#defend ian gallagher
gardenerian · 29 days
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No, just mentally ill...
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
early season six ian gallagher i understand you and i’m sorry that nobody else did
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tequilaasquared · 4 months
So I totally agree with the sentiment that S6-9 was painful without Mickey because I almost gave up myself. But I’ll be an Ian Gallagher defender to the end and I really hate when his own stans dismiss his storyline because Mickey wasn’t there and they hated his love interests.
Him becoming an EMT was arguably one of his most important story arcs throughout the whole series and it was crucial to his character development. And more importantly (for me anyways) it was such positive representation of life after a bipolar diagnosis. Watching someone deal with a life changing diagnosis and not be villainised by the narrative and see them make something of their life and have a career and stability, was so inspirational to me.
(I’m not including the s8-9 gay jesus storyline in this rant because I acknowledge that it WAS objectively poorly written despite it having potential)
I totally understand if Mickey is your fave and you aren’t interested in Ian’s arc without him. I get that the show would be boring and a waste of your time if your fave is gone and none of the other characters are interesting enough for you to continue watching. But to see Gallavich stans call Ian’s development trash and outright invalidate it is always so disheartening to me. Especially when I’ve seen the same people praise the other Gallagher sibling storylines just to purposely dismiss Ian’s. Like you can just say you weren’t interested because Mickey wasn’t with him without shitting on him.
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kandyzee · 7 months
So gonna be ranting about this mf on twitter
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Major Ian gallagher defence coming.
OKAH FIRST Ian 100% deserves mickey the same way mickey deserves Ian. When mickey is first introduced he is a homophobic closet case with no support system by the end of the show he is happily married to his fucking high-school sweetheart with his own apartment in a nice area and he has his own business. HE HAS ALL OF THAT BECAUSE OF IAN. Ian became mickeys support system and was always pushing him to become a better person. He shows mickey that he's not 'fucked for life' and he trys his hardest to protect him. Even if the way Ian did it , he got mickey to come out. Mickey needed that push. U think he would have come out if he didn't have someone he loves telling him to?
Now the cheating. The only time Ian cheats on mickey is during his manic episode in s4/5 AND HE GOT HELP AFTER. It's crazy to me that people don't think Ian regrets that and seriously use it as a reason to hate Ian. U better hate fiona and Debbie and Lip too. Yk what better hate mickey too cause he did have a wife and boyfriend (this is a joke don't kill me)
Ian not signing the marriage papers is upsetting but it's not hard to understand why he did it. Ian grew up around frank and Monica , his main representation of marriage is an absolute shit show. He's scared of turning his relationship with the man he loves into that. This is an expected fear from Ian given his worries about being like his mum. He doesn't want to complicate things. And he talks to mickey about this. Ian not signing isn't him being horrible it's his way of trying to protect mickey from himself because he loves mick.
And Ian is always trying to protect mickey, he backs him up in fights, when mickey breaks out of prison he doesn't go to the cops, he breaks up with mickey when he thinks their relationship is hurting him, he tells lip "hit my husband again and I'll fucking kill you". CLEARLY PROTECTIVE.
I don't have ss but mf was also like "Ian laughs at mickey being raped" so talking about that now.
The first time Ian "laughs at him" is in s3 when he tries to talk to mickey right after it happens. I don't think it takes a genius to know that Ian was trying to lighten the mood, not laugh AT mickey. He was also traumatised when Terry catching them happened. He laughs nervously because he has no clue how to navigate a situation like that at such a young age. He's a child making a badly timed, uncomfortable joke because he watched something terrible happen.
The second time Ian does this is with Caleb. During his relationship with caleb, Ian tries to convince himself that mickey was bad for him a few times. Making yourself hate someone is a lot easier than accepting the fact that they are gone. He shouldn't be telling someone he basically just met about that, but in his defence, he's talking about something he probably feels happened to him as well. Ian is affected by all that happened with mickey, and it makes sense that he tells people. In the same way, it would make sense for svetlana to tell people about the day it does for Ian too. All 3 are victims of Terry. Ian also has people telling him how bad mickey is all the time (mainly fiona tbh what if her problem with the milkovichs ) so he's trying to believe that, a easy way to do that is get validation from someone who hasn't been been around mickey. Caleb has never met mick, he has no reason to try defend him. I also don't really think what Ian was saying was making fun of mickey, it's not nice but yk?
This is getting long omg
On him being ugly
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Cameron monaghan is GORGEOUS. He is the definition of cutie pie AND fine as fuck.
When mickey punches Ian because he didn't sign the marriage papers, HE DID NOT HAVE IT COMING. No one deserves to be hit by their partner. I mean, Jesus crist mickey literally broke his leg. His is probably the worst aspect of their relationship by that I mean the violence. A lot of it is playful, but it's not always healthy. Mickey was understandably upset but he shouldn't have hit Ian.
