#deep conan lore
elbiotipo · 2 months
Cuándo se arma la conspiración clonan? Yo creo que no existen.
Hay muchas teorías conspirativas en Twitter, acá hay algunos datos:
Según uno revisó en el internet archive, para la empresa que los clonó en realidad son 4 perros (del original que estaba muerto y/o murió en los últimos años)
Todas las fotos existentes muestran 4 perros
Pero entonces por qué Milei dice que son 5? Porque para él Conan está vivo, evidentemente
No ha habido una sola foto de él con "sus hijos de 4 patas" que no sea IA o la promo de la empresa, uno pensaría que si los quiere tanto subiría una foto al instagram no, como Alberto con Dylan?
Por eso aclaro que "todas las fotos existentes" simplemente NO HAY OTRAS FOTOS
Se hicieron caniles a gran costo en la Quinta de Olivos (residencia presdiencial argentina) con aire acondicionado y todo, que se usaron de excusa para que Milei siga en el Hotel Libertador porque no se podía mudar ahí sin sus "hijos de 4 patas"
Esto es muy importante porque las reuniones en Olivos tienen que ser agendadas, en el hotel no, entonces nadie sabe cuantas reuniones ni con quien tuvo en esas dos semanas (creo no me acuerdo) que estuvo ahí como presidente sin ninguna clase de agenda oficial
A todo esto los caniles en Olivos parecen estar totalmente vacíos, y según se cuenta los perros están totalmente desacostumbrados al contacto humano
(recordemos que los perros de Alberto, Macri y CFK no tenían absolutamente ningún problema en vivir en Olivos)
Algunos dicen que capaz están en una guardería para perros, pero claramente con Milei no están
Eso sí, los perros existen, y eso es sabido. En el departamento de Milei los vecinos se quejaban de que eran agresivos y ruidosos
Según lo que cuentan en el libro "El Loco", Milei no podía hacer que se lleven bien (porque es un pelotudo que tiene mastines en un departamento de Capital), entonces lo que hizo es poner unos ganchos en el piso, atarlos con correas ahí y darles de comer.
El departamento de Milei terminó así con 4(?) perros que se odian, haciendo sus necesidades ahí en el piso, dejando "un chiquero" como tengo entendido que él mismo lo dijo una vez. Es realmente espantoso, vomitivo, no sé que decirles
(algunos especulan que como los perros son clones no se reconocían y por eso se odiaban entre ellos, no soy experto en perros y dudo pero le da un aire más siniestro a todo)
Se sabe también que uno de los perros lo atacó a Milei y le dejó el brazo hecho mierda, así que tanto cariño no les tiene parece
Entre una de las cosas que dijo es que él y Conan se encontraron originalmente como gladiador y león en el coliseo romano. Sería una anécdota más pero Milei y Karina fueron a Roma y se sacaron una foto ahí
Hay que hacer todo un megapost del misticismo de Andrew y Leley Javier y Karina la verdad.
Milei consultó con un científico argentino, Daniel Salamone, sobre como clonar su perros. Ahora lo puso a cargo del CONICET y es el tipo que está desfinanciando todo a sus órdenes lol
Y la última es que algunos dicen que la empresa de clonación de perros es una estafa y Milei pagó 50.000 dólares(!!!) por unos mastines cualquiera
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fen-the-space-dragon · 11 months
Middlepaw info dump cuz I’m bored. No, this will not be well organized. I’m tired and don’t have the energy to organize and also just remembered I gotta do Duolingo, but really don’t wanna… so if I mysteriously disappear, you know why. Anyways, sorry if this is rambly and/or doesn’t make any sense… I may or may not fix it later if needed
- They crave attention because they often don’t recieve a lot of it. Because they haven’t recieved much of it, tho, they aren’t too great at interacting with others… so instead of just talking to cats to get attention, they do some interesting things. Example: approaching Milkwail (quitedisasterous’ character. I absolutely love Milkwail <33) in hopes of being punted because being punted is a form of attention and any attention is good attention (spoiler: this plan failed, but in the best way possible)
- When they do get attention, they have no clue what to do with it. Social situations are not their specialty
- To make up for the lack of interacting with cats, they tend to interact with inanimate objects instead. Rocks, sticks, leaves, whatever. They’ll also just talk to nothing while staring off into the void of time and space. They have like full on convos like this and have specific objects that are their close friends. They tend to keep these ones stashed in hiding places around the territory so that others don’t accidentally mess with them or something not realizing that they have importance. (one of Middlepaw’s favorites is their emotional support shedded snake skin named Jerry. Why is it named Jerry? Cuz I said so. I really don’t know. They keep Jerry extra well hidden compared to the others)
- Middlepaw is very nonconfrontational. For example, if someone were to find one of their object friends and messed with it in some way, they wouldn’t be happy about it, but wouldn’t do anything. They’d probably just watch from a distance and be really tense the whole time and then go find it a new hiding spot the moment the cat left (btw, by “not happy,” I mean like worried, not mad. They understand that these are just objects to everyone else and don’t blame others for not seeing these things the same way they do)
- They talk to themselves and also objects and stuff and they do so both out loud and in their head, so sometimes they mix the two up… meaning they’ll occasionally talk to a cat and accidentally say things in their head and just be staring at the cat waiting for a response to something they never actually said
- They did have a family (parents and two siblings), but they just kinda disappeared one day. I’m still working out the details on this, kinda wanna wait until more canon lore about Mommyclan history comes out before I set the specifics in stone. Middlepaw has a vague idea of what happened to them, but that’s probably about the most info anyone has. Middlepaw also just kinda tried to pretend nothing had happened. This is all subject to change tho. I’ll prob make another post about this once I solidify the details and stuff. Or maybe not, idk. We’ll see
- They’re 10 moons old
- Uhhhhhhhh… more fun facts…. Middlepaw loves mints. They found one once and absolutely loved it
Aaand that’s all I can think of rn. I might do another later if I think of more stuff idk. If you read this, thank you! I appreciate your interest in my ‘lil cat ^^
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steddielations · 8 months
Flight of Icarus lore dump part 2:
Part 1 | Character List
- Wayne has a green thumb. He reads Gardener’s Weekly magazine. It doesn’t say what he grows, but it says he buys vegetables from the store so I’m going to say that gruff old man Wayne has the prettiest petunias in the whole trailer park.
- Eddie sneaks into the Hawk with his best friend Ronnie to watch action movies and thinks Snake Plissken, Han Solo and Conan the Barbarian are cool.
- Eddie talks for hours about the intricacies of Elven politics in Tolkien.
- Eddie read comics as a kid and hid them all over the house "like a little squirrel" under the bed, behind the nightstand, under the rug. Wayne found his Uncanny X-Men in the freezer between stacks of tv dinners. Also, "Hellfire Club" comes from these X-Men comics.
