#decided to tag along and they all just screamed at me while i tried to drive and told me to get out after like 2 minutes and oops i didn't
wholoveseggs · 3 months
Small Victories
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
{Daemon Targaryen X Reader} After a tourney in which Daemon places second, he seeks solace from his loss and finds it in his little northern maid.
♡♡ Hello darlings! I'm branching out slightly and writing about a new character {Don't worry, I'm still writing Elijah} xoxo ♡♡
5.3k words - Warnings: smutt, size!kink, rough sex, dom!daemon, slight choking, virgin!reader, northern!reader, servant!reader, pre-dance Daemon, huge power imbalance...
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♡♡ Hey! I didn't tag anyone because I'm unsure if you want to read Daemon content. If you wish to be tagged in future Daemon let me know ♡♡
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You didn't like the Red Keep, it was too grand for your liking. Even with all of the people in it you still felt alone. At night, you could hear voices echoing throughout the halls, sometimes they were singing or laughing and other times they were screaming or moaning.
You could never tell where the sounds were coming from, it gave the place an odd feeling of being haunted. Ghosts weren't something you put your faith in, but that didn't stop the hair from standing up on the back of your neck whenever you heard a strange sound.
If it was up to you, you wouldn't live here. You would be back in the little cottage you grew up in, far into the north and as far away from King's landing as you could possibly be. It was a funny contradiction, that such a grand place in a warm environment could feel so cold, while a small house in the cold north could feel so full of warmth.
The last thing your mother said to you, was that you should be grateful. That your place in the Red Keep was the highest honor your family could ever hope to receive, and that you should do anything to stay here. To be a lady's maid to the queen, was the highest achievement a low born could achieve.
You tried to be, even though your heart yearned for the snowy landscape of your childhood. You wanted to be happy, you were thankful, but you couldn't help the way you missed the north.
So to try and capture just a bit of personal freedom, you would walk the halls at night. It was the only time you could pretend to be somewhere else, even if it was only for a moment. You would close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere new and exciting, and when you opened them you would be reminded of where you really were.
Tonight you were in a particularly adventurous mood, there was a tourney the next day for Prince Viserys and his wife Aemma to celebrate their wedding. The Red Keep would be full of guests and it would be loud and full of life, you were sure to be very busy, and so you decided to stay up late and postpone sleep for a few more hours.
There was a room in the library that had a view of the city, one you liked to frequent often. It had a large window and a balcony that was rarely used. It was a nice place to go to clear your mind and think about home.
When you entered, nobody was around except for a cat that was perched on the windowsill. She was a lovely thing with black fur and bright green eyes, the perfect color of a dark forest at night.
"Hello, beautiful." You greeted her with a smile and a light stroke along her back. You looked out the window with her at your side, watching the moon reflect off the ocean and the waves crashing against the shore.
The sound of footsteps behind you made you look over your shoulder, your eyes landing on a man with a face that made you stand up straight and bow your head.
"Prince Daemon." You greeted him, not looking up from the floor.
"Young maidens like yourself shouldn't be out so late." He said, stepping closer to you. You didn't dare move or even breathe, his presence made you feel like you were caught doing something wrong.
"I couldn't sleep, my lord," You answered, not meeting his eyes. This was your first real meeting with the prince, but you knew the rumors that surrounded him.
He didn't respond to your answer, instead, he turned his attention towards the view. Leaning against the window, his posture was dismissive, as though you weren't there. He gave you a side glance that read, 'leave,' and so you did, not wanting to get in his way.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to intrude." You said, walking past him, heading towards the doorway.
"You are from the north," he spoke, still looking out into the water.
"Yes, my lord," You answered, stopping when he started speaking.
"How did you find yourself as a maid in the south?" He asked, looking at you, his eyes piercing through you.
The truth of the matter made you feel shameful, even though it was beyond your control. So you decided to tell him what you've been telling everyone.
"I was given as a gift for our new queen," You said, looking down at the floor.
"Is that what they call it?" Daemon laughed, his laugh was as harsh as his voice, the kind of laugh that could cut you open if you let it. "I heard you were given away as payment for a debt."
Your cheeks reddened and you looked at the ground, your throat closing up at the mention of your family's failure. Pride wasn't something you could afford anymore, but you couldn't stop the words that came out of your mouth.
"I didn't realize that princes were so fond of gossip." You said, meeting his eyes, your words were meant to cut, and they did.
He stood up straight, his expression unreadable as he closed the distance between the two of you, towering over you.
"Ahh, so they did sell you." He smirked, looking down at you. "Whoring can make you better coin… recover a debt quicker."
Your hands balled up into fists and you took a step closer, a defiant glare on your face.
He chuckled and tilted his head, he reached out and touched your chin, his hand was soft but firm as he turned your face to look at him.
"With a pretty face like yours, I'm sure you would make quite a bit of coin," His voice was a purr, a seductive growl that made your insides feel tight. "I could show you a better use for those lips."
His words were shockingly vulgar, his voice was rough and commanding and his eyes were hungry, but you didn't move away, you stayed still. You knew the dragon prince was a scandalous man, but you didn't think he would ever be so bold.
"There is no honor in a whore's coin." You answered, pushing his hand away from your face.
"Is there honor in emptying the queen's chamber pot?" He retorted, grinning slightly at how red your cheeks had become.
"Not all of us have the opportunity to choose what sort of honor we can acquire,” You said, standing your ground as best as you could.
He towered over you, his tall frame casting a shadow that almost completely covered you. He wasn't like the king or queen, who were kind and generous. There was something dark and malicious about him, as though the great beasts of his house lurked just below his skin, waiting to come out.
"You have a smart mouth, little northerner." He mused, his eyes drifting down to your lips. "It's a wonder that the queen has not put a gag in it."
"It's a poor quality I have yet to overcome." You responded, pulling away from him and putting some distance between the two of you.
He watched you move away, his eyes following your movements and the shape of your body, making you feel hot.
"I will think of you when I win the tourney tomorrow." He said, his tone smug and confident. "A sweet northern flower to bring back with me."
"You will be bringing back nothing, prince Daemon." You said, your voice a warning.
He laughed and looked at you, his eyes dancing with mischief.
"We'll see about that."
And with those final words, he left the room. You felt flustered and annoyed, a strange mixture of feelings that confused and angered you. You didn't like the prince, but he made your heart race, his voice and his eyes made you feel a strange sense of heat.
You wanted to be disgusted, and yet all you could think about was seeing him again.
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It was a hectic morning, with all the knights and guests arriving, and you were late. Your tardiness had earned you a sharp reprimand from your head maid, but you were too distracted by the upcoming event to care.
The prospect of seeing the prince again was something you weren't sure you wanted, but couldn't stop thinking about.
You didn't like the way his eyes lingered on you, or how he made you feel things that shouldn't be felt. The rogue prince was indeed a fitting title, he was a scoundrel and a liar, a man of dishonor.
You thought that maybe he was the sort of person that the south created, perhaps they took people like you and turned them into someone like him. But then again, he wasn't really a southerner, no, he was a dragon.
The sound of cheers and laughter outside made your ears perk up. The queen was already seated with the other royals in their viewing box, and you were in a nearby tent, preparing more wine and food.
The tourney had just begun, and so far the knights had all performed well. You had only been paying a bit of attention, trying to do your job and keep out of the way.
The head maid was a cruel, vindictive woman, and she had been taking out her frustration on you all day. Her temper was short and her hands were rough, she was the kind of woman that would slap your hands or pull your hair if she was upset. But today she decided to simply make your life miserable with her words.
She gave you the worst jobs and the heaviest items to carry, and when she did allow you to stand and rest, she would hit your feet with her broom and tell you to get back to work.
"Once you are finished pouring wine, I want you to go to the prince's tent and serve him." She ordered, her eyes were sharp and her words were harsh.
"The prince has a squire to serve him." You protested, the idea of facing Daemon again made your cheeks turn red.
"The prince requested a woman's company,” She smiled, her eyes looking at you with an almost wicked satisfaction.
"I believe what the prince is looking for can be found on the street of silk, not among the ladies maids." You countered, hoping to change her mind.
"It's an honor to serve the prince, and he has specifically asked for a northern girl." The head maid was adamant, not willing to let this go.
You clenched your jaw and took a deep breath, biting your tongue as you looked at the floor.
"Very well, madam."
You held back tears as you climbed the stairs to the viewing box, pouring wine into the cups. Keeping your eyes low and only lifting them when absolutely necessary as you made your way down the line of royals.
Everyone began to stir and chat as the final round was announced. You turned to face the arena, watching as the prince mounted his horse, the sight of him made your heart flutter.
He was a handsome man, there was no denying that, his long blonde hair was braided and tied back, and his purple eyes were focused and determined.
His horse was a massive stallion, black as night, and he rode him as though they were one. He moved with a grace and confidence that was captivating.
The final round began, the two men charging at each other. You were nervous and excited, not knowing what to expect.
The clash of steel was the only sound in the air, it echoed throughout the entire arena. The crowd was silent, their eyes locked on the scene before them.
The two men passed each other, once, twice, three times. The tension building with each near miss, until finally the two knights clashed again.
Daemon's opponent had a slight edge over him, being bigger and stronger, but Daemon was quicker. But on the fourth pass, his opponent managed to catch him off guard, sending him flying into the dirt.
The crowd gasped, their hands covering their mouths as the prince's horse bucked and ran, leaving him in the dust.
You winced at the sight, it wasn't a good fall. He landed on his back, hard, and he lay still for a moment, his eyes squeezed shut as he caught his breath.
Only when the head maid cleared her throat did you realize you had been holding your breath.
"You are needed in the prince's tent, girl." she commanded, grabbing the jug from your hands and giving you a stern look.
You nodded, taking the tray of food and wine from the table and heading out of the box. Your heart was racing and your palms were sweaty, the thought of seeing Daemon after such a public humiliation was not something you were looking forward to.
The air was alive with the roar of the people, and the thumping of their feet sounded like thunder. They were chanting for the champion, something that would surely upset Daemon even more.
When you got to his tent, you hesitated, taking a moment to calm your nerves. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting the noise of the crowd fade away.
You stepped inside, finding him sitting in a chair, his shirt was off and his squire was cleaning a nasty gash on his arm.
"I'm sorry for intruding, Prince Daemon." You said, placing the tray of food on the table and pouring a cup of wine.
"Leave," he barked at his squire, his voice was gruff and his jaw was clenched.
"But my prince-" his squire protested, looking up from the wound he was treating.
The boy left quickly, leaving you alone with the brooding prince.
"Would you like some wine, my lord?" You asked, your voice soft and timid, the last thing you wanted was to make him even more upset.
"No," he hissed, his voice sharp as a knife. "Bring me a new shirt."
You did as he asked, walking over to the large chest in the corner. It was full of clothes, the colors and fabrics were fine and beautiful. You selected a clean white shirt and brought it over to him, your eyes focused on the ground.
"Look at me," he commanded, his voice was quiet, but it was a demand, not a request.
You lifted your eyes, meeting his gaze. His eyes were cold, the same shade of violet that had captivated you was now a glare.
You did very well, my lord," You tried to reassure him, your voice soft and comforting.
"Is that meant to be comforting?" He asked, his tone was harsh and his expression was a scowl.
"Fine. I have never seen a worse display than the one you put on today," you said, the words slipping from your mouth before you could stop them.
He smiled, then laughed, his shoulders shaking as his amusement grew. Only his brother the king would ever talk to him this way, and here you were, a young low born northerner, mocking him. He didn't know why he enjoyed it coming from you, perhaps it was because your words meant nothing. You were no one, and he was the prince, and yet he found himself intrigued.
"That was quite a show, wasn't it?" He chuckled, the sound was hollow, not at all humorous.
"It was humiliating," you answered, the words escaping before you could stop them.
"Careful," he warned, his eyes narrowing. "You're lucky I find your insolence amusing."
"I thought it was why you had asked for me," you retorted, setting the shirt on the table and taking a step back.
He stood up from the chair, closing the space between the two of you. The air was thick with tension, his eyes boring into yours, his face was inches from yours.
"I didn't lose the tourney," he stated, his voice a low growl.
"You didn't win either," you countered, your cheeks flushed red, your heart racing in your chest.
He smiled, the gesture was almost predatory, he reached out and grabbed your face, his hands were rough and his grip was tight.
"You are quite the mouthy little wench," his words were a harsh whisper, his breath hot against your skin.
You didn't answer, afraid of what he would do if you spoke. He seemed to be enjoying himself, his eyes dancing with amusement as he stared at you.
"On your knees," he ordered, his tone demanding.
"My lord, I-" you protested, trying to pull away.
"Kneel," his voice was louder this time, and you knew that he was not going to repeat himself.
You hesitated for a moment, but he was the prince, and you couldn't disobey him. So you lowered yourself onto your knees, looking up at him, waiting for him to tell you what to do next.
"Is it true that northern girls can take a cock better than southern ones?" He asked, his hand still holding onto your chin.
You didn't know how to respond, his words making your cheeks burn. You could only stare at him, your mind reeling as you tried to figure out what he wanted.
He smiled, and the look in his eyes made your heart race. "Open your mouth, little northerner."
You did as he commanded, your eyes never leaving his. He pushed his thumb past your lips and slowly pressed down onto your tongue, rubbing it in circles before slowly dragging it out.
Your lips parted and your breathing became heavier as he traced his wet thumb across your bottom lip, his eyes fixated on the movement.
"Beautiful." He whispered before sliding his thumb back into your mouth, pushing it all the way into your throat, causing you to gag.
He pulled his thumb from your mouth and wiped the spit off on your cheek before grabbing you by the arms and lifting you up, turning you around and pushing you face first into the table.
"My lord," you gasped, struggling against his strong grip.
Daemon laughed at the look of shock on your face, his cock growing harder at the sight. "See? I knew you would make a great whore," he smirked, his words bringing a flush to your face.
He pulled your dress up, exposing your ass and legs. His hands were rough as he groped you, squeezing your thighs and your cheeks.
You pushed against him, trying to free yourself, but his grip was too strong. He pushed your thighs apart, his hand trailing up to your cunt, his fingers stroking your entrance, teasing you.
He softened at your defiance, a smirk crossing his lips. "I enjoy you, little northerner. Perhaps I should keep you," he mused.
He slid his finger into your cunt, his touch gentle and slow. You whimpered, pushing against him again.
"You would be my little northern flower," he murmured, his finger moving in and out of your cunt, the pace becoming quicker. "A blue rose in my garden."
You were ashamed of how aroused you were, the prince's touch was intoxicating, and you couldn't stop yourself from grinding your hips against his hand. You had never been with a man before and the pleasure he was giving you was beyond anything you had ever felt.
He slid another finger inside of you, his movements quick and rough. You moaned, biting your lip as you felt yourself getting closer to release.
He suddenly pulled away, the sudden absence of his touch made you whimper. He spun you around, knocking objects off the table and pinning you against it. Your hands went to his chest, pushing him back, but his grip was too strong, his eyes filled with lust.
"You're a feisty one," he whispered, his lips trailing down your neck, his hands gripping your ass, lifting you up and pressing you against his hips. "I guess it's true that the fires always burn hotter in the north,"
You shivered as he sucked and bit at the skin on your neck, his teeth scraping across your sensitive flesh, leaving red marks behind. You couldn't help but moan, the feeling was so intense, and the sounds were so sinful.
"My prince... I..." You stuttered, trying to find the words, but he cut you off with a kiss.
The feel of his hands on your body, his lips on yours, his cock hard against you, was intoxicating. You had never felt this way before, this desire, this want. He made you feel like you were drowning in the fire of his touch. He was a dragon, and he would take what he wanted.
You couldn't resist, you gave in, kissing him back, letting his tongue explore your mouth. He smelled of blood, dirt and sweat, a combination that shouldn't have been appealing, but was.
You could taste his lust on your lips, and it made you hungry for more. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pressing yourself closer to him, and he moaned, the sound rumbling in his chest. He was so much larger than you, so much stronger, and you felt so small in his arms.
His hand trailed down your chest, slowly untying the strings that held up your dress, his fingers tracing over the fabric, teasing you.
"Sweet little northern girl," he teased, his voice a low growl. "Are you going to give yourself to me?"
"Yes," you whispered, your cheeks flushed pink.
He kissed you again, his lips rough and demanding, his hand pushing your dress down, exposing your breasts. "You've never touched yourself before, have you?”
"No, my Prince," you whispered, your little hands curled into his chest, your nails digging into his skin.
"That's alright, I'll show you how it's done."
His hands slid down to your thighs, his fingers trailing up, his touch light and teasing. You let out a gasp as his fingers brushed over your cunt, touching a spot that made your body tremble.
"This little spot right here," he said, rubbing his thumb against it, "is the most sensitive part of your body. The more pressure, the better."
You nodded, gasping and moaning as he pressed his thumb against it, circling it. You could feel the heat rising within you, the pleasure building.
"Feels good doesn't it?" He whispered, his voice husky, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Y-yes," you stuttered, your hips moving, grinding against his hand.
He chuckled, the sound sending shivers down your spine.
"Do you like being my little whore, hmm?" He asked, his lips trailing down your neck, his kisses hot and wet.
"N-no," you moaned, pushing him back, trying to fight against him.
He laughed, his teeth nipping at your collarbone. "Liar," he whispered, his tongue licking over the marks he'd made.
His hands reaching down to his waist, undoing his breeches and pulling them off, his cock springing free. You gasped, your eyes wide as you took in the size of him.
He took your hand and placed it on his cock, his eyes burning into yours. "Go on, feel it," he whispered.
Your fingers curled around his cock, your small hand barely able to fit around him. You moved your hand, sliding it down the length of his shaft, his cock thick and pulsing in your hand. His skin was so warm and smooth, his breathing deepening as you began to move your hand up and down, stroking him slowly.
You could see the scars from battle stretched across his chest and torso. Small claw-like marks around his pectoral and a deep line that stretched down the left side of his rib cage. He was a hardened warrior, and you could tell by his scars, he had been through much to get where he was now.
You squeezed his cock, moving your hand up and down, his breathing deepening and his eyes growing hazy. He watched you, his gaze following every movement you made. You were starting to get more comfortable, taking pleasure in watching him, in making him feel good. You found the nerve to press the pad of your thumb against the tip, feeling the moisture leaking from him.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice low and husky.
You felt a wave of pride, knowing that you were pleasing him, that he liked the way you were touching him. You continued to stroke him, squeezing and pulling at his cock, watching his face, seeing the pleasure on his features.
He groaned, his eyes closing and his head tilting back, his breath catching. You could feel his cock throbbing in your hand, and you knew that he was getting close.
He let out a low growl and grabbed your wrist, halting your movements. "If you keep that up, I'm going to spill my seed all over this pretty little dress of yours," he said, his eyes full of heat.
"Is that so, my lord?" You asked, unable to hide the hint of amusement in your voice.
He grabbed your hips and pulled you under him, his body caging you, trapping you beneath him. He was breathing hard, his face flushed, his cock hard and resting on your stomach. His eyes burned into yours, his gaze intense, his hands gripping your hips, holding you steady.
You weren't talking back anymore, he could see the fear in your eyes, the hesitance, and that only made him want you more. His hand went to your throat, applying gentle pressure, a silent warning.
He could feel you trembling beneath him, and he tightened his grip, a primal, possessive urge rising within him. Your small hands pushing into his chest, clutching at his heated flesh.
"Open for me," he growled, his eyes fixed on yours.
You parted your thighs, allowing him to press closer to you. He growled, lifting your legs and wrapping them around his waist, his cock brushing against your cunt. He felt you tighten, your eyes widening with trepidation.
He chuckled, loving how terrified and eager you were at the same time. He gave you a moment, and then he slowly pushed into you. You whimpered, your nails digging into his back, your eyes closed, your face twisted in pain.
"Breathe," he said, rubbing his thumb against your cheek, "it will hurt for a just moment and then I will make you feel good,"
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you felt his cock hit your maidenhead.
"Are you ready, little northerner?" He whispered.
You gripped his forearms and nodded.
He pushed in slowly, breaking through your barrier. You cried out, the pain was intense and immediate. He groaned, the feel of your tight cunt was intoxicating.
He stayed still, giving you time to adjust. Your nails dug into his arms, leaving deep scratches in his flesh.
"Such a pretty, tight little cunt," he growled, nipping at your neck.
You kept your eyes closed, trying to focus on his words and not the pain. He began to move with slow, deep strokes, his cock stretching you, filling you. He was bigger than he felt in your hands, and you swore you could feel him everywhere.
He moaned, his hips rocking into you, his hand still on your throat, making you feel lightheaded. You looked up at him with wide eyes, your lips parted, your cheeks flushed. You felt so full of him, stretched open, the pain and pleasure mixing into one.
He watched your reaction with a smirk, amused by your shocked, satisfied expression. He was moving slowly, enjoying your warmth and the feel of your cunt clenching around him. He knew you were enjoying it, too, your eyes half-closed, a soft moan escaping your lip. Your small frame was arched to his body, your hands holding on to his neck.
