#definitely expect more fnaf art from me in the future!
jae-birde · 6 months
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Descending down so far Fall farther 'til there's nothing left I'm left here in the dark The dark I dance to forget
(Click image for better quality)
A combination of getting Dance to Forget by TryHardNinja in my head, coming across @skeletoninthemelonland's design for Ballora here, and watching Markiplier play through Sister Location for the first time has led me to draw a character I most definitely did not expect for my first FNAF art post.
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venbetta · 1 year
Hi!! How's it going? I really love your comics and fanfics, and since you're really good at that.... Could you give me some advice to start writing my own comic? I have a lot of ideas and I want to start writing now but.... I don't know how to start with the story because of my selfdoubt... I want it to call the public's attention right away but I don't wanna start with the important stuff right now... you know?
Hi I'm doing okay!
I didn't expect to get asked this so I'm sorry if my advice doesn't seem cohesive.
Well, for me, I've been drawing for a long time and I even made comics when I was a kid. I recently made it my own personal goal to become a full time comic artist in the coming future (I'm only 19 so I have a long way to go).
One of the things to start with is first learning how to write and create stories, whether that's for yourself or your friends or whoever you're comfortable receiving advice or critique from. I started out writing fics on wattpad and over the years learned how to write better original stories and eventually become comfortable to let my friends read them. I'm not particularly good with writing advice but there are a lot of resources out there to help regarding writing a story.
Now for comics, I think it requires a lot of patience and thought, especially if it's being posted online. I'd recommend looking at webcomic series (if that's what you want to do) or find a physical graphic novel series that you enjoy and take inspiration from them and break down what made you like the comic. It took me a little while to eventually start a comic-- specifically a webtoon-- which I posted on Webtoons during 2021-2022. It's a little nerve-wracking to start but if you never try, then you won't ever start...
I think it's good to start small and simple, whether it's a black or white comic or a silly 4-panel gag comic; so that you can understand how to layout a comic and develop a work flow. Write outlines and scripts for your comic if there's a overarching narrative!!
I've done fully rendered comics before and while it's rewarding to see the finished product, they are very draining (especially if you have deadlines alongside a busy schedule). Example here:
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This took 12+ hours... I still see stuff wrong with it today haha
I don't regret it obviously, because I know I'm a perfectionist and I like my stuff looking nice, however it can really take a toll after a while. So if you're going to fully render everything, try to keep it simple/presentable.
Comics really do take time, along with gaining an audience, which is a whole other can of worms. You just need to put yourself out there, post things you enjoy and what other people might enjoy. My current fixation is FNAF right now, so most of my content right now is catering to it, and people will flock to it more than my original stuff. Once you start posting original content, it solely depends on if the viewers want to consume your original stuff (and it's okay if they choose not to!). It all takes time.
Now for the self-doubt, I can definitely relate to and I understand that completely. I have a good case of imposter syndrome when it comes to most of the things I create. There were countless times when working on my comics I had the repeating thought of: "Is this something I really want to do?" "Am I good enough for this?" "Why am I trying it looks awful..." etcetera etcetera!
This was when I was doing webtoons. It's very easy to fall into that self doubt/insecurity, especially when you see other artists who's art styles/writing are prone to comparison with your own work. That's something I'm still working on myself, I'm still young y'know, the self doubt comes and goes, but I think one way to combat that is to take a step back whenever you think of something negative, try and figure out why you feel that way, if there's something you can do about it, and work from there. Look at some old drawings or read old stories you've written and reflect on how far you've come and realize you're still growing and there's going to be growing pains when it comes to working on projects. It's so easy to compare yourself and to think you're inadequate but if you focus on bettering yourself and doing what you think what's best for you then you don't need to worry about what other people are doing.
Personally something I do to keep myself focused on my work (and not spiral) is listen to podcasts, music, or video essays (if you can listen to someone's lets play, that works too, but it can be distracting sometimes). Having some background noise can definitely help you stay focused and not let your thoughts get so distracting. Take breaks obviously, take naps, do what you need to.
I have some videos that I watched when I was looking into starting a comic/webtoon along with some writing tips here:
I'm sorry if this was very long winded, I hope I covered most of it, I just needed to get some points across. I hope this helps you, and good luck on your story!
