re wetter than a motherfuckin’ ocean.” Negan’s words took you by surprise, they always could. You hadn’t even notice you were moving your thighs, making you quiver between them knowing Negan was staring at you just as much as you were with him.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” you spoke, a slight tinge of pain in your voice.
Negan’s expressive eyebrows shot up again while listening before his broader body inched closer to yours on the couch. “Hold onto your glass.” he demanded.
“Wait wh—” you tried but a sudden tug at your ankle had you yanked further down the couch. “Negan!” You yelped.
“I said hold on dammit!” he delicious voice laughed.
“More of a warning next time.” you argued playfully before leaning back on your elbows watching how quickly Negan swallowed his glass of wine. The taller man easily stretched his upper body over to the coffee table to place his empty glass down. As he swallowed the last drop, he hovered over your body placing his hands on either side of your head while staring down at your face. He bent his elbows and pushed his lips into yours for a un-pleasingly short kiss before he lifted back up and sat himself down on the couch once more. Laughing once again this time at your sudden pout.
“I’ll kiss you more after I fuckin’ eat.” Negan stated and you felt your face twist with confusion. As you opened your mouth to ask Negan pushed your dress up enough for his head to go under it and between your thighs. Those curious eyeballs of yours instantly dropping down to your thick thighs before you gasped out due to Negan sudden bite at your lips through your already damp underwear. He hummed his approval into your fabric covered cunt, inhaling your arousal for him. Your hips jerked your cunt into his face even more when you wanted to get a better look, yanking your dress up to your navel. Removing the underwear meant having Negan get his mouth away from you and you were not having any of that. It was finally your alone time with him and you were going to savor every damn second of it.
Aroused by your eagerness, Negan began to tease you further by lapping his wide flat tongue against your underwear. You groaned out from the friction and felt your clit twitch with arousal multiple times. Masturbating wasn’t cutting it anymore. You had to feel Negan. You wanted him inside of you so fucking bad! “Oh please… please just eat me, please~” you begged, pinching at your erect nipples through the multiple layers your wore on your chest. Negan tsked his rejection within your thighs and you whimpered. “ shhh… just drink. Think of this as wine and dine… Oh and by the way I’m currently eatin’, so shut it.”
You melted and quickly took a large gulp from your glass before you couldn’t move anymore. Your arms were now limp like noodles and your body fell back onto the couch, not only was Negan too attractive for his own good but this wine was helping everything. You felt your body slow beginning to tingle all over. His fingers pushed aside your underwear that was so rudely in his way and his tongue went into action. He lapped up your juices that already soaked you and sucked at your labia, smacking his lips as he released it from his hungry mouth. “Fuck you taste better than any wine.”
You were still clutching your wine glass and the dark crimson liquid jerked within it as your body squirmed. Negan was much more enjoyable though and you decided half a huge glass was okay for now, your cheeks were already starting to burn from the alcohol anyways. Your arms were shorter than Negan’s were and you could care less if you broke a glass right now so you placed it on the floor. Unknowing if the glass made it or not, you quickly brought your hands back up and tangled them through his thick head of hair that was smacked away. Glaring up from your lower half, Negan shook his head, allowing his tongue to flick against your clit as he denied you to touch him. Your hips mindlessly trembled from the sensation, making you gasp out little moans unable to keep them in. 
Biting down your lip roughly, you attempted to be quiet as you watched your husband devour you whole. His hair prickling at your lower half. His eyes were hidden behind lids as he indulged himself, you loved how he fit so perfectly between your thighs, but the smirk could see him do every now and again, clearly enjoying himself was what you loved and missed the most. “Who are you?” Negan asked with a smug grin, whipping his mouth and jaw with a large hand. You rolled your eyes and laid your head back down on the couch, hiding the huge dumb grin you had in that moment. “Negan…” you replied and Negan sucked your clit but stopped. “...I’m Negan.” You gasped out and he sucked again, but longer and harder. “Oh god~ Negan!” You moaned out loudly, “Negan—ahhh! Mmmmm—- Negan!” You repeatedly gasped his name. This only began to fuel him further. Negan’s wide tongue pushed within you, dipping in and out rapidly, his salt and pepper began to burn so nicely at any part of skin he rubbed up against. 
Negan pushed your thighs open wider, one of his hands spreading your lips open as he trailed his tongue on all the sensitive soaked areas. His large hands kept your thighs spread right open, completely offering yourself to Negan. You felt your juices begin to drip onto the couch sliding right out of your excited dripping pussy. Negan got you so hot so very fucking easily. Negan rubbed his thumb against your clit, doing small but rough circles while diving his tongue back deep within you. Your back arched and you moaned out loudly, mind going instantly blank. All your body could focus on was the immense pleasure Negan was making you feel in this very moment. Again your hands made their way onto Negan’s head, gripping roughly at his hair, this made him growl, the low vibration making you tingle more. His hands moved away from your cunt and were now wrapped tightly around both of your wrists, keeping them in place on their side of your hips. Negan made you listen. He pulled on your arms to press your body down more onto his face, attacking and giving all attention to your twitching clit. He bit and sucked on it roughly before his tongue slowly rubbed the pain away. He kissed your clit the moment you yelped from his biting, causing you to moan out just seconds after. But you never mind a little pain he caused.
“I’m—ahh! I’m gonna’ cum…” you groaned out, your jaw trembling as you bit down on your pump sore bottom lip.
“Fuck yeah you are…” Negan huffed out. Releasing a wrist to attack your clit again, your eyes rolling back behind your skull as he did and your toes curling. “Cum all over my goddamn fingers, baby…” with that, he moved his finger from your clit and swiftly pushed three of his long fingers deeply inside of you. Before you could even breath, he began to thrust them inside of your cunt quick and hard, nearly punching his fist repeatedly against your lower half. With your free arm you aided Negan with making you burst. Your middle and pointer finger immediately began assaulting your swollen clit, your body twitching with pleasure right there on the couch. The wine made your body much more sensitive than usual. 
“Ohhh fuckk!!” You gasped out, your arm going faster and Negan matched your pace, his jaw slack as he watched your face and body twist with pleasure. Light eyes hooded with lust as he finger-fucked the hell out of you. “I’m—I’m!” you attempted to speak but there were no words, your glazed eyes looked up at Negan’s intoxicating face but the large bugle in his pants was even more of a sight. You imaged his girth splitting you open and you were hit with a fiery hot flash that spread quickly throughout your entire body. Your mouth unleashed a series of loud, intense moans while your body jerked about just as intensely, your back arched as you came and crashed back down as the waves kept hitting you. Negan kept fucking your tightening cunt, groaning along side of you getting into the moment, nodding his head with furrowed brows, his teeth attacking his own bottom lip as he stared down at your body. You whimpered into the back of your hand, trying to compose yourself from the intense release. Failing miserably.
