dedalvs · 8 months
Damn you sexy
This has no punctuation, so I choose to punctuate it as follows:
Damn you, sexy!
As in my nickname, as everyone knows, is "Sexy", and this anonymous commenter is damning me for my actions. Something along the lines of this:
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Happy birthday to me and my vibe.
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quothalinguist · 10 months
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A useful word for daily life is akshahi, which means “friend” in Chakobsa. This word is featured in an expression we created for this language: vaashaaha belal akshaaha, which translates as “it is dry but for friends.” In other words, life is better with friends!
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langtimestudio · 10 months
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When a cat archer shoots a diske (“arrow”), the verb they use is ekä, whose core meaning “to release, to loose, to let go, to open one’s paw” is extended to mean “to shoot” in the context of shooting an arrow. Shooting an arrow requires pulling back to create tension, and the arrow doesn’t do anything until the archer releases that tension. It’s an act of letting go.
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nayanuwa · 2 years
Something I’ve found recently that’s really fun is that apparently the language creator for High Valyrian is putting all of his translations on, of all places, ao3, for each House of the Dragon episode as it comes out (he also did this for each GoT episode.)
So here’s a link to the episode 4 translations if anyone’s looking for some more High Valyrian color to add to their daemyra shipping.
Probably the funnest little easter egg here is that the word ‘content’ apparently translates to the phrase ‘happy like a bunny’ in High Valyrian. Cute!
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appletreeduty · 1 year
my favorite thing about american linguist David J. Peterson is that we reblog the same cuteweirdfuzzy art pieces on tumblr dot com 
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veiledinviolet · 2 years
if i had a [unit of currency] for every popular tumblr user called David J. P… with a nerdy hobby-turned-job i'd have two [unit of currency] and so on and so forth
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letsduneit · 5 months
i just found out that jessica's face tattoos translate to the litany against fear which... wow. (for those curious, david j peterson, the linguist behind the chakobsa in dune part two, posted it to his twitter account. edit: i've been informed he also has a tumblr account @dedalvs check him out)
we can see jessica recite this litany during the water of life scene in dune part two, but also during paul's gom jabbar scene and the desert storm scene in dune part one. it goes as follows:
"i must not fear. fear is the mind-killer. fear is the little-death that brings obliteration. i will face my fear and i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past, i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the fear has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain."
here are her tattoos:
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and here is the chakobsa translation:
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david j peterson is also the dude behind a bunch of other popular conlangs, like the dothraki and valyrian languages from game of thrones. i was so hyped to hear he'd partnered on with denis villeneuve for the dune movies and he did not disappoint! you can thank him for the realism of paul's chakobsa scenes in part two, especially his final grand speech.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Reminder that there are currently no workarounds to following a reblog chain back.
"Prev tags" is not going to work. It was always inconvenient and controversial, but it is now impossible.
If someone brings up the "click the empty space next to it" thing, they are mistaken. Here's an example:
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If I click "sergeant-angels-trashcan" I will go to the top of that blog. If I click the white space below the username, I will go to this post on that blog.
If I click fucklestat, I will go to the top of that blog. If I click the white space next to that username, I will go to this post, at that specific comment, on that blog. This is how we avoid additional comments we don't want, like when you have three people in a row that were just tagging another person or going 'omg this' and you want to cut back on
(That doesn't apply to this specific post, where the dedalvs addition is actually super cool, but the fact that I have multiple reblogs in a single post was important for the example.)
However, if sergeant-angels-trashcan were to tag this as "prev tags," with no additional information, then the reading is "sarge appreciates the tags from rainbowwificonnection. I need to find this post on that person's blog.
Previously, I would click on their name up here, and it would take me to that exact post on their blog:
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It does not do that anymore.
Like the other 'click on the username' situations, it takes me to the top of this person's blog. However, clicking the white space above, below, or next to them will take me to Sarge's post, not rainbowwificonnection's.
Can I open up the notes and dig through the tags? Sure, maybe. If it's a post that's gone viral, though, and it's a few days out of date, it will be next to impossible to find the specific post and specific tags. Could I go to their post and scroll down until I find the post? Sure, if this isn't a queued post, and the post is from the last day or two instead of a few weeks. Remember, searches don't work consistently on this site.
And beyond that, if the previous person has reblogged a post multiple times, you can't be sure you've found the correct one.
"Prev tags" only has meaning to the person you reblogged from, unless you copy the tags out and include them in the body of the post or into your tags with "<< prev tags" as an indicator.
So yeah. Stop using prev tags. They've gone from inconvenient to downright impossible.
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daenystheedreamer · 10 months
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Aegon is related to aegion which is "iron"...
A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin / Aegon and Balerion, Jordi Gonzalez, The World of Ice and Fire / HBO House of the Dragon / Game of Thrones - Histories and Lore: The Dance of the Dragons / David J. Peterson @dedalvs
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ragebear · 2 months
something that has just occurred to me is that because Valyrian puts its negation at/near the end of the phrase, it can do more or less the same joke format Japanese can (and others, but my understanding is that ol’ Davey Petes pulled from Japanese, specifically.)