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thepaintingjedi · 11 months
➱ a little about me
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good day, traveller, i welcome you to my humble art blog !
my name is mo, i'm nineteen and i am a freelance illustrator & writer from europe, or more precisely germany! i am a massive star wars fan (as one can probably tell) and have been hyper-fixating on that and other science fiction stuff since i was little so i'd definitely like to say that you should probably expect that on this blog.
i have been drawing for a little over eight years now and plan on getting into game design in the near future once i graduate. i also really enjoy writing and reading aside from daydreaming of space and my favourite genres usually drift between sci-fi and fantasy types of books. basically, i really like escaping reality.
however, aside from facing enemies and issues as a super cool jedi master, i also deal with my neurological disability in my day to day life, which forces me to permanently be dependent on my ferrari - er - wheelchair. so if my posts lack, i'm probably laying in hospital for driving too fast with it. i do urge you to check out my main blog @momojedi! when i'm not drooling over captain rex or gushing over star wars to my boyfriend, you'll likely find me there, where i pretty much post every week - if not every day.
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This blog contains the following:
→ digital art → original character and lore → sci-fi → weapons → dark subjects → canon-typical violence → blood, gore, etc. → adult topics
→ Star Wars → The Last of Us → FNaF → Marvel → Hogwarts Legacy → Assassin's Creed → Resident Evil → Watch Dogs → Red Dead Redemption
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Twitter Ko-Fi Carrd
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charliemcarthy · 3 years
rules: answer the  questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @djnicklesanddimes
What do you prefer  to be called name-wise?
Charlie or Char is fine~
When is your birthday?
February 26th, I’m a Pisces for sure.
Where do you live?
Upstate NY, 6 minutes from Ontario, in the woods.
Three things you are doing right now:
Listening to music. (Always listening to music. I fall out of bed with headphones on.)
Rping Transformers with my gf.
Trying to figure out future plans for my forestry job for Spring, watching trail making videos and brushing up on my plans so I don’t feel so overwhelmed like I got last year.
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Mystery Skulls, FNAF, BatIM, getting back into Venom as well
How has the pandemic been treating you?
Eh. I work at home and my side jobs were either substituting at the schools around here or the little forestry gig I got going on as I carve trails in the woods out back. (28 acres that back up to about 100!) I expected my business to falter in the spring-summer, when COVID became more widespread. It did not, and I’m very grateful. My best business was in October, Ive also taken the time to work on me more, as I think everyone has. Since August 2019 I’ve lost 70 pounds, so im very proud of my progress in that sense. I’m not very social, and now I’m not social at all, and it’s starting to get to even me.
A song you can’t stop listening to right now:
Ahh, shit. Songs are like potato chips for me, I can’t pick just one! Have three ;)
Jason by the Midnight (SO FUCKING CATCHY.)
Spirits in a Material World by the Police
Handsome Devil the Smiths
How old are you?
School, University,  occupation other?
Freelance llustrator, works weekends/sunny days in forestry. It’s hard work but fun! my main job is so creative all the time my brain gets exhausted and hard labor lets me burn steam!
Do you prefer heat  or cold?
Lately I’ve been preferring heat due to weightloss. It’s nice not being sweaty all the time! But I also don’t mind being chilly, I can always bundle up in a hoodie.
Name one fact that others may not know about you.
My grandpa was a magician, and he taught me a lot of his tricks over the years. He liked sleight of hand with cards/items/prediction, I am def rusty with items/stage magic, but it’s hard to not let old instincts kick in when someone asks you to cut a deck >>; Another fun one is changing a dice score by making your second die hit the first. 
Are you shy?
Eh, nah. I’m more standoffish. People mistake my silence for shyness but over the years shyness has curdled into honest to god disinterest and difference. I am so tired/depressed and I just...don’t care anymore what people think of me. I’m also told I can come off as intimidating.
Biggest pet peeve?
Hypocritical actions and narrowed mindsets.
What is your  favorite “dere” type?
Lord I don’t even remember them anymore. What’s the cute one? Deredere…? That one.  I guess. Idk.
Rate your life from  1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
Hums. I live with my parents still, basically in an apartment above them. but I pay for everything I can, I have my truck Kenny, and a job that does pay just not frequently enough. I would love to live on my own but that…definitely hasn’t been the year for THAT. But im also focusing on bettering myself, while trying not to see my life being over at 30, even though I feels like it. I guess…5/10? I’m very fortunate and need to remember that everyone's experiences are different. Hard to chart all that out.
What’s your main blog?
This one!
List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
Charlieslowartises: art! Also my most popular/most active blog :D
And-she-was-trying: weightloss blog
I have a few older ones that still around but inactive.