Okayyy now the hall of shame stuff. To me, that shit doesn't count cause Ian and mickey both act kinda out of character. I really don't like Ian saying that, and he shouldn't, but it's hardly a reason for Ian not to deserve mick. 87% is still the majority of his heart, and Ian wasn't saying he doesn't love mickey. Also acting like mickey hasn't said worst things.
"Ur nothing but a warm mouth to me"
"better than going off and having another bipolar episode"
LAST THING. Yes, mickey sacrifices a lot for Ian, like when he goes to prison for him, but not everyone shows love through large reckless actions. You shouldn't expect Ian to give things up to prove he loves mickey. Sacrifice isn't the only way to show affection. U can do it through words or gifts or quality time. Ian shows his love a lot through words, like when he tells mickey, "we have nothing to be ashamed of" early as s2. He makes him feel better when mickey is scared he would be a bad dad.
Ian gallagher haters are DUMB . Some people shouldn't be allowed to watch shameless cause how can u be so small-minded. People who say 1 of them doesn't deserve the other are just aggravating. Gallavich has a lot of ups and downs, and its part of what makes them so appealing. Despite all the bad things they go through, they always love and fight for each other.
Rant over
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astaraels · 1 year
mickey doesn't read a lot, but I like to think his favorite book is the catcher in the rye. because one day ian brought him a copy and when mickey asked what the fuck, ian said that the main character reminded him of mickey. and mickey said that was gay as hell and brushed it off, but he read the book anyway and yeah, he kinda gets what ian was talking about. anyway I love mickey milkovich and holden caulfield and so does ian
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lupeloto · 1 year
listen, i know none of these are new takes but it’s on my mind and i mustshare. 
so, we all know that s10 and s11 of shameless have their flaws, to say the least...however, hear me out...
mickey in s10/s11 is so very important to me. yes, he still does some “immature” things, but we can see how he’s grown and matured in such a deeper way, finally ready to just fully embrace who he is. it also feels like he finally gets to take a breathe for the first time in years.
it’s so prevalent in s10 through how much he fights for himself. most of his story arc has been him fighting for ian, but in this season, we finally get to see him fight for himself and refuse to settle for less than what he thinks he deserves...like mickey actually looking after himself? THAT is so beautiful to me
and in season 11, he is truly trying to make things work and to alter himself/his lifestyle to make ian happy. i mean, early seasons mickey would never show that he cares that much about something to actually put effort into it. and yes, he makes a ton of mistakes in that season, but he trys to fix it and puts forth an actual effort to live this new life for him and ian. and THAT is so very beautiful
he matured so much throughout the years and these seasons really reflect that growth in the good, bad, and the ugly ways.
however, what makes it so special is that, despite the fact that he still has these major issues in his life to tackle, it feels like he can still fucking breathe while doing so. like yes, he is struggling but for once, it is not all consuming. he was able to just exist as a person without having to constantly keep an eye over his shoulder or plan for the next fucking wrecking ball to crash into his life
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book-tease · 2 years
yknow now that i think about it. the fictional women people tend to turn on are women/girls who started out put together and made minimal mistakes, and then they go through some shit and do some shitty things bc they’re yknow. going through shit. and then all of a sudden people turn on them like they’re awful human beings and they can never come back from it apparently
weird that characters who just so happen to be woman can’t make mistakes or else you’ll hate them forever…
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rororowyourboat18 · 1 month
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I love how Ian Gallagher mentioned tomatoes twice (TWICE!), and we as a fanfic community ran with it to the nearest community garden/balcony. And now Ian plants tomatoes and Mickey eats/defends them countless times. And I will gladly real all the tomato fics. Give me all the tomatoes!
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em-harlsnow · 4 months
there comes a day when mickey will make fun of ian in front of his whole family for the whole mexico thing (they will both ignore how it ended)
they’ll be taking the piss out of each other on the couch, while everyone else just sort of minds their own business.
it will end up something like
“please you still fucked me when i had long hair and hadn’t showered in a week” mickey rolls his eyes at his husband.
“you never had long hair” lip says, thinking he’s talking about when they were young.
“when he broke out of prison he did.” ian elaborates.
“yeah, and how long did it take you to cave?” mickey prods, and lip laughs.
“seriously, ian, ive always wondered about that. i mean, you were dating someone else so how long did it take before you went with mickey?” debbie asks, putting her phone down.
“um- i mean- it wasn’t instantly-“ ian tries to defend himself.
“wasn’t instantly my ass, man. you said ‘i have a boyfriend’ and i said ‘okay, what are u doing here then’ and that’s all she fucking wrote because you were all over me.”
“really ian? that quick?” lip mocks
“i mean- not- it wasn’t like that! it was just like- you were doing that stupid lip thing and we’d already kissed so- and i hadn’t seen you in ages! and you were like bouncing ur eyebrows and-“ ian keeps gesturing at mickey like it’s just all his fault.
“all i hear is i was too irresistible.”
ian scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“jesus ian, you’d already kissed? so what, it was even less time?” debbie pokes lightly and lip laughs.