You were surprised at his gentleness. You'd heard that the dragon prince liked to rough up women, but he was being as careful as if you were made of spun sugar. You felt so small and helpless underneath him, his large body nearly engulfing yours, and yet he wasn't hurting you. His touch was delicate, reverent. The way he spoke to you, calling you pet names, made your heart skip a beat.
You arched against him, a soft cry leaving your lips as his strokes got faster, deeper, hitting a place inside you that sent a sharp, hot pleasure through you.
"Does my little northerner like her prince's cock?" He said, a laugh in his voice, he began to pick up the pace, pounding into you.
You squeaked and pushed on his chest, the sensations becoming too much. He grabbed your hips and held you still, fucking you hard and fast, his eyes full of fire.
You felt your release rising up inside you, the tension in your body winding tighter and tighter. You could feel yourself clamping down on his cock, the pleasure almost too much, the sweet pain sending you over the edge.
He groaned at the sight of you coming undone, your breath coming in short, sharp gasps as you shattered around him. He could feel the tension in your muscles as your climax tore through you. He slowed his movements, easing out the last waves of pleasure, drawing it out until you were a shuddering, moaning mess.
He was close behind, his thrusts erratic, his breathing harsh. He pulled out and spilled his seed across your stomach, his hips bucking. He pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes closed, a contented sigh leaving his lips. At least he had one victory today.
Your face was hot with shame, your mind unable to comprehend what just happened. The prince's seed was cooling on your stomach and chest, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. Your hands went to your face, covering it as tears came to your eyes, you had never felt so good and so embarrassed at once.
He moved off of you, his eyes locked on yours, a smirk crossing his lips. He looked satisfied, his gaze wandering over your body, lingering on the wetness between your legs, the mess he'd made of you. He tossed you a cloth to clean yourself with. You wiped his seed off your skin, watching him dress, his blonde hair still braided back, his purple eyes full of lust and desire. He was a warrior, a dragon, he was beauty and strength, power and masculinity. He was everything you wanted and feared, a beast who could destroy you.
He gave you a side glance, his eyes full of amusement. "You may go," he said, shooing you away with a hand.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, as you took a shaky breath. You stood up, gathering the pieces of your dress and your underclothes. Your legs were wobbly, and you felt weak, sore, and full of shame.
"Yes, my prince," you said quietly, looking at the floor, unable to meet his eyes.
He chuckled, the sound of his voice making you shiver. "Don't be so timid, little northerner. This is the beginning, not the end," he said, his words sending a jolt of fear and excitement through you.
He was right, this was only the beginning. You were his servant, and he could do with you as he pleased. He would have you come to him whenever he chose, on the warmest summer nights and the coldest winter days. He would take what he wanted, when he wanted.
He was a dragon, and his will was as strong as his blood.
And deep down, you knew you would enjoy it. He was the perfect thing to distract you from the mundanity of your life, the endless monotony of serving others.
Perhaps the Red Keep wouldn't be so terrible, not if it meant serving him.
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months
This page from the adventurer's bible makes me want to cry
Like basically any neurodivergent dungeon meshi fan, I see a lot of myself in the Touden siblings. But I was blindsided by just how much I suddenly related to Falin in this little comic from the adventure bible's complete version.
It's about the Touden siblings' differing relationships with their parents, and why Laios still holds their treatment of Falin against them, while Falin herself doesn't.
We know that Falin was isolated and ostraziced by their village after she saved Laios from a ghost, displaying her uncanny affinity for magic. Her parents, instead of defending her, sent her away, which angered Laios so much he ran way himself before Falin even left for magic school, hoping to make a living so he and Falin could live together alone.
He tells Marcile this, but when she goes to Falin, she says she sees things differently. Her father sent her to magic school to protect her form the rest of the village without having to cause a conflict. He didn't explain that, and we actually see her burst into tears when he says it.
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But, well... Laios was gone for a year before Falin went to magic school, and everyone else in the village avoided her. The understanding Falin has with her parents to me looks like one borne out of necessity, she literally didn't have anyone else to talk to.
And this is where we get to the page that made me want to cry
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Like I said, I relate to the Toudens because I'm neurodivergent myself. that feeling of suddenly realizing you're disliked, but not knowing what you did wrong or what you should have done instead? Yeah... that's one I recognize.
When I was around 9 years old, the same age Falin is in this comic, a bunch of kids in my class decided to make a "game" where you lost if you touched me. It was basically the 'cheese-touch' from diary of a wimpy kid, except I always had it and couldn't pass it along. They'd pretend I was poisonous or disgusting and run away from me screaming or gagging. The point was to make fun of me. But my autistic little 9 year old ass thought "Oh I get it! It's tag but I'm always it!" So I... played along. Running at a boy and having him fall on the ground screaming in fake pain because you tapped him is, in isolation, pretty funny.
It wasn't until months into the "game" that I realized it was meant to be meanspirited. That the reason I was the one who was always 'it' wasn't an arbritrary rule but the whole point. Because I was weird and gross. I wasn't in on the joke, I was the punchline.
Falin may have come to understand her parents' intentions, but she didn't always. The adventure bible actually tells us that she at first didn't even notice that the rest of their village disliked her. She clearly knows now, but she had to be told. So when her mom tried to exorcise her, she just saw it as an activity she got to do with a mother she usually didn't get to spend much time with because of her poor health. It's only Laios who notices something is wrong.
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(Sidenote, Laios being hyper-aware of people's poor attitudes towards Falin but completely blindsided when he's in the same spot, like with Toshiro, is also very relatable as an eldest sibling)
It probably also took Falin months, until after her brother had left and she had no one but her parents, to realize why her mother had been doing all those things.
And I know they're not the same. Even misguidedly, Falin's mom was trying to help her, not make fun of her like those boys in my class. (Though, as a queer person who also cares a lot about the queercoding in Falin's storyline, a parent trying to 'exorcise' their child of a fundamental part of them the parent thinks is evil or corruptive? yeah... that's not perfectly wholesome)
But do you know what I did, when I finally figured out the game was always meant to make fun of me?
To me, it looked like I had a choice.
See, those boys eventually figured out I didn't understand that they were being mean to me. I'd laugh every time I managed to catch one of them, I was visibly having fun. And while it no doubt only made me more of a weirdo in their eyes, they never informed me that I shouldn't be enjoying myself. That the point was for me to feel hurt.
So now that I did know, I had a choice. I could either get upset, and let the insult land as it was supposed to. That wouldn't stop them, because making fun of me was the original goal. Or I could ignore it and go on as usual. They had already accepted that I didn't get it, and they weren't gona stop me from having fun, so why should I?
And the thing is that I had... one friend, in that whole class. One person who actually liked talking to me and hanging out with me. I was lonely. And the 'game' provided me with another social interaction, mean-spirited as it was, that I desperately needed. And it was so delightfully simple. Navigating actual friendships as a kid with autism and adhd was so fucking complicated, and I'd never know when I might break an inivisble rule. But I knew the rules to the game perfectly!
Sometimes, if I was chasing one of them, the others would trap him and hold him down so I could tap him. In those moments it actually did kind of feel like I was playing with them, rather than against them. And it didn't change much, they didnt start actually liking me. But they were willing to roll with the fact that I wasn't upset, and I took advantage of that because I needed to.
So you can look at Falin seeing the best in her parents as her being naïve, but I look at this page and I see myself, at first unable to differentiate between playing and being made fun of. And then later, when I did see the difference, deciding not to get mad about it because that'd mean losing that social interaction, and I couldn't afford to.
Like I said, Falin probably first realized this in the year she spent with her brother gone, and everyone else avoiding her like the plague. If she refused to talk to her parents, like Laios did, she'd have no one left.
I see a lot of people relating to the fight between Laios and Toshiro. that frustration when you realize someone you thougth was your friend actually hates you, and they never said anything, never gave you a chance to fix it because you had no idea that you were even doing something wrong! And I can see that, too. But sometimes, when people don't fully hate you, it feels better to go along with the pretending. Because adressing it won't fix it. Because the problem isn't a specific behaviour, it's you. And if they're willing to tolerate you, despite the fact that it's you, then you'll take it. Because other people do hate you, so this is the best you'll get.
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gguk-n · 4 months
I did a poll yesterday and I had asked which driver I should write an smau with Sabrina Carpenter's Please please please. Lando won, so here is the smau. I hope you guys enjoy it more than I enjoyed making it!! (I used Sabrina Carpenter mostly, except a few places where I got the pictures from pinterest)
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Tagged Y/BFF/user and McLaren
Liked by McLaren, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 4,657,982 others Y/N.Y/L/N So Y/BFF/user loves watching cars go fast, I on the contrary had my heart stop when I found out the speed they drove at. Thank you to McLaren for having us. It was the nicest experience, let's do this again some time. The drivers were so much fun, especially oscarpiastri, same sense of humour as Y/BFF/N.
user 1 I knew loving y/n was a queen move, she's so pretty. user 2 the crossover I didn't know I needed😭😭 user 3 I was at the race and when I said I was a fan she gave me and the others an autograph and we even took pictures!! the sweetest!!❤️❤️ user 4 I was also at the race and I saw her and Lando literally throwing themselves at each other and laughing at god knows what. user 5 user4 me too, I saw them whispering to each other and I think I saw them exchange numbers👀 user 6 both of them follow each other now, idk what that means?? are we getting a new dad?!🤔
Y/N was greeted by McLaren staff at the entrance and given paddock passes to enter. Y/BFF/N was looking around with big round eyes and almost screamed when she saw Lando and Oscar. They shook hands and went along with the engineers on a tour of the paddock. Y/N didn't understand most of it but she was happy for Y/BFF/N. Lando seemed to have noticed that Y/N was zoned out, so he tapped her shoulder, "You don't have to listen if you don't want to." Y/N apologised and tried to pay attention, alas Lando had other plans and decided to end her misery. He took her along to the drivers room, let her sit down and even got her an iced americano, her favourite!! Y/N thanked him with the conversation flowing like butter with the sprinkling of some flirting here and there. As Lando finished P3, he made sure to get Y/N number before she left for the night; a triumphant look on Lando's face.
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Liked by 34,765 others f1updates Y/N Y/L/N was in attendance at today’s race at McLaren. P (Max's girlfriend's daughter) was seen taking picture with her. She wasn't the only one happy it seems because a certain driver couldn't get done with press and debrief without blushing every time he looked at her. He even ran back after the race to her in what every is describing as a race to get her number before she leaves. We hope to see more of Y/N now that she might become a wag.
user 7 can celebrities who don't care about the sport not come. 😒😒 user 8 this page is supposed to update about the race not the racers lives🙄🙄 user 9 I think they look cute together, I haven't seen Lando blush like this ever🥰🥰
landonorris followed Y/N.Y/L/N
Y/N.Y/L/N followed landonorris
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Liked by landonorris and 3,657,987 other Y/N.Y/L/N So happy to bring you the collection with Skims I've been working on since last year. You know how much of a big advocate I am of body positivity and control. I hope this collection brings joy to all the people who wear it, I hope you feel just as sexy as I did while doing the photoshoot
user 7 not Lando lurking in the likes user 8 user 7 he's not lurking, he follows her lol. user 9 she betrayed taylorswift for money🤦‍♀️. user 10 mother is mothering user 11 Y/N.Y/L/N can you adopt me?? I wanna be hot like you when I grow up Y/N.Y/L/N user 11 sure but you're already hot, I can see from the pfp💋💋. user 11 Y/N.Y/L/N didn't just reply to me, i can die happy
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liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, McLaren, oscarpiastri and 1,456,278 other landonorris might not have finished podium but you guys get cute pictures of me
user 10 marry me Norris!!!❤️❤️💋💋 user 11 he's so cute and drivers fast cars, what a package.🥹🥹. user 12 its ok mate, better luck next time👍 user 1 not only did Lando like y/n post, y/n liked his back too😭😭
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Liked by 15,798 others. y/nupdates Y/N was seen a few days back with a mystery man on the streets of London. Both of them looked very comfortable holding hands or kissing each other any chance they got. Is there romance in the air or is this another one of y/n flings? only time will tell.
user 2 guys, its Lando Norris, Mclaren's driver😳 user 3 I can confrim its Lando, I saw them near big ben user 4 she hasn't released any new music in ages, focus on your work😫😫 user 5 user 4 let her have fun, you mood killer🤬
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liked by 3,490 others f1wagsupdates Lando Norris was seen getting up close and comfortable with a new girl on the beaches of Hawaii. Is a new grid couple on the rise??
user 6 you did not just call y/n a new girl?? 🤦‍♀️😤 user 7 i think they are so cute!! I want what they have😩😭 user 8 Lando needs to focus on the race now that Mclaren is doing so good😤😤
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liked by Y/BFF/user and others popnews Y/N Y/L/N, singer and Lando Norris, McLaren's F1 driver were seen walking around the streets of Paris. This seems to be the third city the pair has been spotted being in love. Speculations say that they started dating after Y/N went to the race in March. Only time will tell what is going on between the two since they've kept their personal lives private since neither have been seen attending a race or a concert. We've tried contacting both their PR team but have gotten no response.
user 9 y/n best friend liked this, must be true🤯!! user 10 both of them are so cute together!! can't wait for all the love songs y/n will write😭😭 user 11 i hate it when bitches get with hot guys😡 user 12 you can tell they both are in love. can't believe popnews reported, must be real😔
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Liked by lando.jpg, Y/BFF/user and others. babygirlcore that's why they say you should date an athlete, they got good stamina lando.jpg damn, i feel objectified babygirlcore I'm only with you for the looks, sorry you had to find out like this Y/BFF/N can't believe my bestie is dating my fav driver and I find out from the tabloid babygirlcore I'm sorry Y/BFF/N I would've told you but Lando wouldn't let me. lando.jpg don't drag me in this I'm innocent
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Liked by landonorris,maxverstappen1 and 1,452,647 others. Y/N.Y/L/N It was so much fun performing at coachella. Thank you for having me. I've been touring for the past year, but this never gets old. I hope I get to see you guys at my concerts, tickets available in the bio.
user 1 seeing her live was a dream come true😭 user 2 the only reason I went to coachella❤️❤️ user 3 is it just me or was she winking and giggling at someone in the crowd??🤔🤔 user 4 user3 I saw it too, it's prolly Lando🥲🥲 user 5 user4 it was definitely Lando someone posted pictures of them after the coachella user 6 can't believe this witch took my Lando😤😤
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Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, McLaren, f1 and 5,278,934 others. landonorris that first win feeling!! So thankful to McLaren for always believing in me!!
user 7 the most deserved win😭😭😭!! user 8 not Lando running to y/n as soon as he won😍😭😭!! user 9 so rude, y/n won't even comment congratulating her boyfriend😷😷 carlossainz55 congratulations cabron oscarpiastri congratulations mate
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liked by lando.jpg and others babygirlcore the winner of Miami gp and my heart!! give it up for Lando Norris!! so proud of you baby, I knew you could do it!! can't wait to share more wins and watch you become the WDC!!
lando.jpg you're making me blush, love you baby!! Y/BFF/user can't believe I missed this historic moment Congratulations Lando!! Gonna have to take the year off so I can process these emotions😭😱🤯 lando.jpg thank you Y/BFF/N
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 3,765,983 others. Y/N.Y/L/N I've been working at the studio for a while now, can't wait for you guys to hear the new stuff I've coming for you. It's been so long since a new album. So, I'm happy to announce the release of my new album in a couple months. Can't wait to share it with the best people in my life!!
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user 7 let her cook😭🥹 user 8 can't believe Lando is her muse, the song is so Lando coded🥹🥹 user 9 oh to be y/n and dating Lando, she hit the jack pot😔😔 user 10 I'm so happy she's finally getting the love she deserves❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭. user 11 can they just come out and say that they are dating😖😖. user 12 i'm working late cuz I'm a singer, the line of the century, play this at my funeral💀 Y/BFF/user is this song about me babygirl Y/N.Y/L/N Y/BFF/ user always, you're my soulmate❤️❤️🥰🥰😘😘
Lando couldn't help but gloat to his friends and fellow drivers. How many people can say that their girlfriend wrote a song about them. The song made him soft and mushy so when Y/N walked through the door he tackled her into a hug. "you wrote a song about me" Lando whispered in her ear. "I did" y/n replied, "all my songs are about you darling" Lando's neck felt hot and his cheeks started to hurt from smiling to hard. Y/N looked at his face and smirked, "aww!! is little norris blushing??" Lando quickly moved away and turn his head towards the window. Y/N couldn't help but tease him and call him a sap in love. Honestly the biggest sap was Y/N since she was the one writing songs about her boyfriend.
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Tagged landonorris
Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 2,769,654 others Y/N.Y/L/N Heart break is one thing, my ego's another.
link in the bio
user 1 mom said dad's not allowed to look anywhere else.😈😈🙈🙈. user 2 what a power move y/n casting her boyfriend in the song about not fucking up the relationship😂😂. user 3 if that stupid vroom vroom guy fucks up, it's on sight😤😤 user 4 i don't get the hype, she aint even that pretty😒. user 6 i hope they break up, Lando is meant to end up with me 🤦‍♀️ landonorris Thanks for having me on the music video, if you need help in the future lemme know😏😉 Liked by the author user 5 Lando trying to be low key in the comments when we know he's being loved by the best girl Y/BFF/user I'm sending this to my boyfriend Y/N.Y/L/N Y/BFF/user I thought I was your boyfriend, am I the other one???? Y/BFF/user Y/N.Y/L/N sorry babygirl, it do be like that sometimes
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Tagged Y/N.Y/L/N
Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, maxverstappen1 and 1,256,783 others. landonorris I'm not as good with words as she is. I never knew what love felt like before she walked into my life. So grateful to be the boyfriend of the most beautiful, kind, caring, loving and gorgeous girl. You're my forever person. I love you Y/N Y/L/N❤️❤️
user 1 if someone saw this. they'd think this was a y/n fan acc. user 2 y/n is barbie and Lando is just ken and he's happy if barbie is😫😫. user 3 eww, she ugly, Lando could do so much better. carlossainz55 congratulations cabron!! happy for you charles_leclerc Alex want's to know if we can get tickets to her concert?? Y/N.Y/L/N charles_leclerc yessss!! tell Alex she can come to all my concerts oscarpiastri you would've thought he would shut up after getting with her but he has become insufferable. Y/N.Y/L/N take him away. He cries whenever you're not around. Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N Y/N.Y/L/N I love you too baby boy. You're my forever person too!! landonorris I'm so lucky to have you, love you mommy😘😘.
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Tagged landonorris
Liked by landonorris, Y/BFF/user and 1,426,783 others Y/N.Y/L/N People keep asking why are all my songs about love, I look at them and say I’ve finally found my muse. He makes me so happy, I’ve never felt this way with anyone. So grateful for meeting him cuz I don’t think I knew what being loved was like. Thank you Lando Norris for being the light in my dark times. I just wish my heart didn’t give up every time you looked at me or got into that damn F1 car. But I think I’ll live. Love you❤️💋
landonorris love you too. Liked by author user 4 what dry ass reply was that Lando, look at y/n comment's on his post Y/BFF/user landonorris does this mean free passes to the races forever?? landonorris Y/BFF/user obviously!! user 5 Lando is so blind, she's only using you user 6 they are so cute, they'd have the cutest babies🥺🥺 user 7 he's too good for her, i wish he was still with Luisinha user 8 y/n prolly watching every race to make sure her man is alive 🤣🤣
After hitting the post button on their respective accounts, Y/N found herself in Lando's arms with her head against his chest and his on top of hers. She wrapped her arms around his torso and took a deep breathe; "I love you so much, you know that, right?" Lando chuckled, “You don't let me forget it, with being your muse and all” She let out a sign of content and mumbled, "Just like the driver's championship you are P3 in my heart" Lando's face dropped, unwrapping his arms and pulling her to eye level, "what do you mean?" Y/N just laughed and said, "my parents and Y/BFF/N are P1 and P2 but am sure you'll become P2 if I write any more songs about you." Lando leaned in and kissed her, she pulled him closer as she deepend the kiss. Both of them happy where they were in each other's arms.
I hope you guys liked it!!
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daydreams-after-dark · 6 months
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Behind the Curtain |
han jisung x reader x minho (Minsung x fem reader)
Pairing: mean!han x bratty!fem reader x helpful!minho
Synopsis: you tease your boyfriend Han before a show and he's not happy. So he punishes you, leaves you in a needy mess, and sends Minho to look for you. What happens when Minho can't resist your needs?
word count: 3.5k
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CW: oral sex in semi public place, edging, mean Han, bratty reader, unprotected p in v sex, unprotected double pen 2 holes.
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a/n: this is a slight rework of a request / ask from my other blog, but feel that the readers here might enjoy. X. Shorsha.