- Floor time! There's a part where Eddie is literally just lying on his back on his bedroom floor counting down from a million. When Wayne comes home, Eddie army crawls on his belly to the doorway to see him.
- Eddie reads Gormenghast paperbacks, gothic fantasy novels. It mentions that Wayne saved them from the house fire along with Eddie’s guitar. It never says how/when Eddie originally got his guitar.
- Eddie says lots of cc’s original songs have D&D references. It's implied that he writes them. One is called “Fire Shroud” after a spell
- Eddie is called Freak King at school and Munson Junior or just Junior around town and he hates all of it
- Eddie talks about having anxiety a lot and it's implied he has had panic attacks in the past
- Eddie is the lead singer and guitarist of cc. He started the band with Ronnie specifically because it was required to participate in the school talent show.
- Neither Wayne or Al graduated high school. When Eddie (temporarily) drops out, Al celebrates.
- Eddie doesn't cook. He doesn't even own a spatula. The smell of cooking in their house actually shocks him and gives him a deep longing for family meals, which Al uses to manipulate him
- Eddie jokes about being into Saturday Night Fever and strikes the pose a couple times.
- Eddie knows how to hotwire and how to pick locks. Al taught him this at the age of ten. Eddie is "disgusted" with himself any time he does either of those things.
- Eddie "drives like a monster" when he's upset about something.
- Eddie smokes cigarettes occasionally. Weed is mentioned a lot in the book but it never says anything about Eddie smoking it or doing any drugs. He either doesn't smoke much or he hasn't tried anything yet in the book. Also, he’s just now meeting Rick. But It’s pretty clear after everything he went through why he would start
- There's lots of mentions of PBR and Bud Light. Though Eddie says he doesn't like to drink after his shifts at the Hideout (where he's a barback). He mostly drinks off-brand Big Buy soda in the book (he calls it "pop")
- Eddie's parents were married on March 12th, 1966. The date is inscribed on the bottle of their wedding wine. Eddie asks what kind it is and Al says they only had 'red or white' kind of money
- Al breaks out the wedding wine (to manipulate Eddie, you guessed it) it's red wine and Eddie really, really likes it
- Eddie went to War Zone with his dad for supplies for the truck heist (spike strips, coveralls, etc)
- Eddie's band played Exciter by Judas Priest at the talent show. The song was only approved because they emphasized the "priest"
- There was another (?) talent show in Winter of 1981 where Eddie's band played "Prowler" and they were kicked off stage halfway through because the song was considered Satanic, and the PTA visited all their parents for trying to convert everyone to Satanism.
- Eddie imagines hitting his dad twice. Once with a glass bottle and once with a metal wrench. (He should've- oops who said that)
- The only hug Eddie gets in the book is when his dad first comes back, Eddie knows it's the first step in his cycle of showing up, using Eddie and leaving, but Eddie still accepts the hug and feels guilty for enjoying it.
- It's implied Eddie gets close to tears a couple times in the book, but the only time they actually spring up is when his mom's favorite song (from Muddy Waters) comes on in the truck radio while Eddie is doing the heist with his dad and feeling awful about it. Eddie has several flashbacks of dancing with her to this song, it seems like his happiest memory that he always returns to.
- Whenever Eddie is doing what his dad wants (hotwiring, charming a person into their plans) he puts on what he calls his "best Al Munson smile" and he's terrified that it will eventually take over his whole face. There's a part at the end where Eddie is sitting in a jail cell and says "All I want to do is tear my face off. If a new one grows in it's place, maybe it'll make me a different person. Someone who isn't such a complete fuckup."
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
silent sea (i)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: toji fushiguro x reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,510 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: yandere, dark, horror, psychological horror, death (later), merman au, merman toji, mention of blood and raw flesh (fish) feeding, loose merlfolk lore, etc. 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "A few years ago, you went missing with a few other marine biologists into the deep sea, only to resurface with untold horrors ingrained within your now soulless eyes. Even moving away from the sea and living more inward inside the island of Bordia didn't help you when you could still hear the sounds of crashing waves and seagulls crying from above. Sometimes the nights were hopeless, and when you closed your eyes, the nightmares began.
But when a typhoon was coming toward your home, flooding the island in the water with more than half the population missing, that's when you saw them. He, out in the open sea. They only allow themselves to venture where the water had occupied." 𝐚/𝐧: been waiting and wanting to write for this dilf for so long that it's here (rather short atm, but will extend). I will not be using my regular boarder as a divider or timestamp skip since that is what has been causing my post to not go through or lagged. Btw, please like if you like ❤️, comment below in the "comment" section 📝 for tagging, and reblogged if you wish to too. Have a nice day lovelies! 💖
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"Someone come help me!" A fisherman shouts, running toward the ocean where a wooden boat drifts towards the golden wet sand of Bordeia Island. A few others chase after the older man lead. One grabs the stem while the others are at either side of the boat, pushing it toward the shore.
You were lying inside, drifting in and out after spending many days at sea with the sun beating down on you and the cold nights caressing your husk of dehydrated and malnourished form. The gulls were high in the air, crying out while people's voices were nothing but warbles in your ears, and their figures were just blurs in your hazy eyes.
Have you made it? Away... To home?
"Hey, (Name), are you alright? You look a little distant there." This snaps you back to reality; you can't help but make a small sheepish smile. Sometimes you seem much more empty-minded, and today looks like one of the days. "Look, if you're not up for it, we could discuss this another day."
"No, tell me; sorry for tuning you out," you could see them heave a long sigh. Conan Warden is a man who moved to the island about a year ago from the metropolis life. They were a frequented beach boy/ surfer back in their hometown who loved the ocean more than anyone there, and his moving out here to Bordeia Island felt like the right move for them. Conan felt like a perfect slot with the Islanders here; his charm makes him a pretty, unique person.
There was a moment of pause before they repeated themselves for you again. "As I said, a research team would visit the island in a few days." You settle down a mug of coffee before Conan, waiting for him to continue, "They want you to help assist them in their research." You look at Conan with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. Then a snort emerged as you quirked both brows and sat across from them.
"Do they want my papers or something? I could always give them that," you muse out, but Conan gives you a look of 'Really?'
"No, (Name), they want you fully assist them by going out in the open sea," suddenly, you felt blank hearing those words. A ringing comes into your ears. Conan saw how you had that distant look in your eyes again, and his russet hand crossed the table to tap your arrow cradled around your coffee mug. Every time Conan mentions the sea, this is the response he gets most time. It's not like he doesn't know, but he does learn to a certain extent why you don't venture out in the sea anymore. The locals were quite vocal about your sudden disappearance, along with a few marines biologist, considering you have been a resident for about a decade.
"You know I can't do that," you said; it was already hard enough for you to face the trauma that still lingers around you like a ghost. Suddenly standing up, you take deep, shaky breaths, and; your heart rate picks up as you try to shake off the jitters that seem to take hold of you. Your mug slipped through your fingers and spilled across the table. "Fuck! Shit!" Flicking your hand, some of the hot content got onto the back side of your palm.