“he kissed me!” ian argues, making mickey raise his eyebrows.
“yeah, you seemed real upset about it too. you definitely weren’t an active participant” mickey rolls his eyes, tone dripping with sarcasm.
“urgh, shut up, mick! it took- it took convincing! he was texting me beforehand!”
“i texted u ‘r u comin’ because i was freezing my ass off. not exactly a love sonnet, man.”
lip laughs. “you’re so easy ian. jesus christ.”
“i am not easy, lip. you’re the slut here, not me.”
“c’mon man, you are kind of easy for me.” mickey teases jabbing him in the ribs slightly.
“oh fuck you mickey as if you’re any better.”
mickey holds his hands up. “never said i was.” he gives ian a toothy grin, which he scowls at. “but really? my hair was down to here. surely it should have taken you longer to fold.”
ian rolls his eyes again, and mickey chuckles.
later, when they’re alone, ian admits, “i liked the long hair though. i mean you looked sort of homeless… but i liked it.”
mickey smiles at him. “ur such a sap. i love you”
“i love you too.”
“but you folded SO QUICK, gallagher. you barely even tried to avoid fucking me!”
ian rolls his eyes and punches him in the shoulder for ruining the moment.
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cloudy-em · 1 year
Hi, that's me again😅
So... my other idea for Lip is: (again with relatively shy reader, because I love the thrope a lot) the reader and Lip are already in a relationship, one day someone teases her a little too much on the sexual theme (they haven't had sex yet so she's a bit insecure about it) he notices, he defends her, and once they're alone he starts to joke around, teases her in a sweet way, to make her feel more comfortable to talk about it. (She is not a virgin, she's just not that experienced)
Hope you like this one, if not. It's okay, I promise😂
another great idea! <3
personally i don't celebrate thanksgiving but i remember an episode from one of the earlier seasons of them doing a thanksgiving meal which is very convenient for this so it's loosely based on that
warnings: sexual comments, innuendos, Mickey's kinda being an ass but his comments aren't ill-intended
The Gallagher household was bustling with activity. Fiona and V were in the kitchen, finishing up some last minute food preparations while Kevin was entertaining Carl and some of his friends in the yard with games. Ian was fixing drinks for everyone, desperately trying to find Debbie to figure out what she wanted (she was in her room, Mandy braiding her hair for her so she could impress Little Hank). Lip was finishing up a project for some sophomore who'd offered to pay him $100, and Liam was sitting patiently in his high chair. Y/N did her best to help out by setting the table, ensuring there were enough chairs and that everyone had all the proper utensils.
Mickey walked in the front door, beer in hand and flopped down, watching as Y/N reached across to the other side of the table to put a fork next to the plate. Mickey whistled like a boy in a 60s tv show.
"Damn, I bet you're used to that position," he quipped, taking another swig or his beer. Y/N looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows.
Mickey shrugged. "You know, cause I'm sure Philip bends you over pretty often." Y/N realized his implications, blushing and looking away. Mickey laughed, much more comfortable on the subject of sex than she was. "I'm sure Fiona's had to schedule time out of the house with the rest of the kids just to give you two some 'alone time'!"
Y/N grew increasingly uncomfortable. She wasn't a virgin or a puritan, but she and Lip hadn't had sex yet. They hadn't had a conversation about it or anything, but she wanted to wait a while and Lip had never brought it up with her.
Mickey laughed, "Look, kid, don't have to hide anything, we've all walked in on Lip with one of his hookups before." He paused for dramatic effect.
"Besides, it's always the shy one's who are the kinkiest!"
Y/N looked away, trying not to pay him any more mind and focus on her task. Lip walked down the stairs having finished with the sophomore's project, and immediately noticed something was off. His girlfriend was shy, sure, but she never bowed her head as low as she had.
"Hey, Lip!" Mickey called, teasing. Lip looked at him, eyebrows raised in expectation. "Maybe you should go out back and have quickie with your girl, get 'er to stop bein' such a priss." Lip realized what was wrong, walking over to his blushing girlfriend and placing his arm around her waist.
"Fuck off," Lip sighed. "Y/N isn't a priss, she just doesn't think the whole world needs to know about her sex life like you and Ian seem to."
Mickey raised his arms in surrender, "'Kay, fuck, Gallagher, it was all teasing, no harm meant!" He got up from his seat and went to the kitchen, presumably to grab another beer.
"C'mon, baby," Lip said softly, squeezing Y/N's waist and guiding her up to his room. He sat with her on the edge of Ian's bed, holding her hand and rubbing his calloused thumb on the back of it.
"I'm sorry he was messin' with you, baby," he whispered. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Anything I can do for you?" He emphasized his apology by pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
"No, just," she paused, thinking about how she wanted to phrase her next sentence. "Do you ever, I don't know, feel like I'm holding you back?"
Lip had a puzzled look on his face. "Whatd'ya mean, hon?"
"Well with like, you know," she sighed, pulling her hand away from Lip to hide her face. "We haven't had sex and I feel like that's my fault." She heard him chuckle quietly, her embarrassment seeping into her soul even more.