It probably wasn't a good idea to have tagged along to the show. All you did was distract him, making him all needy, his grabby hands clawing at the hem of your shirt. “Come on, baby, I have to touch you before I go out there.” he said “Come on, please baby, let me get a taste of your sweet pussy”, “Come, on… no one will know.” He teased, even though, literally anyone would know what was going on if they happened to walk in the room.
“It won’t take long.” He whispered as he pushed you to sit on the makeup table, knocking bottles and brushes all over the place.
“But Hannie,” you cried as he pushed your underwear to the side and his fingers squeezed into your very tight, very wet, very needy pussy. “You need to practice your vocal warm ups. You don’t have time for this… You need to wait until after the show.” You tried to sound stern.
Han looked at you devilishly. “You’re right. I do need to do my vocal warm ups.” He said low, and he knelt down between your legs, lifting your skirt and pushing a thigh wide with his unoccupied hand. Han proceeded to practice his vocal warm ups, trills… all that, right against your clit, whilst his fingers roughly fucked you. You didn’t last all of five minutes before you were screaming his name and your legs shook around his head. Surely the others would have heard you, and Han secretly loved that idea.
He looked absolutely fucked out after you came all over his face, your wetness smeared all over his mouth and chin, messing up his stage makeup. “Baby,” he said with pleading eyes. “Can you suck me off before I go out there?” he bit his lip and stared at you with Bambi eyes.
He just would not be told that he didn’t have time for this. So you decided to be the biggest fucking tease. “Okay baby, sit on that chair there. Let me take care of you, okay? Sweet sweet baby.” You had his cock out in no time. It was already rock hard, you knew he wouldn’t last long as you stroked his length and teased the tip with your tongue. “So much precum, honey.” You noted. Then you really gave it to him. A mix of long, slow strokes, and swirls of the tongue on the head, then taking him all the way in to the base, and then almost pulling off entirely. “Fuck.” You heard him mumble under his breath. You stole a look up at his face and you knew he was in a whole other world. And so very close.
That’s when you popped off entirely and packed his beautiful cock away, zipping up his trousers and slapping him on the thighs. “It’s showtime baby.” You announced brightly and left him there while he came to his senses and realised what the fuck you just did. And let me tell you he was not happy.
From your view of Han from the side of the stage he seemed absolutely fine to anyone else, except you knew better. His tight leather trousers were struggling around his package. Lucky they were black and already somewhat wet look because you were sure he would be oozing precum in there. And he seemed a lot more aggressive with his rapping.
But it wasn’t until he was walking to come off stage and he made eye contact with you that you knew you were fucked.
It was exactly what you wanted.
You thought he was going to take you backstage and fuck you against the door to the make up room, or bend you over the sink in the bathroom while he made you watch in the mirror. You were definitely NOT expecting him to grab you arm and take you behind the stage curtain that partitioned off the unused section of the arena.
You did not expect him to push you to the floor while he sat in one of the seats and whipped out his cock. “Finish what you started, baby.” he said rather cruelly. This is the Han that really gets you going. You thought about teasing him further, but you realised that you didn’t actually have a lot of time before someone would come looking for you both.
Han didn’t wait for you to protest and grabbed the back of your head and pushed your mouth down over his cock until it hit you in the back of the throat. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in, baby? Letting me make you come, and then you leave me like that.” he panted as he thrust himself up into your throat. He attacked your mouth with a mix of anger, aggression and so much passion. All he wanted was to feel you around him when he came. How dare you tease him like you did. He was making your eyes water and your saliva ran down your chin and hand and landing on his lap. Han loved it messy. “Look at you, taking my cock like this…” he tangled his fingers in your hair pushing you down even further than you knew was possible, and absolutely fucking your mouth without any care for you.
Why should he care when you left him like that? He threw his head back, growling as you felt his cum shoot down your throat. But he was still hard. And you hadn’t learned your lesson. He stood up and lifted you off the floor only to force you to kneel on the seat with you holding onto the back of the chair. He pushed your skirt up around your back and tugged your underwear down. Grabbing onto your hair to both hold you in place and to use as leverage, as he lined up his cock with your entrance. “I’m still so fucking hard, and you still need punishing.” He sighed and he pushed into you in one motion, slamming into your cervix and making you cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Han paid no attention to your needs, this was about punishing you and chasing another climax of his own.
You smirked to yourself. You enjoyed teasing him in the hopes you would unleash this version of Han. The wild, frenzied, relentless, brutal? Han. The one where he just wanted to use you for his own pleasure. He was always so attentive and caring, and sickly sweet (which you love), but when he was like this, fuck it did things to you. He’d never fuck you like this is you merely asked. You had to taunt and push him into it. Make him snap.
Han came inside you with a loud “fuck!!!” and pulled out of you without a care for your climax. You whined at the emptiness when you were so close to coming. Your vagina clenched around nothing. You turned to see Han putting his cock away with no intention of helping you as his semen started seeping out of you onto your legs, the chair… everywhere.
“But Han?” you say helplessly. He just looked at you unamused “You’ve got five minutes to make yourself come and clean yourself up, before I send Minho to look for you.”
You were left absolutely stunned and highly turned on by what just happened. You set to work to try and relieve yourself before you were caught by Minho.
Han left you on the arena chair, in the semi darkness, panties down around your legs, cum leaking out of you. Not to mention the cum all over your chin either. Your skirt was hiked up around your hips. You looked like an absolute sight. But you were still so horny from what just happened.
Your legs were jelly from kneeling on the chair, so you decided to plonk yourself down on the seat (also getting cum on the chair - Han had given you fucking bucket-load), and set to work on trying to relieve yourself. You slid your hand down between your legs and closed your eyes, concentrating on bring yourself to orgasm.
Han headed backstage and immediately looked for Minho. He wanted to teach you a lesson for edging him and leaving him so fucking horny that he knew he was showing a partial erection the entire time he was on stage. But he also loved you. You were his sweet angel whom he loved more than anything in the universe. Part of him thought the idea of leaving you needy and in a compromising position extremely arousing, but at the same time he didn’t want to just anyone to find you. Plus, he had an idea.
“I need you to go find y/n. I’ve left her in a…um…situation… and I really don’t want anyone else to find her in the state she’s in.” He instructed his friend. Minho appeared disinterested, but on the inside he was intrigued, and maybe a tiny bit concerned that a random person might come across you first. “I just need you to go make sure she’s taken care of… and then bring her back.”
Minho had his suspicions on what he might see when he found you. He knew what you had done to Han before the show. He heard you both through the door before the show. He saw the look on Han’s face when they’d finished on stage, and he saw him grab your arm and pull you back behind the curtain.
Minho knew you liked to play games with Han. He knew you liked to bring out that rough, aggressive, brutal side of him. I’m aggressive too, Minho caught himself thinking.
Then he saw you. Minho stopped in his tracks, his breath caught in his throat. “Jesus fucking Christ” he whispered. He’d never seen anyone look so beautiful and at the same time so fucking dirty. You were reclined as much as you could be, legs parted with your panties around one of your knees. Your skirt flicked up around your waist and your eyes were closed. You had no idea Minho was standing there, fixed to the spot, mouth agape, staring at you as you dipped your fingers through your dripping folds.
“I just need you to go make sure she’s taken care of… and then bring her back.” Minho hadn’t missed the devious look in Han’s eye when he’d said that. Did Han actually mean…?
As Minho stepped closer to you he truly saw the state you were in. Your mascara was smeared down your face. So Han fucked her mouth ‘till her eyes watered, hmmm? There was an obvious sticky substance plastered to your chin. Yep, he definitely fucked her mouth. Minho’s eyes drifted over your body. Your breasts were heaving under your shirt, hard nipples showing through the thin fabric, a sheen of perspiration on your chest. Then he dared to look down between your legs, where your fingers were buried inside yourself. Minho sighed at the sight. “Fuck!” He muttered under his breath when he saw Han’s cum coating your inner thighs.
Minho’s dick was hard in his tight leather trousers. He couldn’t help but imagine being inside you, having your tight walls choking his cock. He felt his dick twitch when he imagined filling you up mixing his cum with Han’s. Minho sighed louder than he had meant to. Your eyes flicked open. Your eyes locked on each other.
Shit. Thought Minho swallowing hard, but he couldn’t look away. He stared at you with his classic unamused glare, that you could only imagine was him trying to snap you out of this ridiculous neediness you were currently exhibiting.
But the look had the opposite effect on you, and only made you even more aroused. He looked so sexy in his stage outfit, his makeup was still pristine despite him having been sweaty earlier while performing. You thought about the way he moved his body on stage and the way he rolled his hips. So strong. So powerful. So sexy. You bit your bottom lip at the mere thought of him rolling his hips against you, between your legs, inside of you, and you felt your walls flutter. You wanted him to fuck you.
“Minho…” you squeaked, your voice sounding so needy, your eyes hooded.
Minho shook his head. No please don’t make this harder than it is. He thought.
“Please… Minho… I need to you to help me. I’m supposed to be quick…. But I’m having trouble.” You said timidly, almost shyly, although your current situation did not scream “shy” at all.
Minho sighed, feigning annoyance, and sat down on the seat next to you. “Look,” he said “I think you should just tidy yourself up and come back to the makeup rooms. You look really slutty right now you know that right?” He wanted to touch your body so bad, but you were his best friend’s girlfriend.
He couldn’t. He shouldn’t. And then you were on him, straddling his lap, grinding yourself against his stage clothes. Your wetness and Han’s cum all over him.
It felt so good to grind yourself against him, against his erection, the friction of his trousers against your bare clit offering some relief. But you needed more. You smashed your mouth on his and threw your arms around his neck. Minho could taste Han on your mouth which made him hornier than ever, and he grabbed your face, holding it still so he could plunge his tongue into your mouth, kissing you rough and urgently.
His hands slid up your thighs to squeeze your ass, lifting you off his lap slightly, then pulling you back down as he rolled hips up against you. You both let out a moan. “Fuck, you’re making this so fucking hard.” He breathed as he repeated the action.
“Come on Minho…” you cooed. “Hannie left me like this… all needy… all ready… for you to find me.” You said breathy.
Minho let that sink in for a moment. Maybe you were right. Maybe he could help you. Minho really wanted to help you.
You stared at each other for a long moment.
Fuck it. Thought Minho.
“Lift up.” he instructed gruffly, pushing you off his lap enough for him to reach his fly. Your eyes lit up as he freed his cock, watching it spring up and hit him on the stomach. “You want it, then get on.” He ordered as he gripped your ass with one hand and lifted you up enough to sink you down over his length in one swift motion.
Minho wasted no time, fucking you hard and steady from the start. “Is this what you wanted, hmm?” He growled.
“It is what I wanted, Minho…Hannie made me want it…” Minho’s mind froze but he didn’t slow down his thrusts. “It’s true,” you continued, oblivious to Minho’s confusion. “he’d say little things… putting ideas in my head… making me wonder what your cock felt like.” You closed your eyes concentrating on chasing your release.
“But, Minho… I’m pretty sure this is what you want too.” You rolled your hips. “I’ve seen the looks you give me and Han.” You leaned in to his ear “I know you were listening through the door earlier.” You whispered.
It was true. It was what Minho had wanted. For so long. Oh how he’d imagined going down on you, wondering what you tasted like. He’d imagined you sucking his cock too, and how it might feel to have your lips around it. He’d imagined what your tight, wet cunt felt like. He never imagined he’d really get to feel it squeezing around his cock like this. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back so he could attack your neck, sucking and nibbling, marking your skin. You moaned, your climax building rapidly.
Han’s words from earlier repeated in Minho’s head “make sure she’s taken care of…”
Minho’s hand slid up your shirt. “No bra. Should’ve known.” He said squeezing the flesh of your breast. “I need your mouth on my nipple. Now.” You panted. Minho hurriedly lifted your shirt, and attached himself as instructed, making you cry out at the pleasure/pain as he bit down. One hand was still glued to your ass assisting you as you bounced wildly on his cock.
“What do you imagine Han would think if he saw you ride another man’s cock like this? Like a fucking whore?” He hissed, not slowing down.
You laughed “What do you think he’d think?” You challenged.
“Fuck! He’d probably want to watch!” Minho replied. “You’re both such fucking exhibitionists”.
“He’d probably want to join in.” You added.
“I do want to join in.” A voice said.
Neither you or Minho knew that Han had actually been watching from the beginning. A row back and seven seats away. His heart had exploded with happiness as he watched his best friend and you having sex. He loved you both dearly. He wanted to give you anything you wanted. But he also had his own fantasies. Like sharing you with Minho. When he realised that both you and Minho were attracted to each other, he set his plan in action. Even though neither of you had said anything, you didn’t need to say anything. Han knew, and he had been secretly planning a moment like this, where he could get the two of you together, and today’s events made for a perfect opportunity.
You and Minho didn’t even slow down when Han appeared at your side. “You fucking asshole, Han.” You choked “leaving me so horny.” You didn’t mean it, you were just trying to spur him on.
“Yeah, Han… not sure it was really a good idea to send me to take care of her.” Minho winked at you. Tormenting Han was something you and Minho did well individually, but together, it made Han hard as fuck.
“You’re girlfriend is such a cockslut, I think she’d happily take two.”
This was exactly what Han had fantasised about. It was also what you had fantasised about. And Minho had definitely fantasised about it as well.
“You two have played right into my hands. You do know that don’t you?” Han smirked freeing his dick. “Is that so?” Minho sneered taking you in deep kiss.
It felt so incredible on Minho’s cock, but as soon as you sensed Han coming up behind you, and his hand land on one of your ass cheeks, you suddenly became wetter than ever.
“Pull her other cheek for me.” Both men had one hand on each of your cheeks spreading them apart and holding you still, so Han could press the tip of his penis against your other entrance. Minho halted his thrusts. You weren’t sure how Han was managing it in such an awkward position, but you soon stopped caring once he pushed the tip inside.
“Fuck!!!” You cried out. “That’s it baby, you can take it. I need you to take it. Fuck… your so… tight.” Han grunted as he inched his way in.
The stretch felt unbelievable as you were filled and stretched with two cocks. “How’s it feel for you, Minho?” You panted as Han began to thrust into you slowly. From Minho’s expression it was evident that he was trying to compose himself.
He gulped “it’s so fucking tight. It’s like your choking my dick.” He closed his eyes and started to move too. “Fuck… Han… I feel your dick moving against me.”
“I can feel you too, baby.” Han replied.
Shit! That’s hot. You thought. “Please… harder… faster… just fuck me.” You cried.
The men built up an unrelenting rhythm as they fucked you over the edge, coming hard and squeezing their cocks, and laying limp against Minho’s chest.
Minho had been close to coming for a long while, although he hid it well. But now that he’d taken care of you, he let himself go, releasing himself deep inside you with a few final thrusts and a long groan.
Now that you and Minho were both still, Han picked up the pace, tugging on a fistful of your hair and slamming into your ass until he too had come, filling you up once again. That was Han, always horny and always ready to coat your insides.
“Fuck, baby…” you weren’t sure if Han was talking to you or Minho.
But it didn’t matter. It also didn’t matter that you had no idea how you were going to clean yourselves up.
All that mattered was the feeling the three of you felt for each other, and that you had finally done something about it.
If you enjoyed this, please share with your Minsung x reader friends xxx and leave me a comment if you enjoyed. Luv you, Sorsha
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @rixenluv
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cher-rei · 3 months
hopelessly obliviously devoted to you [ T.A.A ]
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"but baby can't you see? I'm hopelessly devoted to you" [hopelessly devoted to you- olivia newton john]
pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: when your best friend needs some moral support for her date, you don't hesitate to ask trent for some help. but something else sparks that evening instead
[wc: 2.8k]
genre(s): fluff, idiots in love, denial is a river in egypt
notes: call me capser with the way that I ghost.
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"I need your help."
you didn't look up from your phone and continued to aimlessly scroll, hoping that if you avoided eye contact with your friend mia, then she would leave you be.
however, she didn't leave and stood in front of you in your living room, her hands on her hips with a look that screamed "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work".
you could feel her glare boring into your forehead, but you tried your best to persist but you were weaker than you thought. a heavy groan left your lips and she smiled in victory but you knew what you were getting yourself into.
you looked up at her with pursed lips. "I'm not lying to anyone again, or pretending to be your doctor so that you can stay out of work, or--"
"woah, okay." mia waved her hands in front of her in urge for you to stop, a shameful blush flushing her cheeks at the list of things you'd "helped" her with before. your eyebrows raised as she promised that it was nothing of that kind, and that you barely had to do anything.
you nodded in intrigue and she continued with a hopeful smile. "I have a date on friday."
your stomach dropped. "with dean right?"
mia and dean had only been seeing each other for about a month now but it was going well, so you were hoping that she wasn't about to ask you to tell him that she died or something. but to your surprise she said that she liked him a lot, and intended to see where it lead her.
"and you need my help with this how?" you asked with a quirked eyebrow. mia then took a seat next to you and placed her hand on top of yours, a pleading look in her eyes as you mentally prepared yourself for her answer.
she gave your hand a tight squeeze. "we're going to the arcade and I'm really nervous because you know that's not really my scene. so I was wondering if you could tag along and just ease my mind a little?"
just as you were about to interject and refuse the invitation to third wheel the entire evening, mia pulled you back down with a look of utter desperation.
"you can bring trent or something since you two are like--" she made a gesture in the air with her hands. "--like whatever you two are."
if there was something that you hated talking about, then it was that you and trent had a thing for each other. which wasn't true at all! you'd known each other for a while now, about 4 years, and you admit that you were close but nothing special.
"literally everyone can see it except you two oblivious idiots," mia spewed, which took you by surprise. you were just about to agree to her idea of tagging along and she decided to be a little brat.
that's when you made your dash out of the living room, yours and mia's voices sounding over each other as one apologised and the other screamed to block them out.
"I can't hear you!! la la la!"
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you ended up going to the arcade.
trent didn't hesitate with his answer either, despite that he wasn't too fond of being around new people which surprised you. his excuse was that you hadn't gone to the arcade in a while anyway, so it would be doing you a favour.
when mia heard the news, she was ecstatic, to say the least, and rushed off to tell dean that you'd be tagging along. so now here you were, in your room, tidying up your outfit while waiting for trent to come and pick you up.
dean and mia left a while ago because they had dinner plans before the arcade, but you made it clear that you and trent would not be joining for the formal stuff.
yname added to their story
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it wasn't long before you heard your apartment door open, meaning that trent had arrived. a small smile tugged at your lips as you grabbed your bag from your bed and left to the lounge where he was, a look of surprise on his face.
"where are the cameras?" he asked suddenly and started looking around, lifting the pillows from the couch before looking back at you with a look of mock disbelief.
your eyebrows furrowed at his absurd question. "what are you talking about?"
he took out his phone and pointed towards the time on the screen. "you're actually ready on time for the first time in years."
your jaw clenched at his comment, a flush of red rushing to your cheeks as you threw your handbag at him. "shut up and get in the car. I can't believe I said yes to this."
a hum left his lips as he locked the door behind him, listening to you complain all the way to the car. you didn't notice it, but this was one of those moments where mia would sit back and watch the two of you in slight disappointment and hope.
she would sit in the back seat of the car and watch as trent's attention stayed on you whenever you spoke, a flicker of something lingering in his eyes and on his tongue. mia would notice the effortless gestures between the two of you, such as trent holding the car door open for you no matter the circumstance, the occasional buckle of your seat belt if your hands were full.
how you would mindlessly cling to his side or interlock your arm in his wherever you were. there were always the flirtatious comments that were thrown around but neither of you showed any reaction that wasn't irritation.
it was so obvious to her. so obvious that either of you would always think of each other first before anything or anyone else.
when you arrived at the mall, it was no later than 6 p.m but the mall was already packed with teenagers and family's who couldn't have waited until saturday to enjoy their lives. you took a deep breath and followed trent inside, banter firing back and forth as you tried to find mia and dean.
"we're in the food court and they're not here," you said exasperated and dialed mia's number so you could call her.
trent forced a smile, "well how about you try and look instead of standing in one spot."
that earned a glare from your side, and before you could argue back mia's voice sounded from behind you, to which you mouthed a proud "told you so".
just from the looks of it, mia could tell that this was going to be a long night.
after the introductions were over, the four of you leisurely made your way to the arcade on the 3rd floor of the mall. laughter and excitement boomed from inside and you couldn't help but be a bit giddier than you expected.
there was a skip in your step as you trailed in front of the others, commenting on how it's been forever since you'd been to an arcade— just as trent said. mia and dean walked hand in hand beside trent, who wasn't bothered with trying to hide his smile as he watched you.
you turned around to look at them. "you guys are walking like a bunch of old people hurry up."
dean chuckled at your quip while mia rolled her eyes instead. "I thought you said you didn't want to come to the arcade."
a dramatic gasp left trent's mouth. "she would never. arcades bring back so many memories for us."
a lump formed in your throat when he said that, your heartbeat speeding up at the memory of the incident less than a year ago. the two of you swore never to talk about it again, but you couldn't deny that ever since that evening something between you two shifted.
you were brought back from your daze by the gentle touch of trent's hand on the small of your back. "I'll promise to let you win this time though."
with that, he dragged you off to the token station, leaving behind a very confused dean and a fed-up mia. "I thought you said that they're not together?" dean muttered loud enough for his girlfriend to hear and she clicked her tongue.