His long fingers slide out of you slowly, glistening from your release. Negan licked his lips before lifting those fingers into his mouth and his tongue lapped up any of your flavor they bore.
“Jesus fuckin’-ball-suckin’-holy-fuckin’-shit! That was so goddamn sexy, (Y/N)! Get your fuckin’ ass over here NOW, take care of this!” Negan demanded, pointing down at his tented jeans.
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iamwhelmed · 7 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Chapter 15
This was the one I was dreading so. It’s long, it’s action-packed, and it’s bloody enough for me to bump this fic up to an M rating. I’d say this is what everything has been leading up to, but you haven’t seen anything yet ;D
Also on AO3 and will later be on Fanfiction.net!
Summary: When monsters start to invade Mayview, the morality of the connection between a medium and their spirit comes into question. Is killing a spirit any different from taking the life of another human? Relationships between club members become strained, and if Max thought the club was coming apart before, it certainly is now.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Stephen backed into Johnny, who reached back and gripped his arm in a shaking hand.
RJ whipped beat down a lingering fleshy tentacle down with a bat from the gym broom closet, crouching down just as Ollie swung a net, filled to the brim with soccer balls, over their head. The balls made contact with another tentacle, crushing against the wall under the weight. "What is going on? What are these things?"
RJ straightened up, fixing their hoodie with hands that wouldn't cooperate. "It's something out of every horror movie we've ever watched!" They turned their wide eyes on Johnny, who slammed the door on yet another tentacle inching through the cracked-open door of what would have been Miss Baxter's classroom. "What do we do, Johnny?"
"I don't-!" He swallowed hard. "I don't know!"
What was there to do? Find a way out of the school? That seemed like a good start, but he wasn't entirely sure the… things… hadn't already made it out into the rest of the city. Were his parents okay? He flinched, both hands reaching up and grasping his head. Were his friends' parents okay? "I don't know! I don't f-!"
Something loud and obnoxious revved up, riding fast up the staircase in the distance. RJ and Ollie turned around, and Johnny let his hands fall back to his sides. "What the…?"
One of the clumps of flesh, which had been occupied carrying itself up the stairs, paused in its plight, seemingly as curious as Johnny was about the sudden racket.
Then the thing was nothing but blood, crushed under the weight of a lawn mower pounding up the stairs behind it. Johnny and company watched as it momentarily became airborne, faces contorting in confusion at the sight of the activity club- and the journalism club- latched to the mower with Isaac at the back, spouting wind, and Max at the front with a metal bat.
"WAA HOO!" Max crowed as the lawn mower hit the tiled floor, using his free hand to steer it to the side, heading down the hall. He thought he might have seen Johnny on their way by, but he wasn't too bothered with him at the moment, though it was nice to see somebody he knew hadn't already been sucked up and digested. "Did I tell you this was a good idea or what?"
Ed nearly tumbled off as Spender unintentionally fell a few inches back. He waved his arms around manically until Isabel screeched and reached the hand that wasn't clinging to Spender's waist for dear life to grab him by the collar. "WHAT!"
Max looked over his shoulder. "I said-!"
Spender reached out and grabbed Max's shoulder, nodding ahead. "We're almost to the cafeteria! That should be the center of the school! From there, we'll fan out!"
Max nodded and turned back around, gripping the wheel with more force. "Hey, Isaac! We need some more juice!"
"I'm-!" He grunted from the back, maneuvering himself so that his hands were pushing them more forward as opposed to upward. His efforts nearly sent him falling off, but Dimitri and Collin gripped his bottom half at the last second, Suzy pressing one hand to her mouth to stifle a yelp. He raised one hand to silently thank them before putting it back to work. "I'm trying, okay? This takes more energy than it looks!"
The mower slid into the cafeteria, mowing- pun intentional- down a monster ready to strike a student down. The girl wiped frantically at the tears streaming down her face before crawling away as fast as she could.
The club hopped off, then Collin and Dimitri, who paused and turned around to help Suzy down.
Isaac was the first to charge forward, conjuring a massive bolt of lightning larger than his head, sending it straight into the closest clump of flesh he could find. "Oh my god, dude!" Max gestured to the bloody monster, swaying back and forth, trying to regain its footing. "I thought you said you were running low on energy!"
"Well," he moved out of the way as Ed took out the other half with a painted sword. "Now I'm not."
Max scowled at Isaac, but he shrugged it off.
The rest of the club got to work taking down monsters, Max and Isabel going at a monster with three arms and a sideways, sharp-toothed mouth, Max swinging at its core and Isabel distracting it as best she could with her umbrella. Spender and Ed double-teamed another monster, Spender wrapping a shadow around its only eye as Ed drew up a spear and sent it through the gum-only mouth parting to scream. Dimitri stuck close to Suzy and Collin, driving his hand through everything that so much as tried to peck at them.
Isaac stayed close to them, but was less focused than Dimitri might have been. All he could do was fight, all he could think about was lightning. He grabbed one monster's tentacle near the tip, hand squeezing the eyeball attached as he sent wave after wave of electricity bolting through it. The monster screamed, and though the human-spirit hybrid sound unsettled him, he wouldn't let it distract him. He raised one leg and let wind collect around it, a tornado rolling and growing and roaring around it. It took him more concentration and balance than he had, but with a swift kick to the monster's side, it went flying across the cafeteria and into the wall, stuck in wood and drywall.
Straight-faced, he spun around, sizing up the sharp, bloody teeth opening and salivating over him. The mouth was as tall as he was and took up one full side of the monster before him; its jaws parted further and the smell was putrid, something like eggs and feces, overwhelming and nauseating. Isaac nearly puked on the spot, but before he could even raise an arm to his nose, it charged.
Isaac remained where he stood, unflinching.
"Back" Dimitri came down on it from overhead, leg raised and vibrating, covered in orange aura. He cut the mouth straight off the body, sending the rest of its body falling backward, motionless. "Off!" He landed next to Isaac, turning a lidded glare on him before he could even say "thank you". Suzy and Collin, holding onto each other, approached them slowly, leaving what little cover the lawn mower offered them.
"What exactly were you doing?"
"What?" It was less of a question and more of a comment to brush him off.
"You didn't even move! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"No." Isaac raised one hand and set it at his shoulder, rolling it around. Another tentacle approached him, fast as a snake in the grass, and he sidestepped it as Dimitri cut it in half. Their eyes met again, and Isaac turned around. "Just not exactly trying to get out alive."
Dimitri froze, tightened eyes widening, as Suzy and Collin reached him.
Isabel screamed out as a clawed monster got her right in the shoulder, although just barely. She twisted around to get at it when Ed leaped in front of her. The clawed hand reached for her again, but Ed raised his scythe and cut it clean in half. It kept coming, not stopping even when most of it was sliced, until the monster itself came running at them. Ed growled and set his scythe aside, setting it on the ground and leaping to stand atop it so that he was taller than the monster. There he drew a large, sharpened circle and, with great balance, leaped from his perch and sliced the monster right down the middle. Blood and ectoplasm predictably followed, and Isabel had to wipe her face of it. Ed landed on his heel in front of her, immediately turning around and running straight to her. "Izzy! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, Ed. I'm fine!" She smiled at him. "It's just a scratch!"