Conan helps you grab a nearby wash towel and clear the liquid before tossing the rag into the sink. "Sorry, I didn't mean to act like that," you said with quick breaths, running cool water over your burned hand. You close your eyes to refocus as you train your ears to focus on the running water and the sensation to distract you momentarily.
"You know it's fine; I didn't think it was this bad," Conan was concerned. He couldn't say much; your trauma wasn't something he could ever truly phantom. Conan could only understand to some degree and be empathetic about it, but to fully sympathize with you, he has to go through what you went through to know how it affected your daily life honestly. "You know what, I could tell them to fuck off for you; how does that sound?"
"Thanks, but no thanks. Who is leading the team?" You ask, getting your bearings together and shutting your eyes tightly for a few more seconds. Tilting your head up, you open your eyes and look at your flat white ceiling.
"Um, hold on" Conan search through his pockets, and you shut and turn off the tap water. Gently wiping your hands dry, Conan pulls out a paper, "Some guy name Watanabe Morisuke." You tense up at the name; Conan notices but doesn't say anything. He thinks you have too many jumpscares at this point and that another might add to your untimely demise, making him pretty sad as he considered himself your best friend.
You take the form presented, and a picture at the top left corner is shown. Skimming over the information, you see how Watanabe's head is full of grey and black, mixing like yin and yang.
"I tried to ask for more information, but I was cut off rudely by Professor Eugene." Conan pouts; he mimics Eugene's speech in an annoying high pitch voice.
You laugh as you felt much calmer and put the paper on a countertop. It would help if you remembered to apply cooling gel cream on your supposed upcoming burn that will blister.
It was only barely ten a.m., and the sun was already high in the sky, with the heat downing any fisherman or anyone who ventured to the beach. But in the shade was a cool breeze, shifting through. A few days passed, and out in the open sea, a boat was approaching the shore.
The locals used to tourists waited at the pier and were ready to fetch the boat.
Watanabe Morisuke got off the boat and looked up into the sky to see seagulls flying above his head before walking to the land where the pier and boardwalk are connected. His team followed behind him.
"Ah, you must be Watanabe Morisuke, (Name) sent me." Conan came to greet the older man, who pressed their lips tightly. Conan grabs their hand and shakes it with high enthusiasm that Watanabe has to rip their hand out of their hold.
With the boat coming closer, it stops next to the pier. A thick mooring line was thrown down at the wooden boards as a local picked it up to tie an eight-figure on a cleat, then did the same with the other mooring at another end.
"That child could've got me herself; how uncouth of her to send someone in her stead." They frowned, lips thinning. But Conan thinks that that's their natural expression. Without much thought, he explains why you couldn't be there to pick him up.
You were pacing back and forth in your house, chewing your lips as you kept tugging the string from your shirt at the height of the collarbone. Your eyes keep drifting to your front door, and most of all, you want to focus on anything, but your house is too quiet. The radio you bought would've helped you, but it's broken. The distant sea raptured inside your ears clear as day like a haunted melody, so your steps suddenly halt. You could almost hear a voice calling you, groaning at you with longing—withering woes of betrayal and agony along the line. Still, a lingering subtle feeling of forgiveness was weaved into the song.
But it gradually got louder and louder until the sound wasn't just whisperers anymore; you felt your skin crawl and the hair on your body spike up. A feeling slowly rouses up in your chest, and the emotional pain seeps and spread like a plague. You shudder a broken breath before your throat closes on you, and breathing becomes much more complicated.
"Don't leave me."
'It's just your brain playing tricks on you.' You tried to convince yourself.
"Come back home. To me."
Their harmonies echo inside your head; you don't want to hear them. You use loud music and noises as sounds to block and cope with things when some days are harder to deal with, like today—the voice you want to forget always returns randomly, and sometimes when you're unfocused or distressed, you think. But walking out of the door and towards the sound was tempting whenever your head heard it. Snapping back is hard without a good startle when a yearning clouds your logic and instinct.
'Why isn't it going away?' You grip and pull the string.
"You said that you would stay."
You jump when your doorbell resonates loudly in the living room, enough to bring you back from your anxiety. Shakingly soothing yourself as you tried to calm yourself with a few deep breaths, you went over to the door and opened it to be greeted by Conan and Watanabe.
Conan didn't miss how alarmed you were but didn't bother to point it out, and there are times you appreciate that he doesn't divulge when people are around. You greeted Watanabe, "Hello... Uncle." Conan squawk; he then looks in between you and the older man with disbelief. You and this man doesn't look the slightest related.
Side-stepping to allow both men in, Watanabe hauled his many suitcases and also made his displeasure known, "Pompous girl, you know how much I detest strangers." Watanabe's eyes flickered toward Conan for a quick second, then made himself at home. Conan didn't look offended at the comment, but instead, he thought, what an ass and insufferable being your Uncle must be.
"I don't like him at all," Conan stands next to you, leaning while whispering into your ear. There was a side glance of agreement coming from you. "How is your hand, by the way?" He continues to whisper, and you show him the bandaged hand and give him a shrug as your answer. Then you turn your attention to your Uncle.
"How long are you planning on staying here?" You ask, wiping your palms down your pants legs.
Your Uncle, who, not even five minutes into your house, sprung his suitcases open and claimed your living room as his. He took most of his clothes out and threw them on the armchair adjacent to your couch. For your coffee table, it had become his research table when he strewed files of papers across it, and it soon became a mountain.
"I just came here on impulse; I have no explicit time on how long I will be staying here." Watanabe's answer got you scratching your head because that's a first. Usually, your Uncle would make a timetable of his schedule since he's a punctual man. "Go get me your papers, girl." You give Conan a look of 'see the shit I gotta deal with?' before going to your room to retrieve what was requested.
You could hear Conan snort behind you.
From a distance away from the island, out in the open sea, a figure swam across the blue water gingerly. They have been trailing along Bordea's coast for a few years. Constantly rumbling a song to lure someone out, it was unsuccessful, but defeat wasn't something in their morals of value; their dark sclera and bright forest green eye peered through the navigation of palm trees and high bushes. The furthest they could see were a few houses behind the tall debris.
The hours passed, and the sun dipped low enough that only a fraction of daylight remained. It gives the creature a lot of shade under the giant leaning Live Oak tree to be obscure from any human sight. The sky has darkened to a deep hue of burnt orange and magenta, with dark violet now dominating most of the space in the sky. Even stars of multiple colors and sizes are beginning to litter around their perfect location.
Toji, the merman, was a sea creature that only existed in fairy tales, myths, and stories and was the dominator under the reefs of Bordea Island. He was a light blue-skinned humanoid merman with no fishtail to accompany the original stories. Instead, he has two functioning legs with fins attached to his legs and arms and sharp claws of webbed hands and feet. With veins that are a deeper shade of blue mixed with purple, they were visible across his skin.
