#deathly fun
alexandriaellisart · 4 months
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finally got my scanner settings right for my new computer, so to celebrate have these adrienette and feligami doodles i did during peak sickness a few weeks ago!
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yuhi-san · 5 months
Listen, i get why people see wolfwood as a monsterfucker. After all vash occasionally melts into a biblicaly accurate abomination and all that but...
Wolfwood decidedly is not a monsterfucker
That's like half the problem. If he were, it would be so so much easier on him
Wolfwood isn't a case of "oh fuck i wanna screw that six ways to sunday" (excited, very horny for vash's body horror)
Wolfwood is clearly a case of "oh fuck i wanna screw that six ways to sunday" (horrifyed, very much not into the body horror but realizing he still wants to bang vash anyway.)
Like not sure if this would constitute a sexual identity crisis but it sure is a crisis of some kind
In canon, regardless of if you read them as platonic or romantic, wolfwood grows to love, trust and deeply care for vash but it doesnt ever quite overwrite the instinctual fear of all the fucked up shit vash has going on
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tartarusknight · 2 years
Eddie was normally a very chill guy. He worked as a tattoo artist and DMed for a group of DnD players every other week. Sure, some people took one look at him and thought he was scary or at least intimidating, but he wasn't. Honestly, he should not be scary in the slightest. He was vegan because he felt bad for the animals. He constantly cried over nothing because he was an emotional guy. Plus, he was a complete mess for a pretty boy.
Sadly, there was a pretty boy who lived in the apartment across from him. Pretty boy had to deal with Eddie's panicked laughter at their interactions just because Eddie couldn't operate when he got a crush. Specifically around said Crush.
So even though he had a very eligible bachelor right across the hall, he didn't do a single thing. It was sad l, really. Gareth constantly made fun of him for it, but Eddie wanted to just pine in peace. Thank you very much. Plus, Pretty Boy was pretty stand off-shore and quiet, so Eddie figured he didn't really have a shot.
And pining from afar went really well... for a while. Until one day, Eddie's in the shower. He's about done when he spots the creepiest motherfucker he's ever seen. A spider about the size of his hand, and it was crawling towards him. The shriek he let out was high and so fucking loud he was sure glass would break. But he couldn't stop it.
Then he hears a loud bang. But he can move from where he's watching the fucking spider. Although he does look away when his bathroom door slams open. And in comes hot neighbor with a baseball bat like that was normal. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat and liked like he was working out when Eddie screamed.
"Who hurt you?" Pretty boy asked, snapping Eddie out of his daze. He stumbles backward, then freaks out and jumps the other way because he moves towards the spider. Pretty boy seemed to notice the spider then, and he moved forward and smashed it under his foot. Then he picked up a towel and gently wrapped it around him and gently helped Eddie out of the shower.
He grabbed another towel before he led Eddie to his bedroom like he had been here before. He picked up a pair of boxers, shirt, and flannel pants as Eddie was just frozen in shock. He padded Eddie down with the extra towel before slipping on his shirt and then finally stepping out of his space. "You should get dressed," he nodded and Eddie blinked.
He didn't move to leave for a second before his fave flushed, and he basically ran out of the room. And Eddie's sure that's it. He'd come out of his room and pretty boy would be gone. But when he did exit his room pretty boy was looking at some pictures like he was just waiting patiently. He noticed Eddie and nodded, "cool, your sleeping at mine. It's not safe here." He states and Eddie is so fucking confused right now.
"Uh- I uh think you killed the spider dude." He points out and watches red cover pretty boy's face.
He coughs, "Um, yeah. But I also broke down your door, so..." And sure enough, when Eddie looks over, his door is on the floor like a battering ram took it out.
"Oh," he mutters, and pretty boy does look sorry.
"Don't worry, I've got a nice spare bed room." He nods and picks up the baseball bat and guides Eddie out of his apartment and straight into his own.
All Eddie can think is what the fuck.
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gingermintpepper · 23 days
I continue to be in the foulest of moods so here are some Zeus + Apollo headcanons because they make me happy :)
(Important note: this is largely specific to my original work and is not me making inferences from mythical or historical texts)
Zeus and Apollo spar. Like a lot. Like a lot. A big reason why Apollo gets so good at boxing is because he usually sparred with his father as a young god and getting hit with one of Zeus' punches is!! Not advisable. He focused on becoming fleet-footed to combat Zeus' more solid fighting style which was definitely helped by his dancing. Conversely, Hermes would later develop wrestling partially as a response to Apollo's annoying fleet-footedness in combat.
Zeus decides to tie his mind to Apollo's when the strain of Apollo's visions become too intense for him to handle alone. When Apollo first returns from his exile after slaying Python, his visions are so severe that he suffered from 'time-blindness' where he could only percieve the future and was completely unable to see the present. Zeus shoulders some of that strain until Apollo becomes strong enough to handle prophecy on his own - though Zeus is careful not to give Apollo absolute prophecy lest he get overwhelmed again.