"they're not."
40 minutes passed and you and trent were back at it again. it was two completely different sights for the people in the arcade. on one hand, dean and mia were at one claaw machine, giggling and gently guiding each other the best they could to successfully grab the plushy.
and then there was you and trent right beside them at the other claw machine. to say that you were screaming at each other would be an understatement, the both of you swearing that the other wasn't going to get it in, shoving each other at the side to take over.
"no, not that one!" you screamed as you watched trent move the claw with indescribable concentration to find the correct ninja turtle plushy. "mikey is the one with the orange mask!"
a stressed huff left trent's lips. "baby, I can get you a private meet-up with mbappe instead! it's practically the same thing!"
you didn't register the term of endearment at all and instead continued to whine about the plushy until he finally got it. 5 attempts later. but it was done and it was worth it to see you smile that beautifully.
you looked up at him and nudged his arm. "you see. that wasn't too difficult."
he shook his head in disagreement and took your hand into yours again to drag you over to the basketball machine. "you owe me for that later."
you brushed his comment off with a scoff, not thinking much of it.
the evening continued and you couldn't deny that it was the most fun you've had in a while. that and trent had become way more touchy than usual. were you complaining though? hell no.
the basketball machine was one thing but then you stumbled across the photo booth at the back of the arcade, which was surprisingly empty. you tried your best to walk past it as quickly as possible but he spotted it, and you knew what was coming.
a cheeky smile drew to his lips. "I'd like to cash in that favour now."
no. that was your answer, plain and simple. not after what happened last time you were in there. the memory alone was enough to have you feeling lightheaded.
the embarrassed look on your face didn't go unnoticed, and that made him chuckle a bit. it took you a bit of convincing and to no one's surprise, you found yourself on the right side of the photo booth with trent sitting beside you closing this curtain.
"talk about deja vu," he said jokingly which earned him a slap on the arm, out of embarrassment more than anything else.
nevertheless, you shook off your nerves and got on with it. it was just a few pictures, what's the worst that could happen?
the pictures started normally, just as playful and cute as you'd hoped and the photobooth was echoing with laughter and banter as usual, that was until you turned to look at trent only to realise just how close you were.
it went quiet for a moment, and before you knew it your lips were on his. now this was deja vu. he knew exactly what he was doing when he said that you should take these pictures and you weren't any smarter to say no.
the featherlight touch of his fingers beneath your shirt was the reason you pulled away. unlike your bashful expression, trent was smiling from ear to ear.
"okay, now that was on you," he said playfully and you groaned. "last year it was me, I admit that, but this time you kissed me."
your words were lodged in your throat and you found yourself unable to speak, or move, or anything really. the heat that was on your cheeks spread throughout your entire body and all you wanted to do was hide in a hole.
after a moment of recollection, you were met with a look of anticipation from trent who was waiting for you to say something. you sighed and nodded your head, "yeah, this one was on me."
"yes!" he clapped in victory and took the two photo strips, and took the one where you were kissing for himself.
before you could interject, his lips met your again for a peck. "I'm glad the feeling is mutual. let's hurry back to my house, I need to explore these new found feelings of ours with a little more space than a photobooth."
hopeless. you were utterly hopeless as you found yourself trying to suppress your smile, and the sound of mia saying, "oblivious is in understatement."
yname added to their story
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psylocke142 · 2 months
I'll wait for you.
Sana x fem!reader
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synopsis: You and Sana have an on/off relationship. You broke up again two weeks ago. Then you begin to talk at a school event again.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: angst; hopeless romantic; no happy endings here; on/off relationship; more angst; complicated relationship; even more complicated feelings; smoking
a/n: i am trying something new here. i have never written or posted anything before, so bare with me if you decide to check this out. i just felt like trying something here. btw i love sana and i apologize if she seems like the "bad guy" in this fic. :) DMs and asks open to suggestions and feedback.
You're currently back home, sitting on the roof of this shitty old house. It's been over an hour and the sun is starting to set. However, you can't seem to find the motivation to go back inside. You've been looking back at these past months. Lighting up a cigarette and inhaling a lung full of smoke as you try to figure out where it all went wrong. You're afraid you already know the answer, but one can fake obliviousness.
-- Flashback --
It's been weeks since you were last on good terms. If only you can explain or express how deeply that crushes your heart.
Thursday was open mic night for school. You had finished classes early that day and rushed out of your part-time at the restaurant.
Sana was there along with your friends. You rushed into the cafe, where the open mic was being held. It was crowded.
Anxiety began to rise and take over your body, heart hammering against your chest.
Whether it was from the thought of performing in front of everyone or the thought of seeing Sana, you had no clue.
You had entered through the side entrance. Automatically you searched for her face, wondering if she really did decide to come see you perform.
Sana: of course I'm gonna go!
Y/N: really? you don't have to
Sana: yes i do!
Y/N: ...ok then
Sana: will you be happy if i go?  i mean... do you want me to?
Y/N: ...yea i want you there
Sana: ...
Y/N: ...
Sana: i'm sorry y/n...it's ok if you don't want me to go
Sana: i know things have been weir-
Y/N: please come sana
Y/N: really, i mean it
Sana: oh...ok!
Y/N: ok
As you moved through the crowd you saw the face you've longed for. The person you had been missing. Sana.
She wasn't alone. She was walking next to Momo. The both of them had classes all day so they still had their book bags on them. Their backs were facing you as you approached them. You had an idea.
You walked up to the two girls, making sure to go unnoticed. Then you suddenly yanked on their backpacks lightly while yelling, "I can't do this." Blabbering whatever came to mind first.
Both girls turned around with a scare, Momo screaming loudly of course.
After the initial shock wore off. Sana replied, "What happened?" meanwhile Momo was hitting your shoulder cursing at you.
"I can't do this. I don't think I can go up there."
Despite the punches you were receiving from Momo you were solely focused on Sana. Your gazes met and locked. Sana reached out for your hand to calm your anxiety. Old habits. But you weren't opposed and you didn't feel like pulling back either.
It had been a few days since you both last spoke. Two weeks since you broke up. You would pass each other at school, sharing some of the same classes. But things were a bit different. Post breakup. You texted every once in a while trying to remain friends. Trying to remain in each other's lives. It wasn't the same.
Even though you had broken up, your presence wasn't unwelcomed by Sana. The two of you remained close during the beginning. Sitting down next to each other as you watched the first events. Momo tagged along but stayed a bit behind. You tried playing it cool at first, keeping a slight distance. There's never been any awkwardness between the two of you, so conversation came easily. Almost like nothing ever happened. Almost.
There was a shift in Sana. She went quiet and appeared to be focused on the current musical act, but her face showed she was debating something inside her head. You could tell it was something serious by the way she was chewing on her bottom lip.
You can't recall Sana's exact words. She had leaned close into your side. Her front touching your shoulder. Breath tickling your ear as she whispered, "I miss you y/n/n."
"Take me back y/n..."
You turned around to meet her face. The sudden shift in Sana caught you off guard. Not expecting this sudden topic. You regained focus quickly, shifting to Sana's features that were just an inch away. She had a soft, sad smile. Her eyes pleading. Sana was your weakness. Your everything. You couldn't ever say no to her. So you met her eyes and gave her a slight nod while softly smiling at her. Sana's smile grew and she gave you a small peck on the cheek.
The rest of that night was great. Until Sana disappeared.
She had gone off somewhere with Nayeon and Jihyo. The anxiety had returned. This time you were sure that it was about performing later that night. You wanted to run away. Your hands began to sweat and you searched for Sana.
Professor Park came up to you, asked you when you wanted to go up. Currently it was the second open mic participant on stage. He said you could go third or last for the open mic. "I'll go third. I don't want to end it weak." Professor Park laughed at your comment, thinking you were joking. You were joking. Partially.
Sana came up to you as your conversation with the professor ended. When he left you started complaining and pretended you were going to leave. You knew Sana would beg you to stay. She held onto your hands trying to calm you down.
You were up next and had begun to really get nervous. Performances and public speaking just aren't your thing.
The host called up your name. Your hands started to shake. Heart pounded in your ears. You parted from Sana, she slowly let your hands go. You hesitated letting go. You wanted to take her with you.
As you walked up to the stage you heard cheering and applause. You turned to look at the crowd. There you recognized Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu cheering loudly. You took the mic and mumbled that you weren't prepared. Though you don't know if you said it loud enough for everyone to have heard. Hopefully no one had caught that.
You recited your poem's title and said it incorrectly. You mentally slapped yourself, but you rectified yourself and restated the title. You continued with your poem. Your voice, hands, and legs weren't as shaky as the previous performances in class. You heard this one guy in the crowd blurt, "Shiiiiiiiitt" as you read through the final lines of your poem.
At the end there was a small hesitation for the applause because of the sudden twist in your work. That was your intention. The applause and cheers came soon. Especially from your friends. You turned to glance at them and saw Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo pretending to wipe tears from their eyes as they "cried" on each other's shoulders. Competing with each other on who could seem the most realistic.
You got down the stage. Hurriedly walked down the middle towards the back of the cafe. To Sana. As soon as you reached her she opened her arms. You wrapped your arms around her. Sana gently rubbed your back as you held tightly onto her. "I'm so proud of you baby" she cooed.
Sana let go and slightly pushed you off to grab a hold of your hand. She led you to a secluded area of the cafe. Then she palmed your face and grabbed the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss.
You had missed the feeling of her soft lips.
But like all good things, it came to an end.
Nighttime came quicker than you wanted it to. You were now back in your dorm. All you wanted was to lay in bed and relax. The rollercoaster of emotions draining your energy. But the ride still wasn't over. You were sat up in bed, on the phone with Sana.
She wanted to break up again. She had just asked to get back together a couple hours ago but here you were. Sana asked for space once again. Explaining that she had been dealing with insecurities, didn't know who she was, and had other personal issues. She needed time to find herself and figure things out for herself. As hard as you tried to reassure her, tell her she was perfect, give her nothing but love she insisted she needed space. You respected her decision.
That Friday night felt like it would never end. Felt like you couldn't catch a break. You felt nothing and everything at the same time.
Word was out that you and Sana broke up. Again. How everyone found out, you don't know. You were sitting in the common room before class with Momo and Jeongyeon. They were bickering about some nonsense. You didn't have it in you to join them. So you pretended to read your English textbook. Sana entered the common room. She headed straight towards Miyeon, who was across the room, to ask her about upcoming finals. You couldn't stop yourself from looking at her. That was when Nayeon and Jihyo joined your table.
Nayeon shoved your shoulder, "Why aren't you with your girl?"
"She's not my girl," you whispered.
Somehow Momo and Jeongyeon who were bickering the entire time with Jihyo included, who joined in as soon as she sat down, managed to hear and quieted down. They all looked at you, their eyes a mix of pity and sadness. This wasn't anything new to them but it still saddened them to hear the news.
Nayeon had always been supportive of you and Sana. She was the one who introduced you to one another. So she couldn't help but to gently ask, "Why?"
As you remembered all of yesterday's events, Sana whispering to take her back. Holding her hands again. Being wrapped in her arms. Her soft warm lips. Her warm smile and gentle eyes. Being comforted by her. Having her close. The long conversation you had over the phone. The break up. The space she wanted. You felt your chest contort and rip in two.
"I don't know."
"Well, I do know but I just don't want to say."
It was clear what Sana wanted. She made sure of that. You just couldn't explain that to Nayeon and the others without breaking. Thankfully, they seemed to have understood that.
"Hey, we get it. It'll be alright y/n/n." Jeongyeon calmly said as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"C'mon now let's head to class."
All of you got up and started to head for class.
Throughout the day you dragged yourself from class to class. Trying to forget about Sana. You were failing miserably. You decided to head to the restroom to splash some water on your face. See if that would help.
As you were about to push the restroom door it was suddenly pulled open from the other side. You looked up to find Sana, surprised to see you. Your eyes met and you felt your heart clench. You weren't thinking. Your brain stopped working and your heart started going into overdrive, so you jokingly muttered, "Excuse me...I'm just going in for a quick cry" as you squeezed beside Sana to enter.
Sana quickly turned around and headed towards you. Shutting the door in the process.
You felt a hand take a hold of your wrist pulling you back. You didn't expect Sana to follow you in. You really did feel like crying now.
Sana studied you. You couldn't meet her gaze.
She apologized and you couldn't conjure up a response. You just stood there staring at the floor. Brain still not functioning. Heart still in overdrive, wanting nothing but Sana. Your heart fought with itself inside your ribcage. The hammering and ache screaming to run and stay.
Then she pulled you into her arms. As much as you wanted to cry mere seconds ago you couldn't. Your heart was rushing with a mix of emotions, but the fight inside from earlier had subsided. You just let yourself sink into Sana for the moment. You wanted to kiss her. So you pulled back a little and leaned in. Halfway through you felt Sana's arms begin to come up your shoulders. Getting ready to push you back. It was then you realized you shouldn't, so instead you swiftly glided your head to lean on Sana's shoulder. You couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh. Your heart sunk so low.
A pair of hands lifted to caress the back of your neck. Sana guided your head up and leaned in. The kiss was soft, it was more than a peck but still it felt too short. You had gotten what you wanted, but you didn't know how to feel about that.
Sana pulled back and softly palmed the side of your face caressing you with a sad smile. You tried reciprocating as best as you could, but your smile was much smaller and weaker than Sana's. Then she exited the restroom. Leaving you there. You stood there for a while. You couldn't stop replaying what just happened. You felt so stupid. Lost.
-- End of Flashback --
The sun has fully set. Your thoughts are still filled with Sana. Will she ever come back? It's been at least half a year since then. You still see her around campus but she's always glued to Miyeon's hip. Any and all attempts to get her to talk to you are intercepted by her best friend. Sana also makes an effort in ignoring you. If you pass each other in the hall she practically sprints away with her head down. Or she feigns to be doing something on her phone. Face immensely close to her phone trying to block her face from your sight. If you catch her staring at you she turns away instantly. If she's hanging out with Momo, Nayeon, or any of your other friends she makes an excuse to leave. Never acknowledging your presence. She practically runs from you. It left you dumbfounded the first couple of times. Leaving the others to apologize on Sana's behalf. You couldn't handle the pain all of Sana's actions caused you. So you stopped trying to reach out or get close. You accepted the distance she wanted to create.
Now you just feel a hollow cavern that continues to grow inside your chest as more time passes. At this point your ribcage feels sore from the constant fight and ache your heart has been through. All you could do is sigh as you put out the remaining bud of the cigarette you had lit up. Lazily you brush yourself off to head back inside.
"I'll wait until you're ready."
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fkinkindagauche · 7 days
Slutty Little Mouse
For @steddiesmuttyseptember week 3 prompt "sneaking around".
Rating: Explicit | WC: 1376 | CW: none | Tags: blow jobs, gags
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Steve was trying so hard to fall asleep. He’d gone through his nightly routine, which had become something like a religious ritual at this point - turn off the TV by 9pm, wash his face and brush his teeth, go through a series of stretches and calisthenics, then sit quietly in his room for an hour reading before climbing into bed and shutting his eyes. Some nights it worked. Most nights it didn’t. 
He had tried to keep his eyes shut, forcing himself into sleep, but at some point he had opened them and was now staring at the ceiling, thinking. You’d think that he would be reliving memories of torture at the hands of Russians or horrible extradimensional monsters, but he wasn’t. He was thinking about how his life had effectively stalled - a 20 year old still living with his parents, working at Family Video with no immediate plans to branch out beyond that. 
He sighed, shifting from his back to his side, barely muffling a scream when he saw a figure looming in his window. The figure tapped a few times, and Steve gradually made out the wild hair and excited smile of Eddie Munson. 
Steve scrambled out of his bed and over to the window, pulling it open. Eddie was standing precariously on the roof of the Harringtons’ garage. 
“What are you doing here?” Steve hissed. “My parents are, like, right down the hall!”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s face in his hands and planted a wet kiss on his lips. “Came to keep you company,” he said, too loudly, and Steve shushed him while blushing. 
“Sorry,” Eddie whispered, looking not sorry at all. 
“How’d you know I wouldn’t be asleep?” 
Eddie gave him a disappointed look, like Steve was being deliberately obtuse. “You can never sleep, Stevie.” 
Steve huffed, and looked past Eddie at the street below.
“Get inside, someone’s gonna see you,” he said, yanking on Eddie’s arm. Eddie spilled in through the window, making more noise than Steve would have liked.
“How’d you even get up on the roof?” Steve whispered once Eddie had righted himself. 
“Climbed the trash cans. I’m very athletic.”
Steve snorted. “I can’t believe you didn’t knock them over and wake up the whole neighborhood.”
Eddie put a hand to his chest in mock affront. “Baby, you wound me.” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why you came over,” he whispered. “We can barely even talk with my parents right there.”
“We don’t need to talk,” Eddie said, wiggling his eyebrows, and letting his eyes rake down Steve’s body. Steve was in only his boxers, chest bare. 
“We definitely can’t do anything else,” Steve replied.
“You know what always makes you fall asleep?” 
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. He could see where this was going, but decided to play along. “No, Eddie, what?”
Eddie stepped toward him, getting in his space.
"When I blow you and then we cuddle."
"I think I’m constitutionally incapable of letting you blow me with my parents right down the hall. You know how loud I am," Steve said, pleading. 
"I do know," Eddie said, stepping closer to Steve. "And I love it. Every single sound I wring out of you should win a fucking Grammy. But I'm sure you can be quiet."
Steve leaned into Eddie's warmth, chronically touch-starved. "I'm not sure I can be quiet." 
Eddie reached for his back pocket, pulling out his black bandana. "We could keep you quiet," he suggested, and Steve shivered, feeling his cock start to fill out. The idea of being gagged by Eddie was more arousing than he would have anticipated.
“So you came over here just to blow me to sleep?” Steve asked, trying to shift the focus away from his reaction to the gag.
“Yes, absolutely,” Eddie replied. “You need your beauty sleep.”
Steve was a weak man. He turned and walked back over to his bed. It was a twin, and not really big enough for two adult men, but he and Eddie liked to latch onto each other like two demented starfish so space wasn’t much of an issue. 
“Take off your jacket and jeans,” Steve said. 
Eddie saluted him. “Yes, sir.” He peeled off his jeans and threw his jacket onto the floor, following Steve over to the bed. Steve got under the covers and held them up for Eddie to follow.
Eddie got under the covers, putting the bandana on the bedside table, and instantly moved into Steve’s space, draping his whole body over Steve’s and shoving his face into Steve’s neck to kiss him there.
Steve laughed and tried to push him away. “That tickles,” he whispered, trying not to laugh too loudly. Eddie pushed himself up on his elbows and smiled down at Steve, putting those mind-altering dimples on full display. Steve leaned forward to kiss him, and Eddie reciprocated, pushing Steve back down onto the bed. He licked at Steve’s lips and Steve happily opened them, tangling his tongue with Eddie’s. 
Eddie pressed his hips down into Steve and Steve could feel his hard cock pressed against his thigh. He let out a breathy little moan as Eddie slid a thigh in between his legs, pressing it up into Steve’s cock.
“You gonna need the gag already, baby?” Eddie asked, smirking, and Steve moaned again at the thought of the gag. “Oh, you like that,” Eddie said, delighted. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up the bandana. “Open up?” Eddie stuffed the bandana in his mouth roughly, and Steve bucked his hips up into Eddie’s thigh.
“Good boy,” Eddie said, kissing Steve’s cheek. Steve tried to moan at the praise, but it was thankfully muffled now. “That’s better,” Eddie said. “Quiet as a slutty little mouse.” Steve rolled his eyes.
Eddie started to kiss down his body, spending a few minutes licking and sucking over his pecs and nipples, which always made Steve outrageously horny. Eddie eventually kept moving south, trailing kisses over Steve’s abdomen. When he got to the waistband of Steve’s boxers he pulled them down, freeing Steve’s cock.
Eddie pressed a kiss onto the head of his cock, sticking his tongue out to lick up the precum at his slit, then moving away to kiss his inner thighs. Steve let out a muffled whine and shifted his hips. Eddie took pity on him and moved back to Steve’s cock, sucking the head into his mouth.
He played with the head of Steve’s cock for a few moments, running his tongue around the glans, sucking lightly, before moving his mouth further down his shaft. He took Steve in most of the way, his hand holding the base of Steve’s cock, and started to bob his head gently up and down. Steve was moaning with abandon now, very glad to have the bandana in his mouth muffling all the noise. 