Entering through the entrance, they kept going until an opening was above them, and they went up. Toji's head broke through the cave's water surface, and they swam until the water got shallow. They were nearing the dry flat surface of the lair.
The merman lingers for a few more minutes, swimming under the shaded oak, and then sinks beneath the surface. They glide past the corals and go deeper and deeper until an opening of a cave entrance is in their view. A school of fish scatters away, and even sharks that linger nearby make their escape too.
Inside the damp, moist, warm cave, it was quiet besides the dripping drops of water that fell off the stalagmites that hung above. It would let ripple sounds that bounce off into the space. Toji hoisted himself out of the water, the side of his neck was his gills that would move once or so, and unlike his other variations of kin, Toji was capable of surviving out in the open air as long as his skin and gills were able to saturate and constantly absorb damp moisture to prevent him from drying out.
To him being different wasn't the problem, but the prejudice that comes with it. Toji being a merman without a tail, was considered a bad omen. Thus, he was shunned by other merfolks who were born with a tail. Being treated differently was something he had grown accustomed to over time.
But one thing they should be wary about Toji is his prowess; even if he doesn't have a tail, he can annihilate one or more enemies in a single moment. If the man was powerful enough to take a shark and orca with one swoop of bare hands, do they think their spears made from the most robust shells would be enough to stop him?
The answer is definite; it's a no.
It was dark, a quarter till twelve; if another quarter passed, a new day would start. You were lying in the bathtub; the water had now turned cold. Your Uncle Watanabe was asleep in the living room, as you were sure you were one of the few individuals still up.
Your injured hand from days ago hangs over the tub; you raise it until it's high enough. You wiggle your fingers to play with the lighting to create shadows above your face. Staring at your hand, you see the tendons flex underneath every twitch under your skin. But your hand wasn't mar at all. It looks like it was never burned in the first place.
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s1 episode 12 thoughts
another episode that had me. STRESSED. OUT.
first of all... the episode being about an irish guy who sets the british aristocracy on fire... the insensitivity there is fascinating. the 90's really were a time, huh?
second of all this phoebe is very pretty and very bold to kiss mulder right in front of scully. i was shocked. and it kept getting more and more shocking! (shoutout to scully for averting her gaze when they kissed. a respectful coworker!)
and the whispered "she hates me" from phoebe and tiny waves goodbye while otherwise entirely ignoring scully's presence... yeah this is sick psychological torment
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he's terrified of fire! and this ex wants to get him involved on an arson case! what could go wrong? (seriously though why does he want to do this. why wasn't there another person who could take this case. i'm seeing no appeal to getting involved)
AND he leaves scully to go attend to this nonsense. betrayal.
! FURTHER MULDER LORE REVEAL ! the two broke up because she cheated on him which is revealed in the same breath as the fact that they hooked up on arthur conan doyle's grave. i will be doing my best to not psychoanalyze that and then failing. how can i look him in the eye with this knowledge.
(i think they're going for a sherlock-irene parallel here but counterpoint: i don't like it)
<3 <3 <3 scully in glasses... think my heart skipped a beat <3 <3 <3
this whole thing was soooo sick and twisted. when phoebe said "i've booked a hotel for the night" (cut to mulder in deep distress) that was evil
(also scully calling and saying she had something important and he completely blew her off... only for her to show up anyway... queen shit she literally said idgaf i'll solve ur case for you dumbass)
i'd actually like to copy out what i wrote in my notes verbatim for this next part:
"Mulder in a suit Phoebe in a backless dress. Tension is palpable oh they're dancing. SCULLY WALKED IN ON YHAT WJAT THEBHELL OH THEYREKISSING WHAT THE HELL OH SHW'S ROLLING HER EYESAT THIS OH SHE JUMPED IN"
i think that speaks for itself
but in case it DOESN'T: scully pacing outside watching them dance and kiss was distressing to me. i will reblog many gifs of this when i find them eventually. free her from this situation y'all she did NOT deserve it. luckily a fire provided an excuse to make her presence known.
when mulder was scared to go into the fire and then he passed out and then he pushed scully's hand away while she was shifting into Doctor Mode... nearly screamed. he resists the tenderness offered to him.
and then cutscene to him waking up in bed shirtless and she's there offering him water! phoebe brings him into this fire- his worst fear- and the symbolism of scully bringing him WATER!
and YET the first thing he does is: ASK FOR PHOEBE! MULDER I CANNOT KEEP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOU (phoebe once again entirely ignores scully beyond a quick goodbye the commitment to pettiness is remarkable)
then he shows up to save the family from being lit on fire and phoebe is kissing the dad. muldershockedpikachuface.jpg (was anyone surprised. raise ur hand if u saw this coming)
but he jumped into the fire to go save the children!!! because he needs to be a hero and conquer his fears!!
i think scully had a very raw end of the deal this episode and when she knocked on his door pretending to be phoebe and asked in a british accent if he was going to buy her lunch. well. she had a good spirit about the whole thing. it's important for her to be mean to him sometimes.
during this episode i fell victim to exactly what i knew the screenwriters were doing, purposefully provoking anger in the viewer through an outrageous ex that also served as character exposition in revealing mulder's background. but once again this episode proves that dana scully deserves the world for putting up with this nonsense and somehow still choosing to have a positive attitude. give her a raise and a vacation.
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Rune's Diner
(Known as Gem's Diner in other locations)
Deciding to serve my AUs to you food commercial styled (ish) because I'm bored.
Also not me interchanging Rune and Gem as my online names lol
Want to get the all-new Virus AU (TADC) Meal?
We have:
-Showtime (Caine x Pomni)
-A TADC OC who has a traumatic past involving the Virus
-A computer virus (who is actually an ancient clock creature and is one of the founders the multiverse) who has some beef with a child
-Juicy headcanons (phrased that so weirdly lol)
-Digital Security inspector OC who kinda looks like William Afton (isn't)
-Hacker who is trying to get rid of the Virus (who was actually a former C&A staff who created Caine)
-Panic attacks
-Random 4th Wall Breaking
-Kinger lore
-Wholesome ending
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Want to get the all-new Deep Dark AU (DetCo) Meal (now with the secret Phase 2 and ultra secret Phase 2.5 Menu)?
We have:
Phase 1:
-Yokomizo twins
-Juugo being traumatized by a demon who tried slashing one of his eyes out
-A slightly insane "guardian angel" (name is Spades, sometimes calls himself "See No Evil)
-A demon sea monster thingie (name is Luminous, sometimes calls itself "Speak No Evil")
-More juicy headcanons
-Conan acting like an actual kid
-Chihaya and Juugo vibing
Phase 2 (Secret Menu):
-Everything from Phase 1
-Fancy, expensive train
-Detective Boys "ooooooo"ing when they see Juugo and Chihaya standing next to each other
-Epic police chase on train
-Child kidnapper vibing on train
-Luminous PTSD moment
-Epic views
-Spades actually doing guardian angel stuff for once
Phase 2.5 (Ultra Secret Menu):
-Kidnapper grabs kid and runs off of train
-Conan chases the guy
-Juugo and Detective Boys also chase the guy
-Juugo pats Ayumi on the head and threatens to stab a guy in the eye with a ruler when he bullies Ayumi
-Not finished yet
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Would you like to order?