Despite their closeness, or maybe because of it, Zeus and Apollo argue quite a lot. Usually it's banal things like administrative work or squabbling over which of them should get the larger portion of a hecatomb, but they do argue about how prophecies should be carried out quite frequently too. There's a general agreement for Zeus not to bring up Apollo's children after how messy Aristaeus' anointing was (and how angry Apollo was at Zeus' disagreement with his decision to make his firstborn son a god) but the odd occasion where it cannot be avoided is usually when they have their most grave spats.
One of Zeus' greatest regrets is his relationship with Ares, partially because Ares grows up seeing him dote and teach Apollo with his full attention. There is... a lot of himself that he sees in Ares. A lot of Kronos too and the part of Zeus that is a warrior before he is a king has done his best to keep the boy at arms length entirely because of that familiarity with the face staring back at him. It's another of the things he and Apollo have argued ceaselessly about. Naturally, Apollo has attempted to bridge that gap many times and while Ares is still quite close with Artemis, when it comes to Apollo, he is particularly sensitive.
Zeus is the one that ultimately decided that Apollo should never marry. Due to Apollo's love-curse and his already concerning tendency to be overly attached and committed to his mortal affairs and offspring, Zeus decided that marriage would be doom to Apollo's spirit and proclaimed him unfit for the ceremony and its status. Instead of the expected argument, everyone was quite surprised when Apollo merely bowed his head and accepted such an outrageous decision.
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officialgleamstar · 3 months
i think what really gets me about liliana's death is that she did it to herself, and she did it because the alternative was too easy. it's just so fascinating to me, it was such a fun and unique choice, like--
the oxventurers didn't want to kill her. they, the entity that represents the narrative itself, treated her the same way they did the player characters. everything was primed for liliana to be redeemed, because oxventure d&d is not a punishing story. redemption isn't exactly a main tenant of the story, but geth is not a world that is caught up on moral perfection. the main characters are bad people all the time, for good reasons or for selfish reasons, but they love each other and so things go their way. it is the ultimate "friendship prevails" narrative, and that's why the oxventurers were able to open up their party to liliana, even with hesitation and some animosity. because friendship always prevails, and they're the main characters, so even when they fuck up, things will still turn up for the better. they'll discover incredible new powers. they'll find a new town in need that they're perfectly primed to help. they'll make new friends who overlook the way they make a mess of things, because they're doing their best and that's the important thing
liliana even calls them out on it, she points out how ridiculous it is that things just go their way, because liliana comes from a fundamentally different narrative than the oxventurers. she spent centuries building up her power, she didn't allow herself to have genuine connections to the people of geth, nothing was that easy for her. nothing should be that easy for her. when friendship is always the answer, and you are the big bad evil guy that friendship is wielded against, you either get redeemed or you're dead. and liliana can't handle things that are easy, she can't comprehend things going smoothly enough for her to redeemed just like that, nothing has ever been easy or smooth for her. so she had to betray them. so she had to let them kill her. because as a character, she could not accept that the narrative could be easy on her as well. and as much as i adore liliana and would have loved her to live, i do think that the oxventure finale was absolutely the most interesting character choice for her. liliana didn't die because she couldn't be redeemed. liliana died because she didn't think she could be redeemed
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me: *consumed with lust, enraged, on my couch yelling into pillows, kicking my feet, gnashing my teeth* “he’s just some guy”
guy in question:
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kylejsugarman · 26 days
would Jesse take baby to the Atlanta aquarium?
i go back and forth on how far jesse would realistically be willing to travel in the aftermath of el camino because i think he would be very hesitant to do any activity that requires extensive use of his fake documentation and go to a place like an airport where he could easily be spotted by someone who would be more likely to recognize him, but like on a pure wish fulfillment level?? yeah, jesse would absolutely take baby to the atlanta aquarium. he would sweep people aside so that baby could have a clear path to every tank. he would buy out that gift shop. baby has done so much reading on that aquarium and to actually get to tour it in person would almost be more than her little heart could take. so many incredible animals and flora, all right in front of her!!! i can only imagine how mind-blowing it would be for her that first moment she sees the giant whale shark observation tank: just stopping in her tracks, eyes huge and heart pounding. the pictures she's seen in books and on the computer are incomprehensibly small compared to the real thing, to the sight of this massive tank with real whale sharks swimming around. she would probably stand there all day just marveling at that tank if it weren't for the rest of the facility to explore. jesse and demi just spend the whole day looking at each other like ":')" because neither of them have ever seen baby this happy, talkative, or outgoing before as she is now telling a complete stranger about pH levels at the coral reef exhibit. theyre having the time of their lives. and then the family leaves at closing time and go back to their hotel and baby crashes so hard that she sleeps for like 14 hours straight
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elikha · 9 months
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Got some acrylic markers!