Is there something  people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Ive had a few people try strike up friendships for...less than good reasons. Some want free art from me, some want a free therapist, and one person used to compliment me+my art skills by saying my art wanted them to commit suicide due to my level. Please do not ever do this. Our friendship, if there is any to be found, will be obtained naturally. Through mutual appreciation and respect. I am not a very friendly or warm person to begin with. I will be less so if I sense your intentions are anything less than simple companionship.
That being said, for every person that I have had to turn away or ignore, I have twice as many friends on here that I am perfectly content with and love to talk to! Or, if you are a client and I accept your jobs without fail, rest assured you are a friend as well <3
I’ll tag whoever wants to do this, too tired to grab names lol.
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Project Wolf´s Cove
One – Tumbling towards catastrophe
The road ahead was winding, following a cliff´s edge. It was summer and therefore a bright day even though it was still early in the morning. It was definitely summer and the radio kept reminding its listeners of that fact. For the moment, however, the summer hits where too distracting. Becky turned the car radio off. She then returned to the conversation she had with her friend Rose who was sitting in the passenger seat. “The film wasn´t a period piece.”, Becky insisted. “It was set in a period in the past.”, Rose gave back. “No! The film is not on the nose about it, but it was set in the future. The future from when it was produced anyway.” Rose frowned at this just to reiterate: “Yes, and this means that it was still set ten years ago. That is the past. I cannot remember ten years ago, not with a living memory. It might as well be a chapter in a history book. Plus that it is a time ten years ago as imagined by people living 40 years ago. So this is like a page in a fictional history book from a freak dimension.” Becky laughed. She gave in: “Okay.” “Well, that is not my point anyway.”, Rose continued in a mockingly serious voice. “The man issue I wanted to raise was that the protagonist was absolutely alien to me. Not because he lived in a different time, mind you. I had issues with him because of how he acted.” “You mean how he dealt with a world full of isolated people and ravaged by a virus?”, Becky injected. “Yes! The illness is obviously transmitted from person to person. So you keep away from the next best person. Problem solved. The so-called protagonist, on the other hand, did it all wrong, sacrificing not only his life but also the one of his gal-pal.” “She was severely underdeveloped as a character. That was more scary then their fate actually.”, Becky observed. “True. There was just one reason the dude did dude around with her, mouthing about and ruining it all.”, Rose summarized. “Even if he made decisions for others that were not his to make, I think his motivations where understandable. You can’t be alone for all eternity.”, said Becky, while she turned on to the parking lot of Wolf´s Cove High School. “There needs to be a sense of community. If you can’t interact with the ones you actually spent time with, how do you know that you even exist and that you are not just an idea of a person that might be easily forgotten? Apart from that, loneliness hurts if it is not voluntary.” “Okay, fair. You raise some good points as well. I see a use for people in the plural there.”, Rose conceded. “Still, there is a danger to closeness that is not always only down to emotions.” She was quiet for a moment while she and Becky got out of the car, took their backpacks, and went towards the school entrance. “The thing is…”, Rose continued right before they climbed the four steps to the grand double doors. “You get only to take a limited number of breaths on this crummy planet. So you might as well be selective as to who you spent them with.” Becky smiled at her friend. “I thought I was.”
Biking to school always seemed like a good idea when the weather was clear and bright. That was until the last part of the road served as stark reminder that it was more sweaty than fun to bike upwards the serpentines leading to the cliff top where the school was located. John remembered that now. “This was not a good idea.”, John managed to say while slowing down despite putting all the more effort into cycling. His legs started to hurt. Neil nodded: “Fnaf.” “What?” “Fair enough.”, Neil pressed out. “Should it not be fen then?”, John wondered and had to slow down to do so. Neil shrugged and both continued their track up towards the high school in silence. Finally they made it to the big main parking lot and chained their bikes to a lantern there. They noticed Becky’s car as the only one parked here at this early hour. “Oh boy, if I’d known Becky would be here this early as well, I’d have asked her if she could pick us up on her way. Maybe next time. She’d surely do it.”, said Neil shaking his head. John just grunted and then decided to say defensively: “I do not think she is here that early regularly. No one but you is.” “And you, fellow friend and confidant. However, someone has to man the commissary and make sure that it is open when all the breakfast-skipping students arrive hungry from the long way up.”, said Neil. The two made their way to the side entrance of the main building. “I am not a fan of that name. When you say it, I can almost hear boots and trumpets.”, John commented. “The food stall then. After we’ve got rid of the old and truly awful name, we have no official title for it. I’ll still call it commissary on my CV. Universities and prospective