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thebettyjuice · 1 year
The two houses I would most love to live in (and can't because they were temporary structures).
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alphashley14 · 1 year
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Sometimes I think about the evolution of Winona Ryder characters from precociously cynical teens to seemingly unhinged lady who is intuitively always ahead of everyone else about the coming troubles and surprisingly clever ways to cope in them, and I think, wow, autistic queen.
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weirdgirlshowdown · 2 years
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rosiebeetle · 9 days
oh? What's that? A new chapter of Show Her The Way Back Home is finally posted on ao3 after a week? WOAHHH IT'S FINALLY OUT GUYS!! HOPE YOU ENJOY
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been gatekeeping this but now that the show is over i felt like sharing. mind you this was her debut💚
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A small Movie Lydia for Your viewing pleasure
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I think about Rich taking Jeremy to visit the cemetery on mother's day because Jeremy really has nowhere else to go. They sit there in front of a headstone, and usually this activity is a silent one, and Rich would like it to be silent, but Jeremy, the impulse-talker, asks about her. What'd she look like? Did she look like you? What's her favorite color? Is that why you brought those flowers? Did she like candy? What was she like? "She was... good." Jeremy doesn't know how to shut up when he's nervous, and it's kind of annoying, but Rich answer his questions. She, uh, looked more like my brother but I have her eyes. Her favorite color was peach because she didn't want to choose between orange and pink. She had joked that she wanted to be buried under a tree of these flowers. I think she liked candy more than I did as a kid. He starts telling stories. (This one time at the dentist... There was this one halloween block party... And she told my uncle...)He tells stories, and it's, like, majorly therapeutic. He is so used to coming here alone and talking to, most likely, nothing but himself. He's gotten so accustomed to keeping his grief, her memory, to himself. He knows exactly where he picked up that habit. He talks and talks, he remembers memories he had almost forgotten about. He hears Jeremy say that she sounds wonderful. He says, "She was." He looks up, away from her grave, and Jeremy is crying. "What's wrong?" "I'm just... I'm, uh, I'm— Dude, I'm sorry you lost her." Rich isn't stupid. And he invited Jeremy here for a reason. "I'm sorry yours... sucks super bad." I think about them. I think they are two sides of a weird coin. I don't know if it's the same coin, but it's some weird fuckin coins
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zestydistress · 10 months
The song Home from the Beetlejuice musical has me HEARTBROKEN and I need to explain why and my interpretations of it.
Mama, I could use some help here Tired of talking to myself here
She knows that if her mom was nearby she would see her, it's an infinite abyss of nothingness. Despite that, she feels like maybe, maybe if she calls for her she will come. She's tired. She's been alone, talking to the wind, for months, hoping and praying for a sign from her mom that maybe, just maybe, she isn’t alone.
Back at home, you don't exist So here I am in the abyss
She knows her dad. He’s stubborn, just like her. He will NEVER talk about dead mom. EVER. The only reason he does is to tell her to move on, and that's HIS way of grieving. To move forward and put on a brave face. He still thinks about her constantly, in everything. She was his world too. But he NEVER talked about her, because it hurt too much. It made her feel invisible, the one thing she felt she could talk to him about at all, and he pushed her away. He never had an interest in her or her mom’s love for the macabre, but he still loved them. But now, they can’t talk because they don’t know each other. They never knew each other. So, she is in the abyss. She feels like she NEEDS her mom back. Dead mom is the only one who understood her, the only one who talked to her, the only one who SAW her.
Are you really in this place? It's like the emptiness of space I could search for all eternity And never see your face
She’s confused on how anyone could be here for eternity. She doesn’t see how anyone can be here, and Miss Argentina had told her that they are there FOREVER. No leaving for the surface world, nothing. Just the infinite abyss. Forever. She’s uncertain if she will actually find her mom here. She doesn’t know if this whole thing will be for naught.
Help me out I'm lost without you Standing Stuck on this impossible road No idea which way to go Whichever path I choose I lose, you know And I don't know which way's home I don't know which way's home
Exactly what she said. She’s lost without her, and stuck. Stuck with making the only decision she thinks she has: 1. Hunt her down to the ends of the netherworld just for the chance to see her face one last time, or 2. Go back home with her dad, and be forced to remain silent about dead mom forever. Or even worse… forget her. She NEVER wants to forget her. And whichever path she chooses, she loses. She can’t stay here, in the netherworld, to hunt her down. She can’t. She’ll literally die, one way or another. No liquids are allowed, she’ll die of dehydration, it doesn’t say no food is allowed but I would assume they don’t eat. And whatever path she takes, she’s not sure which one would be home. Going back with her dad? It’s not home. No place is home without her mom there in any form. But being stuck nowhere? Chasing after a concept she’s built of her dead mom who might not even be in the netherworld? That sounds more like hell than home. It’s a lose-lose. Either way, she will be suffering. Either way, she knows she will be without her family.
You always saw life as a game But since you left, it sucks to play I'm beaten up and bruised Confused by rules that alter every day
She doesn’t understand other people. No one was like her mom, and everyone has different and altering social rules. And that's just with other people, it could very well be the rules Charles alters every single day, refusing to discuss anything and everything about dead mom. Avoiding her, avoiding being an actual father.