His sigh was heavy with relief, and so was his smile.
"All right, children, gather round!" Spender raised both hands and gestured for his students to come closer. Each pair made their way over, albeit struggling among the messes they'd made. Suzy stepped in the mucus of a monster on its last legs and squeaked, falling backwards into Collin, who caught her in exasperated arms, and shook her foot clear of it. Undigested students and teachers crawled around in the mush, looking dazed and confused, helping each other up or falling all over the place. Max paused to help a sixth grader up who, though scared and delirious, thanked him kindly for, uh, buying him a cookie from the cafeteria. Max waved him off and approached the growing circle with the rest of the group. "Now, there are a lot of monsters around here, and it'll be awfully difficult for any of you to fight them alone." He glanced at Ed from the side, who reached up and grabbed at his still-healing shoulder. Isabel frowned. "So we'll be splitting into teams. Dimitri, you'll be coming with me." Dimitri nodded, and Suzy and Collin both reached up and grabbed at either of his arms. "Isabel, Ed, you two are together." They looked to each other and nodded. Spender turned on Isaac and Max, both looking deathly serious, as he supposed they should have been. "Max, Isaac… can I trust you two to work together?"
Max looked at Isaac head on, but found his partner only looking at him from the side. Still not up for eye-contact, huh? "Yeah," Max answered for both of them. "We can do that."
The teams split up, Dimitri and Spender (and, of course, Suzy and Collin) heading to the East wing, Isabel and Ed heading for the South wing, and Isaac and Max headed for the West wing. The mood of the room, though initially strong with confidence, had petered out as each group parted. A hint of dread fell in cold air, riding on the coattails of obligation. There were a few uncertain looks back, primarily from the present non-spectrals, but they all had their fair share of uneasy thoughts.
He twisted around at Isabel's voice, one eyebrow raised. She'd paused on their way out the door they'd come in, waving at him from across the cafeteria as Ed pressed passed the threshold. "You're a little rusty from so long outta the game, right? Be safe!"
He blinked, then shook his head and chuckled to himself. With a wave and a grin, he yelled back. "You too! Wouldn't wanna see that pretty smile all torn up!"
Isabel's waving hand dropped instantly, face flushing as red as her aura. He winked at her and continued on his way.
Isaac was terrifyingly brutal, far more than Ed and even laughably more than Isabel. When Max had weakened one monster down, Isaac was ripping them apart like nothing. Max cringed and wiped the blood that'd hit him dead on, raising an eyebrow at the carnage in their wake. "Hey, dude?"
"What?" Isaac was more preoccupied dragging a fist of electricity through a monster than he was answering whatever it was Max was about to ask, the ring of his tone didn't exactly hide that.
Max dodged a tentacle, which he noted with disgust was slick with slime and ectoplasm, and took a swing wherever his instincts led him. Gratefully, his sixth sense knew what it was talking about most of the time, and the hit landed square in the unblinking eye-of-sauron-looking sucker rising on him to his left. "Is there a reason you're blatantly ignoring your own moral code?"
Isaac paused as soon as the monster he'd driven a fist through fell to his feet, unmoving, wiping away the blood at his cheeks, perhaps ineffectually, considering his hand was covered in it up to his elbow. The sideways glance he gave Max wasn't as cold as it had been the weeks leading up to- Max mentally shook the thought off- his betrayal, but it was still distant, like an invisible arm extended, palm upturned. "What do you mean?"
"Well," Max shrugged, pushing down the curiosity urging him to glance around at their torn-apart, ravaged school; Isaac was not only more important, but momentarily more interesting. "You're kinda acting… violent."
Isaac shrugged right back at him, gesturing to his entirety. "You're beating that thing to death with a metal bat, and I'm the one being violent?"
Max glanced down at the monster raising one shaking claw up to his face before taking the final swing and stepping away with a wince. "Right." He'd forgotten, in the adrenaline of it all, that those things weren't just spirits, they were people. They had friends and family, even if they were all long gone, and that thought got to him the worst. They'd been stuck, struggling for dominance of their own body, living with nothing but agony and torture long enough they didn't even have a life to return to. He guessed, by that thought process, that he was releasing them for all of that, but he still wasn't sure the concept sat well with him.
He came to stand by Isaac's side, frowning as they both stopped to take in the scenery. Blood and ectoplasm were all over the halls and lockers, clumps of monster remains littering the hall, looking like hatched monster eggs instead of corpses. The students they'd saved, and presumably their other teammates had saved, wandered around the halls looking lost and horrified. Max got that; they were swallowed whole, after all. People don't usually expect to survive that. Ghosts that had been saved alongside students hugged each other and spun around in glee, though others moved casually along as usual. They must have been used to getting devoured and spit back up. The lights hanging above swung menacingly, blinking on and off, sometimes fizzling out before coming back on only moments later. Some lamps were shattered, but others had just been smacked around. Max side-eyed his shoulder and brushed ectoplasm from it. "Do you think they've gotten out into the city?" His dad and Zoe and Pj and Lefty came to mind. Part of him wanted to leave the school right then, go charging down the hill until he hit home so he could be sure they were completely safe, or he could hide them.
Isaac shook his head. "No. The city was pretty calm on our way back here, remember? These things are attacking the school specifically. I just don't know why."
Max sighed, and Isaac continued on down the hall. He followed him, careful not to trip and slip over the mess that surrounded them.
"Can I ask you something?"
Max licked his dry lips, cringing inwardly when they tasted like copper. "Is there a reason you saved us?"
Isaac paused ahead of him, and Max thought he might turn on him and snap, go into hysterics about his reasoning and get all mushy and heartfelt and dramatic.
Instead he huffed.
"I just needed your help. Don't think about it too much."
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and continued on, and Max felt irritation rise as he scurried off after him.
"Why are you being such a jerk?"
"Because you're asking rhetorical questions."
Another monster down, only infinitely many more to go. Spender stood straight and readjusted his glasses, watching Dimitri give the monster they'd tag-teamed a finishing blow. As predicted, it created a mess, and he could hear Suze and Collin shrieking to themselves somewhere behind them. He grimaced. "You know it isn't safe, don't you?"
He couldn't see them with his back turned, but he knew they nodded their heads.
"That's just who they are." Dimitri stood too, vibrating his hand clean of ectoplasm. "Suzy goes running headfirst into danger, and Collin's just along for the ride." He glanced to the side at them and smiled, and Spender could practically feel their moods lifting.
With a sigh, he continued onward. He was worried about them. They weren't spectrals with any powers to speak of, and there wasn't a whole lot to hand them for weapons- anything that'd be effective, anyway. They did have Dimitri, at least, who seemed nothing if not intent on defending them. Even should he fail, he had a feeling Dimitri would pick up more than half the slack in his place.