"Baby," he cooed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug as she continued to hide her face. "It's nobody's fault. We haven't talked about it yet! That's the most important part of any relationship, and that's taken me a while to learn. I figured you'd bring it up when you were ready. I didn't want you to feel pressured."
She looked up at him, eyes wide and glazed over, on the verge of tears because of her embarrassment. "Really?" she asked.
"Really," he nodded like he had given an order to the universe.
"I thought that maybe you weren't attracted to me or that you thought I wasn't good enough," she whispered.
"Me? Not attracted to you? Aw babe!" he laughed, nose touching hers in a loving exchange. "A pretty thing like you deserves to be worshipped. When we have sex, I'm takin' my time with you."
She giggled at his compliment, rolling her eyes in disbelief.
"Oh, what you don't believe me? I've wanted to sleep with pretty girl forever, I just wanted to make sure she's ready for me," he smiled at her. The more he complimented her, easing in sex references, the more comfortable she felt on the subject. He had waited for her! He didn't think she was a prude or anything, he just had respect for her; he cared for her. She felt warmth in her chest as she processed the conversation. Lip kissed her nose briefly, helping her stand up from the bed.
"And try not to let Mickey get you down. He's just like that and assumes everyone else is comfortable talking about their sex life the way he does. I'll warn him to dial it down when he's around you, though," Lip told her, looking into her eyes to make sure she knew he was serious.
"Thanks, Lip. I love you," she told him, hugging him again.
"I love you, too, Y/N. Now, we'll talk more about us and our boundaries and moving forward later," he told her, trying to help her be more comfortable discussing sex with him. "But right now I think we've got a dinner to be at."
thanks for reading! sorry about me projecting a lil bit in lip and reader's conversation lol, i just think it's really important to have these conversations with your partners and i think lip, despite being all tough and "not sappy" (but he totally is) really cares about discussing boundaries with his partner
have a great day!
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in-act-ive · 1 year
Hi can I request shameless X male reader where the reader is like an older brother to the boys and he defends them with his life pretty much it can be and he comforts them with side hugs y'know pulls them in for one especially when they fight with Fiona( nothing against her love her but I wanna comfort the boys y'know) headcanons or a oneshot i don't mind
Anyways have a good day
Yep! Sorry it's not a fic! I'm still a bit sick and I want to get this out before school starts up again!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : more shameless stuff!! I'm not mad y'all just need to give me a minute to do some other stuff. All jokes aside this request was fun. Sorry I didn't do Liam!
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Carl Gallagher
Knowing Carl you probably come to the rescue... A lot
He starts shit he can't finish
You have to come fight people for him a lot of the time
He also ends up getting people to jump him so... You have to save him then too
When you get injured he makes you deal with it
Its not that he doesn't know how
He just doesn't want to look at injuries he caused
When / after he gets in a fight with hie family he tries to avoid you
He doesn't want to bother you with his issues
You know where he hides though so you can help him
He's more of a " lets not open up.. Lets just stay DEAD SILENT instead "
You'll hug him
He won't admit it but that definitely helps him feel a bit better
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Lip Gallagher
He likes to fight people for the hell of it
Lip can hold his own, really
Sometimes you just insist on stepping in cause you're much more responsible than he is and you know when he can't handle a fight or when its not worth it
Your normally pulling Lip out of a fight instead of defending him
He fucking hates it
His brothers appreciate it though
When you do end up fighting someone for Lip and get hurt he tends to your wounds immediately
He scolds you as he does so though, even if its his fault
When he gets in a fight with family he comes straight to you
He probably falls into your arms and just angrily huffs until you comfort him
He's not great with words
You've gotten used to it touch and you comfort him pretty quickly
He likes hugs and is very open about it
Especially yours
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Ian Gallagher
Hes probably the more tame of the three boys
Definitely gets in fights he cant handle though
You have to step in and save him all the fucking time
He tries to tell you he's fine
He's not
When you get hurt in a fight he'll patch up your wounds
So scolding
He just explains what he's doing and does everything very gently as if your a child
He hates when you get hurt
You may be a bit older than him but he doesn't give a shit
You two just have a mutual overprotectivness over each other and everyone has picked up on it
After a fight with his familyhe comes to you first
You'll sit with him and he'll explain what's going on
You try your best to give advice
He nods and thinks about what you say as you speak
It almost always ends in you cuddling him while he sleeps
He cannot get in a fight with anyone without being mentally exhausted after
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
realizing that ian connected with blake, the kid who’s parents were trying to send him to conversion therapy, because blake was another season 4 ian, queer, mentally ill, on drugs, prostituting himself, and desperate for an environment where he isn’t persecuted for being queer hurts. y’all will say that ian’s storyline in season 8 is bad, but it’s really not. i don’t agree that it’s blasphemous or out of character, i think that people are just quick to judge and don’t like that mickey wasn’t in the season.