Where to next? You left but I'm still standing Spinning on this infinite road Terrified of letting you go No light above and there's no hope below And I don't know which way's home
Spinning on this infinite road meaning she can’t make a decision, turning between the fork in the road and never seeing the end. Never seeing a happy ending. She is terrified. She’s a teenager. She can’t let go of Emily. She was the only one who saw her. No light above meaning there is no light without her mom there, above in the living world. According to the cut song “Mamma Would” Lydia described her mom as “as bright and as warm as the sun”. There would be no light above, and there would be no hope below. A desolate place such as the netherworld would destroy her if she stayed to search for her mom. There’s already no hope of finding her anyway, she’s gone. Stuck in the infinite abyss of nothingness. Like Juno said, “Whatever you think you’re looking for, you’re not gonna find it.”
Mom, I've got my heart in my hand Speak to me and I'll understand One little word to know I'm not alone And show me the way back home Is there a way back home?
She’s desperate. Clinging onto any hope at all that her mom is there and present, like she used to be. She desperately wants to hear her, to have her tell her the solution, to explain things, to be there. She knows, deep down, that she won’t find her, but she hopes. She has her heart in her hand and she’s begging for her to respond. Just one little word so she knows.
The nothingness ahead of me Is this the end you meant for me?
She knows her mom never meant for anything like this to happen, she knows dead mom would never want this for her daughter. But still, she can’t help but question her. Ask. Is this what you wanted? Is there a way to be together again? You didn’t want this ending for me, but did you want us to be here, together? Is there a way for me to feel complete again with me in your arms?
Every living minute There's no home without you in it
As she says. There’s no home without her, but there is no home without everyone else either. She still associates home back in New York, with her mom and dad. She still wants that life back. She doesn’t want things to change, she doesn’t want to have new people in her life, she just wants her mom. Even if she cares for those new people, she would be willing to leave them all if her mom just heard her call and asked it of her.
I'm falling, quit stalling Your daughter is calling your name I've burned all my bridges and came
She’s desperate, on her last thread of hope, and she KNOWS her mom won’t come, but she’s trying. She’s desperately begging and crying for her mom to come. Maybe she feels a little betrayed. She feels as if, maybe, her mom IS hearing her. Quit stalling. Come home. Your DAUGHTER is calling your name, PLEASE come back. You always heard her call before, even when she never thought you would. So hear her now. HEAR HER. 
She feels as if she’s burnt all her bridges, destroyed her ties with everyone she loves, even those at arms length, just to see her mom again. She NEEDS to see her again. She’s calling. She’s desperate. She needs her mom. 
(Charles’ speech is heartbreaking too, just imagining losing the love of your life, and having no idea how to process it, so you shut down and push forward. You refuse to acknowledge the loss because it’ll hurt more if you do. But you’re also pushing away your daughter, and perhaps that's because she reminds you so much of your wife. As Lydia described herself in “Dead Mom”, “I’m your clone, your strange creation.” so it’s safe to assume they look almost identical. And maybe, he started pushing her away a little because of that. He reminds her so much of her mom, and it hurts. It hurts to look at an almost carbon copy of his love, and she’s loved in a different way but still a part of his world, and talk about how much the loss of his wife hurts. But he needs to. He’s always pushed her away according to a cut song called “A Little More Of Your Time.” He was afraid he would mess up as a father ever since the day she was born. He was terrified that he wouldn’t be enough, so he forced himself into his work and just earned that dime. He didn’t spend much time with her at all before her mother passed, and when she did pass, he couldn’t stand not knowing his daughter. So, he got her a life coach, someone who takes care of her for him. Who he fell for, and he hoped that she could be Lydia’s new mom. Which Lydia felt he was replacing her mom, but that's another rant-)
I'm gonna go back home Adam, Barbara, Delia and Dad It's messy but they're all that I have
In Dead Mom, Lydia says “You won’t believe the mess that we’ve become” in a negative way, and here, she explains that these people are her home, whether she realized that before or not. And even though it’s messy and convoluted, they’re all she has. And she loves them. It’s positive here.
I'll make the best of being flesh and bone Mama, I'm going home
I love the line “I’ll make the best of being flesh and bone” because it feels like she’s choosing life. She’s choosing to make the best of life, and people. And it feels like she’s listening to what Miss Argentina said in "What I Know Now" “I would ride the highs and cherish the lows, knowing it's a quick trick 'round the rodeo. So before they lower the curtain, be certain to enjoy the show” It feels like she’s confirming, yes, I’ll make the best of being flesh and bone, I will ride the highs and cherish the lows now that I know the ending of our lives. And she leaves with one final goodbye, telling her mom, just one last time, that she was going home. That she had a home and she knew where to go now. And while she’ll always miss her every day, she left her family behind and she’s going home now.
TLDR: The Beetlejuice Musical has me heartbroken and I can't move on.
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thebettyjuice · 1 year
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Various shots of the Maitland/Deetz home. I have no idea ifd the veil will be there for filming.
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axelwolf8109 · 10 months
Catherine O'Hara is a wonderful actress
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jdsmineralwater · 2 years
so i was singing home from beetlejuice, bc what else should i do in my free time? and i got to the line 'you always saw life as a game, now that you're gone it sucks to play' and i just couldnt continue
because its not a game lydia, maybe thats news
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subukunojess · 2 years
Popular Characters In Connecticut
Luz (The Owl House)
Adam and Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Lydia, Charles, and Delia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Clark, the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut (Tumblr: please someone tell me who owns clark)
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gothyteendeetz · 2 years
Liz breaking at the end just made it more special😭😭😭
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followtheechoes · 2 years
some videos and pictures from elizabeth teeter's instagram story on beetlejuice's closing night (Jan 8, 2023)
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