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superectojazzmage · 1 year
What are the most insane bits of comics deep lore you can think of? I remember there was a post listing a highlight of some of the crazier bits, like how the Human Torch canonically killed Hitler, but it'd be nice if you made your own.
That was my post lol. But there are some more I can think of.
To solve the problem of characters with war-based origin stories becoming dated to real history and thus walking chronology headaches, Marvel introduced a completely fictional war — the Sin-Cong War — that replaces the role of most real world conflicts in the Marvel Universe. Mr. Fantastic and Thing’s originally stated history as WWII vets, Punisher’s past as a Vietnam veteran, Iron Man’s getting his chest injury and Juggernaut his magic gem in the Korean War, Professor X serving in the same war with his step-brother Juggernaut, and much more have been reworked as occurring in the Sin-Cong War, which is best described as “what Nam would’ve looked like in a world of superheroes”. The main exceptions are Captain America, Nick Fury, Namor, and Wolverine, all of whom have various excuses that allow them to keep their WWII service as canon.
Doctor Strange is immortal. It’s almost never brought up in adaptations, but in canon, the ritual he underwent to be officially named Sorcerer Supreme involved him being granted biological immortality by the Vishanti, meaning that he no longer ages. This has had the odd effect of making Strange yet another exception to the whole “comic book time” issue; he canonically became Sorcerer Supreme in the 70s and that has never changed at any point.
Black Widow is also functionally immortal, thanks to a special anti-aging serum she receives periodically (the same that Nick Fury uses), allowing her to still be written as somebody who was a Cold War spy, even as the comics progress into the 2000s onwards.
Black Panther once got called a race traitor by an African-American man for hanging out with white superheroes, much to his bafflement.
Spider-Man and Mysterio once walked into a theater in their secret identities at the same time, failed to recognize each other, and spent the entire time having a geeky conversation about their love of old movies.
When Grant Morrison wrote Magneto as being very evil in their X-Men run, other writers went tripping over themselves to retcon it away because of what I can only describe as a deeply parasocial relationship with a fictional supervillain. The original story involved Magneto disguising himself as a made-up new superhero named Xorn to infiltrate the X-Men and destroy New York. The retconned and now canon story involves Xorn’s evil twin brother pretending to be Magneto pretending to be Xorn doing that.
There’s a minor Spider-Man villain named Facade who was supposed to be the crux of an ongoing mystery plotline but poor reception led to Marvel scrapping those plans before Facade’s identity could be revealed. The result is that the comics now have a running gag of Facade showing up randomly every few years but never getting to reveal his name.
Man-Thing is not just a swamp monster that burns people when they’re scared, he is the guardian and manager of the Nexus of All Realities, a mystical location where the borders between realms is thin and dimensional teleportation is very easy. The Nexus is located in Florida.
Jubilee is canonically one of the most powerful X-Men, as while she mentally limits herself to small pops and fireworks to fight crime, she can actually generate massive and long-lasting explosions capable of devastating entire city blocks, something proven when she accidentally obliterated the Mandarin’s castle in a moment of panic. It has been speculated that she could make a new sun if she really put her heart into it.
Similarly, the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four is Invisible Woman, because her forcefield powers are so game-breaking strong that she can use them to blow up Celestials with a thought.
Conan the Barbarian, Count Dracula, Frankenstein, Godzilla, the Micronauts, and Rom the Spaceknight are all canonically real people in the Marvel Universe. G.I. Joe and the Transformers are also real in an alternate universe.
Doctor Doom once got extremely drunk while having a portrait of himself without his mask made and went on a very long rant about his mommy issues to the famous painter he commissioned for it. After learning what he did and also deciding that the painter’s brushwork left much to be desired, Doom disintegrated the man with a death-laser, which caused his paintings to receive a sudden spike in price value.
To give perspective on how hard it can sometimes be to keep a character permanently dead in Marvel nowadays… a writer once had Wolverine finally kill Sabretooth by maiming him beyond even healing factor repair and then decapitating him with a magic sword that was explicitly stated would purge Sabretooth’s soul if it so much as even touched him, and it was repeatedly and thoroughly stated and demonstrated that this was the real Sabretooth and not a clone or robot or anything like that, and a later writer supported this by showing Sabretooth’s soul in Hell. Less then a year later, Sabretooth was back and the new writer justified it with “Wolverine killed a clone”.
Similarly, when Marvel killed off their version of Dracula (see above), they included in that issue a supposedly legally binding document proving they couldn’t bring him back from the dead. He is now back from the dead.
Hercules has to regularly fight off accusations that his sidekick/best bud Amadeus Cho is his “eromenos” — that is to say, his submissive and breedable gay lover.
Moon Knight has recently purged New York of vampires by luring them all to a dinner party, using the fact that he’s technically the priest of the moon god Khonshu to consecrate all the water in the building into holy water, then activating the sprinkler system. There were no survivors.
Doctor Doom is not actually a doctor. He flunked out of college following the accident that scarred his face and the “doctorate” he now holds is one he unilaterally gave to himself after taking over Latveria.
Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman’s son Franklin is destined to become the next Galactus. If something goes wrong and he can’t do it, the role will be fulfilled by Mr. Immortal, a superhero with no power except coming back to life everytime he dies.
Scarlet Witch and Vision’s children, Wiccan and Speed, are technically not their children. They were born separately to different parents, but are the reincarnated souls of twin boys that Wanda once believed she had given birth to years ago but didn’t. Confused? You should be.
The planet Earth is sentient and sapient, being known as the Machine by the Eternals, who were created by the Celestials to maintain it. The Earth is a Trekkie.
Professor X is actually much younger than how adaptations tend to portray him, being only about in his mid-forties at oldest by this point in the comics. Magneto is significantly older then him, despite the tendency of people to assume they’re the same age.
Cyclops once stole a guy’s bike to save the world.
Deadpool is romantically involved with the personification of Death and thus regularly cucks Thanos.
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dafry-shenanigans · 2 years
Again I have come with just a bit more Detective Conan fanart-
This time time travel AU! >:D
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Just think of all the shenanigans Conan (aka future shinichi) can do if he meets himself- XD (and I bet (past) shinichi would be all like "who are you? Why do you look similar to how I look when I was younger?" Meanwhile conan when he have to be on the receiving end of his own unpleasant trait/personality "Damn, so this was what everyone else had to deal with huh? Guess I can see why now...")
And the hilariousness if Conan told him the truth-
Realistically he probably wouldn't believe like "Haha nice try kid now stop trying to pretend you're me-"
Or if you want the funny crack version:
Conan: I'm you...