Eddie moved his hand away and took Steve into his throat, swallowing against his gag reflex to fit Steve all the way. Steve started to thrust up into Eddie’s mouth in time with Eddie’s movements, and felt his orgasm start to build. Eddie could feel it, too, pulling off of Steve for a moment to look up and say, “Come in my mouth, baby.”
That was all it took; the moment Eddie got Steve back in his mouth he was coming, his normally loud cries muffled behind the bandana. Eddie swallowed all of his cum, gently working Steve’s dick with his hand until he was spent. 
He moved up Steve’s body and reached out to pull the bandana from Steve’s mouth. “Sleepy now, darling?” Eddie asked. 
Steve nodded, then noticed Eddie’s cock still hard against his thigh. “What ‘bout you?” he asked, voice already heavy with oncoming sleep. Eddie shifted off of Steve, laying on his side and wrapping an arm around his waist. “I’m fine. You just go to sleep,” Eddie said, kissing Steve’s temple. 
If Steve hadn’t been so exhausted, he would have put up a fight, but he could finally feel himself starting to sink into blissful darkness. He turned over onto his side with his back against Eddie’s chest, letting Eddie spoon him.
“Love you, Eds,” he said sleepily. 
“Love you, too, mouse,” Eddie replied, and Steve drifted off to sleep.
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Cats know best
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: meet cute at work | rated: g | wc: 930 | cw: mention of animal injury and amputation | tags: pre steddie Steve is a vet tech, Eddie brings in his injured cat, who instantly falls in love with Steve.
Steve had always loved his job as a vet tech. Sure, there were the hard times when there was nothing else to be done to help an animal. But it always felt so rewarding when he knew he had made a difference in an animals life, and in the families lives. And everyday was so different, it always kept him on his toes.
He could hear the cat yowling long before he'd even walked into the room. He'd been asked to take this cat, Sabbath, for x-rays on a suspected broken leg, and the vet had warned him that the cat had hissed and swiped at her repeatedly during her examination. He entered the examination room, and on the table was a tiny, but incredibly fluffy black cat.
"This is Steve, one of our vet techs, he's just going to take Sabbath along to get those x-rays done." The vet said to Sabbath's owner.
"Hi," Steve nodded to the man, before slowly approaching the cat, with his hand outstretched for her to sniff and get used to him before he took her away. "Hi, Sabbath. Are you going to let me take you for the x-rays?"
Sabbath sniffed Steve's fingers, then, surprising everyone, rubbed against them, a loud purr filling the room. Steve scratched her ears a little. "Aren't you just the sweetest thing?"
"She never lets most people touch her. She just screams and hisses at them. And I think she's only purred for me once." Her owner, a man with long dark hair, said, sounding surprised.
"Some cats are like that. They only like very few people." The vet replied as Steve loaded Sabbath into a carrier and left the room.
Taking the x-rays was much easier than with most cats. Sabbath didn't wriggle or squirm on the table, staying exactly in the position Steve put her in, and purring every time Steve moved her. While he worked, he thought about what the owner had said. If she was really that bad with most people, he knew he would end up doing a lot of her care, but he didn't mind because she was so cute. After he was done, he popped her back in the carrier, and headed back to the room so the vet could decide the right treatment.
Sabbath's leg was broken, and pretty badly at that. So, it was agreed that amputation was the best route to take, and would be performed first thing the following morning. And, it didn't take long for her to prove that her owner's words were true. In just a few minutes, Steve saw her hiss and swipe at five other members of staff, managing to scratch one. He tried to stay close, so he could comfort or distract her as others continued to work.
"I think she needs a note on her kennel to leave all her care for you." Another tech said as Steve moved Sabbath into a kennel after administering the prescribed pain meds.
"I guess she's chosen me." Steve replied as he placed her in the bed and rubbed her ears, getting a soft purr in return.
Over the several days Sabbath had to stay in for observations, Steve ended up being pretty much her sole carer, as she would hiss at anyone else that got near her kennel. At day two after her amputation, she was making little hops so she could rub her head against Steve's face any time he opened the door. At day four, she was trying to climb onto his shoulder. Purring and chirping at him the entire time while he was trying to feed her, or clean the litter box, or administer the next dose of medication.
"I'm gonna miss you when you're gone." He said as he lifted her out of the kennel, her snuggling into his arms instantly. He was at the end of his shift, and she was scheduled to go home the next afternoon. He never normally got so attached to patients, but he had absolutely fallen in love with Sabbath. If she didn't have an owner, he would have looked into adopting her. He stroked her back and kissed her head before putting her back in her bed.
The day had come for Sabbath to go home. The vet had already gone into the consultation room, giving the owner the instructions for the care. Steve had the task of taking her through. He tried to put her in a carrier, but she struggled to stay in his arms, so he gave up and held her close, carrying the carrier with his free hand. He went to place her on the table, but she dragged herself up to his shoulder and purred in his ear.
"Uh, as you can see, she has really taken to Steve." The vet said.
"She's got good taste." The owner replied. "I- uh."
"I. It's fine." Steve said, moving closer to him, crouching down to try and get the cat off his shoulder. "Come on, don't you want to see your dad?"
Sabbath finally hopped down into her owners lap, but when Steve tried to move away, she stuck her claws into his scrub pants, holding on so he couldn't move.
"I think she's trying to tell us something. I'm Eddie." The owner- Eddie- said, trying to unhook Sabbath's paw.
"Steve. And I would definitely agree with that."
By the time Sabbath had to come back in for a check up and to have her stitches removed, Steve had become much more acquainted with her. And with her handsome owner.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Longing - LoTCF & Molan! Reader
notes: There's so much I want to include here but it's so long already... I might make a part 2. Also I woke up and decided to change the way I address reader lol. I used to use _____ because it was easier to type but I've decided to go for aesthetics now (disillusioned will still have the same format though so readers won't be shocked with the change).
tags: female reader, death, blood, injuries, angst(?), hurt/comfort
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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[Name] Molan was about to fall asleep when intruders suddenly infiltrated the Molan Estate.
“...Mom I’m scared.”
The 5-year-old clutched her mother’s skirt. Screaming and clashing of weapons can be heard throughout the house.
Her mother said nothing at first. Opting to get her greatsword from underneath the child’s bed first.
“Baby you started learning stealth techniques with your brother right?”
[Name] nodded as she felt her mother squeeze her hand.
“Remember what Dad taught you okay? You might have to use it tonight. Think of it as an exercise to see how well you’ve learned.”
The situation is scary, but despite that [name] feels calm because her mother is smiling at her.
But that doesn’t stop her hand from shaking as she hears their family members’ screams.
Slowly, the mother-daughter duo slithered out of the bedroom. Their main goal is to find Ron and Beacrox before escaping the estate.
Run, hide, roll over, they did everything just to avoid the eyes of the masked people attacking their estate. As they run away corpses of their family members and servants can be seen everywhere they go. The stench of their blood overtook [name]’s senses making her want to puke.
Everything seemed to be going well at first. However, they have been discovered after a few minutes of sneaking around. It was inevitable. With every corner being surrounded by those mysterious people massacring the Molans.
[Name]’s mother just hadn’t expected one of those bastard’s swords to pierce the child’s chest instead.
The Molan Mistress was surrounded. She was trying her best to fend off everyone who dared to hurt her child.
But her efforts weren’t enough.
One of the enemies still managed to slip past her greatsword.
At that moment Beacrox, her first child, entered the room they were in. His eyes were shaking along with his legs as he ran to hide behind her mother.
“Beacrox take care of your sister.”
Her voice was calm. Fitting as the wife of the Molan Patriarch. Her hand tightly clenched on her greatsword. Eyes fierce, their gaze holds a promise of protecting her children.
Meanwhile, Beacrox sat on the ground. His arms cradled his baby sister while also trying to apply pressure to where she was hurt.
“Orabeoni… it hurts… it really hurts…”
“Just hold on a little longer. Father will get here soon.”
Beacrox’s hands are covered in blood. [Name]’s blood. No matter how hard he tries he can’t stop the bleeding. He can’t stop his younger sister’s body from going cold.
“Orabeoni… Orabeoni…”
[Name] tried to lift her small hands, but was too weak to do so. Beacrox shushed her, reassuring her that she’d be fine. That she’ll make it through the night. That they’ll get out of here alive.
She has to. Beacrox doesn’t think he’ll ever be the same if his baby sister dies here.
“I’m scared… Everything hurts.”
Beacrox is scared too. Scared of the copious amounts of blood escaping her little body. Scared of her body slowly becoming colder as the seconds fly by. Scared of her eyes that are slowly fluttering themself close.
“Hey, hey, you can’t sleep yet. We have to wait for Father first okay?”
Despite all of those things, the Molan heir stood strong. He has to. He needs to be strong enough for the two of them.
[Name] tries hard to follow her brother’s orders. However, the task starts to feel impossible to accomplish as time goes on. Sleep tempts her, tells her that if she closes her eyes the pain will disappear.
Her surroundings became more and more hazy and her family's voices grew quieter until she couldn’t hear them anymore. She was fighting to stay awake despite her body desperately shutting down.
She mumbles as she sees a blur of a person that she thinks she recognizes as her father. 
“It’s okay. Everything is okay now. We’ll get out of here.”
Ron tries to reassure the girl but she can’t hear him anymore. He pressed his fingers on her pulse desperately trying to find one. Once he found it he asked his son to monitor the pulse as he aides his wife.
“Baby stay with me. Dad’s here now. Dad will get you out of here.”
“[Name] you can’t close your eyes. Beacrox try to keep her eyes open!”
“Mom! Dad! I- I can’t! I can barely feel her pulse. She’s also not breathing anymore!”
“Run. I’ll handle it here. Go with your father!”
“But what about [name]???”
“...It’s too late for her…”
Only then did Beacrox let go of [name]’s wrist. Even after removing his hand, he felt like he could still hear it.
Her last pulse.
The feeling of it lingered in Beacrox’s hand. He clenches and lets go of his hand, but still…
Still, he could feel it.
Even as he runs away while looking at his father’s back. Even decades later when his serving the Henituse family as a chef. 
That feeling never goes away.
Meanwhile, the one left at the Molan Estate is still fighting. Desperately fighting the intruders with all her might.
She knows she’s outnumbered. She knows that she will die at their hands. She knows she has no fighting chance.
But still, she fights.
In hopes of buying her husband and her son time. In hopes of letting them escape and live to see another day.
And as she expected, she didn’t last long. After a few minutes of swinging her greatsword, he had finally succumbed to her wounds. Her body fell on the ground of what used to be their home. Of what used to be a safe space for her and her family.
Luckily, they left her alone after that. Figuring that she’ll die on her own either way. It gave her a chance to crawl over to her daughter. Gave her the chance to hug her one last time before her inevitable doom.
[Name]’s body was still bleeding. It had slowed down considerably thanks to Beacrox’s efforts but it was still bleeding. But her mother didn’t mind. She didn’t mind the puddle of blood gathering underneath her daughter’s body.
She just wants to hug her child one last time.
That’s why she ignored everything. The sticky blood, [name]’s cold body, her own ragged breathing. She ignored all of it and imagined that they were back in her daughter’s room. That she’s just hugging her daughter to sleep after telling her a bedtime story.
Ron’s wife wasn’t sure if she heard that right.
…thump …thump
She pressed her ears closer to [name]’s heart and heard the faintest of pulse. It was almost nonexistent. 
But it meant that there was still hope for her daughter.
Gathering her strength. She draped over her body on top of her daughter. This effectively hid her and put pressure on her wound.
She didn’t know if her daughter would survive. But she knows that she won't. This is her last ditch effort to make her daughter live. The only thing she can do with her dying body.
Kissing the crown of her sweet baby’s head for one last time, she let her body finally succumb to its wounds after fighting for so long.
[Name] gasped awake from her sleep as she dreamed of that night again. It’s been a few years since then. She has somehow managed to escape with her limited stealth skills at that time. Managed to go outside the borders of the Molden Kingdom in order to live.
For the first few years, she had to live on the streets. It was a sudden change. From having her own room and servants to barely eating one day a meal. But still, she persevered. It’s what her mother would have wanted.
She has nothing on her except the clothes on her back. She can’t even use her real name anymore for fear that someone will recognize it. 
However, she did have her father’s teachings.
It may not have been much as she was just starting out before their family fell apart. But she still practised them every chance she got. Tries to expand what she knows by remembering what she has read and her experience while living on the streets.
“You’re already taking another job? Go out and play or something! You’re too young to be taking job after job!”
Her hard work paid off in the form of her being a mercenary. She used her skills and wits to qualify for such a dangerous job. In turn, she became a full pledge mercenary at the young age of 12.
Every mission was life-threatening. She never knows if a mission is going to be her last one. But it puts a roof over her head and a warm meal on her plate.
“Nalom, why do you take so many jobs? You already have enough money to last you for at least 3 months.”
One of the mercenaries ruffled her hair but she ignored it. Focusing her attention on the name she was called.
The opposite of Molan.
Cheesy. She knows it was cheesy to make her alias just the reverse spelling of her last name. But she feels like she will inevitably forget her real name if she doesn’t do it.
She might have lost everything that night but she promised herself that she’ll take revenge one day. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, she will get it done.
Hence why she takes job after job. Honing her skills and pushing her limits. Trying to discreetly sniff out any information about the secret organization that attacked the Molans.
“Bud I heard we’re going on a war with Arm?“
The now 27-year-old [name] sneaked behind Bud.
“Nalom! How many times do I have to keep telling you that you’ll give me a heart attack if you keep sneaking up on me like that?”
[Name] ignored the Mercenary King holding onto his chest as she waited for an answer.
“Yes, the veterans will attack their secret base in a few days.”
“I’m included right?”
Bud Illis looks at her as if she’s joking.
“Of course you are. You’ve been here for 15 years. There’s no way you’re not a veteran.”
That way she’ll finally get her revenge.
“By the way. Is the investigation about our first base done yet?”
[Name] could see Bud’s shoulder tense at the question. She honestly didn’t care much. It was devastating that it had been blown up and the directory is now gone but it’s not like anyone from their side died. So it’s not her problem.
Well at first at least.
Until she heard the rumours that the one who attacked the directory was Molan’s last patriarch.
“Not yet. I wasn’t there when it happened and we’re putting all our efforts into the upcoming attack that’s why the investigation is taking longer.”
She could sense that Bud was only telling half the truth but she let it go.
“Say Nalom, did you learn your stealth techniques from someone?“
The Mercenary King asked just as she was about to go out of his office.
“No, I learned during my time living on the streets.”
A half-life. It was only fair since Bud also lied to her.
With that [name] closed the door behind her making her unable to hear the conversation that happened in her absence.
“Her techniques feel similar to Patriarch-nim…”
Bud mumbled under his breath once the stealthy mercenary was gone.
“It’s different but their foundations are similar.”
Glenn agreed from the couch. Both of them wondered if there was a chance that Nalom was somehow connected to the Molans.
“Where’s the kid?”
One of the mercenaries asked as they prepared to attack Arm’s secret base.
“I don’t know, you know how Nalom is. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
Another mercenary reassured the guy.
“Nalom? Who’s that?”
Cale asked Bud who was also trying to look for the missing mercenary.
“She’s our youngest veteran, only 27-years-old. But she’s the best among the mercenaries when it comes to stealth.”
Bud checked one last corner before sighing and giving up.
“She was here just a second ago… Well, it’s not like she can’t handle herself. But she has never gone on her own during large-scale attacks.”
The Mercenary King decided to trust the missing mercenary and continued with the original plan.
“Who goes there!?”
Beacrox hears a familiar yet foreign voice ask him as he dodges a flying dagger.
“I should be the one asking you…”
Brown hair that was the same shade as his own greeted him. Her one hand preparing to throw another dagger while her other hand was clutching on a flag that had been drawn on.
22 years. It has been 22 years since he last saw his little sister. His last memory of her was her body growing colder in his arms as he felt her pulse slowly stop.
Even today he could still feel her pulse linger in his hands.
Beacrox called out. If only he knew that it was the first time in 22 years since anyone had called [name] by that name. 
He could see the mercenary stop in her tracks. Her arm lowered as she processed his voice and the name he called her.
She asked and Beacrox nodded. Yes, it’s him. It’s her orabeoni. 
[Name] slowly walked towards him. Her steps slow and staggering. Almost falling in his arms once she was close enough.
“It’s you. It’s really you. You’re alive.”
She cried in Beacrox's arms and for one he didn’t mind that his clothes were being tainted. He’ll take as much dirt as he needs as long as he can hug his sister in his arms.
Bathump. Bathump.
Instinctively his hand reached out to her wrist. The same wrist he held onto that night. But unlike that time, her pulse is loud and clear. Full of vitality.
“What’s taking you so long? I thought you were going to check out who was sneaking around your sister’s room?”
Ron’s voice echoed through the halls as he walked closer to where the siblings were.
“Dad’s alive? It was really Dad who blew up the first mercenary base?”
[Name] heard her brother hummed in affirmation. His chest vibrates against her cheek as they are still hugging each other.
Ron’s footsteps were silent but [name] could sense that he was close. Letting go of the hug, she stepped outside of her room to greet him.
They didn’t say anything. They don’t need to. 
For Ron will be able to recognize his daughter anywhere.
That’s why he didn’t say anything and just accepted his running daughter with open arms. Hugging her tightly, as if trying to make up for the two decades they have been apart.
“Dad I was so lonely. I was so scared.”
She confided in her dad. The veteran mercenary who’s the best in stealth and wields double daggers is gone. In the arms of her dad, she’s simply [Name] Molan. She’s just the daughter he loves. 
The daughter he thought he lost.
“It’s fine now. Everything is fine. You can tell your dad everything that happened.”
Ron stroked his daughter’s hair. His hands shaking ever so slightly.
Tears gathered in his eyes but only Beacrox noticed them. 
The chef said nothing about his father’s vulnerability. He stayed silent even when a lone tear managed to escape his father’s eyes.
His strong father. The same one who bulldozed through everything just to keep him alive. The same father who worked hard to train him while discreetly investigating the organization that attacked them. His father showed no weakness.
That same father of his has been overcome by emotion.
And Beacrox can’t say anything about it for he was the same.
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captainlunaxmen · 6 months
All for the Cameras
Chapter 8
Finnick Odair x Fem!reader
Here we go! With this chapter, we officially say goodbye to Chatching Fire, and we will soon enter Mockingjay-part1. I hope you guys will like this, and if you want to be added to the tag list, just tell me♥️♥️♥️
Chapter summary: we're at the Quarter Quell finale.
Chapter warning: Now, Cal is a huge warning himself, Hunger Games cruelty, death, blood.
Tag list.
@guacam011y @justtrying2getby @idontevenknow1359 @alexandra-001 @bambikitten @maggiecc @redh00dsbf @haneybunny @1-800-styles @sisiking99 @merromimo @yourdailymemedelivery @regsg18 @gordorio @bambikitten @gracieeleanorr @shev3nom @honethatty12 @savingprivatecass @erindiggory @martahabla @sterredem @aawdrea @wpdarlingpan @strawberry--fawn @barbarathewanderer @ih8books @a-mysterious-potato @mayonesavegana @celinaiscrying @katherinejess @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @abaker74 @syd649 @meikoo @secretsicanthideanymore @p1stachi @laylasshiftingtonight @yourmumstoy @s0urw00lf
I'm sorry if I can't tag everyone😔🥺
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Finnick's POV
They managed to find some food. Finnick decided to catch some, more to distract himself that because he actually needed to eat. His stomach was completely closed after what happened.
He eats with the other because he does need his strengths, but doesn't feel like it at all.
Mags was like a mother and seeing her go like that... broke him.
The only thought keeping him going was Y/n, the thought that they could finally have a chance.
Finnick gets distracted from his thoughts when Peeta, opening one of the oysters, found a pearl. Finnick watches him giving it to Katniss, her accepting it. Finnick takes a moment to notice the way Peeta looks at her, the exact way he looks at Y/n, with adoration. Katniss is a little more reserved, of course, but she does feel something too, even though she doesn't realise it yet.
The sweet moment is interrupted by a loud scream.
"That's new." Peeta says standing up, Katniss and Finnick soon do too.
They look ahead, trees moving and breaking, then a big wave appears, it looks secluded to a section of the arena, but still aiming towards them apparently.
Even though the waves breaks at the cornucopia, it still creates waves towards the beach all around it. Thankfully not big enough to make damages.
As they watch the hovercraft flying to get the body of the dead tribute, Katniss grabs an arrow ready to fight.
"Someone's here." She says.
They all get their weapons, ready to defend themselves. They hide, watching who it was.
When Finnick sees Johanna, along Wiress and Beetee he lets out a sigh of relief, hope growing back in him as he walks to her calling her name.
"Whete the hell have you been?" He asks as soon as they're close enough.
"Me? I was looking for you the entire time, asshole!" Johanna shoots back.
Finnick knows she's not actually angry, rather worried, even though she would never admit it.
"So was I." He says, more calmly, "are you all okay?"