employers like that kind of entrepreneurship and lexical knowledge. You should get an activity like this too. They expect this.” “I thought it is the point to stick out, to be so unique that others are interested in you. How does doing what everybody does the same, because that is what everybody has to do, help there?”, John asked while Neil unlocked the foods stand and went into the back where the wares were stored. Neil pointed at some packages of soft drinks. “Need to unpack those and put them into the fridge first.” While they both got to it, Neil added: “So we both understand the system. There is what they say and there is what they want. Still, I think my way to deal with that could pay off in the end. Maybe even more so than yours.” John nodded when Neil reached out for another soda can. They finished the work in silence. Afterwards, Neil put on his work apron and took up his place behind the counter. Above him on the wall painted in a fresh white there was the faint shadow of a mascot which had fallen out of time. In front of him, there was the tip jar while the cassette with the change was hidden under the counter. Neil seemed a little tired but content. John waved to him. “I will try to get some more sleep in on one of the lounge sofas before class. See you later.”, John said. “See you.” The most comfortable couches stood in the lounge of the Science Building that was still missing an S. So John went directly there after leaving the food stall. Once in the lounge, he noticed a movement coming from the astronomy room. Through the large windows in the double door he could see Becky and Rose working on something inside. He hesitated. Beyond the doors was the opportunity for a nice conversation with his friends. He should say hello. He was sure that would be nice. Still, he hesitated. For no reason and yet he still did not jump at this possibility. On the contrary, he had to push himself even though it was a push towards people he liked. For a moment, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and back again. This was a warm-up and a collecting of resources. Then he knocked on the window in the door. They noticed him and he had to go inside now. “Good morning.”, John greeted. Becky answered with a “Hello, how are you?”, while Rose waved and nodded. “What are you doing?”, John asked to avoid an awkward break. Becky was still looking at him. “We got permission to use the school´s telescope to track the asteroid tonight.”, Becky explained. “It has a projector and with this camera here, we will be able to record the passage of our little friend while it passes through the night sky. We just set it up now before class.” “Interesting.” John strolled closer to the telescope while being careful not to touch anything. “Yeah.”, Rose added, “I hope the asteroid breaks open and reveals a truth about the nature of nature that is so unexpected, belittling, and unsettling, that it drops us into sheer horror.” John looked at her decisively unsurprised. “Or maybe it is just a cool image of an asteroid. Astronomy rocks and space is great.”, Rose more pretended to emote than said. But then she paused and added sincerely: “There is beauty among the stars.” “With some luck…,”, Becky added, completely serious, while finishing up with some adjustments, “We will get another glimpse at the vastness that surrounds us. How could not look at the sky with curiosity.” “Tonight you say?”, John inquired. “Yes.”, Becky answered. “Around midnight, it should be dark enough and we should be able to see it even with the naked eye.” “Will you be here and watch it?” “No.”, Rose said, stretching the o maybe a bit more than it was called for. “They do not want us here at night. So we have to set this up and hope for a great recording.” “Well… hope it works out.” John smiled at Becky and nodded at Rose. Then he excused himself and headed for the couches. He did not want to sleep just outside the astronomy room. So he went to the relatively lumpy couches in the Art building, named after local celebrity Burton Art. Becky and Rose continued to set up the telescope until the doors closed behind John. Rose peeked over the telescope and through the windows in the doors. When she saw that John was beyond earshot, she nodded as if she was part of a secret ring of spies. “Nice nice.”, Becky uttered in lieu of anything more substantial to say and tried to look even more busy. “Yeah. Nice how nice you two still are with another.”, Rose probed. “Almost as if it did not hurt.” “Hm…”, Becky answered. “It still does hurt a little. But it just was not… Well, it does still hurt. There´s a scar now on the heart. Maybe it´s healing, sometimes it feels like that. So it won´t hurt in the future or only when the weather is about to change. In any case, I feel that it´ll stay in some form.” “Sounds at least like it was real.”, Rose concluded and duck back down behind the telescope. The day that had begun so early dragged on in the middle. Biology class was turned into self-study by the absence of the regular teacher and the lack of a qualified substitute. John flipped through the textbook with his right, while his head rested on his left. There were not going to be any more test or quizzes or projects this year. Knowing that, John did not pay much attention to the contents of the pages and let his thoughts wander. “Do you think you would notice it as different when you were a duck?”, he quietly asked Neil who sat next to him. “Up until now I thought this self-study was even less useful than sex ed last week.”, Neil moaned loudly instead of giving an answer. Nearby, sitting at a bench next to Becky, Rose snickered. Some other students laughed, most were indifferent and bored. The moment passed. “Like, if you woke