Shinichi: *confusedly* From the past??
Conan: *taking a deep breath and face palming himself* ...No, unfortunately I'm you from the future-
Conan: It's complicated...
Then of course I have to do the sibling/family au because C'MON LOOK AT THEM-
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Also I wanna give my greatest respect to a certain author who have been writing probably one of the most longest detailed lore for this au that have been going on for two years and IT'S STILL UPDATED ON A SEMI SCHEDULE- (idk exactly when they update but maybe two week more or less there's always a new chapter)
It's over 870830 words long as of now and 122 chapters!!! :D
Now that's one hell of a dedication and a show of sheer will and determination!
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ithisatanytime · 5 months
whats worse is some enemy types with totally unique models behavior and lore like whispmothers literally appear in five places the entire game, you could play through the game and be lucky to see even one. this actually would enhance the experience if the bestiary wasnt otherwise lacking. there was a whole host of low level deadra to encounter in morrowind, and oblivion, clanfears, scamps, deadroth, hungers, ogrims, winged twilights, golden saints, etc. that could have been implemented instead of wasting so much time on falmer. if these were included and implemented will, having enemy types like whispmothers be so rare would actually massively enhance the experience but because its so fucking bland with even many of the monster types being heavily based on mundane animals like the giant spiders it becomes a miss step. im not trying to complain, i love all these games, my aim is to make the criticism of these games more precise, because for instance oblivion was well received but the criticism it did receive was misguided it made subsequent games worse. the only complaint people have about oblivion is the generic fantasy setting, but i believe 100 percent that if bethesda had spent more time on its character creator so the npcs werent some of the ugliest produced in modern gaming, oblivion would to this day be as popular as skyrim and as beloved as morrowind. people are stupid though and imprecise with their critiques so skyrims setting is more conan the barbarian and less DND, and i honestly think this hurt the game, and while the setting chosen is less frequently chosen by game developers than a generic high fantasy forest, its fucking BORING TRASH to look at, wow ROCKS! its not even oblivions fault but morrowinds because people are just as retarded with their positive critiques as they are with their negatives praising morrowinds alien setting when i truly believe the alien setting of morrowind only minorly enhances the experience but its easy to talk about so it gets repeated and magnified this minor aspect of what made the game so great, and i can prove it, peleglaid and ebonheart are both generic high fantasy towns out of place amongst the more alien towns in the rest of morrowind but they are also some of the few major towns without silt strider access, morrowinds most accessable version of fast travel, instead you must walk to peleglaid manually or be teleported if you are in the mages guild, and ebonheart needs to be reached by boat, there is no doubt in my mind, that the reason these two major twons lack silt strider transport is because the giant silt strider bugs would look out of place in the generic high fantasy setting, but also to disincentivize players from spending all their time in these green medieval castle towns because the "exotic" towns which were easier to access look like deep fried brown rat shit.
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ballonleaparadise · 2 years
Possible Lore behind Zacian and Zamazenta
So there's been lots of interesting theories about the Legendary dogs of Galar, Zacian and Zamazenta. I was thinking about the possible lore behind the pair. I think that the inspiration behind these Legendaries might actually lie in classical English literature. (I will explain I promise). I'm actually doing English lit at Uni so reading makes up 60% of my life rn. 🙃
The Hound of the Baskervilles
You might be familiar with the Sherlock Holmes stories, written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. One of Doyle's books, 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', is set on Dartmoor in Devonshire, in the south of England. During this story, Sherlock and Watson are called to investigate the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. Holmes' client, Dr Mortimer suspects the cause of death to be a demonic hound who is roaming the Moor.
Fun fact: The design of the pokemon 'Houndoom' is supposingly based on the Hound of the Baskervilles. (Maybe some foreshadowing there). Credit to @name-rater.
I'm not suggesting that Zacian and Zamazenta are linked to Doyle's story just because they are more dog/wolf pokemon. In 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', Dr Mortimer describes the footprints of the mysterious hound as "gigantic". When you think about the size of both Zazian and Zamazenta, and the fear which they initially impose on Hop and the player, it aligns with this image.
I also find it too coincidental that the Galar region is based on the uk, which is well-known for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Sherlock Holmes stories. In addition, Doyle's novel was inspired by the legend of a ghostly dog which haunts Dartmoor. Pokemon tend to draw on real life folklore when creating legendaries, so I wouldn't put this past them.
The Grimpen Mire and The Slumbering Weald
Another reason why I think that Zacian and Zamazenta could be inspired by 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', is due to the atmosphere of the Slumbering Weald. In Sword and Shield, the Slumbering Weald is the hiding place of Zacian and Zamazenta. In Doyle's story, the hound of the Baskervilles is suspected to lurk in a place called 'The Grimpen Mire'. The Grimpen Mire is a bog in the middle of the moor, described as a misty and "melancholy" place. In a modern BBC adaptation of Doyle's stories, 'Sherlock', *best show ever btw*, there is an episode which re-imagines 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', called 'The Hounds of Baskerville.' (Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss).
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[[Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in 'The Hounds of Baskerville, Sherlock, BBC.]]
In the BBC adaptation, the hound resides in an area called 'Dewer's Hollow' which is a hollow in the woods. The area is covered by heavy 'fog' rather than 'mist'.
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[[Dewer's Hollow in 'The Hounds of Baskerville'- Benedict Cumberbatch and Russel Tovey.]]
How does this link to the Slumbering Weald? As I mentioned earlier, The Slumbering Weald is the hiding place of Zacian and Zamazenta. Not only this, but the weald embodies characteristics of both The Grimpen Mire in Doyle's story and Dewer's Hollow in the BBC adaptation: It is an eerie place which is mostly obscured by fog. In relation to the BBC adaptation, the Slumbering Weald is a deep wood just like Dewer's Hollow:
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[[The Slumbering Weald, Pokemon Sword and Shield.]]
It's important to note that the Slumbering Weald is not based on Dartmoor, the setting of Doyle's story. According to Bulbapedia, the weald is based on Grizzledale Forest in the Lake District in the north of England. However, the atmospheric similarities between the Slumbering Weald, The Grimpen Mire and Dewer's Hollow line up perfectly for me.
This is still just a theory but I thought it would be fun to discuss it. The story of the Hound of the Baskervilles and the BBC adaptation both have parallels with Zacian and Zamazenta and the Slumbering Weald.
I don't think that Doyle's story is the only possible inspiration behind Zacian and Zamazenta. For one, the legendaries are heros, armoured with a sword and a shield. This could be a reference to Arthurian Legend, a genre of medieval British literature which is associated with heros such as King Arthur. It could also be a reference to the English legend of Saint George and the Dragon (with Eternatus representing the dragon).
I've rambled for long enough lol but I found this link interesting. I like to think that Doyle's 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' is part of the lore behind Zacian and Zamazenta. It would arguably make a lot of sense.