Johanna shrugs.
"Well, I got them out. We were a the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was gonna be safe. That's when the rain started." She starts explaining, while Beetee and Wiress got into the water to clean up, "I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood."
"Tick tock" Wiress comes close repeating the same two words.
"Hot, thick blood." Johanna keeps going as if she didn't notice her, "it was coming down. It was choking us. We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind. That's when Blight hit the force field."
"Tick tock, tick tock" Wiress keeps talking as Johanna takes a big breath.
"He wasn't much, but it was from home." She says bitterly.
"What's wrong with her?" Katniss asks, referring to Wiress.
"She's in shock," Beetee answers, "dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"
"We can get some."
As Johanna tries to, forcefully, stop Wiress from talking, Katniss immediately goes to defend her, almost starting a fight if it weren't for Finnick separating them, leading Johanna away.
"I got them out for you!" She screamed before she got dragged away.
"It's okay, it's okay." Finnick tries to calm her.
"Let me go, Finnick!" She insists, "let me go, I'm fine."
He lets her, and goes to sit down on the sand, soon Peeta joins as Katniss was helping Wiress clean up.
"Are you sure you're okay? I know Mags was important to you... and Y/n." Peeta asks.
"Yeah... uh... it was a possibility we didn't want to acknowledge, but... still a possibility." Finnick sighs, sadly.
"I'm really sorry." Peeta gives his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"It's alright."
"Can I ask you something?" Peeta suddenly whispers, so no one would hear and Finnick nods, still looking ahead, "your speech at the interviews... was for Y/n, wasn't it?"
Finnick only nods, so does Peeta understanding.
"What a situation, uh?" Finnick says sarcastically.
"Yeah.." Peeta sadly chuckle, then his attention shifts to Beetee, who was messing with a wire of some sort, "what's that?"
Beetee looks up to them, then back at the wire in his hands.
"Something we can use." He simply says before standing up and walking closed to the water.
Finnick and Peeta shares a confused look before shrugging.
The moment interrupted by the lightning hitting the big tree again, 12 times.
"They have out done themselves this time, uh?" Finnick comments once the lightnings stop.
"Yeah..." Peeta breaths out.
They attention is caught by Katniss walking back to them, a determined look on her face.
"I figured it out." She says.
Y/n's POV
"That's the plan?" I ask Plutarch as we talk in his office.
"Yes." He nods, "are you okay with that?"
"Of course, I am." I confirm, "does Haymitch know?"
"Yes, he does."
"Perfect... do you think they will do as you predict?" I ask, again feeling nervous.
"I am positive, they figured out how the Arena works, it's only a matter of time, we need to be ready." He replies, "I suggest you start packing and be ready."
"Got it." I nod, taking a deep breath, I look at Plutarch, who nods his head to give me courage somehow.
There's suddenly a knock on the door.
"Mr Heavensbee? Miss L/n?" One of the Gamemaker peers inside.
"There's movement." He says.
"We'll be right there in a minute." Plutarch informs him so he can go back to the controll room.
"We still need to keep up the appearance, I know." I sigh.
"All for the cameras, miss L/n. Always."
We walk back into the room, just in time to see Gloss killing Wiress, I can't help the gasp leaving my mouth, it was so unexpected I couldn't stop it.
Plutarch put a hand on my shoulder for a second to make regain my composure.
We need to keep up the appearances, so I just move to one of the Gamemaker, to take a closer look. Katniss immediately kills him, Cashmere, of course, runs to attack her, thankfully Johanna pushes Katniss away and kills the district 1 tribute.
That means the other part of the Career pack is close.
"Keep the cameras on them, the other side there." I point where Finnick and Peeta stands, just in time to frame Brutus and Finnick fighting, Enobaria manages to wound Finnick before running away, thankfully is nothing bad.
Peeta tries to chase them, but Finnick holds him back, letting Katniss and Johanna go instead.
I look up at Plutarch, him already looking at me. Then he looks up and mouths "for the cameras."
He wants me to suggest something believable, to fool the president.
I start to think something that might be an obstacle, that might slow them down, we can't have the Games end now, we still have things to prepare, but it doesn't have to be something... deadly.
Thi.... okay.
"Make the cornucopia spin." I say, the Gamemaker, of course, looks up at Plutarch for confirmation and when he nods the cornucopia starts to spin on itself, making everyone lose balance.
Johanna helps Katniss stay on, as Finnick, Peeta and Beete do the same.
My heart skips a bit when Katniss falls, instinctively look at Plutarch.
"Okay. That's enough." He orders, "good thinking, miss L/n."
"Thank you, sir." I say, breathing heavily from anxiety, "it will be harder for them to tell time."
"Clever." He nods, and I let out a sigh of relief.
It made some trouble, but not too much... Good.
They quickly reunite, and go back to the beach... but a different section. I try to figure out which one it is.
"Brace yourself." Plutarch whispers so slightly to me as he passes by.
I take a quick look at the map, each section is perfectly labelled and I can quickly spot their position. It's the Jabberjays section.
I take a deep breath and just wait to see what's going to happen.
They're counting down who might be left still in the games, now. Thankfully, it seems that Brutus and Enobaria are far from them.
"Activate them." Plutarch orders, I force myself not to look at him, because I know he has to do it. We are still not out of trouble, and at the Capitol, appearance is the most important thing.
So once Prim's voice reaches Katniss, she's immediately on her feet, running towards the sound. The rest of the group tries to keep her from going into the forest, to what they suspect is just a made up sound. Finnick is the fastest and immediately reach Katniss, who just shot a bird, finally realising it's fake, like everything else.
"You okay?" He asks, but Katniss can't even respond because another scream breaks in.
I can't help it this time, my eyes shoot up immediately to Plutarch.
That's my voice, screaming at Finnick for help.
Plutarch looks at me, guilty, he motion for me to just take a deep breath and stay calm as Finnick runs towards the sound with Katniss, this time, to convince him to stop.
"It's not her!" She screams at him to gain his attention. "It's just a Jabberjay. It's not her."
"Well, how do you think they got that sound?" He spits back, "Jabberjays copy."
I just want to scream at him that I'm okay, that's just a decoy... my idea nonetheless...
As Gale's voice adds itself into the mix, Katniss and Finnick run away, but unfortunately my idea has another problem.
They bump into the invisible wall, surrounded by all the mutts screaming at them.
Kantiss is holding her hands to her ears, Peeta screams at her, but of course, the wall around the section is supposed to isolate them even more.
I look at Finnick protecting his ears too, he's muttering something, but I can't understand what he's says, the birds screams are too loud. My throat feels tight, I feel the burn of tears ready to come out in my eyes, my chest hurts.
"Miss L/n?" Plutarch calls me, his voice feels so far right now, but I reluctantly look at him, "would you be so kind and go look into my office for the arena projects? I want to check something."
I can only nod and walk to his office, I know he wanted to give an excuse to be alone and recollect myself.
I close the door behind me, and I just lean against it until I sit down on the floor.
It's all my fault, I can't believe I make them suffer like this. Katniss' screams to somehow cover the noise broke my heart, so did Finnick's face.
I did that.
It's my fault.
I have to do everything in my power to get them out...
Finnick's POV
It's Johanna's voice asking him if he were okay to ground Finnick.
After God knows how long he and Katniss were trapped with the Jabberjays screaming at them, the invisible wall vanished and the other were able to rescue them.
Peeta reassures Katniss, telling her that at the Capitol they will never touch Prim.
"Your fiancé's right." Johanna agrees, "the whole country loves your sister. If they tortured her or did anything to her, forget the districts, there would be riots in the damn Capitol." Everyone looks at Johanna, a mixture of surprise and shock for having her reassuring Katniss. But she was not done, "Hey, how does that sound, Snow? What if we... what if we set you backyard on fire? You know, you can't put everybody in here."
The shock is shared between the other tributes as they listen to her screaming.
"What?" She asks, finally noticing, "they can't hurt me. There's no one left that I love. I'll get you some water." She finally says, seeing no one knows what to say... obviously.
They all go to the beach, Finnick put his trident in the sand and goes to sat in the water.
It always calmed him. He remembers the first night at the Capitol after he was reaped.
He couldn't sleep, he didn't even want to, not knowing what the Capitol actually had in store for him surely wouldn't accommodate a good sleep. He remembers he went into the bathroom, to fill the bathtub and get under the water. Unfortunately the bathtub wasn't big enough. When Y/n knocked on the door, he thought she was there to take him back to his room, instead she sneaked the two of them into the pool. There she tried everything she could to calm him, she got into the water with him and lay there with him, talking.
That's when he realised she was not like the rest.
The others looks at him, as they rest, Johanna brought Katniss some water and now they're talking.
"Why did they use Y/n's screams with him?" Katniss asks.
"Really?" Johanna's taken aback by that question. "Have you... haven't you noticed anything?" She slightly scoffs.
"I'm afraid not." Katniss answers flatly.
"Love sometimes is cruel." Johanna simply says.
Katniss thinks for a moment before understanding her words, and can't help but agree with her.
"I have a plan." Beetee suddenly says and everyone gathers around him listening closely.
"Where do the Careers feel safest? The jungle?" He asks the group.
"Jungle's a nightmare." Johanna speaks up.
"Probably here on the beach." Peeta suggests.
"Then why are they not here?" Beete asks once again.
"Because we are. We claimed it." Johanna answers.
"And if we left, they would come." He guesses.
"Or stay hidden in the tree line." Finnick says.
"Which in just over four hours will be soaked with the water from the 10:00 wave. And what happens at midnight?" He speaks as if he is teaching to a class, and wants them to understand the concept before having to say it himself.
"Lightning strikes that tree." Katniss answers, understanding the concept of the plan.
"Here's what I propose. We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lightning tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water." He explains, pointing to the tree and then the beach, "anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."
"How do we know the wire's not gon a burn up?" Johanna questions.
"Because I invented it." He replies, with a hint of pride. "I assure you, it won't burn up."
The silence falls as everyone thinks about what to do. Johanna and Finnick looks at each other, they both seem to agree to the plan. Katniss looks at Peeta, worried, and still a little suspicious.
"Well, it better than hunting them down." Johanna agrees.
"Yeah, why not?" Katniss agrees too, "if it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"
"All right, I say we try it." Peeta nods.
"So what can we do to help?" Finnick asks, hoping the real plan will work... quickly.
Y/n's POV.
"Keep me alive for the next six hours. That would be extremely helpful." Beete says to the group.
That's our chance.
Plutarch's in his office with the president, so I'm the one directing the Gamemakers.
"Keep it as close as possible to the lovers." I say, "the Capitol loves them. Give them as much as they want."
They of course want the other to win, and if it goes down to them being the last two one of them would surely sacrifice themselves for the other... I pray we get them all out on time.
Peeta tries to convince her, she is the one who should live, he shows her the pendant Effie gave him, opens it and show her the picture of her family.
It breaks me hearing Peeta saying that no one needs him, because it's so far from the truth and he doesn't realise it.
Thankfully, Katniss reassures him she needs him. As they kiss my heart warms, and also hurts as I think of Finnick... maybe when everything is over we could... have our chance.
No. I don't have to keep my hopes up, for no reason.
Plutarch comes out of his office, nods at my direction and then addresses the Gamemakers.
"We're almost at the grand finale." He declares. "How about you go get some rest, miss L/n? You worked a lot today."
"Are you sure, sir? If we're at the finale, you might need all hands on deck, right?" I ask, pretending to be sorry.
"Go have some rest and enjoy the show, you earned it." He nods.
"Thank you, sir." I force an enthusiastic smile and walk to the exit.
As I pass him he whispers to me, "pack what you need. You'll know when it's time to go, so keep an eye on the games."
"Yes, sir."
"When it's time, immediately go to the roof of the training centre." He instructs, I nod and just walk out, to my apartment.
I put the last item in my backpack, a picture of my brother when we were younger, before we got sent to Snow. I turn the TV on to keep and eye on the games, as Plutarch instructed. Thankfully, I got the program so I can see everything live and change angles.
Apparently the group has to split, Katniss and Johanna are sent to unspool the wire all the way to the beach. Peeta, obviously, tries to offer to go with them, but Beetee says he needs both Finnick and Peeta as protection.
Of course, it generated a little angst in the group, suspects raising, and it ends with them agreeing to part ways until midnight.
I look for any sort of signal within the games, but I can't see anything yet.
I bounce my leg anxiously, as I look at Johanna cutting Katniss' arm, I look closer and realise she's tacking off the tracking device, this let me let out a sigh of relief. I try to find Finnick with the other cameras, only to see him looking for Johanna. He probably heard the Careers and went searching.
But I need to force myself to look for Katniss instead, Finnick knows about the plan, he knows what to do, Katniss doesn't so if I have to look for a sign, she's the one I need to follow. She's going back at the tree, looking for Peeta, but once she gets there, she only finds Beetee. I gasp, looking at a shaking Beetee lying down. Then her eyes fall to a made-up spear, the wire wrapped around the tip.
The sound of the cannon distracts her, screaming for Peeta she stands up, but when Finnick shows up, my heart stops as I see her taking an arrow and pointing it at Finnick.
"Please..." I whisper.
The door opening only increases my anxiety, and I quickly grab the emergency gun I took from my small voult.
My eyes drift between the hallway and the TV.
"Hello, my sweetness." Cal appears in front of me, a creepy grin on his face.
"Cal? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Missed you." He simply answers, stepping closer, but I take a step back. He gives me a surprised and irritated look.
I look at the TV, in time to hear Finnick saying something to Katniss.
"Remember who the real enemy is." He said.
Cal looks at the TV, then step closer again and I take another step back, the gun still behind my back.
"Turn it off, sweetheart." He orders.
My eyes are, instead, glued to the screen. Katniss takes the spear, unwraps the wire only to wrap ot again around her arrow.
"Sweetheart." He calls again.
Finnick tries to get Katniss to get away from the tree, but right before the lightning strikes, she fires the arrow towards the sky and the screen turns black.
"Shit." I mutter.
"What happened?" Cal asks, alarm clear in his tone.
"I have to go." I say, rushing past him, careful to keep the gun somwhow hidden.
"Y/n!" I hear him scream my name as I near the door.
I open the door, but I find Peacekeepers in front of me.
"Yes?" I ask, as flatly and emotionless as I can.
"You are to come with us." One of them informs me.
"You're under arrest." Another says.
"What?" I scoff.
"What's going on?" Cal appears beside me, I hold the gun under the backpack harder.
"She's under arrest, she's suspected to be part of a rebellious group, a group Plutarch Heavensbee is part of." They explain.
"That's ridiculous." Cal laughs.
"I'm afraid it's true, sir." The peacekeeper replies.
I need to get out, I need to get to that roof.
I push past them, taking a little advantage of their talking. I arrive at the elevator, as I wait the doors to open I hear quick footsteps nearing. I point my gun at the Peacekeepers, firing twice, I manage to slow them down just in time for the doors to open and let me in, and I fire three more before the doors close again. I only injure some of them.
I didn't see Cal, he probably froze because of the news.
I decide to exit at another floor, I'm sure there would be more peacekeepers down, so then I'll go for the backdoor.
I get to the 4th floor, and carefully step out, analysing my surroundings as I walk to the stairs. I'm not so sure it's the best choice, but it's the only one I got. I try to be fast, but careful at the same time, the last thing I want is for them to get me.
Steady steps, controlled breathing, gun at hand, I move down the stairs.
"In here!" I hear someone scream and I just have to rush down now.
I run downstairs, jumping a few step in the process until I'm in front of the door.
I don't think, I need to get away from the ones on the stairs...
So I open the door.
Finnick's POV
Finnick sits up straight, holding his aching head, breathing heavily from exhaustion.
"Good, we started to think you were dead." Haymitch's voice makes Finnick raise his head to look at him.
"I'm... okay... I think." He says, he looks at his body, noticing some bandages, especially on his arm. They thankfully took off the tracking device.
"Yeah, the device is off, no need to worry about... that." Haymitch says, there's tension in his voice, resignation too, anger.
"What exactly happened?" Finnick asks, confused still.
"Katniss fired that arrow to the force field... that obviously broke, the screens, the cameras were down, this gave us the time to come and get you." Haymitch explains.
"Okay..." Finnick nods, he senses something wrong though.
"Come, let's talk." Haymitch nudges him to get up and follow him.
They arrive to a room with a big table, and screens taking their position on the walls.
Plutarch's there to greet him, but he's not happy, he's not satisfied.
Finnick hopes to see Y/n soon, he needs a friendly face to calm down.
"Mr. Odair... glad to see you're okay." He then says.
"Well, I'm alive... that's something." Finnick replies, forcing a small laugh out, "what about the others?"
He sees Plutarch and Haymitch sharing a look, then they both sigh deeply.
"We manage to get the Mockingjay out of there, which was the main mission." Plutarch starts, but doesn't continue.
"The others?" Finnick pressures.
"We managed to also get Beetee out." He answers.
"Johanna and Peeta?" Finnick's now scared.
"The Capitol has them." Plutarch simply answers.
Finnick pales, they might as well be dead, who knows what the Capitol will do to them.
"And..." Haymitch walks a little closer to Finnick, eyes down, guilty and angry.
"What? What is it?" Finnick snaps, frustrated.
Haymitch looks him dead in the eyes, so he can perfectly see the fury in his stare.
"They got Y/n too."
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Dreaming and Drowning
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This fic will fill my "Take a deep breath." square on my Hurt/Comfort, Sweet & Spicy Bingo card. The prompt will be bolded in the fic. @sweetspicybingo
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Summary: Michael is fascinated by Y/N. She isn't the only thing keeping him inside his vessel, but she's a very interesting bonus. Now if only he can keep Dean quiet for long enough to conduct some experiments.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Nothing too terrible. Show level violence. Some descriptions of torture. Threatened/implied sexual assault/non-con (nothing shown or described). Depictions of drowning.
Pairings: Michael!Dean x Y/N and Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 2,579
A/N: I'm trying to work my way through my requests but I'm still back in last December! 😫 I'm sorry to everyone who's put in requests, I'm working on 'em!
Anyway, this request was for a "fatal attraction" Bingo square for a different bingo. It was from the lovely @elle14-blog1 who asked:
Hello Dear Been addicted to your page lately Love the Dean fics So about the Fatal Attraction request Maybe could you write soft dark fatal attraction of Michael Dean towards Dean’s Gf..one of the more reason he doesn’t wanna leave the vessel… Ok bye bye Xoxo💖
That space for that bingo was claimed already. But I really enjoyed this idea, so I said I'd do it another time. Well, here it is. I'm not sure if it's what you were looking for, I hope so. Hope everyone enjoys. This is the first time I've written anything for Michael!Dean, so be nice. 😁
Dean Winchester Master List || Main Master List || Tag Lists
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Every once in a while Dean swam to the surface; he broke through heavy, cloying water to suck oxygen into his starving, burning lungs.
But the water was choppy and rushing, the current swept him along at a feverish pace and he could never swim hard enough or fast enough to outrun it; inevitably the cold, gray water would submerge him again and leave him drowning.
But in those few moments of clarity, he’d see her. He’d see the way she was bound, he’d watch the way his hands pulled screams from her lungs. As the water rushed around his ears, it couldn’t drown out the way her voice begged him to stop.
Not me, he reminded himself.
It wasn’t him. This was Michael’s doing. Michael was hurting her.
And who let me in? His own voice would answer back, before shoving him back down under the water with a sneering laugh. 
We both know she’s here because of you, because she wanted to save you from me. So sweet. But who’s going to save HER from me.
Oops, I mean save her from you.
Michael watched Y/N struggle, a soft smile on his borrowed countenance; she really was rather extraordinary, this particular little ape. He’d tortured her slowly, nothing too drastic to start, he didn’t want to permanently alter her, not yet.
He was very interested in her, interested in the noises she made when she tried not to scream, in the way he could feel the air shift almost imperceptibly when she held her breath against the pain. He loved to watch the way involuntary goosebumps erupted across her skin when he ran a finger over it. 
How strange, he thought, to not be able to control something as basic as the texture of your skin.
The human body was rather fascinating, hers even more than most. She was so soft in places, her skin bruised so easily, sometimes nothing more than a hard pinch brought a pretty purple stain to her skin. Harder blows bloomed blue and green almost immediately. Her blood ran dark red and tasted coppery with a hint of something more tangy just below the surface.
Is that the difference of her psychic blood? He wondered.
It was why he’d taken her to begin with. He’d been experimenting with all kinds of monsters, and they were finally starting to pay off, but he’d never tried mixing his grace with a psychic, he thought the results might be very interesting. So when a memory had surfaced in Dean Winchester’s brain about his psychic girlfriend, he’d decided to let her find him.
She and Sam Winchester had been searching far and wide for him, for Dean. He could have easily outrun them forever. But he decided to stay put for a moment and let her catch up. All he’d had to do to lure her in was let the ghost of Dean shine through his eyes for a moment and she came running, desperate to help.