up tomorrow and were a duck. Would you remember how it was to be a person? Would you want to remember?”, John continued. “All I can say to this is: I hope not – on the duck thing. My uncle hunts those. This would make for super awkward Thanksgivings.” Meanwhile Becky read the newspaper, searching out the reports on the asteroid. “You cannot pretend to do biology while actually doing some work on another science.”, Rose insisted as she noticed. “That is like cheating. A weird way of cheating, but still… You should at least cheat on biology with social studies, or history. English or a foreign language would work as well, I guess.” “What are you doing?”, Becky asked back, looked up from the paper and at her friend. Rose pointed to her sketch pad. “Take it in. These are the initial drawings of the cycle of Solomar. You see them here as first mortal before they conquer the world by storm.”, Rose exclaimed. “Looks great.”, Becky said, studying the drawings. “I like this lone heroine. Looks a bit like a barbarian, like as if she was about wrestle with a dragon.” “How do you know that she is a lone heroine?”, Rose asked. “She’s one of yours.”, Becky said. At some point, the time for self-study officially ended. The students packed their things quickly into their bags and were in the midst of storming out. Neil strolled over to Rose and Becky, braving the current of leaving classmates. “Rose, you have a minute? There is something we should talk about. Something important.”, Neil announced. “Important like art, or just like life and death?”, Rose inquired while stuffing her textbook in her backpack. “Or like love?”, Becky added with a side-glance at Rose. Neil hesitated, clearly thinking about a reply. “Super important. This is about the social studies project we did together.”, he explained. “The one we handed in and got a grade? I thought the circle was completed, the fate sealed.”, Rose answered. She then waved Becky a short goodbye as Becky was leaving for English less prepared than she could have been. “Yeah, let´s see about that. I don´t think that it should be sealed. We should talk to Ms. French about the grade. -See you Becky.- Fran agrees with me on that. Let´s meet her now and go to Ms. French.” “Ok. But afterwards it is lunch time. Actually, I think it is lunch time now – but if you insist, I will postpone my meal. I hope you will use this chunk of my life time gifted to you to a proper end.”, Rose stated and grabbed her bag. “Of course. Have I ever wasted my or anybody else’s time?”, Neil replied. Both they then left the classroom and made her way to the Art building and Ms. French´s office. The cafeteria was emptier than usual. Rose and Neil had no problems finding an empty table. “Told you that it would go well. We just had to highlight the amount of work that had gone into the project.”, Neil repeated. “Hm.”, Rose replied and then decided to dig into the pasta instead of expanding on that. “I mean, your contribution was obvious. The illustrations were both bloody and really good. They might have distracted Ms. French a bit. It was her fault, though, as she gave us this particular topic. Thanks for showing up with Fran and me anyway. Now we can be satisfied with the grades.”, Neil said, a fork with food hovering close to his mouth. Rose nodded. “It was a fun project. We should hang out more often. Like we used to in the golden days of our youth. Like, like we used to up until a few weeks ago.”, she added. “Yeah.”, he put down the fork again. “Only… weird without the other two and weird with them now. That was easier before.” “True.” She eyed a suspicious lump in the red sauce. “There is one group-thingy I like and now it is that… weird. I wonder if they thought about what they are doing to us when they… did what they did. Now we are like a family, divorce and all.” “Hah, true.”, Neil exclaimed and then finally took a bite. “Maye we can educate the others and reduce the awkwardness.” “There’s only so much time before everybody moves away for college next year.”, Neil said in a low voice, leaving it open if this was unclear if this was an argument for or against. “Oh.”, Rose grunted. “Maybe we should not have sought to improve our grades then. And we should find a way to drag the ones of the others down. Then we can repeat a year or two or more. Stupid maybe, but happy.” “Yeah… no. Not sure if this would even work.” Neil decided it was time to go over to the dessert. “So this remains an issue for future me an you. It is also for future Becky and John, of course.”, Rose suggested. She discovered that the lump was just an oddly shaped noodle and ate without concern. “Future me and future you, future us, and them too.”, Neil repeated. Both he and Rose lifted their heads, smiled, and listened in anticipation. Instead of music, Becky arrived with a food trey and sat down next to Rose. “Hi. How are you two?”, Becky asked. “We are doomed due to our feelings and the feelings of others.”, Rose declared. “Of course we are. But who are the others this time?”, Becky wondered. Rose sighed theatrically and Neil smirked before shaking his head. After lunch, Rose and Becky had some time before the next class that was not already assigned to any task or activity and went outside. Rose walked directly to one of the battered blue payphones and punched in a number. “Hello, I would like to talk to the Ericsons, please. Yes, whoever of them is available right now… I am their daughter. The other one. Yes… thank you Mr. nurse.” While Rose talked to the bodiless voice in a strange city, Becky settled in the corner made by the phone and the concrete wall of the main building. There was a pause as Rose waited for her parents. Becky imagined how now their names would be called out over PA, how