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Yev's Mosquito Bite
“Dad, Ian; You guys should really go on a date sometime,” were the first words Yev said to them when he came home from school on a nice, breezy afternoon. “It’s been way too long since you’ve had some time to yourselves.” 
Ian shared a glance of amusement with his husband. Yev didn’t give two shits about them having alone time, he was usually complaining about them being too openly affectionate in front of him. “Oh, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Yev dropped his backpack on the floor, only to pick it back up with a sheepish smile when Mickey shot him a look. He draped it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs. “I mean, when was the last time you guys just had a night or-” he shrugged, taking on a tone that was far from nonchalantly, “afternoon out?” 
“You know,” Ian feigned a thoughtful voice, “now that you mention it, it has been a while.” Yev nodded eagerly. “I could always take the day off sometime soon. We could stay here all day.” 
Mickey smirked when Yev deflated. He grabbed Ian by his belt loops, gently pulling him closer. “I like the way you think, Gallagher. Hit the shower with me later?” 
“Fuck yeah,” Ian grinned, widening when Yev groaned loudly. 
“God, you guys are gross.” 
“Why do you want us out of the house, Yev?” Ian got straight to the point, one hand reaching back to thread his fingers through Mickey’s hair. It was a little longer nowadays, not quite the same length when he broke out of prison but close. 
“No reason,” Yev muttered. 
“No reason?” Mickey repeated, arching his brow. “Kid, if you’re planning on drinking, you’d better do it with us here.” 
Yev rolled his eyes. “Your beer sucks ass. You can keep it.” 
“Fuck you,” Mickey said with no heat. “You got shitty taste just like your mother.” 
“Mick,” Ian nudged him. 
“What? Don’t tell me you’re gonna start defending Mother Russia now.” 
“You shouldn’t talk about her like that,” Ian said calmly, taking an onion to start chopping for dinner. 
“Eh, it’s okay,” Yev shrugged again. “She says worse about Dad.” 
This had Mickey narrowing his eyes. “The fuck does she say about me?” 
Yev just gave his father a smirk of his own, and it looked just like Mickey’s, no doubt that he was his son. 
“Stop getting off track,” Ian scolded them both. He then addressed his son. “You wanna tell us why you’re trying to get rid of us?” 
“Not really,” Yev turned to grab a soda from the fridge, giving both of his fathers a full view of the two hickies on the side of his neck. 
Mickey snickered. “I think I know why.” 
Even Ian couldn’t hide the grin that spread over his face. “Is there someone you’re not telling us about, Yev?” 
Yev had gone very still. “No,” he mumbled. 
In other circumstances, Ian would be against trying to embarrass his child, remembering from experience how uncomfortable it could be to have someone in your business like that. Whoever had given it to him was obviously his first crush and if he wanted to keep communication between all three of them open and honest, he should let it rest. 
But after all the shit Yev gave him and Mickey, this was much deserved payback. 
“Yeah?” Mickey said slyly, “that why you got a couple of hickeys?” 
Ian had never seen Yev go so red before. Completely embarrassed, he cleared his throat, ducking his head, looking like he desperately wanted the floor to swallow him whole. “I’m going to my room.” 
“Oh, no way, Little Man,” Mickey yanked him by the back of his shirt.
“You’re gonna stay here.” 
“Why?” Yev whined. “They’re not even hickeys!” 
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 
“Oh, they ain’t, huh?” Mickey snorted. 
“They’re mosquito bites, Dad.” 
“Oh, really?” Mickey said sarcastically. He brushed a finger over the spots, making Yev flinch. “Must have got you pretty good then.” 
“Must be really biting this time of year,” Ian remarked. 
Yev’s lips pressed together. “Yeah...” 
“That’s weird because I don’t remember you having any bites this morning,” Ian continued. 
“Must have happened when I was walking back,” Yev said quickly. 
Ian felt the laughter in his chest, threatening to come out. He managed to hold himself together, nodding like he believed the shit that was coming out of his mouth.  Mickey looked seconds away from calling him out on the bullshit too, but Ian just laid a hand on his lower back, his silent way of telling him to wait. 
“You should put a warm compress on those,” Ian advised. “It’ll help with the blood flow.” 
“Okay,” Yev grabbed his backpack, still holding his soda in his hand and made a beeline for his bedroom. 
“He thinks we’re fucking stupid,” Mickey chuckled. “How long you think it’ll be before we see whoever left ‘em?” 
Ian looped an arm around his husband’s shoulders. “I don’t know. Think we should go easy on him when he introduces us?” 
“Fuck no,” Mickey said and they both laughed. 
As it turns out, they would be introduced to the girl in question a couple of days later when Yev brought her home to work on a project together. 
“This is Emily,” their son said, fidgeting slightly. “Those are my dads; Mickey and Ian.” 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” Emily said politely. 
“You too,” Ian smiled warmly. 
“Yeah,” Mickey said with a nod. “So, you and the kid have a project together?” 
