#deathswap au
goodieghosty · 2 years
Hey for reasons. In the god sides deathswap story line. What do human Virgil's (I'm calling him Adam in my head cuz first God first man) birthmarks look like?
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I give you: this
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domoz · 1 year
AU where Hashirama + Tobirama + Madara + Izuna are the ones who died, and their brothers are the ones who lived.
Kou = Uchiha clan head
Kuro = Uchiha clan heir
Togakushi = Uchiha clan sir not appearing in this fic
Kawarma = Senju Clan head
Itama = Senju Clan heir
It is a lovely day, but Kou has opted to have the shogi board set up inside with the fusuma closed.  He's not so dramatic as to darken the room enough to need candles to see by, but the temptation is there -- he likes to set a mood, and more importantly, he likes to prove a point. Waiting for him, kneeling in perfect seiza on the other side of the board, is the man responsible for keeping Kou from total victory over the Senju clan.
He still does not know quite how; he's been manevoring for years and had been quite sure that the daimyo would finally agree to seize their stolen lands and scatter the clan members to the four winds. Instead, somehow, the Senju have survived, have ended up as Uchiha vassals instead of dead, and Senju Itama, with his striking two colored hair, had been the one at court when it was announced. He had bowed deeply to the daimyo and given thanks for his mercy, then had turned to bow to Kou and greet him as his Lord.
In the most infuriatingly move of all, he had insisted that he had been given orders not to take action until he had reported to his clan head, and though he wasn't able to deny the offer to be escorted back to his clan lands, he had managed to politely rebuff any conversations that went deeper than basic barbs and pleasantry quite skillfully.
Now, though, he's spoken to his clan head -- in person, not the summons Kou knows he sent ahead. Senju Kawarama and Kuro are only a few rooms over, discussing the Senju clan's obligations to their new lords, and Itama has no more excuses to deny him a game and a discussion.
The Senju bows at the waist as Kou sweeps into the room, perfectly formal and polite, as is the way he averts his eyes.
Hah. Yes, that's going to be a change in etiquette that will be a pain to force the Senju to accept. Now isn't the time to push it though. Instead he hums, "It's lovely to see you again, Senju-san. And -- ah, what a nice board you've set up for us."
"You as well." Itama has seated himself on the white side and will be playing second -- Kou respects him enough to know it must be deliberate, though to what end he cannot yet say, "And thank you. It was actually grown in one piece by the last member of our clan to hold our kekkei genkai."
Ah, so it would have been one of Itama's long-dead brothers, then. Terrible thing, killing one so young, but it wasn't as though there were many options to deal with someone with the potential for so much disruptive power; not when they were still at war. He could do better now, but it isn't now. Again, Kou is unsure what the Senju is trying to do by evoking the dead, but if a try an emotional reaction, he's not going to get it.
"Interesting." He says, "I hadn't known it could be used for craftsmanship."
Which is a lie, and an obvious one, but Itama does not call him on it. He does, however, stiffen as Kou activates his sharingan. It's not obvious, Itama's composure is very good, but when faced with a sharingan there are some reactions that just can't be hidden. The slight thinning of lips, the locking of muscles, the speed of his pulse hammering in his throat.
"I like to remember the games I've played to go over them later." Kou says with his most disarming smile, "You won't mind."
"Of course not." Itama agrees easily, voice betraying nothing, "I await your move."
Kou slides a pawn forward, faux careless in his selection. He's not one of those fools who believes that one can see into a man's soul from how he plays the game, but he will admit there is some insight to be had. A few moves pass in silence, the Senju going for a traditional, defensive opening, and quickly foiling any chance Kou might have had at a gambit and a quick win.
Ah, well. More fun to play it out, anyways.
"I must say, you keep beautiful gardens here in your clan compound." He says. It's nothing, just probing idle small talk, but the corner Itama's lip curls.
"We do." And then, "If you don't mind me saying so, Uchiha-sama, there's no need to work up to your point. I'm ready to hear it."