I.e., in Valyrian you negate a phrase by adding daor to the end, and in Japanese a question is formed by adding ka to the end of an otherwise statement-style phrase. So it’s common in Japanese comedy (and politics, I hear) for people to say what seems like a statement only to add ka to make the whole thing a question. What a twist!
where I’m going with this is when is @dedalvs going to give us a valyrian comedy in a similar fashion
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conlangery · 5 months
6 Language Creators, 1 Adventure
The Qazhexeshor ("Red Wastes") are expanding, and threatening to cut off a vital trade route between Tordam and Sotin'a. The sages believe that the diviner Damahl left a prophecy of this event, and are determined to learn anything that could help them stop it. Five brave adventurers stand at the foot of Damahl's tower deep within the Qazhexeshor, on a quest to retrieve the Xeshor Tablet.
In October of 2023, I began a livestream series to create what became known as Ndăkaga, my take on D&D's Draconic language. My intent was to have a language of ancient dragons that would also serve to help write incantations for arcane spells in D&D. Not that the language is developed enough to do that, I have arranged a one-shot to get a chance to demonstrate what those incantations can add to the game.
You can join me, Artifexian, @agmaschwa, Biblaridion, @dedalvs, and our DM Joey Windsor on May 17 at 1 pm Central Time (18:00 UTC) for a D&D one-shot in the region of Dal'a. I will be playing a draconic bloodline Sorceror shouting spells in Ndăkaga, and there will be a couple other conlangs involved as well.
See you then, and happy conlanging!
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dedalvs · 8 months
for years I thought your handle was a conlang spelling of ‘dead elves’ and it’s so deeply embedded in my psyche that I have to force myself to think ‘Daedalus’ now every time I see a post
It was the most perplexing and dumbfounding thing to me to learn that people were actually pronouncing the v in dedalvs like a [v]. Like...has no one studied Latin?! Or seen a building with something engraved in Latin on it?
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quothalinguist · 10 months
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The word jarib means “story” in Chakobsa. It is built on the root that gives us the verb jara meaning “to tell, to say” and carries the instrument derivation—a story is an instrument by which you tell things to other people.
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langtimestudio · 9 months
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The Haughòf word for “arrow” is syàvò, which is the augmentative form of syà (“splinter”)—an arrow is like a large splinter.
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dapurinthos · 1 month
so i finally got around to actually reading @dedalvs's the art of language invention for the purposes of its purpose (nine years later. this is why you buy the books, people! that giant pile is going to be read). i have copious highlights and notes on paper and here are some of the replies i had for parts of the book.
(i always get a kick out of when someone positions themselves as the ‘default’ for pronunciations because i have some quirks in my pronunciations, like the absence of the cot-caught (lot-thought, also father-bother which makes me go ??? those aren’t even near the same vowel) merger present in nearly all canadian english (most north american english, really) in my vowels. that was a fun day in linguistics class (everyone else: /kʰɒt/ /kʰɒt/. me: /koːt/ /kɔːt/).)
anyway, select passages behind the cut as to not crowd up your flist dash.
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oh hildegard. you would have loved the bardcore version of 'hips don't lie'.
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this is the gospel truth. go look at how japanese verbs function. they’re categorized as godan, ichidan, and irregular. how are they categorized? like a nightmare. godan verbs are ones that end with -u and move through the whole fucking vowel row of the hiragana chart, which is why they’re called ‘five-level’ verbs. u want to know where this vowel change takes place? oh it’s not a suffix or a prefix. nooooo it’s in the middle of the word (only the end when it’s the -u form). kikanai > kikimasu > kiku > kikeru > kikou, for the base godan verb bases (negative, polite, dictionary form, potential, volitional conjugations).
ichidan bases are easy in comparison. the -ru ending is the only thing that changes. and then there’s the godan ones that disguise themselves as ichidan verbs.
the irregular ones are fine. they're normal. there are only two of them — suru: 'to make'; and kuru: 'to come'. they're like particles so you get things like kaiten suru: 'to rotate, spin', where it's made up of the noun kaiten: 'revolution, rotation' and my verb friend suru: 'to make', so it's literally 'to make' + 'rotation'.
i took one look at japanese godan and ichidan conjugation, kidnapped the way the irregular verbs work (suru: to do/make/etc, kuru: to come; used like particles, after an action & such, like kaiten suru: to rotate, spin, lit. rotation + to do/to make), and then backed away slowly, not making eye contact. this was the correct choice. i also believe it was why i chose not to go further in my japanese study when i was eleven/twelve-ish. that and it was impossible to study japanese in a 20 000-person town excuse me unincorporated community in southern ontario during the previous millennium.
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this poor caribou. i need to work this word into my vocabulary immediately.
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i have the opportunity to do something really funny with what the word for the number four will be in taizhan-jen, in the grand tradition of four = death like: sì/sǐ (mandarin), sei3/sei2 (cantonese), shi for both (japanese), tứ/tử (vietnamese), sa for both (korean). like how i decided andobi (the name of a mountain range on ando) was a compound of ando + obi, so obi now means 'mountain', 'fixed/firm' and adding the adjectival suffix gets obi'i: 'steadfast'.
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hey guys so don't go flood his notes or anything please but @/dedalvs i know you follow this account so thanks first of all second of all check your dms from @/just-a-smol-boi from a week or a couple days ago please and thank you (:
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