“Yes,” Emily said. “It’s for our history class. We’re supposed to take an event that happened and discuss the consequences of it.” 
“You can go ahead to my room,” Yev said hurriedly, probably to save himself from Ian or Mickey saying anything else. “It’s at the end of the hall. I’ll get us a drink.” 
“Okay,” Emily gave him and Mickey one last smile before going back there.  
Ian leaned against the countertop, watching Yev grab a couple cans of soda. “She’s pretty.” 
“Please don’t,” Yev cringed. 
“Ay, you like this girl?” Mickey asked. 
Yev’s cheeks flushed. “I don’t want to talk about this.” 
“That’s a yes,” Mickey and Ian said simultaneously. 
“Can we not?” 
“I think we should have Emily stay for dinner,” Ian said to his husband. “Get to know her a little better.” 
“No!” Yev said in horror. 
“Sure. I think Lana sent over some of his baby pictures over.” 
“We have a whole album,” Ian reminded him. 
“Oh my God-” 
Mickey nodded seriously, barely keeping a straight face as is. “You remember that one year he wore a tiger costume for Halloween and refused to take it off?” 
“That was pretty damn cute,” Ian chuckled. He meant that too. Yev had gone around trying to roar at everybody to scare them for at least two weeks after Halloween ended. 
“Bet Emily would like it,” Mickey teased. 
“Dad!” Yev whisper-yelled, a mixture of disbelief and equal parts irritation. He looked at Ian for help, but he was trying to quell his laughter so he was useless. “I fucking hate you both.” 
“Ay, watch your fucking language,” Mickey hit him lightly upside the head. 
“I’m going to room,” Yev said, aiming a glare at both of them. 
He started to walk, with Ian giving his husband a wink, calling for his son to wait. 
“Is your window open?” Ian said. 
“Yeah...” Yev said, agitatedly. “Why?”  
Ian threw him a bottle that he caught. 
“Bug spray,” he read off the title in bewilderment. “What the hell is this for?” 
“You know, for the mosquitoes,” Ian said calmly. Him and Mickey dissolved into loud laughter after that. 
“Ugh,” Yev snapped, looking like he wanted to throw the bottle at them. “I hope your dicks stay limp.” 
He stomped to his room after that, while his fathers tried to catch their breath. 
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kandyzee · 4 months
im glad someone else has noticed the sudden ian hate again phew 😅i’m wondering if it’s all the defensive posts that’s triggered it
I mean probably people love arguing with eachother in this fandom.
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lovergirly · 1 year
I read the lip fic with opposites reader can you write a oneshot on when they first met or when she first met his family?
Hiii!! another one shot of rich reader x Lip gallagher! hope you enjoy 😘
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"Ian... I'm nervous I don't think they'll like me."
"will you relax.  Of course they will!"
You and your best friend Ian were about to go meet the entirety of the Gallagher family.  You were beyond nervous.  the only reason you knew Ian was because you had a crush on him and you asked him out.  He obviously said no which upset you at first until he explained he was gay.  after that, you two were inseparable. 
Pulling up to the Gallagher house, you felt nervous butterflies enter your stomach.  what if they hated you? what if they were mean?  what if-
"ready?" ian pulled you out of your thoughts as you got out of your BMW. 
"you might want to lock the car." he chuckles. 
As you walk closer to the door, you can hear more and more commotion coming from the inside of the house.  Instead of knocking, he barges right in and allows you a few seconds to really take in the scene.  Two kids, boy and girl, arguing over a computer, a baby crawling around, and a girl probably in her twenties scrambling around the kitchen.  Finally, you see a boy probably your age smoking a blunt on the couch while watching "to catch a predator". 
He was a sight.  He was hot.  you've seen him around school before, but you don't know his name.  He's known for doing kids homework if you pay him well enough. 
"well well well, look what ian brought here." he gives you a smirk and a once over before adding, "ian found himself some rich girl to smooch off of."
instead of letting ian talk, you immediately say, "sounds like someone's just jealous that you need to do loser's homework to get money."
he looks shocked for a second before adding, "big mouth too.  You smoke?"
"no of course not.  it's terrible for your lungs and I do cheer."
"oh she does cheer?!  her little lungs can't handle it." he mocks a sad face before you add
"at least I'll be alive when my grandkids are born."
he chuckles before taking a drag and going back to his show. ian takes this as invitation to take your hand and lead you to the kitchen.  Where it appears people multiplied as there is now another girl and a guy, you're inferring are a couple. 
"hey guys,  this is y/n.  I invited her over for dinner I hope that's okay." he looks at fiona as the commotion stops for a second.
"Yeah that's fine.  I'm fiona." she gives you a slight wave as she continues scurrying around.
the little girl is the first to run up to you.
"I'm debbie!  you're like soooooo pretty!! are you and Ian dating?" she was so cute. 
"umm no we're just friends"
"then who is your boyfriend?"
"alright shut up debbie!  I'm carl, but you can call me yours."
"yeah i think you're just a little too young for me."