one of them would move through the hallways of the hospital, looking for the next available phone. While she imagined this, Becky looked across the school parking lot and then beyond its chain-link fence at the town across the small straight. It was nestled on that small ragged island with curved bays and towering cliffs with sharp edges. It was a rugged place between the ocean and the mainland. It was as if the town was clinging to a rock among the waves. There were a lot of houses with great views as they were built close to the cliffs. Even greater must have been the view for the cedars. The trees filled still the spaces people had left for them. Some crept very close to the edges and others even hang out a bit over the ocean, just barely hanging on to the rock. And yet they did. They even managed to reach out to the sky. Some storms were strong enough to break them and take them away. But a number of them was still left. Becky had some favourites among these cedars. Old and brave ones she always sought out when she had a minute to look out over her home town. Faster than expected, Rose was connected. She exchanged individual words with one of her parents. By the sound of this, it was her mother. No, Becky decided after three more words, probably it was her dad. “Well but that is good… like, given the situation. Hugh her from me… if, if this is possible. …Yeah. Bye.” Rose hung up. “Well that was… yeah, good. At least she is fine. For the moment at least she is fine. That is a win.” Becky turned towards her friend and nodded, then laid an arm around her shoulders. “Yes it is, Rose. I´m glad she’s doing ok.” John stood, his bike and himself ready to leave, already on the parking lot, a few steps away from the main building. Neil, on the other hand, still fiddled with his padlock, aiming to free his bike, but as of yet unable to make that plan a reality. Then he stopped suddenly in mid-fiddling. “Shit… should take a look and check if Pete has locked the commissary. I guess I should.” Neil wavered a bit. “Yes, should do that.” He let the padlock be for the moment and sprinted back to the main entrance. “Maybe go ahead without me. We can meet at my place. One of my parents is probably home. They´ll let you in. And if it´s my dad, you might get some chocolate milk while you wait.”, Neil said to John over his shoulder. “No. It´s ok.”, replied John. “I´ll wait. Let´s go together.” Neil gesticulated vaguely but then nodded. When he passed the doors and went into the main building, he passed Rose, and both gave each other high fives in passing. Rose then made her way to John. She stopped beside him on the parking lot under the warm sun. “All done for the day?”, Rose inquired. “Yes, all done.”, he reported. “Not just for today even. There is nothing going on tomorrow, right? Besides getting on the bus, I mean.” “True. So you are good and settled for the whole year then. Great!” “You?” “I am done as well. Done and done. Except for the asteroid business, but this is more of an extra credit and in any case something I do more to give a hand to Becky.”, Rose replied. “Look at us. We got all taken care of. So if we were to die now, we leave nothing behind that can further bind us as wraiths to this plane of existence.” “Lucky us.”, John smiled. “Could be an interesting experience to be a wraith, though.” “Nah.” Rose shook her head. “Probably not. Besides, that is something that you can try in the far-away future after dying of old age.” She mustered him. “How is our story going?” “It is going well… I hope. Maybe a few more weeks of work and then it is ready to be rejected like the other ones.” Rose nodded gravely before cocking her head and smiling a bit mischievously. “Well if this is not something to live for.” She was about to add something, but in this moment, Becky drove towards the two. She stopped the car and let the passenger side door swing open for Rose to get in. “Have a good one.”, John said. “See you.”, Rose gave back. “And remember: Always create something that, if aliens from the future would find it as only surviving artefact of our civilization would understand us at least a bit. Picture mankind naked and write about it.” “Will do.”, John said and laughed. Then he and Becky exchanged a smile and a wave, before the girls got into the truck and drove off. John was not alone for long, though. Neil returned right afterwards. “Oh, should have asked her to give us a lift.”, Neil exclaimed. “She’d have done it.” “Of course Becky would have done it.”, John said flatly. “Her pickup even has space for bikes in the back. That would have been great.” “We are not really going in their direction.”, John replied. Neil just shrugged and then went to unlock and unchain his bike. “Could transport at least one caged dinosaur on that truck. God, how I miss that old rusty lady.”, Neil exclaimed. After a brief pause, he added: “I mean the truck. With old lady, I mean the vehicle.” He then finally was able to open his rusty lock and free his bike. He went over to John and both took to their saddles and started to bike down to town. “Think Becky is going to sell her car when she moves for college?”, Neil wondered aloud and very eager to move the conversation forward. “Ask her. But do not take it for free.” As everything failed, there was nothing left but drifting into the cold darkness. All that while the mind raced and tried to imagine the end. A whole world was about to lose itself in the eternal night. The end and the way there would be lonely. Soon it would end, but the time until then was still long. Too long not to fear madness before the darkness. But then there was a little blue spot shining in all the darkness. Maybe this one was hospitable enough, close enough to save a life.