"They'll be after us now, you know."
Spender raised an eyebrow as they continued down the hallway, silently urging Dimitri to continue his thought. He was always the more serious of his students, and often had a tendency to appear- and to be- more mature than his classmates. Even then, with what were perhaps the most terrifying enemies Spender himself had ever faced (aside from one, he could almost hear Lucifer reminding him), Dimitri seemed cool and collected, eyes focused on the hall ahead of them. "Who will be?"
"The men who arrested us. You think they're gonna just let us go 'cause we happened to escape? With all due respect, sir, they're gonna come after us."
"Maybe if my superiors hadn't predicted something like this would inevitably happen."
Dimitri blinked and looked up to him, and Spender was reminded that he never looked more his age than when he'd been surprised. He smiled back at him. "You have people on the inside?"
"Of course. This isn't the first time the spectral world was in danger of being exposed" He frowned again, humming more to himself than aloud. "Though, it is the first time such a large number of non-spectrals have been in contact with a paranatural entity, and we can't be sure word hasn't spread outside of the city."
"Because of my article?"
Suzy's voice was tentative, but he could hear how ready she was to take responsibility. SHe must have felt some semblance of guilt for the part she'd played in leaving the school defenseless, but he by no means blamed her. Even if she had gone to the authorities, he imagined even an adult unfamiliar with their world might have had the same reaction.
"I doubt your article raised too much suspicion, Suzy. You are, after all, a school newspaper, and as I recall, your organizer hasn't been very good about funding you." Suzy growled under her breath, but he had a feeling it was less directed at him and more the situation at hand. "As true to journalism as you were, I can't help but think the conclusion most would come to was that it was an attention-grab."
Dimitri chuckled. "You knew Isaac would come around, didn't you?"
Spender smiled.
The last monster in their wing, at least she was semi-certain of that, hit the ground with a thud and a twitch; Isabel and Ed high-fived. It'd been a little larger than some of the other ones they'd tag-teamed, but still not quite as ferocious as it might have been had they been separated. It was fat and it smelled of stale blood and an uncleaned mouth, stench strong enough they'd both raised a fist to their mouths simultaneously to keep from upchucking right then and there. Its skin perpetually was melting and sinking back into itself- on the bright side, it would often slip over itself. It was easy enough for Isabel to flip it over while Ed sliced it down the middle. "Man," she crowed, setting a hand on her shoulder, rolling it around to stretch it. "It feels good to be your partner again!"
Ed smiled at her, and she smiled right back.
She stopped and looked from him to the ground, fumbling around with the words she wanted to say. Could she just come out and ask him why he'd been lying to her? Would he tell her the truth? Would it be better for her plan if she never confronted him about it and just hoped he'd change his mind? Maybe. But maybe they'd both been dancing around each other, and maybe they both should have been upfront from the beginning.
Maybe she could turn things around by doing what she should have done in the first place.
"Hey, Ed?" She clenched her umbrella in one nervous hand, looking back to him as she began. It was then that she saw his eyes were somewhere behind them, and he didn't exactly look relieved. She turned to face the end of the hallway as he was, and his distracted gaze certainly made sense then.
The monster was larger than every other they'd faced, she could tell even as it slinked around at the end of the hall. It sat so high its head, or what she guessed was its head, brushed against the ceiling, leaving a trail of ectoplasm and blood on both ends. It rammed into the lamps above, bending and snapping them as it passed. When it moved forward, each fell to the floor, hitting the ground and darkening the hallway with a threatening
SMASH… crunch… crunch…
They both took a step back as it approached them, millions of eyes blinking with no coordination, looking at everything and nothing all at the same time. There were thousands of mouths for each eye, some talking, some screaming, some crying.
Some hissed and cackled.
"Help me!"
"What is happening?"
"You'll all get what's coming to you!"
"This body is mine! It's mine!"
All at once, she was reminded that they weren't just fighting normal spirits- these things were human, too, or had been once. Isabel reached out and gripped Ed's arm, and he turned only slightly to look at her, eyes still pasted to the monster approaching. Her eyes were trained to the set settling on them, blinking but never wavering as it grew on them.
He'd knocked down around twenty different attempts on Isaac's life in their time partnering up that afternoon, he was sure of it. Isaac was acting recklessly, tearing through monster after monster with no remorse, though he knew nobody had filled him in on just what the monsters were yet; that might have been a good thing, considering he was sure he'd be horrified with himself if he knew, but it was bad because he wasn't treading as carefully as Max was, and he still had no clue why. They'd just taken another monster down, Max batting a claw with fatal-intent headed Isaac's way, when the urge to say something finally kicked in.
Max watched him pause mid-step, sighing into the dead air without so much as turning to look at him. They hadn't cleared their wing just yet, but if he didn't say something soon, he had a feeling one of them wouldn't be walking out of Mayview Middle alive. "What?"
"Do you wanna tell me what's been up with you?" He waved a hand to Isaac, who couldn't see the gesture, but he did it anyway. "I've been trying to figure it out since Thursday, and honestly I can't come up with a reason you would have sold us out like that. And then, a day later- almost twenty-four hours on the dot- you break us out! Why? And before you even did all of that, you were avoiding us like we ran your dog over or something! I get that we had a fight, dude, but it wasn't that deep! What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"
The hallway was completely silent, aside from the bouts of confusion that had the wandering student body mumbling amongst themselves. Nobody that passed by paid them any attention, too wrapped up in what just happened to them to acknowledge the only two composed bodies in the wing. Max stared Isaac's back down, hoping he could feel the heat of his glower, sense the boiling irritation seething between them. The light above them flickered on and off, fizzling faintly with life.
Then Isaac clenched his fists and whipped around. "You wanna know what my problem is?" Max took a step back upon seeing Isaac's wide, wild eyes, watching his aura grow and flare each time he blinked. "My problem is you! It's been you this whole freaking time! Wanna know why?" Max might have nodded had Isaac given him time to. "Because I was an idiot and I trusted you! I knew you for all of a week and I trusted you! Completely! Like some stupid little kid!" Isaac laughed to himself then, eyes falling from Max's to his hands- his trembling, open hands. "And look where it got me! I thought you'd be my friend! I thought you'd stand up for me! I thought you'd like me! How stupid is that?" Isaac ran a hand through his spiked hair, and Max noticed it looked duller than it used to. His aura started to die down, leaving only Isaac, who looked so small right then and so, painfully, broken. "All this time I've been holding onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, somebody would swoop in and take my side! That somebody would actually care about me and want me around! But you didn't!" Max flinched. "You betrayed me just like my gut told me you would! I was dumb enough to think that you'd be the first one to care and you just became one of them! I'm such an idiot!" Isaac's eyes found his again, looking bloodshot and glassy and wet, but the tears weren't falling. Isaac was smiling at him, laughing to himself between words, though it was clear neither of them thought anything about the situation was funny. "It's my fault, okay? I screwed up. I wanted you all to care about me, and if you didn't like me, I thought maybe..." He exhaled through his nose and shrugged with an undertone of defeat. "Maybe if I made you guys mad, then I'd be on your minds, you know? You'd think about me. But," Max felt his stomach dropping, feel the familiar sensation of guilt creeping up on him as Isaac shook his head and chuckled again. "But it just hurt worse…"
"Why" the words came out in croaks, so Max cleared his throat. "Why didn't you say anything?" Isaac looked up at him with his head downturned. "If that's how you felt, why didn't you tell us?"