"give it time sweetthing, give it time."
You found yourself getting along really well with the Gallagher family, plus Kev and V you learned.  During dinner, you and the Lip kid kept staring at each other.  You thought he was giving you dirty looks. Maybe it wasn’t going well. You, Fiona, and V end up in a deep conversation about boys, when V mentions, "i saw how you were looking at Lip, it's around 9 right now so if you want to go outside he'll be there smoking a cigarette." Fiona slaps her arm while V defends, "what?! I know sexual tension when i see it!"
"thank you V, but i don't think it's anything like that." you say while standing up to go outside.
"then why is your ass getting closer to the door?" she laughs.
"you know those things will kill you, it's not just a myth."
"that's okay. I’m experimenting to see if i’m the expectation.”
“is that your car?” you point to a beat up car sitting in their yard.
“yeah and no. It doesn’t drive, but i do bring girls here everyone once in a while. wanna hop inside?”
“if you’re insinuating what i think you are-“
“i’m not trust me.”
“whatever Gallagher.”
you two made your way inside the crammed car and it did definitely smell like weed and sex. He wasn’t kidding…
“so… you and ian?” he seriously didn’t know yet?
“umm no just friends. i’ve truthfully never had a boyfriend.”
“a girl like you never having a boyfriend? let me guess… too rich for all the south side boys? or maybe just too hot for all the losers at our school.” that comment made you blush, you were just praying he didn’t catch on.
“you know i’m not some stuck up rich girl right?”
“oh really? Let’s see, your whole family could buy mine. are you sure you’re not that rich?”
“ok fine but i’m not stuck up.”
“you are a little…” he adds wirh a small laugh
“oh yeah? give me that cigarette” you demand. he hands it over and watches curiously as you put it to your lips and suck. immediately, you start coughing which causes him to laugh, “oh god you weren’t kidding that you’ve never had one.”
“you thought i was lying?”
“maybe. thought you might have some secret life behind all the cheer and money.”
“well I do. I’m not like my family i promise.”
“well if you’re not like your family, how about you stay the night and we can just hang out.”
“you better not be insinuating anything again or i swear i’ll-“
“i’m not, you can sleep in ian’s bed, or even mine and i’ll sleep on the couch.”
“thank you Lip. I’d love to.”
little did you know that was the beginning spark of a beautiful relationship
i hope you enjoyeddd!! what else should Lip and y/n get into?? maybe some drama?
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astaraels · 8 months
Ruthless Devotion
they'll make a hundred men bleed raw for the chance to prove themselves. (on canine coded milkoviches.) (ao3)
Put your fucking guard dog on a leash.
Mickey's hands chase over Ian's sides, his teeth nipping at the soft and tender flesh of Ian's lips. There's a soft growl that starts in Mickey's throat and ends up in Ian's own, the two of them pressed as close together as it's possible to be. Heat sears through Ian's body, a delicious high that drugs can't ever seem to replicate. Just Mickey and the way his hands, his lips drive Ian up a wall. There's nothing like him.
Fuck, Ian, he hears Mickey say against his ear, his voice a breathy huff of laughter. Ian can hear the slightest whine in the sound. He'll never admit it, but Mickey likes when Ian makes him just a little bit desperate. There's a lot of things Mickey can't and won't admit to. Like when that guy outside the club told Ian to put your fucking guard dog on a goddamn leash and Ian saw Mickey's shoulders broaden, his whole chest expanding as Mickey inhaled, sharp and sudden.
His guard dog. Protective to a fault, snarling and chasing away anyone he deems unworthy. Mandy had been the same, snapping like a junkyard dog at girls who got too close to Ian in the halls; Ian had to fight the grin that always threatened to cross his face when they did things like that.
He loves fiercely, he knows, but Milkoviches love violently. They love with claws and teeth, loyalty a pale, weak word for what it truly means. Ian doesn't think his love compares, but Mickey and Mandy both stay by his side, refusing to leave. And maybe he had to hold a hand out, let them bite his fingers and draw blood before he gained their trust, but it was worth it. No matter what anyone thinks, they're worth the pain, worth the wounds. Where others see rabid dogs, Ian sees wounded, starving strays in need of protection themselves.
Of course he'd never say it. He'd never tell them that he knows what they are on their insides. Mandy calls herself a bitch, says it proud, dares others to turn it against her. Mickey says he's anything but, that he likes what he likes; the dark and knowing looks he gives to Ian sometimes say otherwise. Where Mandy's all claws, Mickey's all teeth, both of them desperate to dig in and claim territory that they'll defend to death.
Ian's become part of that territory; he's been snapped up by these Milkoviches even with the Gallagher blood in his veins. Like he's a lost fucking sheep they're trying to herd back to safety before the wolves outside can get him. And maybe Mickey's eyes darken when he sees those wolves stalking at Ian's door—Ian knows there's more gazes than Mickey's that linger on his shoulders and his hips, along the hard planes and soft lines of his body. Mickey's there every time he turns around, though, and Ian isn't afraid for himself as long as he has Mickey.