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familiaralien · 6 years
Decided for this Halloween season to make a TOP 10 HORROR GAMES TO PLAY list to share with all of you.
This isn’t a list of the “best” games but more so games that left a lasting impact on me. They won’t be numbered because I kinda go back and forth on which one I feel deserves the most recommendation of the bunch. So yeah that said let’s get going!
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Developed by the same folks that brought us Amnesia the Dark Descent this game chooses not to play into more primal fears and instead is an intense journey of existential horror. Its not a game that will scare you silly but will make you think deeply about what makes you human and the preservation of self through digital data.
I would elaborate more on this entry but this is one of those game that definitely should be played blind to best consume all its twists and turns.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location
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Hey don’t fucking scroll away this isn’t a troll I promise! Unlike well... every other entry in the series which is pretty mediocre horror Sister Location is legitimately well written and crafted. It tone is somewhere between System Shock 2 and Portal if you’re wondering what to expect. The only bad thing i have to say about the game is it does have 1 unavoidable jumpscare, its otherwise a wonderful bite sized sci fi horror game.
PS: If you’re wondering no you don’t have to play any other FNAF game to understand the plot of this one. Its very self contained like that.
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While there’s way too many RPG maker horror games out there I always felt this one stood out a lot. Its far from the prettiest RPG maker game but its atmosphere is fantastic regardless of the limitation of the software used. You truly feel like you’ve enter a world where art has come to life. Its also a game with a bunch of endings so it has a lot of replayability as well.
PS: This is a free to play game so no investment besides you time is needed to try it out.
Spooky’s House of Jumpscares
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Don’t let the silly title fool you this game isn’t just a simple joke game meant to poke fun at horror game trends. While it does seem like that for the first few minutes the game quickly turns into a full on homage to a huge variety of horror media from games to animation to even a creepypasta.
PS: The original version of this game is free to play so its certainly worth your time.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
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I’m probably committing some type of sin by putting this on my list instead of P.T. but P.T. is too hard to obtain now due to Komani being arse.
Anyway I’ve spoken about this game before but its worth repeating this is arguably the only good (non P.T.) Silent Hill game produced post Team Silent involvement. The game is the truest psychological horror game ever produced as it LITERALLY evaluates how you behave in the game to determine everything to how NPCs are dress, how conversations go and ultimately how the game will end. The only real downside to the game is the chase scenes which are often more far annoying than scary.
The Count Lucanor
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I know some people have biases against games that use more simplistic pixel art but the style works in the favor of the narrative imo so please don’t hold that against it. The Count Lucanor takes a lot of inspiration from fairy tales of ol’ but with gameplay you’d expect from any modern horror games: Ya know lots of hiding, lots of puzzles, lots of moral choices, lots of secrets, multiple endings, being largely defenseless. Though with the latter point its far more justified as your playing as a prepubescent boy.
While the game itself isn’t horribly original in its gameplay its execution gives it a unique almost Disney tone though with a bit more edge.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
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I was actually originally not planning to add this entry because I thought everyone had already played this game but apparently a lot of people skipped it? I imagine that may be part of the stigma of the series going downhill for a while but I assure you this is probably the best and most terrifying entry in the series to date!
Taking a lot of inspiration for the first game in the series but changing its perspective to 1st person RE7 is an unnerving experience that will keep you on your toes. I only hope Capcom keeps this trend up in the future.
The Cat Lady
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This is “kinda cheating” entry because this game is more a side scrolling adventure game with horror elements but hey the game is listed as “psychological horror” on Wikipedia so I will count it!
The Cat Lady is probably the entry I would consider the most “artsy” if that makes sense. Its plot doesn’t serve to frighten but more to make one think about death, depression and dealing with loss. While many of the line deliveries in the game are stiff and some of the language is dated the game is extremely unique experience I can’t recommend enough.