The light above them flickered on. "It's not like you would have listened anyway."
Max paused. That wasn't true- without even thinking, Max knew that wasn't true. He would have listened. He knew what it was like to bottle something up, to feel like he couldn't speak his mind, to be scared he'd just make things worse is he did. Oh.
So that's what Zoe had been going on about…
Max took off his cap and ran a hand through his sweaty hair before setting it back on. "Isaac, listen-"
Then there was a scream, unsettlingly familiar, sounding so agonized Max and Isaac both felt horror settle over them.
The same scream rang through the halls of the East wing. Everyone halted and glanced upwards to the second floor, eyes wide, fear gripping each of them as the last of the scream settled over their heads. Dimitri and Spender were the first to run off down the hall, carrying themselves toward the staircase with such speed and urgency that Collin and Suzy had to mentally play catch up. Suzy, who had wrapped one arm around Collin's as the scream entered the hall, swallowed audibly. "That wasn't…" Collin looked at her, mouth open but never saying a word. "That wasn't Isabel, was it?"
Ed lunged after her as she rolled across the hall, grasping at her torn shoulder, the same place she'd told him she'd been bitten a few weeks prior. She came to a stop as he landed on the other side of her, reaching down and lifting her up in his arms. "Isabel, are you okay?" She winced up at him, one hand clutching, with pain and with vengeance, at her bleeding shoulder.
"I'm fine, but I swear I'm going to kill that thing!"
"You're too hurt to move, Izzy!"
"And you're not?" He frowned, nearly reaching up to touch one of the healing bite marks at his side. Instead, he squeezed her side where he lifted her.
"I'm healed enough."
"I can still fight." She sat up in his arms, close enough that their foreheads would have brushed had she moved any closer. Ed set a cautious hand over hers where her wound was.
"Are you sure?"
"As sure as can be."
He helped her to her feet without another word. The monster at the other end of the hall shrieked from all of its mouths, each individual voice ringing in their ears, a wave of sound hitting them with so much force they both stepped back. Isabel took her hand from her shoulder, but kept Ed's in hers; she squeezed him. They looked from the monster to each other, and suddenly everything felt right again.
LIke the old times, like usual, when they were a team, when they were best friends- when nobody and nothing could tear them apart, because they were going to be together for the rest of their lives. Ed found himself grinning again, the way he used to before the train and the last three weeks, and Isabel reflected it with her own bloodthirsty smirk.
"Your love for her will make you stronger. Focus on that."
Then, with a battlecry that rivaled even the monster's screams, they were charging- together, full force, auras melding like fingers intertwining. Green against red, red fixing into the green, braiding to become one with every leap they took towards the enemy. The monster ran at them, knocking out the last of the lights, but their auras lit the way for them, and with another cry, they lunged forward.
Together, they became a bullet, shooting through the monster, taking a huge chunk from the square middle, large enough they left a gaping hole so huge that they could have seen right through it without squinting. The monster roared and lunged forward still, slowing to a stop along the way because its targets had shifted right through it. Isabel and Ed came out the other side, shooting across the hall until Isabel set one foot on the ground below them. Ed followed suit, and they both slowed to a stop.
The first thing they did was glance at each other as their auras faded. He gave her his smallest grin, and she mirrored everything he was feeling in her smile. They turned to look at the monster as it let out another ferocious howl, echoing in the near-empty hallways.
Dimitri had cut right through one of its fleshy arms with his hand, the eyes along the length of it closing for good as the limb hit the ground. Max attacked its other side with a solid hit to three of the eyes, causing the monster to lurch to the side Dimitri was on, squealing in pain. Isaac was next, summoning a storm cloud as he charged forward. Hail rained down on the monster, causing Max and Dimitri to stumble out of the way, Max whining to anyone who'd listen, though primarily whining to Isaac, about how close that'd been. The monster folded back, slinking backwards, towards Ed and Isabel. They both crouched down, ready to form another bullet should they need to.
To their surprise, Spender launched into the air, grazing the ceiling above, and used the shadow of the broken shards of glass on the floor to slice its head clean off, sending it spiraling their way. With a noise of disgust, and a stuck-out tongue on Isabel's part, they moved as it went right by their heads.
On the other side of the hall, they could hear Suzy and Collin screaming and laughing, hugging each other and leaping for joy, though the leaping part was clearly at Collin's expense.
Dimitri met Isabel's gaze and grinned, offering her a simple thumbs up. She grinned from ear to ear and returned the gesture.
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"Look, all I'm saying is that it might be time to tell him," Scott whispered to her. "Oh yeah? How? Just walk up to him and say 'Hey Stiles, I may have accidentally let my pet python loose in your house and it could potentially slither into your pipes, ruin your plumbing and scar you for life. Anyways, great weather we're having, huh?"
Scott’s wide eyes staring over your shoulder made your blood run cold. Turning, you were met with a terrified and disbelieving looking Stiles.
“‘May have’?” He hissed, his voice barely above a whisper, rising as he continued, making it sound strangled and hoarse. “How do you ‘may have’ anything to do with a snake, much less, a python?!” Silence. “How do you you accidentally anything with a snake?!” He was flailing now, his motions precise and practiced, yet unnecessary.
You grimaced. “Anyways, great weather we’re having, huh?“
If looks could kill. Oh dear God, you and Scott were toast. Stiles leaned in close to the two of you, making you lean into Scott for support, only to have him use you as a human shield and earn a small glare over your shoulder at him, which simply made him shrug.
“Find it, get rid of it, or else. The fact that one of you is a werewolf doesn’t even scare me.” His voice wavered a little on the last bit, and you could feel Scott chuckle silently, the vibrations from his chest filling your lungs with a buzzing feeling, which resulted in a smile that quickly melted under Stiles’ withering glare.
“I don’t care if Wolfboy back there has to sniff every toilet bowl, climb under the house, and peer down every drain with his glow stick eyeballs, you will find that snake and remove it, or else-”
“‘Or else’ what, Stiles?” You were smirking, and Stiles finally crumbled, frowning.
“I just hate snakes, guys, okay? Please fix it. And now, I am going to a safe location until I am notified of the extraction. Stilinski out.” He turned on his heel and took two steps before turning again and leaning on the doorway looking sheepish. “I’ll be at the coffee house if you need me, just please, for the love of God, don’t need me till this is done.”