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virsancte · 1 year
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experimenting with the preset i'm using............ when does a splash of orange become too much orange? i am willing to push the limits
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saturnaous · 6 months
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do you understand.
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tera-starstorm · 2 years
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i think if my strange incarnation of miitopia was an animated series it would be a goofy 80s anime about the power of friendship that also has a certain sense of grimness and solemnity at times that makes you wanna explode little bit when you think too hard about it
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karokawwo · 9 months
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he would not fucking say that. he'd tell lucio to jump into the sea and catch a fish with his mouth and come back to him and he'd be cheering and clapping the whole time
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bosooka · 1 year
Sabine Week Day 1: Imperial Academy
Helloooooo! It's Sabine Week! WHOO! Here is my fill for today. You can read it below the cut or right [HERE] on AO3!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sabine Wren & Ursa Wren Characters: Sabine Wren, Ursa Wren, Tristan Wren (mentioned), Alrich Wren (mentioned) - Character Additional Tags: Sabine Week 2023, Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, Mother-Daughter Relationship, ursa loves her baby girl okaaaay, LET ME LIVE MY DELUSION THANK YOU Series: Part 1 of Sabine Week 2023 Summary: While away at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, Sabine receives a care package from her mother.
There was nothing in the galaxy except Sabine and the box in front of her.
It was wrapped securely, cardboard and tape around what Sabine knew was a sturdy wooden chest, her mother’s way to both send her treats and much-needed storage solutions. Utility blade in hand, Sabine pulled apart the layers of packaging until the wood revealed itself, carved carefully with ancient Krownestian symbols, so old they preceded even the arrival of native Mando’a to the planet. Sabine ran her fingers over the patterns, the tiny mistakes etched permanently into the wood. The box was beautifully made, its buckles and hinges gleaming as Sabine turned it over in her hands, but all over she saw, here and there, miniscule imperfections that were not the mark of Clan Wren’s gifted artisans. 
Finally opening the box, she lifted out the piece of folded flimsi on top, labeled with only her name in her mother’s calligraphy.
My blessed daughter,
I am glad to hear you are well. Do not allow the challenge of your courses to intimidate you. You are well-prepared for whatever material they may instruct you in, and your sharp mind will take care of the rest. Take care of your armor; do not let it dry out or let dust accumulate upon its surface, as this will scratch it. It is dishonorable to be seen in scratched armor.
As for Tristan and your father, they are both well. Tristan has begun preparations to swear the Creed. I am sure he will soon write to you with questions about the scripture. As his elder, it is your duty to guide and counsel him. Do not neglect in this duty despite the distance. Your father wished for me to tell you that he is working on a new series of “colorful landscapes”. I am sure there is a great lack of color there in Sundari.
I look forward to your return for the festival season. In the meantime, I hope the gift of this box and its contents will keep home close by.
With love,
Your Mother
Sabine traced the handwriting with her fingers, pretending the paper was still warm from her mother’s touch. There was a strange burning in her chest as she imagined Tristan sitting by Mother’s side, learning to recite the writings of their ancestors while she made Sabine this box, which was as meticulous and imperfect as Mother herself was. Setting the letter aside, she pulled the box into her lap and inspected the contents. There were sweets, of course: hand-shaped wheat candy and snowflake crisps that had likely been made in bulk for the Spring festival. There were also a stack of noodle packages she could cook in her nanowave oven. Beneath them was a small hand-bound book of poetry and a package of colored-ink styluses. Sabine lay it all out around her and frowned. For such a big box, there wasn’t much in it. She set the box down and laid her hand flat against the bottom. It seemed her hand stopped too early—to high above where the floor of the chest should have been. She rapped on it lightly with her knuckles, and it gave a distinctive hollow noise.
Only now did Sabine remember there was another universe around her. She checked that her dorm door was closed and the curtains pulled closed.
“Mother,” Sabine sighed, and grabbed her utility blade again, wiggling it between the wall and “bottom” of the chest until it lifted up. Beneath lay a set of powder packets and a thin bottle, labeled once more by her mother: Red dye. Yellow dye. Bleach. 
Grinning from ear to ear, she wiggled out the small piece of flimsi that lay beneath the gifts.
In case you need more color. - Mama
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steinbit · 6 months
bought some ice cream as a holiday treat and i didn't notice it has hazelnuts in it 😭😭😭
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carolxdanvers · 7 months
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castawavy · 10 months
i thought u tw ur last post as tw cannibals and i thought i missed something and darling walsh was a cannibal n i was gonna say good for them
HELPPPPPP god that would've been such a twist 💀💀💀, quite the ESCALATION actually. Don't worry if they were a cannibal they wouldn't eat stephen (derogatory)! they'd have better taste than that!
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