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While there’s crapload of games out starring Japanese horror there’s not so much for other Asian countries. DreadOut fills that niche wonderfully as a sorta Indonesian Fatal Frame as your sole weapon through the game is a camera. That said it stands out as its own thing as it focuses more on exploration (at least in act 1) and has what I would consider a fun sense of humor you don’t often see in games of this nature. Its not a flawless games as for example there are scripted deaths/jumpscares but its ghost designs are very unique and the world is very lush and detailed.
Little Nightmares
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This was a huge toss up between this and Inside since both are side scrolling puzzle platformers with a dark atmosphere but in the end I chose this one for its aesthetics alone. Little Nightmares is a legitimately beautiful yet creepy game, it almost reminds of a dark and edgy Miyazaki film which is fitting as Spirited Away seems to have been a big inspiration behind it. While the game is very short its DLC adds just about an entire second game onto it base narrative giving you plenty more time to take in the messed up gluttonous universe of the story. 
Honestly it feels like we got but a mere taste its setting so this is definitely a game I feel desperately needs a followup.
Deadly Premonition
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This is one of the worst yet most entertaining horror games I’ve experience in my life. When introduced to this game I was given the description of it being basically “The Room” of horror games and in essence that’s pretty accurate. The gameplay is a mess of bad decisions with graphic so bad people often think the game is much older than it is. While the story has moments of actual good writing those moments are sandwiched between long periods or jaw dropping stupidity. Its clear the writers were aiming for a Twin Peaks like gaming experience while... failing spectacularly to understand what made Twin Peaks actually good.
If you’re looking for something that’s equivalent to a corny haunted house attraction this Halloween season this is the game for you.
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shadows4526-blog · 7 years
Hello there I am... Wait for it...........Wait For IT......WAIT FOR IT....... SHADOWS! Well why I am making this post is because I am making a comic about my life but from time to time I will be making it my own plot that I think is interesting and for whatever reason I decided to make it one of the three themes that I will bring up and you get to choose everyone's characters so this time next week I will announce the winning theme and character and as I said you guys get to choose theme and characters. The themes are creepypasta fnaf or Disney and why these three is because I love them so much but if the votes get tied in some places it will be mixed themes and you can recommend your own themes if you have any in mind but in just a moment I will show you the character traits and I want to thank everyone that will help me in the future because I have no followers now so just thank you all!! Now here we go with character traits!!!! I am super excited!!!!!😁
Me: I am independent and I love my family and friends. I aspire in art music writing and I love to daydream and imagine comics of my own going a certain way and also other comics too. I love all sorts of games like video games card games and board games. I am unpopular though everyone acts inhumanly and to me suspiciously kind but it doesn't bother me I am also bullied and often times made feel small and I am very shy. I have a bit of anxiety depression and skitsifrenia but that doesn't get in my way of being who I am. I also love nature and sports. I have many fears but the one that most commonly stick out are that something out there watching me, blood, thinking of causing pain when not wanting to, heights and sometime water but not really. I love horror mystery fantasy and adventures. I love to go on adventures but often times my parents prevent me from having any especially in the woods for some reason.
Little sister: Most loving and lovable person on Earth at times but sometimes can get out of hand and most of the time just to get attention cries crocodile tears and also when not getting her way. She loves to play games and loves to watch TV but whatever you do do not I repeat NOT interrupt her shows or she goes insane in an angry way though she always wants to be a help. She will probably most of the time interrupt you when you are doing something but not always. She loves to win and this is another situation where I will tell you to not and I repeat NOT let her lose especially when you are the one playing against her. She loves to play with her toys but when she is not she is either out side or watching TV.
Mom: For lack of a better word she is a bitch and a very irritable one too and she, when she's mad at us, mutters things under her breath about how horrible we are but eventually apologizes but deep inside you can tell she isn't sorry. When were out in public she is calm and acts normally but behind the scenes she's anything but. She can be nice when she wants to but as soon as one of her irritations pops up she snaps and starts screaming especially when we are watching TV or in the car and no matter what I do to calm her down she never does. Though she loves us dearly and tries to protect us as best as she can. She does so by showing us news articles about kids that were kidnapped and telling us what to do when encountered by a stranger.
Dad: my dad is an understanding fellow that is practically the opposite of my mom. He is patient and loving and caring an rarely ever yells at us but at times when frustrated he can raise his voice a bit. He is one of the most intelligent people I know because he is always talking to us about math and science and history and supprisingly only got two degrees in art and history when he is good at so much more. Do you know the saying looks can be decieving, well in this case it is most definitely true because he is one of those tough guys you would expect to work at UPS which he does but when he talks he sticks out of the crowd. 
I hope you make a vote and like I said this time next week I will announce the results. And once again thank you all so much!!!!!!! 
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