Let’s do that 5 sentence meme!
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bubblepop-32 · 8 years
Skyfall - Angoscia [A KHR Fanfic] Chapter 2: The Pillars of Vongola
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Tis Bubblesss! XDD Welcome to the second chapter of Skyfall – Angoscia! 
KHR does not belong to me; it belongs to the awesome Akira Amano!
- Beta'd by chewybillabong~~
Now snuggle up and enjoy!
Tsuna's heart thumped uncontrollably in his chest like a jackhammer on steroids. Tsuna swore he heard a crack from one of his ribs directly in front of his racing heart. "R-Reborn?!" He gasped in utter surprise. He did not expect him to answer his hails at all, and yet there he was, joining in the group screen meeting. Well, not exactly because he was audio only.
Both Takeshi and Hayato shared similar reactions, but their hearts were beating more like rubber hammers rather than jackhammers against their ribs. Their eyes expanded double their size, mouth agape with surprise and shock. Tsuna hoped that their eyeballs wouldn't suddenly roll out.
And then another voice came through; "Uncle? How does this game work?" a feminine voice asked, most likely asking Reborn.
Tsuna immediately recognised the voice, the voice of a girl that produces the same sky flames as him, the Decimo of the Giglio Nero Famiglia, the girl that sacrificed her life in order to revive the deceased Arcobalenos in a parallel world. "Y-Yuni-chan?!" Tsuna gaped at the audio.
"Hmm? Is that Tsuna?" There was the sound of a faint ruffle, and miraculously it could be heard over the brain-rattling background noise. "Uncle, are you calling Tsuna right now?" Yuni asked, piqued with curiosity when she heard a small voice from her Uncle's earpiece.
Reborn spoke up. "Yes, we are." He answered lightly. "I was hoping to keep our promise today, but a troublesome ex-student decided to hold an important meeting."
'After all the other meetings that I asked - pleaded you to attended, you finally decided to join!' Tsuna huffed internally. He was very annoyed and slightly angry at Reborn for ignoring all his previous calls, where all of them were as important as the one he's holding now.
Yuni's voice travelled out from the speakers again. "It's okay Uncle, you can always teach me how to gamble another time. Plus, gambling doesn't seem like my kind of thing, but it is pretty fun." She replied, completely happy to let Reborn participate in the Vongola meeting. "You've already made this a great birthday, Uncle!"
Tsuna was already shocked enough that Reborn finally decided to partake in this, and now, from what he's heard, he's introducing gambling to this little angel?! As if Gamma would allow that to happen! But then again…he hasn't heard Gamma's voice from the audio just yet.
"Reborn! Why are you letting her gamble?!" His voice rose whilst he fussed. "We all know gambling can turn into an addiction and is she even old enough-"
"Maa maa Tsuna, I'm sure they have their reasons." Takeshi cut in before they all got an earful of Tsuna's complaints about mental health and all sorts, probably moving onto something off topic along the way. He gave a quick smile for effect. He was relieved that Tsuna was still awfully wary about everyone's health, even after all these years of being in the cold and ruthless mafia world, and he was thankful for that. He hoped that his caring and kind nature won't disappear… "But teaching Yuni gambling sure is peculiar."
"Oi, shut up baseball idiot. Juudaime's right." Hayato retaliated, defending his dear boss, in which he (thinks) already wrongly offended today. He wanted to somehow compensate for his shameful actions, and keeping a sword freak quiet was one way of compensating.
A small giggle chimed from Yuni as she listened. "Tsuna-san, I'm eighteen already, and don't worry," she informed, "I'm only trying gambling because I am finally old enough to do these things." She purposely left out the fact that she's already tried a small glass alcohol earlier on too, just in case Tsuna doesn't start worrying his head off.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Yuni-chan! I forgot that today was your eighteenth birthday." Tsuna exhaled. He pressed his right hand to his forehead and rubbed it slowly. "I guess my memory's starting to degrade too." –'I need to now shake the rust off both my HDWM and my memory.' He was going to say that he should retire, but remembering Hayato and his little episode of drama beforehand, he decided to keep quiet.
Tsuna's phone, which was placed on the table, vibrated. The screen displayed a text message from Lambo. Tsuna had previously told him that if he had any tests for school during the designated time for the meeting, education should always be his priority.
Coincidentally, being at the nostalgic age of twelve, he had many grading tests, and toady was one of those days where almost every period had a goddamn test.
Lambo: frikkin test day today. Can't join. Whatever you're thinking, go with your gut. Don't worry, I'm not texting u during a test, it's 5 min break rn.
Tsuna exerted a small sigh and placed his phone aside. "Lambo's busy." He announced to his group. 'Go with my gut feeling, huh?'
"Stupid cow." Hayato muttered in distaste. 'Idiot! Juudaime's rarely holds a meeting with all his guardians, and you don't attend!'
Before Hayato could go on a rant about how lazy and idiotic Lambo is for not joining the meeting, Tsuna averted to another topic whilst they waited for the others to appear-
Just on cue, another part of the screen flickered on, sparing Tsuna from probably going off topic. A serene scenery appeared, and a very familiar yellow bird flew from somewhere outside of the screen and landed on a shoulder.
Who's shoulder?
A voice, cold and toneless, slithered ominously out from the speakers. "Herbivore, I will bite you to death when I come back." It growled dangerously low. The person, who's wearing a black yukata, glared murderously through the screen and right through Tsuna's soul.
Tsuna felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hibari!" Tsuna exclaimed in surprise.
Indeed, it was the one and only tenth generation cloud guardian of the Vongola Famiglia.
'Does Hibari usually introduce himself with a threat?' Tsuna questioned himself. He has long grown out of shaking in fear whenever Hibari appeared. This was possibly due to the fact that Hibari has already lost countless times to Tsuna when sparring with him, maybe also because he's already been with him for more than seven years. During those years, he's seen a lot of his guardian's raw emotions, including Hibari's (which Tsuna promised not to tell anyone).
Though a certain storm guardian was not going to take that threat lightly. "Bastard! Did you just threaten Juudaime!?" Hayato vexed with anger. "How dare you!" He clenched his fists tightly and took a firm step towards Hibari's screen.
Takeshi overlooked the situation with slight amusement. He always does. "Gokudera, calm down." He called, but Hayato refused to listen. Hayato continued the glaring competition with the independent cloud.
Hibari glared death at Hayato's advancing figure. "I will bite you to death after I bite that herbivore to death." He seethed with vicious threat.
"Like hell that's going to hap-" Hayato was going to shoot back a sharp reply, but immediately fell silent after Tsuna commanded him to stop, almost like an obedient puppy.