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44gamez · 3 months
With hits like Palworld, open-world survival games are having a moment
The primary large online game hit of 2024 was Palworld, a recreation all people thought can be “Pokémon with weapons” however turned out to be an open-world crafting recreation the place you seize monsters — referred to as “Buddies” — and put them to work in your base, creating assets and tending to numerous areas. Individuals got here for Pokémon and stayed for the gameplay, to the tune of 19 million gamers reached throughout its preliminary January launch interval. Not too lengthy after that, we acquired Enshrouded, an open-world survival crafting recreation now in Steam Early Entry that places gamers in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world and duties them with operating round gathering assets and constructing out a base. Then, there was the gothic Nightingale, adopted by driving sim Pacific Drive. There are much more to return, too, with Lightyear Frontier, Outcast - A New Starting, Dune: Awakening (sure, that Dune), and one based mostly within the Terminator universe, to call just a few. The “Open World Survival Craft” recreation (as Steam labels it) isn’t the latest online game style on the block. Whereas they arrive in distinct flavors, video games like The Lengthy Darkish, Rust, and Conan Exiles have been preserving gamers occupied for years. Nonetheless, it’s trying like 2024 could be the yr the style hits a brand new excessive. With the shortage of blockbuster video games being launched and many individuals on the lookout for a change of tempo from the standard catalog of multiplayer dwell service or single-player linear experiences, open-world survival crafting video games may present the reply. There are numerous distinctive takes and ranging levels of issue on this area, however the thought is at all times that you simply accumulate assets within the recreation’s world and use them to maintain your self alive, make weapons and different devices, construct a base, or simply let your creativity fly. Most significantly, the participant must imagine that they will do nearly something. That freedom will differ on a game-by-game foundation, however guaranteeing that the participant has a point of it's key to preserving them taking part in for dozens — perhaps even a whole lot — of hours. Survival and crafting video games have made a superb pairing for years now, whether or not it’s in practically infinite sandboxes, like Minecraft, or one thing extra structured, like Don’t Starve. Nonetheless, there was a definite second just lately that appeared to reignite the keenness for these sorts of video games — each for the gamers and builders. Three of the individuals I interviewed for this text introduced up Valheim, a Viking-inspired open-world sandbox from developer Iron Gate, launched in Steam Early Entry in February 2021. Over its first month, it bought over 5 million copies and peaked at over 500,000 concurrent gamers, due to its sturdy crafting; seemingly limitless, procedurally generated open world; deep lore; and enjoyable multiplayer capabilities. Regardless of being three years into early entry, on the time of this writing, it’s nonetheless hitting 20,000 concurrent gamers.
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Picture: Iron Gate Studio/Espresso Stain Publishing through Polygon Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous indies made by small groups exploded in reputation, and Valheim was simply the newest to affix Amongst Us and Phasmophobia. With numerous video games getting delayed as a result of transition to working from dwelling, and many individuals being caught indoors, something that might add selection to digital socialization was welcome. As a substitute of simply hopping on a Zoom name, you possibly can log right into a recreation like Valheim and discover a public or non-public server with pals. And since it’s principally an off-the-cuff, nonlinear expertise, you possibly can do nearly no matter you wished. If you wish to discover, you'll be able to; if you wish to simply give attention to constructing the world’s tallest tower, go for it. Extra importantly, Valheim did away with numerous the standard boundaries to entry, like hunger, thirst, or shock fight. Survival video games are about utilizing numerous techniques collectively to maintain your character alive, and whereas individuals who’ve been taking part in for years are used to them, it’s powerful for newer gamers to be taught the fundamentals, particularly in the event that they boot up a recreation that doesn’t give a lot in the way in which of a tutorial, like The Lengthy Darkish (except you attempt its narrative mode). Whereas not one of the interviewed builders had been straight impressed by Valheim, its success proved that what they had been engaged on could possibly be profitable and had an viewers. “We began in 2019, so fairly some time in the past, however got here out, I feel, someplace mid-development. And we had been positively shocked as a result of we had an analogous route,” Antony Christoulakis, inventive director on Enshrouded at Eager Video games, mentioned. “It validated the overall strategy we took to survival, like being slightly extra pleasant on, like, you don’t die when you don’t eat. As a result of when you simply need to construct your base, you don’t need to be bothered with these sorts of mechanics on a regular basis.” “If individuals play Palworld for the Pokémon angle, perhaps they discovered they get pleasure from another video games as a style itself” Since Valheim, there was all kinds of those sorts of video games getting launched, particularly into early entry. Some lean into the standard mechanics of the survival style, with issues like complicated well being and wellness administration that mimic the real-world survival expertise. However numerous this most up-to-date slate cleans up the extra intricate and hectic gameplay to give attention to exploration, crafting, and typically co-op. These video games additionally present new twists on the style. There’s the stereotype of you waking up within the woods with no garments, a backpack, and a stick, which then results in you punching timber for some time. They are usually both in fantasy or post-apocalyptic settings, and perhaps there are zombies or different gamers who get in your manner, forcing you to lose all of your assets and begin from scratch. A few of these newer video games have these traits, however they’re both toned down or are turned on their head. Nightingale is an open-world survival recreation, but it surely makes use of “realms” — totally different worlds that gamers can unlock with random traits — as a substitute of the basic open atmosphere to get gamers exploring. Pacific Drive, an open-world crafting and driving sim, additionally eschews most of the basic mechanics, the large one being how little it's good to care about your character. Whilst you have a well being bar, you spend most of your time crafting elements to improve your rundown station wagon, which can in flip make it harder so that you can take injury and may also help you get by the eerie Olympic Exclusion Zone the place the sport takes place. Externalizing all of your efforts onto your automotive not solely supplies you with one thing new to care for, but in addition creates a way of companionship, including an emotional connection that tends to be lacking in video games solely centered on techniques. There are additionally a bunch of quality-of-life touches, like the way you don’t want assets straight in your backpack to craft one thing on the workbench or how your base is already principally constructed out within the type of a high-tech automotive storage. Director Seth Rosen, who additionally spent years engaged on Don’t Starve, mentioned a part of what tempted him to work on Pacific Drive was making an attempt one thing new within the style. “I don’t like survival or crafting video games, they’re actually not my jam. So due to that, in Pacific Drive, it was actually, actually necessary to me that we pursue as a lot as we humanly presumably may of this form of quality-of-life, ease-of-use stuff that almost all survival video games don’t trouble with,” Rosen mentioned. “I wished to make it as clean a crafting and survival expertise as potential.”