It's not that he's stupid, either; he knows they need protecting, too. They're both the type to leave themselves bleeding, ignore their jagged wounds in favor of his papercuts. So Ian has to look out for them—both of them, because as much as Mickey has clawed his way and made himself a den of Ian's insides, Mandy was always first. And she's always been more fragile. A dog can bite to defend itself, but beat it enough and it learns to keep its teeth in its mouth. That's what Ian's here for, though; he'll keep a knife ready to fight off any man who hurts her, and let her hide her beautiful bruised face in his shoulder so she doesn't show weakness.
And then there's Mickey—Mickey, who even now traces the lines of Ian's ribs, a little too easily seen against the pale skin of his torso. Mickey, who kisses hard like a punch to the jaw and yet sweet like spring rain. Mickey, who has eyes the color of Lake Michigan and just as impossibly deep. Mickey, who came into Ian's life like a car crash and who Ian never wants to let go. It's selfish, maybe; dangerous, certainly. They grin against one another's mouths and Ian traces his tongue over Mickey's teeth.
Mickey is a guard dog, fierce in devotion and determined to protect what's his. And maybe Ian shouldn't like the way that Mickey snaps and snarls, straining to be let off the leash and bring down violence on anyone who dares look at Ian like he's only there to be used up and spat back out. It doesn't matter that Mickey looks at Ian like a piece of rare meat, because from him there's a longing and a neediness that goes with it. There's a craving, a desire that goes beyond the surface—he knows that his body is only one of the many things Mickey wants, unlike those other men. Mickey will take anything Ian gives him, the pain and the pleasure mixing between their bodies.
It sends a perverse kind of lust through Ian when he sees Mickey's inked knuckles causing bruises to bloom on the jaws and eyes of nameless men with bad intentions. There's a delicious sort of dizziness, knowing how much Mickey enjoys it, too. And maybe Ian and Mickey have bad intentions with each other, too, but those are dark desires that they only share with each other. The way Ian nuzzles against Mickey's neck, smelling the heady, sharp scent of his cologne, and Mickey clutches at him with need. He wants, he wants, he wants…and he knows Mickey wants to give him everything.
Guard dogs off their leashes—that's what Mickey and Mandy are. Ian would never claim to know how to tame them, would never want to anyway, but they're both so beautiful in how dangerous they can be. It's different, the way he loves each of them, how they love each other, but the three of them have found a way to carve out some existence that fits them well. Ian knows what it feels like to cradle their jaws in his hands, to press his lips against the pale skin of their cheeks. They've let him in and let him see their vulnerability. Guard dogs who guard themselves fiercely. Mickey sleeps curled up by Ian's bed each night, putting himself between Ian and whatever threat might come.
And Ian knows it might be wrong. Hell, he sees the looks his family gives him, when Mandy would defend him a little too loud, when Mickey does anything for Ian without being asked. He knows what it looks like. But god, he doesn't care. That kind of devotion means everything coming from them. Coming from a Milkovich, it's a declaration of love.
Right now he's buried himself deep inside Mickey, the rough brick biting into Mickey's back as they move together. Ian bites down on perfect, smooth skin as Mickey growls Ian's name against his ear. The want and need, the pleasure and pain, it all comes together in this single unmatched moment. He hitches Mickey's leg up higher and tightens his grip in Mickey's hair, dull teeth sharp against Mickey's delicate neck.
He's not the only one with claws and fangs.
There's a pull and a groan, heat scorching through Ian's body as he moves; he feels Mickey's body pressed against his own, tight and tense like a live wire. There's a frenzied kiss, blood on their lips and it doesn't matter whose. The sounds of their breaths coming harsh and jagged break through the distant noises of the city. Ian doesn't fucking care about anything else in this moment, this white-hot moment where he can love Mickey Milkovich exactly as he deserves. Loyalty and devotion rewarded, as they should be. The only one who gets this from Ian, and it's all Mickey's alone. Those other men don't own Ian's heart, not even his body, despite what they may think.
Mickey's head nearly smacks against the brick as he comes apart, shuddering, unable to hold himself together. This is the part that Ian loves, that he always tries to watch if he can. Watching the moment where Mickey takes something for himself instead of giving it away so easily. And he still gives it to Ian—he gives his body to Ian so many times, every day and every way he can—but this, this moment where he breaks into pieces and pulls Ian's pleasure into himself. Like he'd devour Ian whole if he had the chance.
And Ian knows he'd let him. Would do it without a second thought. He knows he'll never find it again, this ruthless devotion that came to him with harsh, clear blue eyes and bruised, gentle knuckles that threaten violence at every moment. He buries himself inside Mickey—he doesn't want to come up for air, just wants to breathe him in until that scent is all he knows. It's the way Mickey sends him out of his head and yet grounds him unlike anything else. His guard dog, his leashed protector. Mickey would make the world bleed for Ian. Maybe it should scare him.
It only makes Ian love him more.
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