"Gokudera! Shh!" Tsuna hissed, but gently. 'Why is my family still so hard to manage, even after all these years?' sighing, he thought about how synchronised Dino's men are compared to his. His guardians are like barbaric animals compared to them. "Ah, um… Hibari, why do you want to bite me to death…Do you not like the mission I gave you to go to Japan?" He asked, voice ending higher to signify that he was diffident about his question.
Tsuna swore he heard Reborn stifle a laugh. He was missing something important.
There was no reply, so instead, he continued elaborating. "Did something happen? Did I forget something-" That seemed to strike something. The muscle under Hibari's right eye twitched slightly with annoyance.
Takeshi observed the background to Hibari's screen carefully, then gave a small laugh as he figured something out; possibly why Hibari wanted to bite Tsuna to death. His lifted his eyebrows in amusement. "Ahahaaa~!" He laughed heartily, "It's been so long since then Hibari-san! Are you still-"
Hibari's now frightening gaze immediately snapped towards the rain guardian, as if telling him to shut up or else things were going to happen. And those things would be painful.
Sad thing is that this is a video conference and each of them were in different places around the globe, so he couldn't slip out his tonfas and start beating some proper discipline into those disobedient herbivores. But since screen travel isn't in fully working order yet (Giannini's actually inventing the device – though it's probably going to be very dodgy), he spared one last murderous look towards Takeshi.
Never did the group know that a pair of secretive mists were already watching all this action from the very start. "Ara ara~ never knew this skylark still cowers from Cherry Blossoms~" A tall, lean person with the signature midnight blue pineapple hair-do gracefully emerged from a purple mist behind Tsuna's seat and stepped into the open. He trailed a hand possessively around Tsuna's shoulder and under his chin, smoothly skimming his neck with brisk fingers. "Heh~"
All Gokudera could see was a long whisk of dark blue hair that trailed from a figure dressed in black, before finally realising that his dear boss was taken hostage by a damned old pineapple. "What the fuck!" He unintentionally swore from shock.
Tsuna wasn't exactly surprised that his mist guardians travelled back from Russia via their handy mist travel, in fact he already knew they were in the room through his Hyper Intuition. But for Mukuro to suddenly wrap his arms around him almost like a protective python? Oh hell no.
"M-Mukuro!" Tsuna gasped because of the hand that was touching his neck, then his mind wondered off to what Mukuro mentioned- 'Hibari doesn't like Cherry Blossoms?-' Then he remembered the time when Mukuro was still their enemy and how Hibari got injected with Cherryitis. 'Oh…I forgot…and it's April too…Oops.' He grimaced, 'But I'll deal with that later!'
His eyes flickered down and saw a trident's tip advancing towards the exposed skin on his neck, dangerously accurate. Without hesitation, he grabbed the hand with a firm hold and smashed it harder than anticipated on the table in front. If his hand didn't immediately pin Mukuro's other hand against the table, he would have been pricked by his small trident, which would mean that Mukuro would've successfully possessed him.
"Oya~ I thought I was going to succeed this time." The mist guardian purred. "You're getting stronger, young Vongola, and that just makes me want your body more~" He gave a satisfied smirk and hopped back, freeing his arm in the process.
Hayato's fuse finally broke. He failed. He was a failure as the right hand man to the world's boss of the strongest mafia Famiglia. "YOU BASTARDDD!" He broke into a run, charging with pure hatred and rage towards the idiot that dared to touch his boss, and he didn't care if he was the mist guardian or not.
The room wasn't that big, and with the speed of a professional Mafioso, he could've tackled Mukuro in less than a second. But Tsuna was definitely not going to let that happen, considering how much of a pacifist he is. And he simply hated his guardians hurting each other. He never really liked this mafia business from the very beginning, but since Primo's blood was flowing through his veins, it made him awfully good at all this even if he didn't like it.
Tsuna kicked back in his leather chair so that it wheeled right between raging Hayato and smirking Mukuro. Hayato, of course, couldn't react fast enough to stop, but Tsuna expected that.
Just as the silverette was going to ram into Tsuna who was calmly sitting down in his chair, the brunette grasped the other's arm with soft precision. Using his other hand, he gently palmed Hayato's stomach which, adding to the momentum of him charging, caused him to flip into the air, his legs forming a graceful arc. In a split second later, Hayato changed from a raging storm that was going to beat the crap out of Mukuro, to a stunned octopus standing upright on the other side of Tsuna's office chair.
Hayato blinked. He was sure he was going to bang right into Tsuna, yet he was standing still, completely balanced, next to him. "Gah." He felt as if he went to heaven and back for a moment. 'JUUDAIME JUST DID SOMETHING AMAZING! A-and…woah…' He swayed on his legs before staggering forwards, slumping against the wall next to the loathed pineapple. His resentment for him hasn't ebbed away just yet.
"Juudaime, why do you still trust this guy? He might turn out like Daemon." He fumed. "He's going to grab your body and betray us." Hayato has been extremely touchy about this subject ever since Daemon's 'visit', and no one really blamed him for suspecting Mukuro, but that doesn't mean they agree with him either.
Tsuna glanced at Hayato, unhanding Hayato's arm as he previously staggered away, and smiled slightly. "Gokudera, it's ok. Mukuro isn't Daemon." He stated firmly. "I trust him, like I do with all of you too."
Hayato side-glanced with minor embarrassment, forming a small pout on his lips. He was Tsuna's all-knowing right hand man yet his boss was indirectly pointing out his flaws. He pressed his brows down, forming a flustered frown. Instead of wallowing in his discomfiture, he averted his attention to Mukuro. "Tch, If only I can punch you in the face for what you've done."
"Please, no violence." Tsuna exclaimed wryly, "Hibari, I'm sorry for making you go to Japan. So please calm down." He wheeled himself back to his table and rested his elbows on top, a boss-like posture.
Hibari indeed did look like he was going murder the entire population of pineapples, face twisted into a ruthless growl, mouth pulled into a line as taught as a drawn bow. But the hunter instincts in him clicked, telling him that if he doesn't settle down he will be the one hunted instead.
Tsuna held the video conference as a meeting, not a simple gathering and he's about had enough of the drama. As nice and caring as he is, his years as boss made him somehow relentless.
"Chrome, we'll discuss your trip to Russia later on, but for now, please come out. I need your opinion on this matter too." - 'Because we're a family, after all. I can't leave you out even if Mukuro's already here.'
Reborn gave an impressed grunt, and Yuni could be heard 'wowing' in the background at how boss-like Tsuna acted just then. It was like Tsuna had finally turned into a decent boss. They seemed to have moved from the noisy casino to a place without all the interfering cacophony.
A female appeared out from a cluster purple mist, similar to Mukuro's, and nodded her head with acknowledgement towards everyone. "Bossu…we're back. The information we received was odd." She informed briefly. Chrome, dressed in her light purple spring casual wear, took her respective place next Mukuro.
A few seconds of impregnable silence passed, but Takeshi broke it. "Hmm," he hummed, leaning back in his comfy and spacious first-class seat. "I guess it's only Sasagawa senpai now." He indicated unobtrusively.