And just like that, she was trapped in his web. 
He’d spent the first few days just getting to know her, testing her body’s capabilities and limits; how much could she bleed before she became too weak to stand on her own? How long could she hold back screams when he started cutting? How much force did it take to snap her radius, her femur?
He was thoroughly enjoying his experiments with her, simply healing her up after each one so that he could try his next idea. He’d begun to see what Dean saw in her, there was something quite beautiful in the way the ape struggled against the inevitable, the way she fought against him, knowing her efforts were completely useless. He liked the defiance in her eyes, it made his human body react in interesting ways.
Her pain and her resistance made his pilfered blood run hot and thick in his veins, made his body hard, made him run his hands up and down her body with no other purpose than to feel its softness. 
On his fourth day with her he had her stripped her down to her underthings, intending to burn her with the tip of a poker, curious to see what color her skin turned as it flaked off. He knew he was wasting time really. He’d experimented with her enough, he should be feeding her his grace to see what kind of hybrid monster he could make of the psychic.
But when he saw her in her bra and panties, memories that weren’t his surfaced in his mind, Dean’s memories of how she looked when she was beneath him, the way her head jerked back as she gasped with pleasure, the way her knuckles went white, bunched in the sheets, her body bucking into Dean’s hand, and suddenly he knew how he wanted to finish off his experimentation.
He’d never experimented like this before, none of the human bodies he’d encountered in the past had affected him this way. He wasn’t sure if it was some kind of pull from her psychic blood, or the memories he had access to, or if it was simply the enjoyment he’d already gotten from this flesh, but for the first time he felt an earthly need for the body in front of him. 
As he approached her, he saw panic in her gaze and wondered if her psychic abilities had allowed her to see what was coming. But as he registered her panic, he suddenly felt Dean back above water and screaming, roaring inside their mind.
Get the fuck away from her! I will rip you apart from the inside! 
Michael chuckled. Come on now, Dean. I know exactly how much you enjoy this body, I’m doing this as much for you as for me.
Michael lifted his hand to run his finger down Y/N’s cheek. She recoiled and he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. He did his best impression of Dean, smiling and hoping it looked friendly and not feral. 
“Don’t look away, sweetheart. It’s me. I know you love me, I know you want me. Let me make you feel better.”
He watched her face in fascination; her expressions ran the gamut between horrified, heartbroken, and lustful. But he could practically smell her hope, her need; she was absolutely desperate to pretend the man she loved was there and her tormentor was gone.
Humans really are odd little things. Michael thought.
Dean was still screaming, and then garbling his words beneath the ocean Michael drowned him in. Enough out of you, he thought with a smirk.
Maybe it was the cold smirk that did it, breaking the illusion that he was Dean, or maybe it was Y/N’s abject terror at the idea of what was about to happen. But the very last of her defiance seemed to pulse through her and something in her shifted. He could feel it in the way the hairs on his arms stood up, the way a deep, thrumming buzz began to sound inside his ears.
Y/N’s body began to pulse as well, like waves of energy gearing up. He raised a hand, his eyes glowing blue as he shot his grace towards her. The first beam hit her and stopped her, but she was soon powering up again, and when his grace surged at her a second time, she knocked it away with one of the hands she got free, snapping the chains that held her to the wall.
He pushed grace towards her again, but she wrapped herself in a psychic shield and broke her remaining chains. As he continued to fight, continued to pour grace out of himself and wield it like a sword, he felt Dean surface again. In his mind’s eye he could see him gasping and fighting for the shoreline. Michael tried to force him back under water, but he was using too much of his strength to keep Y/N back. 
And Dean was fighting incredibly hard. 
It was a two-pronged attack, from the inside and outside, and it was not something he’d been expecting. Y/N moved slowly, wrapped in her bubble, towards the bag she’d been traveling with when he caught her. As she reached the backpack, he managed to penetrate the bubble and sent her flying backwards.
Before he could press his advantage, however, Y/N was on her feet again and sending a pulse wave of energy into him, making him stumble backwards. She grabbed the bag quickly and from inside she pulled out a gold, metal, egg-shaped object. He could feel Dean leaving the water as Y/N began to chant in Enochian.
Before she was more than two words in, however, the impossible happened and Michael could feel Dean scream at him.
“Get out!”
His words were powerful enough to defeat Michael in his slightly weakened condition, and the archangel could feel his essence begin to be expelled from the body he’d resided in for almost two months. As he was forced out, he felt another call, another pull, and he looked on in horror as he was inexorably yanked out of Dean’s body right into the tiny space of the egg. 
The egg was tiny, but Michael fell for days, down and down and down, until he landed on a dark, rocky, moldy floor.
He looked around him and sitting across the floor was a human, glowing with the angel inside him. The angel looked very familiar.
The celestial who shared his name chuckled at the strange turn of events. “Welcome to the cage, doppelganger.”
Dean felt weak as he fell to the ground, as though he’d been running for days, weeks. No, not running, swimming, fighting against the current.
His muscles were shaking and he felt as though he might puke. Then he saw Y/N curled in a ball on the dirty floor of the cold, abandoned warehouse they were in and he rushed to her. He pulled off the suit jacket he wore and helped her sit up so he could wrap it around her shoulders.
“Y/N? Sweetheart?” He said quietly as she shook beneath his hands. 
She looked up at him, tears in her eyes; but under the tears was fear, stark terror, and suspicion.
“Dean?” She asked in a whisper, and he knew she still couldn’t trust that it was him. It hurt his heart to see the fear there; would she always see the sadistic angel looking back at her from now on?
He let go of her and moved away a bit to try and ease her worry. “It’s me, baby, it’s me. I promise. You got Michael, trapped him in that.” He nodded towards the egg. “He’s in the cage.”
Y/N stared at him, but then she shook her head slightly. “No, I didn’t get the spell out, you were already forcing him out. The egg just grabbed him as he was fleeing.” A small smile touched the corners of her lips. “You did it.”
Dean risked coming a bit closer again, reaching out a palm to lay against her cheek, rejoicing when she leaned into his touch. 
He leaned towards her and rested his forehead against hers. “No, we did it. We make a good team.”
A broken cry fell from her mouth as she threw her arms around his neck. He wrapped her tightly in his embrace.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I tried to get out, I tried to get to you, but I couldn’t. I tried and tried, but-”
Y/N cut him off with a kiss. Dean wept into it and didn’t even try to hide it. She tasted his salty tears and pulled back cupping his cheeks in her hands and shaking her head.
“No Dean, please don’t. Don’t put this on you, don’t punish yourself.”
Dean’s jaw clenched. “Yeah, why not? I let him in.”
Y/N brushed away his tears. “Yeah, to save Sam and Jack.” Dean opened his mouth to interrupt her again, but she continued quickly. “And if you punish yourself, you’ll hurt me too.”
Dean looked at her intently and she shook her head slowly. “We’re both safe now. We beat him. Together.”  She inhaled deeply. “Look, take a deep breath. Go on.” She encouraged when he didn’t do it immediately. 
He began to breathe in sync with her, timing his breathing with hers, but visions kept popping into his mind, the things Michael did to her using his hands, and he knew he hadn’t even seen everything; he knew there were things he couldn’t remember from when he'd been deeply submerged.
His breathing faltered and Y/N sighed. “I don’t remember all of it either.” She said; her psychic abilities were incredibly powerful, but he knew she wasn’t reading his mind - she just knew him too well, knew the way his mind worked, even from outside of it.
She cupped his cheeks again so he was looking into her eyes. “Can I show you where I was hiding a lot of the time?”
Dean nodded and she rested her forehead on his; he closed his eyes and let her in. 
There was suddenly a picture in his mind, like a memory, but he knew it wasn’t his. In truth, it wasn’t really a memory but a vision. In the vision he could see the two of them in an old hunter’s cabin; he remembered staying there once, years ago. But they’d simply holed up there for a night after a hunt.
The visions going through his mind had never happened. They were simply Y/N’s imaginings, the place she went in her mind to escape Michael’s torment.
In the vision Y/N and Dean cuddled together in the old bed and he was kissing her tenderly; they were having a food fight in the kitchen which she let him win so that he could lick frosting from her skin; Dean was reading to her and making her laugh by doing silly voices; they were eating pizza and talking animatedly about a hunt.
Then the visions shifted to a Christmas setting and they were sitting beside a big Christmas tree and he had the sense of being surrounded by family and loved ones, all laughing, happy and joyful, just beyond his eyeline.
In the span of a breath, he was suddenly back on the warehouse floor as Y/N broke the connection and pulled back. “I was only here sometimes, I ran away from him, as much as possible, ran far into my mind. And every single safe place in my mind revolved around you.”
He shuddered as she ran her hand soothingly through his hair. His voice was raspy with unshed tears. “I love you - so much.”
She finally let her tears flow free as she kissed him again. “I love you too.”
They clung to each other for a long time, finding their way back to one another and back to the sense of belonging they found in the other’s arms.
Finally Dean pushed himself to his feet and pulled Y/N with him. “Let’s get out of here and find Sam.” Y/N nodded, but before she could turn to get her bag, he pulled her to him for another kiss. 
When he pulled back, his green eyes were shining. “And it’s Christmas in a week. Let’s find that cabin, let’s invite everyone we know, and let’s make that dream a reality. Let’s not wait anymore to be happy.”
Y/N smiled widely and nodded, tears shimmering. “That sounds like a dream.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma @luvr4miya @arcannaa @viviwatchestv @winharry
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world @aylacavebear
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96 @stoneyggirl2
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iloveavatar · 2 years
neteyam x female!reader
this takes place in the forest before the RDA comes and ruins everything. 😒 however in this story the RDA doesn’t exist just because of how much pain they put me in😋
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neteyam remembers every detail when it comes to y/n.
he remembers meeting her. he remembers the look she had on her face when she caught him saying “i’m a mighty fisherman” to himself after successfully catching a fish.
he remembers it all.
one special memory he will forever remember, would be when the two of them finally were able to get their ikrans.
the two of them were ecstatic. they were about 14 years old (making this up bc idk when neteyam got his ikran).
as soon as they were given the “ok” to finally meet their banshee. the two started to sprint down the path to the hallelujah mountains.
neteyam remembers tugging at y/n’s tail as she walked infront of him. he remembers the eye rolls she would constantly give him, as if she wasn’t bursting with excitement as well.
when the two finally made it to where the ikrans were settled down at. they were nervous. obviously.
the entire sully family tagged along to watch neteyam earn his flying partner. they even came to cheer on y/n.
except lo’ak and kiri had a bet on who would be faster in succeeding.
neteyam decided to go first. not because he didn’t have faith if y/n… but because if anything bad we’re to happen, he would want it to happen to him first and not her.
neteyam slowly walked into the area that was surrounded by the multiple different colored banshees.
as he walked some flew away, at first he started to worry he wasn’t ready. until he saw it. one banshee started to stalk up to him and hiss.
it then clicked for neteyam. this one was his.
neteyam was quick on his feet to the point where nobody saw him create the bond with his ikran with how fast he actually was.
the only thing they saw was the ikran calming down and seeing neteyam perched on top of his new animal.
“fly neteyam! the first flight seals the bond!” y/n shouted, finally snapping out of the shock of seeing neteyam succeed so quickly.
the sully family plus y/n watched as neteyam shot his ikran through the air. he was flying so gracefully it seemed as if he’s been flying for years.
a few moments later neteyam landed his ikran near everyone with a proud smile on his face.
he jumped off of his new flying partner and walked towards y/n.
he saw how her tail was twitching with nerves. he saw the slight fear in her eyes.
he sighed as he walked forward to her. ignoring his family’s eyes.
“everything will be fine. we’re all right here for you if anything happens… i’m right here if anything happens” he started off strong but then ended in a whisper.
he placed his forehead on top of hers as she took a deep breath.
“ok. ok. i got this. oh eywa give me strength” she whispered to herself as she started to walk into the den.
she slowly continued through, seeing all of the banshees that were avoiding her.
she started to get discouraged and even more nervous.
‘what if i don’t find my ikran? what if i’m not ready?’ she thought while scanning the area.
then she finally heard a hiss from behind her.
she whipped her head around as her ears perked up. she saw a beautifully colored dark blue ikran with lighter blue spots spreading along its wings.
it would look even more beautiful if it wasn’t hissing at her.
y/n quickly reacted and started to swing the rope she would eventually use to tie to mouth shut.
the ikran went to pounce on her, but she side stepped around the giant creature. the rope twisting around the mouth to prevent being bitten.
although that would be an interesting first impression!
the banshee tried to scream but quickly realized they were prevented from doing so. the creature spread its wings in hopes of getting the na’vi away from it.
however y/n was determined to make this one hers.
while this is all happening neteyam is being held back by his mother. (i’m a firm believer in neteyam being a mommas boy)
he was frightened something was going to happen and he wouldn’t be able to reach her in time.
his eyes went back and forth from her to the ikran and back again.
he was terrified of losing her.
however the feeling of nervousness went away as soon as he saw y/n jump onto the ikran and grab the queue. she reached around her shoulder to grab her braid in order to make the bond.
she was holding herself steady on the ikran by squeezing her thighs around the creatures neck.
everyone watched in anticipation as the bond wad formed and the ikran started to calm down from underneath her.
y/n was stuck panting on top as she was finally able to breathe without worrying.
neteyam let out a gigantic sigh of relief at the sight of y/n succeeding.
“first flight seals the bond! go!” neytiri shouted with a huge smile on her face.
y/n quickly shot into the sky with her new banshee.
neteyam turned around to hop back onto his ikran to catch up to her.
neytiri looked at her eldest son for a second and glanced back towards jake. she held a slight smirk on her face. lo’ak and kiri we’re arguing about the bet they made and how they should’ve included rules. jake was speechless at how fast the two teens were able to bond with their ikrans.
his ego was a little bruised since he took so much longer.
neteyam was gracefully soaring through the mountains trying to catch a glimpse of y/n’s flying figure, except no matter where he looked she was nowhere to be found.
he started to get anxious.
‘what if she fell? what if she couldn’t control her ikran and something happened?”
“y/n!! where are you!” neteyam shouted, his voice full of worry.
“i’m right here you skxawng.” y/n voiced.
neteyam looked above him to see her flying upside down. her hair completely loose in the air. a bright smile upon her face.
she then flew the banshee beside neteyams so they were side by side together.
“isn’t this great! now we can go flying whenever we want!” she excitedly stated.
neteyam held a soft look on his face as he saw her excitement.
she kept rambling about all of the things they could do and all of the places they could now go to. she kept on saying how they could fly to open waters and go swimming, have races, see the stars while being in the air.
he would do all of those things and more if it meant being with her.
for the rest of the night the two kept flying, enjoying each other’s company and the calmness of the cool air.
the two eventually made their way back to the forest, but not without racing first.
long story short… y/n won.
only because neteyam wanted to see her smile longer.
this would forever be one of neteyams best memories of them together.
he knew they would always do things together.
everyone in the forest knew they always do things together. that’s just how it’s always been.
y/n and neteyam together.
PLEASE READ! info for future fic!!
i think i’m gonna make a fic where the reader is already the mate to one of the characters.
i just have no idea who yet.
it could be literally ANYONE from avatar i do not care who!
comment down who you guys want me to write abt please. i need to know.
i love you guys!
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
You know a concept stardew fans seem to not bring up? How wonderfully pathetic Yandere Clint would be. Like he is such a pathetic and insecure guy but I have a feeling he can become dangerous if in the right circumstance. Like we know he’s a blacksmith and you’ve even mentioned he’d make cuffs/chains. So what if he decided enough was enough and chose to take his beloved for himself.
I can already imagine how it happens; After so many years of pining for Emily, he’s grown tired of being alone and can’t work up the nerve to talk to her… But then a charming new farmer arrives and he can’t help but fall head over heels! He tries to deny his love for the farmer since he doesn’t want his years of loving Emily to feel like they went to waste, but the farmer seems to naturally grab his attention. He starts using his crush on Emily as an excuse to ask for the farmer’s help, but in actuality just wants to get close to them.
But naturally, the farmer has both men and women fawning over them and Clint feels threatened by this. He closes up out of fear of rejection and is terrified that he’ll end up pining for the farmer just like Emily. He doesn’t want this and decides that his only course of action would be to take the farmer away from everyone else.
(Sorry if you’re not up for discussions of stardew valley, I just remembered seeing one of your posts during my dive into the tags)
Omg??? I can’t believe I never considered this option. I’m not the biggest fan of Clint but he hasn’t really done anything for me to hate him, so this really puts him in a new light!
He really does just want someone to love him and once he finally gets someone to show even a shred of attention to him, he makes sure to hold an iron grip. He doesn’t want to hurt the farmer, not ever, but sometimes in order to have what you want you have to do some…questionable things.
Such as spreading rumors that you up and left once the bus was fixed, finding the town horrible and the people obnoxious. The whole town is left broken hearted and bitter about it but Clint seems more or less unphased. Swears he’s just not that attached to you and you leaving was sad but won’t hurt his life.
They all go with that lie too. They don’t question the banging coming from his shop because well, he’s a blacksmith, heavy clanging and banging is apart of the job. They don’t pay attention to certain marks and scars along his arms either, probably just apart of his job too, accidents happen.
Gunther started poking around a bit too much but a brutally busted display and some broken museum artifacts made him stay in his place. He didn’t know who did it, but his job and reputation isn’t worth the risk.
All of this while you’re locked in a new addition to his shop, beneath his bedroom, nice and locked up where no one can take you. It’s nice that you’ve learned to stop screaming for help, your poor throat used to get so sore!
It’s nice to have all this alone time with you too. Most of the town stays away from his shop, not really needing anything unless they want to sell some odds and ends. Just you, and him, and all the time in the world.
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dazealigner · 9 months
As a new Boygenius and Muna fan, scenarios with both groups are just in my head like wild fire ( my notes app is crying. )
And since you’ve asked for our thoughts, I thought I’d share this with you.
I am nervous cuz I don’t really send asks even if they’re anon so I hope this is good :b Also i’m so sorry for the length omg
Whether or not it’s just boygenius, muna, or both bands are on stage at the same time. You are not safe backstage. They have so much love to give, why would you be?
Let me paint the scene for you.
You, the bestfriend of munagenius, a solo artist who does write songs and poetry, but especially loves being crafty. Paintings, drawings, origami, etc. ( I’m saying this because of a different scenario I’ve thought of with Munagenius having an artist!friend, maybe I’ll drop that thought here later 👀)
While you are known for your solo work, you’re also known for the shenanigans you, the boys, and muna get up to.
So since you tend to tag along on tours and gigs, it’s not uncommon for you to be side stage or backstage at their shows. You’re just there being so proud of your bestfriends and how hard they’ve worked to get to where they are.
The crowd doesn’t always know you’re there until they accidentally see you, hear you, or you get pulled on stage, which is not uncommon.
Now imagine both groups are on stage just preforming and rocking their little hearts out as usual. And then the shenanigans start.
The dancing on each other, the kissing, they’re running around the stage, etc, etc.
You’re just there watching them, not really being phased cuz the behavior is normal to you, hell a good chunk of the time you join in, or you gay panic, either or.
So maybe you just stay right there at the side of the stage and watch, maybe you go backstage for whatever reason.
Then… one or two of the people on stage remembers, in the midst of their adrenaline high, that you’re there. Just seeing all this unfold, now all of them have much love to give, obviously they show it to you time and time again, so why not show their love for you, their dear bestfriend, on stage?
Either one of them, two of them, maybe a few more of them just suddenly run backstage to get you.
For this I’m gonna say that the two who decided to go after you was Julien and Jo right, it was not long after they had their little moment ( the one where Jules did the knee thing to Jo? yeah) and all of a sudden they just give each other a look.
Next thing you know they’re running to the side of the stage, confusing the crowd and the rest of the members of their bands cuz why tf did they just bolt like that?
The band members are just looking in confusion, until they slowly smile as they see you being borderline manhandled and dragged onto the stage.
Maybe you tried to run once you saw the two rush towards you, knowing what was about to happen. That wasn’t gonna work cuz regardless of which friend it is they always end up catching you.
Which they did, now you, being shorter than Jo but just a bit taller than julien, is currently being tussled on stage by the both of them(When I tell you, you get caught in seconds when you try to run, idk why you still try)
the crowd is in an uproar of laughs and screams, cuz it’s not like their fans don’t know who you are, you have your own fanbase and Munagenius is almost always talking about you, and if they’re not talking about you, they’re posting you on their social media and vice versa. It’s no secret that you’re very close with both of the groups. Hell they may or may not have written songs about you.
Not only is the group and the crowd glad to see you, you’re literally being dragged on stage by a golden retriever and the little one, who wouldn’t laugh?! (Jo gives off such golden retriever energy I can’t,…… I’ll pitch that Idea to someone’s inbox soon) (also they way I just struggled to type ‘inbox’ is embarrassing but anyways 💀)
Anyways all three of you are laughing and shit, maybe they’re tickling you so it’s harder for you to run.