That startles a barking laugh out of Kou. What an exercise in contractions Senju Itama is! He's clearly afraid of him, must hate his clan, yet he holds himself so calmly -- he's the only one who has ever truly challenged Kou, politically, yet he speaks so bluntly. How bold!
"Oh you misunderstand." Kou purrs as he captures on of Itama's pawns, "I didn't come here with a point, I simply find myself quite enchanted and wished to learn more about you. That's all."
"Ah. Well I suppose that I'm flattered then. Thank you" Itama replies, voice genuine and his face not twitching a bit to prove otherwise.
Yes, he is good, and if allowed to remain with the Senju clan he will become dangerous. There are many ways Kou could have gone about this, but Itama has postured himself as a man who appreciates directness, so he'll try that first.
"Truth be told, I'd love to take you out of here." He admits, and there is a pause in Itama's hand as he goes to move another piece -- capturing one of his pawns in fact, though doing so doesn't actually improve his position by much, "As lovely as the gardens may be, you must be aware that the things needed to help adjust a clan to becoming vassals are… Difficult. I simply think you'd be better suited elsewhere, with your talents. Somewhere where you might live a bit of a nicer life."
Yes, quite a lot of his clan want to make the Senju live in misery, but if Kou is to let them do that, it will have to be subtle. If they mistreat their vassals, they will look like bad lords, and may even give the Senju enough argument to try and demand freedom again -- given their circumstances, becoming subservient was actually the best protection the Senju could have asked for.
Itama hums neutrally as he appears to study the board. They trade a few quick moves before he asks, "We hardly know each other as yet, what sort of work could you possibly have in mind?" The steadying breath he takes before meeting Kou's eyes is silent, and his gaze is challenging.
"Oh, I'm sure you'd do well no matter what I asked of you, Senju-san, but I wasn't thinking of putting you to work." He glances down only long enough to capture Itama's gold general, "Marriage was more what I had in mind."
He's good, but not that good. That casual declaration clearly scrambles Itama's thoughts and delays his next turn for a long moment before his expression settles into something unimpressed.
The Senju and Uchiha clans are not equals now, not that Kou thinks they ever were, and that demotion is so fresh that there is next to no chance of any marriage between their clans being a balanced one.
Not that Kou was lying about giving him a nicer life! It would not do for the head of the Uchiha clan to mistreat a concubine of his, after all.
"…One of my brothers died defending me from the Uchiha." Is how Itama responds a long moment later, picking up the game again and moving to defend his other general. He speaks evenly, without hostility, despite the subject, "It took me a long time to come to terms with it, but I decided that the best way to honor what he'd done for me was to live my life as freely and happily as I am able."
Itama's eyes remained fixed to the board as they trade a few inconsequential moves back and forth, "So, Uchiha-sama, assuming you are giving the option, I'm afraid I will have to decline." He moves his rook back to the position it was in the turn before, and looks up with a ghost of a smile. "I am, however, amenable to being courted."
Kou almost laughs again. Bold, indeed! A shame he cannot force the issue, or he'll run into the same problems with mistreatment that his clan is certain to complain about in the coming days. He smiles back, knowing that his smirk makes him look cruel.
"Perhaps we can revisit the offer later."
"Perhaps." Itama agrees. Then he takes his turn. Moves a piece, and says, "Ah. It appears we've reached a sennichite."
…A repetition draw. Kou had been more focused on Itama's reactions than the game, but when he thinks back on the past few moves find that the Senju is right. What a blunder on his part, and when was the last time there was someone capable enough to make him do that?
"So we have." Kou agrees, letting his sharingan fade, "I think it's time we check on our brothers then. It was an interesting game, Senju-san. I hope you'll join me for another soon."
He thinks he means it too. Senju Itama is someone he's going to have to keep a close eye on, indeed.