"Tch, stupid turf-top." Hayato rested a leg across the other and crossed his arms. "Keeping us waiting." He muttered.
"Well, he is the busiest out of all of us, being the 'healer' and all. He's been travelling to places to people in desperate need of being healed." Tsuna defended his sun guardian righteously. Ryohei was indeed the busiest out of all of them, excluding Tsuna of course. Tsuna was busy, but just not in a way where he used his flames excessively until his body gave out.
As if coincidences have graced the Vongola for the day, Tsuna's phone rang, buzzing obnoxiously loud on the table. He instinctively reached out for his phone, thinking, 'whoever is calling my personal number…something must've happened to them.' He nearly dropped it when he saw that it was Ryohei calling.
This meant something bad. His guardians would only call him in the case of extreme situations, and when he means extreme, he means fractured bones, internal and external bleeding, things aren't going as planned, war or possibly even a kidnapper bantering for something in exchange for a hostage – i.e, one of his guardians.
He was almost afraid to pick up, but if he didn't he would possibly be putting a life in danger. Ryohei's life. Tsuna would rather jump off a cliff all chained up rather than putting his guardians in danger.
His family is everything to him, his treasure, his pride, his hope, his life.
Before the phone would fully slip out his hand due to how weak and shaky it got all of a sudden, he pushed his finger resolutely down on the big, fat, green button, almost like the judgement swing of a gavel. He brought his hand up hesitantly, pressing the phone lightly against his ear.
The guardians may seem completely uncaring towards each other's wellbeing and hardhearted, not considerate and being complete assholes when someone did something they didn't like (excluding Tsuna himself, Ryohei and Takeshi; they were always cool with each other), they were quite similar to Tsunderes. They may look constantly pissed on the outside, but inside, they really do care.
Despite everyone's stern expression, each of them fidgeted slightly in some way when Tsuna reached for his ringing phone.
Tsuna opened his mouth, hesitating and taking in a breath before shakily breathing out, introducing himself over the phone. "H-hello, Sawada Tsunayoshi spea-" But before he could finish it, a voice erupted from the phone, cutting in.
"Ah! Good afternoon to the EXTREME Sawada!..." A belated, flamboyant and loud voice shouted louder than needed. "I apologise for calling you instead of EXTREMELY finding my laptop-" a stifled loud yawn rang through, breaking the sentence. "I'm feeling too EXTREMELY tired right now…to even keep my eyes open."
Hearing the voice of his energetic sun guardian being completely fine (only a little tired – actually, maybe very tired), and not writhing in pain, lifted ten tonnes from his shoulders and heart. He sighed, eyes fluttering to a close in pure relief.
Though, he wasn't particularly glad that Ryohei was tired to the point where he can't even keep his eyes open, considering how much of a lively and energetic person he is.
"It's…it's fine. Oh god Ryohei, you gave me a huge scare just then." Tsuna let your breath out of relief. He slouched back into his chair, shaking subsiding a little. "I'll connect you to the interface, give me a sec…"
With great effort, he heaved himself from his seat and walked over to a slick black box with cables protruding from it. He found the cable that could connect with his phone and plugged it in. Within a few milliseconds, the link was secured and an audio-only interface appeared on one of the monitors.
The guardians calmed down too; Hayato took in a slow breath, then exhaling just as slowly, body relaxing against the wall. Hibari leant back and propped back a hand, looking his usual 'Don't annoy me' resting face though his gaze was still sending death threats to the idiotic long-haired pineapple. Mukuro only smirked, as mysterious as ever. Takeshi gave a distinct sigh before putting on a smile again.
"Ahh…Sorry for being late guys, I just arrived at the hotel EXTREMELY tired." Ryohei exclaimed stridently, though obviously sounding very weary. There was a faint ruffle, the sound of a wooden chair being dragged then a 'plop'.
"Ok, well then." Tsuna returned to his seat, gracefully sitting down and finally taking out the envelope after nearly half an hour of waiting in his inner breast pocket. "Gokudera. Come here." He called imperatively, holding out the letter out to him. "The meeting is now starting."
Hayato pushed himself from the wall and uncrossed his arms, slipping out his reading glasses. He stood sternly next his boss and took the letter, briskly taking out the letter from the envelope. The room was no longer filled with its previous clatter of triviality, instead, the atmosphere did a 180 and it was now saturated with formality.
And Hayato started reading.
It was around 6 PM when Ryohei woke up again, and by then the meeting had finished ages ago. Streaks of elongated light which had found its way past the curtains marred the carpet, almost like fresh scars against skin. The sun guardian found himself slumped on top of the roll-top desk which he sat at just after he called Tsuna.
Ryohei uttered a small groan as he lifted his head up, and it felt like lead. "Ahh…I must have EXTREMELY fallen asleep during the meeting..." he pointed out to himself. He could feel himself dozing off again, back to the wonderful realm of sleep, but he wasn't going to let that happen just yet, not until he checks his phone for important messages.
Slapping his bandaged hands to his face with force, he made sure his cheeks stung enough to keep him awake. Tiredly reaching out a hand, he slowly reached out for his phone and reeled it back in as if his hand was a fishing rod that has caught a big and adamant fish.
He sluggishly manoeuvred his fingers around the edge, searching for the power button, and when he finally found it, he pushed. The screen immediately burst on, streaming with blinding light.
"Gah! Too bright!"
He squinted and indeed, there were messages. Quite a few messages from Hayato about the content of the meeting which he missed half of, and surprisingly, one from Takeshi.
Takeshi never texts. He usually doesn't have much to say, and if so, he would use some other sort of media.
'Well, this better be something EXTREMELY interesting…'
He selected Takeshi's message, inputted his million letter long password, and then read.
I have a bad feeling about Tsuna going to the meeting. Get back to the Vongola mansion as soon as possible. I think we need a doctor on site just in case…
'We need a doctor.' Was the first thing Ryohei noticed. He was definitely confused. But over the years, he's learnt that Takeshi had the potential as a hitman, possibly even as strong as Reborn, and he's possibly even more observant than an eagle.
Touché! I get that organised early tom morn.
Before his eyelids' muscles were going to give out, he put one last effort into pressing 'send' and as he did, his head helplessly clashed with the table top, returning to his long, tiresome journey of replenishing his flames.
Depending on how much I write, next chapter will be quite eventful ;P It will take about 2 – 3 weeks, as assignments are drowning me.
Shoutout #2
- Human Burrito buddies for life!
Have a shoutout? Pls add it to the end of your comment.
Fanart…? Nah…I'm asking too much from you guys '/3/' Please do email them to me at [email protected] ! Anything is fine (Maybe a depiction of me…actually nah, for some reason I imagine me as a bubble popping and meeting the end of my short bubble life DX)
Comments and thoughts on this would be absolutely great! 
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