Eventually you get set down and the storm starts, maybe Jo kissed you first? maybe Lucy? Julien??? who knows, all you know is that your friends are showing you so much love, you can barely breath before another one picks up where the last one started.
They’re kissing you cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, neck, lips. And boooooy do you get shy.
It’s not like you’re afraid to show your love to them, you’ve kissed them, cuddled, wrote songs about them, made art about them more times than you can count, and talked about them in interviews. (I also imagine that their bestfriend is the person to send paragraphs of appreciation for them at random, and post appreciation posts on instagram for any of Munagenius’ birthday ( or again, at random, artist! bff is a very sentimental and grateful being that does stuff out of kindness at random, no special occasion needed!!!) and their words are so genuine and poetic it moves people.
AND they just send photos like “ this made me think of you” to let Munagenius know that they’re on their mind, aw, let me get back on track hold on 😭)
Artist bff is also not shy on stage, when they HAVE preformed….. let’s just say people now demand you pay for emotional damages.
YOU’RE SUCH A FUCKING TEASE ON STAGE, facial expressions, winking, motioning you finger in the ‘come here’ motion, biting your lip, dancing. Artist bff is a damn charisma fairy
Yet here you are, on stage with Muna and Boygenius, Blushing at some kisses???? Unbelievable.
Maybe artist!bff isn’t that used to their love being reciprocated, especially publicly so they’re just a bit surprised and flustered.
So you’re just getting bombarded with kisses and hugs and little tickles from both groups, and they’re teasing and cooing at you for hiding your face cuz the fucking audacity that you have to have insane amounts of charisma and be a tease when you’re preforming but the moment you’re not the one preforming, you’re shy?
BUT LIKE you’re overwhelmed with love ( in a good way) and beautiful people that just so happen to be your best friends are kissing you, live, infront of hundreds of people. Sit here and tell me you wouldn’t gay panic YOU CANT
I also imagine that maybe they all have a nickname for you, like ‘love bug’ or ‘little love’ cuz you’re the youngest out of the 6 of them and one of the shortest, and while you’re being brought on stage Katie’s just like “ Oh, they got bug.” while smiling cuz they all just love you so much and AHHHH
Eventually you end up hiding your face in someone’s neck afterwards and they’re just rocking you side to side chucking at how cute you are. Mind you the show must go on so they’re STILL PREFORMING throughout the whole thing but you’re a bit too overwhelmed to walk off the stage rn so into the escape of someone’s arms you go.
There’s also new edits and clips on y’all on tiktok now so have fun with that LMAO
That was a lot, I probably didn’t write that well so forgive me I tried😭
hiii anon !!! first off, WELCOME TO MUNAGENIUS NATION WOOOO!! i feel like tumblr is the proprietor of munagenius nation so i hope we’ve found you well
and don’t worry about sending asks and their lengths, i literally had the time of my life reading this. you guys could send a five paragraph essay and i would sit through and enjoy every minute of it
but let’s get started because I AM SO INVESTED IN THIS ARTIST!BFF IDEA (if you wouldn’t mind pleaaaase further elaborate on this idea because as i continued reading i only grew to love and adore artist!bff more). and i wanted to add that artist!bff not only being a singer but also being a poet can only mean they’re a brilliant lyricist. and since they also draw, paint, and do origami, i can picture the munagenius members having their drawings pinned on their tour busses. and i can only imagine that artist!bff has made at least one sentimental art project for each munagenius members, so they all have artist!bff’s work framed somewhere in their house.
and not only getting to tag along, but also getting to go to all—if not, most—of their shows sounds like a DREAM. i think it’s hilarious though how artist!bff inevitably gets dragged into their shenanigans in spite of their efforts.
and i am indeed a julien and jo girly, how’d you know!!!!! but artist!bff trying to run away…. lovebug did not stand a CHANCE! julien’s got lighting speed and jo’s strong… you’re doomed. and we already know how crazy munagenius tik tok went for jo and julien’s kiss, could you begin to imagine how crazy they’d go for artist!bff—who also has a large fanbase—being dragged onto the stage by BOTH of them????!
and i could totally see the golden retriever!jo idea. i gotta tell you that when you said that, my initial thought was their new hair just cause it’s so fluffy and golden retriever-like (someone back me up) (also feel free to pitch me this idea as well!!!!! pleeeease)
and in this scenario, i 100% see muna being responsible for the tickling and boygenius being in a rush to get their lips on you. like you’re being manhandled by julien and jo whilst everyone is running over to you and they set you down but naomi’s in tickle monster mode and so is jo so you can’t even attempt to get up. meanwhile lucy’s hovering on top of you kissing all over your face and julien’s hands are in your hair and she kisses your head and phoebe and katie are standing above you guys like “☹️☹️i wanna pucker my lips on them too????!”
and may i just say that i am loving the similarities between me and artist!bff. i as well get incredibly overwhelmed by affection (not that it’s a bad thing) and i physically do not know how to respond to it so as a result i get shy. ALSO ARTIST!BFF BEING A POET/WRITER 🤝 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION AS OUR LOVE LANGUAGE!!! it only makes sense!
artist!bff’s lyricism being detrimental to the mentally ills is one of the several reasons they and munagenius are best friends I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!!!!
and hold on a SECOND. why do i low(high)key want artist!bff….. head my WAY! also your descriptions made me think of reneé rapp (off topic but i’ll do anything to bring up reneé rapp sorry not sorry)
i Imagine that artist!bff has so so so much love and affection to give so when the role’s are switched, they’re like???! they’re flustered but they loooove it.
AND THAT’S SOOO NOT FAIR, all munagenius members have well reached maximum attractiveness and if they’re all kissing artist!bff at the SAME TIME, how else are they supposed to react???? but i mean i get it artist!bff’s fine as FUCK sooo
and i could just picture the edits of artist!bff with their face shoved in someone’s neck (i’ll say katie for this cause i feel like she’d be the only one who isn’t laughing in your face about how your cheeks and ears are red and would just be patting your hair). ALSO LOVEBUG!!!!! i used that name a couple times cause it just seems fitting for artist!bff they’re so cutesie
i literally thought so thoroughly about this idea while writing this, i absolutely love it so so so much. THANK YOU ANON this made my day and i love your mind for coming up with this
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not-so-lost-after-all · 7 months
Moments before the disaster
Astarion and Tav having supposedly the last chance to have some fun time together AKA the missing opportunity to go on a date.
Inspired this amazing piece by the talented @lirotation This is not your Amaara but I hope you don't mind ;)
Tagged: @spacebarbarianweird
His heart was lighter, she knew. It's been two tendays and something since he gloriously murdered Cazador, that prick who ruined his life, and they both were giddy. Amongst all the violence around, it was perhaps the only comforting thing, Esipre thought.
They both knew it's only question of time before he'll have to return to the shadows - if they survive at all - and they had an unspoken deal to make the most out of it.
They made love almost every night and sometimes it felt like her legs are shaped around his hips and her breasts were always sore. "He would make a fine consort if you're the type to be addicted to dick," Minthara raised her eyebrow and Esipre just shook her head and laughed.
She gave him her blood once, the most she could effort. As always it felt like falling into the cold water and then heatwave thanks to his touches. Her eyelids were already heavy when he kissed her and he tasted like smoke and brandy and the iron in her blood. She rolled her hips and sighed when he filled her up and then Astarion whispered something in elvish while brushing her chin and neck with his lips. Sometimes she woke up to him curled around her like a cat. One morning she watched the first rays of sun coming through the window and through the tip of his pointy ear before waking him up by kissing that ear.
The two of them were always the last to go to sleep and the first ones to get up, just shortly after sunrise.
But the time was almost up. Tomorrow or the day after that, she thought. Their merry band was well prepared and Esipre tried to keep their spirit high the best way she could. She was strangely calm about what they're about to do, she wasn't more sure about anything in her life.
When Astarion asked her about it, she shrugged. "Of course. But being afraid was never of any use to me. I'm done running."
"That's my girl," he grinned and nodded.
"Truth to be told, it was you who inspired me to not run away just because it's the easiest way."
He looked at her, bewildered. "Easy now, darling..."
Gods above, she loved all of him but it always made her heart flutter how precious he was whenever thrown out of his element.
"Anyway, this may be our last chance to have fun. Come with me?" Esipre smiled at him. She offered him her hand and Astarion immediately took it.
First thing first, she stole a bottle of red wine from a street vendor while laughing at his stupid jokes. Astarion was simply standing nearby, enjoying the show. "I could say I'm shocked about your criminal behaviour, you villain, but that would be a lie," her vampire rewarded her with a high pitched giggle. He stole two iron cups in a short few minutes...
The were walking along the waterfront and watched the last returning fishing boats.
They heard a scream from a dark alleyway and then a Sharran cultict running from that direction. She blasted him with a firebolt, then dramatically bowed like an illusionist when two temple guards were thanking her.
They were sitting in the shade of an apple tree in the park, with Astarion's head in her lap. The sun was already low in the sky, its light golden. They heard some female voices calling their kids for dinner. She wrinkled her nose as one of the buzzing bees briefly stopped in front of her. Esipre sipped a bit of the wine from the cup and laughed as Astarion was gossiping about Shadowheart. The moment was like the last day of summer, sweet and melancholic at the same time.
"What is it, darling?" Astarion noticed her unfocused eyes.
Esipre didn't want to ruin the mood but then decided to simply tell the truth. "I just wish to freeze this moment in time."
"I don't. I'm just happy there's something always changing in my life now, after two centuries of doing the same with the same outcome."
"And you can deal with anything, I'm aware of that." Astarion was the strongest person she knew but telling him that would make his ego the size of the moon. Though he wasn't so sure how well he's going to take the ending of his love affair with the sun because that surely won't come gently. But she left that unsaid.
Esipre caressed his collarbone with her finger. "You're still warm from the sun," she smiled.
There was a hint of something darker, painful in his ruby eyes but it almost instantly faded. Astarion then took her hand and kissed her wrist. "Just an illusion anyway. I can perform the same trick using't heat from the fire whenever you want to."
Esipre was a bit tipsy which always made her say things she would probably regret saying otherwise.
"Provided we'll survive. I... may not be some serial killer you can swoon over or a young girl who you'd have easier time to wrap around you finger..."
"Don't," he moved a finger across her jaw. "How many times do I need to tell you you're perfect everytime?"
She hapilly giggled. "...but I think we've still had a great time together. Just so you know." Becase you may not want to see me ever again if we survive tomorrow.
"Look," Esipre pointed at the last small part of the sun disappearing on the horizon with childlike wonder.
"I can only see you," Astarion continued watching her, now sitting next to her.
She turned to him, then they both closed their eyes. "Three. Two. One," she whispered to the last rays of the sun.
The kiss was teasing and playful and long like they have all the time in the world. "That choice was painful, you know that," he said when their foreheads touched. "It'll be even more. But for moments like this I wouldn't have it any other way."
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hahnspoetrywrites · 10 months
My Love, Mine All Mine
A/N: HELLLOOOO!!! I'm back! Sorry for the loooooooong period of inactivity. I was struggling to write for a while but some good good friends of mine helped inspire me and this is the result of that. My writing my be rusty so apologies if it's a bit meh.
Also NEW FANDOM!!! Natasha O'Keeffe... if you're free next Thursday I have a day off and I am totally 100% free.
Lanfear x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, fluff, lots of touching, mentions of violence... nothing graphic I don't think, Moiraine isn't nice in this, reader is female but I tried to keep it as neutral as possible.
Title inspired by the Mitski song of the same name, Lanfear would listen to it and think of her love I KNOW IT
Tagged: @baubeautyandthegeek
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You don’t remember falling asleep, but as you woke up you felt soft fingers tracing along your scalp, another gentle hand holding you close to someone tightly. You shuffled in closer to them but kept your eyes shut, hearing them exhale a laugh. 
“Still feeling tired, my darling?” Lanfear muttered gently against your head, making you smile where your head rested against her shoulder. You nodded your head against her shoulder once you were comfortable, feeling her hold you tighter. 
If you could, you wouldn’t ever leave her embrace, she was always so warm and gentle, not like the Forsaken you’d been told about so often. Moiraine had warned you she wasn’t to be trusted, but you’d seen a completely different side to her, one you couldn’t have imagined. When those Whitecloaks stormed Falme and Lanfear saw you in danger, being chased by some of those wretched men, she had to step in. You were too busy watching them to notice the tall, raven-haired woman not too far ahead of you. You stumbled into her, but she caught you with ease. You hid your face against her shoulder as you heard the men screaming, not daring to turn and look at them, or whatever this woman was doing to them. She held you close without thinking.
“Are you alright?” She asked gently, wondering how you were left alone in the midst of an attack. 
“Y-Yes… I think so. How did you-” The woman began pulling you away from the destruction and fighting and into the tower, finding a room that was secluded enough the two of you wouldn’t be found. 
“Who are you?” You asked, watching as she turned her head to face you.
“And why would you need to know that?” She’d turned her whole body to face you now, allowing you to look at her properly for the first time. She was gorgeous. Pale skin, bright blue eyes, long black hair that fell against her back. You’d never seen a woman so gorgeous.
“Hello?” She clicked her fingers in your face to get your attention, not missing the slight blush that crept up on her cheeks at the attention, nor the bashful smile she gave you.
“Sorry… I just wanted to know who saved me so I could thank them properly,” You replied, still looking at her in awe of her beauty. Her hand gently touched your cheek, stroking it with her fingers. 
“Lanfear,” She spoke quietly, as if muttering her name was dangerous. It was an unusual name, but still pretty nonetheless. You smiled at her as you told her your name. 
“A pretty name for a pretty girl,” you blushed. The screaming began to die down from outside, both of you listening intently. “Hmm… I think it’s safe to go back out.” You suggested, her hand still holding your cheek gently. 
“Maybe, I think we should stay here a little longer. Just to be safe,” She’d moved closer to you, noses almost touching. 
“I think that’s a smart idea,” You agreed, finding yourself more drawn to her by the minute.
Surprisingly, you spent most of that time finding out about each other, Lanfear asking you more questions than her answering yours. After a while you both decided to emerge, Lanfear holding your hand ‘as a way to protect you’, she’d said. Not that you didn’t want her to, her hand was soft and warm. You both stood, dotted amongst the crowd as the banner was raised across the sky in fire, the Dragon claiming himself. You watched as Lanfear smiled proudly and you couldn’t help but smile at her. She glanced over at you, smiling brighter as she tugged you closer with her hand. She pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek as her arm snuck around your waist. You could feel the blush rushing to your cheeks as you leant against her. 
Later on, when you and Moiraine found each other in Falme, you’d spent most of the time talking about Rand and what had happened. When you mentioned a dark-haired woman saving you she stilled. When you told her who’d done it, she looked exasperated. 
“She cannot be trusted! She’s a Forsaken, one of the Dark Lord’s most powerful soldiers. And you’ve been aimlessly flirting with her?!? I never took you for an idiot, but this is a stupid move from you.” Moiraine’s words stung, the harshness of her tone breaking your heart. You couldn’t see how Lanfear could be that person. 
“She isn’t like that Moiraine! She wants to see the world and explore, she wants to make this world a better place. If she is a Forsaken, then she’s the nicest I’ve ever met! And if she’s really as evil as you say she is, why did she save me from Whitecloaks? Why did she protect me and hide the pair of us away from them until it was safe?”
“There may be an ulterior motive that we’re not seeing… I don’t see what she would gain from having you in her grasp. Hardly the strongest channeller,” Moiraine kept laying down harsh criticism after harsh criticism, so much so you fled the room after a while, not wanting to listen to it anymore. You walked the streets of Falme haphazardly, the tears blurring your vision until you bumped into someone.
“Oh- I’m so sorry, I- Lanfear?” Lanfear stood before you, arms holding your shoulders gently. The second she saw your tear stained cheeks and felt the way you were shaking, she whisked you away back to her room. Her arms wrapped around you so tightly, feeling you sob into her chest made her heart shatter. She’d have to make whoever hurt you like this pay.
“Who did this to you, sweetheart?” She asked you, once again her voice light and soft, making you question how she could be a Forsaken.
“Who hurt you like this? I can’t stand to see anyone hurting you like this,” Lanfear pulled away, brushing your hair behind your ears before holding your cheeks. Her thumbs wiped at the still falling tears.
“I-It was Moiraine. She- she told me you’re a- a Forsaken. Is it true?” You looked her in the eyes and saw fear creep into them. 
“I am, darling. But I promise you, I mean you no harm. All I wanted to do was save a pretty girl from a bunch of evil men, I didn’t expect to find her so beautiful and charming.”
She smiled at you so softly, her lips leaving a featherlight kiss above each of your eyes, the soreness from crying disappearing. 
“She told me you must’ve had an ulterior motive for saving me. But it couldn’t be for my channelling because I’m not strong enough, can’t be connected to an Ajah, there’s no way I’m powerful enough to become one. I’m not that pretty, I don’t have any good or royal connections… I’m-“ She cut you off by kissing your lips gently. They were soft, featherlight yet almost dominating. She knew what she wanted from this kiss and she would have it. And you’d let her take it.
“I don’t want to hear you say anything negative about yourself like that… Ever. You’re beautiful, and from what you told me earlier, brave, kind and smart. As for channelling, well, you’ve got me. I can help you train and keep you safe. I can protect you from anyone who wishes to harm you. Even that little Aes Sedai. If you want me to?” Her eyes were expressive, showing the clear desperation she felt to keep you safe. You couldn’t deny you felt automatically safe around her, wanting to stick by her side. Especially after the way Moiraine spoke to you. You nodded, wanting her to keep you safe for as long as she could, before she kissed you once more. 
You both spent a lot of time running from Moiraine and Lan, staying in the most obscure places you could, exploring the world as much as you could at the same time. That’s what led you here, to this small cabin in the middle of the woods. It had been quiet and sweet, almost romantic without the given circumstances. As Lanfear’s fingers continued to massage your head gently, you smiled, feeling content with her in that moment. 
“When did you get back?” You asked, feeling guilty for missing her coming home. 
“I’m not sure, you were asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake you, you looked so peaceful. And I know it’s been hard for you to rest,” Lanfear watched you snuggle up closer, moving your head to rest gently on her chest. 
“I find it hard to sleep when you’re not home… or at least when I don’t know where you are. I don’t want anyone hurting you,” You didn’t want to admit the truth to her. The fear you felt whenever you were travelling between places was inevitable, but when she was gone, your fear increased tenfold. She cupped your chin with her fingers softly, before turning you to face her. 
“Baby, it pains me far too much to be away from you. And I’ll always, always come back to you no matter what. I can’t bear to think about your little heartbroken face. Thinking about anyone even thinking about hurting you makes me want to unleash the true extent of my power upon the world,” Lanfear kissed the corner of your mouth, the softness of her lips always surprising you. You moved a hand to cup her cheek, pulling her even closer to you. Your nose almost bumped her own, much like when you were first together in Falme. 
“And that little Aes Sedai won’t be finding us for a little while,” Lanfear’s breath was hot against your face, her lips claiming your own gently, before you pulled away softly.
“What do you mean?” you asked. Part of you was slightly concerned at what she might’ve done to Moiraine and Lan, but most of you was happy to finally have time with Lanfear that wouldn’t be cut short by their sudden appearance or needing to leave so they wouldn’t appear. 
“They aren’t injured or hurt… I may have lured them into the Waygate and blasted them back to their starting point in Falme. We deserve a little time together, I haven’t been able to spend any real time with you. My precious girl,” She chuckled gently as you pulled her in for a kiss. Your lips took charge this time, moving yourself so you were on top of her, straddling her. She laughed into the kiss once more, having never seen this side of you before. 
“That means we’ll actually get to spend time together without having to worry about them?” You asked in disbelief. You couldn’t believe you had this time with her uninterrupted. 
“Well, the closest Waygate to where we are is five days by horse, even longer on foot. And the Waygate to Falme may temporarily be out of action right now thanks to a cute little spider.” Lanfear trailed kisses down your face to your neck, gently sucking the skin enough to leave a little mark. 
“Remind me to thank the Spiderling for that,” Your voice caught in your throat at Lanfear’s softness, her hands holding your waist as she moved her lips down to nibble at your exposed collarbone. 
“What about my thanks? I’m the one who led them off our trail… and blasted them through the Waygate back to Falme? Don’t I get a thank you?” She teased, pulling away from you to look in your eyes. You rolled your eyes softly before giving her a peck on the lips. 
“What made you think you weren’t going to get a thank you?” You kissed her once more, before moving down to her neck. She still had her usual clothes on, trousers and a loose shirt. As you worked your way down the skin exposed by her open shirt she sighed contentedly. 
“I love you, my darling.” Lanfear’s voice shocked you, making you pause and look her in the eyes. Her eyes began to fill with fear before you smiled back at her, leaning up to kiss her one more time. 
“I love you too, my Forsaken.”
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