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cassyapper · 1 year
How do you think the series would have changed if Jotaro, Joseph, and/or Polnareff had died instead of Avdol, Kakyoin, and Iggy?
ive talked about aus where jotaro is the only one to die but if it's basically like a death swap i think
part 4: kakyoin and holly go to morioh (it would also occur sooner than it does in canon, like 1995ish). some very strained but genuine half sibling bonding btwn josuke and holly. kakyoin rapidly fluctuates between very kind and very harsh as a mentor and it gives the kids whiplash until they find out the tragic backstory tm and theyre like oh. well what does that have to do with us we didnt do shit wtf dont be mean to us. kakyoin reflects. holly reflects. middle schooler josuke kills a man (kira)
part 5: iggy fills in what would have been koichi's role and then avdol appears. gio being dio's son would have a bit more of a Point if just cause avdol is watching him. avdol tags along cause he's concerned about mafia people making standusers and also he wants to watch gio. gio is like fine but dont get in my way. bruno is like "who's this" when gio shows up with avdol after black sabbath and gio is like "uhhhmmmmmmmmy uncle. great uncle" and avdol and bruno are both like sure. so avdol tags along. no kids die on his watch (avdol is 40 by the time va takes place so bruno and abbacchio are included as "children" to him). uhh yeah. i cant see avdol becoming a turtle (very stupid) but idk if i can see him living. he might though cause kakyoin being the sole survivor oh that'd fucking kill me
part 6: kakyoin and pucci duke it out. very messy. pucci is mad af cause all he knows about kakyoin is that he thought they were friends and then kakyoin abandoned him to dio. kakyoin is mad af cause all he knows about pucci is that he was friends with dio willingly and is carrying out his will today. i do think they'd get some understanding of eahc other but i do think it'd end with kakyoin having to kill pucci and kakyoin might cry about it for vairous reasons that i can't get into rn cause it's 1;30 am in my timeone andit kinda hurts to type rn. kakyoin and weather very good friends btw. foof is their daughter (theyre not in a relationshpi but theyre just like shared custody of ff). emporio is there as well of course. kakyoin might like adopt him honestly like jokes aside for real like genuinely adopt and sign papers and shit after everything. anasui is there
anyway i think the theme would shift cause like. the story is about a family. well the crusaders were family. kakyoin avdol and iggy were jotaro and joseph and polnareff's family. so they go on adventures ot make sure they can rest in peace. and yeah. no more jojo gimmick but i think it owuld still hold otherwise. anyway.
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atwistedgamefnaf · 2 years
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I’ve decided to make a fnaf comic based on one of my favorite aus! I’ll be putting it here and on Twitter if anyone prefers being on there.
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valtsv · 1 year
Hello tumblr used mangwinged. I have been rewatching the terror because of you, and I see you on here talking about terror fics. So I am here humbly requesting to drop some recs? I trust your judgement on these weirdo sailors implicitly <3
okay ummmm i've tried to sort them into some rough categories. also these are mostly fitzier because i can't get enough of whatever they put in the water with that one.
fics that i read when i want to feel better: an unexpected gift by aes3plex (very enjoyable "meeting your significant other's family" fic), shall warmer, sweeter be by bastaerd (one of the best fics i've ever read that explores gender and coming out to your partner while remaining faithful and realistic to the attitudes of the period), Aukkanik by Ias (Goodsir/Silna, stargazing, learning more about your friend's language and culture, very lovely), oh you pretty things by wildcard_47 (heartfelt and heartwarming post-canon survival au fic where Francis buys James a dress), Swallow by Daucus (healing, survival and intimacy), The Great Peril of Her Existence by scioscribe (Silna-centric, no romantic relationships, an exploration of how her story might have continued post-canon),
fics that i read when i want to feel worse (/complimentary): burnt-out match in a dark room by deadgreeks (a wedding and a funeral), no glimpse of a further shore by bastaerd (deathswap au, Crozier/Fitzjames and Bridgens/Peglar), steady, boys, steady by scioscribe (episode 8 canon divergence au where only Fitzjames and Hickey survive Tuunbaq's rampage through Terror Camp and Hickey is, well, Hickey about it. scratches my itch to see these two interact more.)