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Picture: Pocketpair Palworld was an enormous early 2024 hit for comparable causes. Nonetheless, that reputation began with a advertising and marketing marketing campaign that highlighted its similarities with different creature-collecting video games like Pokémon (for higher or worse) relatively than specializing in survival and crafting parts. Then, individuals realized it was recreation, in accordance with Simon Carless, founding father of GameDiscoverCo, a agency that analyzes Steam and console gross sales knowledge. Whereas the tutorial may stand to be extra sturdy, when you get previous that, the sport loop is straightforward to know. “Palworld’s success is right down to the developer being genuinely good at making survival craft-style video games,” Carless mentioned in an e-mail to Polygon. “I believe it launched some individuals to this style who hadn’t performed it a lot earlier than, and the gameplay loop was on level and well-constructed.” “If individuals play Palworld for the Pokémon angle, perhaps they discovered they get pleasure from another video games as a style itself, like on the mechanics aspect of issues,” Christoulakis echoed. That isn’t to say any of those video games are simple (except you’re speaking about Lego Fortnite, the final word simple survival recreation), however they will work as introductions to the style. Enshrouded, now in early entry, is one other nice possibility if you need an on-ramp to open-world survival crafting, due to the way it makes use of acquainted tropes, like waking up with no abilities or reminiscence, however walks you thru a tutorial the place you then go and begin punching timber. Nevertheless it additionally has a surprisingly easy-to-use settlement constructing system the place all of the items snap into place with one another. As you unlock extra recipes, the sport affords numerous particular items for constructing simply the way in which you need to, like blocks of assorted sizes. This has led to some actually astounding player-built constructions that may rival every other recreation with constructing mechanics, and it doesn’t require numerous data or a whole lot of hours of play. “I feel survival crafting video games are sort of essentially the most literal expression of I as a participant” These video games have rather a lot in frequent past how they ease off a few of the survival style’s harshest mechanics. I beforehand famous that Valheim featured a co-op mode that gave gamers a brand new expertise through the pandemic, however many of the aforementioned video games (minus Pacific Drive) have a multiplayer mode that enables individuals to share recreation experiences and work to finish duties collectively. There’s additionally flexibility to what you are able to do; as an illustration, some can go off exploring whereas others keep on the bottom. Nightingale is constructed with multiplayer as a basis because it began as an MMO, and the builders encourage individuals to go to realms on different servers and share theirs with pals. (Nightingale was controversially online-only when it launched. Inflexion Video games has since introduced it will work on an offline mode for solo gamers.) Relatedly, an enormous part of what makes the style so interesting is freedom. Open-world video games particularly have various levels of participant freedom and potential interactions, and open-world survival crafting video games’ give attention to techniques offers gamers much more selections. They will give attention to constructing fortresses in Enshrouded as a substitute of doing story quests; crafting particular automotive upgrades in Pacific Drive as a substitute of exploring new areas; constructing out a base as a substitute of discovering new Buddies in Palworld. Every has a nonlinear narrative (or, within the case of one thing like Minecraft, no narrative in any respect), so gamers aren’t on a time restrict. “Whereas there are narrative features to Nightingale it’s not a linear narrative expertise. You don’t begin after which we let you know the place to go. You'll be able to select to work together with NPCs, you'll be able to select to disregard them. You’re free to do no matter you want,” Inflexion Video games artwork director Neil Thompson mentioned. “That form of freedom to work together with the world that’s there and the power because of that to role-play your individual tales inside that world — that to me is the facility of the gaming medium.” The style can lean into interactivity not simply by letting gamers do no matter they need, but in addition by giving them a number of issues to do. There’s a motive why Steam calls it the Open World Survival Craft style and why there isn’t one other established identify: It comprises at the least three subgenres, together with most of the related mechanics. There’s crafting, base constructing, exploration, fight, survival, and typically ideas like driving. If performed efficiently, the participant gained’t be overwhelmed by the sheer variety of duties as a result of they’ll all work collectively to create a satisfying loop that encourages you to maintain taking part in. Read the full article
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Interview with author Mutiny Crinshaw
Grinning Kitten Press: Say I just ordered one of these zines in your series and I open it up. What can I expect?
Mutiny: Well, probably, in general, a story about this gender-queer, gender-fluid spellcaster who is also just sort of young, or naive, or idealistic, depending on your - and kind of just not very capable, as a person, struggling with the same things as a lot of us. What it's like to be an outsider, but also want better. Not just for yourself, but like, you bear witness to all the harm that a hierarchical, violent, misogynist, imperialist - the whole host of problems - that society has, you witness what that does to yourself, your loved ones. And then recognizing that like magic, there's a skill to making the world better, but what's that cost? And what's that collateral?
GKP: Ok. So why this? Why sword-and-sorcery? Where did the motivation for this come from?
MC: Tumblr.
GKP: *laughs* No, really.
MC: Really? Okay. When I was young, there was this relative who would come and stay with us, a real traveling kid sort. Except they would bring this black trunk stuffed with Conan comics. Lugged it everywhere. Or kept it in our garage, maybe, it's a fuzzy memory. It was The Savage Sword of Conan. The one that was so bloody and gory and full of sex and other cool stuff that they had to print it in black-and-white. And to a young queer kid, that was rad. It was so risque. Elbows deep, before I even read Tolkien, you know? In this world of monsters and mysteries and forbidden lore. Or maybe around the same time. Tolkien? I had played Final Fantasy before that, but this was older. Way older.
MC: Yeah, get me down on the couch. What are you, my therapist? But of course, no one is looking at [Robert E.] Howard's work now and going, "Yeah!" Isn't holding it up as, you know. An example of liberatory literature. Even if we like the low-fantasy, gritty sword-and-sorcery setting, we look at that and still feel a little uneasy - at least, as radicals, as people who care about human liberation and anti-racism, we ought to you know? Feel that ick.
~*Read the full interview and order copies here*~
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Been deep down a #redsonja rabbit hole lately. Can't seem to get enough of this feisty redhead and her grog swilling, sword swinging ways. Like Vampirella, she's had her share of reboots over the years, but most of the lore remains in tact. Who would you cast to play her in a film or series? #sweetnightmares #horrorfan #horrorfilm #horrorcomics #comics #comicfan #ukcomics #indycomics #indyfilm #comicwriter #comicart #creators #filmart #ecomic #smallpress #vfx #clipstudiopaint #photography #horrorphotography #horrormodel #vamp #blood #vampires #vampirella #albionwinter #conan #hyboria #swordandsorcery #barbarian https://www.instagram.com/p/CfqvLuLM_cV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lornaka · 5 years
‪*sees the netflix Witcher trailer* Perhaps I’ll go rewatch the Polish 2001 tv series, even if I’m one of the few people who loved it.. ‬
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froody · 2 years
Wow, babe! That’s crazy! I had no idea Conan the Barbarian lore went that deep. It’s so sexy you know all of this.
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The glass beneath the child's feet snapped crisply, plunging the child beneath the deep, dark water, right in front of his eyes. Why was this so…familiar? Was this why he had feared deep water his whole life? Because he had watched someone plunge in? But now /he/ had to go in. Go in after that child.
Also me casually not telling you the POV is besides the fact that the child is Conan
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