fics containing explicit content: twin high maintenance machines by veganthranduil, Unbecoming by wildcard_47, magneticisque corporibus by MasterOfAllImagination, To Make Gold From Straw by clockheartedcrocodile, Through by robokittens
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talkativeanonymous · 1 year
Lmao gonna go kill off Nikei’s gf for fun 😙
But I did imagine an AU where, instead of yelling and being pissed, Katsie protects Nikei in ch. 4 post-trial
Katsie then makes a deal with Mikado to execute her instead of Nikei
Mikado agrees and Katsie kisses Nikei goodbye, giving him her flower and pencil in her hair
Then Nikei has to watch his gf get executed because of his own mistakes
But I also made an AU of this where Katsie uses an emergency exit time thing and lives
(Y’know how Rei escapes her execution)
Which in my universe, there’s two
One saved for the Kisaragi foundation and the other saved for the spies Tsurugi hired (Setsuka/Syobai/Katsie)
AH not the Nikei deathswap.. Those always hurt on another level entirely to me... Nikei lost literally everything in that killing game, and what he had left of himself was torn right off in ch 4. Him losing Setsuka, creating this last plan of action to end the killing game, only for it to fail so badly that not only does it make Mikado's plan excellerate immensely, it gets the last person he had left to care about, killed right then and there. He has to live without his whole life basically, and I can't imagine the remaining survivors would be pleased with his behavior whatsoever. Gosh we just keep throwing punches at this man--
EMERGENCY EXIT ALTERNATIVE THOUGH.. Nikei thinking she's dead and then BOOM Katsie shows up ch6 or so <3 (They still have a loooot to talk about though.)
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purplewitchboi · 2 years
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More deathswap au in Gacha!
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callme-adam-iguess · 1 year
A very deathswap au idea that will make you feel worse rn:
Thatcher dies by O'brien/Gabriel before Dave-
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mozzarella-ds · 2 years
Woah- you changed your blog again? That's really cool! Imma say goodbah to your space blog.. :(
Also I'm about to have a mandela deathswap(deathroleswap) au Instagram and fanfic rn-
Yea lol, but don't worry I might make another blog that's just for the space ocs, so the space theme might continue there!
And oohhhh, thats really cool! :)
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c0y0t3-dr34mzz · 2 years
Help please
i cant find the charlotte emily / michael afton deathswap fic on ao3
i need some help so im just gonna spam tags
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goodieghosty · 2 years
Sure is a lovely solution with minimal angst you got there. Would be a shame if someone made it just a tad less quick clean and fluffy.
Like what if Roman knows Orpheus is going down to the citty his almost bf is at for a crisis and he tries to reach him but nothing he tries not even divine projection seems to gef through. And then Janus goes to see if he can help and they come back and Roman sees from the sidelines and he recognizes his crush in Virgil and he runs off and sits at his palace all heart broken. No way Virgil would care about Roman if he has his true love and their son. And if Orpheus ever finds out... he'll loose his best friend!
Someone sits down next to him. "Roman... can we talk?"
He looks up. Ad... I mean Lord Virgil." He says.
"Just Virgil is fine Roman... listen. It's verry confusing right now for everyone... can I get a rain check on that date? Until everything has settled?" Virgil asks.
"Y you still want to...?"
Virgil smiles. "Yes. As long as Orpheus is comfortable with it, and I think he is but I want to give him time to let it all sink in too. But I... I really liked you Roman Still do, if you are still interested?"
Roman just cries in relief.
Y e s!!
Also of Logan ever shows main route Virgil this path via his pool, if he even can, this puts a rest to "would Virgil even love Roman if he wasn't Orpheus' reincarnation?"
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domoz · 1 year
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More deathswap au because the more niche the idea the more i end up thinking about it i guess.
Kou and Kuro (Uchihas) are Tajima's oldest children, Kawarama and Itama are Butsuma's youngest. Tajima also married earlier than Butsuma did -- Kou was already born by the time Butsuma realized it was something he needed to worry about
(Butsuma and Tajima are also both spare heirs rather than firstborn which is some headcanon to explore another day)
Hashirama and Madara met when they were each on a mission rather than at the river, but their objectives didn't require them to fight and they struck up a tentative allyship and eventually growing friendship -- only for that to be exploited, ending with both of them and probably many others killed.
This causes hostilities to increase and the war to grow to the most violent it's ever been. It gets so bad that, when Tobirama asks to accompany his younger brothers on their missions, Butsuma agrees. He dies defending Itama.
(I don't actually know if Izuna lives or not in this AU) (There is another baby Uchiha not pictured here as well, who does live. Togakushi is chronically ill and never develops his sharingan, but he does survive)
The war drags on, but the Uchiha are ever so slowly gaining ground. Butsuma dies in a last ditch effort to take out Tajima with him, and succeeds.
Unfortunately, Kou has had many more years than Kawarama to learn how to lead a clan, and he's just better at it in general. He's a decent enough fighter, but his real skills are in diplomacy/manipulation etc etc. He's also a good long term planner and ever since he was presented as Tajima's heir has been making himself (and his clan) the daimyo's Golden Boy. Possibly even going so far as to engineers situations to then solve and make himself look good.
Itama learned the world of politics very, very quickly, especially once he realized that it could be used to avoid more violence. His generally anxious disposition was only made worse by having his brother die right in front of him, but he is a weaponized user of Senju Emotional Repression and manages to keep it more or less under control when he's at court.
Kawarama is constantly stressed and hyper aware that he's not cut out to be clan-head. His and Itama's relationship is strained (Mix of self esteem issues on both ends + Itama feeling like Kawarama must blame him for Tobirama's death) (Kawarma isn't sure if he does or not, and they don't really know how to comfort each other, but they're the only family they have left so they're ride or die regardless)
Kou and Kuro are significantly older than Madara (and Izuna??) were. Kou had only just started to acknowledge them as People who Existed when they died, and didn't mourn overmuch. Kuro was much closer to them and mourns them a great deal. He saw Madara's potential and foresaw him becoming the most powerful person in the clan.
Despite this, Kuro is also the one with the softest heart between the two of them, and is usually the one to convince Kou to go for more merciful options when he doesn't need to. He ends up with a lot of sympathy for individual Senju, if not the clan as a whole.
there is of course a little bit of plot brewing in my head, but if i say im not going to do anything with it i know i inevitably will. So who knows??
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crisis-takesover · 2 years
More of deathswap au!
Here is GPS hallucinating about Tophat idk
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mspandorasart · 2 years
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Putting full responsibility on @akabendyfan for making me want to draw this.
I feel the need to write about these two one day, maybe after I'm finished with my Afterdeath story.
Reaper!Paps belongs to Renrink. Couldn't find the original creator of Afterswap!Paps, unfortunately. (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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gayemeralds · 2 years
deathswap au game adaptations
sonic advance 2
sonic heroes
ive been debating on shadow the hedgehog 05. i am interested in what the game would have looked like if shadow had his full memories intact. obviously he’d go true hero route but without the mini identity crisis. im thinking that this game happens before sonic heroes, because it will cement the fact that shadow really does want to be a hero and cuts further ties to his past and gives more time to explore his dynamic with tails/knuckles and soon, cream.
sonic heroes occur, where they all think the other team knows where sonic is. news reports have been capturing footage of sonic near other friends (really, it’s just metal sonic having been spying on them)
sonic 06 won’t be adapted in the main fic but. i love her so dearly. i’ll just make a separate adaptation.
after sonic heroes im not. entirely sure. im thinking sonic heroes just gets expanded a lot and we’ll wrap up Sonic’s story arc. he’ll get his memories back from the chaos emeralds & yay, happy ending. essentially. not after we completely unravel his character, who sonic is without his memories, and how his personality is impacted or left intact from it.
also rouge and sonic and omega stealing. important.
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riverdeansart · 3 years
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Kryptonite | Deathswap AU
i could've been more creative with this prompt, but i actually kinda like how this piece came out
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